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Wings Over Scotland

Changing tunes

Posted on January 13, 2015 by

Willie Rennie, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, 12 January 2015:

“Mr Rennie said the [SNP] consistently changed its tune on what elections were about after the event and could use May’s poll to claim a mandate justifying a UK vote.”

Tavish Scott, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, Tuesday 3 May 2011:

“If you want independence you can vote for it on Thursday.”

Still, at least he was wrong about Salmond fiddling the referendum result, eh?

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107 to “Changing tunes”

  1. heedtracker says:

    Maybe Wullie Rennie’s from another dimension in the UKOK rule Britannia space time continuum.

  2. Luigi says:

    I am so looking forward to seeing that despicable party receive yet another kicking in May. Hopefully, it will be the final nail in the Yellow Tory coffin.

  3. John McKay says:

    Oor Wee Wullie is runnin’ scared. Rev Stu-your capacity to dredge up this stuff is quite stunning. I’m glad you’re on my side. Get in!

  4. AnneDon says:

    According to Iain MacWhirter’s Road to Referendum, the Scottish Lib Dem “Leader” was virtually ordered by Ming Campbell and Gordon Brown not to form a coalition with the SNP in 2007, unless the SNP ruled out calling a referendum.

    Who knows what would have happened if those two clodhoppers hadn’t got involved? No wonder Tavish is so peevish!

  5. MajorBloodnok says:

    Hooray! Is it kick a Lib-Dem day? And why not!

  6. steveasaneilean says:

    I heard Ian Blackford on the latest Bateman Broadcast asking the very simple question fo the current MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber – where’s Charlie?
    According to Mr Blackford Mr Kennedy’s voting record has fallen year on year and now stands at less than a third of Commons votes. What can be keeping him so busy?
    And I thought taxation was supposed to bring representation.

  7. Grizzle McPuss says:

    And to follow up on the home rule & mixed messages malarkey started by oor Wullie…

    Tavish Scott, the bloke who championed for Shetland and Orkney to have home rule separate from the rest of Scotland because…

    “Two thirds of the North Sea and west of Shetland reserves are in Shetland coastal waters. The Northern Isles don’t need nationalists negotiating Scotland’s oil share, it’s wirs…”

  8. Pentland Firth says:

    I look forward to them changing their tune again on 8th May. Chopin’s Funeral March should be appropriate.

  9. Macart says:

    They shouldn’t be allowed out without supervision really. 😉

  10. Flower of Scotland says:

    I’ve just had a trashy bit of paper called the East Fife Gazette pushed through my door! Printed by the Lib Dems in N E Fife. It’s so full of lies I’m fuming! Here,s a wee bit.

    Tim Brett fights for Local Services after SNP negligence!

    It’s the LibDems or SNP in our area:
    Tim Brett and L Dems OR the SNP
    Taxes down OR Taxes up
    More childcare. OR Fewer college places in Fife
    New NHS cash boost OR Cancer Targets missed
    Local Champion. OR Local Services Centralised
    More powers for Scotland OR Independence at all costs

    How do they get away with it! My stress levels have gone way up!!

  11. Clootie says:

    Why has Tavish Scott always got a face like a skelped arse?

    • John McKay says:

      Now now Clootie. You would get humped out of the CBB house for such a remark.

  12. pipinghot says:

    Mr Kennedy is busy getting his name mentioned in the papers on the sort of things he should have been doing for the last god knows how many years we have had to suffer him. As an election leaflet that popped thru the door for the Libdems quoted “Everybody knows somebody Charles has helped”
    Well, after asking about, we don’t know anybody he has helped (apart from himself that is)

  13. Fred says:

    Tavish Scott a minor Shetland lairdling, why o why do folk in the northern counties keep voting for the descendants of lairds who treated their ancestors like shit?

  14. Jimbo says:

    I was at that meeting in Perth when Scott said “If you want independence you can vote for it on Thursday.”

    He didn’t really mean it though – Cos after they were annihilated on the Thursday’s Scottish GE the Unionists all changed their tune. As far as they were concerned we hadn’t voted for independence after all.

    We really, really have to do it in the forthcoming Westminster GE.

  15. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Was that a hairy Andrew Tickell at the end there?

  16. morgatron says:

    You honestly couldnt make this stuff up. Wee Willie Rennie in his night gown.
    Lets put that stupid man and his party into the history books.

