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Wings Over Scotland

If only there was some way

Posted on July 10, 2015 by

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the least self-aware human in Scotland:


Remind us how many Tories Scotland elected again? So why is it that Scotland has a Tory government? Oh yeah, we remember now.

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106 to “If only there was some way”

  1. Mark Mair says:

    And this is the from the front runner for the labour leadership in Scotland. If the labour talent pool was any shallower it would be re-classified as condensation.

  2. David McCann says:

    And please remind us, who was it that preferred a Tory government, than support an alliance with the SNP?

  3. Alastair Watson says:

    Dugdale has a face a mother would struggle to love, but a bullock may

  4. Den Cairns says:

    Poor deputy dolt must have banged her napper as a nipper.

  5. David McKeen says:

    Jeezo! Is this the best that the Scottish branch of the Labour Party has to offer?

    Well, for the next 10 months at least; then they’ll have to pick their next leader with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

  6. Sean Gill says:

    I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical unionist, dragging themselves through the Glasgow streets at dawn looking for an SNP fix, muddleheaded monarchists burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry indy dynamo in the machinery of Holyrood, who poverty of principles and hollow ideas sat up tweeting in the supernatural darkness of cold hearted ideology floating across the tops of cities contemplating power, who bared their brains to mcdougal and tiernan and saw pooling and sharing angels staggering on tenement roofs illuminated…
    Etc (bored of this now)

  7. peter says:

    What she should have said was Why did you lot not protect yourself from us, And our lies .

  8. Brian MacLeod says:

    It’s not right to criticise Dugdale’s appearance. She’s a perfectly ok looking lass.

    Her big problem is everything she says in public is scripted by the Westminster spin doctor nasties and it makes her look dumb. Which I doubt she is.

  9. john ferguson says:

    Gallus to the bitter end. Hazardous waste.

  10. indigo says:

    I know there is a lot of anger at the moment, but there is no need whatsoever to criticise any individual person’s appearance.

    There is plenty in their words and actions that warrant criticism without stooping to personal insults.

  11. Ewan MacKenzie says:

    I agree with those who’ve already commented that it’s not on to slag Kezia, or anyone else, for their looks. She’s a perfectly average looking woman, not that it matters, and what she says is of infinitely greater importance than the face nature gave her. Everyone commenting on people’s looks has their priorities all wrong.

  12. wee_monsieur says:

    @ Mark Mair –
    If the labour talent pool was any shallower it would be re-classified as condensation.

    I actually did Laugh Out Loud at that – well done!

  13. Training Day says:

    I thought the title of this article was referring to the Herald ‘journalist’ who produced the above mince.

  14. Juteman says:

    I challenge Labour to set out how they will protect us from Tory cuts.

  15. Haggis Hunter says:

    She will have to put on her to do list; Vote Yes next time.
    Is Blair MacDougall tarred with the same mentally challenged brush?

  16. Brian Powell says:

    What is interesting to me is how the Herald just puts this article up as if real people would read it as a real article about a real person, and not Scottish Labour.

    Also watching how Corbyn is closing on Burnam in UK leadership. People I know in the Doncaster area, who normally voted Labour, voted UKIP because UKIP ha a ‘policy’ on stopping immigration.

  17. ArtyHetty says:


    Really sorry o/t but things going on in the background we must be aware of. Just read in Third Force News, (charity news in Scotland) that the RNIB in Scotland is most likely going and staff losing their jobs, no reasons given except to keep things ‘under one umbrella’! So, RNIB Scotland looks set to all but disappear, utterly disgraceful, still being negotiated, but we all know what that means.
    It’s going to be run by London’s Action For Blind people with potentially 225 job losses in Scotland.

    Not feeling very better together today somehow.

  18. Macart says:

    As David said, could thone right wee honourable remind us just which party leader quite loudly declared his preference for a conservative govt. rather than work with the SNP? I know Ms Dugdale has a recurring and quite debilitating short term memory problem, but there’s plenty of recorded evidence if she needs a reminder of her then leader’s stance on the issue.

