Main screen turn on
Posted on
May 08, 2015 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
How the TV looks right now.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Jim Murphy (Mr.) was right Labour and SNP will be working together, on the opposition benches. Jim will not be part of it.
The Lords don`t have enough spare seats for the new intake and Murphy`s c.v. were it to land on my desk looking for a job would not get a second glance.
If I was the last remaining Labour M.P. in Scotland or one of the 38 MSP`s I would not be happy to see Jim remain as leader.
As one of the 50% I take a different view, Jim must stay.
Its election sucide for him to stay
LOL I haven’t seen that in a while ๐
Still a bit sleep deprived…can’t quite believe the best end of the forecasts came good for us.
Disappointed that the Tories look like getting a slim working majority, Cameron now held by the short and curlies of his internal UKIP types. I would have preferred a progressive alliance rather than having to tackle the crap that fall out of two totally divergent political directions.
Don’t trust Cameron one single inch. Vindictive and spiteful he always looks to the most divisive option. I can see Scotland independent within 10 years…maybe sooner….but it will be undoubtedly be against a backdrop of an oncreasingly right wing UK.
Murphy, no more. Curran, no more. Alexander, no more. Happy days
Farange has resigned.
Good riddance
ED will be next.
start with this stu, we’ve have collectively protected our country in the best way we can.
Murphy has lost it completely. ๐ฎ
Utterly oblivious and repeating the same kind of lunatic anti-SNP hatred and ranting that has destroyed Labour in scotland.
Lamont probably fit to be tied right now.
It’s going to be entertaining for a good while yet. ๐
Miliband resigns, Clegg resigns, Farage resigns but delusional Murphy clings on and doesn’t realise he is symptomatic of Labour’s problem not the solution.
A man who climbed the greasy pole of Labour student politics to become an MP so never had a job outside the political bubble and, despite his recent rhetoric, the most right wing leader Scottish Labour has ever had.
Labour’s Scottish power base of paid employees and millions of state funding has been smashed and no chance they will rebuilt an aging and declining membership in time for 2016 elections.
News just in – liars banished! link to
Unfortunately a bunch of dead wood will probably be standing for Holyrood next year.
A parliament they helped to keep as powerless as they could.
I have to admit it, the Tories played a blinder since the referendum (it will cost them the union, eventually). Cameron is definitely a shifty player. Having said that, it was not exactly difficult to outflank Labour, who sleep-walked into a nasty trap of their own making. They should have seen it coming. Too late now. Goodbye Ed, and mind the door with that big stone on the way out.
Let’s hope Jim and the Dug stay on and compound Labour’s demise.. There may be no one to replace them and they are living in cuckoo land. Murph still thinks he has won a school popularity contest and is a big pop star and the Dug won’t take a breath to listen to anything except answer the questions in her ain heid. SNP, bab, bad, bad. Yap, yap, yap.
Talk aboot victims of their ain propaganda?
We have no chance to survive make your time.
Looking forward to 2016 I hope somebody can fully explain how last night’s 50% of Scottish voters can best use the Single Transferable Voting system to maximise a YES outcome.
Great Days!
Now we wait for the Tory response to Scotland. They made it perfectly clear that the SNP did not have a mandate in the other parts of the UK. Well, same rules apply to Scotland. One rather bitter and nasty Tory MP does not mean that the Tories have a mandate in Scotland.
Plus, all this whining about PR being used now instead of FFP. LOL …the Tories have a majority! No danger will they pass a motion to change the voting system. Why would they. FFP works just fine for them! Farage, Clegg, Miliband et al are absolutely kidding themselves if they think the Tories will change the voting system.
A Mexican standoff then.
Now, Boris might be the only one speaking sense out of the entire Tory Party this morning if he is talking of federal powers for Scotland. How much federal power, well that needs to be debated …but, at least it appears he acknowledges the state of the islands.
Now, Cameron walks in awe of Boris. Boris will have David’s ear. But one thing is for sure, whatever they give us, will cause eruptions in England. Once again, it will be perceived that the Scots are getting more freebies.
If they refuse, then Scotland becomes even more infuriated. More Labour supporters will realise that their party is toast at this point. With more austerity, a fair chance of being dragged out of the EU and the Tories sticking 2 fingers up at Scotland, then more people will cross the divide from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’.
Oh! This is getting interesting …very interesting.
Pandas now the second biggest party in Scotland.
