A hostile environment
Posted on
April 19, 2018 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
From here:
(NB These rules do not apply to Andrew Neil, Nick Robinson, etc etc. Like, duh. In a properly democratic country we’d be able to use FOI to actually see the blacklist, but this is the BBC we’re talking about.)
Wow. Just… wow.
Socts will never get a job on the BBC from now on.
Sensibly put, and simply illustrating the inherent bias thereof.
Yes, the clue’s indeed in the title.
Hard questions now need to be asked about that BBC e-mail. A blacklist.
We know that is what happens, but, somehow it seems worse when someone speaks of personal experience. It is discrimination. It is undemocratic. It is also the proof that the Beeb is nothing more than a unionist tool, an establishment propaganda loudhailer.
I saw RT described as “Kremlin backed RT” today. Oh, the irony. From now on, instead of referring to the Beeb as the state broadcaster, I am going to call it “Westminster/UK government backed BBC”.
Stop paying the licence fee.
It’s the only way.
Well there’s a surprise!
Anyone with a background in supporting Scottish independence is person non grata on the British Propaganda Broadcasting Corp.
Any semblance and I DO mean ANY semblance of impartiality by the BSPC has now quite clearly been blown clear out the water!
Is it cos e is Nat?
I actually have no problem with there being an email (hopefully some whizz kid will find it or a conscientious objector will leak it). This is the BBC, it is only to be expected, why on earth would they possibly allow voices to be channelled through their network that undermines Britain??
What I do have a problem with is that this is beginning to happen in normal businesses. These BBC executive fuckwits sit at dinners with business executive fuckwits and they brag and exaggerate and solidify their position.
Then it filters down. I personally know of two managers, poles apart, and the competent one has no chance achieving the next step in his career path because the business knows his politics. The Unionist fuckwit manager though, believe me, he’s shooty in.
Maybe one day all of this will change, but time is not our friend and the Yes movement, thus far, is too damned polite.
No longer shocking, it should be front page news, but thats just how England are doing things now.
There seems to be no attempt to conceal the underhand possibly illegal behaviour.
They just dont care really, good enough for the daft Scots.
If the country dont vote yes next time round it indeed will be good enough for the dafties.
First they came for the people marked with a Christmas tree, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t marked with a Christmas tree…
Stupid question but, cant BBC be forced to comment factually via FOI request ?
The britnat bbc doesn’t care anymore about hiding its anti-Scottish agenda. Don’t give them money.
Years ago, I was blacklisted after ‘blowing the whistle’ on a very large multi-national (being blacked by one of Maggie’s favourite think tanks). Only found out much later after being employed in a nationalised industry. Caused me problems for many years but I wouldn’t change a thing.
All power to Hardeep’s elbow.
[…] Wings Over Scotland A hostile environment From here: (NB These rules do not apply to Andrew Neil, Nick Robinson, etc etc. Like, […]
That sounded like a whistle just blown.
Loud and clear.
Poor Jackie, Louise, Gary etc. They must be quaking in their boots by now. When there’s no BBC Scotland gravy train what are they going to do? The new EBC won’t want them and they’ll be toxic for any new Scottish broadcaster. Hope their pensions are worth the effort they put in to denigrate Scotland for so long.
Don’t pay the licence fee. You won’t miss the daily dross I promise.
Does anyone know when/where that footage was recorded?
Ian it was part of the YES East Kilbride Celebrities for Yes event at the weekend. Filmed by Indylive.
Was lots on twitter about it.
Come on, somebody!
Leak the fecker til we find out who BBC Scotland have deemed enemies of the state.
Presumably Stuart Cosgrove and Michael Stewart are ‘safe’ because they’re only dealing with football.
I wonder when they’ll come for you, guys.
Ian Brotherhood,
Hardeep Singh Kohli describes being placed on the BBC’s blacklist of independence-supporting commentators at a meeting of Yes East Kilbride, 18 April 2018.
An alert reader, me.
no surprise, but it strikes me that those in RIC, and common space like haggerty, cat boyd, johnathan Shafi etc, by being in the indy movement and criticising the snp and the indy movement in general, have managed to craft them a position and a career in the msm as the “acceptable” face of the indy movement at the expense of people like hardeep, stu campbell, wgd etc. who actually do represent us
thats why i blocked them and will have nothing to do with any of them ever again.
Meanwhile OFCOM are investigating RT, the “Russian State Broadcaster” on 7 complaints of showing bias.
Scotland pays £320 m per year to the Westminster Government for lies and mendacity on their shoddy propaganda outlet.
But you can’t complain to OFCOM about the BBC. You have to first exhaust the lengthy Kafkaesque BBC complaints procedure. If you live long enough, you may be able to take your complaint to OFCOM. At any time, the BBC could curtail OFCOMs investigation by writing you a letter of apology.
You can look all this up on their respective websites but it would be a soul destroying waste of energy.
Watch any other news organisation while you can. Westminster is determined to ban RT. Their Saudi friends are determined to ban Al Jazeera.
Scotland is completly deprived of a broadcasting service that is fit for purpose. With our £320 m we could produce something infinitely better.
1. Do not pay for this.
2. Devolve competence over media immediately.
Of course the BBC would reply that Hardeep’s not popular anymore so we can’t use him for that reason so he’s griping
We see it every day even with folk who previously claimed they were pro Independence then they make a couple of appearances on the BBC or STV and their tone has altered and somewhat softened on Independence and even begin to criticise it claiming they’re only trying to be objective
They’ve been bought for the thirty pieces, and you know what that makes them?……………
Yes! those are the very words
Unionists, if they can’t partition countries they’ll partition people, or buy them, or discredit them, or deport them, or kill them, or any combination of all those things
Not surprised by this, disgraceful, and look how they push unionist celebs like Susan Calman, panel shows, strictly etc etc,
OMG. Although you know it to be the case, when you here it first hand like that it really does make you sick.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for people who put their political beliefs before their career.
This is the sad reality of where we are in politically in Scotland. I have said it many times before, but if the SNP cannot come up with a way to deal with the overwhelming weight of the British Biased State and State media, winning our children’s right for a better future is going to be an uphill struggle.
As I’ve said before don’t fricking pay any licence fee to the BBC, it’s an enemy of Scotland, don’t fund your enemy.
Is Leslie Riddoch’s name not on the same list?
Gordoz says:
19 April, 2018 at 4:46 pm
Stupid question but, cant BBC be forced to comment factually via FOI request ?
You could try an FOI on the BSPC (British State Propaganda Corp.) if you like Gordoz but I strongly suspect you’ll get a non entity of a response from them. BSPC generally do not, as a rule apparently, supply answers to anyone. They apparently are above the level of being required to do so … allegedly.
On the issue of independence supporters being “banned” here’s a tweet put out by Deidre Brock the other day.
link to twitter.com
“Oh NO! Davey’s talkin’ politics again!”
link to youtube.com
Could I suggest if you can afford it to have a serious look at a subscription for the iscot magazine. Its beautifully produced, filled with interesting articles by almost all the well known bloggers, short stories, and indeed general articles about Scotland. When read it’s a handy thing to drop off at surgeries etc. For others to pick up and read.
We all complain rightly about the MSM bias so we desperately need to support Indy outlets.
Could we not just all send Leslie Riddoch a tenner a month and let her set up an SBC to do this job properly?
Sadly the majority cannot even begin to consider giving up live TV, and at £3 a week its an easy habit to fund, even if you know you’re paying for your own brainwashing.
They (…the BBC) do not care a jot that we are aware of the email blacklist. The unionist control the media and nothing will ever be reported on the topic except on Indy supporting sites.
The arrogance of the BritNat machine is boundless. Did this really surprise anyone?
They know that the dice is loaded in their favour by design.
So much for free speech. It would be very interesting to see the names on that BBC email.
I think we should be making up our own blacklist – of those who will never again be able to find work in the media after we gain our independence. It would also be worthwhile keeping a record of the perpetrators of the biggest lies and omissions for possible prosecution post independence. Lets fight fire with fire – at least it might make some of these shysters feel a little less comfortable in their snakeskins.There has to be some retribution when this is all over.
Camel don’t take the hump. We are better than that. But does show how the establishment NTS, Universities, QUANGO’s etc fill their boards with their own kind. Uni of Aberdeen great example.
On the other side labour filled up NHS GG& Clyde Board with their ain folk. ie members of UNITE, GMB Labour Party etcetera
Unfortunately, however galling it is to have pro-Indy celebrities snubbed by the BBC, just spare a thought for all the programs being snubbed, all the program makers being snubbed, all the script and screenwriters being snubbed, all the pro Indy media material being snubbed, all the Indy sentiment and encouragement from abroad being snubbed, all the pro Indy events being ignored, all the pro Scotland news being ignored.
Are you angry yet?
camel /elmac – are you a Mail JOURNALIST?
Shocked? No. Angry? Yes.
What is stopping the Scottish Government from investing in a 24 hour BBC news/RT/Sky News/Aljazeera channel?
Broadcasting is reserved, but not the channels that go on air. If the Russians can have a 24 hour news channel in Scotland, then there is nothing stopping the SNP.
In Catalonia, they have pro-indy and sympathetic to indy channels.
We have tons of folk with the skills to make it work and I bet RT would help in providing advice in the initial set-up… maybe Alex has some contacts? How many journalists/managers/backroom researchers have lost their jobs due to the newspaper industry tanking? consider 45% of those are pro-indy, highly skilled and would jump at the chance to work for a truly Scottish news channel.
This should be priority number one for all the SNP from grassroots to the top of the party. If we don’t do this, then we have learned nothing from Indy-ref 1.
If you go to; and take part in local SNP branch meetings, then raise it… keep raising it and get it raised at conference.
I think what is truly shocking in all of this, is that their are sane people, working at pathetic quay, who KNOW about all of this ,but DO NOT SPEAK OUT. They are complicit in having one half of the Scottish population suppressed, and in perpetuating the ‘England knows best’ mythology.
Is it not time they spoke up, and IF they really fear for their jobs, maybe they might consider leaking the documents and blacklists.
This really is quite intolerable. The BBC is now a propagandist leech in Scotland, bleeding our country of its life blood, pumping out anti-Scotland lies on a daily basis, to ACTIVELY DECEIVE the people of Scotland.
Today’s BBC propaganda about how the SNP did NOT use Cambridge analytica is a prime example. The REAL story is that the tories did and the SNP didn’t. Watch the
journalistspaid liars on the BBC however, and you will think that it is the SNP that was caught red-handed – ‘exposed’ by Ruth Davidson.The BBC are liars. Those who choose to work for them are ACTIVE participants in the deliberate running down of anything good in Scotland. It is time they were all held to account. ‘I’m merely doing my job’, is simply not an acceptable excuse anymore.
It is now a well established fact, the BBC are propagandist liars, working on behalf of Westminster, and against the best interests of Scotland.
Gordon @4.46pm. The BBC is exempt from having to reply to FOI requests.
Jeez, Rape Clause Ruth Davidson, named in Time magazine as one of the most influential people in the world.
So called historian Niall Ferguson gives her a glowing report in the magazine.
Unionidt backing slapping at work.
link to archive.is
Time magazine does their reputation no good over this one.
PS. The Scottish government have just become minority shareholders in BiFab. They can become shareholders in any business to support employment in Scotland. Creating employment is their job; and that is the legal way to fund the venture.
It’s charming how Navid thinks the bbc has ‘transmuted’ into a state broadcaster.
while i fully support ventures like TSTV, iscot, the national etc, other than complaining on social media, i do not think we can change this biased uk media flooding scotland during indyref2.
even those who accept the msm is biased can still be influenced by its output.
Schrodingers cat. Yes agree, the unionist media will still be there, but so would the other side of the story on a truly Scottish channel. Look at the way the American establishment were freaking out about RT recently… and look at how RT have made a huge dent in their lies about Skripal-gate and Syria.
Schrodingers cat. Yes agree, the unionist media will still be there, but so would the other side of the story on a truly Scottish channel. Look at the way the American establishment were freaking out about RT recently… and look at how RT have made a huge dent in their lies about Skirpal-gate and Syria.
@ Dr Jim who wrote “They’ve been bought for the thirty pieces”,
or maybe they’ve been blackmailed! Made an offer they couldn’t refuse!
Have a look here to see how the british state recruited informants during the troubles in NI
“Any minor infraction– shop-lifting, a mistress, cross-dressing – of the social and legal mores of the time could have been used as leverage, considering the prevailing mentality and the fear of being shamed before the community.
