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Wings Over Scotland

A probability quiz

Posted on March 23, 2016 by

Q: What are the chances of us NOT having something special for you tomorrow?



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Rob Outram

Hopefully not “Too wee, Too……etc etc”


Wee…blue book, perhaps?

Bob Sinclair

If its what I think it is, count me in for assisting with distribution.


Bring it on!

Gavin Greig

The clues so far have included “Boo” and “Wee”, and they’re in black – “The Wee Black Book”?


If it’s going to chronicle all the lies told by:

1. Better Together during the indy campaign.

2. Jackie Bird every night on BBC Vote Labour Scotlandregion.

3. Eleanor Bradford about the “war zone” that is the Scottish NHS (best performing NHS in the UK).

4. Gordon Brown on a regular basis about ANYTHING.

5. Jackie Baillie and Ruth Davidson the minute those two unfortunate individuals open their mouth, particularly when appearing on the BBC (I suspect they *may* tell the truth when their ma asks them if they want jam on their piece).

6. The entire corporate media (unionist press) in Scotland every single day.

7. Westminster about Scotland’s real economic indicators and, most importantly, potential for growth as an independent country.

… then all I can say is: it had better be a pretty damn BIG wee book! *

[* Maybe we need a “Wee Better-Together Encyclopaedia in XX Volumes”??]

Bob Mack

So far we have had “BOO” and now “WEE”. Yep, smscks of Wee Book. What type and colour I wonder?


Ooh a wee wee drink of juice?


Count me in for helping to distribute.


Fars it at, fans it comin oot, fan kin a hae it. Gimmee gimmee.

Doh! The morn.


Steady. Steady in the line there.

Wait till you see the colour of… the cover? 😀

Grouse Beater

This is worse than car manufacturers showing a wing mirror as a tease for a new car.


Too early for a wee dram 🙁

Proud Cybernat

Ah – the ‘Wee Black Book’. The truth about Scotland’s oil. I’m guessing.

John king

Oh my God oh my God oh my God
Don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic!

Craig P


Hugh Barclay

Wee Black Book? with all the reasons why the Union is dead?

If its something we have to distribute then chuck me a few boxes and I’ll bang them out in Cumbernauld 🙂


Breathe, John, Breathe!

Jack Collatin

Stu, I nearly ‘wee’d’ myself laughing this morning. You’re a bigger tease than Patricia The Stripper.

It is of course Independence Day tomorrow. I am genuinely intrigued.

Henry McLeish coming out?( for independence, I hasten to add.)

A mystery donor funding an Independence newspaper?

I lean towards a juicy scandal, given the ‘BOO’ teaser t’other day.

Can’t wait.




John king

But but but, we don’t have the distribution network we had during the referendum campaign,
How are we going to do this?

Grosue Beater

A book about a crap hack: “Weener Cochie – His Part in His Downfall’


John-all that sun is going to your head 🙂 It’ll be done!


Bide a WEE.

I suspect that someone like Jill ,Edinburgh ,that well known German History Professor ,Emeritus will give up telling lies for Lent and will write to all the newspapers she has sent letters full of invented falsehoods about the SNP and cause said newspapers to go into receivership.

The Isolator

I reckon it’s the Rev’s definitve guide to the Unionistas Black Arts.

It should be Ecclefechen huge…?



Ian Brotherhood

Wee Boo’s wobble but they dinna fa’ doon?

*John, can ah borrow yer coat?*


The Rev asks:
“What are the chances of us NOT having something special for you tomorrow?”

Well, given this site has a reputation for dealing in truth, i’d say the chances are slimmer than slim or heehaw and effawe!

Dae ah wun a pize furr gittin it rite?

Dorothy Devine

I will be patient – aaargh!

OT but did everyone know according to some bright spark in the Herald that the media is behind the SNP 100% , giving it lots of good publicity and an easy ride in interviews?

Did ya?

Another Union Dividend

O/T but important.

Labour grandees in Edinburgh facing mis use of public money probe.

