The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Feeling yourself disintegrate

Posted on August 23, 2016 by

“CRISIS-HIT POLICE TO AXE 300 OFFICERS”, blares the front-page lead of today’s Scottish Daily Mail. (Along with some exciting Prince Harry not-news.)


“SECRET cuts to police numbers will see hundreds of officers axed as the single force faces a deepening cash crisis. The Mail can reveal controversial proposals to reduce frontline manpower – while violent and sex crimes are increasing”, it continues.

So let’s see what this worrying-sounding story actually DOES reveal.

(As an aside before we begin, we should note that while there have indeed been small rises in violent or sexual crimes – 5.2% and 6.2% respectively – they’re dwarfed by the corresponding increases in England and Wales, where violent crime is up 27% and sexual crime up an alarming 36%.)

The third paragraph of the article is where the backtracking begins:

“There are now growing fears that bobbies will disappear from the beat as up to 300 are made redundant amid swingeing budget cuts.”

Unsourced claims that there are “growing fears” of something are some distance short of conclusive proof that it’s going to happen. Can we firm that up a bit?

“Police Scotland faces a £21.1 million financial black hole this year and rank-and-file officers warn that cuts are hampering the fight against crime.

Officer numbers are at their lowest for nearly six years and there were fears last night that any further reduction will jeopardise public safety. The Scottish Police Federation, representing rank-and-file officers, said there was a ‘real likelihood the service could fail or fracture’.”

No, apparently we can’t. We’re still in the realms of vague, non-specific “fears” from unidentified people. (And that SPF quote, rather worryingly, is in fact about something completely different.) Let’s see what happens next.

“Last night, Scottish Tory justice spokesman Douglas Ross said the cuts ‘cannot come at the expense of protection on the front line’.

He added: ‘Because of the difficult few years that the single force has endured, people are going to be suspicious about this change. That’s why it’s crucial these changes are justified and explained.’”

Hang on a minute. What “cuts”? Does he mean the ones being forced because his own Tory government at Westminster charges Police Scotland around £25m a year in VAT, unlike any other police force in the UK? And which change does he mean? Is it one change (“this change”) or many changes (“these changes”)? Did we turn over two pages at once or something?

“For nearly a decade, the SNP’s proudest political boast was that it had recruited 1,000 extra officers in line with a 2007 election pledge. But police bosses said they needed more flexibility over manpower, enabling them to alter numbers if necessary, because of budget cuts. As a result, the party quietly abandoned its pledge over police numbers earlier this year.”

Right. So the change is that the Scottish Government will no longer FORCE the police to maintain set numbers of officers, in response to a request from the police to give it more flexibility. Seems reasonable. But no sign of any actual plan to cut 300 as yet.

“Chief Constable Phil Gormley has warned that in future crimes such as car theft and shoplifting will get less priority because of the rising threat of cyber-crime and online child pornography, which called for a new ‘Star Wars’ era of cyber-policing.”

Let’s just pause to ponder that last line for a second. Okay, carry on.

“Ministers are pushing for the projected cut in officer numbers not to exceed around 300. The plan is for personnel to be replaced by largely civilian staff skilled in fighting online crime.

A Scottish Government source said: ‘It is likely we’re looking at 200-300 fewer officers, but police will then recruit highly skilled people to investigate cyber-crime. There is a recognition within policing and government that the nature of the crime threat is evolving.’”

So an unidentified “source” has claimed that with crime standing at a four-decade low there MIGHT be a reduction in one type of officer, balanced by an increase in another kind of crime-fighting employee? From which the Mail has exaggerated a possibility into a certainty, taken the highest possible estimate of job losses, and completely disregarded the new positions and the changing face of crime? Sound about right?

“Earlier this month it emerged that the number of officers had fallen to the lowest level for nearly six years. Figures showed there were 17,242 officers in the second quarter of the year – the lowest since the final three months of 2010, when there were 17,217.”

Ah yes. We remember this catastrophic plunge in manpower:




A cut of 300, even if it were going to happen, would of course still leave the Scottish force 700 officers up over a period where the English, Welsh and Irish services have seen manpower cut by up to 20%. But IS it going to happen?

“A Scottish Police Authority spokesman said: ‘There is a growing recognition that the demands on policing are changing, and cyber-crime is one such area.

‘A programme of strategic work to assess how [the force] needs to adapt to the challenges ahead over the next ten years is under way. However, it would be wrong to put any numerical figures to that at this stage and we will be maintaining police officers at their historically high levels until that clearer vision and blueprint is in place.’”

(Our emphasis.)

Oh. So there are in fact ABSOLUTELY NO current proposals to “axe 300 officers” at all. The headline is a complete and utter lie.

Having dribbled away to nothing in under 600 words, the story limps to an end after just one more paragraph (supplemented by another 300 words in a thunderously empty editorial leader column on page 14).

This site has of course long advised readers to operate under the starting assumption that any political headline in a newspaper is a lie until proven otherwise. Such is the nature of modern journalism. (And in fairness past journalism, though the phenomenon has been greatly amplified by the nature of the ad-funded clickbait age.)

But all the same, rarely can a front-page splash have crashed and burned as quickly and comprehensively as this one. You might want to keep it on file as a reminder.

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And the sad reality is, there are still many people who take crap, misleading and out right lies in headlines at face value.


I’ve always said that there are only two thing in a newspaper that are true…The Date and the Price.


Christ !, what would we do without you Rev!.

Graeme Borthwick

Thanks, Rev, you seem to be the only voice we have. Keep going!


And they wonder why they don’t receive enough support or trust from the public?!?

They’ve also got the neck to go running to the government when their jobs are under threat and have a prediliction for throwing five star stroomphs on social meeja when folk tell them their talking bollocks.

I hear also that some scribe recently said that current levels of mistrust of the media could lead to an unhealthy paranoia. 😀

Jebus, they really don’t do self awareness.

Basically we have absolutely zero reason to trust the media and even less reason to give a shit when they say anything at all. They’re pretty much the architects of their own plunging popularity.


Excellent deconstruction of another fatuous piece of “journalism”. No wonder the loyal scribblers attack you. Shining too bright a light on their lies and propaganda.


Oh how I wish to see a printed press war, whereby the likes of The National would do what your doing, time without number.
Instead of this “reporters/press boys club” where the unspoken agreement seems to be that “one does not attack ones colleagues”,


It’s such a shame: Journalism has the potential to be one of the most noble professions, but in Scotland it’s the least.


‘Headline News’ – where the headline IS the ‘news’.


It’s now getting to the stage that I feel sorry for the poor out of touch people that imagine they are being served by the hopeless lying empire media. Their lying will stop as their audience slowly disappears.

Proud Cybernat

But, as you well know, Rev, most folks out there don’t get beyond the headline. And no doubt the colonial broadcaster will be all over this shocking revelation in its nightly SNP BAAAAD gandacast.

Willie John

blackhack says @ 12:44 pm

Even the price may not be correct – how many are now given away?

Scot Finlayson

Post Truth journalism,

the `core aim` of the Scottish/BBC media is to undermine and eventually destroy the power of Scottish Nationalism,

the`core aim` is more important than truth,balance,fact checking,quality,

the end justifies the means,

and these lies are protected by the abused term `freedom of speech`.


Vote for Jar Jar Binks – Chief Constable.


So there is a press regulatory body, one that recently replaced the Press Complaints Commission. Maybe just me but it seems that the new name is just PR. I’ll have a look at it and see what it actually does, or claims to do. I expect to see a sentence along the lines of – “any cases of proven mis-information or misleading headlines will be addressed by the publication of an apology somewhere on page eleven by the offending media.”

‘The Press Complaints Commission closed on 8 September 2014 and has been replaced by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). You can find full details of the new organisation, and how to complain, at

Independent Press Standards Organisation –
link to

Ken MacColl

The only time I ever read the Scottish (sic) Daily Mail is when I scan the headlines in the newsagents. From those it is not too difficult to demonstrate the utter banality of this rag and it obsessive SNP BAD stance. I am eternally grateful that the Rev reports back from time to time to show us what depths it plumbs.

Hugh Kirk

Do I need help? I’m still pondering; “a new ‘Star Wars’ era of cyber-policing.”….I’m just not getting it. Maybe it’s just too damn intellectual.


It isn’t any wonder, not to most of us anyway, with an open mind. That the financial side of delivering full services to the public may, to a degree, be exacerbated by the fact that the Scottish Police Service pays the chancellor in London millions of pounds in VAT each year. The only Police service in these Islands that dies so.
How the Chief Constable manages to provide the excellent service he, and his constables do, does deserves acclaim. The fact that this rag of a news paper, sees fit to cast aspersions upon his, and his management team, while they attempt to proactively seek ways, incorporating government agreement, to become prepaired for the type, and character of crime, that only experts can effectively deal with. Is an indictment upon the trash journalism, and those who attempt to, by scurrilous lying, deflect from professional policing standards.
Would it, that they felt the need to investigate whether wee Wullie’s party, the Lib Dums, have payed their £800,000 policing bill yet. Would better serve the public interest. Not to mention that it might just go some way to showing support for the boys in blue for a change.

Dan Huil

Britnat Daily mail Zinoviev Letter No.23,778 – and counting. Britnat newspapers continue to lie and deceive. Thank god for the internet.

Bob Mack

They are only holding the Government to account. (Ha ha ha ha ha). Well ,you can believe that if you want to, or if you’ve had a frontal labotomy .


For anyone who is interested, just got a call from Tescos regarding the changing of the Scottish flag to the union jack on the strawberries packaging, and they told me that it was just to introduce consistency across the UK so that the union flag would but displayed no matter where they came from, and that it had nothing to do with complaints from English people.

I asked was the tweet I had read misleading or incorrect, and he said it was incorrect.

Make of that what you will, for what it’s worth I think they are full of crap either way, and Tescos strawberries will never darken my doorstep again.


