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Wings Over Scotland

Another mystery explained

Posted on August 07, 2014 by

It turns out that Jackie Baillie heard this and thought it was a referendum broadcast.

Silly old Jackie, eh readers?

“The Scottish Naval Patrol” by Jim McLean (1965)


We’ll dig a trench along the border
We’ll dig a trench along the border
We’ll dig a channel frae the Solway tae the Tweed
And sail away frae England wi’ the SNP.

We’ll keek in every corner ‘roon the North Sea tae the Clyde.
For naebody will stowaway when we sail wi’ the tide.
We’ll mak’ sure the Duke o’ Edinburgh’s on the other side,
When Scotland sails away.


We’ll steer for warmer watters far away frae Wilson’s freeze;
And them wi’ queasy bellies may remain where e’er they please;
And strut aboot in London toun a-showin’ aff their knees;
When Scotland sails away.


We’ll maroon the tartan Tories on an island in the mist
Wi’ copies o’ Sir Walter Scott and then, if they insist,
We’ll gie them Andy Stewart for their Desert Island Disc
When Scotland sails away.


There’s sailors doon in Cumbernauld and up in Stornoway,
There comin in frae Aberdeen, Dundee and Inver’ay,
In Glasgow you can hear them roaring ‘Anchors a-weigh!’
When Scotland sails away.

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In other scaremongering news.The obnoxious J Marra claims that Scotland is too wee, poor and stupid to be able to fund our elite athletes. The only difference between her and la baillie is 30 stone of blubber.

Johannah Buchan

I’ve got Nigel Denver’s version from cover 40 years ago. I think Jim produced it. I absolutely LOVE it.

wee folding bike

The sign on the M74 has changed. It’s not that squinty one now.

It’s still the world’s greatest sign.

Brian Forrest

I still have the original Alastair MacDonald cassette from the early 70’s with this and many other great songs… Must dig it out and play it oot the windae at full blast, lol! Aye!! 😉


Jings, I swear I’ve got that on an LP I haven’t listened to for 20 years!


Alistair McDonald has the most fantastic diction. You can hear every single word, no ambiguity at all, and yet he still sounds completely natural.



“In other scaremongering news.The obnoxious J Marra claims that Scotland is too wee, poor and stupid to be able to fund our elite athletes.”

Ms Marra really needs to check the following out prior to spurious SLAB remarks(from Herald Agust 5th).

Scots meadlists at 2014 games.

– 37 Based & funded in Scotland only

– 13 Funded jointly by UK sport with support from Scotland

– 7 Sole funded by UK sport

– 2 Other funding

Your point Ms Marra ? Please honestly your point ?


Jim McLean? – Does mean that Jackie Baillie is going to lamp the next reporter who asks her a question she doesn’t like? 🙂


“The only difference between her and la baillie is 30 stone of blubber.”

Two things: saying “La [Woman’s Surname]” is shit, and ad hominems on peoples’ weight are shit.



47 years later and we still haven’t begun to “sail away frae England“.

Symbolically speaking, of course. From some of the BT output you’d think it was physical separation.

Anyway, we will be setting sail soon under our own flag and with helmsmen of our choosing. I have good feelings about the 18th 🙂

Liquid Lenny

The LP of Scottish Republican Songs by Jim McLean (I think) used to be in the Bridge of Don Library.

I used to take it out at least once a month so that they would not delete it.

Johannah Buchan

We cuild hiv oor ain space programme. Here’s anither Nigel Denver song:-
The Barras oh the Barras
They’re no in Rome or Paris
Ye hiv tae go tae Glasgow’s Gallowgate.
They sell tickets tae the moon
A return for half a croon
& five bob guarantees a first class seat.

Peter Sneddon

Thank the stars we have Jenny Marra here to keep us all straight! Foodbanks, child poverty. homelessness in cold wet Scotland, zero hours contracts, zero employee rights, low life expectancy ( I’m a 55 year old in Shettleston and should be dead)public services under threat from relentless Tory austerity. None of these get a mention from a woman whose ignorance is only eclipsed by her mendacity.

Dave McEwan Hill

I used to have that album as well. I’m away down to the hut to see if it is still there


Oh look! There’s a pile of rubble at the bottom of the canyon.

It must be Wee Rory’s Cairn!


On the 18th of September voters are going to say, ‘No thanks’ to Jackie because they have had enough of the troughing lies. Trying to talk down Scotland.Negative.


Come to think of it, when I went round to a neighbour’s house for a meeting of our wee Women for Independence group that she started, I saw her husband had placed a yellow-and-red LP called “Scottish Republican Songs” prominently on the end of the stack on the sideboard.

