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Wings Over Scotland

If newspapers told the truth for one day

Posted on September 11, 2014 by

Today’s might read something like this:

“In a huge boost for the independence campaign, Royal Bank of Scotland today announced that it would move its registered office from Edinburgh to London in the event of a Yes vote. First Minister Alex Salmond was reported to be delighted that the possible future burden of having to bailout the failed bank had been lifted from the shoulders of the Scottish Government.

(The threat was in fact a mythical one, as bank bailouts are not conducted on the basis of head-office location, but had frequently been rolled out as a scare story by the anti-independence campaign.)

With RBS unlikely to pay any Corporation Tax for decades on account of its gargantuan and ongoing losses from the financial crash, there was no downside for Holyrood, with the bank stating unambiguously in a letter to employees that it had ‘no intention to move operations or jobs’.

(Corporation Tax is in any event levied on where business activity takes place, not where the headquarters is located.)

In other words, an independent Scotland would keep all the benefits of the bank – employment, services and employee taxation and spending – with none of the dangerous liabilities. The news will encourage businesses to invest in the Scottish economy, knowing that their money is secure. The outcome would give an independent Scotland the best of both worlds.”

Just imagine it, viewers. Maybe one day.

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I don’t think we need them anymore Rev.

I think this referendum and our current digital technologies have created a very independent and interactive new media. From my experience traditional media don’t really do public interaction very well, especially when criticism is involved. 🙂


At 7.00am on the morning of 18th September 2014, the People of Scotland will, for the first time, take full control of our relationship with our neighbours in these islands.
If we vote YES, we, the people of Scotland, will decide which powers we retain and which powers we share in partnership with the other nations of the UK.
If we vote NO, at 10.00pm on that same day we will have returned that control to Westminster. In that event, the People of Scotland will allow David Cameron, George Osborne, Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband, Nigel Farage and their successors to decide what powers are devolved to Scotland and which powers are retained in Westminster. Your children deserve better.
You have the power to pass to your children, full control of their country, please don’t let them down.


Brilliant. If only ….


Viewers? Readers surely?

Thomas William Dunlop

Its raining pish everywhere today


So where can I buy my Alert Viewer badge?

John Young

Furious, watching Alec Salmond at his news conference, speaking confidently and in mid sentence, suddenly cut away to a Murder trial in another country.

Why do this when we have BBC2 and BBc News both showing South Africa TV rather than what is happening in Scotland.


Also viewing is a passive activity that need not engage much of the brain or attention. Not so with reading which requires active attention or you find you have read a page without taking any of it in.


I am not frightened, I am not frightened, I keep repeating this but as I live with the eternal pessimist this is getting harder and harder to keep up.
He’s not sleeping and constantly rushes around trying to do something, anything to make it a YES vote. Any advice for my 50 something husband who is driving me mad.
We are both YES voters and I know we can do it, please can somebody tell me what to do next. I fear he may run out of steam before the 18th.

Keith Hynd

Is that what newspapers are for ???? reading!!!! silly me I’ve been buying them to clean up dog shit 🙂



Really? Nobody said to you, ‘but it was in the papers’?

There are thousands of people who only see the papers and believe that the BBC is the most reliable and respected news organisation in the world because the BBC tell them so.

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)


In response to press speculation in relation to re-domicile, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (“RBS”) confirms that, as set out in the risk disclosures in RBS’s Annual Report, there are a number of material uncertainties arising from the Scottish referendum vote which could have a bearing on the Bank’s credit ratings, and the fiscal, monetary, legal and regulatory landscape to which it is subject.

For this reason, RBS has undertaken contingency planning for the possible business implications of a ‘Yes’ vote.

RBS believes that this is the responsible and prudent thing to do and something that its customers, staff and shareholders would expect it to do.

As part of such contingency planning, RBS believes that it would be necessary to re-domicile the Bank’s holding company and its primary rated operating entity (The Royal Bank of Scotland plc) to England. In the event of a ‘Yes’ vote, the decision to re-domicile should have no impact on everyday banking services used by our customers throughout the British Isles.

However, RBS believes that it would be the most effective way to provide clarity to all our stakeholders and mitigate the risks previously identified in our Annual Report.

The vote on independence is a matter for the Scottish people. Scotland has been RBS’s home since 1727.

RBS intends to retain a significant level of its operations and employment in Scotland to support its customers there and the activities of the whole Bank.

link to

Albert Herring

“in the event of a No vote”

Surely it should be “in the event of a Yes vote”



I’m trying to figure this out. Sorry, this is a bit rambly, sneaky wee break from work.

RBS (81% government owned) seem to be the only one that has said they’re definitely going. Everyone else seems to be saying they have plans ready should they need them. Also aren’t LLoyds( 21% government owned, Westminister couldn’t get the shareholder majority to say for definite) already HQ’d in England?

