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Wings Over Scotland

Fine Time

Posted on November 21, 2015 by

By a margin of over three-to-one you voted for a fundraiser, so here it is:


1,142 of you voted in favour, so we’re expecting at least £1,142 😉

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The link went a bit weird,. Took me to Facebook and then gave me the option to follow the link!

Anyway, £657 by the time I’d chipped my badge in!

CameronB Brodie

Got a non-Fbook link?

Bugger (the Panda)

I don’t do Facebook

Ian Brotherhood

That’s it.

Took an hour.


link to

That didn’t take long


link to

Should do you for a linky, target already reached… well done guys and girls

John Sm.

101% funded in an hour 😮


Painless by PayPal.


Total now at £1,054! Well done all…..


You’ll be getting well fat and spotty with all they sweeties.

Hope the separats are well.


Contribution made.

Least we can do Stu.

You are a shit siever par exellence. (I mean that as a compliment. :D) You take all the brown stuff thrown our way and process it into gems we then throw back at the shit producers.

p.s. Thanks for the link guys.



Interesting about Louise Mensch. I would have thought you needed to be resident in UK for a set period of time to stay on electoral roll and donate to political party. Even though you’re still UK citizen.


Tory Gov making a noise over increasing State Pension. Ahead of IndyRef2 and HR16, SG must cover this move by the Unionists – and make a noise about it; lots of pensioners are hard of hearing seemingly.


Given the generosity of Wings readers, I’m disappointed that the fundraiser for How the BBC Stole the Referendum: the Documentary didn’t reach its target. I hope it still gets made.

Chic McGregor


Yep, despite a last minute late night spurt from Wingers which added about 10% of target, they still only got to about 75%.

Are there rules preventing a follow up crowdfunder for the same project I wonder?

call me dave

As Ed China (wheeler dealers) would say ‘Job Done’!
Bubblegum for the brain but interesting nevertheless!

Aye the gift to the pensioners, I put a link up early hours, is basically an election wheeze. I’ll take it anyway but it’s still
SNP x 2 for me.



I wouldn’t have thought so. If they begin the documentary there shouldn’t be any reason why they can’t do a phase 2 to cover say editing and marketing or something.


[…] Fine Time […]


Thats a wee contribution. Do not drink the excess all at once. You’ll get pickled.

Scot Finlayson

`sweets and fizzy pop` you must have really enjoyed your time at the dentist.


nae running of to a sunny beach now Rev or the electoral fascists will spend a fortune trying to get back their 750 quid,but then cant be arsed to spend some time on taking on a clear breach of purdah by BT.

We need our own electoral commission this UK one is in someones back pocket and is as corrupt as the rest of the team GB establishment, disguised under the veil of an independent body,aye right!


The Rev has a bank a/c no. Money can just be transferred at the counter. Sorting code – account no


Aye Mensch is chancing it. Non Dom status. Wonder what her tax arrangements are. Is she claiming donation as a business expense, tax expense/charitable status or tax evaded. Or just a publicity stunt.


as for the other project How the BBC Stole the Referendum i really think they should change the name to” Media Stole” it might help with the crowdfund if the letters BBC are not in it,well i know myself if i see BBC the first thing that comes in my head is pish lies and more pish.

Subconsciously it could be putting folks off even reading into what its about because of the letters BBC.


cearc 12.14,
Sweeties? It’s bread and water he should be getting.Bread and water in the gulag.


Fiver is pretty good value, democracy wise

link to

In UKOK red and blue toryboy reality however-

Just this one hardcore Toryboy

“came to prominence in 2005 when he organised a “Napoleonic Ball” for the NSPCC in the Catherine Palace in St Petersburg featuring a performance by Elton John. The man who made his first fortune in the rag trade apparently spent £8m flying in 450 guests, including Bob Geldof and former US president Bill Clinton, by private jet for an event that raised £11m for charity.

He lives in Hampstead, north London, in a house that reportedly boasts a ballroom, cinema, dining room that seats 30, and a two-acre garden with a lake. But his high profile has made him the subject of scrutiny and controversy. As a non-dom he legitimately pays UK tax only on offshore income and capital gains if brought into the UK.”

He lives in Hampstead, north London, BUT As a non-dom he legitimately pays UK tax only on offshore income and capital gains if brought into the UK.

Another red tory legacy via maniacs and buffoons like Bomber Bliar, Flipper Darling, Crash Gordon, who told us all, vote NO for Devo-Max, a federal UK. First Minister Dugdale.

Nice to see that great arse UKOK Geldoff at the trough too.


Shame those of us who cant post cant contribute.


Without wishing to be a food fascist can Stu not spend all the excess on sweets and fizzy pop. We need him to carry on writing not go down with extreme diabetes.