    I’m assuming Ms Dugdale was also in full agreement with her then leader, yes? We know she was in full agreement with the Better Together campaign which fully guaranteed future Conservative governments would direct Scottish issues with the least possible mandate. Perhaps when Ms Dugdale finally makes her mind up on whether Conservative governments are a good thing or a bad thing she would be kind enough to let the public know. Also on the issue of mitigation, it should perhaps occur to Ms Dugdale that our electorate shouldn’t have to use its loaned powers and hand me down budget to mitigate the clusterfucked economic model of its own central government. Perhaps having a government which models its economy toward the specific needs of its entire population would be an idea as opposed tailoring a model toward the greed of the few.

  19. Murray McCallum says:

    Protective mitigation could be funded by a combination of:

    1. A 100% tax on anyone called Kezia Dugdale
    2. A 55% tax on all ‘No’ voters.
    3. An open auction of one of Lord Alisdair Darling’s houses.
    4. The sale of Gordon Brown

    All reasonable suggestions for Scotland’s “hard working families” as they like to say.

  20. Colin says:

    “Labour are the only party that can protect Scots from the Tories” circa Apr/May2015……….wrong again Wee Dugg

  21. DerekM says:

    That is quite a simple answer its called independence.

    Is this going to be their line of attack,how are you going to protect the Scots from the tories its astonishing,and this coming from the party who has agreed to everything the tories have done and voted against Scotland at every turn and now are concerned about us poor Scots having to deal with the tories.

    Well they will do a better job protecting us than you shower ever did so piss of Labour you are surplus to requirement.

    2016 tick tock.

  22. caz-m says:

    And did you see the nick of the three numpties who are standing for Deputy Leader the other night.

    They are, a guy who likes hanging about Glasgow car parks, a guy from Fife and some English guy.

    All three steeped in London Labour and the saviour of the Union.

  23. Bam Potter says:

    Mark Mair: That condensation one-liner just won the internet for today. I don’t see any way that can be topped. Brilliant.

  24. Luigi says:

    Flabbergasted. After the nastiest tory budget in 20 years, they spent a few minutes (literally) of mock outrage before turning on the SNP. That will win back support in Scotland! SNP-bashing has become an obsession.

    It’s amazing how willing Labour and the LibDems are to throwing themselves under the train in defence of the union. You won’t see any real tories there (too busy stealing your money). The true uber unionists are Labour and the LibDems. The unionist kamikaze parties.

  25. James Barr Gardner says:

    Not long till May 2016, vote SNP + SNP and get rid off Duggddale and the rest of the Red tories.
    Go Team Scotland nae mibbies only ayes we’ll do it!

  26. Stoker says:

    The UKOK Herald states:
    “Dugdale challenges SNP to set out how party will protect Scots from Tories”

    By leading us to Scottish independence ya cretinous clowns!

  27. Given Labour’s record when it was in opposition during the Thatcher/Major in which saw the feeble fifty do very little or nothing to protect Scotland and its people from the ravages of Tory policies.

    Maybe the question should be posed to Dugdale as to what she would do right now if she were first minster at Holyrood to protect Scotland from this current Westminster Tory Government’s policies.

  28. John Moss says:

    @ Ewan MacKenzie –

    …what’s wrong with you? Kezia’s hot…dumb but sooooo hot!

    I have to go now, the nurse is coming.

  29. Luigi says:

    “Dugdale challenges SNP to set out how party will protect Scots from Tories”

    And I would like Dugdale to set out how her party will protect scots from the tories (should she become SLAB leader and FM next year).

  30. heedtracker says:

    But their whole Milliband for PM 2015 campaign 2 months ago, was Labour will out Tory the Tories on benefits alone.

