Books for bucks
We probably don’t push the annual Wings fundraiser hard enough. Sure, we tweet about it every few days, but other than that we pretty much leave it to get on with itself – we haven’t run an article about it since launching it nearly a month ago.
That’s partly because thanks to the phenomenal generosity of the approximately 1% of readers who’ve donated so far, we’ve very comfortably covered our basic outgoings for the next 12 months and then some – the vast salaries for myself and near-regular cartoonist Mr Cairns, of course, plus webhosting and various other operating costs (eg commission to the fundraising/payment processing companies), money for some more opinion polls and a boost to the Wings Fighting Fund.
But as it enters its last few days we’re going to nag you a bit now, because we don’t think there’s a better-value investment in the independence cause to be had anywhere.
With all costs covered, every £1 you donate from this point onwards will basically put FOUR copies of Wee Blue Book 2.0 through Scottish letterboxes when the next indyref happens, and if you know of a more practical and effective thing you can do to bring independence about with a quid then we’d love to hear about it.
You don’t have to agree with us about everything. And you might think we swear a little too much on Twitter. But if what campaigners tell us is true, the WBB changed more minds in 2014 than anything else that any part of the Yes movement did or produced.
And for £10, you could put a brand new, fully-updated one through every single door in your street. With £25 you could deliver a concise, concentrated and comprehensive summary of the case for a Yes vote to everyone in your postcode, rather than hoping that some politician can get it across convincingly in a 20-second TV soundbite or a two-line quote in a Unionist newspaper, or that an activist can hurriedly explain it all to someone on their doorstep who just wants to get back indoors to have their dinner.
So if you haven’t contributed anything yet this year – and ONLY if you can afford it – please consider doing so now. UK politics has never been in a greater state of chaos, and almost anything could happen with very little notice. Let’s be ready for it.
Just donated again. Happy to help anytime !
I can’t wait for the day we are delivering Wee Blue Book 2 so I will pop another bit direct into your account, Rev, shortly. It is a positive step and makes me feel a bit better!
That’s my bit, Stuart; go for it, mate.
ya beauty, at last, am a 1%er
I’m in again Rev.
This book packed full of facts that reflects the reality behind Scotland’s circumstances being a second class region of England and our enormous potential as an Independent Nation making our own choices for our own befit.
Give all that you can to this appeal and drive a stake through the heart of the blood suckers of Westminster.
It’s support this or look forward to Bungling Boris the Hater of the Scots being your next Prime Minster and a No Deal Jump of the
economic cliff Brexit.
Every other abused English colony won their freedom with the
blood of its people.
You can win your freedom, and control of your country, for just a few Scottish Pounds.
Let’s do it and do it big time!
Money with you in 2 minutes Rev.
Many Thanks!
Gave what i Could, Hope it Helps
Reason tells me that, financially I can’t really afford it. But reason also shouts that in every other aspect, I can’t afford not to. And the unreasonable part of me wants to say to Westminster “See that shit pension youve just let me have six years late: guess what I’m spending it on.”
Well said!
Wohoo, that’s another 100 copies.
So I chipped in a bit more. It’s an investment. Looking forward to the WBB 2.0 flooding Scotland with precious facts.
“if you know of a more practical and effective thing you can do to bring independence about with a quid then we’d love to hear about it”
Duct tape disnae cost a quid, and it’ll keep the brit nats away from voting
100 propaganda pamphlets, please.
Any one out there know how to do that ‘postcode drop’ thing? Does it need to be done by a business? If so any volunteers? What would the possible costs be?
And a wee bit more for any who want to contribute but can’t right now.
But any journalists reading Wings who don’t contribute should be ashamed, Wings webpage and Twitter account has kept you in a job for the last 6 years.
I’m in for a second dip – get the WBB’s rolling!
£25.00 towards the indyref2 wee blue book Bargain
Hi Rev
Donated 400 copies worth earlier. When you say “from this point onwards” for the WBB is this the starting point for fundraising it? Or in addition to it being already factored in?
You and it are essential, naw, vital, crucial, irreplaceable in our continuing struggle.
Please don’t wonder about increasing the amount of readies you might think we need.
I’m sure folk on here are ready to respond. I am.
PS The other 99%. Come on if you can afford even a small amount, please help. This is Scotland. This is do or die. Literally, for all we hold dear and value. But above all, for the younger generation who we know want to be free and European.
Its very scotland here in the Limousin at the moment damp and wet so reminds me of home.You cannot put a price on freedom so lets all dig a little deeper.Thanks wings you’ve kept the fires of independence burning brightly over the last six,seven years.Another bit extra on its way.
Glad to put a few bob in again Stu. I know it’ll be put to good use.
Shocking that only 1% contribute, only 2300 out of over 200,000 c’mon lurkers give something FFS.
If he has 200,000 readers and then a pound each would put 800,000 books out there.
Where can I buy one?
Stu – please start the £ count again at the top for the WBB2.
I think that might help when we see how that is going separate to the Crowdfunder for your paltry wages!
Bunging in a few quids soon myself as we, hopefully, are nearly in the end game.
Just done that but either my street is more densely packed than you think it is or you are using Jackie Bailie’s calculator.
Happy to contribute a wee bit extra if it means Wee Blue Book 2 reaching more doors. Well, that and pissing off a good few online Better Together types (again).
Have already donated but if only 1% of readers have done so, perhaps another 1% might think of doing do.
What can I say, you’ve got a cat, so of course I’ll donate again
(will have to wait till I get home later though)
Donated again Rev, keep up the good work we are going to do it this time
Not contributed yet this year. Life and shit and other stuff but this is important.
So yep, going to have scratch down the back of the sofa and see what I can find besides dog hair and sand off the beach.
Money very well spent – we need to be ready – we only have genuine hard worked for money, not dark money, not untaxed money and certainly not tory dark money. Earned by our own sweat and well spent to get our freedom. I hope many more people donate – even £5 each makes a difference but do not feel bothered or upset if you cannot afford to do so. Remember the widow’s mite. We all contribute in different ways.
O/T .
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Threw in a wee bit more because I know how the Wee Blue Book persuaded older folk to vote YES in the last IndyRef.
I donate a wee bit monthly too because Wings is the best Independence site and we need it!
The great thing about them too is that they get shared. I remember them doing the rounds last time around and there may well be even more interest in them this time round. The last time round I had a very well paid job but at the moment my work is barely covering the bills and I’m unfortunately sinking further into debt as the weeks go by. I’m certain an independent Scotland will have many more opportunities for all. Can’t wait and hope we can finally drive a steak through the heart of Vlad the Westminster.
I’m in again, too.
I don’t know about anyone else, but Yessers where I am have all noticed a definite change in the air. Indy feels inevitable. WBB 1 was the best response to the torrent of misinformation put out by the other side. It made a huge difference. So, yep, this reminder was a good call.
Right on it Stu! BTW how much for the cat?
“When you say “from this point onwards” for the WBB is this the starting point for fundraising it? Or in addition to it being already factored in?”
In addition.
