To break your walls
Posted on
March 10, 2015 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
We’ve only just recently begun checking out the English edition of the Sun to see what appears in it that’s mysteriously excised from the Scottish one, readers.
Perhaps we should have started sooner.
(We’re not sure FEAR THE TERRIFYING MENACE OF THE NICE NHS SURGEON LADY is going to have a lot of traction, though. If you’ll pardon the pun.)
OK, it’s another of your spoof mock-up jobs, nice one.
Ah, the smell of Unionist fear. Does wonders for the soul.
No denying Nicola looks braw?
Kevin Schoefield is a twat.
Jings, how do I subscribe?
Och why don’t we get that in the Scottish Sun? 🙂
What no tin helmet.
Obviously gross sexism by a National Paper against a senior female UK politician would never be allowed by the Press Complaints body
Clearly no male politician would be portrayed in this manner.
Since the Sun know that they would be pulled up over this, the Rev must have made it up !
Didn’t he?
“OK, it’s another of your spoof mock-up jobs, nice one.”
Afraid not. Would that I were so good with Paint Shop.
You must compile these Stu and use them as an advert to show the ‘No’ voters what is really happening. This is truly outrageous. If we were to portray the English in a similar way, we would be villified (and rightly so). I have friends who are ‘No’ voters and don’t believe me when I tell them what is happening.
It’s not as good as the Star’s
‘Scottish rats march on England’ headline.
Must try harder 6/10
I’m astonished!
No I really am. They can only find FOUR reasons to be fearful! Really? 😛
I wonder how they will feel when we have FIFTY NINE reasons for them to feel fearful. 😉
Perhaps the time has come for the Sun, London edition, to … erm … pay a wee highly publicised visit to Scotland and talk to REAL people instead of their *cough* imaginary friends. 😀
Oh Dear God!
That has gone too far! I actually feel physically sick, was it really international women’s day at the weekend or did I imagine it.
I wonder if we will begin to see some court cases now, surely…
Oh my word!
Tony – I think they’re being compiled under ‘Zoomer Patrol’
I could be wrong, but I think I see a pattern emerging in the press.
They don’t really want us ‘joining in’ do they?
I’ll try and contain my disappointment. No, really, I’m fine (sniff).
I’m bored already with this diet of tripe.
Given the unfortunate Sun stereotype, isn’t this more likely to result in a surge of SNP members from England?
On a slightly more serous note, WHIT!!!!
FEAR THE SNP’S WRECKING BALL PLANS, WHICH WILL…erm, maintain our EU membership which has lasted for 40 years.
My old English teacher used to say The Sun was written in such simple terms that an 8-year-old could understand it, but I’m starting to think it was an insult to 8-year-olds. And does ANYONE in the English Sun read the Scottish Sun, which has debunked many of those myths on a few occasions? Embarrassing.
That picture makes me happy that I swing both ways. I still cling to the hope that the infamous Nicola Sturgeon gold jacket picture is real.
Be still my beating heart.
Aside from pandering to my very specific politically entwined fantasies, I don’t think that is a very suitable article 🙁
They have Philippa Whitford as a “reason to be fearful.”
I just…
I can’t…
Can see Nicola having a wee chuckle at that! She will probably frame it! Nicola Cyrus the Virus!
So when do we get the mock-ups of Cameron, Milliband and Clegg in their speedos?
In the interest of political balance of not for titillation of course.
And Mhairi Black who I think is freaking brilliant for speaking her mind and seeming like a normal person. Every time those comments are highlighted I can only see people warming to her. It is almost like people outside of Scotland don’t understand Scottish humour and they way we talk to each other…
Stay with us we love you and don’t want you to leave!
look on the bright side its only 59 days until Xmas day!…..
or should that be ecksmas day!
Tell ya, Nicola is smokin’ hot in that pic. What a bod – who knew!
@rev. Paint Shop ? You must be as old as me…
I thought Scofield was very New Labour. Obviously writing for his salary.
At least SLab cant say Salmond and the SNP are in Murdoch’s pocket now. But they will anyway in Scotland ofcourse.
And wait a damn minute, that’s not even Tasmina Sheikh, is it!?!
Disturbed. Do they have any respect? I’m glad we have a common civil humanity within the nationalist movement and steer clear of these pathetic attempts to provoke HATE to both NATs and rUK, This is desperate
Ha, ha. Attracting more skilled workers from abroad is going to ruin Britain. They really have lost the plot.
great picture of nicola…..well fit
im making this my screen saver 🙂
That’s the English side of the election over then!
The half wit that is the traditional Sun reader, the ones that
are happy with Birds, Bingo, and Booze vouchers, are willingly lead like lemmings to the edge of the election cliff.
This vast number of Sun “readers” the term is used lightly,
have chosen the government of the day since I was a child.
Look back, their distortion of the truth and down right lies
has seen these imbeciles put their X in the Sun’s chosen box
since the 1970’s.
They called it right on every occasion and that is why Blair, Cameron et alia shuffle toward Murdoch on their knees.
The Sun’s page 3 girls have spoken. It’s another Tory Government
no matter what the Scots do! Put your house on it, if the banks haven’t taken it already.
Now fellow Scots, do you want to waste your vote on a Red Tory who is mastered by a Blue Tory, or would you like someone with you and your nation’s best interests interests at heart?
The Tory’s will kick our backsides inside out for the next 5 years and Red Tory will support them to teach us serfs a lesson.
Stand up and Vote, stand up and Fight!
Don’t board their cattle train and don’t walk into the shower room!
“Ha, ha. Attracting more skilled workers from abroad is going to ruin Britain. They really have lost the plot.”
And isn’t a points-based system attracting skilled workers something that the Sun has been calling for in the past?
You’re literally on fire now, Rev.
But why this fixation of the UK media with tartan? Don’t they realise it’s the uniform of their friends, the ‘Proud Scots’? They are going to turn the ‘Proud Scots’ against them if they’re not careful.
Afraid not. Would that I were so good with Paint Shop.
Irony fail, Stu. I know you’re not that good. Probably nobody is, in terms of almost-believable spoof on the unspoofable.
Fantastic way to enter the political shit storm that is going on.. WE’RE HERE!
Can think of no better way for the SNP to break the Westminster 2 party system that has existed for too long.
Hats off to ever come up with that on Photoshop. And to be fair.. Nicola can pull off that look. Just glad it wasn’t Jackie Baillie.. Imagine.. Now that would burn your retinas clean off.. Lol.
Fuck it , thats it im off to London buying a black shirt and joining these racists.
God help us , the quicker these nut jobs just let us piss off the sooner the better.
Oh that’s just cringeworthy.
How the hell do they expect anyone to take that kind of thing seriously?
We better get used to it….They’re not going down without a fight. The are going to monster the Scottish peoples right to self determination.
We have to counter all the lies and propaganda with a weapon of mass instruction….The Truth….
Apart from the alleged job losses over Trident I don’t see how those 7 things will ‘ruin’ Britain. Maybe if I read The Sun more I would understand.
“But why this fixation of the UK media with tartan?”
Racist humour that they can get away to appeal to a certain cross-section of the population that dislikes anyone or anything that they see as “other”. Imagine if tartan was replaced with “Kippah” or “Hijab”.
That Paula Rose gets everywhere.
has anyone told Sunny Jim that Labour is planning a permanent alliance with the SNP??
‘Our mock up of how Sturgeon could destroy the UK.’
With half the population too busy ogling pin-ups of oor Nicola to work, the economy would totally collapse.
A canny political strategy!
Thats not Tasmina, but it does look a lot like the Labour candidate who is standing against gorgeous George Galloway, Naz Shah. I’m sure I saw that image a couple of days ago in an article about her stabnding against GG.
So while our First Minister was highlighting the barbaric issue of Female Genital Mutilation The Sun in thier wisdom chose to portray her like this.
And there I thought we trying to get more women into politics, silly me.
Let them hate so long as they fear.
ffs, didn’t even bother reading any of it as soon as i seen the doctored picture.
Mind you, from a rag that survived on pictures of female breasts for decades should we expect anything else.
Never mind questioning the intellect of its readership, serious questions should be raised regarding the mental stability of its so-called journos.
@ Craig Wilson, 9;21pm
The point of newspapers in the UK is not to be accurate or consistent.
Their agenda seems to be to incite hatred which keeps the population confused and otherwise occupied whilst they get on with the business of aiding global corporations control government policy and hoover up the wealth of everyone else.
It will eventually come crashing down upon their heads, but, not before they have caused mayhem and destruction around the globe.
I don’t think a burkah would have quite the same effect though!
I can’t take that portrayal of Ms Sturgeon lightly. I don’t think it is a bit of fun; I don’t think it matters whether she is “fit” or not.
I do think that kind of sexism is serious. A more direct attack on her credibility as a serious politician is hard to imagine.
