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Wings Over Scotland

A great form of empowerment

Posted on March 09, 2017 by

No.7: Erin, 15, from Gullane.


(All clips via the always-excellent Phantom Power Films.)

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Hopefully loads of Erin’s fellow “too young” voters from 2014 will be joining her to vote YES next time round.

Jon Drummond

Well put Erin.

This is all about your generation and subsequent generations.

The Tories grandiose notions of continued empire are well and truly over.

Either we sink with them or we swim to enjoy our own destinies.?


Best yet! Future Prime Minister of Scotland Erin, right there.




‘It’s my future that’s in your hands’

Let’s hope this time the older generation realise this.


We need a lovely no to yes granny/grandad now

Robert Graham

O/t sorry BBC News doing a piece on fake news, OH f/k and with straight faces, brass neck comes to mind ha ha .

Dr Jim

Good for the youngsters it’s going to be their country to shape and advance towards the country my generation hasn’t the guts or inclination to change through ignorance laziness and sectarianism

Go for it kids don’t let them put their foot on your necks

uno mas

@ Heedtracker

Watched the video when the btl counter was at one.

Opened comments to post that we are watching a future FM to find that you had already beaten me to it!

Aye it´s true what they say “If your not fast your last”

It would certainly appear so on this site 🙂

P.S. Fifteen??????


heedtracker says:
9 March, 2017 at 10:17 pm

Best yet! Future Prime Minister of Scotland Erin, right there.

Future First Minister?

Think she’ll hae tae join the queue there Heddtracker. Ah think oor Mhairi is heading up the queue at the moment. I think what happened in House of Commons the other day just bolstered her value. 😀

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Bob Mack

Well said Erin. Dump the baggage of the past Scotland has carried for a long time. Create a new Scotland welcoming to all regardless of creed, ethnicity or any other factor.

Scotland is more of an idea and frame of mind than it is about stereotypes.

Tinto Chiel

Erin: so young, so smart.

Thank God for our youth.

The Dog Philosopher

I could believe that Erin is pretty representative of most young Yessers – informed, level-headed, and dedicated. Compare and contrast with, say, that young Naw chap who sported an England top and told us that if Her Madge didn’t bring in £30M a year we’d all be on £10 giros!

Kinda sums up the whole situation really …

Gullane No4

Well said Erin, our future is in good hands if you are an example.
{from an old former Gullanite]


Good vid. Was it a set up for John McDonald misses flight to give Kezia Dugdale high profile on BBC QT

Lenny Hartley

Watching qt for first time in years, snp bad over promising to abolish council tax. Tasmina is worse than useless, no response to the lie, the Rev covered it a while back.
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Robert Graham

Oh f/k Kezia doesn’t fear Elections, amateur night at the Pavilion, oh it’s priceless.


I would imagine Kezia is pretty resigned to a poor election. When you expect to do badly there is little left to fear.

Robert Graham

Love Tasmena to bits but for f/k sake she’s managed to confuse me,on the Question of another Independence vote, bring on Tommy Shephard .


On every question Dimbleby giving Dugdale last word after Tasmina

Also normally when four gang up on one panellist they get a right of reply

However agree that SNP could get stronger panellists


Dugdale v Fraser Nelson. Spot the difference. There isn’t one.

Dugdale an absolute disgrace to Scotland. Nelson is just a right wing twat pally with Andrew Neil.

Dugdale believes she leads the opposition. She is in denial.

Labour will descend further into the mire. Dugdale won’t last beyond June.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Fraser Nelson telling us their is no appetite for IndyRef2 in Scotland.

He really has his finger on the pulse of Scottish Politics.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Good “National” front page:

comment image


Thanks Tasmina but..

Need more polished performers than this in future. Shes a politician ffs. Not good enough lets be honest, not by a long shot – Dugdales a muppet and she should have tore into her regardless.

Come on SNP up yer game no more ineptitude in front of cameras.

Tasminas been on enough.

