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Wings Over Scotland

A different kind of independence

Posted on October 30, 2012 by

This film doesn’t need commentary.

Johann Lamont thinks these people want something for nothing. Ruth Davidson thinks they’re a burden on society. Willie Rennie is prepared to sacrifice them for a couple of token tax hikes on rich people. All three think nuclear weapons are a better use of Scotland’s money than looking after our people. Make your own decision.

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Some of the people in the film say “the cuts are not thought through”. I’m afraid they very much are.

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)

This is a powerful and moving statement on the detrimental impact that direct Westminster control has over our population.

That they continue to attack the benefit system at the expense of looking at the issue of Tax avoidanve and evasion is a travesty…

Thousands of Tax inspectors laid off and the reduced tax take leading to thousands of societies weakest members paying the price for years to come.

Madness and folly! 


Yes, there was the evidence about Starbucks and their avoidance of tax recently.  Other companies like Amazon are also doing this as well.  Then there is the issue of tax havens.  I have not read the book Treasure Islands but it is supposed to be interesting.


Quite a moving film but very sad. It makes me realise that how fortunate that we ,who are not disabled, are quite lucky. Many disabled people will be worried sick with the Coalition planned changes.


No, no commentary required at all.

Viva Gale (nee Craig)

How do i follow this on facebook ? I don’t do twitter.

Viva Gale (nee Craig)

I DID type a comment. How do I get this on facebook I don’t do twitter


Simple. If we can’t go after the “too big to fail” types, then we go after those “too wee to succeed”. Soft targets. Its the Tory way, eh Johann?


@viva Gale

Not quite sure what you mean but the direct video link is:


If you want to embed (e.g. as Rev has done on this page), this code should work for blogs etc:


Fix ‘httppp:’ to ‘http:’ (I didn’t want to embed the video here again!). 


I hope JL, RD and WR are proud of themselves and I’m delighted not to share their measure sets, moral compass or any other tosh they care to spout.


Do you reckon they will stop acting like hyenas anytime soon?

Stevie Cosmic

Moved to tears after watching that. My old man relies heavily on his DLA to have a life….if he can’t have that car then he is waiting to die, and this is a man who has paid into the system since 1954, when he served for HM forces in Cyprus for 4 years. The ‘united’ Kingdom truly has NO redeeming features whatsoever.

douglas clark

It is good to personalise this with real people rather than Dail Mail stereotypes. I agree with Scott Minto, though he is probably too polite to agree with the rest of this comment.

Rant mode on.
The rich are pulling the ladder up and are now pissing on the rest of us. With the collusion of a class of folk that aspire to clamber up the ladder to join this ‘elite’.  They want ( my God they want! ), all the tax breaks they can get.
Legal or illegal it doesn’t matter a damn because the enforcement has been deliberately weakened by a corrupt regieme. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink etc…

Whose mottoes ought to be  ‘can pay, won’t pay’, ‘look away, there is nothing to see here’. These are the the people who rule us now. They, Westminster, might as well be David Ickes Lizards for all the common humanity they have on display.
Stealing, for that is what it is, from people in need to subsidise a corrupt and reckless square mile of this nation is not the tail wagging the dog. It is a piece of dandruff on the end of a tail wagging a fucking brontosaurus. We have been conned by Westminster politicians that their financial system mattered. It didn’t and it doesn’t. The collapse of the whole of that sector would have been a good thing and the criminal law should have dealt with these people. Instead we, as taxpayers, are saddled with paying ‘protection money’ for bankers. It is beyond a joke what people are expected to endure.
Rant mode off.

Bill C

No point in me ranting on how I feel about this, I used to teach young people with Additional Support Needs and know only too well that the vulnerable are always first to suffer, when Westminster wants more money to spend on illegal wars or new weapons of mass destruction.
On a much happier note but o/t
Sorry Rev. New YES radio station being launched soon.
 Yes on air (internet radio) link to
Possibly a way of countering the lies of the BBC and MSM?

douglas clark

Curious about the people speaking on this video:
link to
I suppose these people haven’t the faintest idea what’s coming down the line from Westminster?

