The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

New readers start here

Posted on March 28, 2014 by
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ronnie anderson

We do original Jokes, yes Cartoons are Brilliant, an the

Sarcasm,s No Cheap, its Rich an original by the many

Wingers, how very dare you MR Campbell for cheapening

this fantasticaly brilliant site. You jist stick tae yer

day job,an where,s that wee Blue Book.


Wings Gu Braith.

…and a huge welcome to all newcomers. 🙂

ronnie anderson

An a,ll second & third Alba4Eva,s comment the ither Wingers

hud a late nite at the Disco.

Tony Little

Excellent, Rev. This is not just for new readers, There was stuff on here that I didn’t know existed! Excellent resource.

Keep fighting the fight. More power to your keyboard!

Abaron Nomore

I got up this morning thinking I’ll just send the Rev a wee email suggesting directing new readers to the Reference section because, with usually 4 new articles a day, it can be hard to find the meat of the site.

I should have known he’s always at least one step ahead!


The more the merrier.

If you want to hear the other side of the story… 🙂


Welcome to all new readers!


In case you might not know, links in the message are highlighted in blue and that’s where you should start if your looking for answers.

Seasick Dave

Top tip for new readers:

It helps if you are a narrow minded, parochial, separatist and you like wearing Tam o’ Shanters and tin foil hats.

Hero worship of the evil dictator Wee Eck is mandatory.

Reading this site may cause you to vote YES.


Seasick Dave

Knew it wasn’t just my rationality and disgust with Westminster that was to blame.

ronnie anderson

Ah forgot to add on my 1st post of this Happy Birthday

to ME day, ah wiz that busy at oo.20 this morning ah missed

the moment of ma arrival,

But for new, visitors / members of WOS,if you havent got

a FFS stamp on your foreheid efter a couple o months

your no Fighting For Scotland hard enough, noo you,s thought

ah wiz useing sweary,s wie FFS.


An Article a day keeps madness at bay!

This site is seriously good for your mental health, fights depression and generates hope.

If you are reading this site you are not mad, you are angry and looking for information, you’re Westminster Government policy is mad!


O/T – Got to love this message !


Calgacus MacAndrews

Nice squirrels are especially welcome.

Alec K

Quick everyone! Put your giving hats on again!

link to

Tony Little

Just seen the tweets about the Metro. Absolutely bloody “amazing”! Well done Rev. Stu!!!

A Greater Stage

Welcome all new readers, here you will find hope, love, laughter and truth.

You’ll also find sarcasm, general ripping of the fallacies of the union and its supporters and an odd belief in evil nasty vile separatism.

It’s almost as if folk want to be a mature grown-up democracy or something!

The revolution started here.


Yes, a big welcome to all new readers 😀

Come awa in and join us! Don’t be afraid to ‘type’ your mind, nobody here bites (much) and there is freedom of speech.

Brilliant move with the Metro ads Stu. More than one way to skin a cat, eh? 😉



A very naughty birthday to you Ronnie, hope you have a great day. It’ll certainly be a year you won’t forget 😀


Ronnie Anderson

Happy Birthday
All I want for my birthday is a YES vote,it’s on 18/09.
And my late father,who was staunch SNP since the 50s,will be cheering wherever he is because Independence Day 2016 is his birthday.


Oh fergawdsake! If you are new, whatever you do, hit the links in a story.

You wouldn’t like it when he’s angry (looks nervously over shoulder). 😀


@Alex K

“Thanks for contributing to ‘Academic Analysis of BBC Scotland Referendum Output’!”

Done. Great idea. That’ll help keep them honest, I hope. Something needs to, because they haven’t been so up until now.

Robert Peffers

Whit! Eh!
I see yon nice Mr Clegg is saying, “The prospect of Scotland staying in the UK must be portrayed as just as thrilling as the drama of leaving it” .Mr Clegg also says “A vote for the Union means more powers for Scotland”. an yon Auld Bob bodach frae Kelty say “awa an bile yer heid Cleggie. Ye Unionist gadgies aa gaed tae muckle tribble tae hae devolution taen aff the plebiscite agenda. Noo ye aa wad hae iz hearkin til yer threap fir mair devolution. Aiblins ye micht jalouse wi button up the back o wir heid? If it’s no oan the agenda hoo the hairile kin wi vote oan it, ye muckle numptie? YAWN! Ah’m awa back tae sleep noo!


There’s only one rule new readers need to remember:


That and Rev’s O/T rule of course 🙂

Welcome to the inside of the Matrix, folks!

Dorothy Devine

Happy Birthday Ronnie and many more!

I have directed a ” too poor , too wee, too stupid” unionist to this site. Sadly , judging by a letter received she has it all dumped on the SNP and Alex Salmond and is far from thinking of Scotland.


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides something something. Isn’t it, Samuel?

Rod Robertson

Love the Metro adverts ,somewhat tinged with regret at swelling the coffers of the Daily Mail.
Still, sometimes drastic measures are required for the Common Weal.


I agree, the sarcasm’s funny – most sarcasm on the net is witless and sounds either nasty or silly but yours is funny and yes the cartoons are good. Most political cartoons suck but yours are good (not too many thankfully but enough).

It’s the getting into the meat and bones of the storiesand the noticing things we don’t that I like.


Rod Robertson
Re swelling DM coffers.Aye,but just think how pissed off the owner will be when he finds oot.


This post is helpful for older followers too !!


Re Sarcasm

It’s not widely known but this website won the Montreaux 2013 Sarcasm Festival Award for the 2nd year running.

“Really ? ” I hear you ask

erm… No

Hotrod Cadets

Welcome to new readers!

To win this we don’t need to pressurize people. We don’t even need to convince them. We just need to give them the information they need to make their own decision.

Lots of work to do between now and 18th September, and then lots more work for the next 18 months. But what a prize!

Tam Jardine

Welcome to all new visitors- and please, do take part. The site needs new opinions and contributions from across society so don’t be afraid to pitch in.

great ad in the metro Stuart- thats made my day!


“Independence referendum: Scottish Labour launch poster campaign in bid to promote positive case for staying part of UK”

“Sarwar revealed the money for Labour’s billboards, which are ­separate from Better Together’s campaign, was provided by an anonymous donor.”

link to

Another mysterious tory donor backing the labour propaganda?

Davie Park

With (hopefully) many new visitors poking their faces round the door for a wee keek, we should all bear in mind that many of them will be, as yet, unconvinced of the merits of independence.

We need to be patient and encouraging. These are the very people we need on board. Try not to piss them off 😉

ronnie anderson

Thanks everybody,sos JohnKing ah got the best Birthday Card

fae WOS METRO,S,ma Neice is on her way to the train station

to get me a dozen.

Isent our Dear Leader pure dead DEVIOUS.


Clegg, your argument that staying for more of the same is just as thrilling as striking off and starting with a clean sheet of paper, a written constitution, a parliament that is genuinely interested in social justice and getting rid of WMDs suggests to me that your idea of thrilling and mine are quite different.

On GMS this morning they kept talking about Willie Rennie’s bold clear initiative…I’m guessing they must talking about a different Willie Rennie from the one I am familiar with.

Oh and welcome new peeps, don’t believe the bad press we are the nice ones (well mostly, everybody has grumpy days 🙂 )


“Welcome, welcome, welcome.”

Places like WoS exist because as you have probably realised the news media have failed in doing their job.

PS This is NewsnetScotland’s latest appeal.

– Academic Analysis of BBC Scotland Referendum Output –

link to

This is worth funding.


Just saw the Wings full page in The Metro. Hilarious, fantastic and I don’t think I have ever made a better decision to spend my dosh as when I contributed to this site.

Well done Rev!


Mr Clegg also says “A vote for the Union means more powers for Scotland”

Or you can vote YES and Scotland never again has to listen to anyone tell us what we can and cant have south of the border, just like all our other nation state neighbours.

Betty Boop

O/T And sometimes, new readers, we go off topic, but, only after a decent interval!

My O/T concerns this morning’s (28/3/14) BBC Breakfast just after 9.00am and an interview with Rory Stewart MP discussing some “we really love you Scotland” programme and then talking about how borders always cause conflict; he knows that because he was in Afghanistan.

So, we have been treated to not so subtle subtext; independence bad because we’ll end up like.. err… Afghanistan. That’s what we get with a State broadcaster.

I like to think we’d end up with a relationship more like Norway and Sweden.



How can the donation be anonymous? I thought all the referendum donations over a set amount £10,000 or something relatively low had to be declared or is the Labour Party campaign not an official campaign?

I suppose their might not be that many billboards in which case it might be below the limit.


Right, not tooting my own trumpet here ( not with my back) but I suggested an Ad in the subway (station granted) and then I sueggest we ring the Metro. You know the rest.

Rev, great to see you expand on these suggestions, please tell me I can achieve a hat-trick and we can hire someone to photobomb Labour events in a Squirrel costume.

ronnie anderson

X_Sticks, theres a hellava lot of Togethers on that story,

when do the VILLAGE PEOPLE start performing lol.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ RogueCoder – Matrix! Great comparison. Welcome to all new readers.


Welcome to the new readers.Personally I am too wee,too poor,too stupid and too old to run my country.However,I know that Scotland has a plethora of talented people well able to run it for me in a manner much better than it is presently run.This is why I will be voting YES.



So is Rory suggesting we reinvade Afghanistan and wipe it off the maop so its borders don’t exist any more?

Is he suggesting that the Scottish border be wiped from the map that we all become North England as David Mundell suggested happened in 1707?


My name is Mat and I am a new reader.

Well, sort of. Still using training wheels, let’s say.

The revolution may not be televised, but it is surely being interweb-thingy-tubeised, and here’s a noisy place as any, albeit a civilised noise.

Be prepared to have time stolen, jaws dropped and passions, no longer how long dormant, ignited.

Vote Yes to stop my bookie getting richer.

Andrew Morton

Dammit! I’m retired, so I can’t get to a Metro. Anybody got a spare copy?


Happy Birthday Ronnie. All the best, though to be honest, I didn’t know Masias have birthdays. 😉


HandandShrimp says:

“How can the donation be anonymous?”

Damn good question H&S. Any possibility for FoI request?

Can only assume it is ‘dirty’ money being used. Maybe it was the same ‘ordinary’ person that took out the Metro ads?



There is one thing which will keep us in everlasting ignorance; contempt prior to investigation.

Our mind is like a parachute, it only works when it’s open.


What Jimsie said with stilts! 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)

I am a bit worried about Rory Stewart as he ticks all the boxes but talks utter jobbies.

I wonder if he has a robosodjer doppelganger which did all the derring-do stuff in Afghanistan and has now been decommissioned, leaving us wae the Tory boy.


Oh I see we do have an advert in the Metro…very embiggened it is too 🙂

ronnie anderson

And to all new visitor,s, we speak with many Tounges/

n Dielect,s > Robert Peffers 8,38, dont be feart tae ask

fur a translation,weil be glad tae oblige.


And for God’s sake don’t post any music videos.


I’m housebound the day, anyone got a photo of the ad?


ronnie anderson says:

“theres a hellava lot of Togethers on that story”

Aye, Ronnie, but they don’t have the kind of ‘together’ that we have here, and that will be their downfall 😉

Andrew Morton


Except for Leonard Cohen ones. Things are getting too cheerful around here.


To any NEW readers.


The first rule of WingsOverScotland Club is..

You TALK about WingsOverScotland Club.

The second rule of WingsOverScotland Club is..

You TALK to EVERYONE about WingsOverScotland Club.


PS Many Happy Returns Ronnie


Conan_the_Librarian says:

“anyone got a photo of the ad?”

link to

Andrew Morton

Anybody got a link for Maily Hate article?

Alan Mackintosh

Cheers X_sticks 🙂


And Alan 🙂


@ Andrew Morton

Click on the Wings Twitter Icon near the top on the right hand side of this page. It will take you to WoS twitter page and you will see a photo of the Metro advert in question. Click on that picture and it will display the full page.

Yours aye


ronnie anderson

@CameronB 9.26, ur you cawin ma a Javline chucker,( see whit

ah did there ) Thanks Cam next year a Glorious 65 fumf.


A line from Nick Clegg’s speech today;

“A Scottish parliament that doesn’t just spend the cheque handed over from Westminster”

The inference that Scotland is dependent on Westminster’s charity is not going to go down well in Scotland.

