When presenter Matt Frei sympathetically puts to her that she left Scotland because she was being “given a very very hard time” by Yes/SNP supporters, Mone denies it, saying “I didn’t actually leave, that wasn’t the main reason to have left Scotland”.
So where could Frei have come by such a misapprehension?
The stories above were triggered by an article Mone penned herself (rather than just being quoted in interview) for the Daily Mail a few weeks ago, in which she was fairly unambiguous about her reasons for moving to London:
she’s been given her reward now, is this her way of saying thank you to the Tories for her Peerage?
john j
9 years ago
M.M is not actually a properly rounded human being, she is part neurotic attention seeker, part public relations company construct and somewhere in there, no doubt, a loving mother, but on the whole she is a pain in the arse.
Frei in German means “free” does it not? Pity the same cannot be said for this country thanks to people like Mone..
9 years ago
stop talking about this hideous cnut, please
9 years ago
But its OK for her to want to strip everyone of their human rights.
That Matt Frei interview was a first attempt at the very necessary rehabilitation of the mone. Govt business czar is an embarrassment to the tories already & her history is out there on social media.
DC combats this by sending her onto tv to backtrack & lovebomb the scots. Will it work? Who knows?
I’ve misjudged you all if it does!
9 years ago
I am shocked!
Why was someone as important as this not interviewed by satellite link standing on her very expensive terrace with the iconic view close to the seat of power?
Why did the BBC let her miss this important aspect of her PR campaign?
We should be told.
Donald MacKenzie
9 years ago
Is this not indicative of someone who functions through instinct and reaction, rather than reasoned, strategic thought. Today’s thinking is not necessarily tomorrow’s thinking.
Just the sort of person that’s needed to offer advise to those seeking to start up in business.
Tinto Chiel
9 years ago
Please note the gleeful way Mr Frei feeds this silly air-head her own lies. With the exception of Jon Snow, Channel Four really gives us a hard time. Think especially of Gary “Funky” Gibbon, Harrow boy and Establishment stooge.
Not a nice man.
9 years ago
Michelle Mone’s 9 steps to business success
1. Remember to self-motivate by getting others to do your work
2. Focus on the future, sell your business before it goes tits up.
3. Turn negatives into positives, buy my tanning products
4. Dream big, apply Boobs Plus everyday
5. Work out what makes you confident with my range of dietary products
6. Ignore the nay-sayers by telling the f****rs to p**s off.
7. Don’t let your gender stop you wearing one of my bras.
8. Aspire to inspire your employees by threatening them.
9. Hard work will get you everywhere especially the use of sweatshop workers.
10. Lie your tits off at every opportunity.
9 years ago
It now looks like she is being seen as toxic from both sides. It may now actually be beneficial to have her in the bowels of Westminster.
Colin Church
9 years ago
From Apprentice post probably better here.
Jonbgood says:
“Surprised no-ones drawn attention to Ms Mones’ appearance on BBC Radio 5Live on 11/8. Moaning faced disaster. Listen to her complaining about the “SNP nasties”and Nocola.
Starts at about 1hr 24mins in.
Oh my word. What a disaster interview – no plan, no ability, name dropping, self promoting mess. Her SNP hate lies and disrespect for First Minister are just horrible if not libellous.
9 years ago
She will say whatever she perceives to be good for her, at any given time. The familiar arrogant approach of “form over substance” which succeeds in a UK where self publicising substitutes for achievement. And as with all of that type, she assumes we have no memory at all.
Ms Mone is very typical of the new generation elite, who do nothing of worth, but are held up as models to admire. I do not think many people are any longer convinced. And that is wider than Scotland
Swami Backverandah
9 years ago
She’s Iain Duncan Smith’s (and the Tories version) of Cherie and Tony’s Peter Foster.
Herbal slimming tea, anyone?
9 years ago
Ffs,how do we keep up with all the lies these pathetic creatures spout?
Thanks Rev for pointing out their disgusting falsehoods.
9 years ago
Moved down south for her businesses. Hmmm, is that because no-one up here was willing to part with £10,000 for a sever mentoring.
Dan Huil
9 years ago
She hasn’t left?! I am deflated.
9 years ago
So she has to be based in London for business and international transport links ?
Scotland doesn’t have the population to compete with Heathrow, but I bet we could do better with direct international flights if we had independence and the incentive to increase them, together with higher global recognition as a nation in our own right.
Interesting how she wants to keep Scotland powerless to compete with London and the south when we don’t have a level playing field.
We can’t compete with the location, or the networking benefits of London, so we need slightly lower business taxes here to compensate for that.
Big Jock
9 years ago
I wish she would stop wasting precious oxygen. We have an Ozone layer to protect.
Always like to thow in some modern lyrics:
“Well I believe there’s someone watching over you.
They’re watching every single thing you say.
And when you die they’ll set you down and take you through.
You’ll realise one day that the grass is always greener on the other side.
The neighbour’s got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive.”
Travis Side
9 years ago
John O’Groats to lands End; what about Dunnet Head which is the real most northerly point in Britain.
Surely that headline alone is actionable, whoever wrote it?
9 years ago
The woman reminds me of a child who, having been caught eating chocolate before their dinner and with the chocolate smeared around their mouth, denies the charge.
But then, in the media climate we currently have to suffer, telling lies with a straight face is all that is required to be taken at your word.
(Sorry about previous posting with the http bit left on)
Big Jock
9 years ago
History will not be kind to these people! Future generations will say”Why”. when referring to these people. A bit like when we read about the Act Of Union, and the selfish greedy Lords that sold Scotland out for self gain.
We are on the right side guys always remember that.
9 years ago
She claims to have given speeches to the whole world, in ehm Kuala Lumpur (spelling?) and Singapore
The speeches were to tens of thousands of people,but when I look for a reference I get a message from Firefox that the links for ‘Michelle Mone + public speaking’ are UNTRUSTWORTHY!
Well, she certainly has the right level of trustworthiness for the HoL
Tory Moan does as as tories do, they lie, its in their nature and you know that will never change, time to split!
Vote SNP + SNP, let’s show these wastemonster tories of all persuasions that we are going to be independent despite their threats, lies, smears.
As for Sept 19th Hope over Fear I’ll be there! That bunch of criminals GCC can go and feck off!
9 years ago
I’m sorry, did she say something? I was too busy looking at her tits.
ronnie anderson
9 years ago
Mone flying the flag for Scotland,excuse me whilst I tit-er n tit-er.
Name those many buisnesses Moan,that keeps you in the Mile High Club.
9 years ago
@ Iain.
It is not polite to point out the true reason for her high profile in the media. Please desist
Robert Kerr
9 years ago
“When I was persuaded….”
By Whom? Why? and What was the Deal?
Just Askin!
Colin Church
9 years ago
Well she has certainly got a reaction from us all. Reminds me of the Murphy days.
Self publicists like Mone thrive on the coverage so best ignore now with the Rev’s dissection of her “success” on record for all the lazy journos and interviewers.
They should have gone with Kevin Bridges interview technique – “DID YE AYE”
Another visible reason for Scots to reject the UK/Westminster model. Keep them coming.
9 years ago
Thought Londoners and cockney geezers in particular were as wide as the Clyde? She had to move there to sell her magic beans and hocus pocus potions? They willnae fall for it hen.
BTW is that not Kaye Adams in a shite wig with five inches of make up on? There is a resemblance and the harridan voice is the same. Maybe she done the old switcheroo on call Kaye’s radio slot.
9 years ago
Course they will. The elite have more money than sense or imagination. They are simply desperate to find things to spend it on. You can sell them anything, just so long as plebs can’t afford it. Which is why the discounted prices referred to ATL are a mistake.
What really annoys the rich is that there is very little they can have exclusive to their class. We can’t have the “quality” they get, but we can have soap and washing machines and stuff. So the difference was eroded and that just isn’t fair. They have set out to rectify that situation.
9 years ago
I said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s not a bad thing at all if MM spends her time at Westminster rather than in Scotland.
9 years ago
@ Richardinho
Neither good not bad. She is a hole in the air, wherever she is
9 years ago
I hear that DWP officials are going to ghost write Baroness Mone’s report for her on how to start up businesses in poorer areas by using starvation as a motivating factor.
9 years ago
‘They willnae fall for it hen’
My feeling is that the English Establishment have a predilection for Scots who turn their back on/betray their own country to patronise England.
They are very needy,so she may do well in time honoured tradition.
Connor McEwen
9 years ago
Why is Ian Duncan Smith not defending the Glasgow bin lorry driver.
The driver is after all one of his hard working STRIVERS.
The man just wanted to keep his job.
9 years ago
Some people will say whatever the press ask them to if the fee is high enough.
9 years ago
What is the correlation between a “deprived” area and starting a business?
The answer is: nothing, so why mention she is going to be operating on a remit of finding out why there are not many start up businesses springing up in those “deprived” areas and not to find out why those areas are “deprived” in the first place.
It is perverted because she knows these areas are “deprived” because of IDS and his ilk and the answer would be a change in policy, not joining in the lottery of starting a business which would, if successful, lift one person and their family out of poverty but leave the rest behind.
Poverty is man-made social construct, there is no place for it in the 21st century and pontificating about how the answer is starting your own business will do nothing to address this issue and certainly nothing to solve it.
Also, I wish she would give the, “I was abused on twitter by some of the nutters, that is SNP again”, a fucking rest.
Where is her proof that any of these people are affiliated to the SNP?
She says that Nicola Sturgeon should get take control of her party yet she will not contact Nicola Sturgeon so as to prove that these people, apparently giving her abuse, are connected to the SNP whatsoever.
Maybe if she did then Nicola Sturgeon would be able to investigate whether these people are connected to her party and take appropriate action yet she says she has no intention of contacting her.
