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Wings Over Scotland

Comment superfluous

Posted on November 28, 2016 by
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Jimmy Crawford

Yeah…that really does not surprise me in the slightest.


They jist canny speel rite at awe….

Conan the Librarian™

An these peepul call themselve’s churnalists?

Dr Jim

Now we’ll have an article on how John Swinney’s failing on edyookayshun

Fergus Green

It’s good to see the Herald taking an inclusive approach to employment and allowing staff with Specific Learning Difficulties carry out the function of sub-editor.


I got this mail – but like all the mails I get – I scanned and assumed the tea boy had typed it up.

On deeper analysis – well, its typical of modern media tbh. Not all, but one the great ladder of ‘quality’ print media, the Herald is in the toilet.

Quentin Quale

Three cheers for the Helrad.


You missed ‘to better reflect’ – split infinitive.


They’re telling the readers it IS journalism, so there!

Redsigned is just shorthand for saying they publish SLAB press releases almost unedited.

donald anderson

I don’t mind the mistooks. It’s the Onionist lying I object to. I used to be Herald fan. Widnae have it in the hoose noo.


Not easy when the intelligent, educated staff left a long time ago. :-))


They could try spellcheck.


Has it indeed come to this? George MacDonald Fraser & Arnold Kemp must be spinning, wherever they are noo!

Ian MacDonald

To be fair to them, they do not state what level of quality to expect from the Herald brand and journalism.

My guess is ‘Low quality’.

Tartan Tory

That’s just sic….

winifred mccartney

The ‘journalists/story-tellers’ left were not educated under SNP governance but they will blame the snp anyway and thats on a good day usually its just half truths lies and damned lies all with an anti snp edge. Sooner its gone the better along with a few others who would not know truth if they fell over it.

Alan Mackintosh

To be fair, your use of red crayon is an appropriate illustration of “the quality of the Herald brand and it’s[sic] journalism”.

I trust they will thank you for your proof reading…

Socrates MacSporran

As a still-working, albeit very much on a part-time basis jouranlist, who continues to contribute occasionally to The Herald, what really saddened me about the letter sent out, was, it was signed by the “Acting Editor-in-Chief”.

OK, th guy in the Big Chief’s hot seat is actually doing the work of three people, but, if he, or his secretary, cannot get the basics right – what hope is there for the “Indians” at the coal face?


The Herald – don’t even think about it!


Could they stoop even lower? At least the comic gives folk a laugh. A joke. In the desperate Times. A example of the gullible MSM printing nonsense. When will they ever learn?

Fallon the crooked, devious, greedy warmongering liar, responsible for the illegal Syrian invasion. ilegally plants Trident in Scotland. Speeling off a load of nonsense. The UK/US and France caused the biggest migrant crisis since 11WW, with their illegal invasions. Then tries to divert and blame Russia.

Hammond is a crook. Laughs and sheer at Scottish Independence and a Navy to patrol the shores. Then increase the rest of the UK debt to even greater proportion, sanction and starves the vulnerable. A despicable person. The tax evading Teresa May. The shameful Tories totally destroying the world economy.

[…] Source: Wings Over Scotland Comment superfluous […]

Socrates MacSporran

Big Reddy time for MacSporran.

There I am, ranting about The Herald’s failure to get the basics right, when I go and over-look a missed-out ‘e’ in th “the” in the first line of my second paragraph.

It’s my lap top’s fault – honest.

Dorothy Devine

Ah! What a refection is there!

I will reflect on days gone by when I ‘took’ the Herald because of the professional journalism and the variety of ideas and ideals explored therein.

Bob Mack

The difference between HERE and THERE is the letter T.

Amazing that an organisation who utilise words as the basic tools of their craft cannot even get them right.

Graham King

That reminds me of the staccato-paced Labour Party in Scotland party political video, of 2015 perhaps.

It had words shifting hither and thither about the screen (in most irritating but copycat-‘modern’ fashion)… words of which ‘BEHAVIOUR’ was misspelt.

Education or attention FAIL.

Proud Cybernat

I bet £76 Mystic McTear-in-his-eye could have done a better job.

Mibbee. Sorry – mibbees.

Dan Huil


Graf Midgehunter

They saw the Rev’s mugshot with its death ray look in the “Sun” and got all shit scared like with shakey fingers….. 🙁

What with them having to guess some of the words as well, it’s a bit diffikult innit%

Bob Mack

@Dan Hull,

I think you have cracked it Dan. The journalist all qualified through the Jim Murphy School of journalistic excellence.

