From the archives #15
Posted on
December 30, 2020 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
To mark today’s events, a look back at more innocent times.
It really is remarkable that Blair McDougall still dares to show his face, isn’t it?
Terrible Teen Mutant Terror Virus heading for Scotland.
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Can we have an expert opinion on that?
Blair McDougall providing strategic analysis.
What next? Village idiot does theoretical physics?
I’m hoping there will be feelings of fury in the country today. This is what we voted to remain part of, we were straight up lied to. But don’t worry, our lord and saviour Nicola Sturgeon has just lead the troops to hold back consent at Hollyrood, grabbing the attention of absolutely no one. That really showed the bastard’s in London eh…
Indyref1….feels like a generation ago.
Scotland had a “say” on the EU but, quelle surprise, we were ignored because we didn’t side with Mother England.
Anyone who didn’t see it coming needs a Labrador with a handle-bar and high-viz vest.
“Miss Sturgeon replied that she would ask Westminster”
This could be -any- year.
It’s also really remarkable that the snp are still taking English gold and ermines, that not one of them has said enough of treating Scotland and its people to lies and shinanagins, enough of the poverty your dealing to the Scottish people,
We the snp do have a backbone and a deep sense of morals and values encoded into our hearts that on this day we stand up in this parliament, and rise, only to walk out through the door never to return.
It really does not matter what the tories said, what labour said or what libdems say. It what the snp do or do not do that counts in the present and future.
Red tories, blue labour and turn coat to any colour of money snp, like it or not, that’s what it is beginning to look like to the boots on the ground.
Then I hoped I would awake to find it was all a bad dream,
I have not woke up, the nightmare continues.
Miss Sturgeon. Salmond won’t when the chance comes.
I’d say that NS’s decision to let Brexit play itself out before Indyref 2 is looking increasingly prescient.
I suspect that it will be increasingly easy to make the independence case now. All the bickering on here over the gender madness will be soon forgotten – especially if the NEC starts to function again.
Cream on the cake for me would be Alex Salmond to lead a list party and have the SNP with a majority and the opposition led by Alex in the Scottish parliament. The craic would be 90 . . .
I remember that. The betrayal is so huge that it dare not speak its name. No surprise though. None of it is. You’d have to be two sandwiches short of a picnic to believe anything that lot say. Same with the SNPG nowadays. We are surrounded on all sides by self-serving, duplicitous b******s. No country this side of the Moon has allowed itself to be so used. We are in a category all of our own. Neepland. Inhabited by neeps that have been left out in the fields too long and no longer use even for animal feed or as Hallowe’en lanterns. God, what a country. No country for old Scots…or young Scots…or middle-aged Scots.
Heads we win. Tails you lose kind of scenario.
Anyone who thinks Westminster will play with an unmarked deck needs their bloody head examined. That is why a Plan B was absolutely essential and not just from Martin Keatings.
We have let lambs defend us from hyenas.
Ottomanboi, actually I would like many many more doctors opinions on it, not doctors chosen by governments, as we can see from numerous blogs, governments and their chosen ones cannot be trusted, and all the best contracts go to buddies or families.
And that happens all over the world, if I remember correctly it was doctor fauchi that wrote a paper on the dangers of wearing masks in his younger day,
Yep I would like a forum of doctors openly connected to the public to give all their views and discussions. Not by a selected few whom are on the payroll of governments. Think nightingale hospitals and ppe contracts
That is like believing in one MSM propaganda with no other views, whoops we did have that scenario for a quite a while.
Can’t wait to read Blair’s words of wisdom.
I wonder if there is any truth in the rumour that he has engaged McTernan as a clairvoyant.
anyone know a scot who admits to voting no in 2014
Robertknight 5.50
Sorry to contradict you Robert but about 1m Scots voted to Leave in the EU referendum. Had they voted Remain, then, for instance, the 65% Remain vote here in South Oxfordshire, and elsewhere, would have won.
It was Scottish Remainers that won the day for the Leave vote.
cadogan Enright says:
30 December, 2020 at 5:57 pm
“I’d say that NS’s decision to let Brexit play itself out before Indyref 2 is looking increasingly prescient.”
Lost European citizenship, years away from independence, and years to rejoin the EU.
Tactical genius.
…. it’s a constitutional outrage that the votes of a few Scottish voters determined that the whole of the U.K. has left the EU!