Jack Murphy

MorvenM said at 12:20 pm:-
“Given the generosity of Wings readers, I’m disappointed that the fundraiser for How the BBC Stole the Referendum: the Documentary didn’t reach its target. I hope it still gets made.”

They raised 73% for the film-making. CrowdFunder closed on 11th November. Maybe they should try again 🙂

link to

Robert Peffers

@manandboy says: 21 November, 2015 at 12:19 pm:

“Tory Gov making a noise over increasing State Pension. Ahead of IndyRef2 and HR16, SG must cover this move by the Unionists – and make a noise about it; lots of pensioners are hard of hearing seemingly.”

Oh! Goody! I’ll be able to buy a cup of tea and a biscuit every week, when I go up to the village to collect my pension, now.

I’ll think of Osborne


Scottish taxpayers pay (UK) Gov pensions/benefits. The pro rata amount is less than the rest of the UK. People in Scotland died younger and pensioners in Scotland work longer. 9% in Scotland. 6% in the rest of the UK.

Pensioners in Scotland benefit from personal care helping them stay in their homes, rather than residential care. Prescriptions and sight tests, and higher pro rata health spending so they get better treatment. No Junior Doctors strikes or disruptions. Bus passes so they can get out and about, meaning they are less depressed or lonely.

Is the pension increase going to be for future pensioners? A PR stunt to distract from the Junior doctors strike and hospital disruption in England.

Cadogan Enright

Well, the point is well made via the number of people and the speed of the response.

£5 only – I would do rather more if I knew the surplus was going to Orkney 4 and hence to food banks

The could still be left with a large bill to pay


Contribution made.


Coughed up my £5. ????


???? = smiley thing 🙁

Wee Jonny

My donation came up as £5 but I thought I’d given more. Is a fevir the only ammount we can donate?


Forget fizzy pop – have a malt on me

john king

ye cannie even go tae the shoaps but ye miss aw the fun
dammit. 🙂
5hours and we’ve got more that the tank commander can get in two days and one of her contributers ante’d up a grand.


Come on Stu, that looks nothing like you.. 😀


OK, OK chipped in a fiver, majority rules. Gladly.


Thanks Rev Stu
Chipped in a fiver. Amazing how far the non payment of TV licence goes in supporting good causes, including How the BBC stole the referendum. Makes me feel all warm inside knowing my hard earned cash is going to good causes of my choice now rather than paying the BBC.

Helen Yates

I am having problems trying to contribute to this fundraiser, It tells me to put in a valid no I have tried £20, 20.00, could someone advise please


@ Helen Yates
Dont put in the £ sign just 20 & it should accept it. Don’t forget to click on perk if you want it


I’m happy to donate to Wings because the articles are a bloody good read, the cartoons are brilliant and the posts are very interesting and highly educational.

Simon Chadwick

Only 348 contributors so far though! I hope we see the full 1142 voters before the close!

David McDowell

Not sure why the BBC documentary makers didn’t keep their crowdfunder open for donations beyond the original closing date like the Orkney fundraisers did.

I’m sure they’d have hit their £20,000 target if they’d kept it going for another few weeks.

If the set up process includes the option to extend the duration of a fundraiser they should have taken it.

Robert Louis

I go out for the day, only to find out upon my return, that not only has the fundraiser happened, the target has been reached. I bet there’s no badges left either.

Typical appalling NATS behaviour. I blame Sturgeon.

P.S. fiver on way 🙂


Simon Chadwick says:
21 November, 2015 at 5:08 pm
Only 348 contributors so far though! I hope we see the full 1142 voters before the close!

Ruby replies

It’s not the best time of the year/month to run a fundraiser however it does seem to be going well. I’m a bit worried about megabucks being spent on sweets & ginger.

How about membership of upmarket spa offering all kinds of pampering ie massage, facials, oriental head massage, pedicures, sauna, steam room, mud baths, jacuzzi, flotarium etc etc?

That sounds so much better than a years supply of Liquorice Allsorts, Jelly Babies, Wine Gums & Gob stoppers.


Robert Louis

Perhaps if you are not lucky enough to get a badge you might get a few packets of liquorice allsorts, jelly babies or smarties!

I wonder what £2k of sweets looks like?

link to


…. done, and you must have fixed whatever was broke because it took me only three mins to donate !!!

Sheryl Hepworth

£2921.00 @ 18.44

Lenny Hartley

Nearly 3k, I said I was wanting to donate a tenner but when I said I was wanting a badge it just took a fiver, never mind a good party to be had , enjoy, you deserve it.

Sheryl Hepworth


Simon Chadwick

“If the set up process includes the option to extend the duration of a fundraiser they should have taken it.”