Until she contacts Nicola Sturgeon/the SNP, to make a complaint which can be properly investigated, no credence can be given to her claims that any abuse she apparently received came from members of the SNP so she needs to put up or shut up.
The “SNP BaaaaD” mantra is getting a little tiresome and nobody is falling for it as can be seen by how highly the SNP are polling at the moment.
9 years ago
It would be nice if her ex “dished a statement” on her behaviour (at times you miss NoW, not often but),,,,,,,No doubt she’d see it as more attention to her greatness
9 years ago
OT: what is this twitter stuff about SIP, about? I read that they are a new political party promoting UDI, but have been forced to disband by abuse and physical threats. In the course of a weekend, apparently. By cybernats, no less
I missed all of it. Any info?
Flower of Scotland
9 years ago
Oh No! She wants to come back. Is she walking from John o Groats to Lands End?
What a laugh a day this woman is.
Jack Murphy
9 years ago
OT—-sort of.
Kezia Dugdale says her views are not ‘wildly different’ from Corbyn !!!!
Who’se she kidding? Pull the other one.
BBC Scotland:
No, what she says is true, with the proviso that he wins. Ms Dugdale will do what her boss in WM tells her, no matter who that might be. So her claim is correct. Though it would make it clearer if she had bothered to say that she has no views of her own, whatsoever.
Helena Brown
9 years ago
What Dakk says.
9 years ago
These poor souls, feeling so threatened.
Where’s the evidence? Were crimes committed? Were the police involved? Anyone charged?
Or is the smoke rising actually just steam from pish?
CameronB Brodie
9 years ago
I think SIP was just more VNoB style AstroTurf.
9 years ago
MM is a destructive individual-she’s proven that in her businesses and in her personal life.
One should not hate such people, one should simply try and avoid them.
I’m not upset that she’s going to spend time in the Conservative party.
9 years ago
CameronB Brodie says:
12 August, 2015 at 12:35 pm
I think SIP was just more VNoB style AstroTurf
Its got all the hallmarks of UK.gov dirty tricks etc. They’ve nothing to lose with scams like this.
9 years ago
So, thanks to Stu’s due diligence in uncovering the TRUTH we now have the evidence, not that anyone had any doubts mind you, that Moaning Minnie is a LIAR! Well she’ll fit right in then with the “in” crowd that inhabit the O.A.P. day care centre, sorry I meant the House of Lords, then! 😀
Baroness Mone
9 years ago
Hello everybody, Here is my report into why there are so few business start-ups in deprived areas:
1. New businesses are hampered by having to pay actual wages to their staff. If the minimum wage was reduced to 50p an hour there would be far more start ups in deprived areas. Lower wages are an incentive for people to work harder.
2. There aren’t enough staff available willing to work for 50p an hour due to people being better off on benefits. Benefits should therefore be abolished. People will be grateful to work for 50p an hour if the alternative is starvation.
3. Start-up profits are reduced by having to pay for things like staff training, holiday pay, maternity leave, sickness benefits and health and safety requirements. If these things are abolished more money will be available to fund director dividends. Higher dividend payments are an incentive for directors to work harder.
4. There are too many restrictions on getting rid of staff who aren’t pulling their weight, who become pregnant or who are better looking than me. Laws should therefore be changed to enable employers to dismiss staff instantly for whatever reason.
5. New start ups in deprived areas are disadvantaged by having to pay corporation tax on profits. If corporation tax was axed there would be more money available to invest in corporate assets like penthouse balconies.
6. There are too many restrictions on using business funds for personal benefit. Business owners are currently taxed when they receive benefits that are paid for by the company. If this is changed then my company can pay for my new wardrobe, penthouse balcony and cosmetic requirements without me being taxed on it- what more of an incentive can I ask for?
7. The fact that multi-nationals undercut small business start-ups with tactics such as avoiding taxes, off-shoring profits, using zero hour contracts etc is not a disadvantage to start-ups, no siree, this un-level playing field should not be investigated at all.
9 years ago
What a balloon she is and thats all i have to say on that.
@ Fiona
Yea Fiona after a bit digging it was discovered they were not what they seemed and it was all a crass attempt to create a UKIP mark 2 in Scotland to try to split the SNP vote,the same tactic used in England to split the Labour vote.
What they didnt reckon on was the people of Scotland who jumped all over them like a bad rash.
I loved one guys post who pointed out that the “i bet this jobby get more likes than Jim Murphy” FB page has more likes than the SIP and isnt running against the SNP,i about fell off the chair laughing 🙂
Ms Mone has a point- we should maybe start expanding the food banks into food and enterprise banks and get those who have not enough to eat to do a wee Internet start up business while they wait in line for their food parcel.
And why stop there – maybe we could put some pcs in doctors waiting rooms and in the chemists.
After all – as Michelle insists, there are no barriers whatsoever for all the strivers out there.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth…
9 years ago
Amazing how many “Scottish unionists” exhibit traits of greed and ego. They put self interest before community. Contrast this with the drive and language of the YES campaign, which thankfully remains alive and well.
…what World do you want to live in?
De Valera
9 years ago
She has a history of wavering allegiance, perhaps this new conciliatory tone is laying the ground for a switch to supporting independence?
IDS and Ms Moan – it’s a marriage made in heaven. Give it 18 months and her review will have been ignored by the government. She’ll have joined UKIP and will be slagging off the Tories at every opportunity. She just needs to be ignored in the meantime – not easy, but it will be worth it in the end. The woman is a liability, as IDS and DC will eventually discover.
CameronB Brodie
9 years ago
No barriers to strives my arse. I think the only reason I got my business off the ground, was that I was prepared to endure living on £20 a week for longer than was probably healthy. I also had a vision of a better tomorrow, which is not a universal characteristic of those living in crushing poverty.
I’m not sure if Ms Mone has a particularly sophisticated appreciation of today’s economic realities, or the human condition. Then again, she does seem to have made the most of her assets.
9 years ago
I just have to say it but doesn’t she look big in this!! How many rolls can you count in that top? One of her ‘many’ London based businesses does not seem to be working for her. Hope her ‘super’ London flat enjoys the weather tonight.
Also I thought you might like to have a wee look at the BBC Scotland online politics news, it is full of headlines and captions about the (nonexistent) Scottish Labour Party. Last rant, was the dug given over 15 minutes of air time on Radio Scotland this morning?
9 years ago
There two types of Millionaires, in my view.
Type 1
This type is exemplified by the person being discussed on here … Moaning Minnie. They come from nothing into money and suddenly have a lobotomy that turns them into haters of anything and everything that can possibly remind them of where they came from.
Type 2
This type of millionaire is best seen in people like Colin and Chris Weir. They are a couple of hard working people who struck gold by winning big on the Euromillion lottery. This big win has not, unlike the Type 1 person, turned them against their roots. They are now in the position of HELPING people right left and centre.
I know which type of millionaire I’d rather meet … let’s just say it AINT type 1! 😀
9 years ago
Nothing oddly in Press and Journal today over this latest UKOK farce but Brian Wilson pops up again with nice photos of him doing something with west coast cottage industry. You’d think lady Mone thing was right up hard right P&J alley.
Usual SNP bad Press and Journal day but it does have a great UK oil industry story with Statoil bringing up to Shetland it’s £4.5 billion new Mariner field jacket. Statoil got the UK.gov sanctioned Mariner, north west of Shetland, in 2013 and the whole Prject is being built in wait for it…Spain!
So that’s nice, buried in page 34, Scots oil worthless/run out, UKOK oil pumps another £4.5 bn, not into Scottish heavy industry but too poor, small, stupid Spain.
And we get a huckster flogging quackery as our all new UKOK business tsar, because, well let’s face it, no wonder they treat us like fools.
9 years ago
Billy Idol saw this coming in 1981.
? Up, down, turn around, come on Mony ?
9 years ago
@ several above
Thanks for the info re SIP. Same folk as vNOBS? Why change a winning strategy just cos it is not winning?
jackie g
9 years ago
Farnorthdavie says:@1.42pm
I thought you might like to have a wee look at the BBC Scotland online politics news, it is full of headlines and captions about the (nonexistent) Scottish Labour Party. Last rant, was the dug given over 15 minutes of air time on Radio Scotland this morning?
Here is a wee laugh for you Davie.
Dippity Dug champion of Scotland, here is her latest quote snigger..
Scottish Labour leadership hopeful Kezia Dugdale said her politics were not “wildly different” from left-winger Jeremy Corbyn, who is favourite to win the UK party’s contest.
She said that she and Mr Corbyn belonged to a party that was a “big family in a broad movement”.
“one of only a few business leaders to come out in favour of both nations remaining together.” Only a few? Why?
“the East End of Glasgow”, “obviously, you know, working class.” At least they have class.
“I don’t want it (the report) to sit in a bottom drawer somewhere.” Oh Michelle, if only. You’ll find it in the bin next to the bottom drawer.
“I’m the biggest woman speaker in the country.” :/
“Hashtag, be the boss.” Does that apply to nations as well?
“If you’ve got that determination and can do attitude you can absolutely make it in the world of business.” Love that can do attitude.
“I was so down that people would say constantly that you can’t do this and you can’t do that”. Yes, it’s so bloody frustrating when that happens Michelle.
“teaching people the confidence they can do it.” Not teaching A people they can do it. No help there from Ms Mone.
“You can’t over promise and under deliver”. Classic.
“nutters, that is the SNP again”. Ho hum.
“I’ve been flying the flag (?) worldwide for Scotland”. See above. Great PR job Michelle. Can you stop please.
Obviously a follower of the David Brent school of inspirational speaking. Sadly minus the self awareness and humour.
