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Wings Over Scotland

At first glance

Posted on September 22, 2015 by

A story in the Scotsman tonight reports how the Scottish Parliament’s independent research body SPICE has found – contrary to long-running claims from Labour – that the Scottish Government has OVER-funded the eight-year Council Tax freeze.


And that’s all very well, but not exactly stop-the-presses stuff – nobody reading this site is going to be terribly surprised at Scottish Labour being caught out in a lie. But the party’s house newspaper the Daily Record went for a subtly different angle on the story that did manage to provoke us to raise an eyebrow.


That’s quite an… interesting choice of word to emphasise in the headline. A casual reader quickly skimming across the page might well arrive at a conclusion entirely at odds with the actual facts, especially with the strapline and the link at the bottom highlighting £80m of cuts for a single council.

The headline is of course technically perfectly accurate, and the article itself reports the truth. But we’ve known for a long time that a large proportion of readers never get past the headline, and the Record’s inexplicable capitalisation will give a sizeable percentage of those a very wrong impression.

We’re sure it’s just an unfortunate accident.

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Iain More

Accident my spotty behind.

Iain More

So if they have been overfunding it, where oh where has that over uhmm funding being going? I wont even ask how the Brit Nat Brainwashing Corp or Britannia TV Aberdeen will report this as it doesn’t quite fit into that SNP wicked etc headline.


There are accidents … then there “accidents” … then there are ACCIDENTS! Now I wonder which sort of *ahem* accident this is! 😉

Andrew McLean

Someone made a pigs ear out of this?
By the way I don’t care if my VW car has to be recalled THE PM SHAGED A DEAD PIG, sorry if this is obscure, but I can’t understand the news tonight, so are we to ignore this, crack addict of pig abuser?


With headlines such as “The Sow”, we’re not exactly convinced they have (or have ever had) any credibility.


Accident? I don’t think so. Someone, at the DR, may have read the article linked to above; regarding headlines and skimming through stories.


Kezia will say in that squawky voice “See, we told you that the SNP were helping the middle class with this policy and now the proof they are overfunding the middle class..SNP Baaad”


The SNP over delivered on policies to protect hard press families and communities yet again.

Thanks Nicky and Co.

BooHoo DR dogs and pigs. Go and find another trough to hide under. Foote in the mouth again. Foote and mouth disease. Sinking ever lower. How low can they go? To oblivion Hell. Never to rise from the ashes.


A cynic might think they have deliberately created a headline and summary that takes about three reads to get your head around and still left with the word UNDERFUNDED burned in your retina.

I’m not a cynic though…well maybe a little bit.


Another Labour myth bites the dust.



Nana Smith


Kez will be up all night practising saying exactly that for the bbc tomorrow.

Missed you on Saturday!


Quelle surprise, BBC TV news this evening failed to mention this sensational revelation as they just rehash 6.30 pm news.
Lazy journalism or underfunding?


And the headline in the Herald is: “Report: SNP’s council tax freeze has cost Scottish Government £2.5bn”

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Ian More – Accident? I am raising you 10 spotty behinds and a hairy chest. Its just you an me bud.

@ Nana Smith – Off to bake scones

@ Mealer – Gone home

@ Sinky – Lost in dust


this is actually quite a significant news story,,,,,, ,, but according to the BBC the Bay City Rollers reforming is of much more national interest…..
Well I suppose it is in the households that still buy the record.

[…] At first glance […]


The Dirty Redcoat exposed using subliminal propaganda! Whits new?

In other news:
Very strong rumours are circulating within the London establishment that David Mundell has been ham-fisted periodically.

Sh!t, ah think Tinto Chiel has stole ma Crombie! (((TAXI)))

Chic McGregor

You are absolutely correct Stuart, The Record is an unfortunate accident.


It is astonishing the extent to which the DR, directly or indirectly, do the bidding of Labour (North Britain). Makes me wonder what is really in it for them? Eventual demise, is the reality.


Relevant to this is link to which has the headline “Council Tax Freeze “over-funded”” . It answers allegations by the opposition that the council tax freeze was underfunded.

