The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. Liz g says:

    @Ronnie Anderson
    Sorry forgot to pledge last night and the site wouldn’t let me post earlier.
    Put me down for £50.
    Also have you thought of maybe getting an actual licence pay’er to sue for a refund in small claims court.
    Might be the fastest and cheapest way and could if successful open the flood gates ?
    Although it might make more sense to have a leagal researcher check the legislation first to make sure the court has competence in the first place.

  2. Michael McCabe says:

    All this talk of Europe. I need some Music. link to

  3. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  4. Paula Rose says:

    Euro tunes – something plastic…

    link to

  5. Paula Rose says:

    Oh by the way folks, wee reminder Craig Murray is speaking in Brechin next Tuesday.

  6. Jock Scot says:

    Ronnie, I can contribute at least 50

  7. chasanderson200 says:

    Paula Rose

    Craig Murray in Brechin – venue and time? If I can make it I will be there transport and accommodation arrangements permitting.

    • Paula Rose says:

      8pm Tuesday 12th July at the Caledonian Hotel Southesk Street DD9 6DZ – bar open from 7.

  8. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Have I shown you this pic before?

    link to

  9. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Also, they way things are developing, it would be worth revisiting this particular event, for inspiration.

    link to

  10. Thepnr says:

    I felt it in my bones, unlike the wicked witch of the west. I’m getting animated again and spoiling for a fight. A fight with the arseholes who are fighting among themselves for the right to lead us.

    This is what you will get after the dust settles. Dear God exactly where Ruthie gets her inspiration from FFS.

    link to

  11. Ian Brotherhood says:

    All this shite has me singing: ‘There’s only four things for sure…taxes, death, trouble, and Tories.’

    Doesn’t scan very well, but ain’t it the truth shonuff…

    Marvin Gaye, ‘Trouble Man’ –

    link to

  12. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    I’m all for playing by the rules. Those that don’t wish to see us Independent choose not to play by the rules.

    That is their choice, I’m with Mahatma Ghandi on this. I doubt he is talking of God. He denies God, he is talking of those that rule.

    link to

  13. Thepnr says:

    link to

  14. Thepnr says:

    The end. Bullies always will meet their match.

    link to

  15. Paula Rose says:

    Oi what’s with all this boxing stuff – horrible, take it away.

  16. Thepnr says:

    There is a point Paula. Wouldn’t post it here otherwise.

    One day your top of the tree, cock of the rock (lol) and next day your not. Pride come before a fall don’t ya know.

    link to This is a cock of the rock.

    • Paula Rose says:

      But it’s all horrible punchy stuff – I want some pretty flowers instead.

  17. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Here you are, Paula Rose.

    link to

  18. Thepnr says:

    Sorry Paula for being a brute.

    Here is the best description of flowers you will ever hear.

    link to

  19. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    Rat Scabies was good. Here’s a laugh for you, guess who lives here.

    link to

  20. Paula Rose says:

    Ravishing Raymond!

  21. Thepnr says:

    Well done Paula. You’ve probably stayed there LOL.

    • Paula Rose says:

      No – he always came to me.

  22. Quinie frae Angus says:

    Calling BDTT

    Please can you give me the link again for the Dundee bus company you suggested for my private hire?


  23. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    link to

  24. Quinie frae Angus says:

    Thank you!

  25. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Really have to ditch my ‘merry old duffer’ gravatar, given what’s happened this week.

    Blair back in all our lives, giving us lectures…

    Fuck that.

  26. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is for Blair and his buddies, especially all the ‘Scots’ who helped him.

    Radiohead, ‘We Suck Young Blood’ –

    link to

  27. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I appear to have killed O/T stone-dead with Radiohead, so here’s a happier tune:

    REM, ‘Shiny Happy People’ –

    link to

  28. Paula Rose says:

    *removes ear plugs – replaces them*

  29. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Okay then, your turn…


  30. Yipee. We’ve got Argyll Independent Radio back online (

    I’m on with my “Not Fade Away” rock’n’roll show tomorrow night at 8pm
    We will be expanding output after start up problems are ironed out. Mostly streamed music at the moment

  31. Paula Rose says:

    Song line time – not played this one for a while…

    link to

  32. DerekM says:

    This about sums up the UK just now

    link to

  33. Paula Rose says:

    State of the Nation…

    link to

  34. Paula Rose says:


    link to

  35. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Okay. Fair do’s.



  36. Michael McCabe says:

    Yee Ha link to

  37. Michael McCabe says:

    Can Anybody tell me where Vinda Went. link to

  38. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @MichaelMcCcabe –

    Good to see you getting the music back up and running.

    Well, here we are – Friday night again?

    En Vogue, ‘Never Gonna Get It’ –

    link to

  39. Paula Rose says:

    *rummages through classic hits collection*

  40. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe –

    Please tell Lynn this one’s for her.

    Have yersels a braw weekend there!

    The Waterboys, ‘And A Bang On The Ear’ –

    link to

  41. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Anyone ever heard this before?

    The Humblebums, ‘Steamboat Row’ –

    link to

  42. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Man alive…

    Sometimes you come across a wee nugget that just blows your socks off.

    I honestly didn’t know this – Willie Nelson wrote ‘Crazy’, in 1961. Patsy Cline used it the following year.

    Here he is performing it, somewhere in Scotland, in 1992.

    link to

  43. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Who’s up for a dance?

    Gipsy Kings, ‘Baila Me’ –

    link to

  44. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    If you don’t stop rummaging soon, make yer mind up and get something on, I’m going to post U2 12-inchers and videos until tomorrow night.

  45. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I wasn’t bluffing…

    And so it begins:

    ‘Bono: Who Is Jesus?’ (Interview with Gay Byrne)

    link to

  46. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Quite revolting to see the btl comments on the Fall of The Edge YT video, all these callous bastards asking if his guitar was okay…

    Bono, naturally, declared it a miracle that he was unhurt.

  47. Ian Brotherhood says:

    My last comment refers to this, which, for some reason, did not appear –

    ‘The Edge Falling Off The Stage’ –

    link to

  48. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A special report from RTE on…

    ‘U2’s Larry Mullen’s Acting Debut’ –

    link to

  49. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘U2’s First TV Appearance’ (Gay Byrne’s ‘Late Late Show’, 1980) –

    link to

  50. Michael McCabe says:

    Jet Look what you done. link to

  51. Michael McCabe says:

    Keane Everybody,s Changing link to

  52. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe –


    Are you doing pairs of songs which sound very similar?

    Good stuff anyway…


  53. Michael McCabe says:

    Hi Ian B Just spoken to lynn on the phone. She says thanks for the song and a great big Luv yeah to all the wingers who gather here. And Naturally I wish you all the best. Running down a dream. link to

  54. Michael McCabe says:

    The Boss Red Headed Woman link to

  55. Stoker says:

    Guidance needed! Once i clear out all the important stuff is it possible to close down an old email account and if so how do i go about it?

    Sparks – Beat The Clock
    link to

  56. Paula Rose says:

    Are we doing a stallee thingie in Glasgow on the 30th of July folks?

  57. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I believe Wingers will have a presence on the 30th in George Square, Paula Rose. Ronnie is co-ordinating something.

    Typing of Ronnie…
    Spent a pleasant afternoon with Ronnie and Mitch today, in the Counting House in Dundee. This link is for Ronnie, as he was unaware of the Dundee musical legend, Johnny Duckworth.

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Does he know about Craig Murray coming to Brechin – I was presuming he’d be in his castle.

  58. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    What’s happening?

  59. Paula Rose says:

    Hi Ian Honey – what do you mean “what’s happening?”

