The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Those who would rule us

Posted on February 02, 2015 by

There’s currently a fake “petition” on the Labour website.


Ostensibly it’s gathering signatures representing opposition to the bedroom tax, but in fact its only purpose is to harvest email addresses so that Labour can then bombard unwitting recipients with dodgy, untruthful solicitations for cash. (What would actually be the point of a petition about the bedroom tax at this stage?)

That’s not the terrible thing about it, though.

The page displays the name of a supposed person who’s “just signed” the petition every second or so, but if you refresh the page, whether you do it after a minute or an hour, the exact same names will come up again in the same order – interspersed with the odd real one – but the number of signatories won’t have changed correspondingly.

It’s a tacky scam aimed at separating the gullible from their money, and indeed if you click the button to add your name you’ll be asked for a donation no fewer than three times before it’ll let you go, as well as begged to spam your friends on social media and go and knock on people’s doors.







That’s not the terrible thing either. Because if you look at the page’s HTML source code, you’ll see that sure enough, the entire list* of names is predetermined.


But the truly, blood-chillingly terrible thing is this. In constructing this shambolic piece of panhandling fakery, the party that wants to govern the entire UK was tasked with a seemingly simple, achievable job: think up 35 different British first names.

And Labour couldn’t even manage that.


Jean, Jane, Jean, Laura, Brian, Laura. That’s the best they could do. They couldn’t even space them out a bit so they didn’t appear right next to each other.

Vote Labour, everyone. Have your country run by morons.


*EDIT 12.55pm: Since we started messing around with it by signing up under comedy names, Labour have hastily recoded the page so it does sometimes add actual ones to the list, and filters out names against a whitelist.

It still loops the stored list of 35 on refresh for 15-20 minutes at a time, it seems to only insert new real ones occasionally, and the number displayed as the total bears absolutely no relation to anything else. But they’re clearly keen readers of Wings, and so about 5% less inept than we initially thought.

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And even this degree of blatant lying is perfectly OK?!

Imagine any other organisation had been caught out making up names of supporters or customers (or, if ‘Jean’ actually exists, lying about who was visting their website). Amazon’s website saying ‘Jean just bought XXX’. Cancer Research saying ‘Jean just donated £XX’.

There’d be _some_ response – Trading Standards, the ASA, the papers, etc.

Only in politics are completely blantant lies perfectly acceptable.

Dennis the menace

You won’t see that in the media


It gets worse.

You get a reply from ‘Rachel Reeves’. That its automated is apt.

Grouse Beater

The hand of slimebag McTernan leaves a slug’s trail.


I noticed “Hitler” was one of the names listed, is anyone really called Hitler in UK?
I think they must have googled the top 20/30 most common names in UK! 😀


Thanks Adolf,I enjoyed that!


I wonder, would this be considered as fraud by any stretch of the imagination?

I wonder what the toothless Electoral Commission thinks of this.

If as is usual for the Electoral Commission, their response will be “this is not our responsibility” then who, if anyone, has the power to investigate this blatent attempt at FRAUD?


With names like these it is hardly going to appeal to the former labour heartlands, and not a lot to recognise ethnic diversity either.

john fern

Great stuff from the party that just keeps
giving comedy gold.

Bob Mack

They seem to run their own finances the same way they run the economy.


” The thought of five more years of Tory government makes me feel…… Jim, John, Johan, Jim John Johan, Jim John Johan.


Christian Wright

You couldn’t make this stuff up – no one would believe you.

Labour’s duplicity only outdone by Labour’s incompetence. Government? They’re not fit for purpose. Every Labour voter gets a free “I’m with Stupid” badge.

Caroline Corfield

There is an algorithm that you can use to go through data to find out if it’s been made up. There was an article on it in the New Scientist ages ago, and they ran some interesting tests.

Perhaps someone thinks separating out the names would look more dodgy than allowing them to bunch together. Except that it would have been useful to look at name popularity to determine how likely it was that certain names would appear often and therefore close together.

Jean is not a terribly popular name, even, I suspect amongst Labour devotees.

It sort of leaves you wondering whether it’s them that are stupid or whether they assume their supporters are stupid.

The one final thought that crossed my mind was that this ‘list’ of names was actually for “illustrative” purposes. Like pictures of meals in fast food restaurants. And then I realised that Labour’s policies are also for illustrative purposes.


Devious, deceitful, disgraceful, demented, delusional, downright dirty, done, dumb and dead.

Thats the ‘D’s done guys.


Great piece of detective work Rev. And yet another revelation of the underhand deceit practised by Labour.

Incompetent, stupid, greedy and unfit for purpose. A political dinosaur ready for extinction.

robert mcdonald

I take it that they can usefully abuse your date of birth allied to your email address for nefarious purposes?


“You’re great Adolf Hitler – and your local Labour team needs your help”.

Rev., you’re a very bad man.
I wonder if we can now quote this as official Labour policy?


They really are rather persistent in trying to get you to donate aren’t they? Given the pretense they use i.e. the bedroom tax, possible they are targeting some of the most vulnerable members of society?

Oh and I await with interest a visit from the newest members of the Labour canvasing teams when they turn up on my doorstep for a chat. Well who wouldn’t like the chance of a doorstep conversation with Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan et all?

Helena Brown

Funny I always thought they were and that was even before the referendum. To have it confirmed is good though.

Helena Brown

p.s. on the donation thingy, we have just signed up for Wings donation. Better use of money.


Yet more proof, if any were needed, that they’re not fit to represent anyone.


I am Cordelia

Grouse Beater

And then I realised that Labour’s policies are also for illustrative purposes.

Ha, ha! Satire. Love it. Very clever! 🙂


I know that collecting emails by supposedly running a competition is illegal, I just wonder of the same legislation would cover this latest shocker


No longer shocked by anything Labour do now.Even Herr Hitler would turn in his bunker/grave if he knew his name was being used to raise money for a toxic organisation such as this.


It may not be quite that inept, Rev. It’s possible the page is supposed to ‘remember’ the first names of the last 35 people to sign it – but due to web caching it’s re-serving an old page with previous, unchanged entries. To an extent you have a similar thing with article comments on Wings; the index page with the comment count is often out by quite a margin, and this is simply a result of the server’s web caching.

Still, it’s a damned shoddy piece of coding, no doubt executed by some marketing agency on Labour’s behalf. But you’re right – everything about it screams money-grabbing, least effort, lack of professionalism; which sums Labour up to a tee. Drawing people in with a fake petition in order to spam them with donation requests is bordering on 419 scam territory.

Compare and contrast with the SNP’s slick and elegant supporter web and email marketing, which just recently added a weekly video update from Nicola on the week’s talking points and action items. They always include a link to the Join page, but they don’t push the donation links (because they don’t need to).

This is just further evidence of Labour’s absolute desperation to stem its hemorrhaging supporter base and urgent need to raise core funding. Without the party dues, and a tiny Major Donor list compared to the Tories (whom always have bursting wallets), Labour is in real trouble this year when it comes to funding the election campaign,

jim mitchell

If there are no rules or laws against this kind of thing, there should be!


Utterly stunned at the depths that this lot have sunk to.


This is just what they do with an online survey, good job the postal voting system is beyond tampering with.


It’s like one of those faux grassroots attempts from VoteNoBorders. Remember them, guys?

Vote for a bunch of amateurs! No thanks.

Vote for a bunch of lying scheming underhand manipulative amateurs! LOL


Re the existence or otherwise of The Scottish Labour Party why not send a small cheque for say £1 payable to ‘The Scottish Labour Party’ at 290, Bath St.,Glasgow G2 4RE and see if they manage to pay it into an acoount

If it is accepted by a bank surely it would mean that the law has been broken by opening an acoount for a non-existent organisation (or the bank is extremely lax).

If the cheque is not paid in and doesn’t appear on one’s statement the answer will be obvious.


Data Protection Act? Using others e-mail addresses? FRAUD?


The only Cordelia I have known is the character in the 1960’s tv series The Baron made by ATV.

also local news of Chris Law – the new SNP candidate for Dundee West.

link to


Caroline at 12.25

They might claim that they are using the names as illustrative but that doesn’t explain how they managed to show Adolfs’ name in the list.

They would have to admit to allowing some genuine folk (like Adolf!) to be mixed in with their made up folks.

However I suspect that they will now claim that their begging letter has been hijacked by cybernats.

Either way, they won’t get the funds expected and again it shows how small their support is and how skint they are.

And it’s most amusing.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see this being used to manipulate the number of Labour members in Scotland

Helena Brown

Marcia, there was a Character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer also, perhaps they are remembering her. Perhaps more their era.
If I see you and I there I know they are reading this.

Nana Smith

Fake vows, fake petitions from fake politicians. No wonder the UK is done for. Run by crooks and criminals.

Every time I read something like this I feel the need to wash in disinfectant.


Given it’s url includes ‘donation’, surely people realise, maybe not.

Martin Wood

This is beginning to feel like a bad re-run of Blankety Blank.
“We’re now playing the political Super-Match Game…hands on buzzers…”
“When elected Labour will promise …blanket blank… for all voters in Scotland”
(No similarity between Blair McDougall and Les Dawson is intended – Les Dawson was funny and intelligent)


I would suspect an accounting unit would have it’s own account, almost by definition, though with this shower of shysters, one never knows…


They’ve changed it now. The HTML does an async request to the feed of names at link to, and then attempts to get rid of the obscene names by matching it against a whitelist at link to, in order to get rid of all the Hitlers and co.

