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Wings Over Scotland

An ideal opportunity

Posted on March 07, 2014 by

It was good to see our old pal, prolific Labour and “Better Together” activist Duncan Hothersall, welcoming the chance for everyone to learn from mistakes yesterday with regard to giving out people’s personal information on the internet.


Of course, Roseanna Cunningham only revealed contact info that was already in the public domain and easily accessible to anyone who wanted it, and which had been widely sent out by the person concerned in a spray of unsolicited begging letters. It’d be much worse to give out contact information that was previously unknown and was only sent to one person in a private email, right?


Oh, Duncan.

The email above, sent by David Mclay to Duncan Hothersall just a few days ago, isn’t particularly friendly, but nor is it in any way threatening or illegal. Yet the man who repeatedly and piously castigated Roseanna Cunningham for giving out details about Sir Norman Arthur that were already listed in public directories apparently had no compunction about republishing Mr Mclay’s contact info – which was NOT already available to anyone – unredacted, opening Mr Mclay up to possible harassment.

(Legendary wit and raconteur Euan McColm of the Scotsman replied to Hothersall’s tweet implying Mclay should be signed up to spam mailing lists without his consent.)

The difference is that Roseanna Cunningham has deleted her tweet and offered Sir Norman Arthur an apology. We keenly await Duncan Hothersall doing the same to David Mclay. After all, we’re sure he wouldn’t want to be a massive hypocrite.

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I see Duncans other watering hole, Labour Hame has now completely dried up, the last article being aired in November. Perhaps he seeks an alternative audience.

the Penman

Oh, Mr Ambassador – with that last line you are spoiling us!

Jamie Arriere

Oops, bang to rights there!!

Of course he’s a massive hypocrite – it’s a Scottish Labour membership requirement!

Still think you waste too much energy on this no-mark.


I can picture a Dick Emery pithy “Oh Stu,you are awful but I like you!” style reply from a glib Dunc on seeing this point being raised.

‘Do as a I say, not as I do’ springs to mind, which seems to be a mantra for any Labour follower these days.

Ian Brotherhood

I can’t be the only one who has long been familiar with Hothersall’s name, and his regular fax pas as highlighted here, but who is he? What does he do? Has he ever been seen in public? Does he ever appear on radio, television, or on public platforms to press Labour’s case for the Union?

Or is he just a twittering gobshite?


Meanwhile , a quick whois using the info in DHs pic reveals a positive goldmine of info…..

Glass houses and all that.

Murray McCallum

Duncan seems unable to retain any consistency of thought or principle in his head.

He must fit in well at New OneNation Labour United.


Mr Hothersall has a print/publishing business

The stuff we know him for is a sideline


And on the bright side we all now have Dunkywunky’s email address 😀


Maybe you only get an apology if you have an entry in Who’s Who and already have all your contact details published for the world to see if they care to look.

bookie from hell

Nomark,Duncan has already won,publicity your giving him on this site

Helena Brown

Well as someone who is probably best known by himself, I had to look him up. Cannot say I am impressed but then I take some impressing. I would say he is more interested in projecting Duncan Hothersall than anything else.

Steve B

Wildly O/T – but I’d thought Stu would like to be reassured that he’s not the only one who has rats who destroy their infrastructure 🙂

link to


Sorry to go O/T so early in this thread, Rev, but I spotted this article on the (spit) BBC News website.

link to

(sorry, don’t know the tag for a hyperlink)

Notice that nowhere in the article does it mention that this is a LABOUR politician. Can you imagine the headline had it been one of ours?


Hey! hyperlinks do it themselves! Who knew? 😀

G H Graham

Why waste your time on people like him. He’s not a member of the parliament at Holyrood, Westminster or indeed any local council as far as I can tell.

In summary then, he’s just a nobody who tweets rubbish but inexplicably garners attention when the only thing he can possibly influence is what he decides to watch on the telly.

At least he doesn’t make a living from being a hypocrite.