The Scottish Daily Mail is rightly condemned and ridiculed here for this article, but let’s not forget the supporting role played by Scottish Tory justice spokesman Douglas Ross who has allowed his name to be linked with this nonsense.

Another example of Tories responsibly holding the SNP Government to account – such quality!!

Robert Graham

A short piece on the records website re Tesco insisting scottish fruit growers remove the Saltire from their packaging and to replace it with the british flag this is to safeguard the sensibilities of their english buyers after a series of complaints .
Oh dear we are being assimilated or is that eradicated ?
i thought country of origin was was obligatory on food or does that not include us up here you know us the jocks just asking

call me dave

Excellent dissection and graphs too!

I was afraid to leave the hoose until I had it all explained.
Relief all round then…phew! 🙂

Caught the team GB hero’s return there on big Auntie tv FGS! OTT doesn’t cover it. Are you listening Scotland… 🙂

Big Brian is back to explain to us Scots not to worry about Sturgeons figures about Brexit, its all a diversion to cover up the GERS and low oil price news later this week.

(has he lost a few lbs) It’s been so long since we saw him.

Also in other news Scottish fruit bad and bagpipes too!

Ian Sanderson

The Ferret covers this story today as well…

link to

One_Scot: re Tesco labelling… They could of course have solved the problem by adding an English flag on their English-sourced soft fruit but that would have involved additional expenditure and, by the sounds of things in Tesco-land, that’s not readily available…


Hahaha, The Peoples Republic of China Daily crash n burns lol.


Police Scotland have to pay VAT under current government rules, the only force in the UK that has to do so.

The VAT arrears are what comes to the £21 million (£18 million the last I heard).

There is more to this story.

According to a source I consder reliable (a nice woman I am friendly with who works in Edinburgh Council’s VAT reclaims department) the SG were repeatedly warned that PS would face VAT charges if made into a single organisation separate from local authorities. Apparently they were advised by local authorities that there was a way for the new national force to bypass this rule, and that was to link the new force in some way to local authorities. Councils are entitled to get their VAT back, and she says Edinburgh reclaims between £5 and 6. million pounds a MONTH back from the Treasury for its VAT.

But the response of the SG was to say, ‘No thanks, this will not happen’. Exept it did.

So either the SG was lied to in its advice, or somebody has seriously boobed up.

But the unpaid VAT issue is where the pressure on police budgets is coming from. This whole story is ripe for a proper investigation from a competant journalist.

G H Graham

The Mail, like almost all the other printed news media in this country, is one of many neo-con comics which reflect the values & aspirations of the British Establishment in London.

Its jingoistic & institutionally racist output is designed to serve & protect a small, self serving, club of influential types, which you & I don’t belong to.

In fact, you & I are considered a threat. Consequently, this club will use any means at its disposal to undermine all political adventures that don’t look out for its own interests.

It’s an easy club to spot however, as it usually drapes itself in Union Jackery while it demonstrates extreme sycophancy towards …

a. the Royal family
b. anyone serving in the armed forces even if it is just to visit the mess hall once a week to satisfy a carpet cleaning contract
c. Cyclically, Bruce Forsyth, Stephen Fry & Helen Mirren

It also thinks that the world should be eternally grateful for the British Empire.


I love the way the Mail hammers its party line onto every event and story. The Pravda of the far right.

In England the huge cuts there have destroyed the trust between Government and Police and does the Mail berate Theresa May for this?

Tomorrow the Mail could, without a blush, declare that Scotland is a police state and that Police Scotland are the SNP Nannies determined to keep everyone in line.


@ Sunniva – I understood that the Police Service has always been separate from Local Authorities although they do liaise. Oversight was via local Police Boards.

During the reorganisation into Regions (1974) Police were organised into Regions: Grampian, Strathclyde etc. After Local Authorities were once again reorganised, this time into “unitary” authorities in 1996, Police remained organised in Regions. It was clearly more sensible.

It’s not clear to me why Police Scotland should be charged VAT when Regional Policing isn’t.

Isn’t it more likely to be Westminster causing problems and scooping up yet more revenue from its Scotland colony? I can’t see any other reason why Police Scotland should pay VAT and other forces don’t.

Alex Clark


“unhealthy paranoia” Now you’ve made me feel ill. Gonnie no dae that.

Jack Collatin

In the fond hope that this Dead Tree Scroll targets me as a vile cybernat , and hounds my neighbours to get the dirty on me, and splashes a lurid photograph of me across their ‘Scottish’ (no, don’t laugh) edition lurking behind the curtains chez nous, I would not insult my ass by using this rag as toilet paper.
The WM/SE/ Holy London Empire has morphed into the Fourth Reich, and this propaganda junk will continue unabated until the Press Watchdogs step in, which of course , they won’t
Nothing like terrifying frail old Scottish Pensioners that it is not safe to walk the streets, and frightening them into voting No Next Time, and putting their faith in Medusa May, Bo Pig Head Johnson, Sly the Fox, and the Other One,Davis.
It doesn’t say who clacked out this pernicious tissue of lies.
Mercenary hack.
What a load of pointless junk.
BTW my left side is my best side, snapper.


I got as far as Scottish Daily Mail (first sentence line two 😉 ) and I knew the *ahem* article was about to be blown to smithereens. 🙂

Well done sir!



Up to 300 Bobbies will disappear, BOBBIES, BOBBIES when has anyone in Scotland ever described a policeman as a Bobbie. Is the MET now policing Scotland, have wee got the Peelers coming round to huckle the peaky blinders.

Dan Huil


Bottom line: Westminster continually using any excuse to hamper SG.


Capella, I don’t understand why Police Scotland is liable for VAT, but the fact is that it is, and it is the only force in the UK to be liable. It is something to do with the complex rules about VAT.

My source says that local authorities throughout Scotland repeatedly warned the SG about the threat before Police Scotland was set up, but were pooh-paahed.

I also don’t understand if they are actually paying VAT, or if they are currently disputing it, and are just in arrears. Hence the lurid reports of being ‘£18 million in the red by 2018’. Journalists are so crap at explaining what exactly is going on.

My gut feeling is either that the SG have seriously boobed, or have been misled by the Treasury about the rules and remedies.

According to my source, there IS a remedy, but it involves linking Police Scotland’s budgets with local authorities, because they are exempt from VAT.

But she says that setting up PS was political on the part of the SNP, which makes me wonder many questions. Was it political? If so, why was it political? What did the SG fear if PS budget remained linked to local authorities?

The motivation seems to have been financial, according to one officer I spoke to at our local community council. Several UK forces serve populations larger than Scotland’s (though not with such a large territory). The theory was that the SG could save money and deploy it elsewhere.

It all arises from us not having control of our own resources, of course! Having to go cap in hand. But the single force over such a huge territory (30% of the land area of the UK) is a considerable challenge. We are dealing with territory, not just population. That said, crime IS low in thinly populated areas like the Highlands and Islands.


@Alex Clark

Just because we’re paranoid doesn’t mean… etc. 😀

I forget which journo came out with that one recently, but I did have a good laugh at it.

You have to think to yourself at that point… ‘Seriously mate? What f**king dimension have you been living in then?’

Of course folk are paranoid and mistrustful of the press. Two f**king minutes into reading Leveson’s summary, the past parliamentary term as a supporter of the YES movement, or a lifetime as a reasoning human being should pretty much do it.


One_Scot @ 13:34

Don’t hurt the Scottish farmers – take a sheet of self-adhesive Saltires into Tesco with you !

[…] Wings Over Scotland Feeling yourself disintegrate “CRISIS-HIT POLICE TO AXE 300 OFFICERS”, blares the front-page lead of today’s […]


As a community councillor, we get to hear a bit about this from the polis who attend our meetings. (I would urge Wingers to join their local community councils. Elections will be next month. One of the advantages is that you get regular meetings with community police).

According to the officers we hear from, they are finding the changes a challenge. More ‘custody suites’ (that’s cop shops, to you and me) are closing down, because the high heid yins reckon that the public is just as likely to email or phone to report funny goings on, so the need to keep cop shops open 24/7 in low crime areas is felt to be a waste of resources. Most people have mobile phones, many of them smart phones. A special number – 101 – has been established if you want to report a non-emergency. The capacity of ordinary folk to take pictures on their smart phones is obviously a new technology able to assist police.

There are also increasing numbers of security cameras which officers are monitoring, so the need to be physically on the beat is lesser.

But the thing they mainly complained about was that when Sir Stephen House was in charge (ex Metropolitan Police and Strathclyde Police) he applied Glasgow and Met style policing to areas of Scotland where that just wasn’t appropriate. Edinburgh for instance has less violent crime than Glasgow but far more housebreakings. House dissolved the housebreaking teams in Edinburgh with the result that break ins skyrocketed and the solvency rate halved. Polis were organised into teams to deal with violent assaults. Another complaint was that they would be put into teams with officers from other forces who were not familiar with the local scene. But I believe that it was quickly learned that this centralised approach was not working, and that a more localised policing was required.

We find though that the public is unsure where to turn, there have been so many changes. Morale amongst police is low, and older officers have been taking early retirement, hence numbers have dropped. Officers we deal with are often unaware of incidents that have happened locally recently, I think, because they were drafted in from somewhere else.


Dr No! says read this, day after day of Daily Heil style BBC Scotland monstering, it could be right. Logic dictates etc, although Sir Tom is a bit hazy too, this is a democracy run by and for tory billionaires.

Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks 7h7 hours ago
After 9 years in power…

Sir Tom Devine: SNP has 5 years before its popularity will begin to decline

link to

“I am still in favour, as the final option, in the independence option, but if you consider the situation at the moment, it is extremely dangerous. Unlike the press, worldwide, not simply in Scotia, I don’t think yet that [First Minister] Nicola Sturgeon has been tested.

