A Hell Of A Decade
Posted on
February 13, 2024 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Well, it sure beats the broom-cupboard video.
Well, it sure beats the broom-cupboard video.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Brilliant just Brilliant. The other Rev I M Jolly couldn’t do better. You have no seen the last of my blue bonnet and me.
A man of many talent’s!
Putting comedy into politics unlike the comedy that is Scottish politics.
Well done Alex!
auld comfy slippers will be raging at Alex taking the piss.
Well the performance was decent but the script was superb and it leaves me hopeful for a triumph in the third act
That was just f******g brilliant…!
Here’s the rest of the evening
link to youtube.com
A Rev in Bath and a Rev in Perth, what more is still to come?
Guid, sharp Rikki Fulton homage. Dinnae quite ken whit tae make ay that, tae be honest. A real mix ay emotions eftir watching it, hert’s a wee bit broken. The sketch is laugh-oot-loud funny, subtly angry, poignant, sad, depressing, resigned, quietly defiant, tattered-saltire-flagwaving, statesmanlike, bloodied…unbowed. Thit it shoulday come tae this. Tragic n disgusting. Cannae wait tae see whit The Man dis wi his failed venomous protege n her twistit manhater alphabetty pals. Bit thir’ll be nae real joy in it fir him, mibbe no even vindication, jist a wee well-aimed-n-deserved slap it the right soor hateful self-serving Machiavellian pusses fir disservices rendered.
Hats off to big Eck, humour, wit with some humility.
Everything Sturgeon and her shrieking mincing fan club simply aren’t.
Well presented satire that should shame the arseholes he not so subtly references but we all know they are shameless,REVENGE REVENGE REVENGE cannot come soon enough and let us make it extremely painful
See they will be releasing the abortive census details on ethnicity and other topics this year. Should be…interesting. Why this number was not released with the other info released already is beyond me.
link to scotlandscensus.gov.uk
What a good man.
The true leader of Scotland.
Excellent satire based on the takes of the late Rev I M Jolly who was a truly amazing fictional minister.
Salmond, one of the greatest Scottish politician ever plays this opinion piece fabulously. Moreover for me it confims that he has more in the tank and that we have not heard the last of his bonnet and he.
By contrast I could help but think of a parody by Nicola Surgeon as Gollum from the Lord of the Rings.
The character of Gollum fits Sturgeon to a tee. As does the name of the book which describes Sturgeon and her clique to a tee. Ring pieces every one of them!
Thanks Rev that fair cheered the day!
Niccla – the Craig Levein of Scottish politics
I don’t find this amusing. People have died because of the criminal activity of this
so called Scottish nationalist government.
Mr Salmond makes light one of the darkest chapters in Scottish history.
To further entertain you John Stewart is back – find him on Grousebeater this morning.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold”.
And little would provoke and annoy the self centred Ms Sturgeon as much as this biting satire at her expense. Completely humourless herself, to be the butt of the jest will be excruciating to her sense of self importance.
Great one Mr S.
Very well played but as stated above a tragedy that it has came to this.
Good luck, Rev, with your application to the Mark E Smith Institute.
I really like Alex Salmond he’s the best.
Here’s his first Turkish Tea Talk:
link to youtube.com
I heard the sun’s magnetic poles are due to flip.
The poles of Scottish politics are flipping too. Salmond is out there having a blast while those who tried to ruin him are hiding in the shadows.
Completely humourless herself, to be the butt of the jest will be excruciating to her sense of self importance.
I find people without a sense of humour very scary.
Apparently it’s also a sign of extreme stress.
It’s sad because ‘laughter is the best medicine’
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Love is in the air!
That was fun – really cheering to think of all those Holyrood and Jackson’s Entry computers being turned on to see what Wings has for them today. Will they then be scanning the Vacancies columns or are they still convinced that their “job” is safe for a few years yet?
Not to mention the current incumbent of St Giles. Ooft.
@sarah, re the salmon farms, I think it was you who was posting about the crowdfunder.
Back around the end of the 90’s and beginning of the 00’s Private Eye used to run articles on the fish farms in the Highlands And Islands. People would run up debts and enter into liquidation only to almost immediately open another company and be granted a licence by the local Lib Dem MP who would just happen to be either their brother or cousin.
A kindly word in the ear of Mark Beggan:
@ Anton Decadent: “..you were posting about the fish farms..”