  17. Dr Jim says:

    I do get so much fun from this site, every day new joy spreads itself before us in thick layers of delight like a Joey Tribiani sandwich with a Ross Geller moistmaker in the middle, cannot thank you enough Stu for this feast of pleasure, it’s like political porn….I’ve gone too far now haven’t i…

  18. Stoker says:

    Flower of Scotland says:
    “I’ve just had a trashy bit of paper called the East Fife Gazette pushed through my door! Printed by the Lib Dems in N E Fife. It’s so full of lies I’m fuming!”

    Aye, FOS, and i’ve just had their ‘Borders’ equivalent ‘The Borders News’ stuffed through my door and that too is full of LieDem crap.

    Big headline across the front reads “SNP TAKE EYE OFF THE BALL”.
    It then goes on to blame the SNP for putting local services at risk while they “spent three years campaigning for independence.”

    It also echo’s Wee Willie Stinkies mantra of “independence by the back door” and states that “vital services are being damaged by the SNP’s obsession with independence.”

    Full of LieDem crap throughout its 4 pages.

  19. Macart says:

    OK, fun as it is to beat the Libdems with their own stick. Its not just the embarrassment of riches in terms of sound bite stupidity and all buffoonery which they contribute. Where do these people get fitted for the ultimate in brass neckery is the question buzzing around my dome.

    Scandal after scandal has rocked this system of government over the past three years especially. Some covering appalling offences going back decades, whilst others are bang smack up to date. One of my pet favourites being the now defunct expenses scandal. Defunct of course because the evidence was apparently destroyed. A scandal which covered years of abuse of public money to the tune of God knows how many millions over some period of time.

    These MPs. These people who supposedly represent us and who inhabit Westminster, govern the country and direct our daily lives have committed and have gotten away with what in general public terms would surely be considered criminal offences. I used the expenses example specifically because it covered literally hundreds of abusers of the system. People we voted for in trust and faith.

    Bearing in mind the now public revelations as to the crimes and cock ups of our system of government and the establishment in general, just what gives these thieving, duplicitous, lying backstabbers the right to lecture us that running our own show won’t work? That its a bad idea? That we are incapable, not prepared, effectively not entitled to have what we need? I mean they must surely be aware of what’s going on in their own place of work right? They must be more aware than us just how rotten the whole edifice is?

    We’ve been branded natz, reactionaries, tribalists, a virus, a something for nothing society, insurgents, genetically incapable and I’m sure I’ve left more than a few of the more unsavoury descriptions out. This coming from representatives of a house of thieves, liars and worse. Bottom line? There isn’t any reason whatsoever that their opinion carries any more weight than yours or mine and with the evidence on hand, absolutely zero reason to trust a word they say.

  20. bald eagle says:

    Clootie says:
    13 January, 2015 at 3:53 pm
    Why has Tavish Scott always got a face like a skelped arse?

    clootie word is he wants to join the bullington boys club

    (sausage eater hmhm)

  21. Capella says:

    They’re all going to lose their seats in May. Then again in 2016. And finally the unionist councillors in 2017. What a relief it will be.

  22. No no no...Yes says:

    Ah, Tavish Scott , that visionary leader:

    link to

    A couple of quotes:

    Tavish was scathing about the idea of a referendum, calling it an SNP trick which the party shouldn’t go along with.

    Tavish was keen on strengthening the powers of the Scottish Parliament because, “for a Parliament, just as for a council, to be responsible to its electorate it has to be accountable for both sides of the balance sheet.” In other words, the Scottish Parliament needs more responsibility for the raising of the funds which pay for the expenditure that it controls. He argued that, “at least half of Scottish Parliament’s income should be controlled by Scottish Parliament.”

    So Tavish, how did that all pan out, especially your contribution to the Smith Commission?

  23. KennyG says:

    Fuck this. Why don’t we all just stop going to work and grow our own food.

  24. liz says:

    Haven’t verified this yet but it appears at Lab have voted with the government on austerity bill.

    link to

  25. Alex Clark says:


    No need to verify, of course Labour voted hand in hand with the Tories on the austerity bill.

    There is no difference between them other than the preferred colour of tie.

    Red Tories all.