And so the blame game begins.
SNP = bad continues on the media forums.
Now it’s Scotlands and SNP’s fault that labour collapsed in England continues. even though if Scotland voted labour the result would be the same.
They now say we scared English voters away from labour.
They still don’t get it.
Is the queen still purring? We must be told!
Nice to see Labourosaurus finally meet their asteroid. Happy days. ๐
Well done Stuart.
You’ve played a massive part in this huge step to reclaiming our country.
Your endeavors will be required even more as the Establishment will lash out in damage limitation.
If we take our eye off the ball they will stamp on us.
In the meantime have a sabbatical and enjoy the warm afterglow for a few weeks.
Thanks to all the Wings team and all the contributors.
We await Phase 3 ๐
Tories securing a working majority can mean only one thing.
The English want their EU referendum.
The Tories will want to remain. Better for the influx of tax-paying labour the better to enrich the corporate owners.
Along with immediate rises in energy, banking, and housing supply, shares in the nuclear sub company reported to have risen 7% already. (I read sub-company info earlier but can’t find it again).
The Tories want to stay in the EU, but their voters want out.
Labour has become irrelevant.
read the bit with the pack of cigarettes as “STURGEON GENERALS WARNING: ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US,”
Still pleasantly stunned and a bit groggy after 24 hours non-stop…I feel I’ve got my country back! I also feel we have done Labour a huge favour in ridding them of their nastiest, thickest and most twisted representatives…if they have ANY brains at all they will use this opportunity to create a truly independent Scottish Labour (or whatever they want to call it) movement with new fresh ideas, a spirit of cooperation and whose aim is to improve Scotland not just prop up a rotten edifice whose raison d’รชtre was to maintain corruption and self-serving policies.
Early signs do not look promising with Labour already doing their usual of blaming everyone but themselves for their demise…it’s the fault of the SNP they wail…nonsense! They failed to win England. Until Labour can take an honest look in the mirror and see who is ACTUALLY to blame then I feel they will be in the wilderness for some time to come.
I am blown away that for the first time I can remember Scotland has intelligent, diligent and principled representation at Westminster instead of the self-serving monstrous bunch of party drones we’ve elected until now. No triumphalism but a quiet satisfaction here.
By the way! So proud that here in Grangemouth we produced the highest constituency vote for Martyn Day at some 58%. A testimony to the incredible hard work and honest campaigning from our branch members. But we couldn’t have done this without the fantastic support of everybody in the constituency. And needless to say without sites like this, our task of getting the truth out there would have been frankly impossible
Clegg resigned with dignity compare that with Jim Murphy (Mr) and his bad tempered rant at the SNP looks like they will never learn
Fundilymundily the game has changed xxx
Why does Labour find it so difficult to identify why they went into meltdown?
They only need to ask themselves what they have in common with the LibDems.
The Tories aren’t called toxic for nothing.
Not really. The pollsters fucked it up completely so it’s just as likely that the pathetic wee Ed Miliband himself and labour crashing the economy the last time scared off the middle england voters while completely alienating their base.
Regardless, Labour won’t learn a thing and lurch to the right yet again with another plastic machine politician leader to try and emulate the out of touch Cameron.
The tories sure as fuck didn’t win a landslide and barely won by very much at all so it’s all going to go a wee bit “John Major” for them soon enough. ๐
Oh jeez, that takes me back.
Well played Rev.
The biggest party got to form the government … and more punishment for the poor and disadvantaged.
This picture of Murphy and Dugdale on this tweet by link to
Probably says it all about Labour in Scotland
Its about time that Labour members (the ones that are left) along with MSP’s and councillors have a complete clean out of the Blairite cabal
Murphy thinks he can soldier on as leader with Dugdale as deputy, thinking that Labour party MP’s from Scotland will be backing him.
Murphy doesnt seem to realise there are NO MP’s from Scotland watching his back and backing him. There is only ONE SINGLE MP, who I doubt will want to be involved.
So Murphy, just an ordinary joe punter off the street, does not have any right to be leader and its about time Labour members tell him to get lost
But are there ANY Labour card carrying members out there going to stick there head over the parapet ?
Its telling that Clegg has resigned (Libdems only 8 MP’s) and Miliband is expected to follow and resign
But Murphy who is not an MP and leads a party with only ONE MP, is not going to resign, makes you wonder what goes through his head!
