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Wings Over Scotland

How it happened

Posted on November 06, 2024 by

So it looks like the USA has elected a mad orange rapist convicted of 34 felonies who could yet be in jail by the time of his inauguration. (He would remain President even if that happened, which would be really funny.) And we can’t even blame them for it, because the alternative they were offered was, remarkably and stupendously, worse.

Wings called it like we called Trump’s first victory (and most other things). We tweeted this last year when thinking about the upcoming election. It’s a variant on something we wrote about on Wings eight and a half years ago. We’re posting it again now in the desperate hope that one day, maybe, far in the future, someone will actually listen.

But, y’know, we’re not holding our breath or anything.

Well done, lads.

Just all of the well done.

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So John Swinney has backed the wrong horse again. Arise Sir Numpty. Stay out of other people’s elections and sort oot yer ain pairty!!


Starmer’s lot sent people over to campaign for Harris ?


Starmer got into bother about that … so why did Swinney jump in with both feet a day or so later. Totally unnecessary and ill-judged. Bullied by the woke members of his inner circle?


Because he’s a Brit plant just like his predecessor?

Last edited 2 months ago by James

“backed the wrong horse”??

Are you saying he should have backed the other one? Really?

A2 -What's the requested format?

That’s a loose loose bet, best avoided.


Band Of Horses: Everything All The Time: The Funeral:

“I’m coming up only to hold you under
And coming up only to show you wrong
And to know you is hard, we wonder
To know you all wrong, we won


Really too late to call so we wait for
Morning to wake you is all we got
But to know me as hardly golden
Is to know me all wrong, they won…”:

link to


No you stay fucking quiet and keep out of other people’s business especially when your own party is up to it’s neck in shit and crashing in elections.


People have the right to voice their conscience and should do so and it is their duty if they feel strongly enough about it but why would anyone do so solely because group-think decides that it is evil and needs opposed?

I bet if you asked John Swinney why he made that decision you wouldn’t get a coherent answer, never mind a genuine one.

In a couple of days time, nobody is going to care if Trump was elected or not so why would a politician who will get no long term political capital out of it, do so for a couple of hours publicity?


Better he had backed no one and left the US to get on with it.


Swinney is a big part of the problem. He will never remove the transcult from the nuSNP.

Possibly, because he’s too busy trying to cover things up, keep Sturgeon’s skeletons in the closet, keeping Dotty Bain onside, and trying to stop Scotland finding out about him and the rest of the plotters.


The Spectator: SNP members slam Swinney’s support of Kamala:

“…now the SNP leader has found out he backed the wrong horse at the US election.

Talk about a bad bet! Last month, Swinney lent his support to Kamala, telling Scottish voters:

“People in the United States of America should vote for Kamala Harris…”

A senior SNP figure also told the Times that Swinney’s endorsement was ‘f***ing stupid’…

…while another Nat remarked to Mr S: ‘The First Minister should focus on his own country before he looks anywhere else!’…”:

link to

Patsy Millar

Yep, once again you’ve hit the nail squarely on the peg.

Derek Thomson



i knew he’d win, but it still felt shocking to wake up to that cheese slice face with hair grinning at his win. The sleazy voice, which quite frankly sounds tired, promising the world, but likely only to deliver unrest, crypto currency, and inflation. jeeezo….. we just wait with baited breath for whatever madness comes now.

mike cassidy

So the only question now is

Will Trump go quietlyin four years time

Or will he insist he is entitled to stand for a third term?

Geoff Anderson

FDR died during his 4th. term April 1945.


Look at wikipedia for the 22nd amendment, which became part of the US constitution in 1951 after FDR had served four terms. Trump has only one term left.

panda paws

What can be amended once can be amended once again. It’s a high bar to reach (2/3 of Congress and Senate then sent to individual states) or a constitutional convention of the states – which has not occurred before – but in theory any amendment can be modified or annulled. Ironically the President has no role in amendments though can of course endorse or not.


An A for the theory but an F for the history. The 21st amendment was ratified by state ratifying conventions.


Phil, you and Panda Paws are talking about two different things. Panda Paws is talking about the national convention that is an alternative to a vote of two-thirds of each congressional chamber. You are talking about the ratifying conventions in each state that is an alternative to approval or otherwise by state legislatures.

panda paws

Thanks Skip – It though the “or” in my sentence made it clear that was an alternative route to amending the constitution and the “it hadn’t happened before” indicated that, well, it hadn’t previously occurred but was still a future potential route.

Royston Rickard

Unless they passed another Amendment, of course. But he wouldn’t want a third term: he’ll be 84 in 2028.
I expect the ticket in 2028 will be Vance and Gabbard.


There is zero evidence that Trump would attempt a third term unlike Obama who did that by proxy. He has an excellent VP who will carry the banner and allow him to retire at 82 (unlike the poor sick Biden who was forced to lurch on.


You are being gaslit, or attempting to gaslight others. The last 4 years? Stable? Civil? Inclusive? Nonsense. All the issues you raise, the Democrats weaponised and used sgainst their own people.

Royston Rickard

If he’s tired, it’s hardly surprising. He’s 80 years old, had done 700 election rallies and been shot through the ear to boot. How many rallies did that gibbering idiot Harris manage?
The mass of cynical smears and trumped-up charges against Trump have about as much foundation in fact as those on and against Alex Salmond – another inconvenient outsider the crooks in office wanted rid of.
Relax. By comparison with the four years of the Biden junta, Trump’s second term will bring a welcome return to rationality.


are you going to be on the panel with Jack Dee for ‘Sorry, I haven’t a clue’?


Yip, voted Tory myself for the first time, aged 62. Met my Tory MSP who engaged with me over women’s rights. I like her.


Stu, regarding your first sentence, after the Scottish experience, it’s probably not wise to hurl accusations of rape about.

Robert Matthews

Seems lawfare in USA is good but lawfare in Scotland bad.

Campbell Clansman

“Lawfare against non-Leftists is good.
Lawfare against Leftists is bad. …”

Says the Left in Scotland, in the US, everywhere


Campbell Clansman, Who you are quoting? Please let us know. Thanks.

Campbell Clansman

My Leftists friends in both countries. They say it with a chuckle.


ref. Campbell Clansman. Thank you for response. My friends (poliyics not classified) in both countries have no time for lawfare whoever the target may be.

Scotland has outrageous examples with Craig Murray and Mark Hirst, no doubt others.

i am struggling to assess your politics, what does ‘leftist’ mean nowdays?


Typo. Alert: politics.

Royston Rickard

Well, that’s the question, isn’t it?
The whole problem with mainstream ‘leftism’ today is that it’s Wall Street leftism: nothing to do with public welfare, a better deal for working people, a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, the leftism of Attlee and Bevan. Instead, sinceabout 2008 the official left stands for NUSNPae globalist loonery. The result is that the Dems are now the party of Palo Alto billionaires and radical student twits, and the party of the blue collar worker is now the Republicans. See also Labour/ SNPie vs Reform/ Alba.


The terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ have, largely, been a source of confusion for many decades. Using terminology from 18th century French politics always has been troublesome.

Decades ago there was a radio discussion between Enoch Powell and Tony Benn (who is old enough to remember?) and extensive agreement emerged despite conflicting Party affiliation and public perception of a political spectrum.

My concerns are with matters such as deforestation, pollution, authoritarian threats to liberty, re-development of serfdom, gen…..0 cide, psychopathy of politicians and much more.

The US Democrat party is a liability to the world but not as dangerous as Trump Republicans.

Tony Shwartz wrote Trump’s famous book, maybe you would view/hear Shwartz address to the Oxford Union. I am behind schedule to read Mary Trump’s book but already reckon Trump to be a seriously dangerous personality, unsuitable for public office.

Please do let us know your further-considered assessment of the prospects for the next US Presidency. Please excuse my somewhat confrontational style, I do not share your ‘laid back’ view, Rev. Stu sounds more realistic.

Have you ever contributed to WoS under another name? When did you first comment here? I am a new-comer.

Robert Matthews

Alf Baird,Fanon and Memmi.


Troll alert.


I did that Stu and that EJC stuff has the real whiff of “lawfare” about it, you know like some of the stuff you talked about in the Scottish situation.


Trump wasn’t accused of rape, he was found liable in court for rape.

Robert Matthews

Ah, the infallible US justice system where there are no Soros prosecutors to be seen.


What is the conspiracy nut obsession with Soros?

Meanwhile JD Vance was hand picked by Peter Thiel, Elon Musk is bribing voters and Trump has made millions through pump and dump of his own joke stock.

Pull your head out your arse.

Royston Rickard

No, AIUI it the NY jury rejected the ‘rape’ claim but settled for sexual assault. Though if Ms Carroll – as they logically must have concluded – was lying about the former, it’s hard to see how they could consider her reliable witness over the latter.
That case – and the subsequent ‘defamation’ award – are both currently under appeal. I wouldn’t bet heavily on them being upheld when they get up to a Court outside of New York.

Last edited 2 months ago by Royston Rickard

Title IX drove voters to Trump. The stupid law demonstrated the deranged views of the Dems.


No, it was the economy, I think. The Blue Wall is about to turn red. I made my peace with this about 10pm Eastern Time last night when it became clear that Harris was not doing as well as she needed to in North Carolina’s major conurbations. She got fewer votes there than Biden got in areas where she needed to really hammer Trump.

Basically the Democrats got blamed for Democrats and Republicans handing out money to everyone during COVID, which stoked inflation.

Robert Matthews

Yep, it had nothing to to with the inflation reduction act which did the complete opposite.


I had to look that one up.

link to


Roguesir, It appears most likely that the 1972 USA legislation has been favourably regarded by many males, and especially females, in USA. Quick research by online searches is likely to confirm that.

By contrast, there seems to be a major problem with recent ‘Regulations’ which have undermined the original protections for women.

Please clarify whether you object to the original US legislation and its purpose.

I still have not met anyone who denies the biological, genetic facts that define males and females allowing also for the extreme rarity of ‘intersex’ individuals.

The incompetence of the US Democratic party is broader than the ‘Transexual’ issue.

Dave Hansell

“The incompetence of the US Democratic party is broader than the ‘Transexual’ issue.”


The trans/woke issue (whose definition & whose doing the counting etc) is but one issue among many and right now, in the present context, was unlikely to necessarily be the top priority for a statistically significant number of voters but one amongst many.

Which includes this issue, as observed here by Australian journalist Caitlin Johnson:

link to

“Turns out campaigning on the promise of continuing a genocide while courting endorsements from war criminals like Dick Cheney is not a great way to get progressives to vote for you.”

Or regular human beings for that matter.

Who would’ve thought?

“To be clear, this is not a good result. A good result was not possible this election. The warmongering Zionist genocide monster lost, which means the other warmongering Zionist genocide monster won.”

An observation underlined by Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib who won a seat in Congress for a fourth time in the Michigan 12th congressional district election with 69.4% of the vote, almost three times the tally of Republican Richard Hooper in second place – go figure.

As noted prior to yesterday’s election

link to

This was a major issue for many who normally voted democrat.

And we have not even touched on the fact that the ‘Democrats’ fielded an empty vacuous empty vessel of a candidate who could not, and did not even bother to, win a single primary.

The Trump win is the Democrats fault. Not for a single reason – as though it’s possible to divide reality into single issue stovepipes within rigid self-contained borders with no systemic overlap (because reality does not operate on such reductionist terms) – but for a variety of complex reasons.

Royston Rickard

Johnson and Tlaib are absolutely right.
After running the USSA the way they did for four years, and then having the nerve to put up a gabbling, dead-eyed meat-puppet like Harris for President, the Democrats have got what they deserved.


Who cares for theDemocrats? What about everyone and everything liable to suffer?

Robert Matthews

What’s “Big Mike” got to do with it?


Where is the mistake? Ican find no ref. to “Big Mike” in my comments.

Robert Hughes

Spot-on , Stu . Personally , I wasn’t sure Trump would be * allowed * to win – and I suppose we still have to wait to see if his opponents will persist in their attempt to prevent him assuming the role of POTUS – via Lawfare . But the ( likely ) margin of his victory should – at least – remove any doubt or attempted denial of the clear majority of the U.S Electorate’s choice .

*Woke * just got it’s marching orders ; Hurrah !

If he does the right thing , ie gets rid of the Permanent State ghouls & Warmongers , and follows – through on his pre-election pledges to give good , decent people like RFK Jnr & Tulsi Gabbard free reign to do the right thing/s ( in this respect , he would be wise to bring in the calm rationality and insight of Col Doug MacGregor ) the U.S may once again embrace sanity .

It was again a truly abysmal choice presented to the U.S Electorate : they made the right choice nonetheless


Robert, The Handmaid’s Tale is about to become real. I am no fan of Harris or the Democrats but it was the least worst choice.

Robert Hughes

1st : hope you were/are ok after the awful devastation of the Carolinas . Yes , well , let’s hope the * inevitable * backlash against the demented * Woke * idiocy doesn’t result in an embrace of eye-for-an-eye revenge by the * religious * Right . I think – paradoxically – that Handmaid’s Tale analogy had more validity when applied to the * Left’s * attempt to suppress any criticism of * Progressive * dogma , inc it’s lunatic * Transgenderism * manifestation . As I said earlier ……if he’s smart , Trump will give RFK Jnr & Tulsi Gabbard ( just 2 of the many former Dems so sickened by the degeneration of that Party , they aligned with Trump ) the opportunity to do the things they’ve said the would , ie in RFK Jnrs case ” Make America Healthy Again ” , by tackling the enormously detrimental Food Industry ; and in Gabbard’s case addressing the indoctrination & subsequent mutilation of children via * Gender * Ideological * affirmation * of childhood fantasies

Robert Hughes

as you probably knew ….I meant the ” devastation ” caused by the storms ; not any Political storm .


Yes, I knew exactly what you meant. We got some heavy rain but nothing we couldn’t handle. The disaster in the west of the state was as bad as anything I have seen in this country.

You’re right that The Handmsid’s Tale can be applied to the Democrats. The difference is that they don’t have the competence to follow through.

Tulsi Gabbard is an opportunist. She wore the Democrat label because that’s how you get elected in Hawai’i. Now she has hitched her wagon to the Trump train. Smart in terms of self-promotion but, frankly, untrustworthy.

For those of us who lean slightly right of centre, it was a tough choice this time. Where a Libertarian was on the ballot I tended to vote for them but, in the 28 races on the ballot, I ended up voting for four parties.

Robert Hughes

I suppose – re Gabbard – it’s a case of whether or not one believes her defection to the Republicans was – as she claims – because of her disgust at what the Democratic Party has become – or mere political opportunism . I’m not in a position to judge either way ; but she’s certainly saying all the right things now ; and was the only candidate – from either side – who spoke about the desperate need to end the U.S’s promotion of war . Time will tell


I think she was always a Republican. Some will reasonably argue that she just didn’t realize it (Hawai’i generally sits on the moderate wing of the Democratic Party and is not afraid to elect moderate Republicans) and others will reasonably argue that she jumped ship when it was politically expedient.

It will be interesting to see how many advisers from his last term return. If there aren’t very many, that would cause me to question the political journeys of Gabbard and Vance.

Campbell Clansman

If Gabbard was an opportunist, she’d remain a Democrat in heavily Democrat Hawaii.


Not necessarily. She is out of Hawai’i politics. She pretty much did that when running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.

Campbell Clansman

In what alternate universe is Hawaii open to electing “moderate Republicans?”
The state senate is 23-2 Democrat. The state House is 44-6 Democrat. And the vastly outnumbered Republicans are from the left wing of the GOP.
The GOP’s senate candidate lost 2-1, to a Democrat who generally gets a 100% Leftist rating from the rating groups.
Hawaii last elected a Republican senator in 1970.


I said they are not afraid to elect a moderate Republican. That doesn’t mean that they do on a regular basis, although it is not that long since Linda Lingle was governor.

Royston Rickard

Yep. With her skin colour and ‘gender’, all she had to do was toe the DNC line and she’d have a Committee Chairman (and multi-millionnaire) by now.
Gabbard has beauty, brains, courage and and ‘tegridy. She’ll be President one day.

Last edited 2 months ago by Royston Rickard
Ian Smith

Trump was a Democrat for about three decades before switching. Oprah talked about running on a joint ticket with him back in the 90s, only half in jest. All the hags on The View loved him, right up to the point he won the Republican nomination to face off against Hillary.


Well, he was in New York City so it was in his commercial interests to be seen as a Democrat. As well as being commercially sensible, it gained him acceptance in the NYC elite.

When you strip it all away, I think he is a sad and lonely old man. He’s never held a proper job. He’s never been anything other than “The Boss,” so he’s never learned humility. He got sent to military school, as a young teen, to try and straighten him out. Obviously that failed.

Geoff Anderson

I wonder just how badly the SNP will do in 2026?


Filthy commufascist SNP (NWO) Regime is an affront to Scotland, democracy and world civilisation –

And it (et al) won’t have any integrity left (guaranteed)…

Charles Hodgson

Disgusting intro to your post.
Heard of Lawfare?
EJC had no corroboration, is batshit crazy and thinks rape is “sexy”.
Got her sexual fantasy played out in court with no evidence, supported by a corrupt judiciary. Believe all women? My arse. Only in DNC New York.
How you can see the Salmond conspiracy lies and smears, and the same for Julian Assange, but not this is astonishing. And hypocritical.
The DNC Neo-Con / Deep State War machine / Media & Big Pharma are a disgusting tyranny which must be destroyed, or there will be no more world to fight over.
Thank you American citizens for starting the fight-back.