    Red Tory Graun loved it, shock.

    link to

  31. BuckieBraes says:

    Another example of tendentious headlining here, as well. The opening thrust of the article, taking up over a third of its text (more than is devoted to Dugdale’s ‘challenge’), relates to Alistair Darling’s comments about the Labour Party being divided, in ‘complete disarray’ and ‘without a credible economic policy’.

    So why wasn’t that the headline? Well, those of us who visit this site know why. We’ve been told often enough.

  32. Taranaich says:

    In the world of boxing, you have many tiers of boxers. You have your journeymen: young boxers eager for experience and success. Then there are gatekeepers: seasoned veterans and fighters somewhere between the novices and the best. At the top you have contenders: these are the world champions, the prize fighters, the legends in making.

    But then there are the tomato cans, so called because of their tendency to “leak tomato juice,” or bleed profusely, without much effort. These are the fighters of inferior skill, sometimes through inexperience, sometimes through injury, sometimes just because they’re not any good at all. When a promoter wants to give their fighter a show, to make them look good and give them a bit of experience without risking a loss or injury, they will put them up against a tomato can.

    New Labour are the Tomato Can Party. They aren’t offering any real threat any more, so they’re not even trying. Their entire existence is now to make their opponents look good. They make the Tories look good because of their apologism during the referendum, their rejection of socialist values, and their complete incompetence. They make the SNP look good for exactly the same reasons.

    Labour are letting the Tories do this.

  33. Mealer says:

    Indigo 1.19
    You are,of course,correct.I don’t like to be too precious about people who thrust themselves into the public eye and on one occasion I even went as far as describe Margaret Curran as an “old bag”,for which I have publicly and profusely apologised.I have previously described Miss Dugdale as “dreich”,but was referring to her policy and presentation rather than her appearance.Lets not slag people off about their physical appearance when it’s their wicked complicity in the spread of poverty which we should be attacking.

  34. heedtracker says:

    link to BBC Tories really loved Labour slash and burn. Bloody kids, UKOK austerity wouldn’t be half as bad without mooching kids wanting freebies.

  35. highseastim says:

    I don’t know where she went wrong as her father is an SNP supporting retired schoolteacher!!

  36. Wulls says:

    oh dear Jesus……
    The outrage at the budget didn’t last long did it ???????
    40 seconds of protest at the worst budget for years and it’s seamlessly back to SNP bad.
    If this is labours leadership candidate they are truely fucked.

  37. Adam Fitzpatrick says:

    Dear oh dear. Oh *dear* oh dear oh dear oh dear.

    No wonder Scottish Labour themselves think the next election is unwinnable. This is going to be too easy. Roll on May.

  38. Proud Cybernat says:

    Aren’t Labour the Official Opposition? Why does Kez expect the SNP to protect us from the Tories? Isn’t that supposed to be their job?

    Oh–just got it. She’s talking about ALL the Tories (red and blue) ’cause her beloved Labour Party are too busy picking fights with the SNP in WM to be bothered with fighting their BT pals, the blue Tories.

  39. JLT says:

    Maybe a wee group of us need to take Kezia out for coffee one morning. Sit her down and explain how it was Scottish Labour that helped to shaft every single person in Scotland when they decided to bed down with the Tories.

    If need be, paper and crayons can be passed to Kezia so she can try to draw it out in graphical pictures if the she needs logic, concept and consequences explained to her, of her past actions when she sided with ‘Bitter Together’.

    Talk about clueless. And with this latest action of mouth before brain, she insults half of Scotland …nay …the whole of Scotland …in just one sentence…

  40. Stoker says:

    @ Taranaich (1.44pm).

    Excellent Boxing analogy, very good!

  41. KenC says:

    I think Kezia’s cute in a spaniel puppy sort of way.

    I do press the mute button when she’s on TV, but that isn’t exclusive to her though.

  42. Clootie says:

    …I thought we were Better Together.

    Didn’t Labour constantly tell us that Westminster Rule was the best way to ensure the protection of Scotland against the big bad world.

