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Wings Over Scotland

Bad news rapidly improves

Posted on February 24, 2014 by

A story from Reuters tonight:

“A majority of FTSE 100 chairmen oppose Scottish independence as they fear splitting up would be bad for British business and dilute the UK’s economic influence”

Ooft. How big is this majority of the chairmen of the 100 leading companies, then?

“The poll by executive search firm Korn Ferry found 65 percent of chairmen of 32 FTSE 100 companies said it would be bad for business if – “

Woah there! 65% of 32? Isn’t that, um, 21? That’s not really a “majority” of 100, is it? And while we’re here, how many of the chairmen of FTSE 100 companies have a vote in the Scottish independence referendum anyway? We have a strong suspicion that the effective sample in this survey might actually have been zero.

The story gets weirder.

“The Korn Ferry poll, taken from its latest Boardroom Pulse survey, also found an overwhelming majority of chairmen, 98 percent, did not think a EU referendum would result in the UK leaving the bloc, up from 81 percent in a survey last March.”

98%? Do these guys not read the newspapers?

“The chairmen of our largest companies have spoken out in favour of keeping the Union and staying in the EU.”

The Union and the EU? It seems increasingly as if that’s an either-or vote. To be honest, readers, no matter how much money they’ve made, we’re not sure these guys have all their kangaroos securely in the paddock. Beware of headlines.

112 to “Bad news rapidly improves”

  1. Ewan MacKenzie says:

    Good grief, how hard would it be to get hold of 100 chairmen, or nearly 100? Only asking 32 makes it sound like they’re not really trying.

  2. Jimbo says:

    “…98 percent, did not think a EU referendum would result in the UK leaving the bloc, up from 81 percent in a survey last March.”

    Obviously people with their fingers on the pulse and an insight into how the nation thinks – NOT

    link to

  3. X_Sticks says:

    That’s a few different things that have come from Reuters that make me think they are not unbiased when it comes to Scottish independence. Same goes for Google. I suspect they have friends in Westminster.

  4. Appleby says:

    What they think will happen doesn’t really matter unless they have a working magical crystal ball. In a referendum it’s public opinion that matters so long as they are mostly honest. They should have just asked for what they felt should or should not happen and why. That would have been more valid. Adding insult to injury it’s only a comparative handful of people in the end. Mountains out of molehills.

    There’s been a strong political, media and public (outside of Scotland) euroskeptic feeling and voice for a while now and that’s what will influence it. Are there any parties in Westminster that will campaign strongly on the pro-EU platform or will it be a foregone conclusion like an even bigger shambles than the AV vote? We’ll see how it plays out in reality soon enough, I suppose. Unless they want to share that magic crystal ball.

  5. mogabee says:

    BT must be getting the idea now that the end is nigh…surely?

    I mean, Davie and his pals are telegraphing this.;)

  6. cynicalHighlander says:

    Hop along Cassidy rerun.

  7. Brendan hynes says:

    A good number of the FTSE are not even business in The UK, they mearly trade shares in their company on the UK Market !

  8. gillie says:

    Greedy b******s one and all.

  9. EphemeralDeception says:

    Well it depends on what a particular Brit business depends on. I fully agree that rUKs influence and foreign exploits (largely nefarious) will be diminished.
    The FTSE 100 consists of companies with links to:
    Arms trade, Domestic Gas supply (Centrica), Mining, Funds management, Property etc.

    Many of these have strong links to UK government and contracts based on current policies. A weaker rUK Government and higher rUK debt ratio is likely. So, for some FTSE companies, where much activity is in England and linked to public contracts, this could be a concern. However it is nothing to do with what is best for companies and enterprise in Scotland or opportunities to do business in Scotland.

  10. Richard says:

    Final sentence made me laugh. I suppose I shouldn’t ask if Korn Ferry have any Tory leanings. Well done Stu

  11. scottish_skier says:

    Presumably the same pollster as used by the P&J.

  12. TarvesSaysAye says:

    It just gets weirder and weirder.

  13. Mosstrooper says:

    Is this 98% taken from the same 32 FTSE 100 companies? If so then that is 31 which is not really an overwhelming majority is it? Unless you’re Flipper.

  14. scottish_skier says:

    “A majority of FTSE 100 chairmen SUPPORT Scottish independence”

    Thank f**k that’s not the headline.

    link to

  15. Andrew Morton says:

    Torquil Crichton laying into Cameron on Scotland Tonight.

  16. Fiona says:

    Outgoing chief executive of supermarket Sainsbury, Justin King, has warned independence could lead to higher food prices.

    How would that happen, then?