Bugger (the Panda)

Conan_the_Librarian says:

Sneak intae the Pub early, did we?

Marker Post

Looks like the Rev is anticipating a large new influx of readers courtesy of SPT.

Welcome to all, warning, though, unbridled optimism and positivity is addictive.


Bugger; Good idea, day off, nothing planned…

…rather *had* nothing planned…


Ronnie’s birthday?


Hippo birthday to you
Tamatas n’ stew

Breed n’ butter
Doon the gutter…

(Glen Daly finish)

Haaapppeeeee Biiiiirthdaaaaayyy
Tooooo Ha-yeeeeeww.

Have a good one Ron. 🙂


Welcome to all the new readers!

This is just the place to come to get information to smooth out the bumpy ride BT are trying to dish up.

Come on in, learn some seriously good stuff, give us your views and for those that are currently No or DK, open your mind to some new information and see if it gets changed.

On a personal note, happy birthday Ronnie – enjoy your day.




“Red Squirrel gives you Wings….no Bull ” 🙂


Spondilicks 4 Academix



Hello to anyone visiting for the first time. You are all most welcome. Hopefully you’ll find the articles (and the comments) interesting, entertaining and informative.

But if you do have any questions, we’ll all be happy to try to answer them for you.



ronnie anderson

@ Mat 9.21 ( training wheels ) is that the Stablizer kind

or a Zimmer kind,auld yins git treated wie mair kindness

an free Rice Bisquits,melt in the mooth moments, takes you

back tae yer childhood,comeing on here dizna gie you Gray

hair, mair like pullin it oot, but a very hearty Welcome.


“And for God’s sake don’t post any music videos” BOO There’s always loads more room for all of it, plus dance! This goes out to you CameronB link to


Not trying to be overly cryptic folks, honest. It’s just that there are these layers swirling around and time is flashing by, but the same names keep popping up again and again. Funny that. Not! ;(

I meant 😉 …….duh.


Newsnet looking for a wee contribution to check BBC performance on fairness a real good silver bullet to spotlight BBC BIAS.


I must admit if I were a first time visitor to this site today’s posting would not encourage me to stay or come back.

It is, I fear, in danger of descending into the banal.

gerry parker

I see Atos is giving up its healing work. It was doing so well too, curing all those sick people and getting them fit for work. Where will everyone go now, the real Lourds (rather than Cadogan Street?)



jobbies 🙂

Jim T

@Betty Boop 9.17am

Just LOOK at all the conflict at this border

link to

Jings, makes you want to stay part of something UNITED doesn’t it?

Many happy return Ronnie – hope that shed of yours is looking smart!



Have you been reading my comments? This is the second time I’ve read a post and thought “hey, that’s what I just said!” It’s probably just coincidence and you thought of it already but I like to think I’m making a small difference in the debate about Scotland’s future, even if it is just through the power of suggestion.

Now, how much memory does the new page for the Wings fledglings take up?

link to

I’m sure those who have contributed to wings wouldn’t mind you buying some of these and leaving them on public transport. Wearable tech is becoming popular and we would all wear wings wristbands.

Flower of Scotland

Came onto the site after years of wanting Independence and being surrounded by NOs ( N E FIFE).This is my newspaper . I pop into the site whenever I have a spare 1/2 hr ( end up staying on it for longer!) Its cheerful and full of great links to answer any questions. It’s nice to feel part of a group that aspires to the same goals ie Independence . If you’re not sure you will find your answers here . You just have to ask. I love this site!

O/t Happy Birthday Ronnie!

Proud Cybernat

A hearty welcome to all new readers. Fill yer boots.

No No No...Yes

X_sticks 9:10am

I like the Scottish Labour Party (SLab) ad.

link to

After studying the photograph, I saw a hidden message. SLab is attached to two chains:

The chain in the foreground is attached to the heavy burdensome leaden ball that is Ed Balls, UK Labour. SLab have to drag it around, wearing them down and sapping their will to live.

The second chain is being gripped tightly and is attached the Gravy Train, with its first classes carriages of nepotism, cronyism and self interest. It is heading to the buffers.

Vote Yes.

Andrew Morton


I think the point of the Newsnet monitoring isn’t so much the monitoring but the fact that they have dictated a range of programmes, one of which will be monitored but they don’t specify which one. This should keep the Beeb honest across a range of programmes.

It’s almost Rev. Stu like in it’s rat like cunning.


@Mosstrooper, have to agree , has been a big decline in the debate over last week or so, lots of personal insults and bizarre off topic posts. Despite big events I think it has gone downhill, from a posting viewpoint rather than the site articles which remain excellent. Just hoping it reverts to previous form.


That sort of thing just shouldn’t be allowed. 🙂

Flower of Scotland

BTW thanks Alan Macintosh. Looks great!


@CameronB, young man can you turn that UP!

link to Reverend, they’re coming to Glasgow 4th June, see you there:-)

ronnie anderson

@Conan_ the_ Librarian,ah dont have ah photo of the advert. but ah kin sing it tae ye, Together we will fade away,ah thats Anus Sarwars Billboard advert, an if he wants the
Village People Tae am puttin in for the part of the Injin,
CameronB,s made me a MASI warrior,so ah need tae practice
ma Javline throwing.


SLab spending the dosh of a mysterious donor I see. Might come a time for a Wings billboard advert on the subject of SLabs offer of devo nano.

How embarrassing would that be for the red tories.

ronnie anderson

Thanks again everybody for your comments, could,nt spend ma

Birthday wie Better people, an whit a start tae ma day

kin it get any thats no a miss speil.

Robert Louis


I was looking at your ad, and the stories you linked to above, and it struck me that since the ad relates to the mythical ‘Scottish’ press, perhaps it would be useful to post the excellent article you did recently about press ownership.

Just an idea.

Meanwhile, I hear Nick Clegg, the man who lied to the entire UK population regarding tuition fees, is on an awayday return to Scotland, to tell us why we should be feart of running our own affairs, without London telling us what to do.

The Rough Bounds.

This site has deteriorated to the stage that I can hardly be bothered with it now. Far too many of your commentators give the impression of being so far down the evolutionary scale I appear to be reading comments typed by gorillas and chimps.

It’s like watching the lunatics take over the asylum. If I were a first time visitor to this site today it would be my last.

The Tree of Liberty

A big welcome to all our new readers! I would just like to say to you, if you have any questions, any questions at all, just write them down, post them on here and somebody will answer it. There are no taboos on here about Scottish Independence!

When you see something in blue, that is the link to the reference document that supports the argument being made. So if you want more info on that particular subject just click on the blue.

And one last thing, above all, enjoy, because we are the ones, you and me, who going to make our country a fairer, more compassionate, wealthy country.


I think I’ve already made my position clear on that ‘sort of thing’. Enough!

Flower of Scotland

Just a wee o/t

According to a Courier story The NOs are trying to prevent the YESSERS handing out leaflets on a saturday in the middle of CUPAR! The community council complained!

bookie from hell

Aberdeen council-offer advice—better together campaign

Davie Park

“It is, I fear, in danger of descending into the banal.”

In the intense and sometimes febrile atmosphere surrounding the indy debate, a banal hiatus is not necessarily a bad thing.

Wailing and gnashing of teeth will recommence soon enough.


Happy Birthday Ronnie, it would have been my Mum’s 70th birthday today but sadly no longer with us I do however know that she will be looking down on me marking an X in a box next to Yes on Sept 18th and will approve greatly, I’ll be voting for all our dear departed who sadly aren’t physically here to right a historical wrong perpetrated on our nation.


What on earth is going on here? I suppose it’s surprising an open forum hasn’t descended to this before now but this is becoming unreadable. Would it be possible for the in crowd with their bizarre commentary to take it to quarantine?

William Duguid

Welcome, new visitors. I’m only an occasional poster on Wings, but an avid reader. This is as good a source of information as you can get for debunking the rubbish we’re fed by the mainstream media to scare us into voting No.

Just occasionally things get a bit fraught or awkward in the below-the-line comments, but that’s life. The heart of just about everyone who posts here is in the right place. Hope you’ll come back often.


Sorry Rev, typing error


I’ve got one thing to say in the middle of all this Metro-mania.


Every paper lovingly hoarded in a Wings fan’s sock drawer is one less undecided commuter seeing the ad.

Now will someone please post a link to an image of it so I can see what it looks like? Pretty please?

Betty Boop

@ Alec K, 8:21am
“Quick everyone! Put your giving hats on again!

link to

This might be worthwhile, but, Newsnet don’t seem to be advertising it. Nothing on their front page. They need help. Obviously, they don’t have a “Stu”.


PS. The links to Twitter pictures don’t work on any device I have access to at the moment. I have no idea why. They never do. But I need a link to an image that isn’t on twitter.

Betty Boop


You light up our days and keep the spirits up!

Have ye got wheels on yer shed yet? 🙂


john king

Happy birthday Ronnie now first task for the newbies is to bake Ronnie a birthday cake and get the fire brigade on standby for the candles 😉
and if you can turn up at the counting House on 04/04/14 @ aboot 19.00 (Ian?)
I’ll have a wee message for ye !
and apparently Ronnie has a wee surprise for the ladies, my wife said if its anything to do with a tea cosy she’s out of there! 🙂


@ Mosstrooper and Malc.

I have been on this site since pretty much the start. The one thing I have come to realise is that the independence debate is like the weather. You get calm days, where nothing much is happening… but there is always a storm around the corner.

Wings reflects the weather. There are real people here having a debate about our future and when its quiet, we sometimes let the hair down a bit. But…

My real advice to newcomers, is that you have to visit this site at the same frequency that you watch the news or read a newspaper. Visiting once will give you a snapshot of what is going on… a photograph only. If you want to see the whole movie… be in the debate in person even, then making this site part of your information supply, will enrich your knowledge and understanding of the Scotland we live in. Thats what it has done for me.

Get ready all, because the next occluded front is heading Scotlands way. 😉

john king

Morag says
“Now will someone please post a link to an image of it so I can see what it looks like? Pretty please?”

courtesy of Alan Macintosh Morag
link to


Sorry John, that’s the twitter-hosted pic I can’t see. (If anyone would tell me why twitter mobile never displays pictures for me that would be good…)

I need a link to a pic that isn’t hosted on twitter.

john king

Mcart says
“Oh fergawdsake! If you are new, whatever you do, hit the links in a story.

You wouldn’t like it when he’s angry (looks nervously over shoulder). :D”

and whatever you do remember to start a sentance with a capital letter and dont forget the full stop at the end and oh dont forget to spel it write


A most hearty welcome to all new and recent readers of the W.O.S site.

This is the place where the real facts and figures are presented. If it hasn’t been checked out here and been approved then it’s bitter together bu*****t and your better off reading Snow White and the 7 dwarfs.

We’re local, regional, national and international, the Scotland of the future.

Come in and be a part of it… 🙂

bookie from hell

comment image:large


Just a thought, I think that in view of all the publicity generated for Wings, and the fact that it is now at the top of the list on Aye Right flyers, that it is worth making the New Readers post sticky – in other words, having it permanently at the top of the list.

It would be easy to miss all the great articles on the site if you only look at the BTL comments.

john king

Tam Jardine says
“new opinions and contributions from across society so don’t be afraid to pitch in.”

I agree Tam otherwise all they get is me doing this
link to

Alan Mackintosh

Morag, probably a beter way to do this but this is only way i could think of at the moment. (Not a techy, I work with wood…)

link to


@The Rough Bounds

People are entitled to a little steam being let off now and again, BTW if we wanted to be patronised we’d go to the Hootsmon or the DT.


Alan Mackintosh

I must say having Samuel L Jackson, looking at you does lend some gravity to the message…

john king

Or this even oops.



Try logging out and logging back on.

Davie Park

Far too many of your commentators give the impression of being so far down the evolutionary scale I appear to be reading comments typed by gorillas and chimps.

Dashed unnecessary contumely.

‘Wings’, or at least its following, has changed in nature. As readership has grown dramatically, you would surely expect that. Perhaps the focus on the articles is not as tight as it once was, but Rev Stu is certainly proactive in discouraging early O/T posts.