Miliband falls on his sword. ๐
Time for a real Labour party of Scotland, the branch office closed permanently. Time to support Scotland’s interests at Westminster.
Ed Milliband: the worst prime minister we never had in the rUK. Hell Yeah!
Well done Rev for all your hard work I have visited wings every day for six months and you are a star.
Lang may your lum reek.
Ed’s farewell.
It is not the right way forward for the party…
It is the left way for the party.
Oh, that’s the SNP. Fuckwit.
Rev I would like to thank you. In a sea of universal hostile media cranking out Labour press releases I have relied on you to debunk them and point out the truth. Don’t give up and take a pay rise.
So long as Labour in Scotland remain essentially British nationalists, they will always be ranting about the SNP. That they have not seemed to learn this, even after this morning’s utter hammering at the polls here, shows they are the Bourbons of Scottish politics.
I want to second some of the comments about ‘Wings’ excellent site and congratulate you all for your hard work.
It has been a source of encouragement and hope for many of us through the referendum and onto the results last night.
Stu…. DO NOT GO AWAY YET! There is still much work to be done and thanks from the bottom of my heart. ๐
The hard part is still to come and the elections for 2016 are upon us, we must consolidate and earn the trust of the Scots in all parties and parts of Scotland before we can move on to independence in time.
Milliband is joining One Erection to replace Zyne or Zine ???.or who ever
The good old BBC still up to the usual PI*H.
It sounds like the SNP never won any seats, but stole them.
FUD must stay as SLab leader. “woohoo”
Farage, Clegg and now Milliband all resigned.
Do the LibDems have enough MPs from which they can select a new leader? Or will they turn to their MSPs – no that is an even smaller gene pool.
Sally Magnusson close to tears.
Labour have a massive mountain to climb in England as Tories will now push through long overdue boundary changes and might be tempted to cut the number Scottish MPs as well.
Well done Rev.Stu, we could not have had this victory without you.
Murphy, GAME OVER.
I also want to say thanks to Stuart and the Wings team.
This is an incredible result in Scotland, way beyond what I thought was possible.
And Wings Over Scotland has played a significant role in achieving that result. Outstanding job.
Is Jim going back to University?
Miliband resigns as Labour leader saying he takes
‘absolute and total responsibility’ for party’s defeat
Yes Ed it is your fault.
Who is now going to take on the poisioned chalice?
Dunno why Milliband’s so upset. He said he’d rather see Cameron back than rely on SNP support so he ought to be feeling quite pleased at the result.
None of what is happening is real, I’m hallucinating due to lack of sleep!
Never thought I’d say this, but thank heavens for the SNP! ๐
Just paid a visit to our elder statesman Bob Peffers, I have promised myself I will visit, and thought what better day to do in than on the first day of a better country, ๐
thanks for having me Bob and it was great speaking to you.
No Trident, no austerity. Clear off Tory Toffs
And so the fun and games begin! ๐
I am now, after only couple hrs sleep, surprisingly calm…
I still can’t get over the fact that England MASSIVELY voted for the Tories. There is much pain yet to come.
Maybe, just maybe that will awake enough of those in Scotland that still want to live under this system that they will leave their old allegiances aside and move over to the good guys.
For me there is no doubt that it was the media barons that won it in England, look at their hysterical headlines everyday of this campaign.
So let’s never forget, the establishment remain in charge. For now.
Some idiot talking to Murnaghan on the sky news telling him that in five years Labour will be forgiven in any eventuality.
I remember a Tory saying the same thing.When will they ever learn ?
Hey stu – good to see your on. What we gonna do about these Tory ticks
Well, how long does Murphy think he can hing oan as leader o whit’s left of the accounting branch? It’ll no be that long if the likes of Davidson has any say in it. I mean you lost every seat but one, Jimbo, hiv ye nae decency? Ah ken, ah ken.
I see it’s our faults, bad electorate and the SNP oh bad bad bad.Do you know watching it all I don’t think that labour will ever learn. They need to take a long hard look at themselves and dae a bit o growin up.
Awe I kin say is, they got what the deserved, and if the don’t understand our message to them, tough.
Goodbye for ever ya bunch o numpties. GIRUY.
Thepnr says: still canโt get over the fact that England MASSIVELY voted for the Tories
Right-wing hacks trying to blame Sturgeon for that. She ‘made provocative statements in England and scared people to vote Tory.’
