Changing the record
Oh dear, here we go again. The latest Scotsman/SoS poll yesterday afternoon:
And here it is this morning:
We’re genuinely not sure why anyone bothers. Why does the No camp waste its time so laughably, incredibly transparently rigging the polls rather than being even a tiny bit clever about it? Why does the Scotsman keep running polls so vulnerable to obvious fiddling, and therefore completely pointless? Why do we keep writing about it?
The answer to the last one, at least, is because it’s too hot to think of anything else. We’re typing this standing in a bucket of cold water as birds burst into flames in the sky outside. But heaven alone knows what the other two’s excuses are.
I say leave them to it. They’re only kidding themselves on.
Better Together are a laughing stock now and no one believes a word they say anymore.
They’re both a non-entity.
Blah, blah, blah………………….whatever.
If they they think they’re not being negative, that’s fair enough. Let them carry on.
It’s very evident that The Scotsman and Scotland on sunday have abandoned all hope for their integrity and credibility.
Very true about them being a joke.
I’ve had at least 5 people say they’ve changed their mind regards Indy. 3 of them blaming it on BT too for their negativity and lack of inspiration.
Let them click all night ‘No, No, No’ and so on.
And focus on winning this beast in September then all those polls much like in Jan 2011 when SNP were 21% behind Labour – will be meaningless anyhoos.
1. They are desperate, deceitful liars who will do anything to further their cause.
2. They are desperate, deceitful liars who will do anything to further their cause.
Actually it would be funny, if it wasn’t such a sad reflection on Scottish media and politics. Our mickey-mouse, puppet-politicians pretending to be in charge of SLAB, STORY, and SLIB are representative of our sick political system in Scotland (and UK).
I think we are all supposed to pack away our Saltires and leave the field in defeat.
The serious issue is that a so called ‘national’ newspaper in the so called democracy of the UK, actually thinks that this type of propaganda is acceptable behaviour. This is the sort of ‘dirty tricks’ that Goebbels was so proud of. It is a blatant attempt to undermine the democratic process by manipulation of a poll which might influence people’s voting intentions. In my opinion it is a matter for the police.
I noticed this too. For about half a second I was surprised given how obviously negative Bitter Together’s campaign have been and how many people have commented on this. And then it hit me…
The trouble with Astroturf campaigns rather than Grassroots campaigns is that Astroturf doesn’t have a vote.
SoS are probably complicit in the kidourselvesology in that it lets them pretend that 31,000 folk have read the article.
Maybe it’s just to impress the advertisers and generate income.
I wonder if Blue Square Digital, and its spokesman who is up to his neck in the Labour Falkirk mire, have anything to do with this?
I voted no and so should you. Don’t stop them digging.
Oh no! We’re horribly outnumbered! Let’s all get depressed and morose.
I’ve no idea who these chimps in BT think they are deceiving – except themselves
It must be all those international readers that appear between 2-3 am specifically looking for Hootsman polls. The paper is dead, a zombie publication and they know it. running on fumes and existing solely to denigrate Alex Salmond/SNP/YES while handing its column inches over to the Unionists without scrutiny. The paper is finished, the skeleton staff that are left are just waiting for it to end, 22,000 paid for daily along with 8000 freebies and STILL the circulation continues to fall from that position.
The Herald continues along the same lines albeit a bit slower in degradation than the Hootsman. Half-hearted attempts to offer some balance to the indy debate is not going to save them, it’s too late, the rot has set in. Calls to show support for a paper that sometimes has more balanced or pro-indy stories will not change the mind-set of the pro-union editors of the publications, they just want to pro-long their existence for as long as by pretending to care about the Independence side of the debate. They will NOT support independence even though they may have a couple of pro-indy freelancers on the books.
All the Scottish Press are Unionists, nobody pretend otherwise, and that is not going to change in the run up to the Referendum Day. They will all declare their support for the Union on the day in desperation to change minds. It’s the nature of the beast, they can’t or won’t change. They live in fear and awe of the Union because they see it as a career builder, despite how rotten and corrupt it is.