    Labour preferred an alliance with the Tories to maintain “turns each” in power at Westminster rather than consider the lifestyle and future of the citizens of Scotland.

    In summary they still don’t get it.

  43. Jim says:

    She’s not an ugly person by any benchmark.

    Definitely not stupid but definitely misguided.

    To answer her question, the SNP already set out how they were going to protect Scots citizens from the Tories, what was it again, oh yes, Independence, which you so vehemently attacked.

    Give it up Kezia, resign from the co-op/labour party and you will not have to spout this shit that makes you look dumb anymore!

  44. Pam McMahon says:

    I totally agree with you, however some politicians tend to lend themselves towards personal abuse. IDS braying and cheering at the welfare cuts in the budget springs to mind.

    Their intellectual and cognitive abilities have already been pointed out, established and ignored by the Labour party, so what else is left for some of our frustrated independence supporters?

    It was always going to be the fault of the Scottish voter for landing us in the Tory shite WHATEVER we voted for, because the English electorate decides who governs us.

    So the Scottish parliament has to haul us out of the Tory shite, according to the Labour party minions in Scotland? Hope the FM asks them what their policies are to protect the poor and disadvantaged in Scotland once Holyrood is reconvened. They might have to suddenly invent some policies, for the first time.

  45. Ian says:

    Why is she asking about how the SNP can protect against her own party (red tories)? Didn’t she get the general election message.

  46. Simon says:

    @Luigi. I am confused, I thought Jim Murphy was going to be FM in 2016.

    I do feel for her though. It must be depressing to open the post in the morning and read what you have to say and think in the days ahead. That your going to have to repeat the same nonsense time after time until another letter drops on the mat and you have to say SNP(bad) slightly differently.

    She can’t honestly believe the stuff she comes out with can she?

  47. Dr Jim says:

    Alex Salmond said Kezia has a bright future

    just not in the Labour party

  48. call me dave says:

    Rowley frae Fife (in Gordon’s handwriting)

    link to

  49. heedtracker says:

    Bet she doesn’t get away with nicking Bliar MacSuperSizeMe’s chips either, not with those big old man hands. Bliar would bite her head off, during his doublewhopper, extra cheese, extra fries, extra flurry, extra sprinkles, for the vitamins.

    That’s not ad hominem, coz it’s true.

  50. george says:

    lolololol *and breathe* lolololol

  51. scott says:

    SNP wins North Lanarkshire by-election

    I challenge Dugdale to tell us why Slab lost one of their safest council seats to the SNP.

  52. The Moidart says:

    Dear dear. Kezia Kezia.. Didn’t you read the posts full of facts and figures that were ever so politefully aimed at you on this very forum last night when you were on as “Aldo”?? Silly wee cookie. I’m sure you’re a good kid really

  53. Davo says:

    Nice article on the Herald site about a billboard that was displayed at the last Ireland v Scotland international. Probably states what the rest of the world is thinking.

    True to the bookie’s normally irreverent marketing style, the ad referenced Scottish voters’ rejection of independence last year and said: “You may take our points but at least we have our freedom (ya wee pussies).”

  54. Colin says:

    Another wee point she seems to have forgot. Did Labour and their Northern branch office not agree to have the same cuts as the Tories during the election?
    So would she have called for the SNP to protect Scots from the exact same Labour cuts? me thinks not!!!

  55. yerkitbreeks says:

    So glad you picked up on this hubris

  56. heedtracker says:

    Whatever to creepy Morphy anyway? Back packing in South America probably. It’s juat that Press and Journal for example is always wheeling out Dame Anne Begg to blame, warn, scare, acuse, hold account to, etc all the SNP MP’s that we had the bloody nerve to vote for. That’s Former Aberdeen MP Dame Anne Begg, to you.

  57. Jimbo says:

    Kezia Dugdale is one of the people who campaigned for a NO vote on the basis of, regardless which political party is in power in Westminster, we are better together.

