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Wings Over Scotland

A better future

Posted on September 18, 2013 by

[15-year-old Saffron Dickson’s passionate, articulate contribution to a Radio 5 debate in Glasgow this week captured the hearts of everyone in the independence movement. She’ll have a vote in the referendum a year from today, and we asked her to tell us why she’ll be using it to say Yes. These are her words.]

As a young person living in Scotland, I believe wholeheartedly that Scotland is the most beautiful and prosperous country I know of. I realised this at a very young age, I might add. The site of the ‘Better Together’ campaign never really appealed to me.


I’ve always made a point of never believing or following anything I can’t fully intellectualise, so the Yes campaign was the only way for me. Living with a strong political family, I’ve always had an interest in politics, but rest assured I’m not voting Yes based on family. I’ve debated this vigorously, and my heart and my head just want what’s best for Scotland.

Scotland is my beautiful homeland, and if I thought something was going to jeopardize it I would NOT be voting for it. I think as an independent Scotland we will grow – not only economically, but we will grow in spirit, develop a youth full of passion and drive. The youth are the building blocks of the future; without them a country is nothing.

We need people who will look out for our beautiful and very dear country, people who will make decisions that are right for us, and not because Westminster want to try and force us into a jigsaw puzzle that we don’t fit into.

An independent Scotland is the only way forward, in my eyes. I want my education to be secure, I want my health to be secure, and I want my friends, my family and every single person in Scotland, regardless of age, race, or how many bedrooms you have in your house, to feel safe and to feel as if they matter.

This will only ever happen if we believe in independence. No one can ever be sure of anything in the world, but we are currently part of a failing system, and we shouldn’t be settling for it just because it isn’t failing as badly as some other countries are.

We should not be sitting idle watching our education, our housing and our country deteriorate under a government we didn’t vote for, that many don’t want and that is wasting our wealth. I want every single vote to count, we are not a wasted vote. We are people, not just statistics on a poll. We exist and we should matter.

149 to “A better future”

  1. Wee_monsieur says:

    Well said young lady

  2. Morag says:

    Proud of you, Saffron.

  3. handclapping says:

    And Yes, we would matter.

  4. annie says:

    I just you are infectious and your friends catch your enthusiasm for Scotland and vote yes. Well done.

  5. MajorBloodnok says:

    Saffron for First Minister!

  6. James says:

    Great stuff – you make us proud

  7. john king says:

    out of the mouths of babes and innocents 🙂

  8. malcolm says:

    Love that phrase – ‘force us into a jigsaw puzzle that we don’t fit into.’  Must start using it myself!  Also, fully agree that indy is as much to do with ‘spirit’ as anything else.

  9. KillieBoab says:

    Inspirational! I listened to David Attenborough on the radio today and Saffron inspires in the same way he does.
    You have a bright future ahead, young lady.

  10. Votadini Jeannie says:

    That happy smiling face  just sums up the Yes campaign completely for me. “No” voters always look and sound angry, fearful or bitter, while yes voters always seem happy and optimistic.
    Youth is normally wonderful for its bright confident outlook, and I almost felt sorry for the “No” lass who spoke before Saffron – her worried expression and inarticulated fears are not how teenagers should be. She should have been bright and positive in her belief about the future of the union, but no, it was all just about fear.
    I sincerely hope other teenagers (and adults) who see this are drawn by Saffron’s enthusiasm, rather then depressed by the other’s girl’s pessimism. 

  11. BillDunblane says:

    Such confidence and clarity is truly heartwarming.
    The two minute video clip which she shone in was available but now seems to be unavailable, although it is still on several Facebook pages, the link has changed and does not allow posting elsewher.
    Well done lass!

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “The two minute video clip which she shone in was available but now seems to be unavailable”

      The link works fine here, just checked it seconds ago.

  12. Yesitis says:

    Wonderful. Thank you, Saffron.

  13. Bawheid Bragg says:

    Don’t want to piss on anyone’s chips, but have you seen the tweet re the schools in Aberdeen? 75% No in a mock referendum. Looks like the Bitters are already sending propaganda out to the schools, as was mentioned a few months ago. Is there any Yes material going out to schools – there should be, and fast.
    BTW Saffron, you’re a star.

  14. Training Day says:

    Well said Saffron. It’s so important that you speak to your friends and peer group to prevent them being led up the garden path like the poor souls duped into voting No in Aberdeen’s schools today.

  15. Max Solanis says:

    Fantastic. If more youths like yourself were engaged in the debate and told their friends, family and anyone else what they want for the future, this debate would be a very open and honest one. 

    Well done Saffron, all the best for the future in whatever you chose to do. 

  16. faolie says:

    Saffron, well said and well done.

  17. Ronnie says:

    This needs bringing to the attention of the Aberdeenshire school kids who voted ‘No’ in the mock referendum.
    About 75%, I believe.

  18. BlueTiles says:

    With young people like Saffron, our future is bright!
    This is why we will win this. Belief and Hope.
    The dam is breaking a one crack at a time. There’s gonna be a flood soon and the entire country will be carried along on the currents of inspiration.  🙂
    See you all at the rally. It’s gonna be a day to remember. 

  19. Murray McCallum says:

    “… people who will make decisions that are right for us, and not because Westminster want to try and force us into a jigsaw puzzle that we don’t fit into.”
    Well said Saffron. Westminster are now well into the stage of trimming off the edges to complete the forced fit. Next comes the thumping into place.

  20. Juteman says:

    I want to live in your future Scotland, not the grim wasteland of the No squad.

