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Wings Over Scotland

Her Loyal Subject

Posted on January 11, 2020 by
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@Famous 15

No. Using IPad here and it keeps shrinking the messages when refreshing and as you say PC no probs.


Once in a generation WAS said even in the White Paper but said aS “ONCE IN A GENERATION opportunity” So only cheats and charlatans interpret that as a PROMISE.

Alister Jack worries me with his “lifetime” crap. Is he inciting some hothead to land him in a ditch with his boss? SHurely no?



Ooh, I do like my fishing and I gotta bite.
Nope, they are both simply phrases termed to motivate folk to grasp an opportunity.
I guess you’ll be equally put out by Boris lying about dying in a ditch, and that shit they plastered on the side of big red bus must really boil your piss too.

I will add that politicians of all hues should have a good comprehension of language, and should well know their words can be twisted by their opposers. That being the case it does irk me that such a term should have been used. Why not just say “We have an absolutely amazing opportunity” and don’t try to embellish the issue with terminology that can be used against you.

But while you’re nibbling away in the swim as it were, what’s your view on Zac Goldsmith’s elevation to the Lords? Is this sort of thing all good with you?

Liam G

“cynicalHighlander says:
13 January, 2020 at 10:47 pm
@Famous 15
No. Using IPad here and it keeps shrinking the messages when refreshing and as you say PC no probs”

I had same problem on iPad but ok on iPhone and PC as you say.
Now that comments have moved onto a second page the iPad problem doesn’t apply to the new page but still occurs on page 1.



cool your jets, not sure how you got onto Zac.

I dislike all lying politicians, SNP, Tory and all the rest. If you think comparing the words of the former and current first ministers to a ridiculous seller of cheap furniture is a good arguement, then I am bemused about what you are trying to do.


@Liam G

Weird but you are correct on second page, nay probs. An anomaly I can live with.

Colin Alexander

link to

01:05:00 (1 Hour 5 Mins in) Digital Covenant speech


So Liam 11.11 mine is ok with new page so I guess that first page of Wings with the cartoon was hacked.


I had that problem with the page jumping but now we are on page 2 it seems OK


Bdtt, regarding UDI, I’m sorry but I have to disagree.
Scotland is not independent and everyone knows that, however if it does manage to regain self determination there will be a Declaration of Independence.
This will be an announcement to the world that we are in charge once more and we are open for business.
This is unavoidable and the only differential is whether it is a unilateral declaration or a joint announcement with our equal partner (no laughing at the back, please).

Although your opinion of UDI is a non starter I think it’s starting to look like the only way to go.

Many of us here have had to put up with the sneers of Joe and Joanne public these past many decades but no longer is it considered a joke fringe movement, it is now very much mainstream and absolutely normal to consider self determination as a right.

UDI when first talked about on here a few years ago was derided as coming from independence extremists who lived in a fantasy land.
As I have said already, it may well be the only avenue left open to us as Westminster, the HoL and the British Establishment are making themselves busy by shutting down any route to independence they can.

Perhaps it’s time not to speak of UDI in hushed tones or to ridicule those who talk about it in a positive sense.
UDI as far as I can see needs no input or interference from Westminster.
I believe speaking openly and positively about UDI will scare the bejesus out of the British Establishment because they can’t game that.
Also, it doesn’t seem logical, to me anyway, to dismiss an option out of hand.

Of course this is my opinion and I also understand I could be wrong.


Sorry, sneers from Joe and Joanne public regarding Scottish Independence, I didn’t make that clear.


Digital Covenant have a twitter account:

link to

Also prominent poster on that account is:

link to

This person’s bio on twitter is as a ‘features writer for Bella and Business for Scotland, Digital Scottish News and Irish Tech news’. Also has a WordPress blog:

Lot of information about the launch of the website earlier today on the yesdayscotland twitter account and as far as I can tell, they already have significant number of signatures, you’d have to scroll through that twitter account to get an idea of the scale they are going for.