They’ve said they won’t change their operations in Scotland, so they’re not really leaving are they? They’re just changing their stationary.

Am I right in that corporation tax is paid at the point of profit. If so there will be no change in tax for the profit made by the the retail arms. For the investment banking arms, they tend to be registered as PO boxes in places such as Luxembourg for their tax purposes. So again, no change.

If the above is correct, apart from the stationary changing, what are the implications of this (ignoring the bail out stuff)?

Colin Mccartney

RBS leaving?
Fuckity bye


@ John Young ,Aye same here John bloody typical Beeb howevere you can go here and watch it from the start like i am doing now. go here link to watch the full speech quite a few yes folk speaking on it as well


They even lie about their own lies and liars or rather their own rancid hypocrisy and lies. Jump in anywhere to what this one buffoon in particular takes us all for.

link to

“Four titles, the The Herald in Glasgow (38,000), The Scotsman in Edinburgh (27,000), the Dundee Courier (49,000) and Aberdeen Press & Journal (62,000), have been attempting to pursue a largely neutral course.”

Can you take anymore of this, lol very much?

“My conversations with their editors suggest their impartial stance has been less about the likely effect on circulation than a reasoned journalistic need to reflect the political debate as fairly as possible”

dear oh dear

“Press & Journal editor Damian Bates told me: “We are simply providing as much info as possible and encouraging readers to make sure they don’t miss the opportunity to make their voice heard. This isn’t a corporate view; it’s purely driven by the editorial integrity of the newspaper.”

So there you go. P&J liggers says its not him that’s a relentless UKOK propagandist, its his readers voices what won it.

Cowards that don’t even have the decency to stand by their own propaganda.

This dudes stats show the P&J alone lost nearly 10 thousand sales since last count.

Colin Church

Spot on. Any good news for yes can only be viewed through the MSM Unionist prism. It has the effect of inverting good for Scotland into doom for Scotland.


Yip, the people of Scotland deserve to hear about the Pistorius trial rather than their First Minister’s speech about the case for a Yes vote, which will impact tremendously on all our lives. This, the very day after we received a wall-to-wall, non-stop barrage of propaganda from the anti-democracy brigade.


OT. BBC and Sky have just cut off a major speech by Alex Salmond to take us to a South African murder case that has nothing to do with the people of Scotland.
Why wasn’t Cameron, Miliband or Clegg cut off yesterday as they spouted their anti Scottish propaganda?
The BBC and Sky obviously don’t want the people to see the first Minister’s talk and have shown complete contempt for the people of Scotland

Paul Murphy

AS conference on BBC online still. Giving the BBC a good kicking over the RBS stuff. Nick Robinson heckling like a child, in front of the international media…..



Less and less 🙂

Nana Smith

I don’t watch tv so can someone tell me have the world’s media arrived in Scotland?

If so then surely they will report on the UK media bias.



Alex Salmond puts the boot into the BBC, accuses them of being an impartial organisation – brought the house down with laughter.

fred blogger

“I am not frightened, I am not frightened, I keep repeating this but as I live with the eternal pessimist this is getting harder and harder to keep up.”
fear of the unknown is ok.
begin to trust self, we can do this.
we’ve been treated like mushrooms for so long now, it has drained our confidence in our abilities to achieve self determination.
we all know in our hearts things will get much better with indy, this is a FACT.
our voices will be heard.
50% of the population hears you!
we are no longer isolated voices.
in a few days this part will be over, let the games begin.
link to


Thanks for hearing me.
He’s out there now YESSING and I don’t know when to expect him back. We are so close that I can feel his anxiety even when he’s not here.
The neighbours, all No-ers, are avoiding us and life seems to be so hard at the moment.


A few months into the calamitous event of a NOOK vote those Bitter Together voters are going to be in a state of raging betrayal their demands for a 2nd indyref will be deafening to the good people of WoS.

Seasick Dave

The HQ is already in London.

link to


Grizzle McPuss

I’m getting finger blisters with the amount of ‘liking’, ‘sharing’, ‘comment’ etc etc

It’s a masochistic pain that’s somehow more pleasurable than usual.

I, for my part, will not cease until we have won…


Complained to BBC about non-coverage of Alex Salmond’s press conference, compared to blanket coverage on Monday of Gordon Brown & friends.

I see they are now re-running the speech in full. Will be interesting to see if they also show the Q&A session where Alex smacked down Nick Robinson & the BBC being briefed in advance re RBS. I have to go out, so hopefully others can see what is edited!

G H Graham

Santander planning to DOUBLE the amount of banking centres in Scotland.

From a clipping last year …

link to

Nana Smith

FM’s speech

link to

bookie from hell

wish I saw salmond putting the boot in bbc icon_smile.gif


Alex Salmond puts the boot into Glen Campbell. Causes hilarity in accusing BBC Scotland of reporting news.