[…] Wings Over Scotland A great form of empowerment No.7: Erin, 15, from Gullane. Previously: (All clips via the always-excellent Phantom […]

Meg merrilees

Mc Donnell didn’t miss his flight. There’s a train problem on the East Coast mainline and the flights are full. He tweeted about it this afternoon and pulled out of the show in advance.

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Kezia being allowed to get away with at least two lies tonight :

1: “scrapping of theCouncil tax has been in the SNP manifesto for the last ten years’ Really?

2: “SNP has taken £1.5 billion out of the Scottish Education system that’s why our standards have collapsed”

Tasmina looked stunned! Also, not allowed to reply by Dumblebore.

The programme is so biased it’s a sham!

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

The “National” twitter pages:

link to


Erin, you are an inspiration. Proud of you! So smart: Tories kidding on to ‘be the progressive right, but actually they’re the new UKIP’.

Spot on!


I have given up on QT but I doff my hat to the perseverance of those that still subject themselves to it.

The Yes side could win an independence referendum 65% to 35% and Kezia would still be saying there is no appetite and that Nicola should take it off the table.


Dugdale ,the unusual applause going to her head, change from the normal ridicule in Scotland. Unfortunately the applause was for saying Scotland was incapable of being an independent country.

Nelson still claiming 3 out of 4 don’t want referendum despite latest poll given Yes lead, he really needs to read more than the Tory handout.

Dimbleby as usual allowing misinformation to go unchallenged by not allowing Tasmina a reply.

Dr Jim

Do we think they think if they keep saying Scotland doesn’t want another referendum it’ll make it all go away

I think Tasmina’s doing what all the SNP is doing at the moment and it’s making them repeat the same things over and over again without giving them something definite they can pick at
They’re doing our advertising for us

However the big worry is that Willie Rennie now speaks for the majority of Scots and even though nobody’s actually voting for him, he’s winning
He sneaked that one up on me I just never noticed how powerful he’s become what with eh, something

I was also surprised to learn from Fraser Nelson that Nicola Sturgeons approval rating had tanked and she wasn’t likely to win at Holyrood again
He must mean it’ll be Willie Rennie for FM then coz he’s got the power of Greyskull at the moment

Kezia has spent two years on a bus and in a pub talking about nothing else she says….eh? no words

We’re on the verge of a council wipe out of Labour but they still say we’re losing
Andy McKeever says the figures are really 70% for staying in the UK even although the guy who does the polls is sitting right beside him saying it’s actually slightly more than 50% for Independence

Sums are hard eh!


Tasmina tends to waffle on a bit too much and you lose track of what her point was. You really need someone who has a better grasp of the detail and put it across more succinctly.


Radio 5 live now discussing QT including independence

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

A lot of shadow boxing going on at the moment.

Things will become clearer once article 50 is triggered.

Hopefully the date for IndyRef2 will follow shortly afterwards.


Total set up…the ‘Scottish question’ hand picked by dimblebee from audience member…he repeatedly shut her down and then had the cheek to say this isn’t all about Scotland a couple of times having allowed free reign to that snotty little prick Fraser and that total fucking disgraceful liar Dugdale.

Agreed Tommy Sheppard should be on ‘speed dial’ for QT from here on in. That dimblebee wouldn’t get away wi the patronising shit he did tonight if he’d been there.

Still Positive

Remember we don’t know what has been edited out. Especially if perhaps Tasmina had said the No vote was predicated on us remaining in the EU.

If she said that it almost certainly was edited out.

Was that mentioned on the radio continuence for those who were listening?

meg merrilees

Dr. Jim

I think the sums are hard and no-one can understand percentages in all these blasted polls because the SNP has devastated Scottish Education which has had a knock-on effect across the UK.

It’s all Nicola Sturgeon’s fault.

Wonder if (t)Ruthless knows that Willie Rennie is going to be the next FM? or will he be PM to her FM?

I discovered tonight that he speaks for everyone too and is now omnipotent!

Not sure how I missed that…


Yay, hail King Willie!

Sorry, don’t even know what’s going on but that’s never stopped me in the past.

But if there’s a Rennie fan club, I’n upfurit.