Aye OK I go again for a wee bit more tomorrow after I cough up for my replacement volvo safety belt.
Taxi for Sturgeon…no official UK car for the FM’s visit says shortbread Glen.
Glen reassures viewers by telling us all what she’s not in Brussels for.
Not allowed to negotiate
EU not allowed to get involved in Brexit stuff
No footie either…. whit!
They’re mighty touchy darn Sarf! For good reason.

A wee tip I’ve mentioned before.
While leafleting, I happened to speak with a resident who was also a local carry-out shop owner. He asked what I would take to deliver carry out flyers for him.
Upshot was I got enough to cover my fuel and my piece.
So, try asking your local if they want menus deliveres on your route for a nominal fee and your expenses are covered.
Naturally there is a question of whether you want to be delivering “spam” in along with your Indy campaign material. That’s your call – However, if it’s a regular wee route or blocks you do, there’s no real problem going out a different day and seperating your leaflet deliveries. Your nominal fee should cover eg fuel running about twice maybe even a bit more. All it’s costing you is extra time.
I’ve done it both ways and going out twice actually increased my ‘resident exposure’ and I got talking to more people about Indy while I was delivering the cairry oot menus.
Just a thought for the skint…
Having been sans income since the 6th March, I’m happy to contribute now that I have an income again!
Happy to donate again!
Hope that cat has a proper litter tray right enough..
Just to focus the mind:
The figure was that there were 2.45 million households in Scotland in 2016.
So £612,500 required if £1 = 4 x WBBs (assuming there was zero of a fighting fund to start with).
The “One Nation” BritNat Fascists we are up against wouldn’t have a problem getting a celebrity JK type (or one of their Dark Money backers in the shadows) to donate the full amount in one hit!
SIU raised around £350,000 from a single dinner and auction in late 2016.
Remember “Mony a puckle maks a muckle”
Hi Rev
Thanks for the confirmation. The more the merrier! Another 400 next month.
Donated. Thanks for all you do Stuart. Much appreciated
Just donated. Wish I could have donated more. No, I don’t like the name calling and sweariness, but — apart from the Dug — no one else has a quite the same deathly grip on Occam’s forensic razor. Thank you.
@ronnie anderson says: 11 June, 2019 at 2:02 pm:
” … O/T .
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Thank you for that, Ronnie, but one part of that speech should be remembered by those harping on about the FM/SG/SNP doing nothing. It is this bit :-
” … That’s why the Scottish Government is making the preparations now to give people in Scotland the choice of becoming an independent country.”
Also if they go to:-
link to
instead of reading the dead tree press and the state controlled broadcast media they just may get a little more truth.
Another donation from one of the onepercenters club.
If anyone needs a little more persuasion to donate, then Gordon Ross in his Indy Car today, tells us that Scotland has been charged 15 billion pounds by Westminster for Defence services, which is 25% of Scotland’s annual tax revenues of around £60 billion.
This is another taste of the merciless indifference which Westminster has for Scotland, even though Scotland is a massive cash cow for the English Establishment.
Independence is beginning to look like a dire and somewhat urgent necessity.
That’s me in!
All the best Stu!
With many thanks.
From Nicola Sturgeon’s EPC speech in Brussels.
[I wholeheartedly endorse his basic sentiment, but would maybe also point out that for many people in Scotland – and I’m sure, right across Europe – patriotism can be even more multifaceted. We can be Scottish and British and European. We can be Scottish and Polish – or Italian, or Pakistani, and much else besides – and European]
Or simply Scottish?
Foreign Secretary Hunt and his department ought to have had a mention:
“A special thanks to the British Foreign Office for its work in facilitating my visit”…..perhaps.
PayPal a little temperamental today, but eventually got the job done. Never felt a thing.
More tea, Nigel, said Boris.
Eve Livingston on what is the growing tension between elder politicians who are in no rush to do anything, and the young generation who sense that time is short, as climate changes visibly and the Age of Extinction is already upon us.
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“While the older generation has little to lose from patience and timidity, a new wave of activists has already lost, born into a world damaged beyond repair through no fault of their own. With no rose-tinted memories of the so-called good old days, they have little to gain from sitting patiently and waiting while white men 50 years older than them debate a future they won’t be part of.
The older political establishment is actively standing in the way of progress on issues that require radical solutions
It’s easy for the establishment to patronise young activists because the former exist within a political structure that has been built explicitly to accommodate their type of politics: a slow, bureaucratic, opaque process overseen by people who have far more invested in their own reputations and interests than in those they represent. It might have ticked along nicely for a while – at least for those privileged enough to feel its benefits – but, ultimately, it has failed.”
Jeezuz! Just saw a clip of Lorraine Kelly via Bella and she thinks Ruth Davidson is a human being!!!
Lorraine, you are sooo disapointing!
Scotland is like the intensive care patient, lights flashing, beepers beeping and the carers standing around discussing meds. for the guy in the next bed. No urgency really???
As hard as I try, not impressed by this.
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Her soft spot for UK and things British is showing between the lines. i have come to believe that for her independence is really a kind of last resort.
Is the political momentum slowing or has she really got the measure of the situation?
The faithful will protest that she has. No comfort for the sceptics who count the passing hours and days of Scottish stasis.
O/T Loathsome and indyref2.
Has she asked Ruthie’s permission? (Or even Javid’s?)
Would love to help but you blocked me inexplicably!
That’s my occasional lurker’s little donation made, not much but if I land the job I am after this week, I am sure I will manage another donation towards the WWBs. Wasn’t going to donate this time since the Wings BTL has deteriorated so much and is no longer particularly informative or a pleasant place to linger, in spite of Stu’s great work ATL, but this could be the final push. There is no doubt about the value of the WBB – people are so much more likely to read it and start thinking and discussing, than to read yet another political party leaflet shoved through the letterbox and into the bin.
I don’t do Twitter, except to read it, but can there be a hashtag of “You’re not a scot” or “no you’re not” to highlight the yoons who seem to infest Twitter with biogs calling themselves proud Scots but who clearly are not because they are unionists, or yoons with a saltire and a butcher’s apron who identify as Scottish but are clearly of a British identity?
Call these people out for the non-Scot-proud-brits that they really are. Is this possible/do-able?
Hi Stu.
Just 1% of readers?? Oh, come on folks. Surely we can do better than that. I’m hardly rolling in it, but even a fiver will help the cause.
Another donation coming your way, Stu.
Donated but damn forgot to say stop swearing and tweeting about biological reality.
Focus is on Indy!
Giving Goose @ 4.26 pm
I’m not techy enough to answer you one way or another.
But whilst we’re at it, can we also have one for us #Honoray Scots?
Assuming I can spell, of course!
#Honorary Scot
A good idea
I may suggest a run of large(r) print ones as they are easier to read
Are you going to do an online (book reader version etc)
I presume you will compare the Whiskey and the Whisky tax takes and percentage of income by the UK and Eire governments.
This alone would break the too poor
It may also be an idea to do a pull out detailing the estimated surplus we would have- EXCLUDING oil.
Rev, what about a badge “1% Club” to be sold at your Wings stall?
