The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Golden Plans

Posted on October 25, 2023 by

Our apologies for the lack of recent activity here, readers, but there’s just been nothing happening worth talking about. Meanwhile, here’s some more music.

See you soon, hopefully.

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I. Despair

“recent activity recently”?! The wheels are coming off!

George Ferguson

Stu it has been a amazing shift you have put in. I don’t know how you do it. The feeling I have got lately is their is a determined effort to disrupt the blog. Indulge me by offering 3 options:
1 Take a years break and write your memoirs that’s sure to be a money spinner.
2 Take a gap year,that you, like me never got in the first place.
3 Give up the blog to protect your wellbeing.
As the main contributing force for Independence I don’t want to see you go permanently, so I favour option 1. And this site also provides a social wellbeing function within the Independence community. But it was up to the SNP to realise Independence not you.
And they failed. Trusting you will make the decision that is right for you.

Jim Bo


“call the cops” we live in hope.

Neil in Glasgow

Call in the cops …

The Flying Iron of Doom

Total banger by Shaun and his crew, best appreciated (in my opinion) at high volume while driving a defective Nova. I’ve got the John Kongos original knocking around on vinyl somewhere, gonnae have to dig it out for a spin 🙂


George Ferguson
Why would you want the rev to take a year off when he is the sole source in exposing the lies corruption and madness associated with the SNP??
This site and all it represents is all we have left at this moment in time.

David Hannah

You’re right to take a break.

Fergus Ewing, Kate Forbes and Ash Regan are watching the SNP go out with a whimper.

Joanna Cherry what’s she up to? Probably nothing.

Where’s all the plotting?

They obviously don’t care enough about Scotland to so bring down the cabal. One might deduce!


This beat combo were a wee bit late for me. But a smashing track all the same and Sean is as daft as a box of frogs.

David Hannah

Your best article recently was the one with the Robbie Williams song. Coming undone. Loved it.

Looking forward to more in the future.

Let’s hope there’s some action taking place behind the scenes!


Funny because when I look out the window we seem to be on the brink of WWIII.

George Ferguson

@McDuff 10:42pm
If you critically read my comment that’s exactly what I said but the Rev is like everybody else subject to external criticism and beyond. My concern is for his welfare. I maybe reading it wrong and he is absolutely chipper. But I agree he is all that remains of the essence of the Independence movement. The SNP have totally failed but that’s not Stus problem. Have some empathy and trust his judgement. I do.


I don’t like that ‘music’
Stu’s taste in music and mind are very different.

Never mind I’ll checked out the lyrics to see if I like them better.

You’re twistin’ my melon man, you know you talk so hip man
You’re twistin’ my melon man, call the cops

That’s going to require a search on the Urban dictionary site to find out what twistin’ one’s melon means.

In the singular, it’s slang for “head.” In the plural, it’s rather crude slang for the female breasts. “You’re twisting my melon” means “You are playing mind games with me. You are attempting to deceive or confuse me.” “You’re twisting my melons”- well, use your imagination.

Normally I like these types of expressions but I don’t think I’ll use this one. Trying to think of another one that is similar that wouldn’t be confused with
with ‘head’ or breast.

Maybe I’ll just make one up.

How about:
You’re juicin’ my strawberries man!
You talk so fruity man
Call the warden!

Ok I’ll maybe leave the rest of the verses for tomorrow!

link to

I think I’m quite liking

‘You’re juicin’ my strawberries man!’

I’ll be using that one when I post BTL on Wings if I ever decide to feed the ‘Naw Baws’ ever again.


Take a POSITIVE break Mr Wngs – there’s enough negativity around at the moment.


David Hannah says:
25 October, 2023 at 10:45 pm

Your best article recently was the one with the Robbie Williams song. Coming undone. Loved it.

Me too I though that was a work of art. Also really like the collage of Front pages I thought that should be in an Art Gallery.


I just thought that Stu wasn’t writing a new article because there was nothing to write about not that he was having a ‘crise de nerfs’

Soon there will be lots.

Operation Branchform
Operation Daily Record Leak
Operation Perjury
Operation Campervan
Operation The Flying Iron of Doom

Nothing is going to stay this quiet for long.


I like lazyitis with karl denver yodelling on it

link to


Growing up in Aberdeen we used to laugh at the P&J and how parochial it was. There was a myth that when the Titanic went down the headline on the P&J the next day was “NE mans drowns at sea.”

Nothing happening worth talking about… Wow.


Mmmmmm…always been a bit more of a Kinky Afro kinda guy…
As for Scottish politics…it may be in the gutter but at least it’s still…er…looking at itself in the gutter…


Classic tune but Shirley let’s lots out there to write about? Cr**g M***r*y, R*b*in M*****, you’re just working up to a bombshell, yeah?

Alastair Ewen

Apology accepted. I’m paying you a bloody fortune every month, and you’re sitting on your arse doing sweet FA.


On the road to hell.

A Scot Abroad

Indy’s dead for at least another generation, and probably forever given the dilution of Indy sentiment in Scotland due to migration.

The only question is really whether it’s going to be Branchform that is the sudden final nail in the coffin (and Alba and ISP and Salvo are busted irrelevant flushes), or whether just general apathy and a whole load of incomers who really don’t care about Che’s ancient guff that ignores and smothers out the last sparks of defiance.

Either way, all good.

Alf Baird

“but there’s just been nothing happening worth talking about”

With respect, colonial oppression continues in all aspects of Scottish life, and that is not ‘nothing’. It takes Tory Brian Whittle, for instance, to tell us on Debate Night why Scotland has an acute shortage of doctors (and midwives and nurses).

The reason, as he explained, is the Scottish Government’s cap on Scottish students who can study medicine at state funded for just £2k a year fees. English students pay £9k a year. And overseas students pay £30k a year. So the Scottish universities prioritise the latter higher fee groups and exclude Scots.

We therefore need to manage our universities better so that they do take mostly Scottish students, and not reject them, to study medicine in Scotland and then to work in Scotland. Medical schools in Scotland do not do this, instead they operate as international businesses, prioritising foreign students and higher fees; they exclude and ignore those who they should be prioritising – i.e. Scots. This needs to be sorted!


A Scot Abroad @12:44am

If you think independence is out of the question why do you incessantly make sneering anti-independence posts? Either you are a cruel triumphalist or else you aren’t at all convinced that the indy movement is finished. I think it’s the latter since I don’t think you’re cruel. Just conditioned by the military to be blinkered.

By the way, it might not have occurred to you but all the migrants coming into England aren’t in the least interested in preserving the union.


It’s hypocritical of Tory Brian Whittle to bemoan the lack of Scottish medical students. It was his party that fought ferociously for the unrestricted free market and turned Scotland’s universities into profit obsessed enterprises.

Mark Beggan

The calm before the storm.

Kevin Cargill


A Scot Abroad


my better half breeds Jack Russell terriers. She’s trying to get back to the breed standard back in Victorian times: these are bigger longer legged dogs than you normally expect a Jack Russell to be.

They’re instructive to watch. When they get a rat in one of the barns or on the lane, they crunch down on its neck. And they keep the crunch on for a good minute or so. And then they give the rat a very vigorous shaking by the neck, so that there’s no possibility whatsoever that the rat is still alive.

It’s a life lesson, I suppose.


A life lesson…if you’re a psychopath perhaps.
Five months, 28 signatures…any life lessons from this utter failure, Norfolk?


Very welcome to know my fave blogger is doing okay. With the scoops and articles which WoS has come up with over the past months I’d say a few weeks of here or there was very well deserved indeed.
What other site host or national newspaper gives the depth of information supplied on this site !


Could start a whisky column?

I suggest
‘Old Norfolk’ authentic scotch – a bit tart ( a soft nose)
‘The Main’ – Not very good but a lot of it.
‘’The Chas’ – very sour (category 2)

The Flying Iron of Doom

“Glen Dan” – a single malt with a refined flavour, a strong aroma of wood smoke and a prominent afternote of heat pumps and insomnia? 🙂

Robert Hughes

Mac says:
25 October, 2023 at 11:00 pm

” Funny because when I look out the window we seem to be on the brink of WWIII. ” .

Indeed , Mac and never was Gramsci’s quote more apt ……

” The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”

The monsters are let loose from their – always provisional- cages and are intent on savaging what remains of Civilisation .

I can’t remember a time of such , intelligence-insulting , soul – destroying untruth – ” The Empire of Lies ” is collapsing under the weight of it’s own corruption ; and threatens to reduce the planet to dust as it thrashes around and lashes out insanely in ( what I believe is ) a futile effort to maintain it’s rapidly evaporating dominance .

We know the US Empire will go to extreme lengths to prevent it’s being diminished ; the question is just HOW extreme ?

Listen to the pathetic , drooling puppet Biden and his unhinged , equally demented Sideshow Bobs eg Blinken , Yelland et al and be afraid , very afraid .

This is Stu’s blog , and it’s his call what topics are up for debate here , but , honestly , it’s hard to give a fuck about the trivial vagaries/idiocies of Scottish Politics at such an alarming time .

Somehow the outcome of Operation Twigform seems * laughably * insignificant in comparison to the prospect of total global conflagration .

Debatable Lands

If you’re bored with time on your hands, you could unblock me on Twitter.

I only ever disagreed half the time!

John Main

@Alf Baird says:26 October, 2023 at 12:47 am

colonial oppression continues …

The reason, as he explained, is the Scottish Government’s cap on Scottish students who can study medicine at state funded for just £2k a year fees

Wow, you have to get up very early in the morning to see colonial oppression in a policy decision of ScotGov. 12:47 AM to be precise.

But here’s a wee thought to illuminate the collective amnesia that seems to fog this site. Just how many weeks is it since the pretendy fraud HY was poncing about in front of the New York media spraying Scotland’s Tartan Taxes at his favourite good causes?

Somebody do the math and tell us just how many doctors and nurses could have been subbed by ScotGov through the training and educational institutions at the going market rates if that virtue-signalling money had been used properly and responsibly.

Money extracted under duress from Scotland’s workers on the promise it will be used to benefit Scotland, not the international career prospects of HY.

John Main

@Mac says:25 October, 2023 at 11:00 pm

when I look out the window we seem to be on the brink of WWIII

Naw, that’s just the aftermath of Storm Babet.

But seriously, Mhairi Black (I think), speaking in HR (I think) has called seriously for diplomacy and a cease fire. I think she’s peeved.

Give them a few days to appreciate just how peeved she is, and it will all settle down. Just have patience, and a little faith.

John Main

@Beauvais says:26 October, 2023 at 1:03 am

the migrants coming into England aren’t in the least interested in preserving the union


It’s my settled opinion that migrants migrate to enrich and improve themselves. Plenty on here are adamant that Scotland enriches, even bankrolls, the Union.

Ergo, migrants have a selfish, pecuniary interest in preserving the Union.

QED. Soz.

Far more innarestin to consider the migrants flooding into Scotland. Predominantly “white flight”, several generations English, older, richer, probably interested in preserving the Union.

It’s my settled opinion that all UK immigration works towards damaging the cause of Scottish Indy. It’s a terrible shame that ScotGov’s pretendy leader wants another million or so migrants in Scotland ASAP.

Meantime, in other news, a war thousands of miles away is splitting popular support for the “new Labour government in waiting” down the middle. That split is being driven by migrants. So we see that the UK’s government can now be decided by the migrant bloc vote – an innarestin and new state of affairs.

Nothing to talk about? You’re avin a larff, right?

stuart mctavish

Mac @11:00 pm

Might be worth taking a closer look:

link to

This one rather (surprisingly) uplifting also – though admittedly a bit concerning if he risks being saddled in perpetuity with a dodgy surname like Penyfucuppa rather than, say, an excellent Christian one like Bob.

link to


Out of frustration with the current political order will that terrible beauty be born?
I sincerely trust for Scotland’s sake that may be very soon.
No more still births. No more fake leaders. No more clueless leadership.
The Union is a rotting corpse.
The British «great stink».


Rev That music WHITE !! It’s all quiet and it’s all the fault of the colonial oppressors at Westminster in conjunction with MI5 and the monarchy. It’s them that’s causing the lack of material for us Wingers. A Ken wot tae dae wi ma time, got Lernt some och that scuttish tunge wi see oan wings.


Nothing much happening. That’s probably why Brian Whittle, last MSP in on the Conningservative list and ‘famous’ only for running round in a circle with one shoe on, gets to tell us about NHS Scotland.


What are the financial gains for England of having Scotland in their Union?

‘Show me the money’


Why is the UK Gov so keen to keep Scotland in their precious union?

Show me the money


Are the people of England not interested in the money?

Do they not need to be shown the money?

We’ve covered Scotland quite extensively how about we now focus on England.

Why would they be happy to subsidise Scotland allow for Scotland to have free prescription, free university education etc while they have to pay for these things.

Have the people in England been shown the money?

It’s being argued that the people of Scotland need to be shown the money why wouldn’t the people of England also need to be shown the money?

Is the UK Gov taking the piss out of the people of England relying on them ‘not to grumble’?

link to

Mustn’t grumble: Ed Miliband on Englishness

fruitella the hun

Does anyone have thoughts on the connection between Jesus returning, End Times, Christian Evangelists – particularly American ones, nature (Creation) at human disposal, Israel’s borders and settlements in the West Bank? I posted a link addressing some of that (the environmental angle was missing) from a major MSM outlet but it gathered no response.

Anyway, perhaps ASA might treat us to a tale of mercenaries.

link to


link to

Independent Scots ‘won’t be British,’ warns Ed Miliband

I don’t think independent Scots want to be British.
Bad news for those thinking they can have dual Scottish/British nationality.

What are the advantages of having a British passport say over having an Irish passport.

The Labour leader also said he hoped Scottish fans could support the English football team in the European Championships but added they weren’t “un-British” for refusing. 🙂

Asked if stoicism was in fact a quintessentially “British” quality, Mr Miliband said: “I particularly associate it with England – I saw it in my constituency in the floods… I consider that a particularly English quality. ‘Mustn’t grumble’ is a very English phase. I’m not saying the Scots always grumble… but I think that’s a very English sensibility.

I can’t say if this is correct or not because I don’t know what is meant by English.

We’ve had ‘Southernbystander’ tell us English just means anyone who lives in England.

I find it hard to accept that if you move to England you will become extremely stoic and cease to grumble.

If it were the case that ‘the English’ were an ethnic group then I could possibly accept that they had these characteristics in common.

However I would like to know the reason why the English were more stoic than the Welsh, Scottish or Irish.

Do the English not grumble and just allow the government to do what they like?

That is bad news for the UK.

Considering the English make the decisions for the rest of us it might be good if they are less accepting of every that is handed to them.

Alf Baird

Beauvais @ 1:10 am

“It’s hypocritical of Tory Brian Whittle to bemoan the lack of Scottish medical students. It was his party that fought ferociously for the unrestricted free market and turned Scotland’s universities into profit obsessed enterprises.”

Colonialism is all about profit and exploitation of a territory at the expense of the native people. This has been the case for the Scots working class since the union.

Scots Tories have merely noticed from grumpy constituents that the offspring of the Scots middle class, their core voter, can no longer be guaranteed a student place at Scotland’s elite uni’s because the latter targets mainly wealthy global elites who are happy to pay extortionate fees in order to purchase a supposedly ‘high status’ degree.

Which explains why the vast majority of the students, researchers, academic staff and principals/leadership at Scotland’s ‘elite’ universities today are not Scottish.

Captain Yossarian

I notice that I’m not listed amongst the detestable Unionists. It’s Main, A Scot Abroad and Chas. I’m glad about that. I get along pretty well with all, except Ruby. She could have married an Englishman when she was young but he chose another and now he’s a millionaire and Ruby’s scrubbing tenement stairs. That’s my guess. Stuart Campbell will stick around until Branchform concludes. He was pretty sure that the old cabal would go-down as a result of Fabiani but the redactor-pen and the cack-handed St Andrew House pile-on tag-team team saved them. His articles have nevertheless done more damage than 20-years of Scottish Press endeavour would do and his work is nearly done, but not quite. He may be waiting on Branchform before he decides what to do next. I imagine a lot of folk read WoS and from it they will gauge how strong the SNP house of cards is at the moment and it’s not that strong. I always saw the 3-sides of the SNP triangle as Swinney, Sturgeon and Murrell and now all are gone. I still don’t think that has properly sunk in yet. Scottish Labour could well be no better and that’s the problem.


Ahh..the blessed 90s Love that song. 😀

Keep us updated of anything happening.
I don’t follow much MSM news these days.

Take a smallish break lol! Cause things may get busy with Branchform & Salmond trial real soon!

Alf Baird

Ruby @ 10:09 am

“Why is the UK Gov so keen to keep Scotland in their precious union? Show me the money”

Maybe it has something to do with the £60bn per annum worth of Scottish renewable energy that will be stolen by Westminster from Scotland from 2030 onwards?

Sounds like a Scottish state energy company might be a good idea, directly invoicing millions of consumers south of the border connected to wind energy installations located in Scottish territory.

Captain Yossarian

Alf – No use blaming the Tories for the lack of Scottish students in Scottish Universities. I went to a Scottish University in the 80’s and it wasn’t a problem then. Changes to the funding model in Scotland were made first by Labour and then by the SNP. Nothing to do with the Tories.

Ian Smith

Godot will turn up sailing on the Glen Sannox ferry before Branchform reports.

John Main

@Captain Yossarian says:26 October, 2023 at 11:08 am

I notice that I’m not listed amongst the detestable Unionists. It’s Main, A Scot Abroad and Chas.


It’s truly remarkable that I constantly call for what I believe is Alba policy – show Scots the economic case for Indy to grow Indy support – and I get constantly pilloried for it.

See thon Alba eh? Pack of Yoons.

Quite honestly, you could not make this stuff up.


“here’s just been nothing happening worth talking about.” Are you mad? The recreational vehicle lady has passed her driving test.


O/T: Campbell Martin’s article on State infiltration of the SNP – newly on Voices for Independence.

auld highlander

Campbell Martin’s latest.

link to

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

an interesting, but unworkable idea about a state-owned Scottish energy company directly billing consumers south of the border. for energy consumed:

1. Electricity is electricity fed into the grid by producers. There’s no difference between electricity produced by gas plants, coal, wind, solar, biomass or nuclear. The power coming from your sockets could be generated by any of the above: you have no means of telling. To add in a “produced in Scotland” tag is meaningless.

2. The supply of energy across the border (and it often goes from England to Scotland) fluctuates hourly. To add in a tag “produced in Scotland between 0600 and 1430 on 17th September” is even more meaningless.

3. A producing company could only invoice an end consumer if there’s a contract in place. There won’t be. If I were to receive a bill from a Scottish energy producer for electricity they claim they generated in Scotland, and I don’t have a contract with them, then I’m just going to toss their bill onto the log fire and ignore it.

It’s about as impractical an idea as using Orkney as a transshipment point for cargoes destined for mainland Europe. And that’s a bonkers idea.


Captain Yossarian 11.18 said “No use blaming the Tories for the lack of Scottish students in Scottish Universities. I went to a Scottish University in the 80’s and it wasn’t a problem then”.

It was, however, starting to be a problem and one that took us to where we are now. All through the 80s and for most of the 90s, the Tories (under Thatcher & Major) were in power and this is when university education fell victim to the business model.

Robert Anderson’s 2016 ‘University Fees in Historical Perspective’ explains:
“In the 1980s the block grant to universities… came under increasing pressure, and governments urged universities to raise more money independently and to run themselves on more businesslike lines.

“By decoupling the payment of fees from the subsidy of individual universities, and making them cover the full cost of provision, the field has been made attractive to for-profit organisations… in the eyes of critics [this] is part of a wider neoliberal programme of opening public services to globalised corporations, paving the way for general privatisation.”