    If she really wanted to protect Scotland’s people from a Westminster Tory government she should have campaigned for independence.

  58. nodrog says:

    After the 8th July I have no doubt that the Tory defectors who helped elect Scotland’s only Labour MP are still feeling smug. However I wonder how the Labour voters who did not vote SNP are feeling ? At a rough guess probably about £1200 a year worse off!!! Never mind Kezia no doubt you will be top of the LIST for Labour in May next year ‘cos that’s your only chance.

  59. Chitterinlicht says:


    Think I will vote Labour


    What a shambles

    Tommy Shepherd nailed Scottish Labour last night in QT – we don’t need them

  60. Bob Mack says:

    Let me see if I have got this right:
    They work with the Tories during the referendum
    They are adopting Tory policy to compete with the Tories down south..
    They vote against SNP amendments which help Scotland.
    Their sole Scottish representative colludes with Mundell at Scottish debates.
    Now they are asking for protection from the Tories.
    There is someting quite schizoid with the Labour party.

  61. Ken500 says:

    If this is the calibre of Labour/Unionist they will never see office again. They just make voters really angry. What planet are they on.

    The SNP will mitigate the Tory cuts that the Labour/Unionists imposed on Scotland. No thanks to the Labor/Unionists who helped the Tories stick the knife in and turn the screws, and will sink into oblivion. They are an insult to the Electorates intelligence. Dugdale should go and get a job or join Murphy on the Tory dole queue. The troughing didn’t work for him either. Show some respect for the people that have been shafted.

  62. galamcennalath says:

    We only have a Tories governing us because scumbag troughing SLab politicians acted as Tory agents to facilitate that with their BetterTogether con.

    Political oblivion is too good for them.

  63. Frazerio says:

    I liken Labour in Scotland to the Titanic. They were full steam ahead aiming straight for the iceberg. Murphy may have been on the bridge at the point of impact, but he wasn’t totally culpable for the loss of 40 seats. Any one of their available captains would have made much the same shipwreck. They were intent on smashing into the iceberg as fast as possible. Nobody could deter them.

    What I can’t believe is how the lifeboats have come along, picked the drowning out of the water and then set a course, again at full speed, straight for the same iceberg.

    Dugdale asks what the SNP would do to protect Scotland from the tories???

    Some people on here say she’s not really daft, just being fed her output from the party machine. Not from where I’m viewing. What planet is she on?

    Her ‘you’re building a bridge with Chinese steel’ tweets encapsulated her lack of political nous perfectly. How can any group allow this blatant political numpty to lead them and expect anything positive to come of it?

  64. Ken500 says:

    @ heedtracker at 2.35pm

    { : > }

  65. frogesque says:

    Chitterinlicht says:
    10 July, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    Think I will vote Labour


    What a shambles

    Tommy Shepherd nailed Scottish Labour last night in QT – we don’t need them

    . . . and poor Chuka wasn’t best pleased ‘cos he had no answer to it!

  66. Bill Fraser says:

    The S.N.P. are the only opposition to the Tories,therefore we must get out of this deadly alliance or suffer.

  67. chris kilby says:

    You have got to be fucking kidding…

  68. Ken500 says:

    People forget how bad Miliband was, hoping against hope, until they see him again. Tragic

  69. Petra says:

    Pretty sad really that Kezia Dugdales focus seems to relate to scoring points over the SNP rather than working for the betterment of the Scots. This is one of the main factors that has contributed to their downfall and if she and the last of her party don’t change tack and soon she’ll be witnessing its absolute demise.

    She should also think of joining Stage School, like her former colleague Murphy, to get some kind of training to rid herself of (or rather mask) her more negative traits, such as vengefulness, venom, nastiness and jealousy, because they’re absolutely staring out of her. So much so that unbeknownst to her she’s driving even more Labour supporters away. It would seem that what you see is what you get in her case and for her in turn ignorance is bliss.

