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Wings Over Scotland

Fear debunked while you wait

Posted on July 30, 2013 by


(Link and link and link.)

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Is it just me or is the absolute obsession with finances not really right-wing? They’re asking us not to care about fairness in election or representation, or welfare etc because we personally might be better off (with no substance to most of the claims except that in a bloated finance sector if you work to the top of the City you can live like a king). It all seems rather… Tory. Everything about BT is seeming to be populism or outright lies, this bringing it to the fore. Idgaf about savings being protected if my bank collapses because A. my people are starving and freezing all over the country and our Barnett funding is going DOWN and B. I’m pretty sure we can regulate our banks when we control them to stop this happening. If banks are still failing nowadays then I highly doubt it’s Indy’s fault, no financial institute is THAT localised to Scotland.


Imagine trying to con your own people with this shite.
How do they sleep at night?


The problem with these BT scare stories, is just how many of them will influence people, the old saying “If you throw enough mud, some of it will stick” springs to mind, surely the YES camp must debunk these stories, as soon as they break.
Otherwise they may grow arms and legs for a while, and instil doubt where none lay before, if only we knew the next scare story in advance.


This isn’t party politics, it’s not about telling lies about another political party, it’s telling lies to a nation. Be a unionist if you want, but this stuff is evil, and is designed to mis-lead folk.
I would call it treason.


BASTARDS! absolute LYING scare mongering BASTARDS!
Sorry Rev I am Incensed

Tony Little

But equally, if you shout “WOLF!” (or maybe even Squirrel) enough times, no one takes any notice after a while.  There is another 14 months of this tripe to go.  I don’t think anyone can survive that long and not say’ “Och away with yeh! D’ya think ahm daft?’

Murray McCallum

I believe this law comes into effect in 2016.
Scottish financial institutions are already covered through the payments they make to the FSCS.  This new law is to prevent a repeat of the Cyprus debacle.  There appeared to be widespread misunderstanding of deposit protection in the EU and who exactly was responsible.
Surely the assets of the FSCS are the same as any shared UK assets post independence?  Even if UK (rUK and/or Scotland) left the EU they would continue to have the FSCS in place – traditional financial services are a significant industry to us all.

The Tree of Liberty

Juteman, couldn’t agree more, but these bastards will have to face the people at some point, irrespective of the referendum result!  

Murray McCallum

Rev Stu
“According to Wiki it’s been live since January 2011.”
For the UK absolutely correct.  I was referring to recent talk about a scheme to ensure other EU countries established similar schemes.  Some countries appeared to think there was a central EU/ECB scheme.  Events in Cyprus caused mass confusion.
link to
Scottish financial institutions, and their customers, helped create the FSCS fund in the UK.

Murray McCallum

Rev Stu
“According to the first link in the post: “as of December 1, 2010, in compliance with the 2009 Directive, EU Member States have been required to guarantee deposits up to €100,000.”
I am sure that too is absolutely correct.  The issue is the deal originally brokered for Cyprus totally ignored all of that apparent legislation!. link to
As Megan Greene says in her article “the Cyprus bailout deal makes a mockery of deposit insurance in Europe”
The legislation I referred to for 2016 seeks, it seems, to clarify deposit protection and banking rescue in a standard way across the EU.


This should be one of the advertisings by the Yes Team on Billboards when the time comes.
In fact, that is how all the facts should be portrayed when the ‘Real War’ begins. Let the No mob explain all their statements then!