Edinburgh Evening News reports to-day (not online) that Jim Eadie MSP has written to John Swinney over Edinburgh Council arms length body misuse of public money and possible cover up by the then Labour council and Scottish executive.

Labour candidate for Northern Edinburgh and Leith Lesley Hinds will be facing questions over misuse of £400,000 of public money.

The ELLP board was chaired by Lesley Hinds, then the city’s Lord Provost, and contained leading figures such as Ewan Aitken, the city’s Labour education spokesman. The company secretary was Mike Rosendale, then head of the community education department.

The Cameron House community centre whistle blower was hounded by the Council.

link to

John king

Thank God for Lollysmum,
I was having a fit of the vapours there,

Tomorrows my second last day here,
I’ll try to forget my sixtyeth birthday SHOULD have been independence day!
Can’t do emojis on an iPad or it would have been crying.


BOO = Blue On Outside. Black text on inside? ?


BTW, I’m up for helping with distribution.

Ian Brotherhood

Jamie McIver telling a grateful nation that he was last in BHS about a year ago, when he bought a duvet cover.

His vox-pop about imminent takeover included some belter bemoaning this calamitous prospect, saying that BHS ‘is a British tradition’.

Ach, dry yer eyes Jamie – the consortium might call it ‘Great British Home Stores’, or ‘RUK Home Stores’.

John king

A’ll be needin it for gettin off the plane Ian.


That is a complicated question.

Chance that state security do not ‘dispose’ of Stuart by tomorrow.

Chance that a random accident does not befall Stuart by tomorrow (see above).

Chance that there is not a technical failure on the hosting service tomorrow.

Chance a meteor does not wipe out the intended audience.

Chance Stuart is winding everyone up…?


Let’s give the yearly fundraiser a final boost on payday next week folks.

I’m sure that a lot of what Stu does to benefit our situation costs money.


A new pamphlet ? “The vow delivered”
I’ll get my coat…

Alan Mackintosh

John King, fear not, the WBB distribution network was retained for future use. The Highlands are ready…


“Wee book of media lies”?
Surely it’s a big book?


Thought provoking by John pilger….

link to


‘What are the chances of us NOT having something special for you tomorrow?’

Since you have something special everyday the chances of nothing special tomorrow are zero!

While I’m waiting I’ll continue to amuse myself with the ‘Wee Boo’ in photoshop. He’s great he can do cartwheels, he can fall to pieces then build himself up again just like the figures in a Lego game.

The question that I’m asking isn’t will there be something special tomorrow but will there be something EXTRA SPECIAL and I think the answer has got to be YES ‘cos if there isn’t then ‘Wee Boo’ will be having a tantrum.


Jings, crivens and……


If this is something for physical distribution, it could be problematic at this stage. SNP distributions are all already planned and the volunteers know what they have to do. Asking them to do an additional run with a non-SNP publication could be difficult.

The referendum was a different kettle of fish. Everybody pitched in with an enormous effort to get the WBB out. Even though we’re a lot better organised now, I can’t see the same thing happening for a routine election.

Also – six weeks? And when do the postal votes go out? That was a problem with the WBB, that many people had voted by post before it went out. I hope this isn’t something that needs physical distribution.


ethel the aardvark unionist goes quantity surveying? the expurged version….they wet their nests you know……


wee boo K?

A new breakast cereal with loads of sugar or a bunch of daffs?


John King,

Wit? You’re coming back saturday? Good.

You’ll be able to come straight to Waxy’s from the airport, it’s on your way!


@ Another Union Dividend says:
23 March, 2016 at 8:58 am

Labour grandees in Edinburgh facing mis use of public money probe.

Interesting stuff, however having read the Evening News story it is very surprising that they do not name the well known Labourites who were in charge of running the Edinburgh Lifelong Learning Project from 2002.

Also a strange headline saying “Swinney faces quiz” when it is likely that it will be Labour councillors who will be in the dock once PwC do their investigations.


Asking them to do an additional run with a non-SNP publication could be difficult.

not in this constituency it wont be…


The excitement’s mounting, the tension’s rising, a storm is coming, the mood is ominous, the air is redolent with expectation, the people are ready…it’s time to launch the…

Too much?

