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Wings Over Scotland

Is there a doctor in the house?

Posted on March 21, 2015 by

Our dear old pal Blair McDougall tweeted this at a minute past midnight today:


Maybe someone can explain it to us.

1. What’s supposed to have happened to the unfortunate person in the X-ray? The text talks about what someone will do to them “next time”, so the implication is that someone’s broken the person’s leg (is it a leg? We’re not skeleton experts) on purpose. Have the police been called?

2. We can only assume that the culprit is meant to be the Tories and that the “person” is the NHS. Yet by most analyses, health spending is at pretty much the same level now as when the Tories took over in 2010.

Labour conspicuously don’t ever actually accuse the Tories of slashing the NHS budget significantly over the last five years. They and the Tories merely engage in nitpicky semantic battles of spin about whether there’s been a microscopic reduction or a microscopic increase.

3. So the NHS hasn’t had its leg broken. But if it had, would being “cut to the bone” mark a significant escalation in damage? We have no desire to find out, but as far as we’re aware even a pretty deep slash wound is a comparatively minor injury, fixed by a bit of stitching and a bandage.

(Remember, “to the bone” isn’t actually very far most of the time. From your skin surface to your shinbone, which we think is the broken bone pictured, is about half a centimetre.)

A fractured limb would in most cases be much more serious. So what Labour appear to be saying is “You’ve already survived a major incapacitating trauma, but if you vote Tory this time you’ll suffer something akin to being bitten by a cat”. We’re not sure that’s the scariest warning ever issued to the electorate.

If there’s something we’ve missed, readers, please do fill us in.

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264 to “Is there a doctor in the house?”

  1. themadmurph says:

    Surely that depends on the size of the cat Stu?

  2. indyracer2014 says:

    Why does Dr McDougal think that this poster will be any more memorable than any of his previous efforts? Is he admitting that all the prior GE2015 labour campaign posters have been shite?
    Is this a labour supporters leg that has been broken just for this poster? Or have they appropriated a random X-ray without permission? We demand to know!

  3. Brian Powell says:

    Anyway we we’re reassured by Labour spokes heads, several times, in the last few weeks before the Referendum, that the UK Tory Government was funding the NHS(England) effectively and consequently NHS (Scotland) was well funded.

  4. Rupert de Vere says:

    It’s a “fib”ula!

  5. ClanDonald says:

    But they told us our bones would be safe from breakages and our skin safe from cuts if we voted no!

    And haven’t they agreed to the same depth of scalpel incisions as the Tories?

    Were they lying? Are they still lying?

  6. No no no...Yes says:

    McDougall’s comment is not positive in any way, shape or form: the words “feels” and “might” are associated with a person who lacks confidence in their message.

    The poster itself has the word “Labour” referring to the fact they are a One Nation(UK) political party. Confirms that thre is no such thing as “Scottish” Labour.

    Great going guys, you’re doing a grand job for the SNP.

  7. Tackety Beets says:

    The only thing that Labour have broken are themselves ie TRUST , PROMISES ….. and so on

  8. wildgypsyrover says:

    Not a good example…
    Ive had friends end up in the serious care unit within hours from a cat bite(they have bacteria in their mouth that can make it quite dangerous)…

    Id rather get bit by a dog, thank you very much.

    Anyways I thought Labour wasn’t going to make any changes to the Torry budget? So everybody’s gonna get bit by cats no matter which one they vote for.

  9. Rigmac7 says:

    Well, I for one, want to know if that is a real patients leg or an actors/actresses!

  10. proudscot says:

    Well, at least he has actually managed to make a political comment which doesn’t either say or imply his usual mantra of “SNP bad!”

  11. Dave the Squirrel says:

    The NHS is a leg that has been “broken” by spending cuts. Apparently.

    Or will be broken, or something.

    Vote labour or we’ll break yours legses.

    No matter how you interpret it, it’s another political ad trying cringe-inducingly hard to be edgy and raw.

  12. Dougie Bee says:

    Is a fish or a squirrel..or one of the late Pauls tenticles..anyway another whisky anyone?…..

  13. Genghis D'Midgies says:

    Is it not the case though that the more they privatise in England’s NHS the more tax payers money is diverted to company profits and a declining service. Therefore the cost to tax payers might be remaining about the same or even increasing and yet the service is declining. Eventually the LabourCon will demand that people have to pay extra and private insurance.

  14. paul miller says:

    Bangs head. Thought health was a devolved matter and whatever the tories did to the nhs in england would not affect us. Was that not what that young doctor/dentist girl said days before the referendum? Essentially that we were lying?

  15. semus says:

    Last week travelling on AirLink bus from Edinburgh Airport the Norwegian sitting next to me asked “Why the Hell did the Scots vote no?”
    The answer was supplied by the Edinburgh bus driver.”Cause they’re aw f****n BALLOONS!!!!!!”
    Well 50% are,but it looks as if our caring loving hate filled McDougall is indeed as the driver described a salaried balloon

  16. haartime says:

    Husband ex-paramedic says its a closed fracture most likely the tibia (leg), no cut involved. He says they should have had a scalpel over unbroken leg, it would make more sense

  17. Luigi says:

    I think Dr. McDougall should stick to tuba playing.

  18. galamcennalath says:

    It’s all lies, because we were all told during the referendum that SNHS was only safe after a No vote, so it must be safe, true? I mean, no one would lie just to win a referendum, would they?

    Vote SNP, give the Unionists a kick up the backside!

    ( Those of mild nature should take comfort that no bones will be actually broken in the coming ass kicking. )

  19. carjamtic says:

    Is it just me or has Murphy,McDougall. even Clegg,aged 10 years since indyref.

    They can’t sleep at night,I guess.

    Maybe nightmares,they can see a Juggernaut coming towards them.

  20. Morag says:

    I think you’re overanalysing it, Stu. “Cut to the bone” is a well-known phrase or saying. We want to imply that the Tories will do that to the NHS. Here is a medical-looking picture of a bone.

    That’s it.

  21. Wulls says:

    Wait a minute.
    Balls says he wouldn’t change anything about Gideon’s budget…….
    Does that not mean we cannot afford the Labour cuts plan either ??????
    Could not make it up.

  22. Will McEwan says:

    Paul at 12.04

    I think you have mixed up testicles and tentacles though I’m not sure which I’d rather be grabbed by.

  23. TYRAN says:

    I’d rather have a cut than a big broken bone!

  24. Joemcg says:

    It’s a metaphor Stu,Blair and his buddies broke Scotland with their campaign of lies deceit and dishonesty.

  25. Faltdubh says:

    Hahaha Semuas, that’s why I still love Scotland – folk like the bus driver.

  26. Lollysmum says:

    As someone who uses NHS England a fair bit I can’t believe the gall of Labour & their claims to protect the NHS.

    It was Labour that started privatisation in 2004 & lumbered us with PFI hospitals which cost a fortune for 30+ years in leases. This money comes out of the local health budget & has to be paid before even a pill is prescribed or a medical procedure is carried out. That cost is a huge millstone for hospital trusts & Labour knew that when they were signing contracts but merrily went ahead with it anyway. We do know that Gordon Brown was still signing PFI deals in the GE week when he knew he was not going to be able to form a government in 2010. Such dishonesty knows no bounds.

    Yes the tories are planning massive sell offs of services to dodgy health companies but so is labour-they are signed up to it & we (individuals & families) will pay the price in having to pay out for expensive health insurance.

    There is nothing to separate Tory & Labour on NHS or any other policy operated by WM. Neither can be trusted to do what’s right, only what is right for them & their cronies.

    I wonder how they manage to sleep at night knowing that they spend their days shafting the electorate at every opportunity.

    Just to be clear-I get fantastic care from the NHS even if it is creaking with the strain of more patients but if you really think about it every problem the NHS has, has been created by either Labour or Tory governments deliberately.

    Why would anyone in their right mind want to vote for either party Labour or Tory when their aim is to con the suckers (us)yet again.

  27. iain taylor (not that one) says:

    I’m with the bus driver.

  28. john king says:

    Rigmac7 says @11.59

    “Well, I for one, want to know if that is a real patients leg or an actors/actresses!”

    Its amazing what they can do these days…………..with an Equity card,

    Im sure that Xrays appeared in Silent Witness,
    It has its own agent.

  29. Morag says:

    It’s a recent, clean, mid-shaft fracture of the tibia. But what really intrigues me is what’s going on distally, near the ankle joint. The fibula is deviated and the lesion seems to involve the adjacent aspect of the tibia as well. I’m not convinced it’s recent, like the fracture is.

    Not really my subject, but I’d like to know what that is and what caused it.

  30. Doug says:

    Clearly needs an ORIF.

  31. Stoker says:

    Rupert de Vere wrote:
    “It’s a “fib”ula!”

    Very clever, i like it.

    And before any pedant strikes i know the fibula is the smaller bone.

  32. galamcennalath says:

    semus says:
    Last week travelling on AirLink bus from Edinburgh Airport the Norwegian sitting next to me asked “Why the Hell did the Scots vote no?”

    Ordinary people in many other small countries must think we were off our heads!

    The answer was supplied by the Edinburgh bus driver.”Cause they’re aw f****n BALLOONS!!!!!!” Well 50% are…

    About 50% want independence. About 70% would settle for DevoMax/Home Rule/FFA. I think that 20% difference is critical. That’s out battleground.

    If we get DevoMax, fair enough. A big step towards eventual independence. Though, IMO, I don’t think there are any circumstances were WM will deliver DevoMax.

    If we don’t get DevoMax soon, then a lot of that 20% will readily make the next step and want independence. We need to persuade them that is the best option for for powers – all powers.

    I have come to the conclusion, and others have said similar, before we get independence we need to exorcise the ‘DevoMax/FFA demon’.

    We need to either achieve it (unlikely) or make sure everyone accepts that it is definitely off the table and full independence is the only way to progress.