All their Unionist guns primed.
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I’ll put something in tomorrow Stuart, if everybody who reads wings over Scotland donated £1-£2 every week bye the end of one year we could buy a windmill then 2 then 3 then 4 who knows!
Abulhaq @4:48 pm…….I feel another devo max VOW coming on.
The Tree Of Liberty .
JUST to be CLEAR Stuart Campbell ( Rev )does NOT have a WINGS STALL . The Wings Stall was run by Myself & Friends of WINGS OVER SCOTLAND with no direction whatsoever from the Rev .
A solely Autonomous Group , is that clear .
Sincere apologies, Ronnie. So, how about a 1% badge?
All is saved…Rory the Tory wants to have a “Minister for the Union” if he wins..
Thats me convinced, no more of this silly indy nonsense…..said nobody pro indy, ever!
Most are stating ABSOLUTELY NO to indyref2, good luck with that chumps.
Mind you, they all think the EU will budge on the currently agreed deal by treeza, and Boris the buffoon thinks punting the Irish some Pennies will make them scrap the GFA.
They are deluded, but get away with it because their tamed, whipped media sycophants, do not have the stones to say “away, yer talking pish” and here is why. ..
Anger will only rise in the english shires when folk realise they were ALL talking pish.
Popcorn shortage before the year is out.
OK, you’ve convinced an older person again, don’t want to be known as a lurker! I do so want to be in the 1% gang.
I’ll need to check how many abodes in my postcode area, in order to ensure my old baffies are up to walking all round the area.
Second dollup o’ dosh on its way Stu.
Abulhaq @ 4pm
“”As hard as I try, not impressed by this.
link to
Her soft spot for UK and things British is showing between the lines. i have come to believe that for her independence is really a kind of last resort.””
There were 53 mentions of Scotland and 22 mentions of the UK in the speech so not much scope to display ‘her soft spot for the UK’ between the few lines where the UK is mentioned. When the UK is mentioned the remarks are quite pointed – see a sample quote below.
I would strongly urge people to read the speech for themselves rather than accept the superficial and misleading analysis put forward in your post.
From the speech:
“”However I’m actually going to spend less time than you might expect talking about the details of the current position in the UK.
That’s partly because I don’t want to fill you all with despair. Actually, that’s not quite right. It’s mainly because I don’t want to fill myself with despair!
“”And, of course, there isn’t yet a coherent or a credible UK government position to speak of.
“”However, my determination not to focus solely on Brexit is also because I want to spend some time talking about broader issues – in particular the values of the EU, how Scotland sees its place in the world, and how all of that is related.””
Pretty clear from that where her emphasis and priorities lie.
Fair enough, I’ll pay up if you unmute me. Cheeky rascal.
@Abulhaq says:11 June, 2019 at 4:00 pm:
… Her soft spot for UK and things British is showing between the lines.”
Well, Abulhaq, I believe that most Scots have nothing against the ordinary people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland that comprise the Kingdom of England which is what we will be leaving when the United Kingdom disunites. In fact many, many Scots have Kingdom of England relatives and I know most of my generation of Scots have Irish grandparents. I have both grandmothers born in Ireland, one from the south and one from the north.
However the last thing an independent Scotland needs is bad neighbours on our borders. Wanting rid of Westminster and the English ruling classes is not the same thing as wanting to harm the English Welsh and Irish people.
” … i have come to believe that for her independence is really a kind of last resort.”
Oh! Come on! Nicola has been seeking independence since she was a teenager and joined the SNP. Now remember them that the SNP were not exactly fashionable in Scotland back then. Nicola is a realist and like most other SNP members knows that beginning our independence with bad blood between the three Kingdom of England countries is not the best of ideas.
” … Is the political momentum slowing or has she really got the measure of the situation?” – For heaven’s sake the FM was in Ireland a couple of days ago, (and I have a strange notion there was more to that than meets the eye). She was in Brussels Yesterday – do you think she was just there for holidays and awayday visits?
” … The faithful will protest that she has. No comfort for the sceptics who count the passing hours and days of Scottish stasis.”
Aye! But then, “The Faithful”, perhaps do not want bloodshed and revolution as much as those, “sceptics”, nor perhaps, “The Faithful”, just do not want who knows how many years of bad blood and troubles with our next door neighbours.
If you read the speech Ronnie posted the link to and the bit that I highlighted it is clear that Nicola is well up with the matter.
For goodness sake Nicola fired the starting pistol and has asked for pledges of support:-
Seems to me the support here on Wings has been, for many Wingers, very lukewarm and half hearted – almost as if they were expecting her to be dishi9ng out guns and bombs. If that’s the kind of thing you are after you are in the wrong place.
She has told you the game is afoot – so what are you doing about it? (Besides moaning about everything on a daily basis)?
Ach, £10000 added today. Cause you’re worth it. Give us all a kick up the a**e tomorrow. Get another 10K.
We’re gonna win this thing!
You don’t want me to be able to use a public toilet, and have frequently implied that I’m a rapist, so no.
If you later have a dedicated drive *specifically* for the WBB2, then I will consider it. But I will not contribute to the general pot of someone who publicly implies that I am a rapist.
Thanks for the reminder Rev, payday last week too, your just so on the ball! Keep up the good work!
Apologies for the lateness of this year’s contribution to the Wings appeal but I got a wee bit sidetracked. Done now though…
Why is an awacs circling Glasgow?
@Abulhaq says:11 June, 2019 at 4:48 pm:
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This woman is as stupid as the rest of the candidates for Tory leadership.
Just far too stupid to understand just what the United Kingdom actually is and thus how grotesque the whole idea of devolution is.
The United Kingdom is legally a bipartite union of kingdoms it is not a quadratic union of countries, three of which comprise the Kingdom of England.
Thus the very idea that Westminster, (the de facto parliament of the country of England), is devolving powers that Westminster claims are sovereign Westminster powers clearly shows how illegal the entire United Kingdom has become.
Clearly these idiots think that the United Kingdom under Westminster is the actual country of England and is devolving England’s sovereign powers to three dominion countries one of which is actually the only fully equally sovereign partner kingdom that comprises the bipartite United Kingdom.
Done,including PayPal fee (that’s a good idea by the way!)
Maybe you could push a few people towards Scot Goes Pop’s fundraiser as well? His site may not be as…interesting as Wings, but he does good work, and the stats / poll interpretation angle can’t be ignored. At least it can be handy to point towards some robust exposition of trends to counter the “there’s no appetite for a referendum / independence / whatever” nonsense pounded out by the Unionist mobs.
It will never 100% that is for sure. SiU, Duncan, Leask and all the rest read this site too. I suspect snowballs in hell have a better chance than money coming from those quarters to fund a WBB2
@John Jones says: 11 June, 2019 at 5:24 pm:
” … OK, you’ve convinced an older person again, don’t want to be known as a lurker! I do so want to be in the 1% gang.
I’ll need to check how many abodes in my postcode area, in order to ensure my old baffies are up to walking all round the area.”.
Huh! Think yourself lucky, John Jones, my address is, “The Great North Road”, and that runs all the way from London to the North of Scotland.