Nana Smith

Watch the press briefings here

link to


Nick Robinsson..”Why should the Scottish voters believe you Mr Salmond and not men in charge of Billions of pounds of trade”

Asked and answered me thinks

[…] If newspapers told the truth for one day […]


Alex Salmond giving a master-class in Q&A with journalists.


Daily Politics now sounding like a NO Campaign broadcast, as if yesterday’s charade has created some new kind of pro-union narrative.

Helena Brown

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy) Thank you for the link to RBS, we have just signed up to move an account of over 40 years with this bunch. I have added a comment but will be surprised if it sees the light of day as I cannot believe I was the first to comment.

Robert Louis

Salmond just filleted BBC Nick Robinson live on air. Nick Robinson lost the plot.


I’m just watching Alex Salmond in awe. Absolutely blinding performance. Nick Robinson told to get back in the box!

Helena Brown

G H Graham, Santander just got two new customers and will be getting our ISA’s as soon as the current account is sorted.

Robert Louis

you must watch the Salmond Q&A. He has announced an investigation into the leaking of market sensitive information by the BBC.

This is hot stuff.

Paul Murphy

“G H Graham says:
11 September, 2014 at 11:49 am
Santander planning to DOUBLE the amount of banking centres in Scotland.”

Aren’t Santander from the Basque country? – you would hope they might gladly offer to fill any gaps lefts by RBS etc.,

Andrew Payne

I hope these companies that are threatening to move down south in the event of a Yes vote, are not the same ones that come back to Scotland after the event looking to pay massively reduced Corporation Tax bills!

haud on the noo

Scott Minto :

Copied to TAMB

No time now for please can I copy etc

Colin Rippey

The rollercoaster of the independence, one day it’s positive polls, the next it’s bad news from the banking sector.

All the big financial institutions are LEGALLY obliged to have their registered office and their headquarters in the country where they have the bulk of their customers – this is the result of a past banking scandal involving BCCI who had almost all their customers in England but were regulated by Luxembourg.

RBS aren’t really RBS, they’ve not been RBS for over 10 years – they’re NatWest, and the vast majority of their customers are in England.

Even if there was a cast iron certainty that a currency union was going to happen the banks would STILL need to move their registered office and headquarters to England as that is where they have the majority of their customers.

And once they move these offices the jobs in them will start to trickle down south with them, over time the 200,000 people who work in Scotland will see their numbers reduce slowly, through basic attrition.

How many jobs will be left? Nobody can say, but what is certain is the tax receipts from PAYE that these jobs provide will be lost (anyone with half a brain knows that it’s the monies from PAYE that makes up the bulk of tax receipts).

Financial Services is the one industry in Scotland that’s really an English industry as most of the customers are there and the jobs here look after English customers.

But not too worry, ’cause there’ll be a Scottish bank here who will “take up the slack”. Won’t there?

Helena Brown

CUTOMMY says @ 11.06am May I say those were very true words. Say No and believe that abominable woman Lamont and believe everything will be tickety boo, aye right, or you take your future in your own hands and say YES.



I feel exactly the same way as your husnband. Hardly sleeping. Every time I see another BT lie (we’ll cut your pensions; your mortgage will go up) it’s like a knife in the guts. These people are trying to deprive the Scots of democracy. That’s what hurts. With the whole weight of the MSM backing them up. I trust this government so little that I actually half expect there to be terror arrests tomorrow, purely for political capital, before the Orange Order walk.

If we don’t win we’ll be part of that same corrupt state for the rest of our lives, which is a grim prospect. That’s why we must win.

We have half the population on our side and we have momentum. Ignore the MSM doom and fear. We knew they would ramp it up. It’s going right to the wire. We can do this.

Do you know any Yes voter who is going to be disillusioned and not vote? I don’t know a single one. Every time they try to scare us more, it merely strengthens their resolve now.


Sounds like the FM is on fire. Wish I could be seeing this.

Any chance of the whole stooshie being recorded for later viewing someplace. Looks like the performance we’ve all been waiting for for some time and I’m missing it. 🙁

Chic McGregor

Whether they move the brass plates or not, on independence, I think the Scottish Government should do something like this.

Start a National Bank of Scotland. Beginning probably as a nationwide credit union and evolving gradually, perhaps even eventually to central bank status.

I do not think they would struggle to find willing depositors.


Alex Salmond puts the boot into Main Stream Media – accuses them of faithful reporting. More laughter

Robert Louis

If I remember correctly, this is not the first time Nick Robinson of the BBC has lost the plot live on air. He did it once before, outside Westminster, destroying a plackard that belonged to demonstrators;

link to

Today he made a fool of himself, in front of the whole world. Good old BBC, showing their true colours.


Wow, just wow ….. did Mr Salmond have an extra helping of razor-blade porridge this morning. This Q&A session is spectacular in Mr Salmond’s remarkable grasp, articulation and depth of his political quality in giving a Master Class in answering such a variety of questions.