Robert Graham says: at 6:32 pm
“anyone know a scot who admits to voting no in 2014”
Aye, plenty, and over years of highlighting the errors of their previous decisions, many would now choose Scottish Indy*.
* If we are ever to take that option whilst we still have a pulse that is…
#LedByDonkeys made an impact down south. We should have #LedBySheepSelfIDingAsWolves 🙁
-Cadogan Enright-
I **almost** see what you’re saying. But the opposite is not just possible but probable: most people outside the political bubble are just relieved that a deal has been done, and those who are still going on about it look like obsessives. As well as looking like numpties because they could have avoided such a hard Brexit if they’d not been such a bunch of useless prima donnas.
It’s not fair but most people don’t think about politics in the way Wings readers do.
In my opinion, even if Sturgeon has been crack-handed in her “response” to Brexit, it would be wise of her to stage a walk out of Westminster to register Scotland’s disapproval of what is being done, and then move on. So she probably won’t do that, as wisdom isn’t her forte!
Davie Oga says: at 6:46 pm
“Lost European citizenship, years away from independence, and years to rejoin the EU.”
Worth pointing out the “Scotland won’t be taken out of the EU against its will” blusterings, and the material change of circumstances wording of “Scotland being* taken out of the EU against its will”.
* “being” denotes in the process of, rather than waiting for having been.
So, as we are now out with no backstop in place such as NI has, then any new future deal we’d have as an EU member would be different from what we previously had as being part of the UK arrangement.
So years more heavy duty political campaigning is now required on an already worn out electorate from a now similarly tired and now divided activist base.
As you say “tactical genius” indeed…
2021, the year of Angela Merkel’s rude awakening?
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Who else in for a rude awakening?
Querdenker ie Lateral Thinkers…good name for opposition to Mrs Murrell’s lot.
Evidently, British unionist party ‘assertions/pledges/promises/vows’…
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I remember these days well. Back when the SNP was a cause and not a career.
Glen “liar” campbell will be right on this….
We were lied to and betrayed. No one in the MSM reported it then, and no one in the MSM will report it now. Our media betrayed us more than the yoon politicians.
Can’t wait for “Truth, reconciliation and REPARATIONS” post indy.
Funnily enough blair macdougal and barroso were discarded as soon as they lost their usefulness. (Allegedly barroso was promised a big job at NATO to lie to the people of Scotland).
Imperial masters always gotta imperial master.
“Can we have an expert opinion on that?”
Yes, no problem. I’m excited to reveal the titanic leaps we have taken with technology in this area. If people were better off and more intelligent, they’d be less inclined to criticise “big pharma” and the incubational role of the free market itself in key areas like this.
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Dave Beveridge says:
30 December, 2020 at 7:27 pm
I remember these days well. Back when the SNP was a cause and not a career.
Exactly Dave, spot on.
Sensibledave says:
30 December, 2020 at 6:48 pm
…. it’s a constitutional outrage that all Scottish Sovereign votes
are ignored and irrelevant to how their nation is run.
Just like the bastards in Tory Westminster said
We want complete control of our country back.
We don’t want foreign nations interfering and not
Being part of a Union is the better option.
At last one solitary thing I’ve agreed with the Tories
and it only took 50 years.
Go haunt yourself senseless Dave!
“Not until the terms of brexit are known”
They are now known.
It’s basically impossible to distinguish in meaningful terms between someone that openly promotes violence and harmful behaviour on one hand and someone who opposes vaccines, or creates conspiracy theories around the efficacy of vaccines, on the other.
From a free speech standpoint it’s challenging. Of course, we should hope companies like Google and Facebook ban them to hell – and they can’t complain about that since these companies have freedom of expression rights too and can’t be forced to provide a platform for dangerous crackpots – but they’ll always find a way around those bans.
This is a subject area that we will all be forced to confront in the next few weeks.
@Sensibledave 6:48pm
‘…. it’s a constitutional outrage that the votes of a few Scottish voters determined that the whole of the U.K. has left the EU!’
I agree. The Scots should be kicked out of the UK and left to fend for themselves!
@Hatuey says:
30 December, 2020 at 8:06 pm
“It’s basically impossible to distinguish in meaningful terms between someone that openly promotes violence and harmful behaviour on one hand and someone who opposes vaccines, or creates conspiracy theories around the efficacy of vaccines, on the other.”