9 years ago
@jackie g
Or in other words, Ms Dugdale saw that her voting figures nosedived after her recent wee rant aboot Corbyn and now she’s desperately trying to revive her chances.
Oh Jeez. 😀
9 years ago
I am sure Michelle is a perfect fit for Westminster
Big Jock
9 years ago
Dugdale –
She said that she and Mr Corbyn belonged to a party that was a “big family in a broad movement”.
Interpreted in plain English:” Estranged family with policies like a large bowel movement”.
Statoil’s own info site, build in Cadiz, Dawewoo topside, absolutely none of it built in Scotland and all of its in the UK North Sea, same one Project Fear terrorises everyone that there’s no oil left.
UKOK Graun Scotland news, grouse numbers lower this year for the Queen to shoot on Scotland’s huge Highland wastelands, kept bare of any life so they all get clear shots at the birds.
Press and Jouransl story also on another rare tagged Hen Harrier found shot in their “Highlands” but they don’t say where because there wil almost certainly be royal land inlvoldved.
Wonder if Lady Mone shoots bird life for fun. She should it’s what all the right sort do.
9 years ago
@ Robert Kerr says at 11:31 am “When I was persuaded….” By Whom? Why? and What was the Deal? Just Askin!”
I noticed that too Robert. Was she persuaded by her own opinion or did someone like Broon or Darling have something to do with it? Probably the latter with promises (a vow fulfilled .. WOW) of greater things to come.
This is the woman that employed 90% of her staff previously from Chinese work shops rather than the disadvantaged Scots that she now proposes to help start up a business. You couldn’t make it up.
As to her changing her tune (lying again) well this is typical of a narcissist. She can now see that her future role will entail travelling around Scotland so is trying to backtrack …. Scotland that is home to at least 50% of the people she has castigated previously by tarring us all with the same brush as a few morons on-line (not proven to be SNP supporters at all). Add to that Labour, Tory, Libdem and non-political types who just don’t like her and you can see, more so she can see now, that her wee business venture will be getting off to a very bad start in Scotland and additionally with anyone who has half a brain in England.
Sad thing about her is that she’s a narcissist who’s not too (cerebral) bright. She can’t see the long term, big picture and past actions will always come back to haunt her … upset her apple cart.
She’s unstable and a self confessed addict (alcohol) prone to being revengeful and causing malicious damage during periods of narcissistic rage so hell mend anyone in the HoLs who steps on her toes. Check out what Rod Stewart has to say about her ‘backstabbing’ online.
If anything Cameron has done us all a great big favour by inviting her onboard the gravy train.
Kevin Evans
9 years ago
Seen a few posts today mentioning kezzy duggywuggy.
Last time I seen her on TV it looked like she’d been givin a new hair style (a bit like sturgeons) and some new make up tips and was talking in a more relax clear manner.
Who thinks she’s had a make over to make her more electable?
In my opinion she looks like a tarted up tramp.
Brian Powell
9 years ago
Maybe she’s angling for a post in the Scottish Office. “See I really like Scotland”.
9 years ago
Clootie-still can’t believe we lost as surely those types and the worried pensioners were in the minority compared to the huge population in Scotland on low pay or no pay. Cannot fathom it at all.
jackie g
9 years ago
I forgot about Ken Mackintosh (Is he possibly worse than Keiza)
Yesterday he said that his party was too shouty!
Oh so thats the problem with SLAB and Labour in general then they shout too much.
CameronB Brodie
9 years ago
Re. Corbyn. I’ve been trying desperately to remember who he reminds me of. Bingo, it’s my old boss from London Transport’s Corporate Policy and Planning Division. He was also ‘old labour’, former GLC, fanatical about buses, spoke in a dull estuarine monotone, wore sandals and a wrinkled brown sports jacket with leather elbow patches and I think his beard was also called Steve. Lovely bloke though, if a bit obsessed with statistics and the glorious history of the GLC.
The ‘left’ must have got a job-lot back in the 1960’s. 🙂
9 years ago
@jackie g
I reckon he may need to reassess that statement. He’s several problems short of a conclusion. 😀
Oh and aye, it’d be close call as to who carries the biggest dose of cringe between them. As in fag paper close.
chris kilby
9 years ago
That’s more than enough Moneing.
jackie g
9 years ago
Indeed a fag paper between them?
To quote the great Malcolm Tucker.
“He’s so dense that light bends around him.”
“Fuck me! This is like a clown running across a minefield!”
Aye King Arthur’s (not Scargill) ‘excalibur’ is firmly embedded in the Scottish stone and is never going to be withdrawn by the likes of Kezia or ‘what’s his name’ and that includes Corbyn.
A little careful SNP governance and ongoing maintenance will see Sturgeon remaining the biggest fish in the Scottish pool for long enough to deliver Referendum 2.
Kezia and possibly Baker will arrive on the scene too late to do any good pre election or to improve labour prospects in the medium term. Branch managers only take directives from daun Sarf!
In addition there is much ordure to be precipitated onto the Scots by our WM political neighbours, lets suck it up meantime and sharpen our pencils for the ballot boxes over the next couple of years.
We shall prevail. 🙂
Peter Swain
9 years ago
This silly woman is delusional. Nicola Sturgeon does not have any “cyber nats” – there are people on the fringes of the SNP who behave like mindless idiots, but these are definitely not SNP members or any part of the SNP; they pretend to be because their purpose is to discredit the SNP. Perhaps Michelle Mone, as a fervent unionist, will be happier south of the border – most of us in Scotland will certainly be happier to be rid of people like her.
9 years ago
Yet it still works. I hear people parrot this gibberish and believe in it. Until that spell is broken there will be no escape.
9 years ago
Of course WoS and co. are vital to the effort of breaking this nasty spell.
9 years ago
Muppet pretty much sums up this vacuous individual.
Note to all budding female entrepreneurs: scantily glad pictures trump substance every day of the week.
9 years ago
I suggest also reading up on Bill Still’s work and others who have done similar on monetary issues. He follows Christian American politics, so you can ignore that part if you like, but his monetary policiy issues are neutral of that and can be understood and implemented by a wide spectrum of political paths. Without understanding that part of it even the best outcome from an independence referendum might only be a temporary reprieve.
9 years ago
@ One_Scot
LMAO thanks mate i love that Spanish guy he is brilliant so are all the parodies, you cant watch him without laughing along even if you take away the fake subtitles, fair cheered me up 🙂
9 years ago
Interesting pseudo psychological meaning might be read into the use of word preserve rather than maintain
preserve heavily implies the status quo won’t change without adjustment. It’s got the kind of frozen in aspic kind of quality that wasn’t on the agenda.
maintain is a far more active kind of word. It at least implies the possibility of adjustment and the replacement of broken parts to keep things running.
9 years ago
She will be back.
Stay ducked.
9 years ago
Geeze am I the only poster here who thinks Moan’s a stunner. …..Obviously she’s had a wee think, and decided she likes Scotland. We should forgive her for all these silly remarks she made. And remember what a cracker she is. Has anybody seen any of her motivational speeches, yeah they’re brilliant, ………….Keep it Political!
call me dave
9 years ago
@ One_Scot
Another gem there. What an infectious laugh.
There are few folk who should go to specsavers right enough, not you of course. You’ve been maybe looking at too many old hulks round in the shipyards perhaps to be objective.
All that glitters is not AU nor OR as the French would say. 🙂
“why there are not many start up businesses springing up in those “deprived” areas”
Dear Rt. Hon. IDS,
It’s simple really. Michelle’s report will blame the inability of the poor to pull themselves up by their bootstraps on defective corsetry. Don’t be fooled.
If people from deprived areas had private savings, or the access to financial capital required to set up any kind of viable business (other than bottom tier drug pushing), they’d use it to get the f*** out of the deprived area, or just to meet their basic needs… and not to seek the intangible benefits of media exposure, or inedible ermine.
Let’s see you developing a business plan, and making a successful pitch to investors, if you’re ever sanctioned, destitute, living on food-bank noodles, in 2nd hand clothes, in a damp house, surrounded by trans-generational despair and depression – IDS, ya fud!
(up) yours,
Honestly, I can never tell whether the blue tories are completely out of touch and ignorant, or if they just love to sadistically torment the lumpenproles. Or both. Compassion doesn’t seem to be their key motivator.
9 years ago
@ One_Scot says at 3:25 pm ”Don’t know if anyone has seen this, but I had to wipe away the tears.”
Within the M25, they just don’t understand Scotland. They have picked this ‘champion’ of the Union to rally more Scottish Unionists and she ends up insulting the party most Scots voted for – and over 100,000 members of the SNP. The English press will jump on her every fatuous word and further aggravate us with The Rev. giving them maximum publicity in his columns. These Tory fools nearly turned a heavily NO Scotland into a YES Scotland using the same techniques at the referendum. Will these London-based twonks never learn? Yes, please send her to John O’ Groats and watch the YES vote swell.
9 years ago
Thanks yes I have read Bill still’s work and watched the secret life of oz which is very good. I am also a keen follower of the work of positive money and have dabbled in MMT.
The link I provided is a direct campaign aimed at SNP branches, YES campaigners etc to appeal to them to include a new Scottish currency as plan A should we have indyref2. I think this will be vital and really do recommend folk watch the presentation and look at the materials on http://www.scottishmonetaryreform.org.uk
G H Graham
9 years ago
From various free of cost sources, I’ve deduced the following estimated key results for Michelle Mone’s company, MJM International since 2009.
One can clearly see that the company hit its peak in 2010. Since then, sales have collapsed leading to heavy losses of £547,000 for the 18 month period up to October 2013.
2014 (To be reported October 2015)
Even though inventories doubled to £686,000 in 2013 (usually a sign that a company is struggling to sell its products), the net value of the company was negative to the amount of £287,000, meaning that all its liabilities exceeded the value of all its assets.