Scot Finlayson


Northern Ireland which has a similar set up to Scotland with a single police force does not pay VAT,

i think the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are the only UK Fire and Rescue Service to pay VAT,

this anomaly by the UK Gov impacts on all Scottish citizens health,safety and security,

they would rather spend millions on sport (£4.5 million per medal) than help protect Scottish citizens.

Dan Huil


Why not make the local council office a “cop shop” where people can walk in and report a crime, which the council immediately passes on to the police, thereby allowing the council to claim more VAT refunds on behalf of the police?

Big Jock

link to

I thought it was my imagination. Apparently country of origin and the flag of said country are not the same.

Disgraceful from Tesco!


Will buy Scottish strawberries elsewhere, reducing Tesco profit. Win/win


On the upside, Brian McSpanner types spent ages whining about how they’re being successfully shut down. Aug 20 was 2.5 days ago, so its nice the twerps have started up again. All that intimidated and bullied keyboard pounding for UKOK planet toryboy too.

euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm Aug 20
when politicians succeed in shutting up awkward journalists, we all lose something my scotonsunday column: is mince at is only Tuesday:(

Dave McEwan Hill

My observation is that the circulation of the Mail (and the equally objectionable but infantile Express) is held up in this area by the significant immigrant English population and explains their voting patterns to quite a large extent. I stress I am not making any point about these people many of whom are very nice people indeed.

*That Palestinian crowdfunder is now at an unbelievable £110,000


Much of this “Single Force” manufactured furore is just parochial nonsense. Half of Scotland’s population was already covered by Strathclyde Police Force which also covered much of the Highland’s. I don’t recall the sky falling & hitting anybody. Fife having its own force was Trumpton writ large.


@ Scot Finlayson – looks like a scam to fleece the Scottish tax payer to me.
I don’t understand the supposed link with Local Authorities as suggested by Sunniva above. The Police Service was under the authority of the Home Office until 2015 in Scotland, constables getting their warrant from HM – see wikipedia:
link to

In March 2015, following the transfer of police oversight powers to the Scottish Government, the Justice Secretary announced proposals to further unify policing in Scotland by merging the British Transport Police’s operations north of the border with Police Scotland. This proposal subsequently came in for significant criticism from both the rail industry and unions.

It would be for HMRC and the Treasury to decide whether to charge VAT as they clearly have done for all other police and Fire Services.

A competent journalist would have mentioned the reason for the shortfall in that article.

Bob Mack

Re McColm. He is right in a way. When politicians shut up an awkward journalist we do lose something .An idiot in Mr Daisleys case.


One_Scot @ 15:24

“Will buy Scottish strawberries elsewhere, reducing Tesco profit.

Even better idea!


Anyone know what flag Tesco’s use in N. Ireland?

Proud Cybernat


Does anyone get the feeling there is a determined Establishment drive to shove the Butcher’s Apron into our faces, that we are all to be Britified whether we like it or not, assimilated into loyal British subjects?

And they really think that such a strategy will work her – in – Scotland? I mean – REALLY?

Oh, how we laughed. Again.

“Roll up, roll up! Get your Brit-strawbs here…”

link to


The Daily Mail Scotchland.

Serious alternative to the National Inquirer !



Scottish strawberries are too wee, too poor, and too stupid.


Had a convo on twitter yesterday with a woman who said she had voted SNP but was now voting Labour because of Corbyn and her main reason was the ‘mess that is Police Scotland’

I sent her info re ’40 year low in crime and 1000 more officers’

She replied that people she knew ‘felt’less safe and Police she spoke to ‘were disillusioned’.

No evidence to back any of it up and she seemed genuine, but who knows.

I suggested this was because of MSM but she claimed not to believe them


Bob Mack says:
23 August, 2016 at 3:34 pm
Re McColm. He is right in a way. When politicians shut up an awkward journalist we do lose something .An idiot in Mr Daisleys case.

Which politician “shut up” an awkward journalist though? One of them they were raging about, said it was a bit UKOK mental to not have toryboy hackdom get given a taste of their good old toryboy stuff, well something like that.

If UKOK toryboy hackdom can go berserk at anyone they like, especially in a tax funded BBC studio, does that give them some kind of planet toryboy immunity from getting put straight?
No. But who knew Euan McSpannner types was a poor wee things.


Silverspoon takes trolling to another level.

link to

Bugger (le Panda)

Don’t go down to the woods

Be careful Stuart Campbell

First 30 secs is enough

link to

Robert Louis

Is it not the case that the police in Scotland are forced by Westminster to pay VAT, but those in England Wales and N.Ireland are not?

In addition, is it not still the case that the Liberal lying democrats still owe police Scotland a very large sum of money for services rendered many years ago?


OT State of Brexit summed up perfectly by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp on Business for Scotland …

“The Westminster Government is trying convince the Little Britain separatists that immigration will be curbed, while simultaneously promising big business that a deal will be done to maintain EU single market access. They are lying to one of them and chaos will engulf either our politics or our economy when we find out which.”


Liz, Sir Stephen House disbanded the housebreaking task force in Edinburgh shortly after the reorganisation, with the result that housebreakings increased and convictions declined.

He favoured Glasgow style policing, which was geared to violent crime, not break ins. However, he has gone now and I believe that they have re-established the house breakin teams.

Maybe one reason why this lady feels less safe?

Also, there was that dreadful incident near Stirling about a year ago, with the young couple who were involved in a traffic accident who were not discovered for 72 hours by police, although the accident was reported by a member of the public within hours of it happening. This was all due to difficulties with the reorganisation.

How exactly is voting Cornyn going to assist though? Labour will not be able to form a government until 2035.


gordoz says:

“The Daily Mail Scotchland.

Serious alternative to the National Inquirer ! ”

Indeed. A subtle difference though. You have to be really stupid to believe the Inquirer, while you only have to be moderately stupid to believe the Mail.

Robert Louis

I see some people suggesting that things like flags on produce are not important. I disagree. In the Tesco instance, it is utterly out of order. What on earth is wrong with putting the Scotland flag on Scottish produce??

I simply do not ‘buy’ into this rather strange story that people in England allegedly complained.

It is just yet another piece of political interference.

These things sound trivial, but when they keep happening, it eventually has an effect. If TESCO are not prepared to put the saltire on our produce, then I ain’t shopping at Tesco. Geez, it’s not a freaking swastika, for heaven’s sake.



Paranoia is where you think they are after you and they are not!!

There is part of me thinks the Scottish Government should stop trying to protect people from Westminster decision. They should possibly implement Westminster cuts and add some icing and reinforce – well you voted for London rule


Police in Scotland cannot be “connected” to local or central government as it is a fundamental tenet of our constitution that the police are only answerable to the law. Elsewhere in the UK the police serve and take an oath to serve The Sovereign (the Queen)

It would have been a simple matter of secondary legislation to exclude Police Scotland from VAT as were the previous regional forces but the have to play silly buggers to annoy the SNP and of course we the bloody taxpayers of Scotland. Labour is not the only Party with blind hatred of the most popular party in Scotland. Should we respect this Unionist stupidity?

Big Jock

Robert – Absolutely. My wife works for Tesco and she was baffled as well. We like to buy Scottish produce as it helps the Scottish economy. Would Spanish tangerines have a union J on them? The answer is the country of origin would be stated but no flag. So if we are going down that road just state the country of origin as Scotland and leave the flag altogether. But to put the wrong flag just makes no sense other than political interference from someone high up in Tesco with an agenda.


The national police service in Northern Ireland does not have to pay VAT.

I guess the treasury has been told to play silly bu..ers

Bet they told the SG each authority needs to consider how the rules apply (but it should be OK)then when they go ahead they start saying oh VAT is applicable

we are sheep to be farmed and shoren

Iain More

The plain fact is that the News agents in Moray at least are stocking the Daily Mail, Express and the Times etc to meet the requirements essentially of the Naw voting white settlers.

The same people who have ahem Private Health Insurance and then complain about the Scottish NHS. I ran across one of those specimens in the GP Surgery today. All he did was moan and whinge about some or other that he didn’t like. Police included in that anti Scottish tirade and anti SNP tirade. He then had a pontificate about how he had Private Health Insurance. He also had to everybody that that his brother lived on some Estate darn sowf that had ahem Private Security.

He was also wielding a copy of the Daily Mail

I was astonished to get a round of applause from others in the surgery English included in that when I couldn’t resist having a dig “If you hate the place that much what the eff are you doing here? You know where the border is!”

He was still glowering at me half an hour later but it did shut him up. I am not taking prisoners anymore.


Another excellent forensic analysis Rev, thank you!

May i also request that you focus your energies on such articles in the run-up to the council elections next year and less time on the twattesphere tremblings of Unionist incompetents.

Talking of which, you’re a crafty beggar Rev, slipping that porno-graph-y into the article for your old pal KEV (Keep England Virile).

We need all the top class ammo we can get for the council votes and they don’t come any better than this article. Cheers again!

We want more! We want more! We want more! We want more!


@ Big Jock

Would Spanish tangerines have a union J on them?

I’ve just checked a pack of Portuguese greengages from Tesco – they are flag-free.


The Absent-Minded-Scoopers.

Duke’s son,cook’s son,at the home of the millionaire
Doing the empires work,we must have something to spare.

I heard they wrote some good lines,too wee,too stupid,too poor
Killing them softly with these words.

Telling their whole life with these words
Killing them softly with these words.

So come all ye at home wae freedom…nae mair,nae mair….


You said

Also, there was that dreadful incident near Stirling about a year ago, with the young couple who were involved in a traffic accident who were not discovered for 72 hours by police, although the accident was reported by a member of the public within hours of it happening.

101 calls reporting abandoned cars are not investigated.

Proud Cybernat

“If you hate the place that much what the eff are you doing here? You know where the border is!”

“Oh but here in Scotchland I get free public transport, free medical prescriptions, free elderly care and I can afford a much superior house with lots of grounds than I could ever afford darn sowf. But that damned SNP – they are just so jolly bad. Hrrrmmph!”