I will be quite happy to be proved wrong over the next 12 months.
I’m confused by the question, I have to say.
I thought ‘NO’ was meant to be negative.
So, we now know the graffiti merchants who spray painted “Traitors” at Scotsman HQ were actually outing themselves. Out and loud and proud.
It’s the Labour way – rigged polls.
That’s how Tony Blair got selected as Labour candidate. That is how Ed Miliband got elected as leader. That is how Johann Lamont got elected as everyone’s fool.
Is this poll a negative or positive for the debate? The way I see it is the better together negativity is disenfranchising the voter from the no camaign to the benefit of the Yes Scotland, by there negativity. So voting no would enforce that negativity and hopefully it will continue to drive voters to YES! Just my thoughts.
I reckon the poll was hijacked by 20,000 cybernats who were concerned that BT may realize their negative campaign is faltering. No worries now, BT have been reassured they are winning and will continue their present course.
How can anyone still consider BT to be “negative”. How can you possibly look at a bright, positively pink jacket and have any negative thoughts?
Its just a pity that the numbers for ‘No’ didn’t rise to say 10 million overnight. That would really be a talking point for quite some time.
How many folk have been signed up to vote no in this poll without their knowledge, do we think?
Between 2 and 3 in the morning, as mentioned above, was when I noticed the poll.
As per previous experience, I checked the results before adding my vote and these were 683 yes and 179 noes. Then I added mine and the result reset itself, but the before figures were the same, strange?, no! scostman!
I ignored the poll and kept Reading but leaving the result on its window, thus I noticed when it reset again, few seconds longer than the standard after you vote, you would not be surprised if I tell you the results were yes 0 noes 0.
Because I changed page then, it wasn’t till 20 minutes later that I checked the results again, 125 yes 1245 noes.
With a Little help, maybe?
“Because I changed page then, it wasn’t till 20 minutes later that I checked the results again, 125 yes 1245 noes.”
Hang on – the Yes figure actually went DOWN?
Don’t just make notes, folks, take SCREENSHOTS.
(Hit the Print Screen button on your keyboard, usually to the right of the Function keys, then open up Paint or similar and press Ctrl-V to paste the image in. Save it and tell us, we can take care of the cropping and tidying-up.)
Its actually quite funny though, obviously its daft but they also must believe printing the results of ‘polls’ will somehow sway voting intention? I mean, all this is really going to do is make stupid Better Together supporters feel a bit better, since the people actually involved in BT already call it Project Fear, I’m not sure what the intention is with these polls.
Except perhaps as a ner ner ne ner ner to nationalists.
Reminds of something I saw yesterday… Bare with me… Some kids were playing tennis near to where my shitty motorbike is kept when its broken (which is often.) One of the kids playing kept arguing with her sister who was playing at being umpire, (she was being a bit biased against if I’m being honest…) In any case, the sister playing basically decided that every shot she played which resulted in her losing meant they’d play a ‘let’ until basically she won the point. Her opponent had no say in matter because he was a lot smaller.
I think this is a microcosm of Better Together’s campaign. They keep losing points and each time demand to ‘play a let’ until they win it, which they never really do.
The level of bias in the MSM is getting quite spectacular and should really be given a name. Perhaps ‘fuchsia journalism’?
They don’t seem to know if printing this nonsense makes them less ridiculous or more ridiculous. Long may it continue is my answer.
Better Together and the Brit Nats are one day a laughing stock and the next day pissing people off. Let them get on with it. Thier antics in the last week alone have driven two No voters that I knew about into the Yes camp.
Re: Screen shots. I am an IT dunce. Does it automatically record the time/date etc, or do you need to do that manually? Thanks
“Re: Screen shots. I am an IT dunce. Does it automatically record the time/date etc, or do you need to do that manually? Thanks”
The file will have an automatic timestamp.