  70. Ken500 says:

    They slag off Alex, Nicola and Co. It is perfectly feasible to slag off their appearance. The first some folk were aware of McDougall was slagging off Alex as a ‘fat bastard’. Then he put in his appearance in as a bouncer at Sumo wrestling. Flab agasted.

  71. Scottish labour has to realise that the game is up for them unless they align themselves with those who are looking to change society for the better in Scotland, namely the Yes parties.
    We need a radical rethink from Labour or its curtains for them next year

  72. Ken500 says:

    A witch is a witch is a witch

  73. Al-Stuart says:



  74. Thistle says:


    We recently live streamed a “safety walk” by concerned local citizens in Maryhill about the stopping of a free bus service to kids as part of an austerity drive by Glasgow City Council who promised the local community that they would always provide this service before closing their local schools. The council are now going back on this and stopping the free bus service.

    The route itself I would not want my kids to walk as it is so dangerous. Other impacts includes sucking about £200,000 out of the local community as well as putting another barrier in front of kids from a deprived area from getting an education.

    Instead of a 7min bus ride the walk will take upto 55mins in our wonderful Scottish weather along one of the busiest roads in Glasgow.

    Please sign the petition:

    link to

  75. The Moidart says:

    Thistle… Just signed your petition. Best of luck with it my friend. Were you all protesting outside the shitty chambers two weeks ago by any chance???

  76. jethro says:

    Well, Kezia, a unilateral declaration of independence would do the trick.

    How about it? Seems you aren’t feeling very Better Together with Dave and Gideon any more. Go on – you know you want to!

    The SNP haven’t proposed it yet, so you can get in first and steal their thunder!

    Bring it on, as Wendy Alexander once said (if you can remember who she was).

  77. Andy-B says:

    How can anyone take Miss Dugdale seriously, instead of condemning the Tories all out assault on the sick, poor, disabled and low paid Miss Dugdale is once again focusing on the SNP.

    Why do we need a Labour party anymore?

  78. galamcennalath says:

    Andy-B says:
    “Why do we need a Labour party anymore?”

    Humorous entertainment?

    Apart from that, I can’t think of any good reason not to put them out of their misery (and out of our faces) in Scotland.

  79. msean says:

    Sometimes I wonder who suggests to leaders to say things like this,maybe we’ll see a different Kezia Dugdale when she is free to get in her own people if elected.

  80. mike cassidy says:

    Does anybody know yet whether she is doing a davison next year as well as standing for direct election?

    If not, maybe she will be put out of her misery by the Edinburgh Eastern voters.

  81. scotsbob says:

    She told us we would be better together with them, she joined in with them last year, she wouldn’t help the SNP defeat them and now she is asking the SNP to protect her from them.

  82. Robert Peffers says:

    @Alastair Watson says:10 July, 2015 at 12:50 pm:

    “Dug dale /she has a face a mother would struggle to love . But a bullock may !!”

    Here’s a wee story for you Alastair : –

    Old lady walks into a pet shop and complains to the owner that the canary they sold her only has one leg.

    The owner says, “Didn’t you specifically ask me for a good Singer, Mrs”?

    The old lady said she had and the shopkeeper replies, “Well Mrs. If you had wanted a guid dancer ye should have asked for ane”.

    Now I’m no great judge of feminine pulchritude, nor am I an admirer of Kezias political credentials but I’m almost certain Kezia doesn’t claim to be a beauty queen by profession.

  83. Helena Brown says:

    Brian McLeod, I take your point about criticising Lexus on appearance,but so far I have seen precious evidence of her much vaunted intelligence. Surely someone as easily led should not even be in the loop for leader.

  84. Andy-B says:

    Thistle signed your petition, read the story in the Evening Times, shocking how they want children to walk under the tunnel on Maryhill road, which has virtually no pavement under the tunnel, it’s a accident waiting to happen.

