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Wings Over Scotland

A bad case of the DTs

Posted on December 09, 2015 by

A little light relief after a trying day might be in order.



Ever-thirsty Scottish Labour grandees George Foulkes and Simon Pia, there, aiming for a couple of cheap points at the expense of the SNP after golf enthusiast, racist lunatic and next US President Donald Trump was sacked as a business ambassador for the GlobalScot network by Nicola Sturgeon.

Clearly the two drouthy apparatchiks were after the same sort of victory that Labour claimed when Sir Fred Goodwin lost his knighthood after once being wished good luck by Alex Salmond, even though it had in fact been conferred on him at the behest of Tony Blair’s government and on the recommendation of the Labour-led Scottish Executive headed by Jack McConnell.

And in that they certainly succeeded, because the unfortunate fact quickly pointed out to Foulkes and Pia by half the internet was that (a) GlobalScot, described by Pia as “marketing bollocks”, was actually created by Scottish Labour in 2001 under the same Jack McConnell, and (b) Trump was made an ambassador for it not by an “infatuated” Alex Salmond but in 2006 by, um, Jack McConnell again, who said the tycoon was “perfect for promoting Scotland”.


(McConnell even wanted to give Trump “special status” within the organisation.)


In other words, the SNP found themselves in the unenviable position of having to clean up Scottish Labour’s mess once more. Still, on a day when a lot of people badly needed a good chuckle, we should salute Messrs Pia and Foulkes for stepping up to the mark, as they have so many times in the past. We raise our glasses to them. Hic!

119 to “A bad case of the DTs”

  1. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Ken, some things are just brilliant, iye?

  2. manandboy says:

    Nice one, Stu. Sadly, my glass is now empty!

  3. Lesley-Anne says:

    How does the saying go?

    Never interrupt your opposition when they are in the middle of making themselves look even BIGGER idiots than we all know them to be!

    Or something like that. 😀

  4. Iain More says:

    The same Brit Nat scum no doubt wanted to lick Trumps arse when he was making anti Salmond or anti SNP statements and how they wanted to give him a blow job when he made anti Indy comments. I have been at the bottle hic! If I hadn’t been I would be much worse. FOUR!

  5. big_al159 says:

    And now he’s trying to say he knew all along and it was all a joke……

    “ah ken… Just winding up diddyland – Carmichael getting off has set cybernutters off today”

  6. You seem to have a degree of prescience in things political so was your statement `next US President Donald Trump` part of `A little light relief after a trying day might be in order.` or do you see that as a possibility?

  7. Batman says:

    Not that you’ll be capable of understanding that though. Or letting this comment onto your circle-jerk of a website.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Not that you’ll be capable of understanding that though. Or letting this comment onto your circle-jerk of a website.”

      Aw, I actually was totally about to approve it until you said that, you big old meanie.

  8. One_Scot says:

    You would be forgiven for thinking that it was mandatory for unionists to have an IQ lower than a snakes balls.

  9. John Walsh says:

    “Ever-thirsty Scottish Labour grandees”

  10. John Clark says:

    twat,tw?t/ nounvulgar slang
    noun: twat; plural noun: twats
    1. a woman’s genitals.
    2. a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious. See Foulkes/Pia

  11. Jim says:

    How come now if you type in ‘Wings’ into google it does not show wings over scotland anymore.

    I know, I know, I could just bookmark it but I didn’t and just used to type ‘Wings’ and it was 2nd on the results list now there is nothing unless I type the whole lot.

    This is very strange.

  12. bugsbunny says:

    George Foulkes is the biggest fucking bastard in the history of Scottish politics. I’m not violent, but I would not blink if someone nailed the bastard to a tree. To think that that cunt was my MP. Well, retired miners would vote for a monkey if it were wearing a red rosette.

    What an utter contemptible little pile of fetid Labour shit, this little lickspittle shitstirring bastard really is. Cunt.


  13. blackhack says:

    Foulkes/Pia = A pair of (.)(.)

  14. John Clark says:


    Don’t hold back mate – say what you REALLY think!! 🙂

  15. Cadogan Enright says:

    Make space for the National on shop shelves tomorrow OR cover something else up with it

    link to

    Orkney 4 £184,000 link to

  16. Bob Mack says:

    Negative outlook from Foulkes and Pia. Two men whose glass is always half empty.

  17. thomaspotter2014 says:

    What you got to remember is that the worst thing you could wish on these unionist bastards is to be themselves.

    That’s punishment enough.

    And it’s for life.

  18. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘drouthy apparatchiks’


    That’s another keeper. Powerful Burnsian overtones – right up there with ‘unemployed tuba enthusiast’ and ‘rentahonk’.


  19. ronnie anderson says:

    Ave o nly goat a h bootle o Teeny Mareenie eft anam no that drunket tae drunk theet.

  20. Lesley-Anne says:


    Just come across this over on Twitter. 😉

    Donald Trump pulls out of golf course development in Argyll, citing fears about the radical Mullah Kintyre

  21. Gary45% says:

    Good one, he’s also stopped eating Mullah light for his breakfast.