  21. Gaavster says:

    Well done Saffron, you’re a credit to yourself and to your parents too
    They must be really proud…

  22. You couldn’t get a more enthusiastic person!  A wee diamond.  Naw, a big, massive, sparkling, shining, belter of a diamond.  Well said Saffron

  23. David Smith says:

    Wee Saffron had me virtually clapping and cheering as I read that.
    This young lady is the face of Scotland’s future. May there be thousands more like her!

  24. BillDunblane says:

    Correct Stu – just me! – Its been a long day.
    link to

  25. scotchwoman says:

    Agree with Ronnie above – and I trust all on the YES side have a focus on getting the message out to our feardie youngsters. What happended to rebellion and anti-establishment attitudes amongst the younger generation?!

  26. Albalha says:

    Saffron your optimism is to be cherished and the ability, in a debate like that, to correct the presenter on the point of your ability to vote with such ease, a real lesson to others in how to cut to the chase and say what you want to say.
    Does anyone know which schools took part in the Aberdeen vote?

  27. Linda's back says:

    Saffron, Elaine C Smith, Pat Kane and  businessman Ivan McKee should feature more often as Yes panelists  on TV with fewer politicians who generally repeat the same mantra. 
    Again Alistair Darling given soft ride on BBC News 24 never challenged on his assumptions.

  28. Jeannie says:

    Saffron -you make my heart feel young again!  You look around you, see the positive and grab it with both hands, determined to make a difference, not just for yourself but for everyone around you.  You’re a breath of fresh air in this debate.

  29. Cheryl says:

    What a smashing lassie, she’s a wee shining light and an example of what the Yes campaign is.

  30. Frazer Allan Whyte says:

    “…to feel as if they matter.” Now there are words to wake up and stir the hearts of even the most convinced of the No voters “In a free Scotland you will matter.” It avoids polemics and false promises and says it all, clearly simply and truthfully. It actually works out to five messages in one.
    In a FREE Scotland you will matter  In a free SCOTLAND you will matter
    In a free Scotland YOU will matter   In a free Scotland you WILL matter
    In a free Scotland you will MATTER
    Blessings on Saffron and may many others like her rise up and speak the truth.

  31. 0191gilly says:

    I hope Scotland gets its independence .. and i also hope you take refuges in from the north east ..

  32. alexicon says:

    I’m gladden to see that there will be young people like Saffron around to look after my children’s, along with their children’s, Scottish Identity and well being in the future.
    Well done young lady.

  33. Scott Douglas says:

    Future President of the Scottish Republic.

  34. Edward says:

    Very good piece Saffron, now if everyone thought like you, we would have a future Scotland reassured to be in safe hands.
    As for Meldrum academy, what on earth happened there? Its not the point that the NO’s won, its the size of the win, which is out of kilter with the general polling levels. Was there proper debate and grasp of facts there? I heard one of the students (for no) interviewed yesterday and she was completely depressingly stupid about the topic. Which perhaps tells me that they were not provided with proper guide notes in understanding both arguments for and against.
    Does anyone know how the debate there was structured?
    Its interesting that last nights poll on BBC Newsnight is swept well under the carpet. But curiously the BBC have been playing the Meldrum up since this morning.
    Anyhoo, perhaps Saffron and friends could go up to Moron academy and sort them out 😉

  35. fairliered says:

    I wonder how many Labour supporting teachers there are in our schools. subtly (or not so subtly) indoctrinating our children.

  36. Edward says:

    Slightly O/T – Watched the debate this afternoon  from Holyrood. Lamont was, well typical Lamont, very speak your weight as she read from her laundry list.
    Ruth Davidson was dire, classic was when she came out with the bit ‘the UK is the Third largest military power ‘ I just only hope the Chinese, Russians and Americans (as well as the Indians) were not watching. UK’s actual ranking is 5th, but I think even that’s a bit out , considering the continuing cuts to defence

  37. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    Well done Saffron – As I said on another blog I was jumping and whooping when I saw you and heard you at the debate. Your article this thread just chokes me up with tears of joy. Thankyou

  38. rabb says:

    scotchwoman says:

    Agree with Ronnie above – and I trust all on the YES side have a focus on getting the message out to our feardie youngsters. What happended to rebellion and anti-establishment attitudes amongst the younger generation?!
    New Labour kicked it out of them from an early age.
    We can’t have a positive & confident people now can we? How could they maintain their place at the trough and rightful place as the custodians of Scotland with a population they can’t control?
    Thankfully the games up now. I and many many others like me have awoken and and will poke our size 10’s right up their jacksie in exactly a year from now 🙂
    Excellent sweetheart. Keep the fire in your belly but more importantly keep your feet on the ground. Your an example of exactly what every teenager should be right now. You have a chance to do something that none of us have had in our lifetime. Grab it with both hands and run with it!
    Alba Gu snooker loopy!

  39. Si A says:

    One of the most passionate and articulate arguments for Independence that I’ve read from anyone, never mind someone of your age. You’re a credit to your generation.

  40. Saffron Dickson says:

    Thanks for the comments everyone, they’re all greatly appreciated, I am so glad that I have been of some influence- no matter how small that may be, to someone

  41. Inbhir Anainn says:

    “Westminster bakes the empire biscuit, we put the jellytot on top,” “don’t fix it if it’s not broken, it is for us.”
    Well said Saffron.

  42. Emma says:

    Well done Saffron. Such a lovely and articulate post. Thank you.

  43. Onwards says:

    It’s refreshing to see such a positive attitude, after reading through the public comments on the BBC independence story.

    Can you imagine any other country putting themselves down so much ?

