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Wings Over Scotland

Bang on schedule

Posted on July 30, 2014 by

We did tell you this was coming:


The poll in question can actually be found on Daily Record sister site Scotland Now, so we’re not entirely sure why the Scotsman is plugging it for them. But if you’d like to see the hilariously loaded and leading questions that delivered the result in question, just pop back to this Wings Over Scotland piece from about three weeks ago.

To be honest, in the circumstances we’re amazed it was as low as 74%.

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  1. 30 07 14 17:20

    Bang on schedule | Scottish Independence News

204 to “Bang on schedule”

  1. desimond says:

    Has Sean Connery came out and did a Usain Bolt style denial on this nonsense yet?

  2. handclapping says:

    Its on a par with my canvass of the house and we turned out to be 100% 10 Yes so logically No is obviously going to win.


  3. heedtracker says:

    How big was your poll though Scotland Now?

    “More than 300 native-born Scots living and working in the USA had been sent the questionnaire and the response rate was greater than 70 per cent.” or 210 polled and no doubt quite a lot were the Clan MacFastpiearmslowmetabolism.

    Desperate days for the Scotsman.

  4. heedtracker says:

    Front online page from one more cluster fcuk of bettertogetheristas.
    link to

  5. Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy) says:

    I see they are feart to publish the questions.

  6. baheid says:

    “we’re not entirely sure why the Scotsman is plugging it for them”

    Easy to answer, it’s called cheap/lazy journalism.

  7. john king says:

    Out of a hundred people who many people said AlexSammin is a big fat liar?
    Our survey said.———-

  8. john king says:


  9. Ross Mckay says:

    Who cares what expats think? Our referendum is nothing to do with them.

    It’s up to us in Scotland whether we want independence or not (personally I’m still undecided, I need to know more facts first), its nothing to do with anyone in America, or England or anywhere else – someone who lives in England for example won’t be actually affected by the result, whichever way it goes, so its nothing to do with them.

  10. JimnArlene says:

    Load of twaddle. Why should expats get a vote, they voted with their feet, to find a “better” opportunity abroad. Now we who remain, now have a vote to change the country for the betterment of all.

  11. Brian Powell says:

    Did the Scotsman publish the questions as well. Rhetorical question.

    The Scotsman reduced to lying mongrel status. The story is a prime example of having a real bit of information but the background to it reduces it to mere rubbish.

  12. heedtracker says:

    At least this is some new Record we hate AlicSanin don’t we propaganda. link to

  13. galamcennalath says:

    Questions is … How many burst their sides laughing at the stupidity of this stuff … And how many are so dumb they treat it as relevant? Truth is, we have to wait until the 19th to actually know for sure.

    Too wee, nope. Too poor, nope. Too stupid, the jury announces that verdict on the 19th!

  14. Oscar Taime says:

    And when a more straight forward question is asked we get:

    link to

    link to

    90% & 87% yes respectively!

    Darns those pesky cybernats & their disproportionate ability to use the interwebs!!!

  15. bjsalba says:

    I’m an former ex-pat – after 28 years in the USA I’m back in Scotland (since 2005) and a YES Campaign activist. I have a vote.

    As for @ScotlandNow, shouldn’t that be @USANow?

    Does it matter what those still living in the USA think? As for American Polled Opinion I direct you to link to

  16. Morag says:

    Well, Ross, if it’s facts you want, you’ve come to the right place. See that “new readers start here” button at the top…?

  17. handclapping says:

    @john king

  18. john king says:

    ME @4.55
    link to

  19. john king says:

    @john king

    it was fried! 🙂

  20. Oscar Taime says:

    To those who are tempted to think the referendum has nothing to do with us expats I say simply that they might like to consider why we are expats – lack of opportunities maybe – & what sort of effect independence will have on whether we stay away or come back & contribute all the energy that we took with us. I’m not saying we deserve a vote but to say we don’t matter is kind of missing a key point of why we – anyone who considers themselves a Scot – would want Scotland to be independent.

    One of the major benefits of being independent will be that anyone who considers themselves to be a Scot – be they originally from Scotland or anywhere else – and who wants to contribute to the revitalized country that will shortly exist will be able to do so in ways that are vanishingly unlikely under the inward looking self defeating Westminster establishment Scotland has to live under at the moment.

    In short when we say that Scotland needs immigration we should surely look forward to welcoming back a few expats – even those who are not yet convinced that Yes is the best choice but who will soon see the benefits.

    Besides implying expats have nothing to say implies something similar for our friends in Wales, Catalonia & beyond.

    Whether we live in Scotland or not surely the world stands to benefit from yes another small country with no nuclear arms and a socially just agenda.

  21. llornamac says:

    Don’t be too hard on ex-pats. I’ve only lived abroad for 4 years and hope that my other 56 count for something. I’m devastated not to be there for the vote but I do all I can on social media to spread the ‘truth’ 😉

  22. Oscar Taime says:

    … yet another …

    {too keen for that Yes}

  23. geeo says:

    Just a matter of time bfore this nonsense appeared.

    These idiotic politicians will have some explaining to do when the (mainly) English electorate eventually figure it out after a Yes gives a thriving Scotland.

    Dare it be said they may be less tolerant than us peace loving persuasive Scots ?

  24. macart763m says:

    I’m plenty interested in what ex pats and indeed what anyone else around the globe has to say. What I’m not so bothered about is the result of a rigged poll. We’ve got plenty of friends out there rootin’ for us and wishing us well. Hopefully when we’ve got this won, a fair few might even consider coming back to contribute.

    Right now those who are pro indy can contribute best by making themselves heard and cheering us on from the stands. 🙂

  25. Quentin Quale says:

    When the referendum debate has had everyone from Obama to the Pope being shaped by the media into supporting No, it is not as Oscar suggest, that anyone is saying expat voices are not welcome to the debate. Rather it is the blatant manipulation and continual and very regular drip-feeding of (non) stories to prop up a system that is patently failing. It is, as the link within the story shows, the ridiculous framing of questions that is causing many of us to shake our heads in disbelief. Those wishing to return from the US will be made very welcome, I’m sure.

  26. Maybolebuddie says:

    I’ve said this on other threads, when Scotland votes YES in the referendum and we remain members of the EU, in 2017 when rUK vote to leave the EU, we here in Scotland will be flooded with migrants heading north. Welcome one and all!!

  27. No no no...Yes says:

    Pointless guff and just as bad as the article in the Daily Record yesterday suggesting “SCOTS would rather have Ed ­Miliband tell them what to do than Alex Salmond – on their sat navs anyway, a poll claimed yesterday.”

    They know they cannot keep repeating the scare stories too often so they have to come up with alternative stories. I just love it when they use phrases like “suggest” and “claimed”. It shows the author doesn’t believe their own article. Seriously, if this is the best they can do, they have lost the plot completely.

    I really feel the YES momentum is starting to pick up pace, partially thanks to a Commonwealth Games lift. Not just from Team Scotland success but the BBC London takeover of Pacific Quay for the Commonwealth Games. Their ultra proUK propaganda has been way over the top and more undecideds are converting to YES. What about BBC Scotland staff, who surely must be asking themselves are we really to wee and too stupid to have a leading role in a major event in our own country? They have been sidelined to a “Here’s the News where you are” role. Are they now taking a different view from the corporation? Simply not good enough, roll on 19 September.

  28. Oscar Taime says:

    @macart763m absolutely and while one can still find skeptics in the United Nations community here in Geneva who cling to some version of “seriously you support that / you’re mad / it’ll never happen” many more have moved through asking how it could work to agreeing it may well happen and even that it is actually desirable.

    Every little helps & our role in the international community may rather suddenly become a lot more interesting.

  29. Dal Riata says:

    210 people in America bother their arses to reply to a biased, poorly written, unscientific questionnaire… Newspapers[sic] then give us, “Scottish expats in America “would vote ‘No'” a poll “suggests”….

    Ha! Ha! Ha! ROFLMAO! FFS….

    Desperate people do desperate things. And BetterTogetherNoThanksUKOK are desperate, very, very despearate indeed.

  30. Nana Smith says:

    BT’s Jim Murphy 1ying in Stornoway again. Typical labourite unable to tell the truth.

    link to

  31. Croompenstein says:

    OT – What’s happened to call me dave he used to give us good links to watch the football

  32. Training Day says:

    Talking of polls, Bernard Ponsonby has just said on STV news that the Salmond-Darling debate will be prefaced by the results of ‘an exclusive poll of voting intentions’.