My baffies widna mak it ava.
A fine welcome to all the new groovy Wingers
Q. Are you just a reader, or a Winger?
It’s the gesture that counts
Quite! The very entity they claim to cherish is in politico-cultural terms a projection of their own fancy. The conceit is mind blowing. Sadly, my experience indicates similar notions flourish among the wider English population.
This is probably what the EU has to deal with.
On reflection
Could have been 2 different planes both leaving GLA at different times
Uncommon visitors though
Given human rationality is grounded in self-preservation, melts like the SiU’s Green Ink brigade, Duncany, Leasky and all the rest of them, really need to get to grips with the political reality of Brexitania. Here’s some more international law to set the yoon heads a popping. Remember, the full-English Brexit is an attack on rational jurisprudence and the principle of universal human rights, as it annihilates the moral law principle that justifies and gives legal force to the Treaties of Union.
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Leadsom creating a bit of market segmentation by not coming out against a second Indyref. Is she going for the anti Scottish vote
To be fair, her comment that it would be disrespectful to do so is spot on.
There you go Rev, another donation coming your way. Thanks for all that you do on our behalf.
Finally managed to get to town earlier this morning and made a direct bank transfer to your account around mid afternoon.
Modern tech didn’t allow enough characters in the payment reference to put an address for perks package.
Presume there will be instructions on that to come?
Keep up the excellent work.
If it helps fund more books or other activities by saving money with multiple deliveries, I’d be happy to distribute boxes around the various YES groups in my area if they are delivered to a single address.
There is no debate about Scots wanting indyref2.
We voted for it in 2016 when we elected a Party with indyref2 as a manifesto pledge, to be the Scottish Government.
There is no debate.
If the raving loony party (no, not ‘scottish’ tories) was the only party offering an indyref in a Holyrood election, and they were returned as Biggest party, there would be an indyref.
No reasons are required, just a promise to deliver one.
If people DO NOT want one, there are several places to place their vote to achieve such an outcome.
By placing the 2016 mandate around the EU issue (but not solely on it) the SNP played a blinder.
Especially considering the EU referendum result.
We have a cast iron mandate which is recognised by all involved, especially by WM unionists.
Do people think march 29th passed without ukexit by chance or because of WM ?
More like they failed to find a way round the stark reality of not being able to have their ukexit AND keep Scotland in their ‘precious’ union.
If us pesky Scots never had a mandate for indyref2, we would have left the EU nearly 3 months ago for sure.
Every tory leadership zoomer KNOWS that Scots will vote Yes to ending their union if we are forced out the EU.
A point highlighted by the fact that most of them are stating they will ‘refuse’ even having indyref2, despite the fact they legally cannot stop us doing so, never mind the backlash that approach would have.
Too many lurkers with deep pockets and short arms.
Too many lurkers with grudges/excuses.
Do you really want to remain trapped in a U.K. with Bojo Johnson in charge and out of the EU?
Tories are tough on crime EXCEPT when the criminals are TORIES.
Andrea Leadsom’s in trouble after admitting it would be disrespectful to Scotland NOT to allow a referendum on Independence even though she doesn’t personally want one
When everyone knows what you are
Step forward, Jeremy HUNT..!!
*(bad word used often)*
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The Reith Lectures are being given by Lord Sumption of the Supreme Court. Today’s episode is about the written v unwritten constitution. They are all very interesting but the constitutional one might be most relevant.
You don’t need a licence to listen to them but I think the BBC asks you to register. They probably have more than enough Mickey Mice already:
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Or there’s a transcript here:
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Re Andrea Leadsom
All the top Tories with half an ounce of common sense to not wish to win the poison chalice, the winners reign will be very short lived followed closely by the next leaders contest.
Re Andrea Leadsom
None of the top Tories with half an ounce of gumption really want the leaders job this time round. The new leaders term will be very short, a poison chalice, to whoever is holding it when Brexit takes place and the people of England have to face the facts of what they have just done.
Thanks for those links, they are definitely relevant in light of the full-English Brexit. I’m sure the lecture will offer insight I can support.
Caught the shortbread tv news and I’m sure I detected the BBC Yoony anxiety meter levels much higher tonight from the usual suspects. They are not a happy bunch.
“PM of Scotland” says Barnier introducing Sturgeon…(oops!)
“a promotion he is not entitled to give” a solemn Glen advises the viewers.
Well bracing myself for the footie soon. Got a box of left over Belgian chocs from Christmas. Fingers XX’D. Gulp!
For example, here’s a wee snippet for folk who don’t click links.
N.B. it is not rationally or philosophically possible to relinquish inalienable human rights, such as the “Right to Development”. The British state protects itself from this reality by simply failing to recognise the principle of universal human rights. This approach to moral law is rooted in Benthamite utilitarianism and so is an integral part of English and Tory culture.
Bunged you a wee bit.
You can swear as much as you like on Twitter, I won’t see it because you blocked me
I’m like a pig in muck now that I’ve remembered International Public Law. Remember, Scotland has only lent Westminster its sovereignty, i.e. Scotland’s public will. This submission of our popular sovereignty was done on the basis of the British constitution’s moral law justification (the obligation to deliver natural justice between Scotland and England). The full-English Brexit highlights how that is a mirage and the British constitution has always been a vehicle for the legal domination of Scotland by the Tories. In their mind, remember, Britain is One Nation. Culturally blinkered imperialists wanks.
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£25 on the way. C’mon folks, talking and posting helps, but money counts.
Indy vs Scotland in Union. The population “£” odds are in our favour if we individually donate even modestly to the WOS fund to match us SIU need individually to donate substantial monies.
But then of course there is the Unionist dark money allegations, that need investigation, but by what organisation?
@ CBB – Jonathan Sumption is worth listening to as he is a very good speaker, clear and well versed in the subject. It will be available on the BBC site for a month and can be downloaded if people don’t have time at the moment (or are watching the football!).
RE the football – I noticed the BBC site is doing the same as they did with the women’s football. When a Scottish player is mentioned they often refer to him according to which English team he plays for. It’s always all about England – and probably the TV and advertising money to be made.
You know that ‘day job’ thing…?
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News soon, “Lack of Scottish Transplant surgeons mean patients die waiting on organs all ready to go to patients”
Give it what, maybe a week ?
Glen Campbell and the BBC having difficulty gleaning any information from EU officials might be because the EU are aware Scotland has no media, all media is British so their gubs are shut on what was discussed and it’s annoying the shit out of the BBC
Radio 4 national news tonight – no mention of First Minister’s visit to EU.
Donated again , what a miserly lot out there , happy to let you do your hard , informative work, read it and comment on it, but not prepared to give a small donation to keep you going , hope they are not all Scots !.
“Self balance”
THAT is ah thing like
Can ye assist moi CameronB
Posted this on “The Last Call” but thought it worthwhile to post it here as well.
Made a second donation. Very happy to do so.
This time I used the “here” button to donate by bank transfer so that transaction costs are avoided. Missed the “here” button the first time and would recommend that a larger font be used so that more people will notice how to donate using others means including by direct bank transfer.