And how many people actually have savings of £85,000 (or €100,000, which I believe is the EU limit) sitting on their bank account?
No ordinary – even well-paid – person has bank account savings like that. If you had £85,000 extra you’d probably invest it in something more lucrative than a bank account. Stocks, shares, maybe a flat to rent, whatever.
BT are using the spectacular failure of London City banking as a scare story. People are wary of banks and bankers. Few know or understand what happened, except the ordinary tax-payer had to bail out millionaire bankers. (Another staple of the British state: divide and rule.)
The population of Scotland is still being beaten (into submission?) by the failure of banks with “Scotland” or “Scottish” in their name. Not being told the simple fact that the horrendous losses and resulting bailouts resulted from City casino banking and bailouts are apportioned by where the disastorous financial interactions took place. Not in Scotland, in the City. The US bailed out “Scottish” (City) banks more than the UK because the City’s laxer regulation attracted US speculation.
It’s an easy scare story to peddle because few people know much about “high finance” (or “low finance”, as I prefer to call that greed-fuelled culture). I don’t know much about it either, I’m an ordinary person, my salary gets paid into my bank account, I have a debit and a credit card, I pay mortgage, have a savings account with a pitiful balance. Like I suppose most ordinary middle-class people across Europe do.
The only way ordinary people can be insulated from the risks of casino banking is to put in stringent controls and rules, even the Tobin tax. The UK government is very reluctant. They seem ready to leave the EU if the EU do that.
Several EU countries (including Finland, and most of the EU countries with a healthy economy) already have far more rigorous and stringent banking rules, regulations and checks. OK, so they’re not making trillions – but they’re not bringing the countries’ economies onto their knees either. Banking and finance is just a sector of the economy, not a cosseted baby. Or a spoiled toddler, which the UK financial sector comes across as. The point is, banking works in Finland. People can get mortgages, (small) businesses can get loans. OK, so “bankers” don’t get super-rich but,,, well, is that a negative thing?
The Tory UK and their love affair with the City seems to outdo even the US in rampant capitalism. Does Scotland, do the people of Scotland, want to be a part of that? Or do they want to vote YES and look for different solutions, more fair solutions?
Answers on a postcard on 18.9.2014.

Ron Burgundy

Brilliant work Stuart but why is it left to Wings to do the instant demolition of this crap. It should be trumpeted by the Yes Scotland from the rooftops using their official publicity organs. Project Fear banged to rights, caught in a neat easily understood lie.
Makes Wings so crucial to victory but this kind of work should not be just down to you Stu.

G H Graham

Drivers in Scotland benefit from white dotted lines in the middle of the road to help keep traffic flowing in opposite directions from colliding.
Better Together.
Actually better apart because cars would hit each other if they weren’t.
So separatism works.
Any questions?

Doug Daniel

lumilumi – absolutely, the banking sector has been held up on a pedestal in the UK since the 80s, but wr need to get back to a situation where banks are there to facilitate other parts of the economy, not dominate them. Any industry whose protagonists call themselves “Masters of the Universe” is clearly in major need of being brought back down to earth. That’ll never happen as long as the UK remains as some sort of junkie of The City – time for Scotland to go cold turkey!
Daniel – aye, BT’s propaganda is almost all right-wing, Daily Mail reader pish. It can only be a matter of time before they start telling us house prices will collapse in an independent Scotland (I dare say they already have).
This is the section of society Better Together are aiming for – those with something to lose. They’re the ones who are least likely to vote for major change – folk with mortgages, private pensions and with some money put away for a rainy day. The folk who usually vote, quite frankly. That’s why we get the bizarre spectacle of “socialists” like Gregg McClymont (sp?) using the possibility of higher taxes as a threat.
Well, that and the fact Labour are just Tories now…


I always say to people when they go on about the “Scottish” banks. “Well, if you remember one of the first institutions to get into difficulties was the Bradford and Bingley, so by your logic the people of Bradford and and the residents of Bingley would have to pick up the tab.  And as for the citizens of the great metropolis of Northern Rock, wherever that is…..”


Ron Burgundy
Yes Scotland should ask the Rev Stu to come home and for a reasonable salary, do his magic on behalf of YS, refuting all the lies from BT and others, writing to newspapers and the BBC,and generally spreading the truth.
Rev Stu, if not practical keep up the good work anyway. 


@Tony Little
but equally if you shout WOLF
Well yes and no, I think you must strangle the BT lies at birth, and be seen  doing so BT have no other course of action but to spew out lies, so quickly counter-acting these fabrications, will in effect leave the BT camp toothless.