(Slips coat oan…)

[…] A probability quiz […]

Nation Libre

Got it!

Boost Production of Weed for Dummies

Where’s my prize


A Wee Red Book of Scottish Labour’s lies, with special focus on all the abstentions? That’d be a useful thing to hand out.

Alan McHarg

BOO WEE has a ring to it…I think it’s about to catch on!

Sorry to go O/T but the following needs saved for the nation!

link to


Ah, so now I see the word fragments “WEE” and “BOO” are emblazoned on a map of Scotland. That’ll be a clue then.



This is an interesting article on Skeptical Science on the best approach when dealing with hysterical bull-shitters.

Innoculate against Trump

Alan Mackintosh

“Never, ever inviting you to a party.”

Yay! Party at Stu’s…

Dawn in NL

Regarding the Bruce’s seal, surely the Scottish Government could buy it for the nation, or shall we crowdfund it?


morag 9.31,
Yep.However you and I will do what we can.The shirkers will do nothing at all.As usual.


Can’t see there being any difficulty @Morag. I’m on my 3rd leaflet, and another one due soon.


I see the National have covered Robert the Bruce’s seal.

link to

So come on National Library, launch a crowdfunder.


I dislike crossword clues. 🙂


Oooh,exciting. The WBB was a great weapon during the campaign and definitely swayed a few undecideds. Christ even my BT campaigning sister (yes I know,still can’t forgive!) read it cover to cover and caused a few rammys. We don’t have the media so a hard copy of something like this really helps. Fingers crossed!

Robert Graham

Well as this appears to be silly Wednesday , You will all be aware the Scotland Bill has now entered the Ping-Pong stage , I kid you not that is what it is officially referred to by Parliament, in short it it used to describe the process in which it passes back and forth between both houses until agreement is made before the final stage Royal Assent.This process effectively excludes all SNP MPs as the House Of Lords is a SNP free zone a totally unacceptable state of affairs in 2016 , and the SNP contingent rather than accepting this medieval way of running the country should be constantly making a nuisance of themselves , this parliament totally ignores them anyway so why conform to their stupid traditions , like no clapping get a grip .

Duncan Gray

The Wee Unionist Book of Lies?


From the horses mouth inviting you to a party. Where? When? 😀


Never, ever inviting you to a party.

Just being practical. And, actually, thinking about this being a PARTY, in the political sense of the word.

I was up till midnight the other night counting out leaflets into delivery runs. I’ve given maybe half to people who’ve volunteered to do these runs. This is the second of three planned distributions, and every one is a big effort in this rural area. A third run is planned nearer the election date, again with two leaflets, as the campaign manager says no more than two items into a letterbox at once.

What about the other half of the leaflets? I don’t have volunteers, so I have to do them myself – sometimes one of the other volunteers comes with me in the car, which helps a lot, but I still have to go out. I’m looking at going out three or four times a week from now to the election to get this done. Lollysmum is going to come to help, which is fantastic, but it’s still a big job.

This was all planned out months ago. It’s a lot of work but we think we can do it. How do we add an extra item to this, at the last minute? Do we ditch the edict about not putting more than two items through a door at once? There’s a reason for that edict, and I think it’s sensible. Or do we ask people to go round everything a FOURTH time? Some people might, but many are stretched as it is.

I’d do it in a heartbeat, but there aren’t enough hours in the day or days in the week at this stage. Also, we’re going to win. We’re going to win this constituency, and all this effort is mainly geared to getting people to give their list votes to the SNP. Realistically, we don’t actually need a major Wings input for that.

Wings is non-party-political. What we’re doing here, unlike the referendum, is party politics. Both votes SNP. I’m not sure how a non-party-political piece of literature, sprung on us at the eleventh hour, really fits with this.

So for all these party-pooping reasons, I still hope this isn’t a physical item that has to be put through letter-boxes.


Wee Boo …. Zup Edmund?

Can you explain?

…..err…..em…. …… ….Yes’… Yes, I can.