    I shop in Aldi and prices are between 1/3 and 1/2 what they are at Sainsbury: the quality is as good and some of the items are identical.

    This absurd statement is one example of the smuggled in assumptions which, if unchallenged, allow the argument to appear logical. In this case it is presumed that the big supermarkets offer goods at the lowest possible prices and that, in turn, rests on the idea that it is a competitive market and automatically leads to that result.

    None of those assumptions is true. Not only prices at Lidl and Aldi demonstrate that: the reductions the main supermarkets have started to offer since the recession kicked in are also telling: if they can do it now they could do it any time.

    Why should we listen to these self interested charlatans?

  17. EphemeralDeception says:

    So the glass half full Reuters story would be:
    80% of FTSE 100 chairman are unconcerned about Scottish independence and its impact on British business.

  18. patronsaintofcats says:

    Oh ffs

  19. HandandShrimp says:

    I would have said that was an inducement to vote Yes rather than a negative. It seems some are fearful that Scotland would have fairer employment laws. OMG! The humanity of it all!

  20. Flower of Scotland says:

    Maybe they have number dyslexia ! STV ,s Scotland tonight seemed pretty fair . B Ponsonby gave Alex Salmond and D Cameron time to speak without interruptions !
    Meanwhile over on BBC Scotland G Robertson interviewing ! Need I say more , big SIGH !!

  21. beachthistle says:

    Oh no! (Even more) out-of-touch millionaires are against independence. Let’s all get our coats and go home…

    X_Sticks: good point re Reuters & Google shit-stirring. Don’t know about R but G is well-networked in Whitehall, with (I’m sure I read somewhere) interns or secondments in at least 1 key UK government department.

    I think we have to accept that the global corporate establishment/cartel is going to be against Scottish independence – until, that is, the moment we vote Yes…but as above, the spin shenanigans of out-of-touch tax-dodging multinational corporations are unlikely to swing many, if any, referendum votes.

  22. Lee Rogers says:

    @ X_Sticks: It would be disingenuous to believe that Cameron’s deployment of the UK Diplomatic Corps and any other body he can lay a finger on is not achieving some of the results he’s after among foreign diplomats and corporations, cf Barroso.

  23. HandandShrimp says:

    Bernard is a far better journalist than Gary. I am not sure if Gary is biased or just inept. Bernard is more professional perhaps. I don’t bother listening Gary any more. I just reach for the off button.

  24. eric says:


    New ‘Featured Comment’ facility on the Glasgow Herald, where a GH chosen comment gets special pride of place at the top of the thread.

    So far… the comments chosen are anti-indy – surprise surprise.

    Don’t anyone tell me that the Glasgow Herald editorial is neutral.

    On top of that there are some strange rogue posters appearing…. weird.

  25. rab_the_doubter says:

    Annabel Goldie banging on about the cost of car loans and holiday loans FFS – lowest common denominator politics from an unelected mouthpiece. In my ideal Scotland she would not have a voice in politics other than as a campaigner for her party. Missed about half of the newsnight prog but what I saw didnt seem too even handed.

  26. Mary Bruce says:

    So the likes of Atos and G4S might have to pay tax for a change, eh? What a surprise they don’t support an indy Scotland with it’s simplified tax system free of loopholes and scams.

  27. X_Sticks says:

    @Lee Rogers

    For sure Lee. We are up against the whole british establishment, everyone that they can call friends (albeit I doubt anyone is really their friends) and anyone they can possibly influence in ANY way whatsoever.

    Rats, snakes or toads come to mind, but there is no animal that is lower, sneakier or nastier than a Westminster politician. They take ‘low’ to a whole different level.

    Never mind, we’ll be shot of the lot of them in September. Only 6-1/2 months to go!

  28. heedtracker says:

    ” 98 percent, did not think a EU referendum would result in the UK leaving the bloc, up from 81 percent in a survey last March.” They can be that confident because they know they can influence/brainwash the electorate the way they want refs and elections to go. They own the BBC, all press corps and GCHQ jump when they’re told to. Give the plebs the illusion of democracy and they take everything.

  29. fittie says:

    A majority of FTSE 100 chairmen oppose Scottish independence as they fear splitting up would be bad for British business and dilute the UK’s economic influence”
    so its the UKs benefit they are concerned about ,whereas we are concerned about Scotlands benefit

  30. handclapping says:

    It gets worse; there were only 29 of them due to multiple directorships. 28:1 only makes 96%.

    I presume if I hired KornFerry they would check the mathematical ability of the candidates they proposed. On this evidence they don’t have anybody capable of running that check.