Will happily donate a third time depending on how long the fundraiser is active for and will also set up a monthly contribution. This site is so important for the independence movement and should be supported by all Wingers who can afford to do so.
This is for my children and grandchildren.
I will be 81 years young this month and I SHALL see an Independent Scotland in my lifetime.
Two nil in Brussels
At least it wiznae ah humpin’
Scotland X
Make that 3
@Abulhaq says:11 June, 2019 at 6:53 pm:
” … Quite! The very entity they claim to cherish is in politico-cultural terms a projection of their own fancy.”
I cannot deny that, Abulhaq, but what I have found after 50 years working in a predominantly English workforce, not to mention the Royal Naval and Royal Marine personnel, was that, their attitude was more due to ignorance and lack of proper education than actual anti-Scottishness.
For most of them, the truth was a surprise. Mind you it sometimes needed a good deal of work to convince them their long held beliefs were total rubbish. It is, though, often just as difficult to convince some Scots that what they were taught at school was total mince.
Looking back to my own early school days were a revelation. Almost the entire teaching staff were ex-Oxbridge graduates. Then during WWII some other teachers who were unfit through disability or health for the armed forces began to be employed but it was still mainly older Oxbridge teachers. Usually Tory, Unionist and would be English at heart.
So the English workmates were mainly just ignorant of the truth and some even really appalled at learning the truth.
… The conceit is mind blowing. Sadly, my experience indicates similar notions flourish among the wider English population.”
I think, when they are workmates, they soon may get a very rude awakening when they find out they are often not nearly so well educated as their Scots counterparts. It is around then that they get the message most of what they were brought up to believe about the Scots is not quite true.
On the whole I found that they were not generally a bad lot but needed a bit of truth told before they got the message.
For example can you imagine the hilarious situation of a Westo attempting to make fun of people speaking Lowland Scots? Claiming he cannot understand us. Then every Scot in the room switches to speaking proper English but he cannot manage to do so?
I once had a real laugh down in Gosport on a course. The whole class, except for myself, were naval officers. I was the only civilian but what they didn’t know was the subject being taught was my speciality and the electronic gear being taught was test gear I had been involved in designing and developing.
This stuff was so cutting edge we had to design our own test units. The thing was that after the test units were tested and found to do their job properly the RN in its wisdom ruled that those who used it had to be certificated in order to legally work on it and that meant us as well.
So the first problem I got was these Officer types objected to common civilian workers being allowed to use the Officer’s Mess.
They couldn’t allow common Dockyard Workers to mix with officer classes now could they? In the end they were actually taking bets on who would come top in the exams.
So, of course, when it came to the exams and the gaining of certificates to allow people to work on the test gear, who was it that came top of the class? The guy involved in designing it before it went for assessment and testing of course. I’d actually drawn up some of the stuff for the course.
You never saw such crestfallen faces in your life. Now that’s the types who really do imagine themselves the master race born to be leaders.
So I’d say the average Englander is not really too bad but there is a culture of making jokes about just about every other nation on Earth and the English upper classes are really very much elitist.
Something like this, perhaps?
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Done (Lost my wings bottle opener key ring
And this is why the above is important. Remember, humans are biopsychosocial bags of emotions.
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Keywords: power, contingent self-esteem, true self, well-being, authenticity
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Still got mine, McBrian…
John 9.31
Quite agree. Considering the amount of so called wingers, 1% is pathetic given the incredible work that Stuart does on this site.
If even just 5% had donated we would have a fighting fund of over 1/2 a million towards what will be a make or break ref with the freedom of our country at stake. So please all who have not donated, do it now.
Fantastic to see so many contributions coming in to fund the Wee Blue Book of Truth and Justice for Scotland.
I’d estimate today’s funds will see 80,000 books hit the streets.
Congratulations to all who have given all they can today.
We obviously continue to hit the 100,000 mark tomorrow and every one beyond that figure turns another No to Yes and Freedom for the Scottish Nation!
Smiley face at all who coughed up today; lurker like me or not.
Hey Glasgow…
Sumfin’s happening in Queens Park ra now…
5 police units have entered there
Syay tuned 4 LIVE updates
Tuppence worth in. Again.
Not that I am likely to ever have the time to read the thing is the way of it at he moment.
My favourite Scots (?) Tory bampot Ross “Handy” Thomson pops up on Reporting Scotland to say he will be keeping Bojo Johnston straight on any any future policy announcements re Scotland.
Just how big a diddy are you when you need Thomson to keep you correct on anything. The guy who is favourite to be the next PM is relying on Ross Thomson – now that’s tragic.
I’m a Scot get me out of the UK it’s a bloody black farce.
Meant to say…
Cheers to ye Winger Daljit on your new job
It feels good aye
@Giving Goose 4:26pm
Id have to say the same about the louder EU fanboys too.
Permission tae go mental this here Tuesday taenight…
Wur granted aye
Jock McDonnell @ 6.15pm
I seen it too, it flew over N Mearns heading to down Prestwick way. Only a couple of hundred feet up. Strange!!!
AWACS flying around west coast practicing landing at Glasgow Airport. Been lots of military ships on Clyde too. Maybe Donahue is right and the ruskies are in the Clyde. Remove nuclear weapons from the Clyde and we wouldn’t be a target. The Thames needs protecting!
@Cactus at 11:26 pm
Huv ye asked Sajid Javid if it’s okay like?
I spent the evening tweaking the bike for the weekend. It’s only a twin and not a four, so less cash spent on spark plugs meant more donated to the crowdfunder!
Also made a bracket to mount a flag for the weekend cruise through Glencoe to Oban. Just hope it stays dry…
re. the full-English Brexit and the harmful impact it can be expected to have on the “Power Contingent Self-Esteem” of those living in Scotland. Time for a bit of Transcultural Psychiatry? This could definitely help combat (white) British nationalism, IMHO. Sorry, I couldn’t find an open text.
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While I’m at it. Time for some cutting-edge ‘western’ psychology?
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Delighted to encourage a friend to also donate 5 minutes ago. He used to be a fence sitter at IndyRef1 and I gave him a WBB1. He then voted yes in 2014. Yay.
Am delighted my friend has just paid for 100 WBB2 for IndyRef2.
Stu., I love the Donor Wall comments, but have you seen the WOS DONATING YOON!
When zoomers start donating, albeit just £2.00 Scotland really must be changing for the better
Reluctant Nationalist
Seeing as how you have a PhD in Psychology, allegedly, and are hostile to multiculuralism and social science, apparently, here’s some Clinical Psychology for you, as palliative to your unpleasant social pathology.
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JWT thanks for your response on the previous post re the refusal of diplomatic services to the FM was instigated by Jeremy the *unt ,
I am still raging at this affront to Scotland’s First Minister and I will reiterate , I think this should be vociferously and angrily presented at both parliaments for the open and calculated SLUR it is to Scotland and our ELECTED First Minister
Not only will it show up the pettiness of the wastemonster creeps but it will HIGHLIGHT even more the contempt these arseholes hold for us to the proud scots buts , it may even get through to some undecideds
Just donated hopefully the additional 100 WBB will convince some of the undecideds that we CAN AND WILL run our country better than the wasteminster corrupters
As promised, added to the pot again.