Alf Baird

How you can see the Salmond conspiracy lies and smears, and the same for Julian Assange, but not this is astonishing. And hypocritical.”

Quite. It is an odd and highly selective and subjective opinion given what we know. Maybe this is because Trump is not considered as ‘articulate’, even by the more enlightened elements of the bourgeoisie, the latter still prone to socio-linguistic prejudice?


Hello Charles Hodgson, please let us know what you find disgusting in the intro to the post.

Which “EJC” do you have in mind?

Why do you think Trump will tackle any of the problem issues which you mention? I see the military-industrial complex, corrupt pharmaceutical industry and mainstream media plus much more, as being a massive threat to the world and that may well be similar to your worries. The Democrats are Neo-liberals rather than Neo-cons and all of them are bad.

Trump will promote all the worst of what you seem to condemn.

I hope you find this response and do more reading.


What Charles Hodgson is calling disgusting is Stu giving oxygen to what many call lawfare surrounding the EJC case Stu links to. Many called this stuff out when they saw it happen in Scotland.

Royston Rickard

Ms E Jane Carroll. Trump’s accuser. Do keep up.


Yes, already found that, Acronyms are not my specialist subject. I do not know Polari, either.

Billy Carlin

You are obviously clueless re the Executive Orders Trump put into place during his first term as President re corruption and child trafficking/abuse and treason etc re all of them and more. And funny how the FAKE Biden has never been at the actual White House during his term as President always being shown at a FAKE White House Set – the actual White House has been shut since Biden “won”. We will see what Trump does re everything that has been going on since the election was “stolen” from him last time. You have got to let the crooks commit their crimes before you can prosecute them for treason, genocide etc.


Salmond was found not guilty.

Trump wasn’t.

You either respect the rule of law and verdicts of courts or you don’t.

“Lawfare” pish. The man is a convicted fraudster and a rapist.

Royston Rickard

So, more or less, was Anwar Ibrahim. Until the corrupt, authoritarian regime of Malaysia fell and then it turned out he was nothing of the sort. You’re being very naiive. A picked jury in Trump-hating Manhattan, in a CIVIL case that was dodgy on at least four separate grounds (see my earlier post) REJECTED the plaintiff’s ‘rape’ claim – but, weirdly, still found Trump liable for ‘sexual assault’. The plaintiff was unable to say even in what YEAR the incident had occurred – though she did say that it happened in broad daylight in, of all places, a bookshop.
The case is currently under appeal. As soon as it is out from under the auspices of the NY DA – who was elected on a manifesto to ‘get Trump’ – and in the hands of an honest Court, I expect the accusations will likely be dismissed and Trump exonerated.
The ‘falsifying business records’ ‘felony’ (!) case is even more of a nonsense – as spurious and malicious as Craig Murray’s jailing for ‘contempt’ for ‘jigsaw identification’. It’ll be overturned on appeal.
In any case, the Democrats can thank their smear tactics for Trump’s astounding resurgence: to ordinary Americans, they revealed themselves as shameless, dirty, dangerous crooks who, to crush their opponents, were willing to turn the USA into a police state. It’s a good thing the US people didn’t let them get away with it.

Billy Carlin

And if Salmond had been found guilty via the lies you would have been saying the exact same thing then? You are obviously clueless about what has been going on in the US and wait and see what they will try next to sabotage his Presidency – Lockdown 2 is coming soon via the WHO and UN and it is going to be much worst than last time with everyone being locked up and forced into taking many of the highly toxic vaccines. Is Trump going to go along with this time or is he going to start to arrest these people – why do you think that our corrupt governments have handed over power to call and control future FAKE pandemics to the WHO.


No. It was painfully obvious that Mr. Salmond was being stitched up. The orange gibbon is a disgusting waste of oxygen who totally believes that he can have anything and anyone that he wants without any consent or any consequences.

Hatey McHateface

The man is a convicted fraudster and a rapist

“Data from the UK Ministry of Justice shows that 27% of working-age adults have a criminal conviction. This increases to 33% when just looking at men.”

In the UK, the crims are everywhere, Greg.

In fact, if you have two brothers, then statistically, one of you is going to be a crim, maybe a fraudster, or even a rapist!

Makes you think, eh?

If it’s not you, maybe get together with two of your male family members for a quiet blether – get it all out into the open.


Aye, crazy is as crazy does.
Who knew that political parties going way off piste embracing all manner of lunacy that’s contrary to the actual wants and needs of their electorates would end well. Empires fall…

In a Scottish context, there should be a lot going on at this time due to #TheThickening of the NuSNP caused by an influx of stupid grifting Bisto addicts.
If genuine supporters of returning Scotland to self-governance continue to choose to do nothing then Reform will make inroads.

Alf Baird

Helpful analysis Rev, which also in part explains why folks vote for Farage after giving up on woke parties who oppress the masses. Farage is England’s national liberator in waiting. His difficulty here is he thinks he also speaks for Scots on the question of national identity, but that only works for the more assimilated Scot who still falls for the Anglo-Brit cultural illusion.

History tells us that national identity, which is based on a peoples language and culture, is the only bulwark against colonialism. Which explains why ‘an independence movement depends on the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic group’ (Hechter), the Scots in oor case.

Scots also arguably need a Trump tae harness national solidarity an drain oor colonial swamp. Swinney’s woke colonial administrators winna dae it because thay’re aw bocht an selt an noo pairt o the colonial racket.

Swinney’s woke neo-colonialists hate Trump because he is a liberator o fowk, same as Alex Salmond wis, an Farage is for the English primarily.

Which suggests oor fae is colonialism, nae maitter whit kintra we’re fae, an oor anely sauviour is oor naitional identity.


Alf, “England’s national liberator” is doing pretty well in Scotland too. Some would say better than Alba.

Campbell Clansman

Reform got 167,000 votes in Scotland.
Alba got 11,000.

Alf Baird

Aye, a lot of Scots indy supporters also voted for Farage who offered a sensible manifesto on raising VAT threshold, stopping immigration, and binning the gender nonsense etc. Hence a world of difference from the woke parties. But Reform’s main ‘market’ here seems to be Tory/Labour voters.


Alf you may be right there. Reform UK has the possibility of uniting the Tory/Labour unionist vote. Same in Wales. Will be interesting to see the leap in Reform membership after the welsh Conference in the next week or so.


Ah, BritNat central.

Just what we need, more fcucking Tories.

Mike D

Wonder how many ‘incomers’ were part of those 167,000 votes?


Reform stood a candidate in every constituency, Alba in a minority of the constituencies.

Campbell Clansman

Not exactly an endorsement of Alba’s popularity, when the Reform Party was able to field candidates and Alba was not.

And in constituencies where candidates of both ran (e.g., Alloa), Reform far outpolled Alba. In Alloa the reform candidate received 6 times as many votes as the Alba candidate.

Alisdair Mclean

I will certainly vote ALBA in the next Scottish election if i am alive.


Alf, I agree with most of what you say. However, Trump did not drain the swamp last time and he won’t do it this time. He IS the swamp.

Alf Baird

No global warmongering as far as I recall, big tick there from many folks. Yes, Trump did not quite manage to clear out Washington’s bad apples last time, but this time will surely be different, he knows precisely who they are.

Similar applied with Alex Salmond ‘taking power’ in 2007 and 2011; he should have insisted on creating a new ‘Scottish Civil Service’ wae a new set o heid bummers appointed to run the sub-state, maybe including some Scots even! Instead colonial foxes were left inside the chicken coop…..


Alf, Trump didn’t even attempt to clear out the bad apples last time. He just brought in his own people to enjoy the trappings of power. Why do you think this time will be different? I am surprised that numerous people on this thread think Trump’s victory is a good thing.

It is true that Trump did not warmonger directly. He just let Russia do what it wanted in the Middle East. Trump’s victory is a disaster for the Middle East and the wider world.


I wrote a lengthy reply to this, Alf, but it disappeared. I did mention the country that made up a large part of the team that Scotland beat 3-0 in the European Championships in 1992. I wonder if that is a banned word on here.

In brief, he didn’t clear any bad apples without bringing in his own. As for warmongering, he simply let another country do what it wanted in the general area of the eastern Mediterranean. The situation there is going to spread much wider after January 20th.

Alf Baird

President Trump has already proven he is not a warmonger. He has proven he is a businessman and deal-maker, happy to speak to national leaders that the msm seek to vilify. He has proven he is not a machine politician, bought and sold. President Trump loves Scotland and loves golf. President Trump is a breath of fresh air in a cesspit of deceit.

That’s why most Americans have voted for Trump, and you should have too.


This cannot possibly be the same Alf Baird that spoke at the Alba International LACU meeting last week. Either that or you’re taking the piss.

Alf Baird

Why not address the points I make:

“President Trump has already proven he is not a warmonger. He has proven he is a businessman and deal-maker, happy to speak to national leaders that the msm seek to vilify. He has proven he is not a machine politician, bought and sold. President Trump loves Scotland and loves golf. President Trump is a breath of fresh air in a cesspit of deceit.
That’s why most Americans have voted for Trump, and you should have too.”


Trump is a warmonger. He just doesn’t get his hands dirty. Witness the incursion by another country into Syria when he was last in office. Just wait and see what he does in the Middle East. Yes he will end the war in the country that knocked us out of the 2018 World Cup. He e we I’ll do that by letting the aggressor walk in and take over. You don’t have to supply weapons or soldiers to be a warmonger.

Trump is bought and paid for by the people who lend (well, give really) the vast sums of money he needs to maintain his lifestyle. As anyone who has paid attention to such matters will know, he is a serial bankrupt. His casino (a f***ing casino , for Christ’s sake) went bankrupt. He has been at this crap since the 1980s at least. That was when he issued zero-coupon bonds that pay no interest but you get more than what you lent when they mature.

Trump only loves anyone for as long as they are useful to him. He does not love Scotland, only what he can extract from it. Surely, we have realized that by now?

So why did I and tens of millions of others vote for Harris? For me, it was an anti-Trump vote. As someone with cerebral palsy and epilepsy I was furious at the shameful way they treated Biden after the June debate. Verbal slips that could be explained by his lifelong stutter that he has worked incredibly hard to control, were presented as evidence he was unfit to lead the USA. (Yes he had a bad night but it really wasn’t as bad as folk made out. My wife is a post-masters registered nurse with training and experience in neurological conditions and she felt he was treated poorly)

So, why vote against Trump? Every single action he took last time was for his own benefit. The much-lauded 2017 tax reform handed him enormous benefits and threw the rest of us scraps from the table. His tax returns are public knowledge, thanks to an Internal Revenue Service contractor who disclosed them to the NYT. As a Federally Authorized Tax Practitioner I am quite capable of reading a return and understanding the consequences of certain law changes.

However, there is something much more sinister. Last time around he was happy to “other” any group of people if he felt like it. We know he has no appreciation for his Scots heritage. With nutcases like Stephen Miller waiting in the wings to return to government, those of us who complied with US immigration law when entering the country and who have subsequently taken US citizenship have a legitimate fear of losing rights. Suddenly, my imminent passport renewal has become much more urgent. People like Miller are impotent without a figurehead like Trump. With him, they become potent and they will have learned what not to do over the last four years.

I disagree with many things Biden did but he is an honourable man who calls it as he sees it. I was not thrilled by the prospect of a Harris presidency but, given the foregoing, it would have been preferable to the nightmare that will be visited upon us from January 20th. That is why I did what I deemed to be best when I cast my vote for Harris – best for the USA and best for the world. I will never apologize for keeping myself informed on current affairs and exercising my constitutional right – my duty – to vote

Alf Baird

After what the past four years of Biden/Harris and Blinken/Nuland has yielded, you voted for more of the same? Were you expecting a different outcome?

That’s as daft as voting SNP and thinking its a vote for independence.

link to


It’s before 6am here and I haven’t decided whether your latest reply is borne of ignorance or is just downright offensive. Either way, I am not going to dignify it with any further response.


Skip NC,
As you say, Trump did not “drain the swamp”.

Unfortunately, Charles Hodgson (contribution earlier) might not be the only one who thinks that Trump will remedy problems.

Wonder whether they might re-assess the situation.


Hello Alf,
Some English people do recognise and support Scottish nationhood and national liberation. Do you really think Farage is one of them?

Most likely that some English people would view with disgust your suggestion that Farage has a role as national liberator and regard it as insulting as your colonisers suggesting that Sturgeon is the greatest Scots woman.

I see Farage as a neo-con/neo-liberal who would sell any national natural resources to corporate interests, privatise anything.

Maybe I will read some Fanon oneday. Best regards.


Well said.

Alf Baird

Yes, Farage would seem an unlikely liberator of Scots. However, if given the choice I suspect he would not be dissatisfied with an independent England.

And yes, his cultural-political ideology is essentially one of private ownership/profit driven, i.e. Anglo Saxon; but this is the dominant ideology that has been forced upon Scotland, the latter being mair a common good, public ownership, equality focused culture, as per Claim of Right. It is these two cultures that are incompatible in the UK ‘Union’ hoax, much as we saw in the different policy approaches taken in Holyrood during the Salmond era in particular.

Fanon indicated that whilst ‘the colonizer on the left may be sympathetic’ to the cause of an oppressed native group, he also maintained that: ‘his independence is a matter only for the colonized’. It is also well established that people coming from rest-UK have the highest propensity of all ethnic groups to vote against Scottish independence, i.e. almost twice as high as that of Scots. Hence Hechter’s statement that ‘an independence movement depends on the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic group’.


Alf, a fundamental difference between English and Scottish history, concerning where sovereignity lies (of which i have learned through this website and Salvo) could indicate that in England there is a deeply rooted structure for imposition of the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ economic model to which you refer, whether the English people like it or no.

In English history i encountered reference to ‘the Norman Bastard and his armed banditti’.
Cannot give a source but maybe ‘The Making of the English Working Class’, EP. Thompson.
There is the implication that the effects of conquest could have been far-reaching, maybe you can tell us whether that is where the ‘sovereignity-in-crown’ originates in England.

It is clear enough that Scotland has a problem of non-Scots moving in. Principled Leftists should be expected to respect a Scottish National movement (struggle!) even if they be English. Have you any evidence that Farage would defer to Scottish assertion of Independence?

Some in England might arrive at the border pleading for Scots nationality if there were to be a Farage regime in England.

Alf Baird

We know of the sovereignty in England of Westminster and hence its MPs due to various legal decisions, not least the Cherry case.

We know, from previous legal decisions and from parliamentary debates that, in Scotland, sovereignty rests with the people.

We know from Scotland’s enforced EU exit, from successive referendum mandates being ignored, from the forgotten ‘Vow’ promises made in 2014, and from numerous other instances, that the sovereignty of the Scottish people is never respected by Westminster and its MPs.

And we know from postcolonial theory that, in a colony, it is ‘only the values of the colonizer that are sovereign’ (Memmi), and the colonized are ‘out of the game’.

History indicates what the colonizer may do whenever the colonized assert their right to self-determination/independence. Which is why postcolonial theory considers ‘the root of colonialism to be fascism’ (Cesaire).

Robert Matthews

“If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.”

(Julius Caesar)


Can you provide me with a link to a single judicial decision to support your assertion that in Scotland “sovereignty lies with the people”, and not with the U.K. parliament? Or that post the act of union, sovereignty has a different form north and south of the England/Scotland border.

Alf Baird

The fundamental difference in the meaning of sovereignty between Scotland is well established, and well-known, in Scotland at least. The proposed Scottish Independence Bill of 2014 is one of many such references which states that:

“In Scotland, the people are sovereign.”

link to

..and that, referring to Lord President Cooper in the legal case of MacCormick v Lord Advocate2 when he said:

“The principle of the unlimited sovereignty of Parliament is a distinctively English principle which has no counterpart in Scottish constitutional law. It derives its origin from Coke and Blackstone, and was widely popularised during the nineteenth century by Bagehot and Dicey. Considering that the Union legislation extinguished the Parliaments of Scotland and England and replaced them by a new Parliament, I have difficulty in seeing why it should be supposed that the new parliament of Great Britain must inherit all the peculiar characteristics of the English Parliament but none of the Scottish Parliament, as if all that happened in 1707 was that Scottish representatives were admitted to the Parliament of England. That is not what was done.3”

In other words any notion of England’s parliament holding constitutional sovereignty over the Scottish people/nation is a myth, and a colonial hoax, albeit quite an effective one to date.


Okay, so firstly the Scottish Independence Bill of 2014 wasn’t passed, so isn’t law. Secondly, nowhere in MacCormick is there a positive statement that sovereignty lies with the people, there is just a question over whether unlimited sovereignty can apply into Scotlands constitutional law. Even if we agreed that point, it doesn’t mean that sovereignty rests with the people. That’s putting aside the normal issues raised, that the statement was made obiter (and therefore is not authoritative) without specific submissions being made on that point, and also that the Lord Advocate by his own admission had no power to determine that issue.

If we want a conclusive answer to this question, the UNCRC Bill Reference case provides the following at paragraph 7: “And Parliament has an unlimited power to make laws for Scotland”

Alan McMahon

The Claim of Right, in which sovereignty of the people of Scotland is enshrined, is a fundamental constitutional document and held to be so by the Westminster Parliament. It was recall not a provision of the Treaty of Union but a precondition. The fact that it is systematically flouted by England-as-UK does not make it any less valid and forceful. The Anglostate parliament has had the opportunity to vote down its applicability and has chosen not to do so rather than bring down the entire pack of cards.