  31. bookie from hell says:

    So many in BT have said NO already that they will have to bring back the dead NO vote to keep it going till sept

  32. X_Sticks says:


    They can’t even spell Corn, why would you expect them to be able to count?

  33. Seasick Dave says:


    Outgoing chief executive of supermarket Sainsbury, Justin King, has warned independence could lead to higher food prices.

    How would that happen, then?

    Its quite simple really Fiona.

    Below I have laid out the main reasons why food could be more expensive in an Independent Scotland:

    1. Only Westminster can ensure that there wouldn’t be crop failures. Come 19 September, all harvests would be at risk of pestilence and erm, locusts.

    2. Fuel shortages would mean that transport operators would not take the risk of getting marooned in Scotland.

    3. Armed guards would have to be deployed on food trucks to prevent pillage of supplies.

    4. Driving on the other side of the road would lead to more accidents and increased insurance premiums.

    5. In the event of fuel shortages and attacks on Eddie Stobart trucks, supplies would have to be dropped by helicopter at a hellish cost.

    6. Mackies and Tunnocks would relocate south of the heavily fortified border thus increasing the cost of staple foods due to reasons outlined above.

    7. Etc etc…

    Best play safe and vote No.

  34. Ken MacColl says:

    Lets hope that the accountants are better at maths than the chairmen

  35. Mary Bruce says:

    “New ‘Featured Comment’ facility on the Glasgow Herald, where a GH chosen comment gets special pride of place at the top of the thread.”

    There is no doubt that the comments were previously dominated by the pro-independence commentators. The Herald have done an impressive job of turning that completely upside down purely by manipulation of the voting system and featured comment, that’s amazing, so sleekit and devious.

    I wish I had a subscription so that I could cancel it, I hope others do. In fact I’m not even going to buy the Sunday Herald any more, they can sod off.

  36. hetty says:

    What happened to your avatar? The cat one was really good, awww…

    Beachthistle says
    Oh no! (Even more) out-of-touch millionaires are against independence. Let’s all get our coats and go home…

    Is it always a conundrum, mr or mrs millionaire, give or take? Take and keep while poor people starve? Goodbye and good riddance then! We can well do without the selfish, self seeking kind who invest very little and are not interested in sharing resources to help in securing a decent living for people in the society they inhabit, nor an equal future for future generations. Not to embrace diversity and innovation and invest in your own here and now society, when you have the means is criminal, so let them go fk themselves! sorry for the expletive…arghhhh!,

  37. Steve B says:


    I noticed this new “featured” comment on the Herald on Sunday. I haven’t noticed what’s been selected since then, but on Sunday most of the featured ones I saw were pro-independence which surprised me.

    Obviously they have someone different selecting them on a Sunday 🙂

  38. patronsaintofcats says:

    @hetty – I’m still here, bit of a typo in the email addy so no gravatar. Plus I’m having a bit of brain fog today, all the page refresh is doing my head in…

  39. Arbroath 1320 says:

    I think this is yet another excellent example of how uneducated the greater mass of so called journalists are these days. 65% of 32 chairmen is, according to Reuters, apparently, a MAJORITY! Now I do not know what school this “journalist” went to but when I went to school 51 out of 100 was a majority. According to our “intelligentsia” here 65% of 32 results in a majority of 100 chairmen. Hmm…not according to the school I went to, hell even 100% of the 32 chairmen isn’t a majority. What a MUPPET! 🙂

    Oomph! I’ve just had a wee outside the box thinking moment here. I wonder if the quote is actually a misquote. Perhaps Reuters actually meant to print:

    “A majority of FTSE 100 chairmen DO NOT oppose Scottish independence as they fear splitting up would be bad for British business and dilute the UK’s economic influence” (my bolding)

    On second thoughts maybe not! 🙂

  40. Gallowglass says:

    Anyone looked at the hootsman yet? Article on ‘PlanB’ – they finally caught up – they quote Salmond as calling MP’s thieves with no context whatsoever.

    I’m guessing this is a reference to the EU farming subsistence payment, or something, i’m off to bed, anyone fancy a gander?

  41. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    The Sunday Herald is a completely different editorial team from its daily counterpart and should be purchased as it makes no bones of its support for us

  42. R Bruce says:

    When are they going to ask the ghosts of early 1990’s high court judges for their opinion?

  43. Dal Riata says:

    The global tax-dodging corporate monoliths and cartels are going to be against Scottish independence, that’s a given. Corporate power dictates government policy, both in Westminster and other such ‘democracies’ worldwide. Rememeber, the British Establishment has got its nefarious tentacles reaching far and wide and is calling in favours as we speak. Do not be fooled into thinking that Westminster is ‘clean’ – it is as corrupt and ‘dirty’ as any of those ‘regimes’ they like to call out and use their ‘clout’ upon.