  26. gillie says:

    Has anybody seen Jim Murphy today? Was he at Westminster voting with the Tories on more austerity? Was he at Holyrood teeling the troops he was standing up for Scotland? Has been in hiding all day?

    Where’s Jim?

  27. tombee says:

    If my memory serves me correctly, Tavish Scott, who, when in power, was admonished for allowing a ‘friend’ to use his ministerial car as their personal taxi. ALLEGEDLY.

  28. @lIz – they did. @8 of them the rest wern’t there, probably filling in their expense forms. The vote for austerity was 515 for and 18 against. Those against were SNP, Plaid Cymru and Greens.

    Those who voted for were Red, Blue and Yellow tories.

  29. That was 28 lab mps.

  30. steveasaneilean says:

    @Liz – your information is correct. According to the BBC labour have voted with the Government for the Charter for Budget Responsibility which commits the government to a goal of balancing day-to-day spending – the structural current deficit – by 2017-18.It would also ensure that debt is falling as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2016-17.The Treasury says that to meet these targets a new government would have to make additional tax rises or spending cuts of around £30bn – more than Labour plans”

    And guess who is giving Labour a hard time for their plans? Yup, the Institute for Fiscal Studies. I wonder if Darling, Brown, Alexander, Murphy and co will be so keen to promote the IFs view now…

  31. think again says:

    Changing tunes v obsession, well if having a deeply held and consistent political conviction is an obsession then I am guilty as charged.

    If changing tunes is the same as varying propaganda to suit the electorate north and south of the border, add in rewriting history, as well as the newly minted Jim Patriot Murphy who changes his tune by the minute then the unionists are guilty as charged.

    To all unionists, so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

  32. Peter Bell says:

    You have to be impressed by Rennie’s fine blend of hypocrisy and idiocy on the subject of “redefining” what a vote is about. Hypocrisy in that the British parties unabashedly redefined the meaning of a No vote in the referendum. And not just once. They started off insisting that the referendum was a straight choice between independence and nothing. Then, when they belatedly realised they were backing the least popular option, they started to claim that a No vote was actually a vote for the “more powers” option that they had refused to countenance having on the ballot – and still refused to define in any way. Finally, as soon as the result was in, they went back to saying that a No vote was an unequivocal endorsement of the union and petulantly demand that independence campaigners abandon what in many cases is a lifelong aspiration.

    The idiocy of Rennie’s drivel about the SNP “redefining” what the coming UK election is about lies in the fact that every party gets to define what the election is about. That is arguably as good a definition as you’ll get of a party’s election manifesto. Just how cretinous do you have to be to miss this glaringly obvious fact?

    More on Woeful Willie – link to

  33. ronald alexander mcdonald says:

    LibDems. A party that in neither democratic nor liberal. They now define Home Rule as whatever their tory masters dictate.

    The most useless, inane political party that I have ever encountered.

  34. fred blogger says:

    libdems who?!
    and i fell for their spiel last ge, never again.
    i actually thought or was led to believe, we could get rid of the tories and bring labour to a/c by voting libdem.
    as far as i’m concerned they can turn to dust.

  35. Mealer says:

    The Libdems are in a very shaky financial position.

  36. Stoker says:


    “Clegg’s party is in political hell right now.”

    “But when you lap dance with the devil what do you expect?”

    The Mirror – 31st May 2014
    link to

    Note how they fail to mention how all 3 Unionist parties were in bed together at this point shafting Scotland.

    Is there a more fitting word than irony or hypocrisy?

    Now, did someone just mention ‘austerity vote?’

  37. Lollysmum says:

    Tavish Scott reckons both sides of a balance sheet have to balance do they. Wrong-a balance sheet is a snapshot of the financial state of a company on a particular date nothing more.

    Income & expenditure is the bit that needs to balance because if expenditure exceeds income you are into a deficit situation.

    By the way, have the LibDems paid their policing bill for conference policing? £800,000 wasn’t it? Answer NO they haven’t so Scottish communities will see reduced policing until that bill has been paid off.

    And TS has the effrontery to lecture us (thanks NS I love that phrase)He says Scotland couldn’t make a go of independence. Well they certainly couldn’t make a worse job of it than blue, red, & orange tories have done for the last 40 years or more.

    Get back under your stone , man!