  22. Croompenstein says:

    Check that photie wee union jack and Trump like Stadler and Waldorf sitting pissin themselves laughing at Scatland…

    How’s things in wee shitty Scatland Jack are the kilts not cold for you guys at this time of year….

  23. Sooz says:

    Thing about these two is that their fat gobs are so yawningly big they can each fit both feet in and still talk crap.

    STV made the mistake of asking Twitter what they thought about Foulkes’ suggestion of a second chamber for the Scottish parliament. I’m surprised their Twitter account didn’t snap in half.

  24. Thepnr says:

    Here’s Trump singing White Christmas released today. Spoof.

    “I’m creaming of a white christmas”

    link to

  25. Lesley-Anne says:

    I hear Trump the Mump has also banned Pri Mullah cheese from his kitchen Gary. 😀

    I wonder what Trump the Mump’s cut is from that song Thepnr? 😀

  26. BigMac says:

    Rev, you must be looking after the biggest parish in Europe. And, your doing a great job.

  27. Kirsty says:

    I wish Labour would stop this now. To begin with it was like reverse Ghandism: first I fought them, then I laughed at them, then I ignored them, then they got twatted in the election (not just by me, obviously!). Now, I’m just fecking irritated that they keep cropping up all stalker-like with their stupid, insulting garbage as though the internet doesn’t exist and we can’t check facts for ourselves! Seriously, isn’t there a bank these people can go and work for instead of hounding us with their nonsense? Shoo!

  28. Paul Dempsey says:

    Pair of drink-addled cockwombles.

  29. Lesley-Anne says:

    Kirsty says:

    Seriously, isn’t there a bank these people can go and work for instead of hounding us with their nonsense? Shoo!

    Sorry Kirsty there isn’t. They would all fail the bank entrance exam! 😀

  30. velofello says:

    Och c’mon Rev, enough for a day.

    Trump was ordained by wee Jack Mcconnell, of the shared coal bunker!

    Brutish SNP MPs says Osborne, a towel folder, of professional qualified SNP MPs;

    Carmichael rides again;

    Darling and Brown win the monopoly GoTo banker cards.

    What next? Truth?

  31. Kirsty says:


    🙂 You know, I actually thought that even as I typed it – imagine, too crap even for a bank – the shame! Bet no one will sit next to them in the parliament bars.

  32. Dave McEwan Hill says:


    I think the verdict today is more damaging to the better together crew than it is too us.
    From their point of view he would be better removed and out of view
    They are now carrying a very lame duck and a constant source of disrespect and derision

  33. Capella says:

    @ Stephen (bugsbunny) – Language!

    I love an own goal. Also, was it not McConnell who first suggested the golf development at Menie?

    I am so pleased that the vulgarian Trump has been outed at last. Hope that that is the last we hear of him, but not entirely certain.

  34. Auld Rock says:

    Aye and we get Scott and McArthur by association. It’s now officially ‘Fib/Dem’ baiting season, I love it.

    Just read the judgement again and you know the judges might just tell both parties to meet their own costs. Any thoughts anyone?

    Auld Rock

  35. Capella says:

    @ Auld Rock
    Well the fundraiser is at £185,000 so only £23,000 to go to meet the target of £208,000. If the court divide costs then there should be a surplus for foodbanks, or, if the constituents decide – a judicial review.

    Maybe the Orkney 4 have done as much as they can. If so, well done them. They are heroes of the democratic process. Maybe others can take up the cause to make Scotland a truly democratic country.

    link to

  36. Alastair says:

    Trump is to build a new town in the north east called Trumton and has personally appointed the councillors .
    Pugh, Pugh, Barney MacGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Donald.

  37. Lesley-Anne says:

    I’ll just leave this here shall I Alastair? 😉

    link to

  38. Alastair says:

    Re costs.
    There have been 4 judgements in this case.
    1 was Carmichael caught by the act in September- for petitioners
    Then the 3 judgements in taking evidence where 2 where found for the petitioners and 1 for Carmicheal.
    That seems to me a fair split would be a ratio of 3 to 1 for the pertitioners where Carmichael in fact pays the petitioners.
    That would end this sorry case with at least some moral justice.

  39. manandboy says:

    After the Judges’ comments on Alistair Carmichael’s character, the only other individuals I can think of who have been similarly described are Craig Whyte and Dave King.
    they seem to have one thing at least in common: by reputation they are all barefaced liars, ie. one who displays no shame about lying even if they are exposed.

  40. Alastair says:

    A rework-well its late!

    Donald Trump to build a new town in the north east called Trumpton and has personally appointed the councillors.

    Pugh, Pugh, Barney MacGrew, Faulkes, McConnell and Pia

  41. Capella says:

    Here’s a handy timeline from the BBC on the Trump Menie development. It is indeed Jack McConnell who first promotes the development.

    “FRIDAY 31 MARCH, 2006
    Mr Trump finally announces plans to build a new world class golfing centre in Aberdeenshire.
    Trump tees up golf centre project
    The development could bring £150m to the local economy over the next decade, creating 400 jobs.
    The then Scottish First Minister Jack McConnell welcomes the development – but heritage body Scottish Natural Heritage warns the local countryside has to be protected.