In essence, in 2013 MJM International was on paper anyway, worthless because if it were wound up, the shareholders would get nothing.
However, since the first legal mortgage holder is HSBC it retains a floating charge over assets, goodwill, undertaking, uncalled capital, both present & future. What this may mean is that HSBC would get first bite at whatever crumbs were left if it were wound up.
It took 14 years to finally achieve sales in excess of £10 million but it appears that it will take only 4 years to undo all that hard work & success.
To suggest then, that Ms. Mone continues to remain a shining example of British business success, requires the observer to wear a very deep shade of rose tinted spectacles.
Tinto Chiel
9 years ago
On reflection, MM’s U-turn might have been caused by her being aware of the Rev’s debunking of her claims. She might not be as glaikit as she seems.
Unfortunately, it’s too late.
Now she’s just a busted flush.
9 years ago
One_Scot says:
12 August, 2015 at 3:25 pm
Don’t know if anyone has seen this, but I had to wipe away the tears.
Everybody: this is a wee gem, but watch it when you have the space to properly laugh (not on the bus, you’ll look like a nutter!), cheers One_Scot 🙂
9 years ago
I seem to missed this alternate reality indyref where 99% of businesses were vocally and enthusiastically supporting Yes. ????????????????
9 years ago
Yes, GH Graham, it looks like a case of clogs to clogs not in 3 generations but just one. Do the Tories ever do any research, or is it always to be back-of-a-fag-packet stuff.
Iain More
9 years ago
Ah bugger it so the poisonous rabid Brit Nat Tory coo hasn’t left at all then. I don’t suppose she hit her favourite Brit Nat rags with legal crap for telling porkies about her then?
9 years ago
Anyone else notice Michelle has the same Jim Murphy eyebrow traits?
That way one doesnt move yet the others all over the shop out of control…………..Scary!
@ Robert Kerr says at 11:31 am “When I was persuaded….” By Whom? Why? and What was the Deal? Just Askin!”
You two had me confused there. The first time I read it I took it to be a reference to the late, and famously corrupt, Premier of New South Wales, Robert ‘yours for the’ Askin. No seriously, he was real, you can google him. And he’d fit right in with this lot.
Those are indeed three good questions, but I don’t expect we’d get a coherent answer out of someone so out of touch with reality that she can say, in the next paragraph, “…after becoming one of only a few business leaders to come out in favour of both nations remaining together.” That was obviously a different referendum campaign to the one I was in.
G H Graham
9 years ago
David Cameron is either just plain stupid or has some quite dreadful advisors around him.
Nineteen Tories including six cabinet ministers plus one communications chief, resigned during Cameron’s first term as PM.
Alastair Burt
Andrew Mitchell
Andy Coulson
Angela Watkinson
Baroness Neville-Jones
Chloe Smith
Chris Huhne
David Laws
John Penrose
John Randall
Liam Fox
Lord Green
Lord Marland
Lord McNally
Maria Miller
Mark Harper
Michael Fabricant
Nigel Evans
Simon Burns
Thomas Galbraith, 2nd Baron Strathclyde
And let us not forget about Patrick Rock, who resigned last year as deputy head of Downing Street’s policy, just before being arrested on allegations relating to child abuse images.
Thus, Mone’s recent bizarre elevation to business tsar or whatever she’s referred to, is likely to be just one more misguided, misjudged & ill conceived decision that will surely end in tears.
CameronB Brodie
9 years ago
Not really OT as both rejected human rights, but remember I suggested Marx was a bit of a reactionary. I’m not wanting to start a fight, just putting this out there for folk to consider.
The young Karl Marx is sometimes considered a humanist,[7] as opposed to the mature Marx who became more forceful in his criticism of human rights as idealist or utopian. Given that capitalism forces individuals to behave in a profit-seeking manner, they are in constant conflict with one another, and are thus in need of rights to protect themselves. Human rights, Marx believed, were a product of the very dehumanisation they were intended to oppose. True emancipation, he asserted, could only come through the establishment of communism, which abolishes the private ownership of all means of production.
I’ve said it before, Moany’s reason for leaving Scotland: ‘It was all those evil cybernats led by Nicola Sturgeon, they made me do it. I had no choice! (Snivel! Sniff!)‘ was a complete and utter falsehood.
She had already ‘got word’ that she was going to be given a House of Lords seat, and, since she adores the British Establishment and all that it stands for anyway, she couldn’t wait to get herself a pad in central London, for her, the be all and end all centre of the Britnat universe. The ‘evil cybernats’ line was just the cover, the smokescreen, the excuse in fulfilling her ambitions.
The right-wing press were, of course, only too ready to back her falsehood up; any excuse to fill their filthy hate-filled rags with anti-Scottish/SNP/Nicola Sturgeon lies and smears.
The Moany one is an out and out me, me, me narcissist. Her views, attitude and politics are perfectly suited to the Conservative party. Now that she has been selected – not elected – to be a “Lady”, she will feel right at home in her natural environment of hobnobbing with those whom the British state view as the ‘betters’ of the lumpenproleteriat.
9 years ago
It’s hard to believe that someone who can’t spell steal penned that article for the Daily Mail.
9 years ago
If The Bullingdon Boys think Gideon Osborne is an oik because he didn’t go to Eton God knows what they must think of Mone.
Of course with her monstrously high opinion of herself she will be totally unaware of being patronised.
As far as her ludicous appointment is concerned I can see a political car crash pretty soon and an outbreak of tears for both Mone and the Tories.
I’m trying to picture the cheering Union Jack thousands lining the streets when her Business Creation Road show first hits Scotland – it will be a bit like one of Murphy’s triumphant rallies.
9 years ago
I was called a ‘c***’, a ‘cow’, a ‘slut’, as well as being told, ‘I’m going to get it’
This is no way to call a conniving self centered sycophantic
gold digger!
She already got it, and her husband who earned the money, got the
other half.
9 years ago
ack Murphy says:
12 August, 2015 at 12:05 pm
OT—-sort of.
Kezia Dugdale says her views are not ‘wildly different’ from Corbyn
I heard this interview while driving and nearly crashed.
She, Dipity Dug, Voted for more Tory Austerity, I watched her do it, yet if she was in power we would get more teachers, police, Doctors, Nurses, etc? Must be those ones that pay to work?
And she agrees with Corbyn on reducing austerity??
Can she actually hear what she is saying?
This creature, the best that SLAB has to offer in Scotland,
goes on-air with a memorised script, then flaps and flounders to get back to it regardless of what question is asked of her?
Big Jock
9 years ago
Kezia just says the first thing that comes into her wee heid. It might externally conflict with previous statements. But there is no internal conflict,she is just an air head.
Al Ghaf
9 years ago
Perhaps Michelle should explain why Scotland is better off in the union but she had to go to London to take her business to the next level. Perhaps she could spend her energies breaking through the limitations she found being located in Scotland.
Unless of course, it is all pish and wind.
9 years ago
Whether you like it or not, Ms Mone is a smart and intelligent woman and very good at what she does best which is to nuture, self-publicize and capitalize on her image for financial profit.
Of course I do not agree with this mentality or the ways that she goes about it which is seen here by changing her political allegiances like changing a pair of knickers and indulging in historical revision. I am simply pointing out who she is and what she does.
Now that she has managed to ingratiate herself with the London establishment with being a ‘victim’ of nasty cybernats, she will be wheeled out from time to time to cry the same message but ultimately she will move on to the next stage of her career which has nothing to do with Scotland or the Scottish people in but to create even more personal profit.
In relation to her involvement with politics, it is best to ignore her as it is another part of her ongoing campaign for self-publicity and in doing so helps makes her richer.
9 years ago
So now she is threating legal action against anyone saying her tax affairs were illegal.The Herald that she used Employee Benefit Trusts….totally legal as she says, but as George Osborne said were “morally repugnant”
Be careful Michelle, sue anyone…..and everything comes out !!!
9 years ago
……..oh, and now in her Titter (sorry Twitter) account she blames #typical SNP Supporters. But thought she loved us now?
9 years ago
More very recent and highly questionable bigging up of Michelle Mone here on the BBC website. Given the dubious-at-best content of the article, which pretty much trashes her ex-husband, one can only surmise that she lacks somewhat in the dignity stakes.
