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Wings Over Scotland

Last train to Ideas Central

Posted on August 29, 2013 by

Okay, with the fundraiser now closed (at a fabulous £5,797) we’re about to send our second poll off to Mystery Professor X for some serious expert scrutiny, but there are still a couple of available slots for good questions.


Now would be a good time to fire suggestions at us in the comments.

About the poll, that is.

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Completely off the top of my head, but a question about social media would be a good idea. Specifically, everyone using Twitter ends up thinking Twitter is the entire universe. Perhaps a question asking if people search for info on the referendum on Facebook and/or Twitter would work, or how often, if ever, they use it for the debate.


Do you think the Labour Party will win the next election?
Who do you think will be the next Scottish prime minister of the UK?
Do you think the UK will leave the European Union?

Thomas Widmann

I presume there’s no need to repeat ideas that have already been mentioned in the past?

Anne (@annewitha_e)

is there one on whether the Scottish public think the BBC/STV and/or print newspapers are biased towards one side or another in debate?  

Bill Duff

Why not be brave and ask Head of State question.  What is your preferred choice.  Windsor dynasty, recall the Stuarts, elected HoS, presiding officer of Parliamemt, a space monster!

Scott Watson

I can’t really top the ones that have already been suggested, as long as the poll ends with “Should Scotland be an independent country?” I’ll be happy.


Could we source opinion on the peerage system to be retained or disposed quite sure
that would have a favourable outcome. Cant see people wanting to retain such an antiquated elitest foreign system.
Or a question on an elected second chamber ?


Do you think surveys about the independence referendum can still be newsworthy, even when they don’t specifically ask you the referendum question?


 Is there one irrefutably positive honest point of why we are Better Together no matter how miniscule? 


All the others are very good so far Media would be good.
Would love a dig at BBC state controlled media, can this be truly democratic in this referendum arena ?

G H Graham

Is it democratic that a fat old Bishop from a church somewhere in Englandland is permitted to sit in the House of Lords & legislate for and approve laws which directly affect you , even though you have no right to vote on his appointment.
(And his only business experience comes from judging the flavour of jam tarts at a jumble sale)


We should ask the masses what matters most to them and what they want more information about to help them make their decision.

Alex Grant

View on BBC bias or balance Could be used against them? But I hope you are accepting the advice about independent scrutiny in order to avoid accusations of non credibility and hence excuse not to publish?


Given we’re probably about to bomb the shit out of Syria, is it possible to include a question addressing an independent Scotland having control over its own foreign policy?


Do you believe that Scotland can be a successful independent country?
A roundabout way of asking about independence.

andrew gill

would an independent Scotland maintain benefits at there current level ? or
would an independent Scotland cut benefits from their current level?
this was a question from a female friend who rated it as her most important  worry about independence, and a yes answer was necessary for her to vote yes.


On the referendum, where have you got the most information that you trust?
BBC TV; other TV; papers; magazines; fbook; twitter; friends; family; work; gov’t; pol party; YesScotland; Better Together; WoS; NNS; etc.
Its one you can use again and again to see where people are finding out about it.


+1 for cynicalhighlander’s question about a single reason that we’re better together. 🙂


Do you believe that BBC Scotland is politically biased in favour of the Union?

Tobias Hendry

I don’t think there is clarity on whether some groups in the debate are fighting for the best interests of Scotland or the best interests of the UK.  With that in mind I’d like a question along the lines of:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Yes Scotland has the best interests of Scotland heart
Better Together have the best interests of Scotland at heart
SNP have the best interests of Scotland at heart
Scottish Labour have the best interests of Scotland at heart
LD’s …


Is there a question to establish peoples primary motives & consideration for their eventual likley decision process. Hearts & minds  v Cash
A. Pure Economics & finance.
B. Pride / culture / society
C. Status Quo / things are fine as they are.
D. Education, Skills & Manufacturing
E. Defence
F. Transparent Information


What do you think will happen in the event of a NO vote?
1 Unemployment will rise in Scotland?
2 Unemployment will fall in Scotland?
Will policies like the Westminster Bedroom Tax be more or less likely in an independent Scotland?


ICM do ‘Wisdom of the Crowd’ polls i.e. asking respondents whether they think a political outcome will take place rather than what they would vote for or want to happen. I think such polling has shown the Cons and Labs much closer than current normal polling.
It might be interesting to see if folk think the referendum is such a foregone conclusion as the media does. Perhaps also an open-ended ‘Do you think Scotland will become an independent country?’ might indicate if people feel that eventual independence is inevitable regardless of the referendum.


I’d like to know, particularly from undecideds, what might makethem change or make up their minds. I’m thinking opinions of friends, media stories, personal experience etc. So rather than asking where people get info from, trying to find outwhat ssources of info people find persuasive. 


Q: so, this whole ‘Reverend’ thing…

A1: This what thing?
A2: What Reverend thing?
A2: Yeah, very strange.
A3: Yeah man. What’s that all about?


Will Ed Miliband ever be Prime Minister?


Should Scotland have a veto on sending it’s regiments to war?


At the risk of your head spinning with everyone’s suggestions.
From my experience of dealing with undecided’s, when you ask them to think about their kids and grandkids future, their perspective changes from their own personal views. This is the way forward.
So if you can think of a clever way of challenging them to think of their family and what independence would mean to them, then get them to answer in accordance to this, I think we would find some real interesting results

Neil Mackenzie

I don’t suppose we’ll ever get any answer to the mystery of the pink jackets.

James Kay

In an iScotland, would you:
a). Keep your British passport as your only travel document
b). Apply for a Scottish passport as your only travel document
c). Keep your British passport and apply for a Scottish one
d).  Have neither a British nor a Scottish passport


Should Scotland vote against independence next year, which of the following do you believe is most likely to occur?
a) Further devolution
b) Federalism
c) Rolling back of Devolution
d) Complete abolishment of the Scottish Parliament
e) None of the above


Looking at all the countries in the world that govern themselves, is there something unique about Scotland, that means it needs to be governed by another country?

scaredy cat.

What about;
What scares you more (rate), an independent Scotland inside the EU, an independent Scotland outside the EU, being part of the UK inside the UK or being part of the UK outside the EU
Do you want the UK Government to ask the EU about Scotland’s position post independence, yes or no
Or perhaps try to find out whether any of the scare stories are working. Something along the lines of ‘ do you believe Scotland will be thrown out of the EU; forced to join the euro  (yes/no)

Snowy Bottles

Do you think the UK can be called a democracy when there is no proportional representation and the House of Lords as the upper house? and do yo think an Independent Scotland would be more democratic?

Doug Daniel

I like Ray’s suggestion about the social media, although as it’ll be an online poll the results may be slightly skewed 😛
Man, I’m struggling to come up with anything. A defence/foreign affairs question would be good in the current climate though.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Juteman 6:00 pm – I like point 3 and in the same vein I would add
Do you think its more or less likely that an Independent Scotland will need Food Banks.


Do you think Scotland should move towards a nordic style of government / economy ?
Which system do you believe will develop and make better use of Scotlands human and natural reources ?
A. Independent Scotland
B. Devolved Scotland as part of UK


I like bigheed’s suggestion of a question that makes people think about their kids’ and grandkids’ future.


Would Scotland require its own “House of Lords” after Independence.
A. – Yes.
B. – maybe in time.
C. – I would rather burn Scotland to the ground.

