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Wings Over Scotland

No That’s What I Call Music

Posted on April 13, 2014 by

We’re off to watch the Scottish Cup semi-final now, so to keep you all entertained for the next couple of hours here’s a little something we put together at the request of columnist and broadcaster Lesley Riddoch, and for anyone who was listening to Radio Scotland’s “Headlines” this morning.

Hopefully we won’t need it ourselves by 3.30pm. #COYR

56 to “No That’s What I Call Music”

  1. Doug Daniel says:



  2. Croompenstein says:

    What? no Dick Gaughan 🙁

  3. heedtracker says:

    “and for anyone who was listening to Radio Scotland’s “Headlines” this morning.” I missed it but wild guess here with jaw dropping corrupt BBC in Scotland going “We all hate Alex Salmond don’t we, so vote NO.”

  4. abystander says:

    On the weekend of the last SNP conference before the referendum the electronic version of the Scotsman is leading with Nigel Farage making some comment “somewhere in England”

    This is beyond bizarre.

  5. John Walsh says:

    “Lawyers,Guns and Money” Warren Zevon

  6. Seasick Dave says:


    (That’s all the way from Rio de Janeiro)

    BTW, I was talking to a couple of Brazilians in one of the bars on Monday and they were asking about the Referendum and were very clued up about it! They couldn’t believe that No was an option and that we hadn’t become Independent years ago.

    Ach well, not long now…

  7. Croompenstein says:

    Oor Jessie 😀

    link to

  8. gerry parker says:

    Ah Billie, one of my favourites, her and Dinah Washington.

  9. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:


    The Cash version is more depressing.

  10. Morag says:

    Can I post on this thread? Because posts on a previous thread are all vanishing.

  11. Morag says:

    Weird. Sorry to disrupt. Embarrassingly, I just realised what I did wrong. *red face*

  12. Holebender says:

    How about adding The Beatles’ She’s Leaving Home to your playlist?

  13. caz-m says:

    Would someone please joins the dots for me here.

    Lesley Riddoch
    BBC Scotland “Headlines” programme
    Slow depressing music

    Have you lot been on the Jamaican Woodbines again???

  14. Gill says:

    Bad liver and a broken heart, Tom Waits 😀

    link to

  15. Helpmaboab says:

    “I’m Only Happy when It Rains” by Garbage.

    The Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black”.

    “Run For Your Life” by the Beatles.

    “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now”, of course.

    “Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M. No, wait, That’s one of OURS!

  16. Helpmaboab says:


    Would someone please joins the dots for me here.

    I would answer your question but I’m too busy admiring the groovy patterns in my wallpaper. Also, I could murder a pizza just now…

  17. davidhk says:

    How about bob Dylan’s “I don’t believe you” , “union sundown” or “maybe someday”

    PS, we need Lesley riddoch back on radio Scotland she knows how to question politicians and doesn’t take any of their nonesense

  18. call me dave says:

    Headlines BBC Scotland. from 6mins 20secs in.

    Katie Grant is that woman. Sergio Casci mainly for YES.

    Bit like curates egg ‘good in parts’
    Flick through to choose your poison.

    link to

  19. ronnie anderson says:

    Rev,whit ur you dain playing requests fur Blair McBlabber n Bters, Alba4eva will no be very happy.

  20. Holebender says:

    Bob Dylan I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more

    Oh wait, that’s a Yes song! 😉

  21. caz-m says:

    Scottish Cup Final, Tayside Derby.

  22. davidhk says:

    Or another Dylan classic, its all over now, baby blue

  23. Thepnr says:

    “End Of The World” Judge Dredd

    link to

  24. seasick Dave says:

    Stevie May, ya dancer!

  25. JGedd says:

    What about The Black Freighter by Nina Simone? ( A bit tougher in sentiment than some of the stuff here since it’s by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht.)
    Or Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, any track?

  26. Alba4Eva says:

    Lets hope the battle we are in doesn’t go like that… Dons were by far the better team, but for some reason, couldn’t put the game away… lets learn from that… we have to put the game away in September. I dont want a nail-biter… I want a clear unabiguous victory.

  27. Taranaich says:

    Jings Rev, putting “Gloomy Monday” on there is reckless and dangerous!

    link to

  28. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Stevie May, ya dancer!”


  29. Seasick Dave says:


    That’s the spirit 🙂

  30. blairtahuille says:

    YES. Close to the Edge. Armadillo, 2nd. May. Let’s buy all the T-Shirts s. Progressive or what?

  31. Seasick Dave says:

    Dons were by far the better team

    Willie Miller thought otherwise.

  32. Andy-B says:

    O/T Rev, I do apologise.

    This seems promising,sorry if its already been posted.

    link to

  33. gordoz says:

    O/T Sunday politics

    Red Road flats demolition will not feature as part of the Games opening, (safety grounds – nothing to do with people power & 17,000 petition; Aye sure GCC)

  34. onwards says:

    Sunday Bloody Sunday, going from Scotland on Sunday’s totally unintentional ‘WAR’ front cover.

