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Wings Over Scotland

Herd impunity

Posted on July 10, 2021 by
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The Isolator

Absolute “souster” there Chris…look forward to my weekly toon and you never disappoint.


Covid on the rocks?

Let’s be clear, the U.K. having the highest death tally in Europe
is nothing to do with Bojo’s government.

The greatest economic crash in Europe has nothing to do
with Bojo’s government.

The Tsunami of corrupt contracts and bogus job placements are nothing
to do with Boris.

The disastrous Brexit agreement has nothing to do with Boris.

It all down to the voters who can’t see beyond their own eyelids.

Bojo is letting you drive on the road with no winners and no end.

What joy for him as he has fewer pensions to pay, fewer on benefits,
unemployment rising along with the fear of demanding workers rights or wage rises.

More nurses and doctors leaving the NHS through stress so more private Tory owned
medical companies will need to step in and bang it’s all theirs.

Dave Somerville


Your sketches are the only change at the top of the page that Wingers get these days.

So your subject matter is noticed even more than ever.

I don’t get involved in the Covid debate, but I know it is as real hot potato on Wings these days, so it’s tin helmets on and prepare for a right ding dong battle between the so called “Vaccers” and the “Anti-Vaccers”.

Tom Kane


and then another dimension of the surreal… Queen Nicola, the high courtiers, princes and princesses of the SNP, the media batallions and the cautious Indie movement all adamant that we need to wait til Britain magically resolves all the Tory catastrophes before Scotland can have a referendum on whether we should make our own way in the world.

That third wave is a wave of tears.

Scot Finlayson

`July 19th` is either going to be a Charge of the Light Brigade moment or a Charge of the Scots Greys moment,

either total carnage,disaster and loss of lives or the major pivot point in overcoming covid and back to normality.



On deaths per million population UK has 15th worse in Europe and 20th worst in the world. Of course there is a bigger absolute number given larger population but Belgium, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia to name but a few have a greater death toll.

And Scotland fares far worse than many similar sized countries sharing a land order including Denmark, Finland, Sweden (with no lockdown and just guidance to wear masks) or Norway.

Stuart MacKay


So how long before the Scottish Government realises and then acknowledges that we’re on the road to Perdition.

The longer they wait the bigger the jump needed to get off before it’s too late. However like so many frogs in a pot they’re too dumb to see the country is, not so slowly, being cooked.

As for covid? Well everybody seems content to have it down-graded to flu+. That’s not an unreasonable situation given the vaccines. However, I think we’re due at least a revision in the technology if we’re to continue with this as the new normal.

It’s a pretty shitty situation for those who the vaccines are not going to make a difference and we still don’t know the long term effects. What happens once you’ve contracted it half a dozen times? Is the damage cumulative?

Maybe, in ten years time, we’ll look back and curse the day Sturgeon took her first breath.

Tom Kane

For anyone who wants to ponder the maps of badly UK/Scotland is handling Covid-19 and how the wave is taking off after we did so well…

link to

July is the killer month… And it’s about to get much worse

Respect to all colleagues in the NHS who did us such steadfast and humane service so far. Close to home, Lothian… Thank you.You have been incredible … If only government could have supported you more. Closed borders at the time of seeing the delta variant would have been a big help.

Captain Yossarian

What this cartoon tells me is that Stuart Campbell may be finding a new life for himself away from these pages. These SNP 1 and 2 folk have set us all on a road to managed decline within a swamp of vested interests over the next 5-years. If only more had listened to him at the time.


Tom Kane @ 8:51am,
Unfortunately, you are correct.
There are more reasons to support Alba, this is only one of them.


Tom Kane @ 10:05am,
New Zealand closed its borders,

link to

I’m not saying it was right or wrong, however we need to understand that there are consequences for every action.

It amazes me that people believe that interfering with one side of an equation won’t impact on the other.

Newton’s 3rd Law is always in play.



When your first sentence is a lie how the hell do you expect to convince anyone?

People like you who cannot even be bothered to get your facts right are after the corrupt liars in the New SNP and the moon howlers the biggest problem the Indy movement has.

James Che.

Saffron robe,
I wrote the last piece on previous blog with you comments in mind before I realised the new cartoon was here.


Love the Hokusai-styled wave.

As I said earlier in the week, twice as it happens (being a community spirited type), COVID-19 is now out of control and everyone in the UK is basically going to catch it.

It’s strange that in Scotland (all of a sudden) we are now ahead of England on this, they’re watching us to see how it pans out, where just a few weeks ago we were behind England. The whole world is watching Scotland.

As for the debate, what debate? Covid is real and deadly. Anyone that denies that is certifiable. The vaccine is real too and it offers some protection; we are about to find out how much — at least some of us are, others will simply perish.

We’ve been badly let down by Nicola and Boris. That’s the truth of it. Everything they have done in the last 18 months ranged between utterly incompetent and callous disregard.

If it wasn’t for the idiotic science deniers (stoked by big business through the tabloid media), the death and disruption could have been kept to a minimum, as it was in Australia and elsewhere. We could have created more pressure.

Thanks Boris. Thanks Nicola. Thanks crackpots. Your grandchildren will be proud.


Captain Yossarian says:
10 July, 2021 at 10:24 am
What this cartoon tells me is that Stuart Campbell may be finding a new life for himself away from these pages.


He did tell us that a good few weeks ago!

He’s not alone in finding a new life away from these pages.

There are only the same handful of people posting here now!

The question is why have people stopped posting?

The posts on the end of the last thread are very unpleasant that could be one reason why people are going elsewhere.


Nice one Chris.

Meanwhile Mike Russell prattles on about the small percentage of folk, some non-resident, in Scotland that own the majority of Scotland’s land.

Russell however conveniently forgets to mention that his party voted with the Tories against Andy Wightman’s amendments to how land is valued in Scotland.

Russell adds that 67% of of the lands of Scotland are owned by just 0.025 of the population, and that the Scottish theatre company 7:48, which produced great productions such as The Cheviot, The Stag and the Black Black Oil, took its name from the figures at the time that 7% of Scotland’s population owned 84% of Scotland’s lands.

The SNP government has done almost nothing on land reform in Scotland, and Russell knows it.

Brian Doonthetoon

An interesting analysis in The New Statesman –
“The return of the Celts
Why a reawakening of national identities could spell the end of the United Kingdom.”

Here’s a short quote from it:-

“By all reasonable criteria, Scotland should be as rich as Denmark. Instead, like Wales, it is among the poorest regions of Europe. Recovering from decades of institutional dependency on the British Treasury – the glue of England’s empire – will take a long time.

Better together?

link to


Hatuey says:
10 July, 2021 at 10:52 am
Love the Hokusai-styled wave.

Clever the way he’s incorporated ‘third wave’ into the drawing of the wave.

What a lot of work goes into Chris’s cartoons!

The wave emoji inspired by Hokusai is one of my favourites.


Breastplate: “It amazes me that people believe that interfering with one side of an equation won’t impact on the other.”

Can you provide a link to examples of such people?


Brian Doonthetoon says:
10 July, 2021 at 11:06 am
An interesting analysis in The New Statesman –
“The return of the Celts


Thanks for that Brian.
Looks very interesting. I’m off to read it now.

James Che.

My slant on Covid is not an issue to worry about in Scotland as most people are naturally cautious for there own health and welfare. Most have had a vaccine in stage one or two,

My worry is that NS is using Covid as a tool to rule and to apportion the power of the Scottish people sovereignty that is wrote in the Scotland act and the treaty of the union to the Snp and devolved government sovereignty. Going unnoticed
In Scotland the rules for,
Covid should only be advisory,
Not enforced by police, fines and court cases.
The Scottish government does not hold sovereignty over the Scottish people,
The Scottish people are sovereign in the Scotland act, the declaration of Arbroath the treaty of the union.

New rules for health are by request of the Scottish government and not legal in Scotland by policing.


Ruby, the BBC series ‘A history of the world in 100 objects’ did a really good episode on that painting. I couldn’t believe how much there was to it…

Folk are drifting away from this site because nothing but a weekly cartoon (however well drawn) is ever going to sustain any site. This isn’t a criticism of the Rev Stu, who not only did his shift but an amazing amount of over-time. I suspect – and certainly hope – he will return to the Scottish blogosphere after much-needed R&R.
Meanwhile, being new on the job, I possess a (perhaps naive) belief that it’s vital to draw to the attention of even a tiny fraction of the Scottish population an official report which (masked by deliberately impenetrable language) nonetheless reveals why Holyrood became an Orwellian nightmare and how Big Sister stays in power:
link to


So the English supermarket chain Morrisons, is shipping in products from England to sell at their stores at a cheaper price than Scottish produce.

The supermarket chain is charging higher prices for Scottish produce, that its currently reducing in range, English based food products are flooding the shelves at a cheaper price, even local milk suppliers in Scotland are being replaced by milk suppliers South of the border.

Union Jackery is in full flow in Scotland my local Sainsbury’s removed the Saltire that once adorned the Sainsbury’s board as you entered the store. Scotland food producers are slowly having their products reduced or overpriced in supermarkets in Scotland with the intentions of seeing food produce South of the border replacing them, add in Brexit and the likes of the rotten Aussie trade deal and I can see Scottish produce taking a nosedive, or become so expensive that it will be priced out of the Scottish food market, to all but those who can afford it.

Morrisons was taken over by a US group this week, for £6.3 billion pounds.

James Che.

I do not see anything offensive in my last post on previous thread.


As Sturgeon has appointed Sir Nicolas MacPherson to a committee on how to grow the Scottish economy, MacPherson who was the head of the UK Civil service in 2014 during the indyref, and he was meant to be neutral, but he showed George Osborne how to weaponise the currency debate against Scotland.

MacPherson’s memo at the time of the 2014 indyref was published, in which he said, in an extreme case like the Scottish independence referendum which he described as people seeking to destroy the fabric of the state, the usual Civil service neutrality rules don’t apply.

Yet Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens has employed this guy, as George Kerevan has said there can be no more pretence that Sturgeon has any intentions of holding an indyref or words to that effect.

We should’ve seen this coming when Sturgeon appointed the likes of Benny Higgins on the creation of an investment bank.

Ian Brotherhood

Hatuey is fearmongering. Again.

Newly published papers have given hope.

Please watch this short film. It explains why we are perfectly capable of dealing with covid without vaccines. Furthermore, it explains *WHY* the vaccines are dangerous. They are the real danger now.

All the lockdowns, restrictions, ever-changing rules and non-stop propaganda had one aim – to make us fearful, grateful for ‘the jab’. Our bodies have wonderful natural defences against all sorts of bugs and bacteria. Unfortunately, our minds are much more malleable. The lockdowns were the preparation – getting the jags in arms is, literally, the ‘money shot’ for the characters behind this diabolical outrage.


Hatuey says:
10 July, 2021 at 11:16 am
Ruby, the BBC series ‘A history of the world in 100 objects’ did a really good episode on that painting. I couldn’t believe how much there was to it…


I didn’t see that programme due to not watching TV any more.
Sounds very interesting.

In the past the BBC have produced some excellent history of art programmes.


No, I can’t.
Does that mean such people don’t exist?


James Che. says:
10 July, 2021 at 11:21 am
I do not see anything offensive in my last post on previous thread.



James Che.

the farmer hatuey busy planting seeds for dispersal into the wind.
Those days of, “You are a weapon of mass destruction” and once you move slightly you will explode with death volatile particles to kill all your friends and family.
What is the point of having a vaccine if,

1) it gives you no protection.
2) it does not stop you spreading the virus.
3) you still have to self isolate should get the virus after vaccinations.

James Che.

I don’t quite see how they are offensive in anyway, just the opposite.


The appointment of “Sir” Nicolas MacPherson by M/s Sturgeon is the last straw. Scotland’s chance of regaining its full status has been destroyed. How cleverly it has been done.

She has emasculated the party into accepting whatever she says and does, including the NEC voting for dubious, probably unlawful, selection procedures.

She creates barriers to doing anything for independence, brainwashing the party and public into going along with “after Brexit”, “after Covid”, must be gold standard s30 etc etc etc. All mandates have been left unactioned.

If we rise up and remove Sturgeon the UK can say Scotland is out of control. Oh dear me we will have to run the place. How convenient that we have all those civil servants in the new building in Edinburgh.

I shall write again to my MSP and MP. I shall tell them that the only way we will get independence is for the parliamentary groups to abandon supporting M/s Sturgeon. Either she must be made to resign or they must all move to Alba. These civilised methods are the only ones that I think would avoid the danger of UK taking over.

But I won’t hold my breath waiting to see a miraculous conversion to comprehending the truth.

Captain Yossarian

Two things: 1) Stuart Campbell said that he would reassess things in November. 2) Ruby isn’t here to police these pages.

Jim F. McIntosh

The Rev. has rightly given up any hope of an indy ref. in this parliament with betrayer Sturgeon in charge and a great deal of us agree with that claim. I think a lot of us are thoroughly scunnered and are just waiting and hoping for a chance to get rid of her and possibly the SNP also if they don’t shape up and grow a pair. I don’t think it would take much for a huge stampede to the ALBA party next election if a ref. is not held before then but looks like we will have to put up with this pretendy independence party for now.


Ruby, it was a radio program, you can get it on podcast along with all the others. I very rarely watch TV myself.

Breastplate: “Does that mean such people don’t exist?”

No, it means your point is unsubstantiated. I prefer substantiated.

I see we have another hilarious video to watch.

Rob Brown

Folk are drifting away from this site because nothing but a weekly cartoon (however well drawn) is ever going to sustain any site. This isn’t a criticism of the Rev Stu, who not only did his shift but an amazing amount of over-time. I suspect – and certainly hope – he will return to the Scottish blogosphere after much-needed R&R.
Meanwhile, being new on the job, I possess a (perhaps naive) belief that it’s vital to draw to the attention of even a tiny fraction of the Scottish population an official report which (masked by deliberately impenetrable language) nonetheless reveals why Holyrood became an Orwellian nightmare and how Big Sister stays in power:
link to


James Che;

1) it gives you no protection.

Then how do you explain the reduction in hospitalisation and morbidity relative to infection rates, and the age-shift in positive cases that shows more younger unvaccinated people catching the disease?

2) it does not stop you spreading the virus.

It isn’t as simplistic and binary as you think. The vaccine will stop some catching it and result in dramatically milder symptoms for most. In both cases you are less likely to spread it.

3) you still have to self isolate should get the virus after vaccinations.

Right now that’s true but it may change. The reason it’s true now is because we still have lots of partially vaccinated and unvaccinated people in the population. As it stands we would be putting them at risk if we didn’t encourage isolation.

In the future we will have different rules and responsibilities for those who are vaccinated and those who aren’t. Actually we can see that system taking shape now — you basically can’t travel abroad unless you prove you have had two doses.

Saffron Robe

Nicola Sturgeon has announced plans to boost the economy by opening pop-up Covid vaccination centres in Scotland’s major cities. The centres will be based in disused shop premises and customers will be given the opportunity to pick and mix their vaccines of choice, with discounts available on selected ranges, as guidelines for the recommended time between doses are set to be lifted. There will be no age limitations as Ms Sturgeon said this would be discriminatory and simply by setting foot on the premises would imply consent. Safe consumption rooms will be provided at the back of the premises along with an emergency phone line for anyone suffering from adverse effects. Specially trained gender-neutral staff will be on hand to provide assistance, reassurance and biscuits. Ms Sturgeon promised that customers’ personal details would be kept strictly in accordance with data protection laws and used solely for government monitoring purposes. She said she was dismayed that the internal market bill dictated that all vaccines regardless of make or origin would have to be branded with a Union flag, but said the benefits of taking the vaccine far outweigh any doubts she has about the packaging. She said that the contents of the vaccines could not be revealed due to Government-Big Pharma confidentiality but would like to assure everyone that all of the approved vaccines meet the lowest possible safety standards and have been extensively tested on bats. Ms Sturgeon said the government would not be promoting any one particular vaccine over another as it was purely a matter of personal choice, but guaranteed that all customers will be given a special rainbow badge which glows in the dark as a sign that they have surrendered all their critical faculties to the government.

Rob Brown

Folk are drifting away from this site because a weekly cartoon (however well drawn) is never going to sustain any site. This isn’t a criticism of the Rev Stu, who not only did his shift but an amazing amount of over-time. I suspect – and certainly hope – he will return to the Scottish blogosphere after much-needed R&R.
Meanwhile, being new on the job, I possess a (perhaps naive) belief that it’s vital to draw to the attention of even a tiny fraction of the Scottish population an official report which (masked by deliberately impenetrable language) nonetheless reveals why Holyrood became an Orwellian nightmare and how Big Sister stays in power:
link to


Republic of Scotland Morrisons was not taken over by US group.The shareholders will eventually vote on proposed bids by US consortiums.

Tom Kane

We don’t have enough time to wait for the next election. Either by accident or design the Scottish Parliament is starting to look juvenile… results in transportation, education, police scotland, copfs, illegal proceedings and lawyers supporting civil servants and non-politicians to protect the SNP leadership… we don’t have the luxury of a long wait.

I am a fan of equations… the balancing of two perspectives on the same truth… So… no quarrel there.
But as far as epidemilology goes, there are more than two sides that need to be balanced in pursuing public good in times of a pandemic that is raging and evolving both in viral infectivity (ease of transmission) and vector potency (the hit when it arrives on someone). This version of covid is young, vigoprous and growing arms and legs.