    Since Ipsos-Mori is recruiting the audience, we can assume they are also conducting the poll. It will therefore put No significantly ahead.

    A nice set-up by STV and Ipsos-Mori to put Salmond of the back foot before the debate has even started.

  33. Defo says:

    What took them so long ?

  34. Minty says:

    I’m sure the remaining 87 Scotsman readers will be beside themselves at this bombshell.

  35. john king says:

    “Just a matter of time bfore this nonsense appeared.

    These idiotic politicians will have some explaining to do when the (mainly) English electorate eventually figure it out after a Yes gives a thriving Scotland.”

    Dont kid yourself Geeo,
    When we show just HOW sucessful we can be alone, they will spin it as the rUK set us up for sucess and we owe them for our good fortune!

  36. Roboscot says:

    When I saw the title of this article I thought it was the comments the London Times is claiming about what Usain Bolt said. I think they over egged the cake with the London Olympics was brilliant bit. Couldn’t contain themselves.

  37. macart763m says:

    @Oscar Taime

    Couple of good examples.

    link to

    link to

    Lots of smiley faces wishing us well. 🙂

  38. Proud Cybernat says:

    Feck me! I’d better vote No then, eh!


  39. Muscleguy says:

    @No no no…Yes

    I tried to watch the TV coverage of the athletics this morning but all I could find was a studio chinwag about an Enlishwoman who won a medal yesterday. So I came upstairs and found that in order to actually watch athletics I could only do so online on this old slow, RAM limited iMac. Thanks BBC.

    BTW I swear at one point the English female commentator’s voice fell while announcing one track race lineup as she came to the Welsh competitor. Her disappointment was palpable. A real mask slip there. I have noticed quite some Welsh patronage in the coverage. I suspect that with the sensitivity over Scotland they have had to take it out someone else. If I’ve noticed it I’m sure many Welsh have as well. At least I hope they have.

    Apart from being highly frustrating (they abruptly left a NZ women’s hockey match we were watching on RB channel for something else mid match) this coverage has been pretty much nakedly EBC, not BBC.

  40. Andy-B says:

    Why would anybody in their right mind, care what US expats think of Scottish independence, the vote is for people who matter, those who live and work in Scotland. Do you honestly think out of the hundreds of countries that have become independent since the end of WWII, that they cared what expats thought about their countries independence.

    It really is a nothing article, and just like the Scotsman newspaper we shouldn’t give it a second thought.

  41. donald anderson says:

    Judging by the standard of “debate” on the Hootsmon online comments they have recruited Old Frim bams from both Unionist camps from the Daily Reptile.

    Look at how they treated Billy Kay today.

  42. Grouse Beater says:

    Well, I am an ‘expat.’
    No one asked me what I thought.
    I came home to join the fight!
    I kept a home in Edinburgh but would be ashamed not to have taken part.

  43. Papadox says:

    @TRaining day says 6:21pm

    The whole broadcasting newspaper effort on behalf of the establishment/HMG is Nowt but propaganda, monitored and directed by the secret intelligence services which is there to defend and protect the state and it’s apparatus.

    Although ECK should and could destroy Darling, the chips will be stacked against him to an embarrassing degree. Darlings handlers will have stage managed the whole event and STV will be directed from above, and I don’t mean God.

    The reports of Alex struggle against the “powerful” mr Darling are probably being prepared at this very moment and passed down to the MSM EBC etc. to tidy up and allow them to rehearse. For broadcast after the event.

    As I have said many times we are threatening the state and the Establishment won’t take that lying down. The secret intelligence services primary job is to protect the state by any means, and that is exactly what they are going to do.

    It’s up to ECK to defeat them and I believe he can, but it will be one hell of a job. Good luck ALEX if anybody can do it you can. This will be the first real shot in the end game

  44. Paula Rose says:

    Never mind the Brigadoon fan club, when I popped into my local hostelry for a banter with the darling boys, their main point of hilarity was that Usain Bolt had run down the Commonwealth games.

    I corrected them severely for their misplaced trust in the MSM, but I do encourage all of you to get the truth out.

  45. call me dave says:

    There’s a strange thing just returning today after nearly 6 weeks and few skirmishes with the grim reaper.

    Luckily for me his paperwork wasn’t in order. Still weak as water but looks like I’m going to be around for the vote.

    I’m reading the threads again and will comment when feeling stronger.

    Thanks for the though 🙂

  46. horseboy says:

    On YesCraigmillar&Niddrie facebook yesterday.
    Aboot conscripting our youth by UK:

    Scrap Trident Vote Yes!

    National Service Bill 2013-14 — UK Parliament

    A Bill to provide a system of national service for young persons; and for connected purposes.

  47. Xaracen says:

    John King said:
    When we show just HOW sucessful we can be alone, they will spin it as the rUK set us up for sucess and we owe them for our good fortune!

    The problem for the rUK govt with that is that the rUK voters will then ask “We’ll, if you can set up Scotland that well, why aren’t you doing that for us?”

  48. Oscar Taime says:

    @macart763m nice one! Don’t get me wrong am a fully engaged from and around here, have already been back and will be back again to campaign before the 18th!!! Seem to me it’s the most exciting place in the world about now. Here’s to the next Scottish Enlightenment and a massive three day party from the 19th followed by an even bigger one in March 2016.

    • donald anderson says:


      Post Ref Party. Win, lose or draw.
      Friday Sept 19.
      St Peter’s Church Hall
      Partick Glasgow
      Group: Uisqueabach
      Bring yer ain booze
      Tickets £10

  49. David S Briggs says:

    Did a Panelbase Referendum survey today. Quite straight forward and no trick questions. First one I’ve been given by them since signing up last Summer .

    Hooray I’m in. Sudden upsurge towards equality with nae sayers.

  50. Liquid Lenny says:

    O/T Just off the boat back from Belgium in time for my first ever telephone poll, Ipsos/Mori, only for those 16-34 , luckily I scraped in by a couple of years.
    Zillions of questions with a lot slewed towards a negative response to Independence. I told them that I was not answering them as they were nonsense. Think Flipper wrote the script, its all doom doom doom, were not getting a currency union , the oil is running out. One question was Do you think that in the North sea in 40 years there will be a. More Oil, B – Less or C- The same. I said what about west of Shetland and the Clyde, they said we don’t know that’s the question we have, so I said more. Lots in that vain.
    Quite comprehensive , would say about 30 questions or more.

  51. Midgehunter says:

    I’m an ex-pat living in Germany and have spent quite a few years living/working in various countries round the world. I have also started and built up a relatively successful business here.

    I don’t have a vote as I still live abroad, but I think that is OK because it’s the people who live in Scotland and contribute to the daily life there that should determine who shall be their government and act on their behalf.

    However – if anyone should accuse me of being less patriotic because I live abroad or god forbid automatically for NO, then they havn’t a clue as to what goes through an ex-pat’s mind. My german driving licence has as nationality — SCOTTISH (sneaked it through) 😉

    Nationality or nationhood is something you feel inside of you – you’re Scottish. I’ve seen scots abroad who’ve spent their life running around in jeans, suddenly started wearing a kilt and woooooo! when it come to a wedding the local Caladonian Society is big news…!

    I heve my silver WOS badge (many thanks Rev)which I use as a tie-pin when attending business events and as a kind of roving ambassador for Scotland, I make sure that the people I talk to really understand that Scotland is open for business and they should trust us as good partners.

    While I’m at it – many thanks to Boorach (Bill) for your help. (You know what I mean.)

  52. Schrödinger's cat says:

    Call me Dave
    Lang May yer lum reek mon ami

  53. Thepnr says:

    @call me dave

    Here’s hoping you get your strength back soon. I wish you well.

  54. Croompenstein says:

    @call me dave – Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell, I have missed your posts on here (not just the footie links) hope you’re feeling better soon

  55. heedtracker says:

    link to liggers really going big on Times and Bolt , relentless, merciless, kneel before your masters, they wish. Plus same shills planning another strike on polling day. Please god let them strike.

  56. Juteman says:

    I wished they had asked my 17 relatives living in New York.

  57. Just shows how desperate for support the No campaign are. If they really were as confident of victory as they claim, this wouldn’t even have made the “wacky things foreigners do” pages.

    More evidence that we can win this, thanks Rev.

  58. Croompenstein says:

    OT – WTF EBC2 Propaganda overdrive..The Stuarts 🙁

  59. llamalady says:

    I moved back to Scotland having been an expat for a few years. While away, I always felt I was an ambassador for Scotland, encouraging new friends & business associates to visit – many did & loved Scotland.

