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Wings Over Scotland

We are not afraid

Posted on September 14, 2014 by

Alert readers will remember that Gordon Brown, who is apparently some sort of former politician, has recently been spreading the completely baseless scare story that Scots would no longer receive organ transplants or blood transfusions from other people in the UK (and vice versa) in the event of independence.

On Friday night, before the Orange Order marched in the streets of Edinburgh with “NO POPERY” banners, a young woman with a life-limiting illness called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency climbed the face of Edinburgh Castle with oxygen strapped to her back and tubes up her nose. (The only cure for A1AD is a double lung transplant.)

This is what she did there.




And this was her message to Gordon Brown:

“You may have scared me and my family for a short time but as is the pattern from Westminster, your lies were uncovered and you failed to capture me in your disgusting web of deceit.

We have nothing to add to it.


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  1. 14 09 14 10:04

    We are not afraid | FreeScotland

1076 to “We are not afraid”

  1. john j says:


  2. A.N.Surgent says:

    Apart from this lady is a very brave and determined woman

  3. heedtracker says:

    I had trouble reading this with watery stuff in my peepers, allergies probably. What ever happens next Thursday, Crash, the Flipper, BetterTogetherBBC, Project Fear, have all failed no matter how rich it makes them.

  4. mato21 says:

    All I can say to this inspiring young lady is may all your dreams come true in our Independent Scotland

  5. YoungNED says:

    Gordon Brown is above reproach in normal circumstances, with those who criticise bearing the brunt of backlash. She has done a beautiful thing that he cannot retaliate to, and I thank her for the inspiration.

  6. Jamie H says:

    Wow, what an inspiration, puts in perspective what we can do when we put our minds to it, and deal with the negatives! She will give hope to many others!

  7. Jan Cowan says:

    The brave lass says it all.

  8. McTim says:

    What an amazing woman. You have more integrity in your fingertips than Gordon Brown has in his entire body.

  9. Moravian says:

    One wee correction, it was the night before the OO march.

  10. John H. says:

    I hope this young woman will inspire people to vote YES on Thursday.There’s nothing to be afraid of.

  11. Big Jock says:

    But we are all tribal anti English nationalists! Well done where there is shock and awe let Yes bring hope. Darling on hyper drive on Andrew Made. Is he going for Guineas book of records how many fears can you fit into one sentence. The guy is going to implode. I still suspect he is a cyborg.Do you know what he sounds like a hectoring grannie…

  12. Graham says:

    Gordon brown should be made to make a grovelling apology on tv to all the people he is putting in pearil , he is a disgusting little rat. Scotland is behind you and everyone else that has to deal with such a hard time in their life’s and hope u all get all the help you need good luck and god bless

  13. Barbara Watson says:

    What an inspiring and beautiful young lady.

    Her actions speak louder than Gordon Browns impotent words.

  14. Big Jock says:

    Andrew Marr damn you spell check. Darling said Scotland wouldn’t get bullied into something it didn’t want! Can you believe the nerve of that man.

  15. Big Jock says:

    Oh he’s back on foreigners again!

  16. Rosa Alba Macdonald says:

    Someone at my supposedly Udecided/Birthday Party (mostly Undecided guest list with a few Yes stalwarts and half a dozed WBB to do a conversion job, but all the undecided who turned up were now Yes) said a colleague of theirs, still No was going to vote Yes because if it did not happen NOW it would inevitably.

    Hail Alba

  17. Kevin says:


  18. Andrew Marr Show – Alex Salmond 1 Alistair Darling 0: 2-1 aggregate victory for Wee Eck.

    It was the same-old, same-old from Darling. Bluster, evasion, downright lies – he recycled the pension threat yet again.

    Again, it was a case of AD being allowed to spout his guff unchecked. For instance, he wasn’t challenged about the no more power threats from the Tory right.

    All the bad stuff was coming from Yes, according to him.

    The man is a disgrace. Never mind, come Friday, he will be history and totally discredited.

  19. Stevie boy says:

    I won’t now down to our ‘Imperial Masters’.. but I will bow down to this inspiring woman. Hat off to you.

    Thank you for your courageous efforts.

    We all need to give 100% for the next 4 days.. this MUST happen.. and can!!

  20. Ann says:

    Well done that young lady and hopefully you will get your transplant and live a long, fulfilling and happy life.

  21. Bob Sinclair says:

    What an incredibly brave & inspiring act.

    If they want to remove that YES they should make Gordon Brown climb up & remove it himself.

  22. Grizzle McPuss says:


  23. Barry2935 says:

    I thought Salmond was excellent on the Andrew Marr show – calm, assured and expert. Darling on the other hand…someone seemed to have upped the robotic voltage, he was so jittery he seemed ready to take off from the seat and fly into orbit! So many scare stories, so little time…doesn’t compute, doesn’t compute, Danger Will Robinson, Danger..zzzzzz!!

  24. Holebender says:

    The only thing we have to fear is…fear itself.

  25. Mike says:

    I think Jim Sillars is spot on. There should be some kind of reckoning after a Yes vote when all the scares and fears are exposed as foundationless & fantasy.
    Certainly as far as the media is concerned.
    There are so called journalists and reporters who should be named and shamed and exposed to the world as charlatans and peddlers of deceit. Their reputations should be covered in the same brown excrement they themselves spread across this whole debate. They should be hounded wherever they decide to pop up and write again.
    They should be hounded out of the profession in disgrace.
    They shouldn’t be allowed any licence to print anything further without being reminded of their past transgressions and deliberate dishonesty.
    They were given a position of trust and chose deliberately to betray that trust for personal ambition.
    Worse than politicians it is they who are supposed to keep political corruption in check not revel in it and promote it as something aspirational.

  26. Robert Louis says:

    This lady is a Scottish legend.

    Gordon brown is a fraud, running around Scotland lying to the sick and vulnerable. The words I want to use to describe that low life, would have me arrested – although they would be true. Deliberately lying to the sick people of his own country, just to re-launch his own pathetic failed cowardly career. Sick. Sick and twisted.

    Why oh why would ANY person still support Labour or a NO vote?? Even yesterday, I got a brochure shoved through my door, with Lamont lying that Scotland cannot use the pound – despite everybody (including Alistair Darling) and their granny now knowing that is a lie.

    Wise up Labour folks. You are being right royally lied to and abused.

    This story will not of course feature in ANY Scottish newspaper or on the blatantly propagandist and anti Scotland pravdaBBC.

    Vote YES.

  27. dennis mclaughlin says:

    Gordon Brown will shortly be crawling back into obscurity,
    Kudos to the young lady for ignoring all the fear mongering.

  28. Lewy Tee Bee says:

    What an astonishing person! This, this is why we will win.

  29. benarmine says:

    A courageous woman and a courageous act, exposing that disgrace of a man in his lies.

  30. Northerndiver says:

    Darling, nobody is listening to you anymone. You’re like an empty shell-suit blowing in the wind.

  31. Wee Alex says:

    BBC Referendum Live tweet

    09:55: ‘Best of both worlds’ Scotland “won’t be bullied into accepting something it doesn’t want”, says Mr Darling. He claims that a “Yes” would bring “the best of both worlds”.

    Darling now voting yes?

  32. David Maguire says:

    This is really powerful but is the timescale right? I think it went up on Friday night/Saturday morning rather than after the Orange march which would have been last night.

  33. Lanarkist says:

    Willpower and positivity is strong with this Lady! Seems Yes have those qualities in abundance and then some.
    The will of the people is for freedom, freedom to make our own way, our own decisions and our own future.

    It is now snowballing down the slope to the 18th and is unstoppable.

    We can, must and will do this!

  34. Wee Alex says:

    BBC now changed the quote, it’s a No!!!

  35. bookie from hell says:

    she’s queen of Scotland before/after sept 18th

  36. one less day says:

    I cannot believe the FM would consider asking these lying people to help frame our new country

    I for one would be most disappointed if this were the case

  37. msean says:

    Saw the image online,but didn’t realise it was this lady who did it. What a supreme effort,well done.

  38. Jaki McCarthy says:

    Inspirational young woman. Well said and so say all of us

  39. Grouse Beater says:

    A heroine in the making.

    Well done, lassie, well done.

  40. Carol Jardine says:

    That young woman is an inspiration to people everywhere, not just to Yessers.

    I’ll pass on her achievement to as many folk as I can.

    With my best wishes and admiration…

  41. Steve says:

    I read that article in jaw dropping disbelief. The stuff of legend

  42. Grouse Beater says:

    Louis: Gordon Brown is a fraud,


    And probably by another two million Scots and many English.

  43. Stevie boy says:

    Again, big BBC protest today at Pacific Quay at 2pm.. thousands expected to be there!

    Also I believe it’s the Tories turn to come up to Glasgow tomorrow so we can all bow down to them.. I’m heading through.. wouldn’t miss this for the world. They really do think we have zips in the back of our heads.

    I’m sure they will receive a ‘very warm welcome’.

  44. scotsbob says:

    We will not be bullied, we will not be intimidated, we will not be diverted, we will not be distracted.

    We will be inspired, we will be determined, we will be positive, we will be ambitious

    We will vote YES

  45. Steve says:

    There’s been quite a cast of characters in the no campaign. Ed Contraband, Nigel Falange and of course Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling trying to out do each other for the title of Toom Tabard.

  46. yerkitbreeks says:

    These magnificent efforts are truly moving – men like me are not supposed to get dewy eyed.

  47. Murray McCallum says:

    What a woman. All we are left to do is make a mark with a pencil.

  48. pauline says:

    I really don’t understand why the orange order are marching to stay in the UK. It makes no sense to me at all??

  49. Steven Duff says:

    Thank you.

  50. gordoz says:

    Jeezus tears in my eyes as I read that. What a lass.

    Come on undecideds talk about courage !

    Have the courage to join your brothers & sisters – lets make this happen by a big margin.

    Met many foreign folks at C games. All said Scots indy ref quest always brought a smile to their faces.

    Let a YES vote make them laugh with us on 19th, lets hear the world laugh with us in celebration.
    Not laugh at us for being ‘duped fools’ yet again.

    Let this young lady inspire aus all !

  51. Natasha says:

    Murray McCallum says:

    14 September, 2014 at 10:23 am

    What a woman. All we are left to do is make a mark with a pencil.

    Use a pen, Murray, the rules allow it and then your X can’t be rubbed out. We’re also delivering our daughter’s postal vote to the polling station in person as we don’t trust the safety of the postal system.


  52. Craig P says:

    To this young woman, to the empire strikes back guy, to social campaigner Bob Holman, to Canon Kenyon Wright, to the greens, the radicals and the commonweal, to the artists and writers, to business for Scotland; I’ve looked at you. It’s an honour to be standing by you. I’ve looked at the private health care companies, the arms manufacturers, the BNP, UKIP, Daily Mail, Labour and Tories and the bankers who made us bust the last time.

    And I’ve chosen my side.

  53. Snode1965 says:

    I was in tears reading this girls words, not tears of sorrow, no tears of overwhelming pride. Pride in the real people of Scotland! Gordon Brown…… Westminster scum.

  54. DG says:

    This happened a day earlier than stated in the article.

  55. Clootie says:

    If (IF) Gordon Brown had an ounce of decency he would be contacing this young woman directly to apologise.

    His scare stories are for him just another political tool. Well Gordon here is a face, a person being attacked by your unfounded political spin. Do you not feel ashamed?

    To the young woman – well done. You have done more with this one act to put these lies in context than months of debate.

  56. Stevie boy says:

    At the end of all this the world will find out what we had to overcome to be victorious.. In this ‘democratic’ great country of ours.

    All the lies and scaremongering and dirty tricks will be exposed and the REAL stories of the campaign will shine through.. this young lady will be one of the stars of that and will show the world just what inspiring people we have in Scotland.

    The people WILL beat the corrupt establishment.

  57. manandboy says:

    4 precious days to go.

    What to do in these few days ?

    The NO Campaign want you to watch as much TV as possible

    because that is where they are strongest.

    So AVOID watching the Red Tories NO Campaign on TV.

    And do not publicise what they say or do on the internet or social media.

    Choose instead any way that promotes and spreads the

    positive message of YES.

    Ignore the polls.

    Remember, NO are trying to dominate and control

    what the electorate are thinking about during these 4 days

    by flooding the media with their speakers

    and pictures of their events and activities.

    Anyone thinking about Yes on Thursday

    will most likely vote Yes on Thursday.

    And vice versa.

    Fill your head with YES thoughts

    then there will be no room for anything else.

    We MUST stay positive at all times.

    4 days to Independence, it’s amazing!

    Let’s go get it!

  58. JimnArlene says:

    Amazing and inspirational, try and weasel out of that, ya great clunking fist.

  59. Bigheed says:

    Wow wow wow – this is the most inspiring story of many.

    A YES vote MUST happen!! what kind of place will Scotland become in the event of a NO – we can never ever find out!

  60. Natasha says:

    By the way, has anyone thought about how we’re going to get truthful coverage of the actual count? Could Newsnet Scotland or one of the many wonderful sites we all go to for our information provide a running commentary on what the actual results are? With the power of the Internet and so many intelligent and resourceful people out there, we must be able to organise something whereby local election observers report back in real time to a central database/blog set up on this website or another one like it?
    Just a thought.

  61. macart763m says:

    Now that is courage and inspiration.

    Thursday 18th of September.

    Let’s show corrupt government, corporate patronage and state compromised media the door.


  62. Grouse Beater says:

    She climbed a sheer cliff face covered in protective wire.
    And she reached her goal and planted her mark upon it.
    What a wonderful metaphor for the Yes campaign

  63. Jim Bo says:

    Truly inspiring. Young woman, if you are reading this then know that you are an inspiration to us all.

  64. pitchfork says:

    What a heroine!

  65. tombee says:

    Tombee says,

    Fantastic achievement makes us ordinary mortals feel somewhat inadequate.
    Let’s demonstrate our total admiration for her by,
    VOTING YES ON THE 18th Sept.

  66. Andy Howie says:

    Sky keep showing an ICM poll result Yes 49% No 42% Undecided 9%. I can’t find anything about this poll anywhere. Anyone know about it?

  67. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Who are the BTUKOKNVOBNOTHANKS heroes?

    Their biggest ‘names’ specialise in frightening the living daylights out of pensioners.

  68. Jim Thomson says:

    For those who won’t be able to make it to PQ today (myself included), the anti-BBC Bias protest will be on Livestream in just over 3 hours here:

    link to

  69. Victoria says:

    link to

    Considering that more people in Scotland are on the organ donation list than the rest of the UK, I certainly wouldn’t be concerned. Yet another scaremongering story proven to be just that.

  70. manandboy says:

    Natasha says:
    14 September, 2014 at 10:29 am

    All we are left to do is make a mark with a pencil.

    Use a pen, Murray, the rules allow it and then your X can’t be rubbed out.

    In Natasha’s advice

    she may have uncovered NO’s secret weapon – THE PENCIL

    It’s so OBVIOUS.

    Why do Councils supply pencils at the polling stations

    when PENS would make for a much more SECURE poll.

    Mary Pitcaithly says she wants to have a fair and secure result – but then she supplies pencils. It is so easy to rub out a pencil mark and to substitute it in the No box.



  71. Stevie boy says:


    I agree. I wouldn’t be surprised if we win and the MSM are still telling us we didn’t quite make it!

  72. Edward says:

    I cannot find the words to give the above justice
    Will be honest, tearing up!

    It IS truly inspiring
    I asked my wife who is a nurse and she advised that what this lady has, is debilitating

  73. Hood says:

    Andy Howie
    This is it I think.
    link to

  74. Wonderful young women.

    Referendum phone in at 11am.

  75. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Petition, started by NNS, to bring broadcasting powers to Scotland:

    link to

  76. Well done Gal, unlike Galloway, I take my hat off to you.

    Whatever happened to the Westminster labour MP’s, Have they gone missing. I’ve not heard anything about them.