Grizzle McPuss



behaviour that is ridiculous but amusing.


Wow, never realised before how common a surname Just is! !


If Cordelia is listed then surely they need to the rest of the cast of King Lear?

(Ronald) Regan
The Duke of Burgundy

There’s probably an apt analogy in there somewhere, can’t quite put my finger on it.

Dr Ew

I honestly wonder if this scam is even legal.

On a completely unrelated topic, I read how e-mails from “Nigerian Princes” offering large sums of money in exchange for letting their inheritance rest in your account – please send us your details – are deliberately composed with spelling errors and bad grammar so as to:
a) Play to racial stereotypes, and
b) Wash through recipients who spot the mistakes and therefore the credibility of the scam…
..leaving only the ignorant, the vulnerable and the unwary.

Did you know Jim Murphy is half-Nigerian?

joe kane

Maybe Hitler got confused and thought he was signing a Labour petition promising to invade more countries abroad. It’s so easy to get ‘bedroom’ confused with Lebensraum.


could have a laugh with a load of made up names to see if they are all published on the webpage!


Don’t want to rain on the parade at all, however I’ve inspected the code of the sign-up page and the names are not statically generated. They are dynamically pulled in (using AJAX techniques) from another location i.e. the names list is genuine.

They’re coming from here:
link to

however just how many of these 185000+ are all Adolph’s and Fookin Lyer’s we just don’t know. Seems an indiscriminate counter is at play here.

This does not detract from the scandalous duplicity at play, however facts are facts……


Seems like Labour Party using Blue State Digital

Got this at head of email after I signed as Eggs Murphy –
Rachel Reeves via

Go to link to and scroll down to ‘Advocacy’ and you’ll find work they have done for the Labour Party


Shows how desperate for cash they must be , have lost a lot of union donations behaviour in ref ,people removing from labour subscriptions.

Port Jim

@Dr Ew12:56 – which half – the arse or the dick?


Eh? Whit? Didn’t Labour invent the bedroom tax? Oh yes they did.
Desperation overload.


Well done on this one Stu-just shows they will stoop at nothing.

I keep wondering whether they actually recruited those 10 Campaign Assistants for Scottish branch of London Labour.

It’s all gone terribly quiet on that front.Ha ha!

Steve Bowers

Oh come on Rev, you’re being too hard on these amiable chappies, at least they didn’t put all the names in alphabetical order



Re Dundee West was it a close run thing, good turnout?

A Nonny Mouse

gus1940 @ 12:46

According to the Intellectual Property Office, ‘The Scottish Labour Party’ brand has been applied for by Labour Councillor Dennis Goldie – so you never know, it might get cashed, but not by who you think!

think again

Vow 2 and a “petition” on the same day, take a bow Labour.

Authoritative history of the Labour Party 2012-2015 will be found under fiction


Just browsed the sites JavaScript files for their site and found the names data source – from “aaden” to “zula”. It does include “Adolf”.
link to


I have found this on Twitter and think it will interest us all but especially those who live in Charles Kennedy’s, Danny Alexander’s or John Thurso’s seats. 😉

link to

Sam Addison

A couple of things to note here – just looking at the HTML only tells you that the names are pre-determined in the sense that they have already been fetched, and that their gradual appearance on the page is indeed an illusion.

In fact, loading the source directly (ie just right click and select View Page Source, in Chrome at least) shows you that the list is not populated until an AJAX call is made (two, actually) that fetches some names and populates the list.

I haven’t had time to wade through all of the (somewhat ropey) source code to see exactly what’s going on, but it is clear enough that there are two lists you can look directly at, in differing formats (XML and JSON, for any other geeks reading).

The first: link to

This gives you a list of “signups” along with a datestamp. These seem to be “genuine” in the sense that they are actual names submitted, eg cumguzzler, Stalin, Adolf, (my own) Enoch, cuntybaws etc etc. This list appears to be 100 in length, and as it is a form of RSS feed, it is most likely set to this fixed length. Checking the list 5 mins later showed different names (“joe” for the most part).

The other list is here: link to

This supplies a different form of list with [geeks: JSON objects] a list of first names only. Again, ‘Enoch’ appears, yet interestingly not ‘stalin’ or ‘cuntybaws’. This list is 5345 long, alphabetical, and as such seems to be predetermined in the sense that it provides a static pool of names to use, most likely for the purposes of illusion, or at least to check that submitted names are on the ‘acceptable’ list.

So make of the above what you will, and at least entertain yourself with the abusive / amusing submissions that this “petition” is enjoying. At any rate, while the duplicated names may not actually be the consequence of Labour stupidity in this case, none of this detracts from the absurd insult to the intelligence that this “petition” represents.


What a bunch of “dick-heads”, simples !!!


Hold onto your hats folks … the LieDems have just woken up from their 1,000 year sleep … I think. Oh no my mistake they are just rolling over PHEW carry on folks panic over! 😀

link to

Les Wilson

Are there NO laws that apply to politics?
If there were, Labour would seem able to break them all with impunity!
If there are none, well they are sure making a feast of it!

bald eagle

this is who the certificate is issued to if it helps




I believe it was close but I don’t know the turnout.

Thomas William Dunlop

I begin to wonder if we live in the Matrix and the ordinary choice by Westminster is just a sham

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”


Great politics journalism. BBC vote Slab Scotland in Glasgow will probably not be reporting any of this and they are also completely mute across BBC teamGB land on the lastest Brown/Murphy THE VOW fraud for some reason.

Fraud and fantasy certainly in the UKOK air today so up pops this grinching tory boy’s tory boy with whatever this all meant to be. Tory boy thinks the whole world is a fantasy and we should all just shadapp and let them reign over us happy and glorious, vote the Queen.

link to

Nice hair, Alex Salmond’s fantasy biographer.

Jane Paterson

Rev you are the best.

Robert Peffers

@Susan says:2 February, 2015 at 12:17 pm

“I noticed “Hitler” was one of the names listed, is anyone really called Hitler in UK?”

Yes indeed, Susan, read this : –
link to

[…] Those who would rule us […]

G H Graham

“I’m thick as shite & voting Labour (North British Accounting Unit)”


Just how many times have I got to sign as no-one before those clowns realize that no-one is actually signing?


Since we’re talking about Those who would rule us I think this is quite apt.

Luke Ellis, Labour councillor and aide to Carwyn Jones quits the Labour Party. He has slammed his former colleagues for being part of an organisation that is

““nothing more than a cult-like mafia that is frightened of free speech, terrified of dissenting voices.”

He describes Ed Miliband as a

“hapless chuckle brother,”

link to

Robert Llewellyn Tyler
Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 2 February, 2015 at 12:19 pm:

“If as is usual for the Electoral Commission, their response will be “this is not our responsibility” then who, if anyone, has the power to investigate this blatent attempt at FRAUD”

Well, Lesley-Anne, there is a sure fire way to find out. As any member of the public, who has read that website, has suffered from attempted fraud that person has the legal right, (duty even), to report the matter to their Local Police force. ThePolice, in turn, must report the matter to the Procurators Fiscal.

Go getum girl!

bald eagle

a wee bit further digging and these two names appear
have to go back and dig deeper might be some time

sanssl 001 bsdtools

sanssl 001 bsdtools


Surely this is a phishing scam? Pretending to be an online petition but actually gathering your information in order to ask for money. It should be reported as such? link to

Murray McCallum

Clearly great friend of Labour, Adolf Hitler, is just trying to tempt back supporters who have switched to UKIP.

I fear Adolf may be fighting on too many fronts though.

john king

Steve Bowers says
“at least they didn’t put all the names in alphabetical order”

Or have them amble along the road at neatly spaced intervals, and then make a last second detour to walk past the outstreached hand of the canvasser and cameraman.

postman pete

I got 5 ‘Babyboys’ on my ‘just signed’ list


Their website is still recycling the same names – Victor, victor, Mohammed, etc.

They are obviously flashing up some of the signatories names, though. That’s how I discovered that Batman was a Labour Party supporter.


I don’t get it, does this mean their £1 membership, didn’t work?

think again

Who stole my gravatar? Was it you Brown? Answer me boy.


Have been on three times. Second time Abdul ‘just signed’ four times in a row. Also noticed Pinky and Brain have both signed too. Bedroom tax obviously not popular in Mousehole

Grouse Beater

Tartanarse: Jim, John, Johan, Jim John Johan, Jim John Johan. Kezia.

Lots of amusing humour on the board today – and it’s a Monday! 🙂

James Caithness

Can this be classed as extortion? There is laws against scamming?

Should this be reported to the police?

Steve Bowers

Not that I’m signed up as Pol Pot or anything and I wouldn’t mention that accounting branch office phone number is 0141 572 2566 post code might be G2 4RE………… charlie chaplin where are you when we need you, actually i love the idea of them phoning themselves.


Fraud is such an ugly word. I prefer to call it “Obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception”.