If the atmosphere BTL isn’t as intellectually rarefied as you require, there are alternatives – as I’m sure you’re aware.

ronnie anderson

@gerryparker,ah must hey went tae the ither Atos in Salus

building in Argyle St, an a passed wie flying colour,s, its

the Wings effect.


@ RogueCoder – “the inside of the Matrix”- I thought I was in the inside of the mattress 🙂

O/T Lovely headline to a news release on the Scottish Parliament website – “MSPs suggest five changes to Iain Duncan Smith on improving the Work Capability Assessments”

I can only suggest one change I’d like to make to IDS !


I’m sure that new readers will derive as much pleasure and enlightment from Wings as I have. The ethos of the site can be summed up as:

Free thought + Free speech = Free Scotland.

ronnie anderson

Ma Neice jist brought in six Metro,s,that the Billboard

sorted fur Yes Airdrie stall the Morra,ya dancer.

Helena Brown

Happy Birthday Ronnie and many many more. Money sent to Academic.
Welcome to all new readers and don’t be shy, look what it has done in my house, Hubby now a full fledged Cybernat, never thought I would see the day.
So Dunfermline has yet another contribution to the YES campaign.


Alan, thank you very much, that’s viewable. Great ad.

John, logging out won’t do it. It’s Twitter Mobile. It’s all I can get on this ancient version of IE I’m stuck with on my office computer, and of course it’s the version I get on my phone. It simply doesn’t display pictures for me.


Thanks to Grant, too. Slightly easier to read. 🙂

Grouse Beater

Troll on Guardian – same topic – “laughing” his head off that Wings is run from Bath. Can’t be bothered telling him we also find it hilarious political parties tell us they have Scotland’s prosperity at heart are London based.

john king

Kendomacaroonbar says


“Red Squirrel gives you Wings….no Bull ” :-)”

Are you going to the Counting House Kendo?
I do hope so.


Got a link Grouse Beater?

Grouse Beater

@ Rough Bounds

Your derogatory remarks makes me wonder how many people, seeing an item in a shop window, rush inside to berate the store keeper about how much they dislike the item in the window … and then leave again.

I did encounter that odd behaviour once, in an art gallery. A over-inflated balloon entered, and at the top of his voice, announced his low praise of the artwork to the other vistors, and then left.

He felt compelled to tell everybody his view was superior to anything they might be thinking.

Grouse Beater

@ Conan

Shamed again – I’m completely useless at that, Conan – it’s on the “Scottish Independence” thread, the topic the alleged Glesgae kiss upon the United Kingdom’s respected and much cherished press, page 2.

john king

“It’s like watching the lunatics take over the asylum. If I were a first time visitor to this site today it would be my last.”

Amazingly and surprisingly offensive Rough Bounds
If you up for more high brow debate maybe you’d like to adjourn to the Scotsman/Telegraph/Herald/Daily Record, hmmm
you have a bit of a problem there,
maybe you would like to strike up a conversation with OBE, Terry Kelly, Grahamski Jersna et al
this site is a welcome break form the febrile atmosphere on those rags and allows people to let loose without being judged ,eh, until now, not dude not cool, and you mosstrooper Im surprised at you!


@The Rough Bounds

Go read what you posted again and ask yourself: Would your mother would be proud?

I reckon any newcomer would be more put off with your sad post than any posted by those you deem lower down the evolutionary scale.

If however, you’re just having a bad day, take a breath, it will pass. We forgive much quicker than we forget.


Welcome to all newcomers to the site! I hope you’ll find it informative and enjoy the wide variety of voices from commenters who post here. I do wish some of the regulars would please stable their high horses, there’s plenty of room for all.

ronnie anderson

Many thanks to everbody for birthday wishes, you,s ur far

to numerious to reply to indevidualy.


And from me too Ronnie…

Many Happy Returns!


Just picked up a copy of the Metro for myself and another for a collegue at work.

Thanks Stu for everything.

Dal Riata

@Mosstrooper, Malc and The Rough Bounds


Come on guys, what do you expect/want – bells and whistles, flashing lights and sirens?

Stu, guts, fillets and hangs out to dry the Better Together Project Fear Dambusters campaign and its propaganda mouthpieces in the UK’s MSM on a daily basis. Where else (thank you also to the other splendid pro-independence sites out there) can we see the lies, smears, fears, sneers and all-round total incompetence and disingeniousness of those that have chosen to attempt to corruptly influence the upcoming Scottish independence referendum in their favour exposed for what they are? And done with precise and clear analysis, with many links provided?

It is not the fault of anyone but those who ‘work’ for Better Together that they have run out of scare stories and are now repeating, or merely asserting using different grammatical symantics, the ones we’ve heard before.

So, not every day will have a jaw-dropping exposé on yet another example of Better Together misconduct on this site. Most days will be, what you might say, mundane. But when there is an exposé, by Christ, it’s fun to see Better Together and their chums being ripped apart in such clinical manner by Stu here on Wings, don’t you agree?

Anyway, folks, I hope you stick around. Only another 173 days to go. With a ‘Yes’ vote becoming more of a certainty by the day, there is going to be one hell of a celebration on the 19th of September… for ALL of us here!


@Grouse beater – yeah that guy’s a bit weird.

Sometimes he seems to want information and then he goes off on one.

Two people perhaps?


PS Happy birthday Ronnie – looking forward to a shindig in your garden shed – hopefully celebrating an Indy Scotland.

Welcome to all new readers – lots to read and find out about.

For folk saying this site has gone downhill – you are welcome to give your opinion – the Rev won’t take offence but it should be constructive.

Also lots of links to excellent blogs for example, Derek Bateman, Wee Ginger Dug and Business for Scotland to dip into.


Forgot to say Happy Birthday to Ronnie, hope you have a great day! Is there a big bow on the shed?


@Conan & grouse Beater

Is this the article you mean GB?

“Advert attacking Scottish media banned by Glasgow underground system”

link to

Grouse Beater


That’s the one – calls himself “Nationwide” – maybe a reference to the size of his head.

Uses a lurid yellow avatar of the US artist, Andy Warhol.


Flower of Scotland
Links to that story

First article link to

Follow up article link to

Grouse Beater

@ Mosstrooper

It is, I fear, in danger of descending into the banal…..

…..he said, inadvertantly dragging the quality of discourse down to a level even he could not have envisaged had he contrived it himself though, in actual fact, he had. But then, irony was always wasted on him.

Betty Boop

@ HandandShrimp, 9.20am


So is Rory suggesting we reinvade Afghanistan and wipe it off the maop so its borders don’t exist any more?

Is he suggesting that the Scottish border be wiped from the map that we all become North England as David Mundell suggested happened in 1707?”

Sounded a bit like that for Scotland, but, according to Rory, there are three areas in the UK apparently, one of which is the Borders. Even the rocks are the same each side of the border, you know? So, obviously we should have the same government, silly us.

ronnie anderson

@Grousebeater 11.21 You should hiv telt him that Bath wiz made famous for its healing waters, now its charges when it
hits the Water Meter,nae water meters in Scotland,water,water, everywhere as much as we want tae drink.

Davie Park

A suggestion.

So that loftier minds don’t have to trawl through the banal witterings of we mortals, why not have a daily ‘off topic’ thread as a repository of interesting links, poems/songs (if you must), birthday wishes etc?


Today on BBC news, Mr Obama said the US has “no interest in Ukraine beyond letting Ukrainian people make their own decisions about their own lives.”

What about the Scots Mr Obama?

The Rough Bounds.

Happy birthday Ronnie Anderson. Here’s gift of some apostrophes for you to use as you so wish.”””””


Dal Riata… I tgought my weather analogy was good, but I’ll go with your sentiments. 🙂

Grouse Beater

@ Ronnie Anderson

Yes, reality keeps defeating the unionist’s case.

Bugger (the Panda)

@The Rough Bounds

“Far too many of your commentators give the impression of being so far down the evolutionary scale I appear to be reading comments typed by gorillas and chimps.”

Fair enough, I am happily unevolved down here in the ursine floors.

Loosen up, please.



Davie Park says:

‘why not have a daily ‘off topic’ thread as a repository of interesting links, poems/songs (if you must), birthday wishes etc?’

Hi Davie, we have that already, the ‘Quarantine’ section. If you look in the middle column from the top of the page start scrolling down you will find it under the ‘Zany comedy relief’ title. Click on the link and it will take you to that thread.


Just like to add my welcome to any and all new Wings readers. It’s an amazing, eye-opening site, adding immeasurably to the quality of debate about the most important decision of the century.

And a wonderfully happy birthday to you, Ronnie Anderson. The Wings community is awash with great characters, and you’re one of the best!


I’d also like to welcome new readers. I’ve been reading this blog since the end of 2012 and hope I can continue to read it going forward – I say I hope because you’ll quickly become aware that a lot of the ‘establishment’ don’t want you to have access to an alternative view of the independence debate. They’d like you to believe that independence is about blue woad facepaint and old grievances against the English. Those visiting this site have different motivations but I’d say a large majority are fed up with a system that is making a large majority poorer, and Britain a shamefully unequal society.

Mary Bruce

happy birthday to ronnie the poet like ee cumming,s who doesn’t need apostrophes or anything else like that thanks very much but nice of you to offer anyway.

maitlan hunter

Did anyone catch the band Foreigner on BBC Breakfast this am. When asked about touring they replied yes they would be touring Ireland, Scotland and the UK. Surprised there hasn’t been an official statement. Or do this band know something we don’t


Happy Birthday Ronnie. Hope you’re having a lovely day.

And welcome to all new readers. But don’t forget to speak up from time to time – I’ve learned so much from other readers’ posts, especially those with expertise in politics, statistics, oil, renewables and economics.

There’ve also been days when I’ve felt a bit discouraged – maybe because of bias on the tv news or in the newspapers – then I come onto this site, read the articles and comments and remember I’m not alone in this and feel cheered up again not only from the support but from the banter. I hope having found us, you’ll stick with us. Looking forward to hearing from you all.


I delivered Collector’s Edition of Wings Metro to Cafe Nero, Aberdeen Art Gallery and Aberdeen Public Library. There were still some copies available at Aberdeen Railway Station.


There appears to be a belief that my comment about the banality of many of the submissions to this and other posts was directed at the Rev. It was not.

Neither is my commitment to the cause of Scotland’s independence predicated by the postings on this site.

I am indebted to Dal Riata for pointing out that there are 173 days remaining until the referendum. I will add these to the over 20,000 I have already spent in this endeavour.

Kerry Fisted

I am an avid long time reader; anonymous donator for both Fundraisers and in-between times but this is my first time at commentating.At seventy years plus my apologies in advance if my grammatical formatting contravenes the Site standard requirements.At school I would have received six of the best the tawse could give for using punctuation such as this but I am more apprehensive of the Wrath of the Stuart than I can ever recall being of the tawse.

The articles over the last two weeks and especially this comprehensive one for New Readers has compelled me to break cover from under my lurkers bunker to congratulate you Stuart on all the magnificent work you continue to do for the Yes campaign.Please don’t burn yourself out, Scotland needs you.

To all the regular commentators, your contributions are what makes this site so successful and dare I say at times extremely entertaining.I find the techo hints that often appear to be extremely helpful, well at least the bits I understand. Friends I have recommended to visit this site also find it difficult to not read all the comments.So please keep up the good work.



I don’t think every post below the line is going to make the omnibus edition or erudite political statements but I di think there is more than above the line for people to get their teeth into and there is a lot of useful links, updates an intelligence on BT activity below the line to add value.

Dear God, even the Guardian comment section is full of absolute nonsense and the BBC’s HYS is by and large a bRAne free zone.

As long as below the line stays open and friendly and not obscure and filled with in jokes and jargon then I think a lighter side to the blog is a bonus. It shows we are not 6 toed in bred obsessives.

Grouse Beater

@ Mosstrooper

In trying to clear up ambiguity you create another.

Exactly what do you mean by, “I will add those to the over 20,000 I have already spent in this endeavour.”

What endeavour?

And why so precise? How about, “many years of my life”?

Flower of Scotland

@Edward, thanks for that! Typical of those Nos in N.E.Fife. Bitter together indeed! This link is just an example of people helping on this site. Ask a question and it gets answered almost immediately. I’ve learned so much from Wings that I can use in discussions.

O/t what’s going on with all this grumpiness from some today? Why don’t you write something truly inspiring and interesting yourselves? We would all read it!

