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Wings Over Scotland

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Posted on December 31, 2022 by
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auld highlander

Boot her out the door before 24.

Linda McFarlane

Oh – Spot on Chris. And I do so agree with Auld Highlander


This woman has presided over one of the worst years I’ve known. She spent God knows how much time and money pushing through a badly drafted, badly thought out piece of legislation that the people of Scotland told her in opinion poll after opinion poll that they did not want.
Meanwhile, this past week I have witnessed at first hand the appalling state of the SNHS in Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital. The wards are short staffed and crammed to the brim with patients. One of the Acute Receiving Wards last week was so full that my husband (with a serious chest complaint) had to sit in a waiting room chair for several hours before a trolley could be found for him and then several more hours before he got into a ward. Thank God it was last week and not this week: I believe he could have died if he had gone in this week. Even last week the ward resembled a triage ward in a war zone; I don’t know what it looks like this week.
Glasgow and Clyde Health Board have been allowed to overrule A&E Consultants to refuse to declare a major incident at the Southern General. Where is the FM and the Health Secretary? Surely they should be intervening here?
If they had spent as much time on the really important issues as they have done on pushing through their “Flagship” legislation aimed at getting the FM into the international press, then the staff at the Southern General and the patients in and trying to get into the building site that is the Southern General perhaps things might now be just a little better for the SNHS.
The staff all deserve MORE than 19%; the Scottish Government deserves the jail.

Bob Mack

Carrots, porky pies, “a lot of mince ” pie,

Don’t you just love the festive season?

Great toon Chris.

Dave M

@auld highlander: I’ll drink to that.


Auld Highlander – Excellent idea.

However a bit too long to wait for me.

“Turf her oot afore ye cast a cloot” perhaps ?

I couldn’t even be bothered to read her guff.

Sturgeon’s finished and she knows it.

stuart mctavish

Carrots is project fear, you WILL be free (like tranada..) or else:

link to


2023 will be the year of diminishing carrots. “You can’t fool all of the people all if the time” still holds and if you keep dishing out the carrots, eventually even the slowest and least interested voters will smell a rat. “But she said that last time!” will start to echo on the streets. Once folk are wise to what’s going on, that’s it. Ignorance is bliss but it never lasts, and once the toothpaste is out of the tube, there’s no putting it back. The carrots will get even bigger and juicier as the situation becomes desperate, alas to no avail. The orange one is on a downward spiral. Aye, the law of diminishing carrots will run its course in 2023 methinks.


Mmmm. The apostrophe in front of 23 is the wrong way round. But it is the National, I suppose.


The old dear probably had that in mind, bless…..

Wilson McBride

I detest Sturgeon so much that I can’t bring myself to look at an image of her, nevermind listen to her.

So apologies Chris, but I could only glimpse at your sketch for a split second, anything longer and I’m in a furious downer.

That is what this horrible creature has done to my mindset.

“Free in 23′ (of Sturgeon)”.

I couldn’t care less if she resigns or drops dead, whatever comes first.

I just want her to go as soon as.

Wilson McBride

With Sturgeon something wonderful is always going to happen the following year.

So watch out for some snazzy quote for 2024.

It helps keep her gullible flock onboard, which keeps the funds coming in.


Very clever Chris and it’s amazing how good you are with the crayons!

George Ferguson

Great cartoon Chris. We will be free by ’23. As ever with Sturgeon look for the loophole. Is that 2123 or 2223?


All the sheep are turning orange.

They all have a bad case of carotenemia.

link to

Hopefully they won’t start playing flutes and banging drums.

John Main

@Wilson McBride 10:23

I just want her to go as soon as

And then … ?

It really would help to move the Indy Movement forwards if there was a new leader waiting in the wings, with new ideas, policies, etc etc.

As stated on a recent thread, somebody eloquent, competent, charismatic, etc etc. A genuine new broom, not a tired old, already compromised, failed re-tread

This kind of BTL “daily hate” is no doubt greatly, personally satisfactory, but it’s straight out of 1984 really. And it achieves SFA.

I’m going to repeat a request I made some time back to Rev Stu. Maybes a new year is the time for a fresh start on here too.