    Expat Scots are a valuable resource for Scotland. I hope that independence will encourage some to return, but even those who choose never to return can do a great job of promoting Scotland and can potentially provide a huge network of global social & business contacts.

    As for USA expats – I surveyed my USA dwelling sibling during a recent trip to Scotland and she’s upset at not having a vote, but would be a massive YES! (As my only sibling – that’s a 100% YES from that sample :-))

  60. Thepnr says:

    This poll is totally anonymous and this questionnaire is being sent to approximately 300 native-born Scots, both male and female, members of all political parties, all above 21 years of age and living all across the United States. As well, these Scots represent the complete spectrum of professions.

    This paragraph from the original article raises many questions.

    Where did this organisation get the names and addresses of those they chose for this “poll”.

    What is approximately 300 native-born Scots? Two hundred or Three Hundred and One?

    How does this organisation know all those canvassed are “members of all political parties”? Are any at all not members of political parties?

    “these Scots represent the complete spectrum of professions”
    What professions? Is a Scot without a “profession” unworthy of a vote.

    This is one of the most utter pile of shite that a UKOK newspaper has ever printed as news.

    Squeeky bum time but they can’t hold it back and the crap is spread far and wide. I’m embarrassed now for their pathetic efforts at winning votes.

    What more evidence do we need to see there is now a clear gap between the Yes and No vote? Clutching at straws printing shite like this is all the evidence we need to see how desperate the NO camp are.

  61. Davy says:

    @call me Dave, good to hear from you, keep getting better mate.

    As for that wally of a poll, nabody could take that seriously, it was a total load of shite.

    The MSM media must really be scrapping the bottom of the barrel to need to use that level of crap.

  62. Jack Beck/Scotus says:

    Well here’s another ex-pat living in ‘far’ SW Virginia, in the coalfields (appropriate since I’m from W. Fife). I agree with thenpr – they are definitely sounding desperate, so they must know something we don’t, and I think it’s partly the newly registered voters that aren’t showing up in the published polls.

  63. EphemeralDeception says:

    Indeed I think Wings (though undoubtedly correct) is giving oxygen to a completely, non relevant and declining into oblviion, rag on this one!

    On other more serious topics, there has been comparison of UK v Scottish exports. After some investigation it seems that the UKs main export is gold products by far above any other(3 TIMES), which it has to import in any case. This totally distorts the true picture of home based product exports:

    see here, the top 6 but google for the rest!
    Semi-manufactured gold: US$76,589,824,000 (HTS code 710813)
    Crude petroleum oils: $28,955,478,000 (270900)
    Other medications in dosage: $16,776,851,000 (300490)
    Mid-sized automobiles with piston engine: $14,957,419,000 (870323)
    Other petroleum oils: $13,106,305,000 (271019)
    Light petroleum oils: $12,723,180,000 (271012)

    source:link to

    many other sites have the same stats.

  64. EphemeralDeception says:

    As you can see (except medicine)the petrolium exports make up the significant amount. Not discussed or examined in any detail by anyone at all.

  65. macart763m says:

    @Call Me Dave

    I hope you spat in his eye.

    I hear he’s a BT supporter. 😀

  66. Marcia says:

    Here in Dundee I am finding it interesting that windows that in 2010 were displaying a Labour poster are now displaying a Yes poster.

  67. Robert Peffers says:

    Ross Mckay says: 30 July, 2014 at 4:55 pm

    ”Who cares what expats think? Our referendum is nothing to do with them.

    For crying out loud, I could contact more than that sample from just my own on-line North American relatives, friends and expat contacts that I could guarantee would say they would want Scotland to vote YES to independence and, what’s more, could tell you the Better Together lies and counter the UK’s scare stories with the truth.

    They really are now running scared and so very desperate.

  68. Grouse Beater says:

    10 Polling Questions to Predict the Outcome of the Referendum

    Please answer Yes or No.

    1. If the Scottish government intructed kittens drowned would you call Dignitas?
    2. If RBS was to close gifting £1,000 to every Scot would you bank the money?
    3. If a nuclear bomb was on its way will you pig-out on Fried Mars Bars as a last meal?
    4. If George Clooney stood for election as SNP First Minister would his politics matter?
    6. If the price of polenta doubled would you shop at Poundstore in protest?
    7. If the SNP were to introduce the guillotine would you buy shares in Gillette?
    8. Do you believe Salmond’s promise of free homes, jobs for all, and virginal brides?
    9. If a man called Jesus said a Yes vote means a great flood will you build an ark?
    10. If Scotland became independent would you sleep with David Cameron for safety?

    If you answered No to all the questions you are a sane voter. If you answered Yes to all the questions get a bloody life!

  69. Paula Rose says:

    Hope you’ve all had at least one conversation with a real person tonight darlings.

  70. Robert Peffers says:

    Well if we needed any further confirmation that the English have officially assumed the running of the “GLASGOW COMMONWEALTH GAMES” we got it tonight. The BBC have just announced that the Medals are to be presented by, “The Earl of Wessex”. An English Title with no relevance in Scotland.

    Now correct me if I’m wrong but is that not an insulting diplomatic incident? Should not that particular Royal personage be addressed by his official proper title while on official duty in Scotland?

    While in Scotland his proper form of address is, “Lord High Commissioner of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland”. In official duties he is The Queen’s representative in Scotland. If this had been any other Commonwealth Country this insult would constitute a Diplomatic Incident. I’d bet not a single MSM outlet even notices. They are too busy looking for Bolt or other persons insulting Scots, Scotland, Glasgow and the Games.

  71. McHaggis says:

    ‘The Scotsman’

    its recent success can be measured by looking at its move from plush, new HQ offices near to both the Scottish Parliament and the City of Edinburgh Council HQ, but now relegated to a few floors in a skanky multiuser office block (Orchard Brae House) not even in the city centre.

    Dying on its arse as it moved from quality news publication to tabloid Labour-led lying mouthpiece with low-brow re-printed press snippets from the UK and abroad.

  72. McHaggis says:

    In a sensational new poll published in The Scotsman tomorrow, confirmation after 1000 bears have been canvassed —-> and the answers confirm they *do* shit in the woods.

  73. Tam Jardine says:

    Robert Peffers

    Is anyone else competing in the Commonwealth Games? Every time, every single time I have switched to BBC1 or BBC3 in the last few days English athletes have been on.

    And I had to do a double take tonight when I heard a Scottish commentator. Or maybe I just lapsed into some kind of nationalist reverie where we have some natives commentating on athletes, some of whom are from Scotland in our own Commonwealth Games. Far fetched, I know.

    As for the Earl of wessex, he seems like the perfect fellow to hand out medals. Maybe he could be granted some lands north of the border for his trouble? There must be a few acres left not owned by his class we could spare?

  74. Faltdubh says:

    Marcia, I’m finding similar scenes in Dundee and Angus.

    Was out for a few pints last night round the Ferry and found hugely enouraging people voting yes. Especially the number of folk saying they’ve never voted for years or ever!

    Dundee wil be Scotland’s biggest yes city! We’re going to be a bawhair off 60%

  75. Liquid Lenny says:


    If Dundee is only 60% then it will be behind the curve.

    63% is the Magic number that Scottish Skier has been saying for over a year.

  76. Paula Rose says:

    @ Liquid Lenny – that is not a magic number, it is the number if everyone does their utmost, sitting typing does nae quite hack it.

  77. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Liquid Lenny at 7.35

    It would be very useful to know who commissioned that poll. Generally speaking whoever commissions the poll devises the questions.

    It does indicate however that they know they have lost the young vote (in the same way that they know they have lost Glasgow according to lots of reports.

    We do need a leaflet designed to drop into every school and college.

  78. Robert Peffers says:

    @Oscar Taime says:30 July, 2014 at 5:11 pm:

    “To those who are tempted to think the referendum has nothing to do with us expats I say simply that they might like to consider why we are expats”

    Whatever makes you imagine we have NOT considered why you left Scotland? Of course we have. My entire immediate family, with the exception of my, then new,first wife and adopted son went off to Australia. That was my Mother Father and my surviving siblings. Mum and Dad died there and the rest are now Australians with their considerably increased families. None of them are entitled to a vote but that does not stop them being Scots. What they are NOT is, “People of Scotland”, defined as, “Anyone, of any colour, creed or country of origin who resides in Scotland and is registered to vote in Scottish elections”

    Now no one says my family in Australia nor my cousins in Canada, USA and New Zealand don’t matter we say YOUR VOTES DON’T MATTER” and they will never matter unless you reside in Scotland and are registered to vote in our Scottish elections. Just like my friend who came to study in Britain from Brazil, married a Scots girl and is now one of the proud, “People of Scotland”.