Paula Rose

I would like a question that shows the importance/relevance that the sample feels the referendum campaign/debate has to them.


Bigheed says: (Thinking about the kids)
What about ?
Which campaign vision of Scotlands future holds the most aspiration and prospect for your grandchildren.
A. Yes Scotland
B. Better Together

Jon D

If you are planning to vote NO, and Scotland remains in the Union, how difficult will you find it to explain your actions to your children and grandchildren when their quality of life and life chances are so impoverished compared to other independent small countries.
Loaded? Nah.


Cyber attacks and vulnerbility on Scotland Tonight … errr tonight
Wonder if they’ll steer clear of YES hacking ???
Did they get anybody for it yet ??? Nahhh didn’t think so.

Archie [not Erchie]

A question aimed specifically at the more elderly traditional Unionists.
If you are likely to lose your Bus Pass, Free personal care & free prescriptions would you vote for an Independent Scotland to retain all of them? Most Likely/Likely/Not Likely.

Steve McGhie

Which of the following (tick all that apply) are most important to you in an Independent Scotland?
– BBC 1
– An ambition to end child poverty
– Weapons of mass destruction
– Guarantees that your income tax will not increase
– Scotland making all decisions that impact Scotland and its people
– The party that wins the 1st election after Independence
– The revenues from Scotland’s assets and taxes being used for Scotland
– What Westminster thinks o us


The McCrone report was classified as top secret by Westminster governments for 30 years. It revealed an independent Scotland’s potential for greater prosperity. Have you been made aware of contents of the McCrone report? Yes, No.
Do you believe that Scotland should continue to send all of its wealth to London and  let them decide how much we can have back therby allowing Westminster to continue to suppress our economy?
Or something along those lines ^ 🙂
People have probably heard of the McCrone report but whenever it is mentioned in the media there’s some twat there pouring cold water on it, including brainwashed uber Brit Gavin McCrone himself.

James Kelly

So many possibilities as ever, but a nice simple one for impact –

Who would you rather was Prime Minister of your country?

David Cameron
Alex Salmond

And I may have suggested this last time, but maybe something like –

Who do you think would be best at representing Scotland’s interests in the UN and EU?

The Scottish government
The UK government


Archie [not Erchie] says:
Like it


Would you like to be governed by a Tory/UKIP coalition government?


I agree with Scott Watson,
I can’t really top the ones that have already been suggested, as long as the poll ends with “Should Scotland be an independent country?” I’ll be happy.
pretty please?

Geoff Huijer

Do you think an Independent Scotland would be involved in
more or less wars than if it stays in the UK?


You’re doing something on the independent since inception Scottish NHS and the hell for leather privatisation of NHS in England right now I seem to remember suggested.


How many members of the house of lords are from the Labour Party in Scotland?
Would you sell out your country for £300 per day?


Like how this is worded
Geoff Huijer says:
29 August, 2013 at 6:40 pm

Do you think an Independent Scotland would be involved in
more or less wars than if it stays in the UK?

Archie [not Erchie]

@ James Kelly – Like your UN/EU question.
@ Gordoz 6:26 pm – Indeed! Children and grandchildren. If that doesnt hit the spot then what will?


Do you agree with labour (and tories and libdems) that it is far better to have a tory government governing Scotland from London than a Scottish Government governing Scotland from Scotland?


So for the next 10 days or so we’re all gonna be sitting on the edge of a razor blade, fingernail biting and getting all hot an sweaty in anticipation of another whopping great hammer to feed the hungry hordes of DKs.
Round 2 to the Rev.  😉


Do you expect to see Scotland becoming an independent nation in your lifetime?

Buster Bloggs

Do you think Scotland can afford to be independent ?

The Man in the Jar

Juteman says

Looking at all the countries in the world that govern themselves, is there something unique about Scotland, that means it needs to be governed by another country?
I like Jutemans suggestion. Or to put it another way.
Do you agree that a country should run its own affairs?
Do you agree that Scotland is a country?

Jon D

Central to Yes Scotlands plans is that an independent Scotland be run by Scots for Scots. Do you think that your children and grandchildrens future would be safer and more certain if this were the case, or if Scotland remains in the Union governed from London?


I stand corrected of course
In my defence this ‘English’ stuff was a foreign langauge to my forebears.


what will be the biggest influence in your voting intentions
A. Family and Friends
B. TV and Radio
C. Newspapers
D. Party political broadcasts
E. Political leaflets, adverts etc.
F. Political party views
In conjunction with a party voting intention
Gives us some idea where we need to invest our time to catch voters attention


Some good question I think that would address the heart of the matter would be,
If you intend to vote no, what are your reasons for doing so.
If you intend to vote no, under what circumstances would  you change your vote to a yes vote
If you’re undecided on who to vote for what factor would persuade you to vote either yes or no.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ MidgeHunter – Sitting on razorblades with big hammers conjurs visions of backstreet vasectomies. Only if the NHS goes private mind you.


Given the level of comparison we have seen with the politics and governance of other small northern European countries, I think it would be useful to know just how many people in Scotland have first-hand experience of any of these countries. While this is a very rough guide, and will not tell us the nature and level of their experience, it will provide a good indication of where the impressions of these countries come from – first hand or otherwise (press/TV etc). This could form a basis for more detailed questions in future surveys.
So how about the following question:
Have you spent a week or more in any of the following countries (tick all that apply):
Ireland (Republic, not NI)
(Vary the duration as you see fit, but it should be long enough to have developed impressions of the country)
Optionally, you could add the follow-up question:
Was your time there primarily for
A. work, or
B. holiday/visiting?

scaredy cat.

Not sure what it would tell us but I’d like to know how people would vote if they only voted with their heart. BT say that a vote for the union is a vote with the heart and the head. I’m not so sure that’s true for most people.


Is there a national identity question (i.e. Moreno question)?


Would another leader of the SNP make you more likely to vote YES?


Less leading than mine.:-)

Jingly Jangly

If we can bomb foreign countires for allegedly having weapons of mass destruction
do you think that foreign countries should be allowed to bomb us!!!!


In an IScotland, should Chairmen/women of large Institutions such as the BBC ,RBS, Johnson Press etc have an accountability clause of ‘do no harm’ as part of their remit ?
Alternatively should Stewart Regan be pushing UEFA to review the co efficient system in fairness to just as valid but less wealthy clubs ?
In light of many services being privitised in the RUK ,should National Insurance
contributions be reviewed?
Should the devolved nations have the choice to opt out of contributing to large
projects such as H2 ?
If Tian Tian has a cub ,will she be allowed to stay in an Independent Scotland ?


Should all the money raised in Scotland, be spent in Scotland for the benefit of Scottish citizens?
Do you want to kill folk in other countries so that Labour MP’s can become Lords?
That might be leading.


Apologies to go O/T but I’m sitting watching Who Do you Think You Are? With Nick Hewar and he just went over the border between the Republic of Ireland and N. Ireland…and guess what…no border checks…Surprised it got aired…

Tony Little

On the children’s children idea.
Do you think that an independent Scotland would be a more financially secure place in 25 years time?
a) definitely better
b) probably better
c) possibly
d) probably worse
e) definitely worse
I was going to leave out “financially” but then that leaves the question too vague I think.


Will your personal opinion of the leaders of the political parties in the Scottish Parliament influence your decision in the referendum?