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh


A very few excerpts from the the remarkable and commended book by David Allan, PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICS IN LATER STUART SCOTLAND: NEO-STOICISM, CULTURE AND IDEOLOGY IN AN AGE OF CRISIS, 1540-1690 (Tuckwell Press, East Linton, Scotland, 2000) —

“(T)his study…surveys the foundations on which a relationship arose from the middle of the sixteenth century between Neo-Stoicism and specifically Scottish moral and political thought” (p 1)

“Nowhere, perhaps, was the Stoical preoccupation with the timeless and legal questions of public life rendered more significant in the second half of the sixteenth century than in furnishing the embattled Calvinists of Northern Europe with reputable arguments for active resistance to their autocratic persecutors.” (p 17)

“George Buchanan brooks large in any survey of neo-Latin literature, in a European as well as merely in a Scottish context…Nowhere was this connection more far-reaching than in ‘De jure regni apud Scotos dialogus’ (1579). (p 48)

[…] The disturbing thrust of this text, essentially that tyrannical kings may legitimately be deposed by their subjects, posed an acute local topicality….Such was the immediate context in which ‘De jure regni’ first burst upon the public scene. Yet underlying its theory of resistance was a notion of popular sovereignty, of an elective Scottish monarchy dependent upon the consent of the political community, which, like the near-simultaneous claims of Hotman in France (the ‘Francogallia’ had in fact appeared in 1573), had very specific roots in ancient Roman philosophy. Indeed, in the form that Buchanan himself employed it, this idea was plucked straight from an impeccably learned classical text, Cicero’s ‘De inventione’. (p 49)

[…] Buchanan also saw that his didactic purposes required a rather fuller account of constitutional history. Not only would this help his somewhat questionable claim that Scottish kingship was elective in character. It would also provide the convincing details, which only a sustained analysis of real political action over time could hope to yield, of those particular aspects of monarchy which were to be admired and those which were at all costs to be avoided. These pressing requirements, too, were traceable directly back to the Stoical origins of Buchanan’s political thought. And soon after the publication of the ‘De jure regni’ they gave rise to a final published work, an almost equally contentious prose tract, the ‘Rerum Scoticarum historia’ (1582). A tendentious Latin history of the Scottish people and their government down the ages, this has become another key text to students of British and European political thought, further underlining how important was Buchanan’s achievement, most visibly seen in these two majestic late prose works, in introducing certain Roman philosophical ideas into sixteenth-century Scottish literature. (p 50)

[…] Such connections also mark Buchanan out as the single Scottish author situated nearest to the cultural and physical centre of Europe’s gathering Stoic revival.” (p 51)


George Ferguson
I have every empathy with the rev and have expressed that many times over the years and his contribution to independence through his brilliant journalism is immeasurable. I don`t need to be lectured on that point.
I merely disagreed with your view that we could do without him for a year.


Dearieme @ 11.56

Gosh, you just reminded me that someone claimed payment for sitting their Theory Driving Test on an SNP credit card earlier in the year.
We never did find out who that may have been …


@ Fearghas M: Is it correct that George Buchanan carried out his stoic philosophy by beating the child James VI excessively?

Ian Smith

If 32 years since the downfall of Thatcher and 23 years is not long enough for a devolved admin whether Labour or SNP to sort out medical education, one of the most easily projected sectors of the economy, then it does not look good for independence helping out any time soon.

James Che


Nice to hear you and yours are doing well, that was my main concern,
and its just a quiet moment in Scotlands facade history, and I can understand why unionist minded people would want it to be a long forever break.
Enjoy your break even although we miss you hear, everyone needs two or three breaks in a year to make a fresh vigorous return,

Those of us that do not do other media were just a bit concerned 🙂


Ian Smith: that doesn’t follow. Independence is not devolution.


I saw that John de Menteith (Ian Blackford) walking around my home tow today (Glasgow) in his tweed three-piece suit, and carrying an umbrella, the little shit even appeared to have a snigger on his face.

Maybe he was thinking about his massive pension pot he has for doing SFA.

James Che

Wish I could stop speaking about that ancient guff that the parliament in England is undecided about.

You all know the one,

The one that England thinks they chucked Scotland out of twice over three hundred years ago,

But Scots won’t take a telling about lingering and hanging around Westminster like a bad Snp smell,

Twice “Dissolved and extinguished” from the treaty but here are unionist Scots hoping to still get in the trough, the parliament in England door for some crumbs,

Begging for pretend referendums to appear to those ( they) want to be ( their) masters as if they are keeping Scots dumbed and numbed,

Give Scots the boot twice and watch the scottish elite cling to the boot like a bad smelling piece of shi@te..

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Sarah asks @ 12.54: “Is it correct that George Buchanan carried out his stoic philosophy by beating the child James VI excessively?
Buchanan was clearly influenced by classical Stoicism, and is as often as not referred to as a “Humanist”. In the following linked article he is however designated “Calvinist”. I sometimes wonder how much different writers load the dice when talking about him. He does seem to have been a cantankerous tutor, though his teaching was greatly valued. This short article recounts his relationship with Mary Queen of Scots, and it is an ultimately unflattering portrait. A complex man deserves complex source reading, I guess. Anyway as to your precise question, the article does yield the following rather memorable exchange:

« Annabella, Countess of Mar criticised him for being overly ‘vengeful’, and complained when he regularly beat ‘the Lord’s anointed’. Buchanan was unrepentant, telling her: ‘Madam, I have whipped his arse; you may kiss it if you please.’ »

link to

James Che

The abused marriage partner whom has been kicked out of the house twice, still standing outside the door unable to believe it happened.

Now the divorce papers is in writing,
But like all abused partners they hang around hoping their Ex will take them back,

Even if it is years later, hundreds of years later,


@ASA 12:30 re: a National power company. This was heralded in 2017 as part of the SNP manifesto, so it can be filed under things that didn’t happen even though St Nicola said it would. In early 2021 if my memory serves me they announced it was delayed due to COVID (remember that get of jail card free) ? Then last year Michael Matheson gave us a hundred reasons why it wouldn’t work and that a new yet unannounced plan one that better suited the modern global greenhouse emissions targets was now being considered (political speak for ) we look at this and it doesn’t make any economic sense. I agree with you Alf Baird has a 39,000 feet grip on reality when it comes to how things work down at the coalface.

Captain Yossarian

SteepBrae – I’ll tell you another thing that Thatcher privatized that we have paid for ever since and that is the BRE (Building Research Establishment). That was one of the foremost facilities in the world and if they approved something then you could relax knowing it had been properly tested. That was privatized so much so that the manufacturers of building materials were virtually certifying their own products. Thirty years later that gave rise to the Grenfell fire and all of those deaths. I remember at the time, Thatcher asked who paid for the BRE and someone replied: “You pay for it” and she replied: “We’ll soon put a stop to that”.

fruitella the hun

Link to Washington Post for another article on Christian support for settling on land with an indiginous population.

link to

James Che

The divorce papers. Settlement,
Westminster parliament V Scotland parliament,

Westminster parliament,
We have removed said partner above twice from the marital home, however we find we have consistantly been harassed by our Ex partner “Scotland” attempting to re- enter our home at Westminster, in which we have officially dissolved and extinguished according to the laws of England,
We have also notified our Ex partner in Writing on our web site for a numbers of years
and therefore request a court order to remove them from said property,

” We” ( Westminster) have however have not yet agreed a financial settlement from the very brief marriage, and envisage future problems surrounding ” Scotland” trying to claim that the Country and its furniture belongs to them,
We also worry about problems that may arise when we expect “Protest” to protest regarding sharing our debt and profits have in the bank of England, , we foresee some

We have been in contact with their snp solicitors, for negotiations whom tend to favour our point of view rather than their clients in this matter,
Therefore we expect further problems to arise with claims of injustice, and therefore also request “police protection” and government laws on hate crime recently introduced, against ” Scotland” to be enforced by the crown,

Yours sincerely Westminster,


Our MP’s weekend will have started by now so I don’t suppose there will be much more to report for the next four days.
10 year Bond yields nearing 5%.


Plastic English man Main says:

**It’s truly remarkable that I constantly call for what I believe is Alba policy – show Scots the economic case for Indy to grow Indy support – and I get constantly pilloried for it.**

You are polluting a web site that has dedicated 12 yrs of their life answering & reporting on every minute fcking fine detail of Scotland’s Independence, the case for it & why it’s perfectly NORMAL for a country to be in charge of its own affairs & not to have a larger, belligerent neighbour have full control over our money.

Are you incapable of using the search function?

Why do you persist with the same pish, day in, day out?

The *economic case* is very easy.

ENGLAND DO NOT PROVIDE FULL (REAL) ACCOUNTS of everything that is asset stripped from Scotland.

Considering the English produce fck all, sell fck all & provide fck all other than services & money laundering, we can be assured we are far more wealthier than they are.

Let’s try it. If we don’t like our Independence we can always go back eh? They love us soooooo much they’d willingly take us back.

It doesn’t take Einstein to work it out.

If you think you are kept then yer an even bigger loser than I gave you credit for.

Try reading this site. It’s dead easy. Even use Google & tell yer Britnat mates…

*Wings over Scotland… (Enter fuckwit question here) & you will find all the answers to your questions.

Or piss off. There’s a better idea. Yer constant bleating is just an annoyance. A bit like yoons *once in a generation*

James Che

In any separation between Scotland and England
The Snp as negotiators for their branch office would cut a deal that did not favour Scotland, being two sides of the same coin of Westminster legislation,

I hope and prey independence is not negotiable under the SNP Unincorporated Association, employed in the branch office,

The political parties in the devolved government sent to Scotland don’t even have the legal astuteness to realise that a devolved government in Scotland breaches the treaty of union.

Not a negotiating team for Scotland with any form of intelligence,

James Che

All this ancient guff is GUFF,
Couldn’t agree more With ASA,

The whole situation is full of loopholes like a blind grandma’s knitting.

James Che

It was a very brief marriage between Scotland and England,
It did not last 12 months.
Scotland and its elite was booted out the marriage home of England more than twice actually.

It happened a third time when Westminster repealed certain numbers of articles of the union.

Captain Yossarian

Geri – You must persuade several hundred thousand more Scots to vote for any organized Nationalist party, be that the SNP or someone else. That’s problem number one and you will not do that by shouting and being disrespectful. You then must put a prospectus in front of the public that explains how everything will work-out better the day after independence. That takes a lot of work, time and money and respected academics are required in order to put that together. If you just want a shouting match then, believe me, no-one will listen and you will continue to travel backwards instead of forwards.


FFS. Why is this pish continuing to be allowed to get posted btl?

A Scot Abroad says: at 12:30 pm

1. Electricity is electricity fed into the grid by producers. There’s no difference between electricity produced by gas plants, coal, wind, solar, biomass or nuclear. The power coming from your sockets could be generated by any of the above: you have no means of telling. To add in a “produced in Scotland” tag is meaningless.

2. The supply of energy across the border (and it often goes from England to Scotland) fluctuates hourly. To add in a tag “produced in Scotland between 0600 and 1430 on 17th September” is even more meaningless.

You actually typed that post out and didn’t consider that I’ll now ask you to provide evidence of these “often” events. And when you identify these occurrences you can also supply evidence of the amounts too.
NB. The following has been pointed out to you numerous times before.
IE. That on the rare occasions Scotland does receive small amounts of leccy from England, you have to factor in that a significant amount of the leccy being generated in England will be being produced by burning gas sourced from Scottish geographic areas in the CCGT power stations located in England.
Last night I posted a link that showed 50% of leccy generated in England was by CCGT power stations. At this time it is 40%. Scotland produces about 50% of UK’s domestic gas production, yet Scotland makes up only about 10% of the UK population.

link to

Scotland is currently generating enough to power ourselves and still exporting close to 2GW (so about two thirds of what we are using) of leccy to England.

link to

Past relevant post.

link to

A Scot Abroad


you must live in some form of alternative reality.

The fact is that Scotland is subsidised by rUK, and in reality by revenues generated in London and the south east of England. With the exception of about 20 years in the 1970s and 1980s, it’s been that way since 1708.

Anybody saying otherwise is talking mince.


I see Nicola’s embarked on her literary career. She’s written a review of Hilary Mantel’s collected non-fiction for the New Statesman.

Robert Hughes

@ Dan

” NB. The following has been pointed out to you numerous times before. ”

This is why I don’t read any of these drongos’ comments . It doesn’t matter how many times their buffoonish opinions are shown as such , they just keep reiterating them : ergo , either they’re too thick to understand what’s been PROVEN , or they have no interest in intelligent engagement , but only seek to suck people in to pointless , repetitive arguments .

Pretty sure the latter is their real intention .

Please blank them . Don’t let them waste your time/insult your intelligence


Steer clear of pointless tasks such as educating yoons

Instead kick back with a nice glass of –

Glen Rupert
Comes in nice tartan bottle.
Tastes like Pimms (with a hint of camel)
Evokes memories of the Scottish fenlands; jellied eels; and long summer holidays in the Balkans.
Best served – abroad

A Scot Abroad

Dan, at 3:34 pm,

That’s still all largely meaningless. Far more English money goes north of the border every hour of the day, all year round to fund the indulgent lifestyles of wasters in Scotland than ever comes south as a financial value of electricity.

Maybe do a swap for a week? Scotland doesn’t send electricity south, and England doesn’t send money north? There’d be riots across Scotland.

What are you going to do with the surplus electricity? Scotland can’t store it.


Sigh, still no post preview function so screwed up formatting that post…

@ Robert Hughes

Aye, I get that, but my question is why is Stu continuing to allow the publishing of statements on Wings that are crap and have been shown to be crap numerous times before.

Maybe “there’s nothing going on” because any progress and developments and discussions on the supposed number one pro- Indy site are being completely stifled by being stuck in a quagmire of rebutting the increasing amount of bullshit as yet another posts lands above.
Why would anyone actually continue to read or contribute to btl Wings if it’s mainly just the same old repetitive shit causing stagnation.
There’s plenty stuff to be running with but naebody seems interested…
Eg. It’s hard enough heating a home with the high costs of energy, well try heating a home and also heating a large industrial business premise with numerous staff needing to be kept warm whilst they work.
There’s clearly far too many comfortably off people in the political system that they haven’t felt the unpleasant raw reality of trying to get by in the real world these days. Their obvious lack of action on such matters is jist maybe why they lost the room…

John Main

@Geri says:26 October, 2023 at 2:48 pm

Plastic English man Main says

Or piss off. There’s a better idea

WooHoo, I feel 50 years younger. I never expected to hear those particular chat up lines ever again. Ah, happy days – for every 50 knock backs, maybes one glimmer of interest …

But restrain yersel, Geri, please. The wife checks in here from time to time. If she clocks this, it’s more bother than it’s worth tae me.



ASA. ? Zzzzzzz

Ali Clark


Re: what twistin’ one’s melon means

May I suggest that the Urban Dictionary meaning is dubious. Shaun Ryders utterances around that time rarely had a pre-empted meaning nor his lyrics. “Party” influence and lifestyle and a shooting the mouth off attitude turns plenty of nonsense into favoured sayings of musical groups and seeps into the lyrics. Such phrases are also used as ‘placeholder’ lyrics until better ones come along. Gotta love Shaun but he’s not Leonard / Bob.

A nonsense saying with a meaning foisted upon it by internet demand, guesswork and speculation. Sometimes there is no meaning just the sound.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 12:30 pm

“If I were to receive a bill from a Scottish energy producer for electricity they claim they generated in Scotland, and I don’t have a contract with them, then I’m just going to toss their bill onto the log fire and ignore it.”

Contracts change under new national regulators. Those who don’t pay their electricity bills usually have supply terminated.

There are plenty consumers on the continent who would buy Scottish energy. Essential point here is that an independent country can decide who it sells its goods to, what volume, and at what price.

Conversely, a colony is exploited by one dominant power and has no control over its prices, or supply/demand, and that is Scotland’s predicament for now.


Rev Stu

If you are currently struggling for subjects to write an article about may I respectfully suggest penning something about the 300 year old pish or maybe colonialism here in bonnie Scotland.

I know that this will bore the pants of the majority of your readers who are sane however just think of the fun the nutters would have gibbering on about something which, for once, constitutes the subject matter.


@ Dan: perhaps the Rev is waiting for complaints before he bans anyone? The only way we can now report people is via his twitter account so all those with twitter, please contact the Rev.

fruitella the hun

Another link about one of the forces driving the current conflict – US protestant (mainly) republicans. They also dislike environmental constraints – ‘what’s the point, current world’s about to end’. They love Trump. I see the avid pumpers on here as an offshoot sect.

link to

I posted it is few days ago but can’t find it now. It’s the Washington Post.


Robert Hughes says:
26 October, 2023 at 3:56 pm

This is why I don’t read any of these drongos’ comments . It doesn’t matter how many times their buffoonish opinions are shown as such , they just keep reiterating them : ergo , either they’re too thick to understand what’s been PROVEN , or they have no interest in intelligent engagement , but only seek to suck people in to pointless , repetitive arguments .

Ever thought that they might be robots?


For your illumination.
link to
link to
The latter makes no mention of Scotland, but trumpets, typically, the rôle of London.
Given that the British state has squandered hundreds of millions on a rail infrastructure scheme that has had to be abandoned, that trumpet is just Brit hot air.


@ sarah

Well I am generally not up for complaining about folk. It’s Stu’s site and his call. The guidelines are to contact him if needs be. But the “contact us” option is also broken so that rules out that option. Twitter and Facebook are shit platforms so why would anyone waste time fucking around in bubbles that have less readership than here.
There’s a couple of new names posting what looks like dubious content of pro-indy worth recently, and those posts would need to pass initial moderation so guess the site is happy to continue on the trajectory it is taking… Ho hum

James Che

If Scotland is being subsidised by England in or oil, gas, leccy, Barnett, and it is such a burden to those with their hand on their fore heads grasping at royal pearls.

Cut us free, we will manage not your worry let Scotland deal with it,

Strangely enough it is the union minded whom never state links to facts that are trying to hold on to Scotland,
Scotland is not trying to hold onto England,
There in is the story.


@ Dan: the Rev has put on the Contact area that twitter is the only way to contact him now [which is why I said what I said!]

James Che

Unionists need Stop trying to hold on to a Country that is causing you so much financial grieve,
Let Scotland go.

I bet the next excuse is to role up your sleeves, fake the tears and pretend Scotland is to dumb a population to manage its own affairs

“Better together” headlines hides a lot of fear behind those very head lines,
Scotland is not as feared as England.
Thats why they have to pretend a 300 year old ancient “guff” treaty of union is in place to stop Scotland walking,
Only Selected ancient ” guff” history is the best history to hold the union together…..scrap or delete all the rest of history,


James Che. Exactly!!


Brian Whittle described capitalism extremely well on Debate Night last night – citing Scottish universities’s student entry priorities – cash receipts- as the example.

I wonder if he realised just what he was describing.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

your thoughts about a Scottish national power company billing individual consumers south of the border are just moonshine:

1. No contract.
2. No meter readings.
3. No names or addresses for English based consumers.
4. No ability to prove that they were ever supplied by electricity generated in Scotland.
5. No financial or legal jurisdiction.
6. No ability to turn off supply.

I’ll bet that the students you used to teach in that fourth rate primary school in Edinburgh weren’t very impressed with your total lack of common sense.

You now introduce another piece of lunacy, that of Scotland exporting energy to the continent of Europe at scale (you didn’t say at scale, but that’s what you must have meant because there’s no way it’s going to be economic at less than proper scale). Well, let me introduce you to the concept that most know as “a map”. There are currently two interconnectors coming to Scotland: one from Norway, one from Ireland. Both are bi-directional. Norway is a net energy exporter: it doesn’t need energy from Scotland. Ireland often does, but is a small and uneconomic market. If you want to export energy to continental Europe, you’ll need to lay at least 500 miles of HVDC connection to either Denmark or Belgium (£££), and then suffer energy losses of around 30% per 500 miles. Scottish energy is then 30% more expensive at point of sale, and you haven’t even started paying for your HVDC connectors.