Once more voters are told they are gullible.
“Never thought Iโd say this, but thank heavens for the SNP!”
They did you no good at all.
Miliband’s party gets defeated, he resigns with dignity. Clegg’s party gets annihilated, he resigns with dignity. Farage loses and his racist party is rejected. He resigns with some dignity.
Murphy loses his seat and his self-named “Scottish Labour Party” gets annihilated. He and his acolytes Dugdale and Baillie snipe sourly at the SNP and he clings on to his leadership of his Labour Branch Office. No dignity, only complete denial that the Scottish electorate has comprehensively rejected his politics in favour of a positive SNP Party and its anti-austerity message.
I really hope the North labour branch now becomes truly a Scottish Labour Party now – take note labour we in Scotland are still willing to vote for who best represents our nation of Scotland. Reform the Labour Party to a real Scottish labour and we might take another look.
It seems the only way we are going to get rid of Murphy is to blast him into orbit
Where’s Richard Barnson when you need him ๐
Labour in Scotland still don’t get it – keep Murphy is yous dare. Keep the anti Scottish anti SNP rhetoric up. BBC keep supporting your labour drones and we will crush yous finally in 2016.
They don’t get that it is over, there is simply one leaf left on the former ‘branch’ that was an extension of London Labour. There is no ‘Scottish’ Labour ‘branch’ left, and yet they are constantly referring to them as if they have relevance in Scotland, anymore. They don’t.
I think, seriously, all the presenters on our tv’s in Scotland are actually displaying serious signs of ‘Shock’.
Tories have made it 327 with only 4 seats left to declare (what the feck is keeping them). They are going to have a tiny majority.
It is going to be interesting to see what happens next. I am not sure that Dave is going to get a majority for things like an EU referendum. He is in a position that he only has to have 5 rebels and his majority is gone. This is more tail end of Major’s government than a Thatcher landslide.
Given a collective grouping of non-Tories, plus abstentions, rebellions and deaths in the Tory ranks, the numbers don’t amount to a triumph for the Tories.
They amount to a very unstable administration.
Totally disagree, Stu. But hey, whatevs.
I imagine we’re both pleased today, so drinks all round eh? ๐
thought you were going on holiday today Stu lol
Referendum blah blah blah SNP bad,look you thick as mince idiot onion losers ,we will decide the people of Scotland when the next referendum is not the SNP ,but for now i think we will see just how annoying we can be in westminster it sounds like fun ๐
got to say i am kind of glad we will not have to prop up that damp squib Ed the red he is a plonker,but once again as the big show starts the Labour party will be sticking knifes in each others backs to find a leader ,as an opposition they will be useless.
nice plan by the tories though always said they were sneaky buggers and dumb ass Ed jumped into their trap with both feet so did the lib dems ,as parties they are busted flushes, so labour and lib dems still think you are better together hmmmm.
Thank to our Rev and all you lovely wingers we could not have done it without you ๐
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
8 May, 2015 at 12:50 pm
โNever thought Iโd say this, but thank heavens for the SNP!โ
They did you no good at all.
Rev Stu, I usually completely agree with you on all thing Scotland but our opinions have to part ways on this one.
Last night was the Independence movements greatest victory of all time. 56 seats out of 59 is unprecedented. It really doesn’t get much better than this in a general election. It is absolutely earth shattering. After nearly 2 years of unionist lies, fear mongering, BBC and MSM bias, the Scottish people have finally thrown off the oppressive unionist shackles that have bound us for hundreds of years and are up for a fight with their slave masters!
The people of Scotland have spoken and they want more. The Tories could try and ignore Scotland, outvote us and give us nothing but think about how that will play up here. There can be no doubt that the Scottish people have sent the SNP down to Westminster in order to get us much more power. If our 56 MP’s are side lined by the evil Tories then they will be making a huge song and dance about it. The Scottish people will know that Westminster is screwing them because their MP’s will be telling them so, unlike the previous arrangement where Scottish MP’s were complicit in the subjugation and pacification of their constituents.
If the SNP manage to get a majority at the Scottish elections next year, and the Tories care about keeping the union, it will make it impossible for the Tories not to give us full home rule because they will look like an occupying force if they don’t.
Once we have home rule it is only a small step to Independence. I think we will get there within 10 years.
And just remember who we have leading both in Scotland and now in Westminster. Two of the greatest political minds in British history.