Drivers in Scotland benefit from white dotted lines in the middle of the road to help keep traffic flowing in opposite directions from colliding.
Better Together.
Actually better apart because cars would hit each other if they weren’t.
So separatism works.

Thats a powerful analogy to use with the ways that Scotland and rUK are going
Free care, no prescription costs, frozen council tax, no water fees v.s
limited care, £7.85 per item, tax rises of 5%, average water bill £356.
Are we really not going in opposite directions and in need of the white line of independence to keep us from crashing?


The recent offering from Severin at the Guardian ……SNLA, terrorists and ‘separatists’ 
link to


I don’t think we should blame Yes Scotland here. Personally, I think there is a game of ‘chess’ happening here. I think it’s a 2 part campaign.
I think the Yes team are allowing this ‘phoney war’ to take place. They’ve allowed the Better Together mob to come out with all guns blazing …and the resistance is being met by what is basically …normal hardcore Nationalists. The problem for BT is that they are losing the war!
As each month goes by, the Yes percentages go up, and for BT, this is a shock to the system. It’s all gone wrong.
We, the hardcore, wear down Better Together, and once they are low …really low (as Salmond predicts for Autumn / Winter), then the Yes Campaign come out and just blitzkriegs the nation with so much info, that BT just utterly collapses.
I just can’t help but feel, that this is what is happening. It is so quiet on the Yes Team front, that I can only assume, that they are building for an all out attack.
Personally, I don’t think McDougall, Darling, et al, have a backup plan. Once the real truth comes out, I think BT will tear itself apart, as it turns into a ‘survival of the fittest’ in a post-indy Scotland.
But, make no bones about it, the likes of Rev Stu and all those others, who have carried this first part of the campaign, should be utterly lauded in their fantastic efforts.


I agree, Daniel. The whole of the No campaign seems to epitomise that phrase – ‘They know the price of everything, and the value of nothing.’

Dal Riata

Sorry to go  O/T.
Severin Carrell and the Guardian at it again. This time it’s an article about Adam Busby, the self-proclaimed leader of the once-upon-a-time Scottish National Liberation Army and extradition from Ireland.
Note the heading: “Scottish separatist Adam Busby to be extradited due to terror charges”. You’ve got to give credit to the Guardian’s headline writers when it comes to articles which may or may not be relative to Scotland and its independence. With “Scottish separatist” and “terror charges”, it is right up there in the scary headline/story league!
Oh, and the article is not open to comments BTL!
link to

Dal Riata

Sorry, looks like Albalha beat me to it!


But you took the time to copy and paste more detail!

Murray McCallum

I’m beginning to wonder if a sizeable chunk of Labour voters in Scotland are actually covert Conservative Party believers.  I think the section of people I am talking about vote Labour knowing they will actually get a Tory Westminster government.
These folks can talk the workers’ talk, fit in with the crowd, and still enjoy what they really want – right wing Tory policies.  The thought of an independent Scotland electing a left leaning, social democratic government must scare the crap out of them.
Is this the meaning of what better together refer to as “the best of both worlds” and their fear of independence?

Linda's back

More O/T
Latest bit of jingoism on BBC news to-night with Office of National Statistics stating Brits feel happier thanks to all the wonderful events in 2012.
They forgot to mention that the countries whose inhabitants are even happier than the UK include Iceland, Netherlands, Denmark,  Switzerland and Norway
The top 15 also includes Ireland, Luxembourg,Austria, Finland and New Zealand.
link to
So small is still beautiful

Murray McCallum

Sorry O/T but a view on the gap between Labour leadership in Scotland and grass roots movement.  Sorry wrong jacket.
link to

Tom Hogg

Ah, but remember, we will not be in the EU because we will not be a successors state and we will need to reapply…zzzzzz….

Gordon Bain

How do you imagine Yes Scotland are going to “blitzkrieg” the country? Form their own TV company within a year? With all due respect to Stu here who does a fantastic job this battle is going to be won via the MSM. Any other outcome depends on Scots getting out there and actively seeking out the truth. This will not happen! The too wee, too poor, too stupid mantra, sadly, works. Unless we can shoot the messenger the opportunity will pass.
Sorry to be depressing. I just don’t have much faith in my fellow History After all, if we had the balls we wouldn’t be in this situation in the 21st century. Still, I live in hope.

