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Wings Over Scotland

Like a hurricane

Posted on July 10, 2013 by

For those of you who stubbornly STILL don’t follow us on Twitter, this is our favourite still from the trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, the latest instalment in the blockbuster series from splendid Edinburgh-based videogame developers Rockstar North.


(This is AF #54, if you’re keeping track. We know we weren’t.)

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20 to “Like a hurricane”

  1. Robert Bryce

    Hurricane Bawbag by any chance?
    My neighbour’s son is involved in GTA. I think I need to have a word!

  2. MajorBloodnok

    I heard they put Johann Lamont in it, in an updated “Hot Coffee” scene.  Well, they would have, if they could find her.

  3. Geoff Huijer

    Yeah….I saw that! Hilarious.
    It is the GTAV equivalent of the NASDAQ.
    Can’t imagine many folks will ‘get it’ though
    which kinda makes it funnier.

  4. Robert Bryce

    Shergar, Lord Lucan & Johann Lamont. Discuss………………

  5. IainGraysSubwayLament

    There’ll be far more sly digs and in-jokes than that in it I’d wager.
    Rockstar North better get ready for a massive influx of cash as GTAV looks to be yet another gaming juggernaut. Possibly the last truly massive one of this generation.
    Meanwhile, more scaremongering lunacy from westmisnter.

    MoD fears for Trident base if Scotland says yes to independence
    Whitehall looking at plan to designate home of nuclear fleet as sovereign United Kingdom territory

  6. Peter

    Interesting. For those who like playing games.
    Not as interesting as the outright threat to invade part of Scotland post independence.

  7. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “There’ll be far more sly digs and in-jokes than that in it I’d wager.”

    I knew some of the Rockstar guys professionally back in the days when they were still DMA Design in Dundee, and I like to believe this shop in GTA4 was for me:

    (My website used to be called World of Stuart.)

  8. Gaavster

    You’ll maybe know my cousin Stu… GS, worked on the original GTA, graphics specialist….

  9. Robert Bryce

    I was at a track day in East Fortune last year when they were sampling engine noises of a few of the cars for GTA5.

    It was a fantastic day. I got to tear up & down the old runway in some nice motors indeed. Ferrari F430, Porsche GT3, Race prepped Lotus Elise & Nissan GTR among others.

  10. IainGraysSubwayLament

    Nice little namecheck from them there Rev.
    Strange to think from a little overhead game they now have such huge global influence. It delights me that they are likely to be as uncompromising as ever while the wield that influence. There’s definitely a subversive scottish streak that lies behind all the Americana and pop culture references in the GTA series.

  11. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “You’ll maybe know my cousin Stu… GS, worked on the original GTA, graphics specialist….”

    Is he on page 66 here?

  12. DanTDog

    @Rev Stuart… “For those of you who stubbornly STILL don’t follow us on Twitter”
    Naethin’ stubborn aboot it, Rev…some o’ us havenae enough hours in the day as it is wi’oot jinin’ up tae every new-fanglt tech/blether sites…taks me a’ ma time readin’ an’ tryin’ tae digest yer Wings pearls… Keep it up, btw, I’ve convertit yin or twa folk tae oor wey o’ thinkin’ by introducin’ them tae WoS… ? Noo we’re whistlin’ the same tune…??

  13. Gaavster

    Possibly Stu, but that was many moons ago and too many follicles on show to be certain…. his name is Gordon and let’s just say he’s a dead ringer for a famous American Film Director now… mail me and I’ll tell you his surname 😉

  14. Dcanmore

    God I love the GTA series, my dark days of video gaming burnout (1998-2003) was swept aside with GTA III. Rockstar North (ex-DMA) are my heroes next to Team 17 and Sensible Software. I started gaming on 10p coin-ops in 1979, got a Vic-20 in 1983; CBM64 in 85; Amiga 500 in 1990; PS1 in 1995 and a PS2 in 2003. I know Rev Stu can easily trounce my gaming history (and everyone else) 🙂 
    Always loved the random humorous Scottish and Irish references on the streets of GTA. By the way Rev, have you ever played the Snow Ball game by Chunk (Glasgow), just a wee funny you can play online.


  15. Etrigan

    Ok, that’s it. I’m getting my old Amiga out. 4 player Hired Guns…what a game 🙂

  16. Doug Daniel

    Dcanmore – I take it you know which famous Scottish developer-turned-comedian is doing the voices in that game by Chunk? 😛

  17. Dcanmore

    It’s Brian Limond I think.

  18. Doug Daniel

    It certainly is. I believe him and another guy started Chunk together.

  19. kininvie

    Ach, none of these shoot-em-ups have any relevance. You need Crusader Kings. Once you got through the mind-boggling conventions and laws of Medieval feudalism, you realise it’s the perfect trainer for politics in Indy Scotland….

  20. Dcanmore

    @Doug … Ah, I didn’t know he started the company, cool!

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