What gets me is the £2.5 billion figure given in isolation. There needs to be an estimate of what that £2.5 billion means to the Scottish economy, in terms of VAT, tax, NI, corporation tax, fuel duty, etc.

All of which if Scotland had FFA or Indy would come back to the Scottish Government in Revenue as a partial compensation, but currently flows down to Westminster.

Dr Jim

Is it not time to start sending the boys round to some of these offenders

That was just Hyperbole and an opinion BTW

I’ve got Squillions of them


Unionist Councils which spend on policing protecting evil thugs marching the streets of Glasgow marauding through destroying the local economy GCC

Unionist Councils which operate Tram Projects £Millions over budget, over budget, over time, over budget. Dig up the public fairway. Edinburgh City Council

Unionist Councils who refuse a Gift of £80Million+ to predestianise the City centre. Waste £Millions on unpopular Projects which will waste £Millions of taxpayers money against the majority wishes and th public interest. ACC reported repeatedly to Standards Committees for acting against the public interest and are not fit for public office. Citizens are protesting in the
streets. ACC.

On and on and on they go. ‘Look the coffers are empty’. ‘The poor little children’ ‘That will be a vote winner’. Put all the rest behind. No one will notice.


@Nana – Kezia’s voice could peel tatties it reminds me of fingernails scraping down a blackboard.

Was gutted to learn that I’d missed you on Saturday hopefully meet sometime soon 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Sinky says: 22 September, 2015 at 10:18 pm:

“Another Labour myth bites the dust.”

Did you mean Myth Dugdale, Sinky?, (excuse my lithp)


Borders Davy pissed and visiting Strip Joints on the Cocaine is only a rumour. No evidence. Just old traditions. Those Downing Street welcoming Parties. Watch the joint or the head.

Tinto Chiel

Dr Jim, I’ve got a Crombie, a baseball bat and I’m feeling pretty pig-sick.

At your service. Will bring own hyperbole.


As UKOK sneaky shit stuff goes, it’s ok but its not coming close to the way they’re all trying to bury the Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron fcuks dead pig’s heads thing.

James Caithness

No labour front bench MSPs could be found to go on Scotland2015.

Nae Baillie nae Gray nae Dugdale nin o thum.

Robert Peffers

@yesindyref2 says: 22 September, 2015 at 10:37 pm:

“And the headline in the Herald is: “Report: SNP’s council tax freeze has cost Scottish Government £2.5bn”

As my old Grand Dad was wont to say, “It’s nae loss whit a freend gets”.

Democracy Reborn

“Poll finding doubts Dugdale as COMPETENT leader”

You see, we can all do it…


@Robert Peffers
Indeed. I wonder whatever happened to these fine words?

“The Herald’s view: we back staying within UK, but only if there’s more far-reaching further devolution”

Not worth the paper it was printed on, I think.

Robert Peffers

Q: What do you get if you cross a pig with a Tory Prime Minister?

A: Nothing. There are some things a pig just won’t do.


There are no lengths that the BBC will not go to, to protect it’s own failings…Chilcot report is mentioned in this piece too. It’s all the people they have contacted who are found to be ‘at fault’ and are delaying their responses to that ‘criticism’ that are holding up both reports. They really are a right shower of conniving bastards.

From Exaro today:

“BBC bosses are trying to delay publication of an inquiry into its failures over paedophile Jimmy Savile until after ministers agree the broadcaster’s charter renewal”

link to


Would it not be possible for the Scot Gov to have a proper news section on their website? I looked to see if they had anything on this topic but the NEWS section looks like an in-house noticeboard for council staff. Boring. Why not save some of that overfunding and pay a couple of internet savvy people to redesign and maintain it?

link to


The Record’s front page need only appear in three forms…

1) Anything relating to ‘Rangers’

2) Anything relating to ‘SNP Bad’

3) Any combination of 1 & 2

Utter rag; useful for scooping up a dog turd but not much else.


Stu, Please never stop doing what you’re doing. You are the only man standing between some of us and a straightjacket.


Record and Scotsman both just more cogs in the propaganda machine.

I was in the pub and BBC news was on TV without sound. It had a big grandstand article where they did their best to make Gideon Osborne look statesmanlike in China. Meanwhile Cameron is getting shafted by his pals back at the ranch for shafting dead pigs, running drug parties and lying about stuff. Any connection?