Here’s a wee Scottish rat for them! 😉–96683.jpg
Look at how Labour are portrayed in the media: weak, indecisive, controlled by others, objects or ridicule. Compare with how the SNP are treated-even by their worst enemies- strong, in control, principled, and even sexy!
All I can say is: We must be doing something right!
Her majesties press corps confirming they have the same i.q as a baw hair.
That’s my First Minister they are debasing…Ignorant fuckwit bastards! That’s all!
“SNP Pals”? Ha ha, there’s a cracker to start with – do the Sun not have anyone up here?
Into the Zoomer Patrol file with you (gonna need a bigger server)
And Nicola….man!
That’s it I’m getting rid of all the mirrors in my house tomorrow.
Well, all I can say is that Alex looks very distinguished and Nicola is a star however anyone chooses to portray her. A bullet in each foot from the sun. As to their comments, only muppets would read and be influenced by them.
scottish edition is jim Murphy walking over the river Clyde in a speedo
Love the four reasons to be fearful
Are they really such utter fuds that they find those reasons to be fearful? FFS! they must crap themselves every time a dog barks. Have they considered therapy?
The wate expusion pipes are in full flow and squeaking like fuck. The shite is being spewed
Did the Daily Star have pictures of rats in kilts?! That would be a hoot!
Vote SNP Get Sexy – indeed
Someone at a the Sun must be following Angry Salmond on twitter
Alex looks very presidential in that Conservative poster, more so than David Cameon, it’s going to backfire on them
Bookie-lol! Is he turning water in to wine as well?
For those of you saying that this is a photoshopped spoof put together by Wings’ without a hint of sarcasm to your statement…
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The Sun’s own page has the main image. I’m sure it’s considerably more comforting for you under that blanket, but you may want to come out into the light eventually.
You try to tell unionist Scots that the English ignore Scotland, and you try to tell xenophobic English they only want to control Scotland, and both call you a liar.
Then they print that outrageous racist crapology.
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I wonder what line the Scottish Sun will take?
They always seem to give the SNP a fair crack.
Tomorrow’s The National Front page;
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we received a letter from Dundee Council today advising us that we were on the electoral register. These must be going out everywhere. Check that you are on the electoral register.
Here it is on their site
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Mealer says:
10 March, 2015 at 9:41 pm
That Paula Rose gets everywhere
Jackie Baillie? That would be like one of those desk top devices where the balls knock into each other.Have somecrespect for a defenceless sphere.
Agree, on the picture of Salmond, I would have thought that would reassure Labour voters in England rather than scare them.
Just imagine if the soaraway had given the same treatment to Maggie, or worse Magrit.
Sorry folks, time to lie down.
But put that thought into context with Fiona’s point, or with the three amigos in their budgie smugglers.
As far as the national headline – strangely enough I voted in the refurendum (yes in case anyone wondered) but I had to register to vote as I wasn’t on the electoral roll even though it was the same house I was in.
It is all being set up nicely to ensure Cameron is returned to Downing Street in May. The MSM are still unsure about the polls, so they have to attack Milliband (at a risk of a few scots seeing those offensive images and cartoons etc).
They obviously don’t want the SNP to gain either, but they have to finish off Labour first. Only when the opinion polls show the tories well ahead in England, will they turn their big guns on the SNP.
Wait and see.
I just read this thought-provoking post in another place. Would any of you more educated chaps like to explain the veracity of it?
“The problem with the UK’s shoogly unwritten constitution is this:
If the SNP return the majority of MPs from Scotland to Westminster in May, the SNP become custodians of the ‘considered will of the people of Scotland’ at Westminster. Under the current UK ‘constitution’ no UK Parliamentary bill or statute effecting Scotland could then be passed without the SNP’s agreement as custodians of this paramount will, so it does not really matter which of the two Tory Parties are in Downing Street or if they are in coalition – the same constitutional rule applies.
If the two Tory parties try to play the game by different rules or seek to change these constitutional rules (which they can not do because it is outwith the UK Parliament’s legal and constitutional powers) their inglorious union is finished.
The squealing ‘Its not fair the SNP have nicked our ball’ Twin Tory response is not the answer.
If Lord Ashton’s predictions for SNP gains are even half true the nature of the Union will be different after May – it is the direct consequence of the successful campaign to keep the UK Union.
The Union won, here comes the consequences”.
I’m totally convinced there will be a grand coalition of sorts. There is an orchestrated plan to make it palatable to the English voters, by making the snp and Scotland the enemy within.
From Steve Bells incest Scottish country dancers to this, seriously, where does it stop?
Is there no limit to the sordid depravity of the unionist media.
Oh Oh Look out folks Kay with an “E” is on SKY papers review. 😀
I;m Reeeaallly slooow tonight .
Item 3 , DEVO MAX , does it really say “OIl is great for WM and a disaster for Scotland ”
Want a shot o my helmit Nicola ?
Here you are!
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Marcia wrote:
“Tomorrow’s The National Front page;”
Oops! Marcia!
Fiona (9:47pm) has a point. I still can’t quite believe this is real, but if it is then shouldn’t we be getting on to the anti-Page 3 campaign? It’s all part of the same problem – using sexual imagery to subtly undermine someone who has done so much for gender equality (in a country that’s done spectacular things for women’s leadership, from Goldie and Alexander to Davidson and Dugdale to Sturgeon herself.)
I actually think it’s noticeable that everyone refers to her as “Nicola” rather than “Sturgeon.” I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but they did it with Thatcher too – she was “Maggie” as often as she was “Thatcher.” It’s not something we really do to men, whether we like them or not.
Would that I were so good with Paint Shop.
@ Rev ur you really trying tae wind up they Churnalist wie Your command of they’re language.LMHAFF
So when do we march on London?
Oh that’s just cringeworthy.
How the hell do they expect anyone to take that kind of thing seriously?
That is exactly what they want, Nicola Sturgeon not to be taken seriously, trying to make her a figure of ridicule the same as they did with Alex Salmond during the referendum.
She’s just a wee girl with a tin helmet they say, not worth your vote they say. The system is under a percieved threat and they will do all in their power, (and they have the full propoganda machine of newspaper, television and radio at their disposal), to stop any encroachment on their feeding grounds.
Is that Murdoch’s Sun?
Why does he hate the SNP.
Oh that’s right, because they might prop up a Labour Gov.
What’s Murdoch got against Labour?
Oh that’s right, Wendy Deng.
I work in a profession where we regularly see the English editions of newspapers. This is nothing new to the people I work with. And it also amazes me.
Richard Wilson of Sunday Herald on BBC Paper Review on now
We’re coming to get you!
First, we start by deep frying your foi gras in batter and then we get serious…we bring the flocks of sheep to take over your lands.
Hoots of laughter all around
Scottish Labour Party “of old” 1997-2007 always used to say (S.N.P stands for Sex No Politics) Who’s kidding who now? What a shambles they have become, along with B.B.C and S.T.V. The “Unionist Media Broadcasting Agencies” since “Jim Murphy’s Election”and filling the Scottish People accessing T.V’s with as much “DISINFORMATION as they can !! Come on people lets March next Sunday 15th March against this CRAP!! Lets demonstrate and have as many of us to March at 2pm. in Glasgow to P.Q and THE B.B.C. H.Q . Lets do this and although its MOTHER’S DAY bring along your Mothers, Fathers ,Wains, and As many People fed up with the Rubbish being “BROADCAST” by them as possible..!!
Perhaps after the election, we could get Iran to mediate in the formation of new government?
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Strange days:
Right wing press galvanise SNP support
Scottish labour in meltdown driving support to SNP
Conservatives want to disenfranchise SNP, suggest SNP being in government ‘ruling England’ would be unthinkable, appalling injustice. Galvanise SNP
Still it keeps coming – anti -Scottish racism: food for the SNP.
Sexist portrayals of our First Minister: drink for the SNP.
Calling every man woman and child in Scotland a bunch of incestuous scrounging ginger provincial tartan bla bla bla….
If these fuckers are trying to derail the SNP I think they need to look at their strategy.
@ Robert Peffers
You’re our constitution boffin so I’ve got a question which should theoretically be simple to answer or maybe I’ve just somehow got hold of the wrong end of the stick.
Is there anything in the Acts of Union/treaty, from 1707, which would inhibit the termination, by one of the two signatories, of the treaty?
Are we quite literally caught in a trap with no exit unless the Scots in a majority vote decide to go?
UDI is something that I don’t favour as it would be nothing more than a desperate attempt at independence when really everything else has failed.
We have many days and many papers per day. The ‘compendium of stupidity’ will, when published, be a very weighty tome.
Excellent spoonerism!
Their picture may well be of Tasmina … from about 15 years ago when she left the tories.
Obviously sticklers for accuracy, The Sun.
Is this the same Sun that Alec Salmond courted so assiduously in 2011/12?