See: link to bbc.com
Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: “So she was a Necrophiliac as well.” Jan 16, 02:43
Cynicus on A crisis of democracy: “Crisis? What Crisis? So long as we have freedom of speech and an electorate with power to remove its political…” Jan 16, 02:13
Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Ha! I thank you for the sentiment, but the pouty look has been crushed by my weight of years and…” Jan 16, 01:51
Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “How so? Wrong on this one..” Jan 16, 01:37
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “As well as the Covid criminals… BBC (2025): Families failed by Covid jabs tell inquiry of pain: “Families of those…” Jan 16, 01:17
Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on A crisis of democracy: “Of possible interest: Gaelic Scotland: a brief history Regards.” Jan 16, 01:09
Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “A wee story, many won’t be bothered so skip it if you want. Did my bit in the army early…” Jan 16, 00:52
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Because I posted it – Scotland’s miserable wretches cannot handle reality and are terrified of freedom. I commend Young Lochinvar…” Jan 16, 00:29
Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Absolutely no arguments but sometimes straightforward non “wanging” posts go straight to moderation, don’t pass go and so on. I’ve…” Jan 16, 00:11
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “They’ll ALL be exposed and prosecuted… #SystematicPedosChallenge” Jan 16, 00:05
Confused on A crisis of democracy: “Talking of “hard realpolitik” what to make of our half-scottish golf-nut (HSGN), Trump, with his ambiguous and belligerent talk of…” Jan 15, 23:58
Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Incidentally, St Columbus – from Ulster and therefore able to converse with the Dalriadic Scots and (apparently the Strathclyde “Britons”)…” Jan 15, 23:55
Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Why the down votes to this? Nuts.” Jan 15, 23:37
Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Thanks for the correction.” Jan 15, 23:35
Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on A crisis of democracy: “Alf, three or four points maybe. First off I have always appreciated your awareness of the profound link between language…” Jan 15, 23:32
Tartanpigsy on A crisis of democracy: “That last paragraph is exactly what I was discussing in my head earlier while driving, I’m not actually sure there…” Jan 15, 23:05
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “XXXtentacion: 17: The Explanation: “17 is the number tattooed on the right side of my head My own personal number…” Jan 15, 23:05
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “@PeteWishart has blocked you: “This is quite extraordinary. 18 years and still out in front. With just over a year…” Jan 15, 22:41
George Ferguson on A crisis of democracy: “Of course democracy is in crisis. But so is every institution in Scotland. Even in Sporting terms nobody in Scotland…” Jan 15, 22:27
gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “World Economic Forum: People: *en***in *eta***hu: https://tinyurl.com/ycxpzjfx Rishi Sunak: https://www.weforum.org/people/rishi-sunak/ Keir Starmer: https://www.weforum.org/people/keir-starmer/” Jan 15, 22:16
gregor on A crisis of democracy: “****** https://wingsoverscotland.com/eyes-full-of-beams/#comment-2947788” Jan 15, 21:37
agent X on A crisis of democracy: “I’m pretty certain that The National will soon be claiming some kind of credit for the ceasefire!” Jan 15, 21:15
Billy Carlin on A crisis of democracy: “Got to laugh at the people who think that the US runs the UK – and most other western countries…” Jan 15, 21:00
Insider on A crisis of democracy: “Who ordered Sunak to step aside, Marie ?” Jan 15, 20:52
Marie on A crisis of democracy: “It was very obvious that Sunak was ordered to step aside.” Jan 15, 20:32
Mike on A crisis of democracy: “I’m no fan of any of the mainstream parties or indeed any politician. And clearly Starmer is setting himself up…” Jan 15, 20:30
She’s been bought and sold..
Shocking. Or just another day of UKOK unionist liars.
She’s a fantasist and a sociopath.
So she hasn’t left at all?
she’s been given her reward now, is this her way of saying thank you to the Tories for her Peerage?
M.M is not actually a properly rounded human being, she is part neurotic attention seeker, part public relations company construct and somewhere in there, no doubt, a loving mother, but on the whole she is a pain in the arse.
Frei in German means “free” does it not? Pity the same cannot be said for this country thanks to people like Mone..
stop talking about this hideous cnut, please
But its OK for her to want to strip everyone of their human rights.
That Matt Frei interview was a first attempt at the very necessary rehabilitation of the mone. Govt business czar is an embarrassment to the tories already & her history is out there on social media.
DC combats this by sending her onto tv to backtrack & lovebomb the scots. Will it work? Who knows?
I’ve misjudged you all if it does!
I am shocked!
Why was someone as important as this not interviewed by satellite link standing on her very expensive terrace with the iconic view close to the seat of power?
Why did the BBC let her miss this important aspect of her PR campaign?
We should be told.
Is this not indicative of someone who functions through instinct and reaction, rather than reasoned, strategic thought. Today’s thinking is not necessarily tomorrow’s thinking.
Just the sort of person that’s needed to offer advise to those seeking to start up in business.
Please note the gleeful way Mr Frei feeds this silly air-head her own lies. With the exception of Jon Snow, Channel Four really gives us a hard time. Think especially of Gary “Funky” Gibbon, Harrow boy and Establishment stooge.
Not a nice man.
Michelle Mone’s 9 steps to business success
1. Remember to self-motivate by getting others to do your work
2. Focus on the future, sell your business before it goes tits up.
3. Turn negatives into positives, buy my tanning products
4. Dream big, apply Boobs Plus everyday
5. Work out what makes you confident with my range of dietary products
6. Ignore the nay-sayers by telling the f****rs to p**s off.
7. Don’t let your gender stop you wearing one of my bras.
8. Aspire to inspire your employees by threatening them.
9. Hard work will get you everywhere especially the use of sweatshop workers.
10. Lie your tits off at every opportunity.
It now looks like she is being seen as toxic from both sides. It may now actually be beneficial to have her in the bowels of Westminster.
From Apprentice post probably better here.
Jonbgood says:
“Surprised no-ones drawn attention to Ms Mones’ appearance on BBC Radio 5Live on 11/8. Moaning faced disaster. Listen to her complaining about the “SNP nasties”and Nocola.
link to bbc.co.uk
Starts at about 1hr 24mins in.
Oh my word. What a disaster interview – no plan, no ability, name dropping, self promoting mess. Her SNP hate lies and disrespect for First Minister are just horrible if not libellous.
She will say whatever she perceives to be good for her, at any given time. The familiar arrogant approach of “form over substance” which succeeds in a UK where self publicising substitutes for achievement. And as with all of that type, she assumes we have no memory at all.
Ms Mone is very typical of the new generation elite, who do nothing of worth, but are held up as models to admire. I do not think many people are any longer convinced. And that is wider than Scotland
She’s Iain Duncan Smith’s (and the Tories version) of Cherie and Tony’s Peter Foster.
Herbal slimming tea, anyone?
Ffs,how do we keep up with all the lies these pathetic creatures spout?
Thanks Rev for pointing out their disgusting falsehoods.
Moved down south for her businesses. Hmmm, is that because no-one up here was willing to part with £10,000 for a sever mentoring.
She hasn’t left?! I am deflated.
So she has to be based in London for business and international transport links ?
Scotland doesn’t have the population to compete with Heathrow, but I bet we could do better with direct international flights if we had independence and the incentive to increase them, together with higher global recognition as a nation in our own right.
Interesting how she wants to keep Scotland powerless to compete with London and the south when we don’t have a level playing field.
We can’t compete with the location, or the networking benefits of London, so we need slightly lower business taxes here to compensate for that.
I wish she would stop wasting precious oxygen. We have an Ozone layer to protect.
Always like to thow in some modern lyrics:
“Well I believe there’s someone watching over you.
They’re watching every single thing you say.
And when you die they’ll set you down and take you through.
You’ll realise one day that the grass is always greener on the other side.
The neighbour’s got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive.”
Travis Side
John O’Groats to lands End; what about Dunnet Head which is the real most northerly point in Britain.
Some pedantry to start your day. lol
“Sturgeon’s cybernats”
Surely that headline alone is actionable, whoever wrote it?
The woman reminds me of a child who, having been caught eating chocolate before their dinner and with the chocolate smeared around their mouth, denies the charge.
But then, in the media climate we currently have to suffer, telling lies with a straight face is all that is required to be taken at your word.
Mone, Carmichale, Alexander, Rifkin, Murray, Mundell, Cochran, Thompson, Brown, Matheson, Rennie, et Al.
This lot is the cream of the unionist shock troops for the unionist cause! and proud troughers to boot. ENOUGH SAID
Par for the course.
A self publicist using others for their own petty agenda.
Slightly O/T but marvelous (and some swerry words)
link to youtube.com
(Sorry about previous posting with the http bit left on)
History will not be kind to these people! Future generations will say”Why”. when referring to these people. A bit like when we read about the Act Of Union, and the selfish greedy Lords that sold Scotland out for self gain.
We are on the right side guys always remember that.
She claims to have given speeches to the whole world, in ehm Kuala Lumpur (spelling?) and Singapore
The speeches were to tens of thousands of people,but when I look for a reference I get a message from Firefox that the links for ‘Michelle Mone + public speaking’ are UNTRUSTWORTHY!
Well, she certainly has the right level of trustworthiness for the HoL
They’re using her to embarrass Scotland
People in England will think we’re all this thick
#Sturgeon must act
Tory Moan does as as tories do, they lie, its in their nature and you know that will never change, time to split!
Vote SNP + SNP, let’s show these wastemonster tories of all persuasions that we are going to be independent despite their threats, lies, smears.
As for Sept 19th Hope over Fear I’ll be there! That bunch of criminals GCC can go and feck off!
I’m sorry, did she say something? I was too busy looking at her tits.
Mone flying the flag for Scotland,excuse me whilst I tit-er n tit-er.
Name those many buisnesses Moan,that keeps you in the Mile High Club.
@ Iain.
It is not polite to point out the true reason for her high profile in the media. Please desist
“When I was persuaded….”
By Whom? Why? and What was the Deal?
Just Askin!
Well she has certainly got a reaction from us all. Reminds me of the Murphy days.
Self publicists like Mone thrive on the coverage so best ignore now with the Rev’s dissection of her “success” on record for all the lazy journos and interviewers.
They should have gone with Kevin Bridges interview technique – “DID YE AYE”
Another visible reason for Scots to reject the UK/Westminster model. Keep them coming.
Thought Londoners and cockney geezers in particular were as wide as the Clyde? She had to move there to sell her magic beans and hocus pocus potions? They willnae fall for it hen.
[…] Looking back with less anger […]
BTW is that not Kaye Adams in a shite wig with five inches of make up on? There is a resemblance and the harridan voice is the same. Maybe she done the old switcheroo on call Kaye’s radio slot.
Course they will. The elite have more money than sense or imagination. They are simply desperate to find things to spend it on. You can sell them anything, just so long as plebs can’t afford it. Which is why the discounted prices referred to ATL are a mistake.
What really annoys the rich is that there is very little they can have exclusive to their class. We can’t have the “quality” they get, but we can have soap and washing machines and stuff. So the difference was eroded and that just isn’t fair. They have set out to rectify that situation.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s not a bad thing at all if MM spends her time at Westminster rather than in Scotland.