Meg merrilees


link to

Willie Rennie says, ‘the Lib-Dems speak for the majority of this country.’

Lib Dem conference in Perth tomorrow and Saturday.


The future looks brighter by the day. 🙂

W Habib Steele

What a beautiful, thoughtful, and articulate girl! We need to cherish her intellect and her passion. We need to nurture more like her.


@Meg merriless
Thanks, from that (Rennie): “but the SNP want to burn it down.”

What is is with these Unionists and their fratricide, division and arson about?


Herald at it again with its headline, might not be Denholm’s fault though: “Scottish universities record worst drop-out rates in UK”. Whereas they’ve not only improved again in 2014/15 (the UK got worse that year), but they’ve more than halved the gap since 2010/11.

When is the media in Scotland ever going to present good news as good news, rather than spin it and run Scotland and its institutions down down down.

It makes me boak. Last time they were virtually forced to change the headlines on an education article. There’s a Wings article I think.


Very well said Erin = )

I have a feeling that you will be a credit to whatever you wish to turn your hand to in your life ahead.

Enjoy the journey, you’ve made a good start = )


Support for Independence over 50% !!!

We are on our way folks = )

This is a good day!

Thank you Rev Stu, Wingers, Phantom Films and Indy Films, SNP, all the campaigners, all the Indy bloggers and bikers and badge makers and magazine writers, the folk who talk and walk the walk and everyone who believes in Scotland!

Have a really lovely day everyone = )


50% and rising!

This despite almost zero back-up from msm, and constant sneering and jeering at wm. As in pubs, all the bile and shouting from yoons, while the more thoughtful among us arrive at our own, positive, conclusion.

I admire all the activists, leafleteers, etc, who keep on spreading the word. I admit I don’t do this; partly because I’m normally away from home working long hours, and partly because I have a low tolerance threshold for those who refuse to listen.

I also greatly admire all the SNP mps who are by far the most honest group ever to enter that grandiose midden at wm.


And another thing!

I’ve just noticed that Theresa Hammond and Philip may are twins!



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There’s more fact check stuff on the website so keep checking back…
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Of course none of the abuse thrown at Nicola will get reported by the media…
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Pete Wishart / Budget boxing day
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Let’s get sharing this and hope the snp will put it in a leaflet
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Budget analysis: UK workers set for worst pay growth decade ‘since the Napoleonic wars’
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Britain will have to pay Brexit ‘divorce bill’, says Irish Prime Minister
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Nana: Good Morning,

It’s  free link  Friday, plenty free links Thank You. Kettle’s on!


Peace Always

Dorothy Devine

Thank you Erin – I was in need of a wee pep talk .


I’ll be 70 sometime this year and I still hope to live long enough to bide in Indy Scotland.

However, my vote isn’t for me, its for Erin and all the bonnie lads and lassies who will make Scotland’s future. Old farts like me just need to empower them.

Thanks Erin for your lovey lift to the spirits.

Ian McCubbin

All of these should form part of media approach during NewIndyref. This along with coverage of the Tory election fraud scandal are paramount to any new campaign.

Les Wilson

Listening to GMS this morning, it now appears that ” The Scottish people do not want another referendum” Every day the UKOK media repeatedly push this. Every Unionist politician spouts the same at every opportunity.

Just who instructs them to do this in such unison, it cannot be

This is psychological warfare against Independence and the democratic rights of Scots, trying to imprint a no, to independence,in the mind of Scots. They took the same approach against Alex Salmond, with successful results last time.Nicola will be lined up for the same treatment.

We really need people to get a grip, and realise that the unionists are out to steal their votes by propaganda and outright lies, just as they did before.

” If you want your votes stolen, listen to the BBC et al.”


Oh Nana, I almost fell off my chair reading this response from Tusk in the RTE piece.

Mr Tusk said he still hoped it was possible for May to trigger Article 50 earlier than the end of March despite the process being held up in the British parliament “but it is not our decision.

“We are well prepared and our reaction after formal notification will be fast and responsible,” he said.

Ah’ll jist bet they are. 😀 EPIC LOL


For Erin:

link to

Peace Always



Good morning. Extra links today to keep you entertained as I’m going away for a wee while.

