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Wings Over Scotland

Pay attention this time, Mr Murphy

Posted on April 02, 2015 by

From today’s Daily Politics (42m 25s in):

We’ll add this one to the list.

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joe macfarlane

concise at exactly to the point, almost anybody could understand that, still wont halt the labour lie.


Stu – sharper than your average tack.


Clear enough for you Jim?


Couldn’t be clearer – until filtered through the mind of Murphy, McTernan et al.


Crystal clear.

Thank u, that woman!

Sea the Stars



Bwahahahahahaha! 😀

Mr Murphy meets eggs on face…

… again!

Billy Fay Glesga

Brilliant Rev, dim Jim and the rest of Labour will be frantically trying to come up with plan B.


you’d think he’d have been paying attention, but this is as unambiguous as it gets. no excuses at all for him now




I don’t think Jim will be able to continue the same line now.


It doesn’t matter. This is the big lie approach. They’re not going to stop lying. they’re just hoping that if they keep on saying it they’ll fool enough people.

Fannies. (as in Mae, you understand)

turnbull drier

I hadn’t realised that there could be no government until 2/3rds of MP’s voted to dissolve parliament and have another election..

Come on, just give anarchy a go 😛

Proud Cybernat

He’s no’ listenin’ Rev. Murphy damn well knows the truth of this but his lie is not intended for the likes of you or any Wings reader. His message is targetted at the low-info-voter who won’t know or won’t care that Murphy is lying to them (again).


Labour A3 flyer just in with the headline –


Quite a change from ‘The biggest party always wins the election’.

The ever sneaky Daily Politics, states that THREE parties would have to get together to form a majority and keep the Tories out of No 10, Labour/SNP/- and the LibDems!

Now we all know that’s not going to happen.

Brian Powell

Wonder why BBC Scotland couldn’t do a simple description like that, and not only try to bring it up in interviews while Murphy blusters over the question.

bookie from hell

nicola 8/1 Ladbrokes to win debate

farage 4/5 Ladbrokes to win debate

seems to me odds should be reversed

Grizzle McPuss

No ifs, ands, or buts about it, so listen Jim…no buts about it.



On Labour’s A3 flyer, there’s not a word about our Local labour MP.

I guess she’s been written off then as unaffordable.

Hard lines, Pam.


Thank god for the Newsround-esq way of explaining the situation (for the ‘Hard of Understanding’ to steal a line form Billy Connolly).

Folk have bloody short memories though don’t they? Happened in 2010. Labour lost/walked away from talks with the Lib Dems and that then let the Tory/Lib Dem Team America gang to form a govt – Team Tory, Gosh Yeah!

But yet, here we are having to explain the whole thing – with pictures and words. I do hope that this was a tongue in cheek dig at Mr Murphy.

The Man in the Jar

Glad to report that my polling card came through the post today. This allows me to place it on the mantlepiece so that when I get angry at Murphys pish or any of the rest of the muppets for that matter. I can just look at it and think “Just wait, just you f*****g wait, tick tock”.




No mention of 1924 either. Couldn’t be clearer.


It doesn’t matter how many times labour’s claim is debunked. They will maintain it because it is a deliberate strategy designed to mislead as many voters as possible. There are plenty of voters who don’t read this site or others like it, or watch political tv programs and who may hear labour’s claim and take it to be correct. This is what labour are relying upon. It’s desperate stuff from them, not to mention immoral but then that’s never stopped politicians before.

Also, the actual claim is actually correct, the largest party has always formed the government. If labour politicians were clever enough to stick to the correct wording, there would be nothing to refute.


We all know this and Jim Murphy knows this but the only card he has left is to try and con people into voting Labour.
The Labour Party as an honourable socialist party is like a Norwegian Blue Parrot in that it did once exist in the distant past but is long extinct.


Dumb Question:

If the UK has no Government, but Scotland does, what happens?


At last. An explanation everyone , yes everyone including you Jim Murphy, can understand.


At last the mainstream answer that will be difficult for Murphy to dodge. I think that Metrocentric Tories ( and Andrew Neil is one ) were becoming irritated by Murphy’s obvious game plan to confuse and obfuscate in order to cling on to Labour votes in Scotland.

Although the real situation has appeared in various media as well as social media, Murphy has plugged away doggedly with his tattered version. At last BBC London has lost patience and decided to scotch the plan ( sorry for the pun ) by stating the constitutional truth clearly and unambiguously. At least they can be said to be carrying out their role as journalists properly in this case, which is to inform.


Bat’shit’ phone rings at Labour branch office NORTH.

Message from HQ > Revert to SNP bad … repeat SNP bad ..

Patrick Roden

The great thing about this, is it’s on the BBC! who have been Jim Murphy’s biggest promoter of ‘the lie’.

What now for the BBC presenters? do they still allow Labour to spout ‘the lie’ even though their own people have clearly shown it to be dishonest?

Another point from this:

BBC Scotland staff, as well as quite a few of us on Wings, were a bit indignant, when the BBC London office decided it would be sending the ‘big boys’ up to Scotland, to cover the closing stages and therefore the more important parts, of our referendum.

It seemed to suggest that staff at BBC Scotland were second rate and that it needed the better quality staff from London, to do the ‘big boys stuff’

Well, compare the pathetic lack of understanding of the rules governing Westminster elections, by Gordon Brewer, during his interview with Angus Robertson (who repeatedly told Brewer ‘it’s quite simple Gordon…)

Compare with this woman, who has done her research, so is able to calmly and clearly explains the way Westminster works.

Clear evidence that Scotland gets a second or perhaps third rate service from the BBC.


HAW Slabberites, including you lot at the British Bullshit Corporation (Scotland branch), did you hear how plainly that was explained in the footage above?

Now stop spinning, tweeting and retreating from your excremental lies on this issue. The wee wummin in the footage is making an utter erse of you all.

Anyhoo, whits that noo, ten nil tae the Rev? (evidence wise).


Its still very easy to hear that fake and very creepy Murphy tone going “when was the last time the largest party didn’t do it, that’s right silly Scotland region, 1924. So vote SLabour, or its all your fault”

Creepy Jim Morphy’s definitely got the creepiest politician vocalic skin crawling tone since 1924. He deserves that accolade at least, as his once meteoric SLabour career ends for good and after all the might of BBC vote SLab Scotland giving it everything they;ve got, reprobates at the Heil, Record, Press and freakin Journal, although that lot really have a hard on for Help me Rhona Carmichael and poor old Danny Alexander, for gods sake.

No no no...Yes

Every day is a school day, except if you are the Labour leadership in Scotland. They will continue to peddle their lies and we have to tell folk on the doorstep, online and everywhere else.

I watched BBC Daily politics and got the impression they were trying to get out a message that tonight’s debates wasn’t worth bothering about, too many involved, two hours, blah blah,etc. Seems they don’t want UK viewers to see Nicola, Natalie and Leanne in action against the three amigos plus 1.


Aye, but she never answered the question.
When was the last time the largest party didn’t form the Government?
Eh, when was it? Silence is a killer on Wings you know.
Bloody haunts me that bit of useless info. It will be in a pub quiz some night and I will just do a Chewing the Fat and lose it.

Proud Cybernat


Get the popcorn ready….

link to


McTernan is reeling in the line,
but the fish are not biting –
they’ve gone off Murphy
and the Labour bait now smells of Tory.

Hard lines John.


More SLab double speak, this time from Kezia Dugdale’s highlights at FMQ’s today says vote SLabour and then they will, within in 100 days bring forward, a Home Rule for Scotland bill to deliver “Smith Commission and more into law” but the Smith Commission farce was not Home Rule by any definition and what does “Smith Commission and more” actually mean anyway? Magic beans deposited by this Smith Commission crackpot

link to

And that’s my teamGB mystery of the day:D

Chic McGregor

That’s what Jim Murphy has been saying all the time, you have just been willfully misinterpreting what he has said up till now.

No, I’m not a day late with this, just thought I would save the MSM the trouble. Feeling magnanimous.


Jo must be wrong! Jim Murphy told me several times that the biggest party forms the government. Is she suggesting that the leader of the endangered species Scottish Labour was lying to me?

call me dave


Interesting point! Any historians out there immersed in constitutional matters…Oh wait we don’t have a written constitution so it’s opinion only.

Chic McGregor

Time to release the ‘vile cybernat’ smoke bombs again.


O/T Apology to Stu

“Exclusive: Outrage at UK Home Office plans to devalue Scottish qualifications

EDUCATION support workers have expressed anger at plans by the UK Home Office to devalue Scottish language qualification from 5 April.

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has called for an “urgent clarification” on plans to ban SQA English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) tests from the Home Office ‘approved list’.

The change, which government documents state will come into force on 6 April, will remove the SQA as a recognised provider of English language for citizenship applications. (Click here to read more).

The only awarding bodies the Home Office plans to recognise are Trinity College London and Cambridge English Language Assessment.”

Two things:-
1. We have GOT to get out of this Union
2. Thanks to all the No voters – YOU made this possible


IMO? Murphy and SLab will just keep lying with their strategy of now only targeting the ill-informed.

What else is open to them? Start being truthful, perhaps!


Looking forward to hearing Leanne Wood’s lovely Welsh accent tonight. And I expect Nicola’s ratings to climb higher with English voters after they hear her speak, always clear, concise, to the point, answering the question directly and fairly (so you can bet every opportunity will be had to let the men talk over the women, especially Nicola).


It’s nice to see the snp aren’t labelled under ‘others’ now. Life’s little victories


heedtracker says:
” Kezia Dugdale’s highlights at FMQ’s today says vote SLabour and then they will, within in 100 days bring forward, a Home Rule for Scotland bill”

A simple way to progress this …. Let the SNP define what Home Rule is, then both SNP and Labour could proceed to vote it through WM. (The excellent SNP submission the Smith would do just nicely.)


Stu – you have done a really fine job here – hunting this one down. All credit to you & WoS that finally, finally the MSM is nailing down the SLABLIE. I am hopeful that now we have reached a tipping point where journalists will routinely challenge it. (Jings, did I just write that? – MSM don’t routinely challenge anything!) Anyways – whatever happens – thanks for your magnificent persistence….gold dust.


SLAB seem to be moving on to their novel and positive idea that FFA will be a disaster for Scotland. So there you have it: Scotland is a basket case, and should never aspire to running its own taxation and welfare systems, due to the fact we are naturally uniquely too poor, too stupid and too small to do it. Now where and when did they last use this argument?…

I think even SLAB are now recognising that their largest party forms the government schtick is untenable. Therefore, it is Project Fear II: FFA would be a disaster says Deputy Dugdale.

I love how careerist politicians who could not set a political agenda to save their lives, are now deciding what is good for Scotland (sadly we have last September to thank for that). More to the point, how the fuck can Scotland ever become a place we want it to be, when unionist politicians are constantly attacking our ability to govern ourselves? Do these shameless people ever think about the damage and harm they are doing with their can’t do, endlessly negative attitude to Scotland, and its people?

In any normal, small, self governing European nation these jokers would not be given the time of day, and would be derided on a massive scale. It shows how far we still have to go. If Dugdale and co went to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, Finland, Ireland etc, and tried their your too small/stupid/poor approach, like they do in Scotland, they would laughed out of these nations.

Brian Powell

Dugdale saying ‘they’ will bring in a HR Bill in 100 days, highlights the mismatch between Holyrood and Westminster and the fragility of the relationship.

Apart from the fact that Scottish Labour can’t offer anything we see how dependent Scotland is on the ‘goodwill’ of Westminster.

Where there is goodwill there can be badwill, we’ve seen it.

We’ve had Brown’s Home Rule, twice, and Milliband’s Vow, that doesn’t exist. Alistair Darling’s DevoMax (remember him?) Then the Smith proposals, fluttering and drifting on the wind (from the House of Lords and everybody else who doesn’t want bits in it).

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Farage has low(ish) odds to win tonight because he beat Clegg so easily.

Leaving aside the fact that Clegg has been toxic to the public for years, it’s hard to believe that the public schoolboy city spiv Farage trotting out the same old racist scaremongering about immigrants will win him tonight’s debate but it might for that audience.

The crucial thing for Nicola is to get her message across of a better scotland for all scots to scottish voters. She has to do so regardless of the hatred spewed at her by the westminster establishment parties and the racist Farage.

She does that then it’s job done and if those who have no knowledge of scottish politics finally realise that the westmisnter bubble media and tabloids are lying and scaremongering about Nicola and the SNP then that can only be to the good as well. 🙂



2. Thanks to all the No voters – YOU made this possible.

To achieve independence we need to gain more support for independence. You are not going to achieve this by blaming over 50 per cent of the electorate in Scotland for the way they voted last September, however disappointing the outcome was for Yes voters and supporters.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Labour are preparing their excuses for when they refuse more meaningful powers and full fiscal autonomy.

They don’t seem to realise that refusing more powers didn’t work for the tories when they opposed the first part of devolution and it certainly won’t work for the red tories when they deny the scottish public more powers and FFA/Devo Max.

We need to have as many high profile Labour MPs and MSPs vehemently oppose more powers/FFA/Devo Max and proving to the scottish public that Labour simply don’t want scotland to have more powers even though we know the public wants them.

If we can’t get Devo Max/FFA then the scottish voters are hardly going to forget that come 2016.

Nor will scots forget all the bullshit and lies about scotland being “better together” after the westmisnter establishment blatantly tries to shut scots out from having a say in how scotland is governed from westmisnter. (Which we will see plenty of evidence of tonight at the debate)


Dim Jim studied politics & European law at Strathclyde uni for 9 years and left without a qualification?

We now understand Jim either Strathclyde uni. Is hopeless or…. Make your own conclusion! So you went to uni to study politics for 9 years, you’ve been a politician for many years and you still do not know how the electoral system works. Bet you know how the expenses system works just fine.

Your a con artist and charlatan, an unprincipled waster.