Grouse Beater

Musing over another essay topic for my occasional blog: grousebeater:wordpress on the subject of divorce, the term cropping up everywhere grossly over-used by unionists (and us) as an analogy for Scotland’s ambitions.

I keep hearing unionist taunts Scotland won’t be allowed to use the Bank of England for a currency union – no bad thing getting excluded from a den of thieves – and I came up with this:

Unionist: You had better get a good divorce lawyer!
Democrat: You bet! The best your money will buy!


Can’t believe I missed the advert when I read the Metro this morning!

I hope it attracts people to the site- I have found the site a valuable resource since I first visited it following the crowd funded Panelbase poll in October 2013.

By commenting and discussing the articles, on and off the site, we will contribute to a Yes vote in September.


Welcome to the typewritten world Kerry Fisted! I hope that now you’ve hit that first Submit Comment button you’ve realised it’s easy.

Honest folks, it doesn’t hurt a bit. Come on in and make your voices heard. We don’t bite. Much. 😀

Jim T

I know this is a bit close to a petering out, end-of-thread but, just found this on the BBC news website:

link to

Seems the balance of payments deficit is a bit on the large side against predictions. Wonder which predictions they were, OBR maybe? Makes you wonder if ANY of the W/M government departments ever talk to each other.


OT – Yeah go us! Nick Clegg just mentioned ‘Cybernats’ in his speech to Scottish Lib Dem conference. : D

Mary Bruce

@Jim T: The balance of payments story is quite far down the listings for such a big story, ninth is it? I’d have thought it deserved top billing in the headlines.

Marketing professionals will tell you never launch a campaign on a Friday afternoon, it will sink without notice. Hence I’m always suspicious when the govt release figures on a Friday afternoon. It will invariably be bad news for them.

Jim T

@Mary Bruce

I can’t help but agree. I suspect the complicit media. I’m willing, however, to give young Mr Peston a chance (yet again) to do a bit of genuine analysis on the 6pm news. He seemed to have a wee side panel in the story so, y’never know (although I think we do)

In my 6th decade and only really beginning to wonder why it’s taken me so long to realise how manipulative the MSM is on behalf of the establishment.

Better not ramble on, I’ll just get annoyed …. and …. breathe.

Stuart Betty & Holly G

Happy Birthday Ronnie, Sorry I forgot to say it this morning – glad you got a copy of Metro there was none at DrumG. Have a good day aff fae the papers and mind be fit for tomorrow morning @ 10:45am. THIS ONES FOR YOU link to

Robert Kerr


Welcome all the new readers.

This site is addictive and you can spend too much time here to the detriment of other things!

It shall be worthwhile come September!

Happy Birthday to Ronnie A too


I was totally dumbfounded to find out today that all monies raised, by fines in Scottish courts go directly to Westminster’s coffers. Over £80 million quid in fines by the courts has went south over the past decade, a staggering amount of cash.

The SNP are now campaigning for the cash to stay in Scotland and be reinvested in local communities, for the benefit of the people,but really the only way to make sure that cash raised in Scotland stays in Scotland, is to vote YES on September 18th.

Source, Glasgow Evening Times, no link I’m afraid.

ronnie anderson

@KerryFisted 1.56,Kerry yer never to auld fur a spittle

lick o the Twase,but I,ll make sure they ither wans weil it

gently,looking forward to your contrabution, know any gid

jokes,a very gid Wingers Welcome tae ye.

ronnie anderson

@AndyB it was mentioned in the FMQs yesterday by Alex Salmond.

ronnie anderson

@Robert Kerr 4.15, ah hope their no gittin to Addicted,or

am gonna hiv tae waddle roon Morrison,s fur anither tin

of Talcum Powder,thanks Robert for your best wishes.


Happy Birthday Ronnie.

Saw the ad in the Metro – quite striking.


Hi to all the Young Scottish Greens out there *blows you a big kiss*

Now, where`s my copy of Hedwig and the Angry Inch?

Calgacus MacAndrews

Happy Birthday Ronnie!

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us. To see oursels as Ronnie sees us!


the UK’s deficit is much larger than previously thought, due to mismanagement by Westminster.

link to


A bit of good news on the business front, as Scottish business leaders come out and back independence.

link to

Calgacus MacAndrews

Crime-writer Val McDermid chooses this year to come home to Scotland.

Unlike Alistair (“no such thing as Scottishness”) Carmichael, she recognises that Scotland has a distinct culture:

link to

Calgacus MacAndrews

Anybody new to Wings today who wants entertainment, and hasn’t watched ‘Lady Alba’ yet, have a look at these two video links:

link to

Live at The Stand:

link to

Satire warning: The ‘voting naw’ is a PI$$-take.


I’ll second CM’s recommendation above.

Calgacus MacAndrews

If you are new to Wings, Johann Lamont says that you need to make a wee contribution to the YES Pollok Campaign Base fundraiser:

link to

Pollok is in Johann’s constituency, so they need an especially good YES campaign base.

Thanks to donations from Wingers, they are within a whisker of making their fundraising target.

It could be you who pushes them over the finishing line.

Go for it.


A thousand welcomes to all our new readers and hopefully new contributers to our discussions/rants, a few pointers which may help you find your way around some of the comments.

When someone says “debater of the year” they do mean Johann Lamont, its hard to believe but its true.

If they say “lying ######d” this can mean many people in the unionist camp, but usually its Jackie Ballie.

If the words “two faced” is added just think Sawar.

If you have read an article concerning “Willie Rennie” and are confused ? then yes he does exist and he is leader of a political party in Scotland.

The tories do have a MP in Scotland, ignore.

The Secretary of State for Scotland will not debate ever again due to severe “shell shock” which cause’s unexplained statements such as their will be no “EU referendum fact”, oh bollox did I say that.

Goldie is funny, Ruthie is not and yes her head does nod like a noddy dog in the back of a car during FM’s QT.

I hope this helps, the rest you can just figure out yerselfs, enjoy.


Welcome folks!

You want answers then you have come to the right place! Everything that you ever needed to know about Scottish politics, but the BBC and other forms of media WON’T tell you, then you will get it here. The Rev is the man with a plan.

You are going to find many different people here. People from ALL the social backgrounds and from ALL walks of life, but everyone of them dedicated to the cause of creating an independent nation that will be socially fairer and culturally more enriched.

Ask any question, and I promise you …you will get the answer that you are looking for.

So, go onwards, and ready yourself …for enlightenment!

Linda's back

To be fair, good balanced coverage of the Guardian story that UK government minister admits that there will be a currency union in the event of a YES vote on BBC papers headlines at 10.30 p.m.

tEh_kLeV (@Teh_kLeV)

Just to add my own wee welcome to any new visitors to WoS. I’ve been following the site for almost since its inception but always been a bit of a lurker until this year. Please come and enjoy our community, lurk or participate, it’s entirely up to you.

Sure, there’ll be some wee bun fights in the comments over one thing or another now and again, but that’s democracy and open discussion in action (even if it is about youchoob videos). And humans will be humans. You’ll not find a better place for a diverse range of folks who all want the same thing.

All the best,


WELCOME all newcomers, hopefully you’re some of my friends pointed in this direction! 🙂 Some important reading below, to help get things going for you, if you haven’t already read them elsewhere. There’s lots of others that will be highlighted on here and reading some of the back articles is worthwhile. Every day you will find Rev Stu (plus team) and our friends on here will guide you through whats going on out there and will unscramble the more technical details of some articles for you, especially what’s being misreported by the MSM. This will be achieved with a healthy dose of humour from our regulars who help to make this site the friendliest, most down to earth, welcoming place around. If you don’t post it’s ok (I don’t too often) you will certainly enjoy the banter and feeling of community.

Ronnie, happy birthday – yesterday (just) 🙂

One other last minute addition, a little something that troubles Westminster and helps put things in perspective (faint of heart look away now) link to


link to

McCrone report. link to
Oilfields and boundaries link to
link to
Maritime boundaries moved -


BTW today’s going to be interesting! Hope the Better Together mob have stored loo rolls in the freezer for some probable, much needed, relief.

Could the two possibly be related – shurely not?

link to

link to

Ah, buttttt……..
The minister, who would play a central role in the negotiations over the breakup of the UK if there were a yes vote, added: “There would be a highly complex set of negotiations after a yes vote, with many moving pieces. The UK wants to keep Trident nuclear weapons at Faslane and the Scottish government wants a currency union – you can see the outlines of a deal.”



Trident’s worth far more to rUK than a currency union is to the Scots. That’s a very feeble deal.

CU + full support into EU & NATO + a lot of hard cash in exchange for a 15 year Faslane deal might be a better opening bid.


I am new to this website so many thanks for the welcome.

I haven’t had time to read too much but I can see there’s some interesting stuff on here – I’ve felt disengaged from this debate for too long, partly due to my own inertia but also the tit-for-tat stuff that goes on (or at least that’s shown to go on) elsewhere in the media.

Somebody far back in this thread mentioned ‘separatism’, and I know that I won’t be the first to make this utterly obvious point, but you can’t separate from something unless you choose to join it first.

Wherever I choose to place my X in September it will be based on a decision – after that, call me what you will; until then, let me make my mind up.

Somebody else used the word enlightenment…I hope so, I’ve had enough of bewilderment!


Welcome Ruairidh, you’ve come to the right place 🙂
Kininvie, agreed. Alex Salmond won’t just lie down and roll over, they know that for sure too. 🙂

David Gray

Just found your site thanks to the metro ad, from what I read in the comments above your readers are passionate about Scotland and its future. However, thanks to a Westminster indoctrinated education system have no idea what the guy who wrote in auld scots was saying. ;)but it sounded patriotic if that helps.

Many of the outside political commentators seem to be overlooking the “outstanding sense of pride” the Scots should be feeling that we can sit down and have a dialogue regarding our countries future without having to resort to armed conflict, for example Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia,etc. Whatever the outcome a great work was carried out and the world has once again looked to the Scots for leadership, guidance and political governance on how a modern democracy should be conducted.

I agree with some commentators that there was too few women taking part in your vote, maybe the menfolk should promote your site more?

There are too many reasons why power and political decisions should be made by the people whom and where the outcome affects the most. e.g would you want to live downstream from a nuclear plant? or an open cast mine?

That is why I soundly believe that we should be engaged with our neighbours at home and abroad regarding security and trade, by all means be apart of the EFTA however, we should not be living out of one another’s pockets.

The European union looked at the British union, a collection of 4 countries who happen to share(or foisted upon) a common language as a model, however, they missed the history of our uneasy union and the sacrifices it took, some of it shameful to keep it together. When Europe unravels will they manage to hold their heads high or will they look back at the sacrifices and consider them shameful.

keep up the great work your site is doing and I would encourage you all to have a healthy, peaceful debate.

Derick fae Yell

Make the new visitors post sticky.

It’s the meat of the site and a great resource


Help.I didn’t manage to bag a copy of Metro yesterday does anyone have a spare they could send me? I’d obviously pay for the p and p!


GMS on just now trying to get Nick Watt (wrote today’s headline currency union story) of the Guardian on the programme.


@David Gray – Great first post David.

Linda's Back

At St Columba’s Kensington London debate on Tuesday 25 March, an oil company director challenged Carmichael on the currency union stating that he would have to move his London based engineering company from London to Aberdeen in event of no currency union he went on to say there are 20,000 oil engineer jobs in London most would be forced to move to Aberdeen or Scotland. Carmichael squirmed and basically said that everything was negotiable what he meant to say was he knows the currency union is a definite.

Another Unionist myth shattered to-day as non nuclear Norway is now leading NATO.
Former Norwegian prime minister Jens Stolenberg has been named as the new secretary general of Nato. The 55-year-old will assume the role of head of the defence organisation in October 2014.
Another blow for Jose Barosso who will have no international role come October.

ronnie anderson

SoS, lads n lasses ah didna come oot tae plat last nite

ah hut the prevebrial wall,am awe rite noo jist getting

ready fur a stint of YESIN Airdrie main st,& WINGS ADVERT

from Metro will be displayed.

Before I go, I lease you,s with something to ponder,

on that Guardian story/ Pound /WMD..