Look after yourself, keep the kettle on and do not feed the trolls!


I try where possible to provide a laugh out loud moment. Here’s another joke ‘The Scottish liberal party conference’ lol

One more link for the road
link to

Bob Mack

Tamsina was just fine last night . She fell foul of the oldest trick in the book. She answered questions on what was asked, but the panellists were allowed to put supplementary points in their reply to her, completely removed from the original question.

It is nigh impossible to beat that unless the chairperson let’s you back in to reply.

Jack Collatin

Wonderful presentation from this young Scottish citizen.
I have observed before that the next ‘generation’ of 16-17 year olds will have a significant impact on the outcome.
Kezia Dugdale was driven down to QT in Sunderland, ‘cos there wasn’t a replacement Labour MP in the whole of the North of England?
As usual she lied and belittled Scotland, the land of her birth.
She repeated the earlier £15 billion trope churned out by Douglas Fraser on Reporting Scotland.
She lied, as he did.Scotland does not have a ‘deficit’. Scotland will not spend its money in exactly the same way HM Treasury does.
The GERS propaganda is a tissue of Tory lies.
Dugdale lied and declared that the EssEnnPee cut Education spending in Scotland to the tune of £1.5 billion, and that’s why Scottish education was pish.
I hope teachers will investigate the Labour activist shop stewards who have infiltrated the EIS, and demand that their considerable achievements in educating our young despite the Red Blue and Yellow Tory austerity cuts plunging 200,000 of our young Scots into poverty and perpetual penury are publicised, not the lies peddled by their Unionist Red Tory shop stewards.
She lied when she asserted that she had been elected to serve 450,000 constituents in Edinburgh. She was roundly rejected by the electorate, and snuck in by the back door under the list system, which up until then she considered undemocratic.She was not ‘elected’.
She lied when she said that the EssEnnPee had broken their manifesto pledge to scrap the Council Tax for ten years.
She took the opportunity on a QT Panel in Sunderland, to some applause from the Corbynites in the audience, to portray Scotland as too poor, too ‘divided’ to leave her precious YooKay.
Thanks ,Dugdale for slagging off the land of our birth to a Brexit UKIP audience and the TV viewers.
That’ll help attract investment to Brexit Scotland, not.
I have never encountered such boneheaded nonsense in all my life.
Get me on and I’ll belittle Scotland to the delight of the Little REngland audience.
Thanks a fecking bunch, tractor.
Sunderland will be one of the first regions of England to feel the impact of Little Imperial Britain taking back control.
Toyota will move, probably North to Independent Scotland.
Dugdale be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, you liar.
Erin, Lass, Kezia Dugdale illustrates the old adage:-
“If you can’t be a good example, be a dire warning.’
Dugdale is your ‘dire warning.’
Thanks for your views, and good luck in the future.



Enjoy, and don’t forget to keep it Organic.
Peace Always

Brian Powell

I’m not sure why SNP keep putting Tasmina on panel shows, she is good with written speeches but is not good at thinking on her feet, unlike Derek MacKay, Nicola and Alex or Tommy Shepherd.


Question Time Fact Check

London’s refusal to hand over Scotland’s share of the council tax benefit, a £500m cut from London and the Liberal Democrats refusal to co-operate with the SNP at Holyrood meant the tax could not be introduced.

Instead John Swinney, the Finance Secretary, froze council tax a policy that was so popular Labour recently performed a dramatic U-turn and copied it despite condemning it repeatedly at Holyrood and in the media.

Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray continued to make political capital out of Local Income Tax, although Labour’s own promise to replace council tax has been abandoned. Labour claims it will deliver 250,000 leaflets about the LIT “tax bombshell” – something it has neither the funds nor the organisational capacity to deliver.


Jack Collatin:

Well said Jack, Dugdale’s a “Bag o’ Wire!”

Peace Always


Question Time Fact Check 2

On Labour’s bogus claims on £1.5 billion cut to local government in last five years.

For example, in 2013/14 £900,000 was cut from local government when Police Scotland was set up and this cost was removed from councils.