Will your personal opinion of the leaders of the political parties in the Westminster Parliament influence your decision in the referendum?


Gordoz………good question, simple and effective!!! I like it


Did you know that every BBC Scotland reporter/manager is either a Labour party official/MP/MSP, or married/related to one?

Paula Rose

I do think it important that the poll provides information about how interested people are at this stage of the process, after all a large proportion of the population are not visiting the online sites – Ilike southernscot’s idea (6.53)


Would it be possible to construct a question which after asking,
“Where do people see themselves on the political compass.”
Then to show where their party is on the compass.
Finally asking,
“Does their parties position on said compass changes their view.

Inbhir Anainn

Where do you believe sovereignty rests?
a.  With the UK Parliament
b.  With the people
OT don’t forget one week from today (5th September) the 2nd hour long Scotland Referendum Special debate will air at 10.30pm on STV as well as being streamed live on the STV website.  Welfare and Pensions will be the topic discussed between the Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Deputy Leader of the Scottish Labour Party Anas Sarwar.

Si A

How about the following two:
What is your biggest fear about an independant Scotland?
What is your biggest fear about staying within the UK?


which would you prefer?
A.   a morally lost and bankrupt constantly at war elitist nuclear armed UK.
B.    a happy and successful Scotland
before your Mystery Professor X rejects it, how should it be punctuated, if at all (Morag)?


Just checking, but did you include an ‘in an ideal world / heart of hearts would you like Scotland to be independent? type question?
A prof could help well here with the wording.
I have another which I think could be very revealing but I’m struggling with the best way to ask it without the respondent realising what is really being asked! It’s on the shyness factor…


having seen today reference to a sun poll showing support for intervention in Syria at 50% (saw that on Newsnet scotland and not had time to check if that’s accurate) but I’d like to see something on Scots’ support for intervention in Syria, or again something connected to trust in the media to report foreign issues such as this objectively or accurately (having lived in Lebanon for almost 4 years and witnessed the biased reporting of our media first hand, I’m always interested in relaying my experiences after people tell me they think our media reports such matters pretty fairly).


Couple of thoughts:
Both campaigns have stated that they are “all parties and no party”. Which of the two campaigns are more likely to have serious disagreements on policy and social justice?
(the ‘spin’ is that all votes for BT suggests x% believe BT will implode, all votes for YES Scotland suggests y% can’t distinguish policies of Lab/Con/Lib).
Given the divergence between the Labour Party and Trades Unions on social justice issues, do you think that the Trades Union movement should continue to fund the Labour Party?
(Anything less than an 80% Yes would have Labour in a panic),


Rev : Know that you guys at HQ probably have 90% of what you needed anyway but …
This last minute stuff sharpens the mind and has surely brought out some great questions and commentary
Really enjoyed this thanks a lot guys (very inspirational !!!). All this good stuff will help convince the undecided.


What is the difference between independence and devolution?

Rick Guthrie

If Scoland voted No  In the Independence Referendum would you agree or disagree with the result.


Which if the following statements do you agree with most:
A. Banks are not special and should be allowed to fail.
B. Banks are special and should be bailed-out by taxpayers if they fail.
C. I do not know enough about banks to choose either A or B.


If I go on to twitter I can get the information that the Rev is a misogynist and that he’s not really a Rev at all. Its not information I want per se, its information I trust. Refer back to my question about where people are getting their trusted information above.

Vincent McDee

Should Westminster take Scotland to war without Scottish approval?

Seasick Dave

Do you think that the island of Great Britain will remain in one piece after Independence?


A bit of crowd wisdom which in a roundabout way might help provide some interesting information. It would take a fair bit of cross referencing, but could be very insightful.
With respect to the issue of Scottish independence, how comfortable do you think people are with admitting their stance to friends, family & colleagues?
People who support independence:
1 – very comfortable / admit
2 – comfortable / tend to admit
3 – uncomfortable / tend not to admit
4 – very comfortable / would not admit
5 – Don’t know
People unsure about independence:
1 – very comfortable / admit
2 – comfortable / tend to admit
3 – uncomfortable / tend not to admit
4 – very comfortable / would not admit
5 – Don’t know
People who are against independence
1 – very comfortable / admit
2 – comfortable / tend to admit
3 – uncomfortable / tend not to admit
4 – very comfortable / would not admit
5 – Don’t know
Note you could ask people how they personally feel, but then that immediately causes a potential problem with respect to the issue in question as polls are not anonymous, even online ones…


On a sliding scale of 1-10 please rate your feelings of the following political leaders. (10 being positive most positive)
David Cameron         like  1-10    respect   1-10
Nick Clegg                like  1-10    respect   1-10
Ed Mlliband          like  1-10    respect   1-10
Alastair Darling         like  1-10    respect   1-10
Alex Salmond            like  1-10    respect   1-10


Could we do a seperate poll question for BBC Scotland’s TV presenters / reporters? Along the lines of.
Who is the best kisser ?
A.     Nigel Farage
B.     Nick  Clegg
C.     Ed Milliband
D.    David Cameron


I’d be most interested to find out the likely participation and intentions of those who don’t usually vote in Scottish elections; I’m pretty sure – having met a fair few over the years – that the low turnout includes plenty of nominally apolitical types who’ll come in from the cold to vote Yes in the referendum.

Might a question of that ilk be on the cards?

Train Fares

I think you should ask the proper question but right at the very end so that they have to answer all the thought provoking questions first so that when asked the proper question they might have a more firmer answer than ‘Dont know’


Slightly O/T but followed the link to the Courier and read one of the comments regarding the second reading of ‘national service bill ‘ on Sept 6th. Kept that quiet 


Hmm, this way might be better…
Placing your own views on Scottish independence aside, imagining the three following scenarios, how comfortable do you think you would feel admitting your stance to friends, family & colleagues currently if you?
Supported independence:
1 – very comfortable / would admit
2 – comfortable / would tend to admit
3 – uncomfortable / would tend not to admit
4 – very comfortable / would not admit
5 – Don’t know
Were unsure about independence:
1 – very comfortable / would admit
2 – comfortable / would tend to admit
3 – uncomfortable / would tend not to admit
4 – very comfortable / would not admit
5 – Don’t know
Were against independence
1 – very comfortable / would admit
2 – comfortable / would tend to admit
3 – uncomfortable / would tend not to admit
4 – very comfortable / would not admit
5 – Don’t know


Three years from today, do you see Scotland being an independent country?

scaredy cat.

@ scottish_skier
I really like this idea but, personally, I would have trouble answering it. I am very open about my views with family, but less so with colleagues and even less so with friends.
Perhaps refer to people with different or unknown views instead of being specific?

Albert Herring

Which of the following countries should be run from Westminster and which should choose their own government?
Republic of Ireland


Is there a way a question can be worded to highlight that a No vote is not a vote for the status quo?  Steve Richards’ Guardian article last Saturday did a good job of highlighting the widening gap between us and the rest of the UK, particularly on NHS and Education.

Murray McCallum

Objective of my suggestion is to get handle on true separatists and then find out what the floaters want more of and find important.  The list of further info can be expanded.
A. Does the right for Scotland to run her own affairs simply make the case for independence for you? 1. YES   2. NO   3. DON’T KNOW
If answer is 2 or 3 please rank the following (1 very important – 5 not important) and whether it could make you change your answer:
                                                          Rank       Would change my answer to A
                                                          1 – 5             YES / NO
B. I need more info on currency
C. I need more info on pensions
D. I need more info on jobs
E. I need more info on banks
F. I need more info on defence
G. I need more info on taxes
H. I need more info on …

ronald alexander mcdonald

Is there one about the NHS being privatised in the event of a No vote? 