  33. Democracy Reborn says:

    At the the risk of sounding boringly medical, Stu…. there is a clinical technique called microfracture surgery. It’s used for knee conditions involving cartilage damage. Several high profile athletes have had it performed, with varying degrees of success. The surgeon deliberately creates small fractures in the knee which, as the knee subsequently repairs, stimulates the growth of new cartilage.

    Perhaps the poster is therefore meant to be some weird metaphor for the Tories deliberately starving the NHS of funds to fuck it up, in order that health care will ultimately improve…. like, by forcing us all to go private. And here was me thinking that only a “No” vote could save the NHS…

  34. Now's the Hour says:

    Lemme get this straight…back at indyref Labour Together were telling us that only a No vote would ensure the safety of the NHS, yet now they’re punting a poster implying the exact opposite. And one which McDoodle ‘feels’ ‘might’ be remembered? Only for its two-facedness.

    ‘Bereft of’ and ‘ideas’ spring to mind.

  35. De Valera says:

    Maybe Blairs had a tuba related mishap?

  36. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I suspect that it is a Trick Cyclist whom Blair MacDougall needs, not a simple surgeon.

  37. IheartScotland says:

    But Ed Balls is as committed to austerity as the Tories.So,isn’t it a moot point anyway?….

  38. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I think his message is what is called, both meanings linguistic and legal.

    Alternatively, it is just keich,

  39. Doug says:

    It could be a metaphor for the breaking of the structure of the NHS in England by the 2012 Health and Social Care Act. That may be giving McDougall too much credit, however.

  40. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    @ Morag

    Could it be a footballer’s injury?

    Could be something that awaits Smurfy, Blair and McTernan if they fail?

    With hammers?

  41. heedtracker says:

    It is weak but what’s new. Labour posters have never been very memorable probably because big buffoons like Bliar and that giant blue tory phoney MacTernan think they can do what expensive ad companies do do.

    The reason ad companies like Satchi are so rich is because they know what they’re doing.

    You red tory berks clearly think you its dead easy but you haven’t a scoobie. Splash some of that left over Project Fear cash Bliar, give Vote NOb Orders a call, they’re a bunch of grass roots/sneaky shits that specialise in “Labour’s not working” campaigns.

    They’ll maybe even give you a discount for saving teamGB, for a few months:D

  42. Martin says:

    Yeah so that’s a tibial fracture. A bit displaced so potentially nasty. Bone deep cut risks infection, but yeah if at front of leg doesn’t go through much before getting to bone, and if clean knife used would likely be a fairly minor thing which we could close and give antibiotics.

    I’d rather the cut than the fracture.

  43. Martin says:

    Actually, there’s something going on with the ankle here too. That’s looking more nasty every time I see it. Definitely take the cut.

  44. manandboy says:

    If you and we are struggling with it Stu,
    how on earth are Labour voters – and especially the elderly –
    going to make sense of this poster?

    McDougall & Co should stick to what they’re good at –
    Fear & Smear – the unionist bully boy tactics.

    Strange how with a declining membership,
    Labour are still splashing the cash.
    Must be pooling and sharing with the Tories again,
    maybe even using taxpayers money.

    Nah, they wouldn’t do that would they –
    as a cost of saving the Union.

  45. badgerboydarling says:

    How does McDoughball sleep at night knowing that he helped scam a country out of its independence?

  46. call me dave says:

    Is this a UKOK poster only. It surely won’t cut any ice within Scotland.

    I’m not impressed. 🙂


    Footie: Good game not long started!

    link to

  47. Ian Brotherhood says:

    John McTernan – ‘You don’t actually win in politics without breaking legs.’

    link to

  48. ronnie anderson says:

    Its McDougall Rev, we awe know he,s ah big Fibia.

  49. Katy Mac says:

    I agree, this poster/metaphor makes no sense.
    It is also a child’s leg…

  50. Kevin Evans says:

    I can explain it – Blair macdoggals an Arsehole.

  51. Craig vint says:

    It’s a bone, it’s been made into more pieces than it was originally ( cut, if you will). Cut,bone job done. Posted at one minute past midnight, poster started 2 minutes to midnight. Jesus, primary school kids could have come up with this. Maybe they did. I think I’ve forgotten, was it a poster I was talking about!

  52. ScottieDog says:

    It’s sad theres no money for McDougall’s neurosurgery.

  53. manandboy says:

    Time to cut our losses and sever our ties the Union.

    That’s the operation we need to get Scotland back on its’ feet again.

    Aye, we need to become a wee bit more clinical alright.

    Unfortunately, McDougall has an incurable disease –
    separation anxiety, at least, up here it is.

    He should try down in England. I think he would get on better down there.

    Nah, that won’t work. They’ve got even more separation anxiety than Blair McDougall!

  54. Gary says:

    Wings, I fear you are showing your pedantry again. The message has nothing to do with X-rays or even the NHS. The message is this – vote Labour or we’ll break your legs. They already have one of their candidates awaiting trial for assaulting a female YES voter at a polling station.

  55. BJ says:

    A Witchdoctor !

  56. Steven Roy says:

    Only McDonut would be stupid enough to put this out and assume we have all forgotten about his indyref spin that a No vote would save the NHS

  57. Kevin Evans says:

    Actually come to think about it that attempt at some kind of political message is more like the last gasp of a limping dog before it dies called that Labour Party.

    I think even they know it’s game over.

    To pick up on a point about the demon devo max someone mentioned.

    Rest assured if westminster give scotland devo max it means there offering that to slow down independence. The same way they introduced the Scottish parliment.

    If I see devo max. I mean real devo max being given by westminster I’ll know 100% for sure independence is close.

  58. Dr Jim says:

    This is a movie x-ray,even if the break were repaired this leg would not function

    Maybe that’s the point, Vote Labour coz we don’t know real from fake anymore….

    Geezajob Gonny Anyhow Eh

  59. manandboy says:

    Intelligence does not support a No vote.

    Blair McDougall is living proof of that.

  60. Kevin Evans says:

    I think I hate Blair macdogall more than I hate Jim Murphy.

    At least slim Jim was elected. Blair is just a big mouthed SNP hater gettin rich off labours coffers

  61. Kevin Evans says:

    The more I think about it i suspect the whole of the UK are tired of Tory and labour. The lib dems are just nobody’s and are irrelevant.

    I can see a strong lean towards SNP, greens, plyde and other party’s that aren’t mainstream.

    And the UK needs it.

    If SNP do have some say in the UK hold onto your hats because we will not become nasty nats anymore but an example of real MP’s working for the people.

    Hold your heads up high

  62. Crash says:

    As much as it sticks in the craw to say this as far as electioneering posters go that quite a good one. Negative – sure, it’s labour it’s all they know. Effective – in England, absolutely.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Effective – in England, absolutely.”

      But surely to be effective people have to understand it, and I really don’t. I’m not pretending for effect.

  63. ronnie anderson says:

    Hiz Slab abandoned damage limitation & let Mc Dougall loos, next McTernan wie x-ray of Elba,kin he no take ah photo like everybody else.

  64. almannysbunnet says:

    It’ll be remembered all right. People will be asking in years to come “remember that Blair McDougall poster with the broken bone, what was it all about?” and people will reply “who?”

  65. Gavin says:

    O/T Was in the centre of Cupar today and there was a good turnout for the opening of the new SNP campaign office. I could sense a lot of positive vibes in the air. I came away feeling that the SNP really could win this seat.

    In comparison the Lib Dems are churning out the usual stale, negative, anti-SNP shite. Just like Labour they are starting to sound like parrots.

    If the polls are correct then maybe, just maybe voters have seen through the unionist scare stories and constant negativity.

    Let’s give the unionist parties a kicking on May 7th. Vote SNP.

  66. Mealer says:

    I’ve a dose of man-flu just now,which seems to be mutating into ebola.I’d prefer a a broken bone AND a deep cut.

  67. BOB Mooney says:

    A wee bit off topic but just read in today’s Herald that wee Maggie Curran has a new nickname in her constituency – Kodak – because she is only seen when a camera is brought out.

  68. Robert Bryce says:

    Why are they even campaigning on a fucking devolved matter anyway?

    My god these muppets are thick as pig shit!

  69. YesMeansYes says:

    Vote Labour Get . . .

    link to

  70. Valerie says:

    This is pure lame.

  71. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    Kevin Evans says:
    21 March, 2015 at 1:19 pm

    “I think I hate Blair macdogall more than I hate Jim Murphy.

    At least slim Jim was elected. Blair is just a big mouthed SNP hater gettin rich off labours coffers.”

    Calm doon , he is just a mercenary, in his case a hired liar.

    The more who know and understand that, the more they walk away from Labour.

    They are doing fine in revealing their lack of underpants.

    They are stuffed, and our star is in the ascendency.

    Hold the line and then let them have it when we can the whiles of their eyes; very, very soon.

    Red wine kicking in.

  72. ronnie anderson says:

    C mon Wales

  73. Al Dossary says:

    Another O/T – just seeing from an old friend on Facebook that the Red Tories are out door to door in the housing scheme of my childhood. Good old Gowkthrapple in Wishaw, and they are getting more knock backs than the Mormons do when hey go a chapping.

  74. frankieboy says:

    I remember back in the day when taking illegal drugs would help me make sense of this.

  75. Rob James says:

    Regardless of the outcome of the election, it’ll be “Right, let’s drop this bullshit and get back to the trough guys”.

  76. Votadini Jeannie says:

    What a shite poster! It doesn’t make anything clear at all (mind you, the last thing we expect from Labour is clarity over policies, eh?). Wonder which knucklehead thought it up?

    First of all, they’ve used a poor metaphor – cut to the bone isn’t as severe as breaking the bone so the image doesn’t really portray their “point”. Unless you take the break to mean the break-up of the English NHS, which they imply they want to protect, so it’s still a meaningless sentence.

    And saying the NHS can’t afford Tory cuts could just as well read “the NHS can’t afford Labour cuts”, given that they’ve stated they won’t change anything the Tories have done.