    Reuters has been surreptitiously anti-Scottish independence since the start of the campaign. Google has interns in Whitehall government departments. Yahoo has been rabidly pro-Union, again since the start of the campaign.

    Corporations, mega-companies, power and money dictate policy worldwide. Conspiratorial nonsense?… Read up on the Bilderberg Group and their private and unrecorded annual meetings done under the strictest possible security. Eye-opening stuff.

    If Scotland wins its independence despite governments and sundry ‘interests’ working against it *and* without being cheated out of it by the many black-arts set upon it, it will be a truly magnificent achievement by the people of Scotland and one to make our future generations to come proud.

    And then watch as those who chose to do us down come crawling…

  44. john king says:

    Now thats interesting,
    I read a post on the Matt Qvartrup story from a person who had their mind changed to no because of “ex pat luvvies” telling him/her to vote yes ,and I felt I just could not let that pass unchallenged and thought I’ll try and see if they’ll let me on ( barred) and guess what, I got on, something in the wind maybe?

  45. Patrick Roden says:

    Sorry but I am going to do a ‘Double OT!!!’

    Can anyone point me in the direction of the polling graph that has appeared somewhere on-line in the past few days.

    It’s the one with black lines through the Yes and No polling percentages and shows a clear trend with Yes rising and No falling.

    Nae names, but a certain Independence supporting web site has just smashed through 200,000 page views in one day.

    I’m just glad it isn’t under constant Ddos attack or it might be more!!!

  46. Patrick Roden says:

    “They can’t even spell Corn, why would you expect them to be able to count?”

    hahaha! 🙂

  47. Davy says:

    It just looks like some manufactured info being twisted into another story against Scottish independence.

    But now for the good news I have another workmate now a definate YES, last year he was a don’t know, don’t care, it will never happen, type of guy.

    Now after reading up on the campaign’s a 100% Yes voter, thats better than a free beer.

  48. Tattie-bogle says:

    O/T just watched Liesnight Scotland on Iplayer auntie bella really is a better player than Fiona Hyslop

  49. Camz says:

    Let’s have the top 100 bankers next, to tell us the bank accounts will be less profitable. Then the top 100 medical experts to tell us that drugs and treatments will be less effective. Then the top 100 strippers to tell us that the boobs won’t be as impressive (owing to deflation, no doubt). Gravity will be heavier. Light will be darker.

    And they accuse us of being dour.

  50. Tattie-bogle says:

    FTSE 100 chairman are more concerned about how to dodge corp tax

  51. heedtracker says:

    Its really a global vote No FUD phenomena now. Relatives in California asked me what will happen to Scotland and Scots if we’re outside of the EU next year, as they watched it reported on the grand old BBC world news vote no propaganda. Its quite weird hearing Andrew Marr/Barosso UKOK stuff coming down a skype line from the other side of the world.

  52. Tattie-bogle says:

    Arbroath 1320, thats Unionist Math. If johnny has 3 apples and gives mary 2 apples how many oranges does peter not have? please show your working and round it off to the nearest decimal point

  53. caz-m says:

    Also got a wee lift when visiting the dentist yesterday.
    The dentist noticed I was wearing my “YES” wristband and told me that more and more patients were telling her that they would be “going for it” and voting YES.

    She and her assistant were Don’t Knows but have changed to YES.

    So can I recommend to everybody to get yourselves a “YES”- wristband.

    Wearing a wristband really is a conversation starter. And gently lets other people know that it is perfectly normal to support Scottish Independence.

  54. caz-m says:

    BBC Scotland and GMS have got their bovver boots and boxing gloves on again this morning.

    They are knocking the shit out of their old favourite punch bag, NHS Scotland. Why they attack this organisation so much, I will never know. But if I worked for NHS Scotland then I would be absolutely furious with BBC Scotland.

    They also have their NHS attack dog on the case for them. She is called Eleanor Brad…

    I never do catch the end of her name because as soon as I start to hear it I scramble for the remote to turn the TV over.

    “What did you turn it to” I hear you ask.

    Anything, as long as I don’t have to listen to her voice.

  55. Look Skye Walker says:

    Don’t worry be happy! Here is (Sir) Alistair Darling’s latest Better Together video in which he directly appeals to our soft side:

  56. David Martin says:

    let us not forget that the UWS study specifically mentioned the BBC’s anti-NHS theme. Thet really have no shame.