Jamie McIvor is an exception to your rule. 🙂

Bob Howie

If we do get independence will it see the end of Scottish Labour/Tory/Lib-Dem as they are Westminster parties, Scottish divisions and if Scotland was independent they would be foreign political parties and you cant have political parties from foreign countries holding seats in another country?
Will the MPs elected in those parties have to swear some allegiance to Scotland to again sit for their constituencies?

gavin lessells

In the unlikely event of a no vote which party would you support at the following UK General Election?
a) Labour
b) SNP
c) Lib Dems
d) Tories
e)  AN Other


Irrespective of the result, to you think the independance debate will be a unifying or decisive experience for Scottish society?


How about, ‘ Do you think a debate hosted by a neutral overseas media organisation would be of benefit, to give a different perspective’ on the debate’?


Which campaign do you think is getting its message across most effectively?
NO Campaign.
YES Campaign.


O/T  JP auditors express concern over viability as agoing concern, following write down of assets.  This is not a step auditors take lightly.  Wonder how the bankers view it, or even the poor sods that own the shares.
So, do you think there will be ‘national’ print newspapers in an independent Scotland?  Will you miss them, and is that a reason to vote No?


In my post above, i meant to ’cause division’ rather than ‘decisive’, I think we all hope it is decisive! 


Irrespective of the result, to you think the independance debate will be a unifying or decisive experience for Scottish society?
A question along that line has some merit, although Prof. C et al. in the recent SSAS concluded that Scottishness was unifying with Britishness divisive (vast majority of people are Scottish first an foremost but sense of Britishness highly variable). This would suggest a Yes would be unifying but a No divisive. However, in the latter case it would be more ‘matter yet to be resolved’ rather than divisive in the ‘people unhappy with those that voted the other way’ sense.


When Tian Tian the Panda gives Birth to her Cub(s) will they be;
a) Chinese
b) British
C) Scottish
After spending their formative years in Scotland, would their subsequent attendance at an overseas institution of learning make you consider them to be a foreigner.
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t Know
d) I better check with Margaret Curran


Scaredy cat,
very interesting variation in the social circumstances that you feel comfortable ‘outing’ yourself in. I don’t really make such distinctions between facets of my life when it comes to my politics, but if I had to admit any form of reluctance it would most likely be in the work environment.
Maybe Scottish Skier has uncovered a more subtle female/male scale for social anxiety, (re the ‘shy effect’) to help explain the disparity in female/male YES vote polling behaviour than the previous WOS female/male voter intention threads uncovered?
Of course it could just be that me and you are different of course! (smilywink)


ronald alexander mcdonald says:

“Is there one about the NHS being privatised in the event of a No vote? ”
You could expand to ask if people think their NHS, Education, Prescriptions, Health Care for Elderly etc will continue in the event of a No/Yes vote.
Similar question could be asked about the Scottish legal system, education, ie the state institutions.


1) Do you think that the people who live and work in Scotland, through a Scottish Government,  are the best people to decide what to do with 100% of Scotlands revenues.

2)Do you think we should continue to just have control of 10% of our revenues as at present?

3)Do you think that we should give 100% control of our revenues back to London?


‘Disregarding the current referendum campaign, do you think Scotland will become independent at some point in the future?’


Placing your own views on Scottish independence aside, imagining the three following scenarios, how comfortable do you think you would feel admitting your stance in public to friends, family & colleagues currently if you?
Makes it more general. Polls show features which can only be really explained by a section of people responding differently based on how they perceive what is the ‘right’ thing to say and level of anonymity. I’m wondering if there’s a way of gauging that but it needs to be done subtly lest you don’t get complete/fully honest answers!


I still think something along the lines of “where were you born” might be interesting:
Where were you born?
 – Scotland
 – England/Wales/Northern Ireland
 – Isle of Man/Guernsey/Jersey
 – British Overseas Territory
 – European Union
 – Outside Europe
Just thought I’d throw that out there.
Apologies to go O/T but I’m sitting watching Who Do you Think You Are? With Nick Hewar and he just went over the border between the Republic of Ireland and N. Ireland…and guess what…no border checks…Surprised it got aired…

I was most intrigued by the show’s handling of the whole Irish Independence subject, especially how the Nationalists were initially considered deluded outliers until the troops came in…

Votadini Jeannie

I’d like to see a question that gauges how aware people are of what is already under Scotland’s control. Perhaps a tick-all-that-apply question asking “How many of the following did you know are already devolved/separate?”, and lisitng all the stuff people seem to worry about, like the NHS and education, etc.
I think we need to know where the shortcomings in knowledge are, so we can educate folks in time for them to make an informed tick in the “Yes” box in 2014.


‘If opinion polls begin to indicate a majority in favour of independence as the referendum date approaches, will you vote YES or NO?’


I am losing track but do we have anything like
Considering the recent publicity surrounding high profile cases of evictions as a result of the changes to housing benefit (known as the bedroom tax) who do you think would be best placed to protect the vulnerable in Scotland
An independent Scotland.


With the Labour Party following the SNP lead in policy on warmongering, despite their continued failure to apologise for their actions a decade ago, do you think there is any possibility of an SNP/Lab coalition working in a) an Independent Scotland, b) a devolved Scotland?
Will the missing Scottish leader of Labour accept that the Scottish government statement on Syria was the correct route to follow, even if his/her leader in London says so?


Votadini Jeannie,
very good idea!

Seasick Dave

Votadini Jeannie
I agree.


How about “scale of ten” questions?  On a scale of 1to 10 how certain are you to vote? Etc.. 

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

How about a question on EU membership, and whether people would like to have a referendum on that and get a say on it, rather than an independent Scotland being forced by the SNP to become an EU member without the people of Scotland getting a choice?

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

he just went over the border between the Republic of Ireland and N. Ireland…and guess what…no border checks”

Er…………why on earth would there be border checks between Eire and N. Ireland?

Eire negotiated an opt out of Schengen – something Scotland will not necessarily be able to do.


While not against the idea of an EU question have you ever considered that it might have become a hobby horse issue for you?


How about a question on whether people think they’ll be forced by the SNP into being in Europe by the SNP (which people forcibly elected obviously) after Scotland has been chucked out of Europe by force as a pre-requisite for being forcibly forced back in by the forces of the SNP?

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“While not against the idea of an EU question have you ever considered that it might have become a hobby horse issue for you?”

I believe that it will increase our chances of a yes vote if we are promised a referendum on the EU rather than the prospect of being forced to become an EU member without a say after a yes vote – something which will likely put off the 40% of Scots who are opposed to the EU from voting yes.

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“How about a question on whether people think they’ll be forced by the SNP into being in Europe by the SNP (which people forcibly elected obviously)”

No one elected the SNP on a mandate of them making Scotland become an EU member. 


In the event of a no vote should the Scotland football and rugby teams be merged into a GB team?
Do you think Scottish independence will be good or bad for your family?

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Okay let’s put it to the test – include the question “would you be more likely to vote yes to independence if you were promised a referendum on EU membership after a yes vote?”