And why would anybody buy it? Everybody else in a 500 mile circle from Scotland has got just the same access to wind power as Scotland does, their own waters, and mostly rather better solar. Plus they would not be on the hook to whichever little Putin is in power in Holyrood.

James Che

There are a lot of highly intelligent Scottish people on Stu’s site that have done a lot of research on how Scotland has been shafted financially ( I believe Stu published many articles in the Wee blue book himself)
and regards professors on colonisation papers and books,
many have researched the territory of Scotland and liberation,
Sovereignty of people over parliaments and kings,
And others on the last monarch of Scotland, the stone of Destiny,
Others research all aspects of treaty of union.
Lord Coopers debate,
The MacCrone report,
While Others researched “breaches” to that fallacious treaty.

A discussion on the treaty of union and “all its ramifications to Scotland” is a excellent idea Chas, bring it on and give Scotlands people a voice,

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,
your thoughts about a Scottish national power company billing individual consumers south of the border are not realistic:

1. No contract.
2. No meter readings.
3. No names or addresses for English based consumers.
?4. No ability to prove that they were ever supplied by electricity generated in Scotland.
5. No financial or legal jurisdiction.
?6. No ability to turn off supply.

You now introduce another piece of mis-understanding of how energy supplies work at national level, that of Scotland exporting energy to the continent of Europe at scale (you didn’t say at scale, but that’s what you must have meant because there’s no way it’s going to be economic at less than proper scale). Let me introduce you to the concept that most know as “a map”. There are currently two interconnectors coming to Scotland: one from Norway, one from Ireland. Both are bi-directional. Norway is a net energy exporter: it doesn’t need energy from Scotland. Ireland often does, but is a small and uneconomic market. If you want to export energy to continental Europe, you’ll need to lay at least 500 miles of HVDC connection to either Denmark or Belgium (at significant cost), and then suffer energy losses of around 30% per 500 miles. Scottish energy is then 30% more expensive at point of sale, and you haven’t even started paying for your HVDC connectors.

And why would anybody buy it? Everybody else in a 500 mile circle from Scotland has got just the same access to wind power as Scotland does, their own waters, and mostly rather better solar. Plus they would not be on the hook to a foreign country. Energy security is a big thing now. It’s why England is building out giant wind farms in English waters in the North Sea. In three years, England will have installed greater capacity than it currently takes from Scotland. I see that the Belgians are trying to do something similar, and the Danes are also examining their situation.

James Che

It is a fact,
Scotland has been fighting for a long time to become independent from England,
England has equally been fighting for a very long time to prevent Scotland becoming independent from England.

The obvious truth is in there somewhere,


link to

Cheers Ali

I hope you are not just juicin’ my strawberries.

Yes I’m a big fan of Leonard’s lyrics. Which I don’t pretend to understand at all.’

I had to think who Bob was. Initially wondered if it was a joke about BOB the Battery Operated Boyfriend. I realised you meant Bob Dylan. I haven’t listen to Bob Dylan much but yes I like songs with meaningful/poetic lyrics.

Have you ever hear of the Spanish singer Joan Manuel Serrat?
He became a big success putting music to the poetry of Antonio Machado. I found these songs fascinating. Weird!

Everyone else was listening to ‘Viva Espana’ at the time.

Again I didn’t fully understand the lyrics but I wanted to which improved my Spanish vocabulary no end.

link to

link to

‘Caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.’
Google translates this as

‘Walker, there is no path,
the path is made by walking.’

Google not very good at lyrics the Spanish sounds better.

I also like nonsense lyrics and I find it fun when people try to figure out what they mean.

I might get into a bit of that.


JockAbroad/Main/Yoonarian etc etc etc

“…bla bla bla bla bla….”

Utter bollocks upon utter bollocks but keep repeating it and hey, someone might believe it, right…?

“The total subsidy received by Scotland from the UK government per fiscal year is….zero.”

A statement from a Scottish independence supporter? Naw.

It was Tory minister William Waldergrave answering a written question in the English parliament. Sorry to shoot you down in flames yet again, JockAbroad.
Try and not fleck your keyboard with spittle, there’s a good chap.


O/T: “Prominent Tory MP arrested” in Horley yesterday, per the Sun…


Nu English says:

There are currently two interconnectors coming to Scotland: one from Norway…

Please supply evidence…
The North Sea Link interconnect that came online a couple of years back from Norway to the UK goes to Blyth (which is in England).
The license application for the proposed NorthConnect interconnect between Norway and Peterhead (which is in Scotland) was rejected by Norwegian Governemnt earlier this year.

Alf Baird

TURABDIN @ 4:54 pm

“For your illumination.”

This might be illuminating:

link to


MC Duff 1042.

Here Here well said that Manny \ WOS the home of True INDEPENDENISTAS all the more power on your keyboard Stuart .

A Scot Abroad


William Waldegrave said that in 1993, as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

That’s 30 years ago, and at the height of revenues from the North Sea. It’s a rather different picture now.

Do keep up.

John Main

@fruitella the hun says:26 October, 2023 at 4:38 pm

I see the avid pumpers on here as an offshoot sect

Maybes you should tell us all how you see the avid pumpers in, say, Russtiland, Saudi Arabia, India, etc.

How about the avid coal hewers in China?

Every year, oil consumption grows, and so does coal consumption. We here have essentially stopped our coal consumption, yet world consumption is growing. If we stop our oil & gas consumption tomorrow, world consumption will continue to grow.

I don’t think you have thought this through, Fruitella, in fact, I suspect you just like typing the word “pumper”.

Naughty! But, OK, having tried it, it is kinda fun.

A Scot Abroad


I must have looked at the wrong image, or at least one that’s misinforming. It shows the Norway interconnector coming ashore somewhere close to Dunbar.

I happily accept your correction: Blyth it is. It makes the point for my argument: Scotland isn’t in a position to start exporting electricity to the continent without significant upfront cost.


When I read this
link to

I thought it was this one finally being arrested

link to

Apparently not it’s another one.


I had to have a chuckle at the military man telling Alf how to read maps, whilst in the same post stating incorrect information because of reading a map wrong…
What a laugh it must have been for soldiers under his command as they made their way across terrain. Like using that Apple Maps upgrade a few years back. That time they liberated Essex instead of Yorkshire…



“That’s 30 years ago”

So fcuking what? Oh aye I forgot, it’s the wrong type of oil we’ve got, right? Worthless.

Away and take a flying fcuk to yourself.


A Scot Abroad does not seek that kind of illumination.
He seems to prefers his comforting Unionist prejudices of «glories» now long past.


Friendly fire.
link to
Scots dragoon’s v Staffordshire’s
Maybe, he’s on our side???


26 October, 2023 at 6:39 pm

A Scot Abroad does not seek that kind of illumination.
He seems to prefers his comforting Unionist prejudices of «glories» now long past



I only learned about them 5 minutes ago on Stu’s twitter.

James Jones

sarah at 4:37 pm
“@ Dan: perhaps the Rev is waiting for complaints before he bans anyone? The only way we can now report people is his twitter account so all those with twitter, please contact the Rev.”

Tell him someone disagreed with you.

A Scot Abroad


30 years is a long time in anyone’s economy. There’s no point producing quotes from 1993 and fooling yourself that they are still relevant in 2023.

There’s nothing wrong with Scotland’s type of oil. Along with West Texas Intermediate, Brent crude is one of the benchmarks of world oil pricing.

It’s just a lot more expensive to extract than many other countries’ oil, and oil is a global business. There’s more profit to be had in selling cheaper to extract oil at prices set by one of the hardest sources to extract. That’s why the North Sea is going to be among the earlier extraction sources to close done. Uneconomic.

Do you have the intellect to understand that, or are you just going to rant?

Garry Gibbs

Nothing going on?
UK Covid Inquiry calls for WhatsApp messages from Scots Nats which appear to have been deleted or not handed in and the Scottish inquiry establishes that so harsh were the measures the SNP brought in during 2020/2021 that families had suicide pacts.
Nothing going on?
When, oh when is that ghastly witch Nicola going to finally be held up under the law of the land for decidedly dodgy behaviour. This is rank and disgusting.

John Main

@Ruby says:26 October, 2023 at 5:51 pm

I also like nonsense lyrics … I might get into a bit of that

Naw. I have this under control … I can do this …

Jist goannay no.

Mark Beggan

Golden Plan for a better Scotland

Plan 1;
Ban the Social Sciences degree. Completely Outlaw it.

Any person putting themselves forward as a political candidate must be free of this affliction. Some strict rules are needed here to prevent the loophole of Arts, craft and design etc etc..

Make Scotland a better place.

Put the right people in the right job.

One person one flag.


O/T: SNP Westminster candidates selection.

It has been suggested in comments on the selections votes that SNP party membership must be very low but looking at the numbers of votes and the turnout figure it seems to me that constituency membership for the published selections varies between 1000 – 1200.

At 59 constituencies that makes a party membership of between 59,000 and just under 71,000.

That is assuming that the membership data is correct, of course.

fruitella the hun

John M

I have had enough contact with you to know that you will not accept the wisdom of rapidly diminishing our dependence on a substance that has brought the world to the edge of catastrophe. All you can see is the money still to be made (by massive corporations).

Nothing to say about the Christians who back the Israeli takeover of the West Bank reserve for Palestinians? They are the enablers that fuel insanity on both sides. But getting Jesus back is more important than peace to them. Nutters.

Robert Hughes

@ Ruby

Ay ! mi amor , que preciosa esa cancion .

Antonio Machado is one my favourite poets . As is Juan Ramon Jimenez . If you’re acquainted with his work you’ll probably know this – sublime – poem of his

” Yo no soy yo.
Soy este
que va a mi lado sin yo verlo,
que, a veces, voy a ver,
y que, a veces olvido.
El que calla, sereno, cuando hablo,
el que perdona, dulce, cuando odio,
el que pasea por donde no estoy,
el que quedará en pie cuando yo muera. ”

In – I reckon – a good English rendering ….

” am not I.
I am this one
walking beside me whom I do not see,
whom at times I manage to visit,
and whom at other times I forget;
the one who remains silent while I talk,
the one who forgives, sweet, when I hate,
the one who takes a walk when I am indoors,
the one who will remain standing when I die. ”

Music-wise , have you heard of Camarón – the Flamenco artist ?


I’m sure that a few have probably come to the same conclusion but I had just come across this political idea of the Paradox of tolerance. The wiki link to it is below:

link to

Essentially it is the notion that for a society to be totally tolerant, it needs to be intolerant to intolerance. We are seeing this for instance with the cancel culture and curtailing of free speech.

There may be arguments for and against that but my problem with it is that being intolerant to intolerance is curtailing political debate and in a democratic society, there is no way for ordinary citizens through the democratic process to decide what is tolerant and what is intolerant.

Taking the Trans debate for instance, there is no doubt that at the moment, there is a definite viewpoint in society about it and those who don’t agree with it are deemed intolerant and need to be cancelled.

However, inside this narrow viewpoint of the Trans debate, how much tolerance for debate? For example, my only issue with Trans is the protection of female spaces and children not being exposed to the Trans ideology. I feel that is a common sense and moderate position but what happens when someone decides that is an intolerant view and I need to get cancelled?

I can’t help but feel that we may need to take a step back and actual discuss what the values of our society really is and how do we balance collective values towards individual ones?

In short, do we become more socially conservative or more socially liberation? I’m sure there are people who have a definite answer for this but for myself, whom I view myself on the centre-left and value small p progressive ideals, this is more of a difficult one.


Has anyone witnessed John Main posting the evidence yet that i asked him for? No? Thought as much. I’ll keep popping in from time to time to check. If anyone sees him posting evidence of there being more than just a single question, based on our right to self-determination, on a Scottish indyref ballot please do let me know. It’s been a helluva long time since i seen a half-decent counterfeit document. 😉


See, i’d put that part in black bold for you, John. But unfortunately that was another of Ruby’s classes i missed. I was dogging-it. For those under a certain age, not that type of “dogging” (aka: shagging strangers in remote locations), i mean the old original 1970’s terminology for skipping school. 😉


As well as coming across this idea of the paradox of tolerance I had come across this article.

It is an interesting read but what caught my eye is that the article is arguing that young people may be more socially progressive but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will be left-wing and in turn gravitate towards left leaning progressive political parties.

If correct, it does put more a fly in the ointment of the SNP strategy being ultra-woke in order to attract the youth vote.

link to

Captain Yossarian

I notice at the UK and Scottish Covid Inquiries the Scottish Government have been heavily criticized for refusing to hand over all digital data relevant to the Inquiry. We heard that before with the Vietnam Group of course and so it’s a strategy that works for them. It is good to see Scottish lawyers criticizing them. They’ve gotten away with secrecy for long enough and it is us the public that are paying the price. Time to jail a few of them I think. Plenty of other countries would do that because sometimes that’s all that works. Gives me (some) hope that Branchform won’t be a whitewash. Just noticed Ruby’s back. I’ll have a glass of whisky and retire to my bed I think.


I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on YouTube where I watch clips and read the comments section. In the comments section, I have come across quite a lot of colourful terms and one of them is NPC. The wiki link to it is here:

link to

The wiki description of a NPC is as follows:

The initial NPC refers to non-player character, a term used in video-games for characters the player cannot control. A non-player character typically interacts with the player through simple and repetitive actions, such as saying the same sentence each time the player approaches the NPC. As such, NPCs have “no internality, agency, or capacity for critical thought”, they rely on scripted lines and do not think for themselves.Following the analogy of non-player characters, the NPC meme is used to mock individuals the maker perceives as lacking introspection, individual opinions, or critical thinking, generally political opponents. Due to NPC memes’ greater popularity among the political right, the NPC is generally portrayed as parroting left-wing positions, but both left- and right-wing NPC variants exist.

This ‘NPC’ does reminds me of a few people who comment BTL on this site who continually repeats the same thing over and over again.

Mark Beggan

Sturgeon made a blunder. She forgot to tell the Birds and the Bees about her GRR.


Geri @2.48.

Good post, well said!

I would add that short of cunting off the rev directly some of the fuckwits posting recently couldn’t be more disrespectful.

OT I was in the co-op today and found that they have started to tell their customers how nice women facers are and we should love them and all the other alphabetties. It’s their mission dream pledge vow…in the end just woke ‘be nice’ rubbish.

Tackety Beets

Nae ooer yet, but Dons 2 up

Early birthday present Rev.


@Ruby says:26 October, 2023 at 5:51 pm

I also like nonsense lyrics … I might get into a bit of that

You’ll have a right laugh reading some of the comments here then. I recomend James Che some berk called Baird and ROS. They’re all bonkers.


Same old same.


Hurry back Rev

The lunatics are taking over.


Where is Sturgeon?

And her kiddie on hubby?


Mon the Dandy Dons.


Will Humza resign?


Dons flying the flag for Scotland.

Brian Doonthetoon

It’s interesting how new contributors appear btl here and start casting aspersions on pro-indy or unionist commenters.

Where are they crawling out from?

The primary purpose of WOS is Rev Stu’s abl articles. The crap and repetition of crap btl displays how much Rev Stu’s enemies are worried.

Pro-indy sentiment in Scotland is staying around the 50% mark and is above support for the party (SNP) that is supposed to be pro-indy.

So, gaun yirsel’ trolls! We recognise you and laugh!


Thanks Stu for this site and allowing the btl .
Just noticed today another of our Union lovers MPs has been held to account for being a deviant sexual cunt of a human .
Crispin Blunt .
Really, “Crispin “ is the give away . He was the defender of another Tory pervert convicted of child abuse . He honestly called the conviction of a paedo as a miscarriage of justice.
In their demonic perverted world view that may be the case . We suffer some of these deviant minded on this btl . Greetings to Norfuk .
And yet another of our Union lovers Members has been charged and bailed till next summer, on believe it or not , sexual crimes.
Of Private Schools and Paedophiles eh !
Nicky Campbell says they’re all victims. Copyright BBC


Robert Hughes says:
Antonio Machado is one my favourite poets .

That’s amazing that I put up links to Serrat’s songs and you liked them.

I have heard of Juan Ramon Jimenez but I’m not normally into poetry. However something magical happens when it’s set to music. I become fascinated.

I haven’t hear of Camarón – the Flamenco artist. I quite like Flameco but I haven’t listened to any for quite a long time.
I’ll need to get some Flamenco music & maybe some flamenco gear.
Flamenco dancing is a great stress reliever.

Stomping about in my high heels & shishing my skirt about is just what I need. Olé Baila Guapa! Baila!

These Serrat songs have stuck in my head now and I’m sitting here singing

Nunca persequí la gloria,
ni dejar en la memoria
de los hombres mi canción;
yo amo los mundos sutiles,
ingrávidos y gentiles,
como pompas de jabón.

Better play a different one.
link to


WTF happened to Aberdeen?

2-1 up.

Ends 2-3.

What the fuck!!!

Ah well,, onwards and upwards.

Step We Gaily

Here’s a laugh for you: Scottish country dancing is finally cleared of white power types!

‘The new etiquette guide aims to “help create a safe and comfortable place to dance”. Sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ablest or racist language is banned.’

Was not aware that Scottish country dancing was such a wretched hive of minority-oppressing hateful scum and villainy. Must have changed since I was at high school. What a world we live in. Terrible.

Just one wee thing, though.

How come they haven’t renamed the ‘The Gay Gordons’ as ‘The Pansexual Gordons’, or ‘The Dashing White Sergeant’ as ‘The Colonial Caucasian Oppressor Military Officer’? DIRTY HOMOPHOBIC AND RACIST BASTIRTS!!!! HANG THE LOT OF THEM!!!!

link to


Time to get down to work if you are worried about the gender and inappropriate sexual stuff being pushed into children’s heads at school.

There is a Scot Gov “consultation” with a deadline of 23rd November.

Sadly, this consultation only refers to the actual specific class on the subject whereas we know that the stuff is slipped into every lesson and activity.

Dorothy Devine, Lorna Campbell, Ruby – I’m sure that you will feel that as many of us as possible should make our feelings known.


Stoker says:
26 October, 2023 at 7:45 pm
See, i’d put that part in black bold for you, John. But unfortunately that was another of Ruby’s classes i missed.

Oh! No. We’ll need to get that sorted.

In html there is an open bracket & a closing bracket. These example above the comment box are the opening brackets for italic and bold.

How easy is that?

I’ll do the closing brackets in the next post. I can’t do them here because they would turn into html.


How to bold continued.
Forget the italic at the moment we’ll stick with bold

Start with opening bracket as shown in earlier post Type the text you want to bold. Then the closing bracket

this is the closing bracket for bold.

Once you’ve mastered this and you can bold then all the rest is easy.


I didn’t think I would be agreeing with Saudi Arabian leaders on anything important, but
This for me sums up the situation better and more truthful than any Western Government,
Keir Starmer or the entire media.

link to

link to


Ruby the song is about drugs.

*Yer twisting my melon, man*

Yer doing my napper in. Yer doing my head in.

Usually said to a yappy mate who is stoned & talking gibbering shite! 😀

90s was mainly all drug tunes lol!

Ebenezer Goode was better.. Eeze =Ecstasy.
Eeze are good,
Eezs are good
He’s Ebeneezer good..
Anybody got any Vera’s? 😀
Naughty! Naughty…very naughty!

So funny when yer Mam sang along with no idea what it was about lol!

Mark Beggan

GRR is a case of;

‘Hello-Hooray, what a nice day,
for the Eton Rifles.


Oh shit my lesson on how to bold failed!
Try again

link to

This is an image which shows what you’ve got to do to make a word bold

See the word Sam with its opening and closing B tags

That is what you have to do.
b thingy the word you want to bold followed the the other b thing.