Us, in the northern hemisphere, controlling delta variants and newer emergents is a totally different problem to the one in NZ and Oz. They have protected lives first… which is one approach. We are stuck on a train where whatever is going on in the evolving world of covid variants is coming through our carriage and we only have limited resources for dealing with what’s already going on.

Lothian, Grampian, and others having to close down surgeries because of the stress on the system at present. We need proper walls in place and a strategy ready to go in order to protect our NHS workers and our citizenry. The Guardian article is looking at a smaller issue with a big magnifying glass.


@ Saffron Robe: thank you for trying to lift the mood with this spoof but it is too close to reality. “..a rainbow badge which glows in the dark as a sign that they have surrendered all their critical faculties to the government”.

Grouse Beater

From the economist who says Scotland should use its own pound as currency, his thoughts on a Green Central Bank, worth 15 minutes of your time.

Your essential weekend reading:

‘Aiming For a Green Bank’: link to


O/T @ Grouse Beater: I read your twitter several times a day as a reliable source of the latest thinking on independence [and for the wildlife and garden, of course!]. Thank you. [I have to thank you here as I am not on twitter.]


Anybody asked Alexa ‘is football coming home?’

Just asking…


Tom Kane,
I think you miss my point.
You mention the actions we must take regarding Covid because of the present problems we have, surely you must acknowledge that the present problems we have are because of the actions we have taken, no?

Again, if you believe like Hatuey that the lockdown and restrictions were and are necessary and have weighed the pros and cons, tell me the pros and cons of lockdown and restrictions.

I’ve made my views known regarding lockdown and why I don’t believe it was the best way forward because I didn’t believe that just a measurement of deaths was sufficient to make informed decisions regarding wider and future and present societal problems.

So, if you and Hatuey have weighed up the pros and cons like Hatuey has suggested, let’s hear them.


I hasten to add that I’m not saying you are wrong, just that I have a different perspective.



According to this they have accepted a bid.

“Morrisons – the supermarket chain that this week accepted a £6.3 billion takeover bid by a US group.”

link to

Anyway, I see your concern lies with that, and not the supplanting of Scottish food produce.

James Che.

This is how the reduction is explained.
1) Plos One, Mortality Attribute to influenza in England and Wales during 2009 pandemic.
Epidemiology and infection Lessons from 40 years surveillance of influenza in England and Wales.
Influenza deaths in England and Wales.
Viruses Due to natural causes have a natural life existence for the populations in general in amongst different age groups .
The graphs and deaths amongst the populations from influenza on these dates will verify not only that viruses kill people but that governments in uk had discussed closing down schools previously. And that it is impossible to prevent new viruses without the human body becoming full of toxic vaccinated chemicals that the average person would object to if they were told these chemicals had been spread on their food before being boxed or canned.

2) The fact that a fully vaccinated person is [not guaranteed] as not able to spread the virus in amongst the rest of us, is not a guarantee at all.

3) The discrimination of the Human race between vaccinated persons rights and non vaccinated persons is nazi like in its creation where parts of society has a pass to live life freely, while others are segregated.

4) For those like myself and cancer patients whom may be more at risk taking the vaccine rather than not taking it poses questions to the vaccinated roaming freely possible still spreading covid virus. Should the vaccinated still be in lockdown?

5) At this moment in time the UK government. And the Scottish government are breaking the law on human rights under Ageism by locking up the people over a certain age especially in care homes without [ their] consent or the consent of their children and families. This is also discrimination.

6) Withdrawal of family contact and stimulation is also breaking the law as in the treaty of the union under private rights, and under human rights, (google) citizens advice on legalities .

7) And an important one that you may wish to ignore or scoff at in a derogatory manner as it may not suit you’re own perception of sovereignty, but that is a legal position in Scotland, and sovereignty of a persons body, and freedoms would be going against human rights, The Scotland Act, private right ( Treaty of the Union) , the UNs right to self determination, of a people to chose their own ( future) and their country.
I am sure I could research some other legalities that may be an offence for the uk and the Scottish government to impose even under the health act, as this is not an article mentioned by England or Scotland as specific in the 1707 treaty of the union.


As child poverty in the UK reaches epidemic proportions, the High court in England has rejected a challenge over the Tory governments two-child limit for welfare payments.

The ruling restricts Child Tax Credits and Universal Credit to the first two children in a family.

The soon to be ermine vermin Ruth Davidson is an avid fan of the Rape Clause, in which if a woman is raped, and she conceives a child, she must then go through a strict Q&A session to qualify for the above benefits for a third child.


Republic of Scotland you should not believe anything you read in the newspapers.My principal concern is to correct nonsense.I remain a shareholder of Morrisons and will vote on the proposals.


(SIM) Scottish Independence Movement, are organising a indy march that will hopefully take place on the 14th of August, the assembly point is in Kelvingrove park Glasgow at 11.55am, it will march to Glasgow Green.


Fair enough.

Tell me Cherrybank, since you profess to be in the know, will the bid succeed?


Re my 2pm comment to Cherrybank.

“Under the terms of the Fortress-led deal, Morrisons shareholders will receive 254p a share, comprising 252p in cash and a 2p cash dividend. That is a 4% premium to the 243p Morrisons share price closed at on Friday but a premium of 42% to its closing share price of 178p on 18 June – the last business day before CD&R’s proposal.”

“Andrew Higginson, the chair of Morrisons, said: “The Morrisons directors believe that the offer represents a fair and recommendable price for shareholders which recognises Morrisons’ future prospects.”

Sounds like the deal will go through, I bet with Cherrybanks interest in it, that they have quite a few share.

Nally Anders

Thanks for the heads up re: the ‘march’.
Cheered me up no end.
Great Toon Chris, yes we are all about to be swamped.


Rogueslr says:
10 July, 2021 at 1:28 pm
Anybody asked Alexa ‘is football coming home?’

Just asking…

Google Home answers

Well, football is shaped like a globe so I would say the whole world is the home of football!


Hatuey @ 12:36pm,

“ 2) it does not stop you spreading the virus.

It isn’t as simplistic and binary as you think. The vaccine will stop some catching it and result in dramatically milder symptoms for most. In both cases you are less likely to spread it.”

Sorry Hatuey,
The vaccine does not endow you with an invisible barrier that the virus can’t cross. You will still catch the virus, your immune system will deal with it but meantime you will still be able to pass it on.


Before you get back to me, I’m just stating the obvious, I’m not commenting on how more or less a vaccinated person, an unvaccinated person who hasn’t had Covid yet or an unvaccinated person who has had Covid and has antibodies is likely to pass on the virus.


Another excellent piece of work.

Thank you Chris for keeping the Indy flame alive during this dark, ‘Sturgeon Cult’ period.

She and her now invisible husband can’t hold onto power forever.

We shall overcome one day.


Rob Brown says:
10 July, 2021 at 12:39 pm
Folk are drifting away from this site because a weekly cartoon (however well drawn) is never going to sustain any site


There is more than just a weekly cartoon posted on this site.

Any reason why Wings posters cannot sustain peoples interest?

For example posting interesting links like you have done.


James Che. says:
10 July, 2021 at 12:08 pm
I don’t quite see how they are offensive in anyway, just the opposite.

Who said they were?


Captain Yossarian says:
10 July, 2021 at 12:12 pm
2) Ruby isn’t here to police these pages.


That’s lucky for you ‘Yossa’ otherwise you would have been banned long ago, probably after your 500th post about the ‘sinking school’


Where’s Mia?

Why isn’t she posting anymore?

Tom Kane

Breastplate, 1:32
I don’t think there’s much between us on trying to do the right thing. It’s just that the difficult medical approach of isolation has to be on the table and available for use under the right circumstances.

There were two places where a Scottish national strategy would have helped … One in closing down when the Kent variation appeared, and the other, when the Indian variant appeared. Not to solve the problems, but to give our NHS a chance at coping with the consequences, pursuing mitigation strategies and even finding solutions without being up to the neck treating live cases.

I respect your perspective, though, Breastplate.

It’s good to talk.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – folk are getting tired of your mind-numbing skitter. Why don’t you just switch the computer off and go for a walk. This site will get-on fine without you.


Hatuey says:
10 July, 2021 at 12:17 pm
Ruby, it was a radio program, you can get it on podcast along with all the others. I very rarely watch TV myself.


Thanks Hatuey I found it.

Here’s a link for anyone else who might be interested.

link to


Captain Yossarian says:
10 July, 2021 at 2:49 pm
Ruby – folk are getting tired of your mind-numbing skitter. Why don’t you just switch the computer off and go for a walk. This site will get-on fine without you.



Captain Yossarian showing his true colours!


PS Captain Yossarian

This site is not getting on fine or haven’t you noticed?


link to

Won’t lift your spirits much, but some I hope. Scotland’s new Gauleiter Mark McInnes of Kilwinning, was apparently Jim Murphy’s chum behind the mighty Better Together Campaign. See? Told you you’d feel better. 😉

Here was me worrying they’d appoint somebody streetwise and on the ball. Of course, maybe McInnes is just the decoy, and the real anti-Independence drive remains discreetly ensconced in Bute House. Who can say?


@ Breeks

At this stage I wouldn’t be surprised if the Scottish Government Administrators of Devolved Powers appoint a certain Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor to produce policy on whether Scotland should move to being a republic or retain the monarchy…

Andrew F

Latest stats for this week from Australia:

Dead with COVID so far: 910

Dead after injections so far: 355

There is an insane line of argument going on in this country along the lines that the injection has a smaller probability of harming or killing you than the relatively unlikely to harm or kill you virus it may or may not actually prevent you from being harmed or killed by.

Anything that needs 24/7 PR, expert trolls, threats and lollies to try to coerce the public into, is probably best avoided by a country mile.

Everyone is free to decide for themselves, but nobody has any right to dictate to the rest of us that we must be injected with anything.

Ian Brotherhood

@AndrewF –

Hear hear.

The architects of this madness are becoming visibly frustrated that people are exhibiting such stubborn ‘hesitancy’.

You mentioned Australia. According to UK Column this week, the uptake across the whole of Australia has been around 5%. That’s perhaps why characters like Fauci are now becoming very ill-tempered and edging ever-closer to warning of punishment for those who don’t comply. Biden himself warned that they will be going ‘door-to-door’ in order to persuade the unwilling.

But our main enemy isn’t a cabal of sociopaths. The ones to watch are Hatuey and his ilk – anonymised, cowardly fascists who have plans for everyone and are salivating at the prospect of wielding real power. He has, in this place, openly called for ‘anti-vaxxers’ to be denied the right to work, travel, or have a social life. And he’s not joking.

Hugh Jarse

No Euro’s special Stu?

Fabulous scribbling as usual CC.
No love lost on those rocks.


Republic of Scotland.Morrisons is currently trading at 264.90,so the Stock Exchange expects further bids.Morisons is a well run company that tries to do the right thing by its various stakehplders. I am opposed to American hedge funds ruining British firms.I would vote against a hedge fund takeover but it would be very likely to succeed.

James Che.

Ian brotherhood.
Indeed his glee in rhetoric of forced control regards covid is a reminder of World War Two behaviour,
As a non Jew it scares the heebee jeebies out of me, even the possible forthcoming passport to dictate of whom will be allowed freedom, travel of movement and who will under lock an key,
Are we to be branded or have arm tattoos, perhaps all the non vaccinated will be moved together like scum, having unequal rights to those whom consider themselves a superior vaccinated race.

James Che.

Re you’re comments,
10 July 2021, 10:53am.
Your comment:The posts of the last thread are very unpleasant that could be one of the reasons why people are going elsewhere.
I just wished to make the point that you are tarring an awful lot of people with the same brush indiscriminately.


Andrew F, your data is deliberately misleading. You’re suggesting the vaccine killed those people. We’ve seen this hypocrisy before on here…

Before there was a vaccine you argued that many who died were misdiagnosed as covid deaths. You possible can’t see that you’re doing that very same thing now, attributing all deaths amongst the vaccinated to the vaccine.

You then say “nobody has any right to dictate to the rest of us that we must be injected with anything”, which is true. And nobody is doing it.

But just as it’s your right to reject the vaccine, others have the right to stop unvaccinated people boarding planes, entering shops and bars, eating in restaurants, etc. People are already exercising those rights, just as people are exercising their right not to be vaccinated.

For my part, I wouldn’t go on a plane that allowed unvaccinated people on it. I wouldn’t eat in a restaurant next to an unvaccinated person. You get the idea.

Companies that pander to the unvaccinated will be boycotted and they’ll soon change their policies. Again, it’s my right to do that.

These rights are complicated, aren’t they?

James Che.

Hatuey. Been as you never responded to my comments at 1 46pm today,
Perhaps you will to the more recent one at 5: 38 pm, today as this has some parallels to how you are coming across to people, you are beginning to sound like the SS in nazi Germany.

Saffron Robe

Yes, swap “unvaccinated people” for “Jewish people” in Hatuey’s comment above and the picture becomes clear.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby appears to have gone to her bed and thank Heavens for that.

That wee ferry looks an awful lot like these two partially built ferries tied up at Port Glasgow just now.

The last I heard a new Royal Yacht was likely to cost £200m. These two wee ferries could cost £300m.


Breastplate, it’s clear to me that you don’t understand the dynamics of viral infections, how the immune system neutralises them, the difference between the virus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease it causes (COVID-19), and how infections spread.

If you’re comfortable discussing immunoglobulins and the basic mechanics of the 5 antibody types that regulate our immune response (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, IgE), it would take about 3 seconds to dismiss what you’re saying as junk, but I’m not willing to explain it to you first.

The vaccine does, as a matter of scientific fact, stop some people from developing the disease. That’s what antibodies do, providing there’s enough of them.

Incidentally, Ian Brotherhood posted a link earlier to a Chinese guy who went a long way towards explaining how the immune systems works. I’d recommend watching it.

If you’re arguing that vaccinated people can still spread the virus, of course they can. In theory so could bumble bees or brass ornamental Eiffel Towers.


Andrew F says:
10 July, 2021 at 4:35 pm
Latest stats for this week from Australia:

Dead with COVID so far: 910

Dead after injections so far: 355

Anything that needs 24/7 PR, expert trolls, threats and lollies to try to coerce the public into, is probably best avoided by a country mile.


Well if they offer me a double raspberry magnum I’m defo going for ma booster in winter. Stuff you.


Captain Yossarian says:
10 July, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Ruby appears to have gone to her bed and thank Heavens for that.

That wee ferry looks an awful lot like these two partially built ferries tied up at Port Glasgow just now.

The last I heard a new Royal Yacht was likely to cost £200m. These two wee ferries could cost £300m.


And how many of us are likely to be on the Royal Yacht at a cost of £200m then Einstein ?

Back to your never ending 2sinking school that never sinks”.

Robert Graham

Aye well the fraud continues unabated , a year and a half of daily brainwashing every hour of the day every Radio Station every TV News channel it’s Covid Covid Covid get jabbed to protect everyone else it’s your moral duty to get injected and unless you do it voluntarily we your government will make it impossible for you to live a normal life so you better comply .

Some facts missing from this propaganda and very relevant facts.

This Chemical is not a cure even this Government won’t go that far it’s all just implied

This Chemical won’t stop you being infected

This Chemical won’t stop you infecting others

All this propaganda is meant to ensure compliance and make sure the ones who have been obedient and are following Government orders turn on the people who are very sceptical of what’s going on it’s not Advice it’s Government orders , mandatory has replaced Compulsory I expect its to make it sound nicer .

Even after the majority of the people in this country have been jabbed nothing has changed most free thinking people realise something is not right , after listening to Experts for a year and a half I have come to the conclusion they don’t know so they just waffle on and hope people don’t notice

I believe In short they haven’t a fkn clue so the story changes when the wonder Chemical is shown to cause yet another unfortunate Side effect that was missed during the intensive testing that was carried out at breakneck speed , sooner or later someone will discover Time can’t be compressed however cleverly the results are manipulated and tweaked to make them more palatable .

More people have died of the Flu and Smoking than this plague and without the hysterical response that has a lot of people scared shitless .

Captain Yossarian

Robbo – and how many of us are likely to be on these two ferries?


James Che. says:
10 July, 2021 at 5:52 pm
Re you’re comments,
10 July 2021, 10:53am.
Your comment:The posts of the last thread are very unpleasant that could be one of the reasons why people are going elsewhere.
I just wished to make the point that you are tarring an awful lot of people with the same brush indiscriminately.


I get the impression that you are just looking for a fight with me and I wonder why?

I did not say:
“The posts of the last thread are very unpleasant”

I said:
“The posts on the end of the last thread are very unpleasant that could be one reason why people are going elsewhere.”

I will accept that I should have stated exactly what I meant by the end of the thread but I thought posters would have been able to figure it out especially those who were posting around midnight.


Captain Yossarian says:
10 July, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Ruby appears to have gone to her bed and thank Heavens for that.


What’s you problem with me Yossa?


Saffron Robe says:
10 July, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Yes, swap “unvaccinated people” for “Jewish people” in Hatuey’s comment above and the picture becomes clear.


Are you an ordained Buddhist monk?

Just wondering why you use the moniker ‘Saffron Robe’


Hi Chris,

You could’ve stuck a wee Mt. Fuji in the background…


James Che. says:
10 July, 2021 at 6:02 pm
Hatuey. Been as you never responded to my comments at 1 46pm today,
Perhaps you will to the more recent one at 5: 38 pm, today as this has some parallels to how you are coming across to people, you are beginning to sound like the SS in nazi Germany.


Since you were keen to know what I found unpleasant about your posts I can tell you that I find claiming another poster sounds “like the SS in nazi Germany’ very unpleasant.