Chools says:
So when do we march on London?
Don’t quote me on this Chools but I have heard a wee *ahem* rumour that the date has been set … it is … May 8th! 😀
Best get all your packing in order and get them walking.marching boots … erm … run in! 😛
Is that picture supposed to put people off Nicola?
Won’t work 🙂
Well its started guys and we have this for the next few weeks, they are trying to change peoples minds, so it can only be the people who have not decided. So lets ensure the biggest impact we can make that’s education….educate educate.
I have to say the Gerard M. Burns portrait of Nicola unveiled today is a definite improvement on that nonsense above – in fact I think it’s fantastic, what a great artist.
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My grandmother was part of a womens organisation that took down hundreds of 1st World War recruitment posters aimed at Unionists in Belfast, got the train to Dundalk, where the posters were swapped with posters from other activists from Dublin.
Then both groups of women returned to Dublin and Belfast and put up all the posters up in the opposite city – huge embarrassment for Westminster when they were exposed as ‘stirring the pot’and lying to everyone.
Do we have anyone working in the distribution centre of the Sun?
Phil Robertson
Not sure of your point? Should this article not have been published because of the Sun’s support in that election? Is the Sun beyond criticism from SNP supporters as a result of that support? Genuine question.
Ah wee touch of the Fatima Whitbread in that photo of Nicole,an when she throws the Javlin it’ll strike the Heart of Westminster. throw throw yer spear merrily merrily in they,re REAR.
(Low) Life imitating Art…good attempt Sun but still nowhere near as good as…
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yesterday ‘scottish sun editorial called scottish labours manifesto crackpot
I believe everyone has the absolute right to be offensive. Nobody has the absolute right not to be offended. However, this crosses the line. It crosses the line so far, you can’t even see it anymore. It’s disappeared into the far distance. The Sun and/or the The Scottish Sun, should spike this page, and apologise!
Is this the same Sun that Alec Salmond courted so assiduously in 2011/12?
Nope. This is the English Sun.
The Scottish Sun, The Scottish Express, The Scottish Daily Mail etc., do not dare print their anti-Scottish swivel eyed lunacy in their Scottish editions.
The Scottish Sun hasn’t said which way they are leaning but I’m willing to bet they are steering well clear of this mentalist nonsense.
Obviously it’s aimed at the Suns English readership, as is most of the establishment press’s depiction of Scots, Scotland & the SNP, the question is WHY?
Regarding Mhairi Black (MP I hope) and Celtic.
Mhairi and her family are Catholics and the majority of them are Celtic supporters.
Mhairi , for some reason started supporting Partick Thistle, so when Celtic visited her football club a few years back, they gubbed Thistle and there was some damage done to the stadium.
This all happened when she was sixteen years old and she was also not happy with Celtic, so this Tweet about hating Celtic was born.
And the rest is history, as they say.
You beat me to it! I was just about to post that painting, which is an amazing piece of artwork.
I’ve been very tempted to get it put on a t-shirt in the run up to the GE.
Nicola, looking hot and a lady with brains, what’s not to love.
don’t MSM England not understand that we see their press and the English see our excuse for one.
Kevin Schofield of the English Sun is an Ex-Scot and a wee Unionist arsehole.
He actually regrets being born a Scot. It eats away at him, day in, day out.
“Why me, why me? why did I have to be born so far away from London.”
Wow, just wow.
Found this article in the London English Standard. Things are definitely getting worse.
By our political editor.
We live in difficult times. Since the expenses scandal it has become very difficult for an honest MP to sneak through claims for a chocolate fountain or a goose sanctuary. My own MP claimed for a herd of truffling swine for his 800 acre estate. He’s paid some of it back and anyway, that was then and this is now. Our political superiors have better things to do at the moment than square away their debts to the electorate. Like denigrating the Scots; a pastime close to my heart.
Let’s start with the facts. We all know from McTernan’s briefing notes to all major parties that the Jocks are feckless whiners. But not everyone knows that for three hundred years their greedy lips have been permanently fastened to the welfare teat of the British state, like barnacles to the hull of a Calmac Ferry.
Propagandists like me, who masquerade as serious journalists are often accused—unfairly in my opinion—of bias against Nationalists. That’s why I recently decided, in the interests of balanced reporting, to take a trip to Scotland to find out just how awful it was up there.
I’d never been to Scotland before; I was always worried I’d catch something. I understood it to be up north somewhere. I purchased a Tube ticket for the north and ended up at Watford Junction. Apparently you can’t get any further north from central London. In the end I couldn’t be bothered going. So I Googled ‘Scotland’ to save me the bother. I was gob-smacked by what I learned.
First off I thought the north ended at Newcastle but apparently it doesn’t. There’s a lot more north up there than you think. And a lot more Scots. There’s over 5 million of them; so much for the Highland Clearances.
I was most disturbed however to discover that Jocks have two heads. This would explain why, under the Barnett formula’s per capita calculation, they have been getting twice the amount of hand-outs from the British State than they deserve! Dirty. Thieving. Bastards.
Atop the bare-faced cheek of this shameless money grab comes the smack in the coupon that the SNP is to add free clothing to the list of existing Stalinist–style give-aways such as free prescription charges, school meals and bus passes for the elderly.
This is to be a universal benefit. So even the Laird o’ Cockpen will trouser his share of the loot. The cost of these garments is to be financed by a tax on Cockneys. And although Jim Murphy has pledged 1000 more kilts out of the Scottish budget, we will effectively foot the lion’s share of the bill.
So what, you say? Well, be aware that where we can get by with a couple of M&S shirts, several pairs of trousers, a dress bowler, an unfurled umbrella and six pairs of Crockett and Jones hand-made shoes, your Jock can’t. The complete Scottish get up (known as the Full Bonnie Prince Charlie) consists of Brogues, jacket, waistcoat, Argyll socks with matching semmit, an overly complicated shirt, a sporran to hold benefit payments and a Tam o’ Shanter fit to scare the sheep.
According to Wikipedia Scotia the Scottish government have issued a command that the Full Bonnie Prince Charlie must be worn at all times: at work, in the bath, while running half-marathons and in bed.
This authoritarian SNP bad attitude extends its tendrils into the social sphere too. Turn up at a Ceilidh wearing anything less than the Full Bonnie and the music will screech to a halt. You’ll have your head jammed in the bellows of a piano accordion shortly before getting McChucked oot.
The cost of all this to England? Including the two-heads scam plus free Bonnie Prince Charlies for yin and a’: Around £100 billion.
That’s enough to pay for stuff that really matters: the high speed railway, Trident renewal and a bunch of metropolitan infrastructure projects. With prudent management we might even have enough left over to support down at heel bankers.
And how do the Jocks repay our generosity? They vote for the wrong party! Honestly. We told them we loved them. It wasn’t enough. Now they want to come down to our manor, waving their crummocks about. Voting on our issues.
Ingrates. It was bad enough when we gave them a say in their own affairs. Now they want a say in our affairs too. It’s a catastrophe. It’s a disaster. It’s a catastrophic disaster. It’s a disastrous catastrophe just waiting to happen.
Mark these words: Very soon the fifth horseman of the apocalypse: Scottish independence, will be upon us. ‘I looked, and there came a pale horse! And its rider was named Sammin, and fifty of his mates were following close behind him.’
Make peace with your Gods readers. The end of days is upon us.
Shocking portrayal of our FM. But she, just like us, are smelling their fear.
From one wise woman to a stupid one – or is she? Here is a quote from Shirley Williams on the SNP (courtesy of the Huffington Post) . And to me it reads as a tantamount admission that Scotland would have been better off without the lot of them.
“They are asking for things they would be entitled to if they had won the referendum. Although they have got a remarkable machine, I accept that, and a remarkable campaign, what they haven’t been reasonable about is they can not expect to get everything form the UK that they would have got if they had won the referendum.”
“THEY WOULD HAVE GOT IF THEY HAD WON.” Cheers Shirley. Your days and the rest of your crew are over. Sayonara
Coming up on STV+1 soon, an interview with artist who did portrait of The First Minister. Interesting discussion, if not antidote to the ‘portrait’ shown above.
People suffering through Tory/LibDem austerity cuts. A growing demand for Foodbanks. Pay day loans still taking advantage of the poor. Zero hours contracts growing in use. Tax avoidance becoming the norm for the wealthiest. The Oil industry on the brink of failure.
…and what do we have as the MSM’s fixation. 10 percent of Westminster numbers will still be made up of Scottish MPs.
Have to agree with Tam Jardine more of this the better for voters with half a brain.
Have a look at Huffington Post video of CAMERON YOU’RE SO TORY SUPERMARKET.
To be fair..
That was quite funny…and nice to see such a pisstake humour attempt making the LS. Usually it really is serious ‘Woe the Scots’ pieces if we make a mention in the nightly feature
@ joemcg
“rats in kilts”
Lol that would be the McClangers..