Macart see Nanas link at 11:57


@Colin Rippey

You seem to be very knowledgable about the future of the banking and financial service industry. How have your predictions been working out in last 8 years or so?

Imagine a country that wasnt dependant on Banks…oh wait..we dont have to!


In a cafe today and picked up the Scottish Sun. Absolutely clear that it is pushing the Indy line–attacks on the Union chiefs, and Prescott and 100 Labour MPs coming up to Scotland. Plus Bill Leckie talking about his intention to vote Yes.
If the Sun in next Wed./Thurs. editions even wavers about Yes or No it will be the biggest climb down in newspaper history.
PS Sun not listening to Rupert–page 3 girls still there.


Is this being shown live – if they show a recording they will edit out that buffoon Robertson

Betty Boop

Here is the BBC News report on RBS, Lloyds, etc. from yesterday. Strange how it has been spun out of control…

link to

and the actual statement to the press from RBS:

link to

Jim McIntosh

Not really O/T – because several papers have headlines saying John Lewis threatens of a price rise because of ‘higher costs of trading in parts of Scotland’ (from Telegraph)

FFS according to their website they only have three stores in Scotland – Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh. They have over 40 in England and Wales.

Remember the ‘John Lewis List’ – Anyone who shops there can afford an extra £2 for a roll of chintz wallpaper.



Anyone direct me to somewhere I can check out the fall and recovery in Scottish cos. share prices over the last few days? I saw someone tweet about it but a link would be great for reference if anyone has such a thing.


Seemingly Nick Robinson is being comforted by fellow journalists after getting kicked in the gonads by Alex Salmond. I wonder who is rubbing his balls ……. it is Channel 4’s Glenn Gibbons. Lucky chap.


Today he made a fool of himself, in front of the whole world. Good old BBC, showing their true colours.

What show and Is it online yet though?

bookie from hell

“Love train” of Labour MPs has arrived in Glasgow – heckler w a megaphone shouts “welcome our imperial masters have arrived!”

bookie from hell

just saw nicks –roasting walofs


A No colleague just said to me “Im getting fed up with all this, I will be glad next week when its over!”

I replied “Over, its only just begun, Regardless of result, the next 2 years are going to be fascinating”

“Why?” they asked thinking a No vote would mean “Lets move on”

Theyre now away considering the repercussions that I laid out.


Stu.. Wake up.. Wake up.. You’re having a bad dream..

STU.. WAKEY WAKEY.. (hands of

Yes in an ideal world the media would present the facts in a readable and factual manner. But no, all the MSM I am seeing today are still peddling the same pish (the BBC are now dead to me – and I’m not heartbroken by that seperation)

I saw stories a while back about Rouge Landlords. How they take high rents and do nothing for the tenants in return – one woman wanted the live wires on her boiler fixed – her tenancy was terminated on Xmas Eve.

To me Westminster is that Rouge Landlord. We get a kind of roof over our head, but the things that affect your daily lives and can be improved have to be passed for approval by our unscrupulous Landlord. Never going to happen. Our Landlord is blinded by pound signs.

I feel we are in a perpetual Episode of “Don’t get Done, get Dom”. We’re being sold a dud deal by doorstep sellers parading as Party Politicians. Sneaking from door to door (sorry, selected Business, to selected Business, or carefully selected party faithful, to selected party faithful). They come and promise us the earth. Three months down the line we find out it doesn’t work. We’ve been had..

“Oh he was a lovely man. Nice sharp suit and an old Eton School tie on. Said we’d be Better Together. Pool and Share Resources. We’d get More Tax Raising Powers. I did ask about all out oil.. Said i don’t need to worry my pretty little head about that it’ll all be rosey if we stick together. He was ever so nice.. said he loves us. Ever so nice..”


Today’s Herald Scotland is a shameless rag of Unionist propaganda and scare – a resolute courageous YES push against all this is required. I hope the public after the election will boycott both the rag newspapers here and the Unionist BBC

Chris Silver

I said last night when the voices of doom had gathered to intimidate and the banks have indicated their intent but one thing struck me none have said they are evacuating its not an abandon ship that the media are portraying no this is an open door for the CU if those brass plates are in London the Bank of England will be their safety net and they are compliant with the if we go toxic again the BoE will be there no Iceland scenario and the safety net to continue in the same manner as before.

For my perspective it is a positive but the issue would be rUK in the exposure to risk given the loss of percentage of its economy. I know not our concern but shouldn’t that be the warning story for the rUK taxpayers that this move is about the banks ensuring they have a guaranteed bail out in case they go belly up again.


Yes. Aex Salmond scathing of Nick Robinson and James Cook, both BBC, and the Channel 4 journalist. All three were palpably hostile, making statements rather than asking questions. No wonder BBC and Sky pulled the live coverage.