  38. seanair says:

    Grizzle McPuss
    Although he claimed that all the oil was in Shetland waters, was he not knocked back by some authority pointing out that Shetland could only claim 10 or 12 miles from its coast therefore he was talking rubbish?

  39. Lollysmum says:

    ‘The LibDems are in a very shaky financial position’

    Correct. I wonder if that has anything to with the Electoral Commission recommendation today that the £500 deposit per candidate is scrapped

    link to from the Graun

  40. Lollysmum says:


    Do you think someone is being overly sensitive here or do they have something to hide? Graun again

    link to

    Three Labour bods threatening to sue UKIP MEP about comments she made about child abuse in Rotherham. Fun & games in this electoral season guys & gals 🙂

    Must have bottomless pockets for legal fees for slander & libel. High Court fees are astronomical nowadays.

  41. ScottieDog says:

    More on the grand coalition…
    link to

  42. velofello says:

    There are many professional bodies – Lawyers, Doctors and Surgeons, Chartered Engineers, Accountants, yet the unwholesome news seems exclusively to come from Westminster and its MPs – expenses scandal, house flipping, payment for gongs, paedophile rings. The simply awful accounts being seeped out about young children being abused and then – allegedly – disposed of is horrific.

    And I haven’t mentioned illegal wars, absence of an oil fund,banking scandals – the business that Westminster is engaged to conduct – competently.

    To me ample reason to be rid of Westminster, whatever Scotland’s future may hold.

    There must be a better way for Scotland, free of this Union, to conduct ourselves as a people and nation.

  43. jimnarlene says:

    Libdems, a useless pile of ***t. They will whore themselves, to who ever for a chance at power, then do sod all liberal or democratic.

  44. liz says:

    We need to make sure this gets out, There were probably so many absentees so they can say – I didn’t vote for ……

    They are despicable opportunists and presumably the LibDums also voted for it.

    The grand coalition gets closer by the day

  45. Bit of a stushie says:

    @Flower of Scotland 3.50pm

    Presumably Tim Brett claims to be fighting for local services against SNP negligence without a hint of irony. We all make mistakes but this is a man who presided over a financial scandal in the NHS in Tayside, resigned because of it and was roundly criticised by Holyrood’s Audit Committee at the time.

    From The Herald, July 6, 2001
    “Four senior health board figures will be named and shamed by MSPs this morning in a damning report on inefficiency in Tayside’s health service.

    The report paints a picture of incompetence and financial muddle on a huge scale on Tayside and is one of the most outspoken produced by the Scottish Parliament. The parliament’s powerful audit committee condemns the failure of senior officers in the Tayside health system to investigate their own financial chaos while millions were being lost at the taxpayers’ expense. It accuses the health service on Tayside of losing the public’s confidence and criticises particularly four individuals. They are:
    Paul M White, former chief executive, Tayside University Hospital NHS Trust.
    Tim Brett, chief executive, Tayside health board.
    Sir William Stewart, former chairman, Tayside University Hospital NHS Trust.
    Geoff Scaife, former chief executive of the NHS in Scotland.”

    Full committee report: link to

  46. Calgacus says:

    Anybody know aboot oor devo max bill, you know the one the big clunking fist said we’d have by Burns night?

  47. Dunkie says:

    Off the immediate topic but surprisingly topical just the same, here is a wee piece by John McLean from 100 years ago come October. It still resonates very clearly in our present circumstances 100 years on – not just with the issues Je Suis Charlie raises but also the lengths of skullduggery that the establishment will go to silence messages that it does not want to be heard. link to

  48. wee folding bike says:

    Mr Murphy has been busy worrying about a Scottish anthem.

  49. Jock McDonnell says:

    Incidentally, is Holyrood now on 5 year cycles, as things stand, it sort of has to be to avoid clashes.

  50. wee folding bike says:


    link to

  51. Helena Brown says:

    Wee Folding Bike, can we assume he was not in the House of Commons serving his constituents? We can therefore assume he approves to use the Unionist formula of this morning where if you do not vote you approve of that what the major voted for. 28 Labour MP’s voted with the Tories for continuing austerity and more people getting poorer, so 515 to 18, the 18 were SNP. Plaid and the Greens.

  52. clashcityrocker says:

    The West Highland Free Press, which still dances to Brian Wilson’s tune, is morphing into the Charlie Kennedy weekly. Clearly, Wilson knows that it will be a straight fight in the Lochaber, Skye and Wester Ross constituency between the LibDems and the SNP – and he is bumming up Charlie to keep the SNP out.