    MONDAY 3 APRIL, 2006
    The golf course plans could be threatened by an offshore wind farm, it emerges.
    Turbines ‘threaten’ Trump plans
    Mr Trump is said to be unhappy about plans for a wind farm off the coast of Aberdeen which would affect the view.
    The Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group aims for a meeting on its plans with the Trump organisation.

    SUNDAY 23 APRIL, 2006
    Claims that Mr McConnell breached ministerial rules over dealings with Mr Trump are rejected.
    McConnell defends Trump meetings
    The first minister’s close association with the US billionaire leads to opposition party claims that he may have broken strict rules requiring ministers to remain neutral about planning applications.
    Mr McConnell’s spokesman says he did not discuss any details.”

    link to

  42. manandboy says:

    Carmichael said that throughout the trial, he was confident of winning. Given the very convoluted reasoning in support of the verdict, and the sorry tale of his non-stop lying, what had Carmichael been told that made him so confident?
    The result?

  43. Macart says:

    It appears the current Scottish government have been cleaning up a lot of Labour’s messes since 2007.

    Then again they do say that an excess of alcohol over an extended period of time can have adverse effects on the memory.

    Or they could simply be lying their arses off to mislead the public.

    Choices, choices.

  44. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Alistair wrote at 1.09am:

    “Donald Trump to build a new town in the north east called Trumpton and has personally appointed the councillors.

    Pugh, Pugh, Barney MacGrew, Faulkes, McConnell and Pia”

    I liked that, apart from mis-spelling the Noble Lord Foulkes’s surname.

    I also liked the Herald Diary quip, that the SFA has declared Carbuncle to be a fit and proper person to be appointed to the Rangers board.

    What next – will he be appointed as a Special Adviser to The Donald?

  45. jdman says:

    It’s rare T’ be aleve
    link to
    “Or they could simply be lying their arses off to mislead the public.”

    The problem with them is that the SNP (from their pov) have been in power for eternity, and nothing came before that,… well the big bang maybe.

  46. Kenzie says:

    Lesley-Anne @ 11.09

    Tell him he’s got nothing to worry about. It’s really about an Irish Garage Owner – Mulligan Tyres.

  47. jdman says:

    I’m looking at that last picture and trying to work out if the raised arm is McConnell’s or someone behind them doing a fist pumping action?

  48. jimnarlene says:

    Labour’s history revisionists at it again, hic.

  49. Will they ever learn. I think the first question any journalist should say to them when the come on to do an interview is do you ever lie? And you have investigated this and it’s true?

    It just might make them a wee but more careful than what they are.

  50. Ken500 says:

    The Party of illegal wars, Unionists killing and maiming and banning millions of Muslims. The Party of Banking Fraud and tax evasion. Bad business practices, cash for Honours, lies criminality. Now swanning about on tax evaded, stolen £Millions. Sanctioning and starving the vulnerable to death.

    The Labour Party. Liars, thieves, crooks and murderers. Most of them should be in jail. The Chilcot Report 5 years late. Westminster is full of them, child abusers, murders, liars, embezzlers, fraudsters. Wasting £Billions of public money. They use the Official Secrets Act to cover up their criminality.

    Trump says, ‘Ban Muslins, until our Reps understand what’s going on’. The Reps have been illegally killing, maiming and banning Muslims and everyone else for years. The irony and hypocrisy. Trump should never have had an honorary degree.

    Heyward was just given an Honorary Degree by RGU, a month ago. A total insult. BP the worst company in economic history. It has caused death and destruction the world over. The Russian wanted to put Heyward in jail, for fraud.

  51. Dr Jim says:

    Only Labour would ever hire somebody like Simon Pia as a spin doctor
    A man who doesn’t speak coherent English, or any language really (drink anyone?) *hic*

    STV must be worse though, they keep having him on as an “Expert” (another drink while we’re waiting) *hic* *hic*

  52. Ken500 says:

    Trump bought the Estate in 2006? For £6Million. From an American Oil guy. Trump gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse. It was a (small) shooting estate. Private residence. If the Development goes ahead Trump stand to make £Millions. So does the local community and Scotland. Tourism, jobs, council tax/rates etc. £Billions into the local economy. It is mainly agricultural land. The Development has stalled. No investment money? Scottish Planning Laws have kept it in check.

  53. Ken500 says:

    Labour politicians made Trump the business Ambassador. Labour clones are now criticising the decision. Unionists gave him an Honorary Degree, not the SNP.

    In 2010 Unionists were in charge of the Forth Road Bridge maintenance. The Road Maintenance Engineer is trying to deflect blame on to the Gov, in case he gets the blame.

  54. Breeks says:

    But, but,… The Ministry of Truth said Alex Salmond appointed Trump.

    You are all thought criminals. The BBC is watching you! You will all get into trouble.

  55. Neil Cook says:

    Cant believe all this hoo has about Trump, the guy is only telling the voters what they want to hear. That’s why he is leading the Republican race, he isn’t a Politician but the establishment are bricking themselves that he wins !!
    I actually think its funny the way they are reacting. USA already has tight visa control so this is all bluster!!