For all those ‘lazy’ readers out there, can you adapt updated WWB content in small chunks for online viewing – snappy and visual snippets on various topics such as oil, pensions, all the WM lies & broken promises, reserved vs devolved powers, Brexit shambles etc.
Would be good to also do some digital Facebook ads and 2 minute video content on WWB topics to be shared online. These can all be directed back to the full online version for those who’ve had their interest sparked.
We’re up against the likes of Cambridge Analytica so I think we need to maximise on multiple fronts how we reach people across digital platforms. Are there any digital marketing experts amonsgt Wings Readers?
Perhaps some coordinated collaboration between Wings, Phamtom Power, IndyPoster Boy to adapt WWB in print and media. Sorry if this is already in the planning. I just know that we’re not all political geeks and small and regular chunks may be a good way to disemminate content.
Do ‘proud Scot buts’ value Scots law and how do they support its integrity? What about members of Scotland’s judiciary? Does contemporary British nationalism respect Scottish culture and the innate rights of Scotland’s public? I’m not sure if there is any room for ambivalence here, frankly.
Is Scottish culture not Intellectual Property (IP), of a sort? How does the practice of British constitutionalism compare to the legal protection of the individual and IP, afforded by EU law? Not well, IMHO (see the full-English Brexit).
@ Rev Stu,
Since it feels like we’re starting to get into Indy Ref 2 mode, can we buy a box of WBB2’s to distribute around some of the ‘not quite there yet’s’ we know ourselves?
Or would it be a plan to distribute say a couple of dozen boxes to all the major cities and towns in Scotland, who can then further distribute them as purchased?
I’m bang in the center of Dundee and would be happy to help.
@ CameronB Brodie:
you say ”
Is Scottish culture not Intellectual Property (IP), of a sort? ”
This is a very good question.
A lot of damage has been done to the ‘individual’ by some groups who use the legal status of us all as individuals, to attempt to not pay bills, debts or even answer to criminal charges, but the status of us as legal entities, is worth exploring as it is this legal status that is the bedrock of our ‘business relationship’ with our government.
So my status as a legal entity, and my legal contract from birth with the government, gives me the right to attend a school, get hospital treatment etc, as well as gives the government the legal right to take tax from me and hold me to the law of the day.
The foolish people who think they can have enjoyed the rights of education, protection from police, armed forces etc, but not pay tax, bills or be subject to police powers, have only listened to the claims of one side of this contract and are ignorant of the law that accepts repeated behavior as proof of a contract being established between parties. So, if you attended nursery, went to school, used a doctor, were protected from harm by police, armed forces and so forth, you established your contract by behavior, and can’t very well now say you will not pay tax etc, because you don’t consent to the law of the land and are declaring yourself a free-man (or whatever it is they say)
However, when it comes to arguing our case and standing up for our rights, this contract that we are all in with the government of the day, does give us a lot more legal protection than most people realize, and the government is keen for this state of ignorance to continue.
If enough of us could get together to challenge the Westminster government about our rights as the citizens of a democracy,it would result in them having to say they have the right and would be willing to deny us a vote, if they wished.
This would not go down well in Scotland as it’s insulting enough to say to Nicola that they won’t give the SNP a vote, but to tell all individual Scots that they are willing to fight us in court so that they could deny us the right to vote at their own pleasure?
That’s a whole new ball game!
Think of the impact that would have on the pensioners who fought for our democracy!
WGD:_ ‘Delusion and delirium in the UK’s end of days.’
…”Boris has been criticised for saying that his tax cut plans will be funded by an increase in National Insurance payments, which means two things. Firstly it means that the poorer paid will be footing the cost of tax cuts for the rich. Secondly it means that Scotland will be paying for tax cuts for better off English tax payers. This is because income tax rates are devolved, but National Insurance is not. Johnson’s tax cuts won’t apply in Scotland, but the increased NI payments will.”…
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When people criticise schools/education in Scotland, here’s a link showing how bad things are in England.
Having to ask charities for funding the state should provide.
PM Boris’s tax cuts will make this worse.
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M15 charged with breaking Laws and illegally keeping people’s data. The Police keeping people in cells on ‘charges’ which can never come to Court.
Ex SNP politicians getting 18 months. Unionists getting way with illegal wars and mass corruption. Alex Salmond illegally charged.
Johnstone is a lying criminal. Along with all the rest. Failed bankers etc.
Tories lining up behind Bojo Johnson because they think he is the candidate to help them keep their job and save the Tory party. To hell with the country and other people’s jobs – no deal leaving the EU is fine if my job and the Tory party are ok.
Surely no one can have any doubts now that the Tories put themselves first and the country second. Labour are the same – party first everyone else second.
@RobertPeffers 9:44pm
Getting ‘the English’ (and their Scottish allies) out of the exceptionalist mode, a result of centuries of programing, is a herculean task: the eyes glazing over as you make your point the desire to change the subject to one more accommodating to their worldview. The English are admirable in many ways but on that particular they infuriate. Of course it is not our problem. They are finding out as a result of the EU issue that the world does not see things the way they do. It is, of course, the world that has got it wrong.
Boris Johnson, by heritage the least orthodox British, could either be another Disraeli or a total ass or a mashup of both. See him as the skateboard to unintendedly flip the Scottish nation into independence.
Nae bother @twathater says at 1:49 am
Post the link to the article etc. and get it out there.
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Also worth making folk think about the fact that the UK Government are now officially saying they will obstruct anything they feel is contrary to UK Government policy.
So that’s ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the Scottish Government are doing (or trying to do) to make Scotland a better place for all of us to live.
We have always suspected this was the case but now have an official statement from the UK Government admitting so.
Strange that Rory Stewart says that independence would leave him literally with no country. It would leave him with literally two countries. Lots of people have dual nationality and appear quite happy.
Cheer up you wee daftie.
Michael Gove is the last person who’d be a Remainer.
But with a biography of him coming out he’s likely to be a Remainder.
@Abulhaq says: 12 June, 2019 at 9:06 am:
… Getting ‘the English’ (and their Scottish allies) out of the exceptionalist mode, a result of centuries of programing, is a herculean task: the eyes glazing over as you make your point the desire to change the subject to one more accommodating to their worldview.”
You are not getting the point, Abulhaq. You cannot speak of, “The English”, as if they were just a single body of people.
No nation on Earth, with the exception of the old Indian, “Caste”, social system, comes close to the English class system.
There are vast differences between the English classes that still persist today but which were somewhat altered by the World wars. Altered but not eradicated, so classing English people as just, “The English”, just cannot be applied.
Thing is there are more English people in the working class than in the Upper Class and it is the English Upper Class who run what they perceive to be, “Britain”, and to them that means England. It is thus that English Upper Class who are, “The Westminster Establishment”, and all unionist parties are part of, “The Establishment”.
