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Wings Over Scotland

Coping with change

Posted on October 07, 2024 by

Just a quick bit of housekeeping here with regard to the new Wings comments section, which offers far more functionality but has also attracted a few complaints because it’s no longer a straight chronology of oldest-to-newest tweets.

(We could actually change that back, but the cost would be losing the ability to reply directly to individual comments, which is a big loss, so we’re leaving it as it is for now.)

To those beefing because that means you can’t now immediately tell which comments are new, a couple of helpful pointers. The easiest way to fix the problem is a simple one: keep the tab open.

If you keep the most recent page open in a tab on your browser, the Comment Bubble (visible at the bottom left of that pic) will keep track of all new comments – it refreshes every 30 seconds – and highlight them for you in yellow until you’ve read them.

(The little orange circle should take you to the first unread one if you click it.)

Sadly the Bubble stops working if you close the tab or navigate to a new page from it, but since most people have scores of tabs open at a time that shouldn’t be a problem. So there you go.

There are also a couple of other handy wee features. You can choose to “subscribe” to a particular page, in which case you’ll be notified by email of any new comments in the thread, or just those that are replies to YOUR comments. Choose which you want from the drop-down menu, click the little green > symbol and Bob’s your auntie’s gardener.

(You can unsubscribe the exact same way.)

We’ve also greatly expanded and enhanced the “Recent Comments” sidebar which appears at the right-hand side of both the main front page and individual articles.

It now contains the most recent 30 comments (on any page), along with a preview of each comment and a link that’ll take you directly to it.

Hopefully between them these features will resolve the complaints that some have had about the new Comments function, although as far as we can tell most people seem to prefer it anyway. Once again, the key is keeping a tab open in your browser for any pages that you want to follow comments on. Do that and you’ll always know at a glance which comments are new.

Any questions?

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Even to complete IT dummies like myself, your explanation is clear. I had been struggling a bit with the new format so thank you.

KT Lorimer

Does this mean no more death by hammers?


it would appear so! Hurrah

Northern Lad

Very witty. Still smiling. : )


I like the new layout. Is it possible to be on a subscription to the site

Michael Laing

As I commented on a previous post, I think the new layout is a great improvement. I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t result in increased interaction on the site as it’s now much easier to respond to individual comments and to follow the flow of the conversation. As for the order of the comments, am I right in saying the initial comments in each thread still appear in chronological order from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom?


This is irrelevant to me because I never leave comments.

Northern Lad

Lol. This made me laugh. : )

Alastair Ewen

Can we use the word “("Tractor" - Ed)” now?

Alastair Ewen

I guess not…

Andrew scott

What is the word btw-i have no idea
give me a clue- rhymeswill do

The Two

I think it might be the T word for “one who betrays.”


“Coping with change”

Cash for brickies?

[Like the green lettering btw.]


There’s no requirement to cope with changes to this site from me if it continues to promote the idea that #There’sNothingGoingOnInScottishPolitics” that warrants ongoing scrutiny.

Others clearly see things and think differently though, and have the motivation to try to keep folk informed.

link to

“Like” or “dislike” away to this post as is your wont, but sooner or later you’re going to have to break out of conforming to social contagion influences and understand that sometimes things need to be said that are not aligned with what you’re being conditioned to think.
And Scotland certainly requires far more people to start stepping up and calling out bullshit when we see it.


Maybe to clarify, there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics pertaining to the increased likelihood of actual independence.

Shades of Bella here, I think. And look how useful to the cause of independence that esteemed organ has been. We will not forget the rise of RISE.

Andy Ellis

There’s a hard core of fantasists in the movement – over represented in here since the number posting fell some time ago – who are utterly convinced that their wedge issue politics will somehow magically become mainstream. As you rightly observe, they’re as important and as relevant as RISE, Bella.

It is of course the height of arrogance for those like Dan to think they are even remotely qualified to school the lumpen majority.

Folk aren’t listening to voices like theirs, to the remnants of RISE and Bella, or the sundty franchise restriction fannies, vatniks, and “Palestine Free from the River to the Sea” types infesting this place.

Sounds more like desperate wish fulfilment than a realistic plan to achieve independence. The overwhelming majority will have none of their delusional student politics.