When the heid bummers of BT try to interpret this poll, they will come to the conclusion:
“We are not too negative.”
They will be blaming their lack of success on not being negative enough!! Result – a doubling and re-doubling of their scare stories.
More of the same to come, I predict.
28867 negatives to negativity. How negative is that?
What the Unionist press release on 18.09.14 will…interesting! The front pages, just what will they show/demand/predict/etc.? They’re bound to be either apocryphal – ‘Vote No and your family will be safe’ – or complacent – ‘Today you will save the Union by voting No’ – or, what I think is most likely, they will just have, ‘VOTE NO’ in the biggest letters they can, in black with a white background.
Hopefully those headlines will be kept forever in a digital record by an independent Scotland to show future generations what was done by those who tried to stop their country becoming independent.
It would be the dog’s bollocks if some rich people who wish for an independent Scotland were to club together to produce a one-day-only four-page special-edition ‘newspaper’ for sale on 19.09.14 with a front page saying something like, ‘To those who sought to stop Scotland’s independence we only have this to say…GIRUY!’ If they were feeling particularly exuberant they could put an ‘F’ between the ‘R’ and the ‘Y’! All unlikely to happen, of course, but, by Christ it would be pure dead brilliant, as they say!
Well, in so far as it may influence the opinion of some waiverers, such polls and other fabrications suggesting few are in favour of independence, or that most discount the alleged No Campaign fear mongering, such devices and deceits collectively ARE significant.
Said it once, twice, and thrice:
The best and most effective propaganda is propaganda that is not recognised as propaganda by its victims.
The majority of those folk who will decide the outcome of this plebiscite do not know that on a daily basis, at all levels, with respect to issues of independence, the mainstream media in Britain are lying through their back teeth.
IF we can get that truth through to the electorate the voting intention numbers WILL change. If we do not, they wont, at least not to the degree required to carve victory.
Although this and other online channels make a laudable and important contribution in exposing media bias and duplicity, it is not in itself enough.
The media bias, in particular that of the BBC, should be a central focus of the YES campaign. Significant resources should be assigned to fund the attack on the BBC highlighting its corrupting influence on the democratic process.
The prosecution of this element of the campaign should be a top priority involving all groups within the campaign and civic and business leadership sympathetic to it. That this has not happened to date evinces political malfeasance at the highest level.
It is beyond time for the current leadership of the campaign to shit or get off the pot.
SOS – It seems theirs’ truly is the most appropriate name for a news org ever. There are just so many slogans that fit the bill.
Save our Souls
Sink our Swill
Sycophants on Steroids
Subversives on Spec
and many many more.
In the interest of fairness SoS, I should like to say that I now regard much of your output with the same reverence I extend to spent nuclear fuel rods. Please don’t take it personally: it’s simply a point of professional ethics or rather your lack of them.
Quite revealing; immense desperation by newspaper editors who seem to believe that printing rubbish will affect the outcome. And that their opinion of their readership’s intellect is so low, that they think their readers will not recognise blatant lies when they are printed. This is indeed a shocking state for a supposedly national newspaper title to be in.
They have become, perhaps always have been, a metaphor for the state of Britain & its corrupt institutions, specifically Westminster & the electoral system & the signature behaviours that south east Britain excels as exhibiting; sneering condescension of anyone & anything that doesn’t conform or fit in with the isolationist, jingoistic, pro Monarchist, imperial mind set.
It is truly a sad indictment that Unionists, especially Scottish one’s aspire to emulate the repugnant behaviour of the British Establishment in return for grace & favour, patronage & financial reward, rather than consider the collective benefit they could negotiate on behalf of their own country.
The lure of the financial gravy train that is Westminster remains a powerful one in the minds of those more inclined to seek reward for themselves rather than returns for their fellow countrymen & country.