  53. fred blogger says:

    wee folding bike
    i doubt murphy would support ‘freedom come all ye’, as i do.
    dick’s is by far the best version imv.

  54. wee folding bike says:

    I’d take One Step Beyond… as an anthem but I understand that would be a minority choice.

  55. Stoker says:

    Re LieDem Glasgow 2013 Conference Policing Bill:
    (extracts from an FOI request)

    “It has been reported in the media that there is an outstanding invoice of £800,000 for this conference, however this is factually incorrect. No invoice for the policing costs of the conference was ever generated and the Liberal Democrats did not enter into any arrangement with Police Scotland to provide policing.”

    “On 21st February 2013 Assistant Chief Constable Higgins chaired a meeting with the Liberal Democrat conference organiser, conference chair and representatives from the Home Office where he sought clarity on who would be meeting the policing costs for the 2013 Liberal Democrat national party conference 2013. At that time Mr.Higgins set out his clear expectation that Police Scotland should not be financially disadvantaged as a result of a political party holding a private event in Scotland and that he was seeking funding from either the Home Office or the conference organisers themselves for the cost of policing the conference.”

    “The outcome being that the costs to the Liberal Democrat Party of the security measures within the Conference Security Plan were fully met by the Home Office; the costs to Police Scotland were not.”

    “Further, if the conference had taken place in England or Wales 85% of all the policing costs would have been met by the Home Office (Crime and Policing Group) from their Special Grants budget, but as the conference took place in Scotland these grants were not available from the Home Office.”

    “Representation was made directly to the Home Office by Police Scotland and Mr.Kenny MacAskill MSP, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Justice, without success.”

    “The Home Secretary, RT Hon Theresa May MP, replied to Mr.MacAskill confirming that any costs falling to the Liberal Democrat Party as a result of the security measures would be reimbursed by the Home Office. It was her firm view that if Police Scotland required any financial assistance to help with the policing of this event then this should be met by the Scottish Government.”

    “Finally, subsequent communication resulted in the Home Office agreeing to contribute £15,000 to cover the costs of accreditation associated with the event and the remainder of the costs were absorbed by Police Scotland.”

    Sir Stephen House QPM.
    Chief Constable.

  56. Jimbo says:

    The hypocrisy of the red & blue Tories is breathtaking.

    Murphy is telling Scots to vote Red Tory to keep the Blue Tories out – Yet here is a blue Tory telling us today that Labour will walk through the lobby in support of the Tories on austerity measures and that this is a start to the overtures of a ‘Grand Coalition’ of Labour/Tory sharing power.

    link to

  57. robertknight says:

    Looking forward to Tavish and Willie’s speech at the close of polls…

    Rennie: So it’s “Goodnight” from me.

    Scott: And it’s “Goodnight” from him.

    Both: Goodnight![4]

  58. caz-m says:

    There’s only one National Anthem Murphy recognises, and it’s called,

    “God Save The Queen”

    How could murphy sing such words as,

    “When will we see your likes again”

    That would make good a great video though, seeing Murphy singing,

    “Flower Of Scotland”

  59. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    We should be grateful for imbeciles lke Rennie and Carmichael who make it abundantly clear that Clegg’s lib dems are a wasted vote. After all, Clegg and the likes of Rennie and Carmichael have driven away droves their own voters with their obnoxious poodling to the tories.

    They support Trident and more pointless and endless wars in the middle east. They pushed through the continuing privatisation on the NHS while voting through the tory Osborne’s attacks on the poorest, the disabled and the most vulnerable in society. They supported Cameron’s attacks on civil liberties and tried to pretend there was nothing to worry about.

    So it’s not as if Clegg, Rennie and Carmichael can possibly defend their own actions in government with the tories. All they have left is hypocrisy and their dopey and laughably transparent attempt to paint more powers for scotland as extremism. Nobody believes that. The polling from the scottish public is crystal clear on it and has been for years.

    If you were looking for ways to drive yet more lib dems away from Clegg’s repulsive yellow tories and into the arms of other more reasonable parties, then you would make idiots like Rennie, Clegg and Carmichael speak at every opportunity.