The website launched at 17.07 earlier today, 13 minutes later:

‘To confirm, the first international ‘journalistic interest’ in Scotland’s #Ethereum #Covenant has been received by @YesDayScotland 13 minutes after the site went live for IDs and signatures! And, it’s from France!

Must be akin to a modern era Auld Alliance!’

Really think this might be a goer.


Where in Enlgand do they print the “Scottish” “newspapers”?
If you want to blockade somewhere, blockade that?


Also this may explain your earlier comment Liz about hearing about this over the weekend:

To confirm: *THIS IS NOT A DRILL*

20,000 hard copy @ScotCovenant ‘Covenant cards’ are to be distributed at this Saturday’s @AUOBALBA #AUOBGlasgow

Directing YESSERS to

tbc site to fully open for verified identities /Ethereum signatures with the next week



Being into motorsport engineering I can tell you my jetting is fine.
You might want to get your own settings checked though as yer timing could be somewhat retarded seeing as you seem so bothered about a term uttered by politicians 5 years ago, when we all know there have been material change(s) in circumstance(s) since then, and multiple mandates given by the electorate to address the issue again.

You want less lying and disingenuous politicians of all hues, me too, so let’s move on with the task of accomplishing our mutual interest.

CameronB Brodie

Sorry for butting in, but political interpretation is the meat and bones of politics. A nation’s constitutional future can not be held ransomed to an opinion given during an interview. Which may or may not have been truly held by that individual at the time. That’s not how liberal constitutionalism works, and neither is Brexit.

Dr Jim

Also a Nation’s constitution cannot be subject to the whims and vagaries of polling companies or newspaper polls

Countries are not run by polls and should not be subject to the media’s interpretations of pyschic predictions used as tools to manipulate the thoughts of the vulnerable

News must be reported for what it is not for what *experts* decide what it means, again for the manipulation of the vulnerable

If we ever get round to a constitution in Scotland we need stuff like this to prevent the media moguls and their assassins from wrecking democracy the way they do now

Oh one more thing, if anyone mentions their concern for the the Royals to me I’ll kill them where they stand


What really really boils my piss is that the situation we find ourselves in now is TOTALLY down to the yoonionist parties of liebour , tories and lib dumbs in Scotland , they KNEW we were getting taken to the cleaners yet they still clung to their troughing and still do

If liebour and the lib dumbs cannot see what is taking place with bozo and his cabal of arsewipes and convert to supporting independence then they are indeed tractors and quizmasters , and anyone who fails to see what the tories think of Scots and continues to vote or support these tractors , remember you brought it on yourselves


Dressed up in a Great Britain outfit, Scotland is an occupied Country nevertheless.

Roman Empire; English Empire. Same difference.

Ruled by England, Scotland is a part of England’s Empire.

The machinery of occupation is all in place;
– Control of the broadcast Media.
– Military bases together with the Police.
– The English controlled ‘Scottish’ Office.
– A Secretary of State installed by Westminster.
– The vast bulk of Scotland’s revenues are sent back to the Capital and HQ of the occupying force.
– Scotland is flooded daily with propaganda in a battle for ‘hearts & minds’, to keep the indigenous Scots under control by brainwashing. As any occupying force would normally do.

Why else would their be a March for Independence in January in pouring rain and wind in Glasgow by 80,000 plus people. Such a march simply doesn’t happen in free countries.

But still, almost half the Scottish population don’t get it, don’t see it. They have identified with the forces of occupation.

And yet, more and more people in Scotland are waking up to the reality of being occupied.

Put that on your posters, Visit Scotland!


Dr Jim says:
14 January, 2020 at 12:51 am
Also a Nation’s constitution cannot be subject to the whims and vagaries of polling companies or newspaper polls

… nor ephemeral political parties who find Constitutional absolutes to be “inconvenient” with their own political whims and democratic agenda.


Illiterate Richard Leonard in Hootsman newspaper referring to cuts in local authority funding but ignores fact that since formation of Police Scotland this function is no longer paid for by local authorities. In Edinburgh for example it is used be over £40m a year now only £2m. As usual Labour are not comparing like with like and need to be challenged on this at every opportunity.