“Ingram” affirmed, “a free-spending wife, or an accident in a third-party-only insured vehicle, were common starting points for an approach.”
Yet, perhaps more disturbingly, such problems may have been fashioned by the security services to facilitate an approach”.
link to eurofree3.wordpress.com
Maybe similar mechanisms are at work in “turning” apparently convinced Scottish nationalists
Kohl aside, I do have a problem with blacklisting Indy supporters. Next thing you know they will be stopping the SNP appearing on the television to rebutt stories—-wait a minute.
Any one else having problems getting on to The National site tonight – trying to read the article about the Continuity bill but can’t open the page.
It’s not just on the BBC that indy voices are being suppressed, Lesley Riddoch mentioned very recently on her twitter feed that work “has dropped off” and she says someone risked disapproval to send her an email proving that being pro indy is a factor…
link to goo.gl
Personally I doubt that BBC “list” is confined just to media such as the BBC – is there a pro-indy voice blacklist shared and in circulation round all the MSM?
@Brian McHugh
The SNP don’t have enough money to run a 24 hour news channel. If you want it to look professional it costs a fortune, more than the whole BBC Scotland budget. ITV pulled out of this market due to the cost, Sky use it as a loss leading advert for its subscription service.
You can do something on the cheap, but if it looks amateurish it would damage the SNP rather than help.
This is totally illegal. A disgrace and an insult to taxpayers in Scotland. Could a fellow discriminated against group not take the BBC to an employment trubunal? Or even raise a class action against the BBC. The discriminated against women re the pay gap are taking action. Many people in Scotland will not work for the BBC because of their attitude. No one watches it anymore unless they have to for some obscure reason. The BBC is mainly held in derision in Scotland. The only channel worth watching in the parliamentary channel. To see what the psycho bastards are up to. The union incompetent Ignoramouses mucking up the economy. Half pissed all the time.
Hanish Henderson was banned from appeaaing on any BBC broadcast for YEARS
This is how scared of us they really are and how dirty they are willing to be typical old English empire remnants thats all the bbc are betting stu and wgd are 2 others thats probably been blacklisted by the English broadcasting corporation.
People can get £1000 for a personal speaking appearance to YES and other groups. Blogs. They can actually make a better living/income from freelancing. Instead of appearing on the BBC which no one watches any more. So being pro Indy could in fact be a positive rather than negative. With a wider audience overall. Alex Salmond is on RT. It is broadcast worldwide to a wider audience. Things could change quite soon. People remember loyalty. Being on the side of right could guarantee a bright future.
Professional speakers could be earning more being pro Indy than unionist. Limited employment and not too bright futures for union speakers or politicians.
Hamish did quite well in academia. Well remembered and appreciated. Probably had a bob or two. Nice family. Plenty of documentaries and memories. A hero. Accomplished scholar. The Scottish Centre is acclaimed the world over. Recording, verse, words culture and tradition. International aclaimed. 40 million diaspora.
Brian McHugh
agreed, the reach of altenative media is growing but the bbc and the rest of the msm are still a powerful medium.
also, interms of social media, YES can compete there, indeed, i would say we lead the way over the britnat media which needs to employ people to tweet etc.
but we do need to recognise that in traditional media stakes, the britnats still have and will have an advantage over us.
but we are not without our own advantages, we have an army of footsoldiers and activist that the britnats can only dream of. we need to use this resource to the best advantage possible
Can you imagine the wails of self-righteous indignation from unionists if the shoe was on the other foot? BBC Scotland is just another place for establishments Scots to have cost jobs and lives. Why rock the boat?
Apologies for the error. Meant to say *cosy jobs and lives
If hard evidence of this can be made public, it could be a game changer.
‘Black lists’ takes bias to a whole different level.
Being unusually optimistic for me, I think the media game is all to play for.
If you think where YES started and where YES finished in the Campaign back in 2014, you can skew that perspective and look at where the BBC’s reputation was in 2014 and where it is now.
Back in 2014 you hardly dared express the word “bias” for fear the media and BBC would jump down your throat with self righteous indignation and well scripted counter arguments. “How dare you attack the noble BBC”…. Both Alex Salmond and Blair Jenkins ducked out of the direct bias question… Those were the days when people were writing complaints to the BBC Trust. The equivalent of Mrs Trellis of North Wales poking it with a stick.
Move forward 4 years, and look at the reputation of the BBC now. It’s a laughing stock. It is the living caricature of a State Propaganda Channel. It is the Pravda of our time. The effect has been pernicious, and time has done its work. A little lie that nobody would have noticed in 2014 is now picked up in a Tweet that’s shared. A lot more people a tuning in to what’s going on, and the more tuned in they become, the more BBC skullduggery they find. These days many more of us cannot sit in earshot of the BBC news without squirming in painful discomfort. That wasn’t happening in 2014, or at least happened much less.
I don’t know how you measure the actual effectiveness of propaganda. What can you use as a yardstick? But I rather suspect these days the BBC would really struggle to get a smear story to stick. Their Unionist audience will lap it up of course, as ever, but the cynicism and skepticism will kick in much earlier too. An obvious hatchet job is now met with acerbic derision which the BBC increasingly cannot duck.
The BBC shot its bolt in 2014. But now, perhaps we are seeing the sweet irony that the BBC is way, way, out on a limb when it comes to undermining the very Union it is frothing at the mouth trying to save. Frankly, I can’t think of a more fitting epitaph for both.
I’m sure the guy who played the Doctor on River City a couple of years ago got the same treatment. He was a strong Indy supporter and he didn’t mind letting BBC Scotland know he was.
Rumours have it that he was dragged to the dungeons underneath Pacific Quay and chained to the walls, never to be seen again.
The total and utter lies that Davidson knowingly is telling about SCL and Cambridge Analytica are a total and utter disgrace. She is on oath required to tell the truth and she is lying through her teeth. The smirking cohorts are an appalling disgrace. Can nothing be done about the lies they are telling? A court action? A Police complaint. No coincidence an ex BBC employee.
And as I posted the other day, the BBC weather forecasters are now calling the four Nations of the UK “The Country”.
And Scotland is quaintly known as “the North of the Country”.
And in case you forgot, we have a “Capital” of the “Country”.
The forecaster told us that “The Capital” will be extremely warm this weekend.
That’s us telt’
So shut up and eat your porridge !!!
fngw says:
19 April, 2018 at 7:34 pm
@Brian McHugh
The SNP don’t have enough money to run a 24 hour news channel. If you want it to look professional it costs a fortune, more than the whole BBC Scotland budget. ITV pulled out of this market due to the cost, Sky use it as a loss leading advert for its subscription service.
You can do something on the cheap, but if it looks amateurish it would damage the SNP rather than help.
i agree with this but would also add that even if we did pile millions into a new station, or convince channel 4 to relocate and back indy, old habits die hard, while it would even things up a bit, it could take decades to convince bbc veiwers to change channels. there isnt the time
unfortunately we need to recognise that we will be up against this.
however, while we should continue to critise them at every opportunity, perhaps once indyref2 kicks off we should consider some of the nuclear options available, eg, refuse to do interviews, nicola to throw the bbc out of holyrood, launch a legal action against the bbc or mount a boycott the bbc campaign. etc. we dont have to win, we just need to fight.
we need to sow seeds of doubt into the population about the bbc. this is how you do it
I have always been against such nuclear options such as, the snp mps walking out of WM, not because i dont think this is a valid tactic but because it is a use once only tactic. but indyref2 is the end game folks, if ever there was a time to play for keeps, this is it.
nothing should be off the table
Sad, angry, but not surprised.
Someone on an earlier post asked about Lesley Riddoch.
Folk such as Lesley Riddoch – no gung ho indpendenista – are given air time only if matched by someone of the opposite political persuasion, and even then in strict time limits, and strict expose by the month.
You won’t ever see Riddoch on a BBC celebrity show tracing her family tree, or showing you around her house or garden, or on a panel show.
Producers are ‘crapping their load’ to be blunt, in case they inadvertently cross the line and do a Kirk Douglas: demand their blacklisted colleague be treated openly, fairly and given due credit.
Try that and you get reprimanded. Every excuse is given, you need balance, keep it non-political, we don’t ant to stir up political trouble, et cetera, but it’s all bull crap. Certain people are persona non grata because they’re considered loose cannons.
The only loose canons I’ve ever known are priests.
Breeks says:
BBC Pravda
that is a meme that should be used by everyone. the oaps will recognise what is meant by this immediately
Rock (28th October 2014 – “And still there were none”):
“Scotland’s enemy number 2 is the Labour party, enemy number 1 being the BBC.”
There is no way Scotland can become independent as long as Pravda GB exists in Scotland.
Remember very many of those who voted NO and will vote NO again don’t pay for their TV licence
Over 75s are free, Sheltered housing around £7 to £12, Care homes free
It’s kinda funny really that most of those who voted YES are subsidising many of the NO voters to watch the TV that’s working against the YES voters
When I say funny you know I don’t mean Ha Ha
@Meg merrilees
Yes, me too. In fact a traceroute doesn’t work either, so it could be a technical problem. Maybe the National is switching over to https, and screwed things up. I lost one of my domains over the weekend for a couple of hours because I messed up the virtual server (techie stuff), had to take out permanent redirects and go through the rigmarole again. Sweat at 3 in the mornng, unusual to do these things during the day all the same.
“Domain Name thenational.scot
Registry Domain ID D10002-SCOT
Update Date 2018-04-19T16:05:44.414Z
Creation Date 2014-11-07T16:49:14.411Z
Registry Expiry Date 2018-11-07T16:49:14.411Z ”
might take a couple of hours, .scot doesn’t seem to be as well supported as dot coms or dot co uk.
@schrodingers cat
Also met to say that 24 hour news channels are a minority area, those that watch them are probably perfectly aware of facts available elsewhere.
The voters we need to target don’t watch 24 hours news channels, the vast majority only watch the news because there is nothing else on they want to watch. You need the lack of inertia viewer, the news happens to be on the channel they have left the TV tuned to, this is not going to happen for the indy movement.
So in my mind throwing money at broadcasting is a waste and it would probably be better spent where it will be more effective. I’ll leave that area to those with more expertise than me.
agreed, money could be spent better elsewhere
however, we should continue to highlight the bias at every opportunity, indeed, legal action, demonstrations, petitions boycot campaigns etc could be a more aggresive for of opposition. lets face it, we are now angy enough, also, distrust of bbc pravda in 2014, was limited to scotland, not anymore
The voters we need to target don’t watch 24 hours news channels,
the voters we need to target are the oaps, we do this by face to face, 1-2-1, doorstep canvasing. i dont know how else we can target these voters. that is why i am pushing the idea of getting the postman to deliver our leaflets and asking the yes groups to focus entirely on canvasing
in indyref1, the only canvasing BT did (or had the man power to do) was by targeting the very old and infirm. They knew exactly which door to knock on, no badges or flags or big foam hands, dark suits and ties were the order of the day, and they lied and terrorised these people.
I know, i was there, i saw……. and it worked.
Non voters are the key, the many who don’t vote because they think it makes no difference because they still get stuck with what they don’t want no matter what
These are the people who need convincing
“Registry Expiry Date 2018-11-07”
I read that at 2017-04-07.
Should have gone to sepecsavers.
@Grouse Beater 8.30pm
Neatly summed up Grouse and very much echoes my own opinion.
Well said.
personal anecdote time coming up –
hamish henderson was a life-long personal friend of my dad’s.
According to my dad they were friends from even before WWII and my dad certainly knew a lot about Hamish’s personal background.
My dad showed me a photie of them on a walking holiday in the glens of Antrim – late 40’s I would say, long before i was born.
My father said his feet killed him at the end of each day’s hiking.
Hamish was unsympathetic “Get handmade boots like mine!” he said.
My father did for their next outing!
I do remember Hamish coming to stay with us for a few days when i was about 6 or 7. First time i had ever seen a man wearing a kilt!
Driving an open-top sorta sports car!
My mother said he was totally uncaring of what the neighbours or any one else thought about what he did. (we lived in a pretty prissy neighbourhood). he certainly never did anything illegal – but he created a stir wherever he went –
I never knew until i was much older that he was such an important man in Scotland and the left movement generally
please for once let’s stop this (navel gazing halfarsed let’s not pay our TV license) discussion….