    They are a gift to the Yes parties and Clegg shows every sign of wanting to bury the lib dems forever by pushing for and supporting yet another lib dem coalition with the tories.

  60. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    The best version I’ve heard of the “Freedom Come A’Ye” is undoubtedly 5Hand Reel’s version featuring Dick Gaughan. Time for a re-release of this bands stuff.

  61. liz says:

    Who voted today, at bottom of page.

    link to

  62. ClanDonald says:

    Clever unionist politicians like Wee Willy have a new tactic to frighten the electorate with threats that more SNP MPs will mean independence is a step nearer!

    Oh no, what a disaster for the SNP, this clever campaign tactic could result in 45% voting for the SNP!

    Erm, wait a minute…

  63. James Waugh says:

    @ Liz

    Thanks for the link, Liz.

    I see that arch socialist (Lol), Michael Connarty, voted with the Tories. How many other Scottish Labour Party members did likewise?

    I see Murphy failed to vote. We can only assume that if he did not take the trouble to vote against it, then he is 100% for it.

    They must all be really, really looking forward to their ‘Grand Coalition’ when they can all stop pretending that they are not just all Tory boys and girls together.

  64. jim mitchell says:

    I to would like to know where Jim Murphy was today I would also like to know if he as the great unchallenged Leader of Scottish labour gave any instructions or orders on how HIS troops were to vote?

  65. bjsalba says:

    One of the things I have noticed is the UKOK parties predilection for claiming that AS and the SNP will do what the UKOK parties are actually are doing or plan to do.

    I see Tavish Scott claimed AS and SNP were going to cook up the result. Based on their previous form …….

  66. jim mitchell says:

    I too would like to know where Jim Murphy was today and did he as the new unchallenged Leader of Scottish Labour leave any orders as to how his troupes were to vote!

  67. galamcennalath says:

    Nationa Athem?

    Come all ye is what I’d choose.

    Says far more about the Scotland WE wingers would want

    Efter aw it’s in the language o maist o us.

  68. Flower of Scotland says:

    Thanks @Bit of a stushie

    That’s great! I will definitely use that info. I’m surrounded by Willie Rennie,s favourite ones. I’m so excited now to have some ammunition!!

  69. starlaw says:

    I believe should Scotland select a new national anthem, we should be like Australia and go for something new. Our Gaelic tradition has given us a wealth of music to choose from and our song writers could put words to it. A song which children must like and want to sing is the best way forward with an anthem. Such is Advance Australia Fair a song hated when it appeared but now every Aussie is proud to stand and sing. Let Murphy and the MSM go blow bubbles in the Clyde

  70. Jimbo says:

    I see another pretendy socialist, Willie Bain, is also on the list of shame along with

    Maggie Curran

    Anne Begg

    Ian Davidson

    Brian Donohoe

    Frank Doran

    Frank Roy

    I wonder if that stalwart supporter of socialism, The Daily Record, will name and shame them?

  71. Stoker says:

    Thanks liz (7.11pm) – from that link:

    Danny Alexander states: – “This vote is deeply serious.”

    Did someone forget to inform the Slabber branch of its importance?

    They all appear to be posted missing in action.

  72. caledonia says:

    People at my work now use willie rennie as a slogan when things go wrong

    ie you stupid willie rennie or your a willie rennie

  73. liz says:

    Full list of shame:

    Voted with ConDems today

    Danny Alexander, Dougie Alexander, Willie Bain, Gordon Banks

    Anne Begg, Gordon Brown – absent, Russell Brown, Malcolm Bruce, Ming Campbell – absent

    Alistair Campbell – absent, Katy Clark – absent, Tom Clark – absent, Michael Connarty

    Mike Crockart, Mags Curren, Alistair Darling – absent, Ian Davison, Tom Docherty

    Brian Donohue, Frank Doran, Gemma Doyle, Sheila Gilmour – absent, Tom Greatrix

    David Hamilton, Tom Harris, Jim Hood, Cathy Jamieson, Eric Joyce – absent

    Charles Kennedy, Mark Lazaroswicz – absent, Michael McCann, Greg McClymont, Jim McGovern – absent

    Anne McGuire, Ann McKechin – absent, Iain McKenzie, Michael Moore, Graeme Morris

    David Mundell – absent, Jim Murphy – at the snooker, Ian Murray, Pamela Nash

    Fiona O’Donnell, Sandra Osborne – absen, Alan Reid – absent, John Robertson, Frank Roy,

    Anas Sarwar, Jim Sheriden – absent Robert Smith, Jo Swinson, John Thurso

    A lot more turned up than I expected.