BBC Scotlandshire

Perhaps we will see an end of these scare stories now that Iran has decided to gift all of its oil revenues to England.

link to

Tom Hogg

@Gordon Bain If you are not pounding the pavements already, then please get involved. This debate has three fronts, the media, which is a rearguard action, social media, where we are well ahead, and shoe leather, where we have the personnel advantage.  Take the truth to the voters.


No amount of boots on the ground can ever hope to counter the BBC in Scotland platform of lies and misinformation beamed daily into our living rooms that Project Fear has at their disposal.

Rev Stu does an excellent job countering the daily lies of the Project Fear campaign and their acolytes at the BBC and MSM, BUT the fact is his blog is not widely enough read to get to the floating voters that YES needs to swing the vote in their favour.

The BBC within Scotland is the most dangerous adversary to a YES vote by far and it is a mystery as to how the people in charge of it manage to get away with their blatant campaigning against the SNP and independence.

By contrast the Radio 4 news and current affairs programmes are a model of fairness compared to their counterparts in Scotland when it comes to matters concerning the SNP and the referendum.

I wish I could believe otherwise but I am convinced the referendum vote may well be lost if the YES campaign doesn’t soon find a way to end the campaign of bias against the SNP and independence by Project Fear’s proxies within the BBC in Scotland.

Bill C

@Marian -I think much of what you say is spot on, especially your reference to the BBC.  As I have said before, this debate is no longer just about our independence, it is about our very democracy.  The BBC are undermining the democratic process in Scotland, similar to Pravda in the old Soviet Bloc.  Something must be done about the BBC, because if the BBC wins its battle against the movement for Scottish self determination, we lose our right not only to independence but democracy itself.


Gordon Bain says:
How do you imagine Yes Scotland are going to “blitzkrieg” the country? Form their own TV company within a year? With all due respect to Stu here who does a fantastic job this battle is going to be won via the MSM. Any other outcome depends on Scots getting out there and actively seeking out the truth. This will not happen! The too wee, too poor, too stupid mantra, sadly, works. Unless we can shoot the messenger the opportunity will pass.
Sorry to be depressing. I just don’t have much faith in my fellow History After all, if we had the balls we wouldn’t be in this situation in the 21st century. Still, I live in hope.
Straight forward actually…
Billboards, 5 minute Political Broadcasts on a regular basis, get celebrities to endorse the message, flyers through doors. Promote web sites through the Flyers for the truth…and the best one …word of mouth!
If the tide gets close to 40-45% or even 50%, the media will change. The media are notorious for betting one way, then changing half way through. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Rupert Murdoch tells The Sun to begin promoting Independence.
What? You think Yes Scotland are just sitting there and hope that we fall over the line. there is a game plan. I expect it!
There is more than one way to skin a cat! Who said, that we need the BBC ?

Red squirrel

£85k savings is not something most of us north of London have to worry about that much. A deposit guarantee scheme is necessary because of all the BT parties lack of financial regulation and complete subservience to the banks. Not exactly a great advert of why we are better together. The lie just adds insult to injury.


Talking of banks, have a quick swatch at this, as Tweeted by Roseanna Cunningham:

Captions, captions…if you can bring yourself to look at it long enough without spewing.


@ian brotherhood
My God, has that man no shame?

Doug Daniel

The campaign WILL be won by the foot soldiers out on the streets. Remember that viewer confidence in the BBC in Scotland is a pathetic 48% – people know BBC Scotland is a crock of shit, they’ll believe what they hear until something better comes along. That’s where we all come in. Those who need information to be spoonfed to them will get it from campaigners chapping the doors, armed with truth and facts from our resident munitions expert (Stu). In those last 16 weeks (is it 16 weeks?) before the referendum, Better Together will suddenly find their media arm neutered. Meanwhile, the armies of Yes campaigners will knock on every door in the country. Better Together’s centrally-controlled “grassroots” campaign simply won’t be able to match the hundreds of groups out there telling people why this needs to be a Yes.
Chins up, folks – Muhammed Ali’s opponent has already exhausted his arsenal of punches, and Ali is getting ready to knock him out.