Have you read the Claim of Right Act 1689?

Campbell Clansman

The two biggest obstacles to Scottish Independence are 1) the corrupt and inept SNP, whose actions would embarrass any cause, and 2) the Salvo moonhowlers.

The “Claim of Right” was NOT passed by parliament, it is NOT a “constitution” (nor was it meant to be), it’s NOT been “recognized as such” by the UK Parliament, and it’s mostly an anti-Catholic rant. Among other items, it bans Catholics from holding public office. The moonhowlers worship of the CoR reveals their divorce from reality.


And here’s another yin.

Alf Baird

The “Claim of Right” was NOT passed by parliament”

You mean the Claim of Right ‘Act’ 1689 passed by the Scottish ‘Parliament of Conventione of Estates’?

link to

Campbell Clansman

It was voted on by the Convention of Estates—NOT parliament.
The “Conventione” [sic] was not, BTW, an elected body.
It’s this kind of deliberate historical ignorance (lying?) that makes people laugh at the two dozen moonhowlers who proclaim themselves “Liberation Scotland.”


Last night, using the Legislation website, I read the Claim of Right Act 1689. I lack legal education/training and its implications and effects for Scottish sovereignity and independence are not clear to me. I wish it were clear, and more so, that Sovereignity inhereing to the people (not the Crown) be confirmed.

Aidan, perhaps you have a namessake, it looks as if you have serious legal expertise.


Sure – happy to, I think I can say two things;

Firstly, in law more recent legislation takes precedence over older legislation as a general rule, so whilst judges might summarise the history of an area of law to aid an understanding of a significant judgement, legal precedent does get set by the interpretation or reinterpretation of statutes that are 300+ years at the expense of the intervening jurisprudence.

Secondly, judges do not like to create huge changes in legal understanding in a single blow. So even if they had sympathy with arguments around the Claim of Right and the qualifications to the Treaty of Union, senior judges will not upend hundreds of years of constitutional law upon which our democratic structures rest, even if they believe that the foundational law isn’t perhaps sounds.

I don’t see why that makes me a ‘Yoon’. This whole Salvo thing is a complete dead end, for reasons that I’ve set out at length and for which there hasn’t been any kind of serious answer to. Surely people who are serious about Scottish independence want serious and robust discussion about the route for achieving it, and want to avoid the kind of diversions that so often derail campaigns like this. Whilst I’m sure Alf and others are perfectly nice people, the sense I get is that this is a hobby for the mad and the bored, not a serious political objective.


C’mon Aidan, ffs it’s Friday evening, mix it up a little from all this dry legal shizzle.
We’re currently in the Union so let’s hear some of the top ten reasons why Scotland should continue in the Union.
Hit us with some superslick Swiss Tony stylée stuff.
Like “It’s fucking great having so much of our energy generation infrastructure sold off and owned by foreign interests with little to no benefit to ourselves because…”.

Maybe get in how to save Chas’ golf course from being flooded out by bastarding beaver antics.
If this Union is so fucking great it really shouldn’t be a hard sell to convince us pesky plebs to stay.


Welcome to Unionism kidz, embrace and support the fuckers that ran down and sold off so many of our industries (both in England and Scotland). The free at point of need health service will go the same way.
NB. It isn’t free, you pay for it through your taxes. But good luck paying for private health care or health insurance premiums for your family on shitey UK wages.
Anyone still promoting the supposed benefits of the Union to Scots is a totes wanker.

link to


Scots law or English law? One doesn’t overrule the other because it’s ‘newer’.

They are different legal systems.

For a reason. Go figure.


Surely, “For a reason. Go figure” is not going to work as legal arguement, is it? We need to know how to separate the 2 legal systems.

If you are a lawyer then you might be able to advise on the matter of separation. It may be that political action as well as legal arguement is needed to achieve the Constitutional objective.

If political action is needed then the terms of your reply are an object lesson for what NOT to do. All I have read of Alex Salmond implies that he would show a completely different manner.

I hope that you are capable of taking good advice.


Troll alert.

This bollocks has been debunked on here over and over again. ‘Aidan’ is a Yoon troll. Ignore.


Aidan maybe is a Unionist (at present, I have no idea)but to ignore him, and/or what he writes, could be counter-productive for Scottish Independence.

Alf Baird

Westminster’s power to legislate for Scotland is ‘conditional’: (1) on Scottish representation at Westminster, and; (2) on the requirement for all such laws to comply with the Articles of Union inclusive of the Claim of Right Act as fundamental ‘conditions’ of Union.

There has been a great many violations which should have brought an end to the Union arrangement. That it has not been ended is due in the main to a complicit native elite in Scotland, including elected Scottish representatives.

Hatey McHateface

a complicit native elite in Scotland, including elected Scottish representatives

I’m very happy indeed to concede you have that right, Alf.

But then you have to concede that ordinary Scots, knowing of the “great many violations which should have brought an end to the Union arrangement”, including many of the regulars on here, are also complicit.

There’s nothing in the world stopping these ordinary Scots from arising from aff their flabby erses, standing for office, becoming our new elected Scottish representatives, and thus taking the complicit native elite out of the equation, once and for all.

Is there?


There have been a number of cases heard in the Supreme Court recently specifically concerning the ability of the U.K. Parliament to legislate in Scotland, including the one I quoted above which describes the power as “unlimited”. In none of them has any qualification conditional on the “claim of right” ever even been mentioned, let alone approved. We know definitely therefore that what you are saying is outright false, unless we believe that judgements of the Supreme Court are not authority on constitutional law in the United Kingdom, but the Salvo website somehow is authority on that subject.

Campbell Clansman

Aidan, Alf’s blathering on the “Claim of Right” alleged constitutional “conditions” to the Act/Treaty of Union is just that–blathering.

Even a cursory reading of the Acts of Union sees the text only mention the “Claim of Right” in the context of religion. Nowhere in the Acts does it say that the UK, under the Treaty, is obligated under any other provisions of the CofR.

Alf and the other moonhowlers are wrong on the history, wrong on what the CofR actually says, wrong on how the CofR relates to the Union, and wrong on the law. They’re probably wrong on other things as well, but this will do for the moment.


Yes – it’s a total repudiation of reality, which is why this is never going to get near a court room, it’ll get struck out in a week and then they won’t be able to do any more fundraising. Or maybe they’ll accuse the judges of being corrupt, I wonder which

Campbell Clansman

They’ll accuse the “judges” not just of corruption but also of being a part of one of their tin-foil hat conspiracies.

Alf Baird

Yes, the colonial hoax and its associated mindset is well established as “a total repudiation of reality”.

The key role of the colonizer is ‘always to make any prospect of liberation for the native seem impossible’ (Memmi), even to the extent of claiming ‘the moon is made of cheese’ (Cesaire). The only moonhowler here is the colonizer, perpetuating the myth and always instilling fear in a people suffering ‘dependency complex’.

Nothing alters the fact that the mankit ToU was only ever a corrupt colonial corset placed around Scotland and which continues to limit the socio-economic development of our people and nation.

As a matter of law you should be aware where and how the international law of self-determination for peoples and nations is usually settled, and to which even the imperial powers are signed up; such matters are no longer decided by colonial parliaments or judges.


I don’t even get what the substance of your argument is here, you quote the same passages and lines about colonialism daily (sometimes more than daily) in response to a whole range of subjects, so I highly doubt they provide us with much insight here.

Let’s be clear, your assertions that the judgements of the Supreme Court are not law, but that a diatribe on the Salvo website is authority on law, is a denial of reality. This Salvo doctrine (if we can call it that) is not used anywhere by anybody to define the relationship between the individual and the state, to govern the operation of the state, to resolve civil disputes, or to support any other function that the law carry’s out. It is not therefore law, and has no more authority than me writing on here that everyone who reads this owes me £10. Even if you viewed the U.K. legal system as colonial and illegitimate, that still wouldn’t entitle you, as a private citizen, to invent and assert your own legal doctrines and principles.

Salvo has been going for apparently two years now, perhaps you could provide an update on what has been achieved in that time, other than an encyclopaedia of comments on this blog. I was personally amazed when 30 people reading out the “Edinburgh Declaration” in a square somewhere didn’t magically bring the union to an end, perhaps someone pronounced one of the words incorrectly?


Tick tock…..


You wish, Tory Boy.


If the Parliament in Westminster has unlimited power to legislate in Scotland then there could be little else as better reason to achieve Scottish independence.

England, too, is in need of strong defences against ‘elective dictatorship’. The spirit of the Dunning Resolution might be a reasonable starting point.

What say you, Aidan?


Correction: Dunning Motion not Resolution


That isn’t just an argument, I would say that is the core driving force behind Scottish independence. Whilst the people of Scotland can express a degree of autonomy directly through devolution, the broad framework and parameters that guide that autonomous expression will always be defined by a Parliament in which the majority of MP’s are elected outwith Scotland.


Thank you for your reply. It confirms my concern that Salvo, Alf, and others, all must adjust their course. It is to be hoped that Alf and others will take heed of your comments rather than dismiss them as ‘yoon troll’ attack. I regard your comments as being akin to first rate pro bono advice, not an attack.

I hope that youwill not be deterred from making comments in future. Any of us are at risk of not knowing how lucky we are.

Your earlier reference to ‘succession’ in legislation strengthens my hope for a victory for common sense at the UK Supreme Court, later this month. The matter itself is not germane, here, so it would be preferable to make no further comment.

best regards


Thank you – I admire your optimism, but you’ll see the downvotes starting to role in already. I think campaign fatigue will eventually kill off Salvo.


“the broad framework and parameters that guide that autonomous expression will always be defined by a Parliament in which the majority of MP’s are elected outwith Scotland.”

And there’s the entire problem with the Union’s parliament and its governance!

The Westminster Parliament contains TWO bodies of MPs, not one. They are not identical in numbers, and they are not identical in who and what they formally represent. Treating them as identical for the purposes of a flat vote to determine the outcome of debates between the two bodies -in effect between the two sovereign kingdoms because that is precisely why they are there in the first place- is NOT a formally agreed requirement of the Treaty of Union, nor of its two ratifying Acts.

One of those bodies are the sole formal representatives of the entire English sovereign half of the Union, while the other body are the sole formal representatives of the entire Scottish sovereign half of the Union.

Despite the vast difference in their numbers, the authorities those two bodies wield on behalf of their respective parent kingdoms are exactly equal, because both bodies stand in loco parentis for the two equally sovereign kingdoms that negotiated, agreed, signed and ratified the Treaty of Union. Both being sovereign in their own territories, neither can be obliged to defer to the other on any matter of governance of their territories from their SHARED UNION parliament, and that applies to their MP representatives, too.

There is literally nothing in any of the formal founding documents of the Union that obliges Scotland and her formal representatives to defer to England on ANY matter of governance. As important, there is nothing in those documents that obliges the use of a flat voting system within the new Union parliament for determining outcomes of debates on any matter of the joint governance of the Union.

England’s MPs thus have NO legitimate authority to overrule Scotland’s MPs on any matter of Union governance, because neither Scotland nor the Treaty and/or Acts of Union gave them any.

If you wish to argue otherwise, then please quote the relevant formal agreements from those founding documents that set out Scotland’s obligation to subjugate itself to England and her MPs. It is only Scotland’s MPs who provide Westminster with any governance authority over Scotland at all, and absent them, Westminster’s authority over Scotland and the Union vanishes completely.

As for Scotland’s constitution, its 1689 Claim of Right did not create Scotland’s constitution any more than the 1309 Declaration of the Clergy at St. Andrews did, nor the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath. It merely cited a number of its already existing elements, doing so for the sole purpose of demonstrating the validity of its authority to depose King James VII for heinously breaching many of those elements. And he was neither the first monarch nor the last to feel its teeth on his arse.


The Tony Blair-invented ‘Supreme Court’ you mean?

LOL. Away and lie in yer water.


Hello James.
I admire your skepticism of the works of that Blair but it is almost guaranteed that dismissing comments from Aidan is a major mistake, counter-productive for Scotland’s cause.

Mark Beggan

Another day in the world of politricks. The wokes will be preparing themselves for ritual suicide. I like the President of the United States of America his very name brings fear and loathing to the BBC. In fact I declare today a holiday.

Vivian O’Blivion

This is a good outcome. Trump has won the Electoral College and the popular vote (as things stand). A worse result would be Trump taking the Electoral College, but not the popular vote. In that scenario, the Democrats would be able to tell themselves that they are fundamentally on the correct path, they just need to … (fill in the blank). 

A good old trouncing in the Electoral College, the popular vote and the Senate should prompt some existential introspection. It won’t!

In these circumstances, financial donations actually increase, as the Dems left standing play the “resistance” grift. That, and they market Pussy Hats like they did the last time.

Mit der Dummheit kamfen Gotter selbst vergebens.


Vivian Oblivion, many insightful and well-informed contributions from you have NOT prepared me for your statement that “This is a good outcome”.

Is your assessment founded on the expectation that the US Democratic party, as it presently exists, will, as a consequence of defeat, be transformed into an organisation with policies beneficial for humanity and the more natural world?

The consequences of Trump victory will almost certainly be far more human misery and death, environmental destruction and extinctions than otherwise and, through years ahead, warfare (escalating to armed force) across all of Europe.

Trump only pretends to ‘drain the swamp’. What chance do you think there is of him tackling the abuses of power in the USA (eg CIA)? That would not be certain even if he Pardoned Julian Assange.

Scotland’s independence is unlikely to be delivered by Trump.

Robert Hughes

” Scotland’s independence is unlikely to be delivered by Trump. ” . Of course it won’t , Jay , or any other POTUS . Scotland’s independence will / can only be delivered by the people who live in Scotland . But it wouldn’t do any harm to have a POTUS who was sympathetic to the cause . Worth bearing in mind it was an American President who more or less compelled Britain to accede to the Independence ( from Brit rule ) of India ; likewise after the Suez fiasco to pretty much end it’s colonial Empire .


Yes, Robert, I should have typed ‘promoted’ instead of “delivered”.

as Alf Baird might point out, it is for the colonised to assert themselves.

Robert Matthews

“coalainized tae assert thumsel” (Alfred<Anglo Saxon Baird)


Troll 3.

Alf Baird

Yes Robert, and without US direct involvement the Belfast Treaty would have been unlikely either.

A savvy Scotland would be using its very strong and positive connections to this particular POTUS, a son of Scotland. That the SNP and msm behave in precisely the opposite way should tell us all we need to know.

I would be offering President Trump the vacant Scottis Croun in return fer oor leeberation, as is oor lang tradeetion! There’s far mair chance o The Donald leeberatin Scots than the Swinney-Sturgeon circus act.

Sensible Chris

Could you speak in English for those of us bored with your faux Scoatish

Alf Baird

“Faux Scoatish” is thay Scots wha wad aye raither meemic anither fowk’s ‘superior’ langage.

Such people then become culturally assimilated and may even assume a different identity than their own (e.g. Breetish).

Whit as we aw ken is a cultural blaflum (i.e. illusion).

Oor langage is wha we are. Anither fowk’s langage is wha thay are.


Where did you get the idea that it might be “faux” Scottish and in what position are you to determine it is “faux” Scottish?

Can you even speak Scots at all?


I am willing to bet that the Scots language is not just a set of misspelt English words. Maybe you think abandoning literacy and grammar is some defiant act of rebellion against some imagined colonial oppression, but the reality is it just makes everything you write a bit of a headache to read.


You’re no Scots then, eh? What a surprise.


A set of misspelled “English” words you say.

Alf could also say to you the exact opposite: why don’t you stop boring us all with your faux Scots? Why don’t you stop speaking “a set of misspelled” Scots words? Because it all depends on the perspective you are looking at it from.

Now take a look at the languages Castilian (Spanish) and Portuguese. Both come from the Latin. They have many common words and many more words that are even closer than Scots and English words are. However, you would be classified as the most spectacular ignorant of the century if you dared claim that Portuguese is “a series of misspelt” Spanish words.

Now take a look at the languages Galician and Portuguese. They share a root (Latin) and geographic boundary between themselves and with Castile. All those boundaries are highly porous. Castilian, Galician and Portuguese are fully recognised as different languages. Portuguese and Galician are closer than Castilian and Portuguese or Galician and Castilian. In fact, a person speaking Galician can be understood by a Portuguese speaking person and vice versa. Claiming that Galician is “a series of misspelt” Portuguese words would be the kind of thing that only a supreme, self-centred ignorant, who things the world revolves around their own belly-button, would ever say. Mind you, that kind of self-centred superlative ignorant existed: Franco. He was the spectacularly illiterate and ignorant individual who attempted to suppress any language that was not his beloved Castilian to be spoken in the Iberian peninsula. And do you want to know what the worse part of it was? Franco’s native tongue was Galician, not Castilian. He used Galician to communicate with Portugal’s president Salazar. Franco represented the pinnacle of “the cringe”.

I believe the exact same applies to English and Scots. In fact, the separation between Scots seems, in some cases, far more evident than that between Spanish and Portuguese or between Galician and Portuguese. In my own opinion, only somebody who is completely ignorant about languages or somebody who has been wholly absorbed and blinded by a bout of Scottish cringe would ever claim that Scots is just misspelled English.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mia

Right, but we are communicating in English here, else a significant majority of people would not be able to understand what’s being written, all that’s happening is a few English words are being misspelt (even if the spelling is correct in Scots) and incorporated into an English language phraseology.