  79. Patrician says:

    @call me dave

    Welcome back mate, you have been missed. I hope things stay good for you.

  80. Dear Wings over Somerset,

    The independence question in that survey is the very first, so subsequent questions, while clearly showing some bias, cannot be said to be ‘leading’.

    My guess is that expats in the US simply tend to be fairly successful, worldly and discerning people, less susceptible to flag-waving dribble and grievance politics.

    Your humble servant,


  81. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Haven’t had time to read the latest threads completely, so this has probably been linked already. If you haven’t read it, please do – Derek Bateman giving Darling good reason to blink even more than usual, by tearing him a new hole.

    link to

  82. Boorach says:

    @ Midgehunter

    Should be some more seditious material heading your way next week.

  83. Paula Rose says:

    Ian dear – keep it civilised.

  84. Black Douglas says:

    My my the 👿 are out in force today 🙂 eh Charlie 😉

  85. @Dave McEwan Hill

    STV ahead of 5/8/14

  86. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    Laughably leading questions only underline just how little regard should be given to most of the polling these days. Particularly when so many pollsters keep changing their methodology to suit their BritNat clients, and after those same pollsters and pundits got it so very wrong in 2011.

  87. Training Day says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill

    This sounds like the ‘set up’ poll referred to in my post at 6.21. It will be designed to frame Salmond in a defensive position from the start of the debate. ‘Our poll shows that yes is well behind etc.’ and take it from there..

  88. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Apologies. I don’t know what came over me.

  89. Patrician says:

    Two annoyances today;

    1 of 2

    On a BBC TV segment this morning, apparently there are 2 teams now: Team England; and the home nations. To paraphrase “Looks like Team England are in the running for a a couple of gold medals and the home nations should pick up some other medals”

    2 of 2

    For the first time ever I listened to BBC Scotland on the cars radio (it appears to be malfunctioning). I managed 2 minutes of listening to an (Scottish) interviewer trying to get a reaction from some spectators of the Scotland-England hockey match, she kept going on about Scotland supporters not liking England. Luckily the spectators (English and Scottish) didn’t rise to the bait. Seriously, how can anyone in Scotland put up with this pish for more than the 2 minutes I managed?

  90. Patrician says:

    @CharlieMurphy, 10:18 pm

    Shift change at GCHQ looks like it happens between 10pm and 11pm. Thanks for the info, good to know what time to ignore.

  91. Paula Rose says:

    Ian honey, there’s a time and place for everything 😉

  92. Liquid Lenny says:

    Dave McEwan Hill

    Yeah asked quite a few questions to satisfy themselves that I was in the age profile.

    Re who commissioned, don’t know but they are trying to manipulate the answers to most of the questions, the good thing was that the first question was the referendum question with the correct wording. they then asked on a scale 0-10 how likely you were to vote. Next lot of questions were about how I perceived Scotland’s voice in the world post yes. if the economy would be stronger, would health and education be better, would we be in the Eu, oil and gas , Pensions etc etc, obviously trying to figure out if there fear bombs are having an impact. They also asked questions on who I thought from Local Authority, Holyrood, Westminster and Europe was responsible for health, defence,social security,pensions etc etc.

    I cant remember the figure that Stu put on the cost of each question with Panelbase something like a grand a question, then if Ipsos/Mori charge the same this would have cost a few bob. So I don’t think it was a newspaper as they don’t have the money, it must have been for BT or some other quasi governmental dept.

  93. Liquid Lenny says:

    Dave McEwan Hill

    Yeah asked quite a few questions to satisfy themselves that I was in the age profile.

    Re who commissioned, don’t know but they are trying to manipulate the answers to most of the questions, the good thing was that the first question was the referendum question with the correct wording. they then asked on a scale 0-10 how likely you were to vote. Next lot of questions were about how I perceived Scotland’s voice in the world post yes. if the economy would be stronger, would health and education be better, would we be in the Eu, oil and gas , Pensions etc etc, obviously trying to figure out if there fear bombs are having an impact. They also asked questions on who I thought from Local Authority, Holyrood, Westminster and Europe was responsible for health, defence,social security,pensions etc etc.

    I cant remember the figure that Stu put on the cost of each question with Panelbase something like a grand a question, then if Ipsos/Mori charge the same this would have cost a few bob. So I don’t think it was a newspaper as they don’t have the money, it must have been for BT or some other quasi governmental dept.

  94. Liquid Lenny says:


    Fair Point, that’s why I cut my road trip in Europe short by over three weeks so I could get active.

  95. Faltdubh says:


    Yeah, I’ve noticed it’s basically the BBC in Scotland isn’t it? Laura Muir yesterday was on course for a medal or at least giving it a good bash and then was clipped or slipped (haven’t seen a reply). Yet, no mention of her as Cram’s the other girl’s coach and was he screaching for her. Not a jot about Muir or what happened to her, even after the other lass one.

    They even cut from a Welsh gold (anthem blasting, beautiful stuff. Cymru am blyth, indeed) to show some English going for a medal! Unbeliveable, yet I doubt they would cut to a Welsh/Scottish/N.I athlete in the same scenario.

    We won a Bronze in Wrestling today. Yet, not a peep from Aunite Beeb until Reporting Scotland’s updates (4-5hrs after it happened).

    Noticed the Gymanst comments. Amazing for England to get a 1,2,3 and a 1,3 (oh and didn’t those Jocks do well getting a Silver).

  96. Faltdubh says:

    Regards voting intentions.

    It’s incredibly a class vote.

    Finding working class areas are 65 plus yes.

    Posher areas 30-40.

    It’s goign to be michty ticht

  97. For the last time This poll is prior to STV debate AS/AD with Ipsos part of the plot check out the STV website.

  98. Thepnr says:

    Don’t believe the polls.

    Just believe what your own eyes and ears are telling you. Only one can be true, which do you trust?

  99. heedtracker says:

    Guardian’s accepted defeat, this is even more desperate than hootsmans phoney poll

    link to

  100. McHaggis says:

    Problem is, in other elections, activists have believed to such an extent, what they were being told on doorsteps that they made a complete fool of themselves when the result was announced.


    I give you Grahamski, the great see’r of Falkirk who rabidly told anyone on the Scotsman forums who would listen that Labour were a shoe-in for the Scottish elections, based on canvassing, doorstepping, gut feeling etc.

    I have no doubt we are actually behind at the moment, but with a bit more hard work, this can still be turned around. I also suspect some people will make up their minds even in the booth and if that is the case they are much more likely to do a ‘two finger’ job at the establishment and vote ‘yes’.

  101. Mary Bruce says:

    Yes, fed up with the commonwealth games coverage too. I heard a commentator say the other day “Haven’t the Glasgow audiences taken to athletics really well.” How patronising is that? Like we haven’t experienced athletics before or something?

  102. Robert Peffers says:

    @Jack Beck/Scotus says:30 July, 2014 at 8:42 pm:

    “The are definitely sounding desperate, so they must know something we don’t”

    Greetings from Kelty, Jack. There’s a point that is not at first apparent. It is that the people from the poorest sections of the population do not generally have phone lines nor do they have internet access. Most use pay-as-you-go mobiles. So they do not feature in random telephone polls. Most stop-in the street polls do not go into the most deprived areas either and the rest of the pollsters use a registered list of signed-up (sometimes paid), respondents.

    Thus a large number of people who would not vote in normal elections but who do feel a referendum affects them just don’t get surveyed. Doorstep reports from the YES grass roots workers who do go into such areas come up with very large YES responses in such areas.

  103. Paula Rose says:

    @ faltdubh – I just love people with class, we are the classy ones.

  104. heedtracker says:

    Graun thinks Dougie Alexander is going to be the next rUK prime minister which is a long shot but they are getting more and more desperate the britnats of teamGB, USA will like Dougie as PM, for the trident rule strikes.

    “But it was a pyrrhic victory for Cameron. When his party split over the result, the prime minister resigned and Labour’s Douglas Alexander, now MP for Holborn, took office at the head of an all-party government comprising Labour’s pro-Europe majority and a rump of pro-Cameron Tories. The upshot for Scotland was that weak Labour governments in Holyrood and Westminster, both led by unionist Scots, were left to push through an independence package that neither agreed with, and from which support had ebbed in Scotland.”

