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Wings Over Scotland

Let’s do a thing again

Posted on August 21, 2013 by

Okay, the verdict of the readers was pretty unequivocal, with an almost four-to-one majority in favour of going ahead with another opinion poll right away. So let’s get fundraising again. Click the pic to go to the Indiegogo page. (As before, if you can’t use IG for any reason, there are other donating options.)


We’re only running this one for a week, so if you weren’t part of the fun last time, don’t miss out on this second exciting opportunity to be relieved of your cash. All the cool kids are doing it! You want to be cool, don’t you?

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Doug Daniel

I do indeed want to be cool. However, I know that everyone’s going to be donating, so I’m going to be ULTRA-cool and not donate.
(So I’ve done it under a pseudonym instead…)


I’ll stick a few groats in this evening.


I missed out on the last one as you rudely insisted people stop throwing money at you. So I’ve paid in here.
Well, a certain American statistician has.


I missed the last one too. Not this time. Thanks Stuart.

john king

I cant wait to releived my cash,
I’ve never been cool


Small donation sent. 
Looking forward to this poll – and the mass media coverage it will receive.

Tony Little

I missed tha last one, but have a small job now so will contribute.
Rev, did you see the news that YES campaign has been banned from the South Dunfermline Gala (see here).  The excuse was that NO would not be there.  Maybe a question about this is the poll?  Not sure how to word it, but something on the lines about “equal” representation of both sides.  If NO hide away and fail to put anyone up, why should that prevent YES from informing the public?

EDIT: Just seen your Tweet.

Douglas Gregory

Tsk, tsk you pesky separatist, it’s like you are seeking clarity in the debate and your doing it deliberately. Donation made.


“Yeah, tweeted it a few minutes ago, but it’s not the first time it’s happened. Compiling case studies.”
You can add Easterhouse gala day to the list. Saturday 10th Aug

Alex Taylor

Contribution made Stu.
Looking forward to the results.
Seeing as the last lot were as ignored as they could be (I know we made some waves): given the numbers and spread of your readership, would a follow up leafleting of the salient points be feasible, worthwhile or desirable?
We are a grassroots group and can expect no help from the MSM, so would boots on the ground be an alternative?


Respect for ‘Fife News Online’:
‘Fife News Online believes that the referendum is the biggest decision affecting Scotland for several hundred years. It is vitally important that people get the information they need to make the best choice possible for their families. We do not believe banning one side of the debate from any public event is warranted and they most definitely should not be punished for a failure on the part of their opponents to turn up and engage with the electorate.


I still wear bell bottoms and my hero’s Morocco Mole, but I stuck in a couple of coins anyway.

Doug Daniel

I do hope Nathaniel Silver isn’t expecting a say in the questions in exchange for his donation.

Ewan MacKenzie

Wee donation sent. I see you hit this first thousand in 36 minutes – no bad!
O/T Did you hear the piece on GMS this morning 7.20am-ish – introduced as bad news for the oil industry, but the spokesman from UK Oil&Gas was unequivocal that there was no bad news. Might make for an interesting WoS analysis.


Do a smaller more specific poll with fewer (but equally clever) questions and analyse the shit out of the results is what I say!
It will be more widely reported-still don’t get why Yes didn’t go more on the previous poll to be honest with press releases based on some of the results and breakdowns as they really were important points raised.


Tenner bunged.

Paul Kirkwood

I am making a donation now . Wish you all the best and look forward to seeing the result,whatever it is!

David Martin

Chipped in again!

Juan Bonnets

Missed the first one but got in early this time – at the rate the total is rising it looks like we could comfortably fund monthly polls all the way up to the referendum.
Keep up the good work Stu/everyone.


Ok will donate tonight, I am looking forward to the results.
Its about time this stupid situation where at any events the YES campaign cannot put up a stall because the No campaign won’t be there is knocked on the head, it is ridculous.

If the No campaign cannot produce enough people to put up a stall that is their problem it is nothing to do with the YES campaign, the only time their should any problems is if some organisation deliberately shows bias to either one or the other campaigns.

And if a political party is deliberatly blocking the yes campaign from putting up their stalls they need to be named and shamed and asked to explain themselves.

Hail Alba.


A few quid sent again Rev Stu, I guess this is getting pretty uncomfortable for the Better No folk. They won’t like that we are prepared to fund this so soon after the last one.


very pleased to contribute; your determination to get the truth out there is an example to us all


Last time was one of the best tenners I’ve ever spent, so that’s a donation to this one done.

I would like you to consider doing one jointly with Women for Independence some time though.


You’ll get something from me the night.


Make that the now.


I may not agree with some of your output Stewart, but this is for an overwhelmingly good cause.
Any time you want to do a poll I’ll contribute, even if it were once a month until polling day.
What better contribution could anyone make than give towards a project that may help the ‘Yes campaign and Independence for Scotland.

Robert McDonald

I thought I was already cool with my fancy cowboy boots so I must be sub zero now!


£10 added to the total!


Donation winging its way over.


Donation made via paypal due to Windows 8 & IE10 not liking indigogo!


Delighted to have made another small contribution.
Ever more delighted to be cool ….  at last


I would like to know who is making the decision to stop yes campaigners having stalls at any event. Names please.   tenner sent.

Gordon Bain

@ Wullie.
I also want these people named and shamed. After all, they are presumably supposed to be working FOR the public and not against. This stinks!


Donation willingly made Stu. Don’t know why some posters are asking for John Curtice to ‘look over’ proposed questions, to me the guy’s a fully paid up BBC rent-a-quote merchant and pretty duff as a poll-guesser to boot given his performance in 2011.
Why do you think he’s the blue-eyed boy for the BBC? He’s well mired in their mire-dom, right up to his neck. Don’t give him house-room, find someone that’s more deserving on talent, not because he’s a threat.
As to the questions: A) definitely on how to bring in the female vote. B) go for it, will you vote YES? C) Could you vote NO, knowing you are voting for the status quo, which will finish off Scotland as a country


re the stalls, can they not be put up in an extremely adjacent area? with an explanation to the public on why they have to be outside.