Does he mean the ones being forced because his own Tory government at Westminster charges Police Scotland around £25m a year in VAT, unlike any other police force in the UK?

This I did not know. That is absolutely shocking! How on earth has this been allowed to happen?

As to the Mail …well …what is there to be said? A gutter paper rag that makes a mockery of presenting itself as media representation that practically shouts from the rafters about how great Britain was; is; and will be in the future, while deriding anything that isn’t utterly right-wing; anti-EU; anti-foreigner; military-loving; tub-thumpingly British and gung-ho for the Royal Family!

If we ever gain independence …this is one paper-rag I would happily love to see dragged before a public committee and forced to explain itself before the Scottish nation. Have the owners and key journalists explain why they skewered the truth, openly lied and deceived a people. Hopefully, the result would be that the Mail will be kicked right out of Scotland and barred from ever entering the nation again.


Can someone explain to me why the Scottish Government is not making a LOT of noise about this … Making it clear to the people of Scotland that Police Scotland is the only force in the UK paying VAT … SG should hold a vote in Holyrood to demand this is dropped … see what the Blue & Red Tories do then. Do they dare NOT!

PS The SG should also be talking a LOT more about the Labour/Lib Dem PFI scheme …. don’t forget the Yellow Tories were part of the Holyrood coalition


Iain More@4.36.
Yes noticing it more in the Highlands, Yoons everywhere, normally wielding the proverbial walking stick, English accent and free prescriptions.
All they seem to do is bitch and moan about anything Scottish, I have to bite my lip everyday.
Sick and fed up with the ENGLISH continually calling Scots SCROUNGERS.
If they open their eyes they will see who the real scroungers are.
The Truth Hurts.
New Rules for voting in Indy Ref 2


heedtracker saysat 3:04 pm

Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks 7h7 hours ago
After 9 years in power…

Sir Tom Devine: SNP has 5 years before its popularity will begin to decline

link to

Labour has ten years before its popularity will begin to rise.



“Also, there was that dreadful incident near Stirling about a year ago, with the young couple who were involved in a traffic accident who were not discovered for 72 hours by police, although the accident was reported by a member of the public within hours of it happening.”

It was not reported as an accident, as in a 999 emergency call; but reported as an abandoned vehicle in a 101 nonemergency call.
Let us not do the NAE-Sayers work for them, and stick to the facts.?

Dan Huil

@Iain More 4:36pm

Wish I’d been there, Iain. It would’ve been worth being ill just to hear you say it.

And you’re right about those who buy the Daily Mail in Moray.

Good to see, however, the growing number of cars with the Saltire on the licence plate. What are those folk with GB below the EU stars on their cars going to do after England’s brexit?


Jimnarlene. Thanks for that clarification. I don’t recall ever reading it reported that the incident was reported as an abandoned car in any newspaper, including the National. Good to get the facts.


Rev, Well Done yet again!
You seem to be the only UK Journalist that is able to conduct any research or apply joined up thinking when
the propaganda channels go in to fantasy scaremongering mode.

I’m afraid that we have to have cloned before MI5 take you.
We have another option of supplying you with a fully stocked harem in order to ensure your genes are passed on to the next generation.

Crowd funder anyone? lol


Looks like JC’s the all new Alex Salmond for BBC r4 news gimps. JC lies about his seat in a train outrage, is their headline news tonight. And its hardly surprising a super rich twat on his own billionaire island what owns railways is on all over poor old JC too, and Project Feared Scots 2014. Funny that.

Richard Branson (@richardbranson)
August 23, 2016
Mr Corbyn & team walked past empty unreserved seats then filmed claim train was ‘ram-packed’

Dave McEwan Hill

Sunniva at 4.13

The car instance was nothing to do with the reorganisation but rather more to do with the fact that the call was not put through as an emergency and just as a car of the road. Normally in a case like that the insurance company and/or garage are there first and it only becomes a pressing police issue if neither appear.



You surely do not expect the press – even the national – to admit that they did not tell us the full facts.

By the way, according to the tabloids, the lawyer threatened to sue the police – not come to court so far.

If there was a case to answer you can be assured it would have been in court by now.

call me dave

Nicola Sturgeon says police force is not in crisis.

link to

Footie in a wee while:

link to

Flower of Scotland

Thanks again for all your hard work Rev. This is where I get my news, although I must admit to a wee bit Channel 4, RT, and Euronews.

Because of OTT Olympic Britnat coverage on all channels I decided to have a wee look at the BBC in Scotland at 6.30pm.

Wow! Speechless. It’s descended (if that’s at all possible) into the worst kind of anti Scottish propaganda that I’ve ever seen. Haven’t viewed it for over two years. Never will I watch it again.

mike cassidy

Saw that headline this afternoon. Applied the Wings principle! Job done!

But still good fun to see the Rev apply the Wings flamethrower to it.

Ian More 4.36

“He was still glowering at me half an hour later but it did shut him up”

He must have been enjoying his long wait to see the doctor – him having private health insurance and all.

call me dave

Nicola Sturgeon set to unveil ‘indyref2’ legislation

link to

ronnie anderson

For those attending the Glasgow Green Yes Demo there is a gate opposite Turnbull St to enter the green (greendykes rd). The event will now start at 2pm as there is a charity event on till 1 pm David McNeil asks everyone not to disrupt the runners , they are at the other side of the green (brigton side)

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

O/T again

matchthefineforpalestine crowdfunder now approaching £130,000 for its £15,000 initial target. Stunning

Flower of Scotland

@call me dave

Have you read the comments? Jeez, there’s some nasty Unionists out there!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi crazycat at 4:49 pm.

You typed,
“I’ve just checked a pack of Portuguese greengages from Tesco – they are flag-free.”

I developed a taste for Greengages on my school exchange trip to Würzburg in 1968. My penpal’s family had a clump of Greengage trees in their back garden. As I was there in July/August, we could just walk out and pick them from the trees. Wonderful!

Onnyhoo, they were an unknown fruit in the UK for years then, one year, around 20 years ago, Tesco in Dundee had them. BRILLIANT! But they’ve never had them since.

Where is your Tesco? I must present my local Tesco Metro with your evidence when I go in for my Thunderball tickets tomorrow teatime. I want Greengages! (I capitalise them because they are the royalty of fruits.)


Sinky says:
23 August, 2016 at 6:01 pm
heedtracker saysat 3:04 pm

It is in the Herald and they are as bad as the BBC when it comes to Scottish but Devine’s not pulling his UKOK punches, “I am still in favour, as the final option, in the independence option, but if you consider the situation at the moment, it is extremely dangerous”


“Unlike the press, worldwide, not simply in Scotia, I don’t think yet that [First Minister] Nicola Sturgeon has been tested.
“The big tests are still ahead, and they are awesome, and particularly the timing, if there is going to be one, of any new referendum for independence”

FM Sturgeon’s SNP leadership kept Scotland in the EU, there are only 1 yoonster party MP’s in Westminster from the whole of Scotland, its still SNP Holyrood despite relentless tory BBC led monstering of everything Scottish SNP. But Devine says the UK press are tested world wide, as their Scottish sales figures sink over the UKOK horizon.

And he doesn’t actually say what his awesome big tests for FM Sturgeon are either. But it is the Herald, stuffed with Euan McSpanners. Or just another day’s output from one of the world’s biggest liars.

CameronB Brodie

@Scottish Daily Mail
If I was to indicate my belief that “freedom is slavery”, can I get a job with you?

Consuming vegetables is good for you, resulting in positive system feed-backs.

Consuming sweeties is bad for you, resulting in negative system feed-backs.

Consuming the experiential joy of liberated Being is good for you, resulting in positive system feed-backs.

Consuming synthetic, de-humanising, oppressive, alien ideology is bad for you, resulting in negative system feed-backs.

Hope that helps you appreciate the nature of your cultural insensitivity. You’re welcome. 🙂


Watched STV and BBC ‘Scottish’ ‘news’ tonight for the first time in weeks. I was genuinely shocked at how much worse it has become. Now just outright propaganda. First STV leading with some manufactured attack on the SG over some charity for abuse survivors which has had its SG grant threatened for not providing ‘anonymised’ stats about its clients. The item was a masterclass in smearing. The Charity,in my opinion wrongly, encouraged clients to break their anonymity, to support their ‘case’…that of essentially providing stats that all charity are required to do to allow due diligence auditing of their budget and categories and outcomes of clients. It was said in passing that no data protection was being breached, but instead we got a faux sobbing Chief Exec. bravely defending the incomprehensible. Add in a reporter outside Holyrood stating that ‘no minister’ was available and summarising the situation incorrectly as an equable one of who to believe,completed the totally dishonest and slanted story.

On the other channel, NS was presenting the SG estimate of the cost of Brexit to the Scottish economy. Immediately doubt was cast on it and Ruth Davidson, now the official opposition apparently, was allowed the last word. Again, her inconsistent and frankly incoherent reposte was that as Scotland’s deficit will be shown tomorrow , by the GERS figures, to be deteriorating under the British Union, that we require to stay within its tender and loving, but apparently useless embrace. Seemingly having an Independence Referendum to enable us to remain in the EU and retain our tariff free trade with 500 million people, would be not sensible according to the ex voice over BBC presenter. This wonderful piece of political insight was followed by another subliminal moment, a jump cut back to Nicola Sturgeon saying ‘Thanks very much’ then in slow motion walking away from the podium….hints at a death march or a process being stopped in its tracks perhaps? The time is fast approaching for some serious action by the SG against these paid pimps otherwise I despair that we can overcome the tsunami of shite being hosed over our screens nightly.

call me dave

@Flower of Scotland

I do have a look at them through my fingers sometimes. 🙂

But only a few mind… just to see. It’s a good guide how much they fear an Independent Scotland able to run it’s own affairs.

mike cassidy

Its funny that the writer of the article backgrounds his twitter page with “Graham Grant Investigates” when he clearly couldn’t investigate the fluff in his bellybutton.

link to


‘I despair that we can overcome the tsunami of shite being hosed over our screens nightly.’