There is no “Delta Variant” Its pure propaganda. When are fools going to wake up? Does Denison Barracks operate as a 24 hour whore house?


Ruby. The SS were good at their job. Hatuey less so.

Nally Anders

You’ve got to read this article. An absolute better demolishing Boris and the new strategy of herd immunity.
Says it all.

link to

Nally Anders

Should read ‘belter’.

Grouse Beater

Sarah at 1.13pm

Many thanks, Sarah, for linking into the news facility.


Robbo. Good luck and enjoy your double raspberry magnum as if it is your last.


robbo says:

Back to your never ending 2sinking school that never sinks”.


Yossa’ll be hoping you go to bed and stay there. 🙂


Morrison’s like so many U.K. business’ have been sold off to foreign investors.
Many countries put limits on foreign acquisition but everything U.K. is for sale.

The one good point perhaps is their American owners may remove the Butchers Apron flag
from their goods?
You may find the Star Spangled banner on the post Brexit deal Steroid Beef and Chlorinated Chicken?

Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave!

Tannadice Boy

I watched the England vs Germany World Cup Final live in 1966. And have never watched it since until now. What surprised me just now was the poor standard of football. Its on tv at the moment. Football has definitely progressed, neither of these sides would win anything presently. On tomorrow’s game one member of my family married an English man namely my daughter. One of my grandchildren is half Scottish and half English. I will be supporting England. I thought the National front page was disgraceful. We will never win Independence on the ticket of hatred. We should be better than that.


Only 5% “vaccine” take up in Australia? No wonder the Government and police over there are being so Fascistic. Do the lockdown vaccine queen’s on here want to see policemen beating up 12 year old girls because they don’t have a mask in the street? For Christ’s sake you Fascists snap out of your power trip over a virus with a 98% survival rate. Stop your Fascism now before it ends tragically.

Ian Brotherhood

The ‘Chinese guy’ Hatuey refers to in his 6.21 comment is Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. He is not Chinese.

Here is a potted CV. (Please note that it is not from Wikipedia, which has, of course, decided to trash his reputation.)

‘Sucharit Bhakdi was born in Washington, DC, and educated at schools in Switzerland, Egypt, and Thailand. He studied medicine at the University of Bonn in Germany, where he received his MD in 1970. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg from 1972 to 1976, and at The Protein Laboratory in Copenhagen from 1976 to 1977. He joined the Institute of Medical Microbiology at Giessen University in 1977 and was appointed associate professor in 1982. He was named chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz in 1990, where he remained until his retirement in 2012. Dr. Bhakdi has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, for which he has received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife, Karina Reiss, live with their three-year-old son, Jonathan Atsadjan, in a small village near the city of Kiel.


Hatstand. You’re bluffing. You know how to use Google just like Xracen but you are not a virologist. You are not a doctor and you are not an epidemiologist. You’re a Government Troll. You’re fooling no one.

Tom Kane

Scary biscuits, Nally. There is a nasty hidden agenda being unleashed… This is “Labour isn’t working” for the 21st century.

They plan to destroy the NHS by stressing it out and implicating the general population at the same time.


I’m certain the readership of this site are nowhere near as stoooopid as Hatstand as he desperately appeals to power.
If people wish to trust self interested politicians ie Hancock then go get your jabs but fuck off and leave those of us who choose not to be jabbed, in peace. Don’t descriminate against us because we refuse to follow the sheep. I promise you given that everything about the past year and a half of politics rings all my alarm bells, I’ll take a shot through the neck before I take the scum bastard Governments snake oil. Fuck Bozo and fuck back off to Hell Sturgeon.


A lot of doctors and nurses are having to quarantine when the track and surveillance system pings their phone so, many of them are switching their t and t apps off because they are not sick or infectious. Some fucking cunts Blair Johnson the banks etc are making money out of this mad covid shit. The reason some Scots wear kilts is because they have nothing left to lose to the cold.



You said initially that the vaccine will stop some people catching the virus.
This is still incorrect.

You have now changed this to the vaccine will stop some people developing the disease.
This is correct.

Also Hatuey, you still haven’t explained why vaccinated people are in danger from unvaccinated people.
What terrible affliction can be visited upon them that can’t be conveyed by a vaccinated person?

Please use all your knowledge of science to educate us.


Is everyone in the UK a fan of football except me?

I know next to nothing about the sport except that footballers earn a shit load of money & there is often trouble after football matches.

I can’t really see why fans are so happy/sad/proud when their team wins or loses. It’s not as if they are the ones who do all the training and are on the pitch kicking the ball around.

Sure they are in the stands singing & shouting but that is just a very minor role. Nothing to be proud about.

I phoned Kwik-Fit the other day to book a MOT the calls were being answered by a call centre in England (due to numerous local Kwik-Fit branches being closed due to Covid) the guy who answered the phone told me he was really happy due to football results and he reckoned a win for England would give the whole country a huge boost.

I found that amazing! Great if the results of a football can do that but worried about what will happen if England lose!

Will people sink into a depression?

The football conversation came about because the ‘KwikFit’ guy asked me how I was and I asked him in return how he was. 🙁

If I were forced, really forced at gunpoint to pick between Italy & England I would choose Italy principally because I like my local chippie, I went to Italy on honeymoon & because ‘Sinister Dave’ is a ****!

Brian Doonthetoon

As I understand it, if you’re vaccinated, you can still be carrying the virus on your breath or hands.

The virus doesn’t affect you (or minimum affect) but you can transmit the virus to others by skin-to-skin contact or breathing on them.

Brian Doonthetoon


Should be (or minimum effect).

Aunty Flo

Ian Brotherhood says:

‘All the lockdowns, restrictions, ever-changing rules and non-stop propaganda had one aim – to make us fearful, grateful for ‘the jab’.’

This is now becoming so bloody obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell or two, because, if lockdowns worked why are we still doing them?

And, if lockdowns DON’T work, why are we still doing them?


Looks like the astute class nuclear sub that ran aground on Skye.

Or is it the destroyers with broken engines all washed up on the rocks.

Or more recently is it the HMS Defender being chased out of Russian waters.

Whatever was in your mind Chris the toon reminds you of the busted flush that is the Royal navy.

Ian Brotherhood

@Aunty Flo (8.41) –

‘if lockdowns DON’T work, why are we still doing them?’

It’s alarming that more aren’t asking that same question. But the impending assault on our children will surely force a lot of folk to wake up.

Aunty Flo

Ian Brotherhood at 9.04 pm:

‘.. the impending assault on our children will surely force a lot of folk to wake up.’

Let’s hope and pray that is the case, Ian, because if they don’t, we, and future generations, are well and truly farked.

Tannadice Boy

#Ian Brotherhood 9:04pm
You are late to the game on the assualt to our children. I remember having to expend lot’s of resource on defeating Named Person. I refer you to the Supreme Court judgment.


Just spotted the flag & the banana boats!

David Caledonia

I was down in gourock today, and I can report that the ferries are running just fine, nobody is going without a ferry service
The ferries in Port Glasgow will get finished and be added to the services and the older ferries will probably be sold off to somewhere that needs them
All ships have a certain amount of life in them, but sometimes better and more up to date vessels are required and the older one’s can be overhauled and spend many more years in useful service, the weather in scotland takes its toll on a lot of things, even my brollies don’t last forever.


We do not have a virus, what we have is a biological weapon that’s going to kill.

I have had all vaccines up until this one.

Ian Brotherhood

@Tannadice Boy –

Better late than never, eh?


David Caledonia

This is a strange one !

I got a letter in from the health service, seems I have a phone consultation on the 8th of August from them.
I have enquired about getting my feet done, when I phoned them a young whippersnapper answered the phone, I said I need my feet done, and she said, all the people who work on feet are injecting people with the covid vaccine, so there is no feet getting done.
I said, what is the point of me having a phone consultation if their is no service, she said, would you like another appointment time, and I said, what is the point of me changing it.
She must have been awfully busy doing nothing, I suppose she is very busy doing nothing all day, she put the phone down on me and I had to phone back and avery nice young chap answered my call, but that was two phone calls that cost me money to enquire about a service that’s not there

Isn’t life wonderful just now, thank goodness at least I
don’t have a little problem like cancer to bother them with

Tannadice Boy

@ian Brotherhood 9:04pm
My previous comment has been withheld. Pity it sums up our dilemma.

Davie Oga


“For my part, I wouldn’t go on a plane that allowed unvaccinated people on it. I wouldn’t eat in a restaurant next to an unvaccinated person. You get the idea.”

As someone who won’t take the jab, and who has flied regularly throughout the pandemic, I would like to say thank you for that.

James Che.

Ruby I don’t mind if you’re references were about me all, in fact I was feeling a bit left out by you as a target. I might not have been the first here on you list, but Thank you for getting around to and for the the attention. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@Davie Oga (10.19) –

You’ve nailed Hatuey’s real problem here…

He’s been asked, repeatedly, how he’ll ever be satisfied that the beastly non-vaxxed are identifiable in everyday life.

He won’t answer because he knows it means advocating some form of visual identification. The track & trace systems don’t work. What Hatuey wants is something easily visible, striking, even from a distance, so that he can take evasive action or call for the authorities to deal with the miscreant.

‘Yellow Star’ is too loaded, obvious. But he needs something similarly stark.

And if such a thing can be approved? He’ll champion it, big-time.

Think Donald Sutherland, at the very end of Invasion of the Body snatchers, fingering anyone who caught his attention. That’s oor Hatuey, in his element, all his dreams fulfilled…

James Che.

There are a awful lot of wisdom growing here that will bode well for our future,


Hatuey says: at 5:53 pm

For my part, I wouldn’t go on a plane that allowed unvaccinated people on it. I wouldn’t eat in a restaurant next to an unvaccinated person.

If risk reduction is your game then would you stroke or extend a finger to formally greet an unvaccinated pussy?

If animals can act as fomites then should they also require vaccination? Dugs socialise by sniffing eachother’s butts and noses, and cats get up to all sorts like visiting potentially unvaccinated neighbours for extra scran and cuddles.

Tannadice Boy

Wings over Scotland the last bastion of free speech for the time being. Where are we going to get that in the future. A story to end my contribution. An advanced pregnancy.
Of 5 months gone wrong
Ambulance 40 minutes late. Explanation? There was none.
That was 30 plus years ago. I look at my wife now and have total admiration for her. She is doing a great job with the grandchildren. A lost Scotland a lost opportunity

James Che.

I had also read that about the apps and doctors and nurses,
I have direct knowledge that a care worker I know was being intimidated into taking the covid jab, or lose their employment, they asked me what to do,
So did a bit of research for them and gave them the legal jargon I provided for hatuey,
( see hatuey, it was not new news to me that employers might try blackmail) They took it into their meeting with them, as well as stating it was the care workers beliefs,
They company had not been prepared for a legal barrage and backed of.
That was a while ago and still they still have their job.
Sometimes with a bit of legal knowledge and help from each other we can defeat bullies.

James Che.

Dave Caledonia.
That scenario is happening in our surgery too,
I thought that perhaps our surgery was individually disfunctional under covid, interesting to hear of another,

Ian Brotherhood

@Dan (11.13) –

That’s an excellent and practical suggestion!

Hatuey could get a dog trained to alert him to the approach of the non-vaccinated, and take it about him everywhere he goes (with an extendable lead, obviously).

Mind you, knowing Hatuey as we do, the temptation would be too great – he’d get a big mastiff or suchlike and train it to tae savage them unto death.


Lol @ “He’s been asked, repeatedly, how he’ll ever be satisfied that the beastly non-vaxxed are identifiable in everyday life.”

Literally, I’ve never been asked once. But it’s a stupid question and a stupid person who would ask it.

Nobody is going to ask you to prove you’re unvaccinated — nobody really cares. You simply won’t be allowed to take part or given access to certain facilities if you can’t prove you have been fully vaccinated.

The airlines are already doing this because people in other countries, who also have rights, are insisting on it. You simply need a letter from the NHS.

I keep thinking about that wave in the cartoon, though. It’s huge. Hancock’s departure looks suspiciously timely.

If the vaccines don’t work, we are in big trouble. All of us.


link to

A tad OTT!

Ian Brotherhood

@Hatuey –

I asked you, more than once, right here. You really want me to scroll back through every post for the past year?

‘If the vaccines don’t work, we are in big trouble. All of us.’

There’s no ‘if’ about it.

How much longer are you going to rail against the inevitable?

The game’s up sah!


Dr Bhakdi’s latest report. link to

The UK government is currently breaching the Nuremberg Code (link to
by causing people to become subjects in an experiment without their informed consent and by authorising the experiment on people without the full completion of trials on animals (see paragraph 3 “the experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation”). link to

Why the rush to fast track experimental gene therapy technology? “Pfizer expects the COVID-19 vaccine to be a major revenue contributor for years, and has forecast sales of $26 billion from the shot in 2021. “ That is quite an incentive.
link to

Ian Brotherhood

@cirsium (12.08) –

The ‘Nuremberg’ link you provided is very clear.

The damage caused by these ‘vaccines’ is already well documented. Anyone in a position of responsibility who *knowingly* encourages others to take them is culpable.

It is unthinkable that civil servants, at Holyrood and WM, are not abreast of this stuff. They have a duty to inform ministers who, in turn, must inform the citizenry. It’s not complicated.

Characters like Hatuey are merely turn-keys, but they too are complicit and will, eventually, be brought to justice.

And they simply must be – otherwise, there is no good outcome for any of us.


Ian Brotherhood and the other anivaxxers on here, you are fucking lunatics. Fuck off to a dark corner somewhere, the Indy movement does not need or want conspiracy nutjob wankers like you.


It isn’t a game, Ian.

I’ve never been asked to explain how unvaccinated people might be identified… I’d remember such a stupid question.

I see over 100 top academics have signed a letter urging the government to re-think its “freedom day” plan. It looks like I’m not the only one worrying about that wave and the impact it’ll have, on young people in particular.

link to

link to

Scotland is already seeing the beginnings of that impact. Many of those going into hospital in Dundee, for example, are young people;

“Dr Emma Fletcher – Tayside’s director of public health – said the situation was “exceptionally serious” and urged people aged between 18 and 29 to get themselves vaccinated.

“In a video message, she said: “This is the highest number of patients we have had since 12 February and our rate per 100,000 population is more than 10 times what it was just a few weeks ago.

“Unfortunately there are young people right now with Covid in Ninewells – not only in our general wards, but also in our intensive care unit and our high dependency unit.”

link to

But who cares what the health experts say? Who cares what the top academics say? Who cares what anyone says? Who cares about unprotected young people? Who cares about the elderly and all those that already died, callously disregarded with lines like “they’d have died anyway”?

James Che summed the whole cause up earlier when he expressed his simple desire for attention.

A bunch of total fucking dimwits, manipulated by the tabloids and snake oil salesmen on YouTube, making calls that will destroy lives (their own included), all for a little attention and a chance to vent…

Robert graham

Renewables I see you have cornered the market in stupidly and your Tag Team partner He haughty what makes you a fkn expert when its obvious the experts are shit at solving this mass hysterical con job where panic is the new normal was it the Red or the blue pill you swallowed ?


The experts that you talk of have had everything they wanted, everything.
That means that everything that’s happened up until now and presently has happened because of the decisions that have been made.

The links you post are talking about the rise in cases now as well as what may be expected after freedom day.

That means the problems we have now are of our own making.
What we are doing is not working.

Why do I have to lead you through this like a fucking toddler?


Don’t give me the shite “…but it would have been much worse if we didn’t…”


“Why do I have to lead you through this like a fucking toddler?”

I don’t know, but I suspect Dunning and Kruger might be able to explain it.

James Che.

Hatuey ,
Great thing about insomnia I get to answer at leisure,
You are a serious chap aren’t you, and I can see your unfamiliar with the word mockery.
As it went over and above you’re head here’s an explanation,
J che is easy amongst many friends and large family ties, attention is something that sometimes is something hard to avoid, so I take time out for long country walks to escape and recharge, precious my time.
You’re pal ruby is well known on here for not liking other commenters, many victims and many have stopped commenting, which is a goal achievement for ruby, so I just click baited Ruby’s character. It wasn’t hard to turn the tables around.
I like the way you pick and chose you’re replies, or do not reply at all to others, I noticed one or two saying that you had not answered.
These would be answered normally by others if they had thrown themselves in to the covid debate as you yourself did.
From your comments I presume you live in Angus district or Tayside, I have visited there once or twice in the past metal detecting.
I think time will tell if a bunch of f..king dimwits were right or wrong in the future,
I suppose it will depend on which comes first climate change lockdowns or war with Russia and possibly China, the rhetoric is steadily building up in the MSM, or wether America takes over command in Britain,
Or maybe them rockets that China have sent into space to intercept a great big rock that’s hurtling towards earth will miss.
There are so many ways for a person to die, were being spoilt for choice.
But when you have been near to death you stop worrying about death and take each new day as it comes.
You see life in a whole new way, and what was once important, now seems trivial. Even hate or hatred disappears.
The people who live life as if they are in total control and wish to control all humans to protect themselves are only fooling themselves in the long run,
If you are going to take control of anything make sure it’s the one thing causing misery and deaths to millions and millions of people,
Rogue governments.

Saffron Robe

Details of the huge profits being made from Covid-19 vaccines:

link to

I thought the following paragraph was interesting:

“Oxford/AstraZeneca: unknown profit, after forecast sales of $6.4 billion in 2021. It is selling at the cheapest price (for now) and they have promised to produce at cost without making a profit “during the pandemic”. But what does that really mean? One leaked contract seen by the Financial Times suggests they could declare the pandemic over and hike prices at any time from July.”