Should Scotland be a dependent country?


Archie (not Erchie) 06.55
“@ MidgeHunter – Sitting on razorblades with big hammers conjurs visions of backstreet vasectomies. Only if the NHS goes private mind you”
That’s not quite what I had in mind regarding blades and hammers! – however, I want independence so that Scotland can properly fund a world beating health service and by using the money saved from such things as Trident and wars, finance the resurgence of the Scottish economy. That way more money flows into better incomes, people can afford more things. Kids ..!
Bigger families means not getting “wee Wullie” chopped up in back-street bothies.  😉

Dave McEwan Hill

How about
“Do you think and independent Scotland should have to save NAT WEST bank if it went bust”
Nat West is if course RBS in England (and a lot bigger than RBS is in Scotland) but most folk in Scotland are not aware of the fact that RBS is less than 10% Scottish  

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“Nat West is if course RBS in England”

Nat West is in Scotland too.

Dave McEwan Hill

My,my. You’re fairly running out of steam. 

jim mitchell

How about, If you haven’t made your mind up yet, then what, if put in place, would make you vote yes? or something like that?


Oh well, the thread is about to be wrecked again.
I’ll check back in the morning.


“would you be more likely to vote yes to independence if you were promised a referendum on EU membership after a yes vote?”
Leading. Too forceful. It’s like you are forcing an answer.
Would the offer of a referendum on Scotland’s position in the EU make you more or less likely to support Scottish independence?
– More likely
– Less likely


Would you like more information on what policies each of the different political parties would introduce in the event of a yes vote?
Should all political parties publish their policy priorities before the referendum?
Which policies in order of importance are your primary concerns in the event of a Yes vote in the referendum?
Bit loaded but fed up with BT asking for detailed info from the Yes campaign while they are allowed to completely ignore the possibility that they would have to fashion policies of their own to put to a Scottish Electorate in the first post Indy Elections.
Not sure how to word it !

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“Nat West is if course RBS in England”

RBS is in England too.


Should the Scottish Government have the economic powers to raise it’s own income?

Who should receive the oil and gas revenues from Scottish waters?
The Scottish Government / The UK government.

Who do you trust to take the best decisions for Scotland?
The Scottish Government or the UK Government?

Should Scotland be an independent country?

If Scotland was to become independent, how to you think relations with the rest of Britain would be affected?

Better / Worse / No Difference/ 

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

 “Would the offer of a referendum on Scotland’s position in the EU make you more or less likely to support Scottish independence? – More likely – Less likely”
Yep that sounds good to me. I think the results would certainly be interesting.

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“Would you like more information on what policies each of the different political parties would introduce in the event of a yes vote?”

Presumably there would also have to be a question regarding what each party, including the SNP, would do in the event of a no vote too?

creag an tuirc

As you may or may not be aware the most recent Panelbase poll was ignored by the Scottish media? How would you feel if this poll was ignored?

Quick the suns oot

Mine is quite basic. I would like to know the proportion of voters who are paying attention at the moment. Something like –
How interested are you in the indyref debate?
Extremely, very, moderately, slightly, not at all, not thinking about it yet.


You could always put your hand in your pocket and sponsor that EU question.

jim mitchell

Or then again, do you think that main stream media was right to ignore the findings of the recent panel base opinion poll?  Or even why do you think etc etc! 

Arbroath 1320

I’d like to congratulate everyone on the really good questions that have been suggested.
Can I suggest the following please?
If you intend voting NO in the referendum what are your reasons for this decision?
-Alex Salmond is leader of SNP
-you think David Cameron is better as leader for Scotland
-you think Ed Milliband is better leader for Scotland
-you think Nick Clegg is better leader for Scotland
-you do not think Holyrood is working in the best interests of the people of Scotland
-Better Together have clearly made the case for staying in the union
-Yes campaign have not made the case for Independence
-another reason
If you intend voting YES in the referendum what are your reasons for this decision?
-Alex Salmond is leader of SNP
-you do not think David Cameron is better as leader for Scotland
-you do not  think Ed Milliband is better leader for Scotland
-you do not think Nick Clegg is better leader for Scotland
-you think Holyrood is working in the best interests of the people of Scotland
-Better Together have clearly not made the case for staying in the union
-Yes campaign have made the case for Independence
-another reason


Good point. in reality I don’t  think most people are at all engaged yet.


If undecided and you were reassured about your key concerns about Scotland being independent, would that convince you to vote YES?
If you intend to vote NO, is there anything that might change your mind to vote YES?
If you intend to vote YES, is there anything that might change your mind to vote NO?
Regarding earlier question; Should Scotland be a dependent country?  (I am thinking here about the “too wee, too poor, too stupid” factor and whether or not we are happy to be referred to as ‘subsidy junkies’ or whether being branded a ‘sponger’ irks us enough to vote to be independent).


Would the offer of a referendum on Scotland’s position in the EU make you more or less likely to support Scottish independence?
– More likely
– Less likely
I’m not wedded to the EU and to be honest Rompuy and Barroso have done nothing to endear themselves to the cause of Scottish independence. Regardless of whether we ask the question. I would like us to take a long cold hard look at our options post independence before rushing into the EU, NATO and any number of other legacy organisations and treaties. The UN and declarations that enshrine humanity I’m good to go with, the rest need Philadelphia lawyers to check the small print.   


I’d like to test your idea of being forced into the EU.
What happens if the Scottish Government don’t apply on the grounds that it is not evident that it is the will of the people of Scotland?
What happens if the Scottish Government have discussions on the membership offer from the EU subject to a referendum after 2016?
What happens if the SNP defer consideration till after 2016 on the grounds it wasn’t in their manifesto?
What makes you so certain that the SNP will force us into joining?
What do you think the result of the referendum will be?




Putting aside the extra political and fiscal powers that independence would bring, if most other things after independence remained more or less the same, how would you vote:
YES to independence ?
NO to independence ?

Training Day

Sorry,but there has to be a question directed toward women.

‘What is it that makes you so scared of independence?’

Just back from a night out with ex-colleagues. Men are Yes. Women recoil in horror and are No, without any discernible rationale underpinning this. We need to find out why.


If forced to chose between the following options, which would you choose?
– Scotland an independent, sovereign nation state governed from its own parliament in Edinburgh
– The status quo: Scotland a region of Great Britain governed largely from London with Scotland’s devolved parliament in Edinburgh having very limited powers
– Would not vote
Might as well ask what’s being asked next September?


p c s a, 
i wonder where you get the 40 percent so people in Scotland being against membership tell the EU? 
might be true in englandshire, indeed, what with the metre, the kilo etc. However it would be suicide to opt out now. think of it like a relationship, good to be close and share, but not healthy without some autonomy. it’s almost like people against the EU think they have no part and no say it, it’s a group and members have both rights and responsibilities,  its in Scotland’s interest to take part in shared goals while nurturing an autonomous and independent core of self government. 


Which one of these do you think most likely to happen to Scotland after 2014:
1. We will get hammered if we vote yes
2. We will get hammered if we vote no
3. We will get hammered either way
4. We will not get hammered, whatever happens.

Iain Henderson

Ask about regret – after 1979 many no voters regretted their choice.
Can’t think how to ask this in under two questions but something like.
How much do you think you might regret your choice of vote, based on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is not regret at all and 5 is regret deeply.
If no won the referendum?
And  using the same scale, if yes won the referendum?