This column provides a widely-read platform for potential leaders of the Indy Movement to make their pitch and get their messages out there. The Indy Movement just has to start growing support if it is to make any inroads into the No voters in 2023. How’s about a real effort on here to showcase the personalities and policies that can do that?

How’s about some positive publicity for the new brooms that we need to clean up the current mess?

Taking Grouser’s comment above, for example. Let’s hear what the fix is for the SNHS from somebody we can get behind and believe in.


I’m guessing the SNP won’t be having a good day today.
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@John Main

Expecting some new messiah to appear from nowhere and have any influence is utterly unrealistic unless they truly have superpowers, specifically over the media.

My hope would be that several SNP rebels crossed to ALBA. Cherry and McNeil are obvious, and would double ALBA representation at Westminster – but maybe also some of the GRR rebels at Holyrood.

Biggest coup would be Kate Forbes. I would love to see her as leader of ALBA, that would be a serious game changer. Utterly unrealistic, but more likely than some complete unknown leading us out of the swamp.

Hugh Jarse

Someone could tell he


Spot on Chris, Sturgeon the Judas and her rapist enabling hoard of SNP MSPs will continue to dupe the indy masses until we vote them out which we must.

The treacherous shit has absolutely no intentions of freeing Scotland from the grip of the foreign parliament of Westminster, her abysmal record on pushing for indy shows that.

We’ve still a few years to go until we can oust the Judas from Bute House but oust we must, however removing her MPs from Westminster will be first up at the next GE.

Vote Alba, Join Alba.


Ode to Sturgeon

Hail in 24
Lies in 25
Tricks in 26
Aggression in 27
Dictate in 28
Supine in 29
Dirty in 30
Shunned in 31
Booed in 32

David Hannah

Lady Covid’s Hogmany blessing will be today on TV. I bet she’ll finish by saying God Save the King.

Hugh Jarse

…her that they’re easier on the labia if you peel them first. Self lubricant veg!


Clocked in today for the first time in a week and surprised to see so many articles penned over the festive period!

I skimmed over the comments posted, In reality this is not too difficult to do, once you ignore the repetitive crap from the BPHB. I do find it difficult to get my head round the posts from those that state they despise Sturgeon and her acolytes, yet want Independence immediately, in the full knowledge that Sturgeon and her incompetents would be in charge of EVERYTHING in Scotland. How does that work?

I note that the most abused person on here has been banned for pointing out the ‘errors’ of others and responding to the personal abuse he attracts. I did not agree with all that Mr Ellis wrote but he did try to act as a counter balance to a lot of the nonsense, errors and downright falsehoods from the usual suspects, who apparently can now no longer be named individually it appears!! Free reign for the uneducated, the hard of thinking, the conspiracy theorists and the downright stupid.
‘One way’ Censorship does not sit easy with me but Stu’s blog-Stu’s rules.

Hopefully Sturgeon, the SNP and the Greens get the kicking they fully deserve in 2023 and beyond.

George Ferguson

@John Main 11:03pm
Re Grousers comment. Before you can fix something you have to accept there is a problem in the first place. If anything Grousers comment understates the situation. Clinicians have asked the Health Board to declare a major incident to activate the protocols and resources to minimise avoidable deaths. Meanwhile tired from their GRRB machinations last week nobody sees fit to recall Parliament. Priorities, priorities


I don’t know whose worst Nicola Sturgeon or the paper (The RAG) or the people who waste there hard earned money buying a paper that’s no more interested in Independence for Scotland than the King of England is for England.
Regarding the rag, I wouldn’t even promote it never mind buy it. If I’m still alive in May 2026 I bet where still talking Independence and how to achieved it. The android’s in the SNP will still be telling us all that Sturgeon is the only one who can deliver it. I’m blue in the face telling the glakit that she’s the democracy denier not the PM or Westminster.


John Main says:
31 December, 2022 at 11:03 am

It really would help to move the Indy Movement forwards if there was a new leader waiting in the wings, with new ideas, policies, etc etc.

It really would help this forum if we could get rid of all the cults.