    So the whole poster to me says “Don’t vote Labour as the NHS isn’t safe with us, and we don’t know what we’re talking about!”. Honestly, a pair of testicles would have been a better image as the whole thing is bollocks.

    (I love that spellcheck underlines “Labour” in red, as if it weren’t a proper word…)

  77. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Bugger (the Panda) says:
    21 March, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    I think his message is what is called, both meanings linguistic and legal.

    Alternatively, it is just keich.

    The missing word was inchoate.

    This ferkin computer has a mind of its own.

  78. Cath says:

    Sometimes if you have a broken bone, and you need someone to cut to it to fix it for you.

  79. Joemcg says:

    SNP stall in the sun just now in Newington getting good vibes for Tommy Sheppard. Well done lads and lassies! ????

  80. manandboy says:

    Assuming that the Scottish electorate efectively
    sweep Scotland clean of Unionist parties in the next3 elections,
    whoever is the PM in the next Parliament,
    will surely resist another Referendum on the grounds of risk.

    On the SNP side, given the conduct of the Unionist Alliance in 2014,
    a simple re-run of the last Referendum could not be considered safe.

    An option of Full Fiscal Autonomy on the ballot paper,
    would guarantee instant defeat for Westminster,
    so that would not be acceptable either to the Unionists.

    I don’t actually see a way forward with a referendum.

  81. heedtracker says:

    “I think I hate Blair macdogall more than I hate Jim Murphy.”

    Now, we should pity poor old vegan Morphy, sharing BetterTogether bunker with big Blair and his even bigger beefy farts after all those Gregs burgers and lattice pork pies.

    Maybe its why Morphy looks nuts, he’s inhale ODed so much Gregs beef steroids and antibiotics.

  82. Joemcg says:

    Meant to be a thumbs up! ????

  83. Dorothy Devine says:

    OT But once upon a day the Scotsman comment section was boycotted for a week – not to mention it was discovered that their employees were posting the outrageous to encourage more responses.

    I have grown to loathe and detest the Herald for its constant denigration of the SNP , YES voters , us Scots in general and the headlining of the slightest piece which would allow snide comment below the line.

    I have made the plea many times but reiterate , please leave the damned paper to the OBEs , the dopey labour councillor and others well known for their idiotic, blind stances.

    It is time that those ,so willing to encourage anti Scots comment ,were taught a financial lesson – no comments , advertisers dwindle.

    I really enjoy reading the 2 Ians but the rest of the paper has become utterly worthless, a posh ( ish ) Daily Record and with just as cursory a nod to truth , integrity and openness.

  84. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Valerie says:
    21 March, 2015 at 1:37 pm

    This is pure lame.

    Worst pun of the week, wasily so.

  85. Phronesis says:

    Dearie me – Labour shouldn’t really be advertising their role in the privatisation of NHS England that they’ve willingly participated in. They really should have taken Prof Allyson Pollocks writing on the matter seriously before they lost all credibility on this fundamental voting issue.
    The National Health Action Party in England are now a possible voting alternative with similar aspirations to the SNP. I’m afraid Labour have opened a real Pandora’s box – do check out the NHS YES Facebook page – lots of useful info dating back to the Indy campaign.

  86. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    BOB Mooney says:
    21 March, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    “A wee bit off topic but just read in today’s Herald that wee Maggie Curran has a new nickname in her constituency – Kodak – because she is only seen when a camera is brought out.`


  87. robertknight says:

    Blair taking another ten minutes out between deliveries of cream buns and fizzy pop to Labour’s Branch HQ?

    You’d think he’d have more important things to do, such as trying to coax Smurphy out from under his desk…

  88. Bob Scott says:

    Nothing to do with the knee. This is a lower leg fracture, (tibia), therefore, it would be beneath me to comment further on any Labour insane utterance.

  89. Jakedm says:

    “Next time they’ll cut it to they bone, vote for us and we’ll break it” Seems to be what this is saying!

  90. Kevin meina says:

    Out canvassing in Saltcoats today for SNP .Labour were mob handed got talking to labour guy turns out he was from Dagenham and they were up for the day to canvass.Even he said they wouldn’t be supporting Jim Murphy and Scottish Labour were in a hell of a state.
    They produced a pile of save our nhs posters for there photo opportunity and were met by loud guffaws of laughter and jeers from snp activists ,to be fair most of them looked red faced at the the audacity of it.Much to our amusement an orange flute band marched past nearby with us shouting labour reinforcements have arrived and red faces all round again.

  91. Labour hasn’t got a leg to stand on.

  92. Richardinho says:

    I read it as: ‘Vote Labour or we’ll break your legs.’

  93. bookie from hell says:

    Clarkson—waiter tells all

    link to

  94. Muscleguy says:

    I’m with you Morag. That leg has received a strong, focal blow to the outside of the ankle just above the lateral malleolus that has driven the deviated shaft of the fibula against the tibia. The halo of white as you correctly conclude indicates a healed, or healing injury as does the buildup of new bone on the outside of the fibula at the break. That would have hurt, and maybe go on hurting.

    What the effect of the peroneal tendons and the nerves and blood vessels can only be guessed at from the x-ray.

  95. Desimond says:

    Labour man asks wheres my cut?

    No change there then!

  96. heedtracker says:

    Another veggie that once shared the UKOK bunker with beef cake Bliar.

    link to

    He’s 23.

  97. Douglas says:

    @Morag -Technical
    It’s an odd X-ray I agree.

    Definitely the lower leg of a child (the bones have not yet stopped growing).

    Fracture of midshaft tibia but why did the weaker fibula survive intact at that level? Not impossible but odd. A direct blow could do this. Car crash?

    Fracture just above ankle, I can see what you mean by wondering if that is older with early healing (would have needed to have been neglected -very painful) or is it a ‘Greenstick’ fracture (soft children’s bones often buckle like a green stick rather than snap). That raises another question, why green stick when the rest of the bone snapped? Again not impossible, I suppose different parts harden at different times. Only having the story, seeing the full X-rays and examining would clarify that.

    The knee also looks damaged but I’ll not hazard any comment beyond ‘no right’.

    The leg is a mess. That’s as far as my basic A&E (and once upon a time part time rural Police Surgeon) skills take me. Is there an Orthopedic Surgeon or Forensic Pathologist in the house?

    It seems a bit sick to me to use an X-ray of a badly mangled child’s leg for politics.

  98. gerry parker says:

    @Mealer at 1:32.

    You have my sympathy.

    I my case I think it was burd ‘flu( much worse than man flu) coupled with a chest infection, oh yes, and my gout flared up too!

    An unpleasant 6 weeks but the sun’s shinin’ now.


  99. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Sorry, O/T.

    (Can be discussed further at ‘off-topic’.)


    Looking for Dundee-based Wingers.

    Tomorrow, Sunday, between noon and around 4pm, Team YES Bus, with the Dragon, will be campaigning at City Square, in support of the SNP in Dundee.

    I asked the boss of Team Yes Bus, Bob Costello (some of you met him at the last Invergowrie get-together), if a Wings presence at the Dragon with the Wings banner would be an idea.

    He was over the moon at the suggestion. BTW: he’s gonna have tea and coffee facilities on the Dragon.

    So, any Wingers up for an afternoon in Dundee?

    BTW2: in case you don’t know what I’m on about, here’s a pic of the Dragon, with City Square and Caird Hall in the background.

    link to

  100. bookie from hell says:

    Jim for Scotland Times

    My mums the talker in our family.One day she met Nelson Mandela in Adderley street in Cape Town.

    She was just chatting away,she spoke so much,and she may have been the first person who said to Nelson Mandela “ive really got to go now”

  101. Alastair Ewen says:

    the X-Ray shows a transverse fracture of the mid shaft of the tibia of a child/adolescent. There is also a greenstick type fracture of the lateral malleolus (distal fibula). Hope this helps

  102. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    Labour shadow chancellor Ed Balls destroyed that poster’s tiny credibility by agreeing to the tories £30 Billion in cuts to public services and the NHS.

    The Red Tories are just as keen on the creeping privatisation of the NHS as the blue ones. Ed Miliband and Cameron can’t be trusted with our NHS.

  103. Dr Jim says:

    It’s just a mock up, probably done by the Daily Record

    What looks like remodeling is quite apt really

    Considering Labours attempts to re-brand themselves as politically different to the other colours of Tories

    Wee medical joke there, although i do Brains not Bones

  104. Marie clark says:

    Oh well done wingers. Not only can we poke fun at poor old Bliar’s daft poster, we actually have real Drs amongst us who can tell us what the x-ray is, and what is wrong with it.

    I’m astonished. Who knew, what an educated lot we are. Onwards and upwards folks, bodes well for our beloved country.

  105. Effijy says:

    Yes Good old New Labour who were going to shut down several NHS Scotland A & E hospitals just before they were defeated by the new SNP Scottish Government.

    Those pesky SNP MSPs saved the day but were tied into PFI deals that have interest rates beyond loan shark levels.
    Good old Gordon Brown Gravy to thank for these mind numbing deals

    Wonder if the companies who are reaping these excessive rewards
    were among those who paid £millions into Broon’s own charity fund
    that in turn gives him £10,000 in expenses per week?

    “Next time they will cut to the bone”
    Unless Labour can do it for them first!
    Just like the referendum!

    Vote Labour and prove that your skull is broken!

  106. DerekM says:

    astonishing they do not care anymore do they total liars flip flop policies ,lies on top of lies good riddance to bad rubbish come May 7th.

    The real funny bit is Labour had no idea that BT was a double edged sword ,it wasnt just to stop Scotland becoming independent but was a ploy by the tories to destroy the Labour party chances of becoming the next UK government and they fell for it hook line and sinker,so dont come crying to us you idiots you made yer bed now lie in it.

    Vote SNP to get rid of these parasites,you know it makes sense 😉

  107. heedtracker says:

    I’m astonished. Who knew, what an educated lot we are. Onwards and upwards folks, bodes well for our beloved country.