  44. Dramfineday says:

    Silly fool, I’m nearly greetin here. Saffron, burns brightly indeed. The darkness repulsed by one so young, while the ancient cynic rages.

  45. Marcia says:

    It is nice to see the young getting involved as I did decades ago.  🙁
    I haven’t given up on the pensioner vote, at the pensioner club today when we were leaving I mentioned that it is one calender year to the Referendum. A small discussion followed to about 6 as we went down the stairs. 2 Yes votes and now 4 DK rather than 5 No and I DK a few months back. They have noticed the bias on the BBC and the press. I shall work on them over the coming year.
    I wouldn’t worry about these mock referendums at these schools. Some will vote depending on what their mates do. I would suggest that the same schools have another one just before the actual referendum and see what a year of information can do then.

  46. Purr says:

    Being brought up in the time of the children should be seen and not heard generation, It is truly heartwarming to see a youngster stand up and put her view across with such confidence and clarity.
    Thank goodness the world has moved on and Scotland will be in safe in the hands of the well educated and balanced younger generation.
    Well done Saffron a star of today and the future. 

  47. Linda's back says:

    BBC 24 news just cut off Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp when he attempted to respond to Amanda Harvie’s claims about no influence over currency etc 

  48. Juteman says:

    I don’t know the full details of the Aberdeenshire pupils result, but i’m indulging myself in a bit of probably stupid brain powering.
    Aberdeenshire seems to be an SNP heartland, could this ‘vote’ simply be an anti-parent rebellion?
    Or could the relatively well off Aberdeenshire kids see no need for change?

  49. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Albalha – 5:37 pm – Funny you should ask that question about the number of schools in the Aberdeenshire area who took part in the debate. Its been foremost in my mind all day. I was under the impression firstly that it was only S6 pupils in Ellon Academy but that was soon scotched when I saw the count was at Meldrum Academy.
    It now appears it was all of the Senior pupils from all over Aberdeenshire but I still struggle with circa 11,000 votes. I am open to correction.

  50. Albalha says:

    @Archie(not Erchie)
    Mmm, I’m minded of ….’Something is rotten in the state of Denmark’
    I don’t know who took part and it’s not easy to find, which is why I ask, it’s such a skewed vote.

  51. Restlessnative says:

    A wee tear in ma eye as I read that,It’s coming and they can’t stop It.

  52. JimbotheScot says:

    bravo indeed!

  53. The_Duke says:

    Edward says:
    Slightly O/T – Watched the debate this afternoon  from Holyrood. Lamont was, well typical Lamont, very speak your weight as she read from her laundry list.Ruth Davidson was dire, classic was when she came out with the bit ‘the UK is the Third largest military power ‘ I just only hope the Chinese, Russians and Americans (as well as the Indians) were not watching. UK’s actual ranking is 5th, but I think even that’s a bit out , considering the continuing cuts to defence
    That so reminded me of the great Bill Hicks
    “People say “Iraq had the fourth largest army in the world”. Yeah, maybe, but you know what, after the first 3 largest armies, there’s a REAL big . drop-off. The Hare Krishnas are the 5th largest army in the world, and they’ve already got all our airports.” 

  54. westie7 says:

    All Aberdeenshire academies took part in this “Schools Referendum Campaign”, 17 i think. It was apparently solely done by the pupils using nationally produced materials
    Allegedly no external political influence.
    Thats unless you count the “possible” leaning of the Humanities teacher to turn a blind eye to blatant lies to influence all ages from S1-S6 Some 11 and 12 year olds in there being fed fear.
    Or if you count whether or not, maybe, a pupil may be from a family of prominent Unionist councillors. Remember Aberdeenshire had the SNP gain the most council seats but the Con/Lib Council remained because 11 “Independents” joined with them to keep out the SNP. One of the Independents being given Deputy Convenor as a thanks for the Tories. The education department is the sole domain of the Lib Dems here
    Add to that the EIS in the schools and this was never going to be a win.
    BUT YES still need to sit up and notice

  55. Maureen Luby says:

    Saffron, you were an absolute delight to listen to.  Your passion is wonderful and reading the above is an inspiration.  So proud of you, well done.
    This is the leafletby the No campaign that was used in the schools:-

  56. ScotFree1320 says:

    Just saw Misreporting Scotland.  They had three of the independence generation.  

    The young woman saying NO got the first say.  She’s voting NO because she has English relations and didn’t want them to be separated.  Additionally we fought with England in WW1 & WW2. 

    The tall lad for YES followed up.  He’s voting YES because Scotland is a rich country and he believes that all the money we generate should stay here and benefit the people of Scotland.

    The young lady who is undecided said she has a full year to listen to the arguments for and against and is not making up her mind now.

    Asked if any could be swayed, the undecided girl kicked off.  She’ll make up her mind closer to the time.  The young man saying YES said he’d researched his facts and that there was no swaying him.  The young woman saying NO said she could be swayed, for example if the NHS were to stay.  Very important point, said the BBC interviewer.

    So the NO was undecided after all.  How many other Noes are like that, the length & breadth of the country, saying they’ll vote NO through fear but who are actually undecided?  Come next year, the information will all be out there in the open.

    We’re going to win this!

  57. Andy-B says:

    I see Professor John Curtice, was wheeled out today, to say that in the latest poll 60% of Scots would vote no, Hmm!, well John at least 60% of Scots wished youd by a comb  and sort out that boffin hair do.

  58. Gordon Hay says:

    Was I dreaming last night when I watched the Newsnight debate from Berwick and the audience voted 60:40 for independence afterwards – the look on Kirsty Warks’ face when that result came in – “well, that’s really surprising”, or did it not really happen?
    I didn’t expect anything in the MSM but I thought it might get a mention here.