Any coincidence that Boris Johnson is planning to lift restrictions in England on the 19th of July?

And the following paragraph is also quite revealing:

“The vaccines are being bought by governments around the world in advance bulk orders. Those profit figures, therefore, come overwhelmingly from sales to public authorities. Governments also massively subsidised the vaccines’ development. So the public sector is paying twice over: first to fund research, next to buy the results at inflated prices.”


ROS At 1.56pm Thanks for the link Re the (SIM) Scottish Independence Movement march in Glasgow on August 14th . my wife and I have attended most of the AUOB independence marches and enjoyed the camaraderie and atmosphere but unfortunately UNLESS this march is totally focused on demanding the removal of Sturgeon and her cabal we will not be participating

I will never again attend any gathering that gives or lends ANY credibility to Sturgeon, her woke coterie or her false promises and lies of independence


link to

Devolutionists in action… “We demand you fix the BBC!”

Independentists would condemn the BBC as propagandists, and cite that as a failing in Westminster’s responsibility to administer to Scottish Broadcasting, and thus Scotland would exercise it’s sovereign right to establish it’s own state run broadcasting.


“ what idiot called it independence day and not THE GREAT BRITISH BREAK OFF”.

It’s a Tweet relating to the 4th July, but I am so stealing it for Scottish Independence…


You were quick to answer that question, not so much the ones that matter though.
Why is that?


I see James Che took you to tak over selective answers too.


*to task



Any March for Independence is a demand that the SNP do something. Write your own placard.

Don’t let your wholly justified disgust with the SNP mire you in gloom, get out there and do something.

Nally Anders

Twathater @ 3.45
I completely agree with your sentiments re: Nicola Sturgeon (sometimes called betrayer) and the New SNP.
Sturgeon has spent the last 2 years starving the Independence movement of oxygen and hopes the flame is reduced to a peep. Sturgeon hopes the boat on the rocks in Chris’s toon is called the SS Independence and not ‘irresponsible’.
This march on the 14th is not an endorsement of Sturgeon or the SNP and I will be marching not for them but ‘in spite’ of them. More importantly because I reckon the Covid Queen will be mighty pissed off that we haven’t gone away. She (and the rest of the troughers) needs to be reminded of that fact.
We need the boots on the ground. Please reconsider.


Robert Graham, I know nothing about Hatuey, he or she or they is not my ‘tag team’ partner. They do seem to be one of the very few sane people left posting on here though.

It is you and your fellow tinfoil helmeteers, Saffron Robe, James Che et al, who are the team of morons on here, destroying the credibility of Wings as an ongoing vehicle for independence supporters to meet and chat.

I hope you get the virus and have a really shit time without actually dying. Fuckwits and grippers, all of you.

Robert Graham

Well I guess there is no point in tuning into any News channel today every fkn where you look it’s Engerlund I have heard 1966 mentioned more in the last 49 hrs than I care to remember almost every week , every month since 1966 that’s 55 years oh fkn drivelling English cometary about them winning , and these morons get upset if we don’t support their team .

The face of Susanna Reid ( good morning Britain) while commenting on The Nationals front page on the Andrew Marr show this morning showing full Brave heart support for the Italians was priceless fkn magic she looked as if someone stuck a lemon up her arse ,

The only safe place in the whole of Britain for anyone from Italy today is Scotland I imagine the Pizza places and cafes are getting ready to protect their premises from joyful , happy , destroy everything in sight boozed up Engurland fans our next door neighbours are revolting .

Robert Graham

Go fk yerself


Wall to wall radio and tv coverage this morning of England’s game today against Italy.
Prince William the Queen and BoJo trilling.
You would think they had beaten Denmark by twenty goals instead of a penalty that wasn’t, a laser beam on the goalie, and a second ball on the field. The refereeing was a disgrace but it’s all empire talk about victory and glory. If they win the team will all get knighthoods and probably VC’s.
But you just know that if it had been Wales or Scotchland in the final they wouldn’t have got a tenth of the media coverage.


Twathater @3.47pm.

You’re welcome.

As for the marches, I think they need to evolve from some sort of happy clappy flag waving tourist attraction, to a more pro-active demo like movement, with placards aimed at calling Sturgeons bluff.

Don’t get me wrong the marches are a sight to behold and show the peoples will for an independent Scotland, but Sturgeon will do her usual and just ignore them or find ways to hinder them.

In the near future if Sturgeon still hasn’t made any progress on the indyfront, (and the appointment of arch unionist Sir Nicolas MacPherson by her seems to show there won’t be any movement) in my opinion (SIM) will need to change tactics.

I’m for demos outside Bute House and Holyrood and small committed groups who can move quickly when they get word of where Sturgeon is attending in Scotland to demonstrate outside the venue. She needs to be put under pressure on the indyfront.


Cherrybank @5.12pm.

I’ll be advising anyone I know to boycott Morrisons, to shop local, in an attempt to help boost the Scottish food sector, and of course their eyes won’t be so dazzled with as many Butchers Aprons.


Breeks @ 6.38 am: “Independentists would condemn the BBC as propagandists…”

That’s right and as you know that it isn’t what the SNP are arguing.

The SNP want the BBC to spend more money in Scotland propping up and supporting Scotland’s Government (the SNP) which in a sense means they are arguing for more of the same… in other words, more pro-SNP propaganda.

That’s what State Broadcasting is expected to do, after all, support the government, and the SNP are demanding that they spend more doing it.

There’s no hint whatsoever that the SNP are concerned about anti-SNP or pro-British bias, because it isn’t a issue for them.

They’re happy with the BBC’s political positioning in Scotland, supporting and protecting Nicola, etc., they just want more of it.


ScotsRenewables says:
11 July, 2021 at 9:39 am

Any March for Independence is a demand that the SNP do something. Write your own placard.

Don’t let your wholly justified disgust with the SNP mire you in gloom, get out there and do something.


That’s very good advice!


Republic of Scotland, agree totally. Regular big marches on Holyrood, demos outside, get the numbers as big as possible. Remember the 3.5% rule.

Smaller flash mobs targeting Sturgeon wherever she appears are also a great idea – let’s hope someone with experience of this tactic picks it up and runs with it. We need an app for this, perhaps?


Nally Anders @6.58pm.

Nally, interesting link, I’m not well versed in the virulence of Covid strains, however, I think it would be better to err on the side of caution, and Johnson should postpone freedom day for a while at least.

As for Scotland, we don’t control our borders, thanks to not being an independent nation. So come the 19th of July we can expect a flood of English tourists, and of course if the new variants are as virulent as they say they are then Scotland’s NHS could be put under extreme pressure again.

I think the problem overall is the amount of time this pandemic has been going on, in my opinion some folk are fatigued by it, and are now showing signs of apathy, they’ve had enough right or wrong and will flout the rules.

The business community are I’d imagine also at breaking point financially that is, and most probably see freedom day as a chance to start earning again. I think Johnson has decided to put public liberty and commerce at the top of the agenda and to do that he must lift all restrictions surrounding Covid.

Of course the folly of Brexit, and the pandemic has given the UK a double negative whammy.

John Main


You write shite.

I have been on several planes, at the tail end of 2020, and nobody had any idea of who had been vaccinated and who had not.

But everybody was tested, and nobody with a positive test was allowed aboard. All in all, the 7 hours I spent on an intercontinental flight was the safest of all the times I spent in public over the period March – December 2020.

Regarding your repeated claim that Covid is “deadly”, that is shite also. No infection with a fatality rate less than 3% merits that description.

Most people with Covid hardly notice they are ill. Get a grip.


Republicofscotland says:
Of course the folly of Brexit, and the pandemic has given the UK a double negative whammy.


Winning a football will sort everything out!


Scots Renewables.

Yes, Sturgeon can and has just ignored huge AUOB marches in the past, small fast moving groups with placards waiting for her every time she exits a venue for a prolonged period of time, should get her attention and hopefully remind her why we re-elected her in the first place, and if the media picks up on those demos, then all the better.


John Main says:
11 July, 2021 at 10:48 am

You write shite


I haven’t been following the ‘debate’ on here re Covid for various reason and I was wondering if you could explain to me in simple terms what each side is trying to achieve.


@ ScotsRenewables

I’d say you are destroying your own credibility by turning up out of the blue again and ranting in a highly insulting manner towards folk that have been continuing to add their views and thoughts btl over a considerable length of time.
There are absolute legitimate grounds to query and discuss how covid is being dealt with.
If it’s a deadly global pandemic than why the fuck is there an international football tournament going ahead with fans traveling all over the place.

Some folk should not get the “vaccines” due to underlying health issues. But what if you have un-diagnosed health issues that would put you in the “should not receive the vaccine” category. You can’t make informed consent without this knowledge.
Are un-diagnosed health conditions the reason why some folk react badly to the vaccine. I know of someone that took ill and had a stroke and heart attack after their second jag.
Was that because they were one of the considerably large group of folk that display no covid symptoms if they have had or get infected because they have some kind of natural immunity, and if they then receive the jags they react badly.
Of course it could be that those that react badly to the jags might also be the ones that would endure the worst of covid symptoms.

At the moment folk just get a letter effectively pressurising them to rock up and get their jags without any real pre health checks, or awareness of what make of “vaccine” they are going to get.

It is not known how long the efficacy of the symptom reducing jags last, or whether they are any use against current variants.
If we are soon to be locked down again for months due to the UK opening up and dropping restrictions, then what’s the point of having a jag now if you’re going to be isolating anyway and by the time we open up again any symptom reducing benefits will have worn off.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I am vaccine critical. These discussions require more nuance, don’t fall into a similar modus as used by some trans activists of calling anyone that doesn’t align with their views transphobic.


Ruby @10.59pm.

I think Johnson is banking on the “feel good factor” even if England fails to win tonight. If they do win then the nation of England will bask in the feel good factor, and I see nothing wrong with that, I only wish Scotland could reach a football final other than the Kirin cup which they won.

However I still think Johnson should err on the side of caution and delay freedom day for the time being, surely a victory tonight for England would sustain national pride, and allow the current restrictions to remain for a few more months.


Republicofscotland says:

and if the media picks up on those demos, then all the better.


The problem for the MSM is if they pick up on those demos they risk having their funding cut.

Perhaps we need to consider photo-bombing events in the same way as ‘Manky Shirt’ did with his giant UJ and brexiteers & pro EU supporters did with their flags when politicians were being interviewed outside Westminster.


Republicofscotland says:
11 July, 2021 at 11:04 am
Ruby @10.59pm.

I think Johnson is banking on the “feel good factor” even if England fails to win tonight.


This “feel good factor” because a football team wins a match goes right over my head!


Dan says:

If it’s a deadly global pandemic than why the fuck is there an international football tournament going ahead with fans traveling all over the place.


Good question! That could be down to the ‘feel good factor’. If you are happy you are less stressed and less likely to catch a virus.

When we’re stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced.

I suppose if we had unlimited amounts of money absolutely everyone could have a full health check before being vaccinated. I would imagine the football players who had a cardiac arrest during a football match would have had a full health check so being passed as 100% healthy today may not mean you will be tomorrow.

People could do quite a lot for themselves vis a vis health. One important thing they could do is check their blood pressure before going for the vaccine and if it’s high they could consult the doctor.

Would you be able to sum up for me what the debate is about?

Is the question to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?


I see both the BBC and ITV are covering the England v Italy game.


Do you need Boris Johnson to tie your shoelaces for you too Chris?

James Che.

Covid and independence link,
For the longest time I have thought Scotland should be independent, a lot of UKs old empire have already taken this path,
And in that mix I am quite happy for Wales, Ireland and England itself to be independent, if I had a business I would be highly aggrieved if someone was running my business from a different country, especially if the other, had no idea how to run it,
The covid connection, at the beginning we all took the covid virus very serious, I had been in hospital having an op at the time the covid news broke, no one was more serious than myself in my weakened state,
For six months I saw no one except my spouse,,
However as time has passed I have seen world sports venues allowed to continue, I have seen umpteen politicians not following these rules, masks not being worn as soon as they thought the cameras were not running, politicians going out for meals, to hairdressers, to meet up with their families, barbecues and G7 meetings and world summits being held across the globe, and tv host going abroad for their hols while preaching covid restriction across airwaves. Bojo in the middle of a Scottish field with a tent and family.
Royalty swanning up to Aberdeen and Edinburgh at pandemic peak, and holidays to balmoral castle, unveiling statues and going to funerals,
Meanwhile we were not allowed to visit dying relatives, have a family together at funerals they died alone.
We were not allowed to barbers or hairdressers, out for meals, we were limited in distance from our homes, had to wear masks, cancer treatments and operations cancelled, and nhs closed, we had to wipe our food, leave letters lying for a few days before opening them.
The hypocrisy between how the politicians , royalty and big media hosts were actually living behind the scenes as the stories began to leak out I, along with many others began to realise that covid was more about control of the working classes rather than politicians and royalty worrying about our health,
So Scottish independence marches were put on hold and cancelled just as they were gaining momentum,
NS has used Covid like Brexit to delay meetings or gatherings of the people, and delay a planning of independence for Scotland,
She has been selective in which marches and gatherings of people were allowed or not allowed under the covid pandemic veil.
She and her team have been selective in who goes and who stays in the snp, and cut of the grass roots movement opinion from the party that once stood for Scottish independence.
I would not be surprised if she tried cancelling any march in August under the covid pretext,
If however it goes ahead and it is the only opportunity that the yes movement has, make the most of it.
perhaps the banners should all read: independence now, SNP out.


It didn’t take long for a few obsessive and self-important anti-vaccination posters to destroy this site and turn it from the best Independence supporting site in Scotland to an unreadable list of half truths and complete lies by anti-vax conspiracy believers
Posters whose names never appeared in the past ten years and who appear to have no interest in the reason for Wings existence or in Scotland’s future have suddenly infested the site. Obviously a co-ordinated attack.
Please do come back Stuart and sort them out. Soon.

James Che.

Put your tar brush away, a awful lot of the independence movement are still here, their just fed up of being attacked by professional trolls, so do not comment, but watch and read.
Covid is not an issue for only one persons opinion even if it differs from mine, as it is affecting everyone in Scotland too,
And balance that against having the freedom to march for Scottish independence, or not being allowed to march. Covid can be used As a tool by leaders wishing to stop people movement in many ways.


My tuppence worth on the Morrison saga.

If my memory serves me correctly, they (Morrison’s) espoused the ‘dearer in Scotland after independence’ script during the Referendum campaign. Indeed, the only one of the ‘big six’ not to scaremonger was Tesco.

When Morrison’s acquired Safeway, their Scottish sales figures dropped. Perhaps people thought that their (then) livery of black, blue and yellow was more suited to an engineering company. When figures rallied, old man Morrison was quoted as saying;
‘I knew the natives would get back in line’.

Still, at least they did not promise an Edinburgh headquarters as Guinness did with Distillers.


“This “feel good factor” because a football team wins a match goes right over my head!”

Ruby, I’m not really a big football fan though I do like to see the national team do well, I live in hope on that one.

Anyway there are more and more women involved in football, so I think many women will know what the feel good factor with regards to football, and winning feels like.


McDuff @12.16pm.

I’m surprised that you are surprised, that the final is on both channels, this singular event is a prime example of why we need independence, our broadcasting is controlled by another country, broadcasting will never ever be devolved to Scotland, simply because its a far to great a source of propaganda.

Infact I’m sure Scots living in the Border regions get their tv from Northern England, its a insane situation that most Scots appear to be happy with or are unaware of the situation.

This is just the tip of a huge iceberg, that has seen Scots history literature and culture remain suppressed in favour of our neighbours South of the border.

Saffron Robe

Excellent cartoon Chris, but it should really depict Boris Johnson speeding away in a lifeboat with his Oxford chums clutching the hoard of loot they have made from the pandemic!

James Che.

Trolls are extremely useful tools,
They are excellent guides to how the other half think and how they show them selfs up by calling for mainly independence people to either be removed or how they slag of independence commentators, it sorts out who is who on here by their methods,
I suppose it can be seen as. Sorting the wheat from the chaff phase,
They were here before stu stopped commenting in the droves, they only appear now if.
1) people start discussing ways around the predicament were in.
2) discuss the treaty of the union.
3) discuss covid restriction hypocrisy in politicians,and how it affects freedom and access to marching or rallies.
Management and Control being the background for and of the people in Scotland by trolling and useful idiots in the Snp.

I never request that trolls should be removed, otherwise you end up listening to you’re own voice only and have no idea what those on the other side are planning,
Hatuey for instance gave us some inclination in the future direction government wishes to take us under covid and segregation of the populations between vaccinnated and non vaccinated somewhat akin to how the SS worked under the instructions of hitler.
One to watch out for here in Scotland.
Ruby deletes commenters with ideas or observations that maybe relevant to the yes movement. As Don used to do, some are aggressive some are subtle, but they have been here for a long time.
A bit like politicians, charging on regardless,

Although we could do with a bit of that in amongst the yes movement.

Ron Maclean

A btl comment from a year ago;

“Nicola Sturgeon, as First Minister, might be concentrating on protecting us from Covid19 but she is still the leader of the SNP and she has a leadership team, MPs, MSPs and their hangers-on under her control. What are they doing to bring about the primary aim of the SNP’s constitution? What happened to the person who said ‘Scotland’s voice must be heard’, ‘The SNP is winning the case for independence’ and ‘I think you should always aim for more’.