    But it IS interesting though Marie clark. We could have gone with posters of smiling nurses, pretty ones even, and the headline “It’ll be fine, vote SLabour”

    But not these red tory SLab gits, they’re ProjectFear, punching home endless anxiety, making Scots miserable, scared, creeped out, you name it.

    So instead they use a horrible xray of a child’s broken leg because that’s how teamGB vote SLab or else sweaties win elections. Hard core threat and fear won the referendum Spet 18 and might just save a few SLab troughers May 7 right Bliar?

  108. Thepnr says:

    C’mon Rev

    We are all very much aware of what “cut to the bone” means. It is the removal of all flesh, meat and fat. In fact all the good bits, what’s left is only good for feeding to the dogs, usually.

    This is what we will have without a strong SNP presence at Westminster to fight the savage cuts proposed by both Labour and the Tories.

    The troughers will not stop and may even gnaw on the remaining bones until there is literally nothing left.

  109. peekay says:

    Patient: Doctor, Doctor, every time I open my mouth shite comes out!

    Dr Jim: Ahhh, that’ll be Murphyitis. Here, take this prescription for Essenpeedium to the polling station and you’ll be fine

  110. JLT says:

    Cut to the bone!

    It’ll be bloody amputation more like.

  111. Robert says:

    Can we confirm that this is a real broken limb or have Labour recruited an actor to portray the part ?

  112. Kevin Evans says:

    All this labour garbage is just the standard rubbish labour has always came out with before elections. There big mistake is its been heard all before and nothing gets better. Infact it’s now gotten worse and people are starting to realise this.

    This was predicted on here a while back – labours tactics was NHS, abolish the lords, hate SNP.

    Now folk are seeing through labours nonsense. At least the tories are consistent. Ya know if Ya vote Tory your gonna get shafted.

  113. CameronB Brodie says:

    Talking as a layman, I think rastic action is called for. There is no alternative. We need to staunch the putrefaction that oozes from Warminster, if we hope to stem the necrosis overtaking Britain’s body politic. Amputation just above Hadrian’s Wall, is the only treatment that will save the Scottish patient.

    Sorry medical peeps. 🙂

  114. No no no...Yes says:

    Mags Curran’s new nickname is Kodak- love it!

    That’ll explain why she’s always so negative then.
    She’s also taken a lens of her constituents for too long.

    Where’s my coat…

  115. Author_al says:

    The sad thing about that poster is its fakery and pretence at giving a damn. Stu has revealed Labour lies here and in England time and time again. The SNP, if we are lucky, will have to worth with these lying toe rags. Not all, granted, as most ‘Scottislh Labour’ MPs will be history.

    Nicola, a far greater and substantial politician than Milipede, will have to work hard to mitigate Labour’s uselessness. I hope SNP does not get lambasted the same way the LibDems have, guilt by association and all that.

    Better if SNP could just have to deal with Scotland and let an elected English Labour govt sink by itself. We had our chance. It will come again.

  116. Juteman says:

    Disclaimer. As Rab used to say, “i’m working class scum and proud of it,” but I used to love watching international rugby. Now I couldn’t give a shit.

    Rugby in our country will never win anything until the game is played by working class kids. Just because you have blonde tints or a beard, it doesn’t make you trendy.

    The referendum had Unionist ex players speaking out for the Union, where were the Scots?

    The 30 or 40 posh kids playing sport before they go into the financial sector like the Hastings can go and fuck themselves.
    I hope the game dies in this country.
    Flame on.

  117. Legerwood says:


    Well Scotland does not do too well at football either so pretty well cancels out the class argument does it not?

  118. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Can’t wait to see pictures of Rennie doing his big speech.

    I like the still photos best, when he’s doing all that girning, baring his teeth, or looking like Kenneth Williams when he made saucy jokes. Or the ‘Kezia’ (the image Moodie uses), which isn’t easy.

    He might even do some jokes!

    And what about the audience? If, as it seems, they were all pished last night, they won’t all make it. He might not even get as big a crowd as Danny!

    That would be a tragedy!!

  119. Tackety Beets says:

    @ JLT 3.53 PM
    Cut to the bone !

    It’ll be a bloody amputation more like ”

    LOL .
    Aye , that’s what we are efftir , cut ’em ( WM ) adrift ASAP .
    Last Sept wasnae soon enuffff . Right enufff !

  120. An Lannsair says:

    I am a doctor, and the x-ray image shows a fractured tibia (shin bone, so correct Rev) and fibula, or “tib & fib” for short.

    It is apt that the tweet was picked up by this site, which is very good at fracturing Labour fibs.

  121. Stoker says:

    Scotland 10-40 Ireland

    5 Defeats out of 5 games played.

    Is that what they call “Better Together”?

    SRU, my rugby top was binned the minute you UKOKers kissed yer Unionist masters arses. Focus on the rugby and stop humiliating us.

  122. Vince says:

    Juteman agree in the main. I would have once been sad at the demise of the Scottish Rugby team but can no longer be bothered. At least in part due to seeing the “old international boys” standing outside Murrayfield supporting the Union prior to the referendum.

    Public School beneficiaries of the Union to a man.

    Time the game spent more time and money on the less privileged in society.

  123. Juan P says:


    Disclaimer. As Rab used to say, “i’m working class scum and proud of it,” but I used to love watching international rugby. Now I couldn’t give a shit.

    Rugby in our country will never win anything until the game is played by working class kids. Just because you have blonde tints or a beard, it doesn’t make you trendy.

    The referendum had Unionist ex players speaking out for the Union, where were the Scots?

    The 30 or 40 posh kids playing sport before they go into the financial sector like the Hastings can go and fuck themselves.
    I hope the game dies in this country.
    Flame on.

    I don’t want the game to die in Scotland but you’re spot on re the relatively tiny pool of people who are given the opportunity to play the sport.

    Has anyone held the SFRU to account re what effort, if any, they are making to get rugby played and coached well in state schools?

    The same could be said in reverse re football and SFA need to put a scholarship system in place so talented footballers that happen to have a brain and go to college/uni aren’t excluded from progressing in that sport.

    I heard recently that SFA/SFRU etc are going to come under the auspice of FOI requests soon? That would be welcome as it would put them under the cosh to detail what they are doing to encourage people from all backgrounds to get involved in the sport and develop their game.

  124. Dr Ew says:

    I’ve forgotten it already.

  125. Fireproofjim says:

    Kodak Curran – She has been over-exposed. Let’s shutter out.
    I’ll get my coat too!

  126. Glamaig says:

    Its utter nonsense as a poster. They know it is, and it is aimed at a part of the population that doesnt think, just looks at an image and slogan, which implants a feeling. They hope a number of these people will vote Labour. It has nothing to do with politics or peoples lives, it is pure marketing/advertising. More and more of ‘politics’ is reduced to that level. Very cynical.

    Unfortunately for main-stream ‘politicians’ the referendum campaign got a lot of people actually thinking. Very dangerous for the establishment.

    For me a seminal moment was the realisation that there was a basic logical nonsense to the No campaign – if Scotland is subsidised why are they so desperate to keep us?

    After that I saw straight through all the blah blah fear brainwashing pish and knew we were being manipulated and LIED to big time. There is no going back, trust is gone.

  127. Robert Peffers says:

    Perhaps the poster is offering the SNP the traditional show biz good luck wish? You know that one, “Break A Leg”, said to the actor or actress just as they are about to enter, “Stage Left”, on opening night.

    Nah! It’s Blair McDougal we’re talking about. It probably means he hopes all the non-Labour candidates actually do break their legs.

  128. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Juteman says:
    21 March, 2015 at 4:09 pm

    Disclaimer. As Rab used to say, “i’m working class scum and proud of it,” but I used to love watching international rugby. Now I couldn’t give a shit.

    Rugby in our country will never win anything until the game is played by working class kids. Just because you have blonde tints or a beard, it doesn’t make you trendy.

    The referendum had Unionist ex players speaking out for the Union, where were the Scots?

    I think you cannot be faulted for that Juteman,

  129. De Valera says:

    Good points. I used to watch the Five Nations (as it was then) and Scotland football matches but I no longer bother. Thousands of unionists singing Flower of Scotland etc displays a hypocrisy I find sickening. We are not a proper country like Ireland , Norway or even Lichtenstein for that matter.

    As regards all the UKOK rugby and football “stars”, why aren’t they wanting a UK side? Because hardly any of them would have got near it.

  130. Dr Jim says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    I always see Stan Laurel when i look at wee Willie Rennie
    and then stuff comes out of his wee mouth and i can’t look anymore


  131. Robert Peffers says:

    @Rigmac7 says: 21 March, 2015 at 11:59 am:

    “Well, I for one, want to know if that is a real patients leg or an actors/actresses.”

    Now, Rigmac, you be very careful going in that direction. With Labour’s record it’s probably a NHS Nurse, who moonlights as an actress, who has a broken leg.

    Conversely it is, perhaps, a photo-shopped picture of a actress pretending to be a nurse who is pretending to have broken a leg or …

  132. Famous15 says:


    Giving out leaflets to kilted Scot butts on the way to Murrayfield and their sour refusal ,oh what mirth we “shared” with them and they knew how contemptuous they really were. “Flower Of Scotland.”? You reckon?

    @Glamaig. brilliant! “If Scotland is subsidised,why are they so ‘utterly’ desperate to keep us”

  133. Dr Jim says:

    @ CameronB Brodie

    Concise Surgical Analysis of the solution

    A big F…..g knife..Simples..squeek

  134. cearc says:

    Rigmac, Robert Peffers,

    Well at least we know it is too young to be an ordinary housewife!

  135. john king says:

    Alistair Ewan says @ 3.11pm
    “the X-Ray shows a transverse fracture of the mid shaft of the tibia of a child/adolescent. There is also a greenstick type fracture of the lateral malleolus (distal fibula). Hope this helps”

    Could you be a bit more specific,
    its all rather vague,
    parents demographic?
    post code?

    There’s really not enough to go on here. 😉

  136. Robert Peffers says:

    @galamcennalath says:21 March, 2015 at 12:14 pm:

    “Vote SNP, give the Unionists a kick up the backside!”