  35. Jim T says:

    O/T Red Road flats not now being demolished as part of CG opening ceremony link to

    Chief exec Gravenberg said:
    “Glasgow 2014, Games partners and key stakeholders, including Police Scotland and Glasgow Housing Association, are not prepared to allow what was proposed to be a positive act of commemoration to create risk for all concerned, including the communities of north east Glasgow.”

    Commemoration? Really?

  36. Jim T says:

    typing too fast again *Grevemberg*

  37. Aidan says:

    For Blair McDougall and his team, ‘Monster’ by The Automatic (“What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Is it a monster?” – to which the answer is invariably ‘No’).

    Or, keeping with the theme but having less to do with fears of Independence, more descriptive of some high-profile people involved in Better Together: “Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)” by a Mr D. Bowie.

    As you can see, I’ve really taken Alistair Darling’s ‘monstering’ idea very seriously. 🙂

    For Blinky himself, though, one song appears perfect: “They’re Coming To Take Me Away Ha Ha” by Napoleon XIV.

  38. CameronB says:

    Oi, what are you trying to do to me. Here I am quitely managing long-term depression and you follow Billie Holiday with the Mary Chain. Oh lordie lord. 🙂

    Cab Calloway Band – We The Cats Will Hep Ya
    link to

  39. Aidan says:

    Oops. Sorry, Rev.

  40. Ananurhing says:

    How about a loop laid over these tracks of Screaming Lord George, reading Matthew 8:12

    “But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness, and there shall be weeping, and gnashing of teeth.” N’ nat no?

  41. Jim T says:

    Remind me someone, whatever happened to the tug stationed in Stornoway?

    link to

    I seem to remember some London based bureaucrat doing a bit of cost cutting.

    We need to be rid of that lot. VOTE YES

  42. ronnie anderson says:

    @Aidan,thanks Aidan wur you thinking of me when you put that vid up lol,am away wie the fairy’s.
    Tiptoe Thru The Tulips With Me,complete with the face paint s c a r y lol.

  43. Jim T says:

    back on topic (for a wee while)

    Muddy Waters & the Stones “Baby Please Don’t Go”
    link to

    or Muddy’s “Southbound Train”
    link to that one has the immortal “hardworking man” reference and going south so “I don’t have to work anymore”

    Pretty apt methinks 🙂

  44. The Man in the Jar says:

    My twopence worth.

    From 1970 Atomic Rooster with “Death Walks Behind You”

    Dedicated to “Lord” George Robertson. Wooo!

    link to

  45. Aidan says:

    @ronnie anderson
    Not you, Ronnie! 🙂

    When I think of the conversation we had in the street during the fire-alarm episode, I think of this song:

    link to

  46. CameronB says:

    Jim T
    I was extremely fortunate to see Muddy Waters, the year of the Brixton riots (1981). He followed Chuck Berry, who came back on-stage later, to jam. My favourite kind. 🙂

  47. Jim T says:

    I was given the anthology disc set for Christmas. Not my usual fare, but extremely listenable and his evident love of the music along with his easy style is very relaxing.

    The Man in the Jar
    That was one of my first albums. Listened to it again via Spotify a month or two back and it’s painfully dated in terms of production quality. Still, brought back a lot of memories of mid teens. 😛

  48. Jamie Arriere says:

    Queen – I’m Going Slightly Mad

    Liza Minnelli – Losing my Mind

    Sundays – Here’s Where the Story Ends – ‘that little souvenir of a terrible year’

    Annie Lennox – No More I Love Yous

  49. Jamie Arriere says:

    And one for Labour for Indy and St Johnstone fans..

    link to


  50. simon mcivor says:

    who about adding my friend by groove armada to your playlist

  51. ronnie anderson says:

    @Aidan,so you wur thinking of me,their better sending in the dug van tae take me away, ah’ll be howling at the moon by that time lol.

  52. Alba4Eva says:

    Seasick Dave… Willie Miller (legend that he is), will undoubtedly be infected with Beebeeceeitis, which afflicts all to who conrtact the disease to habitual lying. 😉

  53. shona louise paton says:

    testing….testing……1…2….3, can you hear me at the back? 😀

  54. Tamson says:

    O/T – regarding Red Road demolition: interesting theory developing. The stunt may have been a financial scam to offload the demolition costs to the Games budget, rather than GHA’s.

  55. Craiging_619 says:

    With this being possibly our only chance of escaping Westminster rule in our lifetimes, how about that song that goes, “Well if you gotta go, go now, or else you got to stay all night”? Seems like an eery warning.

  56. kininvie says:

    Days later….just remembered this:

    Traffic: Sometimes I feel so uninspired

    link to


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