I got a WfI badge because I contributed to their fundraiser but I didn’t really want it because some of the feminine exceptionalism gets on my wick, so I gave it to her and she really ran with it. We’ve got seven members and we’re running two events before the referendum.

jon esquierdo

Is that wet stuff at the bottom of the canyon a collection of all the pish from better together

Jim McLean

I wrote the Barras also. The yellow and red book, Morag, contains quite a few of my songs from those days.

Johannah Buchan

Thank you, Jim. Your songs have brought me great pleasure & laughter over the years & I hope to hear them a lot more around 18/9.


Perhaps today’s Celebs Against Indy interjection means that Dan Snow also thought this was a Referendum broadcast?


In other news a pile of no hoper English ‘slebs and a wrinkled tax exile have signed a plea, in London, for us to nae go away. Dan Snow is going to take it on tour to gather the signatures of ordinary plebs on ‘tother side of the border.

You couldn’t make it up.

link to


So I think the logic goes like this:

Take Christmas Card List
Take List of Celebs wanting us to stay in UK
If match, delete.

Think of the postage I will save!

Training Day

Ah, so many BBC presenters and BBC fellow-travellers on that stellar list of people who don’t have a vote, but do very well out of a corrupt and unequal Union (so many ‘Sirs’, ‘Baronesses’ etc.)

And Jock-hating David Starkey – who previously accused Scots of ‘wallowing in failure’, and accused Burns of being a ‘deeply boring provincial poet’- now loves us and wants us to stay!

What a pile of steaming ordure.



And the few others who still think body based insults are helpful

Please consider your words more carefully, whether you think that kind of comment is legitimate or not, while we are asking undecideds and soft nos to come here for information, that kind of lad nonsense is unhelpful.

The issue with Jackie Baillie is that continually lies to support her position, nothing else.


Is this in the Snp manifesto?

Jack Murphy

Lesley Riddoch and Ian McWhirter interviewing.
link to
As for Mr Snow and friends,someone should tell them we aren’t rowing off into Mid-Atlantic!
History is the past—independence is the Vision for the Future for ALL in SCotland.
That’s why we’re saying Yes.


Just listened FMQs.

Brain Taylor cut us off from the chamber at about 12:28 and made a statement that the FMQs had finished before going on to reiterate a potted version of what we had just heard. In contrast the Parliament channel, which was also showing FMQs live, had allowed for the session finishing at 12:35.

Anther two questions were asked after BBC Scotland cut us off. The final one was quite important because it referred to what was said in the debate on Tuesday (maybe that was the BBC’s point). BBC Scotland letting their viewers down again.


I think they have just shot themselves in the foot with this “celebs” nonsense. Or maybe even shot Alistair in both feet. It just shows how out of touch they are with what’s going on up here. The grassroots have taken over and we’re not going to be impressed or swayed by this lot talking down to us.


@ naebd, Two things: saying “La [Woman’s Surname]” is shit, and ad hominems on peoples’ weight are shit.

They are except when it’s comes to Scotland and decades of Scotland monstering, deep fried mars bar gobbling, drunkards, slackers, sink estate criminals all pouring out of the gobs of BetterTogether UKOK unionist bloaters like Blair MacDohball or gluttonous liars such as Jacky Baillie.

Get it now?

Les Wilson

As for Mr Snow and friends, how much is Westminster paying them to sign?, and just what is their reasons to interfere in our beleaguered democracy?, are they signed members of BT?



I couldn’t agree more. Every time we post, we need to be thinking “Would this post make an undecided voter or soft No more or less likely to vote Yes?” If the answer to that question is “less likely” – perhaps because it is an unpleasant insult, then just don’t post.

The ONLY thing that matters is getting more Yes votes.



So, do you think that post at 12:45 would persuade a wavering voter to vote Yes? Or do you think it might make some people say “Thes Yes voters are a bit offensive. I don’t want to be like them. I’ll vote No”

Get it now?

Les Wilson

By the way ECK was good at today’s FMQ.
As expected, all three of the Unionist parties attacked the currency issue, yup a bore I know.

However, ECK has answered them all by saying,

” It is Scotland’s pound, and we are KEEPING it!”
punchy slogan I think when said emphatically as he said it.

David Wardrope

Aaaargh!!! Why did no-one remind me FMQ was back this week?


Just had a look at that letter and who signed it lol.Thank god all these superstars want us to stay,I’m sure some of them have spent years up here in our full employment economy.


a2, I don’t think they can help it. Virtually every article, someone below the line comes out with a derogatory reference to some’s appearance, or a sentence including the word “pish”, or maybe both. It seems to be some people’s natural mode of expression.