  60. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Sorry, just saw BDTT’s post – George Square then? I don’t even know what’s going on any more. Is it another rally?

    • Paula Rose says:

      Ian Honey would you like regular up-dates?

  61. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Well, it seems I’m somewhat out of the proverbial, so, yes, please.


  62. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    Ronnie knows about Brechin. He asked me to remind him about it every time we spoke on the telephonic apparatus, over the past three weeks or so.

    Hi Ian B. 30th July. March from Glasgow Botanic Gardens to George Square. Rally in George Square. How do you manage not to know about it? Is Ayrshire so far from the civilised world?


    • Paula Rose says:

      Well it is a long way from the hub of the known universe – Brechin.

  63. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –


    No man is an island an’ aw that jazz, but I’m doing my level best.

  64. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    You’re so far behind the curve that I’ll bet you can’t even answer simple questions about Johnny Duckworth? Iye?


    link to


  65. K1 says:

    Oh cool, can I come on that rally and finally meet some of you? 🙂

    What start time on the 30th?

  66. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    How very dare you.

    Any fool know he was Vera’s husband.

    So there!

  67. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If the march is starting from the Botanic Gardens would it not be properly cool if we all dressed up as Triffids?

    You can imagine bleary-eyed west-end stoners freaking out, coffee-cups rattling…

  68. ronnie anderson says:

    Whit dey ye mean ronnie dizznae know Cleo , an dont tell me am oan the wrang pathway dont be Duckin oot o this BrianDTT lol.

  69. ronnie anderson says:

    @ BrianDTT Where,s the table adornment fae Witherspoon’s.

  70. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Can anyone explain to me who Calvin Harris is, and why, at a festival that is supposed to be about live musicians, what appears to be a dj playing pre-recorded set pieces merits a place on stage?

    Must be getting old…


  71. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ronnie.

    I’ll get there – not necessarily tonight though…

  72. ronnie anderson says:

    @ BrianDTT Get with it daddyo, Calvin Harris is a radio 1 DJ

  73. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Calvin Harris’ sounds like a good name for a 70’s menswear designer.

  74. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ronnie.

    Here’s the best pic of the table ornaments (and badge) that you had on display in the Counting House yesterday.

    link to

  75. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    Here are more expansive details about 30th July, from the Facebook page at:-

    link to








    There is also more info at these pages:-

    YES Bikers –
    link to

    YES2 –
    link to

  76. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Here’s the non-Facebook event page:-

    link to

  77. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    Cheers aplenty and thanks amuch.

  78. Socrates MacSporran says:

    I followed a link on the Hobson’s Choice thread and got to an absolutely superb You Tube clip of a French military band playing La Marche Des Soldats De Robert Bruce. Apparently this is an old Scottish tune, supposedly the one which marched the troops to Bannockburn, and which Burns adapted as the tune to Scots Wha Hae. The tune has been appropriated by the French and Germans, who love it.

    I was blown away – the tune rang a bell somewhere in my sub-conscious, what a fantastic tune. Yet, I have never knowingly heard it played at either Trooping the Colour or the Edinburgh Tattoo. I can just see the reaction if, on the Esplanade, some night, a French military band started this up, then the massed pipes and drums came in. It would be electrifying.

    Now, I know Flower of Scotland is now well-established for sporting occasions, and, I also appreciate, it would be a difficult one to set Scots Wha Hae to, but, where does it say, a pre-match national anthem HAS to have words – there is one, Spain’s? which has no words.

    This tune would be a cracker.

    By the way, anent Calvin Harris. One of my grandsons is doing a degree in music technology at university (I keep telling him it’s a BSc in dee-jaying). For him, Calvin Harris is God. Apparently, his USP is the way he mixes tunes and uses his turntables. He (Harris), is apparently very gifted at this most-important skill.

  79. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Socrates MacSporran.

    I first posted the link to “Soldats” on 1st June last year, in ‘off-topic’. I detailed the research I had done, hence the links I posted the other day.

    link to

  80. cearc says:


    I concur, La marche des Soldats de Robet Bruce would be a great national anthem. Surely someone could be commissioned to write lyrics for it as well.

    Flower of Scotland will be out of date when we achieve independence so something more along the lines of we have renewed our old alliances and are a nation again.

    Our history is better known in Germany and particularly France than it is here.

  81. cearc says:


    Have fun tomorrow night.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Will do Honey – wish you wos here xx

  82. Paula Rose says:

    (see wot I did there)

  83. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian B.

    Just heard from a good pal and published author that a friend of a friend here in Scotland has managed to secure a two-novel deal in UK and USA for Loadsamoney. And I mean loads.

    There’s hope for us all this side of the herring pond. Pity your Tobiad couldn’t grow wings.

    Hoping for a big Indy March in Glasgow at the end of the month. Ironing my saltire, Catalonian and Sicilian flags almost as we speak.

    Bonne chance, mon vieux.

  84. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Tinto Chiel –

    Nice one!

    Good news indeed…

    Mibbe see you at the rally?


  85. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ian, if I survive my flight to Italy with Mrs TC in the teeth of Isil, I’ll be there.

    By that time I may have the name of the young lady’s agent who finessed the Flint-hearted bar stewards into a massive deal.

    Of course, the YL has talent, application and determination.

    I hate people like that. Can’t I just wear a beret and hope for the best?

    Hehehehe! 😎

    And hoots tae yirsel, old bean. And so to bed. Is that Martin Richmond Angostura Bittaz in disguise?

  86. Tinto Chiel says:

    To BDTT and IB re March, I offer you this great slice of cheese in reply:

    link to

    I feel kinda queasy now, but it seemed a good idea at the time.

  87. Better than any PPB
    We need much more of this now and less of the interminable arguments fought on battlefields our opponents choose

    link to

  88. CameronB Brodie says:

    While we’re waiting for the Brexit dust to settle a bit, here’s a challenge for Mr. Kevin Hague. Could you please graph the cultural dimension of Scotland’s crapness, plotted against space and time?

    You could perhaps use this as a primer for your analysis.

    The debates discussed at the conclusion of the previous section are illustrative of a wider debate between the grand narratives of modernity and the fragmented localisms of postmodernity. Movements toward identity politics have been maligned as atomizing, defeatist, and hopelessly ideological by many theorists (Couldry, 2000; Eagleton, 2000; Harvey, 1990). The currents of postmodern critical thought however, inexorably press on in attempts to irrupt the primacy of monolithic discourse in modernist thought. A key emphasis in postmodernism is to bring an appreciation to the agency of cultural formations and localized meaning making processes, primarily by placing human practices and cultural logics at the center of discussions on globalization (Ong, 1999).

    Since modernity is about the experience of progress through modernization, the dominating theme in this realm has been on becoming rather than being in time and space. Scholars like Soja attempt to mitigate this dominance by bringing an awareness of the triad of space-time-being en route to unraveling the geographical puzzle. As a corrective, Soja offers the heuristic of a “multilayered system of socially created nodal regions, a configuration of differentiated and hierarchically organized locales” (Soja, 1989, p.148). As Dear notes, such a lifeworld encompasses many different scales, from the human body to the urban to the nation state to the social whole; “it is everywhere permeated with Foucauldian notions of power and authority” (Dear, 2000, p. 74).

    link to

  89. Nana says:

    @Archie[not Erchie] Big hugs to you too. Hoping you are well. Do you ever hear from Findlay? I’ve not seen him post for a long time. Wondering if he’s ok.