    So he says until the USA get control of there foreign policy they will be no new muslins allowed in !!!
    Imagine an American President actually with a policy, we could do with a Politician in charge at Westminster!!

    Trump is a showman all be it a controversial one but nobody is telling me that he isn’t a multi race employer. You have noticed that the Tories haven’t really condemned him as they too are bricking it if he wins as they might be left in limbo in Syria as he will either pull out or he will put boots on the ground to sort out ISIS

    People are getting caught up in the TrumpBADD media as I seems to be pc correct. Look at him as a shownan playing a role to get into the White House!!
    Who are we to telk

  56. Macart says:

    @John King

    Big Bang? What like this?

    link to

    I understand that’s another problem wi’ long term exposure to alcohol and explains the speech patterns of many ‘Labour Grandees’. 🙂

  57. Neil Cook says:

    Cant believe all this hoo has about Trump, the guy is only telling the voters what they want to hear. That’s why he is leading the Republican race, he isn’t a Politician but the establishment are bricking themselves that he wins !!
    I actually think its funny the way they are reacting. USA already has tight visa control so this is all bluster!!

    So he says until the USA get control of there foreign policy they will be no new muslins allowed in !!!
    Imagine an American President actually with a policy, we could do with a Politician in charge at Westminster!!

    Trump is a showman all be it a controversial one but nobody is telling me that he isn’t a multi race employer. You have noticed that the Tories haven’t really condemned him as they too are bricking it if he wins as they might be left in limbo in Syria as he will either pull out or he will put boots on the ground to sort out ISIS

    People are getting caught up in the TrumpBADD media as it seems to be pc correct. Look at him as a shownan playing a role to get into the White House!!
    Who are we to tell the Americans how to vote with the shower of shit that we have in Westminster!!!

    Mexicans, Muslims, women all fair game for Trump in his wind up the media routine yet all the time his poll ratings increase!! Why are people not having a go at the people supporting him ?

  58. Almannysbunnet says:

    The two incompetents thought they’d shine the spotlight on Salmond and the SNP. It shone for but a brief second then swivelled right round and caught them scuttling about in the dark with their breeks doon.
    They’ve lied for a living for so long they don’t know how to stop.

  59. Robert Peffers says:

    @Batman says: 9 December, 2015 at 10:37 pm:

    ” … Or letting this comment onto your circle-jerk of a website.”

    I just love the smell of unionist abject fear of a wet and driech morning.

  60. Nana says:

    O/T links

    Nicola’s Human rights innovation forum speech.
    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  61. Nana says:

    link to

    link to

    I have noticed over the last few years this paper almost always gives the last word to snp bashing

    link to

    Undercover Greenpeace activists buy off corrupt academics in a climate science sting

    link to

  62. Tackety Beets says:

    Late home last night , speed read wings & then a wee peep @ Twitter aaaggghhh

    Like above there are an amazing amount of ” well read” MSM folk still spouting rubbish, the Salmon lies too , it was once in a lifetime lie etc etc and it’s not a pleasant tone either.

    There was very little repost correcting the “Onionist” errors , probably many like me can hardly be ersed with them.

    What is it with some folk, Carbunkle lies and yet some go on-line to defend him ehh…. by lying.

    As for the 2 diddies above , they are just that , diddies!

  63. Nana says:

    O/T links

    When will people in this corrupt UK wake the hell up…

    Lord Janner’s legal fight against child sex abuse allegations being funded by taxpayer
    link to

    link to

    link to

  64. louis.b.argyll says:

    So, in general..A.C. Was never going down…
    ..lawmakers and parliamentarians have set the bar/red line just beyond the recognisable point of right vs wrong..

    To take control of right and wrong, to set acceptable limits of behaviour, WE, THE PEOPLE, MUST MAKE OUR SOVEREIGNTY WORK FOR US.

    Independence for Scotland.. and then naturally, freedom from the establishment and their legalised on the way.

  65. alexicon says:

    I don’t think this was an unplanned own goal, which it is turned into, by these 2 dinosaurs, more of a deliberate attempt to deceive the public.
    That’s the level Labour have descended too.
    Thank God for social media eh.

  66. Iain says:

    Re bugsbunny’s comment about Foulkes, Stu – strikes me as something planted by a unionist for use in citations about ‘nasty nats’.

    The first time I heard of Simon Pia was when he was a football journalist, and I remember that because it was evident, in a report on a Scotland game, that he didn’t know the rules of the game in respect of a penalty kick.

  67. Ken500 says:

    Trump did support Independence

  68. jdman says:

    “Trump did support Independence”

    Are you sure about that Ken?
    I thought he had said he was against it.
    But then again who gives a shit what he thinks?

  69. Dorothy Devine says:

    Ian I agree – it sticks out like a sore thumb as you read through the comments.

    Mr Peffers, we have an almost blue sky here in Glasgow – for the moment!

    I love the National front cover – I’m still trying to work out what it meant.

    Perhaps they could give a more explicit one tomorrow and the next day , and the next ,and the next……

  70. heedtracker says:

    Ladies and gentlemen of the UKOK press are corrupt, ditto the politicians.

  71. yesindyref2 says:

    The SNP should never have appointed Tony Blair as Prime Minister of the UK, nor Gordon Brown or David Cameron.