  59. Elizabeth Sutherland says:

    Saffron, Well done, a shinning example of your hope and courage for your country and it’s people. Thank you.

  60. Juteman says:

    Someone quoted Bill Hicks!
    I loved the story about him upsetting some Rednecks/Unionists at a show in the Deep South.
    The mob wanted to kill him outside the venue after the show, as they were ‘god fearin Christians’, and didn’t like his sort of talk. T
    ‘So you’re Christians’ he said, ‘then forgive me’.
    Sorely missed.

  61. penguins for independence says:

    re Aberdeenshire mock vote. Given that the shire is the most affulent area in the north east if not Scotland, I would be inclined to agree with Juteman.

  62. EphemeralDeception says:

    Great points and what a contrast to the fearful, ‘I just feel’ woman before her.  Loved the empire biscuit point.

  63. Cheryl says:

    I just read that again and Saffron has a really great turn of phrase.  A really refreshing read.

  64. jim mitchell says:

    Well said Saffron, now let’s just compare what she said with the latest from Better together.


    Dear Jim,
    ….In fact, we will even give you one of our limited edition T-shirts if you give us your help.
    We are now a year away from the biggest decision in the history of our country.  Deciding whether we stay together with our friends, family and neighbours in the rest of the United Kingdom or take a leap into the unknown by going it alone is a choice which will shape our future for generations. 
    Our campaign believes that we have the best of both worlds here in Scotland. We have a strong Scottish Parliament making decisions on the things that matter most to us, but we also the strength and security that comes with being a part of the bigger UK. Ours is a positive message, it is a message that we need to take to every voter in every part of our country throughout the year ahead.
    Which is where you come in.
    There is no other way to say it, but to ensure we reach every voter with our positive message we need money. We know that the nationalists have a huge war chest at their disposal and that the Scottish Government are more than prepared to spend millions of pounds of public money on propaganda campaigns. We need to do all we can to match this.
    It is only through the generosity of activists and supporters like yourself that we can fund the campaign to ensure Scotland’s future is one where we can take advantage of the opportunities of being part of the UK.  
    Our ‘Best of Both Worlds’ positive message was launched by the leader of our campaign, Alistair Darling, today and we have just 1000 exclusive, limited edition Best of Both Worlds T-Shirts to send to those who donate £10 or more this week.
    Every penny you give us will be used to help us win votes. By donating, you are making a difference.
    We are proud of the way that our activists and supporters are rallying to the cause. We know that we speak for the majority of people in this country, but we cannot for one moment think that we do not have a battle on our hands. The nationalists know that they only need to win once and they only need to win by one vote. All of us must do everything that we can to stop this from happening.
    Thank you for your ongoing support and if you were helping at one of our 200 campaign events today thanks and well done – you helped us get the ‘Best of Both Worlds’ message out across the country.

  65. jim mitchell says:

    Forgot to add, 200 events, I wonder where, let’s hear from anyone who had one in their area.
    Maybe it’s just me but i can’t find mention of them even on their own site!

  66. Edward says:

    Maureen Luby
    Ive read the posting by Michelle Monaghan (on her facebook page via the link you supplied)about her daughter bringing home the No Campaign leaflet and that ‘ No Yes Scotland info was supplied’ Little surprising that Michelle is raging. I would be as well. Actually I’m very annoyed about this as Ive suspected something like this that the kids have been fed a diet of NO campaign leaflets and god knows what else. But there has been no attempt what so ever to have Yes Scotland involved by the education authority. YES Scotland need to get their bloody act together and start actively questioning the schools or the education authority
    (That’s my view anyway)

  67. scottish_skier says:

    STV MORI poll flawed base just like the last one.
    Moreno question base %’s with correct in bold according to 10 years of SSAS.
    22 30 (-8 ) Scottish not British 
    27 32 (-5) More Scottish than British 
    35 24 (+11) Equally Scottish and British 
    4 (+1) More British than Scottish 
    4 (+3) British not Scottish 
    Heavily skewed towards ‘British’.
    A symptom of discredited landline polling. They are the only one clinging on to that method.

  68. ScotFree1320 says:

    O/T  Forty-five percent of Scots say independence would harm economy – poll

    Complete with a comment from a victim of Project Fear.

    link to

  69. uilleam_beag says:

    Well said, Saffron. You were a breath of fresh air on the 5live debate and just as eloquent here. Keep speaking your mind!
    O/T I was at Elgin railway station today, looking to interview the BT campaigners who were supposed to be leafletting there. It was a total  no-show for No, and commuters informed me they were similarly invisible at other stations listed as events on their website. I just checked and the dozens of events previously listed have been deleted, leaving just one station: Perth. Does anyone know if they actually showed up anywhere?

  70. The_Duke says:

    I moved from Dundee earlier this year and are living just just along the road from The Comedy Workshop, where Bill learnt his trade.
    Taken before his time. Very sad indeed.

  71. Roseanne says:

    Well said saffron, You speak from the heart, And you care for scotland and her people. Well done your a wee star.