  90. CameronB Brodie says:

    Apologies for perhaps appearing egotistical but here’s another wee snippet from the above. It is a bit geeky. 🙂

    In his extensive analysis of car culture from the lowriders (traditional drivers of Chevy’s and Fords from the 50’s and 60’s) to “thumpers” (contemporary drivers of higher tech/modern cars with elaborate sound systems) to “Too Low Flow” (a subculture fascinated with hyperbolic imagery, hydraulics and immaculate car preservation), Cintron tracks the ways in which individuals generate respect by extending their “egos” into public space. His unique formulations of spatial analysis include literal, metaphorical, semiotic and rhetorical constructions of space, all of which he generates from his detailed analyses of everyday life in a Latino/a neighborhood (1997).

  91. Tinto Chiel says:

    Socrates, I copied this from a previous thread (Hobson’s Choice):

    O/T: Socrates McSporran: did you know Jackie McInally had died on Saturday? Have wonderful memories of him in claret and amber going on his rampaging runs, almost bruising his chin with those daddy-long-legs breenges at inside right. Killie fans loved him too.

    I know you are a footballing sophisticate/aesthete.


  92. Thepnr says:

    Wee thank you for inviting me along to the Craig Murray talk in Brechin tonight, very good turnout and great to see more than a few Wingers there too.

  93. Thepnr says:

    Going senile! That was to the delightful Paula.

  94. Tartan Tory says:

    Another thank-you to the delightful Paula Rose for the invite tonight. Enjoyed seeing some familiar faces this evening, both Wingers and a few indigenous Brechin / Montrose folks from my past life too! Have to say, Paula was a bit worse for wear at the tolling of the bell and were it not for my wife being in tow, I think I’d have had an easy lay there tonight!! 😉

  95. Paula Rose says:

    Many thanks to all you wonderful wingers who came to Brechin last night – you are all so special and made it a very special evening.
    Tartan Tory Honey it was funny seeing your wife warning you to stop trying it on with me xx

  96. Cadogan Enright says:

    If Ronnie Anderaon is still thinking of taking the BBC to court, or contesting the licence in some way , I might know where to get a good start on funds

    Ask him to drop a line here link to With his number and I will give him a ring

  97. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Sorry I missed it.

    Had been entertaining notions of surprising you, but twas not to be…


  98. CameronB Brodie says:

    Won’t be long until we have you up to speed on the nature of space and the significance of place Mr. Hague. Then you will be able to graph confidently in the knowledge that we have very little idea as to how an independent Scotland would develop.

    One thing we do know is that independence would bring new meaning and significance to the place we call Scotland. Everywhere else, such an emergent environment would stimulate the development of new business and an increase in cultural activity. Apparently Scotland’s got shit oil though so I suppose such growth and improvement wouldn’t happen here.

    The question of space and place in geographical knowledge is ultimately not just about whether the question of “where” matters in the way that “when” does in explaining “how” and even “why” something happens. It is also about how it matters. Given that both space and place are about the “where” of things and their relative invocation has usually signaled different understandings of what “where” means, it is best to examine them together rather than separately. That is the purpose of this chapter.

    Contrary perhaps to first appearance, space and place are fairly complex words. The Oxford English Dictionary gives over about two pages to space and around three and a half pages to place. Space is regarded largely as a dimension within which matter is located or a grid within which substantive items are contained. Along with its geographic meaning as “a portion of space in which people dwell together” and “locality,” place is also a “rank” in a list (as “in the first place”), a temporal ordering (as in something “took place”), and a “position” in a social order (as in “knowing your place”). Notwithstanding this variety, over the greatest span of time it has been the geographic meanings of the term place that have been most important, at least in philosophical circles. Both Plato and Aristotle, to name but two foundational thinkers, had recourse to concepts analogous to the modern English geographic place as, respectively, chôra and topos. The modern term space descends from the second of these, even though the term itself dates from the seventeenth century. From this viewpoint, as the Italian geographer Franco Farinelli (2003, 11) says, two meanings of place can be clearly distinguished among the ancient Greeks:

    Place … is a part of the terrestrial surface that is not equivalent to any other, that cannot be exchanged with any other without everything changing. Instead with space [place as location] each part can be substituted for another without anything being altered, precisely how when two things that have the same weight are moved from one side of a scale to another without compromising the balance.

    link to

  99. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.S. IMHO, the above author would probably get along with Mr. Podmore. Well, they do both share the same simplistic appreciation of Heidegger.

    Sorry Will, I know you can’t respond but that one’s an obvious tell of a Marxist, who will generally seek to rationalise reality in such a way as to support Marxist ideology.

  100. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.P.S. For example, Mr. P’s denial of phenomenology. Pffff. 🙂

  101. cearc says:

    Glad tuesday went well. Did anybody record it?

  102. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Tinto Chiel

    I did know about Big Jackie McInally’s passing. I have done a couple of obits for him, although I might upset “Rambo” his son, in suggesting, he “Rambo”, wasn’t as-good a player as his old man.

    Jackie scored the best goal I ever saw, at Rugby Park, against Motherwell, in December 1961. Killie won 5-3 and Andy Kerr – the greatest player ever to wear a Killie strip IMHO, scored four goals that day.

    THE goal of that, and every other game I have ever seen, was scored by Big Jackie, who fired in a shot, from just inside the Motherwell half, past Alan Wyllie from about 50-yards.

    So what? Well, he scored it, with one of the old leather Thomson T-balls, into the teeth of horizontal rain, which was being driven by a near-hurricane force wind.

  103. Was that the big tumhshie ball that just about knocked you out if you headed it wrong?

  104. Or sometimes we called them a “blether”. A cross between “leather” and a “bladder”. They were proper balls, though there were wimpy rubber balls about at the time (suitable for the midfield fannying about on the continent which seems to have turned soccer in a sophorific spectacle nowadays) .

    When I look at tennis players hurling down a wee light ball and getting widely praised I think of big Tommy Gemmell accelerating one of these blethers through opponents nets

  105. Tinto Chiel says:

    Socrates, DMH:

    Ah, Andy Kerr. I have a pal who supports Killie who reveres him as a Demi-God.

    Do you remember mid- timing a header with one of those balls and getting it on the top of the skull?

    Out of country just now and wifi a bit dodgy but Boris for FO? I think I may have passed through a worm hole in the STC.

    McInally, McInally, Oi, Oi , Oi! That’s what I say.

  106. Paula Rose says:

    Very nice report on our meeting in Brechin, standing room only by the way…

    link to

  107. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi ‘et al’.

    Are we all going to Glasgow on the 30th July?

    Just found this video, which leads on from Gerry Cinnamon’s appearance at TITP 2015 – TITP 2016.

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      “Sends out usual call for a chauffeur.”

  108. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    With Pete the Camera stuck in Ward 22 for the duration, I’ve had to make other arrangements for the 30th.

    I’m bussing down to Cumbernauld on the Friday afternoon, where Ronnie is gonna collect me and install me in his virtual shed.

    Saturday will be George Square and whatever Ronnie gets organised for Wingers ‘apres event’. Back to Ronnie’s on Saturday evening, then bus from Cumbernauld back to Dundee on the Sunday afternoon.

    I like when plans fall into place…

  109. A representative of the National YES Registry will be down in Dunoon at the Forward Shop tomorrow evening from 7pm for an informal meeting with activists. I’ll try to get him onto Forward Argyll Independent Radio about 7.50 to say a few words before my Rock’n’Roll show.

  110. ronnie anderson says:

    People I was trying to orginize a place for 30th July in Hope St ,but someone forgot to renew the drinks licence.

    As its a long day 10am to 1pm,if Wingers are staying after that time frame we could do as we,ve done in the past & go to the Counting House.

  111. Cactus says:

    Hey, here’s something to ponder..

    Have you ever played that online ‘Miniclip 8-ball pool’ game before?