One down two to go.

Keep signing. Lets get to 10k by the bells.

link to


Chas says:
31 December, 2022 at 11:30 am

I note that the most abused person on here has been banned for pointing out the ‘errors’ of others and responding to the personal abuse he attracts.

One down two to go!

John Main

@Scotsrenewables 11:15

Thanks for your reply.

I don’t know anything of the ideas and policies of the people you mention. Even if there is zero chance of any of them contributing or cooperating with Wings, a potted biography of each should still be possible by a good journo.

Interesting you rate Forbes so highly. Seems to me she has been too happy to use the maternity excuse to duck difficult decisions, which is not a trait anybody should rate in an effective leader.

Then again, 6 months out of the higher echelons of ScotGov could well mean her departmental responsibilities are now in better shape than if she had been actively screwing them up the entire time!


Have you noticed the tone of this thread has totally changed since Main & Chas arrived.

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This SNP rapist enabler along with the other SNP MSP rapist enablers, like us, knew fine well before Brexit was implemented that there would be NO benefits to it, yet here Angus Robertson says Brexit has had no benefit to Scotland.

F*ck You Robertson you and your backstabbing boss Sturgeon the Judas knew there would be no benefit to Brexit for Scotland, yet the SNP tried desperately to save England from Brexit and not save Scotland from the union.

The carrots are dangling again in the hope that Scots take the bait, this time though we should yell Robertson and Sturgeon where to shove their carrots.

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Vote Alba Join Alba.

John Main

@Chas 11:30

Good post, much to agree with.

You have to realise that for some regulars, Wings BTL performs a vital social function, it allows safe venting of internal tensions that would otherwise explode outside the chippy or across the breakfast table.

Despite the endless griping, some regulars are fundamentally happy with the status quo. Imagine an Indy Scotland – no more Wings! What would these regulars do then? (Maybes rearrange their hubby’s face while shouting I am a strong woman).

That’s my opinion at least. It’s why my repeated requests to keep it real attract such venom. Scotland would long since have been free if Scots voters had been clearly shown the money and if the Indy cause personal fantasy carpet-baggers had been told tae get tae fuck and found their own movements for their pet hobby horses, like the EU, republicanism, unilateral disarmament, and a national apology for the decimation of the American bison.


Addendum : Auto corrected to “Hail” from “Hail” in 24.

Kinda spoiled the overall effect but what can you do, it’s 22.

John Main

@Ruby 11:55

Sure has improved. The needle was stuck. We gave it a push onto a new track. Mind the needle doesn’t stick again.

Busy day for me today, so I must go. On the late shift tonight too, but it should be a good little earner.

Looking forwards to reading your new year resolutions the morn after some kip. Make them good ones 🙂


Christ, why does S A O R always get changed to hail? It’s done it again!


The king of England has been dishing out «honours» to the «conquerors of Covid»
link to
Sturgeon, who really excelled at the puritanical lockdown thing, has not been favoured.
The biter bit, or something of the kind.


John Main says:
31 December, 2022 at 12:13 pm

@Ruby 11:55

Looking forwards to reading your new year resolutions the morn after some kip. Make them good ones

Very creepy! I always get domestic abuser vibes from this poster.

One down two to go.

Robert McAllan

Scotsrenewables @11.09.
KATE FORBES?!! You can not be serious. Forbes is on the SNP gravy train for the long haul. Forbes showed herself for the coward she most certainly is by exempting herself from the GRR debate which took place recently at Holyrood and in doing so was culpable in placing the biggest threat to the ongoing safety of women and young girls in areas that previously would have been deemed to be safe spaces.

Forbes is like Sturgeon she likes ha’ein her picture took. Not a word did she have about Scottish Independence in her last election address. Forbes is there under Sturgeons patronage and knows it. We need leaders with a moral compass not COWARDS.


With the GRR storm clouds gathering, the pressure is definitely building. Sooner or later, the orange one is going to panic and do something really stupid. Then it’s all over (finally). It always happens.

stuart mctavish



Assuming they’ve not been transphobic since Georgians took over, privy council must be subject to fbi ghostbanning too – else how else could they not be sufficiently aware of the titter file implications to have steered well clear of convid by now..