He has
(a) been discriminated against by a media organisation because of his political opinion and
(b) illegally blacklisted.
Is it beyond us to collectively financially support SK (say Crowdfund) to (a) seek the best legal advise. And then (b) pursue legitimate redress through the courts against (say) the following :-
1. who sent the email? who acted upon it?
2. who authorities/originated the content of the email and
3. who employed the person(s) in point 2 and point 1?
Skilfully & Assertively USE THE LAW!
Scotland’s Apartheid Media. Right there in one clip.
Dr Jim says:
19 April, 2018 at 9:17 pm
Non voters are the key, the many who don’t vote because they think it makes no difference because they still get stuck with what they don’t want no matter what
These are the people who need convincing
very true dr jim
how else do we target or convince them except by canvasing them directly, door step, 1-2-1. bear in mind, we do have the activists to do this
can you think of any other way to convince them? an ad in the daily record, stv?
the snp and the yes campaign are a very effectivve leaflet distribution organisation. no question, but i dont think this is enough. the only way we will convince non voters is to speak to them directly
ayemachrihanish says:
19 April, 2018 at 9:28 pm
please for once let’s stop this (navel gazing halfarsed let’s not pay our TV license) discussion….
He has
(a) been discriminated against by a media organisation because of his political opinion and
(b) illegally blacklisted.
agreed, im angey enough, maybe it is time we started to fight back? maybe it is time to get medievel on their arses?
i said that we need to accept they will be a force standing against us, i never said we shouldnt hold them to account
“Non voters are the key, the many who don’t vote because they think it makes no difference.”
Fully agree with you @Dr Jim says at 9:17 pm it worked for Obama during the 2008 Presidential election campaign when he engaged, energised and mobilised non voters.
This was similar to the SNP returning 56 MPs due to a still engaged, energised and mobilised voter base following Indy Ref 1 defeat.
Mr Kohli’s star was on the rise pre 2014 I noticed. He was gradually getting more gigs in print and televisual media. Then boom. Nada, nothing. A bloody disgrace. Don’t pay the yoon telly tax.
Fully agree @ayemachrihanish says at 9:28 pm
The ONLY way to conduct a peaceful Indy Campaign is to stay within the law.
The BBC are operating outwith the law.
Crowdfund and Legal Challenge 100%.
Publicity of illegal practice and BritNat Political Bias.
More scales will fall from the eyes of Soft NOs.
Gloves aff time.
@ Dr Jim, don’t go to Unionist funerals! 🙂
It is outrageous, and all the more so when you hear such testimony being accepted with a weary shake of the head.
This shite has been going on for as long as the BBC has existed. It acts a highly effective filter of dissent – potential ‘rabble-rousers’ are identified early and are nipped in the bud.
I recently suggested here (only half-jokingly) that some of us submit a FOI request to BBC Scotland to ascertain what information they have on regular Wingers who organised and/or attended protests ouside BBC Pacific Quay HQ. It is unthinkable that no such records exist. Question is – can the BBC say, hand-on-heart, that it does not hold such records? Yes, it can, because it outsources such ‘archiving’ to private companies who, in effect, protect BBC from accusations of ‘blacklisting’. I’m sure GrouseBeater and others can confirm this as fact.
That said, a test case might be illuminating, even if it does nothing more than expose the paper-trail of denial and obfuscation which necessarily accompanies such requests.
I’m up for it.
Anyone else?
PS I’m past caring about accusations of ‘conspiracy theorising’ etc. Just doesn’t wash any more. I’ve done freelance work for BBC Scotland, received payment for scripts, development work etc etc. I have an ’employee’ reference number for tax purposes, so they DO have me on file. I’d like to see what else in in that file, and I can’t be the only one.
ben madigan
genuine thanks for sharing that with me 🙂
Nothing wrong with most of the general admin and technical staff at the BBC.
It’s the BBC Trust that places the propagandists into current affairs and prime time control.
Like The Electoral Commission, they are 90% privately educated carrerists and privileged Tories.
Get ready for tomorrows headlines, apparently OFCOM have declared Alex Salmond show tweets not from audience. Let’s hope OFCOM don’t check every TV how that uses tweets as they will probably find this is a widespread practise. A producer wants a particular topic raised and lo and behold a tweet will turn up. Broadcasting is full of fakery, that’s just how it works.
Pretty much how QT works also, they will decide the subjects they want to cover. Someone in the audience is sure to have a question close that can be linked to it.
Ben madigan, Hamish Henderson’s should be the first Statue we raise in Freedom Square
On Independence day. Funny enough the best program I have seen on his life was on a BBC Alba program. It was Excellent, I just love the photo of him in his Army Willis Jeep, standing up wearing his British Army Officers Uniform giving the Clenched Communist salute with Bandera Rosa painted in White on the bonnet of the Jeep. No wonder he was revered in Italy.
The UK Refused To Raid A Company Suspected Of Money Laundering, Citing Its Tory Donations;
link to archive.is
Hamish100 says:
19 April, 2018 at 6:26 pm
camel /elmac – are you a Mail JOURNALIST?
I contribute only occasionally, usually when I am sufficiently angered by yet another example of unionist/media lies, corruption and deceit, as were others today. I meant every word I said. You must not assume that any strong opinions are necessarily those of a troll. Comments like yours will only discourage independence supporters like myself from engaging on Wings.
Besides, it should be obvious that my command of the written language far exceeds that of a Mail journalist.
Have a good evening. Hope to see you on May 5.
Brexit: DUP insists EU must help find solutions to Ireland border issue.
By David Hughes
April 19 2018
The DUP has told the European Union to accept its responsibility to find solutions after Donald Tusk issued a fresh warning to the UK that a transitional deal after Brexit will not happen unless problems over the Irish border are resolved.
European Council president Mr Tusk told MEPs that the UK had created the issue as a result of the Brexit vote and had a duty to find a solution.
Speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Mr Tusk said he welcomed the progress that had been made in the Brexit talks.
“We want to use the positive momentum in these negotiations to finally settle outstanding issues, such as the solution to avoid a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland,” he said.
In a message that the government could not simply leave it to the Irish and EU to decide what the customs arrangements at the border should be – as some Brexiteers have suggested – Mr Tusk said: “The UK’s decision on Brexit has caused the problem and the UK will have to help solve it.
“Without a solution, there will be no withdrawal agreement and no transition.
“Leaders will assess the negotiations in June. In parallel we will start our first talks about the future EU-UK relationship.”
Senior officials were meeting in Brussels to hold preliminary discussions about the future relationship for the first time.
Responding to Mr Tusk’s statement, DUP MEP Diane Dodds said the European Council President had “resorted to bully-boy tactics”.
“He may wish to wash his hands of the border issue but the reality is that the EU has joint responsibility alongside the UK Government to find pragmatic solutions to what are mutual challenges. It is high time Brussels established a practical, hands-on approach to these matters which to date has been glaringly absent,” she said.
“Although progress has been made on the terms of the Brexit implementation period, the DUP has made it clear that we have not passed the point of no return for a no deal scenario. The aggressive stance taken by Mr Tusk may grab headlines but it is not in the interests of a workable accommodation, nor does it reflect the economic interests of the Republic of Ireland.”
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood said Mr Tusk’s comments must serve as a final wake-up call to the British Government on the Irish border.
He said: “Today’s statements in the European Parliament must bring an end to that cynical strategy. The comments from Donald Tusk couldn’t be clearer – the European Union are not bluffing. They are not bluffing on their commitment that there can be no hardening of the Irish border and they are not bluffing in saying that no deal will be done until this issue is resolved.
“The British Government are therefore left with only one choice. Either accept that a hard border in Ireland can only be avoided if the North remains in full alignment with the single market and customs union or come to the broader economic sense that all of the UK should remain in the customs union and single market.”
Former Northern Ireland Secretary Lord Peter Hain said: “The government can no longer continue to duck the question of the Northern Ireland border. As Donald Tusk has made clear, lack of progress on this vital issue now threatens to blow apart the Brexit negotiations.
“The contradiction between not wanting a hard border and being outside of the Single Market and Customs Union has in no way been resolved. And more than a year since negotiations started, the government has offered no credible solutions.
“Ministers know they cannot deliver the Brexit that was promised, and that every Brexit outcome will leave us worse off, but they are refusing to be straight with people.”
Belfast Telegraph
link to belfasttelegraph.co.uk
Tomorrow’s National front page:
Too much time and resources spent chasing middle-class votes, leaving many poorer areas un-canvassed, with too many then feeling left out and not voting – when these are the most likely to vote YES, as they are the ones that have been treated worst under successive UK Govts.
Whereas the posh areas, with more NO voters, get more resources wasted on them. As many there back the Union as a way of ensuring Tory tax cuts from WM for the wealthier.
Tomorrow’s “National” twitter pages:
link to twitter.com
For Galamcennalath:
link to youtube.com
Davey bangin’ again…
Emily Thornberry is a can’t.
QT is a hostile environ.
I am puzzled. Surely if a lady cites rape as a reason for a childbirth police action should follow?
Scotland doesn’t have a broadcasting company. It has an organisation that siphons ability and blocks vigorous minds from free expression.
How does it do that?
Simple. It sets the guidelines within which talent is to be contracted and the extent to which that talent can say what they want to say. Those guidelines are very narrow. You are free to say what you want to say within strict confines.
Thus the BBC can claim they are the guardians of free speech when in reality what you’re allowed to say is severely constrained by BBC diktat and agenda.
Imagine the BBC as a formal committee looking after the institution called Scotland.
It has a chairperson determined to run things on behalf of the British Establishment – where OBE’s and knighthood lay – not on behalf of you its viewing members. At first you’re surprised by this because you thought something called ‘BBC Scotland’ existed to represent and nurture Scottish culture. In time you get angry. You’re paying money to the BBC yet get stymied when making programme proposals.
Step out of line at a meeting and the chairman will call you to order. Your point of view should have been on the agenda for discussion. Of course, had you given advance warning of your subject matter the chairman or his cronies would have had it nixed – not appropriate for he upcoming meeting.
If you insist on (say) wanting to have a discussion on the aftermath of Culloden, banning of the kilt, no teaching Gaelic, no playing bagpipes, gathering of Highlanders banned, if you insist you will be asked to write a paper for submission to the chairman… which is where it will end up and get no further.
BBC Scotland blocks knowledge, enquiry, inquiry, and talent. It closes down opportunity, it drives it out of Scotland rather like the Highland Clearances, to be frank.
So basically speaking the usual “we don’t want a YES vote” trolls have come up with its usual wheeze “Get more poor people to vote YES who mostly voted YES anyway, and ignore those middle-class selfish people, and concentrate on the poor who mostly voted YES anyway apart from some Labour and other voters, and concentrate also on those who didn’t vote last time and are unlikely to bother voting next time”.
While “it’s not worth persuading the selfish middle-class. Well, stats for the UK (and Scotland will be a little different), are and I couldn’t be bothered searching around to find Scottush ones:
link to journals.sagepub.com
Senior manager 6.3%
Traditional professional 4.8%
Modern professional 18.1%
Middle/Junior manager 6.7%
Intermediate 14.7%
Technical craft worker 10.6%
Semi-routine worker 15.3%
Routine worker 14.5%
Never worked 8.3%
So these disruptive people are saying “ignore 50.6% of the population, a fair number of whom did vote YES anyway”.
Yeah, right, LOSERS, like we’re going to get a YES vote that way.
Almost Friday mornin’ Salisbury.
When did a nerve GAS change form into a unspecified nerve LIQUID.
Ahhhhh ha ha ha
Good to see Brillo heed getting his tatties on TW by Hitchens earlier. Just about came to blows.
Aweright Mike, how do ye do?
Ahm sitting on a roundabout somewhere in an eastern village in Scotland.
It’s all so quiet Bjork.
Magic number.
@ Indy 2 who mentioned Brexit and the DUP
*friendly advice – never go full DUP retard!
The European Council President Donald Tusk warned Britain there will be no withdrawal agreement and no transition deal unless the problem of the border between Ireland and the UK is solved.
Speaking during a debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Mr Tusk said: “The UK’s decision on Brexit has caused the problem, and the UK will have to solve it.”
The EU position is quite clear – The UK made the mess! Now clean it up!