  72. Hetty says:

    Indeed Independence is crucial for the young and the parents and children of tomorrow, who wants to live in a country which is really very rich but have to see so much poverty and inequality? We need more young people to really think about the consequences of the outcome next year, what does this really mean for your own future and that of your peers in Scotland? What does it mean to accept a government in Westminster who just do not have your best interests at heart? We have time  and it will be interesting to see how things progress…

  73. Albalha says:

    The guidelines from the Electoral Commission on the responsibility of people in educational establishments to be neutral. If people have concerns they should contact them.
    link to

  74. Doug Daniel says:

    “I’ve always made a point of never believing or following anything I can’t fully intellectualise”
    That’s a fantastic attitude. If only everyone thought this way.
    “people who will make decisions that are right for us, and not because Westminster want to try and force us into a jigsaw puzzle that we don’t fit into.”
    I love it! I’m going to use that one on people I speak to when campaigning. 
    Saffron, you’re an absolutely fantastic testament to the Scottish education system. If only everyone was this passionate, intelligent and thoughtful, we’d have been independent years ago!
    I dare say this will not be the last time we hear the name Saffron Dickson…

  75. Hetty says:

    Any links to watch the debate? I could only see a bit on YouTube and mostly of the lass in the no camp.

  76. squarego says:

    Dear Aberdeenshire schoolchild,
    You could have had a fair say in the running of your school, the setting of your school rules, and the way school funds are used to support events which are important to you and your classmates. However, it has been decided that pupils from some other school very far away will now make all those decisions on your behalf
    Have a nice day.

  77. Nothing to argue with, there. 🙂

  78. Doug Daniel says:

    Uilleam – they most certainly did show up at some stations. Waverley, Paisley Gilmour Street, and Aberdeen at least. I can’t speak for the first two, but in Aberdeen they were campaigning inside the station – which totally contravenes ScotRail’s policy of not allowing political campaigning on their premises.
    They were also leafleting at bus stops, which seems very creepy. Imagine waiting for the bus, minding your own business, only for some dick shoving leaflets in your face. Typical of BT and their lack of respect for people’s privacy and personal space.

  79. scottish_skier says:

    O/T  Forty-five percent of Scots say independence would harm economy – poll
    That’s the TNS one that had Labour comfortably winning the last Scottish election. Even the Prof turned his nose up at that.
    Also, the just released STV MORI poll only has, once again, 1/3 (34%) certain that they’ll vote and vote no. There’s yer core again. Good news considering it’s skewed, as noted, towards a more ‘British’ demographic.

  80. ScottyC1314 says:

    O/T Who are the panelists for tonight’s debate…..will influence my decision on whether or not to watch it. Sure some of the usual suspects will be in the audience.

  81. kininvie says:

    O/T If you haven’t seen it, Derek Bateman left this illuminating comment after Bella’s piece about last night’s Newsnight debate:

    There is a flaw in your piece, Mike. It assumes this stuff is broadcast for Scots. It isn’t. It is designed and produced by London for London. Every cliché tells you that down to Kirsty’s approach. Network programmes play to the majority audience. Guess who that is. That’s why they sound like Jackanory at times. They can afford to take nothing for granted with an ignorant audience and have to reflect the known views of the majority.

    It isn’t true that Kirsty left for London. On the contrary, she stayed in Glasgow and commuted when others – Naughtie, Marr, Mair – headed south. What she gives London is what London wants. Remember this is a show whose star is Paxman whose stock in trade is sneer and insult. The producers encourage it. I was told when presenting Newsnicht in Glasgow to make it an act, to be big and dominate the studio, to have a go. It wasn’t supposed to be deferential and informative.

    Kirsty has always known on which side the breid was slaistered. You might slip in the odd jibe yourself if they paid you £350,000 a year.

    The real story here is that OUR national broadcaster makes programmes ABOUT us that are not FOR us. Our whole culture is overlaid with an outsider’s view of us and even the broadcasters based here ultimately owe allegiance to London. Your point that Newsnight made the case for a new national broadcaster is absolutely right. But it won’t come before next September. Derek Bateman

  82. muttley79 says:

    I think the contrast yesterday between Saffron Dickson and Kirsty Wark was noteworthy.  One, still a youngster but already old enough to be able to see through the No campaign’s grinding negativity, and the positive vision and potential of voting for independence.  On the other hand, Wark must have pleased her masters exceedingly well with her cringing comments about her own nation.  Derek Bateman, on Bella Caledonia’s article on the debate, says she is paid £350,000 a year.  The British establishment must love Wark and her elk.  Wave a big cheque book at them, and they will happily run down their nation, apparently oblivious to the damage it does to the collective self confidence of Scotland.  I only hope Saffron is the future of Scotland, rather than the self interested Jockneys in London.  The alternative is too dire to contemplate.  Saturday here we come, and then on into the next year and the referendum!..

  83. Ann says:

    “The young woman saying NO got the first say.  She’s voting NO because she has English relations and didn’t want them to be separated.  Additionally we fought with England in WW1 & WW2. ”

    I had a great grandfather and great uncle die in WW1.
    Three great uncles who survived.
    Will I vote NO.  Of course not.
    I had an uncle serving in WW11.
    Will I vote NO.  Of course not.
    I have relatives currently serving in the forces.
    Will I vote NO.  Of course not.
    I along with many thousands of other Scot’s have English relatives and Scots born relatives who live in England.
    Will I vote NO.  Of course not.
    I am not voting for what is our countries proud past, but for the future of Scotland’s the next generation and the generation after that.  A country that is fair to all, no matter what race, religion or creed.
    A country where our young, old, sick, unemployed are cared for. 
    Where immigrants will be welcomed and integrated into our society.  Not ostracized,
    I could go on.
    YES, is the answer to the question.

  84. kininvie says:

    Ilk not elk
    (God, I’m turning into Morag)

  85. gordoz says:

    My wife and I were inspired by the emotive, impassioned comments of this articulate young lady, all delivered with a smile on her face to boot. (A political star in the making ?)
     I dare say this will not be the last time we hear the name Saffron Dickson…”  (Couldn’t agree more!)