(Sorry, getting my coat… Bit of a Blackadder fan).

The Flamester

Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings. Reading about Robert the Bruce seal – I saw this by the Telegraph View – usual nonsense – they couldn’t even get the date right! No comments allowed but I managed to archive it 🙂

link to


Is the surprise going to be “twenty fingered gloves”, designed to help scottish labour with their sums.


A new type of calculator designed only to subtract when having figures input by Jackie Baillie.

or or

A new spell & text checker for Duncan Hothersal which turns labour policys into rosy red turds which nobody minds stepping on.


A big big surprise, eg its independence tomorrow as the unionists have just been playing a joke on us and we did win the referendum.

Flower of Scotland

Whatever it is, I’ll help if needed.

Excited or what!


Is there a fund for that royal seal?

Jack Collatin

Morag @ 10.20 am. You are a star!

Stephen McKenzie

I have a friend with wee boobs but she says she has never met the Rev..

Conan the Librarian™

OT. A balloon on balloons.

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Do we ditch the edict about not putting more than two items through a door at once?

yes, it is a solution, and means no more work.

you could wait until you are delivering only one leaflet and deliver the wbb2 at the same time, thus keeping to your no more than 2 items ethic

not really an issue worth falling out about morag, either deliver them or dont, it isnt compulsory.

Jake Gittes

Has to be WBB 2, surely Stuart. Timed to coincide with SNP plans for missionary work / outreach to Naws in the summer?



Do you know anyone at the National Library?

People are itching to send their fivers in if they put The Bruce’s Seal Appeal up on Indiegogo.

Bob Mack

I would also contribute for such an important historical artefact to stay in Scotland.


Do we ditch the edict about not putting more than two items through a door at once?

yes, it is a solution, and means no more work.

you could wait until you are delivering only one leaflet and deliver the wbb2 at the same time, thus keeping to your no more than 2 items ethic

not really an issue worth falling out about morag, either deliver them or dont, it isnt compulsory.

It’s not my decision whether to ditch the edict about no more than two items through a door at once. Unlike the referendum, when I was simply working for a Yes vote, I’m actually organising leafleting for the SNP this time, and that means taking direction from the campaign manager.

And yes it would mean more work. I’d have to go to Melrose to pick these up, while Maureen just drops the SNP ones off at my door. I’d have another midnight session counting them into distribution runs. And the weight of even another leaflet in the bags would disrupt the logistics of the street runs quite a lot.

We always put two items out at once, as it’s utter madness in this big rural area where you have to drive up farm tracks to get to the houses and doing 50 doors can take a couple of hours.

I could say to my volunteers, I’ve got a superb piece of Wings literature to go out, it’s not official SNP material so it’s entirely up to you, do you want to get some out? Some would be up for it, but again you come up against the time thing.

I’m not falling out about it, but right enough, if this did turn out to be paper distribution material, my practical sense of what’s possible and what’s necessary would probably have to pass on it. Or maybe take a few for the main village area.

But hang on, Stuart knows all this as well as I do. Has he really had hundreds of thousands of something printed, all ready for Lindsay to co-ordinate a dozen hubs for people to come to for their copies, in the few weeks before the election?

I think this is a conclusion I’m not ready to jump to at this precise moment.


Timed to coincide with SNP plans for missionary work / outreach to Naws in the summer?

If something is planned for the summer as a general outreach to No voters, that’s an entirely different matter. But you know what? I don’t even want to HEAR about it before the middle of May at the earliest.

The focus for the next six weeks is the election. Then who knows what we’re going to do for the EU referendum. This isn’t the time for dramatic revelations about a summer initiative.

call me dave


You are a star… The Revs only kidding. I think!

Read this article written in Herald ‘Kezia-speak’ twice and… I think the ‘Ayes’ have it… yes the Ayes have it!

But they have an awkward time trying to say Swinney did well and there’s trouble ahead as usual so there!
Institute for Fiscal Studies:

It also calculates that under the UK Government’s initial plan, termed “levels deduction,” Scotland would have been £900million per year worse off by 2020/21, growing to £2.8billion by 2032/32.

link to

Conan the Librarian™

@ cearc

John Scally would be the person to contact I think:

john.scally at


…you tease!