  57. Adam Davidson says:

    Using UK media rules, alternative headline. Only 21 out of 100 chief executives want to stay in union.

  58. Edward says:

    Listened to GMS this morning and its back to attacking the Scottish Government using the NHS
    About undue pressures on Doctors and Nurses and what is the Scottish Government going to do about it blah blah blah

    Actually I am in a unique position on this as I do live in England (actually not far from Rev as the crow flies). My wife is a Community Matron and is taking retirement, she cant wait as she is fed up with the pressures placed now on care. The NHS in England ARE in trouble, as there is a downward pressure on recruitment, so there are staff shortages. My wife told me that staff are leaving, including fellow Matrons, and leaving health all together as they are fed up with working conditions.
    Recently the BBC in England reported that there is an increasing number of Health trusts now in deficit
    link to

    So its a bit hypocritical of Eleanor Bradford to place blam on the Scottish Government considering funding is reliant on the block grant from London and if Scotland votes no, can expect a further slashing of the block grant as Osborne and Balls have both stated that there has to be more austerity. At least Scotland has a choice and to end the union and keep all revenue and spend what it wants on health in Scotland

  59. indigo says:

    Patrick Roden – is this the polling graph you were looking for? link to

  60. bunter says:

    I wonder if wee Kezia has cancelled her sub to the Daily Mail this morning.

  61. Training Day says:

    Hell is being condemned to listen to Radio Scotland for all eternity, a loop tape of attacks on the NHS, EU uncertainty, currency doubt and a man who can do an impersonation of a grouse.

    But amidst the dross did anyone hear our old friend Chris ‘Britain has a moral duty’ Deerin this morning? Deerin claimed that the notion that the ‘oil fund’ had been mismanaged by Westminster was a ‘calumny’. When Murray Ritchie pointed out to Deerin that in fact the oil fund didn’t exist, Deerin replied that ‘an oil fund would have been a good idea’.

    That’s almost – but not quite – Hothersallesque.

  62. HandandShrimp says:

    Eleanor came on my radio went off. She only has one tune, the SNHS is crap. I am sure that there will always be areas that could take additional funding but resources are not infinite. Do they BBC in England go after their NHS with anything like the same regularity as Pacific Quay does?

    No idea what the agenda is. Are the BBC pushing privatisation of great chunks of the SNHS like they have in England?

    I did hear Private Fraser saying how doooooomed the oil industry is. I wonder then what the point of the UK Cabinet’s visit and soundbites were yesterday? There is little that is coherent in the BBC’s analysis of anything. I don’t actually believe a word they say about any issue these days. I look at Ukraine and I hear a BBC report and think, so what is the real story?

  63. call me dave says:


    If all else fails kick the NHS in Scotland, it’s standard practise for the BBC. In fact as CMD’s visit yesterday seems to have been a flop, lets have a ‘Morning Call’ programme on the NHS, Auntie treating it like an aunt sally.

    PS. Cameron will not block Scotland joining the EU.

    link to

  64. bunter says:

    I think the BBC has it in for the NHS darn sarf too. The BBC adopts the agenda of the Gov in residence and if the plebs have to be conditioned to accept that the NHS needs privatised, then its ”all aboard”. Who can forget a few months ago the BBC cheerleading military action in Syria with all those news items of so called chemical weapons attacks and the repeated assertions, unchallenged and without evidence, that it was Assad who was the culprit.

    The BBC really is an old fashioned state broadcaster and gets away with it only because folk have yet to wake up to the fact.

  65. caz-m says:


    Yesterday I was listening to Real XS radio programme and the news came on. It was the worst anti-Independence rant of a news bulletin I had heard since Brewer on Newsnight.

    They even mentioned the Press and Journal poll from yesterday. Also a one sided bias view on Scottish Oil and an interview with David Cameron. No rebuttal.

    So I have e-mailed Real XS and they are looking into the bulletin that I am talking about. (3pm yesterday).

    So will give an update as soon as I hear anything.

    The point I am making is that we need to let these jokers know that we are in on their wee game and that they better cut it out or we go public with it.

  66. Ruby Tuesday says:

    john king says:

    I’ll try and see if they’ll let me on ( barred) and guess what, I got on, something in the wind maybe?

    When you are barred from The Scotsman you can still post but the only person who sees the post is yourself. The Scotsman is very strange. You should log out or view the page in another browser and you might find that our post shows:

    Name withheld
    2:24 PM on 06/02/2014
    This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff.

  67. Ruby Tuesday says:

    john king: correction ‘your’ post not ‘our’ post

  68. R Whittington says:

    Isn’t it about time we stopped blaming the press for everything? It’s beginning to feel a bit negative.