Of course, to the British Bumlicking Corp, the anniversary of 70 years of advertising on TV was more important than the integrity of our PM, but that’s the new normal.

Is this is their idea of subtlety?

It’s all like some 1970’s film from behind the Iron Curtain playing out – especially when you sit back and watch it all without sound. We’re pawns in their obscene game and we’ve got to keep on waking people up to that.

The BBC north and south of the border is just a state propaganda machine, nothing more. Keep on and on exposing it.


Reporting Scotland did manage to mention this overfunding story in their 6.30 pm news bulletin but NOT as a news item. It was mentioned in their wee trailer for Scotland 2015. Blink and you had missed it.


@ K1 (11.33pm).
Thanks for that, very interesting indeed!

robertknight wrote, re; The Dirty Redcoat:
“Utter rag; useful for scooping up dog turd but not much else.”

And it often proves that point by containing a lot of Dug turd.


OT re China trip
Davey’s been to east Asia too you know. Our Carpet Bagger PM, says the Guardian. Salesman-in-Chief. No money for those hundreds of embassies abroad which an independent Scotland couldn’t afford.
It’s the “Prosperity Agenda” (but only for the City of London.)

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Rob James

There are rumours that Cameron is trying to rush through a bill legalising necrophilia and bestiality. Personally, I think he’s flogging a dead horse.

Dr Jim


If you are ready Tinto we are fully armed with Mp3s and C4
all canned material is coming in from Norway (the smelly variety)

Should UDI ( Unilateral Declaration of Insultings ) be announced our Units will spring into action within 45 minutes to seek and destroy all sensory organs of the opposition thus wiping out their ability to focus on their propaganda, rendering them effectively “Liberal Democrats”

I know it’s ruthless, but this is WAR and I am a cold Bastirt



“Personally, I think he’s fucking a dead horse”.

There, fixed that for you.

You’re welcome 🙂


Laugh out loud Dr Jim @12.12am, very funny 🙂


Rob James says:
23 September, 2015 at 12:09 am

There are rumours that Cameron is trying to rush through a bill legalising necrophilia and bestiality. Personally, I think he’s flogging a dead horse.

Surely you mean a dead PIG don’t you Rob? 😉

I have no idea what connection oor wee PM has with horses other than to ride live ones to hunt down foxes!


I think we’ve all been a bit hard – on David Cameron.

I believe that he’s actually a sperm donor.

Keeps it in a piggy-bank, apparently.


The bizarre phraseology used, in the Redcoat should never be thought of as if IT’S simply, a – MANIFESTation of bias or FUNCTIONal illiteracy.

It is has all the hallmarks of: carefully crafted PsyOps. The style of writing IS designed – smartly TO leave a reader CONFUSEd, AND almost, HYPNOTISEd.

[insert lurid graphic showing a blue pig in knickers here, then write actual story BTL]

This technique is well known to hypnotherapists, Neuro-Linguistic Programming enthusiasts, and sociopaths everywhere. It works on the principle that the more someone’s conscious thinking is confused, the more vulnerable they become to subconscious suggestions.

The tragic thing is that some people enjoy the vague, slightly stoned state of mind produced by reading the DR. It’s a mental regression, to the passive state of a breastfeeding baby, and it releases a lot of endorphins [natural opiates] into the brain. Let’s be clear on what we’re up against here: the Redcoat is heroin in tabloid form.

Once somebody’s hooked, they don’t care that they’re been pumped full of negative messages about themselves – too wee, too poor, too stupid, eat yer cereal – as long as they get the buzz of surrendering control, and letting the soothing word-daft wash over them.

Sad, but true.

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Ronnie says:
23 September, 2015 at 12:51 am

I think we’ve all been a bit hard – on David Cameron.

I believe that he’s actually a sperm donor.

Keeps it in a piggy-bank, apparently.

Well that does indeed make sense Ronnie. After all was it not only last week the UK sperm bank was bemoaning the fact that they only had 11 donors?