Robert Peffers

Aye Finnzz, I used to pop into Labourhame, (when I needed a good laugh), and usually could manage to expose some hecht heid ane’s hypocrisy while I was there. Has it become so toxic for Labour they’ve left hame? I’ve also just had myself, “redacted”, — again — on the the Herald’s comments pages. I’m in no way abusive and on reading some of the more prolific offensive anti-independence stuff that is allowed through by the Herald it is obvious they too are being hypocrites. Pro-independence they are not. Neutral, they are not. Better than most MSM rags – well! Mibbie jist? So I’ll be donating some rather scarce funds to Wings, I’ll now save a bit by not buying the Herald.


Just had a look on his twitter, his argument seems to be that since you live in bath you have no right to meddle with affairs of Scotland. When reading this try to put aside the fact that it wasn’t long ago that he and his ilk were the ones grumbling about how Scots elsewhere in the UK are not getting a vote in the referendum.

He would not know consistency if it came up and slapped him in the face. He will say anything at anytime if he thinks he can get one over the YES side.

Alfresco Dent

Since Mr. Hothersall clearly uses Thunderbird as his email client we must assume he has at least one grown-up friend. Who knew?


Dunc and his ilk are a joke, and I have to admit it’s slightly entertaining seeing them trip themselves up time and again, but there really are more important things to be reporting about than this pettiness. All this bickering doesn’t reflect very well.


Sorry to go off topic but this story, if true (daily mail so who knows) puts the libdems into perspective. To quote…
“Lib Dems all shook up by being beaten in an election by the Bus Pass Elvis Party which wants brothels to give OAPs a 30% discount
David Bishop AKA Lord Biro won 67 votes in Nottingham by-election
Party also known as Elvis Loves Pets, Church of the Militant Elvis and Elvis and the Yeti Himalayan Preservation Party
Lib Dem Tony Marshall managed just 56 votes, coming last in vote”
link to


Never heard of him either, then again I haven’t visited Twitter in some time.

(Must remember to go back there and change my avatar’s smiley-face badge to a Yes badge though, just to wind up the brainwashed BT freaks on there!)

I somehow think David McIay will be waiting a long long time for that apology…


Annibale, the article does mention that he is a labour politician. It is highlighted in the ninth paragraph, where it will be easily noticed (not).


Sorry O/T

If you want to see last nights Glasgow Uni debate (which was not allowed to be filmed) you better do it now – they’re trying to get is pulled (ironic they just voted Edward Snowden in a Rector!)

courtesy of AyeHaveaDream link to

link to

Tommy Sherdidan on fire again

Steve Bowers

Hi Rev Stoo, just wondering if you have google analytics or similar on board, every day I send people to wings and I wondered how many of them actually came for a looky . my analytics tell me where people are visiting from ( aberdeen in the case of the people I direct to Wings ) keep up the good work and when’s the wee blue book ? ( sorry to nag but it would be really handy, any idea of the cost of it yet ?)

Geoff Huijer

Mr Hothershall frequented many a newspaper’s comments section. Hypocrytical, serville Unionist.

A complete waste of time engaging in any form of communication with him and the likes of him e.g Grahamski.

A legend in his own little world.

Alt Clut

Ignore the juvenile little fool and let’s get on with winning !

Seasick Dave


I know that you are reading this so please can you illuminate me as to why you find £1.5 trillion debt so attractive?

Also, can you think of any way at all that life in an Independent Scotland might be better?




As Rev has pointed out, Duncan has an eye on a future prize. You can bet one way or another, he will be “proud to represent the people of Scotland” one way or another in a Labour position.

The Rev giving him publicity now only continues to weaken their position as we look to move forward and leave current Scottish Labour thinking behind.



Thanks! your specs must be better than mine! 😀

Steve B

@Fairliered & Annibale

My first impression of that BBC article was that the councillor’s party was not mentioned. On a second reading through I found it where you said. Now whether it was added afterwards or I whether I just didn’t didn’t notice it first time around, I don’t know.

But you can guarantee that if it had been an SNP councillor instead of a Labour one then “SNP” would have been strongly highlighted, if not in the headline, in the first paragraph.


She’s right about his twitter photo though. He looks like Fred Flintstone’s arse, with a rose slapped on.