But it’s ok, it’s a uk political party doing it, so it’s all quite legal, apparently.



Good news about Chris Law. I believe he’ll work hard for his constituency.

Bumped into him a few times on the referendum trail and I’ve got one of the rare Spirit of Independence t-shirts which I’ll treasure.


Now Belle and Sebastian are signing.

Nana Smith


Thanks for the link re the lib dems up my way. Can’t wait to see that trio kicked out.

During the indyref I got an email from J Thurso with the biggest load of lies so I wrote back with a few home truths which he dismissed with one patronising sentence.


If Belle and Sebastian are signed up now then Fran and Anna can’t be far behind.

Grouse Beater

‘Laurel and Hardy’ caught my attention. 🙂

bald eagle

I know I know it was on another site but it seems labour have only got 190.000 members and that’s for the whole of this fucked up Britain

so what is scotlands number of numb nuts that will belive every word the daily’s will have them believe 6-7 not counting those fuck off that’s not a real name is it over on that sign my bit off paper will you fucked up site

it also thinks more mp’s are involved in the paedo ring that’s starting to look like a bloody black hole never mind a ring

oh that link I gave doesn’t lead anywhere spent ten mins looking and got f$%^&*g nowhere sorry for that

anyways check this link out haven’t got time need to go out i just had a quick look if its crap I know yous wont hold back so be gentle please

link to

Les Wilson

Sorry O/T
Gordon Brown on BBC News, strutting his stuff, Murphy and Dugdale also. The BBC are giving them a huge party political broadcast FREE! ( on now )


What they really want are people who will get down and dirty like Tom and Barbara rather than ineffectual Jerry and Margos.

Steve Bowers

I can’t believe that Ma Crankie wouls sign up to help with absolutely everything, what a rer quine

paul gerard mccormack

on their website, under campaigns, thay have a heading ‘truth team’ – i duly clicked on it to find – Oops.

The page you are looking for cannot be found. Click here to return to the homepage – See more at:

link to


What word best describes scottish labour for you?
Solidaroty Fairness
Progress Compassion

Even if I supported Labour this questionwould make me despise them


This is real funny but they are serious these people,I was going to sign up as Donald Daffyduck but I thought why should I give them my email address.I also noticed where it came from.
Promoted by Iain McNicol on behalf of the Labour Party both at One Brewer’s Green, London SW1H 0RH.?
Does this mean that Murphy will not get any of this donations or will this pay for his Vow+.

No no no...Yes

MajorBloodnok 2:24pm

We’ve already got the Alexander Brothers signed up. Dougie is a proud ScotBut leading the campaign.

Craig Mac

This is great fun…ok ok, childish but fun nonetheless…

You’re great, Totall Fudd – and your local Labour team needs your help.

Will you volunteer with us before the election?

When can you lend a hand?
Weekday daytimes Weekday evenings Weekends
What are you up for doing?
Chatting on doorsteps Making phonecalls Delivering leaflets
Phone number (so your local organiser can get in touch) Next


To my surprise, even Lord Vader has joined this epic contest.

His concerns lies with access to the Empire’s NHS, thanks to an incident involving a small volcano.

Generations fought for it.

link to

Jim McIntosh

I popped over to the site and Belle & Sebastion signed about 5 times each.

Got it open on another window on my PC and am waiting for Renee & Renato sign up.

“Save your love my darling save your love”.

ronnie anderson

Stand up be counted Sky News

And here’s your question young person

Short clip of the question cards being handed out Democrecy We Decide what questions you are allowed to ask (2.45).


“Tory” is one of the names on the whitelist.

think again

Steve Bowers, thanks for the hint. I volunteered to make some phone calls for them from 0141 422 6000 many of my colleagues there seem to help the party already.

Out of interest I put in my date of birth, I was around about baby 1,250,000 to be born under the NHS (1950).

I still hope to live to see a free Scottish Government, so let`s get a move on.

think again aka Zatnoawfy.


On the second reading of the Welfare Reform Bill on 9th March 2011
ONLY 12 Labour MPs from the party’s total number of 258 voted against the Bedroom Tax . All the rest abstained or didn’t turn up. All SNP MPs voted against. The only Scottish Labour MPs to vote against were Katy Clark, Michael Connarty and Jim Sheridan.

John McDonnell MP (Lab) tweeted that Ed Miliband told Labour MPs (PLP) to ABSTAIN on the bill, and to only support the amendment Therefore the bill passed by 308 votes to 20 .

link to


On 13th November 2013 47 Labour’ MPs failed to turn up to vote to repeal the Bedroom Tax at Westminster and thus let the Tories carry on by only 26 votes and their official excuse was that they were “paired” with Tory MPs . However “pairing” does not apply to important Parliamentary business. So there you have it, repealing the Bedroom Tax is not important business for Labour.

Certainly wasn’t important enough for Anas Sarwar who was giving a lecture in Pakistan (no doubt telling them that they should have stuck with India) or Jim Murphy who was attending a lunch at a vegetarian cafe in Glasgow.

Labour’s plans to outflank the SNP as the natural party of social justice were fatally damaged on 26 March 2014 when Jim Murphy and other Scottish Labour MPs, including Alistair Darling, Ian Murray and Sheila Gilmore voted in favour of further Tory welfare cuts. Gordon Brown as usual didn’t turn up.


They really are getting desperate. Jim Murphy and his motley crew will do anything to get elected and we are going to see more of this in the run up to the election. They have even brought big Gordon Brown (who is not even standing for the Westminster elections) back with a new list of meaningless promises


Regarding the Rev’s upcoming fundraiser, I urge everyone to email Creepy Jim, telling him how much they donated to Wings. He’ll then donate £1000 more than each of those donations.


Yet more violent no voters I see on the Scotsman site. Crash country too, thought we were the brownshirts.


Labour MP Rachel Reeves proudly stated on Radio 4 on 26 March last year that it was actually Ed Miliband who first proposed to cap welfare, sounding rather pleased that they beat the Tories to the proposal.

The Bedroom Tax is a Westminster Tax originally introduced by the last Labour government to deal with the high cost of housing allowance in London but later made more draconian by Tories / Lib Dems .



Clue Less
Andy Pandy
The Woodentop family
Little Weed

Jamie Arriere

Well I tried with Yabbadaba Dewar to start with – but they only take Christian names. So I will take credit for Zaire and Ulysses.

I thank you


Robert Peffers says:

Well, Lesley-Anne, there is a sure fire way to find out. As any member of the public, who has read that website, has suffered from attempted fraud that person has the legal right, (duty even), to report the matter to their Local Police force. ThePolice, in turn, must report the matter to the Procurators Fiscal.

Go getum girl!

E-mail sent to the police Robert. 😉

Doffs hat Nana! 😛

Bloody hell James … I knew my partner’s youngest daughter’s dog was a smart cookie and all that but JEEZ he can use a COMPUTER as well! I wonder if she knows about this sneaky computer usage by her DOG! 😀


Don’t you think it’s funny that BBC Scotland are harping on about our savior Gordy Brown on their main page, promising all-sorts, but yet there is NOTHING on the main BBC News Website at all?

Not funny ha-ha, but funny as in when he made his last VOW it was all over the place.. It literally was a case of hold the front page..

This VOW+ is being distinctly less covered – almost brushed under the carpet – especially since Tweedledee and Tweedledum have Ed’s express backing for anything they say/do/wave their magic wands at..

BBC are up to no good as f***ing usual..

Jamie Arriere

Just noticed that ‘America’ is also on the list. If they sign it, maybe something will get done.



BBC England radio news starting to move on Murphy now and his THE VOW plus fraud gets a lovely speech from Murphy across the whole of teamGB, Murphy will stop the Bed Room Tax and give Scotland “new” benefits, so BBC says vote Murphy and Slab Scotland, they’re lovely, no comeback from SNP anywhere. BBC attack propaganda machine can’t get this one wrong.

Mike Dillon

@Tom says:
2 February, 2015 at 2:53 pm

I am afraid to admit that Tory was me as were several other unprintable ones, childish but fun.

Jamie Arriere

Santa is also on the list. If he signs it, maybe they can get rid of it by Christmas. 🙂


That was you Jamie?

When I was writing my e-mail to Police Scotland I was jumping back and forth to get the right information and at one point I was on the petition site and would you believe it there were THREE Zaires and FOUR Ulysses’s having just signed! Who knew Zaire and Ulysses was such a popular name? 😀


Have to agree with a previous comment. Don’t understand how they can collect your email on one basis, and then use that email to harass you for money.

It’s disgusting, and misleading.

ronnie anderson

@ RogueCoder 12.39 (419) ur you wie the Nigerian Polis bey any chance lol.


I’m sure Duncan Doenitz has signed. Not so sure about Batson D. Sealing…

Steve Bowers

Think again, I’m going to take a wild stab at a CBI “company” on Pacific Quay, I’m trully amazed that there is a along with,MaCrankie@ etc etc etc. looks like you can invent just about anything and have a email on it, ( I do feel a pang of regret for the email owners though, hopefully they’re Tory voters )

Jamie Shepherd

The name list no longer embedded within the html code, when I tried it I got 2 Ulysses one apart with a Xsavier underneath.