    It’s all their fault.

  72. Scottish referendum, lost.
    Carmichael prosecution, lost.
    Conspiracy anyone?

  73. Truth says:

    And here we see in as clear a way as possible why people no longer trust Labour.

    Incompetent in the first instance and then incompetent after the fact.

    OT I saw my former MP traveling cattle class on the train last night. Changed days. He kicked a young couple out of “his” booked seats. Have to say his wife was a lovely kind woman though. You’d need to be.

  74. Andrew McLean says:

    Just checked the bbc ministry of truth website to find out what the names were of those stupid apologist’s for malpractice in public office, from the Scottish Liars Party that entertained me on GMS.

    Why has Orkney and Shetland got their own program this morning well worth a listen later?

    So not knowing their names I will call them the younger sounding and older sounding, the younger really needs to develop a less irritating affliction, and no I don’t mean supporting the liars party, I am referring to disregarding the voice of the public, effectively she said shut up and get back in your box, not the best thing for an aspiring politico to say in a fake RP accent the great blatant liar carmichael is a great man don’t you know, Well no he is a man whose reputation is in tatters, he blatantly lied not only to the electorate, but to his party and to a Westminster investigation, the longer he stays the more damaging it is to you’re party, the fact your would go on national radio and defend him shows a naiveté beyond belief.

    But hey its all good for the opposition, who will use this to their advantage, in fact the only damage limitation he could do is resign quickly and claim victimisation, to stay is so damaging to his party it could conceivably wipe them out in Scotland.

    Obviously she was badly briefed as the court did not throw out the case, they made a ruling, that in effect took carmichael’s reputation as a good an honest man and called him a Blatant Liar.

    This brings me to the older sounding one, whilst trying to defend the indefensible, she distanced herself from the toxicity of defending a blatant liar, and instead made it about her, her final statement was in fact don’t judge me on this mans standards.

    And what about his colleagues none available, well I never! Didn’t take them long to abandon him did it?

  75. heedtracker says:

    “The opposition doesn’t need to copy the dishonesty and deceit of the Tories. But it does need to learn from them if Labour is to succeed again.”

    From the Guardian this morn. I shit you not.

    Arise Lord Carmichael, take your job for life seat next to Lord’s Flipper, Foulkes, Sir Daniel, etc. Lord Flipper’s not here at the moment, he’s at work, at the bank, Morgan Stanley for fcuks sake.

    link to

    link to

    And there’s a lot more where this lot came from.

  76. Sinky says:

    Call Kaye on about MPs telling lies.

  77. caz-m says:

    Alistair Carmicheal is one selfish, self serving bastard. He has fought desperately to save his own skin, at all costs.

    But in doing so, he has made the Lib/Dem brand in Scotland even more toxic. So for those Lib/Dems who had hopes of becoming an MSP in the Holyrood election in May, have next to no chance of doing so.

    And as for Wullie Rennie and the rest of them who are justifying what Alistair Carmicheal has done, well they are even dafter than I thought they were.

    It reminds me of one of those religious cults, where they have to save the main man, even if it means your own death.

    Yes, the death of the Lib/Dems in Scotland is upon us.

  78. McBoxheid says:

    Kirsty says:
    Bet no one will sit next to them in the parliament bars.

    Now that’s planted a thought in ma heid. 800+ drouthy Lords and Ladies all sitting alone shouting their opinions to anyone that won’t listen. All self opinionated, all talking over each other and no one listening. And a good proportion possibly criminals, paedophiles, tax dodgers etc. etc..

    It must be like being in purgatory.

  79. Dr Jim says:

    There are no go areas in the UK “FACT” says anonymous Bobbies phoning in to Sky TV this morning
    Permission has to be sought from local Muslim groups for police to be allowed in, Oh and they must be dressed in some different way as well

    So that’s a definite then, clear anonymous evidence that Trump is indeed correct

    Thank God for the Telly, where would we be without their guidance

  80. Sinky says:

    On Alex Salmond’s EU advice the BBC inspired incident stemmed from an Andrew Neil TV interview with Alex Salmond. An official BBC transcript of the interview exposes the truth. Neil asked Salmond the question, “did you seek EU legal advice from your own Scottish Government legal officers”.

    To which Salmond replied in the affirmative that he had, “In terms of the debate”.

    Now anyone who translates the question of asking your own Scottish Government law officers for EU legal advice into Salmond having sought EU legal advice from the EU is either an idiot or requires English language remedial lessons.

    At the time there were several legal opinions confirming Scotland remaining in the EU including Professor Sir David Edward, a former European Court judge, believes that Scotland and the rest of the UK would be in a comparable position.

    There would be no need for a new accession treaty, he argued. Instead, negotiations prior to independence would result in amended EU treaties.

  81. Ken500 says:

    Two many people, ‘give a shit about what Trump thinks’. It is a worldwide preoccupation. A diversion.

  82. scott says:

    Scotland 2015 I know its BBC but we must hear what lies is spread,anyway last night about Trump being feted by Jack the lad ex Pauline McNeill – MSPs : Scottish Parliament says she did not know about that,chancer.
    On the same program on about Alistair Carmicheal we had Severin is it from the Guardian make a remark about one of the judges being a leading member of Yes for Lawyers I wonder if the said judge is pleased about that??