I made a typo in an email this morning – undependent. New question – should Scotland be an undependent country?


Long time reader, first time poster, first time contributor.
Looking forward to the results!


I dunno,i think it would be a good idea to run the poll questions past a professional pollster before commisioning it.Doesnt have to be Curtice though i think he’s the sort of chap who would be happy to lend his advice.


Not really thought this through, but how about a question along the lines of:
At which point in time are you most likely to decide which way to vote in the referendum?
– I’ve already decided
– When the Scottish government white paper is released in Autumn 2013
– Spring/Summer 2014
– During the official 16(?)-week referendum campaign
– Referendum day

Might give hints to who is open to change minds and how many will completely ignore all that’s gone on and wait until the last weeks/days.


How about questions on the BBC in Scotland:
Do you trust it?
Do you think it serves Scotland?
Would you buy a TV licence to fund it if it was optional?
Would you join a non-payment campaign?
Would you prefer a separate SBC using Scottish licence revenue?


I would like to know who is making the decision to stop yes campaigners having stalls at any event. Names please.
We don’t need to know who they are only what they are and that is threatened and fearful. They don’t do democracy, they are afraid of debate and they have no answers to OUR questions. Chief of which is just how did your governmental system, your union, your politics fuck it all up so badly if its so brilliant? Why are people forming orderly queues to foodbanks? Why are one in three children born into crushing poverty? Why are the poor and dispossessed being victimised by those in control of our welfare? Why is the UK talking in terms of over a trillion in debt and austerity for the foreseeable future, whilst ordering shiny new multi billion pound weapons systems?
That’s why they complain and close down. Because they have no answers.

Marker Post

Just sent a contribution Rev direct to your bank account, don’t like the Indigogo or Paypal. I know it won’t appear on your poll stats that way, but what the hell, am sure you’ll reach the target this afternoon anyway! Onwards and upwards.

Graeme S

Lurked here for a long time without posting, and I’m more than happy to throw in £20.
Any thoughts about a billboard campaign in the future to get the message out, Rev? Crowd-funded advertising “by the people, for the people” is something I can get behind.

Seasick Dave

I keep timing out when I try to make a donation, honest, Rev.
I’ll keep trying though.
Keep the questions upbeat.
PS I’m the coolest guy on shift 🙂

Tom Hogg

Ten minutes and it’ll be done. Certain NO people will pee themselves again. Amusing.

Helen Yates

£20 well spent

Lynn MacRae

Sent in a few bob, by looks of the rapidly growing balance target will be met very soon ) 
Look forward to seeing results. 


How do you plan to vote in the referendum?

-I plan to vote yes
-I plan to vote no
-I am undecided how I will vote
-I am unlikely to vote in the referendum

A question like this should be more valuable than the previous question involving Westminster voting intention or asking the referendum question. 


Donation made Rev!
Wings T shirt purchased for the September march – a bonny canary yellow which suits me just fine – apart from the fact Mrs Dram says I need a bigger size and is currently looking out a diet sheet – oh-er!

Ewan MacKenzie says:
21 August, 2013 at 12:09 pm
O/T Did you hear the piece on GMS this morning 7.20am-ish – introduced as bad news for the oil industry, but the spokesman from UK Oil&Gas was unequivocal that there was no bad news.

The contrast Ewan, between what the STV website and the BBC were carrying, was quite amazing. I do see that STV have now moved it from main headlines to Aberdeen news.
Anent the refusal to allow yes campaigning at fetes etc, this needs sorting out quickly. If the organisers are taking or using public money or public facilities in support of their soiree’s, I would have thought that they have even less excuse for saying no.


Just donated, glad to be helping out again 🙂


Donated a tenner, and I did it deliberately!


Wow! Total surpassed already! is that a record? 🙂


Donation made with pleasure!
I see that the £2500 target’s already been exceeded. That right Rev?


Frances tells me she donated something on our behalf, so that means we’re both cool (cooler, anyway).

Richard Lucas

Slipped you a fiver – but the total busted already.


Pfft,lol.What was that?2 hours?

steve stewart

Done.  Glad I could contribute this time.
This level of crowdsourcing should be news in itself.  What a staggering effort.


Fuck me that fund raiser was impressive!
Let’s just run it for a week Stu. We can raise enough to just buy Scotland from the Tories and dispense with all of this shite!

Keyser Soze

Yet another day that’s made me feel good inside.Well done to everyone and Rev , we really do appreciate your time and efforts.
On the subject of YES stalls……I attended a gala type day ,very recently , in Beltane park and yet again,YES were not allowed ! The organisers then just set-up on the pavement/entrance to the park and got-on with the job at hand.

Jon D

@rabb says
Belter Rabb,
Had just put half a bridie in my head.
Keyboard not happy.


If these galas are worried about balance, is anyone prepared to volunteer to man a Better Together stall?  

As a fringe benefit, you would be able to make the positive case for the Union in creative new ways.  

If you can avoid shouting “fuck” at your few visitors or calling them racists, while restraining yourself from diving under the table, you’d already be raising the bar considerably from Better Together’s previous efforts.

It would be a win – win.

Buster Bloggs

Hello all
Quick question, is it the donate button I use for the poll or is there a different button ?

Jon D

Good to see you are over here Keyser.
I think we both got totally hacked off with the vitriol that passes for debate over at Johnson Press.(trams nonsense etc)
Hail Alba

Buster Bloggs

Soz, sorted now 🙂


Click on the Yes / No picture at the top Buster and that will take you to the donation page,


Sadly I’ve just come off the Tourette’s meds so that’s me out.  Arse.


Donated. Use it with deliberate intent.

Jon D

@NorthBrit 2.29pm
Would make a good headline; “Better Together exposed as front for Yes Scotland”


I would like to know who is making the decision to stop yes campaigners having stalls at any event. Names please.