Perhaps this is Camerbacon’s way of showing his support for the bank. 😀


I think I’ve sussed in for IR2

All we need is for Scottish people to feel extremely Scottish and this needs only a few criteria met.
IR2 should be timed in a year which follows
1. A Scot to win Wombledon – easy
2. That lassie from Oban to win F1 for Williams (Sue Wolfe)
3. And Scotland to win the World Cup. (How much is independence worth?)
4. Finally, David Cameron to present the BBC R2 Program, The Organist Entertains.

Perhaps criteria 4 is a step too far but it would improve the dreadful program.
But critically, any vote MUST be held on July 4th as the USA has already done the PR work for such a date.


Oh, for an edit button. I nearly wrote something about Kelaz Do’Adelle


Okay, just done the nerd thing. IR2 next decent date is in Thursday July 4th, 2019 which is a bit of a bugger.
I’ve leukaemia and my next chemo ends in 2018. Hope it works again.

Still wish there was an edit as I nearly wrote Kezla Pighead for some reason…

Dr Jim

In the voice of Duncan McCrae

I’m thinking that the questioning of the First Minister this week should be a fine affair with that Corbyn Manny hiring a Vegetarian for Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries then Prime Minister Cameron making love with a dead Sow, followed up by the Labour Branch Office in Scotland’s decision to agree that Independence sounds Fine and Dandy and not to worry about it at all

Aye, and what with the council taxes being what thon SNP folk said was true all the time and the Manny from Renfrewshire was having himself and his pals wee holidays in Germany, Germany is it, and with the poor peoples money

Ach thon wee First Minister lassie will not be able to stop laughing, along with thon Mr Swinney the Finance Manny

It’s a great time to be Scottish, is it not

David - Patriotic and Loyal

oi oi you lot have the cheek to complain about underfunding? Your blog sure is very overfunded by the SNP and its cybernat goons revvy!!! Wouldna be suprised if the Seperateist anti-British regime in Holyrood is funding all yer expanses!

Communism and seperateism will never triump on these great Isles!!! Most people no the SNP/IRA/SWP/CyberNat is a pack of lies all of them.

Your blogs full of lies about the Unionist demo on Glasgow after the referandum victory. it was not racist, not violent, not secterain just peaceful young uns showing they were proud of Scotlands finest football team, Rangers and proud of the Queen, the Country and God!!!

You probably dont have the courage to publish this, but there ya go. Says all about ya, that!!!


link to

“For me, it’s time for a new challenge, even if right now I have not a clue what that might be.”


Oh good grief!

They simply can’t help themselves. In a week where Mr Pike’s book pretty much squarely lays a fair portion of the blame for the creation of the vow at the feet of ‘Scotland’s CHUMPION’, they’re still playing childish bloody word games.

You’d think that they’d want to keep a low profile for a while.

Apparently not.

john king

Let me add my hope Osakisushi that you chemo works, get well soon.


UK gov banking and illegal tax evading fraud.

£10Billion is being taken from taxes and revenues raised in Scottish economy to subsidise £Billions of tax evaded Westminster colluded tax fraud based in the City of London. Taxes have been cut in the rest which does not pay it’s way or far share of taxes.

£Billions is being syphoned off illegal to pay for White elephant nuclear Plant (near Bristol) and HS2 which will be years over budget and over time, wasting £Billion in revenues. Alternative policies renationalsing the railways and renewables would cut expensive subsidies to the Chinese (ie putting up the National debt) and deliver better essential services.

In monies more wisely spent in NHS/Education and essential public service. It is an absolute scandal. Osbourne is pimping himself to the (no universal suffrage) Chinese with poor economic polices. So Osbourne and his associates, friends and relative can cream off £million/Billions of public monies in consultancy and banking fees as per Royal Mail Pension grab and RBS manipulated sell off. UK/Chinese illegal Graft and corruption. It’s a scandal.

Tories have ruined the Oil sector taxed at 55%. If the tax was reduced people would not be losing their jobs. Helicopters falling from the sky’s. There are no UK gov Inquiry about the lack of compliance with UK Health & Safety Law/rules which were broken. UK Gov refused permission despite the UK Gov Transport Committee investigation recommending one. The Helicopter Co responsible was sold 2 years later for £250Million by the private owners. 14 People died in one incident.

john king

Apparently “Scotland are bracing themselves” for their first world cup game against Japan it would seem the BBC have already decided that Scotland is going to get its arse kicked,
I haven’t heard them say Japan “are bracing themselves”

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Nana Smith

Good morning John, great meeting you & Irene on Saturday.