    Allow me to owerset the abin bit intil wir ain lallans leid : –

    “Vote SNP an gie the Unionists a fung up the rumplebane.”

  137. Joemcg says:

    Have to agree. Seeing those ex-internationals cheer leading for the union was truly sickening. I have no enthusiasm for the egg chasers or those kilted 80 minute patriots at all. They could bulldoze Murrayfield for houses and I would not give a fuck.

  138. Bob Sinclair says:

    John King
    I’m fairly sure that’s an XRAY of an ‘ordinary working tibia ‘ with no political connections.

  139. steveasaneilean says:

    Stu – in all seriousness I am disturbed that Labour have used this image.

    As others have pointed out this image is of a child’s leg as the end plates of the bones have not fused with the shafts. Typically such fusion occurs in the mid-teens.

    In addition there is a suggestion of a previous ankle fracture in the same leg. Multiple fractures of varying ages in the same limb bones in children must always be regarded with a degree of suspicion.

    Either way there is the possibility that the parents of this child might recognise this image as it’s quite distinctive. Did the Labour party have the child or their parents consent to use this image? And at what level is it ever acceptable or appropriate to use an image of a badly injured child for party political purposes?

  140. Robert Peffers says:

    @galamcennalath says: 21 March, 2015 at 12:30 pm

    ” … We need to either achieve it (unlikely) or make sure everyone accepts that it is definitely off the table and full independence is the only way to progress.

    Tell you what, galamcennalath, take a wee peek at such as the Englander on-line version of the dead tree press Daily Mail comments columns. The recent increase of pure, mind numbing, naked hate of, in no particular order, Nicola Sturgeon, Scots, Scotland and the SNP, indicate that the winning of independence may come from the bulk of English voters demanding that Westminster end the Union. While you are there not the almost absolute ignorance of yer average English commenter.

  141. Thepnr says:

    O/T I have been alienated.

    For the first time in my life I want to see an English team lose when they are not playing Scotland in an International.

    Not because I hate the England rugby team or the English people. But because I do hate their media and politicians.

    Their newspapers have poisoned me and I offer no excuses.

  142. Glamaig says:

    @steveasaneilean – first Nurse-Gate now X-ray-Gate! 🙂

  143. Mr MacBeth says:

    Didn’t the Coalition “ringfence” the previous Labour Government’s NHS spending levels?

    This is yet another example of the Labour tactic of making a statement (such as “the biggest party forms the government”, or in this case “the Tories want to cut NHS spending”), without any supporting evidence whatsoever then just using shock and scare tactics to ram it home until we all feel raped by it.

    There is absolutely no substance to any of this. Its like the referendum all over again – “THE SHY WILL FALL IN, THE SKY WILL FALL IN!!!” I didn’t. It won’t. So shut up!

  144. badgerboydarling says:

    The proud scots but rugger buggers pretendy “natonal team” should be disbanded and murrayfield turned into a giant carpark, then they can go follow England afterall thats what they effectively did in another to Scotland when the Hastings etc off this world campaigned for a no vote and voted no.

    Britjock eggchasers are a shameful bunch of ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s.

  145. Glamaig says:

    @Robert Peffers – the big lie that Scotland is subsidised may be about to come back to bite the establishment in the ass big time. As cuts bite deeper, rage at our ‘subsidy’ will increase. There are two possibilities, cut the Barnett payments down, triggering a boost for indy support in Scotland, or continue as we are, perhaps leading to demands in England that we are ejected from the Union. Oh what a tangled web….

  146. Gavin says:

    Juteman says:
    21 March, 2015 at 4:09 pm
    Disclaimer. As Rab used to say, “i’m working class scum and proud of it,” but I used to love watching international rugby. Now I couldn’t give a shit.

    Rugby in our country will never win anything until the game is played by working class kids. Just because you have blonde tints or a beard, it doesn’t make you trendy.

    The referendum had Unionist ex players speaking out for the Union, where were the Scots?

    The 30 or 40 posh kids playing sport before they go into the financial sector like the Hastings can go and fuck themselves.
    I hope the game dies in this country.
    Flame on.

    Totally agree with you Juteman.

    I also used to enjoy rugby but I will never go back to murrayfield to watch scotland ever again due to Hastings et al backing the Union. Besides, the SRU are a bunch of idiots who have allowed the game to go to rack and ruin in this country. Run the game ? The SRU couldn’t run a bath !!

    I have though warmed to the game of Rugby League, a working class game which is much faster and very entertaining. No wasting time at scrums, mauls etc.. Just fast running rugby. Scotland have a pretty good team as well and have done well over the last two years but have received little coverage in the scottish press, even though they have qualified to play in the four nations next year.

  147. heedtracker says:

    Proud Scot but Unionist rugby fans singing Flower of Scotland are idiotic but just watching YES vote Andy Murray in Indian Wells right now. When Salmond waved a Scotland flag when Andy won Wimbledon, UKOK proud Scot but cringe beggared belief. Cant think why.

    If Murray was English he’d be a sports god, an English sports god. But he’s Scottish, proud, no buts.

  148. Joemcg says:

    heedtracker-Aye, what the hell was that about the absolute pandemonium caused by Alex waving the saltire? Unbelievable.

  149. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    (“Quizmaster” – Ed) tickled me…


  150. Apparently Nick Clegg has told us that he has delivered Home Rule ‘so shut up’!

  151. badgerboydarling says:

    The more the Brits and Britjock up here acolytes complain and rage about trivial matters like Alex waving the Saltire at Wimbledon the more the unionist mask slips and another little bit of there union dies. Piece by piece we will finish it off for good!

  152. Glamaig says:

    Why are they even campaigning on a fucking devolved matter anyway?

    My god these muppets are thick as pig shit!

    No but they think that we are. And that is what started fucking enraging me during the No campaign. I was always going to vote yes anyway – but the realisation that THEY THINK WE ARE THICK just did it for me. God Im on a rant tonight and Ive not even had a drink yet 🙂

  153. Lynne Dixon says:

    Source? link to

  154. Macart says:

    Mr MacDougall is being somewhat less than honest on a number of levels. Firstly how does he know what cuts the Conservatives plan? I mean there was bugger all mention in the budget. Secondly, even if there were. Even if the Conservatives had laid it out chapter and verse, Ed Balls has already admitted he wouldn’t reverse or alter a thing in the budget announcement. Hell Labour have already helped the conservatives rubber stamp £30bn worth of austerity measures.

    They are literally, as well as figuratively joined at the hip. So never mind what the stupidest poster in political history has to say. What the hell is Mr MacDougall and the Labour party trying to spin? That although they rubber stamped and enabled eye watering austerity measures alongside their ideological twins, theirs would be just as swingeing, but somehow less harmful?

    Good grief.

    The name Tory is frankly a catch all these days. As far as the poorest in society are concerned, it simply means some suit living the high life in Westminster, creaming a massive salary and expenses, bearing no responsibility for their catastrophic screw ups and making decisions which will ruin their already difficult lives.

    Time for a long overdue change. You want Labour to keep its promises? Then vote to give them a conscience at Westminster, an SNP conscience.

  155. ewen says:

    Ref the rugby.

    I used to be a passionate Scottish rugby fan but sitting at work in Dublin today I felt myself hoping that Ireland would get more points in the 2nd half and ensure a 6 nations win.

    The Scot buts rugby crowd have ensured that I don’t give a cuss for the team or the plastic 80 mi Ute patriots. They make me grue, set my teeth on edge and don’t deserve my support. I consider them placement for North Britain and Scotland’s shame.

  156. Robert Peffers says:

    @Marie clark says: 21 March, 2015 at 3:26 pm:

    ” … I’m astonished. Who knew, what an educated lot we are. Onwards and upwards folks, bodes well for our beloved country”

    We really do seem to be a well educated lot, Marie. I’ve said it before but it is amazing the things you can learn in a browse through WoS comments.

  157. Mealer says:

    I try to take a more conciliatory stance.Though I must say,defeat perhaps doesn’t hurt quite so much.

  158. Luigi says:

    I used to go to Murrayfield for the old Five Nations games. These days, I can hardly bare to watch. Listening to those NO voters singing Flower of Scotland makes me cringe. Wot a bunch of idiots. Pathetic.

    Congratulations to Ireland – well deserved. By far the best team of the tournament.

  159. Mealer says:

    Young Hewitt was obviously gutted at his team not winning the championship,but he put on a brave face.

  160. Jim doyle says:

    its easy …if you vote for us (labour) you too can have a broken leg!!

  161. Glamaig says:

    Its heartening to see we have so many medics on here. The indy movement has artists, academics, people from all trades and professions, all ages, shapes sizes, from all over Scotland and beyond. That’s how we know we are going to win.

    This is unstoppable. I’ll never forget the PQ demo I was on just before the referendum. I had never marched before or been on any demo in my life. I just saw it and tagged along. I was struck by what a cross-section of people were there. The people, in fact. And such happiness and good nature and cheerfulness. Contrast the few sullen unhappy looking people I saw on No stalls earlier in the day.

    Make no mistake, that’s how we know we are going to win.

  162. galamcennalath says:

    Robert Peffers at 5:53 pm
    …the winning of independence may come from the bulk of English voters demanding that Westminster end the Union.

    Glamaig 6:28 pm
    …perhaps leading to demands in England that we are ejected from the Union.

    There was always a bit of anti-Scottish feeling down south, particularly with regard to the myth of subsidy.

    However, there is a big upsurge now being driven by a campaign to make the SNP unpalatable in English minds, presumably to prepare the ground to keep the SNP from being allowed to exert influence at WM after the GE.

    This is having wider knock on effects, I agree. The London Establishment and the MSM appear to be at the helm in opening this Pandora’s Box. It actually fills me with great sadness that they should spread ill feeling and discord for short term electoral gain. Like the mythical Pandora’s Box, it can’t be shut, not the contents forced back inside.