  77. john j says:

    Yesterday I made a journey from Ayr to Dumbarton including a walk across Glasgow city centre. Here is a report on my completely unscientific survey.

    YES posters in windows were almost exclusively Yes. The only NO banner I saw attached to a home was on a mansion in Troon.

    No badges were almost exclusively worn by middle-class, middle-aged folk while Yes badges were worn by a much broader cross-section but especially by younger student types.

    Campaign groups followed the same profile as above but there were a lot more Yes campaigners. I met a YES group at the crossroads near Dumbarton football ground who were having a great time, singing and generally getting a good response. Near to them was a No group who were being mostly ignored and looked pretty fed up, we all agreed that the No campaigners are a right miserable bunch of fearties.

    Whatever the outcome on Thursday things will never be the same again. The independence cat is out the bag.

  78. NODROG says:

    Gordon Brown – makes me feel sick watching the man. But for me the worst of all is John Reid(“Lord John”) he marched from Glasgow to London in protest at Thatcher’s policies but now, in my opinion, he is trying to protect his cloak of ermine and comfy leather seat in the House of Lords. Disgusting!!

  79. Donna Franceschild says:

    This should also inspire us to make sure we are all registered as organ donors. In the US people in need of transplants can be denied them if their health insurance plan doesn’t cover them. That’s the type of NHS successive UK governments, including Labour governments, have been steadily working towards. This will NOT be allowed to happen in an independent Scotland. Another good reason to vote YES.

  80. George Quin says:

    This brave woman echoes my own thoughts we will not be cowed by the elites in westminster and also in scotland labour should be ashamed of themselves whatever happens these people have lost all credibility left i can feel things changing for the better.

  81. HandandShrimp says:

    Andy Howie

    I think that is today’s Sunday Telegraph ICM poll which has rattled a cage or two. The Panelbase poll today that has Yes on 49.4% and No on 50.6% also suggests that No can’t assume a victory.

    The polls are all over the place but the if you distill the poll of polls for the last week (and there must be about 8 or 9) then it looks almost bang on 50/50. We can do this!

  82. Susan says:

    O/T 1000 copies of the WBB were snatched up at our stall in Stornoway. No one needed to explain what it was, people were looking for the WBB. Thank you Wings, this was a great success in Stornoway.

  83. GrahamB says:

    Well done that girl. That would not be an easy climb for someone with fully functioning lungs, an inspiration.

    Jim Thomson at 10.39:
    That’s probably the only way anything will be broadcast in this country. However, the place is hoachin with ‘foreign’ journalists so it will get coverage across the world. These guys probably used to look up to the BBC as an example of impartial broadcasting. Is this PQ5, thought it was PQ4 but I may have missed one when I was on holiday? Anyone know if we’re going to get numbers handed out as at PQ3 to show the correct number attending instead of the BBC’s woeful estimates?

  84. Now's the Hour says:

    A truly inspirational young woman. Comment on that, Westminster (once you’ve finished phoning round your chicken business pals). Off to PQ soon. Gonna be a great afternoon!

  85. Mealer says:

    John Beattie,BBC.
    What do you think of that?

  86. Grouse Beater says:

    I’ll be zooming around Edinburgh these last crucial days in my old jalopy – see avatar – telling folk getting busy living or get busy dying!

    If you see me wave or honk your horn.

  87. malkymaddo says:

    the young lady in question is a lovely lochaber lass by the name of Lindsay Jarret.Lindsay tells me her hope is to live a long and healthy life in an independant Scotland……lets make her wish come true on thursday

  88. IcySpark says:

    Meeting at George Square at 12:30 also for the BBC bias march to PQ

  89. Mealer says:

    Has this brave young woman been interviewed by the overseas media?

  90. Shudder be ok says:

    Tears streaming down my face

  91. Grouse Beater says:

    The Flaky Character of Deutsche Bank – grousebeater.wordpress.

    Broadcast now – Andrew Neill has chosen to have Galloway on his programme, and for balance, Sheridan.

    I smell a rat, and it isn’t Sheridan.

  92. Nana Smith says:

    A brave flower of Scotland.

  93. Auld Rock says:

    Way back when I cast my first vote I seem to remember that the pencil provided wrote with a thick ‘carbon black’ waxy line, a line that if you tried to rub out left a horrible black smeary mess that couldn’t go unnoticed but these pens seem to have fallen out of use. I’m minded of the old N.Irish unionists message to their supporters in the OO, vote early and vote often. Beware of the snake in the grass, it’ll be a unionist or a leftover turd from yesterdays Edinburgh march.

    Auld Rock

  94. sinky says:

    And andrew neil referred to the terrorist having “all southern british accent”

  95. horacesaysyes says:

    Nicely done, and a perfect illustration of hope over fear, which is what we all need to display on Thursday to win this. 🙂

  96. Helena Brown says:

    What an inspiring young woman and a very brave one as well, another act which will go down into our history books because we are writing it now.
    I will say bless you love, I am no Christian but I hope that they find you a transplant soon. If anyone deserves the chance to do something with your life it is you.

  97. heraldnomore says:

    What a stonker of a Sunday Herald today – one to keep

  98. fred blogger says:

    yes, an extraordinary act of courage and defiance.
    the flower of symbolism, backed by action, not an, i(we) wish i’d (we’d) done it, but i (we) did it.
    no longer, the many led by cowards who hyde themselves in their ivory towers of lies, deceit and manipulation.
    they fully expected apathy to defeat us.
    no longer will the few be able to use our blood, sweat, tears, to enrich themselves.
    to leave us worn out, destitute, spent, discarded, like an m/t tooth paste tube.
    no one rich, no one poor.
    we all have a say now!
    we are all sovereign.

  99. Grouse Beater says:

    Sinky: Andrew Neil referred to the terrorist having “all southern British accent”

    Well observed. ‘Cockney’ accent sticks in his throat.

  100. Helena Brown says:

    Auld Rock may I suggest a black eyeliner pencil which will do the same thing. Not easily removed. Pens may cause them to nullify your vote.

  101. msean says:

    Yes Mr Galloway,and long grass will ensue,thought you didn’t do Labour anymore,being in a different party and a’ .

  102. Grouse Beater says:

    Galloway lying through his teeth on BBC’s Andrew Neill show – shouting wolf as loud as he can.

    Yesterday’s rebel protecting his pension.

    “I’ve been up all hours, till five in the morning,” says Galloway, confirming my observation of him in my blog:

    George Galloway – Scourge of Scotland grousebeater

  103. msean says:

    Apart from the fact that as soon as a no vote is in,your new pals at sky and bbc will have the tories banjoed into power.

  104. Helena Brown says:

    This morning passed two young men with YES on their car and then at the crossroads at Halbeath there was a Jaguar with two No flags and a big NO sign on the back,not sure if it is the same auld Jag which is owned by someone in the houses opposite the Post Office in Dunfemline.
    Gave the thumbs up sign yesterday to the man with the YES flag in his car, hope he knew we meant thumbs up, he did wave.

  105. Wee Alex says:

    I listened Pam Duncan-Glancy on the John Beattie show this morning on the reasons why she is voting no. A principled person no doubt but misguided.

    In essence she believes in the Labour Party and their promises of a fairer Britain. Regrettably history is not on her side.

    Set aside the economic crash of 2008, what did the Blair/Brown Government leave behind.

    The one positive is the minimum wage, but even then, set at a lower rate that demanded by Trades Unions.

    Despite the minimum wage the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Browns tax raid on pension funds put them into deficit and that worked out well, didn’t it.

    Brown sold our gold at a knock down price, costing the country billions of pounds.

    PFI was used to build schools and hospitals, a burden round all our necks for at least generation.

    This is the true legacy of modern Labour and don’t forget the role Milliband and Balls played.

    I could go on but ill miss George Galloway on the telly.

  106. Nana Smith says:

    We can be heroes just for one day…

    link to

  107. Jim Mitchell says:

    Well done that woman!

    Who’s seen the Yes and the Aye signs on the Ochils above Alva.

    I wonder just how far these things can be seen

  108. HandandShrimp says:

    I would also like to re-iterate that people should not use pens. We do not want to give the establishment excuses to reject ballot papers. They want the thick broad pencil mark because it is easy to see. The observers there will see the boxes open and rejected papers will be scrutinised. If the boxes were opened and ballot papers removed and replaced before they got to the polling station (as can happen in dicatorships) then pen would make no difference.

  109. Grouse Beater says:

    Galloway unknowingly and comically making the case for independence crystal clear when he opines,

    “We [Scots] are led by idiots.” [in Westminster]

    Galoway doesn’t include himself in that category.

  110. dramfineday says:

    What courage, determination and defiance! Well done lass.

  111. HandandShrimp says:

    On the topic of the piece above, I think it is appalling that the BBC did not cover this as a human interest part of the debate. They really are shabby, corrupt and possibly incompetent.

  112. Unashamedly, I wept – as I read of the Inspirational Courage and Determination of this wonderful young lady.

    Contrast her act of Courage with that of Skeletor who had to take a 3-day break because he was egged.
    “Perfidious Albumen”.

    TTIP is not only supported by the ConDems, but backed by the sleekit SLAB scabs who must pay a severe price for their new DODGY DOSSIER on NHS Scotland.
    Andy Burnham, MP, reveals a telling truth – in England.

    Krash Gordon and Skeletor should be ashamed of their Treachery – when contrasted with this glorious girl.

    Embra Rock – with “YES” – all the way through it.

  113. Mark Coburn says:

    Part of this campaign for me has been about ordinary people just doing extraordinary things.


  114. Mark Coburn says:

    HandandShrimp – Yes Scotland on their Facebook page have stated that it is fine to use a pen, as long as your intention is clear. Furthermore, the ballot papers will NOT be counted by machine.

  115. Keef says:

    I recall reading a tweet saying something like it must be pissing the OO off as they all can see a YES sign as they march. I’m sure this must have been the sign in question.

    How very inspirational.

    Well done young lady. The effort to do that must have been immense. A true sign of hope over fear.

  116. Juteman says:

    Gaun yirsel Tommy!

  117. heedtracker says:

    This is the last Sunday that we live in a country governed by another. It’s quite a thought but how many millions and millions of people around the world have had a last Sunday like this. It could be billions of people!

    I’m having an amazing last Sunday in the UK:D

  118. Valerie says:

    I used to be quite apathetic about Brown, but now I feel unmitigated rage when I see him, ranting his lies, this man has no moral compass, he used the organ thing,but also used his dead daughter to say he was defending the NHS. This young woman is inspiring, and shows how lies are used to hurt, but her bravery and determination are awesome.

  119. heedtracker says:

    The ballot paper itself is bar coded so there’s that security or security hole. It’s going to be fine. Any fraud will be spotted.

  120. HandandShrimp says:


    Fair enough, Rejected papers go for evaluation and both sides have to agree that the intention is not clear.

    I just press hard with the pencil 🙂

  121. HandandShrimp says:

    I agree about Brown, his pathetic attempt to bring in Kim Jong Un into the debate as a smear against Yes (no doubt just a joke) annoyed me. He is way more childish and much less statesmanlike than I had given him credit for.

  122. Thomas Valentine says:

    Gaun yersel kwinie.

  123. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Andy Howie at 10.38

    It’s on the front page of the Sunday Herald but covered up by that paper’s magnificent huge supplement.

    Everybody must get a Sunday Herald today – even just to show your children and grand children. I’m getting half a dozen to send to relatives all over the world.

    The dog’s are barking (it’s a bookie’s term – meaning they have found out there is a “job” on with some cuddy or other) that Yes is going to win and No have lost it. I would get your last minute bets on now. YES will be favourite by Thursday.

    Back to the Sunday Herald – magnificent supplement; magnificent main paper. Every home in Scotland should have one. How about a rerun on Wednesday? I’d buy another ten for posterity.

    Sunday Mail editorial does everything but say NO have lost it- you might as well vote YES (Choked on my porridge and nearly fell off my chair)
    Sunday Sun first class and Aamer Anwar nails it perfectly. Nice piece from Andy Nichol

  124. Findlay Farquaharson says:

    The amount of respect i have for this girl is alot.

  125. Derek M says:

    wow incredible inspiring i hope this bonnie lassie gets her transplant and goes on to live a full and happy life as for big crash broon ,broon we have a set of handcuffs and a nice wee cell in the Bar-L waiting for you.

  126. Claire says:

    For those who asked about alternative broadcasting of the count on the night, referendum are planning to do just that, but they still need funds to make it as good a broadcast as possible. If you want an alternative to the Biased Broadcasting Corporation coverage please consider donating to them via their website.

    This young woman is an inspiration. Gordon Brown’s lies have been some of the most sickening of the whole campaign, and that’s saying something. I hope she gets the transplant she needs to live a full and healthy life in an independent Scotland.

  127. heedtracker says:

    link to Biometric registration testing ended election fraud in Ghana. dodge it and anyone can get a UK postal vote without giving a reason.

  128. Grouse Beater says:

    Valerie: I used to be quite apathetic about Brown

    What I find odd is the way media and press who loathe him, that effectively drove him from office, now think he is loved by Scots, and indeed, praise his stance against democracy’s basic laws.

    Gordon the Hapless – grousebeater.wordpress

  129. caz-m says:


    We can also do our bit before Thursday. We can put up our own YES posters and stickers, in windows, on cars, at the side of roads, on bridges, in fields, on lamp posts.

    Put them up to give undecided voters that bit of confidence that they are looking for to vote YES.

  130. alistair says:

    Coming through from Stirling to Glasgow this morning and the car convoy from Stirling was starting to build up. Looked fantastic. Hope someone gets a video of it. Its going from Stirling to Stratchlyde park and then meeting up with the PPC protest later (not quite sure how they’re joining up but hopefully we’ll descend on BBC at the end of it for 2pm, starting 12.30 from George Square).
    Should be fun – see you there.

  131. FairiefromEarth says:

    Groundskeeper Willy has even came out for the yes side, he seems to belive we should free ourselfs from the stomping boot of imperilism. 😉

  132. Solitaire says:

    Can someone give a bit of advice on the election laws in regard to contesting a count or asking to see a particular voting slip?

    This is a question regarding voting laws and NOT an indication to do anything which my be considered as illegal.**

    I’m assuming that cameras and recording equipment are not allowed in the voting areas.

    But is it illegal to take a picture of your own ballot while you are in the booth?

    Just thinking that all ballots have a unique sequential number on them, so if you took a picture (date/time/location stamped) with your mark in a box with the number visible you would have a record of your vote.

    That gives you a something to compare against the ballot after it’s been counted. You can then check to see if your ballot was counted or discarded (or even altered!). That is if a recount is needed in your area and the result is either too close to call or the margin of the wining side was much larger than expected.

  133. NODROG says:


  134. fred blogger says:

    different day, same old shite.
    shame on you bbc and msm.
    link to

  135. Robert Kerr says:

    O/T Sorry.

    Just back from a week in the Irish Republic and read online Herald that Iain Macwhirter shall vote Yes.

    “But this isn’t an election; it is a referendum on the future of the country I live in, and I will be voting Yes.”

    Well done that man!

  136. EdinScot says:

    Edinburgh and Scotland rocks thanks to this young woman. Superb! Really inspiring. Something is in the air alright.

    Will be going out shortly to leaflet in Leith for YES campaign as i did yesterday. Its the best thing to do as im in control to turn off the propaganda in my living room and cut out the unionists hot air supply. Many others seem to be on the streets too and thats why i think we will win as we are not taking our feet off the pedal. The masses are getting our info and the response has been very good and friendly unlike how the msm are portraying it. Today will see me and another do a few tower blocks and we’re more than eager to do it as not doing anything doesnt seem right.

    O/t, just saw Denis Canavan and Tommy Sheridan in sensational form respectively on sky and ebc smashing the unionist argument to smithereens. What passion they have for an independent Scotland WOW!