As one who has very little time for the EBC when it comes to politics, I must thank them on the daily politics to-day in clearing up the confussionion you have been desperate to inject into the Scottish electorate for a long time now.

So Jim was it a mistake or an out and out lie since you spent 9 years at uni. Studying politics and have been in the HOC for many years. You are a chancer Jim!

Tick tock!



Yeah, I’m hoping for Plaid to catch a bit of the SNPs upsurge in the polls. Wales is another Labour bastion that I reckon is going to waken up any election now, here’s hoping it’s this one. With the mess Labour has made of their NHS the time is right!


Yer English isnae guid enuff son.
Neither are you.

The devaluing of Scottish language qualifications,
due to begin on April 5th,
is one more sign of Cameron’s plan
to drain political power from Scotland,
by a sustained programme of asset stripping of every kind.

The purpose? To weaken the independence movement
and to disembowel the Scottish Parliament.
And much, much more.

Can’t you feel the level of sheer downright
hostility and spite rising in England,
and in the Unionist Establishment in particular.

I sense that we MUST secure Independence within a short time.
Too long and the asset stripping
will have left us shorn of the means to attain Independence.

NOW is the hour.

For Scotland’s sake – vote SNP, Join SNP.


I haven’t heard Jim offering anything to Scotland other then “largest party, I’ve got size 13 feet” for the last few months.

Now that his “largest party” has been taken away from him is he seriously to campaign for his One Year seat based solely on the size of his shoes?

Worryingly, they are unionist shoes so he may actually still be able to glean a few fuckwit votes.


Jo Coburn, London’s BBC reporter, fairly shows up her ‘sister’ ‘reporters’ in Scotland, for what they truly are: feckless, inept, feeble, incompetent, dullard numpties. Inflicted upon long suffering viewers in Scotland for too long.

Yes, I am talking about you: Sarah Smith, Kirsty Wark, Jackie Bird, Kaye Adams, Sally McNair,Johanne Bonnar, Rona Dougall, ad nauseum.

The male reporters are just as inept, supine and wilfully blind to the simple truth.

Get rid of them all.


If SLAB had joined the YES campaign we’d be heading for a Tory-Free future. Murphy’s shite about the SNP delivering a Cameron victory is shite, pure & simple.


@ muttley79 says:2 April, 2015 at 4:01 pm
You are not going to achieve this by blaming over 50 per cent of the electorate in Scotland for the way they voted last.

You have a point.
I too have a point – reminding No voters of their responsibilities and the direct consequences of their decision.
I made no reference to blame but I recognise it could be inferred.

For the record, within the 2,001,926 who voted against,
there will be 50 shades of No. – including Royal Blue.

For them, blame has nothing to do with it.
They’re British.
I couldn’t blame them – there’d be no point.

CameronB Brodie

Nice one. 😉

Just to avoid uncertainty, has anyone sent Lurch a link to this article, or the BBC’s guide? Given he is unlikely to cease and desist in attempting to con the Scots electorate….

Rev. – Got any budget for billboards? 🙂


straight to the point, and even Jim can understand it!
(not that he’ll even try to though)


Hello folks, sorry if someone has mentioned this, haven’t had the chance to read everyone’s posts yet, but in addition to this brilliant video the editorial of today’s Scottish SUN is also having a big go at Murphys by lie and attacking all labours politics as empty and without purpose.

It basically calls Murphy a liar lol.

Check it out if you can.


Fred says:
2 April, 2015 at 4:29 pm

If SLAB had joined the YES campaign we’d be heading for a Tory-Free future. Murphy’s shite about the SNP delivering a Cameron victory is shite, pure & simple.

They didn’t even have to go that far – all Labour had to do was support DevoMax/FFA and a second question in the referendum – they would have won by a country mile. But no, such was their Westminsterphilic instinct that they resisted any move for change.

I understand (sort of) why Scottish Labour politicians might oppose full independence, but why they continue to oppose DevoMax/FFA (clearly against the majority wish of the people of scotland) is beyond me.


When Murphy or Milliband is next on any BBC politics program, do you think the BBC would replay that clip for their edification.

No, neither do I…



From STV-numbers registered to vote have fallen by 145,000
Check you are on the register folks.


Vote for Labour-we do not think the people of Scotland have the ability, capacity, talent, and nous to run their own nation. What an inspiring message that is. How do you sell it?…


Lies and Project Fear
I have just acquired two Ossian cases to stand on – so hear goes.

We have known about “the biggest Party” lie for weeks and given it lots of digital column inches. The lie is now unravelling for all to see.
But, the biggest lie and the one that winds me up the most is –
Jackie Bailey this week in Parliament on Fiscal Autonomy in debate saying “ wipe out State Pension for all of Scotlands older people” Grrrrrrrr.
Kezia Dugdale on the same topic in FMQ’s “ cut to our pensions”
The SNP have no policy to remove or cut pensions. It would be political suicide for any party to not fully protect pension. They would loose almost all the votes of the over 50’s.
We all have much loved mums and dads, aunts and uncles, older friends and neighbours.
They deserve more respect than this.
They should not be scared into voting a certain way for a political party’s or politicians survival.
They would be tarnished votes. Morally corrupt votes.
They deserve better, we should expect better, we should make sure it doesn’t happen.
A movement should give voice to all the political parties signing up to never using such tactics, to treating our precious seniors with respect and allow them confidence in their hard earned pensions .

My Ossian case is rests.


Refusing full independence when 55% of the people? Well,you may just get away with (although your support is now split between three unionist parties).

Refusing DevoMax/FFA when 70% of the people want it? Mmmmmm. Not a good idea!

Take note, red tories – you can’t say you haven’t been warned (for over two years now)! Perhaps one day the penny will drop.


@ Kenny (3.40pm).

I too am looking forward to seeing Leanne in action tonight.

I think they should be billing tonights leaders debate thus:

The Feckless Fabulist Four -V- The Triumphant Truthful Three


Kenny @ 3:40

Leanne does have a nice brogue, haha! Hearing her pronounce ‘commitment’ is a joy, haha, not least because you suspect she would actually do what she says she would as well.

I suspect Farage will ‘win’ the debate (at least in so far as it is polled or whatever). Nothing to do with the quality of the arguments, of course, but because he isn’t a) one of the three ‘main’ parties’ leaders and currently escapes the ‘they’re all the same’ accusations (even though he’s just the same as any other Tory really) and b) he isn’t from one of those funny regions to the west or north, or Australia.

Tackety Beets

Its not complicated .
It is very simple , infact its so simple my 11 year old understands .
Murphy spends 9 years @ Uni , now we ALL know how thick he must be to not understand such simple politics .

Reality Brewer , and other BBC cronies are just as stupid , whether they knew or not . Either way they were behaving like thickos.

It shows the contempt they have for us ordinary folk.


ANy URL for this – or a googlable phrase, which brinks up a link to the BBC? I couldn’t find it in text form.

It’d be useful to do that on any Herald thread. It’s nice to use the Unionist BBC to defeat – Unionists.

I don’t post much, but still regularly scan the articles from the main page, read some, read some comments – so I’m here in spirit if not in postings!


There will come a point in the ‘largest party’ debate when Jim Murphy will have to deploy the Vicky Pollard response.

Ian Kirkwood

No need for the list Stu, this kind of nails it. After all the BBC always tells it like it is, eh?


Murphy was heard to say, allegedly. “Aye but…ehm. That bloody BBC down south has always been anti labour ehm. This just proves they are hand and glove with the SNP and against fitba and poor pensioners..innat. Bugger!!! Ok what about this, by saying the biggest party gets to form the guvrnmint what I was trying to do was to open the debate and edumicate the Scotland which I love, naebody is more Scotlandish than me and I am proud at the service I have provided reference said edumication, so let’s hear nae mare aboot it.”

Dr Benway

O/T sorry but if anyone fancies a very temporary change of scenery check out this from Paul Craig Roberts, a reasoned and objective commentator speaking about events in Middle East, US and beyond. It’s 50 mins long but worth it and highly educational for anyone not quite in the know.

link to



BBC telling it as it REALLY is with regards to hung parliaments. As Stu says:

Are you listening at the back?


Ahroohah! Aroohah!

Dive! Dive!

Right now I have your attention peeps you can not say you have not been warned!

STV were in Annan today, apparently. They were interviewing the Fluffy cleaner a.k.a. Emma Harper our local S.N.P. candidate.

Whilst they did their interview thingy they also took some footage of some local *ahem* mobsters 😉 who just happened to be hanging around in the background. 🙂 They had taken me *cough* hostage and as such for my troubles as local hostage 😛 I may have inadvertently ended up in the background footage. 😀

Don’t blame me if you happen to be watching STV news tonight and you see the village idiot. I did everything I could NOT to be in the film … HONEST! 😀


And surely depicted in drama on Saturday night in ‘Coalition’



SLAB opposed Devo max/FFA because it would adversely affect the power and status of their MPs at Westminster. Nothing more and nothing less. It was the same reason that they watered down even the inadequate Smith Commission proposals. They are not interested in Scotland, socialism, or probably even social democracy anymore. SLAB are an employment racket. They once stood for something, you could not accuse Keir Hardie, Maxton, Wheatley, Barbour etc of being careerists, or not being socialists. The present day lot are in the main chancers (Murphy, Sarwar etc), liars (Curran, Baillie, Murphy), bullies (Davidson), and charlatans (take your pick). 😀 😀 To say that they have completely sold out their party’s founding principles and beliefs is an understatement of considerable proportions.


Re Plaid Cymru, I think they are very poised to “do an SNP” in Wales. They are neck and neck with the Tories at 20% and I doubt the Tories will rise above that. The Lib Dems are nowhere, although UKIP are a danger (but will hopefully take votes from the Blue and Red Tories, not PC, I should think).

The situation is very much like in the West of Scotland. If PC continue with their anti-austerity and pro-people approach, if Labour continues to support the Tories in their horrible and ultimately inept policies, if there is a bounce effect from the SNP showing good govt at Westminster like they do in Scotland, with the growing media presence of Nicola south of the Tweed, well, I think the future looks good for “the party of Wales.”

Yes, PC are a bit behind us, but Wales is a harder place in terms of the indy question, for various historical and economic reasons, and they have not had the referendum process which has schooled us. In fact, all things considered, PC are doing quite well at 20% already and in perfect position to make inroads into Labour’s 37%. Remember, there was a time the SNP was not even in double digit figures and most of Scotland was red (talk about the “dark ages”!).


What this also says, as an aside, is that the Conservatives CANNOT form a government in this general election. They don’t have enough support from anywhere to make it over the line

call me dave


Hope you gave us a wave!

If the Big BBC down South is telling it how it is then the wee BBC Scotland branch office must do likewise… Simples.

Leaders debate… as said elsewhere… where’s Murphy!
What he’s no actually the leader… 🙂 Scotland wake up.


I agree Kenny Leanne does have a lovely voice. I always love listening to her speak. I could listen to her for hours. 😉


Damn forgot to add that it looks like we are gathering enough folk on here to start up a Scottish branch of the Leanne Woods fan club! 😀


That’s amazing..!

A presenter on a BBC news programme slowly and precisly explaining something which is factually true and runs against everything that Jimbo da Murf and da Labour fat cat band have been tying to flog off to the voters.

Methinks that the Beeb are trying to save their hides because of the total embarassment and ridicule that’s hitting them by being connected to the guff from Labour.

They’ve moved to S.O.S mode. 🙂


Oh! this really shows just how much education has been b****red about in the past 65 years we were taught this at school, Murphy and Associates along with their predecessors are responsible for this mess can we please make it stick where it belongs.
It is possible we can rectify this stupid situation once and for all.
Put Scotland First, don’t let the door catch you in the nether regions on your way out.

gerry parker

@Lollysmum at 4:41

Got my polling cards in today from NLC.

Been out all afternoon leafleting.


If Labour has no overall majority then it sounds to me that Murphy will be encouraging Ed to call the bluff of the SNP and others … …. support the Labour Party manifesto as presented in Queen’s Speech or be branded as Tartan/Green/Leaky Tories or as the people who forced another General Election on the populace.

I think Ed may in fact call Jim’s bluff.

Of course, Jim may not be in Westminster anyway !


Gerry Parker 🙂

Wonder how many people are going to get an almighty shock when they realise they aren’t on the voting register this time around 🙁

Jack Beck/Scotus

Maybe I’m thick but if SLAB is a recognised party as the BBC keeps on implying, why isn’t Jim Murphy in tonight’s debate?


Now that this has been put to bed can we dispel the myth that only Cameron and Milliband can be PM?

link to

See Chapter Three, although the example given is Lord Salisbury over 100 years ago but Lord Home was PM for three days in the 60’s then Mr Hume was PM for a further 19 days before he was given a commons seat when the Kinross and West Perthshire sitting MP resigned his seat.


Seriously, does Murphy not realise that he is going to walk headlong into a car crash of epic proportions during these TV debates? (…it will be entertaining! LOL)

The minute he spouts his drivel, Nicola Sturgeon will lay into him with a vengeance. To begin with, Nicola is a solicitor by trade. I’m sure her own skills in this field will have had her researching, clarifying, and even getting precedents to state the case, that not only is there historical proof of past events, but that James Murphy himself is slavering incomprehensible drivel. One may even wonder if he is back on the glue either as he presents his drivel, or begins to lose the plot as Nicola scourges him!

Nicola taking on Cameron and Miliband tonight will be interesting to watch. I have no doubt the ‘vow’ will make an appearance, and that will be very interesting to watch since we can now study the actions of the Unionist Politicians to see how comfortable they are with it when it is raised. Will be curious to see if Cameron’s eyes go down (lying), upwards (thinking of an answer), lots of fidgeting, or whether he will look her in the eye and give a straight answer. Same to Ed when it comes to policies that may match the SNP’s. Will Ed look her in the eye? Something to watch out for, folks!

But yep …it will be interesting to see if Murphy will take to the stage with Nicola, or whether he will panic, and then throw Kezia into the limelight to do his fighting.