Clootie says:
…and what do we have as the MSM’s fixation. 10 percent of Westminster numbers will still be made up of Scottish MPs.
How I wish that was not the case, and Scotland was free from Westminster.
I think it’s no.3 Devo Max that is upsetting them. The Treasury would lose 90% of the oil revenues. How awful.
And they’re not too good with photoshop either. The head is too big for the rest of the body. For a slur it isn’t very effective. Must try harder.
That is delightfully barmy. The Treasury would lose 90% of the oil revenues, but Scotland wouldn’t gain anything and would in fact lose even more.
It’s true, this lot is written for a reading and comprehension age of about seven.
Excuse my naivety, but given the target audience, isn’t this just the pro-tory press trying to scare England against supporting Labour?
Although it all appears (and is) anti-Scottish – is it not just to draw a facade over the Tories poor support and at the same time to boost it’s support in the south by it’s standard fear mongering tactics?
Maybe it will work for some voters, but equally it might highlight the idea for old school labour voters that if Scotland votes SNP (and that support Labour but with compromises) then what you get is ‘old Labour’ not new Labour?
But then I guess it’s the (self perceived) ‘middle England’ left-leaning (right-ish) demographic they are trying to scare…those are the Tory floaters.
Caz M. Same as Mhairi Black. I am Catholic , Partick fan and all my family are Celtic fans. The Labour party are just eejits. I bet Douglas Alexander hates Celtic more than Mhairi.
Better looking at Nicola’s tin helmet in the Sun than Alex’s shiny helmet. lol.
@Craig Wilson
Indeed, many papers can officially be read by five year olds. It’s called the fog index, and it’s a real thing. It’s a measurement of how challenging a piece of prose is, on average.
The Metro once had a fog index that was so low that it qualified as literature for infants.
Papers often know their fog index and work to it, as it is effectively their target audience. The Sun’s clumsy Duplo sentences, that lead the reader to their foregone agenda-driven conclusions in the most simplistic manner possible, may someday be responsible for creating the world’s first negative fog index. Reading the Sun actually makes you dumber by killing your brain. But hey, at least they throw us feudal serfs a bone by chucking in some boobies and football.
Well anyway, after a long days’ haggis hunting, i’m off for a quick Gay Gordons and some intercourse with my cousins.
@ Midgehunter
Have you read the rather interesting article penned by Hazel Lewry dated Saturday 16 Feb 2013 titled “Is The Treaty of Union Already Dead?”
link to
I’m struggling here as I don’t want to thought of as a prude.
But I do find this to be very offensive. Not just to our First Minister but to women in general.
So over the last few days they have insulted my homeland, my race and now my gender.
Most women have received sexism comments, we learn to brush them off. We don’t like them but they happen so often it seems churlish to object. But this goes too far. Our First Minister is a serious politician who does not deserve to be objectified in this way.
Reasons to be fearful.. strange? Nowhere does the Sun mention it’s previous journo and editor of the News of the World Andy Coulson going on trial in scotland soon for Perjury.
I’m sure they’ll have a big double page spread for that. 😀
Caz M
Ref Mhairi Black , thank you and well said .
MB is where she is today on merit .
I’m not up to speed on the others involved in the hustings with her , but they will undoubtably have been of high calibre candidates .
I’m not proud of things I have said or done as an adult never mind when I was 16 .
I really wish her the very best in may , she deserves our support .
Also I may be imagining things, but I picture a conversation between David Hamilton (DH) and the ‘Party Tone Official’ (PTO) as follows-
PTO: ‘and here where you say ‘Nazi Gerry Helmet’ – we can’t sanction that.’
DH: ‘Bloody Hell! These bloody Nazi’s are stealing our old ideas, our old policies, our old votes and if we don’t do something, our f****n jobs! And our bloody expense accounts!’
PTO: ‘Can I suggest a compromise? Maybe “Tin helmets” might work?”
DH: ‘Are you saying I have to say that?’
PTO:’Well, yes’
DH:’Well if that’s the party line I’ll tow it – but it’ll be f*****n shit.’
PTO:’Trust me, it will have the effect you are looking for…’
Big Jock 11.59pm
Dougie Alexander is my MP and I emailed him about how he got the Daily Record to dig the dirt on Mhairi. He has went quite on that front, so has the Record.
I met Mhairi last week and I would rather have her representing me at Westminster than the London Labour man, Alexander.
I lived in England for the past six years. The Sun had an anti-Scottish offensive article most days. I learned that in England a Scot will be tolerated but will never, never, ever, ever be regarded as ‘one of us’. Endemic, systematic and intrinsic racism against Scots is so natural, so common on a daily basis that they do not even know they are doing it. The Sun, however, knows exactly what it’s doing. If I remember correctly the journalist who spouted the worst anti-Scottish bile had a Scottish sounding name like Bill Leckie? I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m wrong.
Awe naw the british press huv geid us a day aff, Clarkstons front page news.
What a bunch of Zoomerists!
Bill Leckie came out as YES referendum,if guys like him can switch,diff ballpark general election
Terry at 11.37 quoting Shirley Williams MP.
“They are asking for things they would be entitled to if they had won the referendum. Although they have got a remarkable machine, I accept that, and a remarkable campaign, what they haven’t been reasonable about is they can not expect to get everything form the UK that they would have got if they had won the referendum.”
I noticed that article too. Sad, really.
You see, for years Shirley Williams was accepted by us as a sane, honest, voice of the liberal classes. When she spoke we listened.
Two years intense debate have opened our eyes.
Only now do we realise she was always talking about England, never Scotland.
Tackety Beets 12.20am
If Dougie Alexander continues to go down the smearing of Mhairi Black route to retain his seat, then in my opinion, he is backing a loser.
And Alexander, if you are reading this, don’t think we have forgot all about you. You and Sarwar are still in our thoughts. The Rev will collar you two in his own time.
You’re never a Minister’s son? You’re a disgrace, that’s what you are!
Very funny stuff with Clarkson given Top Gear resembles a pensioners day out these days thanks to Clarkson. This is also the multi-millionaire who attends Cameron’s posh parties but puts on a cringingly fake ‘blokey’ accent for Top Gear.
You would need a heart of stone not to laugh at the posh racist twat. 😀
frankieboy 12.36am
I am sure Bill Leckie of the Sun, came out for YES just before the Referendum.
@Grouse Beater
Shirley Williams also sold out for Clegg and was wheeled out at the lib dem conference to help ram through the disasterous Lansley NHS reforms.
Not that any of that should be a surprise given that Baroness Williams is a life peer and just yet more proof that the lib dems will never be serious about getting rid of the anti-democratic House of Lords.
She’s just another establishment stooge in the end.
@frankieboy 12.36am
If your comments are restricted to MSM (and I believe they are) then I cannot disagree.
I do not think you are trying to suggest that the English in general are anti-Scots. In my experience they are not. Saying that there is a peculiarity which I have noticed. Staying with English friends they are often surprised when we Scots bring or leave a ‘thank-you’ gift. It is not something they expect or require. In return Scots often expect such a consideration and are equally surprised by the apparent lack of gratitude in return.
It’s a convention thing. They assume they are family – we assume we are guests. Neither is right or wrong. In some ways each have their appeal.
Miliband urged to “do a Wilson” and rule out any deal with the SNP
Michael Settle
UK Political Editor
Wednesday 11 March 2015
ED Miliband has been urged to “do a Wilson” and rule out any deal with Nicola Sturgeon as senior Labour sources claimed that most members of the Shadow Cabinet believed the party leader should publicly reject a post-election alliance.
Lord Donoughue, former Head of the No 10 Policy Unit under Labour Prime Ministers Harold Wilson and James Callaghan, told The Herald: “It’s absolutely essential that the Labour leader comes out as soon as possible, well before the election, against any deal with the Scottish Nationalists. That way, he will make potential SNP supporters realise they can’t vote Scottish Nationalist and get a coalition government.”
The Labour peer insisted it was unacceptable to have separatists doing deals with a Labour administration as they would seek in various ways to undermine the United Kingdom.
“I was there in 1974 when Harold Wilson ruled out a coalition with the benign Liberals. It is possible to rule out undesirable deals, as Wilson did, and end up as Prime Minister. Ed Miliband should not be afraid of doing a Wilson; after all Harold won four out of five elections.”
Lord Donoughue argued that by ruling out a deal the Labour leader would be regarded by the public as acting out of “courage and principle” and added: “It would be entirely to his credit.”
The peer claimed several Labour colleagues in the Lords supported this line; Lord Foulkes, the former Scotland Office Minister, has already urged the party leader to reject any tie-up with the SNP.