The man in the food bank photie gets £400 a month from the taxpayer to spend on food.
spew and puke right enough.


Once I was poor like you but I found a good deep trough  Tee Hee
His head should be between his knees in shame Disgusting ignorant trougher that he is


For some pleasant bedtime reading, Tris has a report of the LFI conference by Alan Grogan
link to


Re the ginger rodent did he put his hand in his pocket to donate or did he leave with that carrier bag full of swag?


Let them eat Own-Brand cornflakes.’
What kind of character thinks it appropriate to pose for photos and SMILE in a fucking Food Bank?
Did someone prepare a Press Release to accompany it? If so, could we track it down? (It’ll probably be better than any captions we can imagine.)
What a complete dick – he just became one of my ‘Top Five Scots To Be Utterly Ashamed Of’.

Willie Zwigerland

What BT are getting at here, is how can an independent Scotland guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t control? The reason Ireland got into the trouble it did was when the Irish government gave a guarantee over all their bust banks and they ended up having to increase everyones taxes to cover the guarantees.

Big Al

If I had the money I would lease the Finneston Crane and a bloody great LED screen to hang on it and post these. Would ensure the daily BT lies are shown for what they are on the BBC Scotland news.


@Willie Zwigerland-
If you’re so sure that you ‘know’ what BT are trying to say as opposed to what they actually DO say, why don’t you offer your expertise to them? They could clearly do with some help.
BTW – would you have advised Alexander against staging that ‘food bank’ photo-op? Or is he trying to ‘get at’ something we’re all missing?

G H Graham

That there is even a demand for food banks in a modern, industrial nation like Scotland, rich in energy, globally recognised for excellent quality brands & renowned for its inventiveness should be considered a national disgrace.
Yet here is a man at the very core of Westminster policy making, choosing instead to make smug visual capital from a group of volunteers attempting to subvert the corrosive, divisive & punishing effects of the British government on its own poor.
He should be thoroughly ashamed that food banks are necessary & consequently be ashamed of himself. 

Tony Little

Dunno.  How does France guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t “own”?
How does Germany guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t “own”
How does the Netherlands guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t “own”
How does Belgium guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t “own”
How does Italy guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t “own”
How does Luxembourg guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t “own”
How does Slovenia guarantee deposits in a currency it doesn’t “own”
Nonsense, isn’t it?


re Finnieston Crane etc.
Nice one.
Did anyone see the excellent Greenpeace (I think it was) projections on the side of some nuclear plant in France? (I know Rev, detail, detail, I don’t have the effing detail…but someone here always does)
Anyway, who’s up for getting the required gear and illuminating Pacific Quay with ‘PROJECT FEAR’.
Is it illegal? If so, I won’t mention it again, but if it’s okay to project an image of the nude Kate Moss (or whoever it was) on the House of Commons, then surely it must be possible to stage a nice photo-opportunity where ‘The BBC in Scotland’ gets the correct label on that big shiny impregnable tin they currently occupy.


5 minute Political Broadcasts on a regular basis
On AyeTV?

Alex Taylor

Approaching the 100th anniversary of Robert Tressell’s “Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’, is anyone else struck by how far our society has regressed these past thirty years.  Tresell resurrected would think nothing had changed since he wrote his polemic.


Oh, FFS!!
Not being a Twitterer, I didn’t realise this, but it seems that Danny Alexander tweeted that food-bank picture all off his own bat. Check his ‘tweets’ via the WoS page.
He posted it himself, and seems quite proud of it. (Is it any wonder they ‘need’ PR people to follow them about 24/7, like dog-walkers with a poop-bag always to hand?)
You really could not make it up.