We don’t need to know who they are only what they are and that is threatened and fearful. They don’t do democracy, they are afraid of debate and they have no answers to OUR questions. Chief of which is just how did your governmental system, your union, your politics fuck it all up so badly if its so brilliant? Why are people forming orderly queues to foodbanks? Why are one in three children born into crushing poverty? Why are the poor and dispossessed being victimised by those in control of our welfare? Why is the UK talking in terms of over a trillion in debt and austerity for the foreseeable future, whilst ordering shiny new multi billion pound weapons systems?
You could add the creation of a massive state surveillance system (along with the USA), the increasing authoritarianism of the British state.

That’s why they complain and close down. Because they have no answers.


Yes stall volunteers should attend on foot with banner and T-shirts. They could hand out badges and fliers etc. whilst taking the opportunity to chat with interested people and point out that they have been refused permission to have a dedicated stall. Surely they would be allowed to wear what they like and say what they like. Wouldn’t they?

I have been reading and sharing for a while now. The impression I have is that most people quietly support independence but won’t stick their heads above the parapet until they know A majority of those around them share that view, a bit like the Devo Ref. Thanks for helping keep the spirits up during the MSM doomslaught. Rev Stuart- Dam buster. The water level is rising.

Buster Bloggs

Cheers Rab, was in a bit of a hurry there, Donation complete, fantastic, bring it on 🙂 I’m sure this will be done in a way it can’t be ignored….. we will see, Happy Daze 🙂

Rod Mac

Donation in Rev , but unlike rest I cannot see the running total can someone less luddite than me point me in right direction?


“If these galas are worried about balance, is anyone prepared to volunteer to man a Better Together stall?”
Yeah, I said that at the Easterhouse one. If we need balance, fine. We get a pile of Better Together leaflets – I rather like the ones that actually say DOOM! and GLOOM! Then find someone willing to stand looking miserable and saying, “it’ll a’ be terrible…och ye dinnae want tae go it alone, pal…naw, too wee, too poor, too stupit…an’ we huv oil, ye ken…oil is a curse, so it is.”


That would be interesting North Brit with regards to Yes campaigners manning BT stalls.

I’m not entirely sure Yes can plumb to the horrifically negative depths shown by BT campaigners even if you connected them to the negative side of a battery and put them in a room full of Emo’s who’ve been told the Marilyn Manson concert has been cancelled.


@muttley 79
Like I said, they don’t do democracy. The very fact they feel the need to complain about a YES campaign presence at any time tells you all you need to know.
Project Feart.


@Rod Mac-
Just click on the picture up-top (of the pen and ballot paper) and wait a few seconds, it’ll appear top-right.


Oh.  I break off to do some actual work, and look what happens,
I also discover that Indiegogo have obviously updated their code since the last fundraiser, and the antiquated version of IE that I’m stuck with at work (where I can’t upgrade my browser) won’t even show me the page.  Someone tell me the details!


it’s 3 o’clock.  The total is £2735, that’s over the £2500 target. What interesting times we live in. I wonder if we should start crowdfunding research as well.

Red squirrel

Wait for me – don’t want to get left out this time. Done! 

The Man in the Jar

I will chuck some siller into the virtual collection plate later today.


“I’m not entirely sure Yes can plumb to the horrifically negative depths shown by BT campaigners”
I’m quite sure we can. Our Better Together stall could have UKOK banners and stickers, Union Jacks, UKOK leaflets and also add in some propaganda from heavily unionist sites like BBC Scotlandshire  🙂

Inbhir Anainn

Donation made to a worthy cause.  Hail Alba vote YES in 2014.

Turnbull Drier

ffs, I’m just back to the land of the tinternet and you’ve not only started one, but you’ve raised the total already…
I’ve chucked in anyway. But, Rev Stu, I’m begining to wonder if you are a cult leader afterall 😉

Bugger (the Panda)

Morag get a new job or a tablet, maybe cheaper.


Just chucked in £10 Rev, see the total up at £2,835 – already exceeded the £2500 goal.
Thats pretty impressive stuff everyone.


Good God Cath that’s genius!

Perhaps we could even have someone from Westminster at each stall who could take folk’s money off them, hand them back a radioactive 50p, tell them to fuck off and accuse them of being subsidy junkies?

Just for authenticity obviously!

Derick Tulloch

Hah, got in there this time!


Stuffed a tenner in yer sporran, Stuart. Spend wisely.
It feels just great beating the MSM at their own game.

YES Scotland.


Hi Rev,
I would love to contribute this time… however, I am having all sorts of difficulties changing the country designation of my PayPal a/c (have recently moved to the US). Having done a quick google search, this is not something that can be solved instantly. 
Is it possible to send you an old fashioned cheque?

Neil MacKenzie

Some generous donations in there, I’ll add mine at the weekend so DON’T close the fundraiser. If there’s enough in the pot maybe commission two polls? A serious one and a fun one?

Elizabeth Sutherland

Donated, Go get em Rev

Craig M

Why not look at the Catalan experience as a possible guide. here’s some info.
link to


I’ve just had a YouGov poll asking whether the NO parties should offer more powers before or after the referendum and whether that would change my vote. Are you being *that* quick off the mark Rev or is someone else getting worried?


Too accurate to be satire.  You are Blair MacDougall and I claim my (radioactive) 50p.


Do we attribute banning the yes stalls at toon fetes, to a large dose of the CRINGE on behalf of the organisers rather than, as they are trying to sell it, equality of access? Or is it politics that is driving it?
Might be a good question in there for the survey Rev, around do people think banning is fair etc!


Bugger (the Panda), I’ve got a smartphone, but not a signal.  Never have, in this office.  We’re deprived, here.

Buster Bloggs

Great Idea, next time we get a no because no haven’t  said they will be there, then YES, put the word out and I’ll do the BT stall, we must have fairness and balance after all plus we can’t have no shutting the debate down because they can’t be arsed, don’t have the bodies or are doing it deliberately to stop YES putting the message out there.
I could do a real good HONEST job on a BT stall, seriously if they won’t participate then lets do it for them 🙂
My YES tattoo on my wrist will give a bit of balance 🙂


This Gala Day thing could get very messy for the organisers. Labour stall must have, cons , lib dems, greens, SNP independents and a penguin in attendence. British heart foundation must be paired with brits in favour of heart attacks, Disability Scotland must be opposed by Suporters of ATOS maybe although that could be covered by the Conserative stall.