    The difference between now and 1979 is the social media. Its killing off the unionists big time with their omissions and lies being exposed to the public. The Unionist media wish you only had them as a medium and to take your unionist medicine like the good little servants you are but this time its not working. The tv journos and presenters faces are collapsing live on air. The fear is in their eyes. Lets make sure we knock them out.

  137. Dubbieside says:

    Sorry to go O/T but this really needs to be shared.

    Gordon Brown would prefer a UKIP/Tory coalition government to Scottish Independence.

    link to

  138. Derick Tulloch says:

    Immense respect for such integrity, such courage

    Blown away

  139. Clootie says:

    link to

    Castlegate Aberdeen

  140. Clootie says:

    let it update ~15secs when you click on the link – flash mob

  141. The Man in the Jar says:

    “Gordon is a moron!”

  142. macart763m says:


    🙂 🙂

    Like it.

  143. bookie from hell says:

    Last SUNDAY before referendum,and Better Together put up George Galloway

    who proceeds to say labour are finished in Scotland


  144. James123 says:

    Check out Tommy Sheridan if you can on the iplayer, in brilliant form, “the BBC has been a disgrace”. Well said that man.

  145. Truth says:

    I’ve said it a few times in the last couple of years, but this young lady easily qualifies for the accolade of being one of Scotland’s heroes.

    Thank you, and I wish you health and happiness.

  146. Col says:

    I personally think that George has fallen for a honey trap. I`m certain that the British State has something on him. The utter crap he is spewing just doesn`t seem to be George the maverick. Then there`s his bizarre behavior in the big brother house that time. Strange days, exciting times!

  147. Big Jock says:

    Did the prof just say that new registered voters were more likely to vote no. What a lot of nonsense!

  148. Ok Scotland here it is Project Fear’s original fear that it was conceived in FUEL DEPIVATION. England has it’s own independence agenda energy independence their plan to build 50 nuclear power plants which would satisfy their total requirements and provide energy security.
    It is estimated that in the next twenty years England will require 50% to 60% increase in energy supply due to their explosive population growth running at five times normal growth due to immigration. Paradoxically whilst Scotland has an abundance of energy sources England is in a state of fuel deprivation reliant on foreign countries for 50% of it’s gas via submarine pipelines from Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France all subsidised by massively expensive shipments of LPG from the middle east.
    As England is bankrupt with a national debt of 1.3 trillion where welfare costs exceed tax receipts England is in no position to invest the billions required for a nuclear energy future. It is totally reliant on foreign investment to realise their goal.
    Scottish oil and gas receipts account for 25% of the UKs corporate tax receipts.
    This underpins the security and confidence investors would require to feel comfortable about supporting England’s nuclear energy future, for without Scotland it is dubious that they would invest.
    That is why it is critical from England’s point of view that it controls Scotland’s energy policy.
    The first plant is being built at Hinkley Point in Somerset by French company EDF for their investment in constructing and running the plant they have extracted an attractive outcome with George Osborn agreeing to pay twice the wholesale rate for thirty five years only problem is he won’t be paying it you will, and that’s only the first deal.
    If Scotland remains in the union it will be subject to the soaring energy costs by being on the UK nation grid it won’t be long before they are deciding between being hungry or cold and then they will be both hungry and cold.
    The ultimate oxymoron when you consider Scot’s live in one of the worlds most energy rich nations and should be enjoying using their own energy at fair commercial rates.
    Instead of being subjected to a form of extortion through the national grid.
    England’s survival is totally dependant on maintaining control over Scotland and realising it’s nuclear dream, any thing less will result in total breakdown of civil society due to unfulfilled population demands, fuel demands, infrastructure demands, monetary demands.
    There you go Scotland what do you think I can see it and I am half a world away.

  149. Robert Louis says:

    Manandboy earlier today made a very good point above. I hope he and nobody else will mind too mcuh if I draw attention to it, and quote it in full.

    Let’s focus on OUR winning POSITIVE message over the last few days;

    4 precious days to go.

    What to do in these few days ?

    The NO Campaign want you to watch as much TV as possible

    because that is where they are strongest.

    So AVOID watching the Red Tories NO Campaign on TV.

    And do not publicise what they say or do on the internet or social media.

    Choose instead any way that promotes and spreads the

    positive message of YES.

    Ignore the polls.

    Remember, NO are trying to dominate and control

    what the electorate are thinking about during these 4 days

    by flooding the media with their speakers

    and pictures of their events and activities.

    Anyone thinking about Yes on Thursday

    will most likely vote Yes on Thursday.

    And vice versa.

    Fill your head with YES thoughts

    then there will be no room for anything else.

    We MUST stay positive at all times.

    4 days to Independence, it’s amazing!

    Let’s go get it!

  150. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Jim Thomson. Thanks for the link to the protest at PQ. I hope Thousands turn up. Vote Yes.

  151. OneBadMouse says:

    Just phoned my dad to tell him about this & he is very impressed. He had a liver transplant 14 years ago thanks to Alpha-1 & has been campaigning for Scottish independence for nearly 50 years.

    (Alpha-1 can cause lung disease that requires a lung transplant but the liver is the key. My dad was lucky & only needed a liver transplant.)

  152. Pam McMahon says:

    Well done, bonnie lass. I would give you one of my own lungs, if it wasn’t already knackered. Still waiting to see if Edinburgh council will send somebody up to remove your heroic effort. My dad used to be in charge of that department, and I’m sure he would have found an emergency gully or two to empty first.

  153. macart763m says:

    Absolutely RL and couldn’t agree more. In these last four days lets focus on our own message.

  154. Malcolm says:

    I will never feel more proud, or more humble than I do now, having read of the efforts of this amazing lady. It really puts blowing a flute into perspective.

  155. Les Wilson says:

    Watching Politics Scotland, Galloway spouting usual pish, star was Tommy Sheridan who put A. Neill in his place in a big way, tore into the bias of the BBC. Neill tried but could not contain him.

    Love him or hate him, Tommy is so committed to YES, and is saying the things that main politicians hold back from saying. Well done Tommy for putting them on the rack.

  156. kirsten says:

    The young lady is indeed brave. This is one of the most courageous acts of defiance against the NO campaign, I’ve seen.

    She didn’t do this last night after the Orange Order march though, she did it before – which is even better!

  157. reginald says:

    Deep in the archives of Channel 4 is a series on body language.One of the episodes is devoted to the body language of politicians.You will see Tony Blair making a brilliant speech to a Labour Party conference.His Cabinet colleagues and the delegates are extatic.But there in the background is a very unhappy and distressed Gordon Brown.It is two minutes of one of the most bizarre sights you will ever see in politics.

  158. Grouse Beater says:

    Clootie: Castlegate Aberdeen

    Needs to be filled to the gunnels, Clootie, to have real effect on watchers and waiverers.

  159. Dcanmore says:

    Well done that girl, brillant and very inspiring!

    I think the whole idea to have Galloway and Sheridan on the same show is to beam them into English households to show how Scots and Scotland is ripping itself apart. It’s a ‘tut tut’ attitude to comfort the English in showing big bad tribal nationalism, cue the Sunday papers with their lies about Scotland and the independence movement. Galloway and Sheridan are both extreme people, the BBC know exactly what they are doing. When we win on the 18th the newspapers will have ‘Scottish Nationalism rips UK apart’.

    They will try to unite the rUK together in a blame game to deflect the problems of Westminster and finger pointing towards no.10. For a short time at least they will try and paint a fake picture of a sorry Scotland consumed in flames.

  160. Mike says:


    If we don’t watch TV and read the news how can we come online to rubbish it and point out the errors?

  161. Minty says:

    What an amazing person you are. Just wonderful. Best wishes to you for a more hopeful future.

  162. Billy Mac says:

    Watched Galloway and Sheridan earlier.
    What a difference, Galloway was the usual Bitter together doom and gloom while Tommy’s exuberance and excitement about an Independent Scotland was uplifting to watch.

  163. Scotty Land says:

    Passed the Ochils last night and between Alva and Tillicoultry there are two banners. On a precarious rockface there is an AYE and another less dangerous area a large YES. Well done to these brave people who climbed and placed the messages there. Lets hope they remain there as a sign of our feelings even after our Indy victory.

  164. Les Wilson says:

    Watchin Curtis now on Politics Scotland, the man is a slippery weasel.Still pushing YES a bit behind. Making excuses for when YES is in front.Another piece of work.

  165. James Dow says:

    Ok Scotland here it is Project Fear’s original fear that it was conceived in FUEL DEPRIVATION. England has it’s own independence agenda energy independence their plan to build 50 nuclear power plants which would satisfy their total requirements and provide energy security.
    It is estimated that in the next twenty years England will require 50% to 60% increase in energy supply due to their explosive population growth running at five times normal growth due to immigration. Paradoxically whilst Scotland has an abundance of energy sources England is in a state of fuel deprivation reliant on foreign countries for 50% of it’s gas via submarine pipelines from Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France all subsidised by massively expensive shipments of LPG from the middle east.
    As England is bankrupt with a national debt of 1.3 trillion where welfare costs exceed tax receipts England is in no position to invest the billions required for a nuclear energy future. It is totally reliant on foreign investment to realise their goal.
    Scottish oil and gas receipts account for 25% of the UKs corporate tax receipts.
    This underpins the security and confidence investors would require to feel comfortable about supporting England’s nuclear energy future, for without Scotland it is dubious that they would invest.
    That is why it is critical from England’s point of view that it controls Scotland’s energy policy.
    The first plant is being built at Hinkley Point in Somerset by French company EDF for their investment in constructing and running the plant they have extracted an attractive outcome with George Osborn agreeing to pay twice the wholesale rate for thirty five years only problem is he won’t be paying it you will, and that’s only the first deal.
    If Scotland remains in the union it will be subject to the soaring energy costs by being on the UK nation grid it won’t be long before they are deciding between being hungry or cold and then they will be both hungry and cold.
    The ultimate oxymoron when you consider Scot’s live in one of the worlds most energy rich nations and should be enjoying using their own energy at fair commercial rates.
    Instead of being subjected to a form of extortion through the national grid.
    England’s survival is totally dependant on maintaining control over Scotland to realise it’s nuclear dream, any thing less will threaten the breakdown of civil society due to unfulfilled population demands, fuel demands, infrastructure demands, monetary demands.
    There you go Scotland what do you think? I can see it from here and I am half a world away.

  166. Iain (orri) McCord says:

    Whilst checking my Spam folder I found the email trying to fix the entry of the Vote No Borders song into the charts. This has reminded me of it because this massive is truly a Flower of Scotland.

    As to the email it contains a couple of things that show how little it has to do with Scotland, or at least my understanding of it. For a start I really can’t remember anyone who lives in Scotland referring to Burns as “Robbie”. Nor, as far as I remember, did he write the tune to “Auld Lang Syne”. Even then the sentiment has nothing to do with any desire to stay together but rather, as most Scots of my age might remember, of staying in touch and on good terms. It might be worth noting that these days it’s place has been taken by Run Rig’s version of Loch Lomond including the mad mob the bridal party and Yo Ho, Yer Minging bit.

  167. Indy_Scot says:

    When I was younger I always wanted to do something or make something that would change the world. Then I got older and realised that it was probably a feeling that most children have when they are young, and that the chances of it happening had come and gone.

    Come Thursday, I will be given a second chance.

  168. Kid Spotlight says:

    True Courage! I just hope some of her courage will rub off on those still dithering Scots before Thursday, and more importantly those cowed by Westminster into voting NO.

  169. Dr Jim says:

    Most of the YES signs in windows are only there from fear of windows being kicked in by the YES campaigners
    Must be true coz the UKIP guy said it this morning

  170. Les Wilson says:

    James Dow says:

    Good posting James, I can only agree, but would add that on top of what you point out, there is another myriad of reasons they need Scotland. However, we really do not need them.

  171. Graham says:

    Rock on tommy stick to the bbc . Daily politics this morning must watch

  172. CameronB Brodie says:

    Move over folks, we’ve got a new team member. 🙂

    I am grateful to all of them. Together they are a microcosm of what the entire no campaign has been all about: money; raw corporate power and a naked sense of absolute entitlement. So I will be voting yes for an independent Scotland on Thursday, with a confidence and certainty that, until last week, I would never have thought possible.

    link to

  173. Mike Dolling says:

    Here in New Zealand, watched the Big, Big, Debate with new young voters, on YouTube and aware again that too often the Yes Campaign is put on the defence.

    George Galloway, ranted that it was (correctly) a Labour party that created the NHS but then went on to say it was successful because there of the size of the UK and its 63 million population. Never or at least seldom in the many debates I have watched do the Yes counteracted with the examples of the small prosperous nations that also have health and pension schemes.

    I just wish that they would ask their audiences, “Want good reasons for voting Yes?:
    Norway; Switzerland; Sweden; New Zealand; Denmark; Finland; Netherlands; Luxembourg, Liechtenstein
    And a seat at the United Nations as all of the above do.

    Almost every indicator from the ‘Economist’, Mail Online (Apr 16th 2014), the UN Human Development Index, give these nations as the wealthiest per capita and happiest. Why does this hardly get a mention whilst currency seems to be a scare tactic every time. All nations have a currency – we should have challenged ‘No Thanks’ on other issues.

    Still the bogeyman of ‘Nationalism‘ is pejoratively used to associate Yes with nationalists and a hint of fascism. The history of the ‘nationalist’ revolutions in Greece, Belgium and throughout Europe (mainly 1848) against the might of the Russian, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and British Empires is forgotten. Nationalist revolutions throughout Europe were for freedom not imperialistic conquest.
    Small nations – don’t start wars – imperialist empires start wars.

    Also the present Governments in New Zealand is the New Zealand National party (not one I support here) and in Australia the National Party of Australia is in coalition with the Liberal Party of Australia in government. No one would call them fascist or Nazis, except perhaps George Galloway, although he doesn’t seem to have minded the African National Congress (ANC), despite its name.

    Surely those supporters of the Union who claim to be ‘Socialist’ (George Galloway, Ian Davidson etc., etc.) should be challenge to as to what brand of ‘Socialism’ they aspire. The ‘Socialism’ of Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Moa Ze Dong and other tyrants who claimed to be socialists. (The first two were imperialistic in denying sovereignty to surrounding smaller nations.)

    I wonder if Mr Galloway should be asked, “Were the small nations right or wrong gaining sovereignty from the centralised despots of the USSR or were they ‘Better Together’?”

    When (mostly Labour politicians) cry, I hate Nationalism.” – are they insinuating that all the smaller (now mostly prosperous) nations should have remained under imperialistic empire control?

    I and many that I have talked with feel, that the economic debate has been allows to much fear tactics by Better Together and more basic ideas such as; It is ‘normal’ for any group of people to want ‘ownership’ of their own lives, their own language and culture and to share this happily with any who wish to share, whether it be neighbours next door or in a neighbouring country and to make the important decisions concerning foreign policy and how they wish their government to act, themselves.

    Lastly – it does seem as that BT get away with unproven claims and statements, such as:
    Scotland ‘punches above its weight’ being part of the UK.
    The UK is the most successful partnership that the world has ever seen.
    We have the best of both worlds being in the Union.

    Also one young audience member stated “England’ gives us more money, than we put in.” and unfortunately too many believe this as if Scots were subsidy junkies, which if it was true they should be challenged on not being ashamed of this.

    Another brought up the matter of high tax in Norway (the price of beer argument). The fact that has been used so often seems to indicate that the fact that it‘s the quality of life one enjoys after taxation and what benefits their taxes can bring and maybe apart from beer other things may be cheaper elsewhere.

    David Cameron and the Westminster parties have travelled the world asking political leaders to back a no vote – I wonder why they didn’t ask John Key, (Prime Minister of New Zealand) maybe because it would be hard for him stating a small country couldn’t be successfully independent.

    Hoping for a resounding YES on Thursday.


    Mike Dolling

    PS Labour party are promising win in next general Election – remind voters that since their foundation they have on governed 32 years (not counting war coalitions)and so what ever happens the Tories will be in most of the time.