[…] There’s currently a fake “petition” on the Labour website.  […]

ronnie anderson

Petition signed am Attila the Pun.

Hotrod Cadets

Looks like even Old Labour is signing up to help Labour’s branch office, like Arthur returning at England’s time of greatest need…

link to

Socrates MacSporran

This is a North American approach. Doing my family history, I discovered one of my ancestors, who emigrated to Canada, was a Liberal MP in the federal parliament.

I contacted the Liberal Party in Canada to try to find-out some more about him, but, they couldn’t help.

However, I still get regular begging letters from them, fortunately, these are filtered-out into my spam folder.

The Labour Party are probably using the same North American system to try to get money out of anyone who contacts them, I think.


It’s always handy to keep your least favourite tory/labour/libdem councillor’s details close to hand for moments such as this.

Prepare to be love bombed Alasdair!!


Sorry – but over on Wings Twitter we have Hugh Janus and Mike Hunt signing! Rude but the tears are rolling down my cheeks – hilarious! God bless Wings for brightening up our day and making a mockery of this petition nonsense – naughty mischief makers ????


has mr mao signed yet ? guaranteed 100% premium socialist education with enhanced egalitarian fairness, plus no hidden tuition fee extras. ah, the star of hope, jim leads us :

Cadogan Enright

remarkably large number of people called Xzavier, Donald, Ulysses and Santa are signing up to this site – wonderful how the public are reacting to Labours convincing record on the bedroom tax – seems to be on a loop of made-up names – sadly to be convincing it would be better for them to have modified the app to reflect actual typical names found in Scotland


The 6 THE VOW powers “destined” for Scotland but dont know why the liggers use “destined” here. Fcuk all basically and all of it won’t get past Westminster vote, unless SNP really can get past relentless attack from BBC liggers for next 4 months.

link to

And lovely/hard core propaganda from BBC vote Slab Scotland, just look at these pair of yesterdays spivs.

link to


Santa’s now on the list, and he’s checking it twice…


Socrates MacSporran 3:52pm

If you look at the Security Info/Certificate for the link to web page there is an organisation listed called Blue State Digital.

“Blue State Digital is a new media strategy and technology firm that specializes in online fundraising, advocacy, social networking, and constituency development.” (Wikepedia – link to

Drill further down within the Security Certificate under – Extension > Certificate Subject Alt Name – there is a long list of sites linked to the Certificate:,,,,,,,

Oh and just seen on that list too..

Interesting that Labour are using a site linked to BetterTogether too for thier fundrasing..

Labhrainn Macfhearguis

If, as you suggest, the petition is fraudulent then surely it would be possible to report it to the relevant authorities.

To me it appears to be a scam as you put it. The thing is I’ve living in Norway for yonks and have not a clue who “the relevant authorities” would be.

Here it would be fairly simple, the Police obviously in as much as they appear to be committing an economic crime. In addition you would have the Consumer Ombudsman. He would be able to fine the Labour Party for false/midleading advertising. He would also be able to report them to the police for fraud.

However, in reality they would probably not so anything because the Prosecutor might have som difficulty in proving in a court that Labour Party is not fighting the bedroom tax. It would probably dissolve into a petty discussion over semantics and political intent.

But still…..if there is a relevant authority in the UK, it would be interesting to see the response.

It might get some press….which might be a good thing….it might result in some amusing reading….that would definately be a good thing

Andy White

“You’re great, Festminister – and your local Labour team needs your help.”

Bob Mack

Think I will join as Schultz Staffel. Well they are always calling us Nazis.

ronnie anderson

More services


ronald anderson
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Rachel Reeves (
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Hi Attila the Pun,

Thanks for signing our petition and going on the record in opposition to the Bedroom Tax.

Can you think of any friends or family members who would want to go on the record too? If so, please forward the email below to them now.

You can also let people know via Facebook: link to

Thank you.



On Wednesday, we’re forcing a parliamentary vote on scrapping the Bedroom Tax.

I’ve already gone on the record telling the government to do the right thing and end this cruel, punitive law. Can you add your voice too?

link to


Attila the Pun


I love number 5 on that list of 6 new powers *ahem* destined for Scotland Heedtracker it’s all about Holyrood having control over *cough* fracking licences.

Now speaking as the village idiot here I may be wrong, but don’t think I am 😉 , but didn’t Westminster just vote AGAINST giving said *ahem* new powers to Scotland?

I think BBC really should keep up with events! 😀

dennis mclaughlin

Comedy Gold part duex…Gordy’s trying on some SNP policies for size…with the half-Nigerian stiletto carrying tribune backing him up…
the EBC in full Establishment anti-insurgency mode….
Don’t Panic !!.


Excellent article in today’s National by Alasdair Gray, the first of a promised series, tha aulder he gets the better he gets. 🙂

Grouse Beater

Ronnie Anderson: Petition signed – am Attila the Pun.

Good jokes relieving a difficult start to my week. Thank you! 🙂


The Vow Max (easy)

1) Scotland sets and collects all taxes.

2) Scotland legislates and runs everything except defense & foreign affairs.

3) Annually Scotland pays Westminster a cheque to cover our population share of 2) above

4) Guaranteed representation in negotiations with bodies like the EU

5) Trident leaves Scotland in an orderly fashion

6) The Scottish Parliament and it’s Powers are constitutionally guaranteed.

7) Commons becomes English parliament. Lords becomes elected UK parliament dealing with defense and foreign affairs.

Sign here … Cameron, Milliband, whoever.

[Have I missed anything?]


Nice one Stu, properly pissin masel at this one. I can only imagine McTernan’s lunatic claims on twitter “See!! we were right all along – they ARE Nazis afterall – their Evil Overlord refers to himself as such, Ha!!”


Has Joseph Stalin signed the petition yet?


OR … to continue from The Vow Max … alternatively …

Don’t cheat on the next Independence Referendum and just let us go our own way!

Ok … Cameron, Milliband, whoever.

Gods Country

You’re great PooPooPants – ha ha, I love it. 🙂


Opps. Apologies. Meant to post my Vow rant on the previous Vow thread. Sorry 🙁


Just had the urge to review todays offering of the Truth according to the BBC/McTiernan/His Lordship Broon and his holiness Murphy.. Well Feck me..
If there was ever any doubt of the BBC believing most Scots came up the Clyde in a banana boat its gone now. Unfortunately there are still some who will still fall for this especially some 70% postal Nos.
After today I’d be tempted with UDI


@ Lesley-Anne, Now speaking as the village idiot here I may be wrong, but don’t think I am 😉 , but didn’t Westminster just vote AGAINST giving said *ahem* new powers to Scotland?

They did. SO, I too am not exactly the shiniest coin in the fountain but who the hell does BBC/BetterTogether/SlabConDem nutters think they are kidding?

Smith Commission lasted for weeks and weeks and came up with nothing. No wonder they’re krapping themselves. All that fraud to make sure NO new THE VOW devo or, stuff like “Stewardship of the Crown Estate,” wow!

Smith Commission’s an interesting display of England’s power in Scotland though, adminstered by proud Scot buts too. Clever old England.

Les Wilson

No hope of getting the King of Vows through parliament, imagine the chaos in Westminster where the Unionist MP’s will be foaming at the mouth at the thought.

It is lies, they could never pull it off, and would be likely to get a very large watering can out of the shed, IF, they ever got into power, they would need to be assisted by the devil himself!, and even then……


Never have I laughed so much as I did at Adolf Hitler signing up. Keep it up Rev I just went on record as Kermit le Frog, you lot are a bad influence on me lol. What a bunch of losers the Slab party are.


Here in Scotlland we are hoping to get rid of both Labour and Tories in THREE months time. Do they know something we don’t about a second election in July?


Thanks for the confirmation Heedtracker 😉 I was beginning to think it was all in my head. There is a hell of a lot of stuff going on in my head and I thought this was just another bit of what was going on. I’m so glad to have reality confirmed. 😛


For those wondering about Blue State Digital, it is an American company used by the Democratic Party to deal with polling, marketing and online presence. I believe they were involved in Labour’s effort to win the 2010 Westminster election. It is no surprise that they continue to work with Labour. Even from here in North Carolina, the Americanization of British politics is there for all to see.


CBeebies political editor Brian Taylor has written his take on Vow 2 … It mentions all parties but has an obvious slant to SLAB, employing the usual trick of tiny paragraphs of rebuttal from the likes of the SNP. Have a read. Is it a fair, balanced piece?

link to

Today I am reminded of that dull hymn I was forced to sing at my dreadful boarding school… “I’ll vow vow vow vow vow to thee my country” or whatever the rhubarb it was.

postman pete

just for the sake of it, here’s the first few ines of the database it’s reading [found using Firebug web development tools]


I’m thinking that things really ARE in a pitiful state of affairs on board S.S. Labour party. Even Lord Ashcroft is jumping in now with jokes about the Labour party. Yes I know he’s an ex donor to the Tories but even so I can’t remember him doing stuff like this before. 😀

link to



Looks like Lord Ashcroft is having a wee dig at Cameron now as well. That being the case he must surely be working on something similar for Clegg and probably Farage as well. 😛

link to


Oh what fun ….