Little wonder KC refuses to make eye contact after what that lot put his mother through towards the end though, bastards.


‘Fury as Police Scotland describes paedophiles as ‘minor-attracted people’’

“Police Scotland has used the term “minor-attracted people” (MAP) to describe paedophiles in a major report, despite warnings it normalises child abuse.” The Torygraph (yesterday).

Scroll way down the link below to access this story, folks.

‘Nicola Sturgeon promises to get Scotland’s NHS ‘back on track’ amid ‘grave’ safety concerns’

“In a New Year message to the people of Scotland, the First Minister promised to “do everything” to support public services and the health service “in particular recover from the pandemic.”

Is that the same kind of promise she made to “legally protect” our SNHS? That turned out to be a load of Sturgeon bullshit too.

‘Political chaos of 2022 highlights need for independence, says SNP depute leader’ link to

“We have also had to put up with the Tory soap opera of three prime ministers and 147 government resignations. This year has been complete and utter chaos from start to finish from this Westminster Government.”

No *we* haven’t had to put up with anything, Mr Brown. There has always been a road away from Westminster’s clutches, it’s just that YOU and your colleagues have preferred to feast at the trough rather than take us on that road, despite being mandated to do so. Yous have used & abused the popular indy vote for self-fulfilment and personal agendas.

So tell us, Mr Brown, what *exactly* have you personally done to edge us closer to taking back our right of self-determination? Especially since you were appointed “Campaign Manager” 3-years ago.

Note also, folks, how that article contains the bog-standard nameless quotes from a “Scottish Tory spokesman” and a “Scottish Labour spokesman”. Why are these cowards too afraid to own their own words? Is it because those giving the quotes do not carry any credibility? Is it because nobody actually gave the quotes being stated? BritNat churnalism at its very best.


Good cartoon Chris Cairns.

But the question is how we get rid of Sturgeon as soon as possible.That is our challenge.

She has done everything she can to scupper independence……squandered mandate after mandate, concurred with Brexit, sold off cheap our wind, allowed the corporates to have just about every bit of the booming renewables to be procured abroad, billions and billions in fact from jackets to turbines to turbine blades whilst our yards and engineering facilities go idle. She has done nothing to create a state power generator, has done nothing to alleviate fuel poverty in a land of plenty

And she has done everything in her power to wreck the yes movement, has tried to destroy and jail patriots like Salmond, Hirst, Murray and others. She even frustrated the Scottish Parliament securing a super majority of SNP and Alba preferring instead to support the return Labour and Tory unionsts.

And now with the SNP a hollow party dave for the paid elected members who are now living on borrowed time her job is all but done.

That is why we need to remove her not later but as soon as possible so that we can regroup and reinvigorate our movement.

ALBA, SALVO, ISP, Scottish Liberation, the reinvigoration is underway. So getting rid of Sturgeon, agent of Establishment is a political must.

She is a blocker fighting against us that must be removed.


Great cartoon, Chris

She loves reading all about herself.

When she steps down I can almost hear Eva Peron’s Don’t cry for me bonnie Scotland..the truth is I always fleeced you’

P.S. Forbes can have a permanent maternity leave as far as I’m concerned. If this is passed by Royal Ascent – it’s officially the nonce party.

Gid New Year to the daytime Wingers. All the best. Lang may our lum reek.

Wee Scotland will be sung in every country tonight throughout the entire world..

Tinto Chiel

Cuilean says:
31 December, 2022 at 12:14 pm

“Christ, why does S A O R always get changed to hail? It’s done it again!”

It’s because Stu filtered out s@or @lb@ to Hail Caesar because he didn’t like the use of slogans.

Cameron Lochiel

I note the failed Stylophone player from the Celtic beat combo Wigwam and professional snivelling sycophant, Peter “Pedro” Wishart, is praising parasites for receiving knighthoods and other baubles in the odious honours system. I look forward to the day when that tool loses his seat and we all have a good laugh at him


Ottomanboi @12.21pm.