Genuinely fascinating. Thank you.


On my reading, Aidan referred to “misspelled English words” in the negative.


Mia, it was ‘Sensible Chris’ who made derisive comment concerning mispelled English, Aidan suggested the contrary. It would be appropriate to rescind criticism of Aidan. Beyond that point, your comment was most interesting.

The linguistic and historical content of your comment was conveyed with impeccable clarity in English which implicitly validates the point made earlier, shown below, by Aidan.

Alf’s stalwart assertion of Scots language is a necessary part of the movement for Scottish Independence. That movement needs to be bi-lingual. Use of both languages is necessary because the contest will be conducted in the fields of law and politics, not armed conflict where modern miliary technology and surveillance methods give every advantage to ‘the British’.

There is already prima facie evidence of ‘dirty war’ in the political/legal sphere. The right and Just outcome requires expert use of language.


It would be helpful if Alf could find time and patience to deliver expositions in both Scots and English language.

I am still learning to use English and have no other language and find it to be promising as a tool to convey conceptual clarity.

For that reasons, I have reservations regarding Alf’s implication (above or below) of something like linguistic snobbery.


Aaaand… Troll 4.


No extra costs for repairs in the Capitol building this time. That is surely a good news !

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

“Mit der Dummheit kamfen Gotter selbst vergebens.”

A Irish rendition of this is given somewhere as:

“Gan fiú na déithe nach mbíonn ag streachailt in aisce leis an bhómantacht.”

But such double negatives always confuse me. Here is a more concise Scottish effort without them:

“Gu dìomhain nì na diathan fhìn strì ri baoghaltachd.”

Meanwhile, I just came across this short Irish saying and thought it particularly apt for today: 

 “Ní fiú trumpa gan teanga é.”

Young Lochinvar

Ooo err, the wokeratis bogey man is back.

Trendies and the woke will be sewing up their gauged ear lobes as being the mark of The Donald.

Stuart MacKay

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Jim Carville, strategist in Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign.

Americans looked at each candidate and picked the one which is most likely to deliver a “better” future. All the gender woo-woo makes for great headlines but the reality is that if Harris lost because the average voter looked at lots more regulation and concluded their lives wouldn’t be improved by it. Simples.

Now, the real message is that everybody on this side of the Atlantic who backed progressive policies is totally f****d because they cannot remotely deliver on making peoples’ lives easier but neither can the current “right”. The party that comes along and makes that promise will sweep the board.

UPDATE: The House and the Senate look like they will fall into the hands of the Republicans, so the progressives in Europe just lost their ideological mentors. I expect electorates across Europe to swing right in an attempt to clean out all the nonsense.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stuart MacKay
John Guest

I’m glad Trump got in. The alternative doesn’ bear thinking about.


When STV2 was re-showing the Harry Potter films last week, I said to my wife that the shame of it was that the model for resisting Donald Trump when he’s elected was right there in the films, depicted as “Dumbledore’s Army”… the shame of it was that because JK Rowling had been cancelled, many young voters would ignore some of the lessons from history about resistance that the author had fictionalised.

“You think Trump’s going to win?” She asked.

It’s not just Cancel Culture that gifts The White House to convicted felons but the refusal of so-called Liberal-Left parties to realise that until they stop using the economic parameters pf the wealthy, they have no way of understanding that larger and larger proportions of the electorate are being left behind in ‘growing’ economies that use median and mean averages as their metrics.

Keir Starmer will be a one-term PM.


Aye Andrew.
The use of aggregate statistics which purport to show that ‘the economy’ is doing well rather than correctly looking at the widely available dis-agregated data which illustrates just how badly the common working people have been doing, is the major cause of working peoples economic disenfranchisement.

You don’t have to be Karl Marks to see that decades of Thatcherite neoliberalism has decimated the lives of ordinary citizens.

And our North British administrative class still pretend to be leftish or Social Democraticish while adhering to the Whitehall/City of London ideology that ‘There is No Alternative’.

Well there is an alternative.
People just have to recognise it and vote for it.


The marmalade Doncat among the rainbow pigeons.
Happy hunting!
«Plus ça change» but not necessarily «la même chose»

Frank Gillougley

So, the Goatfuck beat the Batshit crazy. Given the choice, the American electors voted for common sense. The rabid msm also have a lot to answer for.

Young Lochinvar

“The Goatfuck”..
What’s this got to do with David Cameron?

Oh, sorry, my bad!

It was pigs that he fucked wasn’t it.

As you were, carry on..


There’s one curiosity that got me thinking. Before the polls closed, Trump shouted on social media that there was huge fraud in Philadelphia and that law enforcement were on the way. Maybe he’s right and maybe the fraud extended to Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina and Georgia that’s the wrong flag emoji, Apple). That wasn’t a very smart comment and, perhaps, indicates that he didn’t expect to win.

Or maybe the Democrats really messed up, starting with the mass crapping of their pants a few months ago.


Bit hard on The Donald. I can yet see him on Mount Rushmore. There’s a space between Teddy Roosevelt and Abe Lincoln. Or maybe to the right of George Washington.


LOL good one.


Aye, really far right of Washington. Somewhere like Texas.


In anglosaxon cultures it can seem that politics is all about sex, on the other hand London is the considered money laundering go to and the WEF model is effectively politico-economic corporatism ie «stakeholder» fascism and not a whimper from liberal quarters.
Very queer!


Comedy writers, comedians and comic actors will be breathing a big sigh of relief. 4 more earning years in the bag. As for Americans the Yanks have truly fecked everything.


And four more years of biden the dribbling corpse would have been better somehow?


Stu, the 34 felonies and rapist stuff are lawfare bollocks. Not dissimilar to what was done to Alex (just nowhere near as bad). Trump has some significant flaws but these are bogus ones IMHO.

By far the largest flaw is his support for a state currently executing a gen0cide / ethnic cle@nsing.

Other than that I think the rest of what he saying is totally fine and I think a lot of it will really work.

RFK Jr, again apart from his raging zi0nism, is really excellent and Musk is a stone cold genius. Just for those two alone Trump was the better choice. So apart from all the raging Zi0nism I think they are at least talking a very good game.

But then we come to his second greatest flaw, his ability to appoint the wrong people in key roles. Who then frustrate his agenda… but listening to his last few speeches he is very aware of this. So we will see what happens second time around…

I don’t normally watch any UK media at all, print, TV, nothing. But watching the BBC, Channel 4 etc this morning they are so anti trump and pro democrat I can see why people in the UK are all the same.

Something like 75% of Scots support Harris. That is insane. The funny thing is it really reminds me of the anti-ru$$ia, P-u-tin reactions you get as well.

What blows my mind is that even hard core Scottish nationalists who know that the media are lying sacks of shit still buy into what they say outside of the Scottish independence bubble. Why? it is mind boggling.

They are lying to them about everything Scotland but telling them the truth on everything else… They just buy it. If anything has made me doubt independence it is this ability to engineer and shape public opinion. What would be the fucking point. Independence is about thinking for yourself, at least it is to me.

Campbell Clansman

Under the Biden regime a Republican politician can’t get a fair trial, or even a fair prosecution, in New York City or Washington D.C., any more than a black freedom rider could in 1950s Mississippi, or a pro-democracy activist can get in Venezuela or Cuba.


“…the 34 felonies and rapist stuff are lawfare bollocks. Not dissimilar to what was done to Alex…

What blows my mind is that even hard core Scottish nationalists who know that the media are lying sacks of shit still buy into what they say outside of the Scottish independence bubble. Why? it is mind boggling…”

Well-observed and good points –

Take a good look into your mirrors (find your true self) and wake up to reality (it’s your ultimate ally).


Team-Reality knows no bounds (don’t be a forever-loser)…

Independent (2023): Trump: Sturgeon is a ‘negative force’ who ‘hurt Scotland’:
“Donald Trump has said Scotland’s former first minister Nicola Sturgeon is a “negative force” who “hurt Scotland”…

…her resignation as first minister was a “good change for Scotland”. He added: “She has hurt Scotland. She has hurt education and tourism. She should have embraced us… He said he believes “you should embrace people…”

A source close to the former first minister said: “If Donald Trump wants to see a politician who has had a negative impact on a country then he should maybe reach for a mirror…”:

link to


Pete Wishart (July 2024):

“He can stand down knowing that he has served his country well. The most important thing now is that Trump is soundly defeated.”:

link to


Elon Musk (07/11/2024):

“For anyone, whether in America or other countries, who finds this result shocking, they should reconsider where they get their information. This trend was obvious on ? for months, but almost all the legacy mainstream media pushed a completely false reality.”

link to


The 34 felony charges were appropriate under New York law. Whether that should be the case is neither here nor there. Anyone who does business in that state (or the City, for that matter), especially someone who grew up there, should know that you don’t mess around when it comes to financial matters. The only way a felony will not be charged is if the falsification was not to cover up another crime. So what that means in practice is that recklessness in recording business transactions is a misdemeanor. Doing it to cover up another alleged crime is always going to be charged as a felony. I must say, I am relieved I no longer have any clients in New York.

I actually think the prosecution missed a trick. They might have charged Trump with property tax fraud, with the way he was elevating the value of his properties for loan purposes and, weeks later, deflating them for property tax appeals. Why neither Mr Bragg or the state Attorney-General did not do so is puzzling. If proved, he would have been guilty of defrauding taxpayers, many of whom struggle to pay the painfully high property tax bills that are a feature of the north-east.

We will see in a few weeks how fair Justice Merchan is, at sentencing.


Mac, as you say, “Independence is about thinking for yourself”. Definitely a necessity! Disagreements will inevitably arise between people as a result of observation of the world around, seeing different things.

I have seen use of the term ‘personal autonomy’ in connection with being independent, as an individual person, and maybe it means the same as you say, thinking for yourself. It would be regrettable to give up on Scottish Independence because of a widespread tendency for people to have opinions different from one’s own. The bigger the population, the worse it becomes, look at England; who in their right mind would vote for an MP who would support Starmer, a nasty little authoritarian?

In the UK we have to cope with cliques who are completely unethical and dishonest, who engage in endless joint enterprises, using money-power to fool large numbers of people into ways of thinking often against their own interests or principles. The shaping of public opinion is often disgusting and dishonest.

I have seen reasons for your mention of “gen0cide”, “ethnic cleansing” and “Zi0nism” but others might express disagreement, for their own reasons.

I have read through all paragraphs of your comment, several times, before asking this, so please tell what the “anti-ru$$ia, P-u-tin reactions” are and who was reacting? Your help with clarification would be appreciated. I do read carefully in order to understand.
It is always a struggle to sort truth from lies or delusions. Thanks for any clarification.


I don’t have a clue about American politics. That became very clear to me when I read about the Amish coming out in force to vote.

I haven’t heard anything about the Amish since 1985 when Harrison Ford starred in the film ‘Witness’

link to


They came out in force to vote for Trump. Their vote was anti woke, pro farmer and fundamentally anti gender woo woo. The latter was the reason the Hispanic vote switched yo Trump too.


I can understand that. Here in the UK we don’t have anyone to vote for who is anti-woke & anti gender woo woo.

Not to sure about pro-farming. We probably don’t even have a party for that.

Ever single political party believes people can change sex and that includes the Tories. (Not quite sure why Stu would vote for them.)

However I’m too busy trying to figure out what on earth is going on in Scotland to have time to get involved in another countries politics.

Just out of interest did you read the series of posts I made here.

link to

What do you think? Is the Cameron Allan who was recently jailed for 19 years for the rape & murder of a young father the same person who holds the ‘decapitate terfs’ poster behind the group of SNP politicians?


Does anyone know how Ruby’s gem of an observation could be investigated? Were the usual official surveillance photographs taken for follow-up arrests (if that course of action were to be chosen by the State)? If so, the police could easily cross reference to identification photographs of the murderer.

The poster displayed by that man in the photograph is far more threatening than the obscure, virtually private remark for which Mark Hirst was prosecuted.

If the threat was from someone who proceeded to murder then it could hardly be more serious.

It would be very much in the Public Interest for the demonstrator in the photograph to be prosecuted, no shortage of provisions (referring to incitement) under which that could be done. The suspect might aready be in custody which would make police work easy.

Someone made complaint to the police,leading to the Hirst case. Will someone make a complaint against the man in the photograph linked by Ruby?

Rev Stu has probably posted on the matter already.


Lets hope the SNP and the Greens get booted out of office in such a spectacular fashion.


How do you envisage that happening? Which party do you think will beat them & make the most gains & why?

The only thing I envisage is people staying at home and not voting.

If the SNP & the Greens do get booted out if will be with a whimper and not a bang.

Scotland will be left with another lot of clowns who believe women have penises!

It is generally believed on ‘Wings’ that ‘transgenderism/womens rights’ in the grand scheme of things is of very little importance I just wonder if that is true.


I don’t think it’s true, but apparently some people do.

Is it because they actually recognise that the woke element is so deeply entrenched that to root it out would be almost impossible, so the easiest option is to play it down as a fundamental problem?

Even though in doing so they ignore the fact that it’s the idealogues who are the problem, and that nothing is going to change unless they are got rid of.

Whether it’s ‘Wheesht for Indy’ or ‘Wheesht for the Democrats’ – it hasn’t worked here and I can’t see how it’s going to work there.

I’d be interested to know if people honestly believe Harris would have lost so badly if the woke agenda didn’t exist.


Woke is what I did earlier this morning!
Moixx, we need a definition for the term ‘woke’.


I’m afraid I’m probably not the best person to come up with an absolutely precise, iron-clad definition for you. As I’ve said previously on Wings, I’m never quite sure how to refer to this ‘phenomenon’: trans rights; self-id; gender identity; gender woowoo; identity politics; queer theory; TQ+; GRR/GRA; TRAs; trans lobby; etc.

It probably covers people who say they believe in ‘intersectionality’ and who can’t tell you what a woman is.

What do you understand by the term ‘woke’?


hi, Moixx, thank youfor replying.

so far as i had ‘absorbed’ it, it was a term which referred to consciousness (of a political sort), among US black population, of racism on the part of white people and especially indicating black awareness of racism (and the dangers faced by black people) as a systematic phenomenon. I assumed that limited education would account for abnormal grammar.

I might be older than you are. I was young when black people were still being lynchmurdered by the Klu-Klux-Klan, the Civil Rights movement was developing, US schools were being de-segregated and the first Black Power salutes were given by USA sprinters at the Olympics, must have been 1964.

Wikipaedia looks similar to what I had picked up, it included historical detail.

Until the recent deluge of useage, i would have expected to encounter the term only from black people.

I find the useage of the term problematic for grammatical reasons, but now it is even more problematic because it is used so widely that it could end up with almost no meaning though you have sketched out a modern version, rather different from the original.

It seems that economic pressures are generally the most influential on voters but plain idiocy should drive voters away. Rev. Stu is good at highlighting some of it.


What I found notable in his victory speech was he said something like his central policy theme second time around is going to be ‘Promises Made and Promises Kept’.

So Trump knows he was largely thwarted first time around and the way he is making this explicit and front and centre I think is a very good early sign. This is definitely going to be interesting.

They have fucked up here, they should have let him win in 2020 and he would have been containable as he was in the previous 4 years.

Now they have created a monster with a monster mandate who has had four long years to understand what went wrong in his first term and how.

Trump could now actually fuck the ‘deep state’ up in a meaningful way (and I really hope he does).

If they had let him win in 2020 I don’t think he would have been capable of it, now I do.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mac
Umpteenth Steve

Millions of lives will be spared by Trump’s election. He will end the Ukraine war and resist attempts by Deep State to drag the US into other wars. Kamala Harris is the Deep State’s puppet and would have done the opposite.

Trump will avoid global conflict because that is the most profitable course of action for him and the gangsters he represents. They want to milk the US taxpayers for their own benefit rather than spend $trillions conquering the world on behalf of Globalists who mostly aren’t even American.

For all the wrong reasons, the world is a safer place with Trump as president rather than Harris. Unfortunately both candidates are in thrall to Israel so the Palestine slaughter will continue.


Umpteenth Steve, if Trump cuts off weapons for the Ukraine war being fought by hundredsof thousands of Ukrainians to preserve their Independence and protect millions of their civilians from the neighbouring Imperialist/colonialist regime (remember Cromwell, General Wade?) what will happen?

Then do you really think Trump has the power or the inclination to end the Special Military Operation being conducted into Ukraine from the east?

Trump probably has no more concern for Ukrainians than he has for people formerly under British Mandate in the Near East and what is happening to them?

If the Special Military Operation (as distinct from the war). does not stop, then how many refugees, on your estimate, will come throught to the borders of Poland, Romania, Lithuania and other countries?

Approximately how many people died when Stalin conducted the previous campaigns against Ukrainians?

Alongside your analysis of the economic, political and social consequences, please give your calculation for “the millions of lives to be spared”.

Hatey McHateface

And of course, on the 7th November 2025, and every year afterwards on the same date, you will be back here to remind us all of your confident predictions, and how they all came true!

BTW, it’s a strange kind of slaughter that could be ended by this time next week if the side holding the hostages in their tunnels and bunkers were to give them up and come out with their hands in the air.

Too busy preserving their yellow hides I guess.