You’re great, Thatchermilksnatcher – and your local Labour team needs your help.

ronnie anderson

@ Grouse Beater Your week gets better on WOS cheer up lol.


Not sure if anyone else has pointed this out. The Labour party website is produced by a company called “Blue State digital”. They work with a lot of large organisations, many of them well known and well respected, but one caught my eye. They work with the 38 degrees organisation.

If you read the home page for Blue State Digital they work by getting people to do something small, and then lure them in through more and more on-line involvement. I un-subscribed to 38 degrees after reading this. It just struck me as too Orwellian for my liking.

It looks like now the Labour Party are using similar strategies in a desperate attempt to try to reach people on-line.

ronnie anderson

ronald anderson

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Rachel Reeves (
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To: ronald

Hi johntearthearseaffyouMcTearnan(lyingbastart),

Thanks for signing our petition and going on the record in opposition to the Bedroom Tax.

Can you think of any friends or family members who would want to go on the record too? If so, please forward the email below to them now.

You can also let people know via Facebook: link to

Thank you.



On Wednesday, we’re forcing a parliamentary vote on scrapping the Bedroom Tax.

I’ve already gone on the record telling the government to do the right thing and end this cruel, punitive law. Can you add your voice too?

link to



and here,s anither wan.

David Innes

Jim Murphy has joined – it will give him a second chance to vote against the Bedroom tax, since he failed to turn up last time it was being debated at Westminster. Conveniently, he has used his own e-mail address and his postcode is BBC Pacific Quay – seems about right.



I found open ports… so tempting for SQL injection!



I’ve yet to hear Simon Mayo read out my three worder for today..

“Labour Devo Lies”

To be honest I thought it was a belter and would definitely be read out. Maybe their saving the best till last. I’m sure of it. Must be.

Dr Jim

All i heard was “Have a banana mugs”
Must not have been listening right eh?


I know there’s a serious side to this but I’m still pissing myself at “You’re great Adolf Hitler”. Cheers Rev, you’ve cheered me up no end. ????


Oh dear

I see all this £1’s were well spent

Bunch of haddies.


bookie from hell

how do you view the signatures on that petition?


Oh dear

I see all those £1’s were well spent

Bunch o haddies


Glad to see you’re all having fun with Labours petition. Loads more on Twitter also making up names & signing.

After today perhaps they need to scrap it & start again just like the Truth Team farce.

Labour are getting a hell of a thumping in England press (has been going on for 2 days nows)-has to be Lynton Crosby behind it trying to close the gap between Labour & Tories!

Seems to be that only Scottish elements of BBC & MSM are still promoting Scottish Labour branch office of London Labour. Apparently Lord Ffoulkes hates that title so I guess I’ll keep using it just to wind him up 🙂


Kermit, Che and Buffy all on board now!


Hilarious Stu, 🙂

You’re great, Bumfluff – and your local Labour team needs your help.

ronnie anderson


link to

With all the other fundraisers going on at the moment I hope you,s can find a few pounds to help Julie & her team of voluntears.


I had a wonderful idea and I am giggling whilst typing this, I thought I would use the details of Jim Murphy to sign the petition, I am laughing at the thought of someone phoning Jim’s branch office

This is the phone number for Jim’s Constituency office

0141 620 6310


I got on as R. Suppwardes.
This proves that computers will never take over the world.


Sorry,i dont have a TV,but did the BBC just air a Jim Murphy speech live?
link to


Joseph stalin just signed up.

Jamie Arriere

Don’t know if this link works, but it is the full list of valid names which was on the Rev’s twitter feed

link to

Fill yer boots


Man, please tell me no one still votes for these scum bags.


It’s frightening that they still poll at 22%

Jim McIntosh

O/T – I sometimes get so f@##ing annoyed at the SNP.

Just watched Brown on BBC news strutting back and forward telling his picked bunch of sycophants what labour are going to do after the election, and trashing the SNP.

Small response then from John Swinney, saying something along the lines of “if you want a strong Scottish presence vote SNP”.

Why didn’t he just say “If labour wanted these extra powers for Scotland, why wasn’t it in the Smith Commission?”


Just had a reply from Police Scotland about my wee *ahem* complaint.

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately the 2nd link you have provided only takes us to a page where you can sign the petition and does not give the link to previous signatures. I would say from reading the posts on the 1st link the fake signatures would be easily recognised and therefore would not count towards any petition. I would suggest you contact the Labour Party directly and raise any concerns to them.</i

I don’t quite have the heart to reply to them to tell them that I am rather averse to banging my head off a brick wall. 😛


@ Jim Mcintosh
The organisation to blame for the promotion of G. Broon and his sycophants is the scurrilous BBC.
Even if an SNP response was allowed it would be edited to be worthless.
It is infuriating but the penny is dropping among the electorate.


Orwell was right.

The man had such vision that his book 1984 looks more and more prophetic with each passing decade.

It’s become quite disturbing in the way that the Labour Party now resembles the ‘Party’ within that book. Manipulation and Deception are the tools to be used to control the masses. The Tories just tell you what they are going to do to you …and then they do it! Nasty Soan-soas they may be, but at least they will tell you what they are going to do before hammering you. I can kind of respect that.

The Labour Party however …deceive, manipulate …lie. Basically, do whatever it takes. And because of that, it sticks in my craw.

As Orwell wrote, ‘The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.’

If ever a line summed up the Labour Party, then there it is! It truly reflects them! We saw the lengths that they would go to during the Referendum to make sure that the UK did not split in two, for it would also mean they would lose half their ‘potential’ votes. They weren’t interested in the ‘Yes’ theology. They were only interested in their party, even if it meant climbing into bed with the Tories. Keep Britain united, and the Party will survive with the potential of gaining power one day.

Another good one from the book was, ‘Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them’. Yep! in some ways, this seems to apply to the ‘Vote ‘No” or ‘Vote ‘Labour” and we ‘promise’ you new Powers …which of course, you will never see, since the Labour Party now follow the line that is laid out by the Establishment.

And another belter was the line ‘After all, how do we know that two and two make four? How many times did they try and muddy the waters during the Referendum over Currency Union, the NHS, Trident, etc. No matter what the ‘Yes’ campaign said; whether it was for the absolute greater good, this mob did everything to counter or contradict it. They knew they were deceiving the people, and in the case of Scottish Labour, their very own people.

Yep …Orwell was right.

ronnie anderson

@ Jamie Arriere Gonna no dey that its a distraction on ma ein ,an ma ein are easely distracted lol.

Watch oot anybody wearing varifocals.


This is ace.. 😀

Ming The Merciless, the more people like you we have on board, the better our chances of winning the next election

Flower of Scotland

@Jim McIntosh

Sorry, John Swinney did!


You know what? I just checked the “whitelist” of allowable names Stu linked to, which is presumably a precaution to prevent people entering character strings that aren’t actual names and may be an obscenity of some sort.

“Morag” isn’t there.


They got one thing wrong.
It says “I’m on the record”
Should have said “I own The Record’s front page editorial policy.”


@Jim McIntosh

If you follow the SNP news releases (via a RSS reader, say) you get a constant stream of robust reactions to every Labour / WM move.

These are rarely repeated in the media in the way Labour ones appear.

Also, for interviews etc, I wouldn’t trust their editing! Perhaps the question was edited out, or he was cut short.

To say the SNP aren’t getting fair access to the media is a massive understatement!

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

It’s been hilarious today watching the most incompetent and biased news broadcasters trying desperately not to mention the obvious when it comes to Brown.

Brown is quitting you inept bunch of fuckwits.

Brown could promise wee Ed Miliband would get a saltire tattoo on his rubber face for all the bloody difference it will make since he obviously can’t deliver a god damn thing.


Hmmm. “Catrina” is there, but NOT “Catriona”.

Anybody else up for checking to see which reasonably common Scottish names ain’t there, although the list is full of ethnic weirdness from other countries?


Labour just seem to be digging themselves a BIG hole! Hope come May 7th it’s too big to climb out of!


Morag – they let me enter Simple Simon!



This is just mental. They have have let utter morons loose in their HQ. What it now needs is for a Malcolm Tucker Spad to go in explain why they will never ever have children to complete the cycle. Iannucci couldn’t have written anything funnier.


Aye,this is why the Tories are trusted more up here than Labour.At least you know the Tories are going to Tory,with Labour they say one thing and do another.You cant trust them at all.


Ace 😀

You’re great, TBlairWarCriminal – and your local Labour team needs your help

ronnie anderson

@ Morag where,s you been, I hope your well.

Paula Rose

When the Rev drew our attention to this “petition” some hours ago the number who had signed it was 185,724.

It’s now 186,941.

So that’ll be 217 wingers and 1,000 Jim Murphys.


Hi Ronnie, I’m fine. Just been reading. You know, so I don’t get piled on with accusations of posting more than anyone else, or taking over the blog or anything! 😉

How’s yourself?

Votadini Jeannie

That’s a bizarre whitelist Morag!

It reads like a list of US baby names from the 1990s: Lashonda, Tavares, Briley. If there are people in this country with those names, they’ll barely be adults.

I notice Adolf and Fidel are acceptable though. And Oswald has already signed. But few Scottish names indeed, unless you count Mac.


I just tried a few fairly common Scottish names against the raw code of the whitelist, and there are a lot missing.