  174. Les Wilson says:

    In ref to this courageous lady, on a humanitarian view of such inspiration, could we all crowd fund her treatment, or help her in some way.? I think most people would help if that would help her life chances, mark me down anyway.

  175. Helena Brown says:

    Robert Louis, Better Together/No Thanks what ever are not trying to convert us, they are trying so hard to retain their own support.

  176. muttley79 says:

    There is an event in Edinburgh tomorrow, Tom Nairn is promoting his new book. Isobel Lindsay and Tariz Ali are down as speakers. Should be interesting.

    link to

  177. muttley79 says:

    That should be Tariq Ali!

  178. Forbes says:

    What a wonderful young woman.
    She is an inspiration to the nation.
    When the No campaigners say how will you get by on your own, even if you keep all the money you lose to Westminster, I would say how could this young women, in that state of Heath, with oxygen tanks strapped to her back, scale Edinburgh Castle with a banner in hand
    She did because she felt that she had to.
    All that pain and strain was worth it in order to save the NHS, and to place social justice ahead of fat cat profits.

    Is this Gordon Brown who sold off the country’s Gold reserves at
    a very low price, just a few months before Gold values doubled?
    Is this the worker’s representative who abolished the 10% tax band for the low paid? Is this the man you signed up to an illegal war in Iraq, to recover weapons of mass destruction, that didn’t exist. Is the same man who was prime minister when the Bank’s Casino Banking crashed our economy?
    He has been at the wheel when all these things hit the wall.
    He is now outraged that Scotland wants Independence, and threaten to get back into the Driver’s seat????
    Please Mr Brown, go enjoy the very large pension that your awarded yourself and keep your advice to yourself.

  179. Mealer says:

    Gordon Brown
    What a clown,
    He’ll not keep my country down.

  180. Lesley-Anne says:

    I haven’t read any posts yet but just a wee heads up to those of us who can’t make it to Pacific Quay today that there is a Livestream event from there and it will start in around 50 minutes time. 😛

    link to

  181. flux_capacitor says:

    A truly inspirational act from that young woman.

    You can watch the Aberdeen flashmob developing here

    link to

  182. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    After all the wonderful peaceful gatherings across the country yesterday, Edinburgh are having their one today in the meadows from 2-6pm, food, drink, music and talks.

    Please take friends and undecideds and go along.

    I am told there has been a stage set up at the top of Meadows Walk.

  183. Donald MacKenzie says:

    Kevin McKenna in The Observer delivers an explosive critique on all that has been nasty and dirty in the No campaign and presents an emotionally charged powerhouse of an argument as to why ‘Yes’ is the right answer.

  184. west_lothian_questioner says:

    Well done that brave young lass. What an inspiration!! Eyes streaming here…

  185. gillie says:

    Such bravery makes us all look weak and cowardly, and makes Gordon Brown in particular look like scrum.

  186. Jim McIntosh says:

    Just read Kevin McKenna’s piece in the Gruan, very inspiring. Reading the comments, part of one from someone in Canada stuck out.

    “Leaving does not diminish the Union but strengths it. Better a Union of friends who are free than conscripts to Westminster’s tune.”

    Very true, after a YES vote on Thursday we’ll all still have friends in England, Wales and NI.

  187. Lesley-Anne says:

    I’m so amazed at that young woman’s achievement. She deserves world wide recognition for what she has achieved DESPITE her medical condition. I’m truly watering up in my eyes and truly inspired! 😛

    O/T the livestream event has started. He is actually now with the marchers making their way to Pacific Quay. 😛

    link to

  188. gerry parker says:

    @ Mealer, Can’t wait to chant that!


  189. JBS says:

    Interesting blog piece re: Deutsche Bank on the Ekklesia website:

    link to

  190. Onwards says:

    Inspirational stuff.

    Gordon Browns lies about organ transplants has been one of the most disgusting elements of the entire NO campaign.

    Along with using dead soldiers..
    Scottish soldiers gave their lives for freedom and democracy.
    Including the right for their descendants to decide their own future.

  191. fred blogger says:

    Aberdeen yes flash mob.
    link to

  192. Kevin Evans says:

    Has anyone seen this rubbish?

    link to

  193. Valerie says:

    Live stream from Pacific Quay amazing!!!!

  194. BrianW says:


    Truly inspiring..

    Chance of a Yes vote 100%. Chance of good old Gordy paying a blind bit of difference to that message.. 0.0001%

    (unless it comes with an £8,000 readers fee, overnight accommodation and first class travel to the reading – then you’ve got his attention)

  195. paul gerard mccormack says:

    Wow! Fantastic! Goosebumps!

  196. Scotty Land says:

    YES well done to the brave young woman who climbed Edinburgh Castle to put her sign up while very ill. Also to the climbers in the Ochils, Galloway Hills The Islands and all who put YES signage on precarious places. Risking life and limb to postion signage on areas most would be scared to climb never mind trying to place their messages there. Take care and keep up the good work. These signs should be left up after Independence to show the true commitment and bravery some have shown to the cause.

  197. P.R.D. says:

    What is it with Jim Murphy and that rust coloured liquid gas, is the alternate bottle and can routine a working class empathy prop or is he really an undercover IB salesman?

    Switch off the mind control of the BBC and tune in to Independence.

  198. Marty says:

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

    And yes, Yes got the all important url of the day!

  199. YESGUY says:

    How can we lose with people like this.

    This is not the first time i have been moved by events in Scotland in this referendum period. But moved again i am.

    On days like this you see something that inspires you and you feel very proud to be Scottish.

    Well done lass.

    Staggering achievement and an inspiration to all.

  200. heedtracker says:

    I dont know whether to laugh or cry that I bought into the great Guardian fraud for 30 years. Yesterday Graun marched with the Orange Order, the Guardian and the Orange Order for christ sake. So today

    link to

    “Scottish referendum: Salmond invites rivals to join ‘Team Scotland’
    First minister accused of ‘premature victory lap’ after inviting Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling to negotiate secession”

    and across the page

    link to

    ‘We will win.’ Alistair Darling claims victory is in sight for no vote
    ‘Be in no doubt,’ says Better Together chief as Opinium poll for the Observer shows no vote on 53% to 47% for yes

    All Graun’s done throughout their relentless attack on the democratic future of Scotland is show the world how English press/media is as close to neo fascism as its possible to get in peace time.

  201. Vestas says:

    I think the penny has finally dropped in Aistair Darling’s mind. He now realises that regardless of the result half of Scotland will despise him for the rest of his life.

    Hope the ermine is worth it Alistair. You’ll fit right in with the rest of the ermine vermin.

  202. Marty says:

    Sorry, forgot the prefix.

  203. Oneironaut says:

    Wow… I really can’t think of any words sufficient to describe this.
    Suffice to say, that girl is now my new hero!

    Really hope she gets that transplant she needs and goes on to do great things in an independent Scotland 🙂
    Whoever you are, if you’re reading this, you just restored a great deal of my ailing faith in humanity!

    @Ian Brotherhood
    Signed that petition too. Thanks for posting it up 🙂

    Would love to see “Wings TV” as the new mainstream broadcaster, but I realise that the Rev might need a long rest after all this craziness, hehe 😀

  204. BornOptimist says:

    I hope this story appeared on the BBC news under an accurate heading. It left me with tears in my eyes and my heart thumping. I even had a passing thought I would be ashamed to be a Scot if the No vote won until I thought of the alternatives and concluded it is better to be a citizen of a nation without a state, than a subject of a state with moral principles readily distorted by cash.

  205. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    O brave new world, that has such people in it.

  206. Famous15 says:

    Gordon Brownlost the last bit of respect with his immature insulting of the First Minister and the North Korean jibe.

    Brown like Darling were always into socialism for what they could get out…ie not socialists not even labour!

  207. Lesley-Anne says:


    Looks like no one from BBC is prepared to come out of their wee glass cube and answer questions. Apparently if anyone wants answers they have to go back between office hours 9 – 5! Have you ever heard such utter garbage? 😛

  208. heedtracker says:

    link to

    How right wing vote NO or else propaganda works. Its hardly worth mentioning what the OO have done to Scotland, if you actually live here. But Libby Carrell and co huggin and a kissin them is all kinds of grotesque.

  209. Arel says:

    As a politician Gordon Brown is nothing but a gutless coward.
    Alex Salmond stands up in front of the world’s media to answer question after question.
    Brown attends carefully orchestrated events attended by Labour lackies and cheer leaders with not one searching or difficult question asked.

    But even more disgusting is that he uses these events to spread fear and lies to people like this young lady and OAP’s but never has the guts to attend interviews on TV to be questioned about these ridiculous claims.

    A truly dishonourable individual. Hope we are well shot of him after Thursday

  210. K1 says:

    Lot of cars en route to bbc, just over the squinty now, waiting to turn into car park…looking like It’s gonna be a big turnout!

  211. K1 says:

    Incredible at BBC…just arrived, you should hear the chanting…from the car park, just walking over now…

  212. I was at one of the top club rugby games in Scotland on Saturday – as ever, I had my Yes badge on my lapel. Usual banter with the regulars, middle-class, generally Tory voting, my erstwhile team-mates, a product of the old Scottish Senior Secondary schools (for the youngsters, Scotland’s equivalent of Grammar Schools).

    The banter I can handle, but I had to laugh at one of my contemporaries. He was the only one wearing a No Thanks badge. The youngest son of a long-established local family firm – he ruined that firm in the three years he had in-charge after his more-gifted elder brother died.

    He was going-on about the Yes camp being subsidy junkies and voting thus to safeguard our benefits culture. I had to laugh.

    I was then speaking to one of the home club’s top officials, the type of small-town chartered accountant operating across Scotland. He tells me, “No will win – they have the silent majority”.

    I asked him what gave him that impression.

    “Because everyone I speak to tells me this; they will not openly commit, but, they will vote No”.

    So, on the basis of speaking to guys at the golf club, the rugby club and in some of the posher hotel bars in town – he knows the silent majority will vote No.

    I think both these guys will get a shock on Friday morning.

    They don’t go into the working-class pubs, where the excitement and desire for a Yes vote is palpable.

    We will win this.

  213. Edward says:

    Anyone in Glasgow should get over to Pacific Quay
    large protest outside the BBC
    link to

  214. Truth says:

    OT Sorry

    Get on here link to

    2371 others are watching as I type.

  215. fred blogger says:

    a message from johnny void.
    link to

  216. Truth says:

    Make that 3000 people watching!

  217. K1 says:

    Atmosphere is brilliant!

  218. call me dave says:

    That’s a great turn out at PQ. Also now over 3000 watching.


  219. MoJo says:

    Song from PQ demo- being viewed by 3000+ from all over the world from Japan to New York ….The times they are a changing….!

  220. Castle Rock says:

    Now over 3500 watching now plus the 1000’s that are there

  221. Shelagh says:

    What an inspirational young lady. This story should be on the front of all Scottish newspapers.

    As for Gordon Brown, he should hang his head in shame.

  222. Lesley-Anne says:

    I’m thinking a lot of high up folks are finally seeing the light folks. This has just been tweeted by the Sunday Herald. 😛

    The big guns of the British state come out for Yes – former ambassador and top naval intelligence officer both back independence #indyref

  223. Edward says:

    Bandwidth for the live stream is creaking due to number of viewers (which is why its is breaking up)

  224. Indy_Scot says:

    I just wish everyone in Scotland could see the people in Glasgow right now.

  225. heedtracker says:

    Sunday Times has lost the plot too, Great Scots vote No, the dead ones with their descends explaining how Robert the Bruce votes NO, Alexander Flemming votes NO and it goes. Also they have a non relative architect who likes him stating Charles Rennie MacinTosh votes NO Loggie Baird son immigrated to Canada say his dad’s votes NO, this is newspaper for grown ups too.

    ST also have Guardianesque sneaky creepy thing about Rockall with headline “Mineral rich seabed around Rockall, annexed by Britain could help fund independence” writes Jason Allardyce. So you don’t need anymore of this liggers vote NO stuff to see what’s maybe coming our way via teamGB.

  226. Les Wilson says:

    MoJo says:

    Yes it is brilliant, support from all over the world WOW!

    Note – professor Robertson has been asked to go into the BBC office to have a discussion on TV with a Chinese Prof. Smells a set up to me, but he is aware of that possibility.

  227. John says:

    What an inspiration! I have tears in my eyes.

    Is the YES sign still there?

  228. Lesley-Anne says:

    I don’t think it was a Chinese professor Les it was Chinese TV and to debate with a professor somebody or other.

  229. Lesley-Anne says:

    Oh Oh! Looks like the polis have an eye in the sky watching over the protest now as well. 😛

  230. call me dave says:

    Andrew Marr interviews AS & AD starts 20minutes in.

    (paper review was earlier if you want it) was good.

    link to

  231. Rory says:

    What an absolute Heroine.

    This could not be more inspriring.

    People are being inspired to act, and in turn Inspiring more. It such a beautiful, brave moment in history to bare witness too.

    Thank you

  232. martincoull says:

    Sky News just did a short piece on the BBC Bias demo…

  233. Betty Boop says:

    Close on 4000 watching livestream at BBC protest at Pacific Quay. Fantastic. Just look at the talent and the passion.

  234. Edward says:

    Livestream just passed the 4000 mark , currently at 4046

  235. Castle Rock says:

    Now over 4000 watching but the BBC will report it as 4 with a couple of people outside

  236. Jim says:

    To show her belief in self determination this young Lady climbed the face of Edinburgh Castle despite suffering a debilitating disease, all we have to do is put an check in the YES box. What an inspiration this girl is.

  237. Les Wilson says:

    I remember American Nat Silver who is apparently famous for predicting elections, that a YES vote was inconceivable.

    He said if he was wrong he would eat his hat, or it may have been his underpants!, can’t quite remember which, but I hope it was his underpants!
    Will it be done live I ask???

  238. call me dave says:

    Storming the Scottish Bastille to let the truth out.

    Well ‘storming’ using singing and waving flags the democratic way.

    History! 🙂

  239. heedtracker says:

    Sunday Times have BetterTogether “footsoldier” explaining that the YES lead poll last week wasn’t unexpected and so they decided to “ramp up our campaign on the economic of independence, it’s the economy stupid” etc and how that UKOK ramping going?

    Same soldier “dismayed” at Darth Vader meeting the 100 labour liggers at Glasgow Central and “dismayed” at Yes claims Saltire as it’s own. Next week looks like it’s NOT the economy stupid, it’s UKOK pride of being a Scot but British, which sounds lovely.

    Same activist says “Looking back, it’s not been a well-run campaign by BT and the well paid directors are to blame.” However they have a new “operation planned” code named The Get Out The Vote operation and they are still confident too.

  240. Les Wilson says:

    Looks like live PQ has crashed or been doctored by something BBC or MI5 have.

  241. Lesley-Anne says:

    Lesley is live now at BBC protest!

  242. Truth says:

    The girl in this article is speaking at the BBC protest now!

    Get in there.

    link to

  243. Steven Duff says:

    Wow! The lass is an absolute class act.

  244. Kenny says:

    I am beginning to believe that all the media disinformation is actually an attempt to cause a rift in Scottish society, so there will be no conciliation and consensus after the results come in. But there would only be a need for this….. if the polls are showing someone that the result is a comfortable YES… Will be interesting to find out later on if the London establishment has been getting extra intelligence and exactly when they got it… In the meantime, keep calm and vote YES!

  245. Auld Rock says:

    On Nat Silver, I hope it’s his underpants and that there is a great big ‘SKID MARK’ on them, I’d even pay to see that on TV, LOL.


    Auld Rock

  246. EphemeralDeception says:

    Great exposure of Gordon Brown by the girl that put the YES sign up on the cliff. She also stated the background with the YES poster was removed (edited out)from various newspapers covering the orange march.

    As she says, “NO FEAR”!