Stu told people it wasn’t acceptable, many months ago. However he can’t police it, and once (soon after his original injunction) when I tried to point out that it wasn’t on, the entire thread turned on me and tore me to shreds for interfering with free speech. I was mocked, I was belittled, I was metaphorically spat upon.

So now I let it go. But it offends me every time, and I just wish these posts could be zapped into the great bit-bucket in the sky.


Stu – are you stalking me ? –

we were playing this earlier and shared on Facebook

small world

Les Wilson

Real low on the Sun’s front page today.( as I passed the stall!)

” ECK CAUGHT HAVING A NAP!” along with the photo of him.(full front page )
How gutter does gutter get?


I tried to get a celebs for yes list together. But they were all too scared that cyber nats being nice about them would keep them outof the papers.


OT link to
I did not remember that Darling was being investigated for financial fiddling. I am surprised that it is only his flips that are the only thing people bring up. I would question how we can trust what he is saying on currency after so many financial ‘errors’ in his recent past. He was also caught making a false 700 pound expense claim which would usually count as fraud and would be a sackable ‘error’ anywhere else but Westminster.


@ TD, try to understand this one big thing, stuff what I say isn’t going to make any difference to people who don’t know. And, a life time of listening to super fatties like Bliar and Baillie tell us how fat, lazy, criminal the Scots are, is not by chance.

Ask yourself where national stereotyping comes from and why, or watch Britnats desperately trying to wrap giant Union jacks around Scottish Men’s Wimbledon Champion, Andy Murray, from Dunblane, Scotland.

Get it now?

bookie from hell

not getting referendum tv?


The sun is really bipolar as of late. Im starting to think there is a small civil war brewing between Murdoch and his worthless chief editor in Scotland

Les Wilson

Jim McLean says:

Jim I found a number of your songs on youtube, fav them and play them frequently, they are good AND stirring. Well done..


The Sun is fairly cagey at the moment, trying to play both sides. Only if it becomes clear that one side will win will they declare. Uncle Rupert doesn’t like to be on the wrong side of history.


O/T Just in, Fife council also,to fly the Palestinian flag,in solidarity with the poor suffering souls in Gaza.


West Dunbartonshire council

Glasgow city council

Fife council

All flying, or to fly, the Palestinian flag

more please.

Les Wilson

Morag says:

Well done Morag, good luck with your events.


I’m afraid signing a petition isn’t enough – I want a hand-written note from every last one of them telling me why I shouldn’t enjoy a representative democracy in my country. And I think almost every one of them would deny saying such a thing. People should think twice before they sign these pathetic documents.



Well that’s a few more voters turned off and drifting to No.

We’ll win in spite of people like you, not because of you. Do you really think that insulting people is the best way to convince the undecideds? Do you really think that because some people in England or on the No side have stereotyped Scots in an insulting manner, then we should do the same? It may give you a certain self-gratification, but it costs us votes.

Please desist.


Now I know why I just love that Jackie Baillie so much … she is the gift comedian that keeps putting her foot in her mouth, and she does it with so much grace and style as well. 😛

I’ve just had a wee keek at the *ahem* list of 200 *cough* celebs who have signed the letter to us nasty cybernats. Now I know why I have an even MORE empowering reason to vote YES in September. 😀

The full list of *ahem* celebrities can be seen in the Guardian here. 😛

link to


“And strut aboot in London toun a-showin’ aff their knees”.

I believe that the ‘knees’ in question referenced the late, degenerate ex-Tory MP, ex-solicitor-General of Scotland, Sir Nicholas Fairbairn; linked to a Westminster paedophile ring & related establishment cover-up. [Two of Fairbairn’s own children died as babies; one baby girl in a car from CO2 poisoning & another, his only baby son, with heart failure].

Les Wilson

Minty says:

There is no doubt today’s Sun front page was meant to be derogatory, no matter what the article says, that was the intention.

Nana Smith

Anyone else having difficulty watching referendum tv?

Mary Bruce

What utter nonsense, lol 🙂

You’re such a tonic, Rev, you keep us sane.


What goes through the heads of the well-heeled types signing these open letters? Dan Snow opposes our national self determination, so that he doesn’t feel a bit awkward when visiting his landowner in laws?


Nana Smith

Yes – it just says “Please standby – Starting soon”. Technical gremlins I suspect.

bookie from hell

How does throwing personal insults at jackie baille help the debate,it doesn’t

so shut the fcuk up

im a big lad

I hav met Jackie personaly,you can 100% disagree with her politics,but she is a genuine kind person

Jim Marshall

Morag 12.56

I”m with you on this Morag. Using foul and abusive language is degrading and demeaning to both the user and the target.It also lowers the tone and the effectiveness of this site.