Well, well, well I wonder how the BBC is feeling after that kicking session from the First Minister.

It was blood, snottirs and hair, though Nick Robinson didn’t have much to lose.

John H.

Even if Scotland, after all these threats and bullying were to vote No, what kind of union would it be?A union with each side having lost all respect for the other,a union with one side being held in to it by force,What future could such a union possibly have.It’s over, that’s clear, and there can be no going back now.

I was genuinely sorry to see Charles Kennedy on the Daily Politics show, looking either ill or suffering from a bad hangover.He is about the only LibDem I had any respect for.The way he’s talking now that’s gone too.


Nana Smith
Clicked on your link and only saw the very end of AS speech/Q and A. The screen then showed something to the effect that what went before had been deleted.
Surely the BBC can’t be blocking this important occasion.

Up till now the world opinion of Scot’s is that they are a fiercely independent brave people. Apart from the referendum question there is another one, is it to be
Scotland the Brave or Scotland the Scared?
If it is the latter hundreds of years of a hard won proud reputation will be lost in one day and can never be recovered. For after that Scotland will be known as a nation of cowards lacking the will for self determination by preferring to remain a province of a foreign nation.


Watching the Salmond Q&A just now, while he speaks the BBC run continuous scare stories along the bottom screen, mostly about those nice banking people, the ones who had to be bailed out, the ones who brought the economy to its knees, the ones who were mired in criminality.

Nana Smith


Would not surprise me if the bbc delete it, but I think Stu will have taped it.



Wee Nick will be hoping for a wee mention in New Years Honours List after the last few days effort

Colin Mccartney

Just moved an undecided to YES, its sunny outside, life is good.

Nana Smith

@John H

Respect for Charlie Kennedy no way. That’s the guy who asked a misleading question in parliament knowing full well it was a lie.

Also he was on the streets of Inverness along with Ukip’s Coburn touting for a No vote.

call me dave

Naughty earlier did not get the answers expected when interviewing his expert on the banks and currency.

1hr 10mins in. It’s not all bad news.

link to


The one thing that has been missing from this ‘debate’ has been the Scottish media. I have been listening to the FM on radio ‘Scotland’ and have only contempt for the presenter who could not even hide the hatred in her voice, and forgot that she was talking to a democratically elected person, not something she stood in on the pavement on the way to work. If a NO vote is returned next week it is easily seen that a dirty tricks campaign has won out. Time for the gloves to come off and call the BBC out for what they are. I feel shame.



James Cook said “we” when referring to the No campaign in an interview with Salmond, and then made the they are fighting separatists as well remark about Spain. About time the BBC were brought to account.

Dr Ew

Possibly the greatest achievement of Wings has been to build consciousness of the just how our Fourth Estate manipulates public discourse on behalf of a ruling elite.

I am a believer in a free press – but limitations and regulation of ownership is the key to that. Will be in touch about that, Stu – after the vote.


Salmond V Robinson today:
link to

Kenny Campbell

(Corporation Tax is in any event levied on where business activity takes place, not where the headquarters is located.)

Tell that to Google…


Nick Robinson will needing a wheel barrow to deal with all that swelling to his nether regions. His eyes are probably bulging as well.

You shouldn’t kick a man when he is down, but since you are BBC there is an exception to every rule – BOOT


@Nana and Thepnr

Cheers. 🙂


Postal vote application were only just over 18% and not the 30% figure some were trailing or expecting. So get out the vote on the day will be the key.

link to


Perhaps Nick Robinson should be nicknamed ‘fannybaws’ after this encounter.

Quentin Quale

BBC News channel cut off Alex Salmond’s final words of the finest speech I’ve heard him make to tell us what is coming up next. Pathetic. But we have the weather now. 24 hour rolling news but timetabled weather. WTF?

Johannah Buchan

Meanwhile over at the Grauniad, some stupid tart says the RBS collapse was Alec Salmond’s fault coz he encouraged Fred the Shred.


Damn it was live stream only. In and out to my desk all morning and missed the lot.

From reactions, I take it the FM played a blinder?

Quentin Quale

Macart – blinder only begins to describe it. The man was on fire!


Alex Salmond at his best. I knew he was keeping his powder dry till the end. Very impressive.


Well that’s that over. what a brilliant speech and Q&A session by our First Minister. Even Stu couldn’t have done any better, Alex reads Wings 🙂



The comments below that video link are rather colourful.
Strange how no-one in Scotland sees the referendum as an English issue, its a Westminster issue after all but the standard of folk commenting on pieces from an English perspective are always lower than a snakes belly.


WOW that was mighty impressive. Brilliant to see Pravda put in its

call me dave

I see AS’s speech & press conference is not available to see!
I infer from that it did not go well for the NO and the BBC.

Is anyone able to supply link.
The ‘order order’ link above is too short and does not have the content.

Thanks for that. I too ‘wrongly’ thought the 30% figure was official.