Would rather give you my cash than pay my tv license lol


There was no BT stall at Peebles, but we did have a Yes Scotland stall.  There were plenty UKOK badges though (well some – too many for me), because the Conservatives and the LibDems both had tents.  (Until the LibDem tent blew away!)  People with BT badges were also seen in association with a stall trying to persuade people to stop drinking, and one supporting wounded servicemen.
I gave away a lot of Yes Scotland balloons to kiddies.  (Yes, we WILL win on the back of the eight-year-old vote!)  What was odd was that I picked up an uninflated, unused Better Together balloon from the grass, but saw no such balloons being given out or carried by anyone.


“British heart foundation must be paired with brits in favour of heart attacks,”
Baggsie doing the stall that goes up against all the health promoting “lower your alcohol consumption and don’t do drugs” stalls at health fairs.


is someone else getting worried?
Bricking it more like.
Too late for offering new powers. 67% think there’ll be none or some taken away with at best just over 1 in 10 thinking there might be a few odds and ends coming our way. Add in the fact that the electorate think the pro-union campaign are liars and there’s no mileage in this.
Unionists have been blocking more powers for years and were totally against a second question. What do they expect?
And there’s of course devolution is already too asymmetric so there can’t be more powers without a complete constitutional re-hash of the UK…

Training Day

Done and taken over the 3k mark 🙂


Hi Rev iam up for another poll and will put a tenner in tonight.  Will you be asking the referendum question outright??.
O/T I work offshore and got chatting to a dutch chap about the referendum and he doesnt believe me when I tell him that we have no media supporting our cause what so ever, he thinks i am paranoid and i must be imagining it. That is how hard it is to explain to srtangers that we have abosolutely no MSM support and also the national tv broadcastert (BBC SCOTLAND) is also up against us,  but I re-assure him that on 18th Sept 2014 we will be victorious.

Tony Little

Well done to all, now passed £3000, (£3,027 to be precise) 😉


Can we have a question on the BBC. I cant quite get my head round how they can get away with the Oil and Gas story headline today, after listening to the Oil and Gas reps upbeat message this morning. The BBCs story bears no relation to what the guy said whatsoever. And as for Douglas Fraser………. Could we get our own interview with the Oil and Gas guy? It would be good to hear what he thinks of the BBCs ”facts”
Very angry


There’s also the problem, for any party that offers additional powers in an election manifesto, they’d not only have to persuade their MPs/supporters/ the electorate in the rUK, that Scots were entitled to them and that it was equitable. A bit tricky when we and the rest of the UK have been immersed in the notion, that the people of Scotland have been sponging from my grandmother’s country, for decades, if not from 1707.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Training Day – Well done, I wondered who would take the 3k baton. I am just sittin here refreshing Indiegogo every wee while and gettin that warm fuzzy glow that usually comes out of a 12year old malt. If its not already ‘crowd-funding’ will be a new entry in the Oxford Dic.

Marker Post

@Rabb, brilliant, man, that would make a classic Monty Python-esque sketch.
Makes me think — a fund-raiser for a series of sketches with a few satirical scare stories thrown in, I’m sure BBC Scotlandshire would allow theirs to be used too… a party political broadcast by Wings Over Scotland, Scotland’s largest political party… wonder how much John Cleese would charge to be the man behind the UKOK table?

Keith Bale

Regarding poll questions, it could be worth including one along the lines of a previously asked question:
“If you were guaranteed to be £… better off, would you vote for independence?”
I know it’s been asked before, but if it produces a similar outcome to the last time (and there’s no reason to suggest it wouldn’t), then it’s a reminder to the media and general population that people do actually want Scotland to be independent, it’s just the fear of uncertainty that is holding them back.
If this helps steer the debate towards finances then I believe it can only help the Yes campaign. And perhaps some media/broadcasters would actually start to query Better Together on their figures for once?


It’s now £3171.00,
naebother tae us


Marker Post
Think dead parrot sketch all the ways/words of saying NO!!!!!!


£20 lobbed your way via Google Checkout – easiest way for me via Android.
Stwike ’em wuffly Centuwion.


“For the love of the wee man, will SOMEONE please screenshot or cut-and-paste the whole of this poll for us instead of just telling us about it?”
Oops. Yeah, sorry. And now I can’t get back in of course…

Ron Maclean

I asked BBC Complaints why the Panelbase poll wasn’t reported.  This is the reply.
Thank you for your e-mail. Your comments were passed to the Head of News and Current Affairs, who has asked that I forward his response as follows:
“Thank you for being in touch about our programmes and our online content.
The BBC has strict rules and clear editorial guidelines about the use of, and the reporting of, opinion polls. It does not report every poll that is published. Due consideration is given to a number of salient factors, such as the provenance of the poll, the way in which the information is garnered, how it is weighted, who commissioned it, whether the polls are conducted amongst registered members, whether they are paid for their efforts, and so on and so forth.
None of these factors will necessarily, of itself, rule in or rule out the reporting of a poll; but a judgement call has to be made at some point, based on these and other considerations.
You may have heard what I thought was a most informative 11-minute item on Good Morning Scotland on Radio Scotland on Saturday 17th August, in which Stuart Campbell, who runs the website which carried the panelbase poll, explained why they commissioned it; and Professor John Curtice outlined the pros and cons of such polling by crowd source funding.”
Thank you again for being in touch.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
link to


As regards to the banning of a YES stall at galas etc.
Would it not be a good idea for YES supporters of that area to put on YES T shirts with some facts printed on the back (yes on the front) and mingle in with the crowd.
Free plentiful publicity and sure fire way of getting the message across at these galas. They’re also re usable..