  247. macart763m says:

    Outstanding scenes from PQ. 🙂

  248. CameronB Brodie says:

    Labour are dead in Scotland.
    There should be no memorial.
    A successful iScotland will look back and remember Labour with shame. They were the Establishment’s Weapon of Mass Deception.

    link to

  249. Lesley-Anne says:

    Sounds like the convoy from Stirling is arriving at Pacific Quay. 😛

  250. heedtracker says:

    YES convoy! If you can, get a copy of the last ever British Sunday Times for comic value alone. Neo con UKOK history man Neil Ferguson says “First, the idea of a Scottish nation state is in fact profoundly un-Scottish” Ferguson also uni lectures in the USA. I think I’d have heart attack laughing at him.

  251. Indy_Scot says:

    BBC 24 live in Glasgow, must be a different Glasgow.

  252. macart763m says:

    Heh, posts referring to the livestream of the PQ event removed as soon as they appear over on Graun. They really don’t want images of mass YES events appearing anywhere do they?

  253. call me dave says:

    Queenie as she leaves church.

    “I hope people will think very carefully about it”

    sky news.

  254. Lesley-Anne says:

    I’m guessing this guy is NOT voting NO! 😛

    link to

  255. call me dave says:

    Nicola v D. Alexander battling it out. on sky tv.

  256. Indy_Scot says:

    BBC quoting 350 people outside. Who would givem them their money.

  257. Les Wilson says:

    Nice moment at PQ live, when YES cavalcade arrived. All kinds of vehicles festooned with Saltires and YES flags. Motorbikes the same. Again, WOW!

    Reort was BBC say there are 350 people there, WTF, they are both selectively blind AND deliberatly stupid, as it is being broadcast across the globe!

  258. muttley79 says:


    “First, the idea of a Scottish nation state is in fact profoundly un-Scottish” Ferguson also uni lectures in the USA. I think I’d have heart attack laughing at him.

    That quote is completely batshit crazy! 😀 😀

  259. heedtracker says:

    Niall Ferguson neo con quotes of the last UK Sunday Times, ” if Scotland votes Yes, my first act will be to apply for US citizenship. My country, Scotland in Great Britain will have been condemned to death” So there. And you thought you had run out of reasons to vote Yes.

    Most of Ferguson huge NO thing is completely wrapped in the bravery and sacrifice of Scottish soldiers in many wars but why the far right think they can presume to know how these soldiers might have voted on Thursday is very odd.

  260. Lesley-Anne says:

    Don’t worry folks I’m sure BBC will apologise for this *ahem* wee error in their next news broadcast. 😛

    In all honesty I think they were actually talking about the number of police*security they had organised. 😀

  261. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here is Robin McAlpine from the Reid Foundation explaining why Thatcher’s legacy of a virtual neo-liberal theocracy, isn’t working for Scotland. It is not in our best interest to continue sustaining Britain.

    link to

    IMO, the Welfare State was created to keep the wheels on the empire cart and continue the privilege of the Establishment. It had very little to do with promoting social justice.

  262. Andy says:

    The scottish apache singing outside the ebc FANTASTIC

  263. HandandShrimp says:

    WTF, they are both selectively blind AND deliberatly stupid,


    No, I think simply desperate.

  264. Les Wilson says:

    Lesley-Anne says:
    had a wee laugh at your last line!

  265. Les Wilson says:

    HandandShrimp says:

    Yes in hindesight I should have added that Lol!

  266. Lesley-Anne says:

    Doffs hat to you Les. 😉

  267. James123 says:

    Turns out that the story about all the money pouring out of the UK because of fears over Scottish independence was utter bullshit, well I never. Funny that coz the presenter of Sky News was pointing at the newspapers the other night shouting “THESE ARE THE FACTS!”.

  268. Castle Rock says:

    Sunday Herald are reporting the truth in their online article:

    “Thousands of yes supporters have turned out at Pacific Quay, Glasgow, to vent their frustration at what they see as pro-union bias in the BBC’s coverage”

  269. ScottieDog says:


    link to

    “Whereas both the UK Government and the Scottish Government have recognised that independence is a Scottish question, “devolution max” is not. Proper constitutional process requires that negotiations involving all parts of the United Kingdom precede any referendum on an agreed scheme of “devolution max.”

  270. Les Wilson says:

    A report that the Queen has said we must think very carefully!

    Well dear Queen I have thunk, and it is a YEEEESSS!

  271. ScottieDog says:


    link to

    Page 16, para 45:

    “Whereas both the UK Government and the Scottish Government have recognised that independence is a Scottish question, “devolution max” is not. Proper constitutional process requires that negotiations involving all parts of the United Kingdom precede any referendum on an agreed scheme of “devolution max.”

  272. goulashman says:

    I hope this gets the widest coverage in the next several days ….. lets share this as we can with the means available to us. BTW drove through Inverurie at midday and noticed a very sparsely attended NO campaign booth in a car park – a decided note of desolation.

  273. Andy-B says:

    Tonight Mohammed Sarwar, yes the father of the other infamous Sarwar, will be in the Marriot Hotel in Glasgow along with Gordon Brown. both men will be trying to convince 1500 Asian men who are reportedly attending the conference to vote no.

    Mohammed Sarwar has flown all the way from Pakistan, to try and convince the Asian community to say no.

  274. Andy-B says:

    SKY news pushing the head of WWP, Martin Sorrell, CEO of one of the largest advertising companies in the world. Mr Sorrell or should I say Sir Martin Sorrell to him his proper title, sees doom and gloom if Scots decide to vote yes.

    More scaremongering from David Cameron’s tory lord buddies.

  275. heedtracker says:

    Great percussion band at PQ! We’re all dancing at work here in Aberdeen. Its on every monitor and speaker.

  276. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tommy Sheridan and Andrew Neil on Sunday Politics – Neil reduced to sneers
    link to

    Andrews Neil’s guff was the same as that odd Communist who campaigns in the Meadows. Almost as if they were reading from the same script. Strange that. 😉

  277. Lesley-Anne says:

    Apologies if this has already been posted, Tommy Sherridan on Sunday Politics.

    link to

  278. James123 says:

    Lovin the dancer on independence live!

  279. heedtracker says:

    Sunday Times time again! Get one to show your kids. BBC’s nazi in residence Jeremy Clarkson says he likes the Scots but hates paying for them, 33% more than what the English get, so if we vote NO thats all got to stop. BUT Clarkson also has lots of Project Fear stuff at his fingertips and threatens that England wont play nice in division of assets.

    Old fascists at the BBC don’t exactly play nice now anyway. Clarkson says the Edinburgh tram and the cost of Holyrood show how crap Scotland is without England but he then corrects himself by explaining that both the tram and the parliament cost was all down to unionists and they are on their way out.

    I’m lying, he didn’t correct himself at all but thats what UKOK propaganda is all about innit. Not sure what an aging BBC nazi like Clarkson would think to much of that foreign drumming at PQ either:D

  280. CameronB Brodie says:

    Snap. 😉

  281. Lesley-Anne says:

    Great minds think alike Cameron. 😉

  282. heedtracker says:

    Vive la Independence!

  283. call me dave says:

    @CameronB Brodie

    Thanks for that I am enjoying listening to it now.

    Tommy in full flow. Andrew Neil resorting to insults. Great stuff.

  284. Dal Riata says:

    Well done to that lady (above)! Inspirational stuff.

    Unable to attend PQ demo today, but definitely there in spirit. People power in action.

    The BBC… “The revolution will not be televised…”

  285. Lesley-Anne says:

    Will the BBC report on this appearing at the BBC protest at Pacific Quay today? 😉

    Don’t all rush at once with your answer though. 😛

    link to

    Oh and the TRUTH finally leaves Gordon Brown’s lips!

    link to

  286. ChrisB says:

    Oneironaut @ 1:57 pm

    “Would love to see “Wings TV” as the new mainstream broadcaster, but I realise that the Rev might need a long rest after all this craziness, hehe”

    O/T, but I just wanted to say that you’d be in good company as there’s a German online channel called “Fluegel TV” (which means “Wings TV”) which was set up
    as part of the campaign to stop the insane Stuttgart 21 rail project which involved the demolition of the North and South wings of the main station in Stuttgart.

    Fluegel TV is still monitoring the destruction of the centre of Stuttgart with this continuous live feed: link to

    The rail project is completely insane, crooked, unaffordable but the same media bias and general political rottenness that characterises Better Together have kept it going.
    The protesters have been holding a demo every Monday evening for the last four years and will keep doing so until the project collapses under its own stupidity.

    I posted a link about the Yes Scotland campaign on the Stuttgart protest site:
    link to
    and it picked up about 20 comments, some wishing that the Stuttgart region could gain independence too, or join Switzerland where they know how to treat their railways properly.

  287. YESGUY says:

    O/T or maybe not.

    Just come from friends Google Plus page. He’s been putting a wee montage to the instrumental of his single “Caledonia”. i might be a wee bit bias but think you will all enjoy and share.

    Darren is the Singer in the Libations. This is his wee extra bot for us all. Enjoy the video. Wings gets a mention.

    link to

    For those who bought the single big thanks . Money for the Foodbanks is a worthy cause.

  288. CameronB Brodie says:

    In case folk didn’t click through on my first Robin McAlpine link, here is why Labour is dead in Scotland.

    Vive la Independence! 🙂

    link to

  289. James123 says:

    Sorry to be pedantic but it’s vive l’independence, Feel free to virtually slap me.

  290. Fireproofjim says:

    “No is a small and bitter word. It contains no optimism, implies no change. In this debate it has been a word used to refuse the future and all its manifold possibilities.
    We have preferred Yes from the beginning and prefer it still. Yes to the future. Yes to risk. Yes to renewal. Yes to democracy. Yes to Scotland”. Couldn’t put it better myself.
    Guess who! It was the Scotsman front page on 11th September 1997 prior to the referendum on setting up a Scottish Parliament.
    How they have corrupted themselves in recent years, as their sales fell from 80,000 to 20,000, and on Thursday they came out for No.
    It is sad as they used to be a good paper.

  291. Viking Girl says:

    Poor Gordon. First he was a Commie: a student Commie that is, then he had a Road to Damascus, or at least he seemed to, then he spent the rest of his life trying to become Prime Minister. He has had his own crosses to bear, but it doesn’t seem to have given him the ability to empathise with others. That is the one emotion that made the Human Race evolve, because we wouldn’t be here if we couldn’t empathise.

  292. HandyScot says:

    A friend who attended his Galashiels gig has just told me that he repeated the transplants and transfusions tripe. Obviously on a roll, he made time to sign some books and get quoted on keeping the world safe from democracy: The former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has told RIA Novosti not even the threat of a right-wing Ukip/Conservative Government being elected at the next British General Election in 2015 would persuade him to support Scottish independence.

    link to

  293. Douglas Macdonald says:

    O/T Here is a little gem taken from the BBC Scotland Referendum Live:
    Better Together sources have told the Press Association that Lord Reid “misspoke” when he earlier told an event in Edinburgh: “If you don’t know, genuinely, don’t vote,” – and that he meant to say: “If you don’t know, vote ‘No’.”
    It looks like our John has made a classic blunder. Perhaps, his earphone wasn’t working, as he complained about in his interview on Politics Scotland this morning.

  294. Edward says:

    Who knew Gordon Brown was a tory twat?
    link to

  295. CameronB Brodie says:

    From what I’ve picked up, Swabians feel they are Germany’s Scots (apparently the north south divide works the opposite in Germany). I hope your not trying to destabilize Europe, btw. I think Deutsche Bank have already been put back in their box. 🙂

  296. Luigi says:

    O/T I heard some concerns that Scottish students would be charged full international fees to study in London if its a YES vote. Would they then be worse off, compared to noe, if they needed to study in London?

  297. CameronB Brodie says:

    I think James123 is talking to you. 🙂

  298. Big Jock says:

    Good to see the North Korean broadcast corporation reporting the facts and not an invented report as usual. I would love to see where the actual orders are coming from. It might actually be a man from Whitehall. Stuart Cosgrove how can you work for this lying organisation only worthy of a banana republic. Its not innadvertant bias is deliberate and coordinated. Come on good people at BBC speak out its not too late.

  299. heedtracker says:

    Vive l’independence!

  300. Artair says:

    I am late coming to this discussion as I have been travelling back from Freemans Hospital in Newcastle with my daughter who received a double lung transplant there four years ago. My daughter was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis thirty years ago at birth and his comments about not being able to have transplants across the border worried us for a time. A little checking and we saw it for the lie it was. So, as a dad I salute this young lady and pray that she receives her life giving transplant. My eternal thanks to the wonderful staff at Freemans and Gartnavel hospitals. Gordon Brown, I will never forgive or forget that your lies frightened my daughter.

  301. Peter G says:

    Maybe Goebbels Brown’s corset was too tight. Cut off the oxygen flow to his brain cell.
    Ian Smart slavering over 100 years of Tory rule on twatter is one thing.
    The great hero of the Labour party letting the truth slip is another thing entirely.

  302. Famou15 says:

    Speaking to a former strong NO supporter who amazingly is now YES he explained that all the desperate lies and scare stories convinced him that Scotland is worth a helluva lot if they are so terrified to ” lose” it.

  303. CameronB Brodie says:

    Viking Girl
    Some say empathy is essential for good judgement. 😉

    link to

    link to

  304. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Still don’t know her name, but we met her at PQ today and she came to have her photie taken under the WOS banner.

    She told me she doesn’t have long left, but is using every minute for this campaign.

    Who’s got the snap?

  305. macart763m says:

    Jeez, Tommy didn’t give oor Andra any room at all. 😀

    Great link Cameron.

  306. boris says:

    Top IRA to Top Tory. You couldn’t make it up!!!!

    What Lord Dannat fails to mention is that one of the, “honey Trap” girls that lured the soldiers to their deaths might well be a well connected and greatly respected Tory Party Councillor. Strange bedfellows indeed.

    link to

  307. heedtracker says:

    link to Its not just Tommy

    Top stock market analysts have backed Alex Salmond’s claim that North Sea oil is a bonus rather than the backbone of an independent Scotland’s economy.

    London brokers Investec said yesterday that it was a “misconception” that Scotland is poorer than the UK as a whole.

    In a detailed investors’ note, they said they believed that even without the vast amount of hydrocarbons around its shores, Scotland’s GDP is “roughly equal” to the rest of the UK.

  308. Sombrero says:

    Properly inspirational stuff. Let’s win this for her.

    O/T But I wrote a piece about why I’m voting yes – preaching to the converted here, but maybe some of you will get a kick out of it:

    link to

  309. Black Douglas says:

    Just picked this up on youtube from Empire Biscuits of the

    Empire strikes back video fame

    link to 😀

    “So heres a fun fact I have been made aware of recently by a very alert and clever person:

    The old man at 3:41 seconds who demanded to know where I was from and claimed to come from Glasgow???

    Meet James Gordon or should I say Baron Gordon of Strathblane. Ex journalist and ex owner of Radio Clyde. Labour peer and millionaire. Director of Johnston Press who own the Scotsman and an adviser to BP

    …but wait its gets even better…

    …”In 1984, he was awarded a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)”

    He actually is a Commander of the Imperial Empire!!!!! You literally couldn’t make this up

    Apologies for posting the video again but it is the best piece of satire to come out of the whole ref campaign and could well be the Labour parties Iain Gray moment. 😀 😀

  310. Found this wee gem somewhere (I think on YES Motherwell)

    Haha This why Labour is finished Yes will win – contrast with YES campaign

    link to

  311. Lesley-Anne says:

    Ha Ha Ha!