I am sure I could write more and go into more detail but my brain is frazzled having been up until 6am and only having 4 hours sleep.
Soar Alba!
Sorry o/t.
Been away for a few days down south seeing my new grand daughter. Got back last night to vote though.
Thing is, on a walk up to the town this morning noted the Saltire and union flag on the front of the orange hall building have been removed.
So Cameron says he is going to make Scotland’s Devolution the strongest but to be fair to England.
There is only one way to be fair to England, Scotland, N.I and Wales – get the English Parliament out of our United Kingdom Parliament.
Four equally devolved Parliaments, no House of Lords but instead a small elected second House as the UK, (Federal), Parliament.
Thepnr says:
8 May, 2015 at 12:42 pm
“I still canโt get over the fact that England MASSIVELY voted for the Tories. There is much pain yet to come.”
Not quite true, though that was my assumption through most of the night. The Tories are taking substantially more seats than Labour, yet Labour, in spite of being trounced in Scotland, are showing a larger percentage vote increase than the Tories. See the table, bottom half of screen, right hand column, here
link to
What it appears to show (correct me if I’m wrong) is that the outcome of GE’s is determined not by how England votes, but rather how a few dozen English marginals decide.
That is the effect of FPTP.
There has been a lot of hysteria lately, from the MSM, about FPTP not being fit for purpose – when they feared a Labour govt backed by the SNP. I suspect that will now be forgotten about by the right-wing press. When Labour and Tories can focus their efforts and money on “the seats that matter”, knowing they are safe elsewhere, neither of them will have any appetite for changing the system.
I hope that SNP MPs draft a motion in the HoC to breakup the BBC & their Charter & to bring tighter controls on the Printed Media, North & South of the border.
I felt sorry for Nick Clegg in the end listening to him. Jim Murphy on the other hand – please let him disappear graciously & stop us all cringing.
Nothing made me more happier knowing my vote last night went towards Curran losing her seat! Well done Glasgow East!!
Just want to add my thanks to you Stu for informing us so fully, by giving us verifiable facts, and keeping us sane through all the hate, fear and smear flung at us during the last few months.
Take a good rest when you are ready, but remember and come back. We need you to help us continue, to fight for the next Holyrood election and to battle whatever retribution the Tory government throws at us.
Thanks for everything, now take care of yourself!
+100 internets, wp rev
The polls had Tories and Labour neck on neck with a forecast 33% each. Yet the Tories had almost 2,000,000 more votes than Labour and 100 more seats.
It’s bums on seats that count, 100 more than Labour is MASSIVE. You may disagree but need to take the blinkers off.
As for โNever thought Iโd say this, but thank heavens for the SNP!โ
They did you no good at all.
Well the Rev is right, nothing has changed and the Tory agenda marches on. Likely even more boldly now.
If every seat in Scotland was SNP they are still fighting a losing battle against a Tory majority, albeit there will be some minor concessions.
That is today, we need to look to tomorrow, and aim for 55% of the Scottish vote if we are ever to have an opportunity to make a difference.
This battle is not just about SNP, it is far bigger than that.
@Thepnr –
Don’t know if you caught it, but you will LOVE this, so please get it via the I-Player…Radio Scotland just played a montage of last night, clips from various sad SLabbers, Salmond etc, and the backing track was one of your favourites – Tracey Chapman, ‘Revolution’. Approx five past two…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Murphy now just plain Mr Jim?
So, tell me, do you need to be an MP or MSP to lead the ‘Scottish’ Labour Party, or since that’s just a made-up group, with no powers, no money and no members, it really doesn’t matter who fantasises and says – ‘I’m the leader and I will lead …’?
Methinks there’s a definite screw loose and ‘heid-the-ba’ Murphy should pack his kit bag, pick up his Irn-Bru crate and head for them hills.
If there’s anybody left in Labour in Scotland you need to get urgent attention – you’re heading for the rocks again.
Here’s Chunkymarks take on the result.
“It’s a catastrophe”
link to
Fuckin right it’s a catastrophe!
Cameron says he will give Scotland the strongest devolved powers but pledges, “to be fair to England”.
That translates to keeping the Parliament of the United Kingdom as the nominal Parliament of The United Kingdom but the actual de facto Parliament of the country of England. With all non-England only matters reserved for the 533 members elected as United Kingdom members who are not elected to a non-existent Parliament of England.