Still, it hints at a reality you don’t recognise. Pres P, Xi, the Humous boys, the Orcs, the medievalist lassie killers – all these undesirables will continue to do their things – and the new orange face in the White House won’t change that.

So when you predict the world will be a safer place, it won’t be for those currently on the receiving end of the aggressors I’ve listed. I’m guessing you’ll be fine though, and so I’m pleased for you.

Millions of lives spared? You’re having a laugh.


Oh C*rist here’s this yin started noo. lol

Umpteenth Steve

“… on the 7th November 2025 … you will be back here to remind us all of your confident predictions ….”

I won’t have to wait that long. He’ll start disengaging from Ukraine immediately.

If Harris had won, the US military would already be gearing up for war against Iran. It remains to be seen whether Trump can resist the dark forces which will try to force that outcome. If he succeeds, many millions of lives will be spared.


hey Steve, what about some answers to my response to your previous comment?

Also, considering that Skip NC has taken us into some real detail of US political process, it would be interesting to know, in more detail, what the dark forces are, and who controls them. Please let us, readers, know.

Young Lochinvar

No don’t think so, Mac is about right on reading the situation.
Regarding end-ex being called upon release of hostages; todays news that the Hebes aren’t letting the camel jockeys back home in the north counters your assessment, it’s all a rerun of biblical Ghat again as far as the Hebes are concerned.

Neil Singleton

I had no skin in the US election game but it gave me a certain amount of satisfaction that the utterly anti Trump BBC, ITV and Sky News are weeping bitter tears. What I hope Trump DOES do is complete the investigation of Hunter’s laptop and expose the bribery and corruption of the Biden crime family, release ALL the names of Epstein’s guests who visited peedo island, and clean out the anti Republican CIA and FBI.

Kit Bee

Ahem… Trump himself was Epsteins’s guest on that island (I believe). The CIA will probably have the tapes and if there is compromat he will be a CIA puppet president. If not…….

Robert Matthews

You’re lying,you know Trumps never been on that island. Clinton and Gates on the other hand…

Kit Bee

If I am wrong about that then I am wrong but I wasn’t lying

Robert Matthews

Don’t believe anything Joe Scarbrough tells you.


Who told you, brains?

Neil Singleton

Trump met Epstein once and afterwards stated that he wanted nothing to do with him. Epstein invited Trump to his island, but Trump declined.

wally jumblatt

I think he wants America to be independent of Washington, the Deep State and Wall St.

Maybe independent-minded people would understand that.

He is a flawed candidate -but hey, Bush, Bush Jr, Hillary Clinton, O’Bamma, Biden and Harris -come on. The Democrats haven’t offered up anyone in decades.(not a very democratic bunch as far as I can see). Bill Clinton not a crook? Anyone who flags Trump as a ‘convicted felon’ is a hypocrit.
He wants small government, the Harris option was purposely taking away all freedoms.

He wasn’t Adolf’lite last time around, won’t be this time around, and is trying to bring in talented people from outside DC. Give him a break, it’s a primitive country and it works best with simple solutions (not that we can talk)


Are you one of the Druze people?

wally jumblatt

Years ago when I transitioned into Wally (not Walid) I was stuck between going for Wakky Bakky (who was an East African prime minister I recall), or Wally Jumblatt, so sorry, nothing deeper than that.
Never planned to comment on serious stuff but the world changed


I hope Trump is mad enough at Swinney to release all the info re the Alex stitch up.

I’m not so much glad Trump won as the reaction to his win from all the Brit media, celebs, woke politicians
It’s hilarious

I believe our politicians should court Trump to raise our profile re independence but they’re too busy being woke twats for that


Hmmmmm… maybe. But I seem to recall Trump and Salmond weren’t exactly best buddies.

What Trump should do is pretty obvious.

The US spends $3 Trillion maintaining, I think it was 800 military bases all over the world, but for all that eye watering cash spent, Western weaponry has been exposed as obsolete and ineffective… (mostly). Trump needs to think about his own rhetoric, and focus upon lesser foreign commitment, bringing the boys home, and finding some R&D funding at home. Make American “guns” Great Again.

That catch is, while that course of action may be obvious, Trump has the wee problem of a lunatic wee Zion1st who donated $1billion dollars to his campaign, and now expects Trump to deliver for Netanyouknowwho, because you know, the US has the best democracy that money can buy. Is it a billion? 100 million… I think that’s a billion to the yanks… Big fat cheque anyway…

(As an aside: Do you recall how many people were chewing wasps about alleged interference and nefarious contact with the Ru$$ians? Yet a $Billion bung from the Genocidal maniacs in the Middle East is perfectly fine… Nothing to see, move along there).

I think Trumpy Boy has a $Billion tiger by the tail, and at some point, he’s gonna have to let it go.

Europe is kinda screwed… at least until the Ru$$ians have grown tired of all the grovelling and endless democratic crises, not to mention fallout from global car companies contemplating bankruptcy. Europe will grovel, grovel some more, and “R” will do business, in a BRICS friendly way of course… See your wee Euros? How do you say it, err, “Non,… Nein…”

As for the UK? Oh! Oh! I suspect a Storm Shadow missile to the foot is gonna take a long time to heal, in a friendless and bitter world. Don’t invest in gold folks, my advice buy land, and stick some oats, neeps and tatties in it. You know the drill…Lots of carbs and fibre to fill you up and keep you warm. Yum! Yum!

Please excuse me doing the mini-me Rev Stu, but those of you paying attention might remember wee Breeks bringing all of this tragic potential to your notice several years ago… But don’t feel bad. Apart from Indy in 2014, or 2016, pretty much all of this was, and is, beyond our control. (Although shutting down Trident would have got us mega Brownie points…)

Scapa Flow is still sitting there, all deep and empty, and it would still make a lovely BRICS friendly freight handling terminal for uber-Container Ships continually frustrated by shipping congestion in Western Europe.

All we need to do is find the deepest water, furthest from the shore, maybe add a Killer whale or two, and throw all our dysfunctional tre@cherous dipshit politicians overboard for a swim; see if they can outrun the Ferry on course to run them down. Then we do exactly the same for continued Westminster rule by those Imbeciles.

Back to Trump… Who knows with Donald, but Miriam Adelson might be in line for a wee cultural reminder that you really shouldn’t pay the ferryman until you’re standing on the other side… even when the fare is for a $billion. I’m gonna stick my neck out and take a guess she’s a bit too much money on her hands anyway.

The genocidal maniacs might get upset, as is their want, and send a wee drone to take out another Leader they disapprove of, but I hope Trump gets lucky again, because Oor Donald being a wee bit of a shite to Miriam, might just save us all from nuclear annihilation…. Maybe…

FFS Donald, don’t stop being a wee shite all of a sudden… If ever the world needed a dodgy wee c*#%t with somebody else’s money…

Hatey McHateface

Western weaponry has been exposed as obsolete and ineffective… (mostly)

Phew, that’s a relief.

There will be no threats of nuclear retaliation if anybody uses it.

And of course, no Jenny Side to anybody on the receiving end of it! I always knew the JS was fake news.

those of you paying attention might remember wee Breeks bringing all of this tragic potential to your notice several years ago

Come on now. You’re not claiming you ever expected us to take you seriously!

Anne Kerr

Trump could well be dead by next Jan – then it would be Mr Vance, worth discussing.


Also an excellent candidate. His book Hillbilly Elegy is brilliant.



It was worth watching Trump winning if just to make Swinney look like the embarrassment he is, and see all the UK establishment apparatchiks and the cocks in frocks in frantic meltdown.

I hope the first thing Trump does is to eviscerate the deep state and release another load of secret documents. Who knows? We might even find out if this gender id frenzy shite is a form of warfare that has been sponsored and encouraged from the rotten bowels of USA’s secret service.

Looking at how utterly useless Harris, never mind Biden, were at speeches or interviews, one wonders who the hell was the unelected hand governing the USA for the last 4 years.

I heard that black gloves “we did this for Beth” Cole-Hamilton was also supporting the democrat puppet Harris. Goodness, are our entire political class in Scotland puppets on demand from the USA’s Democrats? Looks that way, doesn’t it? Didn’t Dugdale at some point go to support Hillary Clinton’s campaign? Didn’t the political fraud Sturgeon have nothing but praise towards the warmonger Hillary Clinton?

What about the “Greens”, any of them went to support the democrat puppet as well?

When did Scotland become an extension of USA’s deep state?

Last edited 2 months ago by Mia

I imagine if any Greens had come here to campaign in the election it would have been to support the Green candidate. Otherwise, they’d look pretty stupid.

Peter McAvoy

When Trump becomes President,will be order the man in the naval uniform to dress like a man and use men’s facilities


That would be an easy enough problem to fix. Trump could just make all US military uniforms unisex. The same uniform for men and women. Before I gave your question some thought I actually thought they were.


Are men in the British Armed Forces allowed to wear skirts?
(No daft comments about kilts please)


Admiral Levine’s post as an Admiral stems from being the US Assistant Secretary for Health. This is held at the pleasure of the President. He will be gone on January 20th unless he resigns beforehand.

Young Lochinvar


Your place of residence will be no defence when the hate police come calling for that piece of “hateful misgendering” language; a gift incidentally of the Democrat idolising Wokerati in government here..

Best form your wagons in a circle pardner..


elon musk makes shitty electric cars that go on fire and crash, killing people; the chinese make them better and cheaper …

– elon makes a new friend; donald. Donald and Elon are friends.

donald likes tariffs, tariffs on imports, imports from china 

tesla share price up 14%

tesla market cap is 900B USD

this is realpolitik.

this is smart.

elon is smart.

are scottish nationalists “smart”

– you gotta do what u need, to get just what you want 

rumour has it elon has chipped trump’s brain and now controls him with a playstation gamepad 

A Scot Abroad

The USA are now in the odd position that there’s a sitting President whose mind is away with the fairies, a Vice President who has been rejected by popular vote and who is incapable of grace, and a President-elect who is due to receive sentence on one of his many court dramas in three weeks from today.


Hard to know how Trump will behave Early signs of dementia? He bears grudges.

Very unlikely any criminal trials or sentencing will happen. How would it look to the rest of the world?

Neoliberalism won’t end and the harmful effects of it are likely to worsen under Trump.

“Deaths of despair” will continue in the UK and USA. For USA see Angus Deaton. For UK take your pick – Allik et al


Quite a few people bear grudges as you will see from those who continue to support the reputation of the late Mr Salmond on the one hand and those who continue to victimise and traduce him on the other. And that’s not a symptom of dementia.


Pete Buttigieg is interested in becoming the Democrat nominee for President in 2028.

After yesterday, that surely cannot happen, at least for the foreseeable future.

An openly gay candidate would haemorrhage votes from the African American and Latino communities.

It would be political suicide to select him.


What on earth happened yesterday?


Anyone who wants to be President this soon after the election should be constitutionally barred therefrom.

Being serious, he just isn’t inspirational. He has all the charisma of a wet tea towel.

Robert Matthews

Tampon Tim Waltz should throw his hat into the ring.(so to speak)

David Hannah

I’m delighted for Donald Trump.

We’ve got the global corporations behaving like emperors. More power to the American public. RESPECT.

As I was flicking the channels and seeing the stock market go green. The co-founder of BlackRock was on bloomberg, readying a £1.3 billion private continuation fund… Probably for the war machine. WE DEMAND PEACE IN EUROPE! And protection from bad state actors putting Scotland at risk. Under the Butcher’s apron of empire. And STARMAGEDDON we’re edging closer to WW3… Let’s demand PEACE.

I hope Donald Trump stops the war in the country we can’t speak of.

Stops the deindustrialisation of oil and gas.

One thing is for sure, Democracy is alive and well in the West.

Except if you live in Scotland under the Butcher’s apron, and STARMAGEDDON!

I hope Robert Kennedy Junior, stops the poision, the toxic food market, and the overreach by Big Pharmacy.

You don’t need the diabetic JAG ladies. READ the additives! And demand change!

Last edited 2 months ago by David Hannah

If you think Trump is batshit crazy have you met Swinney and the trans cult coven of perjurers and those that think the can pervert the course of justice and the Brit security services are not going to dob them in it. Now that is crazy
tick tock there is one whistle blower ticket on the table.

Iain More

I would like to congratulate the Wokists and Alphabet Queers for getting Trump Elected. Thank fuck I am old and I dont have a lot of time left I reckon. The Gender Ideologues have fucked us all.


Dysfunctional Trump should have had no chance but he won because the opposition was so inept it kept missing open goals.

The dysfunctional so-called united kingdom should be falling apart but it isnae because of Scotland’s inept supposedly pro-indy politicians.

Peter McAvoy

Some people are surprised and shocked that Trump won yet his critics have abandoned and demeaned the white working class (native to europe) for a long time and don’t expect a person who appeals to them and claims to fight for them to win along with women and the majority of sensible men who support female privacy and safety in female only areas who oppose the political agenda being hijacked and controlled by the trans activist lobby

Just like Starmer has already lost the next Westminster election by falsely accusing the protesters against the murder of three girls as far right and racist thugs even if some hold these undesirable views


Shouldn’t you be posting on the far right Guido Fawkes blog?

Peter McAvoy

You have fallen into the trap of believing that anyone who has fair and legitimate disagreements is racist set by the far left to shut down any discussion.
Did you read the last sentence?


There’s a few appeared out of the woodwork today….

Robert Matthews

…from your Gallowgate jakey bench.


Trump has said his two main candidates for secretary of defense is Mike Pompeo and wait for it…. Tom Cotton.

Fucking wow! lol. Any hope I had that Trump would have learned from his errors first time around just evaporated.

Tom Cotton man… Pompeo is also horrific but Cotton…

It is extraordinary how flawed Trump is in this regard.


Please state what is wrong with Pompeo and Cotton. Thanks


“There is “overwhelming” evidence that Donald Trump is suffering from dementia, a leading psychiatrist has claimed, amid speculation about the state of the former president’s mental health.

Dr. Lance Dodes, a supervising analyst emeritus of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and retired Harvard Medical School professor, was among those recently quoted by Duty To Warn, which describes itself as an association of mental health professionals concerned about Trump.

“Unlike normal aging, which is characterized by forgetting names or words, Trump repeatedly shows something very different: confusion about reality,” he wrote in a statement published on Friday, which referenced Trump’s confusing Barack Obama with Joe Biden.”

link to


One wonders what the learned Dr’s unsought professional opinion may have been regarding President Biden, had he proferred it.


The same as Trump


I think this is called DARVO

Campbell Clansman

The “doctor” making this “diagnosis” without even meeting the subject, is an on-record Dem Party donor and activist.
Funny how neither you nor Newsweek mention his being a partisan.




“Vanishing jobs, disintegrating families and other social stressors had unleashed a rising tide of fatal despair, Case and Deaton concluded. This disturbing trend mirrored what had previously occurred among inner-city Black people in the 1970s and 1980s, Case and Deaton now say. As low-skilled jobs vanished and families broke apart, Black victims of crack cocaine and the AIDS epidemic represented an early wave of deaths of despair. Even today, mortality rates for Black people still exceed those of white people in the United States for a variety of reasons, with Black overdose deaths on the rise over the last few years.

“The most meaningful dividing line [for being at risk of deaths of despair] is whether or not you have a four-year college degree,” Deaton says.”

link to

Robert Hughes

As an example of where * affirmative action * and other such ludicrous * progressive * abstractions have brought the U.S we now have ( on pro-Democrat US TV * News * channels ) the gob-smacking irony of wealthy , ” successful ” Black female pundits n commentators blaming the Trump victory on ” uneducated White women ” .

That’s right , the defeat of the Democrats had nothing to do with the manifest vacuity of their Presidential Nominee , the overtaking of that Party by * Woke * imbecility , it’s craven promotion and financing of one bloody conflict after another , it’s blundering , woefully inept handling of the Economy and in general it’s remoteness from and contempt of the real concerns of ” ordinary ” people . Nope , none of these things were pertinent factors , it was White Female Trash who stormed their Prog Disneyland and allowed the Great White Shark to enter .

The Caucasian Punditry is also blaming everything & everyone but themselves for this loss , it seem the U.S Electorate were just not appreciative enough of the greatness of the Democrats and * all * it had done for them , the majority voted for The Beast , rather than the benign Angels of Faux Democracy & Divine Censorship

Just like the SNP after it’s recent electoral chibbing , not an iota of honest self-examination necessary , nor the slightest admission of responsibility ; their failure was actually YOUR failure , you ungrateful , unevolved peasant .

Remember that the next they ask you to vote for them


“Harris “stepped up and led a historic campaign” that “embodied what’s possible when guided by a strong moral compass and a clear vision for a nation”, Biden said.”

Embodied what’s possible? A stonking great loss against a known liar?

Their word salads don’t survive a first reading, let alone any analysis.

Why did tgey lose again?


Debbie Gibson: Anything Is Possible: Negative Energy:

“Where did we go wrong?
No, no more
Negative energy…”:

link to


The Lego Movie: Everything Is AWESOME!!!

“Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I are gonna win forever, let’s party forever
We’re the same, I’m like you, you’re like me
We are working in harmony…

Blue skies, bouncy springs
We just named two awesome things
A Nobel prize, a piece of string
You know what’s awesome? Everything!
Dogs with fleas, allergies
A book…

Everything you see or think or say is awesome…”:

link to


All this ‘gender woo woo’ stuff is all just a big red herring. Very unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

Where have I heard that before?