Morning all.Bullingdon Boy has sex with dead pig and watches on as his policies drive unwell folk to suicide.What kind of a monster is that man? I don’t think Fluffy Mundell would indulge in lovemaking with a dead pig but he seems quite content to drive desperate folk beyond desperation.Labour abstained.Are they much better?


The MSM and BCC liars overfunded by Scottish taxpayers are backing Japan the ‘stars of the tournament’ after England, England, England and have publicly state the fact. Rugby leaves most folk cold. This will not do much to thaw relations. Don’t mention the War, Land of Hope and Gory. EBBC don’t do best sport practices.

The embarrassing, orchestrated BritNat Tennis fest at the Emirates, putting off genuine fans. The rival exhibitionists should have been chucked out, so folk could concentrate on the tennis/stars. They would have been at any other stadium. It’s not the X factor for star quality. Judy Murray expects Scottish taxpayers to cough up £Millions for her Tennis centre. Reign in the embarrassing jamboree or it might go to a swimming, animal, golf or equestrian centre instead for better value. Even for lifelong tennis fans there is a limit to their patience. Whatever happened to
gamespersonship? Scotland airbrushed and photoshopped out of the equation.

They can stick their ‘Tournament’ up their jacksie. Won’t be watching any of the non event. All together now, sing along folks, ‘Land of Hope and Gory, country of the colonial afternoon tea, non free’.

Scotland pro rata won the Olympics and the usurped Commonwealth Games. There is a limit to sports fans patience, manipulation and value for money.

Grouse Beater

You begin to understand the basterdisation of truth that President Hugo Chevez had to endure from his predominately right-wing press, lies and fabrications on a daily deluge.

Eventually he took to regular ‘Meet the President’ tours around his country to answer questions from the local people, together with his aides.

His attempts to combat the lying press and viscous media were, of course, derided by the west, and cheeky chappies such as Michael Topiary ‘Tache of the Guardian.

Nana Smith

O/T links First post not appeared so trying fewer links

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Charles Edward

It appears that the Rocord has contracted the same malware virus distorting reality in the Telegraph.
Hyperbollox 2.o

Tinto Chiel

Dr Jim @ 12.12.

Sorry I missed your post. Events in Greenock took their toll and I went to bed.

Message received and understood. Awaiting instructions. If it’s any help, I think Stoker has a steam-hammer or pneumatic drill left over from Operation Dewar.

Broadsword calling Danny Boy…

Nana Smith

O/T links I see the first post has now appeared.

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Found this article repetitive and rather long but has some interesting thoughts re trident replacement…–global-politics-and-strategy-october-november-2015-3ec2/57-5-02-walker-b122


Mornin’ Nana

You’ve met John and Irene? Did you notice how much John resembles Kevin McKidd and Irene was a dead ringer for a young Deborah Kerr. Its like chattin’ to the whos who of Hollywood roond here. 🙂



Thanks for the links, in a simplistic view therefore an Independent Scotland would have this?
Assume oil at $47.54
Assume Tax take 60% (would we need to be as greedy as 70%?)
60% of $47.54 = $28.52 direct to Scotland – 9.6 x what we currently receive yet it is considered a burden!!!!!


Despite regurgitating Labour claims on Council Tax Freeze being underfunded ad nauseum, BBC Radio Scotland has a news blackout this morning on the official Spice findings.


Nana, you’re up n aboot early hen!

The news that playing rugby causes brain damage should come as a surprise to nobod. Proof, if proof be needed, is our former team trooping out like Butlin’s Redcoats to reject independence in favour of a status quo which shafts the poor properly, maintains the House of Lords and is lead by a PM who fucks pigs!

[…] A story in the Scotsman tonight reports how the Scottish Parliament’s independent research body SPICE has found – contrary to long-running claims from Labour – that the Scottish Government has OVER-funded the eight-year Council Tax freeze.  […]

Nana Smith


Um speaking of the ‘whos who’ of celebs where were you on Saturday?