‘I think you should always aim for more’?
You’ve kept Scotland in the wilderness for seven years. That’s ‘more’ than enough.


If Hatstand wore a Nazi uniform no one would approach him so no worries for his contagion angst. Problem solved Hatstand


There never was a need for lockdowns, distancing, masks, jabs etc. The 4 nations of the UK downgraded Covid 19 from a high consequence infectious disease on the 19th March 2020 because of its ‘low mortality’ rate, and 4 days before they locked you all down for the first time

You’re all been played like fools.

link to

James Che.

Whoops forgot to mention the divide method they use,
English hating Scots mantra hooks a few people here for them and football is another method they use to divide the Scots, and covid is a third method.
A forth method is to tell the independence movement that the other half of Scots don’t want independence.
This try divide method has a long history with the good old empire.
I am sure they will try the same methods with other subjects an topics , it’s just a case of being aware of how they work.
But trolls are indeed useful.

Ron Maclean

I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to intrude.


Scots Renewables. The ” virus” was not and is still not a problem for the majority of the population.
Why do you think we should trust Boris Johnson while he is blatsngly stringing everyone along. I’ve noticed the Establishment shills, and that’s what you are, violently refute anything said against Government policies without making much of an argument. Almost as if a raw nerve has been prodded. Prodded does not mean being shagged by a Proddy by the way. Just to be clear for the confused Sturgeonistas waaaay out there.


Dan: “don’t fall into a similar modus as used by some trans activists of calling anyone that doesn’t align with their views transphobic…”

If you look at the underlying fundamentals of the trans-activists argument, you’ll find they have a lot in common with anti-vaxxers — hateful and aggressively intolerant of alternative views, anti-science, self-centred, twisted notions of civil and social rights, totally dismissive of the negative consequences of their actions, etc. I could go on and on.

It’s the age of the self and it’s all about ME ME ME.

You can guarantee anti-vaxxer’s phones are full of selfies too. That’s the sort of people we are dealing with. Their “protests” are about meeting like-minded morons and trying to get laid or something. It’s all crap. I’d be willing to bet most are vaccinated too.


Blatantly stringing everyone along all Governments. Why are so many Independence supporters wearing blinkers when it comes to questioning the one sided one track Media Government narrative on covid nananana19.?


Fireproof Jim is the exempler of a Statist who wishes for the Government to take him in hand and tell him what to do how to do it and when to do it. He requires permission to leave the house. He prefers wrapping a jockstrap round his mouth when buying his National. He sees no problem with Government micro managing and manipulating the. He doesn’t mind the good cop bad cop style of governance we see with Bozo saying one thing while his ministers say the opposite. Perhaps that style of psychological warfare is too sophisticated for Firebrick to understand?


Our Father, who ain’t in Wembley
Mancini win this game.
Thy cup will be won in London and soon taken back to Rome.
Remove this crap we daily read and forgive Italian trespasses.
Lead England to underachievement and make them runners up.
In the name of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the Wee Donkey be the power and the glory and VAR for ever and ever!

Ron Maclean

Drivel count high today. Off to WGD


Yeah I am surprised because this has never happened before , the two main terrestrial channels showing the same football match at the same time which just happens to involve England. Its an outrage, from the media to supermarkets to business, it’s all England inside Scotland.



“If you look at the underlying fundamentals of the trans-activists argument, you’ll find they have a lot in common with anti-vaxxers — hateful and aggressively intolerant of alternative views, anti-science, self-centred, twisted notions of civil and social rights, totally dismissive of the negative consequences of their actions, etc. I could go on and on.”

You have made known your views about segregation between vaccinated and unvaccinated.
I have already asked you to explain what danger unvaccinated people pose to vaccinated people that vaccinated people don’t pose.
You’ve also told me I don’t understand the science behind it but you never seem able to explain your position other than ‘vaccinated good, unvaccinated bad’.

Why can’t you or one of your compatriots answer the simple questions that are being asked of you?

ScotsRenewables, perhaps you can explain why the vaccinated are in danger from the unvaccinated, I would be keen to understand the logic in coming to your decision?

Or anybody else for that matter?


McDuff says:
11 July, 2021 at 2:49 pm
Yeah I am surprised because this has never happened before , the two main terrestrial channels showing the same football match at the same time…

Both votes England eh? What knucklehead thought that up?

Hugh Jarse

Tight as a badgers RS McColl are closing early, so their staff can “enjoy the occasion, after such a terrible time”!

I’m not risking the radio, a silent day for reflection.

Hugh Jarse predicts a leathering from the boys in light blue. Defo.


Not that it will mean that much, but Michael Gove’s Unionist Unit, has until tomorrow night to release its secret unionist polls on Scottish independence.

A tribunal gave the Cabinet twenty-eight days last month to release the polls findings, but to date the department has failed to do so. If they do nothing they could be in contempt of court, they could try and appeal the decision just to extend the time on revealing the results.

We’ll see what happens come Tuesday.


link to

Whatawank, whatawank, whatawank wank wank,

Whatawank, whatawank, whatawank wank wank,

Whatawank, whatawank, whatawank wank wank,

Whatawaaaaaank, whatawank wank wank.


Tonight is the Eleventh Night, in Northern Ireland, it will see the UK loyalist set alight to their huge beacons of hate, to remember a religious battle fought over three-hundred years ago.

Feeling could be running high tonight in the Catholic loyalist Tiger’s Bay area, which borders on to a UK loyalist area, as a huge beacon of hate is set to be set ablaze at midnight.


breeks @3.41pm.

Well spotted Breeks, yes this is the kind of sheer chutzpah from Peter Murrell that makes our blood boil. I don’t think the likes of him or his Betrayer wife have any shame at all.

Did he think he could call for transparency, without taking into account the sheer lack of transparency around the supposedly ringfenced indy fighting funds.

This sentence is from your link, and its very revealing.

“Replacement treasurer Colin Beattie MSP later admitted some Indyref2 cash had been spent on other things, but insisted “amounts equivalent to the sums raised” would be spent on campaigning in future.”

Tom Kane

God Bless Ireland.
The 12th is a very tough day…
It was my father’s birthday and caused ruin in his life.
Him being a Catholic boy… But he taught me, people above sectarianism.
Another blessing on the fabulous people of Ireland.
People above sectarianism.


alf baird has been doing some essays of late – grousebeater and iain lawson – well worth a read; his perspective/theoretical framework as being “colonisation”, certainly seems correct to me, though it is hard to see ourselves “in that way”. A bitter pill to swallow, but like swallowing “the red pill” in the matrix.

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– some light reading, on this day of all days, to keep your hatred pure.

Italy for the win.


Hatuey says:
“anti-vaxxers — hateful and aggressively intolerant of alternative views, anti-science, self-centred, twisted notions of civil and social rights”.

More than a little unfair – and a complete over-generalisation of how different people are attempting to understand the issue.

The term “anti-vaxxer” in itself is a pejoratively directed misnomer designed to immediately discredit anyone who is remotely hesitant about receiving these products. I’ve personally had vaccines in the past and certainly have no issue with anybody who wishes to take them – particularly if they have immunodeficiency problems.
My issue is with the politicisation, haste and manner with which these particular vaccines are being foisted upon the entire world population.
Being a critical thinking individual i’ve done my own research, and it doesn’t take much to find out that vaccines should go through a stringent set of tests that normally takes years (8-13 years is quite standard).
Clinical trials (testing on humans) normally don’t start until 5 years into the process ( up till then all it’s test tubes and then animals).
Even when the Clinical Trials start (which is the longest part of the development process) it should always start with a small set of humans – and plenty of time is needed in between each administration to test for side effects etc.

With these particular vaccines we’ve skipped the entirety of the scientific method that every other life saving vaccine has had to undergo. That and the fact that governments around the world have given complete indemnity to the vaccine manufacturers – meaning if your loved one dies or is seriously injured you have nowhere to go and no-one to blame.

I just want to break down some of your opinions on people like me.

“hateful and aggressively intolerant of alternative views”
I’m the one OFFERING the alternative view – every mainstream media outlet will give you only one single narrative.

I’ve just explained the standard scientific method used for testing ALL vaccines (apart from these ones). Again its Governments, Big Pharma and the Media who are condoning anti-scientific methods.

I’m on record on Wings for stating that in 30 years time our children will resent and hate our generation for what we ushered in and allowed to happen to them – because WE were so self centred, thinking we were all going to die if we didn’t take the untested vaccine.

“twisted notions of civil and social rights”
What could be more twisted or distorted than the idea that people who remain unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated – and that the vaccinated now receive preferential treatment as a result of this notion when it comes to not having to self isolate in certain situations?

We are all being played here. As much as you’d like to think it – you didn’t come up with any of those opinions yourself – it’s what big corporations and government have spoon-fed you and programmed you to utter at every opportunity.

As Mark Twain said “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”.


“I have already asked you to explain what danger unvaccinated people pose to vaccinated people”

I’ve answered that question several times. Vaccination only provides so much protection, 95% at best. It’s primarily on that basis that we won’t be allowing you to mix and spread the disease, but also to stop you spreading to each other. In the background we are concerned that you’ll put undue pressure on our health system and provide a breeding ground for mutations.

Maybe we can organise leaflets or TV adverts or something… get it into the thick skulls out there. Maybe a cartoon or animation or something will work. Fuck knows. Maybe we could put something on balloons or in happy meals.


Watching the men’s Wimbledon Final thinking I’d
be safe from the English Football Tsunami but no.
All Tennis commentators talking about football and
English fans in the Tennis stands with football signs up?

In between sets this gave them a chance broadcast English football
Highlights promoting Gods superior race about to conquer Johnny Foreigner.

James Che.


Tom Kane

Breastplate, 3-13pm
Here’s a hypothetical… Though I don’t know if I am a compatriot of Hands…
It let’s say somebody called Jack decided against the vaccination… And, by the way, there are excellent reasons for refusal… Including fear of what damage it would cause him. Jack might have a condition that might be aggravated by the vaccine.

Anyway, let’s say Jack carries Covid delta or lambda or any scary version.

Say I have had the vaccine and Jack comes round to meet the 10 grandchildren. All under 30. And say Jack affects us all. I have symptoms and survive. Seven of my grandchildren get it and two die.

Then Jack, has caused me A lot of damage.

But this is a no-win Zen koan… If he really doesn’t want to have the vaccine, for whatever reason… We need to respect that.

That said, Jack could wreak havoc.

Tom Kane

Sorry … Meant compatriot of Hatuey…
Predictive text woes…

James Che.

So hatuey is saying he could be a carrier of the dreaded lurgie too, just don’t lock him up cos he’s privileged and speaking government talk,
That there is a superior intelligence in following those that take the vaccines that have not undergone full period of trials,
Will this turn out similar to Thalidomide, now known as Contergan. Where we have to wait until the next generation before we see the side effects on our children?


But what if it’s all just God’s will and he / she / they / it have decided that on performance to date, humans are fuckin arseholes that deserve to die in a skipfire and hellscape of their own making.

Billionaire Branson launches his butt into space whilst folk in first world countries cheer at overpaid arseholes kicking a ball about while their countryfolk still need to use foodbanks…

C’mon the cockroaches!


Further supporting evidence if it was required that God had maybe put just a little too much faith in humans to do the right thing.

Introduce your young bairns to the rainbow coloured dildo monkey…

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Happy Birthday Robert the Bruce…


Republicofscotland says:
11 July, 2021 at 1:18 pm
“This “feel good factor” because a football team wins a match goes right over my head!”

Ruby, I’m not really a big football fan though I do like to see the national team do well, I live in hope on that one.

Anyway there are more and more women involved in football, so I think many women will know what the feel good factor with regards to football, and winning feels like.

Good for these women! I really don’t get it!
It all seems over-hyped and nationalistic plus it doesn’t seem very wise to gamble your psychological well being/etc on whether a football team wins or loses.

The down side of the ‘feel good factor’ brought on by your team winning a football match is that it’s at the expense of the losing side who will experience the ‘feel bad factor’


Breeks @5.56pm.

The story goes that William Wallace who was betrayed by Sir John (de) Menteith was tipped off that Wallace was at Rab Rae’s farm, anyway after his capture Wallace was found to have correspondence on him between him and Robert the Bruce (Good King Robert).

This changed everything in the way that Edward I now saw Robert the Bruce, he now viewed him as an all out enemy, prior to that he forgave him on a number of indiscretions. In a way Wallace’s capture paved the way for Scotland to rid itself of English aggression, via Good King Roberts defence of Scotland.

Saffron Robe

Lockdown suited both Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon to a tee. Boris Johnson because it quelled any public unrest over Brexit, and Nicola Sturgeon because it suppressed any public demonstrations in support of independence. Nothing the ruling class does is for the public good; it is all done in relation to their own interests.

As regards the Covid-19 vaccines and transgenderism they are both driven by Big Pharma. They are not in opposition to each other, but complementary. I actually think, in the fullness of time, it is those who have been vaccinated who will come to be seen as “mutants” and those who have not had the vaccine will be considered normal and healthy.

Although Dan may well be right. Our time as a species could be drawing to a close.


Vaccination provides”95%” protection as opposed to the 98-99% protection natural immunity confers? Hatstand as poor with an abucus as Jaki Bailey.


Dan says:
11 July, 2021 at 5:11 pm
Further supporting evidence if it was required that God had maybe put just a little too much faith in humans to do the right thing.

Introduce your young bairns to the rainbow coloured dildo monkey…

link to


link to

We need more emojis!

Were they trying to introduce children to zoophilia or was it plushophilia.


Hatuey. Who are ” we”?Your Governments have already tried to patronise the hell out of us and you advocate more patronising glass bead offerings for bending over for psycho Gates? You Government types really don’t think much of the public do you? If you’re “vaccinated” surely you’re safe. You’re sounding less like you’ve read an online science paper and more like a dreary repetition of tabloid soundbite penny dreadful headlines.
This site and its denizens is what inspired me to ask questions and even go where lefties fear to tread. That is the Right. I think far too many of us are divided by the Left Right paradigm which at a certain societal economic level does not exist. There are made politicians and there are schmucks like us. I hope the woke don’t accuse me of cultural hutzpah.


Saffron Robe @6.16pm.

Yes Johnson isn’t particularly interested in the well being of ordinary folk. As for Sturgeon she has no real interest in Scottish independence, though she prattles on about it, pre-election time, and whenever she’s unhappy with the Tories at Westminster.

There’s also this misconception with the public that somehow Sturgeon has handled the pandemic better than Johnson, that has seen her popularity ratings remain higher than that of Johnson’s.


If all vaccined men became sterile my little brotwurst will be worth a fortune. I’d best start limbering up. Shame I can’t do Eddie Quist emojies.

Davie Oga

Ron Maclean says:
11 July, 2021 at 2:42 pm
”Drivel count high today. Off to WGD”

Comedy gold

Charles Hodgson

Hatuey says:
“I’ve answered that question several times. Vaccination only provides so much protection, 95% at best. It’s primarily on that basis that we won’t be allowing you to mix and spread the disease, but also to stop you spreading to each other. In the background we are concerned that you’ll put undue pressure on our health system and provide a breeding ground for mutations.”

Hazmat Hatuey is a deluded fool. He thinks he runs the country! Theres a football match at Easter Road next week where they are ludicrously imposing mask wearing on an outdoor event, but they are NOT stupid enough to require proof of vaccination, so up yours Covid Nazi!


Tom Kane. What if you and your family got on a plane and it crashed or a boat that sinks or have a restaurant meal that poisons you? What about Aids, Hep Ghonorea crabs? What if a Comet wipes out Humanity or a herd of Elephants on Princes Street–it has been known you know- or eaten by a bear in Dreghorn woods. That’s Dreghorn in Edinburgh. Hey Tom. It just struck me… what if we, every single one of the Human race dies. Do you think that may happen?
Are you in a Death Cult by any chance?


Charles Hodgson says:
11 July, 2021 at 6:49 pm
Theres a football match at Easter Road next week where they are ludicrously imposing mask wearing on an outdoor event, but they are NOT stupid enough to require proof of vaccination, so up yours Covid Nazi!


Early days!

This week it’s masks next time it could be proof of vaccination.

Why do you think they are insisting on mask wearing?

Davie Oga

Republicofscotland says:
11 July, 2021 at 3:53 pm
”Tonight is the Eleventh Night, in Northern Ireland, it will see the UK loyalist set alight to their huge beacons of hate, to remember a religious battle fought over three-hundred years ago”

I’m trapped in a hotel in Belfast tonight. There’s a tower around the corner from me, many Scots accents about, a lot of drunk folk walking around aimlessly. Definite menace in the air. Took a good picture of one of William’s valiant foot soldiers passed out in the street with pish stained jeans. I was thinking about going to watch the fire and hate for the craic but I’m wearing a green Nike track jacket ( not Celtic), and given the amount of alcohol consumed and the literacy levels of “the people”, I wouldn’t want it mistaken for a Celtic trackie in the dark. Lots of those PSNI armoured Land Rover’s cruising round. Menace in the air for sure.


Here are a couple of links to show you the elite race that rules over you!

link to

link to

Hugh Jarse

Any word on when the penalty is?


Tom Kane @ 4:34pm
Yes, that would be a lot of damage as you say.

Now imagine the exact same scenario except this time, vaccinated Jack is visiting with the virus.

My question before was asking what danger do unvaccinated people pose to vaccinated people that vaccinated people don’t pose?


Hugh Jarse,
England have been underperforming for decades and this is their chance to repair that.