The b tags wont appear in your post.
I can’t type the tags to show you how to do them because they disappear. Hence reason for image

Don’t worry if you don’t get it right all that will happen is your word wont bold.

Fingers crossed this works.

Brian Doonthetoon

Happy Mondays was OK but I still prefer this…

link to

Robert Hughes

@ Ruby

” Stomping about in my high heels & shishing my skirt about is just what I need. Olé Baila Guapa! Baila! ” .

Hahaha , yr a hoot , sista . You got that Scottish ” duende ” , shu nuff 🙂


The supreme Court in Japan is siding with the self ID crap. I am shocked that the tentacles of stonewall and their queer theory project has stretched this far. Who is financing this garbage?
How long will it take for people around the globe to stop this insane nonsense!!


Regards GRR tolerance..

It’s Queer theory. The Illuminati want to kiddie fiddle without anyone meddling, especially from women. Trans was just the Trojan horse. They couldn’t give a shit about real trans people or gender dysphoria as proven when they were quick to introduce the *umbrella* term and add all the inane letters LGBTI2SQWERTY ++ shit & the garbage language to erase women which is zero to do with dysmorphia.

Queer theory is horrific. There are zero boundaries which basically means they can start sleeping with their dog if the notion takes them & they won’t be arrested or face criminal charges.

I doubt young ppl will vote for this. Especially young women.

Someone above mentioned contacting their MSP. I did. It was a total waste of time. His reply was the usual bullshit that this didn’t affect anyone’s rights or the equality act. It was only to make life simpler obtaining a GRC. Just the usual cloth ears..


Brian Doonthetoon
Spot on!


Geri says:
26 October, 2023 at 10:41 pm

Ruby the song is about drugs.

Drugs? I thought it might have been about fruit. 🙂

Do you know the song ‘Mellow Yellow’ that was supposed to be about drugs ie smoking dried banana skins believed to be a hallucinogenic.

It turned out if was about a Yellow BOB.

Donovan saw an ad in a newspaper for a yellow dildo called the mellow yellow.

link to

What ‘The Magic Roundabout’…. there were rumours!



It’s eugenics, population control, experiment & pedophilia.

Government green light for mass sterilisation to the sections of the population they don’t want breeding. Gays, mentally ill, autistic etc.

Nothing will stop this crap. It’s been allowed to go too far. There’d be riots.




So Shaun only added the twisting my melon man 😀 😀

Whit a con!

Reminds me of my nephew running in fae school to tell us about a *new* song ‘Tragedy’ by Steps…lol!


Testing Ruby’s lesson on bold and also on italics.
Thanks for explaining it with the image, Ruby. Hope this works. Typing it in the comments box, you can’t tell…


It works!

A Scot Abroad

Meanwhile, the good ship SNP is battering on through big waves, sailing slowly for the Port of Devolution (although the Reef of Polis and Corruption charges may yet prevent a dismal landfall), while the Scots get diluted annually by people who aren’t ever going to vote for Indy because they aren’t Scots, and while England is paying the bills. And even WoS seems to have given up, it’s music videos and BTL prattle about anything other than Indy.

All good.


Anthem says: 26 October, 2023 at 11:34 pm

The supreme Court in Japan is siding with the self ID crap.

I wouldn’t be so quick to judge Japan.

Japanese society places collective social harmony above that of the individual. They implement western ideas in order to seen to be ‘modern’ and adapt them to fit Japanese society.

Most of the time this adoption of western ideas is superficial and I’m sure the same will happen for Self-ID. While Self-ID may be made legal in a sense, the actual implementation of it will be totally different so that it doesn’t affect social harmony.

I’ve got a feeling that there will be a lot of gum-gnashing by Stonewall in Japan in the coming years which will be greeted by Japanese officials by friendly smiles and meetings organised to further discuss their grievances.


Trolls… Don’t feed ’em.

One particular arse is making a profession out of trolling BTL so don’t engage – still, saves him from boring the tits off the other old soldiers down at the Legion who usually can’t wait for the miserable Jock git to piss off home to polish his medals.

Ian Brotherhood

The killings in Gaza average 800 daily, mostly women and children.

Patrick Henningsen here, with a warning:

link to


An uncle of mine knows a little of Gaza. He spent 10 days confinement on suspicion of being an Israeli spy. He is in fact a journalist of IraqiSyriac Catholic heritage, and very proud of it.
Being a non Muslim was enough to arouse the mukhabarat jobsworths to action.
He couldn’t wait to leave, as many Gazans sincerely wish to now.
It was a «terrible place» before the Israeli action.
Henningsen is somewhat of a «stirrer». In whose pay I wonder?

Ian Brotherhood

@TURABDIN (9.17) –

Curious to know what you mean by ‘stirrer’.

Do you feel he’s exaggerating the gravity of the situation?

Dorothy Devine

Sarah , have already contacted my MP years ago , telling her they were on to a vote loser big time. I got a long , waffly reply which did nothing to allay my fears for the children of Scotland.

I am astonished at the businesses – and now I have to include the Coop-who string up their rainbow flags and declare their support for ‘diversity’ when they are in fact supporting pervesity which is endangering the young and women.



You are pissing in the wind asking the Trolls not to be fed.

Too many clowns on here who are willing to engage all day long with them.

One or two in particular.

They just love seeing their name getting seen on every second post, isn’t that right Ruby?


I really struggle with what seems to be humanity and political governance being led by truth, justice and the greater good of civilisation.

I really do try to be impartial on everything but when the facts take me to one side I stand my ground.

The Holocaust and the recent Israeli murders were horrific, inhuman, but I don’t see justification of stealing a huge part of another nation in order to give a race their own country

Less than 10% of those living on that land were Jewish but they say it was the land of their origin a couple of thousand years ago so they want it back.

The Arabs there lost their homes, jobs, culture and human rights as the West would help kill anyone resting.

Wouldn’t you want to resist that, wouldn’t most people.
Would you move out of your home on to the street if someone demanded their family owned it in the past so they want it back.

In 1948 the Israeli troops later admitted to taking machine guns into an Arab village to wipe out all 250 Palestinians as they wanted the land.

Why do few people know that?
Why was nothing done about it.

Every day the Israelis build on land captured in war 50 years ago and this is totally against international law but nothing is done.

Yes Hamas are murdering terrorists who should never have killed these innocent Israelis.

Is Israel any better by firing 6,500 rockets into residential areas where they say Hamas Gunmen live so those in power are actually saying that no matter how many thousand innocent Gazans die it’s justified.

Really, they agree that even if 100,000 innocent kids have to die there it’s the right thing to do. Wasn’t it that action that horrified the world when the Nazis did this.

Hamas wants to wipe out Israel and an Israeli politician has declared he wants to wipe out all Palestinians from that land so leave or die.

Hamas make home made rockets from bits of water pipes and fertiliser while the Israelis have
one of the best equipped armies in the world No expense spared.
America gives them the atomic bomb as many missiles as they can ask for and sends them 2 Aircraft carriers.

It makes Mike Tyson Vs a bound and blindfolded Tom Thumb look like a too hard to call fight.

If Gaza is totally destroyed and uninhabitable what would likely happen to the hostages.
Would the terrorist not bury their weapons and exit the country along with the innocent.
Would they just start up again from another base?

Would Israel start building their own settlements in Gaza just like they are doing now in captured West Bank.

There must be a cease fire.
There must be negotiations to release hostages.
A 2 state peace must be found and stolen territories must be returned.
Palestine must be policed by a UN Army to stop attacks from Hamas.

Sunak and Starmer both happy to see thousands dying from physical attack, lack of electricity for medical equipment from lack of medicines etc.

Not in my name!

Captain Yossarian

When these Scotgov Cabinet meetings take place, they are attended by the Lord Advocate. When it comes to: “Does anyone have anything to say” (that usually happens at the end when the meeting is winding up). Has she never said: “The UK Covid Inquiry has been asking for all digital correspondence between Ministers for months and months now. Can you compile this information and sent it off to them please?”

Sadly, Scotland is becoming a delinquent part of the UK and if the Lord Advocate hasn’t done that, then it is becoming an almost unrecognizable part of the UK. My guess is she has said it and she has been ignored. I think we need a Holyrood election pretty soon because the way things are going, the UK Gov are going to get sick of this deception and dishonesty. It doesn’t represent me and I don’t think it represents many of us.

Ian Brotherhood

@Effijy (10.21) –

Hear hear.


Even though you don’t define confinement, I’m sure it was extremely unpleasant for your uncle. If the treatment of your uncle defines Gaza for you, how do you define the UK with the “confinement” of Julian Assange?

Also, I’m not quite sure your assertion that Gaza would have been the hellhole it now is prior to the Israeli action in 1948 holds any water.


SteepBrae says:
27 October, 2023 at 12:45 am

Testing Ruby’s lesson on bold and also on italics.
Thanks for explaining it with the image, Ruby.

Excellent! Now that you know how to do bold you can do

italic by replacing the b with an i
strikethrough by replacing the b with an s

blockquote (see above) by replacing the b with the word blockquote

If you quote someone’s post and you wanted to retain the bold etc in the quote you would need to replace the tags. I have done this above when I quoted Ruby’s lesson on bold

When I say tags I mean those wee thingys each side of the word Sam in this image
link to

They are both more or less the same except the closing bracket has a / indicating that is where you want the bold, italic etc to end

The tags in the image are the bold tags the i tags (italic) would have an i and not a b. Got it?

What about the smileys?

😉 wink
🙂 smile
🙁 frown
😕 confused


Replace * with a –

Link to lesson on bold for Stoker.

link to

That’s it you are all now qualified in basic HTML & making smileys out of text.

You are all amazing!


Geri @ 11:34pm,
I agree with you with almost everything in your post apart from this;
“I doubt young ppl will vote for this. Especially young women.”

The Rev has already produced polls on how more men are against the nonsensical self ID than women, they have also shown this in regards to Dylan Mulvaney and Bud Light.
Men are again up in arms (metaphorically speaking, of course) regarding the UFC sponsorship of Bud Light.

Yes, it is men abusing the self ID but please don’t assume that men in general are the enemy, they are most certainly not.


Tom says:
27 October, 2023 at 9:58 am

They just love seeing their name getting seen on every second post, isn’t that right Ruby?

That is correct Tom maybe I wouldn’t be so inclined to feed the trolls if you fuckers gave me something to feed.

All the non trolls here are not posting very much now are you?
Afraid of cluttering up the thread? Afraid of being accusing of posting too much or feeding the trolls?

I’ve done my bit already on what I think about the ‘don’t feed the trolls diktat’ I won’t repeat it as it’s boring reading the same thing over and over and over again and that includes your don’t feed the trolls message.

stuart mctavish

Now Humza been outed as Celtic daft would it be wrong to highlight a window of opportunity for his golden pension plan spinners to put that whiter than whitey episode to rest by explaining it away as a cunning sidequest aimed at attracting the attention of acquisitive African Americans- and an outside chance of trolling them into buying the Rangers and modifying the the prefix?


Ruby 10.39. That is quite the lesson, thank-you. Will maybe draw the line at smileys but learning the mysteries of blockquotes is great. Constructive (and instructive) comments always refreshing.


“My guess is she has said it and she has been ignored”

If that is the case, how are we to understand the instance when this unelected representative of the crown took the initiative of temporarily installing absolute rule on Scotland by directly stealing control of Scotland’s legislative body from the people of Scotland and handing it to the crown through giving an English court, with England’s judges, operating under English law convention which does not have a place in Scottish law, the power of veto against the democratic rights and popular sovereignty of the people of Scotland?

Are we to understand this individual just “advised” ministers to violate the claim of right so the crown could stop indyref on their behalf after they reached the end of the road of procrastination and indyref can kicking, and then the ministers agreed like sheep to the proposal?

Or are we to understand that such instruction came from the other side, ie the ministers, determined to violate the claim of right, asked her for a way to do that that would look legitimate even if that involved using an English court?

And what happened during the GRR and self-ID which was knowingly put on a collision course with UK legislation? Where was that unelected member of the cabinet then? Was she on A/L? Or does she only issues “advice” or acts upon bills who threat the interests of the crown even if that means violating the claim of right and stomp all over democracy and the treaty of union to stop them?

Where did the instruction of violating the claim of right to hand control of Scotland’s legislative body to the crown came from?

Did it come from the crown itself, did it come from the Lord Advocate, did it come from the higher echelons of the Civil service, did it come from Sturgeon or did it come from the fake nationalists in the cabinet?

Ian Brotherhood


Here’s Patrick Henningsen interviewing Mohammad Marandi.

Would you describe any of this as ‘stirring’?

link to


Craig Murray is now in exile in Switzerland – see his blog and twitter.


I, and my parents and wider family, are steeped in the rhetoric and hyperbole that is normative in the «Arab World», on any topic.
Exaggeration, for effect, is commonplace. The structure of the Arabic language lends itself easily to the colourful. In translation from Arabic or Farsi it all sounds pretty graphic.
It is, however, so easy to overplay the cause in particular regarding victimhood. In Scotland it is called «the whinge», always complaining always the victim but never doing anything to sort the problem.
Gaza is not without funding but there is a visceral problem with corruption and what is called «wasta» or clientism. Not unique to Gaza or the Near East but a particular problem of this tight régime.
The people of Gaza need their freedom from ALL forms of political or religious «dictatorship», external and internal.
Commentators in the US or British media are useful, but I wonder to whom?


I’m sure that most on here recognise the written media for the sack of lies it is.
Advances in digital manipulation (deep f@kes and layering in real time), now mean that news video also cannot be trusted.
When the internet was a freer place than it is now, views of events could be compared and contrasted and discrepancies questioned.
Not any more.

A couple of examples from the good old days –

CBS News – London attacker described as either crazy or prepared …
– check out the car behind the reporter in the last 20 seconds(from 6 minutes in)

Failure to pass the hat
Michael Hord – CGI FAILS at passing hat back and forth (YouTube)

There are many more.
Suffice it to say, we are being manipulated until proven otherwise.


Hi Folks! Has John Main submitted any evidence yet? Evidence that shows more than just one basic question on Scottish indyref ballot papers? I really don’t want to miss this historical event, i want to see it with my own eyes. Just so i can say, i was there.

Anyone burst Main’s bubble yet? Anyone told him not everyone is motivated by money as their driving force for wanting ScotsIndy? I know i’m not and never have been. Aye it’s a good vote winner but so is EU membership, whether you like it or not. There are as many reasons for wanting indy as there are voters. Learn to respect that fact, Main & Co.

But that’s the arrogance level of your John Main’s of this world, their ideas for winning indy trump all else. Then they cancel out any advantage their ideas give by trying to deter other vote-winning groups, ie; the pro-EU folk. And that’s coming from me, someone who isn’t exactly hot on the EU. At least we know one thing, for all his online arrogance and smugness, he knows eff-all about tactics or strategy.

Ever asked yourselves, folks, why Main doesn’t take his supposedly great idea to those with the power to deliver it? And why, instead, he chooses to spend hours every day grandstanding on here? Why is that, JOHN? Aye! You just can’t make it up. What is it Burns said? Something along the lines of seeing ourselves as others see us? Aye! To a Louse named John Main. LOL!



Captain Yossarian

Did I miss you complaining about Bojo & Cummings messages?
Remember, the *take it on the chin. Show the Dunkirk spirit* mantra & party gate. Isn’t one of the party goers the current prime minister?

Is it just Holyrood you think is delinquent?


Apologies, I certainly didn’t mean all men. I meant young girls will get pissed off more quickly giving up their spaces, female health services & maternity services to a bunch of purple haired narcissists constantly on a power trip. My MSP could spout rubbish in his email to me that the young were our future – I certainly don’t see a majority of young female voters in the SNPs future. The trans conversation has deviated so much that it’s no longer about a simpler life for trans but hijacked by the pronoun & non binary eejits.

Mulvaney & the bud light brought it to the fore. Thousands of $$ on facial surgery but not the pittance $100 or so dollars to permanently zap the seven o’clock shadow was a gift to the wider audience he was a faker. Currently in the States so many of the YouTube *fake trans* creators have been busted for grooming children. It’s shocking how many young men are into pedophilia. It’s only a matter of time before it blows up here too.

Captain Yossarian

Mia and Geri – The Lord Advocate is appointed by the First Minister after a selection process. The First Minister does not appoint died in the wool Unionists as you are suggesting. It should be completely non-partisan and that’s the only way that law works. All that I am saying is that there have been NO records if digital conversations between Scottish Ministers and between Scottish Ministers and Civil-Servants handed-over to the Covid Inquiry. The UK Gov has handed theirs over and if you recall they were published in the Daily Telegraph by Isabel Oakshott several months ago. The Cummins and Johnson records may not be complete, no doubt they are not nearly complete, but we should be a hell of a lot better than these two? We’re not though are we? We are actually worse. So bad, you couldn’t get any worse.


No need for apologies Geri, we all need to remember that the vast majority of men will support women on this subject.

James Che

Captain Yossarian.

Of course the appointees and civil servants are decided by Westminster in a alternative route and through the crown and courts of England.

Once you understand that the Devolved government in Scotland is Westminster legislated, Westminster Statues are involved, it is not allowed to mention ending the union, and totally controlled in defence, in finances, and who it issues licences to, including driving licences, , it has restrictions as to what it can do, it has to argue everything it does rightly or wrongly and has to be given Royal assent from the Crown of England,

We do not have a Scottish parliament or government,
We have a branch office from Westminster that falsely claims it has total ultimate power of Sovereignty which is was the reason they beheaded king Charles,
The right of kings, and claiming that no one else has entitlement to be Sovereign as humans,

Didn’t take them long to attribute that Sovereignty to themselves though did it through the English parliament act, ” Bill of Rights”

James Che


If you read the new proposals for a new British constitution, it does not take long to realise the Scottish claim of Right is not mentioned.
But cheats and caveats on how to get around the problem of ignoring Scotlands rights are,

In fact they provide four or five alternative proposals on how to carry out the slight of hand legally,
So Scotland officially would no longer exist.

They just conviently ignored that they have “no original right or claim” to Scotland as a crown Sovereignty For all of the first instance.

It is the devious web they weave.

Captain Yossarian

It was explained during the Fabiani Inquiry that senior civil-servants in Scotland work for Scotgov Ministers and take instructions only from Scotgov Ministers. W

Captain Yossarian

It was explained during the Fabiani Inquiry that senior civil-servants in Scotland work for Scotgov Ministers and take instructions only from Scotgov Ministers. The civil-servants themselves are not accountable for any decisions. We are surrounded by bent civil-servants in Scotland. There are far more here than there are in England and everyone knows that. The Scottish civil-service has gone feral/delinquent and I think everyone outside the nucleus of the SNP knows that. I have dealt with a few of them and the depths of their dishonesty is absolutely astounding. Jim Sillars spoke about this years ago; so too did Kenny McAskill. So, the decision to withhold WhatsApp messages and all the rest of it from the Covid Inquiry lies with the then FM and with the current FM. That’s a problem, isn’t it?

A Scot Abroad

James Che,

I don’t know why you persist with your lines of ancient guff. They are meaningless, but at a practical level, nobody in Scottish politics has yet demonstrated any form of ability to run the country with even the limited set of devolved powers that they have already. Quite how they would be able to run an independent country competently is completely unexplained.

And the more intelligent among Scots know that, which is why support for Yes has on average stuck under 50%.


“nobody in Scottish politics has yet demonstrated any form of ability to run the country with even the limited set of devolved powers that they have already”

That is a lie and you know it. Mr Salmond demonstrated beyond doubt Scotland can run itself perfectly fine and that is why the powers that be had to keep him out of politics, going to the embarrassing lengths of recruiting perjurers to fabricate a criminal case, completely tainting the legal profession, the police, the crown office and the prosecution service in the process.

But then, Mr Salmond did not play ball and did not have, like the hopeless Sturgeon and even more hopeless Yousaf, an unelected representative of the crown sitting in the cabinet and destroying any chance at democracy by stealing control over the legislative power from the people of Scotland and handing it to the crown.