A friend of mine who is a historian has just contacted the Bruce Trust re the seal encouraging them to crowdfund, will let you know if anything comes from it

Paula Rose

Don’t get carried away Darlings with serious conjecture – at least those of us meeting up on Saturday in Glasgow will have something to talk about, now where’s my instructions for how to do one of those smiley winky things?


Morag @ 10.20 am. You are a star!

No I’m not. I’m just someone who wants an independent Scotland and who joined the SNP nearly 25 years ago because it was the only independence movement we had in 1992.

I do what I can because I passionately want that outcome. And the area I’ve chosen to contribute in is leaflet distribution. I quite like it, so long as I can see my way to the bottom of the pile and I’m not shouted at by too many Tories on the way.

I was just reminiscing. I pitched up to this branch before the 2010 election, six years ago. I showed up at a coffee morning and indicated my willingness to take leaflets for the village where I lived. I was given a carrier bag stuffed with the things and told, just do what you can, and Peter who lives at the top of the Loan will help too. That was it. There was no more organisation than that.

That was when I started my detailed catalogue of all the houses in the area, which has expanded to cover most of the council ward and is still a work in progress. I think we got a single leaflet out between us that campaign – me, Peter, Maureen who did the more easterly part, and Willie our SNP councillor. I didn’t even realise how many houses I was missing, back then.

We’ve got better and better at it, but the area has only been codified into discrete runs since after the referendum. And although we have a LOT more volunteers, we’re still stretched as we’re trying to do three distributions, and we’re trying not to miss out houses up farm roads.

This is the logistics of it. I know other branches are better off, mind you. My friend Iona who does this job on the other side of the Pentlands has more volunteers than she knows what to do with. (Send me some, PLEASE Iona…) But some branches are less well organised, without enough people to get the information into Activate.

So it’s all very well saying, send us WBB2 and we’ll distribute it, but we have to think about how and when. Maybe you can do your street and the streets round about, but if it’s to be comprehensive it needs logistics.

Alan Crerar

Only two leaflets at a time? When I get my logoless Tory leaflets through the door (!) they usually arrive with the Co-op ‘Good with food’ flyer, the latest big-print specsavers offer and at least one cheridy appeal. The hypothetical Miniature Monochrome from Wings will not be branded SNP, so no prob delivering with SNP leaflets (which I do).
I’m up for some shoe-leather destruction – count me in, Stirling, West Stirlingshire.


Wee Black Book – are you going to have a competition to guess the name – prize, signed wee whatever book?

Re Robert the Bruce seal, if the Orkney 4 can raise £200k, then the crowdfund for RTBS should be a doddle.


“If this is something for physical distribution, it could be problematic at this stage.”

No, it wouldn’t.

“SNP distributions are all already planned and the volunteers know what they have to do.”

So? They’re not willing to go ‘off piste’, are they? Not willing to do a bit extra? With ‘friends’ like that, etc….

“Asking them to do an additional run with a non-SNP publication could be difficult.”

Oh, boo-hoo, the poor diddums! So then, its SNP publications or nothing, is it…? FFS!

“…I can’t see the same thing happening for a routine election.”

Eh? Are you serious? “a routine election”…? Aye, right ye are, FFS!

“…I hope this isn’t something that needs physical distribution.”

Why? Because you don’t want to do it?

Christ almighty, gloom and bloody doom! Anyway, don’t you be worrying yourself, eh. There are plenty people in Scotland willing to ‘do what it takes’, even if you’re not.

And by the way, if you believe that the upcoming election has got nothing to do with IndyRef2 then you’re sadly mistaken. And… not all who want Scottish independence are members of, or even supporters of the SNP. Yet, these same people will do what it takes to get the SNP in power because it is the surest route to independence. They can see the big picture. And they want it as much, if not more than some SNP members and ‘volunteers’…..

Iiz g

So is Black the new Blue then ?