Bill C

Should have said that link was provided by xyz over on Newsnet Scotland.


The views expressed here seem to have moved up a gear these last few articles.

Is  it to do with the disgraceful behaviour of Lamont and Davidson at last week’s FM Question Time? Or Lamont’s ‘something for nothing” speech, and Davidson’s “88% backsliders” analysis. To me astonishing and completely unacceptable.
Has the behaviour of these two maybe sharpened the focus on the referendum issue? 
The unionist parties, MSM and the BBC are all lined up against the SNP, and they’re present strategy is to are target the integrity of Alex Salmond, an honest and decent man in my view. Tricky for sure but with honourable intent. But the BBC, MSM and the self-serving unionists cannot target the integrity of a large collection of people in a non-political movement and that I think is the merit of the Yes Campaign headed by Denis Canavan and Blair Jenkins. 
I have no connection with the Yes Campaign other than to sign the Yes declaration and I will attend the inaugural meeting of South Ayrshire this coming Sunday and will commit to whatever help I can provide. A strong Yes Campaign will up the ante.

Agreed Rev Stu, no comment needed on the film. Action is needed.


Bill C

Further good news, an official UK parliamentary release that EU membership is  pretty much guaranteed and will be put into a suitable working EU framework during the process of Scottish independence negotiations.…/…

Happy days indeed!


W00t!  Where did THAT come from?

Bill C

Even more good news, just listened to Henry McLeish on Scotland Tonight, he will not be Johann’s pin up boy any time soon, mind you don’t think he is a particular fan of her either! Henry said that he didn’t think that AS was a liar over Europe, that London still had too much influence on Lamont’s decision making and that Labour needed to get its’ act together over the constitution. Not a good night for Labour at all.

Bill C

@ Morag

The ‘Mother of Parliaments’ Morag, the ‘Mother of Parliaments’ so it must be true!


So, AS will be in receipt of apologies all round then at FMQ on Thursday?  I won’t hold my breath waiting to see how the numpties spin this. Thank goodness for the web…the unionist media will not be able to suppress this.

Bill C

Twitter on fire tonight over UK parliamentary release that SNP position on EU membership is correct.


Is it just me or does anyone else thing that Henry McLeish will join the Yes campaign at some point?

Bill C

Off to bed now, but if anybody is in contact with Johann, please tell her the horse is deid!

Angus McLellan

@Bill C: This gives me a chance to gloat. My delayed copy of Stephen Maxwell’s book dropped through the letterbox this morning – Yay! – so here’s how his section on the EU thing ends (p. 125) :-

“Membership of the EU, let alone the eurozone, is not a necessary condition of Scotland’s independence. If the EU were to make its conditions for Scotland’s membership too rigorous Scotland could remain outside as a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a bilateral relationship like Switzerland. Neither of these would offer Scotland a free ride. As a member of the EEA enjoying access to EU markets, Scotland would have to accept many of the rules of the single market and contribute to the costs of the EU institutions and some of its programmes. But she would enjoy greater freedom of action than as a EU member, certainly than as a member of a tighter eurozone. She could reclaim control of her fisheries, collaborate with Norway and other territories of the north-west Atlantic to protect the management of their resources from EU interference, and avoid European centralisation of control over their finances.”


@Angus McLellan
Re: Scotland and the EU.  I have been coming round to the arguments made for Scotland to be outwith the EU, but have membership of EFTA / EEA.  Mainly for the reasons you state.  BUT … with Independence, some of these issues are up for “negotiation” anyway as the terms of Scotland’s continued membership would have to be decided.  I for one would like to see a reclaiming of our Seas,AND there is NO WAY that I would have Scotland’s oil absorbed into a “grand European resource” as I have heard rumors about. 
Scotland has a substantial claim to being fully Independence and join only those organisations that it needs to.  Being outside the EU does not appear to have done Norway or Switzerland any harm.


Ah, I see everyone’s clocked this already.

link to

Oh dear wonder if Johann will be available for comment on Thursday. 😀 


O/T       Peter Bell,s scoop it has an article from the washington post that some of the more
articulate among you might want to respond to . 

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