The Man in the Jar

@Big Al
I have had similar thoughts about an LED banner of sorts to hang off the squinty bridge each night at 6; 30pm and 10; 30

Robert Bryce

The Man in the Jar says:

@Big AlI have had similar thoughts about an LED banner of sorts to hang off the squinty bridge each night at 6; 30pm and 10; 30
I’ve been experimenting with mobile street projection. It’s a winner 🙂

The Man in the Jar

@Big Al
Back to my banner idea. I was thinking of one of those vinyl banners like you see at supermarkets advertising bogofs, imprinted with LEDs spelling out say “Bollocks” or perhaps not but you get what I mean. Cheap and I assume legal. At appropriate time hang the banner of Squinty bridge a radio link to someone watching news on TV, presenter talks bollocks banner flashes “Bollocks” in full view of camera. Admit it would only work during darkness but what do you think of the idea.


It would be wonderful if WoS could be published in paper form once a week, on a Saturday, debunking the week’s major lies by the BBC and ‘Better Together’.

YES supporters could distribute or sell copies on the streets.

Maybe it could be launched at the YES rally in September.

If we don’t take PRACTICAL steps NOW against the BBC led lying ‘Better Together’ ‘Project Fear’, WE WILL LIVE TO REGRET IT ON 19th September 2014, unless we are planning a mass suicide after a NO vote.

WoS is doing an absolutely brilliant job, but IT MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC if we want a YES vote.

The Man in the Jar

More thoughts about my banner idea. The wording, it would have to be short and with a bit of humour. A bit gallus so it gets talked about. How about “I Smell Shite!”?

Edward Barbour

Slightly O/T We keep getting told by unionists that Scotland couldn’t afford a military, that we would be a joke. Yet I’ve just read in the Daily Mail (well someone has to do the dirty work) that returning troops from Afghanistan, had to endure a delay of 2 days, due to their flight back on the PFI supplied RAF Transport aircraft had to change a tyre. Normally commercial aircraft can have a change of wheel within hours. But the A330 purchased through a £ 10.5 Billion Private finance deal in 2008 (under Labour), meant that the RAF had to wait and have a replacement flown out from the UK to the middle east . link to


Caption: BT, ensuring the future of ALL banks.
For those who have the time, here is a lecture from the British Academy, looking at the future for the banking sector. For those without the time, there is nothing to see here, please move along. The FIAT Ponzi scheme is safe, they’ve seen to it.
Where are we on Banking Reform?
Proffedor John Vickars, FBA
Thursday,  27 June, 2013
link to


@ Rev Stuart Campbell
I posted that on the wrong thread, again. Could I bother you to move it to the “Please Give Generously” thread? It doesn’t really make any sense here. Ta.


I’d suggest linking to or at least taking screenshots of the evidence of BT campaign’s latest low-points and hosting them independently.
About a week back you posted an article showing the BT font.
Dinnae leave the doom croaking hoody mob wing any movement space for doubt in terms of dropping JPEGS
link to
It’s 2 stuck together and they ken we ken their font
If possible, link the original image only.
I appreciate it’s pedantic, but I’m now a paying customer and if this does not happen I will call up and request to speak to a manager.

Gordon Bain

The “media” may well change, that’s a gamble I might take. However the BBC are not included. The clue’s in the bloody name! A quick poll at work yesterday showed everyone – there’s only five in my work but still – sits down to their tea with Reporting Scotland. You can’t buy that propaganda.


5 minute Political Broadcasts on a regular basis
On AyeTV?
No, on the BBC, STV, Ch4, etc.
At the end of the day, the BBC is meant to impartial. If they refuse to show an SNP political 5 minute advert, then there will be a serious outcry. This time, the BBC would be in hot water, as people would want to know why the BBC are refusing to show an SNP advert. We pay our TV licence, therefore we should be allowed to have what we ‘want’ on that channel. It’s our God-given right!
Same with STV. It’s ‘Scottish’ Television. They refuse – huge outcry.
As Doug Daniel says above; 16 weeks before the Referendum, the media will be neutered, and at that point, the games begin. The BBC directors can sit in their boardroom and wail, whine and greet all they want. There won’t be a thing they can do about it!
I …don’t walk in fear of the media. The media walks in fear of the Nationalists!