Les Wilson

Lesley-Anne says:

Lesley, I have heard that after a YES vote, Baillie will be working, directing, and indeed starring, in a new really funny sitcom called LIAR LIAR ! With the BBC of course, who had apparently promised her this as a reward for services rendered!
Sounds it could be very factually funny!

brian penn

Managed to get toop oor listed on the letsstaytogether site.


@ Lesley-Anne, the really sad thing about that 200 celebrity list to make us vote NO is that none of them will have ever given Scotland a second thought, except that Scotland is their country.

Scotland has certainly never featured in any of their work at all, in particular Lord Bragg. His In our time radio show is sometimes brilliant but he’s never mention anything even remotely Scottish.

It’s the BBC though


Referendum TV working now.

Harry McAye

O/T Another Yes update from Hamilton/Blantyre.

On my way to the Blantyre gym this morning spotted a new Yes car ahead of me. Nice start. Then it got better. I’d seen zero Yes cars at the gym car park until a few weeks ago, I’ve now seen 5. Today, there was 2 Yes cars I’d seen before there, either side of an empty space. Of course I had to bring up the treble! Didn’t have my phone with me, so sadly no photie. There is a lovely house in the Springwells area just in the run up to the gym that has two saltires flying outside and three Yes cards in the front window. I’ll need to get round to taking some snaps.

Keith Parry

In Scotland you re lucky your south cast is digable.In Wales our east coast will take a lot of work.


Breaking news, Just heard on the radio, BBC Scotland, that the USA has passed a motion in its chamber, hoping to find a resolution to keep the UK together, Brad Sherman US politician, is drumming up support, to somehow try and thwart independence, I’m sure more will be reported on this story later by the media.

Jack Murphy

Referendum TV Live now started—-a few minutes late.
Daily 1PM Mon—-Fri
Just scroll back to the start for the intro:–
link to

Les Wilson

I stay in quite a nice very quiet street, I have a YES on my window. However coming back from the shops this morning a Saltire has just appeared in a neighbour’s window. YEA!


I immediately lose all interest & stop reading all ‘comments’ which contain pejorative words like ‘wee’ or ‘fat’ etc. It’s especially offensive when aimed at women, as it raises not just political bias but gender bias. We should refrain, place anger & frustration aside. Remember Margo’s words – paraphrasing here – ‘all sinners are saveable’.

Chic McGregor

Iain MacWhirter AT LAST has come out as a YES supporter.

Les Wilson

Andy-B says:

Easy just go with democracy, just another Westminster’s pals act.



I have no problem with sweary words and on occasion think I may have used some myself here,( in fact I may be about to use one in a minute having read another post above) there’s one of course that’s more toxic that really is a turn of for many people, and yes, I use it in the real world, but wouldn’t type it. I’d like our visitors to feel welcome and comfortable.


Tom Gordon of Herald just tweeted summat that a currency option Salmond referred to at FMQ’s on page 110 of white paper contains a mistake.

Oh dear can just imagine if this is true.

Les Wilson

Chic McGregor says:

Not before time Chick, not before time.


No surprises from Iain MacWhirter, but welcome all the same.


BBC website transcript of FMQ’s has been revised.. And its pish!
Obviously designed to further hide whats going on there


“The LP of Scottish Republican Songs by Jim McLean (I think) used to be in the Bridge of Don Library”

It was Nigel Denver.I inherited ma auld boys copy,great listen although its been a while due to the turntable being boxed and in the cupboard.Time to rake it out methinks..


Sounds like that could be the winning recipe the BBC are waiting for Les to turn all these nasty cybernats around and get them voting NO … or maybe not! 😛

I think that’s the whole point heedtracker, most of these alleged “celebs” have probably never spent any time in Scotland especially not actually talking to the REAL people of Scotland. If they had they would have had serious questions about signing this joke letter!

Sorry for going O/T but I’ve just found this from SNP Dumfrieshire. I’m still trying to open my eyes here. We NEVER thought we would ever see results like this down here in Dumfries and Galloway. The results of this poll WERE only the sort of thing we used to dream about down here.

link to

These results can only have one effect … it will make us all work twice, if not THREE times, as hard to push for a referendum result down here in Dumfries and Galloway of over 50% on the day itself! 😛


Terry Jones signs vote No Scotland list so check it out, Terry’s hilarious at around 2.10, “he didnt wear a kilt and play bagpipes, he didnt come home drunk or brought home black puddings, he didnt have an inadequate brain capacity, people dont just turn into Scotsmen for no reason at all” and so on

link to

its funny because its true, but like of Terry Jones now pleading us to vote for the union is even funnier



Solidarity with the Gaza flags….will Aberdeen fly a Scottish flag in support?