The SNP government are doing great, running our country with a set handout they can’t borrow money their hands are tied, they have to keep the wheels going at the same time they should be keeping in touch with all Independence hubs keep everybody informed things have to be organised in a better way so all Independence thinkers and voters think and act together.


The Persian middle classes revolted against the Shah and initiated the Islamic Republic.
Their revolt against the Islamic Republic will initiate what? A look at Iran’s neighbours ought to give a clue.
Is unfettered access to Netflix,Twitter, Instagram etc and the tsunami of other American soft power propaganda ‘pap’ worth such destabilization?


I see Jess Philips is taking here Scotland facts from Ian Murray. She probably thinks ‘if we just had 58 more like him our Scottish fiefdom would be back in our control’. She probably doesn’t realise that he is elected by Tory tactical voters who like the cut of his jib, possibly does but doesn’t care.

Of course Philips is all mouth and not much brains, I’ve seen her on the now defunct This Week, a bit of a dullard.

Robert J. Sutherland

Abulhaq @ 08:37,

F-off, you irrelevant parasite. This thread may be well into end-of-life now, but it doesn’t need your egregiously off-topic geopolitical diarrhoea.

Bill McLean

Mostly I agree with you Robert J. but your post at 0942 was totally inappropriate even if Abulhaq was off “topic”. For a few weeks there I thought we were getting back to at leastd being civil. And by the way the Iran situation is important to many people! Calm down man!

mike cassidy

Completely OT

I know its said the Swinging Sixties never happened in Scotland

But was the bus service that bad in Edinburgh in 1965?

link to


Folks don’t be fooled by alistair jack’s insistence that holyrood 2021 doesn’t matter. It bloody matters. We need to show the world how democracy is being ignored.
Here’s a link to the people’s party who are looking to challenge for list seats.
I don’t know much about them but it’s worth a moment of your time..

link to

Mike d

Ah well that’s boris telt us, get back in your box.

Old Pete

Johnston says no officially, no Scottish independence referendum. Its once in a lifetime as personally promised by Salmond and Sturgeon apparently their two promises are all that matter for ever and ever. So what next First Minister, what next ?


Ah well, no S30, what now?
Back in our box?

Or perhaps we can start taking UDI as the serious option, We should all be pretty willing to take our chances of recognition with the international community.

Fuck Westminster, dissolve the Union.


Well Boris has floated a drop shot back over the net. Our turn next before it bounces. 🙂

link to



Is that a 35?


“ …The Scottish Government will set out our response and next steps later this month when we will ask also ask the Scottish Parliament to again endorse Scotland’s right to choose…”. N. Sturgeon.

Seek another fucking mandate. Jesus wept.


100k demonstrate in Glasgow and Johnson effectively tells ‘the Scotch’ to piss off with their ‘separatist’ nonsense. Save England ie save our UK!
The national movement is at the thresh-hold, of what is up to the determination of nationalists.
Let’s crush this vile thing!

CameronB Brodie

So there you have it from Britain’s Prime minister. Britain is not a union and Scotland is legally subordinate to England, apparently. The Prime Minister is clearly a fascist and British nationalism a form totalitarian authoritarianism. English imperialism writ large.

It’s about time Scots started behaving as sovereign individuals, not slaves of English racists.


Dan wrote on 13 January, 2020 at 10:38 am:

“I found her twitter account last week when searching for news on Iran / Iraq. It’s worth a scroll through.” link to

Thanks for that. I just came across the programme by accident. Was desperately flicking through news channels to get away from all the royal guff going on and to try and find something newsworthy.

I liked what she had to say so she had me instantly. Absolutely nothing wrong with intelligent eye candy. 🙂


Jack Murphy wrote on 13 January, 2020 at 2:38 pm:

Thanks Stoker for your link at 8:40 am today.

” BBC Staff Now Reporting BBC to Ofcom link to

WOW, and the Whistleblower has worked in the BBC for 17 years. A must read for all apologists and enablers plus of course we the ordinary woman and man in the street.”

No problem Jack, you’re welcome.

Chic McGregor

We do not want to be automatons within the Royal Family.

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