  69. caz-m says:

    I am making a plea to all NHS Scotland employees. Stand up for you organisation and make a stand against this onslaught from BBC Scotland.

    If I was working my butt off in some hospital and all I hear in the background was this continuous slagging from Pacific Quay, I would be absolutely furious.

    Get an official committee set up looking into this abuse from BBC Scotland and in no uncertain terms tell them to back off or else.

  70. Clootie says:

    84% of statistics are made up on the spot 😀

  71. HandandShrimp says:

    What the Mail is doing to Labour is beyond scraping the bottom of the sewer but I confess, given Kezia and others willingness to play the Mail’s evil cybernat game, my gut instinct is Hell mend Labour. They saw what the Mail did to Ed’s father. It is a deeply unpleasant paper and if you sup with the Devil you need a longer spoon than Labour possess.

  72. HandandShrimp says:

    Isn’t it about time we stopped blaming the press for everything? It’s beginning to feel a bit negative.

    I blame the press for their news coverage and twisted hearts – nothing else.

  73. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A phone-in about the NHS is always a safe bet, guaranteed to attract the whingers who, when they smell flowers, look around for a hearse.

    Over the past ten years I’ve been in and out of Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock, like a fiddler’s elbow: my wife, Mum, uncle, wife’s granda, my son (three times in the past ten days alone). I’ve never been admitted as a patient.

    I know the place like the back of my hand. (I suspect the volunteers in the shop think I work there.) On no occasion have staff ever been anything less than perfectly civil and professional, and if they are ‘exhausted’ they do a very good job of hiding it.

    The gloomy sods who have made their minds up to vote ‘No’ and won’t even listen to any arguments because ‘I don’t need to’ remind me of the whingers who complain that they had to wait ‘for hours’ to see a doctor. There’s just no pleasing some folk – they’re a lost cause.(Unless, that is, you need someone to dutifully supply scare stories.)

    Perhaps, one day, Morning Scotland will have a phone-in where BBC staff (and clients/customers) can speak openly and honestly about their experiences?

  74. Gillie says:

    Well done to Bernard Ponsonby for skewering David Cameron last night on STV.

    Compare and contrast that interview to BBC Scotland’s Brian Taylor.

  75. caz-m says:

    @R Whittington
    “Lay off the press”

    That sounds like a statement a unionist would make. Are you telling me that we should allow the mainly pro-union BBC and MSM free press coverage without any control over them.

    FFS wake up man and smell the fucking coffee.

  76. X_Sticks says:

    Dal Riata says:

    “Read up on the Bilderberg Group”

    Aye Dal Riata, and the Rothschilde dynasy too.

    These are the people who run the world for their own gain. The sooner the masses realise who and what these people do AND GET RID OF THE LOT OF THEM the sooner we’ll have a planet for the people and not for a privleged few.

  77. Desimond says:

    Any Metro readers on here?

    Used to be you could get a daily shrug at the Letters page that would contain one or 2 anti Alex Salmond rants with the occasional rebuttal next day.

    Now it seems it has went into overdrive…I think there were 4 anti SNP/Independence letters today along with the “Pope Alex of Scotland” painting article attempting to take the piss.

    The games afoot on public transport!

  78. Luigi says:

    As the BS continues to be thrown at us, day after day, and the whole sham becomes embarrassingly obvious, to all but the hard core BritNat faction; I believe that there are many, many thousands of undecideds and soft NOs (journalists, Labour MSPs, union members, members of the public) out there, now standing on the banks of the Rubicon. They look at where they stand, on the wrong side of the river, and they are sick and worried. They are now aware they can cross, and eventually they must cross, that scary river of the mind.

    Come over, folk, the waters not as dark and deep as it looks, and it is far, far better over on this side. A small step is all that is required to begin and join us on an amazing journey.

  79. Dal Riata says:

    Isn’t it about time we stopped blaming the press for everything? It’s beginning to feel a bit negative.

    Who is “blaming the press for everything”?

    It’s about pointing out and reporting on the abuse of the press’ so-called freedom to misinform and lie to their readership, on paper and on the internet, thus, in turn, misinform and lie to the Scottish electorate.

    Would you have us all believe every word they write regarding Scottish independence? If so, we might as well give up now.

    The whole of the UK’s press is compliant to Westminster and co-ordinating their resources to corruptly influence the result of September’s referendum in their favour.

    Thankfully, we have sites such as this that are fighting the good fight and opening people’s eyes to the reality of the bias, partiality and unfairness of the UK’s press. And don’t they know it! Do you think the Mail’s attacks on this site and its cybernats just happened by chance?