Alistair/Alasdair (yes, really!)


If that’s intended to limit the signing to real people, it’s going to exclude a lot of extremely real people. On the other hand there is evidence that some pretty silly things are getting through, so maybe it’s not coded in properly.

Paula Rose

btw if you do go to the petition page you will get a nice little cookie – remember to delete it.


My daughters name is not there, neither is Kezia’s 🙂

I went in through the front door to this from the Labour site and there are umpteen places where they try to get your name post code and email address before you even get to this piece of nonsense

They are clearly desperate to sink hooks into people.

Jim McIntosh

@Flower of Scotland

“Sorry, John Swinney did”

Not on the 6 o’clock news he didn’t. Just watched it again on iPlayer. No mention of Smith. Perhaps it was on the ‘news from where you are’ program afterwards, but definitely not on the 6 news.


they appear to have accepted muckletumshie


Even Iaian MacWhirter has had a go at this Bedroom Tax thingy today. Saw a tweet from him to Duncy Hothersall about it. Guess he couldn’t resist eh?

Glaad to see you back Morag 🙂


I see Remington frae doon tha close has switched colours 🙂


OT Some bad news from Julie at Maryhill Foodbank…

link to

Robert Kerr

I note that a very common boys name is missing also.

That of the Prophet “M”.

The musselmen shall not be pleased.

Oh well.

undead shaun

Donald duck
David Cameron
Mickey mouse
Crash gordon

All willing to help out knocking on doors, mailing leaflets, telephoning.

Total at 187000, looking at the names there now, I would guess most of this total are piss takes.

ronnie anderson

@ Morag hey never mind abody,s views aboot you taking over any threads, your points are as valid as the rest of us Robert Peffers gets it in the ear awe the time diz it stop him not at all .

I,m up an down at the mow sleep wise, but coping I would hope to see you soon.


Just read on WOS twitter that Maryhill Food Bank has had a break-in and the place has been trashed and £5000 stolen along with new clothes and Tesco vouchers. How desperate do you have to be to live with that on your conscience?

There doesn’t seem to be a way to donate money to the food bank – I wonder if someone at the MFB could maybe set up a paypal account for money donations. Maybe Ronnie Anderson, who I know has been involved with MFB could contact them about this. I’m sure Wingers would give generously.


If you’ve read the story linked to by Croompenstein above and have quid or two to spare, you can donate online to Maryhill Foodbank via this link

link to


“you’re great, ha fwitt.” Dear oh dear.


Just added a name for a wee bit of fun and quite frankly to waste their time (when they phone me)…they seem really keen for me to help

“You’re great, Itchybaws. In fact, your local Labour party could really do with your help.”


Regarding this Brown nonsense of even MORE powers for the Scottish Parliament, does Ed and the rest of the Southern Labour Party know what Murphy and Brown have been saying today?

We need this new VOW verified by the London Labour boss.

I wont believe a word of it until I see it on the front page of the Daily Record.


What great fun! Childish but I’ve been called Attila the Hun,
Labour Deceit and it just lights up my life to see these clowns
beg for pennies every time Attila clicks a button. lol

Robert Peffers

@tartanarse says:2 February, 2015 at 12:24 pm:

“” The thought of five more years of Tory government makes me feel…… Jim, John, Johan, Jim John Johan, Jim John Johan.


Did ye forget about Wassa?



Wassa Marra?





Strathclyde Country Park, 366 Hamilton Road, MOTHERWELL, ML1 3ED

Saturday, April 4, 2015, 13:00 (4 hours)

Includes Tommy Sheridan and many more speakers and other stuff.

link to

This rally is less than a month before the GE on 7th May.

Should be a good one, in deepest Lanarkshire.


Paula Rose says:
2 February, 2015 at 7:17 pm

You lot are not pulling your weight. I’m up to Romano Prodi as I work through Italian politicians

Robert Peffers

@Caroline Corfield says: 2 February, 2015 at 12:25 pm:

” …It sort of leaves you wondering whether it’s them that are stupid or whether they assume their supporters are stupid. …

Personally I’ve always just assumed that it was very likely BOTH.


Do you need to donate a fiver to the “party” before you are trusted to phone people on their behalf ?

Dear whoever, “hi, i am officially selected by labour HQ to tell you exactly what labour stand for in the upcoming GE…..”

Could be fun !!

Robert Peffers

@JaceF says:2 February, 2015 at 12:40 pm:

“This is just what they do with an online survey, good job the postal voting system is beyond tampering with.”

Now, THAT’S what I call political satire and ironic with it.

john king

Amanda Hugginkiss. 🙂


Santa and Jesus seem to be signing up like anybody’s business.

I signed and was suitably childish :/


Thanks for that link Betsy.

Donation made.


Me too, Betsy – donation made – thanks for that.


I wonder if Will Podmore or Phil Robertson will donate to Maryhill Foodbank? Somehow I think Hell will be remarkably cold before that happens.


‘How now Brown Vow.’

The vow (normal) was Home rule near federalism the latest is vow+ soon to be vow max/super before it goes nuclear.


Much as I loathe Crash Gordon he is dangerous particularly with every MSM outlet hoovering up his shite and never smelling it for what it is.

I think their should be a labour leaders TV debate with Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband and Jim Murphy all spouting and arguing for their policies. This would show them for the snake oil salesmen they are.

Actually Gordon probably thinks that he is the messiah

Ed could nae manage toffee


Jim has more sides than Jackie Baillie


Al Kyda

Robert Peffers


Marcia says:2 February, 2015 at 12:48 pm:

“The only Cordelia I have known is the character in the 1960’s tv series The Baron made by ATV.”

Not a Shakespeare fan then, Marcia?

Cordelia is King Lear’s youngest daughter and his favourite. I’m no fan of the English bard either – just blessed with a very long and good memory and an English teacher who was.

Mind you he was a bit of a thespian and could flawlessly real off any Robert Burns poem or sing any Robert Burns song too.


Ah, on WOS witter, someone’s posted a link to where you can donate money to MFB and just made a wee donation but it’s still only raised £530 so far. I’ll try posting the link below, but you can find it on WOS Twitter.

ps – the donation page states it’s for heating for MFB but I’m sure they’ll prioritise it to food etc now.

Paula Rose

Vow now Brown wow!

Robertv Peffers

@:MajorBloodnok says: 2 February, 2015 at 12:56 pm:

” … can’t quite put my finger on it.”

As the Gardener said to the Art Mistress in the potting shed after dark.


Betsy – you beat me to it! Still the more the merrier. 😉
(Damn the posting delay).


Well I’m shocked … no I really am. I’ve just seen Gordon Brown sign with his phone number 01592 263792 and post code KY1 1DB.

I never knew he was up for so much hard work, I mean he’s signed up for door stepping, phone calling and leafletting!

No wonder he is never in the House of Commons. 😀

Robert Peffers

@Dr Ew says: 2 February, 2015 at 12:56 pm:

“Did you know Jim Murphy is half-Nigerian?

It’s the other half I don’t trust.


If predictions are true about Labour getting 10 MPs then we’re going to have to get at least another 9 pandas in order to keep up the joke.(asuming the Tory seat stays)

Only this time the joke will cover all of the opposition.



or just work harder.

Lenny Hartley

Morag, good to see you back, you have your supporters as well as detractors you know 🙂


Robert at 8.39

I now wish I’d put in a Jackie. I knew I’d forgotten one at the time.


Cearc, I like that attitude. I agree.


Decent video from Channel 4 news of Alex Salmond campaigning in Gordon.

Warning you’ll also have to suffer at least 10 seconds of “The Broon” and his vow plus.

link to


Possibly the funniest thread on Wings ever. You’re great Adolf Hitler is hysterical.


That’s one link that cannot be shared enough. I cannot believe anyone would sink low enough to rob a foodbank.

ronnie anderson

Brownsbott in the Ring Tra la la la la

he,ll be spitting snot tra la la la la

running aboot like ah sugarplum fairy

tra la la la la

over to you,s

Andy White

The White List is sadly restrictive.

However, I’m off to see if I can nurture a sub-colony of Dicks, Willies and Fannys.


You’re great, mabawsa Ritchie – and your local Labour team needs your help.

mabawsa Ritchie, the more people like you we have on board, the better our chances of winning the next election.

Somehow I think not

Ian Brotherhood

Does anyone have contacts who can find out what happened to the penguin suits used in this video?

If we could get a hold of them and form a crack response team to turn up at Slab public events, it would be braw. No need to say anything at all, just dance and gesture at Brown, Morphoid, Duggy-dug, whoever…

link to

Tackety Beets

Morag , I read 90% of all the posts and hate to see people ” havin at go at each other ” or a poster being ” attacked ” especially if it results in a poster dipping out .
You are entitled to your view / opinion .
I welcome all posts ( except WP & PR ) and can only remind posters to “play nicely ” ( phrase courtesy of Paula Rose) , any postings that decend into personal jibes is cringey and uncomfortable for the readers .