    Voted against- Stewart Hosie, Angus MacNeil, Angus Robertson, Mike Weir, Elidih Whiteford.

    Teller for the Noes – Pete Wishart

  74. Lanarkist says:

    Great article and thread!

    One or two threads ago I asked for some input into possible tactics against the Lib Dems and lo and behold, a veritable treasure chest of lies, inadequacy and gross stupidity perpetrated by the same group who try to con us with another Parties(SNP) policies.

    In NEFife they are using reduced part time College places, NHS, Social Security Cuts and closure of County Court as cudgels against the Scottish Government whilst neglecting to mention that these reductions are as a result of austerity cuts passed down by Westminster Coalition which includes their own party!

    Brazen! This from Sir Ming, Willie Rennie and Tim Brett( sacked for Financial incompetence when CEO of NHS Tayside).

    If the three of them were to form a balloon inflating committee who would you choose to Chair it?

  75. pipinghot says:

    @ clashcityrocker, funny but did you notice that too about the West Highland “Free” Press too. Loathsome rag with a name that is designed to mislead. Don’t worry, this has not gone unnoticed and the rag’s sales are on the decline too.

  76. Stoker says:

    LieDem ("Tractor" - Ed) Danny Alexander states that the ‘austerity vote’ is “deeply serious” but no explanation as to why his LieDem ("Tractor" - Ed) colleague, and Secretary of State for Scotland, Alistair Carbuncle, failed to participate in this “deeply serious” vote.

  77. Jimbo says:

    @ Liz

    Thanks for the link.

    I posted earlier but it seems to have disappeared.

    I see the arch socialist (Lol), Michael Connarty is on the list supporting the Tories.

    They must all be really, really looking forward to being part of the ‘Grand Coalition’ when they can really hammer the expenses with no opposition to hold them to account, and all stop pretending that they’re not really all just Tory boys and girls together.

  78. Dr Jim says:

    Is it not time STV grew a pair and reported the real news instead of BBCs recycled video clips and the same stories featuring the same bland politicos, i mean they now have the Glasgow Channel and soon will have other local channels so come on STV get on the right side which is the middle and do it right.

    Wee Willie Rennie, Plug Murphy, Wee Ruthie, just who do you think you all are? appearing on telly and newspapers trumpeting your moral outrages and opinions at “We the people” leave us not forget here, we tell you what we want and you as our representatives articulate that into laws. You’re position in case you have forgotten exists to serve us and now you expound you’re annoyance because the party who’s listening is winning, your arrogance in these matters is astonishing and why you will be rewarded at the ballot box most justly

    The SNP have brought a pride and enthusiasm to our country and now supporters of Labour and Tories are turning to the efficient governance with which the SNP run the daily business of our nation, and our nation it will be again, where the people decide policy and our employees the Government find practical ways of employing the correct delivery system, without the overbearing pomposity and insult to the intelligence to which Unionist polititions have self importantly accustomed themselves.

    Perhaps it might be time Wee Willie Rennie,Ruthie and whomever is your Labour ally of the day, (day aint over yet) to get yourselves a wee box in you respective offices in case you need to pack up your Pot Plant and your Family Pictures and favourite pen and propelling pencil set because as far as the people of Scotland are concerned, you’re on short term notice

    and one of the many morons you think you’re talking at
    Also, A VOTER…..

  79. Phronesis says:

    A really good read Austerity by Mark Byth -an Ivy League professor who is eternally grateful to the welfare state providing him with social protection whilst he grew up in poverty in Dundee- as he argues austerity is a ‘zombie economics idea’

  80. Alex Clark says:


    Just showed my wife your “list of shame” and remarked “this must be damaging for them”.

    Her reply was a dagger in the guts. “It doesn’t matter how much you read or how much you know if the information doesn’t get to the public then it will make no difference”.

    She is right and that infuriates me. Supporting our fledgling media and face to face is the best we can do right now, so we carry on. Anyone with a better idea?

  81. liz says:

    Huge apologies and knock me down with a feather, Katy Clark voted against!!!