    Normally when you play the game, it recognises your location and displays the UJ flag for ‘where you’re from.’ Not now! Now it defaults to displaying the flag of the USA with no available option for the UK.

    Whit’s that awe aboot?!

    We live in interesting times. I see you, EC you.

  112. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Peeps.

    I think this may be the song for tonight.

    link to

  113. K1 says:

    Hi Cactus, I just checked ma game and it’s still displaying the UJ flag on mine…and I’ve recently updated it too…so not sure what that’s about on your game…

  114. yesindyref2 says:

    In honour of Theresa May’s visit to Scotland, the first visit of a foreign head of government to Scotland, here’s this:

    link to

  115. cearc says:

    Can’t do the 30th. as I will have a houseful of people here.

    BDtt, best wishes to Pete.

  116. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Tinto Chiel:

    A couple of Andy Kerr moments. On his Killie debut, against Celtic at Rugby Park, he was sent flying to land beside the Celtic goal, when the ball broke across the goal, Andy, flat on his back, stretched his right foot back onto the park and diverted the ball past Frank Haffey for a goal – Killie won the game.

    Another time, with Killie assured of a win over Partick Thistle, Andy’s old club, late in the game, he got the ball down in the corner, in front of the old “hayshed”. He beat Jimmy Davidson, who had been his best pal at Thistle, then went back and beat him again. In all, he beat Davidson about five times, before he tripped over the ball and fell over, taking Davidson with him. The pair of them just sat there laughing, with the crowd joining-in. Even Tiny Wharton, who was refereeing, laughed.

    Aye, fitba was fun back then.

  117. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT, ronnie et al,

    Just put wee comment on main thread, hoping to pique interest of newbies who may be interested in joining us on the 30th.

    All eyes out for newcomers!!

  118. Tinto Chiel says:

    Socrates: yon Paula Rose wummin’ll give us pelters for discussing fitba’.

    Wish I could remember AK clearly but my first season at FP was 1962 as a nipper.

    Tiny Wharton: remember the time he sent wee JJ of Celtic for using the B word? Jimmy took his wallies out to play so TW quipped, “Mr Johnstone, I’m about to reacquaint you with your teeth.”

    Ah, the memories.

  119. Tinto Chiel says:

    “Sent OFF wee JJ.”


  120. Paula Rose says:

    @Tinto Chiel I am being very patient Dear – and I presume you’ll have finished your footie chat before the adults pop in.

  121. Tinto Chiel says:

    (Slouches off chastened to early bed.)

  122. CameronB Brodie says:

    Now that you are up to speed with the understanding that place is both a creative agent and a discursive expression of community formation, cultural values and social morality, lets broaden our investigation of space to include the inner spaces of being, shall we Mr. Hague?

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the concepts of democracy and citizenship from the viewpoint of existential phenomenology. Furthermore these ideas of citizenship and democracy are indisputable factors of the political reality that as an allegedly absolute also governs the relations between people. The ontological presumption of politics seems to rely on a supra-individualistic and universal metaphysics that is characteristically instrumental and based on submission. As such politics itself constantly denies the condition of both the life-world and the Being as the ground of it. This metaphysical and ethical instrumentality, which has developed within power relations, annihilates individuated subjectivity – ethical citizenship – and the possibility of democratic action within society. Due to the reduction of being, a novel political actor – das Man – has overtaken the moral agency-subject and thus overlooks the ethical ground and the ontological imperative of being.

    link to

    For those who do not have the time to consume the above;

    As far as politics is in any level seen as an act of being, the ideas of responsibility and freedom must thus accompany the concept of politics. Otherwise politics becomes the politics of das Man – of inauthenticity – that closes the being by sovereignty and strangeness

  123. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.S. 🙂

    The Vulcans – Star Trek
    link to

  124. Cactus says:

    Hi K1, thanks for the comparison.

    I should have mentioned, I normally play as a guest, not logged in. Dunno if that would make a difference.

    This is the link I use below. It’s even got the ‘English/en’ language version at the end of the path-name, but still coming up all stars n stripes for the flag at the top RHS of screen, instead of the previous UJ.


    Ach well, I’ll take it as a sign.. cheers to ye K1 🙂

  125. K1 says:

    Hi Cactus, I used the link you posted and took me to their site, it’s got the UJ on my log on page. It may well be making the difference not being logged on?

    Have you tried clicking on the UJ on the main page, there’s a drop down menu wherein you can choose which flag? Maybe it defaulted on yer browser Cactus, try changing it back…or use another European flag instead 😉

    (I used it on my android phone, and ma kindle too…find it too awkward wi the mac and touchpad)

  126. CameronB Brodie says:

    Running low on popcorn Robert? 🙂

    Ella Fitzgerald ft Buddy Bregman & His Orchestra – Begin The Beguine
    link to

  127. Peter Barjonas says:

    So, a military coup in Turkey. This will not happen in the UK cos we’ve got some water cannons!

  128. Cactus says:

    Hi K1, did a reset earlier and that’s me back to the UJ thang again, dang. Now the American flag is not even listed.. must be Gismo and Co.

    One day we will play under the saltire.

    Till then, rack em up!

  129. Lollysmum says:

    Are you making badges for 30th? Been a bit out of touch for a couple of weeks:) I retire the day before AUOB so hoping to get there for this march.

  130. Lollysmum says:

    Sorry just saw your comment about Pete being in hospital so forget I even asked about badges. Best wishes to Pete if you see him.

  131. Paula Rose says:

    Lollysmum you can always get a bespoke badge made here-
    link to
    my bespoke badge company of choice.

  132. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Lollysmum et al.

    I visited Pete yesterday and he said that as he’s allowed ‘pass-outs’, he’s hoping to use some of his time to get some badges together, for me to take to George Square.

  133. yesindyref2 says:

    Jeez, still shaking. We (wife) got a text from my son saying something terrible had happened.

    He got a new licence with the Union Jack on it.

  134. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    See that ‘Fast Show’ jobbing actor, Johnny Depp? See in those “Pirates” fillums whot he got a job in… was he not just caricaturing Keith Richards?

    link to

  135. Tam Jardine says:

    Evening. So I guess Angra Manyu begat Ahura Mazda who begat Papko. The evolution is the same as he goes from purely aggressive denigration to indy support to full on domination of page after page.

    He likes heedy and thepnr and GB and Ian B as before. It is weird because my policy is to just not engage at all (and I usually resist the bait) but eventually it becomes the discussion and I just can’t be arsed writing anything on the same page. Which is probably the whole purpose so I should just ignore.

    Anyway- for anyone with netflix check out Bill Hicks: Revelations- his last recorded gig. Can that really be 26 years ago? Amazing stuff.

  136. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Tam Jardine –

    Hoots mon,

    I don’t ‘feel’ Papko is a reincarnation of those earlier characters – he seems curiously bereft of bite/humour, more like Rock for my money, but no matter…

    These c-c-c-characters will keep coming here – they will all fail, and they will all fall.


  137. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, poor Kevin. Hasn’t published my last reply yet, must be in a bit of a quandry – should he, shouldn’t he, what answer can he find to post immediately afterwards? Well nevermind, shame to waste it, if he doesn’t do it, I’ve kept a copy and will put it in some main thread on Wings, contexting it properly, of course!

    Now, about that fiscal transfer of £9 billion …

  138. yesindyref2 says:

    With the SNP new move on currency, seems they’ve been listening perhaps.

    link to

  139. CameronB Brodie says:

    So we are a bunch of smart-Erse, know-all, denial merchants. Sorry but as with most Yoon analysis, this is rather shallow and ineffectual. What about something with a bit of snap to it?