Nana Smith


The FM’s speech link at 11.50am

Les Wilson

That is Alex Salmond speech just finished, I just saw the last few minutes, but he was taking no prisoners.
He was very good, I would like to have seen all of it.
Where can I fine an un doctored run of the whole thing?

Can someone point me to the right place! can’t trust the BBC

bookie from hell

Salmond hugely impressive Q & A


@call me dave

See my comment above at 12.27


I missed this. Any chance of a link. I need cheering up.

That said I have a neighbours both of whom work for different UK banks in Edinburgh just put up giant YES flags in their windows in my wee middle class FIfe suburb. There is a chance Real chance people are not believing the hype.

Helena Brown

Betty Boop says: even stranger Betty is how comments on that page disappear into moderation never to be seen again.


Here’s another bit of the conference:
link to

cockney lad

Feeling discombobulated by everything to do with the 18th?

Let’s try to imagine the political-economic-media System as an orchestra; each power-centre being an individual musician, each one backing up the other reciprocally in a combined effort to keep the music going. No-one wants to stop, or indeed CAN stop the music, or change the tune, as there is no conductor on the pedestal.

Some musicians -if the tune is stable- might even feel comfortable enough to improvise a little, but they can’t stray too far from the score as the tune would then collapse, so they keep their improvisations to an acceptable minimum. “Don’t swing it!” shout the other musicians, who are trying to be faithfull to the original score.

There are other musicians who would like to play (waiting stage left perhaps) but there is no place for them on the stage, so they form their own small bands & strike up other tunes. This results in the Main Act having to increase the tempo and volume of its performance, anything and everything to keep the tune going & the audience enthralled. This pressure begins to affect the musicians one by one, resulting in a progressively disharmonious performance, which every now and again returns to the main theme of the score.

Phrase by musical phrase, the audience becomes increasingly restless. The musicians sense this, and not wanting the conductor to arrive (and replace the score with something new) they pull themselves together in a concerted, virtuoso performance; the aim being to rouse the audience once more with a grand return to the main theme, and keep the music playing.

An audience is a delicate thing; it can be by turns fickle, contradictory, anarchistic & conformist. It might concentrate its ears on the voice of the violin, or be listening to the barely perceptible ‘jam’ happening backstage.

On most occasions -as the conductor approaches from the wings- the orchestra is overcome with a kind of ‘collective panic’ & tries to convince the audience that the music they are listening to is in fact another song completely, on most occasions the audience is convinced by the performance. They are, after all, consumate musicians.

In very rare circumstances it is all to no avail; the conductor still walks onto the stage, taps his baton & calls the orchestra to turn to a new page. At once, the music is transformed, some musicians are replaced and the process begins all over again.


RBS leaves Scotland fraud just a bit too late for Press and journal here in old ABZ, but this is just a few verbatim headlines from today’s edition OR what that Graun clown now says is “Aberdeen Press & Journal (62,000), have been attempting to pursue a largely neutral course.”

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Experts slam Yes vote’s NHS claims, BP boss backs ‘stability’ of staying in UK, Pro-UK camp maintains it’s lead, Voters ‘misled’ over black gold – Sir Ian wood, Pension giant warns of shift into England, threat comes as banks say Scotland could face ‘deep recession’, Loyds threaten to leave Scotland, ‘Yes vote cannot be Tory protest’, Leaders call on Scots to vote no, ‘No supporters fear targeting’, More than half uni Prof’s likely to vote No, Royal tourism hot spot nails it’s colours to the mast, under one half page photo of Queen and Union Jack waving local the other and on it goes.

So that’s what the Guardian calls a largely neutral course from local news and P&J have been bashing out endless vote No stuff like this for years now. There are two yes stories in that pile of shite but one both mocks Salmond and Sturgeon and the other’s tucked away.

Whatever these propagandists think they’re up to now, telling us they are actually neutral reporters just makes al of them even more gross. They’re a business, they can say what they like but why are they all lying now about their own professional conduct?

Even more creepy is how the P&J only ever have local news on front pages, and then they get busy savaging Scotland and democracy.

Colin Church

Somebody captured this, please. Watched BBC main news at on,e a completely sanitised version. Still trotting out John Lewis as well as banks.


On lunchtime news John Lewis Group is quoted as saying their prices will go up in an independent Scotland, the opposite of what Tesco said.

Why wait until the prices go up, avoid them now id they have so little faith in Scotland.


Yesterday,Westminster liggers lovebombing us, today, Banks booting our democracy in the balls. The transparency of Unionist strategy of Shock and Naw laid bare. Come on all you waverers….see the deceitful liars for what they are!…..they did it in 1979 and they are doing it again!

John H.

@Nana Smith –
I didn’t know that about Kennedy and UKIP.You live and learn eh?

call me dave

Stuart Cosgrove and his pal on the Beattie programme have just torpedoed the bank scare as nonsense! They are going to town it’s ‘outrageous’ the say. Magic!