@ Richardinho
Neither good not bad. She is a hole in the air, wherever she is
I hear that DWP officials are going to ghost write Baroness Mone’s report for her on how to start up businesses in poorer areas by using starvation as a motivating factor.
‘They willnae fall for it hen’
My feeling is that the English Establishment have a predilection for Scots who turn their back on/betray their own country to patronise England.
They are very needy,so she may do well in time honoured tradition.
Why is Ian Duncan Smith not defending the Glasgow bin lorry driver.
The driver is after all one of his hard working STRIVERS.
The man just wanted to keep his job.
Some people will say whatever the press ask them to if the fee is high enough.
What is the correlation between a “deprived” area and starting a business?
The answer is: nothing, so why mention she is going to be operating on a remit of finding out why there are not many start up businesses springing up in those “deprived” areas and not to find out why those areas are “deprived” in the first place.
It is perverted because she knows these areas are “deprived” because of IDS and his ilk and the answer would be a change in policy, not joining in the lottery of starting a business which would, if successful, lift one person and their family out of poverty but leave the rest behind.
Poverty is man-made social construct, there is no place for it in the 21st century and pontificating about how the answer is starting your own business will do nothing to address this issue and certainly nothing to solve it.
Also, I wish she would give the, “I was abused on twitter by some of the nutters, that is SNP again”, a fucking rest.
Where is her proof that any of these people are affiliated to the SNP?
She says that Nicola Sturgeon should get take control of her party yet she will not contact Nicola Sturgeon so as to prove that these people, apparently giving her abuse, are connected to the SNP whatsoever.
Maybe if she did then Nicola Sturgeon would be able to investigate whether these people are connected to her party and take appropriate action yet she says she has no intention of contacting her.
Until she contacts Nicola Sturgeon/the SNP, to make a complaint which can be properly investigated, no credence can be given to her claims that any abuse she apparently received came from members of the SNP so she needs to put up or shut up.
The “SNP BaaaaD” mantra is getting a little tiresome and nobody is falling for it as can be seen by how highly the SNP are polling at the moment.
It would be nice if her ex “dished a statement” on her behaviour (at times you miss NoW, not often but),,,,,,,No doubt she’d see it as more attention to her greatness
OT: what is this twitter stuff about SIP, about? I read that they are a new political party promoting UDI, but have been forced to disband by abuse and physical threats. In the course of a weekend, apparently. By cybernats, no less
I missed all of it. Any info?
Oh No! She wants to come back. Is she walking from John o Groats to Lands End?
What a laugh a day this woman is.
OT—-sort of.
Kezia Dugdale says her views are not ‘wildly different’ from Corbyn !!!!
Who’se she kidding? Pull the other one.
BBC Scotland:
link to archive.is
And it’s not just us paranoid cybernats….Herald front page:”Business leaders backlash after Mone made start-up czar”.
link to heraldscotland.com
@ Jack Murphy.
No, what she says is true, with the proviso that he wins. Ms Dugdale will do what her boss in WM tells her, no matter who that might be. So her claim is correct. Though it would make it clearer if she had bothered to say that she has no views of her own, whatsoever.
What Dakk says.
These poor souls, feeling so threatened.
Where’s the evidence? Were crimes committed? Were the police involved? Anyone charged?
Or is the smoke rising actually just steam from pish?
I think SIP was just more VNoB style AstroTurf.
MM is a destructive individual-she’s proven that in her businesses and in her personal life.
One should not hate such people, one should simply try and avoid them.
I’m not upset that she’s going to spend time in the Conservative party.
CameronB Brodie says:
12 August, 2015 at 12:35 pm
I think SIP was just more VNoB style AstroTurf
Its got all the hallmarks of UK.gov dirty tricks etc. They’ve nothing to lose with scams like this.
So, thanks to Stu’s due diligence in uncovering the TRUTH we now have the evidence, not that anyone had any doubts mind you, that Moaning Minnie is a LIAR! Well she’ll fit right in then with the “in” crowd that inhabit the O.A.P. day care centre, sorry I meant the House of Lords, then! 😀
Hello everybody, Here is my report into why there are so few business start-ups in deprived areas:
1. New businesses are hampered by having to pay actual wages to their staff. If the minimum wage was reduced to 50p an hour there would be far more start ups in deprived areas. Lower wages are an incentive for people to work harder.
2. There aren’t enough staff available willing to work for 50p an hour due to people being better off on benefits. Benefits should therefore be abolished. People will be grateful to work for 50p an hour if the alternative is starvation.
3. Start-up profits are reduced by having to pay for things like staff training, holiday pay, maternity leave, sickness benefits and health and safety requirements. If these things are abolished more money will be available to fund director dividends. Higher dividend payments are an incentive for directors to work harder.
4. There are too many restrictions on getting rid of staff who aren’t pulling their weight, who become pregnant or who are better looking than me. Laws should therefore be changed to enable employers to dismiss staff instantly for whatever reason.
5. New start ups in deprived areas are disadvantaged by having to pay corporation tax on profits. If corporation tax was axed there would be more money available to invest in corporate assets like penthouse balconies.
6. There are too many restrictions on using business funds for personal benefit. Business owners are currently taxed when they receive benefits that are paid for by the company. If this is changed then my company can pay for my new wardrobe, penthouse balcony and cosmetic requirements without me being taxed on it- what more of an incentive can I ask for?
7. The fact that multi-nationals undercut small business start-ups with tactics such as avoiding taxes, off-shoring profits, using zero hour contracts etc is not a disadvantage to start-ups, no siree, this un-level playing field should not be investigated at all.
What a balloon she is and thats all i have to say on that.
@ Fiona
Yea Fiona after a bit digging it was discovered they were not what they seemed and it was all a crass attempt to create a UKIP mark 2 in Scotland to try to split the SNP vote,the same tactic used in England to split the Labour vote.
What they didnt reckon on was the people of Scotland who jumped all over them like a bad rash.
I loved one guys post who pointed out that the “i bet this jobby get more likes than Jim Murphy” FB page has more likes than the SIP and isnt running against the SNP,i about fell off the chair laughing 🙂
Archived version of the Mone article Herald.
link to archive.is
Meanwhile Mahairi Black on registering to vote.
link to archive.is
Ms Mone has a point- we should maybe start expanding the food banks into food and enterprise banks and get those who have not enough to eat to do a wee Internet start up business while they wait in line for their food parcel.
And why stop there – maybe we could put some pcs in doctors waiting rooms and in the chemists.
After all – as Michelle insists, there are no barriers whatsoever for all the strivers out there.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth…
Amazing how many “Scottish unionists” exhibit traits of greed and ego. They put self interest before community. Contrast this with the drive and language of the YES campaign, which thankfully remains alive and well.
…what World do you want to live in?
She has a history of wavering allegiance, perhaps this new conciliatory tone is laying the ground for a switch to supporting independence?
Hootsman says it’s true but… very briefly!
link to archive.is
Tory MSP Liz Smith predicts a deluge…that’s a lot, but probably not true 🙂
link to archive.is
IDS and Ms Moan – it’s a marriage made in heaven. Give it 18 months and her review will have been ignored by the government. She’ll have joined UKIP and will be slagging off the Tories at every opportunity. She just needs to be ignored in the meantime – not easy, but it will be worth it in the end. The woman is a liability, as IDS and DC will eventually discover.
No barriers to strives my arse. I think the only reason I got my business off the ground, was that I was prepared to endure living on £20 a week for longer than was probably healthy. I also had a vision of a better tomorrow, which is not a universal characteristic of those living in crushing poverty.
I’m not sure if Ms Mone has a particularly sophisticated appreciation of today’s economic realities, or the human condition. Then again, she does seem to have made the most of her assets.
I just have to say it but doesn’t she look big in this!! How many rolls can you count in that top? One of her ‘many’ London based businesses does not seem to be working for her. Hope her ‘super’ London flat enjoys the weather tonight.
Also I thought you might like to have a wee look at the BBC Scotland online politics news, it is full of headlines and captions about the (nonexistent) Scottish Labour Party. Last rant, was the dug given over 15 minutes of air time on Radio Scotland this morning?
There two types of Millionaires, in my view.
Type 1
This type is exemplified by the person being discussed on here … Moaning Minnie. They come from nothing into money and suddenly have a lobotomy that turns them into haters of anything and everything that can possibly remind them of where they came from.
Type 2
This type of millionaire is best seen in people like Colin and Chris Weir. They are a couple of hard working people who struck gold by winning big on the Euromillion lottery. This big win has not, unlike the Type 1 person, turned them against their roots. They are now in the position of HELPING people right left and centre.
I know which type of millionaire I’d rather meet … let’s just say it AINT type 1! 😀
Nothing oddly in Press and Journal today over this latest UKOK farce but Brian Wilson pops up again with nice photos of him doing something with west coast cottage industry. You’d think lady Mone thing was right up hard right P&J alley.
Usual SNP bad Press and Journal day but it does have a great UK oil industry story with Statoil bringing up to Shetland it’s £4.5 billion new Mariner field jacket. Statoil got the UK.gov sanctioned Mariner, north west of Shetland, in 2013 and the whole Prject is being built in wait for it…Spain!
So that’s nice, buried in page 34, Scots oil worthless/run out, UKOK oil pumps another £4.5 bn, not into Scottish heavy industry but too poor, small, stupid Spain.
And we get a huckster flogging quackery as our all new UKOK business tsar, because, well let’s face it, no wonder they treat us like fools.
Billy Idol saw this coming in 1981.
? Up, down, turn around, come on Mony ?