Lesley-Anne, that’s brilliant news from South of Scotland. I’m starting to feel we’re on the way now. Good luck to you all in the coming weeks.


lol ma hame toon got a mention!

Nana Smith

Mike Russell has tweeted the majority in the highlands and islands are backing Yes.



I had a feeling. 🙂

Over in the west, YES Wigtownshire has been busy and doing a grand job. We start getting results in this of all regions and it can be done anywhere.



yes I get it, you are more interested in your own freedom to use whatever insults you fell fit rather than exercise a little bit of diplomacy.

Voters come in all shapes and forms and many of them experience all sorts of prejudice on a daily basis.

Here we have the greatest source of analysis and discussion to persuade people that voting yes is the right thing to do and if I can’t feel that I can send someone here because I know it will have the opposite effect then what is the point?


Thanks Minty.

I have to admit that right from day 1 of this battle to win our independence I have always believed that we will win. I have felt this because I believed then as I still do now that it will be Glasgow, the Central Belt, Fife and the North East of Scotland that will end up winning the day for us. I have always had a fear that because Dumfries and Galloway always returns Labour and, in my case, a Tory (our very own wee pet Tory 😛 ) that we would have an almost impossible struggle to win folks over to the YES side. However, now that I have seen this poll I am buoyed by the idea that I could very well have got D&G wrong. From the result of this poll for, of all papers, the Daily Mail I am certain that we are DEFINITELY going to win now! 😀


Regarding the list of 200 or so, celebrities, if that’s what you want to call them, I see a few of them are BBC presenters or personnel, I thought the BBC and its staff had to be impartial in the referendum.


@heedtracker 1:19
“Scotland has certainly never featured in any of their work at all, in particular Lord Bragg. His In our time radio show is sometimes brilliant but he’s never mention anything even remotely Scottish.”
He did cover the Scottish Enlightenment
link to
Unforunately, in one segment they attributed the Enlightenment to the Scottish education system which allowed everyone access (not the women of course) and not just the aristocracy. In the shorter repeat version and podcastthat interesting snippet was edited out.


@ Lesley-Anne, Lord Melvin Bragg signs vote NO list and in maybe 700 “In Our Time” radio shows spanning a decade, Lord Melvin made one programme about Scotland:D

link to


Chic McGregor

“Iain MacWhirter AT LAST has come out as a YES supporter.”

Good to see Iain MacWhirter on board. I always took him as a Devo Max, No voter.

You live and learn. That will be the end of his BBC Scotland contracts.


Macart says:


I had a feeling. 🙂

Over in the west, YES Wigtownshire has been busy and doing a grand job. We start getting results in this of all regions and it can be done anywhere.

I think you mentioned something about having a feeling the last time we were both in the “Darkened Room” Macart. Didn’t I suggest visiting your doc to see what he could do about that? 😛

On a more serious note, I think the YES groups all over D&G have been out doing whatever they can whenever they can Macart. I say it like this because I know there are some YES groups that are mainly made up of people from the older generation, speaking as one myself before anyone has a go at me for being ageist 😀 and therefore have some problems mobilising as easily as other groups does become a bit of a problem. They do what they can when they can and good on them, showing folks it is not just a younger generation thingy to go out knocking on doors etc. 🙂


Isn’t it *ahem* interesting Capella and heedtracker that people like Melvin Bragg can do so MUCH in the T.V. and radio world on everything yet at the same time do so LITTLE on Scotland. Now that we are on the verge of becoming an independent country people like him suddenly sit up and take notice, no doubt after first checking his atlas to find out exactly where Scotland is, just in case he is worrying about nothing. 😛


@ Lesley-Anne
Yes I agree. Lord Bragg has an attitude problem which I would summarise as “superiority”. He’s so much part of the Establishment that I don’t think he can be objective about cheeky upstart little countries trying to diminsh the greatness that is Britain.
As for Mick Jagger, he always was regarded as a “bread head”. I hope Keith Richards comes out for Indy soon!
Don’t know about the others on that list but when will they realise that the opinions of millionaire celebs are irrelevant?

bookie from hell


SCOTLAND has welcomed a letter urging the country to reject independence, signed by a collection of fancy English celebrities.

The letter was signed by Dame Judy Dench, Helena Bonham Carter, Simon Callow and 200 other absolutely spiffing famous people who probably have really nice old houses, covered in ivy.