King Charles II is dishing out a whopping 1,100 obedience gongs in the New Years Honours List.

Interestingly in an article on LBC radio it has been exposed that for around a £40,000 fee several companies that specialise in getting you on the NYHL, will virtually guarantee you some sort of New Years gong for the fee.


The fascist relishes to appear in drag, rummage in the political costume box, in fact the fascist rarely goes forth in his/her/its own clothes at all.
Oooh, children, where’s the fascist?
Right in front, shouted a firm lone voice.
Do have one of my special sweeties child……


There is something decidedly evil about the sturgeon.

Big Drone

“Mair like….on yur bike


I don’t think Kate Forbes is going to defect to ALBA for one minute. It’s just a nice thought. I have met her at a zoom meeting on land reform organised by Grassroits Oban, and she certainly seemed like a reasonable human being.


This is interesting regarding the 2014 indyref, many folk (see comments) swear blind that their ballot papers were blank and had no identifying marks on them.

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@ Republicofscotland at 4.05

Given that the ballot papers have been destroyed, it’s not possible to verify or refute those observations.

Each local authority produced its own ballot papers; some used barcodes, some used other identifying marks. As soon as people started mentioning that their papers had no barcode, others joined in, agreeing. But did they look for alternative marks? Probably not; they were just trying to remember, after the event, what their papers had looked like, and may not have thought there was anything amiss at the time. Did anyone complain in the polling station? I have no idea.

Regardless, it can’t be changed now. All we can do is understand that the British establishment will stop at nothing to get their way (so even if they didn’t fake papers in 2014, because it wasn’t necessary, they would if they had to!), try to instigate more robust procedures (not that there’s going to be another referendum) and check that these are being followed at the time.


“All we can do is understand that the British establishment will stop at nothing to get their way”


Indeed they have form at interfering in other countries elections.

“In a statement by Kenyatta&39;s party, the Jubilee Coalition lambasted Britain’s role in the elections saying, “Shadowy, suspicious and rather animated involvement of the British High Commissioner to Kenya, Dr Christian Turner, in Kenya&39;s 2013 general election.”

The party accuses the British of pushing the electoral commission to include invalidated votes in the counting, making it harder for Kenyatta to pull off a first round win which would translate in a run-off in April.”

The UK has deep interests in Kenya that why several of its High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Kenya have went on to head MI5.

Though its not just Westminster that has an interest in Kenya and its elections.

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Hi ROS @ 4.05pm that letter you refer to is dated 3rd Oct 2014, the letter also says that even ballot papers with NO IDENTIFYING numbers will be counted, FFS if that is the case WHY have any identifying numbers in the first place

Typical heads I win , tails YOU lose establishment corruption

@ Stoker 1.21pm So Mr Livingstone wisnae trying tae crawl up niclas arse by including the weasely rancid and SICK acronym (MAP) MINOR ATTRACTED PERSON instead of PAEDOPHILE in his report he wis jist following the European usage of MAP to describe a SICK BASTARD, it wis an easy mistake anyone could’ve made ,no big deal, Apart from the poor weans that were DEFILED or RAPED, these poor deviants has no one any sense of compassion for their miserable put upon lives


Sorry forgot to say , I usually love your cartoons Chris as your gift is superb but including that twisted face just gave me the boak


Great cartoon, Chris.
Sturgeon looking knackered.

Happy Hogmanay to one and all.
See you in the New Year

Wilson McBride

Ruby 12.25pm

Johnny “nae mates” Main is grooming you.

He is sometimes referred to as “Lonely Boy”.

He’s a predator.

He’s been scouring the comments section looking for a mate since his mouthpiece English Ellis departed the scene.

He tried to converse with me earlier on, but I don’t want to be his mate, so I totally ignored him.

I know of one “name” who will definitely agree with “nae mates Main”
all day long,,,and that’s the third “name” of the infamous trio,,,Chas.

The only problem with that is that Main has to sign out and sign back in again under a different account.

But he’s been doing for so long now, that he can probably do it blindfolded.