Dave McEwan Hill

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus says:
Nat West is if course RBS in England”
RBS is in England too.
And your point is?
You have just nicely underlined the point I was making. What tit you are.


A question that may get international media attention…
How will a British attack on Syria influence How you will vote?
More likely to Vote Yes
More Likely to vote No
Won’t influence my vote
Better Together argue that powers like Defence, immigration, Welfare and revenue are better controlled by the parliament of a larger union.  If you plan to vote no in the referendum, should the UK pass these powers to the European Parliament?

Archie [not Erchie]

@ MidgeHunter – Its ok I did realise what you meant and like so many others waiting for the last poll results, it was excruciating. 🙂 and on reflection it will be the same again. It would be wonderful to have the SNHS and all the independent medical Profs funded by ex-Trident money. A country recognised around the world for medical excellence would be a flag to wave.


Sorry the typos, I hate iPads…


Would you bring back capital punishment for internet trolls?

Doug Daniel

If Scotland votes No in 2014, which of these expressions do you think will best describe Westminster’s attitude to devolving more powers to Scotland? 
– Power to the people, y’all
– You’ll have had your tea?

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“i wonder where you get the 40 percent so people in Scotland being against membership tell the EU?”

From here: link to

“its in Scotland’s interest to take part in shared goals while nurturing an autonomous and independent core of self government.”

I agree. However, that should be a decision made by the people of Scotland, NOT by the SNP alone without giving us a choice.

Particularly as Salmond claimed just yesterday that he believes the people of Scotland are sovereign – his actions don’t appear to match his words.

W R B Cunninghame Graham

Would you like Scotland to have a modern written constitution fit for the 21st century?

Do you believe that the UK would adopt such a constitution?

Doug Daniel

Options for internet info poll could perhaps be: 
– Twitter
– Facebook
– Bebo (ho ho ho)
– Pro/anti-independence campaign websites (Yes Scotland,  Better Together, United With Labour (ho ho ho))
– Politics blogs/websites/forums
– Other special interest/hobby blogs/websites/forums (e.g. football forums, music forums)
– Scottish newspaper websites
– UK newspaper websites
– Broadcast media (BBC, STV, C4, Sky) websites
– Other

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“What makes you so certain that the SNP will force us into joining?”/

Because they’ve said they will. They intend to negotiate for Scotland to become an EU member between 2014-16 and said that they expect us to become a member on independence day in March 2016 – before the next election and with no mention whatsoever of giving us a referendum on whether we actually want Scotland to become a member or not. 

“What happens if the SNP defer consideration till after 2016 on the grounds it wasn’t in their manifesto?”

Morally that’s what they should do. But that would cause economic turmoil so isn’t really feasible – instead they should give us a referendum asap after a yes vote so that we can decide on things like the EU and currency for ourselves. 

“What do you think the result of the referendum will be?”

I expect Scotland would vote in favour of EU membership – but as I said, that should be a decision for the people of Scotland, not Salmond alone.

David McCann

I have already submitted one idea, so here is another.

Who should authorised Faslane to be used to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on another sovereign state, with or without UN approval?
A.     The Scottish Parliament.
B.     The Westminster Parliament
or words to that effect.


“i wonder where you get the 40 percent so people in Scotland being against membership tell the EU?”
I wouldn’t base anything on one poll (from over 1.5 years ago too). The press make that mistake all the time. Yougov also have a poor record in Scotland due to weighting methods (designed for England). I think that’s the only poll for Scotland where I’ve seen parity; EU is always ahead normally.
It would be a bit like me doing this:
Guys, Scots support independence definitely!
link to
Poll: Now 51% back independence

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“Would you bring back capital punishment for internet trolls?”

There has never previously been capital punishment for internet trolls.

Bugger (the Panda)

Why do I smell recycled ordure.


There has never previously been capital punishment for internet trolls.
I am not convinced making them read everything in Capitals is much of a punishment – half of them write like that already.


Archie (not Erchie)
Don’t worry I knew you’d understood it ….  😉
@ Juteman
Don’t leave – you’re still needed here tonight as always – PCSA’s been rumbled and his time will soon be over. He/she/it is probably working on the next name for us ;-(

Chic McGregor

In addition to a question designed to allay unionist scaremongering fears aimed at the wealth of an independent Scotland, which is way and by far the biggest concern you meet when canvassing (I won’t repeat the various forms of it suggested previously) I think a good secondary question would be something like:
“Do you feel the self-esteem of your children or grandchildren would be enhanced if they were citizens of an independent Scotland?” Y/N

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“I wouldn’t base anything on one poll (from over 1.5 years ago too). The press make that mistake all the time”

Yes correct. The likely figure for Scots opposed to the EU is probably somewhere between 30 and 40 per cent – certainly less than the equivalent figure in England.

However, regardless of the polls, I’m sure you agree that the people of Scotland should have a right to decide on whether we want Scotland to become an EU member or not?

I mean you back a referendum on something which has support from between 30-40% of Scots (according to the polls), so it would be a bit hypocritical to reject a referendum on something else which also has support of between 30-40% of Scots (i.e. Scotland not becoming an EU member) wouldn’t it?


Anyway, back to the polls
I think we probably have enough for this and the next poll. Anything above take your fancy Stu?


I may have missed the point but which web sites people are reading and getting their indy information on is neither here nor there we observed the lak of penetration thus far in the 1st poll .. It’s the ******** BBC!! .. Invidiously working against Scotland and particularly the Scottish government,  invidiously spreading a disease of ignorance in the unwary. Misreporting, not reporting, kissing the arse of the British establishment 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


If you had to choose between being in a United Kingdom or being in the European Union, which one would be your preferred choice?

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“PCSA’s been rumbled and his time will soon be over”

‘Rumbled’ for what exactly?! Am I wrong to argue that the people of Scotland are sovereign and should have the right to decide whether they want Scotland to become an EU member or not?


For those intending to vote NO it might be useful to try and find out why – how soft is the NO vote.  (Some people seem to be intending to vote NO for no apparent reason – either they’re scared, they don’t like change or whatever). Are these NO voters fully informed of the debate? Is it because they just feel British? Is it because their political party are on the NO side? Do they just dislike Alex Salmond? How soft is that NO vote?

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“his time will soon be over”

Is this some sort of threat? I wasn’t aware that its a requirement of posting on this site that you have to agree with everything the SNP do with unquestioning devotion?

I thought this is a pro-independence site that is neutral party politically?

Surely my support for the sovereignty of the people of Scotland and my desire for us to have a say on EU membership is something that would be welcomed by anyone with Scotland at heart who cares about the people of Scotland, not condemned and attacked by SNP supporters who appear to care more about supporting their party than the democratic rights of the people of Scotland.


p c s a
Hmm  well membership of the E U is an important issue, one among many. You seem intent on making it the one, there are many issues at stake here. Just give us all one positive reason for staying in the uk
sorry but I just can’t think of any at all, non whatsoever. Enlighten us, please.