    You both may well be correct, pressure for Scottish independence may become significant, from the outside.

    Also, all Scots including many No voters will become the focus of all this negativity. Perhaps then, they will see the Union in the same way as many Yes voters did.

  163. Caroline Corfield says:

    I believe the x ray image is referred to on this page, all that is different as far as I can tell. Is the image has been switch left to right

    link to

  164. Caroline Corfield says:

    Sorry Lynne Dixon. I should have known someone would have tracked it down by now 🙂

  165. crazycat says:

    @ Lynne and Caroline

    The original source of the image (from which it can be purchased) seems to be this:

    link to

    Lynne’s link credits the image properly – though it’s a bit odd to have used an X-ray of a child’s lower leg in an article about osteoporosis in women, discussing the risk of femur fracture.

    Have Labour acknowledged their source? It doesn’t look like it.

  166. Caroline Corfield says:

    I think from the very brief search that the image has been found and used by abc news as it doesn’t show up in the FDA stuff the report is about. I just played the video clip on the abc news site and the x ray image doesn’t feature in it, I wonder if it’s been altered recently?

  167. Paula Rose says:

    So – have the Labour party paid for using this? A flip from left to right would suggest not.

  168. Lynne Dixon says:

    On the ABC News page (link posted earlier) the image credit is to ‘Peter Dazeley/Getty Images’. Wonder if they obtained permission to use it?

  169. H says:

    it’s is dumber the longer I look at it ,not that I want to give them Ideas, but …would cut through the bone, aye would work for slogan or they would cut so hard it will slice the bone , but and x-ray of broken bone and no blood to prove there was no cut in the first place is just stupid, ………..Unless it’s the remains of the British Government after labour was last in office, and tories just stood on the bones and broke it.?

  170. Getty images phone number for enquires 0800 376 7977 if anyone is interested.

  171. Dr JM Mackintosh says:


  172. crazycat says:

    On the page I linked to above, there is another link to licence terms, which include this:

    Photo Credit. Except as otherwise noted in Section 10, all Licensed Material used in an editorial context must include the following credit line adjacent to the Licensed Material: “[Photographer’s Name]/[Collection Name]/Getty Images” or as otherwise shown on the Getty Images website.

    If Licensee omits the credit, an additional fee in an amount up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Licence Fee may be payable by Licensee, at Getty Images’ sole discretion. The foregoing fee shall be in addition to any other rights or remedies that Getty Images may have at law or in equity.

    I don’t see any such credit on the Labour poster. Perhaps a poster is not “an editorial context”.

    I’ll be making a phone call on Monday, I think. (Thanks, cynicalHighlander.)

  173. call me dave says:

    They don’t know that they don’t know!
    It made me gurgle happily.

    link to

  174. Paula Rose says:

    Perhaps it’s an x-ray post mortem of someone who didn’t use paragraph breaks?

  175. Effijy says:

    Great detail from very well educated posts regarding the X-Ray of a fractured Tibia!

    I would like to add that the fracture would have been less likely or sever if Labour politicians had not stabbed each other in the back and allowed Maggie Thatcher the Milk Snatcher into power in 1979!

    As fully endorsed by Labour’s own Jim Callaghan former PM.

  176. Dr JM Mackintosh says:

    Rev Stu,
    I am a doctor and can explain it for you.

    Blair McDougall is a moron.

    His poster – instantly forgetable.

  177. Richardinho says:

    Not sure how smart it is to feature broken limbs on an election poster. The implication is that you’re going to get YOUR legs broken if Labour aren’t elected.
    I suppose in this regards it is quite memorable!

  178. TJenny says:

    Paula Rose – sniggle. 😉 (that’s a cross between a snigger and a giggle)

  179. Robert Peffers says:

    @Glamaig says:21 March, 2015 at 6:28 pm:

    ” … the big lie that Scotland is subsidised may be about to come back to bite the establishment in the ass big time.”

    Their balderdash about Scotland being subsidised has already had some effect in leaving teeth-marks in their rears. There can be only two explanations for media or political people making such claims. Either they know what the Barnett Formula does and thus are telling bare-faced lies or they do not know what it does and they are far too thick to be either media or political people. It is, after all their job to know.

    When anyone knows what the Barnett’s formula is there can be no lies, for then they know it cannot be cut without exposing the truth that Westminster is not subsidising Scots but may actually be ripping them off. It is not, as the try to make it, complicated. In fact it is a very logical and reasonable idea.

    It is simply explained thus – before devolution the task of providing services UK wide fell upon the relevant Westminster Ministry. To devolve a service they must transfer both the task and the funds to run it from the Westminster Ministry who did that task to the Edinburgh Parliament who are now going to do it. However, the Establishment were reluctant to do the obvious thing and also give Edinburgh tax raising powers (a.k.a full fiscal autonomy).

    So, being control freaks, they instead decided to provide the funding by way of a Scottish Block Grant decided by Westminster. So they then had the problem of how much they were to grant to Scotland over and above the per-capita sum based upon the Scottish level of population compared to that of England. This was because the Englanders were getting their Westminster Ministerial services funded over and above the English per capita funding level. So they tasked Joel Barnett with producing a formula to increase the per capita funding of the Scottish Block grant in order to cover the cost of each extra devolved function. As Scotland has more devolved function Scotland must have extra funding to run them.

    In other word the whole basic idea behind the Barnett Formula is to give Scotland extra per capita funding in order to keep them in line with English per capita funding including the extra value England receives in services directly from treasury funded ministries.

    So how can they now expose the many lying claims they have since made that Scots get extras funds? Now you have a question – don’t you?

    Where can you find the government’s figures for the Barnett Formula – Perhaps it is next to the MaCrone Report in some dark, deep Westminster vault.

  180. DerekM says:

    Ehh what do you mean ,ah i see what you are trying to say the broken leg is to symbolize the NHS ,poor NHS had a broken leg for 40 years and you halfwits have just noticed,wait a minute wasnt it you lot that caused it in the first place.

    So the NHS is not safe but that cant be we collectively saved the NHS by voting against Indy didnt we ???? or was it all just a lie who would have thought it, hmmm all in all a pretty rubbish add ,if they paid someone to do it they should ask for their money back.

    I see Cambam is up to his duck and weave tactics again,this time dodging Ed the red in a face to face debate,i am sorry but if you cant beat Ed the red in a debate or feel confident about facing him you have no place in politics,nae wonder he dodged Eck if he doesnt have the balls to face Ed the red lmao ,oh i hear he has pulled his wee puppet Clegg out the debates as well lol

  181. Casper1066 says:

    Cut to the bone, not cut the bone. Bigger question why we talking about him. Best to save our energy for something a bit more serious than him.

  182. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Who does the dude in this picture look like? (Steady now, or you’ll get a nasty noise…)

    link to

  183. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ..and here’s Alistair Carmichael and his buddies playing that very game –

    link to

  184. Grouse Beater says:

    Brown? 😉

  185. Dr Jim says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    It’s Douglas Alexander

    Any points in this game, i’m competitive, say i’m right

  186. We can break bones as well as promises vote Labour or else. This poster comes with a UK health warning.

  187. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Dr Jim –

    Sorry, but as the guy on Catchphrase used to say, ‘you’re not right’.

    It looks like Blair McDougall. You can have six points anyway.

  188. @Paula Rose

    That was a reflex comment could you marrow it down?

  189. NODROG says:

    We all know that Ed Balls agreed to all the cuts that Osborne detailed in his budget. Perhaps Rip van winkle Mac Dougal was asleep when the budget was in the media or then again he may be so stupid that he expects the people of Scotland to believe in his sincerity? Only Murphy could pick such a winning team.
    However let us not forget that a wounded animal when cornered is at it’s most dangerous – so proceed with caution.

  190. DerekM says:

    lol @ Ian that guy on the op table is to good looking and slim to be big blair 🙂

  191. dakk says:

    Bit harsh on Bliar McDougal and his poster.

    Gie the guy a ‘break’

    I’ll get ma jerkin ????

  192. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Looks like it might be remembered?

    McDougall, if it turns out you’ve used a real photo of an injured wean without permission, and the identity of that child is ever established? you’ll have good reason to remember it for the rest of your days. You reprehensible turd.

  193. SquareHaggis says:


    Duncan Hotdog Sausage?
    Same hair.

  194. crazycat says:

    @ Ian

    It’s a Getty image, which they are entitled to buy, but as far as I can see they should have credited it to Getty. I’m planning to check that on Monday.

  195. Groue Beater says:


    The poster means da SNP voter is a-sleepin’ wid da fishes. First he got his legs broken so he ain’t walkin’ nowhere, then, when he wouldn’t stop shoutin’ a load of ‘freedom’ baloney, we gave him da best Sicilian farewell.

    Hope dat helps alleviate your predicament.

    Tony Da Osteopath.

  196. galamcennalath says:


    I do hope they have pirated this image, and not paid for a license. The costs from Getty for wide distribution for political purposes look to be high. If they haven’t paid, then it could be much more costly!

    Perhaps incompetence will come with a monetary prices, as well as a political one.

  197. call me dave says:

    Straw in the wind says IFS. But Jackie says ‘no deal’ labour have a better idea … err!

    link to

  198. Iain Hamilton says:

    That’s a nasty break. Right. Does anyone have any glue?

  199. StevieMcB says:

    100,000 SNP members 🙂
    link to

  200. Valerie says:

    Getty do go after anyone, big time. It’s their reputation to protect, and why the images are on there, for protection.

    Off topic, here a remedy for that broken limb.

    Sunday Herald tweeting big story on the SNP membership hitting 100k

  201. Tam Jardine says:

    Strange advert. I suppose someone came up with ‘cut to the bone’ and someone else was wedded to the x-ray image and rather than give up on one, they perform a cut-and-shut.

    It’s reminds me of the Apprentice – when they end up with a table that doubles up as a foldable chair and boardgame holder.