What we have had ever since Mr Salmond stepped down is not Scotland’s representatives running Scotland for the benefit of the Scottish people. What we have had is crown puppets systematically making a complete mess out of things for the sake of preserving the union and maintain Scotland underdeveloped and as a colony so England can continue ransacking its assets.

James Che

One of the problems that Westminster parliament has created for itself, ” is believing it ” is the treaty of union,
The second problem they created is Westminster believing it is a Sovereign parliament of all of Great Britain,
And yet is still in a union with Scotland.

The third problem they have created for themselves is Westminster parliament not pushing and by passing the need for Queen Anneof England, France and Ireland to be coronated and crowned queen of Scots or Scotland.

For the touch of the Scottish royal scepter in Scotland on the treaty of union for giving assent from Scotlands monarch was not legally validated by queen Anne having never been coronated or crowned queen of the people or country,

It has always been a Presumption by Westminster that she was officially a Queen of Scotland by the Westminster parliament claiming she would one day inherit the title and be crowned as such,

However all monarchs of Scotland completed the full coronation and crowning, Not just the Oath of Scotland,that may or may not have been made out of sight with no evedance.

Even the monarchs that became monarchs of Britain from the other Stuart lines still went through the complete coronation and crowning in Scotland,

Queen Anne of England never proceeded or completed being Crowned queen of Scots or Scotland,
There was no union of the crowns under Queen Anne.

A deceit and lie played on Scotland
to forward a union of parliaments and two separate kingdoms

A Queen of England could not give her royal assent or use the Scottish regalia or, her elected commissioner to touch the Scottish royal scepter to the treaty of union articles. As confirmation to a union,

The web of deceit and lies by Westminster and the old Scottish parliament towards the Scots and Scotland was to produce a contrived monarch of Scotland,

No evidence can be found in records in Scotland or England of Queen Anne going through the completed ceremony, coronated and crowned Queen of Scots.

James Che


I totally agree with you about the ancient guff, from start to finish,

White wash, all of it,


So simplistic, even a child might understand it.
The bright support continued British i.e. English rule eh…..the old ones, even though somewhat worn with use, are the best for fogging the brain.
The Scots, being in your universe, a collection of ingrates, moaners and incompetents should kowtow to your superior wisdom.

James Che

Captain Yossarian,

And ScotGov works for Westminster.UkGov. Under the Scotland Act,

“It all began at the beginning” as the quote goes,

A Scot Abroad


it’s not a lie. Salmond didn’t achieve anything of note in government: his only achievements were at the ballot box. He’s become a fringe figure since (probably propelled there by an SNP vengeance cycle, for who knows what reason). But facts are facts: he didn’t achieve anything for Scotland.

And there’s nobody since who’s even 10% as competent.


Logic dictates that Scotland is the only country on the planet that can put Scotland’s wants and needs first and foremost.
No other country is capable of doing that because they are rightly concerned with their own needs first and foremost.

England will continue to make decisions based on what suits them whether or not it suits Scotland, Wales or NI.
It takes a concoction of arrogance and dimwittery to pontificate the opposite of this basic principle.


Oh, FFS… Stop feeding the f**king idiot abroad troll you donkeys!!!

Ian Brotherhood

@TURABDIN (12.36) –

I read your comment several times, thought about it, read it again, and still can’t understand where you’re coming from.

I’ll assume there’s some cultural gulf or loss in ‘translation’ which means your understanding of the situation is beyond mine, and leave it there.

Right now I’m listening to Henningsen’s live show on TNT radio, link to and will do my best to try and work out when he’s exaggerating. It seems that another hospital has been targeted. According to the IOF the hospital is shielding a network of H*mas ‘terror tunnels’.

I guess we’ll find out soon enough if it’s all just ‘hyperbole’ or not.

A Scot Abroad


a majority of voters in Scotland – demonstrated by referendum and continual polling – think the Scotland’s wants and needs are best served by remaining in the union.

If Scotland had any decent politicians, and a credible plan for iScotland, that may change. But at the moment, it hasn’t.

So get some credible policies and some decent politicians. Not fools and gender woo-woos or people named after fish who are more likely to be in a dock in court than in local power in Holyrood.


If you read the majority of posts from the probably well intentions loonies on Wings and compare them with the not so well intentioned loonies on WGD it is somewhat difficult to realise that both ultimately want the same thing-Independence for Scotland.
For any chance of this to be achieved there has to be a reconciliation between the loonies. Being realistic, this could actually happen, but only for a very short period of time before the warring factions re-assert their individual views.

The other day I posted my thoughts in the ‘categories’ of posters on Wings. It appears that if you are in category 1) or 4) then category 2) does not even exist. Is this Scotland’s version of ethnic cleansing in action or simply putting fingers in your ears and singing la la la la hoping it all goes away?

Can I remind readers that, being generous, only 3% of the electorate support Alba. Just in case the thicker amongst you are not very good at sums, that means 97% of the electorate do not. Personally, I was hopeful when ALBA formed but it has proven to be extremely disappointing.

Scotland is in limbo and will remain there for years despite all the protestations from the worthies on here, the ones with tartan blood coursing through their veins. Of course, any Scot who does not concur with their views is either a troll or a Unionist.

What a mess we are in and despite your political views we are ALL in it together.



Logic dictates that Scotland is the only country on the planet that can put Scotland’s wants and needs first and foremost.
No other country is capable of doing that because Politicians are rightly concerned with their own needs first and foremost.

Scotland’s politicians will continue to make decisions based on what suits them whether or not it suits Scotland, Wales or NI.
It takes a concoction of arrogance and dimwittery to pontificate the opposite of this basic principle.

There you go-sorted it for you.


At what point will you give us a list of who not to talk to?

If you had been paying attention these last few years btl then you will have read and understood that replies aren’t necessarily to the idiot Unionists but the readership at large so I object to your dictatorial tone.

You are quite entitled to have a different opinion.


Busy day with work* but had time to mull over a few things on what might contribute to improve our local communities and wider society.
I read stuff like this article from Robin but really struggle to understand why such jargon as “wellbeing” came into being. Was it just some soundbite word created during a committee of folk talking about doing stuff rather than you know, actually doing stuff.

link to

* I say work but it was another day of hard graft getting filthy and soaked to the skin in extremely driech weather clearing blocked drains and digging out gullies to let the water flow off our local flooded roads. The council seem totally unable to even get close to keeping on top of this most basic task.
I’ve done this sort of thing for many years, and will have saved the local council many if not tens of thousands of pounds in extensive road repair costs because waterlogged tarmac breaks up in the winter and frost way worse than adequately drained roads.
Somewhat ironically I was doing this on my way travelling to and from the local town to pay my road tax at the Post Office with oldskool cash.
My efforts will have contributed significantly to the local wellbeing of the community and the local council, but none of this sort of effort, which I am sure many other folk commit in their locales, is in anyway recognised or catered for within the current system.
I am not really a hardcore nationalist, I just want actual power devolved far more than it is now as the current power structure setup means that even the local council cannot properly manage what requires to be done in the overall area it controls. Power and control is still too centralised even at local authority level.
There’s huge potential for people to take back control of certain aspects which would mean that tasks get done well by local people as and when they are required, and keeping it local would surely reduce the chances of fiscal corruption taking up what limited funding there is.

The community empowerment bill was passed ages ago, but I don’t see this making a significant difference to the mindset of those that live here. In fact recently I have seen Community Councils failing and winding themselves up as there’s not enough engagement.
Too many folk just seem to be content moaning about stuff on social media instead of getting off their arse and taking the initiative on things they see needing done. I do understand why that might be though, because doing stuff inevitably means it is probably deemed as breaching some rule or law unless it has the consent and authorisation of a load of distant well paid committee members and managers. But the money that all these people take in wages means there is little left to cover the costs of the work that is required…


I’m sure I won’t upset Robertknight by replying to you as I don’t see you as a troll like ASA but just a terminally thick Unionist.

But perhaps I’m doing you a disservice, maybe you could tell me, regarding devolution, how good a basketball player would be with their hands tied behind their back?

If it hurts your head, feel free to watch the mighty Rangers thrashing Ross County to make you feel better.

George Ferguson

Happy Birthday Stu. I wish I had thought of 50 quid worth of sweeties for you. Enjoy the rugby this weekend. I can’t call the final. Too close a match.


Dan your suggestions are always meaningful and worthy, unfortunately the age we live in and the people who matter or could rectify things don’t give a shit or they are too focused on what’s in it for them
Most people are only barely EXISTING due to the greed of the bast Ards we vote for or who get elected , TBQH I don’t trust ANY of them, as connolly said the fact they want to be politicians should AUTOMATICALLY bar them from becoming one

I have been vociferous about a REAL PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY where NORMAL people hold politicians to account, but the same MOANERS think normal people are too stupid ,unfortunately when you look at the last 9 years of corruption and betrayal you sometimes feel they have a point, I have also commented numerous times about the FAILURE of the independence politicians including Salmond to educate and elaborate the benefits of independence and how much better Scots would benefit and I also include financially in those exposures

BUT FAILURE all around every one of them including Salmond accepted the GERS figures produced by our colonial masters without question or CHALLENGE

Captain Yossarian

Breastplate – There’s a £Billion black hole in the finances. I think it’s caused by PFI but George says it’s caused by something else. What’s not in doubt is that the black hole exists and that’s why we have one hand tied behind our backs. Wait until Branchform reports. You won’t have long to wait now. If any form of malfeasance has taken place, then I’m all for closing Holyrood and driving all of these troughers from the SNP, Greens and Labour Party out and into the fields. Let them spend winter in the fields along with the beasts. We’ve been taken for mugs, Breastplate.


@Mac 11.38 25.10.23

My first real job (in 1982) was in Turriff where I heard tell that the P&J headline at the opening of Hostilities in WWI was “Turriff Man Grows Giant Neep”.

I mentioned it to a member of staff who had been working for my Employer for about 40 years and she said “Fit’s wrang wi’ that?”

I still laugh about it


Community empowerment…

I see quite a lot of this going on: Outrage at tree felling.

link to

But folk shouldn’t just have a knee jerk reaction and need to understand that there may be other factors in the mix. I also note that there is rarely similar outrage when a beaver indiscriminately gnaws yet another tree down. Hunners gnawed and dead round my way. Many were taxpayer funded hardwoods planted 15 years ago.
But that aside. Trees have a lifespan, they start wee and grow big, often completely overwhelming an area. There is legislation such as the right to light, high hedge act, and liability and responsibility for clearing up all the detritus shed from the tree lies with the owner or those that have adopted the tree through the likes of tree preservation orders.
So a tree gets left with zero maintenance to the point it grows massive and blocks almost all sunlight out requiring lights to be on in the house in the middle of the day to alleviate the darkness.
The owner or those responsible for the tree cannot afford or do not make any attempt in their obligation to manage the trees and clear up the mess the tree makes, instead leaving and offloading the considerable burden to local residents to constantly clear up the mess which chokes roof slates, guttering & downpipes, and blocks road drains.
The blocking of sunlight also stops the thermal element of the sun drying out the slates and stones of the traditionally built listed building conservation area properties that were built 150 years before the non native trees were planted.
As dampness is now prevalent and along with the accumulation of leaf mulch that has over the years built up and worked its way between the slates, it means that moss now has a considerable hold to the point some roofs look like lawns.
Some trees are so big if they fell in a storm, or shed a large limb through auto-amputation (something a tree does in certain uncontrollable climatic conditions) it would flatten or severely damage the houses in close proximity.
Maybe social media and bandwagon jumpers who have no direct impacts relating to far off trees need to reel in their opinions a bit and consider that there are often many other factors to consider.

A Scot Abroad

Breastplate @6:32pm,

A troll to you is obviously someone whose opinion you don’t agree with, but aren’t able to argue with as your argument is easily seen to be a poor one.


After being asked not to delete WhatsApp messages (a year ago) by the Scottish Covid Inquiry it would appear that members of the then Scottish government did delete them.

Are they trying to hide something?

Meanwhile the ferry fiasco has seen the price of the two-ferries (I use the word ferries loosely) has more than tripled to around £336 million quid, and they are six years late.

George Ferguson

@Captain Yossarian 7:01pm
Captain when I said Kate Forbes and the one billion blackhole. That wasn’t created on her watch but legacy debt. So PFI and so on. I am talking about an additional one billion blackhole coming up if the promises made at the SNP conference are sanctioned by Parliament. Humzas wheeze of raising it on the bond market has had only one source of endorsement. The banks. They would like to keep the next generation on the hook for debt repayment. Years ago contributors on this site were estimating the 2 Ferries at 500 million. Just today 51 million to be asked for. We wil get to 500 million soon. The public finances are out of control. The SNP/ Green Government will take everyone down with them. This post will self destruct in 39 seconds. I learned that from Jason Leitch. I am awa to watch the Rugby.

Captain Yossarian

Dan – I saw a collection of photographs of my area from WW2. The one thing I noticed straight way was the lack of trees and the hillsides were virtually bare. Now the whole area is crammed full of trees, almost all of them wild non-native trees that ought to be removed.


The people here singing the praises of Salmond is hilarious. Salmond is the reason Scotland is still a dependent nation. He called a referendum when he couldn’t even answer the most fundamental of questions like which currency an independent Scotland would use and who would pay the pensions. Does anybody remember the White book released before the referendum? A massively weighty tome (so weighty in fact that a few pages are still left on the back of my toilet door)!

Since the referendum: the Torys still rule, Brexit has gone through, years of Boris Johnson and despite this triumvirate of anti-Scottish evil the number of Scots wanting independence has hardly changed. That’s it folks. It’s over before it ever started. The question now is not will you ever see an independent Scotland. It’s will your great grandchildren ever see one. It’s doubtful innit. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. LOL.

Captain Yossarian

Dan – The local hotel has a giant redwood in the grounds. It was planted on a bed of prepared ground at the same time the hotel was built and so it is probably 150 years old. It is a huge tree that is visible from all around and it looks fabulous. That tree would have been brought to the UK at great cost by one of the Victorian plant hunters along with Douglas Firs, Monkey Puzzles and all the rest of them. Now, anyone that wants to buy one of these trees can buy one for £40 or £50 at the Loch Fynne tree shop and everyone around here has them in the garden. The soil is thin around here and I have one very close to the house. Fortunately, any wind should take the tree away from the house, but that’s not guaranteed.


Is it safe to listen to ‘Off the ball’ again?

I switched off when Jason Leitch’s whinny, lying voice appeared to be on every week.

Ian Brotherhood

The ground invasion of northern Gaza is underway.

This ‘space’ has verified live sources.

link to

David Hannah

Good to see Elon Musk branding Humza Yousaf as a racist over his anti-white rant.

Scotland is 98 per cent white. There’s nothing wrong with us. Humza thinks we’re all white trash.

And now the world knows he’s a racist now father.

David Hannah

Israel Government are scum. The west is destroying itself supporting the apartheid, zionist killing machine. The oil prices will go through the roof if this escalates. Joe Biden is demented. He’s vetoed ceasefire resolutions at the UN. We know that the deep state has too much control in the West. Rest in peace to all those innocent Palestinians being massacred. Disgraceful. My stomach turns.

David Hannah

Isreael has written it’s own demise. How dare they invade. They are a pariah state. Their zionist homeland is complete bullshit. The Jews run the World. They’d had it their own way for so long. They think they can get away with anything. It’s time they were brought down a peg. I would sanction them immediately. If I was an Arab state. I’d turn off the oil tap for them all. Close their bank accounts.

David Hannah

Isreael’s zionist deeds would shame all the devil’s in hell. Absolute scumbags. Vile bloodthirsty killers. They’ve dehumanised their neighbour. They want to exterminate the Palestinians like they are sub human. You think that having been in concentration camps they’d understand the irony of becoming the fascists they purport to hate. It’s a disgrace. I condemn them. I condemn the Isreali murdering bastards.


Johnim @ 19.51

Should be okay now, he’ll be fully engaged ensuring he’s got all the messages deleted successfully.



You are wrong about that. He answered every question & was later exonerated when they ALL trotted out AFTER the referendum to say he was right. Scotland could use the £1. Scotland is ALREADY in a currency union & that no one knew what deal an existing EU member in a new independent Scotland would’ve had with the EU – see NI for that myth buster.

No wonder yoons won’t go for a 2nd ref, shat themselves & ran away. They couldn’t help gloating & boasting they lied to an entire population (lies you are still intent on spreading) – they’d no chance of ever pulling that off again.

Scots indy will continue just as it has for over 300 yrs. It’s normal. Sorry about that LOL. Suck it up, buttercup.

A Scot Abroad


one of the things that I’ve discovered over the years is that demographics, and the rate of change in demography, is a very useful tool to forecast reasonably accurately what’s going to happen in a society. It’s not just numbers and ages of people, their biological sex, but includes things such as relative age distribution, income levels and distributions, population densities, educational levels, and economic opportunity in their own country and via emigration. It also includes pull factors for immigration, such as language, a pre-existing diaspora of other immigrants, and economic benefits paid to immigrants.

While the U.K. as a whole isn’t wonderful by those metrics, Scotland is demonstrably worse in each consideration. Population ageing more rapidly (chiefly due to emigration of young Scots adults, Scotland is poorer than the U.K. and pays less tax per capita, even with marginally higher tax rates, Scottish graduates are the highest level of emigration of all workers. Without extending the list, it’s difficult just on those factors to see a future Scottish demographic from choosing independence.

Captain Yossarian

Johnlm – Jason Leitch: him did he delete his WhatsApp messages when he knew an Inquiry would follow? Is that a breach of criminal law? I think it probably is. I read there that even Dominic Cummings has handed his over.


Geri says:
27 October, 2023 at 8:18 pm

You are wrong about that. blah blah blah.

Didn’t do any good though did it.

Scots indy will continue just as it has for over 300 yrs.

At least you got that bit right. Enjoy the next 300 years of being a dependent state.

David Hannah

I despise Joe Biden. He’s destroying us all. Taking us to the brink of war.


Plastic Engurlund ASA,

You are wrong about Salmond.

Every policy of the SNP was Salmonds. Sturgeon only continued it.

Free prescriptions, tuition, dental, eye checks, elderly care, childcare, school meals, road & train upgrades, renewables, baby box, house building, mitigating toxic policies..on & on & on..

I personally think the Alex Salmond bridge is awe inspiring & iconic & ONE mandate = one ref delivered with 6 MPs! Will go down in the history books & the bridge a permanent legacy of Salmond.

WTF contribution have you made, plastic chump? None.
So pipe the fck down, serf boy.

Breastplate – I agree.

These eejits need telt or this site will just be reduced to yoons spreading their constant lies & propaganda which would be a shame to all the work Stu has put into this site sticking to facts.


Happy Birthday, Stu. Hope you’ve had a good day.

John Main


Just calm down. Chill. Take some time out.

There was a pic published only a few weeks ago. Humza and the new SNP yoof at some rally. Rev Stu posted an article about it. The banner in the pic listed Independence & EU membership.

As I posted last night, the ScotGov website makes it clear it’s a toofer – vote for Indy and get EU membership thrown in.

Why the denial, Stoker?

Ian Brotherhood

The people of Gaza are being exterminated right now.

Sounds like experimental weapons are being used, massive fireballs, constant, no internet, power, food, water, nothing.

They have nothing. They’re just waiting to be killed.

They’ve bombed the hospital I mentioned upthread. Already there is footage of staff and patients *in beds* being obliterated.

The least we can do is acknowledge what’s happening and mark our respect for these people as they die.

Go to whatever social media platforms you use, watch, copy, share.



Geri says:
27 October, 2023 at 8:51 pm

You are wrong about Salmond.

Every policy of the SNP was Salmonds. Sturgeon only continued it.

How’s that working out?