Jack Murphy

OT.TODAY WEDNESDAY– First Minister’s Question at 12MD.
It will be the last Session to be chaired by Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick MSP,who is retiring.
Scottish Parliament TV LIVE.

link to



You are doing amazing service, in what is a very difficult rural area.

As a party member, I’m happy to take a personal decision to post two items through the door. They will look very different items.

I take the point about the ‘rule’, although its never been mentioned in my Branch.

You can only deliver an item, it’s up to those in the household to take the next step, or not.

Jock Scot

Does it have anything to do with the smell from Yoon underpants?

Paula Rose

Oi Skooshcase you know not of whom you speak – the efforts of that lady put most of us to shame. Morag is pointing out certain practicalities that is all.


The two-item thing isn’t a “rule”, but it’s a sensible guideline. People aren’t that impressed when a whole bunch of leaflets from the same party arrive at once, and may not read as much as they’d read of a more focussed effort.

I’d dearly love to know who these “plenty people in Scotland” are who’re willing to tramp the streets and drive up farm tracks day in day out before this election, who aren’t already doing it. Because it’s actually not an easy task to get a lot of volunteers to come forward and actually work.

It’s not a question of not wanting to do it, at least for me, it’s a question of how it could practically be done, given our existing commitments to getting the SNP material out. It’s also a question of what extra contribution might be made by a non-party-political piece of literature when our focus is on “Both Votes SNP”.

I’m just back in to grab a bite of lunch before going to work, having snuck off to do 44 houses on Peter’s run, mainly to spare him having to cope with a group of houses with long flights of steps to the front doors. How many did you do today, Skooshface?

If people want to go round again with something else that’s up to them. We’re all volunteers. But in a party political election a body that isn’t affiliated to a party can’t just co-opt the party’s distribution network and expect it all to happen. And Stuart knows this of course.


When I get my logoless Tory leaflets through the door (!) they usually arrive with the Co-op ‘Good with food’ flyer, the latest big-print specsavers offer and at least one cheridy appeal.

Ha ha! Yes, getting the things folded inside a pizza delivery leaflet isn’t impressive. I wish there was some way to tag our leaflets as “delivered by committed volunteers, not by post”, but it all lands on the same mat and when people are out all day, what can you do?

Craig P

Out of curiosity, I wonder how much it would cost to pay someone to post a leaflet through every door in Scotland. You know, like what Labour and the Conservatives do forforack of activists. It would be in the region of a half a mil to a million I guess?


The final session of the Scottish Parliament has me in reflective mood.

It has been suggested to me that comments BTL on WoS can go too far when referring to the opposition leaders.(fukcem)

Aye the boundaries are at times stretched,mostly in a humourous fashion,cutting comments aplenty,but they are of nothing,when compared to yoons/MSM/EBC.

I for one will not censor comments (it’s the Rev’s site)in case someone is offended,otherwise we should just stay silent,I enjoy the posts/comments on here and know they are heartfelt and genuine.

Maybe,on day one,in an Independant Scotland an amnesty will be called,I don’t know,but until that day comes,I will continue to fire both barrels at the yoons,and at times get close to the edge of ‘acceptable’ humour/comment,sometimes wide of the markt,but hopefully one or two will hit the target and sting.

Soar Alba

SNP x 2 Eu in


“Stay With Us Scotland!” David Boo Wee. 🙂


Out of curiosity, I wonder how much it would cost to pay someone to post a leaflet through every door in Scotland. You know, like what Labour and the Conservatives do for lack of activists. It would be in the region of a half a mil to a million I guess?

I don’t know but it’s a lot. The other parties actually seem to be using Royal Mail. I understand there’s a deal to be had where the postie is given the leaflets and has something like three days to do all the houses on his run. This saves going to houses that have no mail that day, purely with leaflets.

Leafleting companies only seem to do built-up areas, I don’t think you can get them to go up farm tracks. Or if you could, it would be prohibitively expensive. Even the Royal Mail thing is a lot of money.