Who pays for the conversion of all the Shop Tills in

Scotland,they,ll need to be fitted with Giger counter,s,

Westminster / Slab/lipDems/TofuTops.

need reminding ther,s TWA ends tae a BALL of STRING,

their hudding the START END, SCOTLAND<S hudding the BALL

END, an a Sherp pair o Scisorrs, Whit lenght is a piece

of string, Whatever WE The People Of Scotland Decide.

Catch you,s awe in the back aff fur a shower.

Flower of Scotland

Just listened to more unadulterated waffle on Radio Scotland! Some guy saying that kids in Kingussie are interested in the Referendum, but DIDNT WANT it discussed on social media! They think that politics should only be discussed on radio and TV! I think that they only get on these programmes if you can lie through your teeth!

o/t Hope you don’t mind Rev

They are looking for donations over on newsnet for an Academic to look at bias in some Scottish news programmes on Scottish radio and TV over a period of a month. Well worth it!

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Ronnie anderson says:
Whatever WE The People Of Scotland Decide.

Just out of the shower myself.

Your post is a superb summary of where we with the Indyref / Pound / Nukes zeitgeist this morning.

Saved me having to read anything else on Wings …

Robert Peffers

@Ronnie Anderson:
Whit fir wad A’h need an owersettin?
Ah’m twa leidit. Onyhoo – yon Cleggie gadgie spaks afu clytach an clamjamphry. Jist yer eeswal pooshionous waghorn.

Owersettin intil the Inglis, (Translation into English) : –
“Why would I require a translation?
I am bilingual. Anyhow – that Clegg person speaks much balderdash and rubbish. Just your usuall poisonous liar”.

Dorothy Devine

Robert Peffers , coud you translate ” gadgie ” for me – while recognising it is derogatory I have no literal translation.
My late brother used to use it and the immortal phrase
” awa ya radge” – could be raj – and I never thought to ask him ,can’t ask him now so I’m asking you!

Ian Brotherhood

To all newcomers –

We are having a get-together in Glasgow on Friday 4th, in The Counting House, St. Vincent Place (at George Square), Glasgow, kick-off 7.30. You are all very welcome.

If you can make it, please leave a wee message in the Quarantine thread (which you’ll find near the end of the ‘Zany Comedy Relief’ column above-right) or e-mail me: so I’ve a rough idea of numbers. As it is, we’re expecting approx 80 folk, but will probably get more on the night – space isn’t a problem as we’ve got a nice big space booked.

No money, tickets, speeches, debates, raffles, any of that palaver – it’s just a social gathering (i.e. a Friday night bevvy) so just turn up as and when, and bring whoever you like. We did one last year in the Horseshoe Bar, and although there were only 14 of us, we had a great night. This one should be every bit as good.


Linda’s Back says:
29 March, 2014 at 9:46 am
At St Columba’s Kensington London debate on Tuesday 25 March, an oil company director challenged Carmichael on the currency union stating that he would have to move his London based engineering company from London to Aberdeen in event of no currency union he went on to say there are 20,000 oil engineer jobs in London most would be forced to move to Aberdeen or Scotland. Carmichael squirmed and basically said that everything was negotiable what he meant to say was he knows the currency union is a definite.

Hi Linda

Do we have any links or media quotes for the above

Dennis Smith

@ Dorothy Devine

‘Radge’ is one of those wonderful all-purpose Scots words. The Concise Scots Dictionary gives its meaning as: 1) mad, violently excited, furious, wild; 2) sexually excited; 3) silly, weak-minded. Also a noun for a loose-living woman.

‘Gadgie’ is Romany/traveller for a man, particularly a non-traveller.


Wings virgin (if not to Yes or the ahem, other). Now I find myself leaving Wings cards in buses, libraries, cafés. Yesterday wondered in to a Better Together place picked up a leaflet and oops ! Is this a syndrome?

Dorothy Devine

Thank you Dennis!

Ian B I am hoping to make the gathering!


@ronnie anderson
Ball of string? Genius!

@Ian Brotherhood
Roll on Friday.

Look Skye Walker

The cat just jumped out of the bag:

link to


@Dorothy Devine

I’m radge at those gadgies that run our country.
Hope this helps.

Look Skye Walker

The cat jumps out the bag and the pigeons start to flap:

link to

I wonder if Vince Cable was the Minister in question?


My old Granda used to call me a radgy beetle!

Dorothy Devine

Having applied all the translations provided by Dennis I am now a tad concerned about what I might meet in the Counting House should Croompenstein and Thepnr be present!

But I’m brave – some might say foolhardy – so I look forward to meeting mad ,bad ,sexually excited , weak minded transvestite coleoptera!

ronnie anderson

@Dorothy Devine 1.40: Am fair sair, an offended, hiv you

fell oot wie me ( the mad, the bad, weakminded ect,ect )

you furgoat the LOONEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


There are some good facts for newbies here:


Dorothy it’s ok he called me it when I was a wee boy, he died on my 9th birthday so no need to worry about mad bad sexual excitement..

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Alba4Eva says: (29th March @ 2:53 pm)
There are some good facts for newbies here:

That’s a brilliant video, and needs to be seen widely.
I have Cybernatted it in a few places e.g. Guardian CiF.


For anyone who can get their hands on this weekend’s French newspaper Liberation there’s a 4 page special on ‘L’independance de l’Ecosse.’

Dorothy Devine

Ronnie , never ! I wouldn’t fall out with you !

Croompenstein, I wasn’t really worried!

Grandparents are the first deaths most of us experience and they seem to choose horribly memorable times like Christmas and birthdays – there should be a law against it!
I’m going to make the supreme effort to choose a truly innocuous day for my demise , preferably several years from now.


@Dorothy – Lang may your lum reek 🙂



Excellent Resource! nuff said

Robert Peffers

@Dorothy Devine: Always happy, as Ronnie says, “tae owerset wir ain leid, (translate our own language), and that includes, “tunes o wir ain leid”, (diaclects of our own language). So here goes : –
The word, “Gadgie simply means, “Person”, or probably more correctly, .”fellow”. It is one of those strange Lowland Scots words that originated in the language of the Scottish Travelling People or Gypsies. The Travelling People use it to mean any non-gypsy. It seems to be used more these days around the Kinross, Milnathort and Kelty areas.

Robert Peffers

The only reason I can think of for Twitter Links not showing up is if you have never signed up to be a tweeter or your sign-up has become corrupted. Perhaps rejoining Twitter might clear it up.



Brilliant video !

Early Ball


Gadgie and radge are words commonly used in Dingwall. There is a very funny Twitter and Facebook account “Gadgie Shore”.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Welcome to any new readers today.

On the subject of Scottish media censorship, the Daily Record have recently been furiously deleting comment posts from their website indyref articles.

They were at it again yesterday big-time.

So, for a Cybernat-style laugh, I have put a comment and a link to this excellent Guardian/Observer Kevin McKenna webpage:

link to

… from today’s Daily Record story about the Russell Crowe movie premiere:

link to

My theory is that the post-deleting Nazis at the Daily Record may not be bright enough to think to check the Russell Crowe story for nasty Cybernattin’ …

Davie gray

Kevin McKenna should have received an award for outstanding unbiased journalism for that one. Well done for posting it.


@Calgacus – weel done cutty sark 🙂

Dorothy Devine

I must admit to being truly astonished by Mr McKenna’s article and I love the Russel Crowe article being bushwhacked by you Calgacus – brilliant.

Stu , you should be seriously chuffed!


Hi, folks. As a Glaswegian who lives in Catalonia and has voted YES in their unofficial Independence polls, I have a foot in two camps so to speak. Catalonia is definitely better off going it alone as there are too many basket cases (regions) whose politicos simply cannot govern. Corruption is rife in these regions. (I’ve written a post about it on my website)

Strangely, I discovered this site today after reading McKenna’s column. He’s certainly changed his tune.

NB: Will there bea postal vote

Grouse Beater

@ Alex

Welcome Alex

I visit southern Spain each year, mostly work, Catalonia twice. I envy you your stay there. Yes, there’s a postal vote. Check the Scottish Government website for the department to contact and the deadline.

My website is: grousebeater.wordpress. What’s yours?


Hi Grousebeeater.

My website is – link to

I’ll check out the postal vote thingy. I’m not sure yet if I can vote here as well, but I probably can because it’s considered a (unofficial) local election. Rajoy will ignore it which is going to cause problems here in my opinion.

Grouse Beater

Hi again, Alex

Didn’t think you’d be back for a reply hours after your post, but seeing the wide berth in time felt you due a courtesy of an answer.

There were Catalonians on the march to Calton Hill, a pleasant lift to the spirits, but difficult engaging in fluid discussion when walking at a soldier’s pace uphill.

Rahoy seems unable to do anything to alleviate the rigid standstill in Spain’s economy. Where I was last, councils has banned all construction – on a coastline ruined decades ago by it – unless an extension or new build in a town or village centre. Result, no work for tradesmen, architects, building suppliers, or inward investment.

Then again, thousands of Brit “settlers” have never paid their local taxes, and few councils bother to collect them. I believe the accumulated total in any given area can amount to many million Euros.

Though I might not answer you this evening, tell me how you see autonomy progressing for Catalonia. I’ll check your website and maybe hear from you again later.

Good health


Here, the majority of people want independence, though I get the feeling a few only pay lip service to it. A lot of independce flags fly from balconies nowadays as well.

Despite the democratic election this year, Rajoy considers it illegal, so he will have to send in the troops to quell the disorde which will arise. This is just my opinion of course, but I can’t see any other way.

His reluctance for Catalonia to leave Spain is not based on unity, but on the fact that Catalonia is a major contributor to the Spanish economy. Without this lolly, Spain will have to increase taxes in other regions, further impoverishing them. Fiscally, many are basket cases as has been proven with the recent corruption scandals, a few of which are still going on years later.

Calgacus MacAndrews

A warm Wings welcome to all new readers today.

If any of you are undecided about how to vote in the Indyref, and only have time to watch one TV programme extract to help you make up your mind, the video to watch is this one (“Wright Stuff discusses Scottish Independence”):

link to

(WARNING: This is NOT a spoof video.)

If you are undecided, and haven’t watched it before, you are unlikely to remain undecided after watching it for a wee while.

Davie Gray

If this is the best propaganda the better together campaign can come up with then they should sack their spin doctors…..

Gordon E

There must be an awful lot of Churchill Insurance dogs in cars just begging to have an OOOOOH YES! placed next to them.
Be a great advert for the YES campaign!

Grouse Beater

@ Gordon E

There must be an awful lot of Churchill Insurance dogs in cars begging to have an OOOOOH YES!

That made me chuckle. Stuart posted a few Yes advertising campaigns not so long ago; that one’s a winner!

Grouse Beater

@ Alex

Many thanks for your considered reply, Alex. England sees Scotland in the same way, a solid part of its income! And boy, they don’t want us to get our hands on our oil.

(Enjoyed your blogsite – do you self publish?)


Yes, I self-publish through Amazon and Smashwords. Scribbling tales is my hobby.

Grouse Beater

And you have an elegiac environment and lots of sangria to do it! (I am published too)

I enjoy the Inspector Montalbano series – bit lost without one a week so have bought the CDs. You could create a Spanish equivalent and set him in magnificent backgrounds. He should have a cat, (based on your own) as his house companion … a bit of enigma about him is a good thing.

Calgacus MacAndrews

All new readers are welcome at the Wings get-together at the Counting House, at 19:00 tomorrow (Friday) 4th April.

(Counting House, 2 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2DH)

Dress code here: link to

Kevin McEvil

Hi, First time poster but long time reader. Just wanted to say that it was fantastic to meet you quines and loons tonight. I introduced myself as Kevin and I’m sorry if that caused confusion with someone else. But I want to say I had a great night in Glasgow with you all.

Calgacus MacAndrews

@tartanfever put the NC link below up in the comments on the “Shifting the Blame” thread of 5th April on Wings.

I would recommend Wings readers (new and old) to read Vonny Moyes’s article on National Collective on her journey to YES:-

link to


Interesting article. My own NO to MEBBE to Yes, started while living in London in the eighties. Practically everybody north of Watford was unemployed, yet in London you could walk in and out of jobs. The final straw came was New Labour who turned out to be Tory-lite. Basically, it was the lack of choice that made me turn to YES. And for those who keep ranting about the SNP. There will be other parties to vote for after the election.


Any reason why Izzard doesnpt want Scotland to leave? What does he care?