Just made a contribution. Lets stick it to em’


Hi dee says
When i was on hols I met a Dutch couple who asked me about the referendum and what  I thought the result would be. I said it would be a big yes vote, after a while they then said to me what are you going to do when that attack you. They were very clued up about our rulers in the south. Not all strangers are lacking in info


Just donated and wow its standing at over 3000 plus, your target has been smashed to smithereens in surely record time;)

I’d like to see as one of the questions, do you want to see Scotland as an independent country?  with a straight yes or no.  Then we get a taster on the real state of affairs and  know what’s needed to be done in the run up to the big day.  By us crowd sourcing polls, i think we’ve stole one of the unionists biggest tools (no pun attended!) with which theyve regularly used to beat us down with.  At least with this, i have more faith in the results without their sticky paws all over it no matter the findings.
Re the YES stalls, at  the Leith Gala day back in june, there was both YES and NO stalls with the YES one right bang in the centre of everything in which they reported great feedback whereas the NO one for whatever reason was on the periphery remotely placed with few footfall.  The naysayers approached me and when i informed them i was voting YES, they couldnt get away quick enough!  So it seems weird why they wouldnt let one or the other at other Gala days.  Personally i’d query it.


Was that a we didn’t because it wasn’t good enough…but wait we did with Stuart and John both interviewed.
That reponse doesn’t make any sense whatsoblooming ever. 


Holy Crap!  It just jumped a grand – £4211
Do we have Carnegie in our midst or is it the Rev consolidating funds?


When refused entry to these places, we’ve been setting up outside. I noticed a few on FB. As others have said, t-shirts and wandering about with leaflets do the same job, and being mobile often gets more attention as we wander about. 🙂
NB: it’s usually Labour councillors who object. Also had Labour-supporting headmasters doing a few one-sided events in schools.


He wouldn’t have put in off-system donations, because that would incur additional royalities from Indiegogo.  It’s worth doing it if it gets the total over the target, but it was already over the target.
Very curious.  Someone’s finger slipped? £1000 by mistake for £10.00?


On the gala day thing, something doesn’t stack up. How the hell can they say there is No BT stall? Would they have accepted their request prior to the Yes stall? If so why the hell would they do that?
Both campaigns are not going to apply at exactly the same moment, this is crazy or twisted. I think it is important to find out who is making these calls and what their affiliations are and get that out into the open.  

Archie [not Erchie]

O/T a wee bit
Those of you with grey beards and wallies will remember that ‘Space Invaders’ game which in its time was quite addictive. The scrunchin space monsters scrolled down the screen till you were history, deid and no more.
Now, the Rev [Bless him], did point out to a previous poster on how to change his ‘Avatar’ to a ‘Gravatar’. If you look up this page you will see Major B, Seasick Dave, Rabb, Baheid and others with colourful ‘Gravatars’. Anyhow if you want to change your ‘space invader’ which is automatically generated by WordPress, then go to and follow the yellow brick road.
Warning – Be careful which box you tick regarding emails because you will receive every post in your email inbox. I made that mistake. I smiled.
Good news is this, you can choose which blogs or forums you wish to have your ‘Gravatar’ displayed. Just copy and paste the appropriate home page URL where it asks.
C’mon guys and gals lets get colourful.


I was intending to donate when I get home, will this still be going by the time I get home? If anything this is more mental than last time.


I was so pleased with your endeavour last time Rev Stu, I decided to chuck-in again. Onwards and upwards, Reverend Campbell and WOS.


I cannot help but wonder – 5 hours since the Rev made the call, and the target isn’t so much broken as evaporated
If BT tried this crowdfunding lark they would probably be sitting on a grand total of thruppence and three farthings for weeks.  Because we all know that BT donors don’t give anything unless they get special personal considerations (ahem) from David Cameron.  Probably.


I’ve got the screenshots of the more interesting qs (and remembered the content of the others) from the YouGov poll Rev, what would be the best way of getting it to you?

Coolheads Prevail

That’s my fiver in the bucket and we’ve passed £4250. More power to your elbow. 

Archie [not Erchie]

@ HandandShrimp – According to the Rev Stu it cannot be stopped until the 8th day, So you have plenty of time unless the Rev sends out a STOP message. It is mental I agree but what an affirmation this sends out.


Bloody hell, so we have. That was sudden. £3100-something last time I looked.
I wonder if someone really has made a mistake?  Would Indiegogo be sympathetic if that happened?


On the gala day thing, something doesn’t stack up. How the hell can they say there is No BT stall? Would they have accepted their request prior to the Yes stall? If so why the hell would they do that?
Both campaigns are not going to apply at exactly the same moment, this is crazy or twisted. I think it is important to find out who is making these calls and what their affiliations are and get that out into the open.
Oh, good thinking Batman!  This needs investigating.  Did the organisers go away and check with BT before giving their refusal?

Craig Stewart

I love it.
Received the email at 11:30am.
Read a post here saying target reached at 2pm.
Works out at over £16 every minute!
Can’t wait to see the total we get to in 8 days!! 😀


Apologies for going O/T but I didn’t want to do it on the newest article since there’s only one comment and Rev would come after me with a wad of cash (He’s close to breaking his stick) to hit me for being rude…

Has anyone seen the headline in the Scotland section on BBC news…Since when has their been “British” waters? I wonder how long until that is changed?!

Fraser Leith

A slightly embarrassing surplus again, hahaha!


There you go hiv a tenner, and the grand total is now £4356, bloody hell Stu is it something you have said.
This should scare the hell out of the NO campaign.
Vote YES, Vote Scotland.
Hail Alba.


@Rev Stu
Was it Prof. Curtice?


Without revealing any more, it’s not a mistake. I have however, emailed the generous benefactor (who made a very sizeable contribution first time too) to double-check they’re really sure they want to give us that much. I don’t want to insult them, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least ask.
Good to know it’s all under control.

Gordon Bain

Maybe we could just crowdfund each other, get Blue Oyster Cult on the stereo and all bugger off to somewhere more suitable?