Thomas Dunlop

Be sure not to pay professor X, lest Bitter Together twist it badly for you (With a little help from their friends in the Scottish MSM- main stream mince)


PSCA: However, regardless of the polls, I’m sure you agree that the people of Scotland should have a right to decide on whether we want Scotland to become an EU member or not?…
..would be a bit hypocritical to reject a referendum
I don’t believe I’ve ever said I was against a referendum on the EU for an independent Scotland, so not sure why any hypocritical attitudes needed to be implied.
The way I see it is if people have this high up their priority list, they can vote for parties which advocate an EU referendum. A bit like people voting SNP and other independence referendum supporting parties (>51% of the vote) in the 2011 SGE.
As far as any individual party is concerned, it’s up to them to put a manifesto forward with what they propose in it. Given the PR-type nature of Holyrood (and I advocate full PR), a new anti-EU party could garner significant representation if it had electoral backing. It’s not like Westminster under FPTP.
Note I’m a pro-EU eurosceptic which I consider a healthy balance. 

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“Is it because their political party are on the NO side? Do they just dislike Alex Salmond?”

I think that’s quite a large part of it actually. Polls suggest that a lot of Scots do dislike Salmond – the latest satisfaction ratings show that 45% of Scots are dissatisfied with him – far higher than for any other Scottish politician.

Many Labour supporters for example see independence as nothing more than the SNP and Salmond and therefore oppose it.

That’s why its absolutely vital that we persuade people that independence is an attractive option for all Scots, regardless of their political persuasion, not just for those who back the SNP. 

That task isn’t helped by SNP supporters on this and other sites automatically attacking as a ‘troll’ or a ‘unionist’ anyone who dares to criticise the SNP or any of their policies.


Should public meetings relating to the forthcoming referendum be held in public and allow any member of the public to attend without having to submit to a pre-vetting process?

End of daze

What things do you think we can not do better than the UK Government.
Tick box
Start wars or bomb innocent women and children (Defence)
Pick on the old the poor and disabled (Pensions and Social Security)
Suck up to America and be generally offensive in Europe (Foreign Policy)
Spy on your own citizens and suck up to America ( Home Affairs )
Give tax bungs to the rich and big business at the expense of the poor ( Budget / Taxation)
All of the above ( The BBC / Media )


How about a YES or NO question to make them think about self determination?
Do you think it right that the Swedes should run Sweden? 
Do you think it right that the Danes should run Denmark?  
Do you think it right that the Scots should run Scotland?
Do you think it right that the Germans should run Germany?
Do you think it right that the French should run France?

See how many answer NO to one of those options.

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“The way I see it is if people have this high up their priority list, they can vote for parties which advocate an EU referendum”

But that’s the problem, the SNP are planning to negotiate to become an EU member between 2014 and 2016, and expect us to become an EU member on independence day in March 2016. 

So therefore even if people then vote overwhelmingly for a party opposed to the EU in the May 2016 elections it won’t be able to do anything about it, at least for the short term.

We obviously won’t be able to become an EU member in March and then leave it again just a few months later. 


One thing at a time Cornelius. I suspect it’s better for Scotland to remain in the EU. We will be able to have an honest debate about the EU only when we have an impartial broadcaster in Scotland. The facts will probably reveal that on balance the EU is worth being part of.


During the referendum campaign, if one side cannot attend a particular public event in which to hand out information to the public, the event organiser should:
a) Ban the pther side from handing out any information.
b) Allow the other side to hand out information.

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“The facts will probably reveal that on balance the EU is worth being part of.”

Yes I’m sure they will. But, as I said earlier, that should still be a decision for the people of Scotland to make, as is our sovereign right. 


How do you feel about the referendum?

1. Excited.
2. interested.
3. Couldn’t give a shit.
4. Sick to death.
5. What referendum?

Quick the suns oot

Yep, I wonder if people who are engaged now are just a tiny 2% bubble of voters! Would be nice to have some indication as to how many people are closely following things.


Cornelius – “We obviously won’t be able to become an EU member in March and then leave it again just a few months later.”
That would indeed be foolish but what is your rush? The EU costs us about a billion. The UK costs us everything we produce and deliberately suppresses our economy.


I was polled on quite a few questions by Panelbase a week ago, any idea who commissioned it? 


I think that’s quite a large part of it actually. Polls suggest that a lot of Scots do dislike Salmond – the latest satisfaction ratings show that 45% of Scots are dissatisfied with him – far higher than for any other Scottish politician.
Again, ‘one poll’ mistake, but Dave C tops that on 66% dissatisfied (note it’s not about liking, but about satisfaction with performance) and that’s probably just a little bit more important right now (likely not far off Y result).
Main thing is – at least for a governing party’s perspective, Mr Salmond has consistently satisfied (47% in this case which is on the lower side of variance 50-60% being the recent range) higher than those not.
Nicola Sturgeon doing really well and I’m looking forward to hearing what the ‘Social Democrats’ (SNP) lead by her for the 2016 first election in an independent Scotland propose. Fair chance they’ll get one of my votes if they keep things up. I’ll make my mind up come the time though.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and for what it’s worth mine is, no one likes a pain in the ass.


death being the operative word should they vote ‘no’ to an independent Scotland, ie death to a decent equal and sustainable future….fashion is fickle especially in politics…

Thomas Widmann

The most recent indyref poll contained a question about whether people might leave Scotland after a Yes no.  It would be interesting to generalise this and ask whether they might leave Scotland in the case of a No vote — I’m not sure the figures would be very different.

End of daze

I was being a bit flippant earlier with my question, and the double negative doesn’t really work, but it is important in the penultimate phase to get people to consider the main reserved powers and whether an independent Scotland could do things better in terms of policy.
Q (Tick box)
Pensions and Social Security
Foreign Policy
Home Affairs
Budget / Taxation)
The BBC / Media 
After that we can come back to the practicalities of implementation.
Win the hearts, then the minds.

The Rough Bounds

If you were at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and didn’t know what the outcome of that battle was going to be, whose side would you be on?


Time I think for PCSA to leave the debate it is now after 10pm and a theory put forward a few days ago is he never posts after 10 pm interesting to see if it’s correct – his last post 9.58 pm.


It would be ‘nice’ to see a really leading, emotive question like ‘Do you want Scotland to be free?’ but it’s a no-go – embarrassingly loaded, emotional, designed to appeal to LIVs, push their basest buttons etc.
But that’s how a lot of voters – ‘low-information’ or not – feel about it. They DO want to be ‘free’: of Westminster; of tribal party-political cronyism; of the archaic cliches about us and our country.
Consider this, from ‘The Principles of Newspeak’ (Orwell’s Appendix to Nineteen Eighty-Four) :
‘…The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible…To give a single example. The word free still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as ‘This dog is free from lice’ or ‘This field is free from weeds’. It could not be used in its old sense of ‘politically free’ or ‘intellectually free’, since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless.’
Thankfully, we haven’t quite reached that stage, but we’re getting there. We should be able to ask questions like ‘Do you want to be free?’ or ‘Do you feel free?’ because they’re legitimate, and the answers cannot be taken for granted. The fact that they don’t sit easily in ‘polls’ doesn’t make them any less valuable or valid.


Hobby horse alert: Could you ask a question around child poverty in Scotland V other countries in EU? Could you ask a question around ethnic mix / immigrants / the march to the right / impact in Sco?


Could ask if any one has seen or heard of Johan Lamont since the proverbial hit the fan in Falkirk.