I don’t watch Yoon news full stop, but there will be plenty of people who do, and you’re bang on the money, that’s gonna be one hell of a problem to overcome.


@Sunniva, I accept your house breaking story.

The other one was different.

A passerby reporting an ‘abandoned vehicle’ to the non-emergency police number.

This should have been dealt with but mistakes were made.

CameronB Brodie

Would it be rude to suggest to your friend, that they are unlike to have the psychological skills and techniques needed to prevent propagandised, ideological dogma from entering their sub-consciousness?

Pimps of British nationalist ideology employ sophisticated techniques of colonial suppression that have been developed over centuries.

Your friend would be better ignoring the BUM.


Sevrin McSpanner strikes again,

link to

“Nicola Sturgeon is to appoint a Brexit minister to influence the terms of the UK’s exit from the European Union.
The move is a tacit admission that a quick second referendum on independence might not be politically possible.”

More that the whole of teamGB attack propaganda like his, is unbeatable. Such is UKOK democracy in the Scotland region and all keep England in control.


Supermarkets are under pressure from the German discounters but that flag makes a difference. Scotch Beef is an accepted premium brand & from beef breeds. England has a huge dairy herd due to milk demand, these cattle have to be eaten so slap a British brand on it & sell it cheaper. Scottish farmers should be fighting for their brands. Would Stornoway Black Pudding benefit from a UJ label.

King Shandy

Good to Ken yr a lips fan Rev


Great lie-busting Rev C.

The first graph says it all.

Keep on file? It should be on every SNP leaflet, along with other plain truths.

I know, I know..but it’s only money..

Bill McDermott

#Call me Dave

It is a long time since I have looked at the Scotsman. Thanks for the opportunity Call me Dave to have a gander at the posts. Incredibly negative stuff in the responses. I had forgotten just how bad they are. I just can’t fathom how these yoons can continue to hack it in Scotland, but I would confirm that I see a lot of people picking up their Daily Mail and they are nearly all in the retired category and from Down South. That is the situation in Inverness at any rate.



Also the Fire service in Scotland are forced to pay VAT by UK gov, uniquely as it is, no other fire service in their better together union pay this. The Scotgov tried to have this blatant discriminatory UKgov policy reversed, to no avail.

Regards healthcare, the britnats love to complain, but my god do they make the most of the health service in Scotland, as well as their bus passes etc. However, it is mainly Scottish folks that I know who complain. It’s not perfect, but our health service is top class to that in england.

Scot Finlayson


because our English neighbours dragged us out of the EU all our Scottish produce that had protected designation of origin or protected geographical indication or traditional specialities guaranteed,

like Stornoway black pudding,Arbroath smokies,Scottish salmon,Scottish whisky,Harris tweed,Orkney beef,Orkney lamb,Orkney cheddar,and others,

can now be produced anywhere in the world.


When a news source approaches the news with point of view of ignoring the facts and only reporting the type of news it wants, it has to manufacture the news it wants.

Might as well look for such sources in the fiction section.


Brian Doonthetoon says:

“Greengages … were an unknown fruit in the UK for years then”

I certainly don’t remember them in the shops.

However, my mother was a jam maker. End of summer for the coming winter. All sorts.

In the 60s we would take a trip along the Clyde Valley where orchards were everywhere. Lots of glass house, lots of fruit trees. We would buy big boxes of greengages, damsons, Victoria plums, gooseberries, and probably other fruits which escape my mind, I would be warned not to feast on all this fresh fruit!

Alas, virtually none of this exists 50 years later. Sad. 🙁


The underlying problem is perhaps that we, the independence minded, continue to conform to the UK Establishment rules of the game. Regulations if you prefer. No applauding at Westminster – until the Unionist MPs do it, as a trivial example.

Police Scotland paying Vat – do you really believe that there is no means to eliminate that requirement, by a UK Establishment that is presently squirming to find a post-Brexit deal to its advantage?

We are existing under a “because we say so” Establishment. An Establishment that has one, just one guiding principle – they must win.And what resistance do we offer? And that readers is the core issue we need to address.

The joy expressed by the media of Olympics Team GB fest to me indicated a fading power. Like Rab C Nesbit combing over his meagre hair, or an old lady rouged up. The departures from Twitter of some Yoon lackeys another indicator.

Do we want to win?


Scot Finlayson says:

“all our Scottish produce that had protected designation of origin …. can now be produced anywhere in the world.”

Yup. Another Union dividend. Thank you UKOK.

We have salvation in our hands. All we have to do is vote Yes in IndyRef2 and stay in the EU.

It’s Melton Mowbrey Pork Pies and such which won’t be protected any longer!



Also the Fire service in Scotland are forced to pay VAT by UK gov, uniquely as it is, no other fire service in their better together union pay this. The Scotgov tried to have this blatant discriminatory UKgov policy reversed, to no avail.

I never knew any of this! Honestly, I’m stunned! Right now, I’m a mixture of anger, bewilderment and shock.

Shock that this is only happening to Scotland …and we know why, because it’s trying to break the SNP into raising taxes (which of course, both media and Unionist parties would leap upon).

Bewilderment that this is not genuinely and publicly known about.

Anger that the media in Scotland should be howling from the rafters at this injustice, but instead, daily attack the Scottish Government over police numbers and asking how they intend to pay for services.

Should the day come to pass …I hope the people within our nation that knew about this and also implemented it along with a whole host of other factors designed to keep the Scottish nation tied to Westminster are publicly scourged.

Honestly …I’m stunned at this. Just the sheer deviousness of it all. My jaw is on the floor. But thanks …it’s good information to know. Cheers again!!


Do we want to win?

Win what though? Scottish independence is coming at various stages and varying speeds. Its going to be nuanced and have a lot of grey areas, or just like now.

England just does not want to give up control of Scotland for a whole range of powerful nationalist, geographic and economic reasons but they are, slowly but surely. Chances are the union jack will fly over Scotland for a while yet but what it actually flies over comes down to a lot of differing British stuff, in Scotland.

Its British stuff that wont just go away either. Look at the British press and the BBC. Or just ask the tory MP that thinks the British Empire won lots of medals Rio 2016, not Rio 1916.


nil carborundum illegitimi


Sunniva says:
23 August, 2016 at 6:11 pm

Jimnarlene. Thanks for that clarification. I don’t recall ever reading it reported that the incident was reported as an abandoned car in any newspaper, including the National. Good to get the facts.

The National made a point of the fact that it was reported to the 101 non emergency number afaik. I get the e version as I live in Germany and I have saved them all. Does anybody know what day roughly this happened so I can check for certain?

Lenny Hartley

JLT re the VAT it was known before the creation of the single police force that vat would have to be paid, I’m surprised you didn’t know it gas been commented at length on this forum. The yoon excuse is because it’s a “National” force, funny how the single police service in NI don’t pay vat.


Wings is the only effective outlet countering the poisonous Unionist MSM but it is limited in its reach to the general public. Its clear that the torrent of anti SNP lies and distortions will continue and there is nothing we can do to stop it as we do not have control of any newspapers, radio or tv stations.
But we do have people or should have. 1.6 million people voted for independence yet turnouts at Pacific Quay and independence rallies yield crowds of between 2.000 to 10,000, not even 1% of the Yes vote. Why is that? Is it apathy, laziness, or a lack of real commitment, it baffles me.
But I do know this, if these rallies attracted passionate crowds of traffic stopping numbers of 50,000 or 100,0000 with billboards advertising the lies that are printed in the UK media I believe it would have an effect in countering State propaganda in the face of such large numbers of protesters because at the end of the day it must be bordering on a human rights issue.
OTT? Maybe, but I believe in people power and I see no other way in countering the MSM lies other than MASS demonstrations.
If the people truly want independence, they will come out, if they don`t they won`t.

Flower of Scotland

Hey Ronnie,will there be a Wings stall at Glasgow Green on Sept 18th?

I’m hoping to introduce some friends to other Wingers.


If you need a break,the legend of Barney Thompson is on Netflix….

My amateur rating is 3/5,maybe GB will advise/rate properly ?

Dr Jim

The Yoons might do well to remember in the next referendum they won’t be able to scare the Polish people or any other of our new Scots into voting NO again by the throwing them out of the country threat like last time, so they need’nt bother shoving their wee leaflets through those doors again

Because of the anti Muslim and anti foreigner attitude in England since Brexit that particular voting community will turn out a massive YES as well

Bitter Together shouldn’t be counting on the pensioner NO vote this time either, too many of them too fed up with the same crap and more and more have stopped falling for it and their NO vote count will slump due to apathy, they won’t vote for us but they won’t vote against this time

Can anybody imagine any new Scots from anywhere overseas voting NO, I can’t

All they’re going to be left with are the hardline sectarianists and bigots for Davidson and her Queens MSPs to whip up
The media is going to be the only big weapon Bitter Together has

If I were a betting man I’d put money on it if I had any, as I don’t, I’ll put my house on a good 60%+ win for YES

See, how’s that for positivity

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi McDuff.

They managed to get the peeps out in Catalonia, iye?

Why are a lot of Scots so apathetic?

link to


@Lenny Hartley

Just not been here as often, Lenny. Was busy with OU studies and I’ve been involved in a project for a mate. It’s only now after about 2 months that I’m getting back into Wings.

I can see I’ve missed some eye-opening topics!


@ Brian Doonthetoon

RE: greengages

Sorry for the delay – I was out. I bought that particular pack in Edinburgh (Colinton Mains Drive), but I’ve previously acquired them in Ayr and Kilmarnock – I don’t manage to catch their supply every year.

They are my favourite plum (apart from damsons) so I bought a tree a few years ago. Unfortunately it developed a leaf rust and died. I intend to replace it when I can find a better supplier, after seeing plants in the garden centre with the same rust when I first investigated getting another. Whether I shall ever get fruit from any of my trees is another matter.