I am very curious to see how Trump treats Net@nyahu now he has won. Because of this…

link to


Whoever occupies the palace of the elective monarch of the US is irrelevant as Scotland is no closer to freedom than when King Donald was last on the throne.
Focus on the Great Matter.

Hatey McHateface

I disagree.

Trump’s mother was a first generation immigrant from Scotland. There probably hasn’t been a POTUS with a stronger Scottish connection in a hundred years.

During his first term in office, our Scottish politicians clustered on their self-declared postage stamp of moral high ground to keep at arms length any influence or help Trump may have been inclined to extend to Scotland. They preferred to virtue signal from behind their Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) – a luxury that wasn’t theirs to enjoy as supposed representatives of Scotland and the Scots.

So now they will be getting a second opportunity. And an even better one than first time around, because Starmer and Lammy have already deployed their TDS and burnt the bridges between Trump and the new UK Labour government.

This should be an open goal for Scotland, to exploit Trump’s understandable ire at the personal insults from the WM government, to Scotland’s benefit and advancement.

I expect the HR lightweights to spectacularly screw up this opportunity because that’s just what they do.


Neither the Democrats or Republicans are ever likely to abandon neoliberal policies despite the harm they do.

Here is a bit of a research looking at the effects of neoliberalism over 4 deacdes in Scotland.

“For those who fared poorly after the initial introduction of neoliberal policy in the 1970s, subsequent policy decisions have served to deepen and entrench negative impacts on the determinants of health. Neoliberalism has constituted a suite of rapidly and concurrently implemented policies, cross-cutting a variety of domains, which have reached into every part of people’s lives.
In formerly industrial parts of west central Scotland, policy developments since the 1970s have generated multiple and sustained forms of deprivation. This case study suggests that a turn away from neoliberal policy is required to improve quality of life and health.”

Public health implications of 4 decades of neoliberal policyL.M. Garnham

Hatey McHateface


Somewhere between 15% and 20% of Brits were born abroad. That’s something like 12 million immigrants.

For Scotland, the figure lies somewhere between 10% and 15%.

Do immigrants suffer from neo-liberal health deprivation? Or is the effect of neo-liberal policies fundamentally racist, i.e. it only affects whites?

I don’t have an answer to my first question. Seems counter-intuitive though, that millions of people would swarm to take up a new life that is going to make them ill! Maybe we could stop the boats just by telling them about it.

Still, correlation does not prove causation, as we all know. And in that spirit, when you attribute “entrench[ed] negative impacts on the determinants of health” to neo-liberal policies without evidence, I can just as easily attribute them to uncontrolled immigration.

Obviously I’m wrong, but still eh? Makes you think.


Normally I would not bother….

Professor Michael Marmot has a 50 year involvement in public health and wrote this ina review under that title. here’s a bit of what hw said.

“‘Social Injustice is killing people on a grand scale’.

As chair of the World Health Organisation Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH), I put this declaration on the cover of our report.1 It showed where we stood. Naïve to a fault, I did not intend for our report to be political. Which politician is going to state opposition to social justice? Our report settled the issue. We said that inequity in power, money and resources leads to inequities in the conditions of daily life that, in turn, give rise to avoidable health inequalities—inequities. Just in case the point was not clear, we said that a toxic combination of poor social programmes and policies, unfair economic arrangements and bad politics give rise to the unequal distribution of health damaging experiences.
Inequities in power, money and resources are actually the aim of some political systems—they are a feature not a bug. Action to achieve greater health equity cannot avoid politics. And, if indeed such actions are a key part of public health, public health has to confront politics. “

Hatey McHateface

Thanks for your reply.

I’ve searched it and can find no references to “neoliberal” or “neoliberalism” – the cause of entrenched negative impacts on the determinants of health which you stated in just about every sentence of your first post.

Your reply is interesting, never the less.

“inequity in power, money and resources leads to inequities in the conditions of daily life that, in turn, give rise to avoidable health inequalities”

Certainly, one way to level things up is to emigrate from a country with an iniquitous daily life to another country that is more equal, and then, without having paid any of the taxes that allows your new home to be more equal, demand an equal outcome to that which the residents have paid for.

Something Trump has just been elected to put a stop to in the USA.

We don’t really need to question if the surge in demand for finite social resources by new citizens results in there being less resources available for the existing citizens.

At least, those existing citizens who just voted for Trump see it all as beyond question!

“Inequities in power, money and resources are actually the aim of some political systems”

Nah. They’re the aim of all political systems. But all political systems need some useful idiots who believe they are going to make the world a better place on board.



I guess you mean most public health researchers.

It has been known for centuries that scioeconomic conditions affect health


Obviously. As always.


Reading wings twitter account is amusing. I have never seen such delusional people as this current crop of democrats in the US. They are borderline mad. Very similar to the current SNP. They are simply not capable of learning from their mistakes. There seems to be an actual connection as well. Same ‘thing’ has captured both parties…

For now I am just going to enjoy the termination of the worst presidency of the US (at least in my living memory). What a relief that is… The last four years have been fucking horrendous.

Then I will see which Donald Trump shows up for work in January but for now this ‘in between time’ is a vast improvement.

Going forward I think I am just going to assume Trump will be ok but a disappointment like last time and then, if he proves me wrong, it will be a bonus.

Elon Musk really deserves massive credit for saving America. Buying twitter to allow free speech was some move… Everything he did on top as well. Talk about ‘stepping-up’.

He is the one who has emerged from this election as the real star. He always was of course considering his achievements but this was very impressive.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mac
Andy Anderson

Love your tongue in cheek about Musk. His X is a joke and dangerous.

Robert Matthews

Free speech is dangerous says Angry Anderson.


Elon Musk. Free speech. ROTFLMFAO.

Robert Matthews



Fuck me. Tell me this is not the Skye bridge activist Andy Anderson please.

Geoff Anderson

Corporate USA has a Republican glove puppet on one hand and a Democrat glove puppet on the other. They fund both Parties and they win every election


And there it is – in reality it wouldn’t have mattered who won the the election – behind the scenes, especially on foreign policy nothing really changes.

“Despite both parties preferring to deemphasize foreign policy in their campaigns, US foreign policy is the engine driving domestic policy. This is because modern US domestic politics is fundamentally a game of dividing up the plunder that foreign policy secures.”
“Since WW2, this unilateral global arrangement has been maintained through a mixture of brute force, monopoly control of global institutions, and a healthy dose of quid pro quo with its junior partners that comprise the western world”

Hatey McHateface

Is that your granny you’re quoting there?

Only if it’s somebody with a bit more plausible authority, you need to supply an ID or even better, a link.


Turning a bit like the Daily Heil online here today.

The Site Prick will be foaming at the mouth by tea time.

Hatey McHateface

Look abody, James is using two-syllable words!



Does this look like your granny…

Rudy Ayoub: Anthropomorphic Analysis: Plausible Theory (Instrumental):

link to

Geoff Anderson

Cheshire Police says “MP Mike Amesbury has been charged with assault following an incident in Frodsham.” He’s been summoned to court


So what?


Whilst out doing yet another litter pick this fine sunny autumn morning (yesterday afternoon was spent clearing dangerous branches from the road side and filling 2 x 25kg bags with litter) I met and had a good chat with a Scottish Water worker.
I’d stopped to chat as noticed he was ironically driving a “planet saving” leccy vehicle… whilst attending the sewerage treatment plant that continues to pump untreated effluent into Scotland and the UK’s biggest river… lolz
Stay classy Scottish Water ticking your progressive boxes and paying big bucks and bonuses to the managers whilst doing fuck all to address improving the infrastructure.

The chat covered all manner of pretty disturbing stuff, with huge amounts of taxpayers’ money being wasted paying for substandard work by companies Scottish Water contracts in.
And when the substandard work fails Scottish Water just pony up more to rectify the errors rather than getting the contractors that carried out the work to make good what they had been paid to do. Basic stuff like not installing mains water supply pipes to the regulation depth which resulted in the pipework freezing and blowing connections out leaving folk with no water till remedies were put in place.
I was told the management are totally unreceptive when competent staff highlight such failings and concerns that monies could be spent in far more efficient and beneficial ways within and outwith the organisation.
This totally ties in with my numerous experiences of dealing with SW.

But awbody watching US election like flies round shite rather than focusing on dealing with matters closer to home.
This is why Scotland is fucked, because folk are so easily distracted in an ADHD manner, with their attention jumping all over the place on matters way outside our control and jurisdiction rather than focusing on getting things done here.


Correct Dan, Sadly Scottish Water are just the tip of the Iceberg. But, don’t worry,the SNP are on the case.

Campbell Clansman

The Biden regime’s DoJ is reported to be dropping the charges against President-elect Trump.
Dropping the charges the day after the election proves that the charges were bogus Lawfare to begin with.


It doesn’t prove that. It is merely an acceptance of reality. Trump is about ten weeks away from getting sworn in, at which point he has presidential immunity.

The state charges will remain. The chances of him standing trial in Georgia before 2029 are approximately nil, but his co-defendants’ trials may yet proceed as they do not enjoy the same immunity. He has been convicted in New York and the only two matters that remain are for Justice Merchant to decide if the US Supreme Court decision in the summer affords him immunity and (assuming he decides it doesn’t) sentencing.


Skip, it is a relief to see comments from you.

My experience is limited to reading of ‘current affairs’ for around 55 years, starting with the Guardian (then lately of Manchester) and The Times (well before Murdoch poison was injected) and a middling level of formal education, no professional career, legal education would have been handy.

WoS posts from the Rev. have been an excellent source of information on Scottish affairs, first rate analytical logic with mind-boggling research, delivered without ‘mincing his words’, excellent and deserved insults on occasion.

So many of the comments in WoS on the US election appear about as well informed as Trump himself, such that I despair for Scottish independence, given the apparent lack of comprehension, a dismal contrast to the fine quality of Rev. Stu’s work.

It seems that attitudes displayed here could be examples of the despair caused by dispossession/exploitation/oppression/alienation etc., being the result of Scottish-English relationship and, more recently, what is usually called Neo-Liberalism. Alf Baird might have a useful analytical framework for the matter. Maybe it fits for the US ‘rust belt’ too.

It was irksome to read Alf Baird’s insulting comments concerning your voting decision. My better half was put in virtually the same situation as yours and did likewise.

We have no illusions about the Democrats but voting Republican is not reasonable, often the result of despair and ignorance, sometimes much worse, consider Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller et al.

Perhaps several contributors, here, would have voted ‘Republican’ but some might be ‘armchair voters’. How many commenting here have US citizenship to make it real?

The expression ‘deep state’ needs more detailed analysis than my time allows but it looks like an unreliable component in any voter’s decision-making. Anyone for Qanon?


Thanks for the kind words, Jay. The question in your penultimate paragraph is a very good one. The presidential election is only a small part of voting. I had twenty-eight races on my ballot – President, Congress, state house, state senate, judges at all four levels of North Carolina’s courts, Governor, nine Council of State races, county commission, school board, city council and the county soil and water conservation district board of supervisors. On top of that we had a referendum on a state constitutional amendment and one to approve or disapprove a loan for a new library.

The structure of American politics is alien to many outsiders, which can lead to grave misconceptions. Although voting for president is important, decision-making is so fragmented in this country that anyone with no experience of the American system could easily attach outsized importance to that election. When one understands the power-sharing between levels of government and between the three branches at each level, it becomes easier to grasp the relative importance of each race. It also becomes easier to understand the practical difference between federal and state, which many commenting here simply do not understand. I have long felt that the EU and USA are more alike in their structures than many people are prepared to admit.


So Soros is dead?
Long live Elon Thiel !
Er …


The madness continues – the hatred for Trump knows no end – of course like Harris and Biden, Trump is also a monster – but the hypocrisy of the whores in the MSM in demonising one, but not the others is laughable at best.

BTW – the Guardian is a English security service outlet.

“The Guardian has offered its journalists free counseling and mental health support to help them process Donald Trump’s win in the US election, according to an internal email seen by Guido Fawkes, a British political gossip blog.”


Not only is it hypocritical, but I feel it helped Trump in 2016 and again this week. The constant bashing in the media where the same is not meted out to Democrats has an effect on folk.

I am not surprised at the Grauniad. Mind you, it is not limited to just them. My wife works for a discrete part of a major health system here in North Carolina. All staff were offered the opportunity to take yesterday off for self-care. In my wife’s office, nobody felt it necessary, but the offer was there and was made early on Tuesday when the polls in most of the country hadn’t even opened.


To me it looks like folk didn’t believe Harris – even though she had a plethora of celebrity endorsements – it didn’t help that Americans are paying through the nose to prop up U and I – and the Democrats were also pushing the Trans stuff.

Trump will still prop up I – but U who knows – at the very least he (Trump) knows what a woman is – if nothing else.

Hatey McHateface

To me it looks like folk didn’t believe Harris

You defo have the experience and credibility to make that assessment, Ros!

Americans are paying through the nose to prop up U and I

Are they? I thought all the dosh got recycled back through the Military Industrial Complex?

You need to remember what you post from day to day, Ros. Otherwise you’ll end up posting that the ordinary people of R are paying through the nose, and in copious quantities of blood, to prop up the invasion and colonisation of their neighbour.


Might any shareholder dividends from the US Military Industrial Complex end up in an eastern mediterranean coastal state?

Hatey McHateface

I would expect so.

I would also expect that the investment portfolio underpinning my retirement will have a few billion in there too. And as it’s now a requirement for every legally employed UK citizen to have a private pension plan, those posters who like to greet and gurn about the US Military Industrial Complex should check the small print of their arrangements.

Those of them that have ever managed to hold down a job, that is.

It’s defo a stretch too far to believe that an eastern Mediterranean coastal state forced Pres P to decide he needed to restore his empire to its former glory and extent, but some people do indeed manage it.


Yours seems to be the first suggestion of pressure (rather than force?) from the eastern Mediterranean area, upon Pres P, to pursue imperial expansion. If there are others then please cite them. It seems to be something of a contrivance, whoever made the suggestion.

Fragments of history make it seem more likely that forces or pressure from the Romanov’s Empire were a driver for re-settlement into the British Mandate territory east of the Med. where a new State was eventually established. Some might regard the functioning of the new State as analogous to the Romanov’s, or Pres. P’s empire.

My knowledge of the ‘Military Industrial Complex’ (perhaps named by Pres. Eisenhower) is negligible but Elbit Industries might be a part of it. I expect that you know far more about it than I do.


Nah. The site Prick only knows what he reads in his Daily Heil.


Ros, in among 3 years worth of articles in Euromaidan Press you should find at least one showing the percentage of US Defence spending going to the largest eastern European country. Euromaidan has been good reading, I recommend it for anyone concerned with National Liberation, as you seem to be,
but it has gone ominously quiet compared with 2 years ago. Paying through the nose? Barely a sniff as percentages go.

Hatey McHateface

“Barely a sniff as percentages go”

With any military inventory, a certain percentage is always at the end of its shelf life, and so due for destruction, recycling, or dumping somewhere off the Outer Hebrides.

It makes just as much sense (maybe more) to fire it off at somebody, for example, Orcs invading a free, sovereign nation.

When there’s an active war raging between high-tech adversaries, technology, weapons, platforms and tactics are evolving at dizzying speed. Any aspirational major military power has to be involved, or gets left behind.

And after a year or so, is left with obsolete junk. So again, it may as well fire the old stuff off and replace it with state-of-the-art, current stuff.

The Donald has promised to MAGA. On Day One of his tenure, his military chiefs will be making it clear to him, if he doesn’t already know, that if the US doesn’t stay seriously engaged, then when the real war starts, the US will be at a significant disadvantage.

Those familiar with history will understand the part played by the Spanish Civil War in honing and refining the military capabilities of those involved, and how that experience allowed them to carry all before them when the real fighting of WW2 got under way.


On the balance of Ills, it would be less awful that you should be correct.


There was nothing from Harris to disbelieve. Her argument was that she isn’t Trump. It is still very early in the analysis, but when you look at the counties where she lost votes, it points towards the economy. Either those living paycheck to paycheck or those who think they would suffer as a result of the tax policies she did announce. In short, many people voted against the incumbent in this election and that is what, in practice, she was.

g M

Skip, his program for government as announced via social media sounds far reaching. He might have just put himself in a fair amount of danger?


His program for government needs to be split into three parts to understand its chances of success. He has enough votes in the Senate to get his political appointees confirmed quickly. Money bills are also subject to a straight vote – a majority being sufficient. Anything else requires 60 votes for the Senate to proceed to debate.

Of course he can do a lot of fundamental things via the Executive Branch. For instance, he could decide that men are not women, with consequences for most high school and college sports. However, anything that requires an appropriation of money needs to go through Congress.

I’m not sure what danger you see. Physical danger? He has the support of a majority of the electorate. The Democrats would be well-advised to accept that plain fact. I have to hope that Biden’s remarks in the Rose Garden today (well worth a look if you haven’t already) will set the tone for the Democratic Party’s response.

Robert Hughes

Whit ! naw , really ? ahahahahaha – man , that’s fckn priceless . Will these poor wee Trump-terrorised infants be given extra Pampers n issued pish-absorbent mattresses ?

aw fuck ! what about Lady Beth Lloyd Cole-Hamilton -Accies ? Did he make it back alive from that Prog Somme , ( if I should die ,think only this of me : ” he was born a cunt , lived as a cunt , died as a cunt ” ) that Trumpian Killing Field ? He must be in a right state if he did survive that ordeal of direct exposure to deplorable commoners ; I imagine he may well suffer acute Post-Trump Stress Dysfunction for many years to come . Probably also need intensive counselling .