  82. liz says:

    @Alex Clark – the only other option is to canvass from now to May and get out as many leaflets as possible – it should help having many more Yes party members.

  83. Bill Ross says:

    Strike Katy Clark from the list of shame…she grew a pair and sided with the peoples coalition.

  84. Stoker says:

    “UK faces deeper cuts”

    “The OBR and the Treasury have seen the FT’s findings but both declined to comment.”

    The Financial Times – 10th November 2014
    link to

  85. SquareHaggis says:

    @ Mealer,

    “The Libdems are in a very shaky financial position.”

    I’ve just cowped a pile of LibDem guff into the wheelie.

    2 copies of the Gordon News (in the same week), a leaflet about SNP bad and an “annual report” from some LibDem wifey I’ve never heard of from the other side of Gordon using funds from the Scottish Parliament. All hand delivered by the Royal Mail.

    Money to burn…

  86. john king says:

    “Why has Tavish Scott always got a face like a skelped arse?”

    Sir sir, Clootie sir (hand in air)
    Is it because he IS a skelpt arse sir?

  87. Chic McGregor says:

    For decades the U-Droids told us we did not need a referendum as every election was effectively a referendum.

    Of course we all knew that tune would change just as soon as an SNP majority came along.

  88. X_Sticks says:


    Now you’ll have to disinfect the bin. I burn mine ;D

  89. Alex Clark says:


    Please put that FT article on the most recent thread. It’s unreal.

    @john king

    Former teachers pet eh 🙂

  90. Chic McGregor says:


    “The Financial Times – 10th November 2014
    link to

    All very well calling for more taxes, but how do you take taxes from ordinary folk without gut slicing the real economy?

    Even if you manage to squeeze more blood from the stone, how do stop the troughers demanding it?

    And once the troughers get it how do you stop them relocating thei new funds overseas in one way or another?

  91. Patrician says:

    @Alex Clark, are you not on Gerry’s email list? Use his templates to send letters for publication to your local newspaper pointing out what has happened.

  92. Calgacus says:

    Red Tories Out

  93. Alex Clark says:


    Good point, I need now to get the finger out. We can all do more.

  94. Alex Clark says:

    The Courier and the Tele are gonna get hammered!

  95. Lollysmum says:

    Sorry Rev mea culpa- I should have headed my last post as O/T

  96. Lollysmum says:

    Waste of time apologising to Stu-my post has gone missing in action AGAIN.

    Was this one a bit too sensitive perhaps. Watch this

    link to

    Good film & yes a must see.

  97. tartanarse says:


    Surely you mean the Tully. Please give a big kick up the arse to Derek Farmer. What a balloon he is.

  98. All this trashing of oor Willie’s nous. Let’s raise the tone a little.

    I’ve written to him offering that he could resign from the LibDems and join Labour MSPs on the other side of the chamber, thereby raising the average IQ of both parliamentary parties.

  99. Chic McGregor says:

    “The Courier and the Tele are gonna get hammered!”

    I’m sure they must do already. How else could they right that crap?

  100. Chic McGregor says:

    ‘write’ even.

  101. john king says:

    Stoker @ 5.25

    I just read that Mirror report you linked and pissed myself laughing at this

    “Who’d have thought that UKIP (whose raison d’etre is stopping foreigners coming here to claim benefits without doing a day’s work or learning the lingo) would one day send 24 MEPs to Brussels to do nothing but claim benefits, refuse to do a day’s work or speak the local lingo?”

  102. Stoker says:

    @ liz – The info in your link @ 7.11pm has disappeared.

    I went to check for something this morning and it had changed.

  103. Stoker says:

    Aye, john, i had a wee laugh at that bit too.

  104. bjsalba says:


    This is a society based on consumerism. The Tories want to get the economy growing again, and claim that austerity will do that. But austerity decimates the numbers of consumers, so how is that going to work?

  105. Marga says:

    Dr Jim, you say STV have been awarded local channels? Were any independents involved in bidding for licences? On wiki it just says they “were awarded”, and that the Edinburgh and Glasgow outfits are working with local universities.

    What are they like? I get “security violation” when I try to access STV player from abroad.

    Scotland is a desert in media terms, it seems the authorities in charge (Westminster in this case) intend to keep it that way.

  106. Fred says:

    @Lollysmum, many thanks for the Diana film, thought I knew this case, shockin.


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