    Nice wee video find there James. I’m astonished, no really I am astonished, on TWO fronts. First Red Ed is asked the questions but wee Danny boy answers then the second question is answered by none other than Lamont herself. What happened? Did she just pop up out of her burrow to see what all the noise was about? 😛

  312. Peadairbeag says:

    I wasn’t sure where to post this originally from my Facebook page, but my wife said I should try here…

    I’m not usually given to using the past in this Referendum – it is about the future after all (although the past was ‘stylishly’ celebrated yesterday by the Ludge in Embra), below is from the inaugural lecture by Prof Geoffrey Barrow (he wrote the book Robert the Bruce) as Professor of Scottish History at Edinburgh University in 1980, almost 18 months after the 1979 referendum, and is still pertinent today – ‘In the months preceding the Referendum of 1979 I remember in particular three utterances of members of the Scots upper middle class. A distinguished scientist solemnly assured me that ‘we are a very poor country and always have been’. The head of a well-known girls’ school declared ‘We have never been good at governing ourselves and managing own affairs’. An eminent philosopher of advanced age asked me: ‘What is going to happen to my pension?’.
    ‘Now and again a picture comes into my mind, a scene from the early 14th century. In a remote cave high up on a hillside at the north end of Loch Lomond Robert Bruce, recently made king of Scots at Scone but driven by the concerted hosts of his enemies into desperate flight, is explaining to his small band of followers how he proposes to recover Scotland from its conquerors and restore the kingdom to its pristine liberties. Like any good medieval king, he asks his friends to give him comments and advice. The youthful James Douglas is eager to speak first. ‘Sir, we are a very poor country and always have been’. Thomas Randolph, only a little older, shakes his head gravely. ‘It is well known’ he says, ‘that we are not good at governing ourselves’. The king, a trifle dismayed by these remarks, turns to the experienced and comparatively senior Neill Campbell. ‘What’, asks Campbell, ‘is going to happen to my pension?’. After this, Robert Bruce is silent and thoughtful for a long time, before dictating a letter of abdication to the English king in which he admits that Edward I has been right all along’. I’m quite sure there are many other historical contexts that might have turned out differently if our ancestors had taken a more ‘cautious’ attitude. Lets not lose this by being too cautious – Yes is the answer!

  313. ChrisB says:

    @CameronB Brodie 4:37 pm

    From what I’ve picked up, Swabians feel they are Germany’s Scots

    Yes, I’ve heard that said, too. There’s a joke that the Scots are really Swabians who’ve been banished for spending too extravagantly.
    There are about 50 facebook comments on the Handelsblatt report about Deutsche Bank putting the frighteners on Scotland. The great majority say Deutsche Bank should shut up and let the Scots choose independence if they want. Many regard DB as thoroughly rotten.
    link to

  314. Oh Come on – the lady who asked the questions was clearly an ordinary Scot – posh Ed didn’t have an interpreter with him to explain what whe was saying, so, his two dummies Haud-It and Daud-It had to speak for him.

    Yet another less-than-inspiring vignette from the leader of the Red Tories. He simply cannot communicate with the Common People.

  315. call me dave says:

    Ed has no answers, look at his face, tennis match time as he looks to Dougie and then to Johann, what a man to energise the labour party.

    Comedy gold, he is clueless in and about Scotland!

  316. Carol Hutton says:

    Regardless of which side she supports she did what EVERY Scottish voter should do and did it without fear – she voiced her opinion publicly, courageously and with PRIDE. Determination like hers should put her at the head of the queue for any tmt needed – Scotland needs women like her to set the example!

    (But I am pleased it was a YES sign :))

  317. Juan P says:


    Sun to come out for No or stay neutral?

    I’ve been suspicious that all the talk about Rupert Murdoch coming out for Yes is a setup and he will either remain neutral or the Sun will come out for No.

    Check some of the odd things he’s tweeting. It’s like the craze outpourings of a debate he’s having with his own conscience:

    link to

    Suspicious that if the Sun do support No or stay neutral that this will be spun by the MSM as ‘Blow for Salmond as Sun supports Union’.

  318. I just looked above and noticed I found it on here. Sorry for that CameronB Brodie. I

    Folks it was Cameron who posted the link first.

  319. Les Wilson says:

    So the Queen was heard saying to someone that she hopes the Scots think when voting. This is being pushed by SKY big time.

    If the Queen is a NO, then I would ask her to tell us?
    If she did, her future is sorted!

  320. I wish the Lass had asked Lamont, after she (Lamont) had said independent experts are saying this, name one of those independent experts?

  321. CameronB Brodie says:

    James Caithness
    It doesn’t put me up or down, tbh, and I’m actually glad you posted. Not everyone reads all the comments, so I think important clips and articles should be posted regularly. Thanks all the same. 😉

  322. If the Sun comes out for NO then do what Liverpool did, don’t ever buy the Sun.

  323. Nana Smith says:

    Do not trust Murdoch

  324. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  325. Cameron I agree with you, important clips should be regurgitated regularly. Its a means towards an end, we all want the same.

    Cheers Cameron.

  326. @Ian Brotherhood


  327. msean says:

    Maybe she’s a yes,more flag waving stuff with a Scottish coronation.

  328. Indy_Scot says:

    Just saw a photo of Alex Slamond and Alistair Darling sitting together on the Sun website. Their faces say it all, hope and fear. The hope of Alex for Scotland’s future, and the fear of Alistair of losing his job.

  329. Les Wilson says:

    Sky News just showed a short vid of PQ, it makes a mockery of the BBC saying 350 were there. The vid clearly shows it was mobbed. Numbers were around 3000, and 4000+ watching online across the world.

    Not sure how they will spin this one,
    they will either just do no report, ie it did not happen. Or somehow try and lie their way around it. They are not taking global streaming into account, so it is already out there.

  330. CameronB Brodie says:

    James Caithness
    The only race I’m interested in, is the race to DEMOCRACY & ACCOUNTABILITY. Things tend to sort themselves out once you have those as your foundation. 😉

  331. Fred says:

    Just back from the superb march on the BBC, unlike cartain rugby players who lined up to tell us how proud they are to be Scottish, I’m embarassed by the “proud to be Scottish” business. I’am however, enormously proud at the fine turnout, good nature & decency of the folk who turned out today.

  332. gfaetheblock says:

    Les, look at the BBC referendum live section. They have a photo of the demo and refer to thousands being there.

  333. Robert Peffers says:

    I have been a supporter of Scottish independence since I was a schoolboy in 1946. I’ve come across many outstanding and heroic people during those long years. Yet this young lady is a shining star among them all. My heart goes out to her and my hopes are with her that she gets the treatment she so obviously deserves.

    Furthermore, that she gets it from a Scottish NHS that is still Unprivatised and free of the self interest and greed those unprincipled people who are already turning the English NHS into a farce d while holding shares in the private companies they hope to promote as a moneymaking scheme for their own greed.

    Gawn yersel hen – ye shame the likes of Darling & Brown and the rest of the red, blue and yellow Tories of Westminster and Holyrood. They are the real disgrace of Scotland and the scum of the ever more evil United Kingdom.

  334. JWil says:

    At Gordon Brown’s speech last week he seemed to be making an invisible snowball with his hands. Is that an ominous sign that a political winter will have arrived for Scotland if there is a NO vote?

  335. Capella says:

    Saw her on the PQ livestream. What a brave person and the message was spot on “No Fear”! Hope someone can edit it and post online for others to see. Unfortunately, didn’t catch her name. Well done organisers of PQ protest. Impressive crowd and great performances and speeches. Poet Sean Moore brilliant again.

  336. JWil says:

    I just saw the YES demo at PQ on the BBC national news. It looked very impressive even if the full extent of the crowd wasn’t shown. Will BBC Scotland show it I wonder. I await with interest. It won’t be long before we find out.

  337. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Fantastic! Milliband looks jet lagged “I cant even get a house, so whats the point of spending billions on Trident?” Johann Lamont ” A lot of people have strong opinions on that”

    But its the voice at the side saying “Trident makes us secure against the rest of the world” that is very Labour in Scotland creepy. Just how stupid do they think people are.

  338. heraldnomore says:

    Just back from PQ and catching up. Quite an afternoon, with fun and laughter and community singing. Lesley was brilliant with her address. Heard that Sky were reporting a crowd of 4000, after their chopper stopped by. Then the BBC moved the decimal point, and then some. Much laughter and more ‘You can stick your TV license….’

    Invigorating stuff, and the flags and banners adorning flats through Glasgow on the way down were truly inspirational. Three UJs gave us a laugh. Huge encouragement from passing traffic.

    We’re on the way.

  339. call me dave says:

    That’s an inspiring sight folk marching together. I’ve never seen anything like what I seen in all parts of Scotland the last three days.

    Thank goodness for the internet technology.

    Any Westminster / or Holyrood NO’s, it looks like the game is over!

    Most impressive! as Darth would say.

  340. Roseanne says:

    OMG this made me cry, what an incredibley brave young girl. Well done!

  341. alexicon says:

    If this brave young lady can scale the ramparts of Edinburgh castle to put up a sign for what she truly believes in then surely all of us can get up early on Thursday morning, or late Wednesday night, and fill every town village and city with saltires to show the voters the real flag of their country.
    Come on folks get planning.

  342. CameronB Brodie says:

    Oops. 😀
    link to

  343. Les Wilson says:

    gfaetheblock says:

    I suspect they HAD to say that, as the world knows the truth.
    But, I assure you they first said it was 350, and they had heard that at PQ, the crowd greeted it with laughing!

  344. Grouse Beater says:

    Where is the alleged £5 million donated to the No campaign going?

    Encountered perhaps eight No groups in central Edinburgh, a few individuals in each mostly English. The noticeable thing was improvised placards, rough cardboard Sellotaped onto broom sticks or canes, with wobbly marker pen writing.

    Poverty stricken No campaigners voting for more austerity?


  345. heraldnomore says:

    That photograph of PQ has the Wings banner at the bottom left, thus by definition is showing at most a third of the gathering

  346. Stephen McKenzie says:

    Yes that BBC photo is the back of the crowd only, It was so dense at the front (not shown) I didn’t try and get there – most of the flags were there as well. I saw the BBC guy take the photo from high up inside the building with a tablet.

    Great day, plus we had the bonus of the Car and Bikes on the Yes run going through Glasgow- brilliant! A hats off to the woman who bought £60 worth of flags to hand to the kids. What a Scotland Team we have!

    Best laugh as the crown singing “Cheerio, Cheerio..” Even the smug BBC staff left from their vantage points at that!

  347. kininvie says:

    Robin has coined the term by which history will know us.

    ‘Butterfly rebellion’

    If you are on Twitter, use it: #butterflyrebellion

  348. Jean says:

    Are foreign governments allowed to interfere in the democratic process of Scots? I understand daddy Sarwar had to renounce his British nationality to take up his post in Pakistan, so what the hell is he doing back here giving talks on behalf of better together?

    link to

  349. Robert Louis says:


    Re: Edinburgh No teams

    A friend of mine encountered vote NO people going round blocks of flats and houses this afternoon. From what he could gather, they were looking for very specific addresses – suggesting they are contacting those who have replied to the bitter together lies in the post – or perhaps Tory voters (due to the area my friend lives in). They were NOT going door to door. Only some addresses.

    He said, ALL 4 of them (big team) were from Southern England judging by their accents, and seemed completely out of their depth, not knowing their way around. He said they behaved like ‘fish out of water’. They had a big minibus waiting for them outside, which took them away after they visited certain specific addresses.

  350. HandandShrimp says:

    I see the Beeb now has the crowd at 1,000 and notes others say it was higher.

  351. Dcanmore says:

    forget Rupert Murdoch, the guy is playing himself as a red herring and attention seeker. Whatever decision The Scottish Sun will make it will be made by their editorial team.

  352. CameronB Brodie says:

    @ The BBC
    link to

  353. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    Whit huv yeez done?

    Charlie Whelan is frightened.

    link to

  354. Now's the Hour says:

    Great afternoon at PQ, I’d say 3-4,000ish. Great reaction from all the Yessers in the flats and passing motorists. Kudos to the bikers with their Saltires. I can see the headlines tomorrow: ‘Thousands of Hell’s Angels run riot in city centre’.

  355. tonymac says:

    STV showed aboot 10 secs of PQ bbc bias crowd looked big
    update ..just appeared on bbc

  356. Onwards says:

    “ALL 4 of them (big team) were from Southern England judging by their accents, and seemed completely out of their depth”

    I can imagine large number of activists, MP’s, councillors and families are up from England/Wales. Along with many Orange Order marchers from Northern Ireland hanging around to help the NO campaign.

    The sad thing is they will reach thousands of voters with campaigners from outside Scotland.
    It’s the only way they can match the grassroots YES campaign.

    In a way you think it could backfire, but I imagine they are just delivering these personalised mailshots, not hanging around to talk.

  357. davidb says:

    @ jean

    And indeed, is Mr Sarwar campaigning for Pakistan to be readmitted to the British Empire? Indeed, are there any former colonies desperate to be ruled from Westminster? Would the Daily Mail let us know if there were?

  358. fred blogger says:

    Scottish guy nails the independence debate.
    link to

  359. MoJo says:

    Niall Ferguson on Ch 4 telling us how depressing the thought of independence is – apparently his grandfather will be turning in his grave

  360. heedtracker says:

    Jim Murphy bites yer CiF bum and under a bitter ATL Graun attack too link to

    Has oor Jim thrown in the towel?

  361. Matt Macpherson says:

    I view of the recent comments by the Queen, could someone tell me who
    in Scotland voted for her?

  362. I’m way down the thread now but I met her this morning back at the castle rock. She is absolutely genuine – her physical condition with 20% only of lung capacity left, I can’t imagine how strenuous that must have been. A rock climber before her illness took hold, she said it was the perfect way to demonstrate her disgust at the lies Gordon Brown had told her and other transplant patients. A YES vote will protect our NHS. Her bravery will inspire long after the referendum, while Brown the Clown disappears inside his own ego again.

  363. Mik says:

    the Sheer determination and inspirational integrity of a Scottish woman “on a mission” Scotland is Proud of you (and we’ll overlook the defacing of a Scottish landmark) 😉 lol No Cereal to see here move along please #YouYesYet

  364. aldo_macb says:

    I am inspired by what this brave young lady has said and done. She is a hero.

  365. heedtracker says:

    the Queen, could someone tell me who
    in Scotland voted for her

    link to

    So no one we’d know, unless you’re a teamGB aristo.

  366. Flower of Scotland says:

    I’ve been saying for days on here and on Facebook that Murdoch is a controller and is setting Scotland up with his mind games! I don’t want that sewer of a paper to join us in our Independence journey! I’m sure he’s going to come out on the side of No and it will be ” Big Blow for Salmond ” or comes out for YES and claims that the sun won it!

    Let’s tell him where to go with his paper!

    Just vote YES!

  367. Andy-B says:

    I get the feeling Queen Lizzie is on the verge of making a speech, to stop the “Golden Goose” from taking flight, hopefully Scots won’t buy into it, and the gravy train will be derailed on Thursday for good.

  368. davidb says:

    >Now now matt

    She’ll have heard scare stories from Blether Thegether about her pension. She just needs to be reassured that the DWP is on record as stating that she’ll still receive it if she resides at Balmoral or Windsor. Shame on BT for scaring vulnerable old people.

  369. Les Wilson says:

    Andy-B says:
    If the Queen makes such a speech, she will not be Queen of Scotland for long.

  370. IcySpark says:

    Her speech today at PQ was absolutely wonderful.

  371. gerry parker says:

    Les, is it no queen of Scots?

  372. Roboscot says:


    If the Queen came out for No and we voted Yes, how could she be our head of state? I’m sure she realises that. It would be a huge gamble.

  373. Roboscot says:

    ‘Her speech today at PQ was absolutely wonderful.’

    I didn’t know the Queen was there. Maybe she hates that creepy crawler Nicholas Witchell.

  374. Nana Smith says:

    Just had a booklet through my letterbox from the Scottish research society Ewen Stewart whoever he is and signed off by the creep Lord Monckton filled with utter crap.

    Anyone else got one?

  375. Was me that gave you the thumbs up in Buchanan Street, Stu, too starstruck to come over! PQ demo felt like a revolution is taking place. It is.