DUP – Diane Dodds MEP from the DUP website (which i’m not citing here on principle)
‘Once again the European Council President Donald Tusk has resorted to bully-boy tactics. He may wish to wash his hands of the border issue but the reality is that the EU has joint responsibility alongside the UK Government to find pragmatic solutions to what are mutual challenges.
“the reality is that the EU has joint responsibility alongside the UK Government to find pragmatic solutions to what are mutual challenges”
Ben Madigan’s analysis:
1) The EU found a “pragmatic solution” i.e. the so-called back-stop.
Pity it doesn’t suit/please/delight/ the DUP, a tiny UK party which is holding Westminster up to ransom.
2) There are no “mutual challenges” and 3) There is no “joint responsibility”
The UK decided to Brexit – nobody forced it to- nobody tried to hinder its leaving – nobody tried to force it to stay. The UK itself asked for the Transition/Implementation period.
This is a one way street UK folks – you asked for it – you get it and everything that comes your way!
@Mike Robertson –
Looking forward to that clip emerging in due course.
You would think if you’re supposed to be a free democratic country where broadcasting and a free press is the norm, that allowing another country to have the power to regulate and or devolve such a power would make normal thinking people wonder why such a power is felt necessary to withhold from such a democratic country
There are an awful lot of people in Scotland who don’t seem to notice that and yet they complain about other countries breaching human rights
Example: Most people in Scotland can mimic a passable English accent or American accent, why is that?
Answer: Because we’re bombarded by English programming from birth except for the odd token Taggart and only because that was successful, or Rab C Nesbitt and Still Game comedy parodies of Scottish drunken violence, which are great but that’s not Scotland
We are much much more, and the Westminster Bastirts know it
5 minutes of our own power in our own country would see us sail past England at speed and it would be good for them too, at least the English folk would start to notice what a terrible job successive governments they voted for have done for them because the press couldn’t keep that a secret for long
Mibbi we should create a “hostile environment” of our own.
while I don’t know a great deal about it,it seems to me.
That if we all made a 2nd Facebook and/or Twitter account.
One on which we were Unionists,we would get targeted with the propaganda these companies are paid to distribute.
We would at least get sight of what they are pushing,so that on the doorstep,we would be forewarned!
Also if we made sure to,lie,lie and lie again on both accounts then the data gathered would be unreliable.
We are not going to get broadcasting,or even if we did,we couldn’t get it up and running in time.
But we do have the internet.
We are never going to get control over our data…no-one is…but we don’t need to be giving out accurate information!
We can make the doorstep and the Town Hall meetings THE only place to get information.
And always point out that everybody lies on line,we all look at things we don’t agree with or could never afford,that’s why we get the adverts we do…
EG….Any Winger who has ever met me,would probably agree that I’m no likely interested in Russian Brides.
Now I don’t know what it is about my browsing history that’s telling the advertisers that I might be.
But they seem to think I am!
I can’t be the only one that gets weird adverts,we could use that?
If we say, pretended to be a pensioner,we would find out pretty quickly if the land line’s were being targeted again like they were last time!
The Yes movement is, I think,well connected enough now so that we could judge,how much to trust what’s getting shared around,to benefit our own campaign!
We could stand messing with the online resources,there’s a hell of a lot more of us than there are in the 77th!
Even if it only tied up Westminster’s resources,its still something
Jist Sayin….
It’s funny to think some people will sit adding up fractions of percentages at 1am in the morning to try win a straw man argument.
But, if it keeps some people happy, I’m okay with that.
I see the Health Secretary has now earned the epithet “Jonah” Robison in some areas of the MSM.
Not nice to call her personal names; I don’t agree with that at all. That’s too much like some of the bampot element found on social media and blogs with their bullying and slagging of people.
The lady deserves to be treated with respect, no slagged with silly names but, I still think Ms Shona Robison, the Health Secretary, ought to resign.
Will Naveed meet a sticky end on Still Game now?
To all those who had a wee ‘ouch’ every time I ladled into the Lord and Lady Haw Haws of Goebbel’s House Pacific Quay and were uncomfortable with my call for all members of the Yes Movement, and particularly the SNP and Green parties, to boycott any televised ‘debate’ or election programmes during Indyref 2, this shocking frightening fascist revelation of a blacklist confirms what we all knew.
It now appears that if you want to work for the Media in Scotland you’d better be a Brit Nat apologist.
Today’s televised FMQ plumbed new depths for Toodle Oo The Noo Taylor and his guest summarisers, Jenni Davidson of the Holyrood Magazine and Robbie Dinwoodie, listed as a ‘political commentator’.
Ruth Davidson was allowed by Ken McIntosh, Presiding Officer, and fellow ex employee of BBC Goebbels House, to ask a series of questions which had nothing to do with the Opposition holding a Scottish Government to account, but was a baseless attack on the SNP Party’s meeting with Cambridge Analytica in 2016, from which the SNP concluded that they were a ‘bunch of cowboys’.
The bold Ken allowed Davidson, laughing and giggling, to drag this utter nonsense out, without intervening.
Of course Sturgeon ripped into her about the Blue Tories’ involvement with Analytica, their contributions to Ruth Davidson’s Party, and the mysterious and illegal funds funds given to the DUP to fight for Brexit in Norn Irn.
Perhaps the Truth Champion David Leask could investigate that one?
The Tories were ‘sniggering’ throughout this utter waste of space and time.
It is all so fucking funny, coining £1200 a week for doing fuck all but attempt to sabotage democracy in Scotland, and to distance yourself from your English Masters.
Taylor actually referred to the row over the 111 reserved powers returning from Brussels as a fuss over ‘labelling’, and that the general public were not really bothered.
Our farmers, fishermen, and the rest of us won’t mind having fracking, GM crops, and ‘British Tweed’ foisted upon us?
Sally Magnusson fronted BBC News heavily edited ‘furious row’ piece, with voiceover from Taylor, with the FM’s response completely edited out, but ex colleague Ruth shown barnstorming and accusing the Bad EssEnnPee of ‘hypocrisy’.
Jenni Davidson muttered that ‘Ruth Davidson has a strong point’, which was lost on the rest of us.
What a corrupt little clique the Scottish Branch of the English Establishment has gathered around them to feed this crap over our airwaves and in endless column inches of the dying dead tree scrolls.
We must insist on this E mail blacklist being made public.
Again perhaps David Leask will get to the bottom of this.
I watched QT tonight. England has morphed into a bad place. We have literally nothing in common with them now.
yesindyref2 @ 23:44,
My thoughts likewise. I’ve no objection whatever to people trying to garner votes from wherever and whoever they can, but some voters are evidently more easily convincable than others.
Those who wish to try to awaken the commonly self-disenfranchised – and typically those with the most to lose – have my full support, hard as it may be for them to succeed. Provided they actually do it – and do it effectively – and not just theorise about it online.
Disengagement is a very easy way of nullifying that particular section of society, as BT very well knew.
(And not just them either. Hence cereal woman.)
But to win anyone over at all, one has to understand how the other person thinks. Not just blather on and on too-often in a narrow and doctrinaire way about what the yesser thinks, in the futile hope that by some kind of magic osmosis it will all eventually sink in somehow.
(And often with the additional intention, it would seem, of changing people’s whole brand of geo-politics as well, as if indy wasn’t enough of a stretch already.)
Whereas in fact we would all be far better to stop preaching about everything under the sun and instead work to simply convince former no voters that an independent Scotland offers a decent place for them too, without demanding any investment in a new world order. The changes that will naturally flow from independence will be quite sufficient for all but an extreme minority anyway.
Whereas the present topic gives a far better handle on how to proceed. The revelation about the (alleged) discriminatory practices of the BBC, which is all too plausible, is a potential game-changer, IMO. This can really wake people up, and should be pursued to the hilt. The more people in Scotland can be made to see that they have been serially exploited and misled by an unfaithful UK state servant, the more likely it will be “game over”.
People don’t like being manipulated. This is the real story, not the little corporal’s manufactures over the SNP + Cambridge Analytica which is being eagerly pushed for all its worth at the moment by the real culprits.
Grouse Beater says
19 April 2018 11.40pm
A succinct account of how the BBC keeps its pictish horde under control.
When the BBC kicked off in the 1920s I am willing to accept that it sought to achieve the highest principles which were espoused by Lord Reith (a scot and first general manager of the BBC) to be to “inform, educate and entertain”. There was a temporary suspension of the normal function of the BBC between 1 September 1939 and 7 June 1946 during which time the BBC obviously operated as the propaganda arm of the British government in the fight against Nazi Germany but, with that exception, they have gradually cast off their early principles to become today’s organ of state.
The governance of the BBC has long been carried out by establishment figures, essentially puppets of the government of the day, and who have been in debt to the powers who put them there. They have formulated the general policy of the BBC in its programming and output which has become ever more subservient to the government line. This has accelerated over the last few decades with the concentration of the printed and other broadcasting media into the hands of a few ultra rich and powerful media moguls who have been able to exert considerable power and influence over the UK government. As a result these moguls now form part of the establishment and to a large part dictate the policy agenda of the UK government through their ability to manipulate the British public. The government now in turn manipulates the output of the BBC to suit the establishment agenda. In other words the BBC is has become an outlet for state propaganda. Couple this with the spurious “licence” fee and we have the current situation where people pay for their own indoctrination.
What can be done? Obviously the first course of action is for all independence minded scots to stop watching live TV and cease to pay the TV tax. This would hurt the BBC financially but they would never reveal to what extent and HMG would continue to fund them irrespective of cost – a news blackout in other words. Westminster would never agree to allow broadcasting to be devolved for obvious reasons so we must find a means to finance the start up of a free and fair broadcaster or hope we can win the next referendum without one which is a tall order.
As far as the blatant bias of the bulk of the press is concerned, it would go a long way if all independence leaning scots would boycott the unionist rags and support the “National” or any other pro indy newspaper which might try to fill the void. Control over an established major daily by a nationalist leaning concern would be a major hole in the wall.
Remember, what we are asking for is not a media biased in our favour but one which is fair and independent in its output. We have truth and right on our side and it will prevail if scots have an informed choice at the next referendum.
Your name will also go on the list, what is it?
Don’t tell him Hardeep!
A man of deep integrity and conscience I believe. Not a bad storyteller either.
[Childhood chase in Glasgow, caught down a dead end street]
“Are ye Catholic or Prodisdent?”
[beat. Incredulous look to camera.]
“Whit?” [points casually to turban] “Eh, Ah’m a Sikh!”
“Aye bit are ye a Catholic Sikh or a Protestant Sikh?!”
Yes, Alistair Cameron of SiU couldn’t put it better “concentrate on less than half the population who mostly vote YES already”, hoping some suckers might believe him.
Totally agree about the arguments used, they need to be targetted. More rented property with lower rents, help to buy, availabilty and cost of mortgage is more of interest to the aspirational with some chance of aspiring! Things like “just society”, “ban Trident”, “share the wealth” have little appeal mostly. What might be of more interest is the likes of:
1. Embassies moving to Scotland, and HQs or proper national branch offices and sales offices, staff will be needed including office managers, IT people, comms, PR, etc. – and the chance of promotions greatly increased.
2. Military – unlikely to inherit loads of admirals, generals, vice marshals, those who stay with Scotland are likely to go up a rank or more quite quickly, plus the civil service jobs associated – proprotionately few in Scotland right now.
3. Corporate R&D – mostly done outside Scotland but likely to move to Scotland or set up a facility here – high level jobs.
4. Never mind call centres wherever they are, Scotland needs a whole civil service – plenty safe well-paid jobs with a future.
5. All that type of aspirational job chances – Scotland will be a complete Nation, not a branch office or M6 stopover for south of England based companies.
I’d guess that if you get your average earnest well-meaning socialist talking to the average punters in Milngavie about a fair and just society, they’ll politely listen and then say “Yes, but what about my 4×4?”.
Yay, The National’s back 🙂
Guys and gals I’m in total agreement about taking on the beeb re blacklisting , as has been said the best way to expose this is through legal process , but look at the current case of cliff Richard , he is going through purgatory because this edifice believes it can do what it wants to anybody without fear of recrimination ,this will be costing him a fortune which he probably can afford but he HAS TO WIN to make it worthwhile to clear his name .
The beeb are not worried about the financial cost as it’s the licence payers who will foot the bill ( as always ) but their credibility and people’s trust will be damaged ( hopefully further )
To succeed in a legal case , first cast iron proof of the email concerned would have to be secured then someone with sufficient gravitas e.g. Nicola or even Alex Salmond would have to take it on as a descrimination blacklisting
case against Scottish independence supporting artists .