@ several above
Thanks for the info re SIP. Same folk as vNOBS? Why change a winning strategy just cos it is not winning?
Farnorthdavie says:@1.42pm
I thought you might like to have a wee look at the BBC Scotland online politics news, it is full of headlines and captions about the (nonexistent) Scottish Labour Party. Last rant, was the dug given over 15 minutes of air time on Radio Scotland this morning?
Here is a wee laugh for you Davie.
Dippity Dug champion of Scotland, here is her latest quote snigger..
Scottish Labour leadership hopeful Kezia Dugdale said her politics were not “wildly different” from left-winger Jeremy Corbyn, who is favourite to win the UK party’s contest.
She said that she and Mr Corbyn belonged to a party that was a “big family in a broad movement”.
Too much democracy in Scotland
#Sturgeon must act
O/T :
Labour candidate in this week’s by election suspended “for” “sectarian posts”
link to archive.is
For Falkirk council
Kezia was indeed on GMS 2hrs 15mins in.
Her machine gun style of chatter now more modulated and pleasant but the message is the same old….(Knock yourself out 🙂 )
I’ve never been too shouty! 🙂
SNP put party first?? I’ll put people first 🙂 🙂
More unconvincing pish was also involved.
Also Mone’s qualifications questioned (referred to) 23mins:30secs in on the paper review.
link to bbc.co.uk
Some great quotes.
“one of only a few business leaders to come out in favour of both nations remaining together.” Only a few? Why?
“the East End of Glasgow”, “obviously, you know, working class.” At least they have class.
“I don’t want it (the report) to sit in a bottom drawer somewhere.” Oh Michelle, if only. You’ll find it in the bin next to the bottom drawer.
“I’m the biggest woman speaker in the country.” :/
“Hashtag, be the boss.” Does that apply to nations as well?
“If you’ve got that determination and can do attitude you can absolutely make it in the world of business.” Love that can do attitude.
“I was so down that people would say constantly that you can’t do this and you can’t do that”. Yes, it’s so bloody frustrating when that happens Michelle.
“teaching people the confidence they can do it.” Not teaching A people they can do it. No help there from Ms Mone.
“You can’t over promise and under deliver”. Classic.
“nutters, that is the SNP again”. Ho hum.
“I’ve been flying the flag (?) worldwide for Scotland”. See above. Great PR job Michelle. Can you stop please.
Obviously a follower of the David Brent school of inspirational speaking. Sadly minus the self awareness and humour.
@jackie g
Or in other words, Ms Dugdale saw that her voting figures nosedived after her recent wee rant aboot Corbyn and now she’s desperately trying to revive her chances.
Oh Jeez. 😀
I am sure Michelle is a perfect fit for Westminster
Dugdale –
She said that she and Mr Corbyn belonged to a party that was a “big family in a broad movement”.
Interpreted in plain English:” Estranged family with policies like a large bowel movement”.
link to statoil.com
Statoil’s own info site, build in Cadiz, Dawewoo topside, absolutely none of it built in Scotland and all of its in the UK North Sea, same one Project Fear terrorises everyone that there’s no oil left.
UKOK Graun Scotland news, grouse numbers lower this year for the Queen to shoot on Scotland’s huge Highland wastelands, kept bare of any life so they all get clear shots at the birds.
Press and Jouransl story also on another rare tagged Hen Harrier found shot in their “Highlands” but they don’t say where because there wil almost certainly be royal land inlvoldved.
Wonder if Lady Mone shoots bird life for fun. She should it’s what all the right sort do.
@ Robert Kerr says at 11:31 am “When I was persuaded….” By Whom? Why? and What was the Deal? Just Askin!”
I noticed that too Robert. Was she persuaded by her own opinion or did someone like Broon or Darling have something to do with it? Probably the latter with promises (a vow fulfilled .. WOW) of greater things to come.
This is the woman that employed 90% of her staff previously from Chinese work shops rather than the disadvantaged Scots that she now proposes to help start up a business. You couldn’t make it up.
As to her changing her tune (lying again) well this is typical of a narcissist. She can now see that her future role will entail travelling around Scotland so is trying to backtrack …. Scotland that is home to at least 50% of the people she has castigated previously by tarring us all with the same brush as a few morons on-line (not proven to be SNP supporters at all). Add to that Labour, Tory, Libdem and non-political types who just don’t like her and you can see, more so she can see now, that her wee business venture will be getting off to a very bad start in Scotland and additionally with anyone who has half a brain in England.
Sad thing about her is that she’s a narcissist who’s not too (cerebral) bright. She can’t see the long term, big picture and past actions will always come back to haunt her … upset her apple cart.
She’s unstable and a self confessed addict (alcohol) prone to being revengeful and causing malicious damage during periods of narcissistic rage so hell mend anyone in the HoLs who steps on her toes. Check out what Rod Stewart has to say about her ‘backstabbing’ online.
If anything Cameron has done us all a great big favour by inviting her onboard the gravy train.
Seen a few posts today mentioning kezzy duggywuggy.
Last time I seen her on TV it looked like she’d been givin a new hair style (a bit like sturgeons) and some new make up tips and was talking in a more relax clear manner.
Who thinks she’s had a make over to make her more electable?
In my opinion she looks like a tarted up tramp.
Maybe she’s angling for a post in the Scottish Office. “See I really like Scotland”.
Clootie-still can’t believe we lost as surely those types and the worried pensioners were in the minority compared to the huge population in Scotland on low pay or no pay. Cannot fathom it at all.
I forgot about Ken Mackintosh (Is he possibly worse than Keiza)
Yesterday he said that his party was too shouty!
Oh so thats the problem with SLAB and Labour in general then they shout too much.
Re. Corbyn. I’ve been trying desperately to remember who he reminds me of. Bingo, it’s my old boss from London Transport’s Corporate Policy and Planning Division. He was also ‘old labour’, former GLC, fanatical about buses, spoke in a dull estuarine monotone, wore sandals and a wrinkled brown sports jacket with leather elbow patches and I think his beard was also called Steve. Lovely bloke though, if a bit obsessed with statistics and the glorious history of the GLC.
The ‘left’ must have got a job-lot back in the 1960’s. 🙂
@jackie g
I reckon he may need to reassess that statement. He’s several problems short of a conclusion. 😀
Oh and aye, it’d be close call as to who carries the biggest dose of cringe between them. As in fag paper close.
That’s more than enough Moneing.
Indeed a fag paper between them?
To quote the great Malcolm Tucker.
“He’s so dense that light bends around him.”
“Fuck me! This is like a clown running across a minefield!”
O/T too much talk o boobs on here..
Here’s a link to a presentation campaigning for a scottish currency. Worth a watch.
link to scottishmonetaryreform.org.uk
Don’t know if anyone has seen this, but I had to wipe away the tears.
link to t.co
Aye King Arthur’s (not Scargill) ‘excalibur’ is firmly embedded in the Scottish stone and is never going to be withdrawn by the likes of Kezia or ‘what’s his name’ and that includes Corbyn.
A little careful SNP governance and ongoing maintenance will see Sturgeon remaining the biggest fish in the Scottish pool for long enough to deliver Referendum 2.
Kezia and possibly Baker will arrive on the scene too late to do any good pre election or to improve labour prospects in the medium term. Branch managers only take directives from daun Sarf!
In addition there is much ordure to be precipitated onto the Scots by our WM political neighbours, lets suck it up meantime and sharpen our pencils for the ballot boxes over the next couple of years.
We shall prevail. 🙂
This silly woman is delusional. Nicola Sturgeon does not have any “cyber nats” – there are people on the fringes of the SNP who behave like mindless idiots, but these are definitely not SNP members or any part of the SNP; they pretend to be because their purpose is to discredit the SNP. Perhaps Michelle Mone, as a fervent unionist, will be happier south of the border – most of us in Scotland will certainly be happier to be rid of people like her.
Yet it still works. I hear people parrot this gibberish and believe in it. Until that spell is broken there will be no escape.
Of course WoS and co. are vital to the effort of breaking this nasty spell.
Muppet pretty much sums up this vacuous individual.
Note to all budding female entrepreneurs: scantily glad pictures trump substance every day of the week.
I suggest also reading up on Bill Still’s work and others who have done similar on monetary issues. He follows Christian American politics, so you can ignore that part if you like, but his monetary policiy issues are neutral of that and can be understood and implemented by a wide spectrum of political paths. Without understanding that part of it even the best outcome from an independence referendum might only be a temporary reprieve.
@ One_Scot
LMAO thanks mate i love that Spanish guy he is brilliant so are all the parodies, you cant watch him without laughing along even if you take away the fake subtitles, fair cheered me up 🙂
Interesting pseudo psychological meaning might be read into the use of word preserve rather than maintain
preserve heavily implies the status quo won’t change without adjustment. It’s got the kind of frozen in aspic kind of quality that wasn’t on the agenda.
maintain is a far more active kind of word. It at least implies the possibility of adjustment and the replacement of broken parts to keep things running.
She will be back.
Stay ducked.
Geeze am I the only poster here who thinks Moan’s a stunner. …..Obviously she’s had a wee think, and decided she likes Scotland. We should forgive her for all these silly remarks she made. And remember what a cracker she is. Has anybody seen any of her motivational speeches, yeah they’re brilliant, ………….Keep it Political!
@ One_Scot
Another gem there. What an infectious laugh.
There are few folk who should go to specsavers right enough, not you of course. You’ve been maybe looking at too many old hulks round in the shipyards perhaps to be objective.
All that glitters is not AU nor OR as the French would say. 🙂
Dear Rt. Hon. IDS,
It’s simple really. Michelle’s report will blame the inability of the poor to pull themselves up by their bootstraps on defective corsetry. Don’t be fooled.