Either way, these TV debates are going to show one of two people up!


Tackety Beets – Murphy’s not thick: he just neglected to spend time on his degree course, preferring to be a student politician – eg selling far-left newspapers to students, getting himself elected to the SRC, to presidency of the Students’ Union, and to the post of Director of NUS Scotland, followed by the same for NUS UK (a sabbatical (paid) – that is a joke in respect of the non-studying Murphy). But such shameless piss-aboutery is more damning than being thick.


i let out a huge cheer when “The Daily Politics” explained the “Largest party gets to form the government”. It really put a MASSIVE hole in “Truth” of how a Government gets formed in the event of a hung parliament.

I only wished that Jim Murphy was on the show at the time only to see the colour drain away from his face (I don’t know if it possible to get any greyer than he already is).

I just hope the vast majority of the public watched this programme and start to think of not voting Labour seeing that they have seen for themselves how Jim Murphy was lying to them all this time.

Henri Macaulay

OT… I registered to vote recently having moved house in December.
Today I received 2 polling cards – one for each address. Are they stupid? It doesn’t instill confidence


Don’t worry about the wave CMD I’m the one in the cowboy hat. 😉

No fear about being registered or not any more Lollysmum. Guess what I got in the mail this morning! 😀


O/T but refers to last post.

Police probe ‘hang Sturgeon’ tweet

link to


Out of interest, I suppose, or perhaps I’m trying to find an explanation for his approach to things …. what did Murphy actually study/learn at University?

The Uni itself obviously deemed that he learned very little – no degree.

What were his chosen subjects?


I don’t want to put a dampener on Plaid, but as Robert Peffers has ably pointed out Leeane Wood is still on telly stating that she wants the same money as Scotland.

She isn’t being clear enough in what she means. Perhaps it’s just me, but It really seems to me that she is talking actual amounts and not parity.

Parity would be wales receiving what it actually needs (which is fucking debatable all day for all thanks to Barnett).

She is not being pulled up for this in MSM for two reasons.

1. It allows the English taxpayer to think Scotland gets more than it needs and definitely gets more than them.

2. To point out the truth to Leeane would mean spelling out how Barnett actually works ie: NOT a handout from English taxpayers.

Having said all that, Go Plaid.


OT: “Drop in number of registered votes”
link to


I can tell you that it was virtually impossible to NOT get a degree from Strathclyde University. In the years that the illustrious branch manager of the North British accounting unit of the Red Tory Party was “studying” there, the pass mark was 40%.

If you earned something like 37-38% it would be upped to 40% — a pass! Now, even getting 40% means you get more wrong than you get right, correct? I almost believe Murphy was doing something else for the time (maybe at some neo-con think-tank in the States?), because — I repeat — it is virtually impossible to get into Strathclyde and leave with nothing, even after four or five years, but nine….!

And, if you did leave with nothing, the last place you should be is anything remotely close to elected power and the ability to milk the public purse/make decisions affecting the lives of millions. Basically, if you attended Strathclyde for nine years and left without a degree, you are not fit to be in charge of a bunfight or a tame canary — let alone the branch manager of the North British accounting unit of a Red, Blue, Yellow or Purple Tory Party!*

* And what this says of the intellectual abilities of his “deputy dug” or those who lost to him in the leadership election battle I just don’t know!!

All this again shows us the contempt the WM establishment parties has for the British electorate and another reason we should want out of a tired, corrupt, self-serving UKOK establishment.


Pat Kane on independence live now

link to


Couldn’t we just dissolve WM Parliament FullStop!


Daisley Mail’s Debate drinking game

link to

I’m not sure about this, I think anyone that tries this will be dead of alcohol poisoning after 30 minutes.


Murphy isn’t a party leader-he isn’t taking part in the debate


I’ve spent a wee bit of time of late deleting old emails when I came across one from myself with some stuff I had posted on and probably had deleted from the old Blether with Bias blog they used to run on the BBC website, before they denied the public an opinion.

As the subjects of late has much been on Labour lies and Lacour being seen to be colluding & conspiring together with the Tories agaist Scotland in the referendum campaign, in my view this could be worth mentioning today as a wee reminder of how long and how deep I beleive this surreptitious arrangement actually has existed…

Did successive Tory and Labour UK governments collude or lie to Scotland about our prospects as an Independent Scotland in the last 37 years???

from 1974/75 they knew this;

“large revenues and balance of payments gains would indeed accrue to a Scottish government in the event of independence”


“What is quite clear is that the balance of payments gain from North Sea oil would easily swamp the existing deficit whatever its size and transform Scotland into a country with a substantial and chronic surplus.”


“An exchange rate of 1 pound Scots to 120p sterling within two years of independence therefore seems quite probable”


“The strength of the currency coupled with the budgetary surplus would help to keep interest rates down and there would no need for sudden increases in taxation or massive cuts in public expenditure”


“Apart from the need to avoid piling up excessive surpluses, Scotland would wish to extend her North Sea oil revenue over a much longer period than the 30 or so years which seems likely at presently planned rates of extraction”

And also

“Thus, all that is wrong with the SNP estimate is that is far too low” …etc…

Professor Gavin McCrone, Secret document 1974. Prepared for the Tory UK Government of 1974 and passed on, in secret, to the Labour Government of 1975.

David Stevenson

Murphy didn’t spend 9 years at Strathclyde. He was NUS Scotland President then NUS President. These account for 5 years. He would have been allowed to matriculate but he wouldn’t have been studying. Why would he bother graduating when he had set in motion bus political career within the Labour party? He is a scabby careerist, but he didn’t study at Uni for nine years.

Tackety Beets

Hi Iain ,
Murphy The Thicko was T&C , as I said they are behaving like thickos or at least treating us as if we are .
Contemptuous !

Kenny & Lesley-Anne ,

Yes . I also think there may be a wee help from SNP .
Previously in both Scotland & Wales some would vote for Labour , not always for their policies but because they did not want Tories .
Due to surge and Polls being strong for SNP and the connection to PC , anyone liking those Centre / Left Policies are very much more likely to Vote PC as they can now be effective along with PC / SNP/ Green.
Leanne certainly does a good job and I truly wish her well tonight .

Am Nae si sure o the Green wifey , Caroline Lucas would be my preferred option for tonight .


Imagine standing at the top of a metal stair case, and you accidently drop a metal bolt.
The sound you hear as it bounces of the metal treads as it disappears from view.
Well that’s the sound that is constantly going on in FUDs large empty head.
He will still spout the same garbage from now till 2016.

Labour voters have to wake up and realise the SNP/Progressive parties, are the only way forward.


That woman must be wrong if Jim said it is the other way round. BBC interviewers should just tell him to shut up.


Well, i’m away for a cup of tea and a Crunchie before settling in my ringside seat to watch the 3 ladies kick the political sh!te right out of the 4 fuds.

((((( BRING IT ON )))))

Tackety Beets

Tartanarse ,

Ref PC .
Firstly missed Robert P’s post and was typing whilst you posted .
I am aware LW wants more for Wales and agree with your sentiments .

My view is that unfortunately until we know the make up in May , it difficult to assess the level of change , if any , that would ensue post GE .
Plus to be truthfull , I don’t know much about the Economics / GERS figures for Wales as only iScotland has been on my radar for the last umpteen years .

16 mins an coontin!


Alternate explanations for why the register is dropping might be the introduction of individual registration putting some off for falsely claiming someone else is at their address.
In addition in an election where every vote might count there’s less of a temptation for “false” registrations for postal votes from people outwith Scotland who “expect” they’ll be here.



4 posh public schoolboys from the south of England decide to start an argument with 3 burdz frae Wales, Oz and Scotland – what could possibly go wrong?

Socrates MacSporran

I might be accused of playing Devil’s Advocate here, but, Big Dim Jim Murphy could still graduate from Strathclyde.

I remember, around the time my second daughter was graduating from there, there was a lot of interest in the fact Dougie Donnelly was graduating with the law degree he had failed to complete, when he dropped out to join Radio Clyde, many years before.

OK, Dougie didn’t wait as long as BDJ before getting back to the books, but, if, as we all hope, BDJ has a bit more time on his hands after 7 May, he could always go back and finish his studies.


Anyone remember One foot in the grave, with Richard Wilson.
I am positive that’s FUD they used in the opening credits.

call me dave

For those not glued to the tv the debate is also on Radio 5 Live.


@rog_rocks: Says a lot about prof Gavin McCrone’s sense of duty to his country, arguably the UK as he felt no need to directly advise Scots of the bounty lying in the North Sea? Compare with the recent discussions on the senior civil servant – from Lochabor – who felt duty bound to intervene in the referendum and release information.

Patrick Roden

Can someone help me out here,

Did Jim Murphy say that he would not serve in a Labour Government, that did any kind of deal with the SNP, in order to form the next government?

Am I imagining this?



Unless something has changed, but according to the BBC for their own TV debate, the leaders of the Scottish parties will be taking each other on in a debate on TV on the 8th April.

link to


Will watch the debate on the I-player,
We don’t pay the TV licence.
Thanks to the referendum we broke umbilical cord.
Free from the Matrix at last.

Paula Rose

O/T – Just noticed that the day’s really are getting longer and the nights shorter.


For those not glued to the tv the debate is also on Radio 5 Live.

But you have got to see Milliband live. What a ham! Charisma bypass, snorathon. Sturgeon and Woods, terrific so far.


Oooft! Farage already gunning for us subsidy junkie Scots! Slash Barnett you bass….


OT – Anyone watching the TV debate can rate the speakers here in real time.

link to

Robert Peffers

Sheesh! They haven’t got past their brief first statements yet and every bloody Unionist leader has told the lie that the UK is a country. They just cannot help themselves. Lies come so easy to the Establishment liars.


Sturgeon started fairly well, Wood doing well. Bennett is doing better than I expected. Clegg is nowhere, Cameron is a shitebag, and Farage is an obnoxious, complete cockmonkey. Miliband is doing not bad actually.

CameronB Brodie

Not meaning to brag but even I managed to graduate, from one of Britain’s top Planning Schools, after loosing a good portion of my brain. It obviously wasn’t an important part. 😉

P.S. I used a pavement, rather than glue. 🙂


Farage is really a despicable individual: slash aid to foreigners and screw the Jocks. Rancid policies from a rancid person.


Doesn’t Farage look sweaty


You know when I heard the name Terry Kelly I was wondering if we were going to hear from the SLAB councillor… 😀 😀

Grouse Beater

Patrick Roden: Did Jim Murphy say that he would not serve in a Labour Government, that did any kind of deal with the SNP?

Don’t recall that said, but in answer to a direct question about working with the SNP he tried a line in semantics saying, he and the SNP would work together – ‘sitting on the opposition benches fighting Tory policies in Westminster’ – which is, when you think about it, a kind of loser’s charter.


Loving Leanne Wood’s accent.

Robert Peffers

@Cyborgnat says: 2 April, 2015 at 3:08 pm:

“We all know this and Jim Murphy knows this but the only card he has left is to try and con people into voting Labour.”

So what do you do when playing poker and you keep getting bad hands?

You run with a bluff and put on your poker face while doing it. However, if you are not good at bluffing you tell lies, everyone else knows it’s lies, and the bluff fails. Dim Jim has no poker face.


Jesus wept, Cameron on the NHS…


Just dire,
Switched off debate at the NHS.


The ladies are stealing the show.



Agree with your analysis on the leaders. Bennett is really surprising me. she’s doing bloody well!


Miliband staring into the camera too much – coming over as contrived.


Oh dear, Miliband defending PFI…


muttley79 says:
at 8:29 pm



Clegg denying that the NHS in England is being privatised here. Whoosh.


Have they got the extra hot super trooper focused on Farage? He looks…a tad uncomfortable.


Is Ed secretly saying “look into my eyes…not around the eyes..look into my eyes”

Farage is toast after tonight…which is nice


Bloody hell this debate is tedious and boring, utterly no sense of occasion and Cameron keeps getting allowed to speak longer that he should (to be fair the presenter seems barely able to control this debate at times). Sturgeon holding her own when she actually gets to speak.


Anyone else thinking of 15 to 1 quiz show?

Robert Peffers

Had to laugh at Cameron claiming the Tories had increased the cure rate for Cancer in, “Britain”. Now correct me if I’m wrong but is it not the skills of the Medical Sciences that make the gains in both Medicine and Surgery?


Shh everybody…. Ed wants to say something to everyone at home…

ronnie anderson

@ CameronB PMSL at the pavement craik, wha,s like us naebodys , there awe same LOL.


Rate the debate is going to cause a log jam at A&E, RSI after just 20 mins.
Great fun tho 😉

Robert Peffers

It has to be said. The three lady leaders are way ahead of the four males. The are outnumbered but the are certainly not out politicked. What’s more they are saying much less but scoring more and making much more sense..

Dorothy Devine

Have to agree ,Ms Woods accent is absolutely gorgeous.
The debate on the other hand is pretty dire – there is no real debate.


Wish Militurd would stop looking into the camera


Mr Farage seems to be having a ‘Nixon’ moment – all that perspiration. Tony Blair had a tendency to that as well. What a trio!


The girls are bashing the boys . What a sad bunch the guys are. Wee Nichola and the greens seem pals already and leanne Woods is attracting lots of support. ( AyE the accent helps too)

Thank goodness we can vote SNP. Going by this England has few hopes by voting Con/Lib or Labour. Motormouths and chancers.

If they voted green and we had PC and SNP we could actually hope. The UK would be a nicer place ….

Still want indi tho. 🙂


Edward says:
2 April, 2015 at 9:04 pm

Wish Militurd would stop looking into the camera

Aye, it is quite creepy.


Some people never learn. Two communications from Katy Clark today.

The first – a wee leaflet – says in real fake handwriting ‘The choice at this election is clear – a Tory Government or a Labour Government. Help us send the Tories packing in May by voting for Katy’.