Another colleague said: “Ed should not do any deal with the Nationalists. He should challenge them to vote him down,” noting how this was what happened in 1979 – the anniversary of which falls on March 28 – when SNP MPs voted against the Callaghan government and “heralded in” 13 years of Margaret Thatcher as PM.
At Westminster, there is a growing belief among the party’s front and backbenchers that it is a matter of “when not if” the Labour leader will announce he is ruling out any post-poll deal with Ms Sturgeon’s party.
One source suggested it is Jim Murphy, the Scottish Labour leader, who is particularly fearful what impact ruling out a deal with the SNP could have on those soft Labour voters, who voted Yes in September’s referendum and who might now be torn between voting Labour and supporting the Nationalists on May 7.
Most voters in Scotland, when asked in opinion polls, say their preferred option is a Lab-SNP alliance.
Thus far, the Labour leadership has held the line that the party does not want, is not seeking and will not need any deal with the SNP. Their mantra is vote Labour, get Labour. Yet the opinion polls suggest this is not yet having an impact on Scottish voters.
But many figures in the party are viscerally opposed to having any post-poll arrangement with the Nationalists, whom just months ago they fought tooth and nail against to maintain the Union. Indeed, there are suggestions some might resign their party membership if any deal with the Nationalists were ever done.
“Most of the party wants Ed to rule it out. Most of the Shadow Cabinet, indeed, most MPs want him to rule it out,” said a senior insider.
It is suggested Ed Balls, the Shadow Chancellor, and Andy Burnham, the Shadow Health Secretary, are among those particularly keen for their leader to rule out any deal with Ms Sturgeon before the election.
Research has shown that Sun readers, Daily record readers and other Red tops fall within the same demographic, inasmuch as they look at the front page, read the headline, but then if their are more than 8 lines of text they stop reading
Turning to the inside pages these readers then only read a few lines of the top left of about 4 pages then glance to the right of the paper momentarily before boredom overcomes them and they turn to the back sports and work inwards scanning for heavy printed items which are deemed to be more important
The research has proven that beyond doubt these readers only purpose in buying the aforementioned papers is one of habit and comfort, in that the world exists, and they themselves are a part of it
As for acquiring information this is achieved by the use of
TV and friends
Proving with absolute certainty
They know F..k all about F..k all
@Dr Jim 1.19am
So are you saying the my idea (it’s trying to influence them to vote Tory) might be wrong and the paper is actually trying to convince them that want see more of Nicola (cos she is a fit lass) may be the case ?
frankieboy says:
If I remember correctly the journalist who spouted the worst anti-Scottish bile had a Scottish sounding name like Bill Leckie? I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m wrong.
I think you may be getting Bill Leckie confused with Krelvin MacKenzie there Frankieboy.
Good old Kelvin ah where would we be today without dear dear old Kelvin and he *ahem* love of Scotland and all things Scottish? 😀
Mmmmmmmmm…… Sexy niki!!!
Strange thing this inferiority complex which plagues these MSM journalists and WM politicians.
They spout their anger and bile from the comfort of their desks in Londonland. They show their bravado against the six Scottish Nationalist MPs, while surrounded by six hundred or so of their mates.
When they do venture out of their safety zone into that northern savage outpost, once more they surround themselves with a chosen audience with no danger of rebuttal.
Incapable of putting forward a set of viable, workable policies, they club together and scare, frighten and bully the electorate with smears and lies.
Yeah, I can imagine the thought of 50 or so gatecrashers to their party giving them a severe case of diarrhoea.
What a sorry set of individuals. Let’s terminate this fetid union of corruption in May. Coalition? I wouldn’t lower ourselves to work with any of them.
Do I detect a slight tinge of cynicism there 😉 Poor Kelvin such a deluded vile apology of a man.
Paul Joseph Goebbels (29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was Adolf Hitler’s Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany.
Several quotations have been attributed to him of late,
which have elements in them which are not true.
One of them is that the truth is the enemy of the lie.
The enemy of the lie, is in fact the light,
because when a lie is brought out into the light,
everyone can see it for what it truly is.
(cf the McCrone Report and The Official Secrets Act)
The enemy of the truth is fear,
because it is fear that persuades a person to tell a lie,
lest by telling the truth, a sanction may follow.
(Self-evident – just ask any human being.
For an expert opinion, ask a politician)
Mr Goebbels is rather over rated as a source of enlightenment,
particularly since he and his movement were given over to darkness.
I think I should quote our bard Robert (as he preferred to call himself) Burns – as my final post for this evening. I feel it is most apt.
‘O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!’
@Manandboy 1.59am
I said previously that it was my last post for the night – I lied.
I feel inclined to jump in where the MSM is about to tread and take you out of context Cyber-Nazi quotes Goebbels as inspiration!
But they won’t mention National Newspaper in context abuse scandal!!!
Sorry if this is mis-judged x
(apologies for the lack of exclamations)
I think you’ve nailed it. This is aimed at the English Labour voter. Destroy their confidence in any potential Labour support in commons. The Tories are well aware that they are ontae plums trying to influence a vote in Scotland therefore plan B. They’re going all out for a majority in England. That is after all where the decision of who runs the UK is actually made.
How and ever they’ve just spent several years telling people how much better things are in Scotland than they are in England. How we basically have everything we need and then some because of the UK parliament. Its pretty much accepted that for some reason the bothersome Jocks are making quite a fist of running their own show. This is somewhat at odds with their current strategy of barbarian neds to coming to commons to tell them how to run ‘their’ country.
I mean, if the barbarians have done so well running their own affairs to date on shoestring parish council powers, they must be doing something right, yes? Quite a circle for them to square. We’ve either been given too much power and money, which we’ve used to improve the lot of the Scottish electorate successfully, or we’re barbarian neds who will ruin their country…. just because?
In either event their dual approach north and south of the border works for us. It makes it easy to expose their hypocrisy over UK politics and attitudes, the naked manipulation of perceptions an establishment and their media practice on a daily basis.
Isn’t the interwebby wonderful? 🙂
Democracy for Dummies vs MSM hysteria.
1) Is an English vote worth the same as a Scottish vote?
2) does an English MP have the same status as a Scottish MP?
3) Can like minded MPs (from any part of UK) coalesce into voting groups or blocks (parties)?
4) Can these groups vote as a block for the benefit of their constituents?
The answer to each of the above is, obviously, YES.
So why all the nastiness and bigotry in the press?
This is my view.
We have never been, are not and will never be viewed as equals in the Union, we are views more as a possession or, date I say, colony.
How dare we try to have an equal seat at the table?
It is as simple as that.
Better together but better remember your place!!!
The majority of UK will agree they want some of that. Popular policies. Any Scottish deficit is £2Billion (extremely small – there would have been funds to cover that), with a few adjustment to the Scottish economic policies. A tax on ‘loss leading’ drink being sold at less than production costs, would save £Billions, so would cutting Trident. A cut in Oil tax (now 80%+) would save jobs and help the economy. The ConDems increased it 11% (£2Billion) a year in the 2011 Budget.
The rest of the UK is borrowing and spending £90Billion more and are paying less taxes. (Pro rata £9Billion). (Foreign) Multinationals are making vast profits and tax evading through the City of London. Creating unfair competition and damaging British business. London is the tax haven Capital of the world (Thatcher) damaging fair competition and world trade.
When the ConDems came to power £600Billion was collected in taxes. Now £456 is collected in taxes. The ConDems were elected to protect NHS/Education and cut the deficit. Manifesto promises. They cut the deficit by cutting NHS £2Billion+ a year (savings?) and Education £3Billion+ a year. A cut of £20Billion overall with no increase for inflation (2%?). The ConDem have made cuts on the most vulnerable. Sanctioning and starving the most vulnerable. Cold, malnourished, worried people get sick. The wealthy who caused the economic crash have been rewarded with tax cuts. Austerity doesn’t work it costs more. 40 years of debt cannot be repaid in 4 years. It is impossible. Tory slash and burn solves nothing.
Who would wear boots like that, except to boot Cameron/Osbourne, ConDems out of Downng Street. Failures.
Newspaper readership Is drastically falling. No wonder with nonsense they print. Most people in the UK do not read the rubbish. ‘Journalists’ making it up or putting their foot in it. Most of them should be in jail for illegal Acts, hacking and bribing public officials. A criminal offence in the US where the Sun management is based.
They did print Cameron in his shorts, not a pretty sight, and portray him as a condom. A ConDem condom.
LOL maybe we should hire out billboards and post these articles up on them and stating which paper wrote it.
It wouldn’t be long before Scotland would be growling under its breath…
This picture of our first minister is both sexist and racist, I am outraged, surely we must do something about this. I am so kittled up and ready for a fight.
Crivvens will somebody no tell Nicla tae get some claes oan she’ll catch her death ,silly lassie!
Macart says @ 9.17pm
“I’ll try and contain my disappointment. No, really, I’m fine (sniff).!