Bill McKay, from Bathgate, said: “I imagine Judy, Helena and Simon all got round a big farmhouse-style kitchen table in Hampstead.

“And Judy said ‘I’ll get Tracey Emin, Melvyn Bragg and Richard Dawkins’, and Helena was like, ‘I’ll get Emma Freud, Richard Curtis and Ben Fogle’ and Simon was like ‘I’ll get Cilla Black, Ray Winstone and Gloria Hunniford – you know, for the Glaswegians’.

“And then they wrote a lovely letter about how lovely everybody is and that we must come for tea, just like that poor bloke in Howard’s End who gets killed by the bookcase.

“Fuck off.”


Regarding Dan “little Englander” Snow. He’s another one of those English Historians who, when describing an event that took place somewhere in the UK, will say it happened in England, whether it was in England or not.

In Dan’s little English world, England is the UK. He couldn’t give a toss about Scotland.

So patronising.

Let’s hear from English Celebs who will be wishing us all the best in an Independent Scotland.


@ Lesley-Anne, Lord Bragg signing teamGB celebs say we love you don’t go, counts for much more than say SLIM and HANDSOME John Barrowman (happy now defenders of not fat, glandular UKOK liars) because Bragg’s right at the heart of of UK establishment in ways that make Barowman, look like what he is, an American tourist from Palm Springs California.

A huge amount of thought goes into high brow BBC radio and TV and it’s where you find the hardest hitting UKOK British nationalism.


I think this whole ‘sign a letter to save the union’ garbage has been done to let so called ‘celebs’ brush up their fading ego’s a wee bit. I mean are these ‘celebs’ really so thick, vain and stupid as to think that a letter signed by 200 ‘no bodies’ will actually sway ANY person living in Scotland to change their minds and vote NO. REALLY? 😉

I don’t know about anyone else but for me, when I see/read garbage like this *ahem* begging letter (don’t forget folks this is exactly what it is … a BEGGING letter 😛 ) it does THREE things.

First it makes me want to throw up!

Second it makes me even MORE convinced to vote YES.

Third it convinces me even more than before that the NO camp are so far down in the mire that they have absolutely NO hope of winning! 😀

Robert Peffers

@Cuilean says: 7 August, 2014 at 1:23 pm:

“I immediately lose all interest & stop reading all ‘comments’ which contain pejorative words like ‘wee’ or ‘fat’”

For heaven sake give it a bloody rest. I’m 5’4″ and have never in my life felt insulted or inferior by being known as either Wee Bob or Auld Bob. I consider neither to be pejorative, you see.

Tell you what, though, YOU have just inferred that as I’m WEE it makes me somehow inferior in your eyes than if I were BIG.

People like you are far too sanctamonious and ready to judge others. Now what is that, “WEE”, quotation from the Bible again? That one about a BIG plank in your own eye and the WEE splinter in the other person’s eye?


You really still don’t get it, do you? Our society today is pre-occupied with appearance – and celebrity. These are shallow concepts and we give them far too much importance. The 200 celebrities are trying to cash in on this and, regrettably, some people might be swayed by their support for No. Saying that John Barrowman is slim and handsome may or may not be true – matter of subjective opinion – but it is not relevant. If Barrowman has something constructive to say, we should listen and if we disagree, which I probably would, then say why he is wrong. Same for Jackie Baillie – calling her fat will not make her wrong, but rational argument might show that she is wrong. And most importantly, it might show the undecided voters that she is wrong.

Just because some of us take exception to your lowering the tone of this site does not mean that we are defending Baillie or agreeing with her. Condemn her for her lies – not for her appearance.


Songs like this make me shudder.

Harold Wragg

In other news: I thought it was the deep pockets of the UK which bailed out the banks. Seems it was the USA…

link to

Jamie Arriere

The Scottish Republican songs album you might be thinking of was by Thurso Berwick, who was really Morris Blythman, a teacher fae Glasgow.

The one I remember is the Scottish Breakaway, a republican song to the tune of ‘The Sash’ – there’s a version by Alex Campbell on Youtube

Johannah Buchan

No Jamie the album We’ve been referring to was performed by Nigel Denver, written & produced by Jim McLean.


Beauty? Peel off your skin bag, how handsome are you now? – Buddhist thought I believe.

Swearing vocally in anger – understandable. Swearing in print? Naw, you have time to think be a bit smarter with words.

Hats off to you Rev, again. The timing of this article and song is so apt.


Why is everybody so grumpy today?


Must be something in the water clootie. 😉

David Stevenson

With reference to the South of Scotland poll figures from that Survation poll, James Kelly on Scot goes Pop (Aug 2nd) warned against placing too much faith in them as the sample size was small. However, all good news is welcome and I am sure you are winning people over.