🙂 Also giving the three amigos there just desserts.

I hope that folk are listening.
I’ll put the link up later when it’s on the playback.

call me dave

too fast their…oops again.


@ Cockney lad, I’m sure you have a point you want to make in there somewhere?


Oh almost forgot two P&J oddities of propaganda , Baroness Shirley Williams says YES, is another P&J headline but it’s the usual liggers from hell cock up, Wiliiams is in Orkney, Kirkwall town hall to “make the case for Scotland remaining part of the UK. Carmicheal is excited as Baroness Williams “makes her background all the more important”

But they make up for it with Lynsey Sharp “Commonwealth Games star backs staying in the UK” for that world famous top class UKOK journalism and P&J balanced neutrality.


It is simple folks contact RBS, LLoyds, Standard Life and John Lewis and tell them straight they are liars and you will never ever bank, buy a policy or goods from them ever again.

Do what Alex Salmond did to Nick Robinson kick them in the proverbials.


Radio Scotland getting pilloried at the moment as is the whole of the BBC for their bias in the referendum debate……superb and so true!!


Thanks again Nana.

Will go for a looksee. 🙂

call me dave

Cosgrove is even having a go at the BBC Scotland. Pure gold!

A new rule book required at BBC Scotland, let the Scots tell their own story. Brilliant!


John Lewis is “never knowingly undersold”!


Thanks stu, here’s the link and as he says just rewind to the conference;
link to

Nana Smith


Its a beaut. The press briefing was great and someone over on the new thread has filmed it for youtube.


Johannah Buchan says: Meanwhile over at the Grauniad, some stupid tart says the RBS collapse was Alec Salmond’s fault coz he encouraged Fred the Shred.

Funny they still keep going on about that, particular as this particularly slur is all based on a three line letter Alex Salmond wrote to Fred Goodwin in May 2007, offering support if required, and sent after RBS announced its intention to acquire ABN AMRO in April … the previous month.


Sorry o/t (kind of)

Over the last week or so :

The big Brown turd itself came up here to stink the place up with his waffle about new “powers” or whatever it was.

Wall to wall North Korea style msm propaganda screaming vote no or else.

A new “poll” showing No now in the lead. Who would be stupid enough not to expect some “poll” to emerge at this point showing No in the lead? Probably be another one next week showing their lead increasing again.

Criminal banks threatening to leave Scotland if the plebs have the temerity to vote for their own best interests. Well blow me down, bye bye then.

Visible result so far:

Was out earlier today and round here (Glasgow G20) since the last time I was out a few days ago a slight increase in No window posters…. swamped by a marked increase in the number of Yes posters. I’d say the ratio is something like 9 or 10 to 1, pro Yes obviously, whereas a few days ago it would have been around 7 or 8 to 1. What exactly can be read into that I’m not sure, most windows still unadorned which is what you’d expect anyway but in and of itself it’s obviously not negative.

I’ve got a funny feeling that despite their throwing everything at the Yes campaign, including the blatant (and perhaps illegal – Lawyers for Yes take note – media blackout and all out censorship of the Yes campaign) that it just ain’t working for them.

Nana Smith

Never mind everyone, we’re about to be saved from ourselves…looking for a new job eh Broon?

link to

Colin Church

Sally on Reporting Scotland lunch again completely sanitised. According to her and in the editing Salmond’s speech issue is Treasury leaking info to markets. No the issue is leaking to BBC and them complicitly running this and every story they are fed by UK Gov!


The BBC are an official No campaign organisation. I will never forgive them for their duplicity, even if we succeed and secure a Yes vote.


ITV said AS struggled today. Despair.


O/T but a wee injection of dark humour..
Yes Scotland Scottish weather forecaster loses it…: link to


And another thing! It’s also worth mentioning the letters to editor of P&J, which daily has vast majority of extreme NO letters chosen by the neutral course editor. It’s fun because if you’re from Aberdeen you can go oh look there’s so and so very rich NO saying we all say NO in Aberdeen and we all hate AlicSamin don’t we.

But sometimes, like today quite important NO voters write in and are often mad basically. Last one was Sir Hugh Pennington going vote NO because penicillin would not have been discovered by Alexander Flemming if Scotland was a country and not a region of teamGB.

And today there’s a big multi signed letter from ex president of the BMA, a Lady, at least 3 retired surgeons, a very regular P&J letter writer of the NO and retired GP who sounds French but is incredibly enraged by Scotland actually running Scotland. So in their full page letter today they say privatisation of the NHS is a lie and “the Scottish government is wholly responsible for funding decisions and for any move towards privatisation of the NHS in Scotland” making it a double lie so vote NO twice as hard:D

All of these esteemed writers are probably aged Tories from England now retired to Deeside, sorry Royal Deeside and there is a fair few around now but it’s sad to see such hard core UKOK propaganda penned like this by top medics and then published with their full titles in bold, so you know they’re important people.