Free prescriptions, tuition, dental, eye checks, elderly care, childcare, school meals, road & train upgrades, renewables, baby box, house building, mitigating toxic policies..on & on & on..

37 billion pa, courtesy of the UK taxpayer. What is the rest of the money going on?

Baby box! LOL



Your latest post does not make sense. Nothing new there! Basketball players, Rangers v Ross County. What is that supposed to mean.
I resent being called a Unionist. With regard to being terminally thick-is that because you don’t like the truth? Not everybody is as gullible as you and your ilk.

Back to the rugby-fingers crossed for Argentina.


Captain Yossarian

Regards the lord advocate.

The FM picks out British agent A,B or C. Which one would you like?

ALL work for the British Prime Minister & serve the UK government. NOT the Scottish one.

That Is NOT devolution. That’s direct interference & we see that played out – from Leslie Evans bringing down Salmond to introducing GRR & Stonewall to the current roaster backing changes to the SCOTTISH legal system in Juryless trials.

They are not here to serve Scotland’s interests.

As for the messages deleted. Scotland’s health is devolved. It’s sod all to do with the UK government.
Messages should be handed over but it’s not beyond the realms of possibility they’ve been deleted – who stores yrs old communications?

Also, I think (but could be wrong – maybe it’s insta gram) Snapchat automatically deleted messages. I’ve seen this in crime documentaries where they can be retrieved under strict laws but essentially they’re not stored & are automatically deleted after a set period.

John Main

I am reluctant to comment on the Middle East war, but if anybody wants to pick a side (and the evidence is that plenty do) there is an Occam’s Razor we can all employ to help us choose.

It’s an existential struggle for those involved. It can only end with total victory on one side, or total mutual destruction.

If we rule out mutual destruction, then one country has a population of approx 2.5 million. The other has a population of 9.4 million. What is the number of homeless refugees we would prefer to see launched into Europe and the wider world? Admittedly, Scotland’s share of the total will be small, but even so, our share of one population will be nearly 4 times bigger than our share of the other.

We need to start being pragmatic and realistic. The days when we could afford the luxuries of virtue signalling and ethical grandstanding are over.

All other considerations aside, in cold, harsh reality, if one country is to be destroyed, how many refugees are we prepared to take, here in Scotland?


DasBlimp – another roaster that thinks we’re subsidised. Prove it.

Scotland still enjoys all those policies. I can’t wait to see them all removed.

The English don’t even subsidise a spare bedroom but they keep a whole country? LOL!!

Salmonds achievements are doing just dandy. They’ve served Scotland well. I can’t wait for the binfire to hit yoons when it’s all taken away & burned.

They’ll be selling poppies for themselves down the legion this time next year to keep up with prescriptions & no free child care lol tick tock…dig deep folks, winter is coming.

£80 billion robbed from the North sea. Handed over to England LOL..

John Main

@Geri 8:51

As a Sovereign Scot, I am pleased to tell you that your days of posting unchallenged shite on here are over.

You and your fellow eejits had your chance. The results of your best efforts over 10 years are all around for us to see. The next time around, if there is a next time for an Independent Scotland, you and your fellow eejits won’t be permitted any opportunity to fuck it up.

It has all become too serious and important now.



It’s the American way. They are the great Satan as RoS says.

They have destabilised every country in their quest to colonise & dominate the world.

They did the exact same with Chili & throughout the world & the britnats follow along because they’re of the exact same ilk & mindset. Interfere, fck everything up, run away. Blame someone else.

They only see imperial empire, not human life.

A day of reckoning will come when the ME rise up & destroy America & it’s economy. Starting with the petro $$ & currency. This won’t end well for them.

Captain Yossarian

Leslie Evans works for and takes instructions only from Sturgeon and that was made clear on WoS at the time. I seem to remember Stuart Campbell himself making that clear. Westminster pays them, but that’s all. As far as deleting WhatsApp messages is concerned, the Scottish Government are alone within the entire UK in refusing to hand-over this data. It will soon be a Police matter as they were instructed not to delete them. As I say above, Cummings, Hancock and all of that crew handed them over, but Creeping Jesus Jason Leitch deleted his. I suspect the SNP has been a criminal enterprise for most of the past decade, but I might be wrong about that.


Zionism is a cruel trick played on Judaism by the AngloAmericans:
An invention founded on the Scofield Study Bible.
When the Jews return to Israel the Christians are supposed get their messiah and the Jews lose out. (Please check-Ed).

The real agenda was, of course, political; to have Zionist Jews and Christians working together.making trouble in the region where oil had recently been discovered.

Not religious at all really.
It is handy, however, to kid on that we are approaching the end times, cos’ moral religious folks will sit on their hands, looking forward to the rapture.


You’ve got a computer, Geri. Use it. BTW I never said it was a subsidy…

link to


Have a read at this shocker-
London, just London controls all Finance in the U.K. but it isn’t in it.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

‘Don’t Look Away’ doesn’t apply just to videos of atrocities.

It also applies to the kind of comment posted here at 9.12. – it has to be acknowledged, even if the author doesn’t merit a name-check. It is valuable documentary evidence.


Because the type of person who can make a comment like that even as actual genocide is happening in full view either needs serious help of some kind or is sadistic beyond the ken of normal people.

These comments are archived and retrievable. And even if they weren’t, they’ll never be forgotten.

Shame, shame, shame on whoever is behind that 9.12 name.

A Scot Abroad


more total mince from you. None of those SNP policies are useful to Scotland, and all of them increase Scotland’s share of the debt.

Salmond was a useless waste of time and space. And he’s going nowhere now.


Main 8:57

Because it’s factually WRONG.

The SNP has absolutely zero powers over the EU or the result of any future EU referendum which is a condition of EU membership.

Can you predict results to a ref not even held yet?! No, you can’t. Neither can the SNP. You’re too stupid to realise this was a can kicking excersise by the SNP. Everyone knows it except you, apparently.

It’s ludicrous to pin an indy ref to an EU ref. Two entirely different outcomes for two entirely different reasons. It will not even be on any ballot paper. Stoker is correct – it’s a single issue only. Not other bullshit added on. It will be for an indy Scot & the ruling government of the day, on a mandate from the electorate, to decide on our relationship with the EU – not the SNP, not indy ref & not your scaremongering tosh we’d be dragged back against our will.

I’ve repeatedly pointed out than an EU ref is a requirement for every country seeking membership. They don’t just take a political parties word for it.

Captain Yossarian

Geri – Salmond’s legacy was burned by his own side and that means you are condemned to eternal damnation…..the whole damned lot of you……damned to scrubbing tenement close stairs in Govanhill alongside Ruby. Unionists will move to the bungalows in Clarkston and the Broom Estate and will buy Volvos. It’s over.

John Main

@Johnlm 9:27

Re your ref to folks “sitting on their hands”.

Did you stand on your head to write your post?

If you didn’t, maybes you should. It may be your last hope of sensibly contributing.


Davis Hannah says;
‘The Jews run the World. They’d had it their own way for so long. They think they can get away with anything. It’s time they were brought down a peg. I would sanction them immediately. If I was an Arab state. I’d turn off the oil tap for them all. Close their bank account
Isreael’s zionist deeds would shame all the devil’s in hell. Absolute scumbags. Vile bloodthirsty killers.’

Sadly, single-interest groups (Of which this is intended as one) attract those with ‘issues’;
As a -relatively-dispassionate viewer of this site, your views are abominable and potentially actionable. You deeply dishonour any cause you are associated with.


‘Apartheid’ John Main with another profound observation I see.
Always working for the baddies.
Your not mentioning your 404 gangster friends much lately.


dasBlimp says:
27 October, 2023 at 9:29 pm

You’ve got a computer, Geri. Use it. BTW I never said it was a subsidy…

link to

If it isn’t a subsidy what is it?


Captain Yossarian

It’s the other way around. Evans gave instruction. That’s their job. To make sure devolution is adhered to & run to Westminster & cry like a stuck pig when they think it isnt- as Dorothy Bain demonstrated just recently.

& why Evans was never sacked or forced to resign over her farce accusations that cost the Scottish taxpayer over half a million quid in fees. It wasn’t in Sturgeons powers. Mayhem & Bojo is their boss. Not a political party.

If they have the messages, hand them over. If deleted then the UK government will have to fund retrieving them through law enforcement. I just wouldn’t jump to conclusions it’s malicious. Those infant chat sites don’t store messages. It’s why criminals favour them over using hard copy email. Also a mobile phone doesn’t have endless storage.

John Main

@IB 9:40

You’ve been calling for the genocidal destruction of a nation and culture you don’t approve off since February 2022.

Get off your moral high horse. Alert readers see you for what you are.

Your posts are all archived and retrievable too.


Israel is a bloodthirsty beast created by the Brits.
They’d absolutely no right to the land to give a chunk of it away.
Israel has absolutely no right to expand it either to make way for America & EU *settlers* fleeing criminal activities in their own counters – why did they stop in the closet country to them? Is that the Yoon mantra?

The britnats love a bit of ethnic cleansing without so much as a brass neck.

Israel needs to STOP expanding. STOP stopping supplies. STOP taking ppls property & land & STOP lying to the world they’re hard put apon. They’ve a nuclear arsenal against ppl with rocks FFS!

Go back to 1948 boundary & recognise Palestine as a state.

The Israelis are the outliers. Brought up on a menu of terrorist activities. Schooled in the military like Naz* youth & it’s compulsory.

Wind yer neck in.

A Scot Abroad


all social media apps store messages in the cloud. Also your diary, music and your photos if you tick that option, your internet search, and a lot else. Remarkably little is stored in the handset itself, apart from SSIDs for networks and passwords that you have connected to before (there’s a mathematical reason for that, and a legal reason that the service providers don’t want to do that).


Captain Yossarian 9:43..

Careful now. Yer true colours are showing.

Was it something I said correcting your Britnat pish?
You britnats never like it back at you. You melt lol

Scrubbing stairs LOL ya misogynist c*nt. Beats fapping over them.


I wonder if all these cunts are ex-British army.

They seem to be getting desperate!

I’m finding them quite funny!

Anyone know this guy called Tom?

Posting here?
link to

Is Tom one of the cunts?

John Main

@Geri 9:42

As I have pointed out several times, my “scaremongering tosh” is ScotGov policy.

Policy published online, and paraded through the streets of Scotland on banners held up by HR Cabinet members.

You deny this, not because you’re an eejit on this subject, but because you hope to pull the wool over the eyes of Sovereign Scots on something that suits your personal agenda.


This page is alive with Morris Dancers this evening.
Maybe the Empire is in difficulties.

Time for a dram.
A glass of ‘Chivas Imperialist’ tonight I think.
Nutty with a hint of fear.


Main 10:07

Go retrieve them. I’d like to read them.

Captain Yossarian

Tommo – David Hannah supports Glasgow Celtic. I support the other side. Celtic supporters have had a close affinity with Palestinians stretching back to the days of the PLO in the 1980’s. All I will say is that I suspect he speaks for many people just now. No-one should be too precious and when thousands are being killed at home at night in their own beds (and that is by both sides), then views like his will be expressed. The two vapid tools of Holyrood, Sarwar and Humza, have called for a cease-fire and I agree with them on that.


What on earth has set off the cunts? It’s really quite weird that they should all be having an epic tantrum at this time.

What has happened?

All the angry posting seems to be a total waste of time.

Anyone got any clue what they are trying to achieve?

None of these wankers could convince me of anything other than they are a load of cunts.


Geri says:
27 October, 2023 at 10:17 pm

Captain Yossarian 9:43..

Careful now. Yer true colours are showing.

Was it something I said correcting your Britnat pish?
You britnats never like it back at you. You melt lol

Scrubbing stairs LOL ya misogynist c*nt.

Is this your first encounter with the misogynist cunt?


Don’t be a part, Main.

The SNP has absolutely zero powers over EU membership.

I don’t care what they say. Everyone knows it’s mince.
Banners can say they are pro EU, that can also be a parties favoured position – it still doesn’t mean it’s stated FACT they have control over.

Two referendums. They won’t be combined. Every eejit knows that. They have two separate requirements in LAW for a start. Including indyref & it’s franchise.



Yes. They’re the 77th brigade sent to attack this site. If they can’t get it closed they’ll drown it in jack boot Britnat style.

They’re the same on other pro indy sites. Facebook & Twitter too.

George Ferguson

@John Main 10:07pm
An even hand for Scotland. The 2 State solution seems forlorn at the moment. What the BBC don’t tell you is the Hamas Quaseem rockets for years have no military function they are so inaccurate. Made up of sugar and Nitrates they are terror weapon. Equally as pointed out at the beginning of the conflict it would be a strategic mistake for the Israelis to adopt the stance of no Humanarian corridor. What is the purpose of not allowing foreign Nationals to exit?. Or the red cross to deliver aid? Water food and so on. We will be lucky if Article 5 is not invoked by a disportionate attack on the US fleet in the Med. Wise heads are in short supply.


Is it JM?
No Soz
No innaresin
No ‘I hae mi doots’
No Granpaw Broon accent.
No lame shitty sarcasm.
I think Cheltenham gave their Mainbot an upgrade during the time he was offline recently.


Geri says:
27 October, 2023 at 10:35 pm


Yes. They’re the 77th brigade sent to attack this site.

Are you sure they’re not the ‘Transwomen Brigade”

A Scot Abroad

I hold no respect for Humza Yousaf as a Scottish political figure, nor his policies or politics.

But, his family (in-laws) are in danger, and it’s not their fault. I would naturally wish Israel to prevail in the current conflict in Gaza and wider, but not at the expense of the innocent and uninvolved. Both sides have had a grievous toll taken over the last 75 years. There is egregious wrong in every direction and at everyone’s door. But civilians should not be made to suffer.

I’ve taken part in a high tech desert war characterised by total local destruction of human lives, often in dozens or 50s. I’ve walked through shattered and still burning villages in the Balkans, pigs and human corpses still on fire. And so my heart goes out to those caught up in these events. I iterate: I don’t support Yousaf politically, but I can understand his calls for ceasefire and peace. He won’t achieve much, but his and his wife’s fears for family are not to my mind politically motivated. It’s love and deep concern, I believe.



Yes, to the best of my knowledge.

I love it when they go into meltdown over Salmond. The mere mention of his name is like Satan being confronted with a crucifix in the exorcist lol. They go all Regan spitting out projectile vomit & birling insults.

They still fear him. The Alex Salmond Bridge usually gets them all riled up lol


A Scot Abroad says:
27 October, 2023 at 10:47 pm

I hold no respect for Humza Yousaf as a Scottish political figure, nor his policies or politics.

Who the fuck do you think cares what you think?

Get lost you weird cunt!


Rupert supports apartheid.
No surprise there then.


Johnlm says:
27 October, 2023 at 10:43 pm

Is it JM?
No Soz
No innaresin
No ‘I hae mi doots’
No Granpaw Broon accent.
No lame shitty sarcasm.
I think Cheltenham gave their Mainbot an upgrade during the time he was offline recently.

Still using the GIGO program though!

A Scot Abroad

Ruby, at 11:00pm.

You illustrate perfectly why angry people like you won’t ever be taken seriously in public debate. If that’s all you’ve got to say, don’t say it and keep your dignity.

Good night.


Ruby 11 pm LMAO!

Aye, they are weirdos. They don’t even live in Scotland or have a vote here but have ample to say on a devolved administration.

It’s fck all business of theirs, just as what Andy Burnham is doing in Manchester is to us, but they can’t help themselves meddling. Nosey bastards. They know the union is over. Independence isn’t going away, ever.


A Scot Abroad says:
27 October, 2023 at 11:10 pm

Ruby, at 11:00pm.

You illustrate perfectly why angry people like you won’t ever be taken seriously in public debate

Get lost you total weirdo!

George Ferguson

@A Scot Abroad 10:47pm
“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us” Golda Meir.

Captain Yossarian

George – They have 130,000 of these rockets – that’s the problem. I remember when the last remaining cities in Iraq and Syria which contained enemy forces were attacked and in both cases the fighting went-on for many months with high casualties on both sides. When it ended, both cities were levelled to the ground and when people moved back, they had to live in tents. They are possibly still living in tents. That depressing prospect is what lies ahead and if I know that with the limited knowledge of modern conflicts that I have, then everyone in world politics knows it and yet there are not many brave souls standing up against it happening.

Captain Yossarian

Geri – I look forward to the end of that damnable “Right to Roam” legislation and if I ever see an unattractive old spinster on my land again, I want to have the right to shoot.

David Hannah

The Jewish run the world. A statement of fact. The Rothschild pull the strings in Washington DC.

Such is the power of the Israeli lobby. They can meddle in our politics. And get rid of Jeremy Corbyn with media smears and lies about him being an anti Semite.

I’m sick of the Zionist lobby. You’ve bullied Palestine for too long. The World is not on your side. You have no right stealing Palestinian land. They are committing genocide in the open air concentration camp. A horrible country. And a horrible people.

I’ll take to the streets tomorrow to protest in Glasgow. Remember ladies and gents. Let the Israeli spy cameras in Glasgow know what you think of them. Give them the finger.

David Hannah

We know the Hilary Clinton foundation tries to meddle in Scottish affairs. For the Israeli lobby.

It’s time to give them two fingers. Hundreds of thousands of across the globe. The the West we don’t support war criminals. Smile for the Israeli spy cameras in Glasgow. They want to know the sexual preferences. Tell to take a picture. It might last longer!

Free Palestine!

link to

link to

“Clinton’s – and the State Department’s – attempt to use “top down and bottom up” pressure to undermine the work of grassroots organizers and artists in accord with the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions from apartheid Israel goes hand in hand with the billions of dollars in weaponry and funding provided by the U.S. government to the Israeli state each year.”

David Hannah

link to

Smile for the Israeli spy cameras in Glasgow. They want to know your sexual preferences.

Say hello and wave goodbye to the Israeli lobby in Scotland. The Hilary Clinton foundation.

Glasgow doesn’t support Zionist mass murders. The World won’t tolerate apartheid and the blowing up of hospitals a second longer.

Western diplomacy is finished if it continues to back this murderous regime.

Stay out our politics Zionist scumbags. Stop dehumanising the lives of Palestinian women and children. Save them. Stop vetoing humanitarian ceasefires.


Captain Yossarian says:
27 October, 2023 at 11:37 pm

Geri – I look forward to the end of that damnable “Right to Roam” legislation and if I ever see an unattractive old spinster on my land again, I want to have the right to shoot.

Another creepy weirdo!

John Main

One or two sane posters still left. George Ferguson, ASA & the Captain.

Perhaps they too realise that the future of Scotland has been left in the hands of the loudest and most ignorant shouters and abusers for too long now. And the end result is all around us. Time for the grownups to shake things up.

Regarding the ME. We can demand this and call for that all we want, but neither side will listen to us. Ever. The only role for Scotland is the provision of humanitarian aid, and the support and housing of refugees. All else is vainglorious posturing and narcissistic virtue signalling.

David Hannah

link to

The Israeli lobby in Scotland want to know the sexual preferences of the Palestinian activists. Probably to blackmail you down at the Mosque. One can only deduce that the Israeli lobby in Scotland are complete and utter perverts. Give your partner a big kiss tomorrow with Palestinian flag wrapped around your body. Tell them to take a picture. It might last longer. After we tell the UK government to go and fuck itself. Let’s all head to the polo lounge.

Free Palestine. Stop the war. Stop the killing. End the apartheid Zionist terror killing machine. The west are supporting war criminals. Stop the vetoing. Stop the blowing up of hospitals and the ethnic cleansing of the zionist state.


FFS! 2nd post to moderation regards the conflict.

Why just mine & no one else’s?

Captain Yossarian

You should go live in America then. Nutters can shoot ppl all day. Maybe an old spinster will shoot yer gonads off first. Violent thug.


David Hannah

I agree. They’ve already meddled in the Scottish government.