To be fair David I think every one knows that any poll taken before the 18th September is open to question. However, at the same time we are just happy to see figures that prove that we are making in roads into the great unionist central that is D&G.

No one down here is looking at these figures and thinking ‘job done’. What we are doing is looking at them and thinking that instead of it being a close run 2nd for us down here we are actually in a place no one really thought possible … we can WIN in D&G. That is is the real surprise out of these figures.

Blair paterson

I know a darling is English but could someone please tell me if Jackie baillie is also English I mean the prime minister has told us it is up to the scots to decide not English luvies vote yes

Dal Riata


FFS, give it a rest. You’re being an utter bore.

So what if heedtracker or anyone else dishes out a few swearies in people’s direction.

If what was said was way over the top then it would be rightly condemned:what was said wasn’t.

Scots tend to swear a lot – that’s the way it is and tough shit. Not all swearing is done out of malice. Never been among Scotland’s working class when at work or play? Are you going to go up to them and tell them that it’s wrong and unbecoming? Good luck with that!

And get yourself a sense of humour, FFS. It really can make your day go by much better.


She is the daughter of Portuguese and Scottish parents Blair who was raised in Hong Kong. You can here it at 6 minutes 15 seconds here.

link to


Dal Riata
My ONLY concern is to get more people to vote Yes. And I did not complain about the use of swear words, although personally I don’t think they add anything to the debate. I pointed out that commenting on people’s appearance was likely to lose us more votes than it gains us, because some people are offended by it.

It’s all about winning as many people as possible over to the Yes side of the debate. Insulting people does not help with that. It’s also completely unnecessary, because the No campaingners give us plenty of opportunities to attack them on more important matters.

Jamie Arriere

Okay – Telt!

Blair paterson

Lesley- Anne thank you for your reply


My pleasure Blair. 😉

Dal Riata


Yes, attacks on people’s personal appearence are not good. But there’s no need to keep going on about, and at, someone for the occasional slip – one wee reminder will do, surely, if you feel the need to complain.

We are now in the final campaign of a two year+ war for our country. Yes, a war. Not a ‘hot’ war, of course, but a war by lies, misinformation, FUD and propaganda by those who wish to deprive us of our freedom and democracy. There’s no point now in being all nicey-nicey, pure-as-the-driven-snow and “Throw a coin into the swear-box right now, you naughty boy!”.

This is a fight for Scotland to have a positive and prosperous future for all its generations to come. If it is not to be then so be it – but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I thought I had held back on giving it fucking laldy at the time because it might have put an undecided voter off. Fuck it, this is a war and it’s ours to win, not lose by being all fucking sweetness-and-light.

If you believe you have no desire to swear or whatever, then that’s fine and good for you. Others do feel the need now and again, be it through exasperation or just sheer anger. That’s the way it is. And thank fuck for that.

Dorothy Devine

I love you lot!

Perhaps we could pen a letter to say thanks to these dear people for being so concerned about our leaving?

Along the lines of Thanks but No Thanks?

Dear Slebs,
Sorry to see that we have upset you by suggesting we leave.

I’ve just drowned my sorrow at your sorrow with several glasses of Bruichladdich and may be a wee bit maudlin but I just had to tell you how touched I was ,particularly by Mr Starky , Mr Jagger and Lord Whatsits plea.

Fair brought a tear to my eye to know that so many old codgers who hitherto appeared to ignore at best or insult at worst, all those living in Scotland.

I had no idea you cared until now.

Sadly ,I think it may be too little too late – not for me you understand , I’m fair persuaded it would be a terrrrrible mistake to leave such altruistic , concerned folks.

No , I’m thinking of those dyed in the wool Wingers who show no signs of succumbing to your truly heart rending blandishments – ungrateful, sneering bunch of entrenched separatists that they are.

I shall bask in your love from now until the 18th of September and remember you will all be welcome to visit thereafter .

You have no idea how much the people of Scotland look forward to your visits – you will always be as welcome as David Cameron , George Osborne , Ed Milliband , Ed Balls ,and Nick Clegg not to mention the esteemed Secretary of State for ( Help me Rhona)Scotland.

Love and kisses to each and every one!


I think that is a fairly balanced letter you have written there Dorothy. I take it we will all be allowed to add our names to this letter in a similar way to that signed by whatsisname and his brother whoyou? 😀

arthur thomson

Having experienced a lifetime of being referred to as wee man I have always taken it as a term of endearment. But let’s agree not to use fat and let’s agree to always show respect for gender. It isn’t much to ask.