    I suppose the remit was the Tories are cutting the NHS and at a glance it does express this but it is a pretty shite state of play when the labour party can’t even cobble together a coherent message, despite paying big bucks to do so and despite it being quite an important election.

  202. CyberMidgie says:

    I see the broadcasters have bottled it on the election debates. It looks like David Cameron’s managed to slither out of about 90% of the head to head debating he would otherwise have been in for.

    From the BBC:

    link to

  203. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Not sure if I’m doing this right but very interesting indeed

    link to

  204. peekay says:

    Getty image here;link to

  205. crazycat says:

    @ Dave McEwan Hill

    All I get from your link is the Yahoo sign in page.

  206. @Dave McEwan Hill

    Not working.

  207. thedogphilosopher says:

    Just picking up on something De Valera said at 5.24 re the rugby internationals and about Ireland being a ‘proper’ country. I’m not a ‘rugger’ fan, but it just occurred to me recently that Northern Ireland don’t take part in the whole ‘home nations + some plucky foreigners’ tournament. Unlike in the footie and other sports, NI is subsumed into an All Ireland team!? And … they play the Soldier’s Song before matches? Would they dare do this with football? I’m sure those lovely George Square Union Jackers would have something to say about that.

    Perhaps if everyone in Greater Ireland had been big rugger fans there would never have been decades of ‘Troubles’?

    Or is there just something a little peculiar about the game of rugby?

  208. Paula Rose says:

    Rugby involves men wrapping their arms around each other – its a bit camp.

  209. Tam Jardine says:

    So if the NHS is the tibia and the tories have caused the fracture, then are labour going to help the nhs to heal?

    I have little knowledge of medicine but I am sure that the idea of bones growing back stronger than they were before the break is a myth.

    Surely a tacit admission that the best labour can ever achieve is to bring the NHS back to where it was before the tories broke it and improve it no further?

  210. RodneySofa says:

    It’s a step up from 2010. The Guardian did T-shirts with a dark picture of Gordon Brown with the legend, “Step outside Posh boy. Vote Labour or Else”. So when the threat of a fracas in a car park fails, let’s up the game and break some legs. Let’s face it, if they’re not using physical doings, they’re using bombs and bombshells in posters and words. Labour. The party of violent threats. Nice.

  211. Free Scotland says:

    Never let them forget, it’s called the six NATIONS.

  212. Gavin Barrie (Jammach) says:

    Paula, don’t forget the big, muscular thighs 😉 Cian Healy was particularly impressive today.

  213. Gavin Barrie (Jammach) says:

    OT: tomorrow’s Sunday Herald; SNP up to 100k members. 😉

  214. handclapping says:

    100,000 members; time to start the SNPE, with an e, to give Geordies, Scousers, Hatters and Essex girls a chance to vote for progressive policies.

  215. Grouse Beater says:

    Am reading Salmond’s published 100 days diary notes after a quiet evening (for once!) which began over a glass of Italian red al fresco in George Street facing the sun’s balming warmth, and then watching a fine episode of the literate and philosophical Inspector Montalbano, Sicily being where my father was born, and where he returned.

    I can’t think of a better evening, Salmond, Montelbano, a day of sunshine there and here, and an evening with a good 15 year-old malt. For once hope returns renewed.

    The book is the subject of my next essay…in a few hours.

    I am trying and failing to reconcile the insults, vile abuse, and crapology of the right-wing reviews flung at the book compared to the sheer optimism and humanity of the man and his vision. The people who attack him are brain dead, lifeless, zombies.

    Aye, a hundred days that changed Scotland forever.

  216. StevieMcB says:

    OT Murky tories of the blue type election fixing.
    link to

  217. Indigo says:

    If that poster was out together by a design agency, which it almost certainly will have been, the agency will probably have a license agreement with Getty

  218. Paula Rose says:

    Men stroking thighs – sniggle.

  219. Grouse Beater says:

    Marcia usually pops up about now with a link to the Sunday Herald’s front cover. Ten, nine, eight seven … 🙂

  220. @Grouse Beater says:

    I am trying and failing to reconcile the insults, vile abuse, and crapology of the right-wing reviews flung at the book compared to the sheer optimism and humanity of the man and his vision. The people who attack him are brain dead, lifeless, zombies.

    They have an imperialistic mindset of we know or are better than you so ef off.

  221. StevieMcB says:

    GB it was early
    link to

  222. TJenny says:

    Paula Rose – ooh, sniggles indeed. 😉

  223. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I’m utterly scunnered that no-one has posted any links to or quotes from Willie Rennie’s speech. I’ve been waiting patiently, glued to the screen, but nary a mention of the man on his big day.

    It’s a disgrace!

    Are youse really trying to make out that there were no highlights?

  224. Neil Anderson says:

    It’s an arm (Radius + Ulna)

    Neither Tories or Labour have a leg to stand on

  225. heedtracker says:

    Over 100,000 SNP members! Sometimes I listen to BBC World Service and they not only work hard to shut down Scottish democracy, they also hire pet UKOK shills from the Republic of Ireland. Its a bit disorientating listening to Gordon O’Brewer types grinching over their lost UKOK union, so it would interesting to poll the Irish to see if they would want to have another blessed and mutually fruitful union with England, especially after winning the rugby.

    Congratulations Ireland, so sad England didn’t win:D

  226. Thepnr says:

    It’s not too far away now, time is running out for the Red Tories in Scotland. In a little more than six weeks we will all be back into a polling booth. The opportunity is there for changing the face of Scottish politics forever.

    On current polls of voting intentions the anointment of Jim Murphy as the new leader of the Scottish branch office of the Labour party has failed to make any impact. If anything, it appears that the Red Tories prospects are worsening.

    What to expect next? There is only one avenue left for the Unionist alliance and their media friends.

    Tactical Voting! Tactical Voting! Tactical Voting!

    This will happen and is purely a sign of absolute desperation to halt the SNP and help keep ALL the usual snouts in the trough, hoping that no one is paying attention.

    Like everything else that has been tried, I believe this too will FAIL.

  227. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If we’re discussing incomprehensible BTUKOK-related statements of one kind or another, what about this?

    It’s just over a year old, and is a wee sliver of Willie Rennie speaking in tongues. Any idea what he’s on about?

    link to

  228. StevieMcB says:

    Mr Brotherhood,really you want to see this F*D 😉

    link to

  229. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Interesting piece I tried to put up
    Sorry Guys. I’ll try to get another format that might work.

  230. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Thepnr at 12.12

    Or a huge fiddle on the postal ballot. Glenrothes x 59

  231. Now's the Hour says:

    If only Slim hadn’t sniffed all the glue they could have used some to repair that leg.

  232. Joemcg says:

    Hopefully the exit polls will maybe curtail some vote rigging.

  233. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Over on O/T, BDTT issued a wee heads-up for all those intending to go to the Counting House, Glasgow, on May 1st.

    If you want a personalised badge made-up, you MUST go to O/T and tell us what name you want on your badge. If you post it on the ongoing threads it may be overlooked, especially as it’s me who’s doing the looking-over.

    I’m compiling a list, so if you want to be on it, get over to O/T and provide the required details asap. I shall then pass them onto my handler whereupon you, your family, friends and neighbours will be under intense full-spectrum surveillance within seven hours.

    That is all. Thanks amuch.

  234. call me dave says:

    Where are the three amoebas.

    Whose’s sorry vow! It was all too complicated. 🙁

    link to

  235. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stevie McB –

    Much obliged.

    But I need more, dammit – where are the high-res still snaps of him doing his Norman Wisdom stuff?

    Where is the footage of the ecstatic audience?

  236. caz-m says:

    Congratulation must go to the SNP and the whole YES movement for staying strong.

    The Unionists thought that they broke us on 18th Sept.

    How wrong they were. They have made us even stronger.

    On 7th May, England will see how broken we are, when we send to Westminster with the largest number of SNP MPs ever to set foot in the place.

    This is when the real racist abuse will start, from all quarters.

    Bring it on.

  237. Cadogan Enright says:

    @heedtracker 12.11 If you think the Scottish media is bad then u have not read the UK controlled Irish media which employs 90% UKOK Shrills

    It is hard to overstate this – for instance the chairperson of the nominally independent Irish times major TB McDowell offered to help the British government with the ‘white niggers’ in resisting the civil rights movement in the 1960’s on issues like ‘one man one vote’ as they put it at the time.

    (Sir) tony o’reillys so-called independent group was allowed to buy up 80% of the media in Ireland and famously boasted at an oil conference in Canada how his ownership of the Irish media had allowed him to gain vast tracts of oil drilling rights for 10000 dollars as no politician in Ireland could challenge him.

    The independent group has consistently sought to undermine the British / Irish peace agreement of 1998, and o’reilly subsequently became the only Irishman to accept a full knighthood since independence ‘for services to the crown’

    I totally support the occupy movements protest over press ownership and control of the political debate in the Anglo-American world.

  238. Chic McGregor says:

    They’ve run out of feet to shoot. So?

  239. Dr Jim says:

    Why are the Unionists so angry with us
    constantly shouting about figures and doom and we can’t survive
    What is their problem, they shout on Twitter, they shout on Facebook, they shout in Newspapers
    And most of the time they don’t even live in Scotland
    They live in Cheshire or Edgbaston or Dagenham or somewhere

    So…What the blazes is wrong with these people and really why do they feel it’s any of their business anyway

    I find it a strange phenomenon that folk in one country
    would even want to involve themselves in the politics of another, let alone their neighbour
    I mean, would you knock on your next door neighbours door and shout at him for the way he decorates his house or order him to obey you when you tell him, or her, they must do what you say because you consider yourself smarter than they are and by the way “Give me all your money and i’ll decide how much or little you can have back because i don’t consider you responsible enough”

    So, can i just gently say to our Unionist friends and neighbours alike…My country is none of your business, thanks for your interest, but if you keep interfering in my country’s affairs in this unpleasant and nasty fashion
    surely you can’t expect Scotland to remain silent on the subject

    Which brings me to Scotlands National Party
    We chose it coz we like it end of and we don’t give a rats ass what you think or don’t think
    Now here’s the crux of the matter the SNP might never have been needed in the first place had your Westminster Governments had not been such a bunch of self serving robbing bandits in the first place

    So suck it up Unionists it’s Scotlands turn and there’s F..K ALL you can do about it

    Now i’m off to pen the sheep have some whisky and knit some Harris Tweed for my collie dog, before i turn down my whale oil lamp for sleep coz i’m back up again at 3am for the Herring Fishing
    Mibbes i’ll have some incest with my sister afore i turn in

    Nighty Night Now….