Morag , please continue with your posts as we are all really facing in the same direction and need to join hands and continue with little steps towards our Indy goal .
My sentiments apply to any others who have dipped out you are missed by the 1000 of Wingers who never or seldom post .
I miss many others especially Kenmacarroon , I appreciate he is busy with his project and wish him well with it .
On topic , it’s all been said ! FFS what is the Labour Party thinking ! Shocking !

allen ralston

is there a way to only donate one pence ? my thinking is as it costs money to process payments it would cost them more than they got


Anyone wanting the background to the break in at the Maryhill foodbank can read it here.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

This must’ve been posted already at some point…

Garbage, ‘Vow’ –

link to


@allen Ralston
I’m not sure I get your drift; would you mind explaining a bit more what you mean? When I donated earlier on that link that Betsy posted, the website did ask for a voluntary donation to help cover their costs, but it said that all other money raised went to the recipients; the donation to help cover costs was purely voluntary.


Come on Will and Phi; we all know you’re lurking out there reading this website. When are you going to donate to the Maryhill Food Bank? Or does being Better Together not include starving children?


Phil, even. Must learn to type properly. Hey, Will & Phil, do you donate a third of your salary to charity? No? I thought not. Looks like our Alex is head and shoulders above you two in generosity as well as intellect.

john king

patrick fitzmichael and michael fitzpatrick just signed. 🙂

ronnie anderson

I have spoken to Julie Hislop & she will have a fundraiser account up this week,so I hope when its online people will donate.

I have asked the Rev if he would post it on site,give as you can as you can afford to give Thanks Wingers.


@ Natasha

I think he’s talking about donations to the Labour Party, not the foodbank (at least I hope so).

Alan Mackintosh

Well, there was Maximus Dick appearing. Was waiting to see if Impedimentia buttocks managed along too. Some musical helpers turned up as well, there was Shakira, Beyonce, and Rihanna. That should make for a melodious team of door knockers.

Bill Hume

Apparently a guy called Hugh Jardon just signed their petition.


Ian as the penguins were advertising Irn Bru perhaps Barr’s might be the best place to start. They won’t actually have the suits but they might be able to put you in contact with the advertising company who made the video. 😉

James Caithness

Programme called ”Inside Parlaiment” showing tomorrow (Tue) at 2100 on BBC2 excluding Scotland. I have Sky so I shall watch it on London BBC station. I bet its exluded from Scotland as it would lose the unionist parties more votes.


This has just popped up Twitter might be of some interest to some folks. 😉

link to


James Caithness Inside the Commons is on BBC2 HD (161 on virgin Media)

Tam Jardine

Did Scotland 2015 just run the Steptoe and Son theme to introduce Gordon and Jim! Take that McTernan!

Ian Brotherhood

Check out WOS Twitter for totally unbefekkinglievable tweet from Ian Smart. Have just asked Rev if the thing is real – if so, it’s surely actionable? Surely?!

Wuffing Dug

Hear Rudolph Hess flew into Scotland to sign it in person….


Another free party political broadcast for the Red Tories on BBC (Scotland 2015) tonight. Gut wrenching stuff from Gordzilla. The man has no shame at all.

ronnie anderson

Why is Iain McWhirter taking part in the STV interview with David Clegg he does know that Brown/Murphy have no power to deliver any devolution pledges.


I am having great fun with the birthdate slide…

Before you go (insert suitable name here)we think you might enjoy one of these.

My favourite so far is Mental..


Ian Brotherhood says:

Check out WOS Twitter for totally unbefekkinglievable tweet from Ian Smart. Have just asked Rev if the thing is real – if so, it’s surely actionable? Surely?!

I really do hope so Ian. If memory serves me right this *ahem* individual is allegedly a lawyer!



Gordon Brown, after listening to this psudo intellectual I think the man is unhinged and has a very deep and serious personality problem and has great difficulty with truth and lies. This “man” neads medical help and financial manager to look after his very large pile of loot.

Next he will be sent to the mad house that is the House Of Lordies to sit with the other dilusioned.

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 2 February, 2015 at 6:36 pm:

“Just had a reply from Police Scotland about my wee *ahem* complaint.

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately the 2nd link you have provided only takes us to a page where you can sign the petition and does not give the link to previous signatures. I would say from reading the posts on the 1st link the fake signatures would be easily recognised and therefore would not count towards any petition. I would suggest you contact the Labour Party directly and raise any concerns to them.

Seems like your local police don’t know their legal responsibilities, Lesley-Anne. They seem to have made some effort to, (ahem!), “investigate”, the complaint but then decided to not follow their legal requirements. Their job is to investigate complaints but it is not their job to decide if a crime has been committed or attempted. That’s the function of the Procurators Fiscal.

Believe it or not this is considered a serious dereliction of duty for the entire Justice System fails if the police force sets itself as not just the investigators and preventers of crimes but also the judges, jury and prison service.

However, I expect it would be a bit pointless to get their backs up by complaining they have neglected their duty. After all we have all made our minds up that it is more a great big joke against the Labour Party and we have all made them suffer for it by signing up as some daft fictitious character.

Except me that is. I’ve added them to my list of phone callers by giving them my real landline phone number.

Thing is I have a hearing problem. I can manage a conversation face to face if the background noise is very quiet but in a crowd it is just a jumble of noise. On a phone I know someone is talking but cannot make out what they say. I cannot hear the phone ring either. (the wee dog’s job is to tell me it has).

So I have an answer/Fax machine. It amuses me that those companies that cold call by use of a machine keep calling my number but when my machine answers theirs they have just rambled on. Telling my machine to press this button or that button. Which of course it does not do.

I have one such caller that calls several times each day – always almost exactly at the same times. Who am I to save them money on calls?


The above mentioned blue state media / US style attack campaign / better together connection is surely worth a follow up.


How long will it be before the Daily Record does and expose on the Rev being outed as a Nazi sympathizer who passes himself of as Adolph and even has a Nazi email address. Thus proving that all Yes folk are Natzis.
I am joking but i wouldn’t put it past them, there no depths to which they would not sink.


@ Tam Jardine 10:36
Indeed they did Tam…effin brilliant!
Broon still got 10 minutes party political better together lies and waffle though and no opportunity for SNP to reply.


Can’t see the Ian Smart tweet on WOS twitter, but that could be because I don’t understand how twitter works (I’m not very bright, you understand – not that I’m trying to usurp you, Lesley-Anne, I know you’re the only idiot in the village :-)).


Hi Robert I forgot to put up a copy of the e-mail I sent to the police in the first place so here it is now.

Whilst perusing the internet today I came across this article link to which deals with a page or pages of this site link to

As you will be able to see on the second site I have mentioned they have a list of names allegedly claiming to have just signed the alleged petition. It is my suspicion, along with everyone on the first site listed, that the names that are seen scrolling down the right hand side of the Petion page are fake. It is my view that these names are being scrolled to entice members of the public to give up some of their hard earned cash to the Labour party. I do not believe that this can in any be justified as a legal route to obtain money. In my view this is blatent fraud being committed by the owners of the petition page.

Anyone coming across this page for the first time would see the count number of 186,453 people and 13,547 more needed (at the time I write this) believing that this is all down to genuine people with genuine names making donations. Sadly, if you read the article on Wings over Scotland I linked to above you will see that in fact these names being scrolled are not in fact real people at but are fictitious.

I would be grateful if you can confirm that I am correct in my observations of this petition site and that you will be in a postion to initiate a fraud investigation into this petition in the near future.

The e-mail was sent to Police Scotland using this form.

I have to admit that I am rather *ahem* underwhelmed by their response but hey ho bigger fish to fry I suppose. 😉

Old Dotch

Just had a look at this website. Four guys called Ludwig have just signed up in the last minute. Seriuosly, check it out.


Thanks crazycat. Now I can see what people meant; it made me feel quite sick.


Well what do you know wee Murph the Smurph STILL loves me. It’s true and I can prove it! 😛

Hi Lesley-Anne

Today I set out Scottish Labour’s second pledge for the general election: we will give the Scottish Parliament the final say over benefits.

Only Labour can offer the change that people want to see: the ability with Home Rule to make distinctively Scottish decisions and the power to redistribute the wealth of the UK to invest in our NHS and to give young people more job opportunities.

The Vow is being delivered and we now need to built on it so we can achieve our historic aim – full employment and social justice for the people of Scotland. That is what this video is all about:

link to

After you’ve watched it, make sure others know that only a vote for Scottish Labour will deliver the change we need by sharing it on Facebook and Twitter:

Thanks for your help.

Best wishes,

Jim Murphy


@ Natasha

Sorry; forgot to add you have to click “view content”. I’d already done that so I cold no longer see the button when I was copying the link address.


@ Ian Brotherhood 10:08
There was a band in the 60’s called ‘Fresh Garbage’
Just thinking of Labour’s daily offerings which the EBC are dishing out in bucketloads .


Earlier on tonight I mentioned that *ahem* Gordon Brown had signed up to Labour’s wee *ahem* petition. Well wouldn’t you know it he’s even had a reply: 😀

Hi Gordon Brown,

Thanks for signing our petition and going on the record in opposition to the Bedroom Tax.

Can you think of any friends or family members who would want to go on the record too? If so, please forward the email below to them now.

You can also let people know via Facebook: link to

Thank you.



On Wednesday, we’re forcing a parliamentary vote on scrapping the Bedroom Tax.