Dal Riata
I repeat – I did not say anything about swearing. I just choose not to do it myself.

wee jonny

Ha. The Freedom Fault Line (©wee Jonny Independence Campbell).
Used to post that to someone a few months back every time he said Seperatists. For fud sake……..

Paula Rose

About the sweary thing – how about we only use gaelic and scots profanities and leave the anglo-saxon variety for down south?

Dorothy Devine

Feel absolutely free Lesley Anne!


That’s brilliant Dorothy.

Donald Gillies

I wish I could find the wee tape that this was released on, it had a heap of gems from the pen of Jim McLean, my ex-wifes Uncle. This tape was actually banned officially once upon a time, funny to think how its lasted the test of time..
Other gems I remember were ” We dinnae want Polaris”…


I’d agree on that principle. If you are going to use an ad hominem, at least use an awesome scots one like “bawbag” rather than a dull and insipid one like “fat”. Attacking a woman based on her appearance is what the sexist idiots over at Britnat central forums do. Its not our style.



“Virtually every article, someone below the line comes out with a derogatory reference to some’s appearance”

It is not right but see it in the right context.

Those who say such things are on the right side extremely frustrated with the utter dishonesty of the likes of Jackie Bailie.

Don’t criticise these people, criticise the likes of Jackie Bailie.

Does the No side ever criticise the likes of Ian Smart? Why do we have to apologise for everything?

Our own side (Jim Sillars, Patrick Harvie, Yes Scotland) are sometimes doing more harm to us than the opposition.

Divide and rule is the age old weapon of the British Establishment. For once, let us see right through it.

If you don’t like such comments, ignore them. This is no time for a single Yes voter to be against another Yes voter.

It is also possible that some of those making such comments here are actually from the No side trying to give us a bad name.


I’d disagree there. The fact that we are willing to pull up our own side for inappropriate comments is something which makes us better than the otherside, who often join together to form a huge circlejerking chorus of putrid venom within their echo chamber.

We occupy the moral highground and thats worth keeping.



“We occupy the moral highground and thats worth keeping.”

We do indeed but the problem is, does anyone else other than us here know about that ‘moral highground’?

Has that ‘moral highground’ been given credit a SINGLE time in the media? All we here about is ‘nasty cybernats’.

By “pulling up our own side”, we are just antagonising each other on our own side, like Sillars and Harvey do in interviews, and like Yes Scotland disowning WOS.

There is precious little time left for that.


I wish I had a Scots Fiver for every time I’ve come across a Naw posting (mostly YouTube) slagging Alex Salmond’s appearance.


Occupying and keeping the moral highground is important because its whats going to help us keep the country together after a yes win. We havent insulted anyone. We havent created any antagonism and the only people full of hate towards us are the typical reactionary bigots who everyone else hates anyway. We need to play the long game here

If the bitters win, there will be a lot of resentment and hate because of their actions and the tone of their language. We cant ever adopt a win-at-any-cost view and insult and belittle our way to victory like they are trying because thats completely phyrric.

When this is all done and dusted, when there is a yes. There will be a time for reflection. Being able to look back and say that we did this without resorting to the tactics of our opponents is a fantastic way for our country to start out.

Let the bitters insult away. We are recording them and we’ll never let them live it down. We’ll never forget the things they have done to us and the things they have said and hopefully one day, in an independent Scotland, with its own new media, we can reveal the true opinions of those on the no side. To do that, we need the moral highground, else we are hypocrites.


@ Blair paterson says:
7 August, 2014 at 4:21 pm
“if Jackie baillie is also English”
I believe she was Hong Kong born but English Private School educated (allegedly),like most career politicians



“We cant ever adopt a win-at-any-cost view and insult and belittle our way to victory like they are trying because thats completely phyrric.”

THEY have adopted a win-at-any-cost approach throughout the campaign. And it is a FACT that they are utterly dishonest and rotten to the core. And it is here that their lies are exposed on a daily basis.

Compared to the venom the Yes side has received, I don’t see a few posters calling Jackie Baillie fat will result in a “phyrric” victory.

How good will it be for the Yes side, and especially the No voters who will have been duped into No, that we lost but at least we were very polite to the likes of Jackie Baillie and Ian Smart?

Attacking those on our own side at this stage achieves absolutely nothing for us.


Is it true our RUK want border posts and guards, so Scots don’t bring in food for the poor and disabled into England and that their sign will read…

WELCOME TO ENGLAND (unless you’re Scottish, of course)

Peter Mechan

What was the name of the song Alastair MacDonald did that started “Keir Hardie was a man, that came from our land, and said all men should be free……”

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