    The future isn’t bright for Scottish democracy, without Westminster we’re doomed. lol

  105. Paula Rose says:

    Minimum wage at the age of 55 doing my best to help others – we are the class who should run this country. Bang on schedule – we are here.

  106. McHaggis says:

    jeezus, that massive indy troll Tellen1 (variously known under too many guises to name them all here, although we know it as norsewarrior) is really filling up the BTL comment on that Guardian fantasy by Mr Kettles.

  107. sinkmac says:

    Completely O/T…lets just say there was a fund set up to offer say £50 to voters to register – would this be legal, moral, practical etc etc – just wondering…

  108. Minty says:

    Has Martin Kettle had a hard night on the drink? That Graun article is incoherent.

  109. Dave McEwan Hill says:


    I don’t believe we are behind a the moment. But I believe the “polls”, most of them commissioned by interested parties, are no longer representing what is actually the situation.

    You have to remember they arbitrarily make up their panels on a number of assumptions then “weigh” the returns on past election results.
    Most if them still assume Tory, Libdem and labour supporters are NO voters in the main and adapt their results to represent this.

    I would say on the experience of our canvassing and on reports from many other areas there is virtually no NO support from Labour supporters under the age of 40. This ism not being accurately represented by polls which are in the huge majority talking to much older people

    I would say we are ahead right now and I believe Better Together suspects this to be the case. I would bet we are winning Glasgow and West Central Scotland which is critical.

    The more the press and Better Together and the bookies shout we are beaten the more we know they are being defeated.

  110. Robert Peffers says:

    @Paula Rose says: 30 July, 2014 at 9:32 pm:

    “Hope you’ve all had at least one conversation with a real person tonight darlings.

    ‘Fraid not, Paula Rose: Didn’t even get out to walk the wee Papillon. When I came in yesterday I coupled up my adapted camper-van to the mains to charge both the vehicle battery and the habitation battery. Now the Habitation battery also charges up my mobility Scooter batteries, (fitted with two sets).

    So I went out later to change the mobility scooter charger to the second set of batteries and the first set were not charging. I spent all day designing and building a new charger, removing the old one and fitting the new one.

    Only conversation was with the dug – and only then after she sneaked into the van and drank my cup of tea that I’d left down low and let get cold. The dug’s a befriender and the Old Ladies at the OAP’s home have made her into a wee tea Jenny and addicted her to Digestive Biscuits.,

    (And so to bed).

  111. Pentland Firth says:

    Does anyone aside from a dyed in the wool Unionist read that risible rag, the Hootsmon? Its readership and “journalists” are beyond help.

  112. Harry McAye says:

    Re Glasgow audiences. I’ve been watching Games like these for decades and I can’t honestly recall morning sessions being played out before virtual full houses like we are seeing in Glasgow. Have the commentators mentioned this? Maybe they have, I’ve just been dipping in and out of the coverage but I know for sure that London 2012, while very well atteneded, was not stowed out like this in the morning sessions.

  113. Paula Rose says:

    Robert honey – you know you are exempt from my strictures xx

  114. Morag says:

    Just believe what your own eyes and ears are telling you. Only one can be true, which do you trust?

    Depends. If I drive into Edinburgh through Bruntsfield, my eyes are seeing 20 Yes windows to one No. If I look at car stickers it’s the same But talking to people round here is a different story. Yes there is a substantial number of nailed-on Yes people, but there are an awful lot of default Nos who don’t believe the BBC or the Scotsman would lie to them. And I bear in mind that the vast majority of windows and cars have no stickers.

    Look at Twitter. Yes canvassers proudly boasting of massive Yes majorities – but others who simply report that they’ve been out. Others who’ve been out and don’t even say so.

    There are obviously some very strong Yes areas. But don’t get carried away. If you were here, you wouldn’t believe it could be as close as 45/55. It’s not certain at all that the polls are wrong.

  115. Paula Rose says:

    Morag dear – we do not do wilt, you are one of our heroines, all to play for – Courage.

  116. caz-m says:

    Dave McEwan Hill

    The last STV poll result,

    NO 54%
    YES 36%
    DK 10%

    NO 18% lead.

    Are STV havin a laugh. They know their poll is going to slaughter Alex Salmond even before the debate has started.

    STV surely can’t go ahead with this poll result. They are going to lose thousands of viewers.

    STV and BBC Scotland, no difference between them, the two of them are totally against Independence.

    O/T Dave

    Tried to put an over 55% bet on at William Hill and they said they don’t do that bet. Where was it that you got 10/1 for over 55%?

  117. Paula Rose says:

    (that’s the french form of courage)

  118. Paula Rose says:

    Typical – my pussy wants a stroke, night all – and Rev dear that is not smut.

  119. Jack Beck/Scotus says:

    Hey Robert Peffers – I wonder if you know two other Kelty citizens – Jean and Davy Lockhart, who’s daughter Mary wrote the famous ‘YES’ letter to the Herald that got her turfed out of her job with the Cooperative party? When someone like that (stalwart Labour) had the guts to do that then things definitely started shifting!

  120. Morag says:

    Just trying to be realistic, Paula. Just because some areas are seeing >60% Yes doesn’t mean everywhere is like that.

    But you know what? In this village there’s a wee square in the middle. Not many houses look on to it, and only two big in-your-face double-fronted numbers. I happen to know the occupants of both of these are screaming definite Yes.

    But there’s not a sniff of a Yes window between them. They could, easily, dominate the entire bloody square. If they don’t do something soon I’m going to go round and threaten some people.

  121. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @caz-m –

    Ladbrokes have been offering 8-1 on 55%+ for a couple of weeks now. (I’ve seen no obvious reason why it drifted away from five, where it’s been since Spring.)

    link to

  122. Training Day says:

    The collusion between STV and Ipsos Mori is only going to produce one result at the start of next Tuesday’s programme – a ‘blow for Salmond’.

    And it’s worth repeating that not only are Ipsos Mori polling, they are recruiting the audience for next Tuesday.

    Salmond will need to perform out of his skin to achieve even one of Ponsonby’s notorious ‘draws’.

  123. caz-m says:


    The betting companies have been nobbled, the same as the polling companies. They are all fixed, especially the STV poll that they are going to shout out just before the biggest debate in the Referendum Campaign is about to start.

    I’m sure Dave mentioned a price of 10/1 for over 55%, if not I’ll take 8/1 from Ladbrokes.

  124. Indy_Scot says:

    Yep, I set my watch by the polls. Remember they forecast a landside out right majority for the SNP in 2011, or was it a 20 point lead for Labour, I can’t remember.

    Yep, if there is one thing I do know, the polls are always right, or is it always wrong, I’m not sure but it’s definitely one of them.

  125. Paula Rose says:

    Sorry dears – just a wee return, get off cat – a certain No high heid titted that there was no sign of the Yes campaign wilting, this morning – I told him “We don’t do wilt”. xx

  126. caz-m says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    Months ago I put £100 on at 6/1 for over 55% from Ladbrokes, then the price was falling fast. But for some strange reason the prices started to go out again.

    This is the UK government at work, they have fixed the betting prices to reassure NO voters that plenty of money is being put on NO. They have done the same with the polls, all fixed.

  127. Paula Rose says:

    @ caz-m, someone believes their own porkies.

  128. caz-m says:

    The word will need to be put out in the twittersphere and Facebook land that the poll to be announced by STV, before the debate between AS and AD, is a FARCE.

    You could also add that Ponsonby is a fat Unionist bastard.

  129. I took a poll of all the Scot’s born and their associates in my pipe band in Australia. Results 70% yes 20% wavering 10% no. I doubt America would be any different.

  130. Training Day says:


    STV didn’t even try to hide the collusion between the broadcaster and a polling company in the six o clock news segment in which Ponsonby was seen entering a ‘briefing’ with Ipsos Mori staff.

    Why can’t STV get an audience together themselves? Why are they reliant on a polling company which, by any standards, produced a laughable outlier of a poll a few short weeks ago?

    It is a set up, and a bloody obvious one.

  131. caz-m says:

    I am trying to keep a lid on this and not get over confident, but I am starting to notice an increase in YES car stickers and window posters, also more flags going up in gardens. My high flying YES Satire included.

    As I say, trying to keep a lid on it for now. But it is looking good.