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Alex says:
Any reason why Izzard doesnpt want Scotland to leave? What does he care?

The reason he cares is because he fancies being Mayor of London: link to

London is the place where all the money in the UK gets sucked to, hence it will be better for London and Mr Izzard if Scotland stays in the Union, so that it can continue to get bled drier and drier.


We usually hear about how much money London makes, but not what it costs e.g. devastation and unemployment in the rest of the country

Grouse Beater

@ Alex

Any reason why Izzard doesn’t want Scotland to leave? What does he care?

Some while back he announced his intention to move into politics – a branch of stand up comedy, main venue, The House of Commons – his Edinburgh charity concert, full of bad-taste jokes and unsavoury power elite, is his entry ticket, or at least he hopes so.

He sounds lost and rather sad, in my estimation.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Welcome any new readers who have found their way today to Wings by way of today’s Scotsman comments on the “Panelbase poll – which was commissioned by pro-independence blog, Wings Over Scotland”.

Now that you have found your way to Wings:

Indyref Money-Saving Tip #1 : No need to buy The Scotsman ever again

(You will find much better Indyref coverage here on Wings, and on the linked websites in the “Scottish Politics” list at the top of this page.)

Feel free to share this money-saving tip widely.


Wee short video of Blair Jenkins (Yes Scotland)speaking about the Independence Debate from the reverse point of view, ie If we Independent now would we vote to join the union.

Probably poested before but well worth a watch.

link to


Dennis Smith

A late follow-up to Dorothy Devine on 29/3/14.

I’ve just been to see Johnny McKnight’s excellent ‘A perfect stroke’ at the Traverse. It includes a classic use of ‘radge’ = sexually excited, put into the mouth of a contemporary sixteen-year old. The language is no deid yet.

Craig Brown

Rev, Rev, Rev geez an update on The Wee Blue Book!

Calgacus MacAndrews

For any new readers who might not have seen this, a very uplifting video contrasting the YES and NO grass-roots campaigns, and featuring the YES Super Saturday on 5th April in Wester Hailes …


Can i ask where is the snp conference from yesterday all im getting on that bbc rubbish is this content does not seem to be working msg .Also on its a wall of text do they not own a camcorder?
Snp get a grip and get it in video format ffs this day and age we have to read all about it instead of a video recording.

Fantastic site btw .


Spend more hours than I would like to own up to on the STV Facebook page thread about Alex Salmonds speech.

Outed a troll using 2 and more profiles, Some know him as Gerry Aberdeen, he also goes by the name Alan Radar Duncan. Clark Kent/Superman, posting in the same style or copy and paste, but never posting at the same time.

I could be wrong, but then again I could be right.

Had people telling me not to feed the trolls, but the way I see it is, if we don’t tango with the trolls now and again and just block them or ignore them, people unfamiliar with trolls would think that we are scared to engage with them because they must be speaking the truth.

I’m sure an old hand is going to slap me for it, but I did what I thought was right.

Calgacus MacAndrews

As regards SNP conference coverage, and the disgrace that is the biased BBC Scotland, videos of speeches can be found elsewhere as follows:-

– Nicola Sturgeon 11/04/2014 speech (on STV website)
link to
The full speech is in the second video window, lower down the webpage.

– Alex Salmond 12/04/2014 speech (on YouTube)
link to

Both speeches are well worth watching in their entirety, if you haven’t seen them before.

Calgacus MacAndrews

@EddieMunster says:
Had people telling me not to feed the trolls.
I’m sure an old hand is going to slap me for it, but I did what I thought was right.

No slapping required.

I do a fair bit of troll-bashing myself.

I agree with the idea that it is a bad thing to “feed” the trolls in the sense that it is pointless engaging in a conversation with them.

So for a troll that intrudes occasionally onto a site like Wings for example, I can see that the best policy initially is to ignore them.

On newspaper sites (e.g. Guardian CiF, Daily Record) where it is likely there will be some undecided voters reading the comments, I think it is useful to make sure it looks like YES supporters are responding as appropriate. i.e. giving BT trolls short shrift, and (if you have the time) posting up the true information, or where to find it.

Thomas Boyce

William Wallace who was brought up and lived in Elderslea gave his life for freedom so did Bruce, all we have to do is vote yes in September.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Another milestone reached.

The Guardian acknowledging that YES might actually happen:-

link to


Just a thought, are there any plans to make the site mobile phone friendly?

Bob the builder

I won’t pretend to have an extensive knowledge or awareness of all the facts surrounding the issue of Scottish independence nor will I pretend to understand the extent of the political chicanery involved but nonetheless for that I’ll say this much…as an Englishman, I am not blind to the deliberately twisted and distorted comments and articles being increasingly spewed out by the English media in relation to Scottish independence.

This doesn’t surprise me of course, given that damned near every elected ‘British’ party -in recent history at least- has increasingly perfected the art of an illusion based around the remit of governing both for and on behalf of us all (including the Scots) The increasingly more obvious suggestion is that successive modern governments are becomingly noticeably more corrupt, dishonest and self-serving. Upon such a basis Scotland is therefore beneficial to Westminster for five things only…oil, gas, crown revenue, military benefits and perhaps most importantly, the (probably Westminster fueled) sectarian based party votes that only each respective English based party benefits from.

If Scotland becomes an independent nation(once again)then the stakes are far, far higher for Westminster now than ever before. The inevitable price tag resulting from having to relocate its Scottish naval/nuclear military displacement/deployment alone will involve sums of money that extend far beyond silly an thus beyond what a bankrupt country can afford, and that’s without the civil objections relating to wherever they decide to relocate said materials of course.

The issue of gas will inevitably raise the spectre of an unsavoury and questionably legal ‘arrangement’ between Blair and the first minister of Scotland (at the time of Blair’s tenure) to redraw the existing marine boundary line between England and Scotland in favour of England(of course)
We can weave all manor of aspects in and around the whole yes/no issue but the sad fact is that Westminster probably could not care less whether you sink, try to swim or indeed make landfall as an independent nation.

Westminster cares little, it would increasingly seem, for anything in fact beyond what matters to it, or its long term and externally directed agenda.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Here is a petition for everyone to sign, asking that Robert Gordon University withdraw from the CBI:-

link to

Andy smith

Anyone watching the Scottish affairs committee discussion on Scotland’s membership of EU ?. This weasel David lidington suggesting it could take years to obtain membership. Am I wrong in thinking that present EU laws and treaties would no longer apply,and that therefore to take one example,
Spanish and Irish fishing boats wouldn’t be allowed in our waters.

Andy smith

I know the membership of the Scottish affairs committee are appointed through the house of commons,but can anyone tell me on what basis they are appointed, as there seems to be an imbalance of members across the political divide.I.e. 5 from lab,2 from lib dem,2 from cons.and 1 from SNP.

Grouse Beater

Anyone watching the Scottish affairs committee discussion on Scotland’s membership of EU?

Do you mean the BBC Propaganda Channel?

You could see the pain in the committee members’ eyes as they strained to ask a loaded question: “Do you think it will be impossible for Scotland to gain EU membership?”

Please say yes!

And so it went on, a parcel of rogues.

No one challenged assertions, no one rebuked a member for asking blatant leading questions.

Calgacus MacAndrews


MOD Announcement: Multimillion pound investment in Royal Navy missiles

The Royal Navy is set to benefit from new anti-ship missiles thanks to a £500 million joint investment by the UK and French governments. The UK Ministry of Defence will contribute £280 million towards the development of the future anti-surface guided missiles in what is the first new collaborative project since last month’s Anglo-French summit, marking a significant step in joint working on complex weapons between the two nations.

Maybe rUK could have ‘collaborative projects’ in the defence area in the future with other countries e.g. with iScotland?

Calgacus MacAndrews

Alicsammin says it is compulsory for new Wings readers to sign Ian Brotherhood’s petition :-

link to

Let’s get it over the 1000 signatures mark today …

Bugger (the Panda)




Mary O'Loan

Sign me up Rev.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Anybody who wants to find a local YES public meeting or event can now check this out on this excellent website:-

link to

Granpa Broon

Iain Gray stated on live TV that Darlings comments were just in fun, it was a joke. So he’s confirmed that Darling did use these racist remarks, which means that someone must have bribed the New Statesman for them to take the blame.


Americans really do have a set on them, don’t they?

ronald russell

If someone can deliver flyers to my home I can get them distributed I am in the Maryhill area


UK/OK-NO THANKS Makes perfect sense and is even Better Together


What nonsense a joint agreement with 3 parties on more power for Scotland. Firstly there are 4 No parties – lest we forget UKIP. Secondly the LibDems will be gone in 2015. Thirdly Labour have to win in 2015 to meet any promises. Fourthly the Tories will only win in coalition with UKIP in 2015. Which will give the Tories all the excuse they need to renege again on more powers for Scotland. Vote YES.

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Tam Jardine says:
That elusive Wings Edinburgh night is on.
4th July. The anniversary of the USA making the risky, foolish and ultimately disastrous declaration of their independence.
The venue: The Newsroom, Leith Street, Edinburgh. 7.30-8pm kickoff.
Do me a wee favour and post a bit of support before I shell out the booking fee.

A great night guaranteed.

Any new readers looking to come along on 4th July, please post a confirmation over on Off Topic:-

link to


I was told recently, by someone who works in the industry at a fairly high level, that one of the MANY things being kept quiet till after the referendum was the fact that the UK will soon be unable to meet peak demand for electricity. We will soon see, as soon as next year, increasingly regular power cuts.

Scotland actually generates enough for its own needs but would still suffer the power cuts as we feed into the UK national grid

Does anyone have any more information on this? This is all I could find online that is recent.

link to


News that UK government is spending £750,000 on Better Together glossy booklet propaganda to be delivered by Royal Mail to every household in Scotland has not attracted much comment.

Is this being deducted from Better Together’s spending limit?

Has our Scottish government got a similar exercise?

Calgacus MacAndrews

New readers please feel free to cast your vote in this online poll:

link to


Yet another reason to Vote YES. Very soon the UK is unlikely to be able to meet peak demand for electricity. Scotland however, has surplus generating capacity!
So vote YES and we have another healthy income from selling the surplus to our southrn neighbours…OR
vote NO and get used to regular power cuts. It’s called “pooling and sharing” apparently? Hmmmm tricky one

link to

Calgacus MacAndrews

If you are new to Wings, you may not also be aware of the Wee Ginger Dug blog : link to

Highly recommended.

Also, at time of writing until mid-July, it is recommended that, if you appreciated the WGD blog, please seriously consider making a contribution here:

link to

Calgacus MacAndrews

Wings Over Scotland glossary item #666

S.C.U.M. (Scottish Conservative & Unionist Mudslingers)



I work in the industry but not at a high level. It’s National Grid’s role to ensure we have enough capacity to cope with the demand.They review this every year.

Peak demand in 2012 across UK was 61.1GW and we had capacity of 92.3GW to cover it. (Therefore around 30GW spare capacity- that’s to cover outages in fossil/nuclear plant and days when it’s not windy)

You’re probably aware that there is a major construction programme underway to add new demand- specifically renewables. We are working to NG’s “Gone Green” scenario (see doc below).

In 2020 demand is expected to fall to 59.7GW (reduced through more energy efficient appliance/homes etc) and capacity will be 111.6GW. So there will be over 50GW spare capacity to cover outages.

These are all just projections of course. But they are reviewed every year and published for the general public. Look here for more info:


There probably will be temporary power cuts here and there, but I imagine that will be caused by occasional faults on the grid rather than scarcity of supply.

But maybe your friend knows something I don’t. I’m only a lowly minion!


My husband and son are in Stirling for Bannock burn Anniversary where can they get me Yes stickers or a badge to bring back to me in England.

My Mutterings

“where can they get me Yes stickers or a badge to bring back to me in England?”

In my Yes shop – the proceeds go to our local Yes campaign
link to

rob grant

hi folks, as a long time reader of this website who has till now resisted the urge to comment I would like to say hello.

my reason for breaking ground today is that I have in my possession here in Glasgow a new unused modular ( 5 pieces to slot together ) 20ft aluminium flagpole with all the fittings, instructions etc and saltire of course to offer free to a good home.

I bought it last year before I decided that the mobile telescopic flagpoles I now have would be more suitable for me.

the item is boxed up and the first to contact me and collect it can take it away.