Robert Hughes

Thanks for that link , D . I read Conter sporadically ( I try to limit the amount of time I give to reading/watching political stuff ) , and rate what I’ve read from them : that one you link is particularly good

It seems to have largely gone unremarked – other than by Left critics like the estimable Robin McA and a few others – just how thoroughly Neoliberal doctrinaire the SNP have become ; how totally * sold* they are on the very ideology , ie Neoliberal Capitalism , that is wreaking so much havoc in the World .

Endless wars – when did you last here a West politician mention the word ” Peace ” ? .

Brutal , heedless destruction & plunder of the Earth’s resources hand-in-hand with schizophrenic hysteria re * Green * policies , imposed from above by people whose wealth insulates ( HA ! ) them the negative effects of these policies .

And ALL the while the vast rivers of profit flow upstream into the nets of Globalist Oligarchy .

I think it’s possible the slavish adherence of the current SNP to Neolib orthodoxy is not so much because they believe in it’s efficacy or are particularly committed to it ideologically ( some of them no doubt are ) : but rather , because they don’t have fckn clue how to do anything different – let alone original . Ergo ,they just follow the pack , absorb the ” received wisdom ” on everything and basically stumble along hoping ” things will work out ok ” . Maybe also a reflection of the lack of real-life experience/expertise of the very ” Gap Year ” studenty composition of the current SNP .

Except they’re not working out ok ; ” things ” are getting worse , much worse , and every ” thing ” the Neoliberal/Globalist mindset does is exacerbating the problems . THEY are the problem , but they keep pointing * elsewhere * trying to say it’s all ” their ” fault .

Hatey McHateface

Endless wars

My suggestion is that you take same time to educate yourself. Here’s a good place to start:

link to

You’ll see that of the top ten, only three have occurred in the century and a quarter since 1900. And, given the almost exponential increase in human numbers since 1900, I think we can still make a fair claim to be (so far) living in a Golden Age of peace.

when did you last here a West politician mention the word ” Peace ” ?

All the time. Maybe you should pay more attention.

Of course, maybe I’m writing about the kind of peace we get when we dissuade aggressors by standing up to them, and you’re writing about the kind of peace we get when we allow the aggressors free reign to slaughter until there are no victims left.


I am a clear my cookies every day or so guy. My laptop seems to suck in every performance inhibiting cookie on earth until it grinds to gradual halt. Probably all the dungeon porn sites… (joke).

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    • Mac on Coping with change: “I am a clear my cookies every day or so guy. My laptop seems to suck in every performance inhibiting…Oct 7, 20:56
    • Andy Ellis on Coping with change: “There’s a hard core of fantasists in the movement – over represented in here since the number posting fell some…Oct 7, 20:53
    • Mac on Things happen slowly: “Not sure why I though that at the time looking at it now. It was very easy before, all new…Oct 7, 20:42
    • Robert Hughes on Coping with change: “Thanks for that link , D . I read Conter sporadically ( I try to limit the amount of time…Oct 7, 20:18
    • Garrion on Coping with change: “Maybe to clarify, there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics pertaining to the increased likelihood of actual independence. Shades of…Oct 7, 19:50
    • Dan on Coping with change: “There’s no requirement to cope with changes to this site from me if it continues to promote the idea that…Oct 7, 19:10
    • The Two on Coping with change: “I think it might be the T word for “one who betrays.”Oct 7, 19:07
    • Andy Ellis on Things happen slowly: “Ah hae ma doots that the SNP is salvageable or worth the effort to do so even if it were.…Oct 7, 18:40
    • Andrew scott on Coping with change: “What is the word btw-i have no idea give me a clue- rhymeswill doOct 7, 18:36
    • Doug on Coping with change: ““Coping with change” Cash for brickies? [Like the green lettering btw.]Oct 7, 18:32
    • Northern Lad on Coping with change: “Lol. This made me laugh. : )Oct 7, 17:31
    • Northern Lad on Coping with change: “Very witty. Still smiling. : )Oct 7, 17:30
    • Alastair Ewen on Coping with change: “I guess not…Oct 7, 17:23
    • Alastair Ewen on Coping with change: “Can we use the word “traitor” now?Oct 7, 17:23
    • Sandra on Coping with change: “This is irrelevant to me because I never leave comments.Oct 7, 17:20
    • Michael Laing on Coping with change: “As I commented on a previous post, I think the new layout is a great improvement. I’ll be surprised if…Oct 7, 17:18
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    • 100%Yes on Coping with change: “I like the new layout. Is it possible to be on a subscription to the siteOct 7, 16:14
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