The second – done as a real proper newspaper, wow – says VOTE LABOUR TO GET RID OF THE TORIES and quotes Diane of Ardrossan who says ‘Labour is the only party who can kick out the Tories and needs to be the biggest Party to make the next Government…Vote to make sure that Labour can kick the Tories out’.

The implication being that the SNP and other parties would refuse to help Labour kick the Tories out?

Plus also in News From Katy Clark

Oh, Katy Katy Katy…just join the SNP and be done with it, will you?


Sounds like the meeja are going to have their work cut out to get the old two horse cart back on the road


Is… Is Milliband trying to steal our souls or something with that stare?

The ladies do seem to be scoring well on that itv dodah graph thing. Keep it up ladies!


Three lassies doing very well.

Hope the populations of Wales and England recognise this and vote for their parties in significant numbers.


I’m only going to watch when people hopefully put up separate clips of Nicola, Leanne and Natalie on YouTube. Can’t abide any of the four Tory horsemen of the apocalypse, especially Farange.


Leeane Wood= milf tastic! OT saw Darling going in to a posh jewellers in morningside today,fair got the hackles up,turns my stomach that man.


So far no one has laid a glove on the ladies.

Go get em. 🙂



Nicola on education.

A hit, a palpable hit.


At last. The audience wakes up!

First big clap of the night goes to our FM.


Sturgeon gets applause on education stance. Nice one.


That applause for Sturgeon!

She is getting them telt!


Oh Ed just got served!!

Nice work by Clegg to be fair


“Why don’t you apologise for everything Crash and the Flipper and Bomber Bliar did the planet Milliband, let alone teamGB?”

Its a good debate and the women are light years ahead of the same ol same ol dickheads.


Milturd’s face after being rebuked by Nicola Sturgeon on tuition fees was a keeper that Labour hope no one noticed

Talk about a condescending stare

ronnie anderson

@ Author _ Al Tell Katy Clark ah,ll vote fur her if she can get Abellio tae put WIDDEN SLATS on the SEATS at Stations, ma Arse is frozen sitting on steel seats GRRRR


If Nick Clegg advocating a “rent to buy” for young people scheme..why doesnt he implement a Rent scheme for MP second homes rather than MPs raping profits from any sales

John H.

Cameron looking nervous throughout the debate. He and his pals have got so much to lose.

Grouse Beater

Nicola doing just fine; the men all sound old school. 🙂

John H.

I think I’m a Leanne Wood groupie. 😉


All the ladies came out ahead on my scorecard.

Well done the leaders of Greens, Plaid and SNP.

call me dave

Inspite of getting to talking too long and also over others the three ladies came out on top IMO.

Sturgeon did very well except when Miliband cut deliberately across her as she was about to insist that Scotland should get to vote separately on the in/out referendum on EU if it ever is offered. Pity! Otherwise excellent.


If you look really close then you can almost see the instruction ‘smile now’ in Eds speech

Robert Peffers

Now the unionists are ending as they began. Lying to us that, “Britain”, is a country. The idiots don’t even realise The United Kingdom isn’t even a country it is four countries and Britain has another four countries not in the United Kingdom.

Sums it up just fine. A bunch of four Unionist liars lying from start to finish and three ladies who told the truth throughout the entire programme.

The conclusion must be to vote for any party led by a woman in the coming election.


No “You SNP tried to destroy the UK” rants or any snide mentions of Alex Salmond..

Scottish Labour will be raging

ronnie anderson

Farage their all the same never had a job in their lives,OH a ya Lier O ah Politician,he should have named names
Manny of the People is oor Nigel( stockbroker wiz it )Nig.


Probably the best televised debate in my lifetime. Very little shouting over each of other and everyone allowed to state their vision, this is defininatly the way forward! Nicola used her time wisely, even gaining applause from the audience. Nigel Farage bookies favourite….what an arse.


I liked Nicola saying Cameron sounded like a petulant schoolboy LOL


John H. Hands off, I saw her first!


Very humbling to know that the good people of England have had the chance to see Scotland through their own eyes.


Cameron looked like the man most likely to beat unelectable Ed. It’s over for Labour.


Paula Rose says:

“Just noticed that the day’s really are getting longer and the nights shorter.”

So, you’ll get more sleep then? 😉


from Yougov

Debate Result: Sturgeon wins
Cameron: 18%
Miliband: 15%
Clegg: 10%
Farage: 20%
Bennett: 5%
Sturgeon: 28%
Wood: 4%
1117 GB adults


ITN will stitch up Sturgeon but for not the first time I have to wonder how Chaorchoob Ian Davidson’s been getting on bayoneting all the wounded that voted YES last year. One SLabour clown we wont miss.


Nicola did really well in the ITV debate and got first round of applause.

Interesting point on 68 Labour MPs hypocrisy over zero hours contracts

link to

Note the following Scottish MPs

Ann McKechin
Fiona Mactaggart
Graeme Morrice
Gregg McClymont
Ian Murray
Katy Clark
Margaret Curran
Sheila Gilmore
Tom Greatrex

ronnie anderson

@ YesGuy are U on F/Book

Nana Smith

SNP have signed up 1,200 new members in the last two hours

Grouse Beater

TV’s poll of viewers give the best result to Sturgeon!

28%, nearest rival, 20%

TV pundits agree and give the nod to Sturgeon too.

That’ll get up the nose of Labour in Scotland, the SNP’s leader did better than all the rest UK nationally.



Well, what a huge boost to Labour in rUK Nicola’s performance will turn out to be.

Vote Labour in rUK, get SNP – get a government with a progressive Scottish backbone supplied 🙂


I have to say I enjoyed that. Several of us were watching on independence live & some great comments & laughs were made.

schrodingers cat

did i imagine it or did the presenter look like ann robinson?

milliband….you are the weakest link…….goodbye


Ronnie .

Am not on that Facebook any more Ronnie. Found too many loonies there and i kinda prefer the loonies here.

My son left a page up but i have no idea if it’s still there. i used his laptop then and have my own pc now.

Any reason big fella ?

Now's the Hour

The sisters done good – and applause for our First Minister! They showed a lot more class than the posh Sarf of Ingerlund boys (not difficult, I know).

Am I allowed to say how sexy Leanne’s voice is!? 🙂

ronnie anderson

ComRes poll on TV debate,when you have people commenting & their 1st statement is Leanne Woods ( Who,s She ) politicaly switched OFF.


Just heard from Richard Arkless that from the time the debate started tonight until the time it ended the S.N.P. got ANOTHER 1200 members.

No don’t wipe your eyes folks you read correctly. Between the start and end of the debate tonight the S.N.P. membership ROSE by ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NEW MEBERS. 😀

The original information came from a tweet from Humza Yousaf. 😉

Above this Nicola WON the debate tonight as well!

I also read, form a Pete Wishart tweet I think it was, that a Daily Mail journalist was PRAISING Nicola.

Man this has been one hell of a debate and Nicola, Leanne and Natalie a.k.a. the Three Wise Women wiped the floor with the Four Dunderheids. 😛

call me dave

Well initial reaction on Radio 5 from callers is that Nicola Strugeon was a star and the Green was fantastic…bad news is that Theresa May tory minister came on full of pomp declaring that David C was in charge and ran the show.

good news…she had a car crash interview failing to say after about six times being asked -where the £12Bn of cuts were going to occur to social services… 🙂

Anyhoo! even the English callers praising Nicola including the BBC radio pundits observers who were watching in the audience.

U-Gov poll immediately after said Sturgeon 1st and Farage 2nd

John Pinnar (spelling?) BBC applauds multiparty debate AND says SNP is the new kid on the block. They have arrived with a bang!
Err! That must be in England.


@ Marcia

Oh, that’ll leave a mark. 😀


Nicola, Leanne and Natalie did well

The last poll they flashed up was weird. Were they saying that the SNP were on 6% (Scotland Only) That is over 60% of the Scottish vote :O


milliband….you are the weakest link…….goodbye

Milliband reeked of fear, panicky tragicomic fear. So does creepy Murphy. Dark night for not so future Lord Murphy’s SLabour.

call me dave

1200 members…in two hours… WOW.

I’m glad I tuned into the debate what a treat.

Dim Jim suck it up!


Unfortunately stv/itv news have edited out the best bits of oor Nicky, her comment of “am no backing him up” had me in stitches

schrodingers cat

milliband………um, eh,…er…ahh…

sturgeon…sut up and eat yer porridge…lol


So Nicola wins the debate of all seven party leaders…. Honestly, are we really surprised? This is something we’ve known all along, but nice to see the rest of the land waking up to wee Nicky…

I was thinking about the 1200 new SNP members over the space of the debate (have we ever had anything like that in British politics?): surely anyone in Scotland who has wanted to join the SNP has already done so, following the indy-ref…. so…. I’m wondering if these are people who were previously Labour voters or even members…. and this should mean FURTHER SWINGS to the SNP before the election??

ronnie anderson

@ YesGuy Yup good reason to help a Old Soldier. Airdrie Shotts names the same for private chat, if possible.


The men were put to shame by the girls.

They must be shocked when they see the men shouting over everyone. childish.

Apathy among the rUK is a chance for the greens etc. The debate confirmed the WM bunch are useless. I bet they wished they had a Nichola or leanne , noticed they hugged at the end the rest got short shakes .

Huh i a man and and a wee bit jealous. …. i forgot we have guid men here too Wee Eck-cheeky, JSwinney-clever, Angus-diplomatic and happy Hamsa( always smiling).

Still well done ladies. Your stock is rising 😉

Dumb Unicorn

I really hope Nicola Sturgeon uses the example of how she benefited from free University Education in the Scottish Leaders debate…. how is Jim Murphy going to reply to that.

Mind you, he’s so deluded, he’d probably just go on about how he’s way more working class than Nicola ‘cos he slept in a drawer and way more educated ‘cos he went to University for a whole 9 years (free of charge), and he might have sniffed glue when he was there, and he’s always been a supporter of free education, in fact “as you and I know” it was him who abolished tuition fees in Scotland, it was, it definitely was, you know it was, don’t you remember?

For which reason I also really really hope that Nicola keeps the story of Jim’s dubious notoriety when he was NUS President up her sleeve to throw at him if need be – I’d like to see him wriggle out of that one. The other leaders would have to back her up too, they’ll be well aware of his “intolerant and dictatorial behaviour”.

Patrick Roden

Bloody Hell, I think Ed’s advisors told him that he must smile every time he spoke, but he forgot not to smile and speak at the same time on a few occasions.

It looked very ‘fake’ as he turned to the camera, like someone presenting an American Charity Advert, and spoke straight to the audience.

Honest and tough as hell, all in one week!
Is there no end to his talents! 🙂



from Yougov

Debate Result: Sturgeon wins
Cameron: 18%
Miliband: 15%
Clegg: 10%
Farage: 20%
Bennett: 5%
Sturgeon: 28%
Wood: 4%
1117 GB adults

How on earth did significantly more people think Clegg and Farage were better than Wood and Bennett? Seriously what is that all about?


So to Recap:

Sturgeon gets nights loudest applause on Education stance

Yougov: Sturgeon 1st place debate winner
Com res: Sturgeon 2nd place (just 1 point off being joint 1st and miles ahead of those in 3rd/4th ect)

+1200 new SNP members in 2 hours of debate.

Yup, it’s been a good night. 🙂


When I’ve occasionally posted here, you may remember I’ve been more sympathetic to the SNP being a force for re-orientating the country as a whole, rather than for an Independent Scotland. Increasingly I think the narrowing of opinion, and outright stupidity of the main Unionist parties will ensure the two become synonymous anyway, as they’d sooner throttle democracy itself than actually move away from the neo-Conservative consensus…

With that in mind, I agree that yes, Nicola Sturgeon played a blinder today; I said immediately after the Referendum the Nationalist echo chamber (I should add all politics online is an echo chamber, as people find their closest community and tend to stay in it) compromised your chances because there wasn’t a majority for that perspective, but there is however one for a decent, people focused Scotland. By focusing on humanist policies, Nicola I think set out very effectively the value of having as many SNP MPs as possible. By ending with “To people elsewhere I say ours will be a voice to help bring change” she I think correctly took a stand for putting principle before Westminster politics.

And combined with good showings for Green and Plaid representation I thoroughly expect the major parties to double down on the Union destroying arguments that somehow Scots and huge swathes of the British electorate are vile 5th Columnists, sigh. Not that I want them too, but that’s the path we’re locked into now… so, well done Ms Sturgeon for making the right arguments for Britain as a whole, and which may get you an Independent Scotland much quicker too.


England’s eyes have been opened.


Initial reaction across the interwebby?

Mr Murphy, yer tea’s oot.

Bwahahahahaha. 😀


Now’s the Hour says:

Am I allowed to say how sexy Leanne’s voice is!? 🙂

You are definitely not the first NtH and you are definitely not going to be the last either. 😀

I did ask earlier if there was going to be a Wings Leanne Fan club set up. 😛


Twitter full of two things at the moment:

1. Unionists and establishment figures confessing that Nicola was head and shoulders above everyone else.

2. English people saying they want to vote SNP!

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Keep in mind the debate polling is against the background of the sizeable core Labour and tory voters who were always going to declare their man ‘won it’.

It just makes the polling that much more impressive for Nicola. 🙂

Patrick Roden

@ Mutley79,

“How on earth did significantly more people think Clegg and Farage were better than Wood and Bennett? Seriously what is that all about?”

I’m not really surprised mate, because the numbers will have been dominated by English listeners, and they would see Both of these women as irrelevant.

The fact Nicola got that score is Quite incredible.


OOO AHH Nicola,I say, OO AHH Nicola

paul gerard mccormack



Following the heads up from Angus MacNeil about Ed Milliband and his constant looking at the camera I found myself watching the vast majority of the debate from behind the sofa, much like when I was a kid and watching the Daleks. 😀


Oh well, what can i say, bit disappointed, kept looking for Dim Jim, it wizzny tae half-time the wife informed me “its a leaders debate ya clown noo go an pit the kettle oan uhu tube.”
Last time i let her watch these wimmin oan the box, too much bliddy power has went straight tae her heed. She enjoyed her cuppa.