They only let you extend the deadline if you pass it within the original time. i.e. meet your target = allowed to continue fundraising. Fail to meet your target = that’s it.


£3k reached at 8pm


A “Badge of Justice” sounds so World of Warcraft – just have to have one !

I’d have donated anyway of course 🙂


Oh bummer donated £10 early on today didn’t realise there was a perk too!

Hope you read this Rev and have pity on me 😉 weally weally, would like a badge of honour to pass on to my granweans. It could be worth a fortune on the antiques road show…it would have huge historic value …could be priceless!!


A snashters fund. Excellent.

Stu greetin’ fur a wee bawbee tae buy some candy.

Bring it on, Red/Blue tory presspack bams. Dae yer worst.

To the tune of ‘I am H. A. P.P.Y’:~

We’re not reading now.
Oh, we’re not reading now.
We know we’re not.
We’re sure we’re not.
We’re not reading now.


I see the fund has now hit £3127. WoW. It’s WELL over target now. Hope Stu doesn’t take offence but I’ve decided to give my contribution to the local food bank instead … with love from Wings.


If there’s something left over from my fiver could you please send a gobstopper each to wee Willie Wonky, the tank straddler and Kezia somebody or other?


Added a fiver for fun. I know it winds the unionists up 😀


Didn’t take an hour …but sheesh …what a kerfuddle with Facebook, PayPal and what!

But …it’s done …and the pot grows!


Put a tenner in,sorry its not much, being a student at 60 is a bitch….lol.

ronnie anderson

Finally got round to chipping in,every which way we can Wings gets on their tits, keep it going People.

ronnie anderson

@ Rev an ah want a badge, you set the donation limit for perk to low £5,ah could,nt be bothered keeping donating £5,times money Rev an ah hivnae got the time lol.


Or 114 folk donating a tenner.
Which is what I did……
We appear to have stumbled over the finishing line with Three Grand.
Great idea.

Roseanne stuart

That’s my donation of a few £s .????

Barbara Watson

I work in the same building as the Electoral Commission, perhaps I could have the pleasure of delivering the fine in £1 coins :o)


My vote is to send the surplus to Orkney 4. Simply cannot have the valiant 4 put at risk financially.

Better still, a dedicated Wings Orkney 4 crowdfunder to stick it right up the nostrils of Carmichael and his pals.

David McDowell

“a dedicated Wings Orkney 4 crowdfunder to stick it right up the nostrils of Carmichael and his pals.”

Brilliant idea.

David McDowell

“being late with some paperwork”

But not a peep out of the Electoral Commission about Cameron and Co driving a coach and horses through purdah before the referendum. Not a peep out of them about Davidson seeing postal ballots before they were counted.

What a joke.


just ploughed my way through episode 1 of the Mayfair Set. If you have lingering sentimental thoughts about your/Scotland’s place in the world of the UK Establishment, watch it. I wager you’ll redouble your efforts to campaign for independence.

Bill Hume

Even including Louise Mensch’s £1K ‘pledge’, we appear to have raised more in a day than Ruthie has managed in two.



Instead of spending it on sugary teats, get yourself a Gym membership 😈 and book a decent holiday.


Damn!! I really miss the edit function sometimes, I meant treats 😳


Hi Stu.,

Should we help poor old Tank Commander Ruthie out with her fine…

Alchemist Estates also gave £12,500 to Ruth Davidson when she ran for the leadership of the Scottish Tories in 2011.

Ruth Davidson was later fined £200 for failing to declare the cash on time.

Source: ttps://


Whilst on the topic of Ruth Davidson raising funds for her Holyrood election campaign, are there not some rules about overseas donations?

Anthony Hughes on Ruth Davidson’s Crowdfunder page…

23:46 20/Nov/2015 – Heartfelt best wishes from Nebraska, US. Carry on with your stellar work toward equality and justice in Edinburgh and throughout the country! xoxo.

Source: link to


Meanwhile on Ruth Davidson’s Crowdfunder she appears to be advertising Cash For Access


PLEDGE £100 OR MORE – To Ruth Davidson –

12 backers so far

Be entered in a draw for afternoon tea for two with Ruth (post election!) at Holyrood Palace. Estimated delivery: June 2016

Slippery slope Ruthie. Tea and crumpets one day, the next, you are getting roasted by the authorities, never mind your own Daily Torygraph for breaking the rules: link to

But hey, to paraphrase the mad professor in ‘Back To The Future’

Rules? Where we’re going we don’t need rules!

Way to go Ruthie.


I’m curious – are there still rules about running a raffle? Don’t you have to post a statement about the draw promoter?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Patrician.

Have you never enjoyed ‘sugary teats’?

They’re an exquisite aperitif!


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