It would still have to be crowdfunded which I think could work but you would have to have Alex or Nicola supported by big names to make an impact and damage the beeb credibility enough
Take em down Cliff! Best of luck and hope you show them up for what they are
Blackissing – try to get hold of Ricky Tomlinsons autobiography “Ricky”. It’s a brilliant read.
Falsely imprisoned overy building strikes around 1974 as one of the Shrewsbury three. On his release he found it impossible to get work as a plasterer and fell into comedy, social club management, supplying working class here’s for tv shows and finally acting.
link to shrewsbury24campaign.org.uk
Blacklisting has ruined thousands of lived over the years. All those employed in construction industry know it happens, and generally are afraid to speak out. I have friends who were blacklisted by the big M&E contractors in the UK, I believe I personally was blacklisted by at least 2 companies.
Blacklisting the the UK was spearheaded by the “Consulting Assocuation”. A shadowy company, who held information on as many as 90k workers in the construction industry. Information was taken on individuals from the Unions, MI5, special branch and the demonstrations squad.
Basically if you were the site manager for Bam Nuttal, Balfour Beatty, Amy, Carillion…….. (the list is a who’s who of big construction interests) you would ring this guy up, give him a name or NI number and he would basically say yay or nay to employ him.
The scary thing – when the Information Commission raided the office they retrieved information on only some 3,200 out of the estimated 90k that were on record there.
link to en.m.wikipedia.org
Proud Cybernat says:
Very good! 🙂
link to indyref2.scot
Caught up amongst the noise;
link to itisintruthnotforglory.wordpress.com
Interview with former Catalan President Artur Mas;
link to indyref2.scot
BBC: The Union at Any Cost
link to peterabell.blog
Davidson Must Answer To Tory Links With Cambridge Analytica;
link to paisleysmsp.org
Comprehensive A9 performance data published;
link to transport.gov.scot
Real journalists at work: Interview with 11-year-old Hassan Diab, alleged “victim of chemical attack” in Douma proving the story was staged by #WhiteHelmets. Watch the full interview;
link to youtube.com
Ultra Electronics shares fall as the SFO opens criminal investigation into “suspected corruption”;
link to archive.is
No appetite for a deregulatory post-Brexit Britain: new findings on public attitudes;
link to opendemocracy.net
Good Friday Agreement: why it matters in Brexit;
link to ukandeu.ac.uk
lONG READ: Dec 1, 2016. It’s been going on for years!
No Tears Left to Cry: Being Deported Is a Distressing Nightmare;
link to vice.com
Have a peaceful day, Wingers.
Smallaxe , that article on deportation is heartbreaking and utterly disgusting – reminds me of bury my heart at Wounded Knee.
it did make me wonder if there were an equivalent planes heading for Asia.
Colin Alexander,
I wish you would resign. Bye.
Good morning, Dorothy,
Yes, it’s heartbreaking and brutal.
The Jamaican people are friendly and welcoming but the poverty that some live in is disgraceful.
Good morning to you Smallaxe.
Regarding your last sentence , seems to me that Scotland has disgraceful poverty indeed in this very wealthy world of ours , everywhere you look has disgraceful poverty and the few wallow in disgraceful , obscene wealth.
You won’t be able to raise this in Scottish Parliament as the Unionist Presiding Office will say it is reserved issue yet allowed Ruth Davidson to ask question on Snp meeting that had nothing to do with Scottish government. This of course will not be commented on by MSM.
World’s eight richest people have the same wealth as poorest 50%;
link to archive.is
Poverty in Scotland;
link to gov.scot
BBC has always had a blacklist. Some of Scotlands best known folksingers were never allowed on BBC as they were judged to be to political, or to Communist or for what ever reason suited the Beeb at the time.
Others have made the point but surely an FOI request can be made?
Starlaw I remember the late Hamish Imlach telling me he was often invited to play at works dances etc. Only to find the gig later cancelled because the employers found he was “on the list” He said at the time it was a Glasgow firm that operated the list and it was used by most big employers. Including of course BBC.
A Conservative MP is now regretting the ‘disgraceful’ jolly he had in Iraq;
link to thecanary.co
The bad winter of 1962-63. I had just started college in Glasgow, travelling up and down daily from darkest East Ayrshire. Then, my parents decided, the roads were too-treacherous, so, I should lodge with my Aunt and Uncle in Springburn.
One night, to the delight of my Masonic, Rangers-supporting Uncle, a BBC Scotland folk programme, whose title now eludes me, but, featuring as “house band” ‘The Corrie Folk Trio and Paddy Bell’ as they then were, ended with a mass singalong of a tune, started off by Messrs Browne and Williamson.
It was ‘The Sash’ and everyone joined-in. Was that song perhaps, how, in spite of their championing of Scottish folk songs and Scotland in general, the Corries continued to get BBC gigs for the rest of their career?
Is Fred Macaulay on the list?
I used to enjoy his daily show which followed the toxic nonsense of KayE
His humour is mostly dry, gentle and frequently self deprecating.
His show got the bullet to be replaced by extended KayE propaganda.
He also used to appear regularly on the BBC’s metropolitan panel shows such as HIGNFY, Mock The Week and Qi – but not any more.
I once saw a report of his having performed at an SNP function which probably sealed his fate.
Cheers Smallaxe
A good crop there and the piece on NI very informative. I see the meeja are a bit backward on the second biggest story in UK politics. Brexit being No.1 natch.
How and ever you’d really have to look to find much on The Westminster government taking both the Holyrood parliament and Welsh Senedd to court. This is an unprecedented action in UK politics and goes right to the heart of the treaty of union, the devolution settlement and the very concept of partnership, trust and political divergence.
Nary a peep.
Cutting through the bullshit, this isn’t about administrative competence and never was. It’s about power. If the Westminster parliament had an absolute right to repatriate the powers returning from the EU, there would be no negotiations. There would be no court case. They’d just take them. They need them and it doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to see why.
Day by day the costs and difficulties of Brexit are being drip fed to the public. The constitutional difficulties, broken pledges and endangered national/international settlements more apparent. It’s not a matter of if, but when will society within the UK look to apportion blame for their lives and economy unravelling. There’s going to be some deeply upset people out there to be sure.
Without the media’s aid, Westminster government would probably already be up to their armpits in deeply grumpy marches camped outside their front door. At some point though, that same public will round on the media who sold them this bill of goods too. Probably a good idea to stay indoors on that day.
NW surely this falls into the realm of blacklisting, an email containing names sent by the BBC, after the furore of the blacklisting in the building and oil sectors, the BBC have left themselves wide open
Good morning, my friend, your analysis of that situation is spot on, as usual.
Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton – yawn.
Willie Rennie twitching on a string – yawn.
Re Blacklisting, one of my mates was blacklisted in the Oil Industry, his rig was tied up at Invergordon, they would not let the drilling crew off the rig even though they were obviously not doing anything. He looked at the contracts and deemed they were illegally being held onboard. So he organised them and led them down the gangway to Freedom for a couple of hours. Never got a job in the Oil Industry ever again. Would go for an interview, they would look at his CV and would offer him a job on the spot, start Monday, on the Friday he would get a phone call saying the contract had fallen through. This happened many times . He reckoned the Blacklist was organised through Shell.
Socrates could the song you heard have been “The Scottish Breakaway” a song popular at the time but sung to the tune of “The Sash”. As an erstwhile singer of the folksongs of our land. I always regretted the tune as it meant I couldn’t risk playing it due to the possibility of axe in heed syndrome!
OT I see the Herald is desperate to start the charge against Shona Robinson – utterly shameful.
May it rest in peace and soon – if not peace then pieces.
BBC Scotland is structured in the same way as all the other regional centres but with a slightly larger budget, it is no different to BBC Midlands, etc.
They are constrained by London about what they can cover, the Scottish controller is effectively their PO, there to rule what is outwith their competence.
BBC Scotland has always been a test ground for London to try things out. If it fails then they consider it no loss as it has no effect on the centre. The management at BBC Scotland are compliant to every suggestion, they see ingratiating themselves to London as their equivalent to HoL ermine, and promotion awaits. It works for them, if not for the ordinary staff members.
We should put in a Freedom of Information request anyway. BBC Pravda won’t respect it of course, but they’ll have to write a letter justifying why blacklisting celebrities is in the National Interest.
Or more likely just lie and deny there is a list.
Smallaxe at 7.07,
That’s quite disturbing behaviour from a so called civilised country, there is no way that behaviour will be tolerated by the families of these poor souls. Maybe they are starting on the smaller easier countries first but all hell will break loose when they try it with the larger eastern ones.
Well clearly the BBC do not view Angels Haggerty as “pro-indy” as she’s a BBC Shortbread regular now.
Interesting. Makes me wonder about the Sunday Herald too given she’s the editor.
Of course some of us have been warning about Haggerty et al being “indy-but’s” for years and years….
A link to your post, Dorothy,
Pressure on Shona Robison to resign over NHS ‘failures’;
link to archive.is
auld highlander,
It’s the nature of the beast to go after the smallest and weakest first.
We must fight and beat this Tory beast!
Thank you Smallaxe – I’m hopeless at that and I’m scared of hammers!
The above article is a start, the dam is about to break I hope. We knew it was going on, but there was no evidence.
Hopefully (and there’s been no sign of it for the last 50 years) hopefully some documentary proof will be leaked soon.
Also, hopefully, they don’t leak it to Mr Bateman. The beeb his baby and he won’t see any ill of her.
On other news…
So Brexshit and Bad,
Another very informative essay over on EUReferendum.com today. Here’s a wee taste.
‘senior EU diplomatic sources” have said that Mrs May’s plan for avoiding a hard border in Northern Ireland was subjected to a “systematic and forensic annihilation” this week at a meeting between senior EU officials and Olly Robbins, the UK’s lead Brexit negotiator.
“It was a detailed and forensic rebuttal”, the source is reported to have said – and apparently with some authority, as the person has been “directly briefed” on the meeting in Brussels on Wednesday. “It was made clear that none of the UK’s customs options will work. None of them”.
This is the review that we were expecting to hear from, and the fact that all we were getting was silence did not augur well for a positive outcome. But, with its comprehensive rejection (which was only what we expected), the fool Foster writes that it “now sends the Cabinet and Whitehall back to the drawing board and raises the serious prospect that Mrs May will have no choice but to remain in the EU customs union if she wants to avoid a hard border in Northern Ireland”.
Foster, together with a sizable proportion of the Lords, and many equally clueless MPs, has obviously guzzled the Kool Aid on the customs union, but even then he is way off beam. As late as yesterday, Tusk was saying that, if there was no deal on Ireland, there would be no Withdrawal Agreement and no transition.’
I wonder what the next distraction will be. Whatever it is I hope they keep their clothes on.
I miss Hardeep on the box, he has a witty delivery, whilst being cutting.
At a personal level to treat someone like this is disgraceful and hurtful by bbc, on a national level it is state manipulation of news.
All but a fool would say the coverage of independence and the SNP across both Scotland and the uk has not been manipulated by the state. The same is true of Norther Ireland, Kimock and Corbyn.
As everyone points out, the clue is in the name.
Let’s find the e-mail!
Best wishes to Hardeep for the future!
The Westminster Treasury refused to give the (SNP) Gov the information to relieve poverty in Scotland when the Westminster made £18Billion of Welfare cuts. The Scottish Gov has to find ways of mitigating. £100Million a year is being spent to mitigate these cuts. Plus ‘bedroom tax ‘ etc. The Westminster Tories are reneging on agreements to pass welfare responsibilities to the Holyrood Gov. These cuts could be easily mitigated by the Scottish Gov if they had the information, Deliberately not forthcoming from Westmster.
The most coarse nasty UK Gov is attacking the elderly and the vulnerable. Giving tax cuts to the wealthiest. Tax evasion rife. Illegal wars, finanacial fraud and tax evasion costs Scotland £Billions.
The damage done to the Oil sector by Westminster governance and lack of investment in renewables cost Scotland £Billions. Scotland has lost out on EU renewable grants etc because of Westminster indecision. £Billions The Westminster Tories took the extra CAP payment awarded to Scotland and gave it to weathier farmers in the south. Scotland as part of the EU receives the lowert CAP payment in the EU.