I don’t want to insult them, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least ask.
Couldn’t have been the esteemed prof given that ‘them’ must have been the BT mob! 🙂


Re Dee.
I keep all my Czech friends appraised of Pravda BBC.They do believe me, having noted many unpleasant Soviet tricks adopted by our Westminster Soviet(The KGB would record all phone calls in the unfortunate case that you might be charged with something in the future). Unfortunately they think the BBC and SMS are very funny, but then their Velvet Revolution was planned by their secret police StB who 1st took over the TV and radio. I suppose I better pack a wee case behind the front door when GCHQ come calling


@Boorach – I suspect “them” in this context is just hiding the gender of the benefactor
Whoever he or she is – a tip of the hat – a very generous donation


Really, Stu, every penny is deserved. We are all extremely grateful to you for the sterling work you are doing on our behalf. Thanks a lot from the indy community.

Rod Mac

How about asking the public, not Blair MacDougall who they would like to see debating with whom


I went to click on the yes box in the picture then lo and behold …. I was suddenly relieved of cash … very sleekit Stu.;)
I’m also of the opinion we need to nail the BBC specifically on bias with a canny question in the poll.


I have however, emailed the generous benefactor (who made a very sizeable contribution first time too) 

Dave again huh?


Crowdfunding has two merits, enabling the Rev to commission a poll, and also a crystal clear democratic statement by all who contribute, be it a quid or a thousand.
Decency is going to win this referendum. No lies, honest debate and paying as your means allows to support Scotland’s future.I hug you all.

Winging it

Long-time lurker, first-time poster.  Contribution duly made.  
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Rev Stuart and everyone else who posts on WOS for helping to inform my decision to vote YES next September.  This place is addictive – 6 months ago I had no interest in politics and now I’m throwing money at strangers to feed my habit!  
Keep up the good work!

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Gizzit – And talking about donations here we have Sir Iain Wood [Aberdeen] once again offering 50million to revamp Aberdeen City Centre despite the controlling Labour authority throwing out the plans for Union Terrace Gardens last year. Barney Crockett the heid councillor states on TV…..oh well lets see whit Iain Wood has tae say and maybe we kin come to some agreement.  Sir Iain Wood must be a very patient man. Barney Crockett being the same individual who is taking the FM to task over supporting Mark McDonald MSP regarding school closures in the Donside constituency.


I just tossed in a tenner for form’s sake.  Brought it over £4,500.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Winging – Welcome aboard to the motely crew. Fasten your seatbelt. 🙂 It’s exciting times.

K Mackay

It’s almost double the target, £4,480 just now but i chucked in a few quid anyway because I know bittertogether will be watching and crying their eyes out 🙂

Rod Mac

I missed last one so gladly ,proudly and with commitment donated a double dunt.
Yet when confronted by a paywall from the Herald  I flatly refuse to give them a brass farthing.
For any of you MSM wallahs that come here to read what decent people read it should be a lesson for you.
Print the truth and there are many of us willing to pay.
Continue down your present Pro Unipon road and extinction awaits you.
Your union pals will not bail you out they will cast you aside like an old smelly slipper as soon as they have no more use for you.
WOS ,NNS , Bella NC etc on the other hand will continue to prosper and grow.
It weill not be long before the advertisers notice where the public get their news and where it is best to place their adverts.


Jeez I just looked at the funds £4650 , who said Scots were tight. Goan yersel Wings readers. I’m betting there’s a few folk totally raging at this, and he’ll slap it into them. I might be mistaken but I think that Wings over Scotland has just laid a marker about just how far we’re going with this stuff.


Well, baw bees duly lobbed into the kitty. I think it fair to say we are comfortably going to afford a question or two. 

john king

wullie says @ 1.10pm
I sent an email to Dunfermline gala committee expressing my disgust at  their naked prevention of freedom of speech, still not received a reply 
email address is


My small donation is a bit late.  I’ve been out all day.  

Lynn MacRae

Checked bank on way home, pay day tomorrow, so made another wee donation, chucking in what I had left 🙂 Makes up for missing out on contributing the last time.


Archie(not Erchie),
Thanks for info on Gravatar and for helping me make Avatar more colourful. 
Wondered what people thought of using on-line Community T.V channels for some sort of box pop approach. Might help by-pass the gate-keepers on MSM, who used to do this kind of thing until they realised that so few people supported their particular stance on Indy. National Collective are running with a photo booth “selfie” idea. How about contributions from supporters with WOS or ” I am the Rev” along the lines of Spartacus?

Endless Psych

Just spent my last tenner on gas that I didn’t need (because the meter was broken) or would donate in order to get a likert scale question asked on support for union/indy.


Can I suggest using the excess funds to do some thing big for the rally on Carlton hill, like hiring a blimp with a “vote yes for Scotland”  banner to cruise around Edinburgh. Just asking?

Winging it

Archie, much appreciated.  Would you mind passing the barley sugars?


Blimps, in which I have no commercial interest.
link to


No doubt a moot point, given the amazing amount raised so far, but …… for those folks who are paid monthly, it might be easier for them to make a donation in the first week of the month, rather than the last? Might be worth consideration for the next fundraiser? Just a thought 🙂


Blimps, in which I have no commercial interest.
link to

Hey, the man is not wrong.  This is “surprisingly affordable”.
Rentals start at £895 + Vat per day inclusive of operator, artwork and helium.”


Jeez I just looked at the funds £4650 , who said Scots were tight.
Always makes me angry that the Scots are considered tight fisted, I am miserable as sin when it comes to ‘big charities’  but spend half my earnings on rescued animals – hence only a pittance left for Wings.
Each to their own, but tight fisted we are not, I think this site has ‘debunked’ this myth once and for all.


amazing work to all involved, pats on the back all round

Rod Mac

I think  we know that the mainstream will ignore this poll much the same as they ignored the last one.
Their excuse will be ,this being a Pro Independence  Blog it has no credibility .
The Scotsman ,or BBC  on the other hand  as we know are balanced ,fair and credible.
Therefore if they say Alex Salmond  eats pet baby rabbits it is true.
If Scottish government suggest healthy diet and Excercise is good for the nation , this is bad.
however with whatever this new set of Q&A are we the “cybernats” can leak the information into the debate in the same manner as the last poll.