CameronB Brodie

@Sevrin McSpanner
How’s your study of semiotics progressing? You should be near ready to give an enlightened opinion on the rash of UJs we are bless with in our British cultural experience of being Scottish, here in your Scottish region of north Britain not England (honest). Would you say that it’s a sign of the times? Get it….GET IT?

Andrew McLean

Dr Jim
Posted the best point! Who the fuckng hell in Scotland wanted to be little englander, even Winston Churchill couldn’t stand those wankers!


On VAT and policing in Scotland, in a debate in the Commons late last year when this issue was was raised by the SNP, a Tory minister referred to it as ‘whingeing’!

Source: House of Commons Hansard (4 November 2015: Volume 601) – debate on policing

From Tommy Sheppard (Edinburgh East) (SNP)

“Today’s motion refers to Scotland, where we have 1,027 more serving police officers on the street than we had in 2007. Does the right hon. Gentleman agree, however, that it is iniquitous and unfair that Police Scotland should be the only force in the United Kingdom to be required to pay VAT on its operations, taking £23 million out of operational expenditure?”

And later in the debate this from Mike Penning (Hemel Hempstead) (Conservative) , Minister for Policing, Crime and Criminal Justice

“In an intervention earlier on, I think the lead spokesman for the SNP mentioned the effect that VAT is having. [Interruption.] Well, whichever SNP Member it was because, to be fair, one of them did. There was a bit of whingeing—that is what it is called in my part of the world—about VAT.”

harry mcaye

Just googled this VAT stuff, I see that there was a petition launched to draw attention to this and it gathered 16 signatures!

link to


Dr Jim@10.34
The little Englander is moving north.(Jellied eels in Moray shortly)
A wee wind-up for the Britnat Limpic Yoons.
They only managed to finish 2nd in the medals because the majority of the Russian team were wrongly disqualified.
Yes some of the Russians were guilty I accept.
Remember Lance Armstrong?, had he been Russian he wouldn’t have won 1 Tour.
The Bear will be back for Tokyo.
Mon the Ruskies

Grouse Beater

JK Rowling:

It’s not a smear if it’s true.
If it’s true it’s a fact.
Disliking a fact doesn’t turn it into a smear.

Me in reply:
A fact is a smear if deliberately placed out of context to defame:
“Joe Bloggs was caught by police for stealing.”
(Aged 12)

Big Jock

I’m not prempting anything. However if the SG allow Brexit without an indi ref. It will be seen as a betrayal and running away from a battle.

They hold the power to make it happen as we elected them to represent us. If we end up going along with Brexit I leave the SNP.

ronnie anderson

@ Flower of Scotland You,v no been followin the program hiv ye, of coarse there,ll be a Wings stall at the Green. To many events on the 18th why dont some of you,s get together & put a Wings stall at those events.


When are the SNP going to hit back really hard at these sort of comments? Murdo Fraser on Scotland tonigh getting tore in about how awful independence will be. How about the SNP telling the country and explaining how much worse it will be to remain with the UK. Spell out in detail how in the years ahead our infrastructure will be so much better, give examples. Point out loudly how bad things are in the UK on a whole host of issues.

Get some detailed re-assurance out to soft no voters who might vote indy but are worried. Example: what will happen to personal savings with English based institutions after independence? How will it work with a currently unknown Scottish currency? What level of protection will be offered which is currently £75,000 in the UK and how can this be guaranteed?

This is only one of a myriad of such questions. If there are no detailed and satisfactory answers, there will not be independence as soft No’s will continue to be frightened.


@ Brian Doonthetoon says:
They managed to get the peeps out in Catalonia, iye?
Why are a lot of Scots so apathetic?

The Catalans have their own broadcasting companies.


Complain to RBS. Say you don’t want anything alcoholic. Later a box will arrive on your door step full of all sorts of union jackery.

Still Positive.

Dr. Jim @ 10.34

Agree with your comments except for the pensioners – all the ones I know vote, even if they don’t know what for!

I think the SG should promise to make Scottish pensions in an indy Scotland among the best in Europe instead of one of the worst under UK govt. Maybe this proposed Scottish Constitution could do the biz.


JK Rowling:

It’s not a smear if it’s true.
If it’s true it’s a fact.
Disliking a fact doesn’t turn it into a smear.

Me in reply:
A fact is a smear if deliberately placed out of context to defame:
“Joe Bloggs was caught by police for stealing.”
(Aged 12)

Why bother with the fuckwit GB? Look at the RT to just another torygraph smear on SNP tuition fees policy. All the usual JK McSpanner style stuff but RT’d by one of the richest Britnats in teamGB that wants Scots kids to pay nine grand a year for uni, shock. They are such a bunch a sleazebags.

J.K. Rowling Retweeted
??I??I?? ™ ?@Grinbin5 Aug 20
SNP under attack over free tuition cap as number of Scots missing out on university place almost doubles

Dave McEwan Hill

Footsoldier at 11.15

You are not correct . The more we engage in arguments on economic figures drawn out of a Scotland in the UK struggling economy presented to us by our enemies the more we get tied up,the more the frightened remain frightened. We have to realise that a section of our population will always be frightened or stupid or, in many cases, both. The argument has to be the new country,the way we will do things differently and better, in parallel with comparison with similar countries with similar potential and performance and this has to be directed at those who can grasp and understand it.


This is genuinely UKOK toryboy barking. Maybe Kevrage could stop bashing on about the hellish burden of not Scots whisky and explain Torygraph stuff like

link to

Nicola Sturgeon accused of cynical attempt to deny multi-billion pound ‘Union dividend’

“Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of a “cynical” attempt to deflect attention from Scotland’s multi-billion pound deficit by claiming Brexit could cost the country billions every year.”

So toryboy ‘Union dividend’, or being run by England, is Scotland’s multi-billion pound deficit? Nice of them.

I am not making this shit up. Cut n paste, UKOK style.

Grouse Beater

Heedtracker: “Why bother with the fuckwit GB?”

She entertains a lot of anti-free will opinion.

Now and again it’s worthwhile countering unsophisticated notions of the world, particularly against somebody who plays fast and loose with her considerable influence. The decidedly non-sycophant is the poster one remembers.

Grouse Beater

This is whizzing around the ether for the third time: link to

People must be boning up their argument for or against the administration.

Still Positive.

Very well done, Grouse Beater. And belated congratulations to your lovely wife.

Chic McGregor


“When are the SNP going to hit back really hard at these sort of comments?…
… How about the SNP telling the country and explaining how much worse it will be to remain with the UK. Spell out in detail how in the years ahead our infrastructure will be so much better, give examples. Point out loudly how bad things are in the UK on a whole host of issues.”

There can be little doubt that a large percentage of those who voted No last time, did so on the back of their response to scaremongering.

Whether they were just pessimistic by nature or whether they simply did not have the opportunity to avail themselves of the real facts of the matter, scaremongering clearly worked on them.

Now while I am reluctant to type-class a section of society, it would seem to me, de facto, that if they responded to the Unionist scaremongering which was largely based on lies and deception, they may well exhibit a similar psychological response to negative claims about the future UK. The fact that those claims can be made honestly, unlike the unionist scaremongering helps but that may not be as important as the claims actually being made.

Yes, some previous Nos will still come down on the side of believing Auntie Beeb etc. but some will also respond to the indy claims either accepting them, or accepting they cannot say which is correct and therefore voting indy with their hearts, or making the time to check out the claims for themselves.

For some politicians on the indy side, such a move may well stick in their high moral ground craw and some may worry about the effect such an action might have on previous yes support.

To them I would say, get over yourselves, it is about independence, not you and don’t worry about previous yes voters, they have either already sussed out the dire future for the UK or will have voted Yes without that belief and will be relieved by your negative rUK revelations.


@ McDuff at 10:18pm….. “Billboards highlighting lies.”

McDuff I’ve been thinking along the same lines as you. When I was abroad recently I watched the March to George Square on YouTube. It was wonderful to see so many people carrying the Saltire but reckoned if thousands had been carrying placards outlining the endless list of lies, verifiable facts to quash the too wee, poor and stupid myths, and so on, it could make a real difference.

No doubt the meeja would avoid reporting on this and STV and the BBC would ensure that no one carrying a placard (or a number of people carrying longer banners to exhibit more extensive messages) was shown on TV, however it could have an impact on bystanders or individuals checking out YouTube. If we had our ‘combat the lies’ placards we could also hold them at gatherings in our Town Centres, all over the country: Not just utilising them at marches.

I’ve spent time standing with SNP colleagues in my Town Centre (under an SNP banner) and found that 99% of the people who approached us were SNP / Yes supporters. Holding placards depicting ‘enlightening data’ may give the passerby (no voters / the undecided) food for thought. Better still encourage them to approach us to get into discussion.

If anyone is interested in this idea maybe Stu would allow us to construct a list of the lies we want to decimate / facts we want to get across in the off-topic section? We could work on condensing the data to fit the placard or banners. When we have this down to a fine art (data 100% correct, with reference, totally legal jargon etc) we could make our own or maybe even consider involving a company to make them for us.

Anyone interested?

Alex Clark

All seems quiet tonight from the Great British Unionist. I think maybe they’re just a wee tad embarrassed at all this Daisley, Torrence et al carry on.

Caving in so they are. About time.

Flower of Scotland

@ronnie anderson 11.13

Sorry if I missed comments about Sept 18th. Was trying to follow Wings out in Italy on an iPhone. Not easy!


Petra@12.32…definitely! Billboards are the way to go, in my mind anyway.

Remember the stooshie when the Rev put posters on the underground?

I would contribute.