Tom Kane. You raise a question that many people living in fear and condemnation are asking.
It’s good that you ask it -as it’s important for people to understand how they are being misled by government and pharmaceutical sophistry.
As you quite rightly say – it’s completely hypothetical and, as it is hypothetical, yes i will concede that could happen- Jack could inflict serious damage on you and your family.

Now, here’s where people are being misled. Being fully vaccinated does not stop anyone from catching, incubating and transmitting the virus. Any vaccine’s job is just to boost the immune response system and keep you in a healthier and fitter state while your body fights the virus.

Here’s a more likely scenario. Jack phones to say that he won’t be coming round to visit you – he’s feeling unwell and has a bad cough and shortness of breath. He apologises and says he’ll see you and the kids in a couple of weeks time.
You then phone Jill. She’s happy to come round – she’s been double-jabbed and feeling great. You all have a great evening – but the tragedy you’ve described still unfolds.

Turns out that both Jack and Jill had the same variant. Jack, (according to the science) not being vaccinated showed symptoms and made a sensible decision based on that – and didn’t pass it on to anyone.
Jill, being vaccinated (according to science) had no idea she was carrying it and became the unwitting transmitter that still passed it on to you and your family.

Remember, you were quite happy to have Jill come round – you knew she was fully vaccinated and were delighted that you ‘dodged a bullet’ with Jack.

The Deep State are trying to push the idea that somehow the unvaccinated are more of a threat to transmission than the vaccinated. They never actually say it (they are too clever for that) – but it is strongly implied in their actions, particularly when it comes to introducing ‘privileged’ measures for fully vaccinated people who now don’t need to self isolate when returning from certain countries – compared to the ‘unclean’ unvaccinated who need to sit at home for 10 days. There is absolutely no scientific basis for this – it’s punitive and designed to instil hate and fear towards a certain group within our society – and it’s working judging by Hateuy’s posts.


And I’ve just been told they have scored.
As I was saying this is their chance to remedy their lack of success in front of a home crowd.


Dave Oga @7.21pm.

Dave I suggest you remain indoors tonight, and if you do decide to venture out, whatever you do, don’t mention the name Robert Lundy, or you may wind up as a giant human toasted marshmallow.


According to this Panelbase poll, the people of England and Wales say that they oppose Scotland having another indyref.

link to


Dan says:
11 July, 2021 at 4:52 pm

“But what if it’s all just God’s will and he / she / they / it…”

I reckoned that it was a vengeful deity’s response on hearing that Queen’s Park were turning pro…


Scotland were better than Italy defensively because they didn’t concede a goal.

Hugh Jarse

Wee shame.

Hugh Jarse

You’ll struggle to get a fish supper now!

Brian Doonthetoon

As a passive supporter of DFC, can I type that I enjoyed Italy’s victory tonight.

As they (probably won’t) say in the MSM reports, “The best team won”.

I’m thinking of words like arrogance and hubris at the merment…



Brian Doonthetoon

Of course, we must ask Sensibledave for his thoughts on Italy’s victory…

Brian Doonthetoon

Have yooz noticed, we have at least two commenters btl here from south of The Tweed.

There’s our Sensible Dave and Southern bystander.

SB has involved their self in some decent banter with other commenters btl – as has SD.

I think we should nurture them, so we can glean, through them, info from “the dark side” of this Union.

Ian Brotherhood

@Davie Oga (7.21) –

That’s quite a worrying tweet.

You okay there?

Hugh Jarse

Come on Dave, I want to nurture you.
Those tears must be super sweet!

It’s the hope that kills.
You’re one of us now. (channeling Papa Lazarou)

Davie Oga


Aye man. In hotel. Cheers!

Ian Brotherhood

@Davie Oga –

Sorry, it wasn’t a ‘tweet’, obvs, but the message remains the same otherwise.

Keep yer heid down sah!


Saffron Robe

Bella Italia 🙂

Fred says:

“The Deep State are trying to push the idea that somehow the unvaccinated are more of a threat to transmission than the vaccinated. They never actually say it (they are too clever for that) – but it is strongly implied in their actions, particularly when it comes to introducing ‘privileged’ measures for fully vaccinated people who now don’t need to self isolate when returning from certain countries – compared to the ‘unclean’ unvaccinated who need to sit at home for 10 days. There is absolutely no scientific basis for this – it’s punitive and designed to instil hate and fear towards a certain group within our society – and it’s working judging by Hatuey’s posts.”

Succinctly and expertly put Fred.

I would say, however, that it is the vaccinated who could be described as “unclean” in the sense that they have put an unknown substance into their bodies and interfered with its natural immunological responses. But, even so, I would never treat anyone differently.


Mark hirst hits the back of the net in his analysis


“Dan says:
11 July, 2021 at 5:11 pm
Further supporting evidence if it was required that God had maybe put just a little too much faith in humans to do the right thing.”

L O L …..who? ‘God’? LOL

Graf Midgehunter

James + Dan

God does have a sense of humour and is quite approachable, said his sister….

link to

David Caledonia

Told you

Back the draw,

all those lovely shillings and I did not even
Have to take a penalty


Look what I found (updated July 9th, 2021);

“Demonstrating your COVID-19 vaccination status

“How to get the NHS COVID Pass and demonstrate your coronavirus (COVID-19) status…

“The NHS COVID Pass lets you share your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination results in a secure way.

“It allows you to show others that you’ve had a full course of the COVID-19 vaccine…

“The government is working with the devolved administrations to ensure everyone in the UK is able to show their COVID-19 status.”

link to

In other countries they are taking much harder lines.

Charles Hodgson

Hazmat Hatuey
The issue will be if there is a legal requirement to show your proof of vaccination, or if it will be up to businesses to decide whether they wish to require it.

I suspect the latter, and doubt many businesses who have somehow managed to survive the 18 month and climbing economic catastrophe – that you have supported all the way through – will wish to put themselves through further pain.

There may also be human rights implications in singling out a section of society for special treatment for not taking a vaccine which cannot be legally enforced because of the same human rights legislation.

Delete your apps and stop taking the tests unless you feel ill people, and get on with enjoying your lives!

Let HazHat rot in his self-imposed isolation!

Sensible Dave

… Testing, Testing??

Sensible Dave

Morning All

… not sure if this will appear so I’ll keep it short.

I wrote a comment Saturday morning which was then removed, as was a response to it from Scots Renewables.

Gutted this morning and v tired.



Fireproofjim says:
11 July, 2021 at 12:51 pm
It didn’t take long for a few obsessive and self-important anti-vaccination posters to destroy this site and turn it from the best Independence supporting site in Scotland to an unreadable list of half truths and complete lies by anti-vax conspiracy believers
Posters whose names never appeared in the past ten years and who appear to have no interest in the reason for Wings existence or in Scotland’s future have suddenly infested the site. Obviously a co-ordinated attack.
Please do come back Stuart and sort them out. Soon.



Today’s the day in 1698 that the five Scottish ships set sail for Panama and the Isthmus of Darien.

Within seven months, two thirds of them were dead.

The colony was abandoned within the first year, effectively strangled at birth by forces hostile to Scotland.

Much has been made of the roll this failure had in the landed gentry of Scotland being susceptible to bribery and inducement which saw Scotland cursed by the Union of 1707, though Scotland the Nation itself was not bankrupt.

To be honest, I am conflicted by Darien. It isn’t easy to see your Nation failing at anything, especially when so much was invested in the venture, and not just the money.

But who can say? Perhaps a successful Darien Scheme might have seen Scotland indelibly marked out forever as profiteer of slavery, exploitation and colonialism, and perhaps too, from the subsequent Highland and Lowland clearances, Latin America might just have sucked a little more lifeblood from our homeland.

What also occurs to me is the foresight. The “design brief” for the Darien Scheme, it’s logic and intent at least, was much the same as the design brief for the truly fantastic Panama Canal, and thus I think, while Scotland’s colonial empire might have been tiny geographically, (though maybe not), in a parallel universe, it might have been spectacularly successful, environmentally sound, and more profitable and sustainable than any gold or diamond mine.

In terms of the colonial exploitation of Panama, (and I know it’s naive to think so), the profits of a Scottish Panamanian Canal would have flown from a Scottish financial and technological Investment, which didn’t actually plunder very much in the way of resources. But then again, does that put it in any different category from Cecil Rhodes opening up Africa with his railways, simply to accelerate the commercial exploitation?

I think the most that can be said for Darien, is that the idea was laden with potential, and good enough to be taken seriously by the jealous English East India Company, but I think Scotland has quite enough blood on it’s hands and penance to pay from British Colonialism.

I wonder too, whether the five ships set sail, aware that yesterday was Robert the Bruce’s birthday, and took this to be an omen of good fortune…


Why doesn’t someone or some group set themselves the task of organising for protest groups to appear everywhere Nicola goes with placards saying

‘Use The Mandate’
‘Now IS the Time’
‘Where’s Our Referendum’
‘If Not Now, When?’

etc. etc. Doesn’t have to be huge numbers, and obviously not the same people each time as they need to be local, but let’s have a wee buzzing swarm around her and in her face wherever she appears.

I don’t know exactly how this sort of protest is organised, but I suspect it requires no more than a contact list and instant messaging of some sort. Or I am sure someone could whip up an app pretty quickly.

Someone / some group with time/savvy/enthusiasm to do it could really make a difference. Better than spending your time whinging on social media.



Calling all antivaccer roasters!

Get a life. Get vaccinated.

Two jags joe!


Who Runs Scotland?

link to

Archived Herald article on he subject.

link to


A bit more on the lobbying register.

link to

And will tack on Craig’s latest blog post.

link to

Scot Finlayson


from wiki,

The first documented Scottish settlement in the Americas was of Nova Scotia in 1629. On 29 September 1621, the charter for the foundation of a colony was granted by James VI of Scotland to Sir William Alexander.

A successful occupation of Nova Scotia was finally achieved in 1629. The colony’s charter, in law, made Nova Scotia (defined as all land between Newfoundland and New England; i.e., The Maritimes) a part of mainland Scotland; this was later used to get around the English navigation acts.

Fishy Wullie

John Prebble wrote a excellent book on the Darien Disaster, i’d highly recommend it,

It’s been some years since I read it but the impression it left me with was that the adventure was doomed from the start, the idea of an overland crossing between 2 great oceans was a sound one but the colony port was difficult to navigate, it rained 9 months of the year and was Malaria ridden as the French discovered many years later,

Although the Spanish never colonised it they still considered part of the Spanish main, They located Fort St Andrews a mile from the nearest fresh water and the governors constantly fought between each other in time honoured Scottish tradition.

It seems to me it was idea before it’s time and doomed to failure from the start


Charles Hodgson says:
12 July, 2021 at 7:11 am

“The issue will be if there is a legal requirement to show your proof of vaccination, or if it will be up to businesses to decide whether they wish to require it.“

Here we have another genius who I suspect has worked how to monetise the distribution of stupid ideas…

There’s clearly not much to his works but let’s throw a spanner in anyway and see what happens.

So, the law already exists in regards to what is being said here. Business — by law — can pretty much refuse entry or access for almost any number of reasons.

You would actually need a new law that said something like “you can’t discriminate on the basis of vaccination status” to achieve what this bozo thinks exists now.

You’re welcome.

Davie Oga

Famous15 says:
12 July, 2021 at 9:48 am

Calling all antivaccer roasters!

Get a life. Get vaccinated.”

You think abusing people with pejorative terms is the way to advance that argument?

I have had all my vaccinations, my daughter has had all her recommended vaccinations, but you couldn’t pay me enough money to take that vaccine you are referring to. And to be perfectly honest, if anyone wants to jab my child with a Covid “vaccine” , a firearms unit will have to accompany the so called health “professionals” to do it.

I think you’ll find that the Covid vaccines are much like a conversion to independence. Once you read into it and acertain the facts of the matter, its very unlikely one would change back to a position of ignorance and dependence.

I think the vaccine enthusiasts, tin pot fascists, and tools of the pharmaceutical industry are missing a trick. If they really wanted to destroy vaccine resistence, they should encourage it and encourage resisters into a large centrally controlled group. Then get Sturgeon to lead it.


Scot Finlayson says:
12 July, 2021 at 10:10 am

A successful occupation of Nova Scotia was finally achieved in 1629…

Nova Scotia was fought over long and hard by the Scots, the French, the English, and indigenous tribes, with ownership and allegiances changing all the time. It was only a Scottish Colony for three years, 1629-32, then pretty much became a war trophy fought over by the French and English.

That modern Nova Scotia shares a closeness with Scotland is really down to the Clearances a hundred years later with the first ships carrying Scottish Gaels cleared from their homes arriving in 1770, and over the next few decades, there were tens of thousands of them.

But as another cynical coincidence, the arrival of the Gaels in 1770 followed the expulsion of around 12,000 for want of a better word ethnically French settlers from 1755-64.

link to

You wonder whether the Highland Clearances was actually about sheep and the greed of the “Scottish” landowners, or more that the British Empire had expelled the French settlers from Nova Scotia after the British military campaign against the French, and after 1764, realised they needed people to populate the void left behind.

The more you read about the 17th and 18th Centuries, the more ugly and cruel the World seems to be, and on a truly colossal scale that is difficult to get your head around. While shiploads of Gaels and Scots were being deported to Nova Scotia, on the other side of the world the Australian Aboriginals were facing chains and slavery, and actual genocide on Tasmania. The world must have been a truly fkd up place, but paradoxically, awash with opportunity and fresh start for individuals caught up in the huge mincing machine of selectively lawless and ethically muted European Colonialism.

Davie Oga


It was a grand final. I had a large bet on Italy to win the trophy, but apart from that I couldn’t care less who won. I would also say that the people who are racially abusing players for missing penalties make up a smaller percentage of the English population than the Scots loyalists infesting Belfast this weekend with their sectarian bile and hatred do as a percentage of the Scottish population. Good luck next time.



It seems a 3rd jab may be required?

link to

But why stop at a 3rd jab?

link to

It almost seems like the pharmaceuticals want us to get vaccinated on a regular basis.


@Dave Oga

“smaller percentage of the English population than the Scots loyalists infesting Belfast this weekend”

Indeed. The English certainly don’t have a monopoly when it comes to knuckle-draggers, mouth-breathers and bottom-feeders. Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Antrim pretty well make up a Cartel when it comes to infestations of the genetically and educationally challenged.

I feel sorry for the genuine English fans to be honest. We here may be immune to the pain of defeat, but you can stil feel a degree of empathy. As for the scenes from mobile phone footage on the RT News, absolutely shocking. (Although you won’t see that on any of the Brit “news” channels)


Davie Oga: “Covid vaccines are much like a conversion to independence. Once you read into it and acertain the facts of the matter, its very unlikely one would change back to a position of ignorance and dependence.”

Note the refusal to provide “the facts of the matter” which he can’t provide — many on here have tried and failed, thanks largely to me.

What he might regurgitate is some pseudo scientific sounding bullshit about the vaccines not being tested properly and a reference to people that have died or suffered side effects.

The vaccines went through all the normal stages of testing. As is normal in phase 4, which we are technically in now, there’s a feedback loop built into mass distribution that allows health experts to monitor any issues that might arise. All totally normal in phase 4.

New data about the efficacy of the vaccine is appearing all the time, thanks to extensive monitoring and vigilance. Studies show a vaccine that works very well, for example;

“Covid-19: Moderna and Pfizer vaccines prevent infections as well as symptoms, CDC study finds”
link to

From the same source; “Vaccination with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine reduces infections by 90%, while a single dose confers 80% protection, shows a study led by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that followed essential workers through the worst months of the pandemic…”

Another massive study of households in the UK, based on over 350,000 households, showed that just one dose of the vaccine was enough to reduce transmission to other family members by up to 60%. That’s in the same house, breathing the same air…

We should be celebrating the vaccine and these sort of results, dancing in the streets, etc.

Anti-vaxxers are driven by feelings, not facts or science.


Breeks: “The world must have been a truly fkd up place, but paradoxically, awash with opportunity and fresh start for individuals caught up in the huge mincing machine of selectively lawless and ethically muted European Colonialism…”

To be fair, we were slaughtering each other too. As the Scots were settling into Nova Scotia in 1629, the Thirty Years War was in full swing in Europe, a war that resulted in the death of about 20% of the European population. Scots were up their eyeballs in that too, incidentally, as mercenaries, on the payroll of the Swedish King… many were paid with Swedish land which I heard explains why many Swedish people today have Scottish names.



I fear that had Darien proven to be a success, Scotland wouldn’t have held on to it for very long.

In those days a navy was the means of force projection for every large European state and the Royal Scots Navy was never a force to be reckoned with – even the Great Michael was in itself never sufficient to mount a long-range expeditionary force in defence of a colony.

I suspect Darien would’ve been taken by force of from the Scots by the English, Spanish or French had it been a success.


Fishy Wullie says:
12 July, 2021 at 10:39 am
John Prebble wrote a excellent book on the Darien Disaster, i’d highly recommend it….

It seems to me it was idea before it’s time and doomed to failure from the start…

I’ll track that down Fishy Willie. Thanks for the heads up.

I would agree that the idea was before it’s time, but maybe not by much. The Spanish surveyed the practicality of a canal as early as the early 16th Century, and technology to do it would be manifest within a hundred years as work by the French actually commenced, and actually achieved with the first ship making the crossing a hundred years after that.

A huge undertaking yes, but I don’t think the construction was ahead of it’s time, but maybe the hygiene and control of tropical diseases was the thing ahead of it’s time… (Especially if naval blockades were blocking off help and support).