Even if they had just acknowledged that only Westminster decides how much money Scotland gets or NHS England privatising is happening but, absolutely nothing. Such is the nature of teamGB. UKOK propaganda.

link to


Somebody has already suggested we start a Groupdeposit to form a New Bank of Scotland. I keep thinking of that film with James Stewart where honesty and loyalty won. The eyes of the world are on us, would they all stand silent while we are bullied when only trying to save ourselves. When a charity appeal goes out Scotland comes through, they say charity begins at home. If we all but our money where our mouths are could it be possible?

cockney lad

RMAC says:
“@ Cockney lad, I’m sure you have a point you want to make in there somewhere?”

Sorry yes….time to change the music, perhaps even replace the entire orchestra.

Yes Yes all the way.


Won’t it be interesting to see how the FM’s speech and Q&A is reported by the non-UK press there today – especially the journalist from India.

totally O/T – just had my new raincoat delivered. It has a white background with an overall print of large navy blue spots (about the same size as the YES stickers)and a golden yellow lining. I’m thinking of calling it my Independence Coat – I could apply YES stickers to every navy spot – too much??


Nah…go for it Clarinda…we want all the yesses we can get 🙂

Sverre Koxvold

I would not touch RBS with a barge pole. I would not deposit any money. I would not route any money their way. I would not even look in through the window to see if there is anyone inside. Somehow my life works without that bank. Probably even better.

Tom Garrett

You can see the full AS and Nick Robinson interchange over on the Wings Over Scotland site. Reminded me of the Germany v Brazil match in the World Cup


As irrelevant to our economy as this is, I don’t like these attempts to hold the country to ransom. Anyone that can recommend a new bank for me that isn’t behaving like a knob would be eternally in my favour.


Maybe one day, when a truly Scottish (WOS) newspaper is created. 🙂

That’s great! Bye bye RBS and Lloyds! Thinking of moving my money to a different, more prudent company. Does anyone have any other alternatives besides the ones below?

link to

Also considering a credit union:
link to

Thanks in advance.

Nana Smith

Very funny. Mps marching up Buchanan st. Heckler playing imperial march from Start wars.

link to

Simon Chadwick

I do wonder if this is the end for “The Media” altogether. There was a time when there was no radio, no TV, no newspapers, and people got their news by actually talking to other people in the streets, at work, in the pub. Now we have the online social networks, this whole talking to other people thing looks like it might take over once again as the most important way to get info. Who wants to watch the official mass broadcast when you can ask your mates who are actually there on the ground what’s the latest news?

Phil Robertson

Try again !

“Corporation Tax is in any event levied on where business activity takes place, not where the headquarters is located.”

Are you sure about this? The link in your piece states, more accurately, “Companies pay corporation tax on their profits, not their sales.”

This is an important point given that two-thirds of the oil revenues are paid as corporation tax. BP, or more precisely where it declares its profits, is much more important in this respect than RBS.

Christian Schmidt

I think you utterly failed to squash even 10% of today’s lies.

But maybe it is worth mentioning the biggest one: Hours after Salmond quoted from the RBS letter to its staff, Mr Alexaner repeated the claim that jobs would be lost…

If no wins, could we have a rerun because the no campaign was “knowingly making false statements”? I mean, they had a rerun in Oldham East & Saddleworth…

David Coulter

All through Alex Salmonds brilliant performance today, did anyone else notice how the BBC latest news across the bottom of the screen kept with the scare headlines of the those financial services companies and others threatening to quit Scotland. It seemed even to intensify AFTER his demolition of Nick Robinson. These people have absolutely nowhere to hide after the 18th…..


Whilst we are all bashing bankers, remember who was one selling us all PPI. Alex Salmond.
He is selling the same lemons again.

Kevin evans

I hope with all my passion, heart and soul the great people of scotland can see through the mist there trying to pollute this so called democratic campaign with.



It’s well known that AS invented PPI during his wilderness time from the SNP as a ruse to con everyone out of money to make independence seem more attractive.

Or so Jim Murphy told me..

Tom Foyle

After I’d read the subject headline and finished wiping the tears from my eyes, it occurred to me that someone may well establish a new, unbiased paper. But I wouldn’t buy it unless it was called “Wings over Scotland,” or something very similar. And with an editor famous for his integrity and tireless reporting.


Notice Sky are running with higher roaming charges !

Not seen that for a while.

link to


Once again the BBC lies become the story. Nick Robinson needs a Whisky to calm down. These overpaid, ill researched ‘journalists’ need their P45.


Could any country be so mocked, cheated and lie to as Scotland is Westminster. The nerve of the Westminster’s would-be and their Media sycophants.

Just vote YES to end this farce.

Andy Nimmo

Liked this from best selling crime writer

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