Nicola = Top of the class, 10/10.

Leanne = You can come back anytime 🙂

Natalie = You’ve upped yer game, well done.

As for the other 4, wee tip, time to update yer CV’.

Oh, and btw, Milibland goat well and truly skelped by Davina.

Good night folks, am away tae bed with a big cheesy grin oan ma puss.
Topped off with Nana’s 1200 news.


Great there from Tasmina.

She just mentioned on the BBC that the S.N.P. membership rose by 1200 to around 104,000 during the debate. Fantastic to get that mention in on the BBC and whats more they couldn’t cut it out! 😀

Tackety Beets

Ref Leanne Wood ,

Now now loons , I’m the only ” singleton in the village ”

That’s the Best slogan for rUK voters ” Vote Labour get SNP ” ! Brill
Of course Green could be applied .
Nicola 28% , yes the girls did good .
Sorry I was perhalps I was unkind calling Natalie Bennett ” the Green wifey ” so apologies girls .
Natalie Bennett raised her game and came over much better .
Kevin MCKenna on STV giving fair analysis .


Two proud Scot buts qued up on ITV post debate debate now, the ghastly proud Scot but tory boy of the millennium Fraser Nelson, from Nairn and that fake git Bremner, who dropped his silly pretence at being undecided for the ref by really putting his unionist boot in to Scotland actually running Scotland.


CameronB Brodie

ronnie anderson


David Clegg being very positive about Nicola’s performance.

I think Labour supporters are starting see her strong performance as a real bonus for Ed in England. Cameron can’t say Vote Ed get Nicola…people are going to say “but I liked her”


Front page for Friday’s The National;

link to


cynicalHighlander says:

England’s eyes have been opened.

They certainly have CH. I lost count of the number of folks from England who are desperate to vote S.N.P. but can’t cause they live in England. I did rather tongue in cheek like suggest they all move to Scotland though. 😉

With reactions like this tonight can you imagine what would happen if the S.N.P. stood candidates throughout the whole of the U.K. I personally think we’d be looking at Nicola walking into number 10 with an overall majority. 😀


Here in England, ITN post debate debate, the 2 very unionist proud Scot but blokes take long hard weewee over it all, the other two women panelists say they really enjoyed it all, point out why they liked it and they would like some more.

So much for female quotas. Is there some kind of chromosomal political pattern emerging in teamGB?


Ronnie A. 🙂

Try and get the login for that Ronnie. Canny login from here.

My son keeps all the passwords in a diary. Try tmoz. Didn’t realise that they had a site linked with facebook.

I’m from Dalkieth Ronnie but served with quite a few regiments as a Signals specialist. Keep up to date with auld mates at meets but in truth we’re getting auld and we older ones came out the Army with tired bodies.

Am 52 and useless in the winter. Summer i will be out there chapping and visiting. Ive met many old pals because of the YES movement. many more with Wings etc.

Am a sentimental guy too so tend to hug my “lost ” pals to bits and question them for hours.

Got the page bookmarked. Not lose that way.


Question Time…an SNP hatefest

Danny Alexander and Michael Gove wearing same tie…oh darlings!!


What clearly came across was the stark contrast between the same staid (sweaty) males punting the same old crap versus the fresh approach of the women and specifically Nicola Sturgeon, who stood head and shoulders above all.

This is reflected right across the twitter-sphere with many in England experiencing the fresh breath of the SNP leader.

The one exclusion was funnily enough on the Labour party in Scotland’s Twitter feed which was a feeding frenzy of their own politicians attacking the SNP and ignoring Cameron! It was quite a sad sight seeing the scurrying of the Labour has been’s seeing the futures evaporating before them.


1200 people became members of SNP tonight. Well done Nicola.

Average of all the polls taken tonight -clear win for NS-28% from Faisal Islam

ronnie anderson

Question Time Gove let the cat out of the Bag Tory,s talking to Labour re the SNP (gove we wont touch SNP with a barge pole) a bit behind the times is he not.Oh Englands waking UP NOW.


It’s a total unionist meltdown on QT over the SNP!! It’s brilliant!


Well done Nicola. Traditional Labour voters in England will be on the phone to mates in Scotland begging them to vote SNP in order to give Labour a backbone!

call me dave

Danny Boy going ballistic at the tories ‘Michael Gove’ on QT for bigging up the SNP in Scotland?

Tories secretly want shot of Scotland – Then they can rule rUK.

Audience clapping every reference to the SNP. Nicola is indeed a star. It’s panic dawn sarf! Happy days! 🙂


Severin Carell on Scotland 2015 and Fraser Nelson on ITV’s Agenda both praising Nicola Sturgeon – Who knew that would happen? 🙂


Joemcg says:
2 April, 2015 at 11:08 pm

It’s a total unionist meltdown on QT over the SNP!! It’s brilliant!

Like rats in a trap – blaming each other as their precious unionist world continues to disintegrate around them.


Sad to see a Scotsman getting his baws booted but Michael Gove getting a severe kicking on QT…hes very much out his depth.


So Farage was looking sweaty.
New name,


Fek me, QT right now is as funny a show as ive heard! Just by placing a Scottish cat amongst the pigeons, listen to the feathers flutter!! FFS. Well done to Nicola, a very wily cat indeed

call me dave

@Lesley-Anne 🙂

That’s why I listened to it on the radio.

Seriously good night tonight…except for certain viewers in the Labour Branch Office in Glasgow.

ronnie anderson

Kin wee Wingers get a crowdfund going tae buy Nicola a Surfboard & lessons,she,ll be riding the highest waves.

Chic McGregor

I have detected, surprise and relief that Nicola is ‘good’. And she is and I have been a long term admirer and supporter of her.

However, I would just like to point out, that being ‘good’ is the NORM for the pro indy movement, of which, of course, the main vehicle is the SNP.

There are any number of SNP, Greens, SSP, MPs and MSPs and MEPs who would come over as being really ‘good’ compared to Westminster counterparts.

Of course, it does help when your basic argument is intellectually and morally right.

Perhaps an unfair advantage? But on the other hand those who are drawn to that argument should, should they not, tend to be that little bit smarter?

In other words, the onus is on those who are unionists to come up with a morally and intellectually sound argument for their case, As the Americans say “Good luck with that.”


Salford hates SNP…hmmmm

Andy Burnham rejects any deal with SNP…or did he?

Will Jim Murphy back him in the morning?


SNP getting over 50% in the polls doesn’t seem so far fetched after tonight’s debate.

So proud of you Nicola and I also hope that Leanne Wood is running for Westminster. If she is and if she wins, would be a breath of fresh air to the place.

The three ladies were very impressive tonight.

Bad night for Scottish Labour. (Jim Murphy, were you watchin?)


Did Ed point out that it was the biggest party that forms the govt?

ronnie anderson

@ CameronB christ that tain you ah while tae answer, wur U thinking aboot it LOL nae smilies sos.


BBC Question Time tonight. Panic and terror of the SNP from panelists (apart from Yasmin Alibhai-Brown) and the audience. Makes you smile and makes independence more certain.


Clicked over to QT and they were still in some sort of anti-Scottish convulsion. Weird…hilarious but weird.


desimond says:
2 April, 2015 at 11:06 pm
Danny Alexander and Michael Gove wearing same tie…

It must be about 5ft long for them to be able to do that ! 🙂


Sounded like Burnham just ruled out ANY kind of deal with the SNP. So a grand coalition it is then.


Looks like peter Hitchens is an advocat for the snp!


Probably the happiest I have been tonight since the 19th. Independence appears a certainty now.


Perhaps the most surprising tweet.

link to

ronnie anderson

@ YesGuy thanks just sent a friends request when you get in.


Peter Murrell has just tweeted-1500 new members for SNP tonight 🙂


Interesting poll over on the courier about the
leaders debate link to

Currently Nicola Sturgeon in the lead at 73%

CameronB Brodie

How on earth did significantly more people think Clegg and Farage were better than Wood and Bennett? Seriously what is that all about?

I reckon it’s a psychology thing, with some folk (lots), not being receptive to outsiders or change. Then there are those (lots), who have bought the MSM’s right-wing dogma stigmatising ‘benefit scroungers’ and foreigners.

Saying that, I didn’t watch and haven’t read any manifestos, so I can’t comment on their policies.


During last week she had to remind English media that she was the SNP leader. After tonight it would seem Salmond is old news – just been viewing several blogs, twitters and news sites. She has them all lit up in praise of her performance, and she has sent the SNP’s profile through the roof. I just can’t believe amazing this reaction is – especially from the English!

Nicola Sturgeon, my queen

You have truly arrived. Long may you reign! Alba gu snooker loopy!

Nana Smith

Add another 300 to that 1200 who joined earlier this evening. Thanks bbcqt

Cadogan Enright

That’s all clear then – so its the biggest party that forms the government?

And Nicola got the worm !

Training Day

Well done Nicola. Outstanding.

Anyone else reminded of Jonathan Watson doing ‘Frankie Boy’ McAvennie leering into camera when Miliband’s advisors had clearly told him to break the fourth wall and Britishly address the British people by looking at the camera as if t’were a bacon sandwich?



Well said. I mentioned a couple of them above in my last post. We have good MP’s and clever people in Scotland. Most of them Indi too . The standard of debate outwith here is very poor. I fear the English won’t waken in time and they will see Scotland gone before they start to question their own Govt

Blame the immigrant and soon to come blame the uppity jocks. can’t they see the problem is staring them in the face everyday .

QT has scunnered me. The SNP and by they’re expression Scots have no say in WM. AYE RIGHT..

They begged us to stay and now they will reap what they sow.

Hurry up May.


SNP membership up 1600. wow.


Here’s my rating:

1. Queen Nicola
2. Natalie Bennett — I thought she was the best in the first hour, especially when she countered Farage by saying increase aid and you get a stable world
3. Leanne Wood

Joint 6th place. Three stooges, all fake and swarmy (especially the fake staged “battle” between Clegg and Cameron at the start)

7. Farage — all soundbites and incapable of saying anything except “foreigners bad” a la SLAB (“SNP bad”).

I wonder if we might indeed get Englanders standing as SNP candidates in council elections next year? I heard the London branch of the SNP has more members than the whole of the Scottish Limp Dems, so why not?


Holy shit BBC Question Time incredible drive for Scottish independence. What on earth is BBC to Scotland doing and why is it so funny?


Sorry I thought you were talking about tonight’s debate 🙂
Didn’t want to think of you sitting there in anticipation only to be disappointed.


Wingers need to ensure The National is prominently displaced to-morrow morning.

On BBC paper review Torquil Chrichton blaming Nicola Sturgeon for embarrassing Miliband.


Righto Ronnie. 🙂

Check tomz when i get on. Big thanks pal.

BBC Question time.

I hope to hell the unionists saw QT tonight. What an appalling shower. And the audience .. wtf …. ??

Hatefest followed by twitter storm FOR Nichola Sturgeon. This is one crazy night.

And we are blessed to live here an now to watch the last embers of the Empire go oot for good.

England will fall apart without us guys. They’ll keep on blaming everyone till theres no one else to blame.



Even you can see the writing on the wall. And a fair post. Nichola will try and change WM but she knows it’s only a matter of time till ref 2 and we’re off.

Only England can change the system .. and they won’t.( Sad)



Someone tweeted that membership went up by 1500 but I can’t find the tweet again.

Cadogan Enright

can anyone find a link to the debate?


Joemcg 11.24pm Re: Burnham.

Andy Burnham sums up the modern Labour Party. He is a bigger Red Tory than Tony Blair.

CameronB Brodie

ronnie anderson
I really wasn’t sure about posting my original comment, let alone replying. Mind now, I’m not the quickest of readers, mostly due to a touch of dyslexia, and I do have other interests, though no glasses yet. 😉

No smilies? Here’s a spare for you. 🙂


Emperor Palpatine would be most proud of the sheer hate coming from tonight’s QT. Unionists in utter hissy fit mode.

Yup I’m grinning.

Oh and thanks Nana for the updated new SNP member count.

Grouse Beater

Is Question Time an aberration, or are instant opinion pundits way out of step with the English nation?

Patrick Roden

Gary45% says:

“Farage was looking sweaty.
New name,

hahaha! 🙂


Nichola is frontpage
Qtime Xtra 5live on now text or call to say how we feel about no SNP rep. on Qtime panel


The BBC giving even more airtime to Dougie Alexander. He was in the BBC studios last weekend, he was on the BBC tonight and now the BBC are giving him a seat on next weeks Question Time, from Bristol.

Alexander is obviously pleading with the BBC, to get maximum publicity for his flagging election campaign.

There has to be some kind of rules being broken here.

stephen mckenzie

Meanwhile over in Telegraph land the Scotland news item is..

“Feisty red grouse acts as ‘guardian of the glen’ while trying to chase cars away”..

Aye that will do, they Scots never watch ITV anyway, too busy in the pub or the bingo.

Still Positive.

My eldest son went to London just before his 21st birthday in 1992 and started work on graduate training programme with the British government on St. Andrew’s Day 1992 and he has worked himself up to the point that he briefs Cabinet Ministers (not quite sure whether he is Border and Immigration or Home Office as they keep changing it) but tonight he tweeted his brother that if the SNP were standing in his constituency in Surrey he would vote for them.

I last saw him on Pancake Tuesday – 6 weeks ago – and he was pretty dismissive of the SNP. When we had a family holiday in Spain last May he tried to tell me that we would not be in the EU if we voted YES. I countered that by saying that we had the most oil, fishing etc. and he never mentioned it again.

I had reckoned that when he went to London I had lost my first-born, as many Scottish parents have felt over the generations, but I now feel I have got my (43-year-old ) boy back after that debate. Thank you Nicola.

ronnie anderson

@ CameronB Emburgs full of Opticians get a appointment & get glasses,your deyin yourself any favours.