Every party standing for election does get one free distribution by Royal Mail. However the envelopes have to be supplied ready stuffed and individually addressed to the people on the electoral register, and sorted into streets. That in itself is a lot of work and our branch was looking for volunteers to do the job last week. I suspect the really small parties can’t even manage to do that and so will lose out on that facility.


I was just musing about how far we’ve come, and thinking about the people who make me feel like the new kid on the block.

Peter leafleted the village single-handed from about the 1960s. His wife died the day after the 2015 election. He must be pushing 80, but he’s still doing it, just asking me for a run that’s on the flat (which is why I was doing the one road in that run that’s on a hill).

Maureen, who’s a keen hill-walker, has been trailing round the farm tracks for just about as long. The woman is a leafleting machine. She knows where every letter-box and fierce dog is for miles around.

Jim, who’s been voting SNP since his RAF commanding officer was telling the men to vote Conservative. As official branch organiser he’s co-ordinated what effort we could mount for decades, apparently doing most of it himself.

I had a computer with a word processor and mail-merge and label printing before I joined the SNP. I’ve stuck on plenty labels, but I’ve never put pen to envelope to write an address. Jim was telling about the days when all these tens of thousands of election communications for postal distribution had to be hand-addressed, and apparently the rule was that every voter’s name must be written out in full on the envelope, just “The Smith family” wasn’t allowed.

And others of course. People who’ve never stood for election or tried to rise within the party, but just got on with the nuts and bolts of it. Without these people, we wouldn’t be where we are now and we most certainly wouldn’t have had an independence referendum.

And people who sneeringly say that they don’t really support the SNP but they’ll graciously lend a hand now and again because they want independence (apparently more passionately than SNP members do) might do well to remember this.

Glesca Keelie

Great words, Morag.
Aye, for all the joiners after the Ref. gye few of them turn out. Our last branch meeting was not all that more in number than, again, before the Ref.


Some do turn out though. I do get cross when I come to leaflet the house of a member who has stubbornly ignored all exhortations to volunteer and mutter “coals of fire, baby” at the leaflet as it goes in the door. But mostly I feel very thankful for (in no particular order) Hazel, Heather, Cilla, Peter 2, Ken, Jim 2, Deirdre, Christine, John, Gill, May and Ewan, who are trailing round the houses and the farm tracks now too. Also Margaret and Colin, long-time friends who were lapsed members and rejoined.

And we have a new secretary and a new treasurer and, let’s be honest, a LOT more money to treasure.


“Wee White Lies” a confessional by Lord Darling.


I too am an SNP activist who does leafleting.

I do not drive and there are certain streets I will not do.

One reminds me of the Prescott Hill Climb – up, up and away – with no pavement.

Another is the sea front where every driveway is 100 yards/metres.

I leave those to the long legged – usually males. They can do it in about a third of the time it takes me.

On the other hand I do volunteer to do the street where the developer (I curse him/her) put the letter boxes at ankle level. I reckon it is a lot less stressful for me at 5foot2 to grovel to them than the 6 foot tall folks who do what I find so very difficult.

I have to say that doing leafleting gives you an appreciation for what post-persons do day in, day out.


I have to say that doing leafleting gives you an appreciation for what post-persons do day in, day out.

Not half! I try to tell them that if we meet “on the road”.

More than that, we can take our time, admire the scenery, chat to a passer-by. They have to meet stringent time-and-motion targets. They all drive like maniacs and walk like they were in the Olympic walking race, because of management wonks insisting on their pound of flesh.


@Paula Rose

“Oi, Skooshcase you know not of whom you speak…”

Is that a fact? And how do you know that?

“– the efforts of that lady put most of us to shame.”

Is that right, now? How do you know what “most of us” do?

“Morag is pointing out certain practicalities that is all.”

“is all”, is it? Aye, for her maybe. Yet, she comes on here all, Oh no, that’ll be too hard, we’ve done this and that, I’ve done this and that… Big fucking deal. Me, me, me. It’s not all about her, though every time she appears here she seems to believe that it is all about her.


And your opinions and experiences aren’t about you? Who knew?


“And your opinions and experiences aren’t about you? Who knew?”