I am not sure if you have to place my email details in message or wether stuart would pass on my email to anyone interested.


Slightly off topic.

The Yes shop in Stirling is crowdfunding for four advert trailers to cover the Stirling constituency. These will be vital in helping secure a Yes vote in the referendum on 18th September.

We would appreciate the help of the readers of this site as you have been generous in the past in helping other similar causes.

Our crowd funding page is at:

link to

Please visit and donate what you can afford. If you are unable to donate then please help by sharing this link on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for your support.

Calgacus MacAndrews

I’ve posted a few times recently a link to the ‘Make Alba Shine’ IndyRef song (with images) that I put up on YouTube : link to

There is now a webpage up at: link to where you can also watch the ‘Make Alba Shine’ YouTube movie, and there is a link on the webpage to Soundcloud, to either listen to the song streamed, or download it (both free).

The webpage also confirms that the song written and performed by Gilly is free to be used for any promotional purposes by the YES campaign e.g. played at start of YES meetings (as has been done already).

Everyone feel free to share ‘Make Alba Shine’ via YouTube or Soundcloud.

Warning: The song gets into your head, and anyone who hears it will vote YES.


Hi, long time lurker. Thought I would alert you to the fact that on BBC Radio 4 this morning, during a fairly balanced article about the possible impact on Northern Ireland of the referendum, the BBC presenter stated (not once, but twice) that Scotland was a net contributor to the UK!! Presumably he won’t be in a job for much longer. Heard it sometime between about 6:40 and 6:50. Sorry, at work so don’t have the facility to copy the sound file before they delete it from history.


Hi I feel Alex has to explain more about the future currency subject as people are hungry for more information about this ..just saying the pound is ours too is not enough…

Grouse Beater

Christine: Alex has to explain more about the future currency subject as people are hungry for more information about this ..just saying the pound is ours too is not enough…

Erm, in what way is it not enough?

We can use it no matter what the three Westminster parties say, that’s the same parties without a majority to govern.

You can find out more by searching for the subject in Wings directory, or read the relevant chapter in the White Paper.


Stichintime: there’s a Yes shop on Baker Street in the town centre.


New readers? As well as downloading the wee blue book, you can also read it online at link to


Wow, has someone in the BBC woken up today
BBC – Think tank recommends keeping pound link to

liz g

IF you were out in Glasgow last night,in a night club,wearing a kilt

And IF you took a wee blue book from the wee lassie working in the cloakroom,
after she had asked you why you were even thinking about voting no.

IF you are THAT GUY
I would just like to say ONE THING to you!!!



Rt news reporting on America taking over nhs in england and David Cameron saying its a once in a lift time opportunity , he’s total scum and can’t be trusted

jackie g

I have always been firmly in the yes camp, but this week has further convinced me that this is the only way forward.Never in all my born days have i seen a prime Minister give such an appalying speech as David Cameron did on Wedensday, and as for the BBC yesterday was the last straw i have signed the petition for an investigation into their disgraceful behaviour.


Can someone please point me to the Wings Over Scotland study that showed those who carried out a bit of research into this subject were more likely to vote yes?

I read it a few months ago, but can’t find it now.

Thanks in advance.

Graeme Doig


Article on Newsnet Scotland on 7th Sep re the study.

Sorry no good wi links.

Hope that’s what you were after 🙂


Thanks for the reply Graeme. I must be having brain failure, but I can’t find it. Btw, the report I am thinking of is several months old and was commissioned by WOS. The most recent report covered in the mainstream media is only a few weeks old, apparently…

link to

bookie from hell

tell George Galloway

link to


Alastair Darling (protector of the NHS) picked up £10,000 plus from Cinven , a private medical company for making a speech. He is not alone Patricia Hewitt, ex labour MP was connected to the same company.
How can we possibly believe these people whose wallets are being filled by private medical companies.

Finnbar Mac Eoin

Border Collie.

Baa Baa Black sheep
will you use your votes?

Yes Shep yes Shep but
some of us are goats!

Those who think YES,
are the Clans all akin-

But the Billy’s say NO
to remain in their pen.

George Orwell 1984 – 2014 Finn Mac Eoin.

Finnbar Mac Eoin

I will take my next holiday in Scotland, buy your products, invest in your country, promote
you every way I can. I am extremely proud of you all and how you conducted this campaign
despite being outnumbered 300 men against 3 men.

Finnbar Mac Eoin
31 Canon Sheehan Place
County Cork.

Republic of Ireland.

Keith Rowson

Hi wingsoverscotland, thanks some very interesting stuff and opening up a new world to me. I’m thinking of switching to a yes but it’s getting hard to trust who says what lately.

Now don’t think for a minute that I would make a decision of our future based on what happens to TV. It’s just a question of believing what I’ve read and how much time I have to verify it for myself. Can you tell me why the wee blue book chose not to mention bbc revenue is 5.1 billion of which we benefit? Although only £80 million goes on BBC Scotland, we do get a substantial amount for the other £290 million. Is what its saying, we plan to stop paying our share ie. £376million then buy back most of what we wanted of the 5.1billion pool for £20 million? If so the blue book could be considered misleading? It’s one of the few things I can verify for myself. So crazy as it might seem to you, an upfront and direct answer to that question would get a yes vote from me along with a few others. I don’t mind loosing the bbc, I do feel I should be told the truth though. Hopefully you have a good reply and this becomes an easy choice.

Thanks Keith.


@Keith, are you seriously arguing that all of that 5.1 billion is well spent or has any relevance to Scotland? We could buy the good stuff that people in Scotland would be interested in and not the rubbish used to pad out the schedule. Just think of the boost to the media and creative industries in Scotland if the money from the licence was mostly spent in Scotland.

Keith Rowson

Okay guys thanks for the answers. Like I said my question was not about the schedule. It was about what I think is our moral right to make an informed choice and trust the information I’m being given. The tv schedule is off no consequence and I’m horrified to think anyone would make this choice on if they’d still get dr who or easterners anyway.


Keith,I guess that means we must be paying £210m for the news24 and an online presence,doesn’t really sound like value for money,Scotland could do miracles re broadcasting with that cash,not to mention the jobs that could be created here in Scotland in production and related things.

Only scratched the surface,sure someone more knowledgable will help more.

call me dave

The other comments above are directing you to an answer.

More Jobs and hopefully a better news service in Scotland both on tv and radio.

Better quality programmes across the range of topics and a little bit more Scottish culture too ( and I don’t mean just shortbread and bagpipes) Sounds and looks good to me. I might even start watching tv again. I enjoy a lot of BBC radio and will still be able to tune into the stations across the border if I choose.

I’m voting YES.


I came late to this website and the WBB.
What an inspiration to all Scots. I just hope they appreciate and understand enough to complete the process which really began with the darien disaster.
Hopeffully Thursday will be the end of a long and drawnout story.

Many thanks


Hi Keith, am I right in thinking that you think Scotland gets a good deal out of the BBC revenues because although we get out less than we put in directly we benefit indirectly from the revenues elsewhere?
Sorry for the long question. I don’t even think it comes down to personal opinion on how much you value these other benefits.
There are positive financial knock-on effects geographically to where those revenues are spent, for businesses and jobs, so using that logic it is having a detrimental effect on Scotland, for businesses and jobs.
Another question might be, why don’t we get more revenue than we put in? And the rest of the UK can find value in the work that Scotland does.
I hope that helps or at least gives you another point of view to think about.


@Breastplate, Yes i think that’s it. Sorry am not that smart so I don’t understand all the terms. My thought process is the like of Dr Who, sport etc. are being funded not only by our contribution but the 3.7 million contributed by the rUk in license funds? A wee reminder I’m really not interested in what the programs are or that there’s a load of stuff in there I might not be interested in. It’s reasonable to assume there’d be something in there that we all would enjoy. is the rUk + our funding funding paying for these and we get to watch them?

If so, why would the blue book not tell me this and trust me to make the right choice?

I hope that makes sense, Rememebr I’m using the bbc point as it’s the only one I understand enough. thanks for taking the time.


Hi Keith, I have always thought that the BBC was an excellent organisation and still have a great fondness for it. But I think that in the referendum debate it has served the people of Britain very poorly indeed. The WBB has been wonderful, but the information in it should have always been available for the people of every part of the British Isles to read. It is on the BBCs watch that the NHS in England has been privatised, that the Jimmy Savile scandal was ignored and that the Iraq war was under-reported. It seems to me that its management has been woeful.

If the vote is no tomorrow then the BBC should bear some responsibility for that. Not so much for people like you and me but for those people for whom the BBC has been their most trusted source of information. Pensioners have been frightened into believing that they will lose their pensions, passports, currency etc. The BBC should have lead the way in ensuring a balanced debate and they have very much failed in that. They should also have been informing the rUK far more than they have been, after all, even though they may not have a vote, what we decide tomorrow will affect them too. We should be able to move forward working to ensure we do the best for all parts of the British Isles. That is a key componant of the Edinburgh agreement, but I have not heard it discussed on the BBC

I would suggest reading Derek Bateman (Link on the menu bar at the top of the page) Derek was a very senior journalist at the BBC and he detailed how the referendum should have been handled. Whatever happens tomorrow the BBC will need to face some serious questions and some possible reorganisation. We should have more jobs and a much more balanced and representitive media than we do

Hope that helps?


@ Keith – if you are still reading

What I understand the WBB to be saying (p40) is this:

£300 million a year is contributed by Scots in the form of licence fees.

One third of that is spent on BBC Scotland; two thirds on general BBC output, most of which can be viewed in Scotland. You mention £5.1 billion – Scotland’s extra £200 million is part of that.

An independent Scotland could raise the same amount in licence fees as now, and spend the same amount as BBC Scotland does now, leaving the £200 million to be spent on something else, potentially including some other BBC programmes.

The £20 million is an estimate of the amount charged to the Republic of Ireland for access to BBC output, the exact figure being unavailable.

If Scotland were to be charged the same amount, there would still be 90% of the £200 million left over.

I read your first post as saying that you think that only paying £20 million would be a bit cheeky, when the entire budget is so much larger. If I have understood correctly, the £20 million figure is chosen because of the amount RTE pays for overseas broadcasts, some of which are from the BBC.

I don’t see that as misleading – the underlying assumptions are stated quite clearly. So I don’t think you should extrapolate from that to thinking that other sections of the book are misleading, which is what I think you are really asking.


I am so ashamed.
I am so disgusted.
I am so deluded.
I am so sickened.

I am going to get so vey drunk.

Probably, on MONDAY morning, I will roll up my sleeves, – AND WE WILLSTART AGAIN.

Across the world WHY would you employ a subservient Scot – OR – employ a STUBBORN english muppet.
Take the fief tool eery time..

my soul, aS a Scot, has been stolen by IDIOTS.



Socrates MacSporran

Sport, Scottish sport, has been my life. I have been here before, in football: after Wembley thrashings in 1955, 1961, 1969, 1975 and 1996; after Hampden losses in 1958, 1973, and 1999. I have trudged away disconsolate from Murrayfield and Twickenham.

I was distraught when Jim Clark was killed, when Ken Buchanan lost to Roberto Duran. But, I have never felt as low as this.

However, we Scots are resilient – living up here, we have to be, we can still rise now – and be a nation again. I can still sing that, and mean it – I doubt that quite a few who were too-feart to vote Yes can say that.

Ach, we’ve been here before, we will get over it.

However, as we reflect on this loss, can I just say, you, Rev Stuart Campbell, have been an inspiration and a source of strength to those of us who wanted change, who realised we were being lied to and short-changed by the massed ranks of the British media, and who sought somewhere where we could elarn the truth.

I am sorry you were on the losing side, but – Stuart, you played a blinder, well done.

Now, let’s get it right this time.

Davie Gray

Well said!!! We still have a job to do. 1.5million people can hold the press and the media to account. Vote as consumers. Hurt their pocket like they have hurt ours. Watch out for the English nationalist they might just decide they don’t want a union! It’s not over yet. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog. People voted no out of fear of change.


Well the labour party has let the scots down. William Hague said this morning ” as Scotland get their higher tax raising powers the Barnet formula ceases to become important” So in a nutshell we can tax ourselves (scots) more and we (the english) can reduce the Barnet formula.