It is this self interest that supersedes all other motives. The outward expressions of hate towards Salmond, the SNP & anyone associated with the idea of independence is simply a response to the threat of losing all manner of personal, social & financial gains on offer from Westminster to those willing to turn their back on democracy, freedom of speech, equality & fairness. None of them seek reform or change because in their minds, it will negatively modify the terms of their contracts with the British state.
There is only one way to expunge these loathsome people & equip Scotland’s people to achieve a different type of society; one that generates wealth for Scotland & spreads it fairly.
Vote yes next year or resign yourself to another 300 years of failed marriage.
James Kay says:
That was the excuse given by one Slabour Spinshite meister after they lost in 2011.
“We wurnae durty enougjh”
I believe he moved to Oz and Gillian Gillards team. That lasted well then?
Wonder if he is coming back to help out the Bitter No team?
It is becoming quite bizarre. I too personally know people who have shifted directly from NO to YES as a direct result of contact with Better Together – be that being abused, banned, spoken down to etc. I also go out canvassing and am sensing a definite shift up the scale (though obviously that’s never scientific).
But the media is absolutely wedded to their narrative that “only about 30#% want independence”. I don’t believe that figure. Polls over the past 2 years have put it higher than that, with some around 50/50 and others around the 37 Yes /42 No mark.
With the shifts we’re all seeing, it makes no sense at all that those figures aren’t either changing or solidifying, but the “a large majority don’t want it” narrative is the one they clearly need to keep playing to keep people out the debate. OTOH there don’t seem to be that many polls – nowhere near the number we’d be seeing if those figures were genuine imo.
May I suggest these polls are rigged because whoever sets them up allows multiple clicks by anyone who passes by, I assume I could sit all day clicking yes to up the voting figures. It is easy to set an online poll to only allow one click from a given ip address. Only problem there is that only one user of a shared computer can vote. Not really such a big problem as someone voting 280,000 times by writing a script to remove your cookies. If this is the best the Hootsmon IT department can do, I suggest they seek new employment where intelligence is not a requirement.
Significant resources should be assigned to fund the attack on the BBC highlighting its corrupting influence on the democratic process
No. It should be done once, comprehensively and incontrovertibly, then move on. The mass of people like the BBC. They trust its output, even if they don’t trust its management or financial controls. They’re not angry with it and they don’t welcome attacks on it from people who obviously are. They’re accustomed to the idea that it’s accused of bias by all political parties and movements, so they discount the claims as evidence that it isn’t biased. Individual examples of bias are discounted as one-off errors, no matter how many of them there are. Any campaign based on continued demonisation of the BBC risks becoming a laughing stock because the majority of people will not accept the basic concept. The way to defeat bias is to present the truth, not to attack the medium. Give Kaye with an E the facts, don’t accuse of her lying to save her job. Facts will win this, not lashing out at those we consider the enemy but many consider their friend.
This was from just before two this afternoon.
link to
and at 3:55pm
link to
@bugger (thepanda)

That ex-labour spin doctor has been in the Australian press, I came across the story entirely by accident. Apparently his papers are not in order…
link to
That would be a first
A criminal being sent from Australia to Britian
Jiggsbro says:
“Any campaign based on continued demonisation of the BBC risks becoming a laughing stock because the majority of people will not accept the basic concept”
“They’re not angry with it and they don’t welcome attacks on it from people who obviously are”
Really? And you have divined that how, precisely? Lot of assertions and not much else.
So how is the current strategy working out for you?
“The way to defeat bias is to present the truth, not to attack the medium. Give Kaye with an E the facts, don’t accuse of her lying to save her job. Facts will win this, not lashing out at those we consider the enemy but many consider their friend.”
And it is precisely this sort of kumbaya delusional claptrap that will lead us to defeat.
Again, how is your strategy working for you so far?
“Apparently his papers are not in order…”
Ah yes, John McTernan. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving chap.