@skintybroko it’s a heavy load right enough but I’m pretty damned sure we could carry the burden with aplomb

@Fred up with the lark and singing like a canary, well more like a canary with croup. After shouting to be heard at the rally my voice box is a wee bit tender.


I hope Japan tanks our arses.

The antics of some of those ex players during the 1st Indy campaign were disgusting.

HTFF can we ever win anything if we don’t even see ourselves as a country in the first place.

Thank Christ for Andy Murray.



Same place I’ve been for the past three months…

… on a volcanic island plotting to take over the world. 🙂

Or pulling an unpaid double shift at work, whichever is more believable.



Aye, its hard when folk who aspire to be your national heroes apparently don’t believe in their nationhood.

Kinda puts you off the whole ‘get behind the team’ thing altogether.

Nana smith


Although the taking over the world idea is plausible and I do think you would make a very good ‘leader’ plus I could live with the threat of being dropped into a volcano as a deterrent for liars, thieves and house of lords sleepers….

but in this real horrible tory nightmare you were working for nothing.



Cannae complain too much Nana. I’ve still got a job and that’s the main thing.


Re Richard Walker/the National

Getting the appropriate energised, ambitious replacement, it could be beneficial. Imagine there would be quite a few interested applications, as long as they do not go off topic. It would be useful experience. The ground work has been done. An enterprise Grant might be feasible.


Nicola on Human Rights legislation …

link to

The Tories made manifesto commitments. So what? They no mandate to even break wind in Scotland.

john king

who the hells Kevin Mckidd?
Deborah Kerr?
mare like Greta Garbo,
I vant to be alone. 🙂


john king says:
23 September, 2015 at 6:45 am
Apparently “Scotland are pissing themselves” for their first world cup game
Amended for accuracy.


@John King

link to



DR using the excuse of a Lab councillor’s rant to put together an anti Ref2 article.

link to

We are going to have to wait until 2017 to get rid of these Lab councillors!

What they fail to realise is that IndyRef2 is on the cards because of the way they all behaved before and after the vote in IndyRef1. Also, when in happens, it will have the backing of a majority of voters up front.

The reality is, of course, they know they and their Union is on borrowed time.

michael diamond

Fred, 8.14 am. Aye that sums the nawbags up nicely right enough. They would rather be shafted by a pm who shafts pigs, than take a pride as citizens in their own independent country. Sad sad freaks.


Are you sure that was John King that you met with Irene?



Bear in mind we’d had a good evening at the counting house. 😀


If Labour had retained power in 2007 we would have seen our council tax bill double as it did in the 8 years prior to 2007 and no doubt even worse services for the privilege.


Sun headline is Scottish government pays £2.5bn council tax compo.

I see Willie Rennie says that his party members are free to campaign for Independence following Kezia Dugdale’s lead.

Well they can both go and fuck right off; just because the tide is now turning towards the yes side doesn’t mean anyone will trust you fuckers ever again, especially that abhorrent excuse for a politician Willie Rennie.

Nana Smith

Before I go out and before the internet is shut down to spare Davey’s blushes….

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Dave McEwan Hill

The pig’s head affair is a having a strange effect on me. It is strengthening the feeling I have had for some time that PM Cameron is a political nonentity in the position to serve his masters because of a perceived decent presentational appearance and style and little else. The vacuity of all his political pronouncements is entirely deliberate and he is probably completely expendable.

From the establishment’s point of view it wouldn’t do to have politician of conviction or judgement on such as the proper national interest interfering with their interest

There is an excellent piece in today’s National by Greg Russell on Michael Ancrum’s opinion of Cameron


@Ronnie (the Aberdeen one)

Are you aware that Dell Hendrickson has published a wee Yes Aberdeen book of dozens of the photos he took during the referendum campaign. You feature in quite a few of them.


you go away for a couple of days and come back to same old DR spin,britnat propaganda,SNP bad,PM shagging a pig blah blah ehhh whats that about the PM lmao

Looks like the tories arnt going to wait and in a frenzy of power and greed could tear themselves to pieces,i wonder who Hambam has annoyed for all his dirty little secrets to be spilled.

man we have got to get out of this loony bin.