Thanks David
Since I posted that Mr Cameron has laid it out in plain ENGLISH that we dared to break away He more or less confirmed the Barnet formula is unfair and it must be addressed for all of the people in (broken) Brit / ain. I have voted labour all my life but thanks to Baroness Curran (soon to be), Sir A Darling (soon to be), Dame J.Lamont (soon to be) and Lord G Brown (soon to be). They have sold us down the river for a few few gold trinkets. I found it very strange that in the House of Commons there are usually people who do not agree with policies but there was no MP from any party willing to say it was a good thing, maybe they were thinking of what they might get for Xmas if they just sit there and be quiet.
No faith in politicians now and just wait and see what we get! It won’t be.

Davie Gray

Hi Michael,

The backlash will come from England. They will need to be the ones who demand constitutional change. When the landed the poll tax on us did we riot ? It was the English who got it revolved. Once again the feart have lost back bone and the comfortable ones doing well don’t give a shite for the ones that aren’t.

The Scottish people have just told Westminster that the tragedies which have befallen the Scottish people over the last 307 years are ok, it’s fine we don’t mind being your lap dog. Drag us into any illegal war you like, park neuclear bombs on our door step it’s fine cos were British! Shut our mines, shut your own mines and use our money to do it, it’s fine we’re British !

Out vote us in elections and give us a parliament we don’t want….it’s fine we’re British
Theaten us using our banks and supermarkets and our press….it’s fine we’re British!

Never in my life have I ever felt so disillusioned at calling myself a Scot. Oh but sorry I’m British…..

Davie Gray

Do you know what you have done…..

For 307 years they put their boot upon our necks…’s fine we’re British.
They read the riot act on our people when we cried foul….it’s fine we’re British.
They ordered our lands cleared and sent troops to mow down worshipers in the fields……it’s fine we’re British.
They cry the English nation must be preserved….send in the Scots…..oh but it’s fine we’re British.
They rise up the few whilst the rest crawl in the mud….it’s fine we’re British.
They took our steel and our coal threw the men on the streets….it’s fine we’re British.
We were puppets to try out their experimental policies on…it’s fine we’re British.
They said Nelson was a terrorist and leader of a terrorist group whilst supporting apartheid…’s fine we’re British.
They joined in taking part in illegal wars and spilled the blood of our young men….it’s fine we’re British.
They dump poisonous weapons on our soil…it’s fine we’re British.
They threatened us with our own banks, media and supermarkets….it’s fine we’re British.

The time is now, the time is here….but no you cry all you feel is fear…!


Yes David hopefully the backlash will come from england but what will the government use to pay these changes with Stirling perhaps or lets take their oil and whisky and divide itamongst the 5,000.
The tories will use us and will win the next election, it will be the only time a labour politician can lose one election in 2010 and win it for the tories in 2015 (gordon brown) well he did admire Mrs Thatcher didnt he?
The tories will have the english voters blaming us whilst they gaze northwards at us!
Whilst they make their empire down south CHANNEL TUNNEL +NEW LONDON AIRPORT +CROSS RAIL +HS2 and the London Olympics approx cost 170 billion. Now what could that have done around the regions of England and Wales. Finally London waiting allowance £10,000 on top of your wage, maybe that should be renegotiated around the regions of Britain.

Tom Halliday

My disappointment is now fading, I have not voted in any election for many years, but this was a vote where my voice mattered. The YES campaign fought hard to get the facts and the truth out into the public arena, they were thwarted not by the NO campaign which was almost laughable, but by the ESTABLISHMENT, BBC, SKY, Rupert Murdoch and CORPORATE BUISINESS. They distorted the facts, they told blatant lies (Nick Robinson), they held the Unionist line, they all took a view that the union must be saved at any cost, this was not for any true belief that they felt the union is a good thing, it was only to maintain their position for self greed.

Well now is the time to let them see what those costs really are.

First, they have contributed to the SNP party membership, swelling hour by hour, I myself will become a party member and activist, with over 7000 new members since yesterday joining the party, the majority of these new members will be like myself, feeling disgusted, disenfranchised and politically impotent.

Now is the time to reflect on those who acted on their own self interest and either told lies or distorted the truth, especially after Cameron called in his chips.

I would like to start a campaign directed firstly at the retailers, I’m not sure how to start this in a practical and concise way, but the idea would be to target, lets say ASDA, we will start a petition which will inform the board of ASDA that they must make a public statement agreeing that they will not make any statements that would have a political affect on any future election or referendum of any kind and that they will accept the democratic will of the people. The petition would run for a period of one month and would then be presented to ASDA, they would have a period of say a week to produce their statement, if no statement is forthcoming all of the petitioners will withdraw their patronage from all of their stores, this could be combined with demonstrations outside their stores informing shoppers that ASDA are politically aligned and had interfered with the democratic process. I,m quite sure that this economic pressure could be applied nationwide, there are many throughout England that would help in this cause, it affects their democratic process as much as it does ours.
How would the Labour party have taken it if ASDA, along with other major retailers stated that unless we vote in a new Tory government they would have to raise prices by up to 16%.

It was corrupt and disgusting for a prime minister to force their arm, but they allowed his pressure to cloud their judgment. It must never be allowed to happen again, we have the power in our pockets, and if we apply the pressure in a concise methodical way we will get each and every business nationwide to see that if they ever think that they can interfere in a democratic vote in the future they will have to answer to the people.

These companies will only bow to their profits, hit them in the pocket and they will be screaming how sorry they are for what they did, for the sake of every voter throughout the country they have to be taught a lesson, they cannot be allowed to intimidate the electorate.

Susan Macdiarmid

We could pool the money from our unpaid TV licenses and use it towards funding a decent broadcasting service?

Davie gray

Please let me clear up one common misconseption. When television was first invented they decided to issue licences to watch tv. At that point in time the bbc were created to produce new programmes for this new technology. When you pay the tv licence it’s not to pay for the bbc but for the right to watch tv.

The best way to illustrate this is a road tax to drive on a road. The road being paid for from the licence to drive on it.

Cancelling your tv licence is not a protest against the bbc. Sorry Rev

brocken spectre

re- tom halliday

So is there an online list of the companies who either backed the No campaign financially or were threatening to move from Scotland/raise prices etc?


I definitely agree with boycott of the MSM. The money’s what lost it for us. Follow the money.

Douglas McLennan

The BBC did not mention Malta’s 50 years of independence till after the 18th September, The princes could not go on her first overseas Visit Because of Morning Mention of the 50 Years of independence, or why she was Going. “It was a need to know Basis, The Scott’s did not need to know”


Come on people, we all know that since the dawn of time politicians have used various tactics in order to gain votes. They lie and cheat all the time, so why are we so surprised that the referendum should be any different.

I myself voted YES and was gutted at the result, but in hindsight i think the NO result was the right result. Not because i have had a change of heart but more so because of the shock-wave which it sent through Westminster.

Think upon the result as a volcanic eruption, the volcano itself causes minimal damage but the after effects can be devastating. If you look at the statistics the vast majority of those who voted No were the wealthy and the elderly,

As a consequence of the referendum those in Westminster have already started to squeeze the rich and nothing upsets those with money more than having it taken from them. As for the elderly,well they will live long enough to regret their decision but not long enough to reap the benefits of an independent Scotland.

Our future lies with the youth of today who as a result of the referendum will be better informed and hopefully, having tasted defeat will not fear the unknown but embrace it, safe in the knowledge that they fight for a brighter future.

So please lets stop the bitterness, the scaremongering and conspiracy theories because those traits belong to the politicians. Lets spend our time wisely and pour the foundations, foundations on which our youth can lay the building blocks of an independent Scotland.


link to

Cant wait for Wednesday! Who would like to bet that nothing happens at all?


THE VOW, says completion of consultation and publish white paper setting out agreed plans in just over weeks. Doubt it.

There is no media coverage of any kind of consultation let alone agreement. If anything like a white paper comes out of them before next UK general election, if ever, its going to be a Gordon Brown miracle and up to BBC to bury it completely.

What an truly amazing fraud it’s all been. As in

link to

Last week it was get ready for expro decline in 15 years and now Woods changed his mind and its 2050. So that’s another teamGB triumph.


I hear bbc are running a documentary this wed on how the ref was won. Only caught this in passing, so may be slightly different title. Bit of history rewrite in progress no doubt.
I wonder if it will include anything on media collusion, lies, misrepresentation, ommission, intimidation.
One thing I am pretty certain it won’t include is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Maybe our new media could could come up with a counter to this, to be broadcast when its up and running.
Maybe I am prejudging this, somehow past experience tells me I am not wrong.


Hello from south of the border.
Glad you stayed with us,If I had lived in Scotland I would have voted yes,simply to put the Tory noses out and if yes had won I would have tried to give nationalism the boot.
As it is we still have them both yuk!!


link to

A LABOUR MP who backed the No campaign has been charged with breach of the peace in connection with an alleged altercation with two young pro-independence activists.

Michael McCann, the MP for East Kilbridge, is alleged to have confronted a 17-year-old schoolboy and a female friend of his who were leafletting for the Yes campaign in his constituency.

Does anyone know what happened about the prospective Labour MP who was charged following altercation in Glasgow or the BNP guy who kicked a women in the stomach?

A bit of a pattern here but played down by BBC / MSM.


Wish I’d known about this place before the referendum 🙁

Buster Bloggs

Can I post yet Rev?

Grouse Beater

Jeezus! –

Self-governance stolen from under our nose like taking candy from a kid, and hardly a heart beat later and the first Christmas commercial.

Shameless bastards.


3rd attempt to get past moderation


Hi guys
It seems at least for now this is the only thread I can post on

I have been trying to write a submission to the Smith commission and as i have never done anything like this before wanted to post what i have done so far looking for opinions

Here’s what I’ve done

“As a Scottish citizen and supporter of full independance for my country I have to accept the result of the recent referendum in spite of the lies, misinformation and scaremongering inflicted on the Scottish people by the UK Unionist coillition and mainstream media.

I respectfully ask the commission uphold the coersive promises made by the UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Nick Clegg & Ed Milliband as brokered by our national ("Tractor" - Ed) Gordon Brown MP to the Scottish people to devolve all political powers possible within the United Kingdom framework (DEVOMAX) in particular full tax raising powers including all oil revenues so they can be levied for the benefit of the Scottish people to whome it belongs.

I would also ask the commision to seriously consider granting the Scottish parliament full control of broadcasting within Scotland”

Any advice would be welcome


Your posts are now coming through loud and clear.
If you’re serious about that Commission Submission i would replace the words “brokered by our national ("Tractor" - Ed)” with the words “promoted by”. If not, then leave it as is (or add in another few GIRFUY expletives). lol


More greetings from a Scot living in Englandshire. I’m so glad this site is still running, keep up the good work. Scotland needs its independance. ENGLAND needs Scotland to have independance – it’s the only way they’ll learn what you can achieve when you stop letting the old boy network run your country.


Wilty it will never happen all that happens is one old boy network is exchanged for another,left or right ,just networks all the sameIt is big business that rulesGlobal economy forces good people into tight corners.
This referendum has shook things up.The most dissapointing is that in some cases it has turned Scot against Scot and English against Scot and vice versa.My gaelic speaking firend on Lewis an SNP supporter voted no,not for pension rights or scaremongering he thought AS had lost the plot said he would wait for a better opportunity.


Hi folks and welcome to the real deal!
Just got the news we’re gonna have a PRO-INDY newspaper called THE NATIONAL.available very soon.
Whoopee that’s a great boost .
Great site and Rev. Stu is the bee’s knees


The guys at link to came up with a great picture for the whole Scotland UK dilemma going on, here is the picture:comment image:large

luckily Scotland didn’t eject even though I think they would have benefited from it in the long run.


Stuart, you need a high volume printing press. All regional outfits will purchase and distribute leaflets, that get the true facts out there.

Grouse Beater

Sorry, gang, under the circumstances forgive an absence of humour in the content of my latest essay, and the time its taken to consider, though it abounds in irony.

‘Terrorism and War Against Terrorism’

link to

ron mcneill

Jim Numpty has gathered a new team

ron mcneill

Jim Numpty has gathered a new team

ron mcneill

Jim Numpty’s favourite word is No So will the Scottish electors forgive him for persuading labour voters to vote with the Tories just so he and his cronies could keep their lavish life in London The answer is NO
Ron McNeill

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