  376. The Man in the Jar says:

    I along with other Wingers met the young lady in question at Pacific Quay today. It was a real privilege to shake her hand. An act that I wont ever forget.

  377. Big Jock says:

    Go into Rupert Murdoch’s twitter and you will get the measure of the man. He is just playing games agreeing and disagreeing at the same time. Who cares we don’t need the Sun to win this. If they really wanted independence they would have helped us out against the msm when we needed them a year ago not 4 days before the vote. Its just opportunism he wants to be on the winning side not the right side.

  378. gerry parker says:

    Here’s her photo at Pacific Quay.

    link to

  379. Mealer says:

    I just can’t help myself.Apologies Rev.

  380. Black Douglas says:

    Starts in 5 minutes for anyone wanting to watch.

    A Night For Scotland’s performers line up with the First Minister before tonights concert which is being livestreamed from 7.00pm here:

    link to

  381. crazycat says:

    To go back to the earlier discussion about pens or pencils in the polling booth:

    At a briefing today for polling agents I was told

    a) the pencil is indelible, but

    b) if you do use your own pen, you must make sure that it is not only dry before you fold the paper (any marks it makes on the bit it’s folded against might count as a spoiled ballot, even if your intention is clear) but also

    c) that it does not soak through the paper to make a mark that is visible from the other side (as could happen with a felt pen, for instance).

    Ball-points don’t need to dry, obviously. Having seen an application for voter registration completed with a thick black marker, though, I thought it worth mentioning in case anyone has less-than-perfectly-sensible friends.

    Essays about William Wallace will also count as spoiled papers, which is a shame for the chap who wrote one on his postal ballot, photographed it, and then posted it on social media.

    Photographs of completed ballots taken in the booth are illegal; anyone taking one may not be issued with a new ballot paper – that would be up to the discretion of polling station staff.

    (And yes, I am being in “teacher” mode here because I have seen examples of the things I have mentioned, and every vote counts.)

  382. gerry parker says:

    Or this:_

    link to

  383. Scotty Land says:

    Just saw great poster, wonder if someone can post it please? It says * URGENT NEWS BULLETIN * Scotland has between 25 and 100 years of oil left whereas Westminster has only 5 days left. lol. Keep them coming.

  384. Anne Graham says:

    Well done, Lindsay! What a inspiration.

  385. Grouse Beater says:

    Louis: He said, ALL 4 of them (big team) were from Southern England

    I could tell from the registration of their cars – the ones I met.

    How about that? No vote, no address, but here to undermine the vote. If Cameron can do, so can they – eh?

  386. fred blogger says:

    what does scotland say YES.
    no campaigners describe these scenes as frightening, who can know why?
    link to

  387. ronnie anderson says:

    Normaly at Wings Banner outings we are frequently moved with tears of laughter,today we were moved to tears with the words af a Special young Lady & her acheivment & insperation as she herself said she may not have much time left in life but will spend every minute working towards a Independant Scotland I hope that she is spared to see that day dawn.

  388. GrahamB says:

    Just back in from PQ, huge cheers for Linsey(sp?) who put the YES on Edinburgh Castle Rock and completely agreed with her main statement “Gordon Brown is a liar”! Estimated between 5 and 6000 there at its peak about 2:30. There were about 1500 there at 1:30 when we arrived and many more pouring over Bell’s Bridge until after 2pm. When we left after 3pm the crowds were dispersing but met lots of people still heading there. Had a couple of pints in the Ben Nevis on Argyle Street among lots of like minded folks, huge buzz evident. PQ today, Buchanan Street yesterday and going round the doors has showed a huge, growing momentum – YES WE CAN!

  389. alexicon says:

    What an excellent idea.
    I’ll take my YES pen a perhaps I may forget it. What a shame, I suppose it will be used time and again after that 😉

  390. Tom Foyle says:

    This young lady is unbelievably amazing, not only conquering an almost insurmountable challenge, but blowing all us yessers away with her strength and bravery AND smashing right through the shameful lies perpetrated by the opposition. She’s right up there with Stu and Alec, entitled to stand as an absolute equal, and will be properly and aptly rewarded no matter the outcome. If this sounds a bit OTT, all I can say is…something inappropriate for this site.
    I don’t know how these things work, I’m not particularly well-educated as far as biology is concerned. I understand that her breathing is so impaired that only a double-lung transplant will guarantee her safety and survival. But I’m also aware that, for a “normal” person, such as myself, that one can manage comfortably with only one lung.
    So, if I’m compatible, or whatever the criteria are, I intend to offer one of my lungs if it will help this lassie keep breathing. I’ve cut down on smoking in recent months, maybe now’s the time to stop all thegither! Away to try finding contact details. If anyone has a shortcut to her, gimme a shout, I’ll keep checking back here. Ta.

  391. gerry parker says:

    My post at 7:30PM is a photo of the Brave girl, and some wingers too.

    Pacific Quay BBC protest today.

  392. Lesley-Anne says:

    I think if a list can be drawn up of like minded people Tom,, both myself and my partner would love to have our names added to that list.

  393. John Hopkins says:

    I was privileged to be at the BBC propaganda ministry protest today and heard of this young ladies deeds. She is a real inspiration to us all. I wish you all the very best, take care.

  394. castle hills chavie says:

    I was also with fellow wingers when we met this very special young lady today. To shake her hand was an incredible privilege.

  395. TJenny says:

    thedogphilosopher – are you saying the Rev Stu was at the PQ protest today? I ask as you referred to giving Stu the thumbs up. Also, he’s tweeting from some ‘Gordon Brown – Muslim Friends of Glasgow Labour’ event as though he was in attendance – so excited by the past week and the next few days to indy, but if oor Stuey’s here too, jings, crivvens and help ma boab, oh and bring oot the Sal Volatile. 🙂

  396. Training Day says:

    Just back from an afternoon at PQ ( then the boozer). Myself and occasional poster The Unicorn there. Uplifting and inspiring (well done Linsey).

    This afternoon shows we will not accept a rigged Establishment No vote. By God, we’re going to win, and we deserve to.

  397. A.N.Surgent says:

    Just home from PQ what a great turnout, march to the legion of dooms HQ was fantastic, good humoured throughout, good people, good entertainment and two fingers given to pravda with interest.

    Excellent day full of inspiration and hope personified by our castle climber.

  398. Lesley-Anne says:

    For what it’s worth folks I’ve tweeted that there a lot of folks here prepared to offer Lindsay a lung if it will help her. I’m not sure if it will reach her but hopefully it will. If a single lung transplant will not help her at least the offer will hopefully give her a wee bit more hope for the future.

  399. Graeme Doig says:

    Apologies if already been acknowledged. Just found this on bbc website.

    ’16:55: On Scotland’s defence plans

    Retired Lieutenant Commander Colin May, a senior Faslane naval intelligence officer, is backing the “Yes” campaign – and adds that he knows “many Royal Navy colleagues who would be delighted to serve in Scottish Defence Forces”.

    He says: “The defence plans by the Scottish government would deliver the necessary capability for Scotland and the ability to contribute to Nato operations.” ‘

  400. Robert Peffers says:

    Anyone know when the postal votes for the referendum should be, “Scanned”, in Fife as reported in the, “Quick Guide to postal Voting”, that came with the voting pack?

    I posted off my postal vote some time ago but upon checking the on-line site quoted on the guide, (, I get the following message : –

    “Currently your postal pack has not been scanned. Please check back tomorrow as this information is not updated until after postal vote opening has been completed for the day.”.

    So unless the Fife Postal service has slowed down greatly it looks like trouble and Fife has a very, very bad record in that respect. I suggest anyone with a postal vote should check with : –
    as soon as they can. If I have to crawl on my hands & knees I’ll be casting my vote and if there is a fraud on I’ll be screaming blue murder.

  401. Paula Rose says:

    ( Hi TJenny xxx )

  402. TJenny says:

    L-A – could we crowdfund her to go private? Or do transplants go on a global list type thing irrespective of money?

  403. caz-m says:

    Another great day with the Wings gang at Pacific Quay, I had a chat with the girl who climbed up the side of Edinburgh Castle, she said she would like to contact the Rev and maybe do an item.

    So if you are reading this Rev, she would like you to contact her. She is going to email you first Rev.

    Also took a few pics and vids, will post them later.

  404. john king says:

    Just got back to Fife from PQ an hour ago and what a day,
    we set off for Stirling @ 08.15 this morning and got to the car park near Bannockburn about 09.00 and set off after about an hour of dressing our cars up to look their best,
    I was great to see twenty14 since the last time I say him was at Calton hill,

    We went round the Wallace monument into stirlng and back out to Bannockburn and onto Denny, Cumbernauld and onto Strathclyde park after a short toilet and tea break it was onto Glasgow and Pacific Quay,

    Let me tell you the cacophany of noise created by car horns and cheering people on Ingram street into the corner of George square at the counting house, and up St Vincent Place was amazing, the people (Including) visitors to Glasgow on siteseeing buses, we’re all videoing the calvalcade as it wound its way though the city centre, and almost universally the people returned the carn horn toots with smiles and thumbs up, the odd sour faced no voter called some abusive comment in spite of a lot of the cars (including mine) had children in them,

    After a long and albeit amazing trip we were exhausted, but as we approached the Sqinty Bridge, our spirits soared when we saw a welcomng committee of a couple of hundred people waving saltires and yes posters screaming a welcome, to which we returned the salute with loud and gusty car horns which as we approached the Clyde could have been mistaken for a regatta of Yachts sounding their horns,
    and all across the bridge and along the road to Pacific Quay we were met with an almost Messianic fervour,

    It would seem the police, (who I have to say were brilliant, the motorcycle tag team we had all the way from Strathclyde Park sheparded us unruly drivers safely through to PQ with astounding patience and not a little humour, one of them pausing to give my daughter a salute while she took his photograph from the back of the car)gave up on trying to move the convoy as we approached the entrance to the BBC building, it was obviously gridlocked and the cars on the convoy were going no where, so they closed the road and told us to leave our cars where they were and go onto to the protest.

    I left my wife daughter and grandaughter behind in my haste to get down to meet with my freinds who I knew would be there and I was not dissapointed when I found all the usual suspects with the ubiquitous Wings banner on the
    prime spot under the gazebo where the singers and speakers were, I was great to meet Jock Scot again, I have had a rollercoaster of a two year period since I found Wings, I have learnt a lot and discovered amazing people who I will always remember for the rest of my life.

    I cannot thank Rev Stu, this site, and its incredible collection of people who have been so kind over this period enough,
    and whatever happens on Thursday I will cherish this period of my life forever,

    Ths site under Rev Stu has written a very important part in Scotlands history, aided and abetted by the unbelevable people who have contributed to incredible sucess of Wings over Scotland,

    I would like to think in a very small way I have contributed some insight and hopefully some wisdom and maybe a little humour. I will be forever grateful to everyone here who have become my freinds, some I have had the privlage of meeting some I have still to meet, I hope I will meet you all in the very near future (on the other side)

  405. Richard Bruce says:

    Lindsay Sharp, Independence Climber:

    Speaking at BBC PQ protest today. Edited from Independence Live Broadcast:

  406. Lesley-Anne says:

    I have absolutely no idea how these lung transplants work T Jenny. I think part of the problem, not just with lung transplants, is with the shortage of organs. This is why I’ve always been a supporter of an opt out policy on organ transplants.

  407. Cactus says:

    Great atmosphere today in Glasgow, of Scotland and Europe. Well done home city.

    The waves of YES positivity are stimulating Scots everywhere.. but look alert readers, cause the YES tsunami is just around the corner and it’s about to wash all your fears away 🙂

    Hold on to your seats for the next three days folks! This independence roller-coaster is gonna be one hell of a ride!


  408. Twenty14 says:

    @john King – must have something in my eye Sir

  409. kestral says:

    Dropped off WBB to Buchanan street stall today as they were running out – doing a great job of ensuring books only go to dk’s – was well impressed

    was the most amazing sight today with so so many people wearing badges and tee-shirts and so positive with YES

    Have a flag on my car and people toot and wave and even hold their yes signs out the window of their cars

    Seen some video of the BBC convoy – but can’t find it online – need to see it – it was tooting all the way through the town

    omg there has never been such an amazing movement as YES

    and this is what will sway your dk’s – onwards and upwards we go forth to a new dawn

  410. Training Day says:

    Just to be clear, there were hundreds of Yes supporters moving away from PQ when I arrived (approx 2.10). So through traffic estimate over the course of an hour and a half minimum 5-6k

  411. crazycat says:


    Alas, we were also told at the briefing that we, as polling agents, could occasionally go into the polling stations and check any empty booths for No literature or artefacts, and remove them, and that they could do the same for us.

    Of course, that presupposes that there will actually be any No agents…..

  412. Mealer says:

    I take it you have asked your partner? You can’t just go about handing out other folks lungs willy nilly,you know! Only joking.I fully understand how you,me and everyone else feels about this girl and what she is doing for our grandchildren.
    Gordon Brown is more like the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

  413. CameronB Brodie says:

    BBC Scotland Debate

    Elaine C Smith

    Danny Alexander

    Ruth Davidson

    Stewart Hosie

    link to

  414. kestral says:


    – I sooooooo couldn’t believe my eyes in glasgow today – missed yesterday party singing caledonia

    but omg @ all the people proudly wearing yes in glasgow today

  415. Paula Rose says:

    I don’t remember us agreeing to let our employee take time off – correct me if I’m wrong.

  416. Lesley-Anne says:

    Don’t worry Mealer we had discussed the idea, briefly, just before I posted about it. 😛

  417. john king says:

    Gerry Parker @ 7.30
    The Man in the Jar
    I knew it was you driving away from the quay today, 🙁
    as we arrived in the convoy I saw you driving in the opposite direction back to the squinty bridge, Im annoyed at not crossing paths with you, Ian it would seem we were too late to meet you as well.
    Next time guys!

  418. Grouse Beater says:

    The notion the Queen and Windsor gang would remain neutral is highly naive.

    They’ve a vast business empire to protect.

    They’re probably keeping their fingers crossed for a third baby announcement before Thursday, a twin the obstetrician didn’t notice, anything to keep the British Establishment in sentimental favour with the fawning masses.

  419. macart763m says:

    @John King

    Outstanding John.

    I cheered watching that livestream of the column arriving.

    What a sight. 🙂

  420. muttley79 says:

    Guardian continues to jump the shark. New article by No voter Claire Enders, on the media in an independent Scotland. This sentence in particular indicates we have now reached the twilight zone of MSM propaganda:

    Instead, Scots will be provided with a new Scottish Broadcasting Service (SBS), which by definition cannot have the traditions of impartiality and independence of the BBC and of other public service broadcasters.

    Woosh! 😀 😀 She then goes on to say we are completely incapable of providing any kind of a broadcasting, media service to our nation. Enders mentions the usual Salmond, Murdoch shit blah blah. Disgraceful piece of shit article.

  421. gerry parker says:

    They can be scanned when the absent voter list is loaded.

    The absent voter list is a list of people who requested a postal vote.
    The scanning process compares the paper ID and the signature with what’s on the absent voter list. If there are discrepancies, it gets looked at by Counting office staff, i.s the deputy counting officer or the counting officer.


  422. alistair says:

    Great to see a good turnout for BBC Bias demo. I was amazed when I turned up at George Square as was expecting a handful of folk. Instead massive march through Glasgow to PQ (and good to see so much more support that on the first 4 protests). I think the Nick Robinson episode has really pissed people off at last. Anyway, then great rally, speakers and singers at PQ and then joined up with the Freedom Convoy. Vince was towing his big Yes trailer to and from Stirling (at 30 mph !) so good to add to momentum to get message out. And guess what we’ve grudgingly made it onto BBC site
    link to

  423. Lesley-Anne says:


    Wee Ruthie caught in a LIE.