If people from deprived areas had private savings, or the access to financial capital required to set up any kind of viable business (other than bottom tier drug pushing), they’d use it to get the f*** out of the deprived area, or just to meet their basic needs… and not to seek the intangible benefits of media exposure, or inedible ermine.
Let’s see you developing a business plan, and making a successful pitch to investors, if you’re ever sanctioned, destitute, living on food-bank noodles, in 2nd hand clothes, in a damp house, surrounded by trans-generational despair and depression – IDS, ya fud!
(up) yours,
Honestly, I can never tell whether the blue tories are completely out of touch and ignorant, or if they just love to sadistically torment the lumpenproles. Or both. Compassion doesn’t seem to be their key motivator.
@ One_Scot says at 3:25 pm ”Don’t know if anyone has seen this, but I had to wipe away the tears.”
link to t.co
Brilliant One_Scot …. what a laugh!
Within the M25, they just don’t understand Scotland. They have picked this ‘champion’ of the Union to rally more Scottish Unionists and she ends up insulting the party most Scots voted for – and over 100,000 members of the SNP. The English press will jump on her every fatuous word and further aggravate us with The Rev. giving them maximum publicity in his columns. These Tory fools nearly turned a heavily NO Scotland into a YES Scotland using the same techniques at the referendum. Will these London-based twonks never learn? Yes, please send her to John O’ Groats and watch the YES vote swell.
Thanks yes I have read Bill still’s work and watched the secret life of oz which is very good. I am also a keen follower of the work of positive money and have dabbled in MMT.
The link I provided is a direct campaign aimed at SNP branches, YES campaigners etc to appeal to them to include a new Scottish currency as plan A should we have indyref2. I think this will be vital and really do recommend folk watch the presentation and look at the materials on
From various free of cost sources, I’ve deduced the following estimated key results for Michelle Mone’s company, MJM International since 2009.
One can clearly see that the company hit its peak in 2010. Since then, sales have collapsed leading to heavy losses of £547,000 for the 18 month period up to October 2013.
2014 (To be reported October 2015)
Even though inventories doubled to £686,000 in 2013 (usually a sign that a company is struggling to sell its products), the net value of the company was negative to the amount of £287,000, meaning that all its liabilities exceeded the value of all its assets.
In essence, in 2013 MJM International was on paper anyway, worthless because if it were wound up, the shareholders would get nothing.
However, since the first legal mortgage holder is HSBC it retains a floating charge over assets, goodwill, undertaking, uncalled capital, both present & future. What this may mean is that HSBC would get first bite at whatever crumbs were left if it were wound up.
It took 14 years to finally achieve sales in excess of £10 million but it appears that it will take only 4 years to undo all that hard work & success.
To suggest then, that Ms. Mone continues to remain a shining example of British business success, requires the observer to wear a very deep shade of rose tinted spectacles.
On reflection, MM’s U-turn might have been caused by her being aware of the Rev’s debunking of her claims. She might not be as glaikit as she seems.
Unfortunately, it’s too late.
Now she’s just a busted flush.
One_Scot says:
12 August, 2015 at 3:25 pm
Don’t know if anyone has seen this, but I had to wipe away the tears.
Everybody: this is a wee gem, but watch it when you have the space to properly laugh (not on the bus, you’ll look like a nutter!), cheers One_Scot 🙂
I seem to missed this alternate reality indyref where 99% of businesses were vocally and enthusiastically supporting Yes. ????????????????
Yes, GH Graham, it looks like a case of clogs to clogs not in 3 generations but just one. Do the Tories ever do any research, or is it always to be back-of-a-fag-packet stuff.
Ah bugger it so the poisonous rabid Brit Nat Tory coo hasn’t left at all then. I don’t suppose she hit her favourite Brit Nat rags with legal crap for telling porkies about her then?
Anyone else notice Michelle has the same Jim Murphy eyebrow traits?
That way one doesnt move yet the others all over the shop out of control…………..Scary!
“Petra says:
12 August, 2015 at 2:28 pm
@ Robert Kerr says at 11:31 am “When I was persuaded….” By Whom? Why? and What was the Deal? Just Askin!”
You two had me confused there. The first time I read it I took it to be a reference to the late, and famously corrupt, Premier of New South Wales, Robert ‘yours for the’ Askin. No seriously, he was real, you can google him. And he’d fit right in with this lot.
Those are indeed three good questions, but I don’t expect we’d get a coherent answer out of someone so out of touch with reality that she can say, in the next paragraph, “…after becoming one of only a few business leaders to come out in favour of both nations remaining together.” That was obviously a different referendum campaign to the one I was in.
David Cameron is either just plain stupid or has some quite dreadful advisors around him.
Nineteen Tories including six cabinet ministers plus one communications chief, resigned during Cameron’s first term as PM.
Alastair Burt
Andrew Mitchell
Andy Coulson
Angela Watkinson
Baroness Neville-Jones
Chloe Smith
Chris Huhne
David Laws
John Penrose
John Randall
Liam Fox
Lord Green
Lord Marland
Lord McNally
Maria Miller
Mark Harper
Michael Fabricant
Nigel Evans
Simon Burns
Thomas Galbraith, 2nd Baron Strathclyde
And let us not forget about Patrick Rock, who resigned last year as deputy head of Downing Street’s policy, just before being arrested on allegations relating to child abuse images.
Thus, Mone’s recent bizarre elevation to business tsar or whatever she’s referred to, is likely to be just one more misguided, misjudged & ill conceived decision that will surely end in tears.
Not really OT as both rejected human rights, but remember I suggested Marx was a bit of a reactionary. I’m not wanting to start a fight, just putting this out there for folk to consider.
link to en.wikipedia.org
I’ve said it before, Moany’s reason for leaving Scotland: ‘It was all those evil cybernats led by Nicola Sturgeon, they made me do it. I had no choice! (Snivel! Sniff!)‘ was a complete and utter falsehood.
She had already ‘got word’ that she was going to be given a House of Lords seat, and, since she adores the British Establishment and all that it stands for anyway, she couldn’t wait to get herself a pad in central London, for her, the be all and end all centre of the Britnat universe. The ‘evil cybernats’ line was just the cover, the smokescreen, the excuse in fulfilling her ambitions.
The right-wing press were, of course, only too ready to back her falsehood up; any excuse to fill their filthy hate-filled rags with anti-Scottish/SNP/Nicola Sturgeon lies and smears.
The Moany one is an out and out me, me, me narcissist. Her views, attitude and politics are perfectly suited to the Conservative party. Now that she has been selected – not elected – to be a “Lady”, she will feel right at home in her natural environment of hobnobbing with those whom the British state view as the ‘betters’ of the lumpenproleteriat.
It’s hard to believe that someone who can’t spell steal penned that article for the Daily Mail.
If The Bullingdon Boys think Gideon Osborne is an oik because he didn’t go to Eton God knows what they must think of Mone.
Of course with her monstrously high opinion of herself she will be totally unaware of being patronised.
As far as her ludicous appointment is concerned I can see a political car crash pretty soon and an outbreak of tears for both Mone and the Tories.
I’m trying to picture the cheering Union Jack thousands lining the streets when her Business Creation Road show first hits Scotland – it will be a bit like one of Murphy’s triumphant rallies.
I was called a ‘c***’, a ‘cow’, a ‘slut’, as well as being told, ‘I’m going to get it’
This is no way to call a conniving self centered sycophantic
gold digger!
She already got it, and her husband who earned the money, got the
other half.
ack Murphy says:
12 August, 2015 at 12:05 pm
OT—-sort of.
Kezia Dugdale says her views are not ‘wildly different’ from Corbyn
I heard this interview while driving and nearly crashed.
She, Dipity Dug, Voted for more Tory Austerity, I watched her do it, yet if she was in power we would get more teachers, police, Doctors, Nurses, etc? Must be those ones that pay to work?
And she agrees with Corbyn on reducing austerity??
Can she actually hear what she is saying?
This creature, the best that SLAB has to offer in Scotland,
goes on-air with a memorised script, then flaps and flounders to get back to it regardless of what question is asked of her?
Kezia just says the first thing that comes into her wee heid. It might externally conflict with previous statements. But there is no internal conflict,she is just an air head.
Perhaps Michelle should explain why Scotland is better off in the union but she had to go to London to take her business to the next level. Perhaps she could spend her energies breaking through the limitations she found being located in Scotland.
Unless of course, it is all pish and wind.
Whether you like it or not, Ms Mone is a smart and intelligent woman and very good at what she does best which is to nuture, self-publicize and capitalize on her image for financial profit.
Of course I do not agree with this mentality or the ways that she goes about it which is seen here by changing her political allegiances like changing a pair of knickers and indulging in historical revision. I am simply pointing out who she is and what she does.
Now that she has managed to ingratiate herself with the London establishment with being a ‘victim’ of nasty cybernats, she will be wheeled out from time to time to cry the same message but ultimately she will move on to the next stage of her career which has nothing to do with Scotland or the Scottish people in but to create even more personal profit.
In relation to her involvement with politics, it is best to ignore her as it is another part of her ongoing campaign for self-publicity and in doing so helps makes her richer.
So now she is threating legal action against anyone saying her tax affairs were illegal.The Herald that she used Employee Benefit Trusts….totally legal as she says, but as George Osborne said were “morally repugnant”
Be careful Michelle, sue anyone…..and everything comes out !!!
……..oh, and now in her Titter (sorry Twitter) account she blames #typical SNP Supporters. But thought she loved us now?
More very recent and highly questionable bigging up of Michelle Mone here on the BBC website. Given the dubious-at-best content of the article, which pretty much trashes her ex-husband, one can only surmise that she lacks somewhat in the dignity stakes.
See: link to bbc.com