Perhaps ‘fuchsia journalism’ could be abbreviated to #FF00FF, which is the Hexadecimal code for magenta and is commonly used to indicate transparency in a number of graphics file formats.
Christian Wright,
exactly what Jiggsboro said. Thanks Jiggs! (smiley). + no point wasting valuable energy on an impossible task of changing an institution (BBC) purposely set up to enhance state building and counter just such an event as a YES vote in our referendum.
We have no leavers to change it and they have no desire to change.
That’s why, through time, trial and error, we have eventually formulated and developed the campaigning techniques we have. Winning techniques.
They are low key (+/- the odd Eckism) but address the voter directly, and not the medium/media that has until now been assigned the establishment role of gatekeeper to the electorate.
They believe the electorate is spoken to soley through them. It isn’t true, otherwise we would not be where we are today, less than a year and a half from a YES/NO vote by the electorate of Scotland.
That’s who we must talk with and that’s who we must convince. How we do that, well that’s up to us.
the 70% figure is a standard trotted out by people trying to skew public opinion. Statisticians warn you to be suspicious of anything claiming a 70% figure on anything, and to examine closely the backing evidence. 7/10 is regarded as a ‘magical’ number where people will tend to be led by the majority position – we have a tendency to want to align with our society – so is used to try to influence public opinion.
Some of the “Scotsman” die hards have ran away to England to write their wee stories. Most describe themselves as Scottish political Editors.
Most amusing. My personal favourite is Cochrane. A good move to get in the new jobs first before the wave of unemployed Union Jocks start moving South. It’ll be like the Clearances all over again only this time it’ll be the right people leaving.
Heaven knows what these people will write about when Scotland votes yes. I suppose they’ll all be busy filling in unemployment benefit forms in England.
@jiggsbro, Completely disagree with you on this one. The BBC have to be shown for what they are, If someone is telling the rest of the world that YOU are the lowest form of human life because you want an independent Scotland then surely you have the right to challenge that view. And it is all the more frustrating because we are paying them to say it. So come on jigs have a think about what you are saying.
Of course we have the right. The question is, would that be an effective way to spend our energies with less than a year and a half to go before our YES/NO referendum?
We can only effectively deal with the unrepresentative nature of the BBC, after a YES vote I am afraid.
In my opinion the “Project Fear” revelation is their killer.
It make them an object of derision and laughter. Now, every time they come out with some howler, Ah, it’s Project Fear again. It’ll never rain again in Jockland, so nae hydro-electric. Nae wind, ah yes, Project Fear at it again. Yae’ll be right enough.
The beauty is it can be applied to anything. Must try to think of an application for this weekend in Drumchapel.
Its amazing, when I saw it, the people saying yes was 3 times greater than them saying naa, that was in the Scotsman, I looked tonight and Yes had stagnated.
I have seen how they change polls, and even change comment ratings and assist unionists by editing post that can be seen as racist or anti Scottish.
The unremitting lies being poured out daily by the BBC in Scotland and the msm must be challenged now by the Yes Campaign. For those of us who have been urging a direct public attack on their (BBC and MSM) deception and blatant shit-stirring for the past two years, the unbelievable complacency of Jiggsboro etc. and the softly softly crowd who obviously don’t live in the real world of the uncommitted and unthinking majority is blood boiling. If I’d a pound for every time I’ve been told that AS is ‘untrustworthy or smug…etc..etc. I would be a millionaire. I always challenge these statements and am met by shrugs and half-mumbled double-speak. Many people have been brainwashed by constant dumbing down propaganda…witness the vomitorium of Scottish cringe over our national flag being waved at Wimbledon by our national leader! How to explain the cognitive dissonance in Scots over our celebrating our hero, Murray, but simultaneously being ashamed of our flag, meanwhile on the back of the ordure poured on AS, the BBC advertise Cameron, the Red Arrows(!) all publicly backing England’s cricket team with Union Jack motifs against the player for chrissakes!