    Funkadelic – Promentalshitbackwashpsychosis Enema Squad
    link to

    P.S. Munch an ego today Wingers. 😉

  140. CameronB Brodie says:

    While I’m about, here’s one for all who voted No, despite not belonging to the Yoon cult of British national socialism.

    Funkadelic – Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow
    link to

    Are you happy that another nation determines your future? Happy that Scotland’s cultural and moral values are subsumed within a Greater England/Little Britain? Satisfied with the politics of inauthentic idealism and empirical subjectivity?

    I’m not.

  141. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Morrissey, ‘First Of The Gang To Die’ –

    link to

  142. CameronB Brodie says:

    In summary, Mr. Huge, the blessed space we know as Britain, is a political construct which is divorced of any tangible respect to either human agency or human geography. As such, I see it is as the very embodiment of the most dehumanising monism of ‘modernist’ thought and morality. The very embodiment of imperial power and domination. Agreed?

    With respect to yourself, just my opinion but I doubt the avalanche of empirical subjectivity for which you are infamouse, will delay Scotland’s desire for full-fat Being, much longer.

    P.S. No wonder Heidegger thought English Christian Bolsheviks were the dodgiest feckers.

    Singers & Players – Run Them Away
    link to

  143. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry Ian, that wasn’t a suggestion. I hadn’t refreshed. 😉

  144. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CamB –


    No worries.

    I always read your posts, even though I don’t know what they’re about most of the time. I’d love to see your library sometime or, even better, the inside of your heid. I don’t know how you cram it all in.

    Heaviest book I ever read was one about Wittgenstein. It was jolly good, but at the end I was none the wiser about what he’d actually achieved. It had a picture of him on his deathbed, just after he gave up the ghost. I wonder what happened to all his ideas right then?

    Sorry if this sounds a bit maudlin, but earlier today my son showed me a video he took of me dancing at a 50th party at a Masonic Club in Saltcoats and I’m still recovering from the shock. In my heid I’m still in my mid-twenties, but the camera doesn’t lie. I’m 53, and I still can’t dance to save myself.

    So it goes…


  145. yesindyref2 says:

    Well that’s it, trap sprung on mr average (main thread). Sadly amongst all the background noise, probably nobody will notice. But it was time the distorted blog was tackled head on.

    What I’ve noticed in the past is that people who are smug, patronising and condescending really know very little and are easy targets – just take your time, prepare, make sure you know the destination before you start the journey.

  146. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CamB –

    Just noticed there…your 9.02 comment was the 18,000th on O/T!


    Congrats – you win a small coconut, a large bottle of Lambrini, and a second-hand book about Wittgenstein!

  147. Paula Rose says:

    Ian Honey I’ve warned you before about trying to make out you are one of us older ones *pats young man on head*

  148. CameronB Brodie says:

    Tbh, I’m probably guilty of confirmation bias Ian, as I’m not much of a reader. I’ve simply gone looking for material that I could relate to the life-world of Scotland within Britain and which supports a phenomenological outlook (the essence of contemporary academic investigation).

    My uni. course just happened to introduce me to the time-space-Being nature of existence and reality. Just lucky I guess? See, it earned me a coconut. 😉

  149. yesindyref2 says:

    Hey Cameron, that reminds me of a short I saw at a sifi convention in the central station hotel many years back.

    link to

  150. CameronB Brodie says:

    Funny you should mention sifi dad’s, er, yesindyref2, I was trying to contextualise Scottish Yoon politicians within the contemporary sociopolitical sphere of a Brexit Britain and came up with this.

    link to

    I blame it on the lack of balance in their Project Fear diet of cereal.

  151. Michael McCabe says:

    Elsiane – Vaporous link to

  152. Michael McCabe says:

    Elsiane – Mend (to Fix to Repair) link to

  153. Michael McCabe says:

    Meanwhile Down in Hollywood. link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Oi I told you not to show anyone that.

  154. Michael McCabe says:

    Bob Seger Live 1978 link to

  155. Michael McCabe says:

    Get Rhythm link to

  156. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Anyone catch the full name of the pro-Trident tory arse on CallK? Morris or Maurice something-or-other…

    Depressing amount of utter stupidity on show.

    All the Brexit bollocks aside, the democratic outrage this vote represents would surely count as ‘a material change’ worthy of triggering Indyref2.

    Mundell, The Bushbaby From Hell, yet again receiving attention and racking-up more brownie points with his WM handlers for no other reason than being the odd man out…


  157. Tinto Chiel says:

    @People Carrier: yes, Dr C’s monograph is interesting. I emailed him a wee while ago and he said he still holds these views.

    As regards the arrival on Inglis in the Lowlands, Pro. Barrow in his various works on Scottish History, particularly “Anglo-Norman Era…” argues that it was a result of the introduction of the feudal system and Royal burghs by King David. In the former, those holding lands in both Scotland and England would send second sons north to run the estates and they brought lots of English speakers with them in the form of estate workers and administrators. David himself had extensive lands in Yorkshire and Lincs.

    Royal burghs were used to monetise the Scottish economy and once again expertise lay in England. Any spread of Anglian Inglis from SE Scotland is likely to have been minimal. Having said all this, we do not know when Gaelic and Welsh waned and finally disappeared, and Wallace himself, as his name suggests, may even have spoken it. Remember that Margaret McMurray, supposedly the last speaker of Carrick Gaelic died when Burns himself was a baby, and Arran Gaelic succumbed about 1930-50.

    Anyhow, ended up in Como cathedral today. Wee guy at doors with pamphlets asks us,”Inglesi?”

    “No,” says we, “siamo scozzesi.”

    “Scozzesi?” Big grin……

    “NO BREXIT!” says he.

    “NO BREXIT!” says we.


    Love that wee fella.

  158. Paula Rose says:

    Ian Brotherhood Honey you asked a wee while back about Preston Reed who was at the last Glasgow Wings thingie – here’s his latest filmed by Phantom Power…

    link to

  159. Brian Doonthetoon says:


    If you or anyone you know is outside the UK and, therefore, can’t watch BBC iPlayer, or STV Player or 4OD and so on, point them in the direction of this web site:-

    link to

    There’s no software (app) download required – you just set up a new network configuration on your own computer/device. As there’s no download, you don’t have to worry about malware and the like.
    Full instructions are provided under “FAQ” at the link above for Windows, Macs, iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, and Android tablets/phones.

  160. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    If you are abroad and connect to the UK through VPN (Virtual Private Network) you can watch live UK TV at these two sites:-

    BTW: ‘filmon’ has BBC Scotland, BBC Wales, and so on.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Also – anyone abroad with positive stories in the press about Scotland where they are let us know, we can get those out there.

  161. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    Here’s a couple from Canada that you may find interesting. The way the stories are treated is ‘different’ to the way things are treated in the BUM.

    link to

    link to

  162. yesindyref2 says:

    Well, “limited objectives” doesn’t mean you can’t go back for another one, taking time and preparation, and that really had the fur flying. I would diagnose it as over-grooming. Vanity is its own punishment, and it has to be said, arrogance and condescension make an easy target. All you need is to stand back, pick up a pin, and it implodes. And the biggest laugh of all is it doesn’t even realise it’s happened. I feel so … cruel.

  163. Jim Thomson says:

    Just a quick pop in and then away again.

    I know there are a few history buffs in here and thought that this wee project related to the Spanish Civil War might interest a few of the more curious minds.

    Hi there,

    We have fresh new pages for you in AnnoTate! Discover the archive of Felicia Browne, a London-born artist who was the first British female combatant to lose her life in the Spanish Civil War. As we mark the 80th anniversary of the conflict’s outbreak, delve into Browne’s letters in which she articulates her political views, her stance against fascism, her journey from London to Barcelona and her experiences in Franco’s Spain.