They’re shit scared of indyref. No UK. No UK seat on the security council turning a blind eye to war crimes.

Any pro indy MSP or MP cavorting with that anti Semitic pish should be voted out immediately. The yoons are trying desperately to introduce that shite here. They can GTF..

George Ferguson

@John Main 12:10pm
Shouters and abusers I would be happy if the Scottish Government retained records in all forms. Luckily some officials retained a hard paper copy of the decision to have the fourth so called lockdown in Scotland. Cost 1 billion to business. The comparison between the information available to the UK Government and the Scottish Government was marginal. Remember a Tsunami according to Nicola versus I see no evidence from Boris. Why did the two Governments arrive at a different conclusion?. The basis of a submission to the Scottish Covid Public Inquiry. Of course the information and data the SG thinks is deleted and shredded is available.

A Scot Abroad

Re the shouty and angry post at 11:25pm.

I’ll stay until the Rev tires of me. He may well do: that would be his right in his digital house. But I’m not ever going to be told what to do by a potty-mouthed and unintelligent fool.

A Scot Abroad


I can have a vote in Scotland any time I want to. It’s just admin to re-register at either my flat in Edinburgh or at my sister’s place in Perthshire.

I may. I may not. What I’d more probably do is to talk with people, to steer decisions towards policy options that only support the current status quo. Voting is the least efficient way of changing anything. Knowing the right people the most efficient way.

A Scot Abroad


you clearly don’t know the UN Charter, or how the organisation works overall.

Even if Scotland were to become an independent country, it would not affect England’s place on the UNSC. There is precedent (from Nixon’s recognition of China in the 1970s) that the population-majority of any country that splits retains the UN privileges, and the minority country has to start applying at the back of the queue. iScotland would take perhaps 10 years to be admitted to the UN. That’s the average. And then there’s the fact that England by itself could veto any attempt to get it off the UNSC. That is the case for all 5 permanent members. It is literally written into the Charter.


Ham@s like them or loathe them have played a cold calculating strategic blinder here. They are working to a plan, a long time in the making.

They have made the ‘monsters’ reveal themselves… while the whole world is watching.

Isr**l and the US are walking into a massive trap. And they are absolutely going to walk into it. Nothing surer.


What’s funding their position on the UN? Jellied eels & scones? LOL! England has fck all. Nothing. Zero. To fund their illegal invasions. Yanks are the same. They’re soon to be on their knees. They’re skint & have ran out of invading eejits.

No one cares about the UN. No one takes a blind bit of notice to them because the yanks just do as they please & commit illegal wars regardless of what they say there. They may as well disband & countries start a new one not as corrupted by America. Putin was right in that regard, European countries should have it’s own alliance. To deal with its own issues for world security & ditch the hegemony. It’s no longer fit for purpose.

Same applies to the mafia, NATO. Totally corrupted by one country just doing as it pleases regardless of international law. A huge chunk of change & some prime real estate for the colonisers. A con with no credibility any more.

There’s a pattern eh?

Permanent residency squashes your vote here. You just can’t rock up to elections. If your sister is willing to commit election fraud then I hope she’ll be paying yer council taxes on residence too. Yer Unionist pish is rejected. Do you not think the yoons have tried that? They still don’t win elections. If by some skulduggery they get a win at Holyrood, it won’t last long. Unionist pish,right wing policies, are rejected.

Take the hint. The union is over.


Wings is brill.


I must admit,,,I am a founder member of the ALBA Party and lately I have started deleting ALBA emails before I have even read them.

I have just became bored of them and every other political party.

Nothing is lighting the Indy fire within me.

Extinguished by Sturgeon and her shower of fraudsters.


John Main says:
28 October, 2023 at 12:10 am

One or two sane posters still left. George Ferguson, ASA & the Captain.

Has George gone over to the dark side?


A Scot Abroad says:
28 October, 2023 at 12:49 am

I can have a vote in Scotland any time I want to. It’s just admin to re-register at either my flat in Edinburgh or at my sister’s place in Perthshire.

You can relax you bloody weirdo we have accepted that we are stuck in this lousy colony forever.

When are expecting to have this vote?

Maybe better get re-register it could be soon! Ha! Ha! Ha!

You are so bloody weird!


Harry says:
28 October, 2023 at 3:38 am

I must admit,,,I am a founder member of the ALBA Party and lately I have started deleting ALBA emails before I have even read them.

I have just became bored of them and every other political party.

Nothing is lighting the Indy fire within me.

Extinguished by Sturgeon and her shower of fraudsters.

Morning Harry!

I reckon everyone is feeling the same as you. Just bloody fed up and accepting that we are stuck in this lousy colony forever.

Still you never know ‘Lord Naw Naw & the Naw Baws’ are getting pretty agitated & campaigning like there’s going to be a Indy Ref tomorrow!
Very weird!

Have a good week-end Harry & in the meantime just keep your firewood nice & dry. 🙂


A Scot Abroad says

What I’d more probably do is to talk with people, to steer decisions towards policy options that only support the current status quo.

The current status quo is absolutely shit for most people.

Who is it you are going to talk to?

Why are you wasting your time on Wings could it be because you are seriously deranged?

You can talk to people on Wings until the cows come home but I think everyone has clocked that you are no right in the heed so you won’t have much success here Lord Naw-Naw.

Maybe John Main & the Captain called you in to help.
John Main & the Captain are both in the same boat as you.

Sure there are some folk waiting for an answer from John Main and that is only because they haven’t been paying attention.
As for the Captain there are only two words to say about him sinking school

A Scot Abroad


The current status quo is vastly better for the people of Scotland than being poor and outwith established trading patterns, as well as being subsidised by a larger financial power. Most nationalists have not even begun to consider what impact independence would actually have on their daily lives. It’s very largely negative.

Captain Yossarian

Harry – All agreed on that. Top story in the Daily Record last week was Sturgeon passing her driving test first time. If you want to listen to a balance of views from your fellow countrymen, alongside those of a few vexatious old nutters, read Wings over Scotland. I wish you all the best with your Alba project.


Fear is the key.


Ruby says:
27 October, 2023 at 9:56 pm

If it isn’t a subsidy what is it?

It’s a share of the UK taxpayer pool, Ruby. Why do you insist that Scotland is subsidised?

Captain Yossarian

David Hannah – Supporters of some football clubs worldwide (it’s not just your club) have always had an elevated sense of achieving what’s right. I don’t fully agree with your point of view, but I salute your willingness to protest. Just don’t get yourself arrested. We live in a free country and what you are doing is allowed. Your club is in a difficult position vis a vis the footballing authorities because displaying any kind of preference for one side or the other during a war is not allowed, but in your club’s case that is impossible because it has gone-on for so long it has become part of the fabric of the club and if I can understand that, speaking as I do as a supporter of the other side, that then anyone can. Finally, once we get round to dumping Humza because he’s so superlatively crap, I’m all for John Greig for FM. Your preference will be someone else, Martin O’Neil maybe. Either would be preferable.


@ Harry at 03.38: “I have become bored of
…every political party.”

Many/most people are sickened by our political system as it currently is. Yet we do still need it in order to restore and implement direct democracy of the sovereign people.

So stick with Alba, or ISP, or other decent people AND make sure that you have signed up to so that the people can be put back in charge.


dasBlimp says:
28 October, 2023 at 8:52 am

Ruby says:
27 October, 2023 at 9:56 pm

If it isn’t a subsidy what is it?

It’s a share of the UK taxpayer pool, Ruby. Why do you insist that Scotland is subsidised?

That ain’t ‘showing us the money’

and it ain’t showing the money to the English taxpayer either.

Maybe you should have a word with John Main & explain about his showing the money crap!


A Scot Abroad says:
28 October, 2023 at 8:18 am


The current status quo is vastly better for the people of Scotland than being poor and outwith established trading patterns, as well as being subsidised by a larger financial power.

You ‘Naw Baws’ need to get together and decide if Scotland is or isn’t being subsidised.

Fuckin’ weirdos!


The counter arguments against a people regaining independence, sovereignty, effective «control» are all based on how disastrous it will be, merely a projection of a fundamental prejudice against the idea itself. The later British empire was pregnant with such tales of woe.
The psychological benefits of being a free people with all the implied potential is, however, never on that agenda.
Dealing with the psychological factors of dependency, subordinacy, beginning bowl attitudes, fear of change etc are more important to redeeming a people from the colonial mindset than any pie in the sky chat about «the money».
People who talk of such do not appear to have checked out the histories of states that now enjoy independence, for good or ill is their business, they are «free».
That is Scotland’s decision too, free for good or ill, like all other countries on the planet.
Belt and braces total safety/security does not exist in the real, «grown up» world, and never trust «nannie».

A Scot Abroad


Rutherglen and Hamilton West is an eminently winnable seat for Scots nationalists. It is the sort of place that pro-Indy people absolutely must win, if there’s to be any chance of a popular movement.

And yet, a few weeks ago, Alba didn’t stand and ISP got 207 votes. It doesn’t seem as though the people want to be in charge. Or, in a representative democracy, that the people don’t want Alba or the ISP to be in charge.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 8:18 am

“The current status quo is vastly better for the people of Scotland than being poor and outwith established trading patterns, as well as being subsidised by a larger financial power. ”

The reality is precisely the opposite to what you say:

– half of Scots live in or close to poverty

– Scotland is currently outside global trading platforms, its trade is dominated and exploited by one country

– Scotland is not subsidised, it is the other way round.

Scotland needs to do what Ireland and other colonies did – decolonize.

Dorothy Devine

Your responses give credence and encouragement to the disruptors, why not follow the revs advice and ignore , scroll on – we all know who they are so it is not too difficult to avoid . There really is no point in responding as they have been proven to repeat ad nauseam the same old refuted arguments.


link to

Well said TURABDIN!


A frequent anti independence btl poster has suggested that the British state’s seat at the
UN Security Council would be ring fenced.

This «royal» organization, hardly sympathetic to Scotland’s departure, has doubts on that score.
«The break-up of the UK could also have an impact on the UK’s position on the UN Security Council. The world has changed so much since the Security Council was put together and the departure of Scotland could be a symbolic key moment of change in the post-1945 order which would be an opportunity for advocates of reform of the council to raise the question of whether the UK should remain a permanent member»

link to

A Scot Abroad


Scotland is being greatly subsidised. The data is plain: Scotland receives more in per capita central spending, and raises less per capita revenue , than the U.K. national average.

It’s a great shame. Scotland has great resources and potential. And yet, under nationalist government for well over a decade, and socialists before then, it is collapsing into whining and demanding yet more money. As a country, it demonstrably cannot stand on its own two feet.

A Scot Abroad


a pretty serious misreading of what Chatham House actually said.

They said there would be “an opportunity”. That’s not the same as reality. You should read the UN Charter. There’s 5 vetoes, the U.K. wielding one. And a veto crushes opportunity.

Next question?


Ruby says:
28 October, 2023 at 9:14 am
dasBlimp says:
28 October, 2023 at 8:52 am

That ain’t ‘showing us the money’

But that is precisely what it is. So, 41 billion divided by 6 million equals 6800 every year for every man, woman and child
in Scotland thanks to the English, Welsh, Scottish and N Irish taxpayers. Not bad is it? So rather than being ‘shown’ the money why not go out and spend it. Go on, you might enjoy yourself.

You see, I understand the desire for Scottish independence and support it (why wouldn’t any country not want to be independent (except Scotland of course who voted to remain dependent)) but the debate is never-ending simply because some think with their heads and others with their hearts. Look after your heart, Ruby.


A Scot Abroad says:
28 October, 2023 at 9:26 am
It doesn’t seem as though the people want to be in charge.

Relax Weirdo! The people of Scotland have given up. You’ve won. It’s not that people don’t want to be in charge it is because we have been denied that chance.

The one up side of all of this is that it is becoming more and more obvious to everyone that we live in a colony.


Dorothy Devine says:
28 October, 2023 at 9:36 am
Your responses give credence and encouragement to the disruptors, why not follow the revs advice and ignore , scroll on

Well said, Dorothy. That is why I completely ignore the drivel that Alf Baird, James Che and Republicofscotland post.


Dorothy Devine says:
28 October, 2023 at 9:36 am

Your responses give credence and encouragement to the disruptors, why not follow the revs advice and ignore , scroll on – we all know who they are so it is not too difficult to avoid . There really is no point in responding as they have been proven to repeat ad nauseam the same old refuted arguments.

It’s the ‘don’t feed the trolls’ diktat again!

Captain Yossarian

Alf – I understand that you’re an Academic and Scots have always had respect for Academics. You have stated your case many times on here and some agree with you and others don’t.

There are other contributors like Dan who have also stated their case on here. He’s not an Academic but he’s serious (in a non-serious way if you know what I mean) and so these people are respected too.

Why can’t you and your fellow Academics get together and form what used to be called a “think tank”? I’m sure Scotgov would be willing to fund such a venture.

It would not be a pro-Independence think tank, but it would examine the issues which are crucial to the Independence movement and where it all goes from here.

If that sort of information was available during Alex Salmond’s time as FM, it may have made a difference? Sturgeon and Swinney were all about in your face aggressive politics and had no inclination towards truth. So, it was never going to work with them in charge.

The future of North Sea oil and gas, taking wind-power into public ownership, decoupling the cost of electricity from the cost of gas….all that sort of stuff. Also, why the Ferguson ferries have been such disaster and how can we stop it from happening again, funding the cost of A9 works and so on.

I cannot foresee any resistance from any of the other political parties as this is the sort of respected and thorough data analysis that has been missing from the debate over the years.

No data analysis ever gets done at Holyrood and the public wouldn’t trust it if it was done there. So, it’s a different solution we all need. Holyrood represents secrecy and is worthless.

Personally speaking, I think it has been the biggest mistake of our lives. People on here still speak about a 50% latent support for independence and no-one ever questions that. If it was anything above 30% just now (and dropping by the week) I’d be surprised.


link to

dasBlimp says:
28 October, 2023 at 8:52 am

But that is precisely what it is

That is showing us the money for the whole of the UK
we need to be shown the money for Scotland only. Could also be interesting to be shown the money for England only.

I know I know Scotland is just a colony so the money is none of our business.

Scotland’s finances are a reserved matter!

John Main needs to be told.

Captain Yossarian

Dorothy Devine – People with different points of view are not disruptors. What a tragically blinkered thing to say. This site will be monitored by the site owner and any disruptors will be warned. You may think of me as a disruptor but I haven’t been warned. I just have a different point of view. It is called democracy. It used to be the case that newspapers in Scotland employed investigative journalists and they ensured that democracy prevailed in the end. Nowadays it’s Mr Campbell and a few other worthy souls. Relax, scroll past and don’t read it, it’s not your site and so why get so furious about it?


If Scotland and England ceased to exist at the Act of Union, then dissolution of the Act of Union dissolves UK treaties with the UN.

If the Act of Union was just ‘the Parliament of England continuing’ then England keeps the persona of the UK.

The yoons on this site seem to be in a contradiction.

Russia succeeded the USSR based on an ad hoc vote by the UN members,
Kind of a lottery in this politically fracturing world.


A Scot Abroad says:
28 October, 2023 at 9:41 am


Scotland is being greatly subsidised.

Better tell dasBlimp & John Main.

It seems a shame that your mate John Main keeps asking to be shown the money when according to you it’s impossible. The only money that can be shown is the money coming from the totally dopey English taxpayer.
Mustn’t grumble!

You guys have been posting here 24/7 for months now trying to achieve fuck knows what?

They only thing you have managed to convince me of is that you are one seriously weird cunt!


The arrogance of the type.
The assumption that the Brits and even the Americans have an automatic right to Security Council posts is based on historic accident or anglosaxon stitch up, depending on perception. Rules may be changed to suit new political currents.
There are many in the UN who would relish an opportunity to raise the question of the post imperialist British occupying a place of such significance.
Nothing is carved in granite, there is no «divine right» in matters of this kind.
The UN charter is a paper treaty/contract like any other and amendable.
Again, the shear arrogance of the type.
Amusing though, this fetish for «legalism».

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird, at 9:27am

To respond to your points in order:

If half of all Scots are living in poverty, then over half of that total need to get off their backsides and do a proper day’s work, and the Scottish government need to better support the remainder with the higher per capita revenue that they receive as a block grant. Not to waste the money they receive on over-buying ferries, giving away smelting foundries to their mates, funding representation abroad that they aren’t empowered for, and the gender woo-woo.

Scotland, as part of the U.K., is inside far more global trading agreements, and with vastly more trading value, than any single EU country is. More than the USA, Canada, India, Brazil and anywhere in Africa or the Middle East. Only Japan has a greater number of trade agreements than the U.K. There’s nothing to stop Scotland taking advantage of that.

Scotland is heavily subsidised. The data doesn’t lie.

I’ll give you some advice. For free. Proper academics follow the data, and then form a hypothesis and test it. You seem to have it all arse about face. You’ve got a stupid idea about colonisation, and you are trying to reverse engineer it into every aspect of Scottish life to bolster your pre-conceptions. It’s a nonsense, man.


But that is Scotland’s money. It says it right there in the link. Sometimes I think: is Ruby’s first language not English?

Irony of ironies. Today 28th October, is OXI day in Greece, where the Greek state celebrates its refusal to submit to the Mussolini invasion. Freedom!
While Gaza has been stripped of everything in plain sight.
The relentless lies and disinformation posted ad nauseam here are directly descended from Goebbels big lie strategy.
I applaud those who try to stem it. They are not feeding the trolls, someone or something else is doing that. They are trying to keep a thin breath of reality btl.

Robert Hughes

Capt Panglossarian @ 8.55

” We live in a free country and what you are doing is allowed ”

Ask someone like Craig Murray just how ” free ” this country is

Sure , we can shout ” Fuck the Monarchy ” ” Tories Out ” ” Stop The War ” etc as much as we like – big fckn deal . We’ll still have the Monarchy ; the Tories may get voted out , only to be replaced by a pinker variant ; how’s ” stopping the war/s going ” , any sign of what appears to be an anti-war public consensus being acknowledged AND ACTED UPON ? , y’know , the principle of democratic consent , we’re continually being lectured on , invade , destroy other countries to ( supposedly ) impose this * highest value * on .

Don’t make me laugh : * Democracy * is an illusion . A convenient fiction . If you need to ask who it’s ” convenient ” for , have a glance at the people in power ; any of them struggling to pay their bills , dying in foreign conflicts , facing criminal charges , not for inciting violence , for actually organising , supporting and funding violence .


Captain Yossarian


Wasps. Yoons are the problem. A devolved administration is the problem. English appointed civil servants are the problem.

You don’t think a devolved administration is allowed to succeed do you? No, that would get the natives doing things for themselves.

Alf is already in a think tank. If you followed any of his stuff on YouTube you’d know this & why bureaucracy & meddling continue to fck up everything in Holyrood.

Wasps. No point to them. They’re only appointed to work AGAINST Devo & Scotland.

Do you think Scots are stupid? They invented half the known world yet can’t run a diddy administration?

Use yer napper eh? It’s designed to fail. That’s colonialism. The natives aren’t supposed to achieve things.


A Scot Abroad says:
28 October, 2023 at 10:30 am
Alf Baird, at 9:27am

I’ll give you some advice. For free. Proper academics follow the data, and then form a hypothesis and test it. You seem to have it all arse about face. You’ve got a stupid idea about colonisation, and you are trying to reverse engineer it into every aspect of Scottish life to bolster your pre-conceptions. It’s a nonsense, man.

Sound advice. I said in a earlier post that some people think with their heads and others with their hearts, Sadly, for Alfy B, he thinks with his colon.


@ Cpt Yossa at 10:09 am

It’s interesting what you’re saying in that post. It chimes with aspects I have alluded to lately btl, in that there are groups of folk that spend a lot of time discussing stuff, whilst others actually get on and do the stuff the other group only talk about. The disconnect in the practical realities between the theoretical discussions of the talkers and those of the workers seems to me to be the reason so many matters manifest as being below par in outcomes.