Maybe Beth will do it for him ?


Where is the reference to your source for quotes in your previous comment? Please do not waste readers’ time.

Too much time has been wasted by repeated complaints about capital ‘s’ for Scotland.

I am waiting for evidence to emerge, leading to convictions, of persons unnamed, for conspiracy, perjury, misconduct in public office and more.


We’ll get a glimpse of what direction Trump is taking when this appointment is made.

So who will replace that evil monster Anthony Blinken as Trump’s US Secretary of State?

The former Director of National Intelligence and Florida Senator Marco Rubio?
Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty?
Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell?

Meg Merrilees

…well, anyone listening to Radio Scotland phone-in around 9.40 this morning would have heard the opinion of a Scottish journalist – one Carlos Alba! He was spouting his opinion on the outcome of the election.
Did he phone-in as a listener, or was he phoned up by the BBC to contribute? Coincidence? Who knows.
Certainly a surprise to this listener …..


I was listening to Radio Scotland phone-in this morning, amusingly, while weeding a garden.

I normally listen to music.

Kit Bee

Exactly WHO IS Carlos Alba and is his second name for real??


It’s Spanish!

It means dawn in Spanish.

Common name in Spain

See Countess of Alba + Alba is a municipality located in the province of Teruel, Aragon, Spain.

Alf Baird

His writing suggests rather a dislike of Scots, even great Scots; which is probably as good a reason as any for the EBC to invite you on, or for the Brutish msm to pay for your thoughts; in addition to attending a private school of course, whaur bairns lairn awfu posh English grammar but perhaps are lacking in human (or Scottish) values.

From The Songs of Manolo Escobar by Carlos Alba:
“For Antonio, growing up Spanish in Glasgow is a nightmare – one of shame and potential embarrassment on every front. But there is no hiding his ethnicity: his noisy, bullying father, even his gentle mother and her quest for olives and exotic meats, put paid to that. It is only as he grows older, and can see his father for what he is, a reluctant exile washed up on the cold shores of Scotland, that Antonio begins to understand what terrible forces drove his father to flee 40 years before. Unravelling his father’s secret life piece by piece, Antonio discovers a truth that will shock and heal him.”

g M

Have a listen to his program for government RoS, sounds like he is serious to me.


I haven’t listened to it – but I did listen to a few Americans speak – and in plain language it appears they want cheaper prices with better wages – and living conditions – and secure employment – and the Democrats weren’t listening to the people on that – whether Trump delivers on this, or not – I have my doubts.

g M

I listened to it and it was a long list of fairly extensive measures he intended to take to break up the US security and surveillance state amongst other things.

g M

We’ll wait and see of course.


link to

I wonder if we will ever hear a politician in the UK saying these words.

It’s basically what I’ve been waiting to hear.

Repeal the GRA 2004 and end this madness here in the UK.

Had I been in the US I would have voted for Trump.

No sex or gender transition at any age.

The only genders recognised by the US Gov are male & female and they are assigned at birth.


Though I don’t believe in the theory of mechanism propounded by Steven Pinker et al. I do understand that we are losing the ability to spot liars.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

SCOTLAND AS COLONY – a way forward…

The above webpage (posted 3 April 2024) has a number of videos featuring eg Alf Baird, Mark McNaught, Sara Salyers and Iain Lawson.

There is also discussion of Frank Fanon in Irish and in French. 

What primarily took me to the page just now though was to watch again the following Bill Royston interview:

Prof Bill Rolston – Ireland, Colonialism and the Unfinished Revolution (Vimeo 2021)

But I notice further down and would draw attention to this unmissable lecture about India:

Dr Shashi Tharoor – Looking Back at the British Raj in India (Edinburgh University, YouTube 2017)

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Typo: Prof Bill ROLSTON (not Royston).

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Typo 2: FRANZ Fanon (not Frank!). Apologies.


Thanks, Fearghas. Will watch them all.

Mark Beggan

Did the Democrats think the American electorate were just going to bend over and take like Carlos Alba?


please explain your comment

Mark Beggan


David Hannah

I’m glad Trump has won. It must be unsettling to the alphabetties to see such a high profile male winning. When women like E Jean Carroll make false claims of rape.

An authentic guy has beaten a fake woman.

The public doesn’t believe you.

Jail the alphabetties. Set the truth free

Last edited 2 months ago by David Hannah

BBC: Nicola Sturgeon to headline comedy festival show:
“The former First Minister will be joined by crime author Val McDermid for a night entitled “Books & Banter” on 22 March at the city’s King’s Theatre…

Revelations galore await…”:

link to



“To make it possible for something to be seen:

Let me show you this new book I’ve just bought.”:

link to

Robert Hughes

Maybe she’ll tell the one about how she successfully kidded-on she had a * plan * and for 9 years 1000s of people believed her . If that doesn’t have ’em rolling in the aisles , she could hit them with the hilarious plot her n her ” besties ” cooked-up to – get this …….destroy her former mentor ( boo , hiss etc ) n send him to jail for what could have been the rest of his life and the punchline ……..1000s of people STILL believed she was working tirelessly to achieve Independence


” Spooks ; Pant Suits & The view from the Closet ” .

Cannae wait


re. Cannae wait/’The Plan’

It’s gonna be epic, Scotland

Have fun…


Tinto Chiel

Surely the ultimate in “Haud Me Back” entertainment, brought to you by Brass Neck Productions.

Hope there’s a Q&A opporchancity on the night.

Robert Hughes

Aye , T.C ,It will no doubt be an evening of * Woke * Comedy : y’know that new style of ” comedy ” that obviates the requirement to be funny

Tinto Chiel

Oh, I don’t know, Robert. maybe there’ll be a Dance The Wokey Cokey segment to give us all a good laugh 🙂 .

As Zappa might have said at the thought,
“Weasels rip my flesh!”

Robert Hughes

yip , Peter , Dancing Fools n Cosmik Debris in abundance nae doot 🙂


re. “Hope there’s a Q&A opporchancity on the night.”

Here’s the ultimate answer (regardless:)

#NoSNPEscape #RealityWins


“Nicola Sturgeon to headline comedy festival show”

She’s already done that has she not? She was SNP Leader after all.


On reflection, that was a “shit show”, not a “festival show”.

As you were…

George Ferguson

A level of political toxicity in Holyrood that the Presiding Officer failed to intervene on yesterday. The analogy between the SNP and the Democrats is clear to me. The SNP lost 38 seats at the General Election without any half decent analysis of the reasons. Why? Is promotion of Woke ideologies more important than electoral success. The Democrats are a few months behind them. One positive from the Post Trump result. The comedy and satire on social media has been very funny and should be a reminder to everyone especially the progressive far left of the need to keep policies sensible.


Reference above to Nicola Sturgeon headlining a comedy show called «Books & Banter» in Glasgow next year.
According to the «Dictionars o the Scots leid» website banter means; to rebuke, scold, drive away by scolding. More than a touch of irony in its associations with the referent.
Of course in London patois….
When will so called Scots get a firm grip on that indigenous language thing.


Did anyone listen to any of Elon Musk’s talks in Pittsburg pre election or on Joe Rogan.

The reasons he gives for intervening in this US election should really alarm people, everywhere.

He explains that despite being 50 states the elections are decided by only 6 (or 7 IIRC) swing states. The rest are are all essentially perma-blue or perma-red.

So win the swing states and you win the election.

Using publicly available data Musk had noticed that ‘someone’ was bringing in large numbers of ‘non-citizens’ to these swing states in an effort to turn them permanently blue.

This in conjunction with no voter ID was designed to turn the US into a one party system with no meaningful elections, it is all essentially decided at the democrat primaries level only.

That is why he said ‘if Trump loses this will be the last election’. Go watch the interview with Rogan, he is deadly serious about it.

And Musk is right. So that in my view is some serious shit. That is like an attempt to install a dictatorial system by undermining American democracy, tre@son. It is that serious.

People should be going to jail for that, or worse.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mac

It’s PittsBURGH with an aitch.

Pittsburgh was named in 1758, by General John Forbes, in honor of English statesman William Pitt.
As Forbes was a Scot he probably pronounced the second element of the name similar to EdinBURGH.
[adapted from WIKIPEDIA]

Last edited 2 months ago by TURABDIN

“‘someone’ was bringing in large numbers of ‘non-citizens’ to these swing states in an effort to turn them permanently blue”

You can argue that this strategy is exactly what has been going on in Scotland and how Scotland has been forced to remain in the UK. Everybody and their dog, never mind if they had been in Scotland for the grand total of 5 seconds, were given the vote in 2014. We know that the migrants frustrated the yes vote from the natives and this strategy continues today. Nobody has done an study of how many No voters from 2014 moved away from Scotland since then. I know more than a few. I also know about others who had left Scotland over a year before the vote and whose first residence was abroad but, because they still owned a flat in Scotland, they were given the vote.

There is an unnerving parallelism between what has happened in Scotland and what has been happening in USA:

the dodgy postal votes that pushed the dial towards No in Scotland vs the dodgy postal votes that gave Biden the “victory”fabricated charges against Mr Salmond to permanently remove him from politics vs fabricated charges against Trump to remove him from the presidential racegiving the vote to every migrant coming to Scotland vs bringing those “no-citizens” to swing states in USA. No ID necessary to vote in any of the two casesThe gender ID shite taking over the minds, mouths and hands of our political representatives.The unhealthy devotion and explicit bias of Scottish FMs, SNP leadership and UK political parties “branch” managers in favour of USA’s democrats.Looking at this parallelism, one cannot help but wonder if the USA’s deep state has been abusing Scotland and using it as its controlled testing ground of dodgy strategies before deciding if they would be successful in USA.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mia

Yeah I think that is exactly what has happened. Is happening.

Robert Hughes

Yes , and this from the Party screaming hysterically about ” Trump the Fascist ” intending to end * Democracy * ( HA ! ) ; round-up all ” right thinking people ” ( guess who they are ? yip , them ) and put them in Concentration Camps and – horrible dictu – maybe spend less money promoting foreign conflicts ( with the exception of The Chosen People’s Holy War , natch – Trump , like the rest of them , is shit-scared of the Moral Exemplars in Tel Aviv ) and more on the people of his own country : what a bastard , eh ?


This has been debunked. There are a few cases at each election where non-citizens, or convicted felons who have not yet had full citizenship rights restored, attempt to vote but there has never been any evidence to suggest that it is anything more than a few isolated cases.

There is no publicly-available record relating to citizenship. He was making that bit up.


The results also confirm 2020 was rigged. Meaning Trump has now won three presential elections in a row. When was the last time that happened I wonder.

Just a thought but if the intel services / deep state are prepared to do that in a US presidential election do you doubt for a second they would have interfered in 2014…

Given the strategic importance of Scotland I’d say it is a certainty at this point.

Let’s also not forget the Donald said on TV back then that he thought the idea of independence was ‘crazy’. So I don’t think he will be helping us as US President sadly.

He was also the sitting president before, during and after the Salmond stich-up… and there was personal animus there with Salmond & the SNP. I’ve always wondered about that one…

So it is impossible not to have very mixed feelings about Donald Trump 2.0. But given the alternative, it was still a no-brainer.

What they evidently had planned under Harris, had they managed to rig it again, was so bad that it mobilized a lot of people, including Elon Musk. Trump himself should not even be alive. He literally dodged a bullet.

We will only know this Trump by the fruit it bears, as always. But I shudder to think of the world would be in right now had they managed to kill him. Crazy times.


do you doubt for a second they would have interfered in 2014″

No. Not even for a millisecond.

I am convinced to this day that there was interference from a collusion between USA +UK deep states to block Scotland’s independence.

I am convinced that this interference continues today but amplified by several orders of magnitude.

I am convinced that what Scotland experienced in November 2014 was a deliberate and forced “regime change”, which resulted in a series of neutered and USA/UK fully complying puppets being put in place of what should have been Scotland’s FMs and Scotland’s government.

I have seen nothing in the last 10 years that contradicts any of the above. In fact, every move the SNP has done since 14 November 2014 has served to reinforce the above even more.


The stitch-up was fashioned around all the ‘Me Too’ stuff in the US, they borrowed heavily on that as that was their own back yard at the time, it is what they knew.

They used that excuse and it also explains the bizarre reaction to Alex working for RT… That totally triggered the US as well.

Personally I suspect they decided to take the reins from London after the ‘fiasco’ of 2014 when we won a referendum we were supposed to lose.

Everything done since then has been very heavy handed, very crude, very woke and very similar to the approach of the US democrats, who are essentially the political wing of the US deep state at this juncture. The Sturgeon SNP are exactly the same as them, clones.

Sturgeon has Hillary as her hero… They do both love a pantsuit. lol. Once you start seeing it, it is everywhere.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mac

Plenty of proof out there if you care to look that the SNP has for nearly a decade been corrupted, compromised and infiltrated at the highest levels by state actors from and on behalf of the US and UK governments, which is why the SNP must be destroyed.

The SNP is to the cause of Scottish Independence what a Matador is to the cause of animal welfare.

Time those who seek to restore Scotland to its former status of an independent, sovereign state woke up to the roadblock that is the SNP… If you can’t go through, go ’round, and if you can’t go ’round, go over!


It is far simpler than what you suggest. The SNP are simply incompetent in everything they touch.


To paraphrase George Foulkes…

“Yes, but they’re doing it deliberately”.

Tinto Chiel

I agree, Mia, and we have no freedom and democracy because we have no free press. The MSM are merely stenographers for the state and since Covid the pace of authoritarianism and censorship has increased greatly. WEF/Davos-loving Globalist Keir Stürmer will be a lot worse than the Tories because he despises the working class even more than they do.

Elvis C. called it a long time ago but it was probably ever thus, it’s just that only recently has the internet given people access to alternative views, which is why the deep state want so desperately for it to be censored and controlled: link to

Explains what happened to the likes of John Maclean, Willie McRae and Alex Salmond, innit?


Scotland’s geoposition is too important for notions of anglospheric security.
The half Scot President elect sees Scotland as a romantic holiday destination, kilts, hills, golf courses etc.
Misty, insubstantial, inhabited by ghosts of his mother’s past.
I think the Scots diaspora is like that, stuck on an out of date history book page.
Diasporas can be politically reactionary, conservative, unhelpful.


The 2017 GE in Scotland confirms the 2015 election was rigged, which confirms that the 2010 election was rigged. Obviously this was just a trial run for the 2024 election which was plainly rigged.

People change their minds.


“‘someone’ was bringing in large numbers of ‘non-citizens’ to these swing states in an effort to turn them permanently blue”

Did we not have some of this shenanigans when Labour brought in 3 million ‘non citizens’ back when Blair was in power.

link to

“It is not hard to see why Labour’s own apparatchiks supported the policy. Provided that the white working class didn’t cotton on, there were votes in it.”

I wonder if it’s the UK that leads the way in all these dodgy policies.


“Welcome, our Imperial Masters…”


When you run out of things to say there’s always ‘The Franchise’


More on climate Armageddon…
Ach,if we’re all doomed at least Robin had that nice holiday on the other side of the planet earlier this year.
I missed his blog on the carbon neutral journey on a sail ship made from responsibly sourced timber with woven hemp sails.

link to

I see Craig is still pushing the idea of using solar panels for fencing.

link to

18 grand of taxpayers’ money spaffed away on fitting 3 4kw solar PV arrays on a large estate owners rented properties, all the panels got placed in the back garden in highly compromised location with a large degree of shading meaning the arrays’ outputs are very low.
The worst array calculated to pay back install costs in just over 30 years! I actually need to recalculate that figure because the arrays being sited on the ground are a maintenance nightmare and now have grass growing over them thus shading even more.

I don’t doubt Robin and Craig’s motivations for us all trying to live a more ecologically and sustainable existence. But there needs to be a serious discussion and reset on some of the ideas and policies that are being developed.
Flawed initiatives do considerable damage to the overall credibility of how we are to live in more sustainable ways.

Alf Baird

No surprise here whilst supposedly pro-independence intellectuals and ‘think-tanks’ remain in denial about our colonial reality. The penny will mebbe eventually drap, hopefully:

link to



Just a little off your topic but maybe still of interest to you. Apology if not.

link to

Vivian O’Blivion

Scot Gov ban on biomass heating in new property and conversions is as of today, officially scrapped. Oil fired burners are still verboten. What’s to stop an enterprising individual from getting a completion certificate on a new build and retro fitting an oil fired central heating burner?

Tiny Pat and loopy Lorna will be pure beelin’.

As the original ban was a “write over” from an amendment to E & W building control regulations, Scottish rural residents will be better off than those south of the border.


Holyroodstoun – Quality “Government” policy implementation. Turn the heating up to 11 0.11

The re-wilding of the taxpayer funded solar PV arrays…

Ques up Grandmaster Flash And The Furious Five as a dedication to the “planet saving” photovoltaics in da house…
It’s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under

Umpteenth Steve

I used to say that the mainstream media’s power lies less in what it reports than in what it doesn’t report.

In the aftermath of this election, I’d now add that more powerful than either is its ability to create and manipulate emotions.