I wonder too about the malaria and cholera, and how much 17th Century Scotland was simply unfamiliar and ill equipped for life in a tropical climate. Were we global travellers by then? Where else had it happened on any scale? Even the French who started building the canal a hundred years later were plagued by malaria and other tropical diseases. The death toll on the canal from 1881-88 was 22,000, mostly Afro Caribbean labourers, but 5000 French nationals. Kinda puts the five wee 18th Century boats from Scotland into perspective no?

Manifestly the Darien Scheme was doomed. How hard can it be to build 48 miles of canal? Pretty difficult as it turns out, but the derision heaped upon Scotland for trying and the Darien scheme’s collapse seems unduly bitter and entirely misplaced. At least they didn’t just turn up and start shooting people.

Davie Oga


Can you explain the following?


If someone died in a car crash but they test positive for Covid, they are included as a Covid death.

If someone, in otherwise good health, dies within 1 day of taking the vaccine, it has got nothing to do with the vaccine because the vaccines are safe.

No one in authority disputes the CDC Vaers, UK yellow card, or the Euro equivelant data. Many thousands have been killed or disabled by the vaccine. They just believe that the benefits our way the risks. Not for me they don’t. The ends don’t justify the means.


robertknight says:
12 July, 2021 at 11:42 am

I fear that had Darien proven to be a success, Scotland wouldn’t have held on to it for very long….
I suspect Darien would’ve been taken by force of from the Scots by the English, Spanish or French had it been a success.

I’d mostly agree, unless Scotland allied itself with one of them… And who’s to say that isn’t exactly what they were thinking with the Union?


Hatstand always employs low rent propaganda techniques such as gas lighting insults painting his enemies in his own colours.
Being suspicious of overbearing Government and privately owned Fascist pharmaceutical cartels with politician share holders is not wrong. It is not foolish it is not a sin. It is never misguided to question politicians and their motives especially given the track record of our political class. So, given the bare human right to ask questions Hatstand and the others who share his impudent desire to have us all vaccinated like animals with a substance that is now killing over two thousand people a week in the States. That’s right 2,000 a week and they’re only the recorded cases on VAERS.

Davie Oga


Please explain this anomaly.

In 2020, the virus was allowed to run free for the first half of the year. There were no restrictions and herd immunity was official policy throughout the UK.

In 2020, Scotland had the 2nd lowest amount of deaths in the past 10 years.

Makes no sense if Covid is the threat you would like people to believe it is.


Since we have the right to question and say “no” if we’re unhappy with Government response Agents of the State must either be very silly and gullible or very cynical and deadly.


The human race is so crazy these days that people stand in vaccination lines waiting for their “shot” staring dumbly while paramedics carry away those who are immediately affected.
The public seem to have been programed, very quickly, to be mortally afraid of the flu. The constant repition of covid “news” has an hypnotic effect on much of the populace. The appearance of cross party political consensus on covid 19 and attendant policies creates the false impression of a united front against a dangerous threat from without while the real
Threat is the Government acting on behalf of unelected pharmaceutical companies banks and the Security Military Industrial Complex. Look at the bigger picture.


link to

Posted in a moment of warm appreciation those bigoted wankers in the Red Arrows, who refused to fly over Scotland’s Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in 2014 trailing smoke in the National colours of the saltire.


The most recent data about the rise in infections amongst the vaccinated are at odds with the data displayed in the study in your link, is it not?

It’s as if the vaccines are brand new and nobody knows exactly what to expect.

An emotional attachment to one side of an argument is not conducive to reasonable and logical debate.

On that basis, I would like to congratulate you on your progress that you no longer believe that the vaccine stops the virus as you claimed 2 or 3 days ago. Well done!


The appearance of political concensus fools a lot of people. The concensus in politics does exist but only to institute rule by Bankers Fiat Surveillance micro managed lives. A life of being vaxxed like farmyard animals at the whim of criminal enterprise in high office.
The “emotional argument” that Hatstand finds so irresistable-otherwise why his fear filled attack on it? – is the essence of our humanity our autonomy our right to say No.
We are not “meat robots”. We are spirit in essence we are more than a number a name or a football team.
Private corporations and politicians see us as a herd to be stocked and shocked at the Established billionaire classes behest.
I say to Bill Gates YOU come to my door and force me to take your fucking snake oil you absolute fucked up up hanger of a cunt.

stuart mctavish

Fred @8:048 and elsewhere)
Well said.

Might be worth adding to that that, from evidence made available so far, the probability of one of Tom’s kids dying from covid caught from either Jack or Jill (ie as opposed to the 3 in a million that have died, possibly of something else, having previously been diagnosed covid positive) is zero – meaning chances of two of his kids dying from it would approximate to zero squared.


Don’t worry about Darian folks that was 350 odd years ago. Besides those Scots soon got their shoulder behind the British Empire. Don’t you antiquarian have some dust to brush off your ancient tomes or something?


First off congrats to Italy on winning the football tournament, as for England, they came close, kudos to them for a brave attempt.

On the downside of things, news reporting that nineteen police officers were injured and multiple arrests were made last night of England fans, and the poor guys that missed their penalties for England have also received racial abuse online, again by what appears to be so called fans.

Of course England football fans have already booed their national teams players for taking a knee recently at match.

James Che.

Let’s talk about the legal side of trying to enforce Scots to take a vaccine in Scotland.

1) it breaks the law under PRIVATE RIGHTS, (treaty of the union) see citizens advice page.

2) it breaks the law as Scots are recognised legally as sovereign people to chose. (the declaration of Arbroath, the treaty of the union, the Scotland act.)

3) enforced vaccinations even by threat of losing employment is illegal under the UN, and human rights.

4) legally no specific health measure in the treaty of the union 1707 does it mention as a right of Westminster, the new Great Britain government or parliament as an article that it has jurisdiction over the health of sovereign Scottish people.

5) the law in Scotland is not the same as in England according to the (treaty of the union) it is separate.

For all of us living here in Scotland remember your rights. Under the treaty of the union ( private right)
Under the Scotland Act, (Scottish people have the right to chose who governs them,)

under the UN, (human rights )

Hatuey runs rough shod over legal differences between Scots and English laws wrote into the treaty of the union.


Cast your minds back to the rioting in Glasgow by Rangers FC fans after they had won the league, and the fact that Police Scotland at the time made few arrests, the Police instead tried to contain the rioting and vandalism to a certain area, with minimal success.

I pointed out at the time that the reason Police Scotland couldn’t rush in a detain may of the rioters/vandals was because they had no real capacity to hold these folk, and it now comes to light that one-hundred police properties including police stations have been sold over the last eight years in Scotland.


Republicofscotland says:
12 July, 2021 at 1:23 pm

On the downside of things…

Almost more shocking than the fighting was the sight of so many England fans breaching Wembley security and galloping up the stairs into the ground. People have short memories when you think back to Hillsborough, and the significance of an uncontrolled crowd surging into a stadium.

They got away with it without people being crushed and suffocated, but you can bet Wembley won’t be chosen as a major sporting venue for football without a major audit and revamp of security, and the English FA should brace itself for more fines, in addition to those for fans trying to blind the Danish goalkeeper. But hey ho. Nobody can tell England what to do eh?


Lord Macpherson, who Sturgeon has appointed to the inner sactum of a group of folk who are tasked with growing Scotland’s economy, is still a director at an investment bank, it was MacPherson who broke Civil service neutrality to weaponise currency against what he called people trying to undermine the state, that’s us, indy supporters he’s talking about.

MacPherson was also a prominent figure in bringing in the decade of austerity and ergo mass poverty, and suffering under David Cameron and George Osborne.

I have my doubts on why Sturgeon has appointed this man, maybe the plan is for MacPherson to come after a bit of figure fudging and say that Scotland cannot afford to be independent, a proposition that I think would suit Sturgeon down to a tee. Sturgeon and her party are now openly catering to the neoliberal agenda, and possibly even alienating indy supporters by appointing this enemy of Scottish independence to a critical position.



Yes there was a fair bit of lawlessness from English football fans last night, dare I say was it just thuggery, or was it part of the bigger anti-EU English exceptionalism ideas, that some have easily succumbed to which has been a bit more prevalent under Boris Johnson.

The English football fan in Leicester square who shoved a fire work up his bottom, I’m not sure exactly what he was up to though.


As England’s dreams of lifting the trophy turned to ash so did the 160 beacon of hate in Northern Ireland, some of the bonfires were positioned close to Catholic communities that might have caused unrest, the PSNI didn’t intervene at any stage citing that if they took action it might have led to disorder.


Republicofscotland says:

The English football fan in Leicester square who shoved a fire work up his bottom, I’m not sure exactly what he was up to though.


Trying to cure his constipation?

James Che.

Dare I say it will be a long wait before hatuey answers what he considers what is legal and what is not in Scotland.
Do anyone remember that I mention in an earlier thread “ The Straw that may break the Camels back”.
Enforced coved vaccines being brought into Scotland by Nicola sturgeon or the Scottish devolved government would be a challenge to all Scots, that she thought she was the queen of Scots sovereignty.
Who needs a referendum, when the Scots are able to say NO to enforced vaccines in Scotland, by England’s laws or by a challenge over sovereignty of the Scottish people from Nicola sturgeon.


It’s the vaccinated people that should be complaining. We are the ones who are going to need to get the vaccine passports.

That’s okay though. No problem. If you look at the government website I linked to earlier, you’ll see the plans to roll out passports are well underway.

I’m not complaining, why are you?


James Che, I suspect you know as much about the law as you do about immunology.

But know this— I’m not arguing that you should be forcibly vaccinated. Nobody is. I’d oppose that.

James Che.

Thanks for the reply, and yes I do know a bit about the law, and enough to know it is illegal to force anyone to take something into their body against their will.
It is also so illegal to imply or impress or coerce under threat on a human being that they may lose employment or freedoms if they do not inject a drug into their physical body they do not wish have,
This is torture.

(As an aside Sounds like drug dealing and peddling drugs actually.) I must look into that.

Hugh Jarse

“But know this— I’m not arguing that you should be forcibly vaccinated. Nobody is. I’d oppose that.”

Not yet. We’re being primed for it though.

Physical force isn’t required if you make life difficult enough for the unclean.

Saffron Robe

Natural immunity affords greater protection against Covid-19 than vaccination. Therefore, in order to get you to “buy into” an unnecessary product incentives are offered, attempting to give those who have been vaccinated special privileges. Governments themselves cannot admit that the Covid-19 vaccinations are unnecessary because they have spent millions of pounds of public money on purchasing them and have no option – unless they want to reveal how incompetent they really are – but to continue to coerce the population into taking them. Of course, the ironic thing is, if anyone should be granted special privileges it is those who have developed natural immunity.

Dorothy Devine

Can anyone tell me if there has been a Scottish Government response to the increase of nuclear warheads intended for the Clyde – and if so what effect has that had or is Scotland still going to have a bullseye marked on it thanks to the hideous Westminster Government and its attitude to Scotland?

Dorothy Devine

I have just e-mailed the UN with my concerns – so can you all.

James Che.

Hugh Jarse,
Saffron robe,
Stuart McTavish,

We here have had to deal with much antagonism from trolls,
However here is a interesting concept worth a read on [ COMPETING SOCIAL FORCES WITHIN SOCIETY ]. And relates to wether a country and its people is strong or not.

Never in a million years could I be construed as a Guardian reader, but this piece does fill in an awful lot of explanations for where Boris Johnson and Nicola sturgeon intend Britain/ Scotland to be in the future and the method of getting us there.
It also explains the purpose of trolls and football,
Independence Scots and non independence divisions being created.
It explains the way divide can be set up by covid vaccinated and non vaccinated in society,
This is subject I myself had commented on not so long ago,
However even I had not realised how deep this goes as an ideology within the two governments.

James Che.

I suppose that was what the Nicola sturgeon verses Alex Salmond was about,


Dolt alert; “Natural immunity affords greater protection against Covid-19 than vaccination.”

100% untrue.


Dorothy Devine @4.29pm.

Dorothy the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, has already said that the UK’s increasing its nuclear arsenal, which will be based around thirty-miles from Scotland’s most populated city contravenes Article VI of the (NTP) Non Proliferation Treaty-its basically illegal under International Law.

Article VI roughly states that nuclear states should in good faith be making their way towards nuclear disarmament.

Brian Doonthetoon

RE: news outlets singing from the same hymn book.

This is a less than two minute video, demonstrating the phenomenon in the USA.

link to


The photo shoot king of Holyrood, and the lib/Dems Willie Rennie has stepped down as the branch office leader.

Maybe Rennie just couldn’t cope with not being able to ask unionist questions at FMQ’s.


Or this one Brian.

Oliver is good at ripping the pish out of the media.

link to

Dorothy Devine

RepublicofScotland , yes that came out in the piece on RT and the activist lad said it would require Scots to keep it on the agenda.

What I don’t know is what the SNP stance has been /will be.

So far I’m not exactly optimistic that they will do anything – a bit more of “Scotland won’t be dragged into supporting proliferation’and other avoidance.


This is an interesting view from a MSM journalist on Covid.

link to


Those who seek shall find. The link I provided is something of a marathon so if you want to understand the psychology being mobilizer against us go to 3:36 Dr Gary Sidly and for the truth of covid sars definitely go to 4:30 Dr David Martin discuses the issue of Spike virus patents and who owns them. His evidence is dynamite. Quote”This, my friends, is the definition of a criminal conspiracy racketeering and collusion. ” DO watch it if you value justice.


Yes. I sat through the whole six hours and happy to.


Dorothy Devine @7.46pm.


The official SNP view on nukes and renewing them, but don’t expect Sturgeon to actually do anything about it.

link to

In 2019, 1026 Scots died from drugs abuse yet Sturgeon wouldn’t even bend or break a rule to save those Scots, by creating drug consumption rooms, because drug laws aren’t devolved. God only knows how many drug addicted Scots have died since Sturgeon became FM, yet she’s never stepped outside her devolved remit on the matter to save one of them, that’s how much she cares for Scots.


The institutions of State are being used in the commission of crimes against Humanity. Sturgeon?


Hatstand. An expert in virology FACT.


James Che. You should find the link I put on here interesting and informative.


The drugs deaths in Scotland are probably being understated.

But in truth who cares. Not Sturgeon.

Box em up and bury or create them. We’re a poor country and life is cheap. Get over it.

Gordon Currie

Hatuey says:
12 July, 2021 at 6:22 pm
Dolt alert; “Natural immunity affords greater protection against Covid-19 than vaccination.”

You may think that, but take a look at this, particularly the 5th para where Sucharit Bhakdi is quoted, from 13th November 2020.

Then look at this from him:

link to

Now tell me you’re convinced about your statement.

Gordon Currie

Oops – here is the “this” from November 2020

link to

James Che.

Thanks, will check it out.


Wonder what Willie has done that he has had to design?

No doubt his Tory pals can cover it up and maybe he can strut
around the House of Lords for services to suppressing the Scots.

The Libs have never had a majority in over 100 years and in good shape
to keep it that way for another 100.

Charles Hodgson

Fireproofjim says:
11 July, 2021 at 12:51 pm
“It didn’t take long for a few obsessive and self-important anti-vaccination posters to destroy this site and turn it from the best Independence supporting site in Scotland to an unreadable list of half truths and complete lies by anti-vax conspiracy believers
Posters whose names never appeared in the past ten years and who appear to have no interest in the reason for Wings existence or in Scotland’s future have suddenly infested the site. Obviously a co-ordinated attack.
Please do come back Stuart and sort them out. Soon.”

It is the biggest issue obstructing our lives currently, so you should expect posts on this topic, from either side of the debate. Frankly, I found S. Campbell’s silence on this issue bizarre, but I suppose he was occupied with SNP corruption and the transgender.

If you believe this is “co-ordinated”, you are a bigger fool than Hazmat Hatuey. Hilarious! You utter prick!


Currie, all of that was before Manaus where during the first wave almost everybody in the city caught the disease. Then along came the second mutated wave and “large number of hospitalisations and deaths” followed;

“Manaus shows that pursuing herd immunity through natural infection is not a guarantee. And second, even if we could reach it, hundreds of thousands of people will die in pursuit…”

“Covid-19: Is Manaus the final nail in the coffin for natural herd immunity?”
link to

Funny how conspiracy theorists are willing to accept and quote sources like the BMJ when it suits them. I should ask you to decide and declare if you regard the BMJ, Lancet, CDC, NHS, and WHO, etc., as respectable sources or not.

Charles Hodgson

Hatuey says:
12 July, 2021 at 10:53 am
Charles Hodgson says:
12 July, 2021 at 7:11 am

“The issue will be if there is a legal requirement to show your proof of vaccination, or if it will be up to businesses to decide whether they wish to require it.“

Here we have another genius who I suspect has worked how to monetise the distribution of stupid ideas…
There’s clearly not much to his works but let’s throw a spanner in anyway and see what happens.
So, the law already exists in regards to what is being said here. Business — by law — can pretty much refuse entry or access for almost any number of reasons.
You would actually need a new law that said something like “you can’t discriminate on the basis of vaccination status” to achieve what this bozo thinks exists now.
You’re welcome.”

I know business can refuse entry for any reason they choose, you fucking idiot. The point I was making is that should Govt devolve responsibility for checking vaccination status to business, they are very likely to be more interested in pursuing commerce, and survival, rather than arguing with their customers at the door.

The law that says “you can’t discriminate on the basis of vaccination status”, already exists under Human Rights legislation. You cannot compel people to take vaccines, therefore you cannot compel proof of vaccination status for entry into society.