Peter Murrell tweets: “To all 1,604 new @theSNP members tonight, a very warm welcome and thank you for joining”.

The Leanne Wood fanclub would like to point out that she got the first round of applause in the leaders’ debate when she nicely put down the vile Farage over his comments on HIV+ people (“You ought to be ashamed of yourself” — all delivered in her lovely Welsh accent).

ronnie anderson

This Week.
Joey Essex Political correspondant for BBC LOL

Chic McGregor

Whether Yes positive
or HIV positive
Farage of abuse?


Andrew Neil just spent the last half hour on QT taking the piss out of the debate, the format and the “contestants”. Do you think Auntie Beeb is just a little miffed at how well this ITV production went? Some twat called Joey Essex said it was boring like wot wiff them all talking over each other like. Class crass act the BBC.

Grouse Beater

Caz-m: The BBC giving even more airtime to Dougie Alexander.

It is the convention a condemned man is given the last word.


Nicola was superb.

Who’d have thought we lost the referendum??

So proud of us all, and this party. It’s not perfect and no one is, but we have an excellent First Minister.

What a performance.

Anyone wanting to help their local SNP branch out (you don’t need to join either) pop in. We’d love to have you on board and come help us win a majority of seats for Scotland.


Great post from “still positive”

Grouse Beater

Farage: ‘Tough on victims of Aids’ not a vote winner.


Flawless performance by Nicola, not that I’m surprised, but pleased and surprised at the warm reaction from south of the Border, and just shows all that was needed was a fair hearing.

I really hope the English MSM will give up on jock bashing now, as they will be going against public opinion.

Don’t think Andrew Neil was too chuffed the debate went well overall, he was a bit sneery.

I simply cant believe Ukip are consistently polling around 13%, and really hope tonight might make those supporters rethink – they are one scary party.

Kevin Evans

5 live callers are ramping up the racism towards the scots.

I think we leave them too it to do our job of independence for us

ronnie anderson

@ Grouse Beater is it no the convention of the condemned man is ah noose.


Alexander is obviously pleading with the BBC, to get maximum publicity for his flagging election campaign.

Dont worry, that nice Bliar MacDougal tweeted that real people dont watch this sort of thing, or at least he says real people in Glasgow didn’t watch the debate tonight.

I watched it though and I have a real vote fat boy. Although to be fair to Bliar, I also watched Joey Essex on Andrew Neil show and holy fcuk, that is one low information dude. His excuse for being so er not about knowing anything politics wise, not even common English colloquialisms or who David Cameron is? he’s only 24.


Why not reclaim Berwick upon Tweed? Stand an SNP candidate for election and if they win claim it’s clear they want to return to Scotland.

call me dave

Nicola is scary says English woman on QT post debate on Radio 5

“kowtowing to the Scots, they’ll tell us what to do” 🙂

ronnie anderson

Radio 5 ah canny get on that either,same as GMS, must be because ah dont pay ah TV licence. lol

Bob Sinclair

Ronnie Anderson
Joey Essex, BBC political correspondent. Good to see the BBC have upped their game ?

Cadogan Enright

BBC Radio 4 – no winner in debate ?????


BBCQT was being recorded at same time as the Leaders Debate.

SNP has 1621 new members, Sturgeon mentioned 38,000 times on Twitter tonight & SNP is trending in Liverpool now.

All in all, a good night’s work for Nicola.

Time for bed now 🙂


Interesting times indeed.

Now rUK Labour are desperate for the SNP to favour them into No 10 and typically so, have either not thought what it’s gonna cost them, or they’re so morally decrepit they reckon they can take us for yet another ride.




Indeed UKIP are, and tonight Farage told us Scots what he thinks of us: we’re canny, hadrians wall still stands apparently, Barnett formula gives us too much. Just the slightest whiff of anti-scottishness.

I dare say he may have actually lost UKIP some votes up here tonight.

Dave McEwan Hill

Faltdubh at 12.50

I don’t believe we did


Kenny says:

Peter Murrell tweets: “To all 1,604 new @theSNP members tonight, a very warm welcome and thank you for joining”.

The Leanne Wood fanclub would like to point out that she got the first round of applause in the leaders’ debate when she nicely put down the vile Farage over his comments on HIV+ people (“You ought to be ashamed of yourself” — all delivered in her lovely Welsh accent).

To be absolutely fair Kenny that was after Nicola got the first laugh out of the audience for the night with her “I’m not supporting him” comment. 😉

ronnie anderson says:

This Week.
Joey Essex Political correspondant for BBC LOL

Joey WHO? 😀

Kevin Evans says:

5 live callers are ramping up the racism towards the scots.

I think we leave them too it to do our job of independence for us

And are they not just doing a WONDERFUL job for us Kevin. 😛

orri says:

Why not reclaim Berwick upon Tweed? Stand an SNP candidate for election and if they win claim it’s clear they want to return to Scotland.

If my failing memory serves me right Orri I believe Christine Grahame did offer to stand in Berwick upon Tweed, but nothing more has happened from the offer unfortunately. I think S.N.P. are concentrating on Scotland this time round. I think they may believe going over the border may be a step too far at the moment.


It was a very good performance for a UK audience.

Compassionate messages and anti-austerity, will have taken away much of the ‘fear factor’ of SNP influence.

Back to the Scottish campaign, I think she needs to boost the ‘more powers’ message. Holding the balance for power for Scotland’s benefit.

At the end of the day, the SNP can’t govern the UK, but they can deliver for Scotland.

45% voted Yes, and more want further devolution beyond the feeble Smith proposals. If we can hold that 45% we will win many seats.

We don’t want to play the Westminster game too much – because only Miliband or Cameron will be PM, and you don’t want to focus the choice on left wing or right wing politics, however marginal the difference now.


Queen Nicola I of Scotland.

Yes, I know, but right now, after this day,
when she raised Scotland’s banner on enemy soil,
I do think I would pledge allegiance.

Vote SNP. Join SNP. Hail Scotland’s leader! Nicola!


Ah good ol’ BBC now declaring on BBC News 24 that there was no clear winner. WTF!!


The funny thing is, we know what Nicola is capable of, we don’t know what all the fuss is about! I have probably seen her do much better performances, so it will be interesting when our southern cousins start checking her out on YouTube and the Scottish Parliament Channel.

Some of the polls suggest to me I was watching another debate. Natalie Bennett in last place?!? She and Leanne were just wonderful.

Looking at Ed and Dave, I imagined them arguing UKOK’s corner in EU negotiations. What must the Germans and French think of such privileged, over-promoted amateurs? Or towel-folder Osborne at some G20 meeting?

No way!! I want Nicola negotiating on fishing quotas, EU grants, trade deals, etc. and Swinney in charge of the books… and if those who live outside Scotland have any sense, they would want them running their country also, before we reclaim our independence (maybe England could ask to be a colony of Jockland?).


@Dave McEwen,

Either do I 🙂


On the Falklands, the BBC said:-

“Britain rests its case on its long-term administration of the Falklands and on the principle of self-determination for the islanders, who are almost all of British descent.”

Now, where have I heard of the principle of self-determination before.

Westminster knows the rules – it just prefers to rule
the don’t knows by not telling them anything.


P & j has a poll up with cameron leading at the moment

link to


@Still Positive

That brought a tear to the glass e’e. I don’t know it from personal experience, but I’ve seen the “London effect” many times. Pleased for you to see it reversed.


Go the girls!

We were asked before if we would like an ‘Alternative Vote’ (AV) remember that one?

After last nights TV performance maybe the people will consider wanting an ‘Alternative Government’ (AG) for example.

Also, someone said, the time-scale of when independence is to be offered to us again, will be when the Scottish people let us know.. the timing for that offer will be gauged upon how many of these cinquante-neuf seats the progressive party wins.

Ra more ra merrier 😉


My impressions of the chat show last night.
The Three Amigos—we’ve heard it all before.Dull.Boring.Insincere.
Leanne and Nicola—fresh,compassionate,sincere.Want to hear more.Good for each other.
Natalie Bennet—-Delivered good points,but voice is grating,sorry.
Nigel Farage—will have gone down very well with his kind of people.


Pity the Greens didn’t have Patrick on instead of Natalie.


Farage is an alcoholic. Alcoholics often make poor decisions. Like illegally funding a political Party with public money. It is the UK/US (France) who are causing migration into Europe by destabilising the Middle East and causing poverty and destruction. Illegally invading countries but supporting apartheid and despot regimes which would not be tolerated in the West.

Churchill took all Iran’s Oil. When the Iranian PM objected the UK/US and M15/CIA disrupted and destabilised the country, discredited the PM and put him in jail. They reinstated the deposed Shah. The documents are in Washington. (Planet Oil). They took the Iranian Oil and then supported Iraq (Saddam) in the Iraq/Iranian War. The US is the only country to have developed and used nuclear weapons but demands that other countries do not have them.

The same methods were used tomsecretly take Scotland’s Oil and in the Anti Referendum


Why can Bookies advertise Odds/Evens and then refuse to take bets? Is that not against the Trades Describtion Act and the licence to trade.


Just a word of praise for ITV. They showed how to organise a debate and control a debate, making for fascinating politics (for me anyway). BBC take note, it is possible to chair a debate with more than two people without it turning into a complete shambles with everyone talking at the same time. Can’t understand some of the polls. The one with Cameron Miliband and Farage joint first? Do me a favour! The photograph, on Munguin’s Republic, with Ed, Dave and Nick in Nicola’s top pocket sums it up for me. The wee lassie in the tin helmet did showed them what they are missing doon Sooth. From the Telegraph, “if there’s one lesson the big parties should take from the event, it’s this: next time you need a leader, pick a woman.” 🙂


Well done the nippy sweetie! Queen Nicola our champion:-)


What’s interesting about the first question last night was the student who asked about paying down the deficit. It shows that the media has done its job by brainwashing people into thinking that it’s the most urgent matter in the short term.

Locking at the economic and monetary policy of the greens I wish Natalie Bennett had laid on the line that we can’t go the way of Greece simply because we have our own currency. We bought £375 BN of our own debt in 2009/10. The greens also advocate taking the power away from banks to create money.
Apart from that folk need to be re-educated away from Thatcher’s ignorant comparison of the UK economy and a household budget!


Over 1600 new SNP members in last 12 hours now 104,000

link to

Sheer hypocrisy from Labour on Zero Hours Contracts

link to

Labour MPs from Scotland that employ staff on zero hours contracts

Ann McKechin
Graeme Morrice
Gregg McClymont
Ian Murray
Katy Clark
Margaret Curran
Sheila Gilmore
Tom Greatrex

Labour vetoed plans to ban Zero Contract hours in Wales.

link to


In the Falklands there are 3000 People. The Oil myth continues. Oil Companues are fleecing punters out of their money. Selling shares which rise and then plummet. Investors are losing money. There is no way Oil could be developed without the co-operation of Argentina. The nearest land mass. They should give the Islanders a £Million each and they can decide where they want to stay. Wales? It costs £Billions to support the Colony. Argentina has a legitimate claim to the Falklands supported by the UN.


House Is on the move.


Daily titles I’ve checked so far all give our FM the thumbs up on last night’s performance.

Bless the girls behind the coonter at oor local tesco, they always put the national oot front and centre. 🙂


I see the clip has subtitles (for the hard of thinking?). Even Jim should be able to understand it now..


They will not be able to ban zero contract hours. Agency workers, self employed, relief bank workers, students, pensioners, people with other commitments etc. can find work. It can get people into a job. There are very few workers on zero hour contracts.

They can stop people being illegally forced to work for dole money, and the rest of the sanctions. Sanctioning the vulnerable and starving them to death.

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 2 April, 2015 at 10:41 pm:

” … I did ask earlier if there was going to be a Wings Leanne Fan club set up.

Well, Lesley-Anne, you can count me out of that membership. Not that the lady is unattractive but she is a bit politically naïve and ignorant, (remember ignorance only means she doesn’t know things). She is not alone, though.

I’m back on the old hobby horse again about how the UK political world is almost totally ignorant of how the United Kingdom is funded. I keep pointing out that with Devolution came the Barnett Formula and if the formula is understood by the politician then they do not make claims that Wales is ill done by in not getting equal per capita funding with Scotland.

If they know the truth that extra per capita funding must be provided to fund the extra devolved functions that Scotland has that Wales does not then they do not make such idiotic claims.

She was not the only party leader exhibiting such total ignorance for Farage claimed that, English funding went over Hadrian’s wall and the English were cheesed of by it. First up there is no such thing as English funding as England is funded directly as the United Kingdom with United Kingdom funding and, as already explained, the extra is to pay for services the English get via United Kingdom ministries. So that value should really be added to the English per capita funding and, as Wales has less devolved functions then Wales is not due extra funding to run them.

So now you know the reason the Establishment figures deliberately confuses the terms, England, United Kingdom and Britain. Think about it – if United Kingdom leaders of political parties are unaware of how the four United Kingdom’s are funded they most certainly should be made aware of the truth.

Quite simply the job of the Barnett Formula is to assess the unequal values of the devolved functions carried out by the different countries and thus fund them properly. There simply is no case for claiming the Scots get extra per capita funds.

Putting that another way – do these numpties imagine that the United Kingdom should devolve costly functions to United Kingdom Countries but not also devolve with them either the funds to pay for them or conversely the tax raising powers to fund the functions no longer provided by the United Kingdom.


muttley79 says:
2 April, 2015 at 10:37 pm

How on earth did significantly more people think Clegg and Farage were better than Wood and Bennett? Seriously what is that all about?

Watch it again – the three ladies were all very good. However, Wood and Bennet spoke directly to their own supporters, whilst Sturgeon spoke to the (left leaning) people of England. She got the block vote!


GMS. The interviewing woman thought the Scottish Greens were the same party as the English one!