The indyref would’ve been rigged without ballot papers.
It’s just the flick of a computer switch to count the nursing homes as voting Naw.
There was a meeting in Oban at the time to talk about the Shenanigans that went on there during indyref.

I was listening to that story on LBC. Total corruption but that’s the Tories – we expect nothing less. They already sell honours for cash to get into the Lord’s even when they fail to meet the criteria.
Another fast buck for gongs. And there’s Pete the Pish artist congratulating them. I bet through gritted teeth no one paid his entry

Wilson McBride

Re. Honours list,

Oh what would Pete Wishart do to receive a Knighthood?

By God, he wouldn’t even blush.

Arise, “Sir Pete Wishart”.

Scot Finlayson

Happy Birthday Alex,

a tweet from the past,

Ross Greer
Alex Salmond now demonstrating why he’s the most talented politician in the UK and smacking down #scotnight pointless questions.

Wilson McBride

Or even,,,

“Dame Nicola Sturgeon”.


Or even Dame Peter.


Yip Sturgeon the Betrayers unofficial mouthpiece said it, as she lauds the unamended GRRB, that allows rapists and paedos into women and children’s safe spaces.

“I don’t give a single solitary godamn about the free speech of those who teach rape culture because that’s what it is. Free speech does not cover endangering others and all women & girls are endangered by rape culture. Screw that. We don’t have to accept it & we shouldn’t.”

link to


Pete Wishart having a dig at Alba because they actually want to stand up in the HoC and cause a bit of a ruckus and shake things up.

Wishart would rather sit quietly in the HoC and trough hoping that someday he’ll become Speaker of the House.

The SNP ARE NOT the party for Scottish independence Alba is.

“You can just see the UK Tories saying – ‘Kenny MacAskill’s been booted out for hollering incoherently in the Commons again.”

link to

Vote Alba, Join Alba.

President Xiden

Just a matter of time before Sturgeon and her cult go full Jim Jones.


Sturgeon’s rancid SNP are simply Orwell’s cigar smoking, suit wearing, two legged ambulatory, poker playing pigs.

Bin the SNP in ’23!

Andrew S

How many MAPs do you reckon are amongst the current bunch of MSPs
Spread bet-over 20.??

Anne Johnston

‘Sturgeon looking knackered’..

Nah, that look …’hope I don’t get caught and punished for all the bad, corrupt, wicked and deceitful things I have done’

David Hannah

Pete Wishart is a prick. Doesn’t have any answers.

“You do know you’ll have to agree to a referendum?”

“What comes next?”

I saw him softballing Riki 2 Snacks asking him to deal with Independence.

The snp want section 30, Devo Max 3 way question the decimation of Scotland’s assets as a nation in negotiations.

Dear Pete Wishart. Fuck you.

David Hannah

Happy New Year to Pete Wishart, 22 years of being a fawning, gibbering imbecile unable to think for himself. A selfish turd. Bought and sold. A carrot dangler. The keyboard player that has no original tune to play. He’s an arsehole. It’s no wonder even Nicola rejected an invite to his anniversary dinner. He’s not an MP. Commons speaker reject.

I think I’ll go out tonight after my hard shift and enjoy myself. It’s good to have wings over Scotland to take my years frustrations out on the worst people on planet earth. SNP MSPS formerly the party of Independence.

Destroyers of Scotland as a nation.

They cancelled the 20 million. No Indy Ref.

No Diva max, 3 way pretenderendum. Nothing but poor governance, strikes, a total shit show what a legacy they don’t give a monkeys what we think. They don’t listen to us. I think they are scum.

Hopefully in 2023 we can concentrate on exposing their hypocrisy now that they are up the dead end alley with no where to run and no one left to cheat.