Im sorry Macart I dont mean to laugh but bwahahahahaha I’ll be ok in a minute mwhahahahahaha, no I hahahahahahaha sorry!
Wait a minute, “reasons to be fearful”? is that no a song?
cearc says @9.25pm
“So when do we get the mock-ups of Cameron, Milliband and Clegg in their speedos?
In the interest of political balance of not for titillation of course.”
Effijy @
If I had a pound for every ill advised comment I’ve made on here Effijy I would be able to go to Burntisland for a week in a caravan, likewise the last sentence would have been better left unsaid eh?
Stoker says @ 9.45
“ffs, didn’t even bother reading any of it as soon as i seen the doctored picture.”
Gee thanks Stoker, what have I ever done to you?
I choose to believe that pictures real ok?
cearc says:
10 March, 2015 at 9:46 pm
I don’t think a burkah would have quite the same effect though!
Oh I dont know cearc they do say less is more,
I I I… eh … mean less in the sense of less showing Oh jings!
Irene that’s no whit Aa meant oooh ouch!
Whit a meant darlin is that it is all in the eyes, ooh ouch arg oof.
Mealer says @ 9.41
That Paula Rose gets everywhere.
Snigger. 🙂
Aam sayin nuthin!
Aa goat a leatherin affy Paula Rose at the Inversnecky inn. 🙁
Fiona says @ 9.47pm
“I can’t take that portrayal of Ms Sturgeon lightly. I don’t think it is a bit of fun; I don’t think it matters whether she is “fit” or not.”
Aye your richt Fiona.
Aw you folk oot there stoap sniggering like wee boays behind the bikeshed wi a centerfold (whitever that is)
meanwhile heres a short interlude with female politicians doing their job in a serious and purposeful manner:
link to (aye no bad)
link to (oh cumon, you would)
link to (jings! ye can see her breeks 😉 )
link to (oh the irony, they don’t like men in dresses, does Duncan know? come to that does Alex know?)
link to (ah that’s from my private collection I dont know how that happened, sorry)
Joemcg says @ 9.59pm
Did the Daily Star have pictures of rats in kilts?! That would be a hoot!
Like this you mean?
link to
Am gaun am gaun theres nae need tae shove.
Chools says @ 10.33pm
So when do we march on London?
Yer no leavin that table until yeav eaten yer porridge.
Tam Jardine @ 10.46
Cuddis @ 11.37
Are you effin serious?
dae ye ken whit time it is?
My favourite part is the little bio of Pete Wishart “former member of Scottish rock group Runrig” 🙂
I mean Runrig might not be to everyone’s taste, but bad enough to scare folks into changing their votes?
Sky Press review last nite Kaye Adams saying she went through the Referendem ( she should get a badge) You will Kaye wan that say,s P45.
Here in England, there’s only very mild interest so far, so they’re trying to get it going.
The Clarkson tragedy is breaking so many BBC hearts etc but issues like HS2 rail into the North is what really gets interest, HS rail from London into Manchester and Sheffield and HS Leeds/Manchester, regenerating large city centers with new rail stations and transport hubs. Its all a massive boost for the actual country, England. Just the idea that Scotland is hundreds of miles from the HS network doesn’t even exist.
Ed Balls the failed Chancellor and Andy Burnham, the failed Health Secretary have done enough damage already. Blair and Brown should be in jail for what they did. Illegal wars, tax evasion and banking fraud. Westminster get away with murder, illegal wars, child abuse, tax evasion, massive fraud and misuse of public money. They break the Laws that they make. Westminster secrecy and lies, covered up by the Official Secrets Act.
Where’s the Chilcot verdict? It is being covered up by unelected civil servants, breaking every rule in the book. The book should be throw at them.
Hi Cuddis.
I read that “London English Standard” article as satirising the stuff being put out by the London-centric media.
HS2 will make rail journey’s to and through Scotland even longer. Rail journeys through Scotland already take up to 60mins longer because the rail line from the Cental belt to the North has not even been electrified. That is the priory for Scotland. Not a £70Billion extension with not business case and not enough passenger base. A White elephant which will always have to be subsidised with public money. Osbourne’s and the associates, personal pension plan a massive grab of public money.
Anywhere but Heathrow, massively subsidised with Public money. It takes a day to get through it, plus the expense of an overnight stay. Not a good passenger experience. It’s already too big for a positive customer experience. APT should be devolved and other airports would flourish, it would ease congestion, improve traveller satisfaction and a pleasant journey.
Crivvens will somebody no tell Nicla tae get some claes oan she’ll catch her death ,silly lassie!
Macart says @ 9.17pm
“I’ll try and contain my disappointment. No, really, I’m fine (sniff).!
Im sorry Macart I dont mean to laugh but bwahahahahaha I’ll be ok in a minute mwhahahahahaha, no I hahahahahahaha sorry!
Wait a minute, “reasons to be fearful”? is that no a song?
cearc says @9.25pm
“So when do we get the mock-ups of Cameron, Milliband and Clegg in their speedos?
In the interest of political balance of not for titillation of course.”
Effijy @
If I had a pound for every ill advised comment I’ve made on here Effijy I would be able to go to Burntisland for a week in a caravan, likewise the last sentence would have been better left unsaid eh?
Stoker says @ 9.45
“ffs, didn’t even bother reading any of it as soon as i seen the doctored picture.”
Gee thanks Stoker, what have I ever done to you?
I choose to believe that pictures real ok?
cearc says:
10 March, 2015 at 9:46 pm
I don’t think a burkah would have quite the same effect though!
Oh I dont know cearc they do say less is more,
I I I… eh … mean less in the sense of less showing Oh jings!
Irene that’s no whit Aa meant oooh ouch!
Whit a meant darlin is that it is all in the eyes, ooh ouch arg oof.
Mealer says @ 9.41
That Paula Rose gets everywhere.
Snigger. 🙂
Aam sayin nuthin!
Aa goat a leatherin affy Paula Rose at the Inversnecky inn. 🙁
Fiona says @ 9.47pm
“I can’t take that portrayal of Ms Sturgeon lightly. I don’t think it is a bit of fun; I don’t think it matters whether she is “fit” or not.”
Aye your richt Fiona.
Aw you folk oot there stoap sniggering like wee boays behind the bikeshed wi a centerfold (whitever that is)
meanwhile heres a short interlude with female politicians doing their job in a serious and purposeful manner:
link to (aye no bad)
link to (oh cumon, you would)
link to (jings! ye can see her breeks 😉 )
link to (oh the irony, they don’t like men in dresses, does Duncan know? come to that does Alex know?)
link to (ah that’s from my private collection I dont know how that happened, sorry)
Joemcg says @ 9.59pm
Did the Daily Star have pictures of rats in kilts?! That would be a hoot!
Like this you mean?
link to
Am gaun am gaun theres nae need tae shove.
Chools says @ 10.33pm
So when do we march on London?
Yer no leavin that table until yeav eaten yer porridge.
Tam Jardine @ 10.46
Cuddis @ 11.37
Are you effin serious?
dae ye ken whit time it is?
Supposed duplicate post, so I’ll just change it by adding this
link to 🙂
There’s clear UKOK planning going on media wise, transport, investment, you name it.
Proud Scot buts voted for the UK and the UK is England. Any perception or consideration in HS rail planning going anywhere near to Scotland simply does not exist, either for the planners or Englands rail passengers.
This is what proud Scot buts voted for, an non existent region much further north than the actual real North, some great pay oil jobs in Aberdeen, some public sector jobs but otherwise, their Scotland region is either a joke or an irritant.
The SUN says Scotland’s a great joke today, rancid Graun says Scots are incestuous clowns doing the heeland fling and into S&M, Daily Heil Express say Scots YES voters are neo nazi’s to be hunted and exposed to ridicule or worse and on it goes.
Dont break up our country, we let you be, unless we need cheap jokes.
Thanks again proud Scot buts.
Pitchfork says @ 07.00
“I mean Runrig might not be to everyone’s taste, but bad enough to scare folks into changing their votes?”
Ah but spell Runrig backwards what do you get? MURDER.
well it is Sun readers were talking about here. 🙂
BBC really seems to have an agenda re immigration. A wee phone in on GMS this morning if anyone fancies a go.
How about a wee poll of our own, a wide ranging one on the BBC itself, covering its trust, bias, lack of openness, hiding levels of complaints etc.
Sad, just sad!
In an independent Scotland with a renewed media, should Kaye Adams, Eleanor Bradford, Jackie Bird,Gary Robertson at al be forgiven and allowed to continue in their posts?
Just tae remind us who we are
link to
If it was Miliband in a leopard skin loincloth swinging in a Tarzan-like fashion? Heseltine? If it was Nicola in leopard skin loincloth and bra swinging in a Tarzaness-like fashion? Give her tartan just to highlight the Scottish aspect.