Call Kaye; Jill Douglas;Fred Maccauley; Jackie Bird; Gary Robertson;Glen Campbell;Brian Taylor: a truncated list of some of the snidey, opionated Unionists, who are permitted to both tweet and air their prejudices with impunity over the airwaves,while we pay their inflated wages. Isobel Fraser removed after a disgraceful personal attack by the verminous Davidson and now the only voice of reason: Derek Bateman ‘retired’ a year before the Referendum conveniently. I stopped contributing to Newsnet Scotland partly because of their ridiculous crack down on contributors and also because the editorial team resisted demonstrations against the BBC as being counterproductive. Now look at that website…a husk of what it used to be and should be. The Yes Campaign should get tough and challenge the downright lies and stop being so mealy mouthed. We can’t afford to lose the vote because of being afraid of being confrontational!
Lochside, I agree with your sentiments, re the BBC and unfortunately the way NNS was hijacked and started operating as a closed shop is a real pity.Somebody has screwed up here.
But what we need to clearly seperate is the functioning of the BBC in London, which shamelessly is for the use of HM Gov/Establishment. It does very well what it says on the tin – British Broadcasting Corporation, and it is not designed to offer support and succour to anything which is anti- HM Gov/Establishment and that’s precisely why we’re getting the shitty end of the stick.The problem is they are sleekitly dishonest and try to keep up a pretence of interest in Scotland, whilst working with a very short leash to prevent damage to their main UK/GB interest.
Once we accept that is the reality, we quickly see the sham that is BBC Scotland and worse we then question why we are forced to contribute to their core function through the Licence as it steadfastly works against our democratic rights in Scotland.
I see that there can be no ideological reason for continuing with the BBC, as we know it, in Scotland, but, what really surprises me is that STV is not making the most of this wide open door.
As for the Scotsman and Herald, what commercial undertaking watches on idly as profits go through the floor? There must be some funding source happy to keep them doing what they are doing? Was there a smack of this in NNS also to cause such a crazy direction change some time ago?
I listened to the BBC for the first time in years and was reassured to hear that the World Service still employs a “Home corespondent” and a “Scotland corespondent”. ‘Nuff said?
“Its just a pity that the numbers for ‘No’ didn’t rise to say 10 million overnight. That would really be a talking point for quite some time.”
I’ll reply John after I have read the rest of your comments.
Demented Smiley thingy.
Time to reply
BBC MSM and undemocratic activities.
I agree with what you say re that this needs to be challenged but how to do so is the key, not whether.
I have no inside brief from the SNP but I guess they most of all will know exactly what is happening, who is doing it and how. They have had years to find out out and there must be loads of defectors and deep throats over the years to confirm.
Your point re Dimbleby was well made re the hullaballoo after Angus Roberstson stuck it to him on air. The view in DD’s face told the real story; just didn’t have a fuckin clue about what he had done. It just didn’t register.
The BBC are an arrogant group of pissants suckled of the taxpayers teat, whether we we rich in the milk of human kindness or not. They get fuckin paid, come hell or highwater. They are enured and isolated in the Westminster bubble because they see the political system on the Thames as being their paymasters not the tax serfs.
We need to let them know that what they think is their ball, their game and their rules is ours, and we wants it back.
Personally, I am all for a defenestration of Pacific Quay after a Yes vote. Maybe as the time approaches and Yes vote looks more likely the vice like grip that one man holds over this propaganda agenda will be prised away away and some of the mice will be allowed to come out into the daylight and play. I am sure they are there.
I am at a loss as to how we can defeat the BBC, except by deconstructing their trash and disseminating the truth. That is what the we need to do as I cannot see the BBC changing before it is faced with barrel of an loaded Elephant Gun.
We are on our own boys and girls and that will be the test of us.