  132. caz-m says:

    Training Day

    What are STV playing at here. We thought that we were in for a serious debate and it has turned into a joke even before a question has been asked.

    Spread the word about the STV phoney poll.

  133. Michael McCabe says:

    The Government have probably done a deal with the bookmakers to keep the prices fixed on the no side. And in return let the bookmakers keep making millions out of the games machines in there shops. Recently they we,re talking about curbing how much they could make from the machines. And how people could lose a £100 every 20 seconds. Do not know how to put a link up. Government And Fixed odds betting terminals is all I typed in.

  134. Wee Alec says:

    How many will watch the debate, after all the viewers will be the judge of who actually wins.

    That said, no matter how well Alec Salmond performs It’s a foregone conclusion that the press will give it to Darling. The articles are already written, give or take.

    Just read Batemans piece about Darling, wouldnt it be great if the press took an interested. They follow WIngs, over to you members of the press!

  135. Molly says:

    Training day,
    Alex is only the messenger.

    Don’t let the TV and papers turn this into a personality contest.

    Lets make sure the TV and papers have to discuss the issues because this will be the first time, the vision, the hope, the reasons and the need for Independence will be able to be discussed in stark contrast to the No Campaign.

    The message is a good one,let it speak for itself . I have to believe ( apart from the dyed in the wool who don’t seem to care who their bedfellows are)the rest of the people are listening.

    Obviously the No Campaign have been because otherwise why have the taken the trouble to try to silence a good percentage of the population of Scotland for the last two years?

  136. Wee Alec says:

    How many will watch the debate, after all the viewers will be the judge of who actually wins.

    That said, no matter how well Alec Salmond performs It’s a foregone conclusion that the press will give it to Darling. The articles are already written, give or take.

    Just read Batemans piece about Darling, wouldnt it be great if the press took an interested. They follow WIngs, over to you members of the press!

  137. T222Deracha says:

    It must be an American thing, using all these different polls to predict the outcome of voting. Perhaps we should do away with the concept of voting in private in the polling booth, these guys seem to have it in the bag 😉

  138. Oscar Taime says:

    @Robert Peffers in answer to your question “Whatever makes you imagine we have NOT considered why you left Scotland?” I was replying to Ross Mckay (30 July, 2014 at 4:55 pm) who asked “Who cares what expats think? Our referendum is nothing to do with them” and I believe I was careful to address my reply to “those who are tempted to think” not to everyone. I am well aware that most people know why we leave & what might make us come back but also that it is sadly too easy to get off on the wrong foot when one is writing rather than speaking & sadder still when we are all ostensibly of the same purpose albeit not the same means to bring it about i.e. a vote and proximity to other voters who we can help towards their decisions.

    I guess what I was trying to say is that, while we expats may be less relevant or useful to the cause, even at a distance many of us are trying to help in any way we can. So even if some like Ross may not “care what we think” and others like yourself feel”our votes don’t matter” we care still what happens and want to help in any way possible whether we were brought up in Scotland or in some cases have never been there e.g. link to

    All the best & as we say here bonne nuit y hasta la próxima tavarich

  139. alexicon says:

    We do need a leaflet designed to drop into every school and college.

    I would add homes too.
    The YES campaign are playing it all too positive, in my opinion, it is about time we turned a wee bit negative and told the people out there what a no vote really means. The loss of our NHS and the loss of Scotland ever having the chance to be a country again etc.
    Can someone with more creative talents than myself come up with A5 leaflets so we can inform in a sharp realistic way, I’m all for posting these leaflets.

    @Black Douglas.
    I’m jealous, how do you do that? I can only make smileys and winking smileys, oh and sad ones too like this 🙁

  140. Joe Swan says:

    Dave McEwan Hill

    Sorry couldn’t get back to you on Sunday. It was a busy day. Thanks for your tips on the betting odds.

    I agree entirely about the polls and odds.

    On the Gruan site it didn’t take long for the thread to turn to betting. But bitthick argued the case much more eloquently than I could.

    bitthick commented on The Scottish independence debate should be about more than yes or no.
    29 Jul 2014 6:33pm

    “Last year, one single punter changed the odds with a 200k bet on NO. It was a wee bit odd.

    Glasgow: a single 50k bet.
    A few weeks later, Edinburgh: 200k bet.
    Glasgow: another 50K
    Edinburgh: andother 200k

    Half a million quid from apparently four punters.
    Compared to the average 50 quid vote, that’s four NO to ten thousand YES.

    Bigging up your apparent support is a tactic as old as politics. This is just a variation on the old “silent majority” con.

    If you are prepared to give your money away, and find that the campaigns are limited in what they are allowed to accept and spend — what better way to create the illusion that thousands of non-existent people support the union?”

    and continuing – bitthick commented on The Scottish independence debate should be about more than yes or no.
    29 Jul 2014 5:23pm

    “I (was) discussing the common campaign tactic of trying to make voters believe that your campaign has more support than it actually has, in order to make them feel they are part of a social majority in supporting it. The desirability of voters thinking most people agree with them — the psychology of it really doesn’t have to be explained, does it? It is the reason political cmpaigns spend millions on push-polls. It is the reason push-polls exist. Statistically, 50% of voters are stupider than average.

    Inducing NO voters to believe they are part of a “silent majority” has been a salient, ineed incessant plank of Better Together strategy.”

    I look forward to your future posts as I might divert my later £2s to wider odds.

  141. Grouse Beater says:

    A Right Charlie said:
    My guess is that expats in the US simply tend to be fairly successful, worldly and discerning people, less susceptible to flag-waving dribble and grievance politics.

    You mean Americans, the same who salute the Stars ‘n Stripes as part of their daily culture and fierce patriotism, from nursery school to the grave, and who bomb any country they wish in the interests of their economy and territorial ambitions?

    What a wag you are.

  142. K1 says:

    Little catch up for those who may not realise how the betting odds are really setting us up…

    link to

  143. bookie from hell says:

    prep STV

    darling will get a razor clean shave
    salmond a 10 oclock shadow look

    A School kid from friends united site will be front row–alex cant remember him–but hes primed to mouth off

    Alistairs older close friend who served world war 11,ready front row to praise him

    first question is cyber nat

    second question is putin

  144. Graeme Menzies says:

    @ Joe Swan

    Re reportedly massive bets being placed in favour of No, I emailed the main Betting Chains mentioned a couple of months ago. I asked what their policy was regarding very large bets over £10,000 and the FSA regulations concerning money laundering under The Proceeds of Crime Act. Not one has got back to me.

    I may be wrong, but any monetary transaction over a certain amount requires the person involved to show verifiable identification and financial information etc. Unless of course the Govt have excluded betting companies from that legislation, which would be a massive loophole.

    This leads me to believe that the claims of massive bets for No are utter pish, either that or they are breaking the law.

  145. Graeme Menzies says:

    The other possibility is however that they might feel obliged to hide the identity / identities of the “individuals” placing the bets…..

  146. Graeme Menzies says:

    Or any combination of the above possibilities.

  147. Graeme Menzies says:

    Any way you look at it, it reeks of shite.

  148. Graeme Menzies says:

    The BBC (reporting from Glasgow this morning) are ramping up that NATO are ready for any attack on a Nato country by Russia.

    Looks like we are about to be invaded folks. I wonder if there are any Royal Navy ships on their way to the Moray Firth?

  149. john king says:

    Xaracen says
    “The problem for the rUK govt with that is that the rUK voters will then ask “We’ll, if you can set up Scotland that well, why aren’t you doing that for us?”

    If theres one thing the Westminster lot are good at Xaracen its plate spinning,

    its not a difficult task for them to say one thing in the papers in England and say the complete opposite in the “Scottish” press.
    Sorry to always be the tail gunner when it comes to things like this but you know what Im like, early to bed early to rise, but Call me Dave you hang on in there, we need you my friend.

    Morag says
    ” If they don’t do something soon I’m going to go round and threaten some people.”

    Vote yes or we’ll shoot your dog! 🙂
    only kidding only kidding.

    Grouse beater says
    “You mean Americans, the same who salute the Stars ‘n Stripes as part of their daily culture and fierce patriotism, from nursery school to the grave, and who bomb any country they wish in the interests of their economy and territorial ambitions?

    What a wag you are.”

    and half of them are creationists,

    link to
    there fixed that for you. 🙂

  150. Shanghaied says:

    For a more balanced opinion from across the pond, check out the Washington Post “Scottish independence vote is too close to call”
    link to

  151. Famous15 says:

    Delivering three leaflets together :It’s your Choice,Flyer for Nicola Meeting and the NHS warning on privatisation ,It is a sunny day and people are in their gardens and so are handed the leaflets with a cheery remark about their gardens.