  83. Jim says:

    On not call Kaye, that caller called Jim sounded suspiciously like Carmichael?

  84. heedtracker says:

    How it works, in any/all UKOK propaganda outfits really. Failure to oust. Great word, oust. To the victors etc


    BBC Scotland political editor Brian Taylor

    So a victory for Alistair Carmichael. But one tinged with critical comment. For example, the judges note his dealings with the Cabinet Office leak inquiry where, they say, his conduct was “at best disingenuous and at worst evasive and self-serving.”
    Mr Carmichael, however, draws attention to the verdict itself – which confirms that his election was valid within the terms of the law. He says he will now devote his efforts to serving his constituents in the Northern Isles.

    There is a further issue. It is understood that Mr Carmichael will now seek to recover his legal expenses from the petitioners – who raised their cash from crowd funding. It is believed those expenses are in the realm of £150,000

  85. Hilarious!
    Labour’s Jack McConnell appointed Trump as an ambassador to promote Scotland overseas and now Labour attempt to blame the SNP for Trump’s role as Scotland’s overseas ambassador .

    But didn’t Labour also claim that Alex Salmond as First Minister had Trump flown all over Scotland in a helicopter in an effort to get him to invest in a golf course at Menie in Aberdeenshire.

    Which of course was another lie peddled by Labour as it was Jack McConnell.

  86. Nana says:


    It was all round unionist bettertogetherer Jim Gallagher on callkaye

    link to

  87. Brian Powell says:

    Talking about DTs, I seem to have caused a mental maelstrom among a variety of deranged Unionists, Ukippers and general right-wingers by saying 70% of Scots identified themselves as Scots only, and 70% favoured Independence but a chunk of that 70% didn’t consider the conditions were right for it.

    This led to a 100 or so tweet torrent during which I had become a ‘cunt’ and a selection of other terms of endearment, with large graphics included.

    I have to admit I went away for a shower and a cup of tea between the first few and returning to find the notifications file swarming.

    They certainly became very exercised by my tweet.

  88. Grouse Beater says:

    Union Jack McConnell.

  89. Proud Cybernat says:

    BugsBunny (Stephen) – your industrial language is a gift to our opponents. It’s not helping.

  90. Scott Borthwick says:

    Andrew McLean. You missed one. The Honorable Carmichael also lied to the court. I’m not clear why he wasn’t held in contempt. He certainly is by everyone else.

  91. Capella says:

    I think Nicola and RGU have done the right thing by taking this cast iron opportunity to wash their hands of the bully Trump. They were saddled with him by Unionists and that has been an irritation ever since, like everything else the neo-cons do.

  92. Ken500 says:

    @ too even

    @ 100 Unionists, as many as that.

  93. Effijy says:

    If you committee of Slab leaders for a pint of milk, they
    would come back with a tin of Whitewash. lol

    O/T I’m sorry to say that the First Minister’s petition against
    bombing the innocents in Syria is still a few hundred votes short of the 100,000 target. Can you help!

    link to

  94. Greannach says:

    They are a wonderful pair of drouthy neibours!

  95. Clydebuilt says:

    We shouldn’t let the turbulence caused by yesterday’s verdict just disappear. Let’s replace the word LIE with Carmichael…….. eg. I’ve just told a Carmichael…….. Oh no not another Carmichael……. Another less pleasant example would be …….the Carmichaeling B@$?@€&s….

  96. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Here’s an article from the Scotsman from 14 May 2006 detailing McConnells involvement with Trump and his helicopter jaunts.

    link to

    “The billionaire’s golf company was lavished with attention. Two memos released by SE show that – at a cost of 4,800 to the public purse – the agency paid for two helicopter tours of Scotland, taking in the golf course site, as they showed off the country to their deep-pocketed American friends.”

  97. heedtracker says:

    Trump’s good for unionists though. He took out a full page Press and Journal very bizarre advert monstering Salmond a couple of years ago

    link to

    And then BBC flipped Trump and his Mennie resort into monstering Salmond and independence.

    link to

    UKOK double whammy. Neo fascist voice of the North P&J is so right wing, it was hard to tell if Trump’s ad was just routine P&J monstering on Scottish democracy.

  98. Dr Jim says:

    One point six million quid they said Sir Jeremy Heywood’s enquiry into Carmichael’s lies cost
    That’s taxpayers money to defend his admitted lie of which he was found guilty

    I wonder how happy the average English taxpayer is at having to pay for a lying Scottish MPs bad behaviour

    Mibbees the English version of the Torygraph would like to put that on their front page.. “Scottish MP wastes English Money” blah blah

    Bet if it was SNP they would

  99. Andrew McLean says:

    Regarding the question of costs it is only dependant on the outcome of the case that a proportion of the costs and disbursements payable to the lawyers may be recoverable from the opponent.

