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Wings Over Scotland

Advertising promotion

Posted on January 16, 2014 by

As several people have been asking in the comments, we’re sticking this on the front page to make things easier for everyone. Kindly reader Ken McDonald (not the BBC’s one, we think) has rather generously designed and commissioned some spiffy Wings car stickers entirely off his own bat, and is offering them up for free. Though we’d hope you’d all be considerate enough to send him a stamped addressed envelope.


Just drop him an email and you can sort out the details.

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Want want want – but link not working…….

The Tree of Liberty

Me tae.

steve stewart

The two tone background is super. Very nice indeed.


ooh if I send him money perhaps he can ship to Tasmania. I’d be very proud. Or is it better if they are all displayed somewhere Scottish voters can see?


Error 404 – Not Found


Excellent idea. Amazing what people will do when they like what you’re doing, eh, Rev?

I would love one, but the wife owns the car and is very, very precious about it so there are no nice Yes decals on it, and this one wouldn’t fly either, Wings or not.


That looks beautiful. I’ve been a bit cheeky and asked for four but im perfectly willing to pay a tenner for them.


Brilliant will be in touch Ken

ronnie anderson

Lovely job,Ken McDonald, Im up for some of those.send on E Mail addy.


I can see this as a billboard over the M8.


Now! There is an idea! – Crowdfunding exercise Stu???


Will I get a car with an order? 🙂

Arbroath 1320

Great idea.

I’ll be sending an e-mail to Ken shortly.

I just have one itsy bitsy wee problem, where to actually put the sticker. ( No folks I’m NOT putting it over my mouth :)) Our Jeep is pretty well covered in YES stickers of all descriptions. 🙂

Quinie frae Angus

I can vouch for the quality of these fine stickers. Ken has kindly sent me some.


@ Arbroath 1320

What about Mags Curran mooth then?

Has Ken printed off enough though…?


Now…if we were to casually walk passed a stopped bus and one of these stickers ended up on the back….would that be a crime…hmmmm

jingly jangly

I have asked and offered to pay for a dozen, Ive got a few racing Motorcycles and some of them will be raced, paraded or just exhibited this summer in Scotland, England and Belgium. On one of the bikes which will be raced in Scotland and Belgium I am going to have it painted in a
YES theme so the WOS stickers will finish it off nicely.


You know Reverend, you have got to stand for MSP election after Independence. Which party though? Labour in Scotland? lol:-)


Ooh fancy!

Arbroath 1320

Conan_the_Barbarian @ 2:37pm

What about Mags Curran mooth then?

I really don’t know about that one Conan, I mean she really does have such a big mouth n all. Hell I can hear in Dumfries and Galloway when she “talks” in Westminster for gawds sake and no I don’t mean via the TV either! 🙂


I’ve also managed to secure a couple for my molded Golf. It should look damn good.

Nancy thanks again Ken.



I am reliably informed they are VW Golf Mark 4 compliant Stickers 🙂

ergo nae glue, nae residue



There is a link on the last line below the pic.. click on the word e-mail and It will direct you you my interwebby address thingee.

john king



@ Bubbles

A moulded VW Golf… that’ll be an airfix then,is it?

Ken I’d be happy to display your wares. Just let me have your details



click on the link below the photo

Flower of Scotland

Great idea Ken ! I have sent off my email and will be proud to display it beside my YES sticker ,


I have a Wings, a Newsnet and two Yes stickers on the rear windscreen. Had to remove the SNP Yes, as it spoiled the symmetry.

Don’t be shy, give us a toot!

Many thanks again, Ken, fine lad that ye are!



Nae shunts, scratches or dents – so far!

Bill McLean

Ronnie – I removed my SNP sticker and just kept my YES ones on to avoid the usual complaint that independence is all about the SNP. No scratches or dents yet and I’m in Labour loving Fife! Met Alex Salmond last Friday in Inverkeithing. What a man – he crossed the road in the rain to come and speak to the folk in the fish shop for a few minutes. A man of presence, intelligence, humour and very ordinary with it. I hope, like the vast majority on here, that he achieves his dream!



You saw the photo?

link to

Bill McLean

kininvie – followed your link! What photo?



Sorry: careless clicking. Try this:

link to

If that doesn’t work, scroll down Natalies a/c to Jan 12th.



Umm, that link is for Gmail or Yahoo, how are you meant to get one if you’re still on hotmail?? I like hotmail, ok?!

Bill McLean

Kinvinie – that pic was taken about ten minutes before my wife and I met him in the fish shop – he crossed the road from the SNP campaign HQ to say hello as my wife an I had met him before in Dunfermline. Great guy and Douglas’ fish is the best in West Fife!


Interesting wee piece in the Guardian by Severin (no comments).

link to

In a softening of its stance on Scottish membership of the EU, a Foreign Office study being released on Friday by William Hague, the foreign secretary, will confirm that Holyrood could still keep sterling and the UK’s existing opt-outs on borders and social policy.

Now that must have nipped to write that.


Just a quick note to thank Ken for the stickers which arrived in the post yesterday.



My pleasure sir !


Got my stickers yesterday, looking good on my van.(Will put a cou;ple of pounds in the local pubs charity tin), thanks Ken

Heading out shortly to Goals in Aberdeen for YES Aberdeen meeting


Stickers arrived today,thanks Ken,the wee cards will be strategically placed as well,good job sir!

Greg Drysdale

Hi Stu. Why aren’t there car window stickers available in the shop? I think, more than ever now, we need some. With so much dissatisfaction with the press and decline in newspaper sales we need some advertising that will pull in more readers to the “news they’re not getting”. I think it needs the insignia, address and tagline “Read the news you’re not getting” or something. Plenty of new readers to be found sitting at traffic lights! 🙂

Greg Drysdale

Static window ‘clings’ I believe they’re called

Greg Drysdale

Static window ‘clings’ are the things I mean. Rather than ‘bumper stickers’

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