    About Felicia Browne
    Born in 1904, Browne was a painter, sculptor and teacher. She attended courses at the Slade School of Fine Art, 1920–8, where she was awarded the Certificate in Drawing. In 1928 Browne went to Berlin intending to study sculpture. Whilst there she also spent time learning metal-working and stone masonry and witnessed the rise of Nazism. On her return to London in the early 1930s Browne became involved in the Artists International Association (AIA) and the Communist Party. She continued to study at Goldsmiths College and the Central School of Arts and Crafts. During this time Browne also travelled in Eastern Europe, visiting Russia, Hungary and Czechoslovakia and sketching the townscapes and peasants there. In early 1936 Browne started working as a scullion in a tea shop where she attempted to persuade other members of staff to join a trade union. In July of that year she went on a driving trip to France and Spain with her friend Edith Bone, a left-wing photographer. On arriving in Spain they were caught up in the Spanish Civil War and on 3 August Browne joined a Communist militia. She was killed in action on 25 August 1936 in a failed attempt to dynamite a Fascist munitions train becoming the first British volunteer to die in that conflict.

    Dig into Felicia’s sketchbooks right now at


    Grant and the Zooniverse Team

    If you do give it a try, be warned this sort of “zooniverse” project can be addictive.

    Have a great evening, all.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Gosh – Off-topic has gone all exciting again, long may it last.

  164. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose (8.18) –



    Hoots aplenty.

  165. Nana says:

    Does anyone know when the perks from the great leap forward will arrive?

  166. Paula Rose says:

    Wingers please get ready to help on the 30th of July if you live in Glasgow.

  167. yesindyref2 says:

    Indeed. We’ve seen the Empire strike back, now it’s time for the return of the Jedi 🙂

  168. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Re: the Spanish Civil war.

    When I was a jobbing DJ around 1980, we used to do parties at a local Labour activist’s house. The guests were all ‘high heid yins’ in the local Labour party. They could all sing along with this:-

    link to

    Haven’t times/the labour party changed?

  169. Tinto Chiel says:

    @BDDT 2106: thanks for that. Watching BBC and SKY on the hotel TV after two years abstinence is unpleasant. A non-SNP zone as far as MPs/spokespersons is concerned. Corbyn treated similarly but pile in Whiny Eagles and Slimy Smith: a throwback to Clive Jenkins, could be his son.

    Just noticed the Euro stars you’ve added to your avatar.


  170. Tinto Chiel says:

    Forgot to say, Jim Thomson, thanks for the link.

  171. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Tinto Chiel.

    You’re the first to mention them (stars). Added them the weekend after the referendum.

  172. Tinto Chiel says:

    Brian, is that The Laggan’s version of La Bandiera Rossa? I’ve got the CD at home. Great video clip too.

    Mebbe see you in Freedom Square on 30/7.

  173. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Tinto Chiel.

    It is The Laggan’s version. I still have the vinyl LP but managed to get it on CD some years ago.

    Incidentally, the ‘Jarama/Bandiera’ video that was on YouTube for a number of years, showing only the cover of the album, seems to have been removed. I had to play about with search terms to uncover the one I linked to above.

  174. Tinto Chiel says:



    Will stick it in my faves. Ta.

  175. Cadogan Enright says:




  176. Paula Rose says:

    And another…

    link to

  177. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Cadogan.

    link to

    link to

    In that second one, look under “Influence and Impact”.

  178. People Carrier says:

    Tinto Chiel
    “@People Carrier: yes, Dr C’s monograph is interesting. I emailed him a wee while ago and he said he still holds these views.”

    Many thanks, greatly appreciated. I definitely need to read some more I depth studies.


  179. Tinto Chiel says:

    @PC: Nae probs.

    By the way, GWS Barrow was English, his mum a Scottish Stuart, hence his initial. He supported Indy and scorned the whinging Scottish bourgeoisie who opposed it because of fears of losing pensions or too wee/ poor/ stupid. When he wrote Robert the Bruce he was subjected to withering attacks by Establishment academics who denied there was such a thing as Scottish historiography.

    Of course, the book went through at least three editions, so tehehee.

  180. Cadogan Enright says:

    its more of this one that i need

    link to

    better versions of that PLEASE

  181. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Cadogan.

    This is the best I could do, using’PhotoZoom Express 4″.

    link to

  182. CameronB Brodie says:

    Hi Cadogan
    Don’t bother with any of the suggested pics. Too small.

    You need a file size in MB not KB. I’m not clued up on what available sources there are but I think your best bet would be the originator. Good luck there. 😉

    Sorry guys.

  183. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.S. It would be a doddle to re-draw the pic and create a vector-diagram which you could then print as large as a house but would that be ethical? Well, it’s not exactly falsifying evidence, is it?

  184. CameronB Brodie says:

    vector diagram = Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), duh.

    link to

    Mind, I wasn’t in production. 🙂

  185. CameronB Brodie says:

    Of course, it needs to be a Scalable EPS. 😉

    link to

  186. CameronB Brodie says:

    More appropriate to the task at hand.

    link to

  187. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry if this is getting obsessive but there is just so much to consider.

    Re: the sharing of graphic files. I would tend to recommend EPS, if possible, as not all PDF generators are equal and other reasons.

    Mind though, I wasn’t in production. I’m also getting really, really pick. Usually PDF is fine. 🙂

  188. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry if this is getting obsessive but there is just so much to consider.

    Re: the sharing of graphic files. I would tend to recommend EPS, if possible, as not all PDF generators are equal and other reasons.

    Mind though, I wasn’t in production. I’m also getting really, really picky. Usually PDF is fine. 🙂

  189. CameronB Brodie says:

    Off the meds again, sorry. :0

    The original twitter file would not have been large enough to print legibly, at any meaningful size. With regards to re-drawing either pic., I’m no lawyer but I would reckon that would get you in to a bit of bother, given the nature of Better Together and the matter at hand. We did that sort of thing on an almost daily business though, when dealing with inadequate files supplied by clients.

  190. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. getting in to a bit of bother.

    In his recent book, Promises to Keep, author William Fisher argues that “[r]eversing the concentration of semiotic power would benefit us all. People would be more engaged, less alienated, if they had more voice in the construction of their cultural environment. And the environment itself . . . would be more variegated and stimulating.” 394 Just as the passage of the Civil Rights Act led to profound inclusion within the spheres of democracy, the state has a profound interest in building greater access to the marketplace of speech.

    As I have suggested throughout this Article, the conflict between intellectual property, property, and speech protections masks an underlying conflict between differen types of markets—one a marketplace of protected expression, and the other a marketplace of prohibited response. And, as I have shown, this tension also roughly translates into a series of conflicts between democracy and disobedience…..

    link to

  191. Thepnr says:

    Fed up of people posting about violence or UDI may be the route to Independence. I believe they are wrong, please tell me I’m right.

    link to

  192. yesindyref2 says:

    Yes, the natives are getting restless. It is frustrating having to wait and wait and wait,

    UDI is the last resort if the UK Government refuses to accept a YES vote, and it’s a possible route if the UKG refuse even Indy Ref 2 via a S30 order. It’s undemocratic unless after a Referendum, or the only means of holding one.

  193. Still Positive. says:

    Re Sat 30th July.

    I plan to be in (George) Freedom Square between 11.30 and noon. Will lookout for the Wings banner.

    Looking forward to it.

  194. Paula Rose says:

    Still Positive see you there Dear.

  195. Gerry says:

    Will be there on the 30th and will look out for the banner too.