Is this not standard fare in a light entertainment funnybook such as the Sun.Salmond in loincloth would be a giggle.Not my sort of thing,but there you are.
Aa see ma favourite weather wummun won a… a…a giant ..bottle….opener?
Links Market early this year?
Weel done Carol Aa!
An fur aw you heathens that dinnae ken whit the links market is
link to
From the ridiculous to the sublime.
One for all the girls, of a certain age.
Be careful though if you have drunk a lot of tea or coffee.
link to
@ John King.
Thanks for that, nice wee start to the morning.
Talking of fat, stupid English racist clowns…no not Steve Bell, apparently Jeremy Clarkson has 160,000 fuds online backing his reinstatement for banjoing a producer.
Oh and BBC Scotland is trying to whip up anti-immigrant feelings with their ‘sample’ of ‘Scottish’ opinion. Call UKAYE and join in the faux .
All weapons now aimed clearly at Jockland to prevent the rats marching south.
Tartan DM’s surely?
On of these days
link to
BtP @ 8.29
I…I..I… oh never mind.
Irene’ll read it. 😉
Ronnie Anderson
You must have had nightmares last night Ronnie. Looking at Kaye Adams face just before you go to bed is NOT recommended.
I have heard that she has done away with her burglar alarm and has instead stuck a photograph of herself on all her windows.
Ok, Ok. But this Unionist slave to the Scottish Labour Party deserves all she gets.
And BBC Radio Scotland have even given her a new three hour phone-in show, starting in a week or two, which will run right up to the election in May and beyond.
link to
Any mention on the bbc or in the papers?
link to
@ Capella
“And they’re not too good with photoshop either. The head is too big for the rest of the body. For a slur it isn’t very effective. Must try harder.”
Think of the image more as a cartoon.
Most women would scan it and then put it down out of disinterest or disgust. They would not take time to examine how the mock up was done and is it all proportional.
Men on the other had would not look at the head.
@ john king
you liked it!
Was only half-listening to radio when I got up, and last item before the 8.30 news (or perhaps it WAS the 8.30 RS headlines) was some guff about Churchill…
When I got back into the room after making a cup of tea and seeing off the weans, there was only a few minutes remaining and they were interviewing someone about Queen Victoria’s love of the Highlands, and the first time she tried haggis…
…now it’s over to LW, who’s going to spend her whole shift talking about immigration.
Am I still asleep?
Isn’t it good to know that we are on he opposing side of stuff like this.
The utter fuckwittery involved in the current Conservative strategy is staggering in both its short term aims and short sightedness. Ed, for once, is quite right to keep his face shut, although God knows that he and his team heartily took part in cooking up and promoting the seeds of this narrative over the past three years (thoughtless arseholes).
I suppose we shouldn’t mind really. They are after all doing a great deal of our heavy lifting for us, in terms of revealing what their form of governance is really all about, but we plebs do all have to cut along together, joint parliament or no after the dust has settled. Yet for all that, these morons (I don’t think there’s any other fit descriptor),… yes these utter and complete morons, are attempting to start an ethnically driven hate campaign in order to win an election.
Is a five year tenure worth decades of ill feeling and mistrust? If you’re a Tory of any stripe, apparently so. Still, better together eh?
Lochside 8.36am
We should get a petition going to keep Jeremy Clarkson suspended, permanently.
Typical little Englander. If you were not a rich, white, Anlgo-Saxon, Church of England male, then you are nothing. You are fair game for Clarkson and Co.
He is in the same mould as those other little Englander’s, Jonathan Ross, Piers Morgan ad Kelvin McKenzie.
I agree with others on here, that all this inflammatory anti-jock racist bile in the right-wing press is nothing to do with Scottish votes and everything to do with persuading the English to vote Tory.
If they can make the English believe that the threat of the Scots invading Westminster to wreck “Britain” is utterly terrifying then everyone will vote Tory to stop it happening. It’s just a strategy, they don’t give a toss if it alienates the whole of Scotland, we don’t vote Tory anyway.
Plus, they won the referendum so shut it Scots and eat your cereal.
Mind you, I’m not so sure what the so-called left wing press are playing at with their anti-jock racist bile, I think it’s supposed to make the Scots vote for the Englishman, Ed Miliband…
BBC have their own agenda in running with an Opinion Poll for three days but no mention whatsover for The National’s front page story on concerns that voters have been removed from the register.
link to
where do you get those masks? 🙂
scotspine says:
“In an independent Scotland with a renewed media, should Kaye Adams, Eleanor Bradford, Jackie Bird,Gary Robertson at al be forgiven and allowed to continue in their posts? ”
I would expect the new Scottish public service broadcaster to cover important news and events in a completely factual, impartial, and non partisan manner. I find it difficult to imagine anyone who has completely failed to do their job properly in the past could be re-employed by the new organisation. It would be irresponsible to recruit staff who have a record of tainting their very public work with personal bias.
Commercial broadcasters with no public subsidy, can do what they want within the law. Perhaps some of those you mention might find employment there.
All this, of course, is dependent on whether they would want to live, and work, in an independent Scotland. Perhaps rUK would beckon.
Nana Smith 8.58am
That attack in Possil comes under Labour MP Willie Bain’s constituency.
I hope he comes out and condemns this and is also reported by BBC Scotland and STV.
Perhaps a job as Jeremy Clarkston’s producer would be a hit.
Très drôle!
Funniest thing I’ve read for ages. Keep up the sharing!
I worry about the voter registration carry on. Does anyone know who created this mess?
Is the same thing happening in the rest of the British isles or is it just Scotland that is targeted?
To save time at this weekend’s rugby match between England and Scotland at Twickers, the two teams have agreed that the one National Anthem will cover the two teams.
So “God Save The Queen” will be played just before kick off.
The North British Rugby supporters club are said to be overjoyed at this breaking news.
@caz-m says
That attack in Possil comes under Labour MP Willie Bain’s constituency.
I hope he comes out and condemns this and is also reported by BBC Scotland and STV.
Hope you are not holding your breath there caz-m!!
Putting up a few links as I have to go out today.
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we wanna be togevar
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I must say I found the front page of the National today a bit alarming and I intend to check that I am on the register despite living in the same house for years.
Corruption in Parliament.
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Morning Call
Is John from Aberdeen on speed dial or the ebc payroll?
He’s on just about every day and everything he says gets turned to SNP bad !
So let me see if I’ve got this right, the unionist empire spent the last three years pulling every dirty trick in the book, and some, to stop us from leaving, just so they could then kick the shit out of us.
No voters must be checking the mirror to see if they have twat stamped on their forehead.
Surely the penny must now be dropping, if not God help us.
Everyone should be double checking they are registered to vote, and it has to be done via your local office.
I have been reading lots of very weird stories of people not being on the register, despite not moving etc.
@John King 7.50
Concerning me knowing the effin time: Not a great sleeper so when I wake at daft o’clock, writing satire always seems better than staring at the inside of my eyelids.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC handle their dilemna over Clarkson. It seems that he brings in about £350 million per year. What to do.
The BBCs attempts to convince Scots that we’re as racist as our English neighbours isn’t really working out to well for them
You can produce all the figures you want on any subject you want but that don’t make it so as the Americans would say
First off you have to ask the right questions to find out the truth which the BBC so obviously didn’t for their own reasons
Second who are you asking “Scots”? why? there are none
coz if there were we would exist as a people on official documents which we don’t
Ever filled in an official form for anything where it says Nationality Scottish?
If you’re from India or Pakistan or China or Asian or almost anywhere there’s a box to tick, Scots have no such choice
We are, whether we like it or not British
Now that’s even less choice that an actual immigrant
We’ve gotten so used to not noticing that we’re considered less than people, even dogs have a box to tick for Breed type
We Scots are not even a breed
When filling in forms of this type i usually create my own little box marked Scottish and happily tick it
Trouble with that is if it’s a government form it invariably comes back…and the reason
So there you go an Indian fella or whoever gets a box
I however am a defacement on British society
But in a way
There’s a kind of comfort in that
Wasn’t the Scottish Parliament reconvened so it surely has the same status and is as permanent as it was 300 years ago? As for sovereignty, the power lies with the people. Not sure the law society is accurate here as they seem to be pushing UK rules UK agenda. Maybe I am wrong. Hope not.
That pic’s just given me a raging tin helmet!
@cuddis, I enjoyed your piece, made me smile, because we do know how to laugh at ourselves,when it’s funny.
On the electoral register, my local SNP branch is saying in North Lanarkshire, letters are coming out to individuals this week to confirm if you are registered or not.
They say due to change in law, households cannot be registered as a group, each individual has to be desperately registered, so if you were on the Register as a child of the householder, you will have dropped off.
Still doesn’t explain a lot of the stories I’ve read.
Better Together
The Best of Both Worlds
Etc, etc, etc…
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to… independence?