Why did Alex Salmond put the referendum date back to October 2014
1. Was he a fearty.
2. It’s hard to keep up a lie over a long time.
or  question 2 could be
2. It will be hard for the Better Together Campaign to keep up their big lie over the long months to the referendum date. 


could we test the resonance of the word ‘foreigner’ with potential voters by asking the following question:
If you were married to a foreign person i.e. not someone from the UK, would you consider giving all the important powers to run your country to their country so that your partner wouldn’t be foreign anymore

Gordon SMith

Voters always complain they don’t get factual informtion (rather than comment and debate) 
Ask a question how they expect it to reach them;
Door canvassing ,
Cameron / Salmond debate

Jamie Arriere

What do you think Scotland (or You) would lose if it (Scotland) became independent?


10 pm is bedtime for a lot of kids.

Keith Gilchrist

do you really think westminster can or will make anything “better” for Scotland ?

Gordon Hay

There are 230 comments here now so apologies if someone has already suggested this and I’ve missed it. My preference would be for a series of questions prefaced with the statement “Do you think an independent Scotland is more or less likely to……


Should an msp who is prosecuted and sentenced to ANY amount of time in jail be able to still represent their constituents till they lose their seat in a by-election
Should any seat automatically have to have a by-election if an msp is sentenced to ANY time in jail
Or words along those lines

Roland Smith

My suggestion is throw in a question that might actually hook the media and is a dig at Westminster.
Do you believe privatisation of the Post Office in Scotland should go ahead as decided by the UK government.


“Do you know where Johann Lamont is?”
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t care

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

“I’m looking forward to hearing what the ‘Social Democrats’ (SNP) lead by her for the 2016 first election in an independent Scotland propose”

Salmond is going to resign and walk off into the sunset after achieving independence? Are you sure?!

Caroline Corfield

I don’t have any suggestions for poll questions, I’d just like to stir it some more about the EU. Is that ok? 
Ok. 🙂     Seriously then, I just did a yougov poll and I got a question about UFO’s and ghosts. It’s obvious that the previous WoS poll has begun a trend on the supra-natural, I’d like to see a wee trademark amusing edge kept in this new one. 

David Halliday

Ok. Lot of questions, but:
Thinking about when you first became aware that there would be a referendum on Scottish independence, has there been any change in how you intend to vote?:
1. No. I intended to vote no and still intend to vote no.
2. No. I intended to vote yes and still intend to vote yes.
3. No. I did not know how I would vote and still do not know how I will vote.
4. Yes. I intended to vote no and now do not know how I will vote.
5. Yes. I intended to vote no and now will vote yes.
6. Yes. I intended to vote yes and now do not know how I will vote.
7. Yes. I intended to vote yes and now will vote no.
8. Yes. I did not know how I would vote and now intend to vote no.
9. Yes. I did not know how I would vote and now intend to vote yes.


Hey SS – do you think he’s trying to prove something.

Paula Rose

I’m not undestanding this – if there is support for withdrawing from the EU, then surely one would vote Yes and then work to that end. How very silly to vote No and leave it up to the rest of the UK, that’s plain daft. If one wants to leave an organisation like the EU, you don’t depend on your neighbour to do it for you!

Ian Mackay

I like Man in the Jar’s ‘Do you think Scotland is a country?’ question – perhaps it could be asked like: 

Better Together and the Westminster Government have stated that Scotland as a country was extinguished by the Treaty of Union. Do you think Scotland still exists as a country? [Yes/No/DK]

then as suggested:

Do you agree that a country should run its own affairs? [Yes/No/DK]


Nope. But if its reported they have to disclose who it was. 

Some of the questions I was asked:

“How do you plan to vote in the referendum?”
“Do you believe that Scotland could be a successful independent country?”
“On a scale of 1 – 10, how for or against an independent Scotland are you?”

Interesting. Most of the questions seemed to be inspired by your survey.

Jamie Arriere

Scotland is a limp body lying in the middle of the floor.
Next to Scotland lying there is a defibrillator plugged into the wall but switched off.
It can’t be switched on until you put some money in the lecky meter.
Will you put any money into the meter? If so, how much?

Paula Rose

I have no money my dear boy, but I would commence CPR whilst yelling for assisstance.


If there is a no vote, and more powers for the scottish parliament were not delivered by westminster following the 2015 GE, would you vote for independence in a future referendum? 


creigs17707repeal says: For those intending to vote NO it might be useful to try and find out why – how soft is the NO vote.  (Some people seem to be intending to vote NO for no apparent reason
I agree. I want to know why people believe that voting no will deliver more powers. There can’t be that many reasons why people are voting no. So what about this?

The Westminster parties have said that the way to get more powers for the Scottish Parliament is to vote No. If you intend to vote No, why do you believe that voting no to self-determination / independence will result in more devolution?

a) The UK-based parties will keep their promises and focus on Scotland because we voted No to independence like they asked us to
b) Our Scottish MPs would be united in piling on the pressure onto their English colleagues
c) Because the UK parties will be scared we have another referendum and vote yes
d) I just do
e) None of the above
f) I don’t know


Having read many unionits bleat that the concept of Scottish Independence raises far too many unanswered questions I wonder if there is any merit in the following question.
Do you understand the principle concept of Independence ?

domhnall dods

Do you want to see further devolution to Scotland in the event of a no vote?
Do you believe that a future Conservative Government will deliver more powers for Scotland in the next 5 years?
(repeat for Coaltion and Labour flavours)


With the announcement of a discussion on the constitution should there be a question on what should be included, Mr Salmond’s speech seemed to leave out possibility for republic, should that be included?


I like the idea of a question that forces people to think long term and asking about the effects on future generations does this.   Too many people to whom I speak seem to be treating this like any other Holyrood/Westminster/Local/European election without any appreciation of the historical significance.   I am struggling to get across to people that personalities are a complete irrelevance in this debate.
Thinking about future generations does not only remove this but also brings out the best motives in people and that can only be in our favour. 

Dave McEwan Hill

I wouldn’t ask any questions about Devolution, Devo Max or whatever.
Why even suggest any such is likely or possible?
That  would be completely counter productive 


Since 1979 London has received £182, 955, 000, 000 from Scotland’s oil. Do you know where it went?


You could ask
Is Professor Curtice a space monster?
I wonder what Mystery Professor X would make of that question.


Q: Do you think that Scotland will become independent as result of the referendum in 2014?
Expectation matters, so although the initial answer to this will be uninteresting (and depressing) it will be interesting to see how it changes as time goes on.

Bob Leslie

Any question about media impartiality should be layered to avoid accusations of “leading”. E.G.
“Do you think BBC reporting is impartial with regard to the Referendum?”
“If not, which side do you think it favours?
The Union


Still think asking:
“Do you agree with Labour (and Tories and Libdems) that it is better for Scots to be governed  from Westminster by Tories than Scots to be Governed by a government in Scotland?”
But better worded!


“pubic crowing torturous: “I mean ‘you’ (Independence supporters) back a referendum on something which has support from between 30-40% of Scots (according to the polls), so it would be a bit hypocritical to reject a referendum on something else which also has support of between 30-40% of Scots (i.e. Scotland not becoming an EU member) wouldn’t it?”
You obviously meant ‘we“?
Didn’t you?

John Lind

Should David Cameron debate Alex Salmond on independence in a live televised debate?

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    • Geri on The Silent Revolution: “2017 would’ve been the General Election. 2016 was local elections & Brexit. Just saying. There were various organisations taking funds.…Jan 27, 00:29
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