  80. RICHARD says:

    Clootie, I thought it was 63%

  81. balgayboy says:

    Yup. Good to hear Bernard Ponsonby challenging DC last night, just a pity more of our so called journalists had the same gumption.

  82. X_Sticks says:

    RICHARD says:

    “Clootie, I thought it was 63%”

    No, a friend of mine said his mate told him it was 92%. I think he works for a polling company, so he should know 😉

  83. Gaavster says:

    Telling it like it is…

    Compare and contrast the reporting styles…

    link to

  84. msean says:

    The Scottish NHS does a great job under a lot of financial pressure because of the pocket money cut to the SG,I hate to think what will happen to it after a no.We have been warned.

  85. cearc says:

    Unless the CEOs were asked personally I would not trust any polling of businesses.

    Businesses receive loads of polls and surveys, some binned and some (usually if it enters you in a draw for whisky/champers etc.) passed to anyone who feels like doing it to randomly tick boxes.

  86. Theunicorn says:

    @X_sticks & Dal Riata

    Aye, the hidden hand and anyone who doubts it exists should remember the Royals made reference to it during the Annus Horribillis. I am reminded of the quote ” I couldn’t care who makes the laws as long as Iong as I control the money.

  87. bookie from hell says:


    pic of oil tanker(“It’s UK oil until it spills on to a beach and then it’s Scotland’s oil”)

    link to

  88. Indy_Scot says:

    Saw the longer version of Bernard Ponsonby and David Cameron. Clearly Cameron was on edge at the line of questioning, at one point he looked like a rabbit caught in car head lights.

    Can’t see Cameron honouring his debate with undecided voters, he would be in danger of being run over.

  89. chalks says:

    Can anyone tell me who carried out the P&J poll?

    I heard they also do Bridal Events?

  90. hetty says:

    I regularly see the Metro tabloid on the floor of the bus, I happily leave it there, it is just another UK corporate sponsored piece of propaganda.

    Anyone see the article about a new Adam Smith centre on bbc online? Mr Pickles has been up to announce a measly 290k towards it from the, ‘Coastal communities fund’. Must look that one up, never heard of it before! My point? a teensy pretendy sweetener? Any more teensy sweeteners on the cards from down South?

    Surprised Pickles even knows where Scotland is! Horrible man.

  91. jingly jangly says:

    Horses for Courses!

  92. SquareHaggis says:


    Good find.

  93. Grouse Beater says:


    There’s nowhere to comment on your Marian’s invade earth clip for I wanted to say that that’s satire of the highest order, fit to be transmitted on the John Stewart Show.

    Glorious! Blissful – keep it up!

    PS: Try and get it shown on YouTube.

  94. liz says:

    @Fiona – I’ve stopped buying in Sainsburys for that very reason – It is the nearest small supermarket to me.

    It’s a joke anyway as a lot of their produce is from Scotland so why should it be dearer.

    Millionaire Sainsbury is not only a major donor to the tories but also to the BT fund.

    They are the only supermarket chain that have said this as some others said ‘prices might fall’

  95. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Incoherent BT stuff sunk

  96. bookie from hell says:

    William hill. YES

    7/2 to 13/5 in a week

  97. hetty says:

    caz-m says:
    25 February, 2014 at 9:32 am
    ‘I am making a plea to all NHS Scotland employees. Stand up for you organisation and make a stand against this onslaught from BBC Scotland’.

    I have a friend who works as a clinical assistant in Edinburgh. She is not interested in the Indy debate, she, and by all accounts her co-workers, are unaware that the NHS in Scotland is Independent of the English set up.
    I could be wrong and maybe that is just her experience and attitude, but it worries me that people are so uninformed/misinformed about their own country.

  98. liz says:

    Rev- I’m not on twitter but nearly blew a gasket after reading Dan Snow – nepotism??- saying if Salmond believed in fairness he would want to share the oil with the south.

    I don’t know how you kept calm, could someone please inform that eejit that we have been robbed of our wealth for 40 years and told we are being subsidised by them.

    You couldn’t make it up

  99. The Rough Bounds says:

    I listened to that Radio Scotland phone in as much as I was able to this morning. Usual baloney about the Scottish Health Service with torn faced moaners complaining about the way they were treated.

    Last year I had to see three separate consultants for three different health problems. Yes the hospitals are busy. Yes there were lots of people waiting to be seen. But in every case I was treated with proper care and attention.

    That lot at Radio Scotland are Labour Party stooges trying to get people to believe that things are much worse than they in fact are.