As for Christian Wright, I agree with what he said except the last wee bit. I sensed his rage and to be brutal I could have written his concluding bit about malfeasance many times, although less articulately, in the heat of a stream of semi-consciousness.
We really are all in this together. We sink or swim so, I welcome rage on these pages as a way of harnessing calm and cold hard killing logic to our task. We all have ups and downs. The downs usually mean we are about to go back up.
Smiley thingies to all
Christian Wright says
“The prosecution of this element of the campaign should be a top priority involving all groups within the campaign and civic and business leadership sympathetic to it. That this has not happened to date evinces political malfeasance at the highest level. ”
Are you seriously suggesting the Scottish government is responsible for this (malfeasance) surely not Christian, the holyrood government is hostage to fortune and the only government that CAN stop the lies and obfuscation is the very government in who’s interests it carries on,
hence the very reason I wrote to the ODIHR to plead for their oversight of the campaign in advance of the 16 week period because as we both know the msm WILL get worse without any counter balance to bring them back,
This plea was met with a response to advise that only the UK government can ask the ODIHR step in
so basically if the fox asks the farmer to come out with his shotgun the chickens are safe,
no Christian, accusations of malfeasance should be squarely leveled at Westminster.
btw good luck with that one
Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.
Malfeasance is an affirmative act that is illegal or wrongful. In tort law it is distinct from misfeasance, which is an act that is not illegal but is improperly performed. It is also distinct from Nonfeasance, which is a failure to act that results in injury.
The distinctions between malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance have little effect on tort law. Whether a claim of injury is for one or the other, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant owed a duty of care, that the duty was breached in some way, and that the breach caused injury to the plaintiff.
One exception is that under the law of Strict Liability, the plaintiff need not show the absence of due care. The law of strict liability usually is applied to Product Liability cases, where a manufacturer can be held liable for harm done by a product that was harmful when it was placed on the market. In such cases the plaintiff need not show any actual malfeasance on the part of the manufacturer. A mistake is enough to create liability because the law implies that for the sake of public safety, a manufacturer warrants a product’s safety when it offers the product for sale.
maybe you’d like to reconsider the malfeasance point Christian?
“@jiggsbro, Completely disagree with you on this one. The BBC have to be shown for what they are”
Thats the point though isnt it? they have to be shown for what they are by US not the SNP,
they’re walking not a tightrope but a razorwire ,one false move and the itchy trigger fingers of the msm will open up with everything they have,
just look at the attacks on Angus Roberston for a mild rebuke of the BBC question time programme for the ridiculously unrepresentative panel which saw such luminaries as the late great George Galloway and saint Nigel of fromage
the media were all over his outrageous slur on a great British institution as his royal highness David of Dumbedore
this fight is ours and we have to protect the messengers to allow the message to be put out, I’m really annoyed at Christians analogy of shitting or get of the pot,
remember the Zulu (god rest their souls) attack on Rourke drift? don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes,
braco says @9/july 8.23
couldn’t agree more braco, any open warfare with the establishment now would amount to a bloodbath and absolutely nothing to show for it
Demented Smiley thingy.
ha ha ha ha ha
this is my only chance to get in here is first thing in the morning then If off to work
lochside says
“The unremitting lies being poured out daily by the BBC in Scotland and the msm must be challenged now by the Yes Campaign”
Of course they should and they are,
by people like you and me, meanwhile after the white papers release in the autumn that will give the yes campaign something to attack with,
meanwhile you I and thousands and thousands of others are combating the BBC propaganda campaign,
only the other day a work colleague was quite critical of Alex Salmond’s attempt (in her view) to steal the limelight away from Andy Murray and accused him of a cheap political stunt, but after simply pointing out a few facts she swiftly saw the not so subtle subliminal message being put out here by the establishment,
we are probably the most important part of the campaign at the moment, just keep going the reinforcements are coming!
It’s amateur,cringible and embarassing. I feel sorry for them they don’t have an O’Grade between them!