Also other changes in social care funding etc


Brian Powell says:
10 March, 2017 at 9:12 am
I’m not sure why SNP keep putting Tasmina on panel shows,

She is everything the right and further right UKIP are not, everything.

So two thumbs up from me Tasmina.

Also, it takes time to get to sound bite smoothy level, especially anywhere near any hysterical and trigger happy tory BBC gimp, desperate to shoot you down.


I don’t want to go to the dentist. But, allowing for the fact that I’m overdue a checkup, that doesn’t mean I wont go if it becomes necessary. Even the origin of “Jingoism” plays lip service to not wanting to go to war.

The figures on the dubious poll regarding no new referendum being misquoted via a process of chinese whispers are 51% for no new referendum until after the Brexit negotiations. 24% no opinion and 25% disagree. The agreement is taken as 2019, assuming the negotiations take the whole two years that might be correct. Or it could be the negotiations might be completed by autumn 2018 just in time for the scots electorate to take how far we’ve been didled into our judgement.

The 25% who disagree with the statement might include those who don’t want another referendum anyway and the 51% gave a preference on the timescale. There’s no certainty at all that any of those three options means you’re for or against a second referendum.


Westminster cut £6Billion a year from education and increased fees to £9000 in England

Labour raised £600Billion in tax revenues and borrowed £120Billion. Spent £Billions on banking fraud and illegal wars. Increasing the debt to £1.3Billion. The Tories have increased it to £1.7Billion.

The Tories are raising £533Billion in tax revenues and borrowing £100Billion. Spending £500Billion on Hinkley Point, HS2, Heathrow and Trident. All a total waste of money, with more credible alternatives. Brexit will cost £60Billion. More than EU membership. The Tories will negotiate less for more.

The councils waste £Billions of public money. On non mandated grotesque projects. Instead of essential services. Against the majority wishes and the public interest. It is reported they have £2Billion in reserve.

QT is nonsense.



Heh, the ‘unnamed minister’ isn’t wrong. The only thing which would head off constitutional crisis and an indyref vote, (near as I can see), would be if PM May acceded to the SG proposals. i.e. To retain both unions the federal/Norway option.

I really, REALLY, do find it difficult to believe May will go down that route. To make the UK anywhere near solvent and avoid, at least, a couple of decades of catastrophic economic harm, she needs unfettered access to Scotland’s resources and revenue stream. The federal option which, let’s face it, is in effect devo max or indy lite would place FFA firmly on the map in order to work.

Scotland would require control of significant areas of foreign policy, immigration and border control, near full access to all tax controls (incl. VAT) and so on. It would be retention of political union in name only. But then how much does may value the idea and spirit of the UK? That is the real test for her and the rest of the true blue Tories.

We know the answer to this question already of course, but very public confirmation never hurts.

And it WILL be public confirmation.

The SC and the binning of the Sewell convention was the first heads up for the Scottish electorate. What happens next should put the ribbon on the package.

To remove any doubt for readers though, I’d believe Ms May will reject the Scottish Government’s proposal. I believe she will throw some hints about the possibility of more powers out there. I also believe she will attempt a power grab as negotiations with the EU progress and attempt to repatriate Scottish fishing rights and agriculture as property of Westminster government. She will have to abandon and ignore the vote of the Scottish electorate in order to do so. By doing these things she WILL force an inevitable constitutional crisis upon both Scotland and Northern Ireland and gamble on winning any Scottish referendum in order to retain ALL assets. When faced with this inevitability, she will attempt to delay any referendum vote till beyond the negotiation period of Brexit at a time which suits the Westminster government for a whole host of legal and practical reasons, none of which involve the needs and rights of EU nationals or the needs of the wider population of Scotland.

Neither Scotland nor Northern Ireland asked for this, nor is this the route you’d wish to take to a referendum of any description. Debate and persuasion was, of course, the preferred route. Longer, but no less certain.

Events and actions however have a knack of screwing up the best laid plans, they also have very real constitutional and legal consequences. The idiotic and reckless actions of Conservative government have placed the countries and peoples of the union in a state of constitutional and economic crisis.