Huh, devo max so they can pass even more perverted “laws”. I think the SNP have to purge themselves or slip into oblivion. Turned into a right horde of authoritarian pigs


crazycat says:31 December, 2022 at 4:26 pm
@ Republicofscotland at 4.05

Given that the ballot papers have been destroyed, it’s not possible to verify or refute those observations.
Each local authority produced its own ballot papers; some used barcodes, some used other identifying marks. As soon as people started mentioning that their papers had no barcode, others joined in, agreeing. But did they look for alternative marks? Probably not; they were just trying to remember, after the event, what their papers had looked like, and may not have thought there was anything amiss at the time. Did anyone complain in the polling station? I have no idea.”
I see the conspiracy theorists have been let out to play again. The Referendum was overseen by the SNP led Scot Gov’s own Observers. link to

Wee Chid

Robert McAllan 12:50 pm
Agreed 100%

Wee Chid

Republicofscotland says:
31 December, 2022 at 4:05 pm
I was Preiding Officer at my local polling Station. Instructions were to check every paper, as it was issued, for the barcode and then check it again as it was being put into the box. We were even asked to request that the folded papers were put into the box in such a way so that we could see the barcode was there and to ask the voter to show us the barcode if we couldn’t see it.
I, personally, flicked through my books of ballot papers, doing a cursory check, the night before the vote and checked every one at the point of issue and as it was being placed in the box, as instructed.
On previous occasions we had to punch the ballot papers with a specific hole punch to prove they were legitimate. Most people weren’t aware that there was a barcode on the back and wouldn’t have bothered to look. Retrospevtively, they wouldn’t know.
There is a very detailed instruction booklet issued to every PO and PC which can also be viewed online by any member of the public.
I don’t believe for one minute that, if there was any fixing of the vote, that it happenned at this stage.
Polling Clerks and Presiding Officers are ordinary members of the public who would be just as worried about breaking electoral law and risking a criminal record as anyone else.
If anyone wants to, they can apply to be considered for work at a polling station or count by applying to their local electoral registration office.

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    • Young Lochinvar on Inability To Learn: “Agree with you on this one.Jan 12, 23:08
    • Young Lochinvar on Inability To Learn: “CC See recent discussions (for and against) independent candidates as opposed to party drone candidates.. Things have to change..Jan 12, 23:06
    • Jay on Inability To Learn: “Psycho. Not you Gregor!Jan 12, 23:04
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Socialist Voice @SocialistVoice: “Yes, Labour has questions to answer over Ivor Caplin – but that still does not excuse the…Jan 12, 23:01
    • Jay on Inability To Learn: “Thank you for that link, Confused, it is fascinating and appalling. There has been something strange about travelling up the…Jan 12, 22:59
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Elon Musk: “This guy was sentenced to 7 years in prison for social media posts. The other guy was sentenced…Jan 12, 22:42
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “Good choice, Confused – Something to brighten up miserable Scotland…Jan 12, 22:30
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “SoullessJan 12, 22:06
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “Joanna Cherry KC @joannaccherry: “Moira didn’t “attack” Nicola Sturgeon, she simply asked her to refrain from her repeated attacks on…Jan 12, 22:02
    • gregor on In Ruins: “…as well as Pete and Patrick (no big deal:)Jan 12, 21:55
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “#Hide #Hunting #MeJan 12, 21:46
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “War Babies: Quarantine Core: Idiot Proof: “Grade school level PHD Word of Mouth University Can’t trace a single solid fact…Jan 12, 21:15
    • Shug on In Ruins: “I see the national has a heading on Swinney “i plan to finish the job on indy” I can only…Jan 12, 21:02
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “‘YOU LOT’ can’t even agree to safeguard children: #ChildAbuseMonstersJan 12, 21:02
    • Chas on In Ruins: “Who wrote the book? Is it any good fur wipin yer erse?Jan 12, 20:58
    • Alf Baird on Inability To Learn: “Interesting article, although rather ignorant of the history and significance of the Scots language which was the language of the…Jan 12, 20:56
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Mark Beggan: “If you do then I know a guy who does a good line in Miu Miu, everything for…Jan 12, 20:52
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Mark Beggan: “Do you wear women’s clothes?” 12, 20:48
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Andy Ellis, quotes: “Gregor is the Cameron Brodie “de nos jours”. From memory it took an inordinate amount of time…Jan 12, 20:40
    • George Ferguson on Inability To Learn: “Roddy Dunlop called it. Past the point of basic human rights. Either charge Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon or don’t.…Jan 12, 20:39
  • A tall tale

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