    The NHS leaflet catches their eye and read immediately.The response is immediate and it strikes a chord of support.

    Even a known Tory lady about to make a retort is silenced.

    I have some left over and I am encouraged to place them strategically in the local library and in the Metro on the bus.

    I see and feel very positive and am getting the feeling the BBC and MSM are actually chasing waverers into the YES camp because of their lies.

  152. Ken500 says:

    Typical shite against Russia. When in doubt create a scare. Westminster shite. ‘It wisnae me’. Diversion. Clegg trying to look good.

    The EU created the situation in Ukraine. The EU (Merkel) refused the Ukraine a loan. If they start with Russia they will know about it. Unforeseen consequences.

  153. Graeme Menzies says:

    Re the NATO and Russia story. It surrounds concerns over the small Baltic states security. Guess who is behind the BBC story?

    RORY STEWART MP. Who would have guessed, eh?

  154. Graeme Menzies says:

    Bit of a gap in posts this morning between about 6 and 8ish. Unusual.

  155. heedtracker says:

    The STV debate audience will more than likely be stuffed with angry faced unionist hecklers, so its really a test of how to deal with it.

    BBC Question time have audience reaction camera work down pat, so as Salmond talks use continual cuts to angry audience members, anonymous shouts of rubbish and liar etc with the opposite treatment for Darling. Darling thrashes Salmond headlines across the board led by BBC.

  156. Kalmar says:

    Indy bit on radio4 just now..

  157. Ken500 says:

    The Daily Record is lying.

    No one is walking in off the street and on massive bets. To put a bet on YES over £100 requires phone call to risk managers and often refusal. ie come back daily to put on lesser amounts. The further North the higher amounts on YES. Bookies in Schoolhill, Aberdeen 100% on YES. A north/south divide in the UK. Further North the higher the YES bets. South (no interest – no vote) higher bets on NO.

    Could be a PR stunt to try and balance the books. Curious as the Polls were narrowing the odds on YES were increasing. October 2013 YES 9/2, then 6/1. Now falling 10/3? Trying to balance the books.

  158. Ken500 says:

    Odds on – when will Darling start greeting.

  159. Iain says:

    “You mean Americans, the same who salute the Stars ‘n Stripes as part of their daily culture and fierce patriotism, from nursery school to the grave, and who bomb any country they wish in the interests of their economy and territorial ambitions?”

    From experience, Americans do not salute the stars and stripes daily nor do they have fierce patriotism, some may do but the majority certainly do not. And you will find half of the population do not want the US government interfering in other countries affairs. I am glad that the Americans I know do not hold such a cliched view of Scotland as you do the USA.

  160. goldenayr says:

    Anyone seen this?

    link to

  161. Grouse Beater says:

    My bets on Yes at Hill’s required the assistant to check with head office before they could be accepted.

    Bets on No required no such approval.

  162. Ken500 says:

    Russia just needs to put up Gas prices. The EU is fracked.

  163. heedtracker says:

    Negotiations begin 20th Sept

    Please may we have currency union?
    Please can Scotland be an EU member?

    Other than that, everything else is up to Scotland and no more Barnett handout and no more please may we Westminster/House of Lords/BBC.

  164. Ken500 says:

    11WW in Europe

    26million Russians died (1 in 4)
    8 million Germans
    6million In Poland
    6million Jews
    2 Americans
    1/2 million in France
    1/2 in Britain

  165. heedtracker says:

    link to another day another peado gets his collar felt

  166. Macart says:


    Followed your link to Kettle’s piece in the Graun. OMG they’ve finally cracked under the strain. 😀

    Weapons grade fuckwittery if ever I saw it. 😀

  167. alexicon says:

    @Famous15. What NHS flyers? Do you have a link?

    Regards the polls.
    A couple of reasons the polls won’t show a YES lead is that the establishment will want to keep the Labour vote on side, especially keeping the Labour politicians from jumping ship. If the polls were to show a YES leading many more Labour politicians would move over to declaring for YES taking their support with them.
    Another reason is not to show momentum, thus the voters don’t move with the crowd.

  168. heedtracker says:

    @ Macart, the old progressive liberal mask slips off Graun “Don’t give the bastards a bawbee”, Mark Lawson wishing for middle east style civil war and so on. What a bunch.

    Interesting also now watching daily UKOK vote No Wales BBC propaganda attacking the Welsh in exact same way Scotland’s been savaged for decades, you’d think auntie beeb was worried

    link to
    link to
    link to

    Or, Wales is too small, stupid, poor sayeth BBC

  169. Ken500 says:

    Angus McLeod’s run in with Bolt. Branson won’t be pleased.

    Angus McLeod could’nae run up a road.

  170. Famous15 says:

    Alex ion the NHS leaflet is produced by Yes Edinburgh West 18 Hillhouse Road EH42AG..I got them via Yes Scotland as a volunteer leafletter.

    The Headline: The Future Of Scotland’s NHS is in your hands.West minster is privatising the NHS in England as fast as it can.NHS Scotland will be next. The narrative explains the consequences for the block grant and it is gloomy unless we vote YES.

  171. Famous15 says:

    link to

  172. Leo Foyle says:

    @ heedtracker, 08:20,
    Alex should head off the STV tricks in his opening statement. He should look into the camera and urge everyone watching to record the programme, then watch back later to spot the dirty tricks.

    He should ask the viewers to note when the cameras cut to the angry-faced NOers, he should ask the viewers to note when he himself is interrupted and when Flipper is given free reign, and he ahould ask the viewers to note when studio questions sound biassed towards NO.

    At the very least, he should point out that the dodgy poll and audience selection were both undertaken by Ipsos Mori.

  173. caz-m says:

    Nicola Sturgeon on the threat to public services after a NO vote.

    link to

  174. caz-m says:

    BBC report on John Swinney’s visit to Kelso today and positive reasons for voting YES.

    Scottish independence: John Swinney says ‘Yes’ will boost Scots business.

    link to

  175. caz-m says:

    Alex Salmond will get the last word in the debate with Alistair Darling.

    link to

  176. ronnie anderson says:

    @ ken 500 (Angus Mcleod’s run in with Bolt) noo Angus is sticking by the Story as Truthfull, & will reveal the full transcript tommorrow frid,after attention has been diverted by other news & thery’re still in the process of making they’re lies up Awsome the TIMES never tell PORKIES.The TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING,& they would’nt report it lol.

  177. packhorse pete says:

    Anyone seen this?

    link to
    That’s a fascinating poll, many thanks.
    Have sent it to James Kelly for his insight.All to play for, as it says!

  178. Pilar says:

    There are lots of expat Scots supporting Scottish Independence. They are also involved in Solidarity with Scotland International Campaign. You can see all the photos and messages of support at our website: and follow their contributions at Paul Kavanagh’s blog “Wee Ginger Dug” and also at my blog “The Brigde between Galiza and Scotland”. We are asking all Scots living abroad to join us and speak up.So, come on! Get involved!

  179. Nana Smith says:

    @ronnie anderson

    For you Ronnie a verse from the wee song Yewchoob produced

    The british broadcasting corruption is loose
    Feeding its bullshit right into your hoose
    Its journalists bias is plainly to hear
    For those of us willing to listen
    Shout from the stations Yes is the way
    For the times they are a changing

  180. heedtracker says:

    Desperate times for teamGB journalism

    link to

    Wasn’t enough for them to monster Scotland with moron opening Barrowman farce, now they’re coming after the dancers too, or the only bit that was any good.

    Dont even ask about the Press and Journal games coverage here in ABZ, its like a teamGB hive mind, who can crap on Scotland with their biggest teamGB jobbies?

  181. Haggis Hunter says:

    Orchestrated like Soviet totalitarian propaganda.
    The media coverage of the Commonwealth games has proved that statement. Scotland always was a place where the media said one thing and the population (or certainly a large minority of it (those of any intellect)) thought another.

  182. caz-m says:

    I think that Angus McLeod of the Scottish Times should be banished to the Island of Rockall in the Atlantic for life, with nothing more than a Tunnocks tea cake to survive on.

    His attempt to drag the Commonwealth Games and Scotland through the gutter was an utter disgrace.

    He mis-quoted, then twisted a Usain Bolt interview so it would show the Games and Scotland in a very negative light.