The Scottish (SNP) Gov is doing everything it can to keep up (additional) NHS funding. Cut by the Torues in the UK £4Billion a year. From 2015 – 20. The Tories are having to put more money £2Billion back in because of the major affects of the cuts in the rest of the UK. The Tories are killing off their own supporters the elderly. Vote Tory to die younger.
The Scottish Gov is putting more funding into nursery provision. More women work in Scotland .It has increased pro rata. Unemployment is still low in Scotland. Despite the Tories illegally hugh Oil taxes that have ruined the Oil sector. Cost Scotland £Billions and 120,000+ jobs because of Westminster mismanagement. People have died in the Oil sector because of Westminster mismanagement. H & S rules have not been enforced and the culprit companies have not been charged. Reserved policy once again. Westminster unionists once again breaking the Law.
The Waspi women etc all could be compensated if the Scottish Gov had the powers and the information. Now being withheld by Westminster Treasury, Now breaking and reneging on deals to hand over responsibilities. Most Tory are born liars.
Scotland pays all it’s own (UK) pensions and benefits – £16Billion from the Tax revenues raised in Scotland, Pays (average) £4Billion on Defence which is mainly spent elsewhere. Pays all military pensions etc. Scotland raises £54Billion in taxes.More pro rata than the rest of the UK. (£533 raised in UK in total)
More is borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK. (£100Million – £60Billion public? £40Billion private) Scotland has to make interest payments on the debt despite it not being borrowed or spent in Scotland. Ie Hinkley Point, HS2, Trident, Heathrow etc. A total waste of money. Appalling decisions. Over budget, over time and overpriced. The last nuclear plants built in Finland (France) was 7 years late and double the estimates. £Billions over budget. So much so there had to be reconciliation methods between the Gov and the company. A total ripe off.
There are much more efficient, cheaper safer alternatives in the UK. The Tories banned onshore turbines (Pickles), stopped coal CCS, (totally viable in Scotland), Frscked Gas pays no tax but can have alarming consequences. Totally tax free in the rest of the UK. The Oil sector is taxed at 40% since Jan 2016. 30% Corporation tax and 10% supplementry tax. Corporation tax in the UK is under 20%. More Oil & Gas has to be imported. Putting up the deficit and the debt. Totally out of control in the rest of the UK.
Banks are still not lending money for reasonable overdrafts and still requiring 20% deposit for house purchases. Out of the reach of many first time buyers although there can be other provision. 10-15% deposit could suffice for buying property. Or did in the past. Reasonable consideration. It was reckless over lending not deposit that caused problems in the past. Cutting leverage and capital reserves world wide from 25% to 13%. Thatcher and Reagan deregulation. Brown and Clinton mismanagement of the banking sector. Illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion. Brought down the world economy into recession and cause the worst migration crisis since the 11WW. Costing £Trns. UK/US in £Trns of debt. The most unequal place in the world. No wonder people are so angry and unhappy, Especially the young in these countries. Massacres In the US and stabbing in London S/E.
The Stephen Lawrence revelations of major corruption and cover up in the Met. Dick was involved an appalling unneccessary, botched operations and death. Awarded the OBE, For failure,
The Scottish Gov is building or renovation 5000 affirable houses a year. Private companies are building 17,000+. Plus the houses that come on the market as people depart. This should provide enough affodable accomodation.
HS2 – UK pop 65.5 Million. Japan 127Million. Pop. Nuclear disasters in Japan costing £Billions, Two tidal barrages would be safer produce more energy and be less costly. £20Billion.
To cut rail journey times throughout Britain. More investment should have been made in the north of England and Scotland. Where journeys take twice as long per distance as in the south because of historical lack of investment. The HS2 white elephant which will be running empty. At low capacity Always subsidised. Same Hinkley Point.
The Tories are spending £Billions on these projects. The Tory slush fund. Fees, consultancy, bank fees and charges. Donations to the Tory Party. The usual graft and corruption. Then cutting essential services, sanctioning and starving people. The vulnerable. Killing off their own supporters. The elderly. Vote Tory to die younger.
They are even deporting people. It is just unconceivable. Disgusting disgraceful behaviour. Appalling. The sight of Davidson laughing smirking in Holyrood telling a pack of lies. Denying all knowledge is just sickening. Knowingly on oath telling lies. Unfeeling, uncaring and no empathy at all. Bring back FPTP get rid of the lot at them 3rd rate rejects, At less people would not have to witness their total ignorance. Scotland would be better run. Scotland needs a central bank to be Independent (in the EU). Hope it will not be long.
The only ones who should resign are May and Davidson. Passing the buck and obeying orders is not an excuse for their ignorant, arrogant behaviour, The Tories in Scotland are funded from Tory HQ’s. They even illegally cheat on expenses etc. Davidson was getting funded from a crooked Russian oligarch. The total illegal overspending on the EU Ref. The false vows, promises overspending, breaking Purdah and electoral limits. Ditto GE. Make them null and void.
Hundreds turn out for protest against controversial ‘rape clause’ in Edinburgh;
link to archive.is
LibDems allowed this to happen by going into coalition with the Tories. Lying and reneging on all promises. Clegg still hovering in the background. Despicable behaviour. Interviewing Farague. Making it up as they go along. It wisna me Gov. Only obeying orders. The biggest mess ever. Typical Tories. BT. Definitely not.
Daisy – perfectly on cue – the next distraction will be the ‘Royal Baby’ followed almost immediately by the ‘Royal Wedding’ and then by Princess Anne’s daughter’s ‘Royal Baby’ – so that will take us through to Winbledon and then summer holidays, ‘Last night of The Proms’ and then it’s ‘Guy Fawkes’, 100 years anniversary of ‘Armistice Day’, ‘Christmas’, ‘NewYear’, another ‘Royal Wedding’ in there somewhere …. and so it goes on.
Things are definitely hotting up for May- front page news on the telegraph is a report on the N.Ireland/border fiasco and there’s to be a debate and vote(?) on staying in the customs union next week in H o C,
I expect attacks on Corbyn and Nicola to increase exponentially and there’s bound to be some major squirrel running about with all this C Weapon stuff, N.Korea and Trump.
Fasten your seat belts it’s gonna get really bumpy!
Scotland is Now;
link to twitter.com
Academic Freedom And Setting An Example;
link to timhayward.wordpress.com
The Herald now going further down the tubes. Now knowingly printing absolute lies.
The pro Indy commentators just need to bide their time. There is money to be made successfully in talks, blogs and alternative narrative, More lucrative and honest. Keeping to decent principles and convictions. Major support out there. There are many giving over 100% of effort. Pity about the rest? Loyalty will always be rewarded. Just wait and see. A different environment. More diverse not duplicity. Patience. Things cannot go on like this much longer. That is a fact. May 3rd council elections in the South. May will probably have to,resign if there is carnage. Rats in the sack. The EU brought Thatcher down after all the appalling injustice. Still lauded in Tory circles.. Broke every code of conduct in the book. Thatcher established tax havens and bank deregulation destroying the world economy. Established the right wing Press. Murdoch. Against the ministerial code of conduct. Without a free and fair press there is no democacy.
Just look at Rev Stu more remuneration than any unionists journalist. Even the Editors or organisations. Brilliant. Leads the way and shows how it can be done. With excellent research and dedication. Rebutting all the lies etc in statistical analysis. Top class. Thanks a billion. There will certainly be a place in an Independent Scotland for those who stood up for justice, their convictions, and put there head above the parapet
@ Vestas at 10.12
Angela Haggerty is the news editor of the Sunday Herald – which is bad enough. For now at least, Neil Mackay is still the overall editor. Replacing him at some point would be a nice career progression for her, no doubt.
Dorothy Devine
For SIX years NHS Tayside were fiddling the books, according to reports. Of course questions must be asked about how that wasn’t picked up and acted on earlier.
But, that’s just the tip of the iceberg regarding wrongdoing by Health Boards in Scotland and nothing is done about it.
Ms Robison didn’t do those wrongs; the Health Boards did. Her failures are that:
She’s a Health Secretary who saw her role as ideas, policies and funding the NHS – not overseeing that Health Boards acted as they are supposed to do: within the rules and laws that they are supposed to adhere to.
She only acted once the Herald reported the abuses by NHS Tayside and she was put under pressure to act.
That’s not good enough.
As Health Secretary she carries the can for the serious failures she allowed to happen in her dept.
@Colin Alexander,
A little education for you. Chief Executives who run Health Boards and the Directors and Chairperson on that Board are autonomous. They are paid very high six figure sums to to that job. They run the services without interference from Central Government.
They are directly responsible for providing everything within budget, and for producing their own accounting sheet, related to that budget.
The Government can and will only step in should a situation arise which goes against accepted roles and procedures. This is exactly what happened here.
You forget that NHS Tayside has had three CEOs within the last few years and was in financial trouble at the time of Mr And Mrs Marr stewardship some several years ago They have been bailed out at least twice since that time. This was only uncovered once they left to go to Australia.
Ms Robson can only fix what the Boards tell her is a problem. Unfortunately many tend to conceal their problems until they become public.
Labour could have taken May down on the 12th Sept 2017 EVEL vote. 8 Labour MP’s voted with the Tories. Field, NI Brexiteer, Skinner? etc They voted or abstained on austerity measures. Then complain when they are happening. It is absolutely despicable behaviour. Corbyn and Labour are totally useless. Ingnorant incompetents. They are disgraceful.They are even abstaining from their own motions. What a way to carry on. They do not even want the poison chalice.
Illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion. Causing the worst migration crisis in Europe since the 11WW. The European countries have to pick up the pieces and try and sort out the massive humanitarian mess. Costing £Trns. The wars going in on Russia’s borders. Causing more disruption and expense to the economy.
Navid’s Craiglang neighbour Gavin is a Yes man too.
Some lists are good and some are bad.
Thevreports are done by unionists including Audit Scotland often trying to cover theur tracks. With political bias. Take with a pitch of salt to what is happening and to powers of Scottish Gov. Ie many Academics benefited from Labour patronage. Still biased still there. Non impartial. Fifty years of Labour. Same Police Scotland. Appointed by unionist on the Boards. It can be difficult to dislodge them covering up theur tracks. Especially in cases where powers etc are reserved to Local bodies. Supposed to be for fairness but it ends up total collusion of unionist participation. Councils etc for comparative bad governance but it is difficult to dislodge them. Colluding in duplicity. No wonder people are turned off ‘democracy’. Misuse of public money.
The healthcare saves people’s lives. Many people have Dundee NHS to thank. It is not all bad. Just needs reorganisation.
Dear Colin Alexander is back again I see.
Still, it’s a lovely day here in Ayrshire and I’m ‘tooling up’ for IndyRef2.
I’m ordering lots of lovely stickers for my wee car as I removed most of them after 2014.
I really had to, as it looked like the script for a porn movie..yes, yes, yes, yes, YES, OH GOD YES.
The UK in a Changing Europe;
link to ukandeu.cmail20.com
Bob Mack
Health Boards don’t have Scottish independence already, despite what Ms Robison seems to suggest at times.
Aye, it’s not the Health Secretary’s job to run them directly; it’s her job to make sure the public officials, on much larger salaries than hers, run them properly. When they fail to do that; it’s her job to intervene.
The Govt are also responsible for making sure procedures, regulations and laws are in place ( and used properly) to make sure failings or misconduct can be prevented or identifed and acted upon.
If this has been allowed for six years and not acted upon, and other abuses, even when known, have not been acted upon by the HS, then the responsibility does not stop with the Health Boards.
The Health Secretary approves Chief Executives of Health Boards. She hires and fires them.
Like a football manager, when the players she chooses fail to do the job right, the manager goes too, even if it’s her players who failed on the pitch.
Oh well ! back to Salisbury for this weekends press filler scare story. I might believe the danger when they evacuate the children, and shoot all the birds, cats, dogs and urban foxes, until then I’m in two minds.
Re: BBC and Propaganda
This from Thursday 20th December 2001:
link to archive.is
“The 17 countries argued that the TV station was a legitimate target because it was assisting the Serbian war effort by broadcasting propaganda.”
Serbian State Broadcasting = Propaganda
BritNat State Broadcasting = Bastion of truth, honesty and integrity?
News vs Propaganda just like the current RT vs OFCOM ‘cos offers different POV.