Re Tesco removing Scottish flag from Scottish strawberries because of a few complaints from england
Tell them what you think (some already have lol)
link to

Dr Jim

My wee leaflets when I print them up for the Ref will go a bit like

Ruth Davidson Tory Murdo Fraser Tory
Earn 3 times the National average income, will never be poor They are racist sectarian bigots who would never live next door to you and one day hope to be in the House of Lords far away from you
Do you still think they’re honest to God on your side

Where will you be living when they’re in the house of Lords
on a retirement pension of £250,000 a year and £300 a day for life just like Alistair Darling…. remember him

Nicola Sturgeon will NEVER be in the House of Lords and does NOT live in Bute House even though she’s entitled to
Guess where she lives, next door to us
So who’s got the most to gain by telling you big fat porkies!!……

Folk who are more clever clogs than me can think up much better stuff I’m sure but this kind of leaflet falling through a letterbox is as good a wake up as a slap in the Moosh to many folk

It’s late and I’m prattling, away tae Baw Baws



“WM is the disease, independence is the cure”

“Vote Yes to independence and sack 56 SNP MP’s”

“SNP want to keep the union” (?)


@liz 23 August, 2016 at 7:57 pm

It was the papers that reported it was a passer-by who reported the abandoned car, but that is an assertion made by “journalists” who presumably had not been to the scene.

The car went down a steep slope through trees and bushes on an curving part of an intersection of the A9. It ended up on the edge of a field away from the gate to the field and local roads. It could not be seen from a vehicle travelling on the A9.

You say it should have been dealt with,but I would suggest that you find out what the correct procedures are, and who is responsible for what, concerning the removal of abandoned cars as it pertains to public land – or, as in this case, private land.


Anybody else get these continual advertising pop-ups somehow getting past their spam blocker?

“This is whizzing around the ether for the third time: link to

Seems to be happening more and more with the same dull monotony.

Grouse Beater

Breeks: Anybody else get these continual advertising pop-ups somehow getting past their spam blocker?

Breeks, I suggest you take your complaint to Stuart Campbell. I am sure he’ll let you know what he thinks of your annoyance.

Grouse Beater

Still Positive: Very well done, Grouse Beater. And belated congratulations to your lovely wife.

You’re welcome, SP. And what an achievement, yes, so thanks for that too.


I’d pump this Jenna. But do people realise they look fucking stupid wearing glasses on top of their heads?

Les Wilson

The new smiley (reminds me of Blair) prospective Labour leader has now declared that if he wins he will block Brexit until a new referendum is agreed.

Now we see the true nature of this guy, he wants to diss the democratic rights of 17 million voters. Methinks that is a very dodgy strategy for him and could further split the already badly fractured labour party. T.May, may love the idea though.

Meanwhile the media assassination of Corbyn continues……

Socrates MacSporran

OK, the M9 crash wasn’t Police Scotland’s finest hour, however:
The call about the car was made on the non-emergency 101 line.

The driver was an unsupervised learner, driving on a provisional licence, who therefore was on the motorway illegally.

That fact has been overlooked since the whole case began. You cannot blame the police if someone died while breaking the law.

Tinto Chiel

Pravdasound4 having the usual multiplied organisms all over the place regarding Yes Minister today.

When asked about its success abroad, Tony Jay opined, and I admit I paraphrase from memory: “It was a very English programme…maybe the Scots or Welsh or even the people of Northern Ireland would get it but we heard Russians listened to it in secret and….” (trails off to mention Gambia).

I love the smell of smug condescension in the morning.

This after another replay of the über cynical YM sketch about the UK joining the EC to destroy it from within which they kept playing during the Brexit campaign.

Self-awareness isn’t the strong suit of such types but I’m sure they’ll manage to whip those foreign Johnnies into shape during the Brexit negotiations.

BTW, billboards are a brilliant idea. Munguin’s Republic has been producing brilliant eye-catching poster-type graphics for ages and they speak a thousand words.

Good to see you commenting again, Petra.


Les Wilson says:

Good article by Kevin McKenna in The National on Labour leadership contest.

link to

Plus good coverage of the Tesco Strawberry Gate.

Andrew McLean

I really question the motives of people who purportedly are independence supporters but who attack others on here who are clearly also independence supporters, to what end?

It’s not that difficult to guess the reason they do! Probably they’ll get off on creating a bit of trolling, go back to their yooon friends, “guys guess what I did today” totally unaware we can see right from the outset their stupidity.

I have been posting here, yes shit mostly, since 2014, but in one guise or another before “Andrew” a lot longer. So smelling trouble makers is second nature. Just saying like. So troll, troll away, but this is one guy who knows your game, and finds you funny, pathetic, but funny.

Andrew McLean


There was a car crash in England around the same time, the police were notified via 999, the ambulance attended, and they also asked for the police to attend.

But the thing is they didn’t because two control rooms were arguing with each other about who’s county it was, so the victims were taken to hospital and the two crashed cars lay in the road all night!

Now imagine for one second if that was Scotland.

We are under attack every day by the propaganda devision of the British state. Luckily we see them for what they are.


It is my understanding that the unitary Police and Fire Service are not exempt from VAT because they in their new guises are not listed by Westminster and the Treasury on the list they keep of exempt organisations.

The Scottish Government has requested that they be so registered and urged the British government to help by gazetting the necessary regulations to list them. But thus far the Westminster government does not see it as a sufficient priority.

So, it really is another example of how we are barely thought of and our needs not accounted for by Westminster. It’s all devolved now, don’t you know so we don’t have to worry about it any more. The Civil Service is apparently doing just that and having to go back and redraft things forgetting that not everything is devolved.

Devolution is an excuse for Westminster to neglect us even more than they did in the days of the Scottish Grand Committee. That at least used to happen in Westminster, people would pass, see the lights burning and think ‘Scotland is being managed there’. That no longer happens, the press, even the Scottish press do not report Scottish Questions in the House.

By and large they want us to go away and live without complaint governed by our jumped up regional council and keep sending the taxes south.

Will the government of iScotland charge the emergency services VAT (or whatever we choose to call it)? I can’t see the point.


sinky says:
24 August, 2016 at 9:11 am
Les Wilson says:

Good article by Kevin McKenna in The National on Labour leadership contest.

He phoned it in. “And by then too, the struggle for an independent Scotland will have been won and the revived version of a proper Labour Party north of the Border can compete for power again.”

Kez is clearly out of her depth in Scottish politics. At best she’s a backbencher but why does that National thing not at least try to explain the how and why of the BBC’s ongoing crucifixion of JC, who gave that lot the right to do this and so on?


“Dave McEwan Hill says:
23 August, 2016 at 11:48 pm

Footsoldier at 11.15

You are not correct . The more we engage in arguments on economic figures drawn out of a Scotland in the UK struggling economy presented to us by our enemies the more we get tied up,the more the frightened remain frightened.”

Afraid we will have to agree to disagree. There are hard No voters who will never change but there are a lot of soft No voters that we need.

I live in quite a nice area where No predominated. The number of soft No’s who would have voted Yes was sizeable but were worried about their savings and pensions. No proper answers to their worries = no Indy.

Robert Peffers

@One_Scot says: 23 August, 2016 at 1:34 pm:

For anyone who is interested, just got a call from Tescos regarding the changing of the Scottish flag to the union jack on the strawberries packaging”

Tesco’s stuff has never darkened my doorstep anyway and, since the Scottish referendum, neither has anything from the other larger supermarket chains.

They are all apparently, nowadays, parts of the Westminster Establishment in one way or another.


Andrew McLean says:

“We are under attack every day by the propaganda devision of the British state. Luckily we see them for what they are.”

Some of us do. When most of us do, we will have won.

At its simplest, that is what Scotland’s constitutional future has been reduced to … some still believe what the media tells them, some see beyond that and can imagine something better.

The drift is one way. Once your eyes have opened you can’t unsee the real world.

Proud Cybernat

In lieu of the colonial gandacaster’s certain monstering of all things Scottish today, I’ll just drop this here:

link to

The vile cybernat that I am.


Muscleguy, Thanks for this information. The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are starting to fit together.

I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the Police Scotland VAT issue was a deliberate stitch up by the Treasury to hobble the SNP government, and to further reduce the Scottish block grant by the back door. As VAT is a return of the block grant.

My Edinburgh Council source told me that at the time the SG were consulting on the single force, her department warned the SG that the single force risked not being VAT exempt. But the reply they got was that ‘this won’t happen’ and that Treasury had advised them to that effect.

The policy of a single force was not a unique SNP position. It had been suggested by other parties including the Conservatives.

Robert Peffers

@Robert Graham says: 23 August, 2016 at 1:47 pm:
” … I thought country of origin was was obligatory on food or does that not include us up here you know us the jocks just asking?”

I think we all know the answer to that question, Robert.

The official government line on that particular matter was plainly stated in the Government funded paper by their chosen, (would be), experts.

It was summed up thus by no less a personage than the then secretary of State, (against), Scotland – David Mundell :-

“The Treaty of Union EXTINGUISHED Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of Scotland as The United Kingdom”.

Note that the former Prime Minister of England, (sic), David Cameron, was very prone to call the UK, “The Country”, and even call, “The Country”, Britain.

Yet all such claims are utter rubbish and cannot be legally backed up as facts, by facts. The United Kingdom is, as its title correctly describes it, A kingdom.

Which, being the uniting of two equally sovereign independent kingdoms, is a bipartite union and it has never been a singe country even although it contains four individual countries.

It is only the Westminster Establishment’s continued baseless claims that it is not only a single country that is the lie but that the single country is the renamed Kingdom of England that is their accepted state of the matter that is the biggest lie.

Robert Kerr

Q/T a bit.
This was linked from the “Independent”

link to

Regarding flags. My journey is as follows. Saltire now fills me with pride and hope. St Georges Cross affection to my English friends. The Irish Tricolour no longer a threat to anyone, please visit the Republic. The French Tricolour affection to the country I worked in and its people. The Union flag aka “butchers apron” loathing.

I am a vile (inter)nationalist!