Is that you going on about ‘me, me, me’ again? Who knew?


OK, let’s talk about you. How many leaflets did you deliver today? Or yesterday? Or this week? Or have you been canvassing? Or helping in some other capacity?

Your utter ignorance of the logistics of these exercises suggests you have no experience of these activities. Armchair quarterbacking.

Kevin meina

Will be happy to give them out on our SNP West Kilbride stall and bung some to Largs and Saltcoats as well .


If there is a printed item for distribution, of course we’ll do that too. I very much doubt that’s Stu’s plan though.

Alastair Naughton

Ooohhhh yer such a big tease! I can’t think of what that might be! Because if it related to any big politician surely all the other MSM would know about it too, and it would be all over google. If it’s an opinion poll that takes the numbers in favour of independence over 50% that’s not earth-shattering news. Henry McLeish coming out in favour of independence would be welcome but not massively earth-shattering, and to be treated with a certain degree of caution anyway. I can’t think what ON EARTH it could possibly be, and why it is you can’t tell us now! What an insufferable tease! You’re such a naughty boy 🙂


Christ oan ah bike. Yurr still ett it. Jist in, huvin left yeez ett it oors ago. Morag & Skooshcase, urr the twaw ah ye no workin towards the same enn – Scoattish Independence.

Morag, buy ah fuckin drone fur daein yurr leaflittin. Skooshcase tak five. In baith o ye, think ah the Rev’s poassible bonus, aboot tae hit us the morra. Whit diz it maitturr, hoo yoan folk micht git ah coapy. Iz lang iz, thae awe get tae see wan.


I pished myself with the excitement.Roll on ramorra.


Don’t know if I’ll catch the big reveal, heading off on holiday tomorrow morning for a long weekend.

I’ll find out when I find out I suppose.


Morag, buy ah fuckin drone fur daein yurr leaflittin.

There are moments when I seriously wonder if that would work. Could it get them through the letterboxes though?


Hey, silly me, it’s already happened.


“Your utter ignorance of the logistics of these exercises suggests you have no experience of these activities.”

Is that a statement of fact, or just your another of your know-it-all views? You’re so arrogant you think you can post shite like that without rebuke. You can post as many comments as you like about how much poor wee you is doing, while nobody else can possibly be doing as much as poor wee you… Well, good for you, because nobody else gives a shit. ‘me, me, me, me, me’… Really bloody boring.


Well, what about you, you, you? What have you done?

I think the book is great, I read it all last night, but the practical difficulties remain. The enormous, almost desperate effort we made to get the WBB out in 2014 isn’t something we can duplicate now. In the summer, yes we could do it. But the EU referendum will have made an important part of it out of date by then.

If there are printed copies to be had we’ll try our best. But our street stall is on Saturday of next week. I hope the book is a huge success but it may be mainly an urban thing where distribution is easier.

I hope coordination can be better this time too. Doug spoke about people just doing their own thing with the WBB and some streets getting four of them.

Sorry not to sound wholly positive but practicalities are a bummer.


Morag – wrap in drap thum. Cellulose fae plants mine.

Bill Fraser

Rather minute


Almost 82K funded from a miniscule fraction of WOS followers.
How blinking amazing is that, could you just imagine what sort of financial target could be reached if every single WOS follower was able to donate something?

Never mind folks, if you’re one of the unfortunates who couldn’t manage to donate there are 2 more powerful things you have readily at your disposal and they are:

(1)-Give your votes to the SNP at every opportunity until we gain our independence.

(2)-Promote WOS at every opportunity whether that be via word of mouth or carrying out your own promotional ideas etc.

The most important task you can take on is to get the truth put out there and it doesn’t always need money to achieve that goal.

Be inventive and if you come across someone who thinks the internet is some form of knew industrial fishing, take it upon yourself to teach them what you know, teach them the basics and introduce them to WOS as you do so.

This movement is a multi-headed attack force and every single one of us have our parts to play.

We will achieve our independence.


Note to that tube above @ 8.14pm – The word is “new” not “knew”.

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