As always “Rule Britannia, Britannia Waives The Rules”
Shona Robison acted as some as it became apparent that Tayside were not sorting out their mess. Hindsight is a wonderful thing especially for unionists covering up their tracks. NHS has been cut by Tories (Cameron lies) £20Billion from 2015 to 2020. Cameron elected to protect the NHS proceeded to cut NHS funding. Clegg elected to protect education cut Education funding and increased student fees from £3000 to £9000 one of the biggest betrayal in political history.
The Scottish NHS Gov and Ms Robison are doing a brilliant job in protecting the BHS in Scotland. Increasing funding under difficult circumstances.
Minimum pricing in May will help NHS funding. Direct China flights in June will help education, exports and tourism. Thanks to the SNP Gov. Well done. Simply the best, Better than all the rest. With the ratings to prove it. Suck it up losers.
@ Smallaxe
Thanks for some very useful, interesting and informative links. Dunno how you do it 😉
The SNHS is thriving fom good governance despite difficult times. Cuts from Westminster having to be mitigated. Just ask the patients and them who use it. Stop telling lies about the NHS. It does no good or kudos. Everybody supports it. Peddling unionist nonsense. Just bring them into even more disrepute. People can see where the cuts etc are coming from. Westminster Gov. People are not stupid. Unionist propaganda.
Even the BBC collaborators highlights the deficencies in the NHS elsewhere. Tollies in corridors, long waits, not meeting standards, operation cancelled for months. People dying, ambulance waits, targets not met. A real horror story.
Ditto Police cuts. Violent crime rising. All happened when May was in charge at the Home Office. Jobs cuts meant people had to be let through at travel points without any checks. It was such a mess. Deportations just unbelievable. People being denied hospital treatment. Hunt getting discount on £Million flats/development from a Tory donor. Not declared. The usual graft and corruption.
The ones that should be resigning are May and Hunt. Hopefully the rest of them will be gone soon.
No real surprise, the BBC are as corrupt as any tin pot propaganda channel. You would have to be blind not to have noticed that UKIP were on QT dozens of times and I think Farage has been on 30+ times alone but that the SNP only get the occasional nod despite being the third largest party for the last 3 years.
Any question of neutrality and fairness went out of the window years ago. I still recall the horror of the BBC presenters when the SNP won back in 2007. I was still moving away from Labour at that time but it did strike me as a bit odd/jarring. It has gone down hill from there ever since.
I am sure that there are SNP/Green/Indy supporters in the rank and file of the BBC at Pacific Quay but they are powerless. This sort of thing comes from the very top and not just from the top of the BBC but the top of the British establishment. One of the successes of the indy movement has been to show the hand behind the puppets. It has revealed that we are not as free and fair a country as we like to think and that the BBC is mired in political corruption and state propaganda.
Al Dossery Blackkissing NAW don’t applaud a THUG of the Unions Tomlinson was rightly convicted for threatening working men & their Families with violence ( my older Brother being one ) if he didn’t down tools & leave the building site Tomlinson was going to crash a brick on his head . Tomlinson wouldn’t be alive today if he had tried it .
It’s easy to write a one sided account Fek Tomlinson & his fantasy book .
K.A.Mylchreest says:
20 April, 2018 at 12:01 pm
@ Smallaxe”
Thank you, K.A.
I had and still have an excellent teacher, my friend, her name is Nana.
Naina Tal @ 9.55am
No, it was definitely The Sash – which just happens to be my old Alma Mater Cumnock Academy’s school song!!
If it had been “When the Scottish Brek Awa”, the Corries would surely have been black-listed and we would never hear Flower of Scotland.
2007 election @HandandShrimp says at 12:10 pm
Is that the one where Wee Glen Campbell got caught on camera with his head on the desk crying when the SNP victory became obvious/official??
Always wondered if the footage was available some where on the internet.
I can’t recall the BBC talking head (possibly Sally Magnusson) but I think they asked the Labour talking head “what are we going to do about this” when yet another seat was declared for the SNP.
Would love to see the Glen Campbell footage though 🙂
Isn’t it amusing watching the politician’s on QT trying to deflect any responsibility for the current immigration issues. Of the three of them 2 voted for the 2014 bill and the other abstained.
Duck, a squirrel!
The roll of the BBC was to ensure Holyrood was always ruled by Labour, I don’t believe the Tories really care about Holyrood as long as it wasn’t SNP.
Tories see WM as their natural home and as long as they remain in power there then all else is irrelevant to them. They just want enough Scottish seats at WM to claim legitimacy, one seems to be enough in their eyes. Although even when they had none in Wales it didn’t really phase them.
@ Colin Alexander,
Rubbish. Every Health Board advertises,interviews and hires their own Chief Execs and Directors for that matter. Ms Robson does not hire them.
I already told you that they are directly responsible for budgets and accounting for that budget. If they choose to hide defects within that budget, then that is down to them
No. I’m not surprised either.
link to archive.is
Bob Mack, indeed, it is mostly the establishment that places it’s politically corrupt stooges on trusts and health boards.
Still not surprised.
link to archive.is
Let’s face it the System won’t let you touch the BBC.
You must pay for Westminster propaganda if you have a TV.
They do not have to comply with the Freedom Of Information Act.
They can employ crooked former bankers or anyone from the old boy network.
You can complain to the directly, that is nice, but they are their own judge and jury.
The BBC has been a haven for Paedos for generations.
They must have had around 10 DJ’s convicted and some escaping by
dying at an early age.
On TV we have Savile, Harris, and Stewart Hall.
These guys were supported by other BBC employees and seen by many more employees too scared for their highly paid jobs to do anything.
Prof John Robertson has logged thousands of incidents that prove beyond doubt that they employ every trick in the propaganda hand book, but get off Scot-Free.
Bent Biased & Corrupt.
I don’t even trust the time on their breakfast news show.
Agreed @louis.b.argyll says at 12:50 pm
“it is mostly the establishment that places it’s politically corrupt stooges on trusts and health boards”
Grampian Health Board has this beaut:
link to mobile.twitter.com
Colin Alexander says: 20 April, 2018 at 11:41 am
“The Health Secretary approves Chief Executives of Health Boards. She hires and fires them.”
No she does not, these are advertised posts like CEX of a local authority, Police Chief Constable or CEX of Scottish Natural Heritage.
Chairmen / women of healthboards are appointed by the local authority.
If Government worked as you believed it woukd be totally corrupt, hence non political appointments are advertised on the open market.
The DWP has been caught forcing charities to ‘promise’ they won’t criticise Esther McVey;
link to thecanary.co
New recruits lose out as investors withdraw from Scottish News venture aiming to create Scotland’s largest newspaper;
link to pressgazette.co.uk
link to yougov.co.uk
scroll down halfway to get the table with all the data on it.
There is no breakdown for Scotland/England, it’s just UK … Nicola does rather well.
Might I suggest that everybody on here contact the Time magazine and fill them in with the correct information on Ruth Davidson. They will have accepted in good faith Niall Ferguson’s utter rubbish.
The fact is that despite relentless, generous and non questioning promotion for over three years Ruth Davidson and the Scottish Tories are sitting in the low twenties in opinion polls in Scotland (and I believe these polls are more than kind) and struggling with the defunct Labour party for a distant second place in Scotland.
People laugh when her name is mentioned and that is the most crushing opinion in political terms.
“The Scotland Office, the branch office of the UK Tory government, seems to be using Twitter and Facebook for political purposes. Ministers are using expensive promotions to target specific groups of people and they’re paying for it with public money – our money.”
link to twitter.com
I remember the Corrie Folk Trio & Paddy Bell singing the “Scottish Breakaway” probably at the old Anderston Concert Hall, written by Thurso Berwick!
back on-topic
– we all hate the bbc so much, they are giving us more of it –
link to bbc.co.uk
– maybe this will restore “balance” to the Force – or maybe just more industrial strength lying, just in time for the runup to indyref#2 – but that is purely coincidental, I am sure.
Confused says:
2.5% and 10th woman at a UK level.
Which probably means the sub sample of SNP / Yes voting Scots plus some genuine admirers across these Isles put her first.
This also implies if it had been Scotland only she would have been first by a long way.
In Nicola we trust.
@lenny hartley
No wonder he (Hamish henderson) was revered in Italy.
My father told me Hamish led a Scottish regiment into Rome at the liberation and was present at the Fascist surrender.
Dad also had letters from Hamish that he received immediately after the war from the time when hamish spent a year or so in northern italy.He wrote some poems or a book of essays about his experiences there.
As a mathematics-oriented person Dad did not share Hamish’s enthusiasm for collecting scottish folktales and songs.
I do remember him once telling my mother “he’s off to the Western isles this summer – I’m not going there – I don’t care what he says – I’m not spending a week or 10 days listening to scottish folksongs and traditional singers”
I should have paid more attention – but I was young and thoughtless! and Dad was much older than me.
It was just the memtion of Hamish’s name above brought back some memories
BBC Scotland is where Yoons do their day job.
@Betty Boop says: 19 April, 2018 at 4:20 pm:
“We know that is what happens, but, somehow it seems worse when someone speaks of personal experience.”
I’ve been preaching that gospel for nigh on 70 years now, Betty Boop. I’ve posted the truth here on Wings many, many times.
The very first actual, “Broadcasts”, were made by Radio Amateurs, (Hams). Now Hams were originally given amateur licenses to communicate with each other and thus to communicate with the general public is how the term, “Broadcasting”, came into being.
The first Ham station that broadcast to the general public had the Ham Radio call sign 2MT. and I quote from:-
link to en.wikipedia.org
So here is the unvarnished truth. The Westminster Government quickly realised that here was the perfect government propaganda tool and furthermore a great chance to extract a bit more hard cash from Joe and Josephine Public and what better UK Government irony that to make Joe and Josephine Public pay for the privalidge of being brainwashed by Her Majesty’s Government?
So the BBC was invented by The Westminster Establishment and this was accomplished by way of a Royal Charter on January 1927 as The British Broadcasting Corporation. From day one it was supposedly a private corporation but funded by a grant from the United Kingdom Government and the Government sold licenses, (permission to receive), Radio Broadcasts to Joe & Josephine public. Although the BBC were charged with issuing the licences these were bought from The then GPO, (General Post Office), and the money went directly to the treasury – and it still does so.
The Licence payer does not finance the BBC they pay the government to get permission to listen & view broadcasts and Westminster agrees how much taxpayer’s money, (not just licence payers money), the taxpayer gives the BBC.
So there you go the BBC since day one has always been a Westminster funded propaganda tool of the government.
Perhaps a FOI request for the actual list/e-mail would get the usual treatment, but what about pursuing Hardeep’s ‘allegation’ – is he lying? If not, was he being wound-up by someone who just didn’t want to give him the gig?
Who was the producer who let the proverbial out the bag, unwittingly or otherwise?
There can only be so many who work on producing that morning slot.
Someone knows who that person is.
Slightly O/T, see Andrew Adonis regarding the BBC, Ofcom and politics; it’s very murky, messy and corrupt.
When an Establishment figure such as Lord Adonis is crying foul, then you know it’s really, really smelly.
link to twitter.com
Two recent examples of why the yoons would like to see the back of us. (Perhaps from these readings, they *already* have …)
1 My 92 y/o mum was refused the concessionary pensioners fare on a bus in England recently, as the Welsh one was issued by “a country which is not part of the UK.” (The way she tells it, the bus driver couldn’t believe my mum was 92, either … 😉 ).
2 I mentioned to a yoon the other day that my father was stationed on the Isle of Dogs during the Second World War and was a witness daily to V1’s and V2’s flying overhead on their way to smash into London.
Cue the surprised voice, “But he was Welsh!”
“The Scottish Breakaway”.
This is the version I know, having bought the album second-hand decades ago.
link to youtube.com
Also, peeps seem to be confusing Sanjeev Kohli, who plays Navid in “Still Game”, with the subject of the video atl, Hardeep Singh Kohli, who doesn’t play Navid.
@Street Andrew says: 19 April, 2018 at 4:20 pm:
“Stop paying the licence fee.
It’s the only way.”
Wise-up Laddie – it won’t make a blind bit of difference, (as I’m fed up explaining here on Wings), the licence money goes directly to the Treasury and it has never belonged to the BBC since they began, by Royal Charter, in 1927.
You used to have to buy your permission to listen to broadcasts from the government from what was then the Government owned, GPO, (General Post Office), but Westminster split that up and sold it off to their pals as The Post Office and British Telecoms. Iyt is all a con and it always has been.