  240. Joemcg says:

    Milliband is going on the attack with the 1979 myth and laying a wreath on the anniversary for the miners! Time to blow this shite out of the water.

  241. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Dr Jim –


  242. manandboy says:

    You’ve left an oil lamp burning still in the sheep shearing shed Doc – I can see it from across the Loch.

  243. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Dr Jim. Hump the sheep an leave your sister alown.

  244. Thepnr says:

    @Dr Jim

    Wake up ya lazy bugger. Time for the herring, don’t miss the boat.

  245. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Dr Jim…

    You have a way with words…

  246. john king says:

    Ian Brotherhood says @ 12.06am
    “Are youse really trying to make out that there were no highlights?”

    How do you get highlights from a blackhole?
    link to

  247. john king says:

    Dr Jim @ 1.53am

    I knew there was a reason I didn’t eat cheese before bedtime. 😉

  248. Ken500 says:

    Westminster has not increased NHS spending in line with demographic changes. A increase no of older people. It should have increased 10%. £10Billion (£100Billion to £110Billion). Instead the ConDems cut it, wanting to make £2Billion a year savings (£10Billion – 5 years). A deficit. Tbe Tories are sanctioning the vulnerable, starving people, making more people ill. Cold, worried malnourished people get sick. Putting up the NHS bill.

    In Scotland the Scottish Gov has increased spending on the SHS. It has increased £1.8Billion to £11.8Billion, in line with the demographic changes. In Scotland there is also free personal care to help older people to remain in their own home which is more desirable and cost affective. Personal care £100 a week. Residential Home care £600 a week, hospital care £600 a day.

    The Scottish Gov has also mitigated the ‘bedroom tax’ helping the most vulnerable and allocated £34Million to mitigate the £32Million welfare cuts from Westminster. Westminster still intends to spend £100Billion on Trident. A complete waste of public money. There will be a £30Billion shortfall in Westminster NHS spending by 2020. Westminster are cutting taxes £20 a week for those on average earning, more for the wealthy. People will have to pay £25.a week and more for private health care. The wealthy (10%? can already afford to pay for it).

  249. Tam Jardine says:

    Dr Jim

    1.53am this may be too late but tell me you were careful?

    Sitting listening to radio 4 and it’s like Diana ‘ s funeral all over again… that same absurd reverence, obsession with detail. King Richard’s cortage will be touring various villages with some connection to his life etc etc.

    I am amazed by the application of pomp, deference and ceremony to the movement of one set of ancient bones from one place to another. Is it an English thing? A British thing? Or just a modern phenomenon.

    I I have no problem with England celebrating this figure, reviled as he has been since his death (unfairly I think?) but I think this deference and medieval mysticism with the royals is crazy and unhealthy.

    This particular instance is not relevant up here for obvious reasons – I am talking about the phenomenon rather than this particular instant.

  250. Algernon Pondlife says:

    The threat to the NHS is privatization, but that is a threat from Labour and/or Tory. Hence the distraction.

  251. Marie clark says:

    @ Algernon Pondlife, but, but, eh, was the NHS not saved if we just voted no.

    Is that not what bitter thegither kept telling us. Do you mean to say it was all lies. Oh no, say it ain’t so.

  252. caz-m says:

    Congratulations to Ireland (North and South), on winning the Six Nations Rugby Championship. Wales were unlucky not to finish winners. The NO Voters finished with NO points.

    And why didn’t all the games kick off at the same time. The last game to kick off got an unfair advantage, because they knew by then how many points they needed to win.

    France done what they needed to do, they made sure England didn’t win the Championship. Well done France.

  253. Helena Brown says:

    Tam Jardine @ 8.10am, This unhealthy phenomenon is the end of empire. England and let us be assured it is England only that still feels it has a right to rule the world, or maybe not, and it is the result of that insecurity that makes them do what they do.
    Their history and only their history is never off the telly to ensure that they are reminded of their place in the past and hoping like mad for the future.
    I do not think anyone but the Proud Scot Butt’s relate to this and they only do it because they want to be exactly like them.

  254. Famous15 says:

    Wreath? In 1979 it was not the SNP,Liberals and others betrayed by Labour that ushered in Thatcher in the general election (early by a few months only btw) but it was the TWO MILLION Labour voters in England who switched to Tory because they felt betrayed by the enemies of Callaghan who were within the Labour movement.

    Jim Calaghan confirms this in his memoirs!

  255. Effijy says:

    Richard the third is working in Out-Door-World’s marketing Dept-

    “Now is the winter of our discount tents”

    It looks like a cruel med-evil englishman is about to get better press, and more air-time on TV, than the Scottish National Party?

  256. Effijy says:

    Didn’t Alex do well on the Andrew Marr show!

    Does anyone else think that the Tories cloned Maggie Thatcher?
    Anna Slurbury seems to be every bit as vile as old Maggie.
    A real chip off the old block.

    Don’t know which route she takes going home, but working class kids, please ensure your milk can’t be snatched from the road side

  257. Richardinho says:

    Pity we can’t seem to comment on the ‘Black arm-band gang’. To paraphrase a once great cartoonist: There’s wacky schemes, zany schemes, schemes you wouldn’t dare show to a psychiatrist, then there’s schemes made up by the Scottish Labour Party!

  258. Andrew Walker says:

    Just watched Jim Murphy spouting his usual crap on Murnaghan absolutely unchallenged. So much for Sky’s no1 interviewer.

    The mainstream are decidedly right wing, supporting the Tories in England (a la running with the Miliband in Salmonds pocket stuff), yet supporting Labour in Scotland to try and see off a left wing bias via the SNP.

    Salmond who is normally spot on was for once was terrible, it was all about the book. Sturgeon needs to be appearing on these shows, not Salmond if he is on a book promotion tour.

  259. Andrew Walker says:

    Apparantly according to sky, military families have written to the FOUR main parties.

    Is this the Four main parties of England or the UK as it includes UKIP???

  260. BOB Mooney says:

    I reckon and I do not mean any harm to any Labour party members, that because the polls are not looking good and the kitchen sink has gone, that a certain person will suffer a serious health condition in the next few weeks in a desperate last throw of the dice to try and harness some kind of sympathy vote.

    I do not wish any harm whatsoever to any Labour Party member because I think they are suffering enough.

    Thank you.

  261. Stoker says:

    @ BOB Mooney.

    We all know exactly what you’re saying Bob and i for one would not be surprised in the slightest, nothing is beneath them. With a BBC crew and the rest of his Slabber branch minions on hand to capture the moment.
    link to

  262. wee e says:

    It’s not uncommon for patients who don’t have long to live to be in denial about death, but I didn’t realise whole parties can do that.
    “Nurses are usually familiar with the term ‘in denial’, but may not be familiar with the term ‘disavowal’. Basch (1983) called disavowal ‘self-deception in the face of accurate perception’. Patients create a more bearable story of what is happening to them, and move between the medical story (which nurses might feel is the real story) and their own version of events (which might well be a *healthy* story) depending on what they can face at any particular time.”
    link to

  263. Sean says:

    Boneless , brainless Brido up to his usual nonsense – I’m not even sure he knows what it means. I almost pity the fool. Almost


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    • Mia on The tint of rose: “@ Aidan You say: “It does not say anything about limiting the powers of the new parliament” And it does…Mar 14, 15:15
    • Mia on The tint of rose: “@ Aidan you say: It’s 180 degrees the other way” I disagree. It is as it is. You say: “The…Mar 14, 15:13
    • Mia on The tint of rose: “@ Aidan I have tried to reply to your comment several times now, but it comes back as being in…Mar 14, 15:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Signal and noise: “Wow, yon ‘Grok’ is impressive. It answered this question in approximately 3 seconds. If you were a supporter of Scottish…Mar 14, 14:44
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “No Mia, it’s 180 degrees the other way. The treaty required the two separate parliaments each to dispose of incompatible…Mar 14, 13:49
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““If the authors of the ToU intended to impose that significant restriction, they would have done so explicitly” And they…Mar 14, 13:17
    • Young Lochinvar on Signal and noise: “Aha! Press reporting that SHE whose name shall not be uttered is still under investigation in Branchform. “Timing” again anyone?Mar 14, 13:09
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “A combination of very little going on in the pro-Indy front, and the deluge of cranks and trolls who, like…Mar 14, 12:38
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – no it doesn’t stand to reason at all, that implication would have an enormous impact on future union…Mar 14, 12:31
    • Chas on Signal and noise: “Very few comments being posted on Wings nowadays. Even the nutters and cranks who posted umpteen times, every day, now…Mar 14, 11:36
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “I saw reports that Sturgeon had put her name forward for re-election in 2026. Was it published anywhere that she…Mar 14, 11:35
    • willie on Signal and noise: “So Swinney has had tea and biscuits with Eric Trump. Not bad for a man who only a few weeks…Mar 14, 11:25
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““Clause XXV does not say that at all, it says that the respective parliaments shall void incompatible laws, it doesn’t…Mar 14, 11:20
    • Lorn on The evolution of fairness: “On that we can agree, NN.Mar 14, 10:54
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – Clause XXV does not say that at all, it says that the respective parliaments shall void incompatible laws,…Mar 14, 10:51
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Xaracen – there is no distinction between constitutional law and domestic law, constitutional law is domestic law by its own…Mar 14, 10:43
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““your views hold no more weight than any other opinion” The text of Article XXV of the treaty of union…Mar 14, 10:33
  • A tall tale

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