    The GCC should let the kids keep their bus passes.

  85. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Dugdale has a face a mother would struggle to love, but a bullock may”

    Sigh. From now on, anyone who criticises someone based solely on their appearance will find themselves in the pre-moderation list. We clear?

  86. Helena Brown says:

    Sorry but I did correctly put in K Dugdale’s first name, unfortunately auto correct preferred a luxury Japanese car, don’t we all.

  87. Cactus says:

    G20 in the media again.. yeah the tunnel (where the Forth & Clyde canal passes over) is very narrow with many large vehicles going through.

    I wonders what Health & Safety have to say about it?

    The Maryhill kids need this free service, for their own safety.

  88. geeo says:

    Maybe labour are playing the long game ?

    The SNP win in 2016, but then, in 2017, when the oil runs out as predicted (????) labour sweep to power in the local elections as it becomes obvious the lack of a £1million per barrel price for the last dregs of NSO required to make indy pay is not forthcoming, and the comeback is on !!!

  89. boris says:

    Kezia Dugdale’s challenge to the SNP to set out how they will protect Scotland from the Tories was to be expected.

    It is common knowledge that the Labour Party, created the Scottish Parliament, together with a load of quirky rules, (including a 1998 secretly pre-arranged government sharing pact with the Lib/Dems) as a way of ensuring built-in Labour rule in Scotland (and 40 plus MP’s at Westminster) for all time.

    The affrontery of the SNP taking up the reins of government, with a degree of success far exceeding that achieved by successive poorly led and corrupting Labour and Lib/Dem administrations, caused panic within the leadership of the Westminster based Labour Party and a weakening of any resolve to regain lost ground through the adoption of new ways of thinking and policies.

    Labour’s behaviour at the time of the Referendum, in support of the Union and events before and since the General Election give strong indication that the Westminster Labour Party has abandoned the concept and any meaningful support of a Scottish Parliament governed by any party other than labour.

    Their former colleagues in Scotland are to be left to their own devices so that the Westminster Labour Party will be able to give attention to recovering votes lost to UKIP, the support of which by former Labour Party voters cost them the General Election in England. It is a case of “circling the wagons” in England over the next 5 years.

    The answer to Keiza Dugdale is that the SNP government will discharge the duty of protecting Scot’s from the excesses of the Tory Government.

  90. Rock says:

    The problem is not her uttering such nonsense.

    The problem is the likes of the Record, Herald, Hootsman and Pravda GB giving such prominence to her shite.

  91. Rock says:


    “Definitely not stupid but definitely misguided.”

    No, she is not misguided at all.

    She is a disgusting, careerist Labour politician.

    Their only purpose is to protect the party that benefits them.

  92. Rock says:

    It is human nature to attack the looks of people who are otherwise disgusting.

    Jackie Baillie is a very disgusting person, but that has nothing to do with how she looks.

    Let us resist any temptation to attack the looks or disabilities of anyone.

    But don’t hold back on attacking their disgusting utterings and behaviour.

  93. One_Scot says:

    Man, these people are seriously mentally challenged.

  94. One_Scot says:

    ‘The SNP must protect us from these Tories that we slept with during the referendum campaign.’

    Are they seriously really that stupid, or are they just taking the piss.

  95. HandandShrimp says:

    Well Kezia we had a cast iron solution last September and you opposed it.

  96. Itchybiscuit says:

    I almost feel sorry for the poor wee mite.

    I’m sorry SLab but you only have yourselves to blame for the state you’re in now. No amount of sympathy from me will ameliorate the drubbing that’s yet to come. Ms. Dugdale should run away from this leadership lark as fast as she can. If she fancies a career in politics, that is.

  97. Broch Landers says:

    Another challenge the SNP simply have no answer to.

    Can’t wait to see the talented Kezia Dugdale in action at Holyrood as Scottish Labour Leader.

    She’ll teach that nasty Nicola Sturgeon a lesson or two and no mistake.