Stu, can you just imagine the Wings logo soaring above the independence march?


Is anybody organizing a WoS meet up (Bar etc) after Calton Hill event ? Rev?
I notice other sites have started arranging stuff could be another fundraiser.
Maybe you’ve done this already
On another point Rev is there any mileage in trying to source (by selection button or your own online polling) the Ethnicity / Nationality of supporters to show any decent  spread of support : we might all be pleasantly surprised in the amount of English support for example ? Just a thought.

Inbhir Anainn

@Archie [not Erchie]
Cheers for the gravatar info just hope that I have done it right.

Doug R

Donation sent. Thanks to the Rev & all the commenters. This site is a goldmine of information. Keep up the good work!


I moan enough on here so Ive bunged a tenner from my weekly pittance. Tis good to be doing something positive.

Short WoS promo vid..     tag  Wings over Scotland
Pls feel free to circulate…spread the word !

Tony Little

Re: the “tight-fisted” Scot stereotype.  I have been very lucky to work all over Europe, Africa, and beyond.  Wherever I have gone, Scots are welcomes with smiles and open arms, and locals always complain about English scrooges, never Scots.
I think it may have something to do with the “Tartan Army”.  Everywhere they go they raise cash and donate to worthy causes.  Other Scots are generous to a fault.  So, don’t worry, the world knows the truth, even if the “comics” in rUK don’t.


The “thing” is being well and truly done.
Should be enough for (at least) two polls by the time donations close.
It’s good to see so many people contributing freely to an exceptionally worthwhile cause.


Unless you know the route has no bridges, cables or impediments I think a blimp might be challenging to get to Carlton Hill
just saying like 🙂


The Blimp would be driven up in a van and inflated on the hill then anchored no way the polis will let you walk it in the march. even though I can’t think of anywhere in Edinburgh where elevated cables cross the street. Gust of wind on the North Bridge you’d be in Porty in no time, lots of MSM coverage though.


Donation on it’s way. Currently standing at £4898. Impressive


Donated.  get yer plastic out peoples…

scaredy cat

Made my donation this time (I was waiting for pay day last time, when you exceeded the target and asked folk to stop donating).
Might be good idea to start the next one at the beginning of the month. Not that you’re struggling to collect. Just looked and we are over £4900.
Great stuff!


Heading for £5000 wowwwww !!!


Simpler lots of WOS balloons with logo and web addy let go at the end of the rally and let the wind carry them to all of Scotland. Greens will not be happy however, unless we could get biodegradable balloons?


Could just inflate it once reaching the hill! Would be a wonderful lift for all assembled and visible from all over Edinburgh. Would the authorities allow it. Safety concerns, low flying pigeons, insecure national monuments, insecure nationalist supporters etc etc.



Would this be useful for another promo?

link to

The Flamster

That’s it over £5,000 now 🙂


Just took us over the next hurdle – and happy to do it!
Keep it up, Stu.

The Flamster

Cheers Erchie – changed my Avatar now 🙂


Bob W,
Looks good !  Think Rev Stu is trying to promote the 2013 logo, but check it out with him first Bob.
Yours aye,


Doesn’t the ‘tight fisted Scot’ thing go back to the union of the crowns?
I’m sure I’ve read that the English courtiers were fed up of the Scottish nobility coming down to London, and living the high life off the English treasury.


BTW, I may not be able to contribute this time.
I had a call at work today from my bank, querying a large cash transaction to another account. Thankfully they didn’t let the transaction proceed.
It turned out my banking details had been hacked. My account has been shut down, and I won’t be able to do any online transactions for about 5 days.


I made a wee donation yesterday by PayPal, but decided that was just to help the Rev… just made a donation to this campaign also.   And I like the Blimp idea.  🙂


The Blimp would be driven up in a van and inflated on the hill then anchored
Yes, I kind of thought that was the idea.  It would be visible for quite a distance if anchored on the hill, and pretty safe too.


YAY my gravatar works 🙂


More than double your money …………..better than Hughie Green.
Look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about.
It’ll tail off but still heartening.

The Flamster

Oops sorry should have said Archie (not Erchie)


We’re asking for trouble on this, wont we be accused of stealing Project Fears copyright again ??
Dont they have a dirty big Blimp at the head of their campaign !!

Rod Mac

Juteman says:
21 August, 2013 at 8:44 pm

Doesn’t the ‘tight fisted Scot’ thing go back to the union of the crowns?==========================================================
No it goes back to the Reformation ,unlike south of the border where the King was both patron and leader of Anglican Church .
Therefore in true London fashion he threw money at it to enable him to marry his whores.
As my old granny used to say  “The Church of England not two kicks in the srse off of the Church of Rome”  less enlightened in those days  lol
In scotland our Reformation was through true belief and not supported by state or crown.
To fund this the congregation had to pay at the door  ,so the English used to mock us even then  by insisting Scots even had to pay to pray. 
That is where it started and Sir Harry Lauder enhanced it with his Scottish cringe and vaudeville act..
This was greatly welcomed by the London ruling elite and helped fuel their superiority complex.
To this day the British Ruling elite feel superior not only to Jocks ,Paddys , Taffys also Northerners and any not in the Metropolitan area.


NorthBrit says:
21 August, 2013 at 2:32 pm

If these galas are worried about balance, is anyone prepared to volunteer to man a Better Together stall?  
As a fringe benefit, you would be able to make the positive case for the Union in creative new ways.  
If you can avoid shouting “fuck” at your few visitors or calling them racists, while restraining yourself from diving under the table, you’d already be raising the bar considerably from Better Together’s previous efforts.
It would be a win – win.
Hehe!! Sort of like going under cover as a double agent?? What a good but cheeky wee idea! 😉


Just chucked in a tenner, and its at £5,203 ( I do like the fact indego put a comma in the right place with numbers).
I guess thats the next two monthly polls sorted now eh?