Jack Murphy

OT TODAY.Nicola Sturgeon promises to defend the Human Rights Act. 🙂
link to
She said: “Human rights itself is a devolved issue. That means that any attempt to amend the Human Rights Act is likely, in our view, to require the legislative consent of the Scottish Parliament.
“It is inconceivable in my opinion, given the support which the act commands across the Scottish Parliament, that such consent would be granted.
“Let me make absolutely clear today, the Scottish government will certainly advocate that it is not granted.”

Robert Peffers

@Quakeawake says: 22 September, 2015 at 11:40 pm:

” … Is this is their idea of subtlety?”

Subtle it is not, Quakeawake.

As I’ve mentioned many times, I was born and brought up in a, “Pluchies Raw”, farm cottage that had neither piped gas, electricity, water or indoor drainage. We did have old fashioned battery wireless sets but the costs of the accumulators and two batteries meant we made little use of them for entertainment.

We kids soon learned to construct Crystal Sets and this began my life long interest in Radio and electronics. So I have been aware of BBC bias since early WWII. This,” wireless”, was my only pre-school exposure to the English language for all around me spoke, “wir ain Lallans leid”.

Back then the BBC were much more subtle than they are today but even to this Scot they were London Centric and anti-Scottish but very subtle with it.

There is nothing subtle about the BBC these days and the bias has grown to be out and out anti-Scottish aggressive propaganda.

Notice, in the past few days, the BBC over concentration upon rubbishing the whole vehicle building group that includes Volkswagen when the more obvious news slant of interest remains the UK wide breaking story of, “Piggate”, or, “Hameron”.

Look a bit closer, though, and you will find the same, (err!), Pig ignorance of what passes as BBC Scotland. Here’s one item from the BBC that exposes them as totally ignorant of the Scottish Lowland language.

Scots ‘have 421 words’ for snow.

Scotland has more than 400 words and expressions for snow, according to a project to compile a Scots thesaurus.

Academics have logged 421 terms – including “snaw” (snow) “”sneesl”, (to begin to rain or snow”, and, “Skelf” (a large snowflake) …

Now these academics are from the University of Glasgow, and while there are indeed many Lowland Scots speakers in Glasgow, the main language spoken in that city is, “Weedgie”, which is not in fact a tune, (dialect), of the lowland Scots language but a Glasgow dialect of English we call, “Scottish Standard English”.

Now here’s the truth, “a skelf”, in Scots has no direct reference to snow but means a flake, slice, “spail”, or shard of anything.

As for, “sneesl”, if it is lowland Scots I’ve never heard the expression before but concede it could be Weedgie, a local variation or perhaps part of the, “Erse”, (Lallans for Irish or Gaelic).

Strikes me this is just an another BBC/Glasgow Uni item being used to deflect Scot’s interest away from, “Piggate”, and, “Haneron”.


@ X_Sticks, 11:11.

Aye, it’s clear that any suggestion of ‘Bonny Ronny’ would be a misnomer.

But I remember you did a stint of stopping the traffic on Union Street with our 4-foot YES placard while I had a swift one in the ‘Prince’ and I think Dell got you, too.

My airms were killing me, but I was jist aboot able to lift a pint!

Happy Daze…

Cadogan Enright

My appeal against Facebook banning references on my page to PIG-GATE, Cameron and the dead pig was successful.

I won the appeal based on the fact of what I was saying was true


The Pig scandal is somewhat of a shame as it has overshadowed the revelations about Project Fear a touch. If only we could ask the Tories to time their pig scandals a little better. 😉


I take it back!

Actively willing this to be a win…

john king

Macart says
@John King

link to

like this you mean?

link to

Ah see what you mean


Breaking News-

Complete denial that a sex act took place between the Prime Minister and a Pig.

A reliable source confirms that there is no F**** way the pig
in question would have considered entering a room with a stuck up Tory B******d like Cameron.

Local Chemist confirms Tory Toffs requesting Oinkment for a nasty Rash-er around their snouts.