If you think I’m wrong consider this. Corbyn could end this Brexit horror story at a stroke. All he needs do is move a motion of no confidence in the government, and only the leader of the official opposition can do so, so why has he not?
What Corbyn says he is and what Corbyn really is are not the same thing. You simply cannot class everyone south of the border as one entity. As I pointed out in my example of dealing with the, “Officer Class”, in the admiralty was an eye opener.
The enemy is not the people of England it is the Westminster Establishment and these are as much the enemy of the people of England as they are the enemy of the people of Scotland.
Less you forget roughly 50 percent of the people of Scotland still vote for Westminster Establishment a.k.a. Unionist parties.
Keep up the great work you do Stu, another 100 books added.
C’mon all you lurkers get your hands in those wallets and purses, and lets make this something really SPECIAL!!
The Wee Blue Book was the best aid I had at the last referendum, converted about 6 people myself just by letting them read it.
I gave away as many copies as I could, the look on peoples faces when they realised just how much they had been kept in the dark by the BBC / Sky and all the other MSM, was truly astounding.
Imagine what could be achieved if every household received just ONE!!
C’mon lets do it for SCOTLAND!
Poor Rory, his CV reads very pukkah, very burrah sahib.The man is out of his time, 200 years out. Being born in Hong Kong surely he must be aware of the march of time vis à vis colonies. Time is marching on for Scotland too. Do kick the imperial romance Rory, a bad habit in the current raw ‘ungentlemanly’ political climate.
He seems a nice guy but those nasty party Tories’ll eat him for breakfast.
Rev , just added another wee ( sorry) something to the pot via your bank. Wish it was more but right now it can’t be.
That said I don’t know where we would be without you , Paul , the Prof and many, many others.
kapelmeister says:
He’s a self centred little prick. What internationally recognised country does he believe independence minded Scots have right now? If I leave these isles then I have to do so with a ‘British’ passport. I can’t get a passport for the country I recognise as my own.
I have long since rejected his ‘British’ Union and my current passport is in effect a lie, but I have no choice.
After Indy, Scots BritNats have choices, plural, (as you point out).
As for dual nationality, I suspect given recent history an iScotland might allow dual nationality. Personally, I’m against it. As far as I know about half of countries don’t allow it (Netherlands comes to mind). Dual strikes me as a bit of a fudge for globally mobile elite. It’s like paying extra to open more doors. I’m sure there are ordinary folks with dual, though.
I have always said the establishments reason for leaving EU was tax evasion – with new rules coming in from EU, I have not changed my mind on this. Rich tories are only concerned with hoarding/hiding their ill-gotten gains and Boris and Co are only concerned with keeping high earners on side. He should also be reminded about what he said about Brown not having been elected, but here we are with a second PM not elected. The tories just want a henchman they think can beat Corbyn, and that won’t be difficult since Corbyn has very few principals as well and unfortunately is not a leader, so even worse we might get Farage and Boris in coalition. Think on that with orange man getting in on the act.
No wonder he does not want to answer questions, he is a known liar (been sacked TWICE) for lying, he is a womaniser, he has no moral compass at all and would sell his granny as well as the NHS to the highest bidder, but of course spin it and try to tell us it was for our own good. Fancies himself as Churchill Mark 2-many of the bad habits but none of the charisma.
Gove admitted to taking drugs, and of course everyone deserves a second chance, but it is his hypocrisy I cannot stomach. When he was education minister he said teachers with drug problems should be banned for life, but not if you are a tory minister.He only came clean when a book was about to be published giving it away. Most people do not get off so lightly and people like him are the reason for drug pushers and drugs deaths.It is the rich middle classes in London who are the main customers for cocaine – they are like functioning alcoholics but they are still drug addicts. But as usual it is those at the bottom of the pecking order who pay the highest prices.
It is a sad day indeed when we see the calibre of persons up for the leadership.
We have to do everything we can to get out of this toxic union before it is too late. Give anything to can to the cause and the WBB2 – indy will happen suddenly and quickly, we must be prepared.
Rant over.
@RobertPeffers 10:26
Beg to differ on this. In my albeit rather short life I have met English from a variety of backgrounds. There are nuances but regarding this particular topic much common sets of attitudes.
We are dealing in stereotypes, however stereotypes do contain rather more than a grain of truth.
I bring my ancestors experiences into this too. They admired aspects of the English but would never trust them. The upper end were patronizing and duplicitous, the opposite end, boorish and racist. That, of course, may well not be your experience.
This is a sensitive issue, nevertheless there is in English culture a unique ‘character’ that has to be reckoned with. Know thine enemy better than he knows himself.
It ain’t much, but it doesn’t need to be.
Every little helps.
A Churchillian introduction by the Attorney General Jeffrey Cox for Boris Johnstone’s press conference Liars stick together .
Note how the BBC have responded to SNP threats to report them to ofcom for anti SNP bias…
Politics live today:
Elizabeth Truss
Bim Afolami
Tom Tugenhat
Andy McDonald
Jo Swinson
Claire Fox
Owen Bennett
Maybe they think if they ignore us, we will go away. Good luck with that.
When we announce indyref2, they will be desperate to have SNP guests on to shreek at them.
Every time Independence is mentioned British politicians come out with this claptrap of *I was born in Scotland* or *I love Scotland* or *I would miss Scotland* *What about my Granny* Oh the loss the loss!
Unless the English decide they’re building a wall Scotland doesn’t go anywhere even if they do decide to build a wall we’re still here, the only correct thing they ever say is *They lose*
And what do they lose? Money Money Money and they know it
Getting back to “Power Contingent Self-Esteem” and the narcissistic chauvinism embedded in English culture (see the full-English Brexit). How might Scotland’s lack of political agency affect the well-being of those who consider themselves Scottish?
Ironic effects of feedback on contingency of self-worth:
Why self-reports of contingency are biased
Contingent self-worth has been studied as an individual differences variable affecting how self-relevant information is processed. We examined the effects of self-relevant information on contingent self-worth as a dependent variable. In Experiment 1 (N = 79, college students), participants’ performance contingency was higher after negative than positive performance feedback.
In Experiment 2 (N = 3764, community sample), social approval and appearance contingencies were lower in a social approval condition than in control conditions. Mediation analyses suggested this effect was mediated by enhanced self-esteem. Thus, self-esteem increased due to the very source that participants came to regard as less important: Social approval. Results are explained in terms of sociometer theory and limited introspection abilities: All self-esteem is sensitive to external contingencies, people just become more aware of this when it is threatened.
Keywords: Self-esteem, contingent self-worth, sociometer theory, social approval, self-threat
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And a bit more on “self-worth” and the narcissism embedded in English culture. That’s what happens when you think you own half the world due to your cultural superiority. Not guns and imperial might, mind, but the moral worth of simply being English (see BoJo).
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donated again, proud to be in the 1% gang
So how might the collective narcissism embedded in English culture and Scotland’s democratic deficit, impact on the Scottish psyche and public health?
Love the cat
Apologies for lack of links this last while. I’m busy with an indy project in my own area but for now here’s a few, some of which may be a few days old but worth a look see.