    But the twisted little Unionist will not only get a pat on the head from his masters at BBC Scotland, he will most likely get an extended contract on his weekly visit to Radio Scotland.

    We wont forget the effort you have put in to save the Union Angus.

  183. goldenayr says:

    packhorse pete

    Cheers for that.The calculations are way above my head.Found it interesting though,that the polls can be interpreted in more than one way.

    What would it read like if YES was leading in the polls the same as the doorsteps?

    It would be dynamite is the answer.

  184. Robert Peffers says:

    Paula Rose says: 30 July, 2014 at 11:33 pm:

    ”Robert honey “, (Blush) ”– you know you are exempt from my strictures xx”

    Well no, Paula Rose, When I was a wee, very, very, able bodied boy it was WWII time and, as Dad was in the army and mum working in munitions, I was brought up by my paternal Grandparents and Grannie taught me a wee verse. After a drunk driver crippled me, and after a long hard battle, killed my wife), I recalled that wee verse : –

    The butterfly has wings of gold,
    The firefly wings of flame,
    Bit the puir wee flech haes nane ava
    Bit he gets there jist the same.

    So now I’m like the poor wee flea, I’m slower now but I get there just the same.

    I live in a cottage about two hundred yards from a car-park and gate into Lochore Meadows Country Park. Now my wee Papillon Bitch is a trained befriender. She visits homes, hospitals & hospices and few can resist her welcome. She greets everyone she sees.

    I’ve become adept at turning almost every topic into one about independence. So by either walking the wee Papillon, or with her trotting by my mobility scooter or sitting in the handlebar basket, I meet and greet many people while out with the wee one.

    She is thus working her wee socks off for independence. She’s a bit like this one,(see link), but with a longer coat, (her body fringes need trimmed to stop them trailing in the dirt) and her ear fringes are longer too: –

    link to

  185. X_Sticks says:

    heedtracker at 8:46 am

    Thats a(nother) big nasty smell coming very close to our glorious leaders. Phil the Greek’s equerry.

    I am beginning to think there is an elephant in the room here, what with all those (now known) paedo’s who have been decorated by the state.

  186. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Its a bit shit, plus the blue faced Scottish man Economist ad. How long they’ll run that one for

  187. Robert Peffers says:

    @Jack Beck/Scotus says: 30 July, 2014 at 11:45 pm:

    “Hey Robert Peffers – I wonder if you know two other Kelty citizens – Jean and Davy Lockhart, who’s daughter Mary wrote the famous ‘YES’ letter to the Herald that got her turfed out of her job with the Cooperative party? When someone like that (stalwart Labour) had the guts to do that then things definitely started shifting!”

    I recognise the name but at the moment cannot put faces to the name. I’ve been in Kelty since 1962 so have met just about every original villagers since then. I’ve also met lots of the newer people in the several new housing schemes as I live down at Shiels Cottages on the Great North Road and go through the new schemes on my way to the village. As I explain, in reply to Paula Rose, I stick out like a sore thumb as the wee Papillon befriends everyone and I’m sometimes in by mobility Scooter.

    There is a very hard working YES group in and around Kelty.

  188. Macart says:


    Oh wow, that looks all too familiar.

  189. Liquid Lenny says:

    Don’t like this ramping up the rhetoric with Russia.

    Remember in 1914 the Scottish Home Rule bill was going through Westminster and had passed its second reading and then wham WW1 started and Scottish Home Rule is put back in its box.

  190. heedtracker says:

    @ X_Sticks, Phil the Greek’s equerry, all the teamGB establishment/Saville connections alone don’t bear thinking about.

  191. Robert Peffers says:

    @Training Day says:30 July, 2014 at 11:55 pm

    “Salmond will need to perform out of his skin to achieve even one of Ponsonby’s notorious ‘draws’.”

    When did Salmond NOT perform out of his skin, Training Day?

  192. Robert Peffers says:

    @Wee Alec says:31 July, 2014 at 12:36 am
    “No matter how well Alec Salmond performs It’s a foregone conclusion that the press will give it to Darling.”

    Just like the MSM/Broadcasters threeping that Johann Lamont, Wee Ruthie and Wee Willie wipe the floor with Salmond at every FM question time. Thing is, no one who watches the actual FMQs thinks they watched the same FMQs as the MSM/Broadcasters.

  193. Harry McAye says:

    Am I right in saying the last IPSOS-MORI poll was the one they did for STV showing 40-60 but with Yes up 4 and No down 4. This was on the June 1st. So I’d imagine the best we can possibly hope for from this bunch is maybe 43-57? So, a “blow for Salmond” right from the off. Pathetic. Do they think we are fools?

    I am with caz, so many more Yes cars and Yes windows in Hamilton and Blantyre recently, even saw four driving through Larkhall (2 of each).

  194. Robert Peffers says:

    Oscar Taime says: 31 July, 2014 at 12:56 am:

    “I was replying to Ross Mckay”

    Well yes & no – you were replying to a comment by an individual but on an open comments forum.

    It is thus very much like the situation of the actual referendum debate. In which anyone anywhere who holds a view may express that view but unless that view comes from a person who is actually a voter in the referendum it is no more than a personal view.

    Now witness some of those expressed views by those without a vote in the referendum.

    The President of a foreign country in the Americas Barak Obama, The past and present Presidents of the European Commission who doesn’t even have a vote in the European Parliament.. Countless ex-Pats and in particular various ‘Celebs some of who are not even United Kingdom citizens.

    The Pope, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who refuses to directly debate the matter but who not only talks about HIS views constantly but allows the UK government employees to spend United Kingdom money producing United Kingdom anti-Independence reports. Note that as the bipartite United Kingdom it should legally represent the only two equally sovereign signatory kingdoms equally. They are, however, taking the side of only the three country English Kingdom.

    Not surprising as what is legally a bipartite United Kingdom has been transformed by Westminster into the de facto parliament of the Country of England that is devolving English powers to the other three subjugated countries of the United Kingdom.

  195. Victor says:

    In agreement with caz-m, I too have noticed a definite increase in the amount of Saltires and ‘yes’ stickers on cars etc. in fact , although I make a point of looking, I haven’t actually seen a UKOK sticker for some time. I pointed this out to my partner when walking the dog yesterday along the beach in Monifieth. There is a caravan site there, with a number of the occupants sporting Saltires and the odd yes sticker. Fair makes your heart glad doesn’t it?

  196. Robert Peffers says:

    @heedtracker says: 1 July, 2014 at 9:39 am
    “Wasn’t enough for them to monster Scotland with moron opening Barrowman farce, now they’re coming after the dancers too, or the only bit that was any good.

    That reminds me of the very old joke: –

    Man walks into a pet shop and complains, “That Canary you sold me only has one leg”. Shop owner says, “Well sir you asked for a good singer – not for a good dancer”.

    Turns out the wee tea-cake dancing lassie had a GPs certificate for a sair throat. Since when did a sair throat stop you from dancing?

    Question is did her job require her to speak or to dance?

  197. Robert Peffers says:

    Sheesh! Nipped out to the camper-van to check if my efferts at designing and building an in-car charger for my disability scooter.So missed a few medal reports. Went to BBC medal table on teletext.

    BBC has them listed with the first column as No.1 and descending in order.

    ‘Cept the BEEB has England in first place with a medal total of 105 followed as No.2 by Australia with 106.
    They have, though, Scotland in 4th place with 39 but with India in 6th with with 41.

    Just how stupid do the BBC think we are?

  198. Macandroid says:

    @ caz-m

    I bunged a tenner on at 7/1 for > 55% with Ladbrokes.

    That’s £70 I’ll have to spend on the 19th party 🙂

  199. Harry McAye says:

    Robert Peffers – the table is correctly set out because England and Scotland have won more gold medals than the other two.

  200. Macandroid says:

    Robert P

    Papillons for YES!

  201. handclapping says:

    I can’t understand it. Here’s a poll in the Scotsman and not a cheep out of Prof Curtice. Surely such a good result for No against the run of play is noteworthy?

  202. Joybell says:

    Saw a very large poster in a flat window near Haymarket which said MAYBE. Made me smile.

  203. superjaxx says:

    So basically just over 200 people filled out their daft questionnaire, and 74% of them (so what is that, like 150 people?) seemed more in favour of the union? Big wow!! How does this story get published?

    Where is the story talking about the more than 5,000 expat Scots who support independence through the Facebook group ‘Expats for Scotland Independence’? At least a survey of these people would be more statistically relevant.


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    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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