Why are they trying to get the video pulled?

Hopefully someone can save it – it can only be because they (BT) want to be able to deny something that they actually said.

James Kelly came over as being a complete fool – he kept quoting the deficit that an indy Sscotland would have from day one and the BfS lady had the facts at her disposal and totally rubbished his assertions.


O/T – What’s with the Commonwealth Games’ helpers, the ‘Clydesiders’ uniform being scarlet with a bit of white + black trim. I know of the ‘Red Clydesiders’ of course, but these games are representative of countries, not cities. Surely there should have been a sense of the Saltire colour if nothing else, on these uniforms. Nothing about them says Scotland, to me. 🙁

Bawheid Bragg

Has Fuck Off Murphy apologised yet?


I think Hothersall and McDougall were created by evil wizard Saruman, in his first failed attempt to create Orcs. When he saw what gibberish spouting monstrosities he’d produced, he called them Dorks and gifted them to the even more evil twin leaders of the NO Campaign, Captain Calamity Darling and North British Broon.


On topic of hard core unionist hypocrites/buffoonery, here in Aberdeen this week, head of our moronic unionist council said on national tv news that their ban on Salmond and fro council premises was because they would not allow Aberdeen council premises to be “prostituted” by Salmond.

What a lovely bunch and yet this morning, head of Aberdeen council unionist Barney Crokket has included a personal letter instructing all Aberdeen rate payers to vote NO in Sept as we are bettertogether, every single one of the council tax bills going out soon.

This vote NO in Sept plea to every council tax payer in Aberdeen is NOT ofcourse an act of “prostitution” is it Mr Crokkett, you one more raging unionist hypocrite.


I watched this play out on Twitter earlier.

Like a seasoned Gamie playing a well hooked fish, just for the sport of it. Hook, line, sinker!

Poor Duncs.


Sorry that’s Crokkett not Crocket who is not for the prostitution of his city unless its when he does it, then its not prostitution. link to

Buster Bloggs

Hothersall is a waste of space, I tried to get him to admit Scotland is a country and Shetland is part of Scotland on Twitter, his answer, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble…. didn’t answer the question, then he blocked me, It’s the Unionist way.

bookie from hell

here’s some reading material for Duncan donut

link to

David McCann

Hothersall seems to get his comments quoted quite often on radio and TV. His was one of a couple read out last evening on Scotland Tonight.
I reckon they hold a few names on file as ‘safe’. Saves them having to look through them all.

OT. I thought you might find this answer I received when I complained to STV.
“To: STV Enquiries
Subject: Willie Walsh

Why did you cut out the remark made by Willie Walsh that Scottish independence would be”a positive development”?
You and most of the media were all over the doom regarding the Standard Life”statement yesterday, so why the different emphasis?”

“Dear Sir,

Thank you for contacting STV.

Please be advised two extracts from Mr Walsh’s interview were used reflecting that he had no concerns about a Yes vote. He did not use the phrase “a positive development” in the interview he carried out for STV.

We hope this helps clarify the situation for you and we thank you for taking the time to get in touch.

Kind Regards,

STV Viewer Enquiries”

I could have sworn the item was cut, but dont have proof


Have you seen his twitter feed on this? He’s going into hyperdrive over there, even mentioning Wings by name.


How do you know what my husband’s arse looks like? Should he be telling me something?

You are all right about this person, let’s move on to something else.Anything positive going on?

call me dave

Enjoyed the Glasgow Uni debate thanks for the link. Boy the ‘NO’ side got a bit of a beating as usual. Hope they don’t pull it from u-tube for a while.

Surely Ruthie knows she’s whistling in the wind when she attends these things but at least she fights her corner. I can’t see Mr Flipper or Brown coming into contact with ordinary folk in an open forum.

The polls… shurley shome mishtake!

bookie from hell

I’m very wary any poll either side



Surely there should have been a sense of the Saltire colour if nothing else, on these uniforms. Nothing about them says Scotland, to me.

And that is exactly the point. It is bad enough that there will be a Team Scotland participating in these Games. It would be too much to have the native hosts dressed in national colours.