  86. muttley79 says:

    Aye that is what I meant! :D:  Elk is an animal!

  87. Davy says:

    ” Scotland is my beautiful homeland “
    That says it all for me, Hail Alba.

  88. Arbroath 1320 says:

    Fantastic to read the thoughts of someone who is effectively the future of Scotland and knows exactly where she wants her country to be. Well don Saffron.
    In case folks don’t already know there is to be a televised debate tonight on BBC1 Scotland at 9 pm featuring Glenn Campbell and 250 people in the ‘audience’ who will be ‘questioning’ a panel of senior politicians. Hmm, Glenn Campbell ‘questioning’ senior politicians is he? Really? Sounds more like carrying out continuous interuptous of YES supporting politicians and aiding and abetting NO supporting politicians to me!

  89. Juteman says:

    Muttley79 just nailed it.
    Kirsty Wark is part of the establishment past, and the likes of young Saffron threatens her relevance to the future. Folk are starting to see through the veil of self interested shite. All that is happening is that some folk need longer than others to open their eyes.
    Out with the old, and in with the new.

  90. muttley79 says:

    ” Scotland is my beautiful homeland “
    That will have the Scottish cringers in hysterics, particularly the Scots Londonites!  How could someone think that about our own nation?  I mean we are far too wee, poor, too stupid, to run our own affairs!  Like Kirsty said last night we will be the smallest fucking country in the world!  Why strive for social justice by using your own natural resources when you could be always be reliving the glory days of the British empire, when we ruthlessly suppressed millions of people around the world?…  😀  😀  Great stuff..

  91. muttley79 says:

    Folk are starting to see through the veil of self interested shite.
    It has been a long time coming…*rests head on a pillow*

  92. gordoz says:

    Kirsty Wark is also best buddies with  Lord & Lady Jack MacConell of somewhere

  93. muttley79 says:

    Willie Rennie has been put in his place already! 😀 😀

  94. ScotFree1320 says:

    scottish_skier says:
    18 September, 2013 at 8:13 pm

    O/T  Forty-five percent of Scots say independence would harm economy – poll

    Even taking the figures at face value, it’s a poll with the wrong headline.  The headline really should scream out:


  95. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Lots of Better Together leaflets strewn about Dunoon today and left lying on the seats (and the floors) of the ferries. They all had a Freepost piece so we sent as many to them as we could find (marked Yes,Yes,Yes) because it costs them the best part of 50p for every one sent back to them.

  96. Richie says:

    Just read this comment on Facebook.

    “Better Together is loving this ….my own daughter told me she was taking part this morning and one of her pals had been told that if Scotland got its independence she would be deported …god knows what other shit they’ve been told.”

    Sorry Stu OT

    Alistair Darling stars in a new movie

    link to

  97. Arbroath 1320 says:

    Looking at the panel on the BBC’s ‘Big Debate’ in Inverness we have:
    Annabel Goldie
    John Swinney
    Willie Rennie
    Patrick Harvie
    Good old Rennie, John Swinney might be right! Rennie is an absolute MUPPET! He wants 100% guarantees from John Swinney  about the future for heavens sake!

  98. So the BBC keeping it as a political debate then thank gawd I gave up live telly last century bar the odd online bits.

  99. sneddon says:

    Kirsty Wark has an elk!  Does their decadence know no boundaries 

  100. Juteman says:

    Why doesn’t Swinney say to Goldie, “you are now a member of the unelected House of Lords, an organisation we want rid of, so fuck off and leave this debate to folk that haven’t been bribed by London”?

  101. heraldnomore says:

    at least we’re spared a representative from the BBC’s political arm; and the standard of debate rises as a result.

  102. Jen says:

    Excellent article, enjoyed the jigsaw puzzle bit, that’s how I feel about the Union, Scotland and her people are pushed in to fit the needs of Westminister. 

  103. Ivan McKee says:

    Did Goldie just say we couldn’t have a ‘Royal’ Mail in an Indy Scotland ???!!
    Someone better tell the Royal Canadian Mounted Police they aren’t allowed to use the ‘R’ word anymore.

  104. The Flamster says:

    Brilliant Saffron – well done you 🙂

  105. Shinty says:

    Saffron Dickson
    You truly are ‘Scotland’s Sweetheart’ – makes an old crow like me really proud that we have youngsters like you willing to put yourselves forward for our Nation and finally lay to rest the Scottish Cringe.
    Saffron’s Youth for an iScotland!

  106. Jack Beck says:

    Oh my! This just made my day – Saffron is fandabadozie!

  107. annie says:

    Watching Big Debate I honestly think the tide is turning.

  108. HandandShrimp says:

    Willie is not a natural thinker is he?

  109. Morag says:

    I switched over to the property porn on Channel 4.  I can’t watch.  Tell me what’s happening!

  110. tartanfever says:

    Ivan says:
    Did Goldie just say we couldn’t have a ‘Royal’ Mail in an Indy Scotland ???!!
    Someone better tell the Royal Canadian Mounted Police they aren’t allowed to use the ‘R’ word anymore.
    Yikes, are we going to have 2 x ‘Bank of Scotland’s’ ? 
    Guess the Scotsman headline. 
    ‘Independence will lose Scots the right to use the word Royal’

  111. Willie can’t think as he used to be Clegg’s batman and can only follow orders.

  112. Ivan McKee says:

    @ Morag
    We won…. by a long way.