Who employs these people? And, once employed how do they keep their jobs?

A political interviewer? That’s like a doctor not knowing which side the heart lies on!

We know there is bias in the BBC – pro Lab, anti Scottish, anti Indy. However, sometimes you can’t tell planned bias through the fog of ignorance, arrogance, disrespect and good old fashioned stupidity!


At some point Robert, someone has to clarify that one mainstream. Every time some ignorant tit with an agenda describes it as free money just ‘handed’ to the Scots, they can hear my teeth grind two shires over.

Nana Smith

I wonder if Cochrane over at the torygraph managed to eat his breakfast this morning.

Sure he must be feeling somewhat choked up with all the bile stuck in his throat.

There will be a good few of the unionists feeling sick haha


@ Nana

Liquid breakfast? 😉


BBC R4 didn’t enjoy the debate much at all and they say noone won it, over and over. Tory boy Gove now explains no matter how Scotland votes in their EU referendum, its England that decides what happens and Sturgeon and Salmond “exaggerate division in the UK” whatever that means.

Mike Gove’s from Aberdeen. Most mad unionist last night had to be bizarre Labour Burnham explaining SNP vote in Scotland as parochial, stress of bad economy, border/wall building and that’s from a dude who’s boss said he’d build armed border check points along English border, if Scotland voted YES and now sell “Vote SLab, Control immigrants” mugs, to catch the racist mugs

And its not 9 o’clock yet


galamcennalath says:
3 April, 2015 at 8:37 am

GMS. The interviewing woman thought the Scottish Greens were the same party as the English one!

And yet the BBC never fail to mention the imaginary “Scottish Labour”.

Nana Smith

Ooh Macart. I hope there’s a spittoon close by.

I notice this morning Stu’s post link to from last year is trending.

First link for Friday goes to James Forrest…

link to


BBC r4 Jim Naughty, from Buckie, cant even bring himself to say the word Sturgeon this morn but they are certainly going to get even nastier in these news rooms from now on.

A ligger running a focus group says one of her group members unprompted said they are concerned about SNP near government, which is a v v bad thing, apparently.

Juan P

Enjoyed the debate much more than I thought I would.

I agree with other posters that it was chaired well and thought Sturgeon was, unsurprisingly, excellent and Bennett far exceeded my expectations.

Bennett’s explanation of why austerity politics don’t work by referencing the negative impact on the public through losing access to essential services and on the workers who lose their jobs was particularly effective.

Credit also to Bennett for only partially agreeing with Nicola on immigration (which in fairness was focused on the economic argument at this point) and highlighting also our humanitarian commitment to immigrants.

Sturgeon got a good point in essentially saying it was pointless ring fencing the budget for health but slashing the social welfare budget and this is a theme I would like to see expanded upon to attack the austerity parties.

It should be pressed home time and time again that people’s health and well being depends on many more public services being run well and at full capacity than just the NHS.

All in all a very good night for the SNP and the Greens.


After that surging Sturgeon performance last night, I realised today is not just a Good Friday, it’s a Great one.


Hot news this morning is that Dundee West MP, Jim McGovern has quit!
Citing ill health according to the Courier

Looks like Murphy’s problems just got bigger

Curiously such pertinent news is missing from this mornings news on BBC Scotland

link to

Robert Peffers

@manandboy says: 3 April, 2015 at 1:51 am:

” … Britain rests its case on its long-term administration of the Falklands and on the principle of self-determination for the islanders, who are almost all of British descent.”

But, manandboy, “Britain”, has no control over the Falkland Islanders, and, “Britain”, has thus no case to make. The United Kingdom part of Britain has control and a case. These ill-educated numpties really do need to go back to primary one and learn a wee bit of basic geography.


Mr Miliband f***ed up big time by failing to mention hat only the biggest party gets to form the government.Traditionally.

Nana Smith

A few reminders here about past media lies and threats..

link to

A few barbs from a couple of ‘experts’. One says the ‘outlaws’ won.

link to

Wee Alex

Farage is an udder fud. How can anyone vote for this man.

As to the winner, Natalie Bennet and Nicola impressed me. Wee chat in the pub after, most thought Nicola won.

Milliband had obviously been coached to stare directly to the camera, it was very off putting.

Very interesting style of debate, I thought it worked


Jim McGovern stated “Following health concerns at the latter end of 2014 and continuing into 2015 the medical recommendations I have received suggest that I should not stand for re-election to Parliament. Given my family’s concerns I have decided that I should accept those recommendations and therefore withdraw my nomination as Scottish Labour’s candidate for Dundee West

So if there were concerns at the end of 2014, which continued into January/February 2015, why did he not advise his local branch so that they could find another candidate?

Leaving it this late, just looks like he has seen the polling figures and also see’s that he is not getting boots on the ground support

I wonder how many other Labour MP’s are feeling the same

If genuine, good luck to him, but in reality he should have advised during the Christmas recess that he would not seek re-election

Bob Mack

I said before that the pupil has overtaken the master.Last nights performance clinched that for me.Fond as I am of Mr Salmond, this young woman has all the tools to achieve true greatness.


Edward says:
3 April, 2015 at 9:12 am

Hot news this morning is that Dundee West MP, Jim McGovern has quit! Citing ill health according to the Courier

Ill health – how convenient. Another red tory chickens out before the day of reckoning. I bet McGovern is not the only Labour MP feeling rather rather sick this morning.

Who’s next?

bookie from hell

Nicky Campbell breakfast–5live

labour guy from Aberdeen,still mentions Salmond,says SNP shouldn’t of been in debate,it’s a UK election

Patrick Roden

On Line Courier in Dundee reporting that there was no clear winner in the ‘Leaders Debate’!

They have a poll for readers to say who they thought won the debate:

Nicola currently running at 73%

Milliband at 6%

You got to love Dundonians! 🙂

Jim McGovern has jumped before he was pushed, as he personally and Labour as a party know, that Dundee is on the way to having a full hand, of SNP MP’s SNP MSP’s and SNP councillors.

Don’t let the door hit yer a…..

ronnie anderson

Jim McGovern.

He must be with BUPA.( medical recommendations ) ma erse,he,s had about 6 months to stand down & let a new labour candidate to stand. I guess he,s no DimJims favourite person today.

Oony how Chris Law,s ah heid & shooders above McGovern an thats ah fact.


Master stroke putting Nicola at the helm. As polls were saying Alex was putting the female vote off for some reason and he did come across as a bit combatative. Exciting times for the SNP.

R-type Grunt

Rumour has it Jenny Marra might stand for Dundee West. Since she’s already an MSP I’m wondering if she’d be allowed to stand.


Re Jim McGovern,
It looks like Labour will take an absolute threshing right across Dundee in May.Such a humiliation would do nothing for Mr McGoverns I’ll health,so it’s probably wise that he stands down.I hope his health improves.


Surely Jenny Marra wouldn’t be so foolish as stand?


Mealer @ 9:47

Surely you mean Jenny Marra IS foolish enough 😉
were talking Labour here, foolish is their


Ronnie Anderson

Oony how Chris Law,s ah heid & shooders above McGovern an thats ah fact.


I think his height makes him heads and shoulders above everyone.

Interesting McGovern went in such a fashion. The infighting in Dundee Labour must be interesting to any fly on the wall.


Wales is underfunded £1Billion. The argument involving Scotland are misinformed. Westminster centrist economic policies damage the Scottish economy. Wales has a closer proximity to London. People can stay in Wales and work in London. Commute.

Nana Smith

Angus Robertson says 1800 new members and climbing this morning


Is it too late for the SNP to stand candidates in Berwick and Carlisle?

That could really set the cat amongst the pigeons.


I honestly think that we should crowd fund an SNP candidate for Berwick at least 😀



Just listening to John Beattie show on State Broadcast radio.

How many times are they repeating that there is no anti SNP bias and never has been. ‘Protesteth too much ??

Anyone else catch this ?

Sounds like Mr Salmond has rattled them. Or mabye just a wee bit guilt emerging ?

Craig B

Rev, I’m getting withdrawal symptoms here man, ‘sappening!


As for Alex Salmond I could not fault him, but then I am not everyone, whereas Nicola seems to tick all the boxes.


Bluidy radio Scotland with an anti snp plant calling First Minister Sturgeon a liar. Damage control in action. Nothing more than blatant Britnat propaganda.

gerry parker

@ x sticks.
Candidate nominations need to be in by 9th April.

Robert Kerr

After independence Nicola may well move on to greater things on the World Stage. She is good enough! Then thirty years from now an old song may well have new lyrics.

“Don’t cry for me Caledonia,
The truth is I never left you,
And as for fortune and as for fame,
I never invited them in,
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me
Don’t cry for me Caledonia”

Meanwhile, we have an election or two and a referendum or two.

Bob Mack

Re McGovern. It is ill health guys.


Wee Alex wrote:
“Milliband had obviously been coached to stare directly to the camera”

Alex, he was and that’s a fact. I mentioned it on WOS at the time.

They brought former spin doc Alistair Campbell back in to coach Milibland in preparation for these leaders debates.

That’s why their friends in the media have been repeatedly pushing the line that Cameron is running scared of a confrontation with Milibland.

Their media friends have been briefed, as part of the game, to promote that line at every opportunity.

Well, looks like it has backfired big style because, in my opinion Cameron got the better of Red Ed in the debate i witnessed last night.

Of course, oor wee Nicola, smallest person on the stage, came out head and shoulders well above the lot of them.

Don’t you just love irony!

ronnie anderson

@ Rev. Wings over Wales,lets rump it rite intae them.


Craig B wrote:
“Rev, I’m getting withdrawal symptoms here man, ‘sappening!”

Craig, get a grip bud.

The Rev is a very busy man working on other election projects for us AND running this site at the same time.

There are going to be a lot of these wee lulls between now and May-day (8th) when a lot of folk will be sending out a P45SOS.

Hang tight buddie, the wheels are in motion.


O/T Predictable State broadcaster arrogance last night re Quest Time from Salford – not planned at all / Aye sure.

Lib Dem / Tory / Labour = Better Together + Peter Hitchin (Dont break up Britain) v Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (Sounded pretty sane)

Lets have a go at the ‘nasty seditious nats’ (thank god the only lady on the panel called the hypocrites out / she tried her best).


Police are investigating a comment on social media suggesting that the Scottish first minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon should be hanged.

link to

The story made it onto the BBC website then, and not before time!

Brian Doonthetoon

Re McGovern.

I was looking at this web site on Tuesday.

link to

Here’s what he typed about Dundee West.

14. Dundee West

2010 Result:
Conservative: 3461 (9.3%)
Labour: 17994 (48.5%)
Lib Dem: 4233 (11.4%)
SNP: 10716 (28.9%)
TUSC: 357 (1%)
Independent: 365 (1%)
MAJORITY: 7278 (19.6%)

Sitting MP: Jim McGovern (Lab)
Prediction: SNP gain

Labour has a good majority here but Dundee has always been susceptible to the allure of the SNP and I think they have a good chance of winning here. There are rumours that Jim McGovern is being pressured to stand aside for a new candidate.


Sorry O/T.

“Scottish” Labour show their true colours, shame on them!.

link to


Listening to the John Beattie call-in program this morning, it was obvious that the many anti-SNP/Nicola Sturgeon who felt the need to call, were of the variety that would not be swayed otherwise.

So no loss there, but what was a striking theme was just how poor their understanding or ‘permitted understanding’ of what the real facts are, yet to my mind, the SG/SNP have bent over backwards to show exactly what they intend to do for Scotland and would do if independent.

One lady caller said she would be more open to the SNP if the SNP would actually state what their policies were, but she thought Miliband did a great job in the TV joust, so she clearly has a very firm appreciation of Labour policies and if she can hang her hat on such a paucity of intention, that in itself speaks volumes.

Again, no loss there, yet upward of 1600 new SNP members since last night and many interested ‘like the SNP’ calls from Engerland, so it looks like we’re doing OK.

How’s Mr Murphy this morning? What’s the latest ‘fun’ idea? Free tube of Smarties for all under 60 – two tubes for those over?


I can smell Wings over England. ????

Naina Tal

Didn’t watch the great debate last night. Turned it off when “Call me Dave” Macaroon wis speaking. Ma auld hert jist cannae stand aw their pish nooadays. Ma chist wis fair thumpin. So Ah missed the First Minister’s performance.
Hoosomever, jist wanted to note that Ah did see the ITV News efterwards, when they had commentators on frae the political pairties. First up wis the fower gimps speakin fur the “MAIN” pairties. Whit the hell dae the mean the “MAIN” pairties? An how are UKIP a main pairty? Shurely SNP are a bigger pairty than thon racist bigots or the Liberals. Whaur ah bide, a clegg is some kind o’ parasitic crittur. (Come tae think on it…..) Och ma auld hert…..


Hahaha – according to the (spit) BBC “Snap polls conducted after the debate offered a blurred picture of which leader came over best.” I think that’s the closest we will get to them admitting Nicola wiped the floor with them! 🙂


@Gordoz. No bias on John Beattie Show? He can’t be listening to his own prog then as a few days ago I heard three mins plus of Jim Murphy quotes from the reporter Beattie got on, then thirty secs of SNP conflated with Labour, regarding austerity topic. It was dire and enough for me to stop ma car and get tweeting BBC (and Wings).

Meanwhile This week Morning Kaye had a lady on who was espousing the media bias against Palestinians, and that the reality on the ground was different to media spin. Kaye was shocked and dismayed at this…ignorant in her own part of denying SNP and Indy supporters airtime while promoting Unionist guff. Irony.

Alan Gerrish

Calgacus says:
3 April, 2015 at 10:26 am
Bluidy radio Scotland with an anti snp plant calling First Minister Sturgeon a liar. Damage control in action. Nothing more than blatant Britnat propaganda.