@ Tinto Chiel says at 9:07 am …. ”BTW, billboards are a brilliant idea. Munguin’s Republic has been producing brilliant eye-catching poster-type graphics for ages and they speak a thousand words. Good to see you commenting again, Petra.”

Thanks for that TC and I’ll check out the Munguin Republic site.

I also see that there’s a number of companies that will customise placard signs and banners. Looking for a Scottish company of course (Munguin’s Republic?) if we could get this off the ground. Or if it doesn’t just make your own.

link to

I really think that it could make a massive difference if we could get thousands of people across Scotland to carry professional looking, clearly set out, placards / banners highlighting all of the ‘facts’ that so many Scots are totally unaware of ….. Scotland’s assets, depopulation, pensions, stolen seas, Police Scotland paying VAT, McCrone, England dependent on our gas / electricity, damage from Brexit such as to the fishing industry etc, etc, etc.


@ crazycat, plums are gross feeders & want plenty of muck & inorganic fertiliser + a load of old lime rubble. You want self-fertile varieties which suit Scottish conditions. Czar or Victoria for out in the open & Golden Transparent Gage or Denniston’s Superb Gage for a sunnyish wall.

Like Gers you’ll be onto plums kid!


Andrew McLean @ 9.25 am

And let’s not forget the actress and her children who went missing. Big hunt for them. Three weeks later found buried in the garden at her home.

April this year author goes missing. Big hunt lots of publicity. Then a few weeks ago she was found buried in the garden of her home.

Now imagine the furore if that had happened in Scotland.

Tinto Chiel

“By and large they want us to go away and live without complaint governed by our jumped up regional council and keep sending the taxes south.”

An excellent summary of their attitude, Muscleguy but it’s hard work getting No voters to see it. Without the iron lung of the BBC BLiS______d and the Ruthtastic Party would be dead in the water, but too many people still think the Ministry of Truth is impartial. The grip of the Dead Tree Press is weakening by the year but Union Jackie Bird and the other goons at PQ still get their weasely message across.

Robert Peffers: what has always amazed me about Mundell’s infamous “extinguishing” statement is that it seems to represent the legal opinion sought by the WM government. If so, it is really worrying they can claim such a pile of Carmichael. Have they not read the original Treaty of Union, or the works of PH Scott or D Daiches?

How do they get away with selling such a pup?

link to


Socrates of Sporran…
You can’t blame the police.. Quite right..
But look how the gutter press ALWAYS smell blood.
People working in public services are just PAWNS to right-wing politicians. Nurses, police, teachers, managers, seemingly creating danger and menace while doing their job to the best of their ability.


Grouse Beater and Andrew McLean:

Awe, what’s wrong guys? Like to dish it out but cannae take it yourselves eh?

Both of you get yourselves to Boots and buy some Canesten Duo, and you’ll soon feel much better. Its the perfect remedy for prickly arseholes.

Andrew McLean

That the best you got little boy? And you a self proclaimed old soldier?
Read your post again when you first attempted to annoy me, you will realise that I was actually agreeing with you, and disagreeing with Grousey. But then you are only here to be a pest, just like the wasps that are everywhere these days, but at least they have a function in nature, whereas you? What actually are you for, what benefit do you bring?
I have no idea what you are talking about? Can’t take it? Honestly what are you talking about? Do you even know?


Y’know I’ve been an arsehole on here at times usually wi the trolls though, especially that angrymainyu/neoconnat/wankerdave et al. But you lot are meant to be on the same fucking side…and by you lot I mean Andrew, GB and Breeks…give it a fucking rest, you’re all just making complete wankers of yourselves and it’s detracting from all your separate and valid and at times quite inspiring input on these threads.

The tendency is to scroll past all of you now. Which is a crying shame…stop sniffing each other’s bollocks and scrapping for top dog position, check yer ego’s eh and just stop it!

Andrew McLean

I would stop it K1 but I have never said anything to annoy Breeks, I actually agreed with his post, then he called me names, if he keeps it up I am going to tell his mammy!

Chic McGregor

To simplify the message of my last post:

If the No voters in indyref1 represent a concentration of those amenable to scaremongering, which seems a reasonable supposition, then why not use scaremongering about a future rUK on them?


Aw yer mammy’s would say the same thing…cut it out, it disnae matter who started whit and the why’s and wherefore’s…it’s all back biting bitching now…all your original ‘points’ have been lost along the way. Now it’s just tit for tat by a bunch o’ twits. 😉

Andrew McLean

Ok Agreed.

Grouse Beater

Breeaks: Like to dish it out but cannae take it yourselves eh?

Anybody know what age this imbecile is? I have a rule never to slap minors.

Grouse Beater

K1, could you junk the fat referee with whistle role? Thanks. It’s clear you were in the toilet when the foul was made.

Grouse Beater

Chic :why not use scaremongering about a future rUK on them?

I hear you chic, but it all sounds a bit too much like revenge, the kind we’d be accused of dishing out whilst disliking our opponents do it. On the other hand, I share your frustration.

CameronB Brodie

Scaremongering works when the source is perceived as credible. Would ‘independence scaremongering’ be perceived by No voters as coming from a similarly credible source?

Perhaps a work in progress? Still a bit chicken and egg in my mind but that probably why I’m not in public relations. 🙂


Oh GB…your attitude is becoming childish, intolerant and insulting.

There is just no need to take that ‘tone’ with me GB. I’ll say what I want on here and I don’t require your permission to make an ‘observation. Back off big boy. ‘Thanks’


Point of ‘observation’ GB. On how many occasion’s have you ‘chimed’ in during an ongoing ‘dialogue’ I have been having with someone on here? On a number of occasions as I recall. Admonishing others for ‘commenting’ on ‘conversations’ taking place on this open forum when you yourself ‘indulge’ in same is hypocritical?

More to the point it’s how we all comment back and forth throughout these threads. So why the need to tell someone off for doing exactly what we all do on here?

‘…could you junk the fat referee with whistle role’

Could you refrain from insulting me because you didn’t like what I said? Thanks.


@ Fred

Thanks for the gardening tip – my trees are supposedly self-fertile, but that doesn’t mean much if they don’t flower!

Grouse Beater

K1 “Could you refrain…”

You make my point extremely well.

There’s a huge difference between frustrated argument and straight personal sexual insult – see Breeks at 1.13pm. If you don’t know the difference, stay away.


GB, you and Breeks have been ‘at’ each other over several threads now. Don’t take one comment/insult that he has made ‘about’ you to justify your insult to me.

You couldn’t make ‘your own point’ to him in a ‘civilised’ manner, so you utilise my asking you to refrain from insulting me to: ‘make my point extremely well’?

Well cheers for the backhanded compliment Grouse.

Of course I still stand by what I actually commented ‘on’ Grouse. You insulted me for ‘commenting’ at all?

Now we are getting tae the rub, you are justifying your insulting of me by accusing me of not understanding how ‘badly’ your feelings are hurt by another commenter.
Because he mentions getting some Canesten (for two (duo)at Boots (thrush cream) for ‘prickly arseholes’ like you and Andrew and you ‘think’ this is a ‘personal sexual insult’?

It isn’t Grouse. It’s rude yeah, but it isn’t ‘sexual’. He’s calling you both ‘prickly arseholes’ ergo Canesten Duo is the remedy for the ‘itch’, share a packet?

I rather fear that it is you who has just shown that he ‘doesn’t know the difference’ between straight forward insult and ‘personal sexual insult’.

I understand precisely that this is a ‘spat’ where people are insulting each other, ‘playing the man’ instead of accommodating a difference of opinion on whatever it is that you disagree with. You have been no less ‘insulting’ with Breeks, Grouse.

But that wasn’t the essence of what I opined on. It was that this manner of relating is actually beneath all of you. That it is ‘a crying shame’ that this is detracting from your separate and equal contributions on Wings.

Now, please Grouse either apologise for insulting me and if you can’t please do not further dig into this with me. It was after all an observation I made, one that you may not have liked but there was certainly no need for you to do to me that which you feel hurt by another doing to you.

If it’s not okay for Breeks to insult you, it isn’t okay for you to insult me.

Grouse Beater

K1 you and Breeks have been ‘at’ each other over several threads now.

You’re wrong on all counts, now and previously.

I’ve no idea what your weary agenda is, but this is my last response to you.


I’ll leave you both to your bromance. 😉

***walks away devastated by ‘last response’…(I think he means ‘forever’)*** 🙂



Welcome to the club of people irrationally abused by St Grouse Beater.

Andrew McLean

Is it too soon to point out Canesten is a antifungal medicine used to treat infections with fungi and yeasts as it contains the active ingredient clotrimazole, and not what you would use to treat the symptoms Breeks described, for that you would need a mild topical corticosteroid (an ointment that contains steroids) lke Sudocrem.

I’ll get ma coat. 😉


Actually Andrew ah did realise Breeks choosing Canesten Duo wasn’t the “apt’ application for ‘prickly arseholes’. But the insult wouldnae huv worked so well wi Sudocrem…it was the Duo that served well in conveying both of you ‘share’ the syndrome that he suggests Canesten ‘Duo’ would remedy.

Though I did wonder which one of you would take the pessary and which the cream!

*jaicket goat* 😉

Andrew McLean

K1 in answer Breeks was right, I can give but not take, ha ha! 🙂


Oh come come Andrew…that’s blatantly ‘not’ the case at all 😉

james mcgovern

Did I miss a star wars movie? Which one had the cyber police?


Ever thought of doing a daily/nightly online roundup of the days headlines in the msm rags? You know like what they do on BBC News and Sky News when they look at tomorrows papers. You could call it “What the papers REALY say”. A ten minute video debunking their headlines would be highly entertaining and extremely informative.

BTW Jenna looks too much like Kate Middleton so can’t see Harry getting far with that idea (*sniggers behind hand)

Grouse Beater

KW: “Ever thought of doing a daily/nightly online roundup of the days headlines in the msm rags?”

Funny you should say that: link to

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