He’s planning to bring in English votes for English only matters. He was planning that before the election and he’s not about to give up now. Not when he sees the chance of blaming, “The Most Dangerous Woman in Britain”, for his actions.
If that isn’t a cue for all non-England members to become a united front against England continuing, as now, to be the master race devolving powers to others then what is?
Of course you must realise Labour and The LibDems are fully paid up members of the Westminster, de facto Parliament of England and will, in this instance, vote as, “The Establishment”.
Cameron has outfoxed the Labour and LibDem members of the Establishment to keep his grip upon power but as has been so clearly demonstrated the Establishment will fight among themselves but unite against non-Union members.
A mass of labour voters are still brainwashed and don’t have an exit route. The challenge to free the rest of these trapped souls starts today.
I will enjoy the challenge over the coming months and years.
@John king says: 8 May, 2015 at 12:37 pm:
“Just paid a visit to our elder statesman Bob Peffers, I have promised myself I will visit, and thought what better day to do in than on the first day of a better country, ๐
thanks for having me Bob and it was great speaking to you.
You’re welcome John, I was struggling a bit and not in the best of sorts but I’m off in a few minutes to a medical appointment so might be in better fettle when you next call.
Mind you, after I had my shower and was ready to go, I went to brush the wee dog – only to find she had messed her long hairy fringes around her rear end. Not a pleasant job to wash-up.
Just as well my present streak of ill-fortune doesn’t get to affect others.
@Robert Peffers
My best wishes Robert, I hope that, like John I could drop by one day just to say hello.
If it’s OK with you I’ll make a point of doing so. Wishing you good fortune from today.
Labour HQ in Glasgow next week, the shell-shocked Slab remnants gather in secret (again) to desperately seek a way forward, the elephant absent from the room is Murphy and top of the agenda is who will “bell the cat”, who will be the earl of Douglas?
I’m a little confused by some of the calls here for Scottish Labour to become completely independant from the present Labour Party.
Certainly, it may give them some form of legitimacy in Scotland, provided they put forward a more left wing agenda than Labour in England. It may even mean some of their ex- members vote for them once more.
When their wee bums are once more parked on the green leather in the House of Commons and push comes to shove, who will they support?
Scotland or the ‘big’ Labour Party?
Rev, the SNP landslide in Scotland would have been a lot harder to pull off if it hadn’t been for Wings helping us all stay in contact, informed and in motion.
Thank you.
Either Westminster start working for more than just their own narrow self-interest, or the people of Scotland will have the clearest possible demonstration of why we need a Yes vote in the next referendum.
If there is anyone left is “Scottish” Labour who can view this result rationally, then they need to be the first to be brave, stand up and declare they are forming a new Scottish left-wing party.
As Bill Hume says, would we trust a rebranded package of the current SLab not to throw their lot in with the main party again?
Labour have been killed stone dead up here and we need a new party, not a patched-up and painted old one.
Well done Scotland!
Only time I’ve seen Miliband he was blaming SNP.
Labour ran a ridiculous campaign focusing on SNP as the enemy. With both Labour and Conservatives talking up the threat of a Tory/ SNP or Labour/ SNP coalition respectively, what were the English voters most likely to believe? Dug their own graves.
And if Labour had remained in a bargaining position after the election, it was always going to be embarrassing to turn round and say, well we will come to an accommodation with SNP after all.
To be frank, I can’t understand why anyone thinks it really mattered which of the Tory parties got in. I had zero faith that Miliband would be any more accommodating to the SNP than Cameron would, for the simple reason that he was so incompetent that he managed to lose against the most incompetent and destructive Tory government since Thatcher. Similarly, their divergences regarding welfare & taxes are effectively window dressing, and would be only a few shaves less brutal than Cameron’s.
I’ve seen a few people claiming an SNP-supported Labour would set back the cause of independence decades. I just think it would lead to Labour’s destruction in England as well as Scotland.
I hope the people of England & Wales can keep some hope – after all, the Fighting Fifty(six) are riding south!
link to
@Thepnr says: 8 May, 2015 at 3:07 pm:
“My best wishes Robert, I hope that, like John I could drop by one day just to say hello.
If itโs OK with you Iโll make a point of doing so. Wishing you good fortune from today.
Your welcome, Thepnr, Just been to the Docs and have one more treatment on 11th. It’s painful but it does work so I should be back on my feet soon. I don’t get out much just now so am usually at home.