You pay a fee to the UK Treasury for the government’s permission to receive live video Broadcasts from any source and from any medium. The BBC gets none of it for the BBC gets an agreed annual grant from the Treasury and even if no one paid for permission to receive live video broadcasts they would still get paid tby Westminster o brainwash the public.
@Arbroath1320 says: 19 April, 2018 at 4:21 pm:
“Any semblance and I DO mean ANY semblance of impartiality by the BSPC has now quite clearly been blown clear out the water!”
It’s never ever been in the water – read my posts up-thread and you will have proof of that claim.
@Gordoz says: 19 April, 2018 at 4:46 pm:
“Stupid question but, cant BBC be forced to comment factually via FOI request ?”
No! The BBC is exempt from FOI requests.
What I’d like to know is the percentage of fee paying school educated employees( eg Hutcheson’s Grammar School, St Aloysius and High School of Glasgow former pupils etc) working at the BBC compared to those who came from comprehensive schools.
Then compare that ratio of privately educated adults v comprehensively school educated adults to the ratio in the general working population in Scotland.
Both Kohli brothers are ex- St Aloysius’College & Glasgow Uni.
Most interviews with the FM are now done inside after instructions from Westminster head office, in order to avoid accidental shots of woodland animals and tweety birds that scamper up and surround the FM when she ventures outside, and of course the accompanying music interferes with the media sound which makes editing and reframing what the FM says difficult said Bryan Taylor of the BBC
A spokesperson for Walt Disney said that *at no time has Disney been asked to supply woodland animals or any other wildlife to the SNP or Ms Sturgeon, this can only be a natural occurrance*
In a statement from the SNP their chief excecutive Peter Murrell said *Zippety Doo Dah Zippety eh my my my what a wonderful day* and offered no further comment
Ruth Davidson of the *Ruth Davidson Orange and No surrender party* said *These animals come from somewhere and the SNP should come clean and fess up to where they’re getting them and from whom*
Willie Rennie of the Lieboral Democrats said all of the Lieboral Democrat squirrels were accounted for and housed hamanely in a bouncy castle in the Happy Wood
Monica Lennon for the Labour Party said *Animals were originally an idea I put forward and the SNP adopted it for their own ends but all Labour animals now stay in our houses where we know they’re safe and cared for and aren’t forced to make political decisions they don’t understand*
The electoral commission said, the use of animals in
politics is a long established practice and as long as they are not exploited or harmed we see no need to charge in like a buffalo in a china shop and interfere with that
@Dan Huil says: 19 April, 2018 at 4:52 pm:
“The britnat bbc doesn’t care anymore about hiding its anti-Scottish agenda. Don’t give them money.”
Sheesh! When the hell is it going to sink into Winger’s heads? I’ve been posting the truth that the licences fee does NOT go to the BBC since I began to comment on Wings.
You pay for the BBC whether you buy the government’s permission, (licence), or not because the licence fee money goes to the treasury and Westminster agrees with the BBC how much tax payer’s money they give to the BBC.
Everyone now pays tax because the UK tax system is now indirect taxation. Thus it is levied upon goods & services and everyone uses goods & services and thus pays the government for them no matter who is providing the goods or services.
I’m not having a go at either of the Kohli brothers personally or anyone from a private education.
My point is that Hardeep was the right man for the job at the BBC – until he revealed he’s not British Establishment material.
@Dr Jim
Excellent mental picture you conjured about the FM there. 🙂
Taken my mind off Wee Willie Rennie and Wee Dick Leonard for a while.
@schrodingers cat says: 19 April, 2018 at 6:58 pm
“even those who accept the msm is biased can still be influenced by its output.”
You can say that again, schrodingers cat, but it won’y make a bit of difference.
I’ve been telling Wingers the truth that the BBC was begun by Royal Charter as the main Westminster Propaganda tool with the birth of radio broadcasting in 1927. From that day the UK government have collected money for allowing us to tune into broadcasting and the licence fee money has never gone to the BBC but directly into the United Kingdom Treasury.
Then Westminster makes an annual grant to the BBC of tax payers, (whether the tax payer buys permission to receive broadcasts or not), to the BBC. Yet the brainwashing is so strong that there are dozens of commenters here on Wings today commenting, (perhaps indirectly), that the licence fee pays for the BBC – it doesn’t and even if no one bought a licence the BBC have an agreed grant anyway and it comes from taxpayers not from licence holders.
No matter how many times I have posted that verifiable truth there will still be Wingers on this forum claiming otherwise.
Willie Rennie making a great case for Independence in his disjointed ramblings at his wee conference today
Oh and by the way, he’s winning everything and he’s smiling
Wee soul
@HandandShrimp says:
20 April, 2018 at 12:10 pm
No real surprise, the BBC are as corrupt as any tin pot propaganda channel.
My eyes were opened (wide open as opposed to half-opened as one realised BBC were pro-establishment but thought they tried to be even handed despite this – I preferred Chanel 4 news at the time, gone downhill these days but still better than BBC) back shortly after devolution when I saw Nicola Sturgeon, then shadow Education sec I think, being interviewed on Scottish Beeb. She couldn’t get an answer in for interruptions: at one point she got interrupted 3 times in the same sentence, it was so ridiculous she was almost laughing. Then the interviewer turned to a labour spokesman and he spoke for several minutes uninterrupted.
At the time I still had hopes Labour would do something (but soon we would see PFIs, dropping re-nationalisation of rails and Iraq lies) but it did start me on the road away from Labour and towards pro-Indy. Things is, their arrogance and sense of entitlement was/is so great they don’t realise they are doing it so openly and blatantly. They must have helped turn others away from Unionism and to Indy by making it so obvious to many people that they were being lied to.
Iain Brotherhood 2.19
If you have worked for the BBC and are therefore on their system!
Its mibbi no FOI requests,but Data Protection laws that could help….These law’s are ment to ensure that if a company holds information on a computer about a person,then that person has the right to see it….?
BREAKING from Pravda Quay
with Union Jackie Kim Ono:
@stu mac
Pity can’t edit here, anyway, I wasn’t exaggerating for effect when I said she was interrupted several times in the same sentence (it’s the main reason it stuck in my mind for so long). I added that point because it proves they weren’t trying to keep her to the question or responding to her reply because you can’t know what someone is going to say until they’ve completed at least one sentence. As I said, proving live on air they had an agenda and were two pig headed to realise they were giving it away in the most blatant manner.
@Robert Peffers 2:47pm
Jings! Help ma boab, Bob. How many times do I have to explain that I prefer to spend £150 on things other than a bbc licence. I spend the £150 on whisky. The government can blow my indirect tax payment any way it wants; I’ll be too pissed to care.
How many times?!
Liz G: “If you have worked for the BBC and are therefore on their system, Its mibbi no FOI requests,but Data Protection laws that could help”
FOI = does not allow personal data
Data Protection Act 1998 – Subject Access Request (SAR) = I request a copy of all my personal data held. In 25 May 2018 it becomes FREE to make a SAR.
SARs must be made in writing. See:
link to ico.org.uk
@Dan Huil says: 20 April, 2018 at 4:25 pm:
“Jings! Help ma boab, Bob. How many times do I have to explain that I prefer to spend £150 on things other than a bbc licence. I spend the £150 on whisky. The government can blow my indirect tax payment any way it wants; I’ll be too pissed to care.
How many times?!”
Not the point, smarty pants, the point is that Wingers just cannot shake off the truth that the BBC does NOT get the licence money and no matter how many Indy supporters stop paying the licence fee to the treasury the Westminster Government will still be handing out the BBC annual grant to pay for their propaganda work.
BTW: that Whisky money is a prime contributed to the Westminster coffers too.
Like the up to 98% oil & gas revenues from Scottish waters all that tax revenue goes right into the Westminster Government’s coffers to spend as they wish – not as you wish – and that’s the point.
Westminster are creaming off Scotland’s revenues and using it against Scotland. Like that other daylight robbery – The National Grid connection charges.
Not a penny of those indirect taxes is credited as Scottish earned revenue when Westminster does its books – they are all accounted as United Kingdom a.k.a. English revenue.
@Robert Peffers 4:40pm
You can pay £150 for a licence, Robert, if you so desire. I’ll spend the £150 on something else. Cheers!
Road tax is a tax collected by Westminster but everybody knows they don’t spend it back out again on the roads, in exactly the same way as the telly tax is not a licence to watch TV, it’s just a tax that Westminster collects and gives some of it to the BBC when they ask for their grant, and except for David Attenborough probably the government then decides whether the BBC have been good propaganda tools or not and that determines the amount of grant they get
So the more pro government the BBC is….you see how that works?
Also for those who don’t know the BBC is not publicly funded they are a commercial company otherwise they wouldn’t be selling BBC products around the entire globe hence the reason for NOT wanting to sack people like Jeremy Claksons Top Gear show or not too long ago hiding the truth about Jimmy Saville both of whom made the BBC squillions, apart from the now allowed product placement which in the past they weren’t allowed but now you see Kellogs Cornflakes and Heinz Beanz everywhere, to name just a couple, and do you think when Ant and Dec jump around in a Morrisons supermarket advert, the BBC who owns their contract gets nothing
Everything that appears on the BBC is a product for sale right down to any pictures it takes then shares (sells) to other broadcasters
That’s how the directors and hidden mandarins of the BBC manage to pay themselves billions of squillions of £ $ Bitcoins Shekels Rubles Euros or any other currency including the live kind…….. (I think you know what I mean) every single year and you know what’s worse, we don’t even know who these people are
But we keep giving them our bloody money while we say (Oh ah suppose ye hiv tae)
No we don’t!
Heard yoan Murray [Foote?], foarmurr Daily Record editor, oan Radio Scoattlin newspaper reviews – jist yoan last week urr sae.
Bliddae awfah ee wiz, tae. Kid hoarrdly pit, twaw wurds thegithurr.
Aye, ah richt shoourr ah basturts, thae Radio Scoattlin/BBC erses. Gittin wurse, bae thoan meenit.
It has been quite obvious recently on the BBC that something is going on – we had Angela Haggerty on paper reviews and on sunday shows nearly every week, she is at best luke warm and will certainly say something snp baad, Jim Sillars the same. They will have anyone who is remotely concerned with an indy Scotland but is prepared to snp baaaad at the same time – rarely if ever do you have someone who is a committed indy supporter – but the bbc wants to be able to say they are ‘fair’ so they get on often someone like AH but very rarely say Lesley Riddoch.
You only have to listen to the tone of Kay with an e or Andrew N or Nicky R to know which side of indy they are on – neutral – factual – fair – not likely, just BBC stooges following the party line. I hope they are proud of themselves.
It’s quite amusing to think that with the depute election, Wishart and all, talk about the whens of Indy Ref 2 and how, sovereignty and bipartites, EU and EFTA, CA and Robison, that in a few short weeks with a shuffle of papers on 11 desks, a closing of folders, and the immortal words of the (Lady) President, the Union is blown wide open with these quiet words “This court has decided that it has no competence to hear this case, case dismissed”.
BBC double standards 5th party at HOLYROOD gets top billing for attack on SNP in front of 100 odd delegates.
Third party at Westminster ignored in National news and Question Time partially compared to when Lib Democrats were third force.
Hardeep is way better than the Empire Propaganda Chanel.
Shortbreads favourite “comedy??” luvvie is Des Clarke, sums up the quality of the Shite corporation, (shite comedian, and even shite-ier broadcasting.)
Saw a wee bit of QT in a hotel last night switched off after about 5 mins, “SHITE,” this is why I don’t pay for the TV licence or watch live TV.
Wee Kim Jong Un is a first year apprentice when it comes to Propaganda.
RT now carrying out interviews with the kids who were ‘allegedly’ gassed by chemical weapons and have filmed the scene where the chemical weapon was dropped (in a bedroom). I’m all behind the SNP’s political cautious approach… But come on to!!! It is so clearly BS, that even the most rabid Yoon would have difficulty carrying on the pretence with a straight face.
Two points
Hardeep clearly has an axe to grind with the BBC, this seemed to start after was suspended for inappropriate behaviour in relation to a colleague.
He has overtly campaigned for independence and is critical of the bbc and bias, why would he get employed as a news presenter when he is clearly not neutral?
That was then this is now then
Here’s a wee article by Ian Brotherhood on the BBC from 2012. I think he got things mostly right. Ahead of the curve.
link to bellacaledonia.org.uk