  113. Arbroath 1320 says:

    Just watched BBC’s Big Debate.
    In my view the biggest cheers of the night came from the audience in responses to answers given by John Swinney and Patrick Harvie. In fact the only Boos I heard were in response to answers from Annabel Goldie and Willie Rennie. NUFF said! 😆

  114. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    mmmmm Patrick Harvie has some good words. Sounds like he has some of Saffron’s passion.

  115. Boorach says:

    Inverness was an easy win for YES. Goldie and Renny were attrocious. Swinney and Harvie drubbed them.
    Only problem was with advancing years hearing all that was said as sound levels were very low but audience certainly seemed to be predominayely YES!
    Beautiful piece Saffron, thank you. Restored my faith in the youth of our country, the future is yours just reach out and grab it. 🙂

  116. Murray McCallum says:

    Can either Patrick or Saffron play as an out and out goal scorer?

  117. Boorach says:

    Predominately even

  118. Soda says:

    Who was the posh twat in the red tie with the Bitter Together pinbadge on his lapel? 

  119. Jeannie says:

    I must say I thought Annabel Goldie came across as even more supercillious and patronising than before, even a tad “regal”.  Shows what being made a baroness does for you.

  120. Shinty says:

    Why doesn’t Swinney say to Goldie, “you are now a member of the unelected House of Lords, an organisation we want rid of, so fuck off and leave this debate to folk that haven’t been bribed by London”?

    Thanks Juteman, that fairly cheered me up this evening.

  121. creigs17707repeal says:

    As I said elsewhere – you are a credit to your parents, a beacon to your peers and an inspiration to us all. Go girl!
    YES Scotland

  122. Keef says:

    Well said Saffron.
    I loved how you said on the future of Scotland that no one knows what will happen in the future and therefore  “how can we ever base anything on not knowing?” It is perfect logic and shows the no campaign up for what it is – a project of fear based on the unknown.
    You’re a sweetheart young lady and rest assured your cheery, smiling, happy, enthusiastic, positive comments will have brought hope and reassurance to many.
    Scotland’s future is in great hands with people like yourself. You richly deserve all the praise and success in life that comes to you, as it is obvious you have recognised how to achieve a better life for yourself and your country.
    Never forget how powerful the positive words of truth are when spoken with conviction and a smile 🙂

  123. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Jeannie – i did note in the latter questioning Annabel Goldie changed her accent and emphasis to that regal and supercilious tone. She doesnt fool anyone.

  124. Elizabeth says:

    I agree with Jeannie re Annabel Goldie. She was rather ‘regal’…and the way she was lolling in her chair and her manner of answering struck me that she couldn’t really be bothered with it all. Seemed like ‘been there;done that; got the ermine’.
    The stars were definitely Patrick Harvie and John Swinney. Willie Rennie just sounded lame.
    A black mark to Glenn Campbell for the way he dealt with the young chap with learning difficulties. Not giving him a chance to get an answer to his question.  

  125. Doug Daniel says:

    There’s so much stuff to make you feel inspired at the moment. The audiences at these past few debates have shown just how brilliant the Scottish public can be. The response at the YesAberdeen stall this past weekend was great. There’s the march and rally at the weekend.
    This is about the people of Scotland, and the people of Scotland are starting to rise to the challenge. Fuck the media and the unionist politicians – we don’t need them. People are already learning to ignore them. It seems to me that people are increasingly beginning to THINK independent, even if they’re not necessarily ready to vote for it yet. They’ll get there, though.

  126. clochoderic says:

    Been searching for a while to find a link to the young lad from the east end of Glasgow who spoke so well earlier this year and thought he and Saffron would make a good team in videos, phone apps etc – anyone remember the link?

  127. Taranaich says:

    Oh dear Saffron, do you have any idea how many marriage proposals you’ll be getting?

    In all seriousness, it does the heart good to see intelligent, articulate folk such as yourself in the debate, regardless of your age.

  128. muttley79 says:

    Why doesn’t Swinney say to Goldie, “you are now a member of the unelected House of Lords, an organisation we want rid of, so fuck off and leave this debate to folk that haven’t been bribed by London”?
    It definitely is the thing that hovers over the whole debate unspoken.  I mean it is undoubtedly true that the likes of Goldie have done well out of their support for the British state and establishment.  However, it would be wrong and counterproductive of anyone in the Yes campaign, certainly the politicians at any rate, to bring it up in debate.  We can certainly discuss it here though!
    Hoi, I meant ilk!
    I must say I thought Annabel Goldie came across as even more supercillious and patronising than before, even a tad “regal”.  Shows what being made a baroness does for you.
    Goldie has been a media darling for years.  

  129. Jon D says:

    Inspirational and life affirming words, Saffron, both during the debate and in your post here: spoken with passion courage and conviction you are indeed a credit to your generation and to Scotland  Keep up the good work. I have a wee feeling we’ll be hearing from you again. 

  130. Lynn MacRae says:

    Quite wonderfully put Saffron. Your words fair made my heart sing. You are truly an inspiration and should be proud of yourself, we all are! Whatever route your life takes I have no doubt that you have a long and successful career ahead of you. I shall be watching out for your name in future.
    Well done and thank you!

  131. DonDeefLugs says:

    Well said Saffron!

  132. scottish_skier says:

    Posted your video elsewhere saffron. Very well said.

  133. Morag says:

    Saffron is a major talent.  I don’t know what she has decided she wants to do with her life, or even if she knows yet, but if I was a major TV network I’d be beating a path to her door.