You would actually need a new law that said something like “you CAN discriminate on the basis of vaccination status” to achieve what this bozo thinks exists now.

You’re welcome.


Charles Hodgson: “I know business can refuse entry for any reason they choose, you fucking idiot.”

They can’t. You’re wrong again. If a shop refuses access on the basis of say race or any other legislated-against reason, then the shop would be breaking the law.

Not very good at this, are you…


This is crud too, all of it;

“The law that says “you can’t discriminate on the basis of vaccination status”, already exists under Human Rights legislation. You cannot compel people to take vaccines, therefore you cannot compel proof of vaccination status for entry into society.”

David Caledonia

Have you been vaccinated, no, but the law says I don’t need to be to enter your premises, yes that may be correct, but I was just curious to know, that’s ok can I come into your shop.
Sorry I am closing for a while, I need a break from the shop, but come back later and I might be open

And every time that person comes back the shop owner will take a break

Laws and enforcing them…. Crap

David Caledonia

If it was me and the police came to the shop. I would say.

I believe that person is a thief and I do not have to let
thieves into my shop to steal from me

David Caledonia

Two gay men went into a boarding house and asked for a double room, the owner said no, its against my religious beliefs, but you can have two single rooms.
They took it to court and lost the case, and why did they lose the case, because if any court allowed any two twits to get away with that sort of nonesense, the courts would be filled to bursting point with scam merchants trying it on.
If you are the owner of anything, and you worked and you paid for it, its yours, and nobody has the right to demand how you use your own property

David Caledonia

The average life span of people who die is 82

The average life span of covid deaths is 82 and a half, and that is older people who have underlying health issues

A nurse from manchester working in london was isolated because of covid, she was also informed at her mothers house that she needed to isolate there as well

Only person I have heard of that can be in two places at once, and she did officially have covid at two different locations

Her mother told the story on the radio

David Caledonia

Vaccines are killing people in america at 2 thousand a week, yes 2 thousand a week
Cancer kills more than that every day and so does smallpox and yellow yellow fever and every other virus on the planet

But hey, vaccines are dangerous

Charles Hodgson

Hatuey says:
12 July, 2021 at 11:43 pm
“Charles Hodgson: “I know business can refuse entry for any reason they choose, you fucking idiot.”

They can’t. You’re wrong again. If a shop refuses access on the basis of say race or any other legislated-against reason, then the shop would be breaking the law.

Not very good at this, are you…”

There is no legislation currently in place allowing discrimination based on vaccination status. The business would not be compelled to give their reason for excluding you, any more than you could be compelled to confirm your vaccination status. Business COULD effectively exclude you on the basis of race, or anything else that offends their sensibilities, they would just not be allowed under law to use that as the reason. In fact, they would not have to give you any reason at all.

Not very good at this are you?

Charles Hodgson

Hatuey says:
13 July, 2021 at 1:18 am
“This is crud too, all of it;

‘The law that says “you can’t discriminate on the basis of vaccination status”, already exists under Human Rights legislation. You cannot compel people to take vaccines, therefore you cannot compel proof of vaccination status for entry into society.'”

Denial isn’t refutation, arsehole.

stuart mctavish

Pixywine @7:40pm

Nice find.. bad news at 5h46m40s for any SNP plans to delay indyref2 though 😉


“The law that says “you can’t discriminate on the basis of vaccination status”, already exists under Human Rights legislation”

Would probably have to agree with Hatuey on this – but it is open to challenge particularly regarding age discrimination (younger people and children not having access to vaccination) and protected characteristics (pregnancy, religion).

Also, Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights may form the basis for a claim that enforced vaccinations are a breach of the right to ‘autonomy and bodily integrity’.

There’s also a wealth of data protection issues -GDPR defines as “special category data” any details about the personal medical health of an individual.

Lastly, it is probably contestable under section 45E of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, which forbids regulations requiring a person to undergo medical treatment, which includes vaccination.

In short, Government may like the sentiment – but it’s a legal minefield.


Regards some of the above, I know we’re not at the stage of enforcing vaccination- but it’s damn close and it’s better to be forearmed.

Davie Oga

Discrimination is a 2 way street. There’s a shop with big proud as you like “where your mask” crap. I don’t shop there anymore. Same with anyone who points at me or barks orders like a prison guard. I move on. They can do without my money. I’ve also removed myself from the register at my local health clinic and I have found somewhere else where they are actually interested in practicing medicine, not collecting big bonuses for every jab and acting like the local sales rep for the pharmaceutical industry.

My barber, 22, isn’t getting the jab, says none of his friends are either. He’s got a loyal customer for that. It’s worth €1000 to him this year. €1000 for not being a fascist is a good deal for a 22 year old.

I’ll also be discriminating with my votes from now on, and when I say from now on, I mean from here to eternity. The more extreme the purpetrators of this shambolic deception push their nonsensical diktats, the more consolidated a voting block the sane, decent people resisting this sprint into darkness will become.

Once the victims of this greed and hubris have organized themselves, that voting block will change politics forever.

None of the above is going to take on a whole new meaning.


Davie Oga says:
13 July, 2021 at 8:28 am
Discrimination is a 2 way street. There’s a shop with big proud as you like “where your mask” crap. I don’t shop there anymore


Your boycott will only be effective if enough people choose to patronise businesses that take no steps to prevent the spread of covid.

A poster earlier on this thread said there was a football match this week at Easter Road where mask were compulsory.

Why do you suppose they are doing that?

Davie Oga


I’m surprised that challenges haven’t been made already. Don’t any discriminatory policies that are deemed to be in the public interest have to be justifiable and proportional. Since when has public health legislation been exempt from challenges based on proportionality?


What you do is this. Always book a seat in the first few rows. I fly Ryanair a lot, so you pay a couple of euros extra for a nice window seat on your own at the front. Say 4A or 3F.

Let me preface this by the following. You buy a coffee as soon as you enter the airport, because as soon as you have the coffee, nobody looks at you twice about the lack of a mask. You walk to priority security, ditch the coffee, put on the mask, go through in a couple of minutes, then you go straight to buy another coffee in order to sit without a mask at the departure gate.

Anyway, when you get to your seat, as a show of respect to the Ryanair crew, you put on the mask for 15 minutes for the take off and cruise segment of the journey. Because of the seat choice you are first when they start the cabin service, order a coffee and relax without a mask.

Ryanair coffee is always very hot and they scrimp on the milk. My record for one coffee is a 2h45m flight to Malpensa.

You can fly without a mask, and without a jab no problem. I do it all the time. And within the CTA, I can fly into England without even an antigen test. I do it all the time pal.


Fred says:
13 July, 2021 at 8:03 am
Regards some of the above, I know we’re not at the stage of enforcing vaccination- but it’s damn close and it’s better to be forearmed.

What could you actually do if ‘enforced vaccination’ came about?

Davie Oga


Nowhere do I say that I think business shouldn’t take steps to stop the spread of anything. Enhanced cleaning, ventilation, a disciplined approach to hand washing and a conscious effort to keep people showing symptoms of contagious illness out of the workplace until recovery, are no bad thing whatsoever. Long over due and effective in improving public health.


Davie Oga says:

I’ll also be discriminating with my votes from now on,


I suppose that will apply to all voters.

Will a political party get more votes if they allow people to fly into the UK without a vaccination certificate or not.

Same applies to political parties in other countries. Will voters vote for parties who allow people from the UK (for example) to fly into their country without a vaccination certificate?

As with all things money will dictate. Lets say Spain insists on tourists having V.C.s and the number of tourists drop dramatically they will for financial reasons change the rules.

Same would apply to your barber who is relying on the business of the ‘non vaccinated’ ‘anti-mask’ customers. If there aren’t enough of you he will go under.


link to

Still wondering why they bothered passing a referendum bill to garner public opinion when they have no apparent desire to use the mechanism to determine the will of the sovereign Scottish people on contentious matters such as Self ID and Free / Hate Speech.

The terms “Stronger For Scotland” or “Putting Scotland’s Future in Scotland’s Hands” mean nothing if our elected politicians ignore the wider electorate’s views on major issues impacting our society, and instead impose unwanted policies that they and their lobby group backers want.


Davie Oga says:
13 July, 2021 at 9:15 am

Nowhere do I say that I think business shouldn’t take steps to stop the spread of anything. Enhanced cleaning, ventilation, a disciplined approach to hand washing and a conscious effort to keep people showing symptoms of contagious illness out of the workplace until recovery, are no bad thing whatsoever. Long over due and effective in improving public health.


But no mask or vaccines?


What about insurance?

Could insurance companies insist on a vaccination certificate for travel/life insurance?

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate could become a very tricky decision.

Nally Anders

It’s all just window dressing is’nt it?
Similarly why bother holding not just one but two public consultations and not publishing the results?
The clue is in the comment from the GRA Boards FOI… “despite the majority view”.
link to


Dan says:
13 July, 2021 at 9:21 am
link to

Still wondering why they bothered passing a referendum bill to garner public opinion when they have no apparent desire to use the mechanism…

The whole saga is a total charade from start to finish. Scotland’s people are constitutionally sovereign, by law, and all the song and dance about Mickey Mouse Holyrood legislation and a Section 30 Agreement with Westminster is unconstitutional sophistry of profoundly dubious foundation and legitimacy. It is a circus show.

Why, simple question, why did the SNP actually bother to debate the Claim of Right in Westminster only to abandon the very principle it enshrines? The SNP is just going through the motions, saying the things we expect to hear, but without ANY understanding of what it’s actually doing. Their words carry no weight.

Go one step further, what purpose do the SNP actually serve now? They are merely Midwives to Scotland’s unconstitutional colonial subjugation and exploitation, and pretty much nothing else. They are the Unionist functionaries of Vichy Scotland, and in time, the gutless troughers will be roundly detested for it.


Anyone with even a passing understanding of human rights law knows that there are different categories of rights and some are more important than others.

My right to life is an absolute right, that’s the highest order of human right. That means nobody can do things in pursuit of their rights that contravene my right to life.

And it’s on that basis that any business could deny access or service. They could simply argue that your unvaccinated presence jeopardised their right to life, not to mention the rights of other customers.

All of this stuff could be debated in a court, but it hasn’t been yet. You have a right not to be discriminated against for any reason, but against my right to life I don’t think you have a chance during a global pandemic…

The pressure to lock out the unvaccinated will come from below, not above. In crude terms, I wouldn’t want to sit next to someone who had the disease, whether eating, flying, watching a play, etc., and that’s what you’re up against. People will vote with their feet if businesses don’t lock out the unvaccinated.

As I have said countless times, rights are complicated… they go both ways.


Which ever way the dice are thrown the globalists of Great Reset, of big pharma and the advocates of the «medicalization of humanity» will still be raking in the $$$$$$$$$
Sturgeon and her gang are the local «dealers».
Never has a set of wee pricks had so much power.


Funny how cinspuracists like Hatstand are won’t to quote only BMJ material that suits their false narrative.


Hot off the press… posted 18 hours ago.

“The EU vaccine ‘passport’ and what it means for travel”

“An EU vaccine “passport” is being introduced, enabling holders to prove they have been jabbed.”

“Anyone holding a certificate should, in principle, be exempted from testing or quarantine when crossing a border within the EU (or Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein).”

link to

James Che.

If Nicola sturgeon enforces vaccines on the Scottish people ?
She is challenging the legal sovereignty of the Scots.

In Scotland at the present time she is breaking the [Scots law of private rights, ] by denying you to visit or see your family.

This is part of the treaty of the union. Different from the rest of Britain. ( see private rights, Scotland, citizens advice)


David C. Your arguments are shallow. You should watch the stuff I recommend. I can’t believe anyone sane can hold to the Governments narrative after watching Dr David Martin at 4:30hours into the latest Corona Ausschus.


Dan @10.03am.

Dan its my opinion that Scotland will need to take its independence, for it will not be willingly given by Westminster, and Sturgeon isn’t the person to deliver it for us.

I’m with the Craig Murray and Alex Salmond route to indy if Westminster and Sturgeon continue with their charades, of he said, she said.

There’s a current indy majority of MSP’s at Holyrood, we should call back our MPs from Westminster, they should hold a vote on whether to stay or leave this union, if leave the union wins, declare independence there and then, then begin negotiations with Westminster on dissolving the union.

There’s nothing wrong with this plan, Westminster shouldn’t have a say anyway, and a majority of Scots will have been represented by their MSP/MP that they voted for in the first place.

This credible plan won’t happen in Sturgeon’s tenure, she’s a Judas, no we need a credible strong indy minded FM with courage to achieve this.


To all Fascists. Joseph Mengele may have gotten away with it but you won’t.


The psychology of mass hypnosis is fascinating and 54321 Hatstand you’re a genius.


Hatstand looking can’t wait to get his Wehrpass.


Got my second jag appointment so will have my Covid passport before returning to Portugal.

Of course, some of us who are slightly better educated and more travelled than the Bold Helmeteers on here actually understand how vaccination works, and remember carrying our Yellow Fever and Cholera vaccination certificates around in our passports.

(Still waiting for those chips to be activated by the illuminati)

James Che.

What is your psychological problem,
If your second injection works?
You will be protected from those who do cannot have the vaccine.
You are free to go.
But do keep in mind that you are still a carrier and transmitter, please continue to wear a mask and self isolate if you test positive to protect the vulnerable who like my self are to ill to have the vaccine.
Happy travels, see you, bye bye

James Che.

Pretty much in agreement with that message..
I fact I would be quite happy for all the MPs and Westminster’s devolved Holyrude to close while we chose who governs us.



“Go one step further, what purpose do the SNP actually serve now?”

Maintaining the Devolution settlement, i.e the status quo.

They have been bought and sold, not for “English gold” (Although the Westminster group could qualify!) but for Kompromat.

Disagree? Then how else can we account for where the SNP is now?

To quote Arthur Conan Doyle’s Holmes, “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

James Che.

Rev got new thread up,

Brian Doonthetoon

Police Scotland launch ‘fraud’ probe into SNP fundraising for Indyref2

POLICE Scotland have launched a formal investigation into potential criminality involving SNP fundraising.

The force, which has been assessing a fraud allegation from a member of the public since late March, said it had escalated its work after consulting with prosecutors.

The Herald

link to


People keen to buy into the medical Apartheid system are sick in the head as well as cowards.

David Caledonia

Yes keep wearing your mask and remember, if doing that was any good you would be dead, yes that’s the reality of the situation, if the mask did not let air in ( with germs and pollutants ) we would all die.

Its called suffocation

James Che.

These vaccines and mask wearing become even more illogical when you ask the vaccinated protagonist, if they still spread the virus to others, an they make wild claims they do not spread it as much.
Ask them did they have their jersey an coat vaccinated or walked through a sheep or cattle like dip for their shoes like you had to for foot and mouth pandemic.
NO, well being as it is supposedly air born (masks) and be all over the ground you’re not protecting anyone. You are a carrier,
You should not be travelling.

Wally Jumblatt

In time, I suspect most people will come to decide that the vaccine was worse than the virus.

Saffron Robe

I agree Wally. And fear of the virus worse than the virus itself!

John Main


If you have no confidence in the ability of your vaccinations to protect you against Covid, why did you get them?


I am so pleased you have had your cholera and yellow fever vaxxes. I take it you refuse still to travel to any country where these diseases exist on the grounds that you can’t verify that everybody you meet there has also been vaccinated?

Are you two the same person? You display equal levels of imbecility.

David Caledonia

I have got vaccinated twice, and quite happy to have any more if they have any going spare.
Have the vaccine or don’t have it, I could not give a monkeys fart what you do, I would never say your basically an idiot if you don’t have it, but they say we are idiots for having it
Me having a vaccine does not affect you so shut your cakehole and go and annoy someone that gives a damn about your moronic opinions

David Caledonia

Went to Clydebank today, went into asda and bought myself a big bag of bananas for my dinner, had a walk around for a couple of hours then jumped on a wagon out of town and headed home
The place has not changed much since I was last there about 20 years ago, its an ok town, but not for me, argyll and the highlands is more my scene, I prefer lots of space so I can breathe all that good scottish air

David Caledonia

I wonder if the people who are against the vaccines because they could damage out health are also against

Drinking, smoking, owning a car, driving a bus, having sex without a rubber helmet, ( possibility of the clap without one on ).
Millions of things can and will kill you, but having a vaccination is way down the list of killers to avoid as the facts have proven over the decades that I and many healthy others have been getting them

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, na,na,nana,na


Scotland is so lucky to be an English Colony.
Without Westminster we wouldn’t have record
Levels of debt, the highest number of Covid infections
and death rates in Europe, food shortages, the highest
ever rates of taxation the million who now live in poverty
and a pathological liar who can get away with telling Scots
he hates them.

I dread to think what life would be like without Westminster?


link to

Mr Gove it seems has long proven himself to be a racist and homophobe
But he can get away with it because he is a Tory and his boss is twice as bad

Please imaging this info was about an SNP official.

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    • diabloandco on The thickness of blood: “Well spotted Ian! I would love to come if it is easy by public transport.Feb 16, 10:12
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “Difficulty posting comments: need to constantly refresh or click on “post comment” multiple times.Feb 16, 09:41
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “The last comments on the list at the right of the page are not visible BTLFeb 16, 09:36
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “There is a disconnect between the comments on the right hand side of the page and the main BTL.Feb 16, 09:35
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “Now the virus downloads even when you click on the title of the article.Feb 16, 09:31
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    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “No you don’t. There’s no such thing. It’s literal nonsense.Feb 16, 04:25
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