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Even decades ago in my younger working life it was apparent and commented on that the “UK”(sic) always took in…Feb 11, 22:10
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The End Of The Reich: “Just your usual…Feb 11, 22:08
    • Geri on Bricked-up windows: “Can Shug not take the matter to parliament through his MSP? One of those public bill thingies? This farce has…Feb 11, 22:01
    • Blackhack on Bricked-up windows: “Stuart, they’ll tell you hew haw…You’re like a boil on their arse, they know it’s there and think if they…Feb 11, 22:01
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “BLM: 7 Demands: “1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office… 2. Expel Republican members of Congress… 3. Launch…Feb 11, 21:55
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Mike: “$27 million of grants from USAID to… Black Lives Matter Global Network… which serves as a pressurizer for action…Feb 11, 21:53
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Front On The Volga: “Then I’d have had to change the word “front” 😀Feb 11, 21:47
    • 100%Yes on Bricked-up windows: “I told you all, she’ll be back. She’s a cruel vindictive bitch with vengeance on her mind Scotland watch your…Feb 11, 21:31
    • Arthur Martin on Bricked-up windows: “Let’s assume all charges are dropped and Branchform is swept under the carpet. I imagine a private prosecution would be…Feb 11, 21:26
    • Diane on The End Of The Reich: “They’re all still men.Feb 11, 21:23
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “World Economic Forum: Partners: Palantir Technologies: World Economic Forum: People: Alex Karp: World Economic Forum: Young Global Leaders:…Feb 11, 21:13
    • Marie on The Front On The Volga: “Absolutely. Politicians are bought by elites. They buy politicians the way we buy toothpaste and washing up liquid in the…Feb 11, 21:05
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “CNBC (2024): Palantir CEO says his outspoken pro-I***el views have caused employees to leave company: “Palantir, known for its government…Feb 11, 21:02
    • carjamtic on Bricked-up windows: “A few thoughts immediately spring to mind, where is the demarcation line between self interest and public interest (obstruction of…Feb 11, 20:53
    • McDuff on The End Of The Reich: “When is the our spineless MSM going to join the rev in fighting this insanity.Feb 11, 20:49
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Forbes (2013): How A ‘Deviant’ Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut: “Since rumors began to spread that a startup…Feb 11, 20:47
    • sarah on Bricked-up windows: “Confess, Rev. You couldn’t stand the almost optimism of “The Front on the Volga” and were pleased to get this…Feb 11, 20:41
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Public Technology (2024): NHS claims two-thirds of trusts and ICBs now using Palantir data platform: “NHS England has claimed that…Feb 11, 20:37
    • G m on The Front On The Volga: “This article highlights compares the Trans ‘rights’ movement with other rights movements. Trans rights didn’t come from the ground up.…Feb 11, 20:26
    • Ian McCubbin on Bricked-up windows: “Omg the level of use of elaborate language and repetition is astounding. I admire your journalism in thus case thznk…Feb 11, 20:21
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “I love it – makes identifying Scotland’s arch enemies far easier. I’m gonna pummel ‘The Negatron’ with my giant reality-hammer…Feb 11, 20:20
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Cheers Jock Noted #ChampFeb 11, 20:06
    • Alf Baird on The Front On The Volga: “The Holyrood colonial administration long since dumped the national saltire for the imperial rainbow flag and its woke fascist laws,…Feb 11, 19:58
    • Graeme on The Front On The Volga: “Don’t you mean the front on the Vulva?Feb 11, 19:55
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Well said.Feb 11, 19:51
    • Dan on The Joker: “Be More Alert and lolz if you think I believe the current crop of political dross in Holyrood are pro-indy.…Feb 11, 19:50
    • PacMan on The Front On The Volga: “I’m sure there was funding from other US Federal agencies that was being used for this as well which DOGE…Feb 11, 19:14
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “The Sun (10/02/25): SITTING TARGETS Allies of SNP chief ‘draw-up hit list of MSPs they want to replace with axed…Feb 11, 19:02
    • Hatey McHateface on The End Of The Reich: “I can’t argue with a single word of your post, Dan. As I’ve stated before, if you lived in my…Feb 11, 18:47
    • Hatey McHateface on The Front On The Volga: “I’m guessing Scotland still has 24 official genders though. I’m also guessing that no date has been set for when…Feb 11, 18:36
  • A tall tale

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