  196. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Right. just off the phone with Ronnie.

    We’ll be underneath Sir Walter Scott’s feet, facing the Counting House. We’ll have the Wings banners with us, for anyone who wants to take control of them on the march. Ronnie’s willing to drive them up to the Botanic Gardens for the march. Who’s gonna look after them?

    Seems that there’s nothing arranged by way of entertainment in George Square post-march so it’s ‘play it by ear’. Wingers will probably congregate in the Counting House or The Clutha afterwards – decision made on the day.

    • Paula Rose says:

      So it’s up to us to do the entertainment then? I’ll bring my fans and the snake.

  197. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Hoots to Still Positive and Gerry!

    It’s a bit late perhaps, but are we likely to have enough Wingers to merit booking the same Waxy’s room as last time?

    It wasn’t ideal for everyone, but Cearc has already indicated she can’t make it due to prior commitments.

    If enough folk are up for it, I don’t mind asking about availability.

  198. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood as you said on main thread we need a pow wow in combating Bbc.

    Wings Banner’s at Walter Scott statue in the centre of George Square 30th July .

    BrianDtt is bringing the older Wings Banner for any Wingers who are walking from Botanic Gardens ,might be 2 if the PNR comes.

    Re Yes2 flags We might not have them in time for 30th, but have limited Scottish (smaller) flags.

    Thepnr Wooshaa Wooshaa I know its frustrating to keep hearing the same nonsence, but we,ve dealt with that before & still came through it, all together.

  199. Still Positive. says:

    Does anyone know the route (approx) from the Botanic gardens and ETA in (George)Freedom Square?

  200. Still Positive. says:

    Thanks Paula Rose. Got that.

  201. carjamtic says:

    The loneliness of the Long Distance Yesser’s

    Had this image of YES signage being held up,at all the Bridges in Scotland by volunteer yessers,set to music,nice video idea ?


  202. Michael McCabe says:

    A Wee Song for all my Friends. Wherever you are. link to Hoping to see some of you on the 30th

  203. Tinto Chiel says:

    Will probs walk in from the BGs but will have to be on best behaviour: Mrs TC and elder Tinto Quine will be on parade too.

  204. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Tinto Chiel –

    Delighted to hear that.

    Hope to meet you in person.

    Not sure if I’ll get to the Botanicals, but will defo be at the Square, and, thereafter, in whatever pub is deemed worthy of Friends Of Wos custom!


  205. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Wee bit of nostalgia for Wingers of a certain age…

    I used to fall asleep on Friday nights looking forward to this:

    Banana Splits Theme –

    link to

  206. Michael McCabe says:

    Live 1975 Playing for Dummies ? link to

  207. Michael McCabe says:

    This is what I think when Unionists Speak. link to

  208. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe (10.59) –



  209. Ruglonian says:

    Hi folks,

    Looking forward to the 30th and a catch-up, it’s been quite crazy these last few months!!

    Saw Ian B’s suggestion of Waxy’s again, so I thought I’d run a wee idea passed you all.
    It was my intention to look for feedback on Yes Rutherglen’s social media about a casual meeting on Saturday afternoon to discuss the formation of some sort of Greater Glasgow Yes committee.

    The idea came from a recent chat between Yes Rutherglen and Yes East Kilbride about hosting a joint social event around the 18/9, and the realisation that we could organise something much bigger, in the town, with the co-operation of a few other groups.
    We are both involved with the National Yes Registry, so have links with many groups, but felt that having everyone physically in the one place was too good an opportunity to pass up.

    The concept is loose: getting a wee group formed of one or two folk from groups in the surrounding areas (or any individuals who are interested) so that we can organise socials, co-ordinate speakers events and whatever else we fancy.
    This will obviously feed into the Yes Registry in time, it’s just that things are moving so fast that I think we need to grab all chances for some non-party organisation.


  210. Tinto Chiel says:


    Looking forward to meeting you too. Think it will be mobbed. So glad you agreed to cast your practised eye over my new 400,000 word stream of consciousness GSN, that will be cool 😀 . I’ll be the one in the beret and Archie Gemmill Scotland top.

    Hoots! as you would say.

    A reminder to Glaswegians/Lanarkists that WGD is speaking at the Robt. Owen Centre, The Murray, EK nxt Thursday, from memory. Hope to be there if I’ve finished my holiday washing.

  211. Lollysmum says:

    Hi All
    Sorry can’t manage 30th now- it’s moving house day 🙂
    Catch you all next time & have a good day.
    No broadband installed yet so will be keeping low profile online as Twitter & online use via phone eats up my battery.

  212. Paula Rose says:

    Lollysmum just as well there’s a march on otherwise we’d all be there “helping” you move in.

  213. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Lollysmum & Paula Rose –

    We could combine the two – everyone carries one thing…

    ‘Flit For Freedom!’

  214. Smallaxe says:

    Dear Wingers,I could never thank you all enough for your kind
    messages of support during my stay in hospital.I got home
    yesterday afternoon after pleading with the doctor not to keep
    me in over the weekend.

    May I also thank you all for the kindness shown to my lady Wife when giving updates on my progress,this wonderful person
    is and always has been my rock and my best friend,she suffers
    from Severe Ischemic Heart Disease,but when some time ago my
    GP suggested that we should apply for a carers allowance to
    help her and I with housework etc she all but punched him.

    When I was admitted to hospital I took with me 12 copies of the WBB but when I awoke from the anaesthetic I had only two
    copies left,my feisty Lady had went from waiting room to waiting room leaving a copy on top of every pile of magazines
    she could find! Once again we both thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the Love,Light,Vibes and Prayers sent
    so kindly to us.Peace,Love,Happiness and Independence to all.

    PS. I had an Indian surgeon,an African anaesthetist and a Portuguese and an Irish theatre nurses among the staff,our
    SNHS is a treasure we can’t afford to lose.

  215. Gary45% says:

    Regarding the 30th, the wife and I will be getting the early train from the North, we will miss the start because of the arrival time, but will catch up as quick as possible.
    will also take a wee visit to the GPHRC stall in Buchannan Street.(worth a visit)

  216. Macart says:



  217. Nana says:


    Sending good thoughts your way. Take care xx

  218. Gary45% says:

    Mr& Mrs Smallaxe,
    Keep Rockin.

  219. K1 says:

    Good stuff Smallaxe… 🙂

  220. Grouse Beater says:

    Going to the movies tonight?

    Here’s a review of The BFG: link to

  221. Valerie says:


    Great to get the update. Glad you are out, and hope you recuperate speedily.

    Good luck with the move.

  222. liz g says:

    Mr & Mrs Smallaxe.
    Sending my continued best wishes to you both
    Take care of each other. X

  223. Smallaxe says:

    Peace & Love to all of you,my heart is in my words.

    Goodnight my friends.

  224. Quinie frae Angus says:

    So sorry, fellow Wingers. Much as I’d love to join you all it’s my parents’ Golden Wedding party so jist cannae dae. Hope you all have a wonderful, funny, inspiring day x

  225. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Quinie frae Angus –



  226. Paula Rose says:

    No Quinie? Just one girlie then, it’s up to Moi.

  227. cearc says:


    Have a great party. Families eh? Should have had more foresight when they got married! Mine had booked flights before I knew about the rally.

    Paula Rose will have to be extra girlie to compensate for us but we’ll be with you in spirit (well we’ll be with the spirit anyway, wee dram anyone?)


    Keep on in there.

    Ian, The other problem with Waxy’s was the onslaught of the muzak which drowned conversation, not to mention their serious breaches of the the fire-regs (though possibly they may tightened up on them now). Awwh, the stairs, the stairs! My hips haven’t forgotten going out the back with x-sticks!