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Britain EU Relations | Nicola Sturgeon addresses panel on Scotland and EU relations
Was livestreamed on the 11th
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Pete Wishart writes
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A reminder
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Former MI5 officer say in 1994 Israel __ its own embassy in London and blamed Muslims for it. Listen to the reason why they did it.
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Confidential cabinet note warns UK not ready for a no-deal Brexit on October 31
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Richard Murphy says
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Change of Prime Minister will not solve UK’s Brexit headache
Analysis of the race to succeed Mrs May as UK Prime Minister. Interview, John Campbell, TVNZ Breakfast programme, 12 June 2019
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Last night I watched a documentary about the upper reaches of the Thames narrated by our old pal Baldrick – yet another of the many having ‘Great British’ in the title.
What I found interesting was the detailed description of how the construction of the many Weirs and Locks on the river had made it navigable and given rise to the wonderful pastime of ‘messing about in boats’ which has made the river and its towns so attractive and popular.
This got me thinking:-
Is there any reason why the River Forth above Stirling could not be subject to the same treatment with Weirs and Locks with the addition of built-in turbines to generate electricity.
It could create a whole new environment and in conjunction with the existing Forth & Clyde and Union Canals make Central Scotland a paradise for messing about in boats.
Imagine boarding a river cruiser at say S. Queensferry and sailing as far as possibly Aberfoyle.
Have a look at the Ordnance Survey Maps and see what may be possible.
Chris Kendall says
Every Remainer should take a half hour to watch this. It really is quite something. This is why I do what I do. We are more than our myths. And we’re fighting for the future. The stakes could not be higher. Europe is our only hope.
Link to A Speech to Europe 2019 | Timothy Snyder – Judenplatz 1010
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Joanna Cherry says
Please take a moment to read & watch this. Excellent work by @libertyhq uncovers exactly the sort of problems that I & others warned of during passage of #IPBill but which the U.K. Govt rubbished
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Indycar Gordon Ross 11.6.19 – Uk Defence Ministry charges over £5,534 per year
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Eudaimonia, yeah that helps and it’s a new word to me too Cameron, a lovely sounding word innit
Afternoon Dan, aye ah was talking to the Saj last night, aye explained to him it will always be mah right as a sovereign international European citizen of Scotland to exercise mah right tae go pure mental whenever one chooses to hehe, plus ahm pulling rank and the Sajid Javid is a right wee…
Enjoy yer new bike and ride in to Oban THIS weekend
Last Call is going excellently
Nana, I was worried about you , so glad it was only being busy that kept you away.
I’m saving your links until later as I have a midden which requires a bit of TLC – or even scraping and hosing down!
No need for any apologises. You do a brilliant job Nana. I’ve thanked you before for all your work posting links but will do so again – THANKS NANA.
Could we nominate a postcode? I ave friends in Edinburgh that are on the cusp of voting YES from a position of definitely No last time? Craig
Thanks for the links Nana. Fairly missed you on here X. Any chance of you splitting yourself in two to cover here and your Indy work elsewhere, lol?
If we cant get enough to put through every letter box, perhaps sourcing data on where the ultra unionists live might save on money – there is no converting 10% of our population – they’re just too far gone
Perhaps SIU might oblige with this type of info, they’re not exactly careful with peoples data!
Cactus says: at 2:32 pm
“Afternoon Dan, aye ah was talking to the Saj last night, aye explained to him it will always be mah right as a sovereign international European citizen of Scotland to exercise mah right tae go pure mental whenever one chooses to hehe, plus ahm pulling rank and the Sajid Javid is a right wee…
Enjoy yer new bike and ride in to Oban THIS weekend”
Aye, that’s the nub o’ it really. As a sovereign Scot I iz harbouring muchos disgruntlement at the audacity of some non-sovereign Scots attempting to reduce our freedoms and rights against oor will.
Saj can go shite a hedgehog backwards as far as I’m concerned.
Some think from the heart and some fae the heed, and as he aligns with a party with no empathy he cannae be using his heart.
Thus, as his cranium appears to lack the nutritious fertility to even grow hair, in my limited physiological ken, there’s nae chance he has enough cerebral manure in his napper to enrich the growth of comprehensive thought that would make him begin to understand a considerable amount of Scots think he and his party are arseholes.
Looked out a syringe for injecting “R” at the weekend. Modern tech engine components may not like the stuff so a few drips up the exhaust should heat up and release the aroma without the risk of mechanical issues.
That might mean there will only be a few minutes worth of the delightful Mings over Scotland so don’t miss it!
Motorcycle – As the Rush Comes… bring it on!
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To be honest mate, I still struggle with it.
It is a tad relevant though, IMHO. Unfortunately, it is a barely achievable state of being in Britain and the full-English Brexit takes a big smelly poo on the concept, from a Scottish and N. Irish perspective anyway. This is one of the reasons why the “Right to Development” is considered an inaleanable human right. One which Britain can never recognise, locally or globally.
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More on why “eudaimonia” is a difficult concept for Tories to support intellectually, as it is socially focused and requires that “ends” justify the “means”. Not in the same way as classical (English) utilitarianism though. Eudaimonia has strong associations with socially sustainable social practice.
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Gus 1940:
Great idea about damming the Forth. In the 1930s two men, Matt Steele and John Jeffrey toured the Forth Valley with the same proposal.
The Forth Road Bridge was considered at that time, and they believed a dam was a better idea. Their proposal was “Damn the brig, Dam the Forth”. Their idea was just as you suggested with everything up river from South Queensferry being maintained at high water level, and a roadway on top of the dam.
It might have been an idea to resurrect the dam project instead of the Queensferry Crossing.
Only twice donated and first time posting…..just to say thanks to all ,especially the Rev.
You’ve been an inspiration these last few years.
Well it seems my post on the original fundraiser page, during the wee sma’ hours of 23 May, was not far off the mark, in that many, many readers, perhaps even regular contributors have short arms and long pockets. It has been good to see the recent surge in the total raised to date so I’ve done the right thing and paid up again, willingly. Of course there are other sites furthering our cause in different ways but none are as informative, varied and totally incisive as this.
I was about to say “may that long continue” but that of course is wrong – instead, I look forward to to our host’s well earned early retirement, although I doubt he’ll be quiet for long.
Lang may yer lum reek Mr Campbell.
Fifty quid in , for the cause ,Wings is the best of the best providing us with the news and information that they try to keep hidden from us.
Ive donated and ive also started a 2quid a month DD, Stu your worth every penny, you do more for the cause than any other Yes organisation, you truly are worth you weight in gold. Independence gold.
I’ve donated £10, do I get 10 books for those who are No or unsure. I remember last time it was a different way of getting the black books. I paid money and got 25 books.
Long time lurker. Just donated. Be grest to see the books out there.
Morning Dorothy, sorry for late reply.
I feel bad for not managing to post links the last few weeks, time really does fly.
Links might be a bit sparse for the next while as things hot up politically (sadly no sign of the weather doing the same)
Take care Dorothy xx
ps links posted on latest thread