I respect Alf’s knowledgeable output on matters he is clearly informed and experienced in, but I recall a couple of years back trying to initiate a conversation with him about what a future joined up Scottish transport infrastructure network would or could be like.
A port at Cockenzie might well be a great option for numerous reasons, but it would also need supporting road and rail infrastructure developments. I tried to engage with Alf on the subject a couple of times and he mentioned he didn’t know that much about trains. The thing is I do know a young Scot that does know and have a lot of firsthand frontline experience about running trains. He’s a smart kid, not academically qualified though…
Alf often talks of the controlling elite in society not interacting with folk they consider to be their lessers, but I got exactly that feeling over his disinterest in potentially developing his own comprehension on rail matters through discussions with someone that could have brought some valuable insight to logistical matter.
Hey ho, just another missed opportunity… And all these missed opportunities add up in both time wasted which could have been used productively, with a cumulative kick in the nuts aspect of folk feeling their efforts are wasted and scunnering them through compounding feelings of disenfranchisement.


Captain Yossarian,

“Your club is in a difficult position vis a vis the footballing authorities because displaying any kind of preference for one side or the other during a war is not allowed,”

The amount of blue and yellow flags in football stadia proves this wrong.

John Main

@Captain Yossarian 10:09

Good post.

Some good ideas.

There’s a large bloc of Scottish voters out there, small ‘c’ conservatives, canny and thrifty, who just need to be convinced by a sober and evidenced justification of the advantages of Indy.

They are never going to be heckled, insulted or threatened into supporting Indy, as long as we retain democracy via secret ballots.

They are unlikely to ever want to choose Indy on the basis of “just have faith”.

That could change, if the Indy movement ever found itself a popular, eloquent, charismatic and inspirational leader, but every search party they send out returns stumped!

HY being their best shot, we can all see just how empty the Scottish talent barrel is.

John Main

Robert Hughes

Just how many British troops do you think we will need to deploy abroad in order to stop the wars?

My ballpark guess is at least as many as are currently in the armies and militias of the active belligerents. Are you up for that?

Do you think any of what you write through?



Spot on!

I replied to that *superior* nonsense last night but it went into moderation.

Little England would absolutely NOT be a superior at the UN. They’re absolutely skint on their own. They’ve been told that by various economists. Once Scotland leaves the UK there in NO UK & they’ve no funds to play world police.

They’ve already trashed their reputation throughout Europe & the G7. They no longer have a seat on the ICJ either.

Their arrogance is astounding. They’re definitely not Scots. Ex or otherwise.


**because displaying any kind of preference for one side or the other during a war is not allowed**

Contradicting the rubbish we live in a free country eh?

& who made up this fictitious rule where a countries flag is banned?

It’s a shame they don’t apply these restrictions to the orange ludge eh?


Dorothy Devine,
I’m sorry but I disagree, the Rev also said he will deal with them.
People can have entrenched views without being trolls, people can be thick Unionists without being trolls and people can be annoying without being a troll.

Of course there are people on here who have no intention of reasoned debate and so it may seem pointless to some to engage with any of their nonsense but I would argue that it’s beneficial to have the opportunity to counter their argument.

I agree though, that automatic and incessant gainsaying is tedious.



There is plenty of evidence out there. You just aren’t interested in looking. Scotland is a wealthy country. FFS, even the Tories told you that.

They also stand in parliament every day gleefully spouting they’re robbing Scotland of over £80 BILLION from Scotland.

You are just a wind up merchant spouting the same outdated pish Better Together used in 2014. Which, btw, even Cameron admitted on National TV Scotland was a wealthy country who was well able to survive on her own. Better Together DROPPED it because it was so embarrassing listening to economists prove that pish WRONG on national TV.

Yet here you are, 9 yrs on, spouting the same outdated pish that has been debunked time & time again – even by Tories.


Wings BTL has transmogrified into ‘The Herald’ before they started charging to post.

Looks as if the ‘Naw Baws’ like a freebie. For sure Captain Yosspot does he used the Wings site 24/7 for 3 years as free advertising for his ‘sinking school project’ now he’s using it to promote Unionism and his misogynistic views of women.

Lord Naw Naw is having to use Wings because the ‘Union Unit’ are just not doing their job to his satisfaction.

The last time I suggested John Main was a nutter I got pre-modded for months but hey what the hell. John Main is without a doubt a total nutter.

Ah yes! Gotta give him a bit of bold, he likes the bold
John Main is without a doubt a total nutter.

Anyone waiting for an answer from John Main hasn’t been paying attention.

Ding! Ding! Ding! On topic
PS That ‘Squeezin’ my melons man’ song that I didn’t like initially I began to like after hearing the original that BDT posted. I agree with BDT that the original is best.

I’m away to see how much it costs to post on ‘The Herald’.


dasBlimp says:
28 October, 2023 at 10:31 am

Sometimes I think: is Ruby’s first language not English?

Naw! It’s Gaelic! You got a problem with that ‘Sassenach’?


Legal maxim: “He who does not repel a wrong when he can occasions it.”.
Silence comprises agreement in commerce, equity, admiralty, Lex Mercatoria and public policy, as he who does not deny when he has the opportunity, admits the facts presented to him.

Captain Yossarian

Breastplate – I was simply offering measured support to David Hannah for his principled stance on protecting innocent human life in Gaza. What has happened already cannot be changed, but what is about to happen can be changed and he is doing what he can, as are the Celtic supporters, and so who are we to criticize them for that? This is beyond the tittle-tattle of Holyrood. Perhaps the new FM should be Graeme Souness and Deputy FM Neil Lennon; or vice versa; anything would be an improvement on the current incumbents who humiliate us all.


Scotland leaving the Union is detrimental to the rUK.

The rUK would lose out militarily and geographically reducing its geopolitical power which will have a detrimental knock on effect to its force projection and national security.

Dan has occasionally posted a list of other things that Scotland has that won’t be at the disposal of a rump UK, maybe he’ll be kind enough to post it again.


Ruby says:
28 October, 2023 at 11:27 am
dasBlimp says:
28 October, 2023 at 10:31 am

Sometimes I think: is Ruby’s first language not English?

Naw! It’s Gaelic! You got a problem with that ‘Sassenach’?

Not at all, Ruby. It explains your lack of English comprehension. Wouldn’t it be better if you joined a Gaelic-language forum?


Perhaps they only humiliate you because they humiliate their neighbours who treat their citizens so poorly?

Maybe, as Lord Fawksakes stated, we’re doing it deliberately? 😀

The union wouldn’t be so fcked if it would just ditch the unionism. No one likes someone denying democracy & self appointing themselves the boss. It gets people’s backs up.

Maybe put them wise eh?


John Main @ 10:50am,

I agree with you but I would suggest that the small c conservatives must genuinely be open to reason.
They already “just have faith” in the Union for no other reason than that’s what they’re used to, they seem unable to acknowledge the downward spiral of Scotland in the UK.


Coming back to David Olesuga’s history of the Union: even if Scotland as a whole did not benefit from the Union, its elites did, and its middle class(es) did. Its working classes, not so much, which was certainly evident in the Indy vote. I suspect that bifurcation of benefit is at the root of why the indy movement is not as strong as we think it should be.

Another point is that in looking at England itself, Scotland’s economic performance is on a par with many English regions, and perhaps better than, say, the North or SouthWest. The elephant in the room is the *London* economy, which is much stronger than anything in the English regions.


Captain Yossarian,

I’m not denouncing you in any way, I was merely pointing out as you say that Celtic are in hot water with UEFA because of their fans waving Palestinian flags yet many football clubs waving the Yookranian flags aren’t, why is that?

I would suggest it is not a level playing field, if you can pardon the pun.


In the coming economic crash, the middle classes will be wiped out financially and their jobs taken by AI.
Who said, “revolution always comes from the middle classes”? – they probably had a point.
The English Enclosure Act, the Highland clearances, numerous banking crises.
Now they’re coming for the lot.
Oh, look, there’s a squirrel!

Captain Yossarian

Geri – Lord Foulkes of Cumnock doesn’t have a luxury camper-van, paid for in cash, parked in his drive. He hasn’t been arrested either.


Oh dear, as a non Gaelic speaking Scots lowlander I guess to a Gaelic speaker I also fall into the “Sassenach” category.
As a native Gaelic speaker with whom I worked constantly told us “weegies”.



It is interesting as you say that many believe England subsidises the rest of the Uk but let’s have a closer look at that.
According to many,
England subsidises Scotland
England subsidises Wales
England subsidises Northern Ireland

But what of England itself?
As you point out the North needs subsidised and the South West needs subsidised, who is doing the subsidising?
Well we have been told already that London and the South East are the only regions that can stand on their own 2 feet.

So these 2 regions have been subsidising the rest of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, according to some people.
They will also be glad to not have to subsidise the EU any more as we’ve been told that we were losing a shitload of money to Johnny Foreigners there too.

Not only that but these 2 regions were subsidising other parts of the world through Foreign Aid also.

Either these 2 regions are subsidising everyone else or they’re not, I suppose it depends on what people are willing to believe.

Captain Yossarian

Breastplate – The support being offered to Palestine by Celtic supporters is a hundred times greater than anything offered to Ukraine. That means that the the majority of supporters do not necessarily support the SNP, or Labour, or devolution or independence, but they do support the Palestinians. It may be unpopular with some, but the heritage of their support is to support what they see as the the oppressed. Good luck to them.


Alex Salmond says Ash Regan has joined Alba.


ALBA conference now on. Ash Regan’s joined ALBA and is there giving a speech.


Ash Regan and Alex Salmond.
Paradigm shift?
Hope so.


Lord Fwcksakes has a pass. It’s called Unionism.
How do you know what he’s robbed? He robs Scots of £300 a day for doing hee-haw. How much has he earned so far? What achievements?

I can’t think of any, maybe you could enlighten the group?


@ Breastplate

It feels like I’ve posted those stats* way more than occasionally, and tbh I’m bored out of my skull that they have rarely stimulate any significant and worthy discussion on policies that could make better use of them for Scotland. For the supposedly number one Scottish Indy site this is very disappointing.

The Kingdom of Scotland has a much better resources to population figure than the Kingdom of England.

(Old stats so may not be 100% accurate but it gives the gist.)


32% of the land area.
61% of the sea area.
90% of the fresh water.
65% of the natural gas production
96.5% of the crude oil production.
47% of the open cast coal production
81% of the untapped coal reserves
62% of the timber production
46% of the total forest area
92% of the hydro electric production
40% of the wind wave and solar energy production
60% of the fish landings
30% of the beef herd
20% of the sheep herd
9% of the dairy herd
10% of the pig herd
15% if the cereal holdings
20% of the potato holdings
90% of the whisky industry
70% of gin production


68% of the land area.
39% of the sea area.
10% of the fresh water.
35% of the natural gas production
3.5% of the crude oil production.
53% of the open cast coal production
19% of the untapped coal reserves
38% of the timber production
54% of the total forest area
8% of the hydro electric production
60% of the wind wave and solar energy production
40% of the fish landings
70% of the beef herd
80% of the sheep herd
91% of the dairy herd
90% of the pig herd
85% if the cereal holdings
80% of the potato holdings
10% of the whisky industry
30% of gin production

The revenue streams generated by the current UK government policies means the two Kingdoms’ combined resources help to serve the UK population of 67 million.
So if Scotland returned to self-governance we could even emulate current UK government policies, and our much improved resources to population figures would mean the larger proportional revenue stream generated by those Scottish resources which would flow into a Scottish Treasury would only have to serve 5.4 million

* I understand the resources stats list was originally collated by previous and now sadly deceased btl commenter Petra.


I notice England is burning coal again to make leccy which is currently supplying 3% of their leccy needs. Scotland is generating enough for ourselves and exporting just over the same amount again to England.

link to

Before all the usual folk that want to diminish and degrade Scotland jump in and continue to try and punt the idea that we are a load of workshy bums, maybe if London Rule had actually implemented sensible policy over the course of the 300 year union then our industries wouldn’t all have been effectively trashed and all that cleanly generated leccy could instead have been utilised to power industries that created economic benefit and gave Scots jobs.

John Main

@Ruby 11:22

Good one, keep them coming.

I am more than happy to give you all the attention you so desperately crave.

We Scots need to see the calibre of the Indy supporters who through unthinking, parochial, tribal rammying have driven Indy into a ditch, burnt out the clutch, emptied the fuel tank, seized the motor, and stripped the gears.

Your daily reminders of where it has all gone wrong will ensure it is done right the next time around, so as I wrote, keep them coming.

As the man almost said, “they also serve, who only stand on the sidelines screeching hysterically”.


Great news. That was on the cards for a while. She knows SNP is finished. (Her Prism interview a few months ago)

James Che

Why was their never a bank of Great Britain,?
Why always a bank of England connected to the exchequer and the old parliament old treasury of England?

John Main

@Hobbit 11:57

Most of the millions of working class Scots who fecked off to the New World and the African and Australian colonies indirectly benefitted from the Union too.

Their lives were greatly improved by being able to largely clear the indigenous inhabitants and enrich themselves by the theft of their land and its natural resources. Much of this backed up initially by the military forces of the UK, every time the locals got uppity.

We know this because so few of the Scottish colonialist diaspora, or their descendants, have ever returned.


Thanks Dan
John Main desperately building straw men to deflect from the Alba conference I see.
link to

James Che

Pacta Sunt Servanda.

The Scottish parliament DISSOLVED out of the union by Queen Annes “royal proclamation”

Is Scotlands parliament in a union with Englands parliament or is that promised treaty Pacta Sunt Servanda, in 1707.

Which Scottish parliament still exists in the treaty of union…..the Dissolved one?

John Main

@Breastplate 11:56

I acknowledge the downwards spiral of the UK.

I acknowledge that the downwards spiral of Scotland is worse.

I see Scotland’s poorer performance as being attributable to SNP/Green incompetence, criminality, and cronyism.

If Scotland had been instead seen, over the past 10 years, to have been bucking the UK trend, the Indy movement would be in a much better place now. With a solid track record of better outcomes behind it for comparison against WM performance, “having faith” would not be necessary.

Evidence trumps faith. Always.

James Che

How and by what legal method is Scotland attached to England.?

Not by Scotlands dissolved parliament.

Not by a union of Crowns,


John Main says:
28 October, 2023 at 12:55 pm

We Scots need to see the calibre of the Indy supporters

Would that be you Scots Abroad?


Sven says:
28 October, 2023 at 12:32 pm

Oh dear, as a non Gaelic speaking Scots lowlander I guess to a Gaelic speaker I also fall into the “Sassenach” category.

Probably! What’s the problem?

Anton Decadent

Too many late nights archiving personal stuff means I am in a rut with regard to reading. I’ve been stuck in Why I Write by George Orwell for a few months, possibly, I recommend it though. In it he mentions how movements create leaders, leaders do not create movements. He also mentions the smug, condescending contempt shown by the middle class intelligentsia towards nationalists.

Re the new current conflict, myself and others on here have shown how the John Smith Institute is funded by internationalist banking money to create swaths more Yusafs, Campbells and Sarwars to fight whiteness. Despite this some, even on here, will still continue to play the permavictim anti semitism card.

@Ruby, re BOB, its counterpart would be BOG, doesn’t really have the same ring to it.

Anton Decadent

I am currently reading Private Eye No.1592, 17th February-2nd March 2023. An article in it covers how the ECJ had struck down public right of access in the EU to beneficial ownership registers. The four countries with the most to gain by this were Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Ireland and Malta all of which are tax havens for globalists, big business, oligarchs and con artists.

Scotland has to be wary of joining this group in the event of independence and being flooded with more cheap labour for essential services such as car washes and the sex industry.


John Main @1.09pm

Interesting point, thank you! It might well be possible to draw a direct line between the decline of the British Empire in the post-war period and increasing support for an independent Scotland.

Another point I wanted to make: as much as we go on about Scotland’s position in the UK, and that it is relatively disadvantaged, the differences *within* Scotland – Edinburgh v the rest – are worth talking about as well. Just look at relative property proices.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Breastplate at 12:35 pm

You typed,

It is interesting as you say that many believe England subsidises the rest of the Uk but let’s have a closer look at that.”

Have a look at the graphics at the link below.
OK, the data is from 2010 but it gives you a comparison.

comment image

James Che

Parliament of Great Britain,

” An Act for the security of Her Majesties person and Government and the Succession to the Crown of Great Britain in the protestant line”

Citation 6 Ann c 41.
(Ruffhead c 7)
Territorial Extent Kingdom of Great Britain
Royal assent 13 February 1708.
Other legislation
Relates to Regency Act 1705
Statutes Amended
Text of Statue as originally enacted
Revised Text of Statue asamended.

Here we find in this Act of Security by the parliament of England a officially source date for Queen Anne of England France and Ireland ” being converted” to be Queen of Scots/ Scotlands territory after the treaty of union articles dates,

Queen Anne was in theory queen of Scotland, but was not in Practice, So Westminster parliament extended her territorial kingdom to include Scotland in 1708.


Anton Decadent says:

@Ruby, re BOB, its counterpart would be BOG, doesn’t really have the same ring to it.

It certainly doesn’t. It would however give the term bog off and even bogof a whole new meaning!

I hate the term bogof it almost tempts me to say ‘No thank-you I’ll just take one’

There are quite a lot of people play the permavictim card of all varieties. The latest is the anti-Sassenach card.


I like the label ‘Sassenach’ because that is what I am: of Saxon descent. It sets me apart from the English elite which are composed of filthy Norman stock. To me, it is a compliment and never an insult. Even if that is the intention.


Capitaine Y. I don’t think the support for independence has dropped. The support for the SNP has but the SNP and Independence are now two separate things.

Independence is more than an SNP thing and as people disengage from the SNP, the polls are showing that. Scots by and large are unhappy with Westminster, unhappy with the Conservatives and unhappy with Labour. The failure of the SNP is not the justification for either a Labour or a Tory resurgence. The demand for independence has not gone away and create or resurrect the correct vehicle and I think the union is doomed.

And let us also be clear that things are going to get worse. The ONS following on from the BOE are clear in their pronouncements that Brits standard of living is going to sustain the biggest drop ever. Seven percent apparently over the next year. But you don’t need to be a genius to look around you and see the decline in infrastructure, funding of the NHS, the continuing decline of the economy to see that. And the war, let us not forget the war, first in Ukraine and maybe now in the ME. Ukraine is bleeding us dry. No one will admit that but fighting WW2 effectively put the final nail in the British Empire’s decline.

No longer a world military super power, post Brexit Britain is in terminal decline against the many other nations who are on the way up.

Scots I think realise this. Realise that Scotland could be a small resource rich nation doing things differently from imperial England and its faded empire.

Things may be quiet, the SNP may be hollowed out on their way out, but no, independence, and the desire for independence has not gone away. Not gone away at all.


dasBlimp says:
28 October, 2023 at 3:25 pm

I like the label ‘Sassenach’ because that is what I am: of Saxon descent. It sets me apart from the English elite which are composed of filthy Norman stock. To me, it is a compliment and never an insult. Even if that is the intention.

Jesus! They are so fuckin’ tedious these ‘Naw Baws’

It was just a bit of witty banter in response to your actual insult.

Calling someone a Sassenach isn’t an insult. Why would it be?

Oh shit, shit, shit I had forgotten just how triggering Gaelic can be here in Scotland.

No doubt in the not too distant future calling someone a Scot will not just be an insult but an actual hate crime.

Calling someone a Scot is anti-English and non British. It hurtz feelings.
They have to put an end to words like Scot and Sassenach. People don’t feel safe if these words are used.

In this mad atmosphere I can’t see the Scots language getting official recognition.

That too seems to be highly triggering.


Just my thoughts on the subject, Ruby. Nothing for you to get your knickers in a twist about.

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