    Apparently the Treasury sent an e-mail in response to a media request regarding the RBS. The chair, Mr Cook, said he received the E-mail but did NOT request it! 😛

  424. Graeme Doig says:

    Well done folks for amazing turn out at PQ today.

    I’m devastated i was unable to join cavalcade and demo as i couldn’t cover shifts at work but proud of every one of you.

  425. john king says:

    Twenty14 @8.07

    Must have been the stoor we kicked up in that car park,
    it was like the Minneapolis 500 whe we left Strathclyde park. 🙂

  426. muttley79 says:

    Fellow Wingers, this is the offending article:

    link to

    This bad boy deserves to be dismantled…

  427. TJenny says:

    Paula Rose – right back atcha honey. 🙂

    Have been attacked by lurgi the past week so not much comment from me, however……long time well off friend and No voter emailed me last night to say that she was now a decided Yes and thanks for helping her see through the fog!

    As I don’t have the patience for those (my friend’s type) needing spoon fed and all the whataboutery and the need for all is to be dotted and ts crossed, I decided instead to keep posting WOS and indy related articles to my FB page (I don’t like FB but she loves it).

    I started noticing that I was receiving more and nore FB notifications that she had shared or liked my links – and all pro indy related!

    So thanks again to WOS and all Wingers for another convert to YES. 🙂

    Just pure lovin’ ya all. 😉

  428. balaaargh says:

    This debate on the beeb is just a rabble.

  429. call me dave says:

    Wee Ruthie caught in a LIE.

    I believe she was!

  430. Croompenstein says:

    Few wee vids from march and demo with my fellow ‘hundreds’

  431. liz says:

    @Cameron B Brody – these people saying they are frightened are complete arses.

    They seem to think we should all fall down at their feet – cos they know better than us.

    That’s what they can’t abide – the great ‘unwashed’ having an opinion.

    They have always tried to portray us as facists – when it is the complete opposite – I don’t know why but the rubbish that they spouted there on twitter has made me really angry

  432. alistair says:

    we’ve even made it into the Scotsman. The comments on the protest are laughable/usual disgrace. Centrally organised protest my backside. These guys need to get out into the real world.
    link to

  433. Rupert Murdoch has the chance to stick it to the Establishment that tore him his family and his business to shreds.

    Has has the chance of revenge, will he take it and become a part of Scottish history or just an unknown blowhard forgotten in 10 years .

    It`s up to you Mr Murdoch.

  434. Big Jock says:

    Well I got into a debate with a guy making stuff up on Facebook and then presenting it as considered reason. When he went down the road of claiming oil was a joint asset of the UK I gave up!

  435. liz says:

    Sorry – that reply should have been to Calgacus MacAndrews about Whelan.

  436. call me dave says:

    Ruthie not having a good time.

    Oh Dougie my hearts bleeding for you, but I don’t want devolution, I want the whole empire biscuit + cherry!

    The audience are laughing at him. Surely they have lost it!

  437. Lesley-Anne says:

    Hmm, it seems James Cook is happy to let Davidson and Alexander spew their bile unhindered yet constantly interrupts Stewart Hosie and Elaine C Smith.

  438. john king says:

    Croompenstien @ 8.19.

    So you were there?
    I was looking for you but never saw you, I arrived with he convoy and got down to the Quay at about 15.00, were you still there then? I know TMitJ had already left because I saw him driving off towards the bridge just as we arrived! 🙁

  439. Peter G says:

    Hopefully Whelan is so frightened he’ll leave Scotland and a homeless family or ten can move into his Jockland palace.

  440. liz says:

    @heedtracker -is tellen1 the Smurph!

  441. Big Jock says:

    Ruth Davidson said she was out campaigning rather than protesting at Pacific Quay. Why would she protest when the BBC are working for her. Lol

  442. Paula Rose says:

    Now chill out children – TJenny and I have some hugs to share, I know this is the main thread but us ladies come first.

  443. Lesley-Anne says:

    Why on earth would she protest at the BBC anyway BJ cause she used to work for them as I understand it. 😛

  444. Peter G says:

    When the good Rev returns from his foray into enemy territory I wonder if we’ll find anybody having asked Sarwar Snr about his policy of bribing voters and enjoying the good old, “Family vote?”

  445. Mealer says:

    I spent a few hours putting leaflets through letter boxes this afternoon.A lot of folk said hi and wished us well.Quite a few cars honked their horns in the passing.You can feel it growing.Its called CONFIDENCE.Something they’ve tried their best to knock out of us.

  446. john king says:

    Alex Johnson says he cant understand why so many activists are protesting in fron of Pacific Quay instead of out canvassing?

    Let me tell you Mr Johnstone, for every person standing outside the BBC today there were ten more still canvassing, could you put that number of (unpaid) activists on the streets?

  447. Deontas says:

    Some amount of “no” voters in this audience with non Scottish twangs!!! mmmmmmmh

  448. alistair says:

    We must have rattled a cage or two. Pictures and video on the Daily Record online as well….
    link to
    Funny how the whole thing just hinges on Nick Robinson and ignores the previous 4 demos which had nothing to do with that. Still what do you expect from all the top journalists at the Scotsman, Herald and Daily Record !!

  449. Shudder be ok says:

    Wtf when is hosie going to speak up he is letting too much go unchallenged this is not the first time he hasn’t showed up

  450. Edward says:

    Grouse Beater
    First of all the Queen has not actually stated anything
    The media are desperate for her to say something, so they will jump on anything, no matter how small and insignificant.
    Believe me she hasn’t said anything apart from stating the bleeding obvious that everyone voting should do it after thought.
    The Queen will not make ANY statement, which interferes with due process. If she did, she would actually have to abdicate!

    The media are a bunch of ignorant clowns and clearly have not got a grasp on legal matters concerning the monarchy.
    All you really have to ask yourself is this ‘Who was Oliver Cromwell?’ then the penny should drop.

    I believe the last monarch that interfered with politics , lost their head at the end of an executioner’s axe.

    The monarch does not get involved in constitutional matters.
    The Queen is well aware of this and frankly must get royally pissed off with the media.

    She knows that if Scotland ends the political union, that she will still be Queen of Scots

    IF and its a very big IF, the pressure got too much and the Queen relented, then it really would be the end of the monarchy

  451. handclapping says:

    @Robert Peffers
    Fife postal openings were at 30,000 of the 56,000 they are expecting on Friday night and they will be running full tilt on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so the decks are cleared for the ones handed in at Polling Stations on Thursday.

    There will also be a special clearance at all the Royal Mail depots on Wednesday night to make sure that any in the postal system are flushed out in time for delivery to all 32 councils on Thursday

  452. Lesley-Anne says:

    Oh dearie me, according to wee Ruthie there were a couple of thousand people barricading the BBC today. 😛

  453. arthur thomson says:

    YES that girl is an inspiration to us all. Isn’t it nice to be on the same side as her. Gordon Brown has lost touch with reality and common decency. Surely he has one friend who can bring him to his senses.

  454. Indy_Scot says:

    John King, fantastic post.

  455. liz says:

    @Robert Peffers- If your vote doesn’t turn up Yes Scotland will organise a lift for you to your poling station.

    I would get in touch with them tomorrow and tell them what is happening.

  456. Lesley-Anne says:

    Good for Stewart Hosie sticking the knife into the BBC AND Nick Robinson! 😛

  457. muttley79 says:


    Tellen is a troll on Guardian Cif, who used to pretend to support independence, while always attacking SNP and Salmond in particular. I reckon he was a troll on here as well, possibly as Norse Warrior, Edinburgh Dave, Duggie etc. Just a hunch though. Best to ignore, same goes for Whelan.

    If they keep up this fascist/Nazi nonsense at Yes, it means they have run out of things to say. In a way it is a good sign for us. Conversely, if they start praising the Yes campaign, it means that they think they are winning, and are hence being patronising.

  458. CameronB Brodie says:

    @ Danny Alexander
    You’re a Quisling!

  459. muttley79 says:

    I never realised Rev Stu was up in Scotland.

  460. crazycat says:

    @ Mealer

    Today I was employing your technique (thanks) of knocking on the doors of people with Yes posters and asking if they had any undecided friends and relations who would like a Wee Blue Book.

    The main problem – a good one to have – was that very few of them had any such acquaintances! I did distribute my supply, though, and will stock up again tomorrow.

  461. Croompenstein says:

    @john king – I left about 3:30 john I had marched down from George Square, overcome with emotion most of the time. I was with some friends and we were pretty much in the middle of the crowd at PQ.

  462. Roughian says:

    Sunday night BBC debate. Bloke who had a go at Elaine was a Brass Music Teacher in Stirling and is or stood as a Conservative Councillor in Dunblane I think. Certainly a Conservative supporter.

  463. Kev says:

    Wow, James Cook just revealed that HE received the email from the treasury about RBS moving registered office and that he NEVER requested it, wow the Treasury are indeed in hot water.

  464. john king says:

    Indy-scot @8.32

    Thanks Indie,
    Its easy to write a post when you passionately beleive in what your saying,
    the words just come,
    you know?

  465. muttley79 says:

    Sarwar just told SLAB meeting that nationalists tell Asians to go home….Is there no low they will not stoop to?

  466. chris s says:

    More comedy at this moment on bbc1

  467. Lesley-Anne says:

    Would that be Sarwar SENIOR Muttley, you know the one who VOLUNTARILY left the U.K. to return to Pakistan to become a commissioner then? 😉

  468. liz says:

    The only way the BBC are going to get out of this is to spin it as a protest against Nick Robinson and not generally against them

  469. CameronB Brodie says:

    @ Ruth Davidson
    Strange bedfellows like the Toties, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, UKIP, the OO, etc.?

  470. john king says:

    dammit I took over holding the banner from Bob, were you there when the drummers came on in front of us with , it has to be said folks, a pretty hot girl doing a sizzling dance?

  471. crazycat says:

    @ liz

    If someone has a postal vote, they cannot vote in person (though they can deliver the postal ballot on the day). Someone who has a proxy can still vote themselves, provided the proxy hasn’t got there first.

  472. CameronB Brodie says:

    An undecided audience member now selling a UKOK NHS. Total fail.

  473. muttley79 says:


    Don’t know. It is on Wings Twitter, I think somebody is there under cover! Hopefully they have a recording of it.

  474. Croompenstein says:

    @Cameron – Strange bedfellows like the Toties

    I heard Snow White had bother wae them anaw 🙂

  475. Lesley-Anne says:

    Just heard a woman, in the green jacket, go on about the NHS. JEEZ! All I can say is thank GAWD she was NEVER my consultant!

  476. Lesley-Anne says:

    Oh O.K. Muttley, thanks for that. 😉

  477. TJenny says:

    Paula Rose + muttley79 – re oor Stuey’s whereabouts – is it too late to tag him?

    PR – can’t wait for the mega hug at the indy party on 19th or 20th? And where???

  478. Big Jock says:

    My mother always said be careful of the company you keep. The no audience in tonights debate are completely right wing. Douglas Alexander is happy with them as bedfellows!

  479. Croompenstein says:

    @john king – F it I missed the hot girl! 🙁

  480. Grouse Beater says:

    BBC in another pretendy ‘let the people speak’ show but whatever is broadcast won’t represent what Scotland really needs in the way of democracy. That would be too close to the political truth.

    Let people talk.

    Talk is cheap.

    Talk doesn’t alter the status quo.

  481. CameronB Brodie says:


    Ruth Davidson now rubbishing the SNP on their health record. Just quoted the IFS, FFS. This is a referendum on independence not a party political election.

    Now another audience member says we are too poor.Fail

    McCone Report just mentioned in relation to social justice. 🙂

    Labour stooge now selling English Socialism. This is comedy gold. 🙂

    @ Danny Alexander
    I repeat. You’re a Quisling!

  482. handclapping says:

    @Robert Peffers
    Apparently they have already received 45,000 envelopes but they needed Saturday to deal with all the reported non-arrival of postal packs, cancelling the validity of the issued ballots and issuing new ones as replacements.

  483. Lesley-Anne says:

    Dearie me, wee Ruthie loves her IFS report doesn’t she? I’m guessing that the report author’s brother in law must have briefed her on it. Anyone not know who the the brother in law to the report author is .. well that would be Danny Alexander!

  484. john king says:

    Just so you know croompy,
    what she could do to a drumbeat, was eyewatering! 😉

  485. CameronB Brodie says:

    Stewart Hosie now being rubbished for warning about NHS privatisation. Undecided doctor now denying agreements on shared medical services.

    Stewart Hosie just brought up Andy Burnham . 🙂

    @ Danny Alexander
    You’re a Quisling!

  486. Great to read about the big gatherings and parties! A real inspiration after an afternoon of canvassing undecideds in rural Fife. Perhaps I am naive but I never expected to see so much enthusiasm for Yes on the streets! It is really something! Keep it up everyone!

  487. Big Jock says:

    The Green lady is a no plant. My brother works in SNHS 70% are happy and voting yes. Usual BBC BIAS. I am sure Stu could check if she appears in Murphys normal stooge line up.

  488. kendomacaroonbar says:

    O/T : forgive me for the o/t however I wanted to ask your help in spreading word about a new indiegogo fundraiser to help assist with the success of an independent online news platform for Scotland.. iScot

    link to

  489. tartanfever says:

    A wee moment of reflection here folks.

    A year ago the BBC protests were ignored. WoS was ignored. Newsnet was ignored as were Business for Scotland and National Collective.

    Now, all of them are the giants of new media and citizen journalism. They have all been quoted by major broadcasters and have even been interviewed for radio and tv programmes. Now the BBC has to acknowledge our protests – they can no longer hide. The various website viewing figures have gone through the roof, now nearly as many people read these pages as read national newspapers on a daily basis.

    On every high street people know about us because they are us. WBB’s are everywhere, the mainstream media are being called to account and they don’t like it. Tens of thousands of ordinary Scots have changed the entire information landscape of Scotland.

    This is the first real citizen led information revolution the world has ever seen. Sit back for a minute and ponder on what we have already achieved. This is history.

  490. Grouse Beater says:

    Elaine C. Smith, lively and dedicated as she is, is out of her depth. When she speaks honestly she convinces, when she tries to be politically sophisticated she confuses.

  491. john king says:

    I take it Quisling is off the proscribed list now? 🙂

    any word on parcel o rogues? is that still banned? :{

  492. liz says:

    @crazycat – Yes I know but what if the postal vote has got lost – there must be contingency plans.

  493. Bob Sinclair says:

    John King
    I hope the missus isn’t reading your posts 🙂

  494. sydthesnake says:

    I have the envious duty come Thursday, both my sons are unable to cast their votes in person ( 1 due to offshore work the other due to disability )and I have been tasked with their proxy votes and both have instructed me to vote yes on their behalf so that’s
    3 X’s into the GITRUY BT box


  495. call me dave says:

    I think the Ayes have it!

  496. BuckieBraes says:

    Latest BBC referendum debate – what an atrocious programme!

    Watching the proceedings in this kind of bear pit doesn’t move things forward one inch; but I suppose that is the idea. I’m not interested in seeing Labour and the SNP knocking seven bells out of each other on policy. This is a referendum, not an election.

    When the campaign is over, it’ll be interesting to see how many hours the BBC has devoted to these pointless debates, as opposed to productive, grown-up documentaries about the constitutional situation.

  497. Lesley-Anne says:

    Damn it Kendo. Why did you have to start that fund raiser now, I’ve a wedding to go to Dan Suff the week after we WIN. I’m gonna be broke for gawd knows how long! Never mind after our return I’ll talk to the BIG boss and see what she says, maybe then I’l be able to put something in the pot, although I don’t think it will be much unfortunately. Ho Hum! 😛

  498. Grouse Beater says:

    Wee Duggie Alexander is incapable of intellectual exposition – it’s all slogans pushing lies. Every utterance contains a falsehood.

    Then he goes over the top by bringing his mother into the argument as an example of individual dedication to Scotland’s health service. Shameless.

    He’s a low-brow, third-rate politician.


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