Heard this and it did nothing for my blood pressure, but a quick response from a couple of switched on listeners (Wingers?)read out by John Beattie to say that PFI hospitals where the contract stated the charges can’t be removed would still be charging parking fees. The second response helpfully stated that the PFI contracts were agreed by the previous Labour administration, so provided folk were still listening they should have heard these points made.


Nicola was definitely the best last night despite what the ‘non-biased’ BBC says. I thought Leanne Wood and Nathalie Bennett were very good and obviously have a great belief in their parties. Ed Milliband scares me when he looks into the camera……and he looks at his notes to tell him when to do it. Cameron is a spiv and I have no comment about Farrage . I turned over at the NHS question and turned back for the rest.
I now cant wait for the Scottish Leaders’ Debate. Who is the facilitator for that one?

jackie g

Watched a bit of debate last night and some highlights verdict.

Placticine Ed:

Boring & predictable no chance of ever being PM

Nick Clegg:
Lying Bstrd

Dave C:
Useless Toff

Nigel Farange:
Drunken lunatic

The ladies stole the show especially our FM 🙂

Alex Salmond pulled a masterstroke stepping aside and putting NS in charge

Labour are finished in Scotland good riddance.:-)


Jackie g 11.24,
Loving it!
Especially Mr Farage.

gerry parker



I’m holding out for liquorice all sorts.


Hope the weather improves for the demo tomorrow. Managed to get most of my “patch” leafleted yesterday in hazy sunshine.

Helena Brown

Some folk, okay some women, are easily pleased as per Barontorc’s post. Heard this morning that the men, well Ed,in the debate had on a nice suit. The fact that he is a lying toerag along with the other three just seems to flow over these folk. I though I had heard the last of this tosh. I know one thing, not one woman on here would make such a crass remark, would we girls?


marydoll at 11:24
There’s an STV one on April 7 from Aberdeen with 7 leaders, chaired by Bernard Pononby and a BBC one the following night from Edinburgh with 4 leaders chaired by Glenn Campbell.

O/T bit of a run on Nationals today – sold out, sold out, sold out, only two left in the fourth of my local shops.

Betty Craney

@ GrahamB @ 11.42
I thought this was between Nicola , Ruth , Murphy and Rennie …Scottish leaders only .

Proud Cybernat

From Angus Robertson:

NEWSFLASH: Now more than 1,800 joined @theSNP since #leadersdebate


I think the interesting thing about the debate was how well the women worked as a team. They let the guys do the interruptions and generally make the mistakes.

Nick Clegg seems to have lost half a yard of sincerity and looks a bit of a spent force.

Letting Clegg blame Milliband blame Cameron for how we got to where we are was quite funny and Farage still looks a bit Monster Raving Loony party gone legit.

The greens may well have picked up a few votes given the sincerity of their leader but Nicola Sturgeon pretty much was completely working within her abilities and it was a good showing which must infuriate the establishment.

Les Wilson

Listening to Beattie this morning, what is really getting me fed up and well, angry, is the constant propaganda ref the oil price and if we had voted Yes, we would have been in the shit.

This is something constantly pushed by the MSM and the die hard Unionists. The fact is, if we had won the referendum we would still, be under Westminster.

We would have been in the Union until May 2016. So it is Westminster who is losing due to the current price decrease in oil. So all this talk is just a part of project fear, and numbskulls look no further into it.

What will be the oil price on May 2016, would have been the most important one for Scotland, and who knows what price oil will be then.
Who says it will not be well over the current price. What is happening at this moment in the oil price at the moment would have little to no effect on Scotland at this time.

Yet they and their sympathisers never want that said, and we do not say it enough.


Still in shock at the first audience member question on QT asking why all the “abuse” of Scotland by the unionists. An SNP supporter. Amazed. It definitely was not your average QT.


A wee word for the referee who, like all the women, was first-class. Pacific Quay dead-wood please copy.



But, the biggest lie and the one that winds me up the most is –
Jackie Bailey this week in Parliament on Fiscal Autonomy in debate saying “ wipe out State Pension for all of Scotlands older people” Grrrrrrrr.
Kezia Dugdale on the same topic in FMQ’s “ cut to our pensions”

The labour party and the coalition have already cut pensions. The SNP have not cut pensions. Why is this not mentioned every time these hypocrites bring this up? We don’t have to guess about their plans for pensions: they have already demonstrated them


On the debate last night it was noticeable that the ones with the guts to confront the ugly views of nigel farage were Lee Anne wood, Nicola and Natalie Bennet. The big boys were too scared to stand up to him in case they might lose votes. It’s shocking and pathetic that the prime minister of the country and the deputy and leader of the opposition let that comment about people with HIV go without confronting it.

It was so refreshing to hear the views and voices of those three. Nicola is the best and most experienced and most commanding but the other two both made some good points and stood up for their beliefs well. I’m sure some viewers will have had the chance to hear things they hadn’t heard before which is so rare on mainstream tv.

Brilliant I WANT MORE


@Alan Gerrish, thank you for the update, I had switched off my radio in disgust and didn’t hear the callers pointing out the Labour PFI source of these parking charges.

I guess the SNP have abolished all the parking charges that they legally can.


Just watched the debate on the SKY Youtube service (still not available on the BBC I player for the BBC news channel, and can’t get the STV Player version to work at all). About 1 hour 47 minutes in (when the lady stood up in the audience while Cameron was talking, to raise the problem of members of the military service now homeless) the recording froze and we could not get passed this point, nor get the recording to restart. Will try again (on all players) later to get the last 15 minutes or so, but – did something interesting happen at this point which may have been edited out ?
So far in what we have been able to view, as expected – Nicola head and shoulders above the rest, and as a group with Leanne & Natalie, showed the Waste Monster/trough boys how to do real politics.


wow Nicola really blew them all away ,Leanne was good as well and i now think PC have a good leader and Wales should back her ,then PC and the SNP can pull the strings together to make both our countries fairer so come on the Welsh ditch those unionist liars you know it makes sense we Scots will watch your backs 🙂
Oh and after all the dust settles can you send Leanne up here to talk to us i am sure she will pack out the halls hehe

Natalie was pretty good as well the most confident i have seen her so far ,i wonder if having Nicola and Leanne beside her helped.
As for the rest i wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire never mind want one to be PM.

Strange thing is though it was a leader`s debate so where was the NI leaders or dont they count as being part of the UK ,if i was N Irish i would be pretty miffed today.


The referee last night,can’t remember her name,was wearing a dentist outfit.I think that helped her keep discipline.Scared the bejesus out of me,anyway.

Robert Peffers

@Valerie says:3 April, 2015 at 12:53 am:

“Flawless performance by Nicola, not that I’m surprised”, … “I really hope the English MSM will give up on jock bashing now, as they will be going against public opinion”.

I did have the tiniest wee complaint about Nicola’s otherwise flawless performance, Valerie.

I do wish that when SNP party people were defending the claims so often made that Scots receive an unfair and larger per-capita share of the, (usually wrongly claimed as English). United Kingdom funding that they did not just hit back that Scots also contribute a larger per capita share of the United Kingdom revenues but made it crystal clear what the Barnett Formula is actually designed to do.

Furthermore, I do wish they would do so by exposing the false claimant’s lamentable ignorance exposed by their erroneous, or deliberately lying, claim of Scotland’s perceived funding advantage.

The plain fact is that the vast majority of those politicians elected to office are totally ignorant of what Barnett was charged to achieve with his formula. It is no coincidence that Barnett was given the task in 1978 for that was soon to be the 1979 Scottish Devolution referendum. It was subsequently unfairly defeated by the undemocratic 40% rule.

The sole purpose for the formula was to assess the value of the services previously carrier out, and funded, by Westminster Ministries.

As certain functions were to be carried out by the Scottish parliament but that parliament was to have no tax raising powers then the funding to run them had to be provided from the Treasury.

It effect the sum calculated by the formula was just being transferred from the United Kingdom Ministries to the newly created Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Ministries. Furthermore, as only England is treated in the accounts The United Kingdom, there is actually no such thing as English funding nor English revenue.

It was then, and remains now, United Kingdom revenue and expenditure and it says so in, “The Books”, of the United Kingdom as presented on United Kingdom Budget Day by the United Kingdom’s Chancellor of the United Kingdom Treasury. Another little realised fact is that Northern Ireland has a higher level of per capita funding than Scotland has.

It is thus total balderdash that the Barnett Formula can be done away without providing an alternative means of raising revenues for the three devolved administrations.

Now consider this – for every function devolved to the other three countries the equivalent function and its funding must be removed from the United Kingdom’s Ministries. So that means the United Kingdom Ministries, (a.k.a. The de facto Ministries of England), will have to be docked to that level but there is the little problem that there is no legal English expenditure and revenue.

I can only see a further looming crisis. For as long as a de facto Parliament of England remains also the United Kingdom Parliament the United Kingdom Ministries, including the Treasury, are facing conflicts of interest.

Quite obviously, to we old hands in the independence movement, the big United Kingdom Parliament error was in retaining the Westminster Parliament as the de facto Parliament of the Country of England but not so obvious was the fact they had, irrevocably, taken the bipartite United Kingdom, (of two equally sovereign Kingdoms), that contained four individual countries and split it up as a quadratic union of four unequally sovereign countries.

I personally knew on that day the United Kingdom was a doomed organization. Even if today the majority of the people have not yet awakened to the real truth of what the bumbling Establishment had actually done.

I think it now long past time that the SNP asked these people if they understand what the Barnett Formula actually does. When they say they do then they face very, very awkward questions with only two possible answers.

A proper Federal United Kingdom, (not easy when the countries are all different sizes), or a far looser arrangement of four equally sovereign independent countries with much common interests and a union based upon mutual trust – a trust sadly lacking over the past several hundred years.


I was getting annoyed by Leanne for the constant “parity with Scotland” references and wondering why she wasnt slamming monies to London and South East.
Then it dawned on me…

She wasnt actually saying it for more money, she was saying “People of Wales…look at Scotland…Now Wales..our people too can step up..we just need to follow Scotland (and SNP) lead…lets do it now!!”


Betty Craney at 11:45
Apologies, it is only 6 for the Aberdeen one – Nicola, wee Ruthie, wee Willie, Murphy, Patrick Harvie and Coburn.
The BBC one drops Patrick H and Coburn.


Unless Wales has ALL the same devolved functions as Scotland AND increases its population by about 2 million it will never have parity under the Barnett formula. I’m sure Leanne knows that and is using it as a vote getter in Wales. A dangerous tactic if someone calls her out on it though. Nigel on the other hand probably thinks it’s some kind of overseas aid you give to Jocko foreigners which needs to be stamped out.


GrahamB says:
3 April, 2015 at 11:42 am

O/T bit of a run on Nationals today – sold out, sold out, sold out, only two left in the fourth of my local shops.

Yup same in my neck of the woods, got the last copy in my local at 11am! All gone! But plenty of unsold daily records, daily mails, scotsmans…


So basically if Wales is to have the same level of funding as Scotland it’ll need to take on the same level of devolved powers. I’d be willing to bet that PC wouldn’t be too disappointed if that were to happen.


almannysbunnet says:
3 April, 2015 at 1:33 pm
Unless Wales has ALL the same devolved functions as Scotland AND increases its population by about 2 million it will never have parity under the Barnett formula. I’m sure Leanne knows that and is using it as a vote getter in Wales. A dangerous tactic if someone calls her out on it though. Nigel on the other hand probably thinks it’s some kind of overseas aid you give to Jocko foreigners which needs to be stamped out.

I read ‘parity’ as being pro rata and inclusive of devolved functions. With Labour still dominating Wales this could be a poor move, we don’t want to give FFA bad vibes.

Neil Anderson

Have you got it now Jim, or are you going to say the BBC are Liars?

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    • JockMcT on The same old tricks: “Murrell won’t squeal. He has too many skeletons hidden.Jan 18, 09:03
    • Athanasius on Poisoning The Unwell: “More like No Personality Disorder. She’s been a professional, career politician since she was 16 years old. She’s never been…Jan 18, 08:30
    • Andy Ellis on The same old tricks: “The statehood of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England was put on hold for the duration of the treaty. Evidence?…Jan 18, 08:23
    • paul on Poisoning The Unwell: “A little off topic,regarding humza’s challenge to musk (by both supremacists) did the sturgeon and sweeney organisation ever offer an…Jan 18, 08:08
    • diabloandco on Poisoning The Unwell: “That posted before I re read , Chris I think you’re wonderful and the cartoon is excellent ! Apologies for…Jan 18, 08:02
    • diabloandco on Poisoning The Unwell: “You are too kind with your ‘mediocrity and incompetence’, she and her mates don’t deserve such an accolade. Chris on…Jan 18, 08:01
    • Debatable Lands on Poisoning The Unwell: “There are no shortage of Nicola Sturgeons in modern politics. People admire them and vote for them in the same…Jan 18, 07:56
    • George Ferguson on Poisoning The Unwell: “Great cartoon Chris regrettably still topical. Reminds me of Stus original article of Poisoning the Well. For me, Stus best…Jan 18, 07:26
    • 100%Yes on Poisoning The Unwell: “She just hasn’t poisoned Scottish politics its everything she ever touched. I can’t bare to watch or listen to her.…Jan 18, 07:07
    • Marie on Poisoning The Unwell: “I’m trying to figure out what is wrong with that woman. Narcissistic personality disorder?Jan 18, 06:15
    • G m on Poisoning The Unwell: “The truth of a wasted decade in a wee picture. It was the most important time for our country in…Jan 18, 06:14
    • robertkknight on Poisoning The Unwell: “Queen Biohazard in all her rotten to the core glory… beautifully illustrated by CC.Jan 18, 05:10
    • Cynicus on Poisoning The Unwell: “Excellent image from Chris The cartoonist. History will surely judge this woman to have poisoned the well of Scottish politics…Jan 18, 02:30
    • twathater on The same old tricks: “You don’t have to wait Fanny because everyone knows YOU only speak for YOU so your grandiose statements mean Fuck…Jan 18, 02:02
  • A tall tale

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