Yes, I was – to little effect as the crowdfunder is still only at £5041 and needs another £20,000 in 5 days. Perhaps it’s because I didn’t do a proper link to make things easier for people to donate.
link to crowdjustice.com
I am shocked, or rather I would have been when I still believed in the probity of others, by what you tell me of the dodgy behaviour of fish farm businesses.
“Fits nae t like”
Reminds us how those that are on the ball are fully up to speed with everything inc Nicknames.
“Eh Pete?”
I was reminded of this at a school reunion, chatting to a former teacher who assured us they all knew they had nicknames.
“C’est la vie”
Mark Beggen –
Is that the best the 77th can come up with ?
What a bitter &v twisted wee muppet you are.
Doesn’t even make sense …..
No mention was made relating to any deaths.
Clearly satire understanding is not practised in the ranks ….
Just read your job application to Glasgow University (previous post).
I worked there for many years. What I can tell you is this, that for non-academic departments (of which this is the superlative example), and for the burgeoning number of joke and Mickey-Mouse ‘academic’ departments (ditto) in the social er..’sciences’.. that if you do not know before the job is advertised that it’s yours for the taking, you aint gonae get it.
It’s different in the real sciences and in other serious academic areas.
On the hopeful side, its HR Dept is the most incompetent and corrupt I’ve ever come across.
So if you slip them a bung you might get an interview.
But believe me (and I know you know this already) – the ‘successful’ candidate is already aware of who he/she/it is. (likely an ‘it’ with Foggy Bottom approval)
But good to noise them up.
Who on god’s green earth are the 77th.
If you don’t like what I say? Cool
The playground comments could get the back of your legs slapped
Are you one of stokers chums
Mark Beggan @ 12.22
77th Brigade are a combined Regular/Reservist unit who are dedicated to PR type propoganda. They were involved in the so called “Nudge Unit” attached to the government during the recent Coronavirus exercise in indoctrination and control.
Many of the reservists have no previous connection with the military, but a proven career in marketing & presentation.
This pensioner has been accused of being a member on occasion because of mentioning Ms Sturgeon’s failures and incompetence. (I’m not … but wouldn’t mind the retainer).
Rev,If we can get a list of potential candidates(or make one up), can we have a wee voting poll for the best candidate for the job ?
@ Hatuey says: 14 February, 2024 at 10:44 am
the sun’s magnetic poles are due to flip
Is that what happened to you on Sunday? You most certainly flipped then!
Any comments on today’s Guardian article about the 1,955 medical professionals with invalid (fraudulent) qualifications working in the NHS? Seems like only last week you were claiming that immigration is unarguably always beneficial.
Come to think on it, it was only last week.
I wonder how many of the frauds are working in Scotland? Holding down jobs as a result of fraudulent activity is sanctioned here, from the office of the FM himself, all the way down.
Loved it!
Genocide John
Who is in charge of immigration?
Beggan says @ 12:22 pm: “The playground comments could get the back of your legs slapped. Are you one of stokers chums”
But before that Beggan bleats @ 10:02 am: “People have died because of the criminal activity of this so called Scottish nationalist government”
Not only ignorance personified but where’s the evidence to support that drama queen cameo role statement? LOL!
Stoker @ 15.40.
Mark Beggan must needs answer for himself, however the very fact that there is an investigation ongoing as to the alleged manslaughter of elderly patients testing positive for Coronavirus being transferred from Hospital to “Care Homes” certainly makes this old guy think the worst of Ms Sturgeon and Ms Freeman.
14 February, 2024 at 11:54 am
@ Anton Decaden..
Donated the other day Sarah. Cheers. I am hoping the man gets to his total. maybe the lawyers will persist anyway?
Love to you all. Tiny specks on a wee lump of rock in the vastness of freezing space. We’re a in it the gither, like it or no.
14 February, 2024 at 9:41 pm
Love to you all. Tiny specks on a wee lump of rock in the vastness of freezing space. We’re a in it the gither, like it or no.
Brilliant Ruairidh, I could not agree more.
Worse times are coming. Lets do what we can in our own small. anonymous way and we will come out the end of it with our own country and society intact again.
@ GM at 8.38: “..maybe the lawyers will persist anyway?”
I am hoping so. What worries me is that the crowdjustice page for Don’s fund says they will only take the pledge monies from donors if the target of £25,000 has been reached by 09.00 on Feb 20th. Other crowdfunders on crowdjustice don’t have that requirement – I wonder why Don agreed to it.