    I attended hospital in Dundee last year for a lens replacement to cure a cataract problem. I was astounded to learn that in that particular hospital they do TWENTY cataract operations to replace eye lenses EVERY SINGLE DAY, and that they will be increasing that number very shortly as the Scottish Government was releasing more cash into that area of health care.

    The Scottish Health Service is working miracles, and it is a disgrace the way those bastards at Radio Scotland continue to bad mouth them. Don’t ever let up on your attacks on Radio Scotland folks. Beat those bastards right into the ground with more of your texts, phone calls and emails. Come independence we can finish them for good.

  100. ronnie anderson says:

    Sky news,Yesterday Adam Boulton nailed Michiel Gove during a interview,& it doesnt take much to get Gove in a tissy.

  101. ronnie anderson says:

    Rev, I cgange my browser yesterday to Firefox, seems a bit better, but only page down button ( that doesnt work.

  102. hetty says:

    And anyone with the tiniest bit of sense should also think about just what will happen to their Scottish NHS if its a no vote, the private company vultures are waiting in the wings make no bones about that. Only way to retain and improve our NHS is with a YES vote, that is a one certainty that needs to be put across strongly, given peoples ignorance on this.

    On having a ‘discussion’ with a very snooty woman at an arts club recently, she would not have it that our system is no worse and in fact is better than in England (it wouldn’t be difficult mind) and she said her mother, (who must be about 100!) had received ‘wonnnderful’ care from the NHS, in…Surrey! That was, Suuurrraaay…said in posh irritating voice…urgh!

  103. My initial thought was FTSE 100 chairmen – did they not asked the chairwomen (all two of them)? Couldn’t decide if they were being sexist or it was part of their general sloppy reporting.

  104. William Duguid says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill

    Kenny Anderson did well to keep a straight face in that clip, I think.

  105. proudscot says:

    On the subject of our Scottish NHS, I have had occasions over the past 4 years to be an outpatient at both my local Perth RI and Dundee Ninewells, and also occasionally at my local Medical Centre. On each occasion I have experienced excellent care, both professonally and friendly.

    Also, re caz-m’s post (7.04am) I too had an encouraging response to my YES badge, which is proudly displayed on my coat. I called at my local P.O. Delivery Office to collect a package the other day. When I asked the assistant if he required me to produce any ID (I had my passport with me for that purpose) he smiled and replied, “No, the ID on you’re wearing will do fine!” nodding at my YES badge. A short conversation ensued, in which we both commented on why anyone would NOT vote for independence. Final note, the chap was English, now resident in Scotland, by the way! Doesn’t say much for the Scottish-born naysayers!

  106. a2 says:

    Can we do a poll of wos readers asking how many support indi. that seems a fair and balanced exercise!

  107. a2 says:

    Oh and then just pick the ones with the right answer and survey them.

  108. Captain Caveman says:

    I suppose they only asked those who actually have significant business interests in Scotland?

    Looks to be the usual Wings’ approach of “we don’t like [x] so we’ll try to discredit it on some sermantic or other point, and then prompty ignore/reject the whole thing as [inconvenient] pish”

    If 65% of those asked were against (er, like BP for instance), then that should tell you something (might even give you some insight as to the issues you should be addressing; business is a major weakness in the Indy argument. These guys are shrewd businessmen – not toy town politicians and politicos).

    Still, no doubt it’s all a bunch of balls, as per.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Looks to be the usual Wings’ approach of “we don’t like [x] so we’ll try to discredit it on some sermantic or other point, and then prompty ignore/reject the whole thing as [inconvenient] pish””

      “21 People With No Vote Don’t Like Any Sort Of Change Or Uncertainty” would have been an honest and accurate headline. Forgive me if I don’t act as though the world just fell in.

  109. Fuzzy says:

    Please everyone register and comment on the Reuters website linked in this Wings article pointing out the factual error and asking for a correction.

  110. Muscleguy says:

    People overseas get a very partial view of things. I’m always having to reassure my rellies in NZ that the flooding is nowhere near us, the wind has largely blown itself out by the time it gets to us here in the East etc. They get the impression the whole country is under water and constantly assailed by hurricanes.

    Look on the bright side, at least they don’t have a vote.

  111. Patrick Roden says:

    If you discredit the NHS enough, the people won’t complain to much, when you tell them ‘private’ companies are taking over.

    bit by bit the NHS in Scotland will be privatised in Scotland.

    It starts with the demonization, by the BBC, just like they did with benefits, bedroom tax, etc.

    Patrick, ex employee of the now largely privatised NHS in England.


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