IG wasn’t “landing”properly for me so just donated tenner via paypal.

Rod Mac

Over £5k in a matter of hours , how much do we reckon the Herald Paywall gets in a day from its patrons?
Could the Scotsman raise £500 in a month of begging its readers?
what are the chances of a BT website raising anything more than ridicule?

James Kay

Last contribution money well spent.
I expect to enjoy my money’s worth again.

Babs G

Small contribution made! Re :Blimp Was going to say remember not to waste the helium guys, we need it for… other balloons, apparently, but you could probably crowd source a mining expedition to a nearby gas-giant at this rate

Adam Davidson

Don’t close it Rev, keep going.


He can’t close it.  Indiegogo won’t let him.
(This is slightly insane, you know….)


Late to the party, but I’ve also sent a tenner winging its way to the Rev.  What a fantastic result 🙂 Onwards and upwards!

Dave Smith

A tenner in the pot earlier, Stu.
At your own signal; unleash Hell on project Fear!

Archie [not Erchie]

@ The Flamster, Dcanmore and Inbhir Annain [took me a day to figure Annan] well done on your gravatars. Much better.


the most incredible aspect about the donations is that it is made up from 10 or 20 pounds from lots of people, or those sometimes known as “voters”. 

Jingly Jangly

Just got back from the Gowf, as you are double the target, I will wait until next time
before donating..


On the same theme as the blimp. How about aerial ads. towed behind an aircraft for the 2 hours we are on Calton hill.
link to
It is media grabbing stunts like this we need to think about from here in, if nothing else it will totally sicken Project Fear.
We have the means to do it. Rev Stu has shown the way.


Totally.  This is the way to go.  We can do more than polls.  We are not a one-trick pony.
And by the way, if I hear one more BBC announcer refer to “Bank Holiday Monday” I will probably scream.


Just checking this bloody gravatar thingy


Bollocks and tits I’m of to bed

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)

Don’t know what you are doing but your name links to your gravatar picture.
Looks like you maybe have the wrong field filled in.


30 Euros (ca. 25 quid) sent over to the normal account.

It won’t appear in the gogo thing so it’ll probably be used for beer an’ crisps – you’ve got to keep your strength up 😉

Either that or it’s the bus fare to the beeb Bath studio for all the interviews you’ll soon be doing …!


When you consider the impact the first Crowd-funding poll made (there was the odd outlet that picked it up), then it will be interesting to see how another such poll goes down with the ‘establishment’ so soon after the first. They will be bricking it. And no doubt trying to figure out ways to undermine it. But it shouldn’t just be about polls – a one-trick pony as someone else said. We should be looking at ads in MSM press, TV and radio ads. There’s 13 months to go – more than enough time to get a serious load of cash to throw at this thing. There’s a thought – will MSM press refuse the cash for a full or half-page YES ad because it undermines/contradicts their own political stance?
YES Scotland. 


Finally live up to my surname 🙂


In light of the “shock, horror” revelations about Dr. Bulmer, perhaps a poll question could be tacked on the end:
“Do you think people should be paid for their work?”

Adam Davidson

It is slowing down but keep donating people, think what a twisted and clever mind like the Rev can do with all that cash. It means he can plan three polls in a row if we get enough in there. Ive done my bit again, bit being the clue, but it is something.
Did someone really wack in £1000. I wonder if they would like to contribute to my fundraiser…to survey travel agents on somewhere sunny for me to go!


Dont leave me behind……….Donated 🙂


“Do you think people should be paid for their work?”
Don’t give the Tories more ideas.

Seasick Dave

Finally managed to get my twenty smackers through.
That was dedicated to Douglas ‘The Cringe’ Fraser 🙂


Fiver sent via the good ladies card Rev,thank god it was giro day yesterday!


£ 20 quid donated to the Ba’th Party… if you ever get an ’empty’ let us know ! 🙂

Nation Libre

Very impressive, over £5600 in a day!  Missed this yesterday but just had to stick my £10 on top to be part of this.  Well done Rev.  Such fundraising for a poll deserves some media attention of it’s own


Well that is the next poll sorted plus a handsome war chest.


Test – this is my first attempt to post a comment.

Patrick Roden

Welcome Maureen,
it’s been great seeing all the new posters coming on over the past week or so.
I will ‘bung’ you something later Rev. ‘nudge nudge ,wink wink, say no more’ 🙂


Donation in its way.
As for Yes “stalls” being banned, just do as we #Anonymous do and flash mob with leaflets.
#Expect us


Thanks Patrick. I’ve been an avid reader of this site for over a year now but not plucked up the courage to post before. I have however always donated when our awesome Rev puts out the call.
It feels wonderful to be part of the huge family of WoS:-)
I look forward to meeting you all at the rally on the hill – will we all be wearing WoS t-shirts so we can easily identify our ‘family’ members?

Jingly Jangly

See panelbase has a poll, guess its this one!!!!


Rev, thought I’d make a suggestion for the poll that I’m not sure was done in previous ones: we know the political views of the respondents, but could this one also include nationality?  Specifically: whether they were born in Scotland, born in the rUK, or born outside the UK. I’d be very interested to see the inclinations of those who weren’t born in Scotland or the UK.
It’s been my experience that just about everyone not born in Scotland in my personal circle of friends is a Yes voter, and I think it would be interesting to see if that’s borne out in a poll. If it is, it would significantly damage the whole “Independent Scotland would be an insular parochial dictatorship unwelcoming to foreigners” claptrap.

Murray McCallum

Good idea. It would be interesting.
I do not know enough about polls – eg would the number of people asked throw up a big enough split in the “nationalities” to be significant?


I don’t know, Murray: I think the number of non-Scots living in Scotland is pretty small, probably about 10% or so. It might be worth thinking about a future poll that focuses on non-Scots instead.

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