I’ve already gone on the record telling the government to do the right thing and end this cruel, punitive law. Can you add your voice too?

link to


Gordon Brown


Natasha, here is a screen grab of the tweet.
link to


Could the Foodbank heist be an inside job? Has there been anyone new working for them just recently. I seem to recall seeing someone wearing one of their green fleecy jackets one day on all the big TV news channels, but the name and face somehow escapes.


@ Natasha

I see you got there while I was still failing to correct my typing errors!

@ Lesley-Anne

Jim sent that to me too; obviously he (or his minions) either didn’t read my last less than supportive response, or they don’t care. I think I won’t unsubscribe – it can be useful knowing what they are up to.

Scot Finlayson

The Vow and now The Vow +.

(Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.)


Some suggestions for future names; Nanny Ogg, Magrat Garlic, Commander Samuel Vimes, CMOT Dibbler, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Esmerelda Weatherwax, Nobby Nobbs.

In fact, the whole cast of Discworld characters can be found here:

link to

Cadogan Enright

I see Fanny, Ludwig and Basil have moved up the popularity stakes for names in Scotland. Xzandr and Ulysses appear to be slacking at the moment


Much hilarity 😀

Franchise for 16-17 year olds voters motion passed

link to


Lord Ashcroft will be releasing his Scottish constituency polling rwsults on Wednesday at 11 a.m.

Lord Ashcroft ?@LordAshcroft 12h12 hours ago
Pls retweet that my Scottish individual constituency poll will be released at 11am Wed at Register there to receive

I think there may very well be a hell of a lot of Labour extremely squeaky bums on Wednesday. 😀

Black Douglas

There you go Natasha, if the link works 🙂

link to


I did think about unsubscribing crazycat but in reality like you I love to know what the MUPPETS are getting up to. 😀


Bill Hume says:
2 February, 2015 at 10:27 pm
Apparently a guy called Hugh Jardon just signed their petition.

Now that one had me in tears!

As regards Smart’s tweet – a really sad man who is beneath contempt.


Latest You Gov polls put SNP on 48% Labour 27%.

Party Leaders Sturgeon Plus 27% Murphy Minus 10%


From Lord Ashcroft’s Polling Focus Groups:

The Conservative poster featuring Ed Miliband and Alex Salmond outside Number Ten beneath the legend “your worst nightmare…just got worse” caused some amusement. People disliked the idea of a Labour-SNP government (“a recipe for disaster”), which reflects the finding of my poll last year that found a majority, including most Labour voters, saying they would be unhappy with the SNP being part of a coalition at Westminster. But the main effect of the poster in the groups was not to warn of the dangers of Labour, but to stoke resentment of the SNP and what they saw as Scotland’s unreasonable demands for preferential treatment. “The amount of time and effort they’ve all gone to because they’re so desperate to get their additional powers. Why is Scotland so bloody special? Their kids get university for free, they get free prescriptions, and they’re still moaning.” We will see as the campaign unfolds whether the Scottish factor comes to play a part in English voters’ decisions.

Ian Brotherhood

@Natasha –

This is the text:

“Great documentary about the first ever female rabbi on BBC4. Died in a concentration camp. With the SNP’s enthusiastic support. Never forget.”

Approximately 90 minutes ago.


Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together. Just seen this on Twitter. 🙂

@YesAlliance59 ‘North British Labour Branch’ Spring conference, exhibitors have to send back their forms to an address in LONDON!!!

I wonder how the branch manager will explain this one away to the “few” at the conference about forms being sent to LONDON why not GLASGOW Murph? 😀


Juan King just signed their petition… (Snigger)


Sorry Ian B….the band was Spirit…the song Fresh Garbage.
(It’s been a long day..Ich bin jetzt ein Arschloch!)

R-type Grunt

What are the odds on the fabled ‘silent majority’ making a reappearance at the count in May?

We will be independent when we take it. There’s no other way.

Robert Peffers

@ronnie anderson says: 2 February, 2015 at 8:09 pm:

“Robert Peffers gets it in the ear awe the time diz it stop him not at all.

Aye! Ronnie, but dinna tell Morag I’ve got hearing problems so gettin it in the lug disna bother me.

Seriously, though, if they are giving you it in the ear then they are reading what you have to say.

Another thing is I’ve been just about flat on my back after I hurt myself, (by accident), on referendum night – so I’m stuck in the house most of the time and I’d rather be a Cybernat than be feeling sorry for myself.

I think I’m just about ready to get out and about again now. I had an old spinal injury caused by whiplash and I put my neck out of joint again on referendum voting night. I had the vertebrae put back in but the damned thing has come out again four times since then.

Now don’t laugh — but believe it or not one of those times I caught a cold and sneezed my neck joint out again. You couldn’t make it up. Good job I can laugh at myself, (c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y ).

Ach! A’h telt ye no tae laugh.

Cadogan Enright

@scotspine; in addition to Juan, Beyonce, Shakira, Marilyn, Madonna, Rihanna, Elvis . . am reduced to tears from laughing


Lesley-Anne 11.25pm

And these constituency polls that are coming out on Wednesday are only the start of the fight.

We will be using them as a guide to see what kind of shape we are in and what needs to be done to unseat our unionist MPs.

Oh the tension. And my SNP candidate will be named on Thursday.

Cadogan Enright

Yessinia !! how many yessinias are there in Scotland? amazing


LOL at Smart

Is he playing the humourless sanctimonious twat card because Labour have been caught out being laughably dishonest on their home website or is he simply putting on the Godwin deflector shields

or both.


Is it immoral to ask for money to get rid of a law they didn’t vote against in the first place (dont use the pairing off system ad an excuse)

link to


Respect to Stu/Wings for the reveal and to all who dropped ludicrous names onto this desperate piece of Labour nonsense. Been chuckling all day long.

Naina Tal

Been signed by Fred West, Elvis, and his stillborn twin Aaron. Plus Barackobama

Cadogan Enright

@Andy White – how do you skip past the last step?


@ R-type Grunt 12:00
Correct, they will pull the same shit in May.


Totally agree with you there Caz. I think my candidate also gets announced on Thursday for the pet Tory’s seat! 😀


What sort of person responds favourably to “You’re great, [insert name]”? It just makes me cringe.

Cadogan Enright
Andy White

@Cadogan Enright – I just refresh the page at the end to get back to the top for another entry. Seems to have picked up a few of mine, but its selection algorithms ‘per batch’ seem mysterious, as the Rev said. Always an exciting moment when a new name appears first on a refresh (he mumbled sadly). It does seem to love Yessenia at the moment. And somehow the pop songstresses always arrive together like buses.

Andy White

Addendum – lovely to see (Mabawsa) Ritchie walking tall in there too now.

Cadogan Enright

I tried Ritchie Dick, Ritchie Whiley and Ritchie Fanny in your honour

Cadogan Enright

Ivory, Ebony and Jesus doing well – good old Ulysses has been working hard all day

Chic McGregor

OT Oil continues recovery, just under $55 now.

There will be a profit taking dip or two of course, but it looks encouraging that whatever the political motive was behind the drop, has itself been dropped.


Rev’s just put a new post up, for those who at times have the ‘time delay’ issue on Wings…

link to

Also Jame’s assessment of the latest Yougov pol…

link to

Andy White

@Cadogan Enright – thanks:) Norse gods theme at the moment. Odin’s arrived, but Thor’s missing in action. Also finishing a glass of red so chucked in Porter and Sherry.

Chic McGregor

Paraphrasing someone or other.

Wad some power the Giftie gie us
Tae see oor shills as ithers plee us.


Just want to give a heads up. There are two slang words for genitals on that whitelist XD

Cadogan Enright

whoever got tommy followed by cooper and judge by judy is just showing off . . . . 🙂


Names whitelist is located here link to


Super Mega Ultra Maxi Ubber Independence
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough Brown will sound precocious
Super lying Labour sycophantic and facetious

Paul Coyne

It’s hilarious. I just got the following first names, in this order
“Jim”, “Baxter, “Tony”, “Blair”, “Elizabeth”, “Regina”.
I kid you not. This is off the chart stupidity!


I signed up using the name Jimmurphy Isabawbag- this is great cause it is making me chuckle after watching Broon’s interview with Sarah Smith last night – a blatant lie throughout

A. Murray

This, off the back of their terrible turnout at the end of 2013 to repeal the bedroom tax. They really have sunk to a new low. I honestly cannot fathom why any moderately intelligent individual would vote for such a two faced party. They’d sell their grannies if they thought it would win them the election.

undead shaun

Skeletor, tyler, durden, Tony, Blair all signed.

Kept screen dumps of the skeletor of castle grey skull, as they still give me a laugh.

Tyler & durden werent up to helping out knocking on doors or anything as it went against their values, they are both anarchists.

Jet Jockey

Sarah Smith was unable to hide the body language, “That went well eh Gordon”


Thank you to all the people who put up links and screengrabs of Ian Smart’s tweet. I had gone to bed by the time your posts came up!


I see Labour are doing some more email harvesting under the guise of some “fun”, here:

link to

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    • Mark Beggan on Where We Stand Now: “It should be illegal for a politician to change their gender whilst in office. If that was in place then…Jan 7, 12:28
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