NO ONE else need apply for any blame.


What the Guardian’s take today, on latest 50/50 Scotland polls?

“We have made numerous visits to the Cairngorms in the hopes of seeing this mountain dwelling grouse – Lagopus mutus – in its white-feathered finery. But it has proved to be frustratingly elusive. Previous attempts have been foiled by extreme weather, from 90mph winds and whiteout conditions to horizontal rain and shrouding cloud.

Weatherwatch: Keeping warm under a snowy blanket
Read more
On this day the sky was blue and the Cairngorm plateau bathed in an apricot glow, but the slopes were thronged with skiers so we tried our luck on Meall a’ Bhuachaille, a nearby Corbett (a peak with a height of 2,500-3,000ft and 500ft minimum drop).”


I do sometimes wonder about people. Most seem to know what’s going on and can make reasonably informed decisions. However, polls consistently show that there is a chunk who haven’t got a bloody clue, frankly.

Latest YouGov UK wide poll … 16% believe the economy will improve over the next year.

How can anyone possibly come to hold that opinion!?

call me dave

Rennie squawks on Good Moaning Scotland about the important things in life, streetlights and emptying the bins, f**k the independence thing.
His interview quickly descended into farce as Gary lampooned all that was Lib/Dem.

He’s in a phone box somewhere today!

Meanwhile on radio 5 coughing up £3bn to £6bn for upgrading the Westminster building and the same for our Queenie is a mere bagatelle. 🙁

Lovely links Nana. Have a good day!

Bob Mack


How can 16% hold that opinion?

These are the 16% that volunteer to appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show.


The Scot LibDems could hold their conference in a Shinyuku pub and still have enough room for a couple of amorous pigs.


galamcennalath says:

10 March, 2017 at 10:00 am

Latest YouGov UK wide poll … 16% believe the economy will improve over the next year. How can anyone possibly come to hold that opinion!?

It’s called Wishful Thinking. 🙂


Rennie Quote.

I am in favour of fighting for what I believe in.

It is alright for him to say this but not for the likes of me to keep fighting for what I believe in.

Rennie you are a right wa***r


Bob Mack:

Volunteers? I’ve always viewed them as Victims! And that’s not an audience it’s the queue. #Five minutes of “Fame”

Peace Always

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Worth a re-post:

Good “National” front page:

comment image


Meanwhile, the BBC cameramen are bust thinking how they can film Willie Rennie, his cousin and four others and make it look like a packed hall.

What a job. 🙂


Scott says:

Rennie you are a right wa***r

I hear he wants a second EURef … but not an IndyRef.

Hypocritical wa***r 🙂

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Tim Farron LEADER of the Lib/Dems has no mention of the Scottish branch Conference on his twitter account.

And his reason for NOT appearing at the Scottish Branch Conference is that he had already told somebody else that he would turn up at their birthday party.

Good to see Tim has got his priorities in the right order.

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Marker Post

Re: all those UK companies planning to relocate to Ireland before Brexit, I am hoping that the Scottish government can find a way to talk to them, and that we can get some public declarations that are the reverse of what happened with RBS in the days leading up to the first referendum.


BBC Scotland Tells Lies @ 10:49

Tim’s just being sociable. There will probably be more people at the birthday party.


Quite right.

Who would give up a birthday party for an empty hall?


Well done Erin. You are certainly brave enough to speak out for what you believe and that gives others courage to do the same. Gullane coast is looking good too.

meg merrilees

Luigi, sorry , but it’s 6 others – cos two of my cousins are there!

are they no’ just meeting in the janitor’s office?

meg merrilees

Les Wilson

It’s the broken record syndrome. if you say/broadcast something often enough, people begin to believe it and eventually don’t even notice it.

If you ( one) can’t make up your mind just now , or are not really interested in politics, then it’s OK to still want to vote NO because ‘MOST OF THE PEOPLE’ of Scotland don’t want another referendum. Go back to watching TV or eating your tea and don’t worry – we’ll keep you informed.