    Except in limited circumstances where only fixed costs are awarded, the court or an arbitrator has full discretion to decide which party should pay costs to an opponent and as to the amount of costs payable. Factors which may be taken into account in that decision include:
    In court proceedings the ‘track’ the case has been allocated to and all the circumstances of the case, including matters such as the conduct of the parties before and during the course of the proceedings – including whether it was reasonable for a party to raise, pursue or contest a particular issue, the manner in which a party has pursued or defended a claim and whether or not a party exaggerated its claim; whether a party has succeeded on part or all of its case; offers to settle made by either party or a party’s refusal to mediate or to attempt to settle the case, whether the amount of costs claimed is proportionate, and has been reasonably incurred;
    the complexity of the case, specialised knowledge involved, time spent and other facts relevant to the amount of work undertaken; Although a successful party will normally be entitled to an award of costs, in light of the court or arbitrator’s full discretion and the matters which will be taken into account there is no guarantee that a successful party will receive any specific proportion of its costs, and in most instances there will be a shortfall between the successful party’s liability for costs and disbursements to its lawyers and the costs recoverable from the losing party!

    So nothing is clear cut, he lost two of the three arguments against him, to even attempt to claim costs would expose him to the wrath and condemnation that would finish him completely

  100. Stoker says:

    @ Neil Cook (7.51am):

    “Who are we to tell the Americans how to vote with the shower of shit that we have in Westminster!!!”

    Correct, couldn’t agree more.

    “Mexicans, Muslims, women all fair game for Trump in his wind up the media routine yet all the time his poll ratings increase!! Why are people not having a go at the people supporting him?”

    I’ll tell you my reasons for disliking the guy.
    I think he is a very impulsive and dangerous individual.

    Are you aware of his antics in the late 1980s?
    Are you familiar with the case of The Central Park 5?

    Five young black boys stood charged with violently attacking a young woman. They were all found guilty and given hefty prison sentences. Donald Trump used his own money to take out a full double page spread in a newspaper calling for the boys to be given the death penalty. The boys were later found to be innocent.

    Yes, he may well be telling a certain section of American society what they want to hear but one day that man may have his finger on the button, that’s a very scary thought for me.

    Mind you, no more scary than some of today’s trigger-happy scum!

  101. Craig P says:

    Hurrah for Lord Pishypants! A true national treasure, bringing mirth to all 🙂

  102. Alastair says:

    Who knows how to start an online petition ‘Carmicheal should resign’
    Or the’ liar Carmicheal should resign’ to get enough support to trigger a House of Commons debate.

  103. Graham MacLure says:

    Clydebuilt @10.37.

    More succinctly Unionist rhetoric = All Carmichaels.

    And all because Ms. Sturgeon showed on TV that “The Big Bruiser” is in fact a Big Bumbler.
    To say the Big Bumbler was piqued after the TV program would not be a Carmichael.

  104. Nana says:


    Anyone can start a petition.

    link to

  105. heedtracker says:

    link to

    The Donald speaks

    Donald J. Trump
    I guess they don’t have freedom of the press in Scotland. We created this ad and the ASA would not allow us to publish it. I don’t know what is wrong with it, it seems factually accurate to me.
    19 October 2012

    The ASA upheld a complaint over his Press and Journal ad, RGU take their degree off Trump, Press and Journal keeps on farting out their merciless anti Scottish democracy stuff. All happening in Aberdeen!

    For the balance, Salmond does have a weekly column in the P&J. Which is also pretty bizarre considering how hard P&J monster him.

    During the referendum, P&J ran days and days of “Salmond threat to local primary school children” as he’d gone in to a school out canvassing. P&J didnt state out loud “peadophile” but given Westminster’s record, they didnt really have to.

    How Salmond can bear to even speak to that crew is amazing but he’s a professional politico, so he probably thinks he has to. He really doesn’t though.

  106. Capella says:

    My favourite Trump send-up is the Doonsebury cartoons in “Give Those Nymphs Some Hooters” lampooning Trump’s vulgar taste.

    “J.J. is lured by big bucks to paint neo-rocco murals on the Trump yacht (done in the style of Picasso or Michelangelo–one of those famous guys)…Remember, these are the cartoons that Donald Trump himself could not understand and declared to be “mediocre at best.”

    link to

  107. Dr Jim says:

    There’s a village in Cumbria had some bad flooding so the media headline becomes

    “Village in Cumbria under water” maybe it feels like that if you’re a resident of that place, but I’m not so take it at face value and you think “Atlantis”

    Is it any wonder folk can’t trust a word they see or read in the media

  108. Stoker says:

    @ Alastair (11.01am):

    Bit of advice Alastair. If you aim to start a petition and hope to get anywhere i would recommend you start a parliament petition and avoid the commercial cons such as 38Degrees and

    They have never achieved anything for our cause nor will they ever. What they will do is get your details from you and use them in various marketing schemes.

    I am also very sceptical, as are many others, of the parliament petitions achieving anything. I’m not aware of any successes. Many of us will never put our names to the commercial petitions.

    Good luck!

  109. Chic McGregor says:


    Pooh, Pooh, Barnet Halfgrew, Donnart, Driveler and Fud.