Correspondence courses for consummate correspondents.

Dr Jim

Anybody can make a mistake with spelling or grammar but what’s so bad about this is newspapers have folk to check the spelling and grammar and then check it again

So how many of them are sub standard editors?
A cautionary tale for Mums and Dads everywhere
Don’t let your children grow up to be journalists, they could end up illiterate

It all just makes John Swinneys job that much harder
Hopefully our children will stop reading newspapers and picking up these bad habits

Concerned, Bishopbriggs

David Innes

>Socrates @ 11.53….jouranlist?? lol

Alan Mackintosh

Socrates, you were getting in on the act with your rendition of “jouranlist” as well in para 1, line 1.

Martin Cunningham

And that centre text alignment at the start. What’s that all about?


What can one say? Better off just laughing, eh!
To think, there still exists people who help keep that rag afloat.

Bob Mack


Too long at the Herald !! Face/palm.




Even I got better spelling whacked into me at school. Bring back the belt. I say


I used to buy the Glasgow Herald on my way to work, but bought my last one on the 3rd of May 1979. The editorial advised, “The bold step Britain has to take”, and suggesting readers should vote for Thatcher.

It’s on google’s news archive captured for eternal infamy.

link to

Jack Collatin

As the Clown Prince of Ypographical Terrors, I have no room to talk.
But then again, I don’t make my living out of it.
We had our regular visit to the ‘It’s not it’s; it’s its’ debate a few days ago, didn’t we?
Third person impersonal possessive pronoun.
All together now. ed: not ‘altogether’.
The Ed done bad.


Oh jings! 😀 LOL

Ross Lowe

‘Access to exclusive reader events’ where, in Nuremberg?


The Herald can’t spell, can’t research, can’t
support a balanced or objective view, and
Can’t have much longer to exist.

They don’t want a Smartphone App, it should
Be Dumb founded Ape for their customer base.


A BUM churnalist wrote “redsigned”.

Me thinks someone was thinking red ensign.
Freudian slip d’ya think?

CameronB Brodie

As someone who has been affected by Specific Learning Difficulties and spent primary three in remedial class, I find this both amusing and offensive.

Conflicted, me? Perhaps but not as much as that Tory FAN-BOY David Torrence. 🙂

Albert Herring

I hear the new masthead is to be a stylised depiction of a pile of shite.


@ Cameron B Brodie, cant help but notice your firm grasp of Wank! 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Natural talent? 🙂

Chic McGregor

One that has existed for a puzzling (sic) length of time in the National is in the Maths Square rules description where it say “Each row and column is a equation.”

Chic McGregor


That’ll teach me.


Their survival plan is obviously to

Pretend It’s Not The Herald

Lorna Sharp

And a split infinitive to boot!

Stu Mac


That was my first thought then I realised some of the mistakes wouldn’t have been picked up by spellcheck (which you should never depend on anyway as a correctly spelt word can still be the wrong word) – you really have to do a proper proof reading. Seems to be something thrown out the window by modern newspapers.

CameronB Brodie

@David Torrence
Your input in the debate is clearly superfluous FAN-BOY, as your beliefs are in conflict with the principles of your specific scientific training. Sounds like you need more remedial skooling on what modern fascism entails, as you appear to be conflating reality with fantasy to suite your nefarious purpose.

Does this not bring to mind the current “Economic Freedom Fighters” in the Westminster government?

What are the general characteristic values of a fascist movement

A. It always assume itself a posture of being a movement of young people determined to undermine the authority, creating a mayhem of disrespect to others especially the older generations.

B. A seedbed of the highest forms of disorder, exaltation of force, strength, violence: slogans, symbols, costumes, insignias and military fatigue.

C. Theoretical bankruptcy, ahistorical world outlook, glorification of the past historical events, and the past is always seen as a source of inspiration to the present.

D. It always assume the most revolutionary posture more than the revolution itself. Flaborous behavior, excessively provoked as if the revolution is indebted to them.

E. The Commander in Chief, the cult of a leader. The Commander in Chief is the embodiment of the nation, of its will, and of the state. He must be obyed without question. The leader is the alpha and the omega, the blind followers have absolute discipline, sacrifice and blind obedience.