As for that wee nippy sweetie lassy… she’s jist a trouble maker!

Heard that very phrase yesterday also, an SNP voter of many years despairing of ‘oor friend, Nicola’ because ‘Ah dinnae want to stay in Europe, I just wish she she’d dae the right thing fir ma grand weans’…

When I asked her, she said she didn’t like racism and xenophobia and couldn’t stand tories.
Clearly some work to do there – hopefully her grandchildren will work on her too.

meg merrilees


BBC politics website has an item titled:

‘INDY REF 2 being pushed online”

I think it refers to this morning following the latest poll result of 50/50. It only includes tweets from 2016 although they are pro- indy.

Curious that it’s dated June 24th 2016! Why do that now? Why not use fresh tweets?

Because the last tweet is the real message they are trying to get across:

One old tweet from 2014’s independence referendum gained new life on Friday. Put out by the cross-party Better Together campaign, it reminded Scottish voters that the EU membership of an independent Scotland would be no sure thing:

“What is the process for removing our EU citizenship? Voting YES!”

link to

Very odd article – bar stewards!

stu mac


Labour may not have these resources but we know there are forces backed by m/billionaires who can and probably will supply the resources.

ronnie anderson

Hee Haw hee haw hee haw

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Shame on the British nationalist elderly who voted No and denied a better future for the young.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi meg merrilees at 12:37 pm.

You typed,
“Luigi, sorry , but it’s 6 others – cos two of my cousins are there!

are they no’ just meeting in the janitor’s office?”

Aherm… Jannies do not occupy an “office”. A “buckie” is our base of operations.

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    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Careful Andy. You’re still a member of Alba aye? 27, 17:57
    • twathater on The Silent Revolution: “It looks as though Tommy boy is starting to get a wee bit panicky about his job prospects Maybe he…Jan 27, 17:43
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: ““told the gang, whose jail sentences totalled more than 93 years, that they may never be released from prison” Math…Jan 27, 17:34
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “Eleven… ELEVEN… EEEFUCKINGLEVEN! cops is a bit suspicious and reeks of Burnistoun Quality Polis and the lift scene. 27, 17:30
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “A second poem for today: HOLLANDSCHE SCHOUWBURGJan 27, 17:23
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Well said, Dan Keep exercising your independence (Scotland values your opinions, experience and special contributions)… #ScotlandChampionDanJan 27, 17:22
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “A poem for today: A HYMN ON THE LIPS OF THE DAWNJan 27, 17:20
    • Hatey McHateface on The Silent Revolution: “Defo good news that Police Scotland still has 11 officers. Haud oan though. Maybe it’s nae 🙂Jan 27, 17:09
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Up-vote if you value Scotland’s children.Jan 27, 17:02
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “I think you’ll find I was and remain “vaccine” critical…Jan 27, 16:51
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “BBC (27/01/25): Glasgow child sex abuse gang given life sentences: “The seven members of one of Scotland’s biggest child sex…Jan 27, 16:48
    • crazycat on The Silent Revolution: “Yes; my receipts were identical apart from the date, amount, and a reference number. No indication of the purpose of…Jan 27, 15:28
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “If this link below works you may be able to watch the first 50 min episode of Irish TG4 channel’s…Jan 27, 15:27
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Polish-Scots put you exclusive sniveling frauds to Scotland/universal shame… Why I Fell In Love With Scotland: “Steeped in a rich…Jan 27, 14:58
    • Andy Ellis on The Silent Revolution: “Look on the bright side Dan, when you and your muckers get the your way, you can be Farage’s RFK.…Jan 27, 14:32
    • Dan on The Silent Revolution: “If you can keep up this consensus building work Andy, soon you’ll be the last man standing and have won;…Jan 27, 14:06
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “re. “Revolution”: “The overthrow or repudiation of a regime or political system by the governed.” “(in Marxist theory) the violent…Jan 27, 14:06
    • gregor on The Silent Revolution: “Freak: “Freak is a not-so-nice noun that refers to either a person who expresses such an intense obsession with something…Jan 27, 13:52
  • A tall tale

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