I am sure that there will be Union Jack bunting in George Square as part of the celebration to mark the start of World War 1.


Thanks for the link to the Glasgow Uni Debate everyone.

Strong stuff from Tommy:

17 mins: Regarding ATOS – ‘The tories should be charged with manslaughter’

Thomas William Dunlop

“Do as I say,not as I do”. Typical party hack methodology


call me dave – watched the Glasgow Uni debate – there was a female appeared near the end saying that she thought the debate was being filmed covertly (I’m paraphrasing here) and that there would be members of the audience who would object to being filmed. (I’d have thought it was more that the SLab rep – short for reptile- was being shown up as as (s)tool).

Anyway, didn’t see any of the audience in the YouTube vid, however I understand that GU are seeking legal advice on vid being filmed and shown.

Why would/should/could there be any objection legally to making these debates public?

In future if NO reps deny the right to film and make them public, the debates should go ahead on an’empty chair’ basis – they could use cut-out life-size pictures of the missing NO reps on the chairs.


Just watched the Glasgow Uni debate. Summary – YES side speakers excellent, the business woman quoting real facts and figures to support her points and rubbish the fantasy figures spouted by James Kelly and Ruth Davidson of the NO side. Tommy Sheridan was his usual fiery, articulate self and the non-politician lassie was quietly effective too.

What a numpty James Kelly is, continually going on about how concerned he was about the poor people of Liverpool and Manchester. How about the hundreds of thousands of poor people in SCOTLAND, Mister Kelly? That’s actually where you are an MSP, and THEY should be your concern!


T Jenny

Wholeheartedly agree with the empty chair idea. If you’re not willing to ‘go public’ to defend your position, don’t attend.

As for concern for the the audience – I’ve been to numerous events (comedy shows, gigs, lectures) where signs are posted stating that the event will be filmed and, by entering, you are consenting to this. Nobody ever seems to mind.


New Labour acolytes make for the moral low ground like homing rats.


X_Sticks, I watched the video , and love him or hate him, one has to admit that he (Tommy Sheridon) can command attention, and by and large pull an audience along with him.


BigSteveChisholm – Irrespective of their ‘shy’ stance, people like James Kelly,MSP, are funded by the people, for the people. If he wants to stop filming whilst appearing in a private capacity, OK – but he was appearing as a representative of a public office, ergo,the public have a right to know what he saying.

If GU go to court with this – do we have any WoS readers in the legal profession we could crowdfund to defend the right of public information?

sausage fingered luddite

Albaman – from what I’ve read over the years the bold Tommy has never had any trouble pulling…


Can’t understand all this attention to this person called Hothersall. Is it personal? He’s unknown to the Scottish public.


Tommy Sheridan is fast becoming the star of the YES side.

He is the best public speaker bar none in the UK. His style is less suited to TV interview, but we have the slicker media-trained SNP leaders for that.

Who is looking after Tommy in between gigs BTW?

We cannae afford to have him oot o the game wi brusied tonsils!


Inclined to agree with Iain above. Wings has soared way beyond fussing over Twitterati nonentities like Duncan. You’re operating on a whole other level now.


In any correspondence with a Bitter Together person or site it’s best to use an e-mail address you dont mind being spammed.

I completed a questionaire and seperately gave them, as requested, comments and the benefit of my thoughts on their campaign, using different “disposable” e-addresses. Obiously no-one read either or they would have realised I was not a potential supporter.

Both seemed to be only data harvesting exercises and resulted in lots of spam – mostly propaganda falling into the pish category and begging letters.

They have been claiming to have built up a database of potential NAW voters for a mailshot. That will be interesting.


Duncan make the grass grow!


Hothersall is of the same mould as Richard Baker, Willie Young and all the other jumped up eejjits who pedantically look for faults, but fail to see the whole picture. He is a staunch British nationalist and will fail to see reason in debate, no worth the bothering about.
I know plenty people wo have a parent/s from England and support Yes Scotland, but he seems to think Scotland does not exist

Andy Drynan

Why even acknowledge the prat, he’ll be frothing at the hands seeing the attention he’s getting.

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