Last edited 2 months ago by Umpteenth Steve

Fakestream media doesn’t hold any true power –

You/we do (yawn)…

The Umpteenth Time: The New Kind Of People: Look Before You Leap:

“I’ve got you under my skin
Never seems to matter what kind of mood I’m in
I’m so tired of drivin’ your daddy’s car…”:

link to


Elon Musk:

“You are the media now”:

link to


When Trump takes office and his political opponents criticize his policies (as they surely will, for that is the nature of democracy) how many of the Trump supporters on here are going to be singing “God Save The King”?


Could maybe whistle a couple of bars of, “Here comes the Chief” ?


as someone intending to have a career in «physics» i like this quote which i consider has universal application.

«There is so much noise on the Internet, with would-be prophets daily haranguing their audience and megalomaniacs trying to push bizarre ideas, that eventually people will cherish a new commodity: wisdom»
Michio Kaku

In physics all is theory until proved factually through observation and rigorous experimentation in the laboratory. The wise don’t publish until then.
On that basis most politics/economics is just theory and some of it rather scary.


God invented economists to make astrologers look good.

Another financial crash?


said JK Galbraith 

economics suffers from a lot of nonsense in its foundations, the principal one being that of equilibrium


kaku is a salesmen, and not a good one

link to


That’s quite an optimistic prediction “that eventually people will cherish a new commodity: wisdom” given the evidence, ie the way we disregard our old folk…

Hatey McHateface

“In physics all is theory until proved factually through observation and rigorous experimentation in the laboratory”

It’s a bit more nuanced than that.

After observation and rigorous experimentation has demonstrated the set of problems for which the theory provides the answers, the theory eventually becomes widely used.

But only until a new theory, which can solve a wider set of problems, is developed or discovered.

That’s why physicists still refer to their everyday working rules as theories, not rules.

And that’s why physicists are rarely surprised when a new theory, that explains everything their existing theory does, plus a bit more, comes along.

“most politics/economics is just theory”

Not all of it is though. Where wisdom comes in is in being able to separate the ideas that do work over the long term from those fashionable follies that don’t. It’s not too difficult to identify those who succeed at this – they are usually filthy rich.

Alf Baird

That’s maybe why it is helpful to consider postcolonial theory, because it is based on ‘practice’ and hence actual evidence and experience of colonialism. Which is why it is called ‘post’ colonial.


“Which is why it is called ‘post’ colonial.”

lol. You make me laugh at times Alf.

When I thought about it… There must be dozens if not a hundred+ cases of actual post colonial countries to study.

That is a shit load of data.

Alf Baird

Aye, plenty data Mac, and much of it informing the ‘UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples’.

link to

We therefore already have the well-trod and proven decolonization template to follow. All we needed was a national party elite who actually understood and could explain to the people that independence means decolonization!

link to


Yeah, I think you are right.

The path to independence is not ‘democratically leaving a political union we never voted to join’… it is decolonization.

Everything done to Alex proves it.


link to

I should have posted the above link in previous post.

Headline says ‘Anti-LGBTQ Rhetoric’ but it seems the story is about anti-transgenderism.

Trump’s campaign invested $21 million in anti-transgender ads, influencing young male voters.


Well this gives me food for thought when it comes to voting to avoid a Lab/SNP coalition after the next Holyrood election. I may have to hold my nose as I vote.

John Cleary

Sorry to go off topic, Rev, but the story today is that Liz Lloyd is going back to Number Ten “joining Starmer’s team as director of policy delivery and innovation.”

I thought “Can that be the same Liz Lloyd…..?”

So I went to Wikipedia and there is a BIG HOLE between 2015 and 2024.

It’s the same Liz Lloyd, isn’t it?
And they are protecting her, aren’t they?

How come nobody saw it coming?
Has anybody else noted that she came from Blair to the Scottish government (via Tanzania)?


It’s a different Liz Lloyd.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dan
John Cleary

Ah. Thank you Dan


Nae bother, the same names have caught a few folk out over the years.


careful….Blair’s Liz Lloyd will be retired.
If there is a Liz Lloyd going to Downing St then it could be Sturgeon’s colleague.
I await news.


Definitely not Sturgeon’s Lloyd.

Young Lochinvar

Are we allowed to say Liz Lloyd here now without your comment being taken off?

Just askin n that..

David Hannah

Once a leak, always a leak.

Leaky Liz is like a dripping tap. She’s untrustworthy for any establishment or corporation from here on in isn’t she?

Unless she works for partners in crime.


A few weeks on from “the site upgrade”…
Serious question, how is everyone finding trying to follow comments?
It’s a total schizo ball ache for me fucking about jumping up and down the page like Zebedee on some good shit amphetamine.
Is there some hidden magic button I’m missing that makes the chaotic stream of unrelated recent comments feed make sense.
I’m noticing some commenters have dropped away making me wonder if they have been put off by the new system.
Talking with a few wingers I know offline they agree the new setup is crap. Some suggesting that it’s a deliberate move and winding down the site engagement.
Is this like and android versus Apple thing where folk with clearly different wired up brains find the different systems intuitive.
The big green baw / orb on the lower left of screen I use as a music influencer and has had me playing Roam If You Want to by the B52s for days.
As an informed Scot I already know I have the right to roam on the land through the outdoor access code legislation so don’t need for an American band continuously telling me this.

George Ferguson

Hi Dan,
The standard of BTL comments I think has improved. Self-policing has been partially effective. I still remain uncertain about the uptick/downtick system which I feel could restrict Free Speech as I and others often adopt minority positions. Take the last time we had a lengthy discussion about grid capacity and the consequences of net zero. The MSM have realised the jeopardy of current strategy. Weeks later. I have never downticked anybody I have given one uptick. Your link on the NFU. See what I mean about minority positions? I think another few weeks to evaluate athe upgrade athough I have probably missed posts because I am not on post notifications.


Cheers for response George.
I’ve not clicked a single like or dislike in all my years online on numerous forums.
I refuse to entertain such a fickle low brow lazy engagement function.
Make a comment and it stands on its own merits. You have a voice so use it or lose it, don’t hide behind some pitiful cowed anonymity function that does heehaw to add anything to develop the conversation.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

It’s comical taking cursory glance at up or down votes on here. I see my post of the pic of the highly compromised solar PV arrays a dozen or so posts up has just lost a like. I made the effort to take the pic and upload it to help folk comprehend the flawed farcical policy. Look at it, that array will be overgrown completely by next year.
It is of so little worth in leccy generation terms to the residents in the properties that they haven’t even tried to keep the panels clear.
You can’t strim near it because all the wee panel connector wires will get hit and damaged.
It is a load of fucking shit and it breaks my heart to see such shoddy work and expensive kit being wasted on totally unsuitable properties. And this is because this is being rolled out under permitted development planning rules which means there is no scrutiny and oversight ensuring the installs are viable and adhere to construction and regs guidelines.
That the supposedly sensible heads in Common Weal continue to push for such flawed policy makes them look either stupid or complicit.

Over the years I’ve probably made over 20k posts along with many other folk adding a wealth of information and sharing engineering knowledge on a number of other sites to help build a quality information bank legacy to help folk out.
AI bots will just gain “knowledge” by parasitically hoovering up what humans have shared in the past.

George Ferguson

I am not a fan of Common Weal after the 2014 Independence Referendum one of their members first action was to accept a highly paid job from the SNP.. Also this narrative of the Engineering profession being a closed profession is an untruth. The most open profession with a plethora of open articles and published documents. What they really mean is interpret this information and distill into policy for us for nothing. I am unsure why they have accepted an invitation to a Conference with predetermined conclusions and recommendations. Land Reform needs a debate but this is not the platform. I will be supporting the NFU.

Tinto Chiel

The only advantage of the new format seems to be that Tobias Ellwood’s Little Elves who formerly strove ceaselessly to disrupt the site with their relentless negativity (they have the whole of the MSM to indulge themselves, after all, so why here?) seem a bit more reticent now for fear of embarrassment via these new “ratings”.

Otherwise I find the likes/dislikes unhelpful and I have to scroll up and down to keep up with the latest comments now.

Keep going with your Beaver Watch (ooh, matron!) and energy/engineering analysis but I think many equally thoughtful posters have long since departed because of the relentless interference from the aforementioned disruptors in recent years plus the deliberate sabotage of the movement by the SNP “leadership” since AS resigned, which has destroyed our focus and cutting edge.

Sadly, this site has long since stopped being an exchange of fruitful ideas below the line to prepare for a future return to independence for our country but the two factors above seem to me the main reasons.

Our political impasse can only be removed imo by the complete exposure of all those who conspired against Alex Salmond but how this can be achieved within the limits of legal restrictions is a major stumbling block to any progress.

Nae Need!

Where else will you get the ‘exposure of conspiracy’ if not on here? We all inch forward on here. . .while some are taking strides in the background and on other SM. Trust the process, for a while longer at least.


Dan , is the little green bell (adjacent to post comment panel) any use? Wonder where any notifications would be found? At present, it is a nightmare to find follow-up comments and finding this of yours was by chance.


I too find it difficult trying to follow the comments. I spend ages dotting around. It may be better if my laptop worked as the Rev described the system originally i.e. unread are in colour, but even so, I prefer chronological order even though one has to put in name and time of the comment to which one is replying.

Rab Clark

Some Friday Night Fun…

If anyone would like to suggest a Scots title for a translation of ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’, we’d love to hear it.

We’ve already done Aesop’s Fables and Plato’s Republic, but the Robert Tressell classic is our next project and we have to get that title sorted before we can even start.

Any suggestions are most welcome and there is a prize for the winner. (Not very exciting but it’s the thought that counts, eh?)

link to


“The Bare-Ersed Socialists”?

Rab Clark

Nice one, thanks.


These are the other suggestions we’ve had via The Twitter:

The Guidmen wi Tatterie Breeks.

The Tatterwalloped Guidmen

‘The Raggyt-Breikit Warld Allouers’


Love the series and can’t think of a better title than the ones already submitted.


Hello again, James. There is a comment, replying to one of yours, much earlier, referring to Aidan.

Mark Beggan

Dr Dogood and the tale of the soiled pants.

Mark Beggan

Right!!! Who didn’t like the joke? Eh? Come on show yourself.

Alf Baird

The Raggit Troosered Kyoab.


Alf, returning to an earlier topic (where language and law overlapped), it seems best to whisper in your ear, ‘listen to Aidan’. It could save loss of time and resources for the cause to which you are committed and, after Sturgeon’s work, time is important. Don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth, good saying, also you could find it has the best teeth.


….teth well able to bite you…



Geoff Anderson

Until the full manuscript was published in 1955, all copies of the book cited the author as Robert “Tressall”.) He completed The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, (originally called The Ragged Arsed Philanthropists) in 1910, but the 1,600-page hand-written manuscript was rejected by the three publishing houses.


The Moon n Plato

Mark Beggan

There’s few things more satisfying in politics than watching a self-righteous, arrogant person take a nose dive into an empty pool. But in Scotland, watching the whole organisation nose dive in sync is quite something.


Ooft, that’s an unfair opener. The rape case was a civil lawsuit for SA and defamation, while she was promoting a book. The judge was a Clinton appointee, and the prosecution lawyer used to work with the judge.

As for the 34 felonies, it was 34 separate payment to pay an NDA. You either think that’s a single crime (it’s not) or you fell for the Democrat tactic of twisting it to look like fraud.

It’s all heavily politically motivated.


MeidasTouch: Scottish LEADER sends BRUTAL MESSAGE TO TRUMP after election win:

“Scottish politician Patrick Harvie put Scotland’s First Minister John Swinney on blast following his decision to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the US presidential election. Francis Maxwell reports…”:

link to


Herald Scotland (2016): Profile: the former Ayr footballer starring on the left wing in the States:

“Maxwell believes that the US media’s “infatuation with zooming in on every crevice of [Trump’s] tainted character did nothing but assist in his rise…. I believe we get caught up a lot in how left-wing we are, to the point that we push away any form of debate to the other side,”

Personally, he is a Democrat, “progressive in my views, but, to be brutal about it, the election woke me up on how I can’t allow my views, no matter how progressive they are, to shut down any other argument.

I can’t go along with what a lot of people did on the left wing here. We were condemning anyone with a difference of opinion, demonising their views as the worst of Trump’s rhetoric, demonising everyone who voted for him as racist, xenophobic or sexist. I felt that that had a huge part to play in his rise.”…”:

link to


Holyrood (2024): Patrick Harvie criticises John Swinney over congratulation letter to Donald Trump:

“Speaking at FMQs, Harvie labelled Trump a “misogynist, a climate denier, a fraudster, a conspiracy monger, a racist, a far-right politician who tried to overturn an election result”.

He asked: “What social and cultural ties does the first minister really think will benefit from a relationship with such a man?”:

link to


TYT Network:

“Francis is a regular contributor on Cheddar and BBC.”:

link to


Occupy Democrats (2021): Nothing but facts from Francis Maxwell:

“Reminder: #BlueLivesMatter was never about supporting police. It was always about silencing black people #BLM”:

link to


Black Lives Matter (2021): 7 Demands:

“1. Impeach, convict, and ban Trump from future political office…
2. Expel Republican members of Congress…
4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms…
5. Defund the police…”:

link to


MeidasTouch (2024):

“When you sell your soul and get repeatedly humiliated”:

link to


Pete Wishart (2024):

“This place will soon be the exclusive preserve of Trumpists/Musk fans, social conservatives and the likes of Wings Over Scotland. Hanging on with my fingertips now…..”

“I’d just block you but there doesn’t seem much point now other than for the sport…..”:

link to

Cheer up Pete, et al (alternative media is where it’s at:) –

Come join the fun…


Don Bass

You haven’t mentioned the other major reason that Trump won was because the voters were sick and tired of the the quite astonishing conspiracy of lawfare against him by the DoJ, the Fulton County and Southern District of Manhattan DAs and others. It has parallels with what happened to Alex Salmond albeit Trump’s experience was on a far more epic scale.

It’s a joke when the best his opponents can throw at him is that he’s a felon and a rapist. The Manhattan judge must be in a state of apoplexy at the result because his own get out of jail card was a Harris win. Now that she lost, he still has to pronounce sentence following the frankly laughable conviction by his court. That will happen on 26/11 and it will be fascinating to see what he does given that he presided over a kangaroo court and was unable to actually describe the supposed crime that Trump had committed particularly as there didn’t

The rape claim is equally laughable because the lady in question, E Jean Caroll claimed she was raped by Trump sometime in the 1980’s but she’s not sure which year exactly. She did however remember very clearly which dress she was wearing even though said dress wasn’t actually manufactured until many years later. She’s not credible and ordinary people can figure that out for themselves.

The other cases against him are equally flawed but I’ll not waste any more time writing about them because no doubt you’ll take this post down.

He doesn’t half talk a lot of sense though about transgender ideology in schools, the workplace in sports and in healthcare and I look forward with great anticipation to Donald Trump bringing the weight of the presidency down on those who mutilate and manipulate children for their own perverse benefit. At least you must like him for that given your own stated position

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    • MaryB on A short treatise on stalking: “What a tosser James Kelly is. Alba are better off without him. He’s no benefit to the SNP either. Classic…Jan 22, 09:08
    • Al McBrian on A short treatise on stalking: “I lived in England on and off for many years and was never once described by anyone as an immigrant.Jan 22, 08:43
    • diabloandco on A short treatise on stalking: “Yep, he was once my go to for statistics and polling – not now.Jan 22, 07:58
    • Hatey McHateface on The Great Hollowing: “Andrew Liddle writing in Unherd on the possibility of an SNP-Labour governing coalition in HR after the 2026 election: “the…Jan 22, 07:52
    • Hatey McHateface on The Great Hollowing: “A back-room group will already be working on the most acceptable way to combine the “Will For Independence” process with…Jan 22, 07:41
    • Hatey McHateface on A short treatise on stalking: “Here’s another one: On Wings BTL, it is widely assumed that gregor is the sole reader of his own posts.Jan 22, 07:07
    • Jeannie McCrimmon on A short treatise on stalking: “Sit doon Mr Kelly is a personal Holyrood favourite.Jan 22, 04:57
    • Young Lochinvar on The Great Hollowing: “Ah well, who knows, give him a break. As we used to joke asking the local Germans back in the…Jan 22, 01:59
    • Skip_NC on A short treatise on stalking: “In this context, “tortured sole” is correct. James Kelly is like a fish out of water.Jan 22, 01:50
    • Young Lochinvar on The Great Hollowing: “Still waiting for a meaningful factual reply yoon (or is it scum!). Heck I don’t know but you sound well…Jan 22, 01:45
    • Skip_NC on A short treatise on stalking: “Alba is doing something. It’s just that the media don’t talk about it.Jan 22, 01:43
    • gregor on The Great Hollowing: “BBC (2025): Gray apologises over football match meetings: “Health Secretary Neil Gray has apologised for “inadvertently” misleading MSPs over the…Jan 22, 01:37
    • gregor on A short treatise on stalking: “Olde Throne: Greyfriars Kirkyard: “Oh, Greyfriars Where the Covenanters lay Ceased by the black judge Cut down by his hand…Jan 22, 00:55
    • gregor on The Great Hollowing: “Funnily enough – same could be said for J.K. Rowling (et al)… 22, 00:06
    • Confused on The same old tricks: “another classic from the archiveJan 21, 23:50
    • gregor on A short treatise on stalking: “If you insist, McFetish… “The sole of your foot or of a shoe or sock is the underneath surface of…Jan 21, 23:50
  • A tall tale

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