I agree. Both kinds are fuckwits.
Someone pointed out the other day on Twitter that the people who complain about having to wear a mask, are the same ones who wrap a scarf around their face when it is cold.
Here’s a wee oblique outcome for Les Anglaise for their “Taking back Control” coming down the line at them.
Energy transfers from thae furriners tied to EU fishing access in Brit waters. Hopefully, we will be in on the European side.
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Dastardly furriners. Whit can ye dae, ehh.
@ Kenny J
Aye, not quite Total Control then…
Soz for posting these energy links so regularly, but power is one of the basic fundamental resources a society needs to function, and GB Grid pretty much consistently imports leccy from mainland Europe. Often around 10%, but for some reason the Dutch connector hasn’t been supplying for a good while now, but used to mirror the amount from NEMO (Belgium).
(Scroll to right for Euro connections)
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Scotland is also a net exporter of leccy, and when windy we can be exporting more to England than we are actually using ourselves. It’s 2GW being exported at the moment which is still approx. 5% of GB Grid supply.
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England may be going back to the dark ages.
” Dan says:
30 December, 2020 at 9:11 pm
@ Kenny J
Aye, not quite Total Control then…
Soz for posting these energy links so regularly, but power is one of the basic fundamental resources a society needs to function, and GB Grid pretty much consistently imports leccy from mainland Europe. Often around 10%, but for some reason the Dutch connector hasn’t been supplying for a good while now, but used to mirror the amount from NEMO (Belgium).
(Scroll to right for Euro connections)
link to”
Aye, I’ve been watching the import figures for years. National grid used to have it in real time. On a set of dials, I think. What I’m surprised about is the figures from Ireland, as I remember it, NI was an importer from us.
Facebook are racist and sexist filth. Wouldn’t trust them as far as I could thrown them:
‘Posts containing comments about ‘whites’ and ‘men’ will be marked as ‘low sensitivity’
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Well, NI got what they wanted to remain within the Common Market, Wales and England both got what they voted for, out of the EU. Scotland however got shafted, and Sturgeon did absolutely nothing about it.
Scots and Scots businesses are worse off now than when we were in the EU, the Tories lied constantly on the benefits of leaving the EU, for Scotland there’s no benefit to leaving the EU.
Sturgeon has had four years since the 2016 Brexit vote to plan out an indyref referendum and protect Scottish interests, she did nothing, and now we’re paying the price for it.
Sorry, but you must have me confused with someone who gives a sh!te about South Oxford.
Try not confuse a County with a Country, former Independent Sovereign State and co-signatory to the incorporating union which created the Kingdom of Great Britain – shows a breathtaking level of ignorance.
Cadogan Enright @5:57
Cut’n’paste from the previous thread aside, you still makes no sense. They shouldn’t have been there, period!
-Cadogan Enright-
I’d have to agree with other posters that outside political cardigans who frequent political blogs, nobody is going to care and just shrug their shoulders at the loss of living standards by accepting it as taking back control which they read in the newspapers and listen to on the news.
I guess though that what sink in despite what the SNP huffs and puffs about not being taken out of Europe against our will.
Ebygum , innocent days indeed. Ain’t seen fatty for a while.
All the very best to you and yours for 2021, Rev.
Re energy being used as a lever for negotiating access to fishing rights.
Hmmm. That will potentially work in our favour cometh the hour. If it ever comes.
This is precisely why after voting Yes in 2014 I would not vote the same way in any future independence referendum that the SNP has touched.
In 2014 voting Yes meant leaving the EU. Full stop. It wasn’t a big deal then. No one seemed to care there was no deal, no withdrawal agreement or any option to rejoin any EU treaty. It was very likely EU citizens would have to leave Scotland in September 2016. Yet here we are, crying crocodile tears over leaving the EU. What a bunch of hypocrites.
It seems to have been overlooked that if Indyref2 ever happens and returns a Yes vote, a return to the EU would mean trading with rUK under the FTA just agreed in Brussels! The deal the SNP wouldn’t vote for it was so bad apparently that would impact 62% of our exports and leaving the Common Travel Area. It’s a total joke of convoluted contradiction and self delusion.
The past 4 years have made independence completely unachievable. Bravo. Well done.