    It’s *such* an exciting time for progressive politics north of the Border.

    These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.

  98. Jim says:

    Rock says:
    10 July, 2015 at 8:55 pm

    No, she is not misguided at all.

    She is a disgusting, careerist Labour politician.

    Their only purpose is to protect the party that benefits them.

    We will agree to disagree because it is my opinion that she is being manipulated.

    She is just spouting the party rhetoric of SNP bad because she hasn’t seen the light yet but she will; I believe that.

    Willie Rennie is the epitome of a careerist politician for the fact that he knows he is lying; watch any video of him lying and you can tell straight away that he is lying ; he is like a child caught with his hand in the sweetie jar and still denying it was him with that fake, gormless smile.

    He is part of the problem you have to worry about, not some young woman who’s heart may be in the right place but….

  99. Jim says:

    Broch Landers says:
    10 July, 2015 at 10:39 pm

    Another challenge the SNP simply have no answer to.

    Can’t wait to see the talented Kezia Dugdale in action at Holyrood as Scottish Labour Leader.

    She’ll teach that nasty Nicola Sturgeon a lesson or two and no mistake.

    It’s *such* an exciting time for progressive politics north of the Border.

    These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
    She is being fed to the lions the same as Jim Murphy, the Irn Bru swilling sacrificial lamb.

    She is an intelligent girl but way out of her depth against a polished political operator such as Nicola Sturgeon but her time may come yet although Nicola had an advantage that Dugdale has not; a mentor as immense as Alex Salmond.

  100. Rosemoont says:

    The lassie eschews the intelligence of a toenail? We all read this and wince at how patronising it is to the populace – keep going Kez, with each media slot you further hasten the deathnell for the Slab troughers. We’ve moved on, I doubt we’re going back. Sorry. Next.

  101. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Rock.

    “The problem is the likes of the Record, Herald, Hootsman and Pravda GB giving such prominence to her shite.”

    I can’t agree with you more on that observation.

  102. Grouse Beater says:

    On Labour’s Scottish Branch office’s chronic inability to choose politicians who can express intelligence – we’re still sending our best to Westminster!

    No change there, then.

    The ideal plan is we keep then in Scotland to run Scotland.

  103. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Brian Doonthetoon at 1.19 am

    Not sure if it doesn’t actually work the other way about. The massive coverage Jim Murphy’s shite got had the double benefit to us of identifying him as a figure of fun while at the same time further eroding what credibility the press had left.

    Note from BBC Ceefax that West Highland Free Press has sacked Brian Wilson (who actually founded it. WTF

  104. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dave McEwan Hill.

    You could be right. The Rev covers it well in his latest contribution today.

  105. Rock says:


    “She is just spouting the party rhetoric of SNP bad because she hasn’t seen the light yet but she will; I believe that.”

    “Willie Rennie is the epitome of a careerist politician for the fact that he knows he is lying;”

    Do you really believe that Dugdale doesn’t know she is lying?

    We will certainly have to disagree.

    Dugdale is a shameless liar, and she knows perfectly well that she is lying everytime she opens her mouth.

    She fits perfectly the saying that you know a politician is lying when the politician’s lips are moving.

  106. Rock says:

    Dave McEwan Hill,

    “Not sure if it doesn’t actually work the other way about. The massive coverage Jim Murphy’s shite got had the double benefit to us of identifying him as a figure of fun while at the same time further eroding what credibility the press had left.”

    What about his shite during the referendum campaign then?

    He had as much media coverage then as well.

    If his shite turned people towards the SNP during the Westminster election, why didn’t his shite turn people towards Yes during the referendum campaign?

    It is my view that either the referendum was rigged as planned in advance and the No campaign was just a side show.

    Or the people who voted No are lying. They were always going to vote No and didn’t believe a word of what Murphy or Brown said.

    And they were lying to the canvassers because canvassing was predicting a Yes win.


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