Gordon Bain says:     
The “media” may well change, that’s a gamble I might take. However the BBC are not included. The clue’s in the bloody name! A quick poll at work yesterday showed everyone – there’s only five in my work but still – sits down to their tea with Reporting Scotland. You can’t buy that propaganda.
The clues in the name, but we pay money to that organisation through a TV licence. If half of Scotland demand an SNP advert, then by god, it WILL be shown. Make no bones about it! To refuse, will lead to an almighty outcry! Straightaway, people will smell a rat, and will want to know why – even the Unionist supporters.

What the BBC should be worrying about, is if Scotland does become independent, then its actions during this period will be remembered, and also held accountable. I can see a lot of changes at Pacific Quay post-indy. We can’t have an organisation in a country, sitting there, bad mouthing most of the population and the nation itself, all because it wants to belong to another nation. There will be people in that organisation even now, who must be wondering apprehensively, if they are still going to have a job come the first 6 months of 2015.

Seasick Dave

Even the BBC can’t keep the lid on the truth all the time…
link to
“There is a lot of press around North Sea Oil being in decline, but the truth is there is still 30 – 40 years left in the North Sea and that estimate increases all the time as new fields are discovered and come online,
Kevin Forbes


Buh dum, dum, dum
Aaaaand another one bites, and another one bites,


@Seasick Dave
“There is a lot of press around North Sea Oil being in decline,”
Or another way of putting it is that there’s an awful lot of government led propaganda in the news. This bullshit about decline won’t be seen anywhere near serious economists or oil and gas industry experts and certainly not spouted by the companies which have invested heavily in the past year.
Still I’m sure the fella’s trying to be diplomatic. 🙂

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    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “There is a disconnect between the comments on the right hand side of the page and the main BTL.Feb 16, 09:35
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “Now the virus downloads even when you click on the title of the article.Feb 16, 09:31
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “@ Flying Iron of Doom Yes, I keep getting that silly thing to download every time I click the link…Feb 16, 08:53
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The thickness of blood: “Is anyone else still finding it impossible to view comments because of that bloody virus which keeps attempting to download…Feb 16, 06:15
    • Debatable Lands on The thickness of blood: “Let’s look at this from another angle with less cock waving/hiding. A minority of men behave in aggressive and sexually…Feb 16, 06:01
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “no answer to either question very telling but probably wise under the hate speech laws bought in by the SNP…Feb 16, 05:13
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “I thought one of the big hopes for indy was to massively ramp up immigration to a free ScotlandFeb 16, 05:09
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “Nobody is ‘legitimately going through reassignment surgery’. Nobody.Feb 16, 04:30
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “No you don’t. There’s no such thing. It’s literal nonsense.Feb 16, 04:25
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “The ONLY good thing to come out of Edinburgh is the road to GlasgowFeb 16, 04:05
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “There’s nothing wrong with Paisley , and once we get rid of the pish snp crawlers and elect a I4I…Feb 16, 04:03
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “TBQH I don’t know why anyone is giving that PRICK yoon scum any explanation, he/she/it is only here to annoy…Feb 16, 03:52
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “Julie Hull has clearly illuminated and broken down the hurried and unconscionable desperation of these female Aunt Lydias in their…Feb 16, 03:43
    • Ian Brotherhood on The thickness of blood: “As a general rule I suppose you could be right but it’s not between Glasgow and Edinburgh.Feb 15, 22:34
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “I don’t think Paisley is a good idea.Feb 15, 22:29
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “New York Post (14/02/25): DOGE says it recovered $1.9 billion in taxpayer funds ‘misplaced’ by Biden admin: “The massive trove…Feb 15, 22:22
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Rapid Response 47 @RapidResponse47: “Presidents Obama and Biden clearly love the work @DOGE is doing” Elon Musk @elonmusk: “Literally exactly…Feb 15, 22:16
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”: UK Foreign Office: British nationals…Feb 15, 22:07
  • A tall tale

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