  134. Lynn MacRae says:

    I think you could be referring to young Liam McLaughlan, he appeared on question time earlier in the year. He can be found over on the twittersphere as @LiamMcLaughlan 🙂

  135. Marker Post says:

    I reckon Saffron would win any debate with Margaret Curran, or Johann Lamont, or even both of them together. Her optimism, positivity, exuberance shine through and put the constant negativity of the No campaign to shame.
    Well done Saffron, please stay in Scotland and work for the Scottish people. One of the sad facts of previous generations, including myself, is that we were virtually forced to work outside Scotland for long periods of time because of economic balance and inequality. I am sure your “wee contribution” will go a long way in this debate.

  136. Morag says:

    Marker Post, one of the things about Saffron is her fantastic articulacy in an entirely unaffected and natural Scottish accent.  None of this pseudo-English crud that we get from Jackie Bird and Kirsty Wark and Sally Magnusson.  Good grief, I lived in the south of England for 25 years and I sound more Scottish than they do!  So does Stu.
    We want and need people like her as presenters for our own TV when we’re independent.  People who can show us that our own natural voices are articulate and clear and educated.  People who can stop the cringe that propels so many people of talent to elocution lessons.

  137. Jamie Arriere says:

    Wonderful passionate stuff, Saffron, an inspiration to us all and particularly the youth of Scotland – this is primarily all for your benefit. Keep your enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge to reinforce your “intellectualisation” of independence – keep coming here and posting, watching & learning because you’ll get a different story here than from the other media. Be ready for the patronising, dismal and blustering fellow Scots too scared of their own shadows who will talk you and your country down, and tell your message with that fantastic smile.
    You and we can’t lose.

  138. clochoderic says:

    Lynne MacRae thank you, that was the young chap i was thinking of – i believe he got a bit of an online doing for daring to speak out. I hope Saffron does not suffer the same fate.

  139. X_Sticks says:

    Well, what an uplifting day!
    It seems that having a year to go has concentrated minds somewhat.
    Kirsty in the Borders with a 62/38 Yes/No vote.
    The OriginalFM Independence poll 56.3/43.7 Yes/No
    The girl on the Radio 5 Live debate whose concern was the levels of child poverty, my personal main reason for wanting independence, and the superb response from Tony Kenny which won her over to the Yes camp.
    And then this superb video from Saffron Dickson.
    It looks and feels to me that we may have turned a corner. I am confident but not complacent and there’s a long way to go yet. With a year to go I am convinced that barring some sort of “anti-miracle” (is there such a thing? does it have a name?) for the No camp we will secure our independence.
    And with Saturday to look forward to! Looking forward to seeing you all there.
    The Yellow Carvel. Nice one. 🙂

  140. Colin says:

    Regarding the Aberdeenshire mock referendum, if it’s any comfort, the 75% of pupils who voted no were in included in ALL year groups. There’s 16,000 pupils in total of the 17 schools in Aberdeenshire and 14,584 were invited to it. 11, 500 took part in it. So not all of the 8,718 pupils can vote next year, which unsurprisingly isn’t mentioned in the media. Just another attempt to try and make yes chances of winning look slimmer, well they’re gonna have to try alot harder than that! Roll on 2014

  141. Macart says:

    That young lady puts a smile on an old cynics face. 🙂

  142. Dawn Hitchings says:

    WOW! What a fabulous, articulate, intelligent young woman! I’m a Canadian citizen of (very) Scottish descent, married to an Englishman and I still want Scotland’s independence so badly I can taste it. I was brought up to love Scotland and to believe in a country’s freedom to govern itself, and I shall until the day I draw my last breath. Scotland has the resources and the will to govern itself quite nicely, thank you, and with people like Saffron up-and-coming, the future looks very bright indeed! 😀

  143. martyn says:

    Thats the future of Scotland right there and i for one am happy that its in good hands.
    Well done 

  144. Dorothy Devine says:

    Well Saffron , I think you can safely say there is a huge approval rate for your excellent contribution and I can safely say your future and the future of Scotland’s children and grandchildren is the reason this auld yin will be voting YES!

  145. Taranaich says:

    @Colin: Regarding the Aberdeenshire mock referendum, if it’s any comfort, the 75% of pupils who voted no were in included in ALL year groups. There’s 16,000 pupils in total of the 17 schools in Aberdeenshire and 14,584 were invited to it. 11, 500 took part in it. So not all of the 8,718 pupils can vote next year, which unsurprisingly isn’t mentioned in the media. Just another attempt to try and make yes chances of winning look slimmer, well they’re gonna have to try alot harder than that! Roll on 2014
    Now that’s VERY interesting: any info on what the proportions would be only using pupils who will be eligible to vote?

  146. kendomacaroonbar says:

    @ Doug Daniel
    You are spot on with your comments about ‘The People of Scotland’
    For too long this discussion has been the privvy of Politicians, Press & Television and Political Pundits….  The people will decide, and the growth of sites like WoS, crowdfunding polls and people led organised marches just fortify my thoughts that there is a growing groundswell of positive opinion that will reach critical mass anytime now.

  147. Gordon says:

    Wonderful Safron,- off the cuff but from the heart. Yet she has engaged her substancial brain. Everything positive and mimicing how most of us feel. All the comments above echo similar values. Truly, Wetminster does not understand Scotland. The economy, rich as it is, doen not seem to matter when we read Safron’s thoughts. Scottish, yes, British? only by geography. On a negative note, here is a question: How much are Alistair Darling, Danny Alexander, and Michael Moore et al. influenced by the prospect that their Westminster jobs will vanish after our “YES” vote – unless they wish to remain in England and fight for another seat?

  148. colin says:

    @Taranaich Unfortunatley not, I tried to figure out if there was any info regarding which age group voted but
    never explained. I wouldn’t hold my breath relying on the media to tell us


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