F. The worse enemy of the struggle of the working class, upon seizure of state power it always connive with monopoly capital to consolidate its class interests. Widespread persecution, killings and worst forms of exploitation and oppression of the working class.

link to

Done anything to develop you awareness of self-identification and self-appraisal process and how they form the basis of good judgement?

I asserted that there is a new globalised Fascist movement that has gradually, in fits and starts, insinuated itself as a new normal in Western regimes and in many “developing” regimes. A central claim of the article is that the differences between old Fascism and new Fascism are almost entirely due to the fact that the original Fascism was a nationalistic creed with imperialist ambitions, while the new Fascism is an imperialist ideology and mode of governance.

I also distinguish between the banal Fascism of governance and the dramatic Fascism of rhetoric. Fascists campaign as radical revolutionaries, but rule in a way that secures and bolsters the existing social order against mass discontent.

…The new Fascism has harnessed mass disengagement but the crisis it has brought by its own success has led to the same populist right-wing explosion that was the vanguard of the old Fascism. We can now see – particularly in the US – that this is a matter of sequence, not essence. The mass embrace of combative right-wing populism is becoming ever more common, and it completes the circle so that the symmetry with old Fascism is revealed.

link to

Robert Peffers

@Vronsky says: 28 November, 2016 at 11:29 am:

“You missed ‘to better reflect’ – split infinitive”.

Thing is, Vronsky, the subject of split infinitives is a bit controversial and thus, “The Herald”, may have decided to boldly go where no daily paper has gone before. An aa that.


Kind Retards,
‘The Horald’

Robert Peffers

@Alan Mackintosh says: 28 November, 2016 at 11:53 am:

… I trust they will thank you for your proof reading…”

Not very likely, Alan. Mainly because in this case it is, “spoof reading”.

Nigel Stapley

Proff-roading is a thong of teh pist, isn’t it?

I’ve seen it more and more down the years; the Grundiad and the Toryglyph used to get some stick in the past, but now it’s everywhere – the Bindependent, the Brutish Broadcorping Castration…

It’s a combination of worsening standards of education and that type of modern media-magnatery which says, “What the hell about accuracy – we need to get it out there, Fats!” (sorry, “fast!”).

ronnie anderson

As Les Dawson would say when playing the Piano Hitting all the rite notes but in the wrong order, but nice to see the Hackery is getting noticed .


Aye, pure quality right enough 😀


I see upthread that someone recalls the old Glasgow Herald pushing for a Thatcher vote back in 1979. Can’t say I remember that but even then I didn’t read it all that much. However it definitely used to carry some genuine gravitas with the educated middle class in West/Central Scotland.

Since their genius move to ignore truth and fact and transform it into a unionist propaganda rag the only question now is how long will it last before it finally swirls down the pan where it belongs?


Typical lazy journalism from Michael Settle in to-day’s Herald –

“Recent figures show that Scotland’s budget deficit is almost 10 per cent, which is more than double the UK’s as a whole and the worst in Europe – bigger even than that of Greece.”

Why is unioinist propaganda regurgitated without clarification by an experienced journalist again showing his Labour credentials?

Where have all the sub editors gone?


Standards have slipped at the Herald.


“It’s the Herald wot dun it gov”


Aye quality jurnalisum.

Andrew Morton

I took out a Herald subscription after the collapse of the Scotsman to little better than a Unionist comic. At that time in 2012 it was a quality paper with high journalistic standards even if I didn’t agree with a lot of what they published. The comments section was excellent despite their touting of the sock puppet Jezerna Roza. Since the referendum they’ve gone downhill at lightning speed and I cancelled my subscription earlier this year because it just wasn’t worth reading any more. Frankly.


Used to love The Herald. It deserves to die now though.


I know my spelling, punctuation and grammar are a bit iffy, but I don’t make my living with the written word.


A true refection of the Herald’s journalistic credibility, in those couple of sentences.

Dorothy Devine

Lochside , you nearly choked me , I demand an apology!

Dave McEwan Hill

Socrates MacSporran at 11.57

…….and “jouranlist”

James Barr Gardner

In the middle sixties my English teacher advised the class (2nd year) to read the Glasgow Herald as it was well written and had first class news articles.

How things have changed !

A major newspaper is due to implode soon !

Connor McEwen

Cheese and Chips even Jimmy Reid used to do a serious of articles for them back in the day

Dan Humphries

Well, journalists should be very accurate when it comes to disseminating and publishing news articles. Though they’re still human,they must be very careful with the words and the news itself.

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