  110. Breeks says:

    Petitions don’t even swing Planning Applications. They are a placebo which allows people to blow off steam and believe they’ve done something about their grievance. Start a petition against me if you like. Watch me quake in my boots.
    A complaint to the BBC Commission is just the same, as indeed is any complaint to the ubiquitous Regulators who are meant to control the greed and excesses of their respective industries. Try it. I dare you. Lodge a complaint and pursue it to its conclusion and see what a farce it is. They all exist, and only exist to maintain the illusion that somebody cares that you have been treated unjustly. And we, the public, swallow it all, hook, line and sinker.

    When I was at University, two ‘pals’ we’re both ex private schoolboys, and they were having a conversation about the concept of financial independence. They didn’t mean winning the lottery. They meant having enough income from their properties, interest on savings, and share portfolios that they achieved a type of neutrally buoyant financial status; they didn’t have to work to pay for their lifestyle. I didn’t then, nor do I since, resent the fact such people are wealthy and live such privileged lives, but it struck me the very concept of financial independence was as alien to me as a foreign language. I had never once in my entire life thought anything along such lines. It seemed to me it was something which they’d been taught.

    Much more distasteful was their attitude towards signing on, and mis-using such monies in their “independence”calculations.

    These pillars of our society will never warm to Scottish Independence. They are freeloaders. They take whatever they can, and resist all threats of change to their cosseted existence. This is the mentality of those people drawn to power and influence. The Establishment must protect them, because genuine justice is an anathema to them. Every crack in the dam must be sealed.

    Before we have another independence referendum, please, can we first have a detailed battle plan which is equal to the methods used to control us. That means having an answer to the Unionist monopoly on broadcasting, access to justice unfettered by wealth (or lack thereof) and class connections and all such nepotism. Let us have a deep and all conquering purge of public office corruption, or at very least the promise of one…

    I’m sorry, but increasingly, I feel our entire Independence movement is little more than a storm in a snow globe on some obscure desk in Westminster. These people aren’t scared of us nor threatened by us. We are perhaps a topic of conversation at the dinner table, but such conversations would not be flattering to hear. Nobody will break rank, because having your knob in a dead pigs mouth means you are in the club for life… Or else.

    Present them with a petition? Yeah. Go ahead. If it makes you feel better.

  111. Lou Nisbet says:

    @Jim says: If you use Chrome you will find if you type just a ‘w’ into the address bar you get (I do anyaway) either Wings of Scotland OR WeeGingerDug.

  112. Craig Murray says:

    May I enter a note of dissent?

    I think Foulkes’ alcohol consumption is the one admirable thing about him.

  113. Clapper57 says:

    Dinnae get me started aboot Foulkes.

    Saw him ootside hooses o parliament once wearing a white suit , big collared shirt open tae his navel wae 6 gold chains hanging oan his hairy off white chest.

    He was moon walking and he looked like he was daen it through treacle. He was crap!

    I also remember when he used to play the spoons years ago , on his lunch hour , ootside the Scottish office, he was crap at that tae.

    And he’s a lord !!! Well he’s no the Lord o the dance that’s for sure . Or the Lord o the Spoons.

    That’s awe..or aw… am saying …..yae get me ….yae get me !!!!!

  114. heedtracker says:

    Craig Murray says:
    10 December, 2015 at 1:51 pm
    May I enter a note of dissent?

    I think Foulkes’ alcohol consumption is the one admirable thing about him.

    He’s not exactly a happy drunk though. More angry drunks. just what the world needs.

  115. Jim says:

    Nana says:
    10 December, 2015 at 9:46 am


    It was all round unionist bettertogetherer Jim Gallagher on callkaye
    Damn they sound similar!

    Lou Nisbet says:
    10 December, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    @Jim says: If you use Chrome you will find if you type just a ‘w’ into the address bar you get (I do anyaway) either Wings of Scotland OR WeeGingerDug.
    Thanks Lou, it was strange so I will install chrome instead.

  116. Bill Fraser says:

    Is George Foulkes still alive ?I thought he had drunk himself to death years ago

  117. bugsbunny says:

    To all who are stirring it about me being a Unionist plant, thanks for nothing. I’ve been a snp member since 1987 and been commentating on here for 2 and a half years.

    I ran into Foulkes whilst campaigning in Dalmellington in 1992 during the April General election. Words were said which he started. I’ll not get into it, suffice to say, I detest the swine. If you think I’m being a bad boy talking like this, you never heard what he said, and a lot of it was personal. So Alan, if you think I’m a Unionist plant, that’s up to you. I will ignore anything about him in future. And if that’s not good enough for you, I have a good old Ayrshire saying for you, “Awa an po flooers”.


  118. bugsbunny says:

    At the time I was going round campaigning for the SNP I was going up the street as they were going down. I had just coming out of an SNP supporting household, an elderly Irish couple with an adult down syndrome son. They had SNP posters all over their windows. So they never bothered to even go in to them. The son shouted were SNP and went in. An innocent remark. They went inside. Although Foulkes said nothing his young sidekick, no more than a boy, sneered at me and said, your welcome to their votes, including the Mongols. Foulkes laughed. I won’t bore you with what I said to them back. So Ian, is that a good enough reason to hate the Bastard? If not, I don’t know what is.



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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
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