(It’s actually frightening how much they hate us. And they do hate us. So fuck ’em. Time to go.)
There are less than 3 weeks before the start of the General Election “Purdah” period which curtails the activities of political parties. It will not be possible to get any of the proposed new powers, which will require a significant number of new Bills, to the statute stage.
Few MPs want extra powers for the Scottish Parliament, (including many Scottish Labour MP’s). They will rebel and vote against proposals for change submitted to the Commons, so there will be a significant number of defeats at the hands of rebels. It may be possible to get proposed legislation through the Commons, (if all parties crack a 3 line whip) But they then go to the House of Lords and delays of up to a year that will bring to the process. So, no change this side of the General Election. More here:
link to
Better Together… OR ELSE!
What next? Mass disenfranchisement? Widespread vote-rigging? Tanks in George Square? Again!
# There may be trouble ahead… #
Serious, serious questions regarding the voters roll, highlighted in the national today.
link to
Scottish Government need to tackle this hard, hard, hard, right away. This cannot be allowed to continue.
Is Scotland just a pretend democracy, with voters removed at Westminster’s whim?? Seems like it. Overseen by the ‘electoral commission’ – upholder of ‘unionist voting only’ democracy.
Electoral registration. You will all have to check to see that you are registered. The whole thing has become a cock-up of gigantic proportions and a great many people have been ‘lost’.
Come the election in May, if you are not registered you will not be able to vote.
Do not trust them. Check up for yourself and make sure that you are registered.
Dear Westminster,
Last year, you, your media puppets, the propagandist BBC and your accolytes all went to great lengths to beg Scotland ‘to stay in this wonderful union of nations’. Can you remind us why?
Cuddis @ 9.59
I hope you know there was an invisible 🙂 on my post. 🙂
I wonder if they asked Milie Cyrus for permission to use her body shot? The Americans like a good law suit and a bit of publicity. Anybody got her phone number, email…..anyone? 🙂
Valerie @ 10.05
“each individual has to be desperately registered,”
Predictive text? 🙂
@ Valerie
“due to change in law, households cannot be registered as a group, each individual has to be ‘desperately’ registered”
Izat what you call a Freudian slip 🙂
I know the National is not everything to all people, but it just me, does it now feel like it has become part of the fabric of Scottish society.
The register to vote site is for those who have moved or are new voters. Anyone else should contact their local electoral (valuation) board to check. The gov UK site said I was not registered but this was flatly denied by the local board, in my case North Ayrshire.
This link reflects the official advice.
link to
However, if in doubt, find your local authoriy and get in touch with its local valuationl board… Do not bother with the gov UK register to vote site.
The system is a farce.
I can’t believe the electoral role would drop people off simply for not being the primary householder. This is either an administrative cock up or a deliberate attempt by some councils to Gerrymander. If the latter then jail should await those responsible.
Good for the National highlighting there is a problem. We need to be proactive and make sure we are registered and at the same time make sure people hear loud and clear if we have been inexplicably removed. There should be no hiding place over this.
Heedtracker & Ken 500
I am on level 2 of a OU course in social science and politics and have just done a report on the arguments for and against the HS2 High speed Rail link.
I have attached a couple of pieces of research you may find interesting.
link to
link to
Got my letter from the election register this week, both my wife and I are still registered. My daughter has “dropped off”.
Gigantic cock-up is an apt description.
Slightly O/T. Just had a reply from IPSO in response to my complaint about racist nature of the Steve Bell incest cartoon.
Quote “IPSO is able to investigate complaints against those publications which are members of the regulatory system. At this time, The Guardian is not a member. As such, we are unfortunately unable to assist you with your concerns.” Unquote.
Chocolate teapots come to mind.
Asked my wife to check her own details on the register via the same link I used. She’s not on it.
She filled in the online application right away, and they acknowledged it, saying that North Ayrshire Council will be informed and they’ll contact her if they need more information.
I filled in my application online yesterday morning. However, by pure coincidence (within an hour of me receiving the acknowledgement) the postie delivered a letter from AVJB dated March 5th, writing to me ..’in connection with your application to be added to the electoral register…I am currently unable to determine your application and must therefore ask you to provide documentary evidence…by 26 March…’ etc…same spiel as others have reported.
We’ve been at this address for 17 years.
Something is very seriously amiss here and we need to kick up fuck to find out what it is – if we don’t, there’ll be no-one else to blame if they steal so much as one vote from our favoured reps.
I have to say that Fife got their forms out a couple of months ago because not only are they in we also instructed them to remove us from the Public Register. If you have not received forms from your council department dealing with this contact them direct.
Am of the understanding that ballot papers are kept and the way you voted recorded (?)
We had problems too but were promised that if registered for the referendum then it would be fine.
The UK would not de register yes voters, that would be cheating!
Swami Backverandah at 1034pm. Interesting that Rupert Murdoch is/was married to Wendy Deng – Deng in Chinese is pronounced “dung”!
Electoral Register in Angus
Neither me or my son have re-registered and I received a letter last week saying that we were both registered to vote at our address. The letter was addressed to The Occupier.
The problem is that the last time a party tried that one a war resulted, in Ireland when in 1919 they elected a majority of Sinn Fein MPs and they duly formed an Irish Home Rule parliament in Dublin.
So the principle may be there but as with a lot of stuff in what passes for the British constitution just try using it. I expect there’s a Catch 22 about Crown powers in there which will trump it. Parliament may not be able to but most of the powers of the Crown lie in No10 and the Cabinet Office these days and they work by different rules and there’s a lot you can do with them if you have a mind and bugger parliament. With only Scots and the awkward squad objecting they will get away with it too.
The necessity to pass stuff through well debated bills is a myth. The Crown powers are quite extensive as old Oliver Cromwell found out.
Some very strange stories in here, and on FB, over the last few weeks about not being registered, it beggars belief they would make such a mess of this, but we shouldn’t be surprised.
I hope someone will be held accountable.
Yep, I checked and I’m not on the register, despite being the person who registered the whole household.
Funnily enough my wife is on it ok.
and my daughter’s on it twice.
They say I should be on it by 1st April, so I’ll be checking.
North Lanarkshire council of course, and the DWP. ’nuff said.
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:10 March, 2015 at 9:15 pm
“OK, it’s another of your spoof mock-up jobs, nice one.”
‘Afraid not. Would that I were so good with Paint Shop.’
OMG. OMFG. aa ttt it it aa.
@ Gerry & IanB & thers I checked that same You Gov site to see if I was registered ,I phoned Nth Lanarkshire electoral office on the Mon.
I spoke to a lady who has worked there for 14 yrs,she cant understand why that site is telling people there not rgistered,as they are the only ones by law who hold peoples details.
Received a letter from them Tues, I,m on the Register.
I would hazard a guess,dirty tricks dept harvesting information for douplicate ballot papers ?.
The electoral register has two books one of which is not open to third parties. If you opted not to be on the open register any third party organisation like YouGov would not recognise your name if you plugged it in to their gizmo.
The only people that can confirm yes or no is your registration office.
It may be silly, but I printed the above excerpt from today’s English edition of the Sun and placed it inside a copy of the Scottish edition in our local paper shop with a note stating ‘This is today’s English edition – Time to ditch the Sun and buy the National!
At least the message will get through to one more person.
@John King 10.28
No worries John.
@brian doonthetoon 7.31
That’s what I was aiming for.
Hi Cuddis.
I guess that makes me an “ALERT READER” then?
Re: inclusion on the electoral roll.
I have been at this address since 17th January, 1983. I’ve voted in every election since and returned my registration form every year.
In November 2014, I received a letter informing me of the changes to registration, ie individual instead of household, and was advised that I was registered and need take no further action.
Yesterday, I received a letter confirming that I was registered – but also had another person, unknown to me, registered at my address.
So, today, I phoned Dundee’s electoral office and had a blether with a guy, who told me to email, confirming that this person was not at my address (and never had been).
I should explain that I’m the only owner-occupier in my closie; all the other flats are let to students and change occupiers every year. The guy at the council reckoned that this other person had either put a wrong closie number, or a wrong flat number.
He also told me, coz I asked, that these letters have gone out, or are going out, to every household in Dundee, to make sure that people are registered. Also, that the polling cards are in the process of going to the printers so there’s a fair chance that I’ll get a polling card for this other individual. If so, I’ve to tear it up and bin it.
And here was me thinking the Englanders were mellowing a bit what with all those ‘Celebs telling us they loved us and to please not go away. Now they seem to want us to go away as quickly as we can.
I just wish they’d make up their minds : –
How lovely that some of you recognised the body that Nicola borrowed for that shoot!
I wonder if more yes voters have been removed than no voters
Just asking
I find it almost impossible now, due to the antics of UKIP and some London based nationals, to differentiate between satire and reality..