  228. gus1940 says:

    Has any consideration been given to the use of Beer Mats as a means of spreading the good news re Wings and YES?

    They are:-

    Cheap to produce
    Light so cheap to distribute
    Pretty durable so do not require special packaging.
    Using both sides can contain a fair amount of information

    Produce versions with varying content.

    When going out to the pub or elsewhere just stick a handful of mats in your pocket or for the fair sex handbag.

    Apart from just directing people to Wings or YES they could direct people to Wee Books both Blue and Black and sites such as WGD plus special editions on particular current topics whereby specific media lies could be exposed.

    I see their use as being a moving campaign directing people to the truth.

    Anybody picking one up and seeing something interesting only needs to pocket it without having to write down a URL and then accessing the full story once at home.

    Can I suggest that the production and distribution of said beer mats would be an ideal subject for crowd funding.

  229. Macandroid says:

    All being well on 30th I will come and find the Wingers in Freedom Sq as I can’t manage the march.

    PS Anyone going through by train from Edinburgh?

  230. Thepnr says:


    Beermats are a great idea, one of the best things in the last campaign was the little business cards with all the indy links on them.

    I think though that first off you need pubs to be willing to take them which is best dealt with locally.

    Why don’t you start a fundraiser? Think of the type of card and what it should say. I’d do my best to help distribute them for you in my area. Anyway definitely a good idea and we could do with more.

  231. cearc says:


    The yes Rutherglen mob have produced wings beer mats. We had them at the do in Waxy’s. I don’t know what sort of quantities than can do but I expect one of them will be along soon to tell you.

  232. Quinie frae Angus says:

    @Ian Brotherhood



  233. Quinie frae Angus says:


    I am currently in Kent, sunning myself and gorging myself at a seriously rocky rock fest. It’s called “Ramblin’ Man Fair” and there are so many fantastic bands here – Whitesnake and Black Stone Cherry, as well as a feast of country rock, heavy rock, dirty blues, southern rock and Thin Lizzy!

    Anyway, point of my post is that I am having a lovely time camping, glamping and champing with a lot of lovely English peeps who are of similar “independent”, anti-Establishment mind tae mysel’. However, I am shocked and disappointed at the level of ignorance, stereotypes, myths and propaganda they hold about us Scottish pro-indy types. I have done my best to disabuse them of this pish – in the kindest, sweetest, Olde English Cidertype way I can- but frankly, it’s tedious and I’ve given up for now. Partly because I’m thinking “Och well, it’s comin’ yet for a’ that” and they”ll find out the truth in due course. But partly because I came down here for a long-needed bit of R&R, and it cost a fortune, and frankly, I can no longer be arsed wasting my breath trying to counter the Neptune-scaled tidal deluge of MSM filth these folks have been saturated in for so long. It’s sad but true.

    Anyway, the point is I do think there is now a wee niche in the “Wings”, Aye Right” or otherwise “IndyRef2” armoury for a Wee Book “colour yet to be decided” aimed specifically at our English friends – and long-emigrated Scots who are less enlightened as to modern day realities, and sadly poisoned by cringeworthy Scottish cringeyness.

    I think “English Scots for Yes”, Paula Rose, Billy Bragg and Artist Taxi Driver could be our catalysts for this.

    This is not aimed at the hard-core Yoon mindset about which we can do so little…..ever. Maggie Vaughn types, Arty Bagger etc. Forget them.

    We have another audience there waiting to be educated! The intelligent, reasonable, kindly-minded, outward-looking English person. There is no time to lose! The sooner the better.

    We really really need England to wake up to this so we can have a happy velvet divorce then give them a hand up.

    Anyway, back to the beer. Thunder are on next, heh heh.

    Sorry can’t come to the March next weekend, peeps. Love to all my usual as well as newbie Wingers.


  234. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Caught a snippet of this group earlier on Radio North Britain.

    Perhaps not the same tune, but definitely same group.

    Le Pottier Quartet, ‘Jarawa’ –

    link to

  235. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc –

    I’m still annoyed with meself for not checking the place out properly, shouldn’t have taken their word for it…

    @Quinie frae Angus –

    Sounds like you’re banging your heid against a brick proverbial there. Not exactly ‘restful’! Enjoy what’s left of the festival – am raising a glass of Weston’s cloudy Scrumpy to you!

    Slainte, one and all!


    P.S. Ruglonian is the go-to Winger for beermat-related info.

  236. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is the tune that was played on radio earlier this evening.

    La Pottier Quartet, ‘Awa’ –

    link to

  237. cearc says:


    It was the uncontrollable muzak volume that was the main problem for me and that was with the speakers in ‘our’ bar off.

    They had some ‘surprise’ visits from the fire department shortly after our little do. So it should at least be safer now. Like no keg trolleys and piles of stuff half blocking the main fire exit corridors!

  238. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Quinie frae Angus –

    If you need a wee relaxing piece to come-down after all the noise and excitement, try this:

    21 Gramas, ‘Mazurka Klandestina’ –

    link to

  239. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc –

    Ach well, I’ll know better next time. (As will Waxy’s?!)

    ‘Vivendo discimus’ an aw that, eh?

    link to

  240. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Wee note re next Saturday…

    Last ‘big’ WOS presence at a rally (so far as I remember anyway) was the Hope Over Fear last year, also in Glasgow.

    I was there for most of the afternoon, hinging aboot the place, and I met so many Wingers for the first time…it was braw.

    (A good few of us ended-up in the Clutha.)

    Anyway, point is – we worked-out, next day, that approx 50 Wingers had been in the Square, but not all at the same time. A lot of us were clapping eyes on other Wingers for the first time, and didn’t even know one another’s ‘real’ names.

    Very few images of ‘us’ together have ever been taken.

    It would be nice if we could agree a ‘target’ time when as many of us as possible are present, and get some snaps done before we go our separate ways…

    What think ye’s?

  241. Paula Rose says:

    I’ll take snaps cos you is all going to look a bit overshadowed if I’m in the pix.

  242. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    True dat…

  243. Tinto Chiel says:


    Sounds like a plan. What time would be a reasonable one? Think there will be a big turnout.

    “Ready for my close up, Mr De Mille.”

    Or we could just ask GCHQ to send us our photographs.


  244. crazycat says:

    @ Ian

    Good idea – I was disappointed that I missed so many people whom I would have liked to meet last time.

    At the moment I’m thinking of just going to the square; the last march I did from the West End was a bit much (it went to Glasgow Green from Kelvingrove, though, so a fair bit longer); I got further and further behind, having started near the front.

    It will partly depend on whether I travel up with people, or just meet them at some point later.

    See you then, anyway.

  245. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    I’ll try to keep a lookout for y’all then in the Square next Sat.

    (Don’t have a WoS badge to show though since my little perk from the last crowdfunding never arrived, alas.)

  246. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Well, just for argument’s sake, what about 1.30?

    Big huddle…


  247. crazycat says:

    @ Robert J. Sutherland

    I don’t think anyone’s badge has arrived yet, although I did mysteriously receive a National Yes Registry one, unsolicited, this week, from the place whence the Wings perks will eventually be sent.

  248. Paula Rose says:

    My darling honey-bunches – we will be there come and find us XXX

  249. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Crazycat & Robert Sutherland. Had email convo with Lindsay last week re perks. The wee black book took precedence and perks were delayed by that. I was assured that they will be on their way though.

  250. Robert J. Sutherland says:


    Thanks for that update. A pleasant surprise. I just supposed the supply had ran out by the time they got to the “S” people. Not that it was any problem for me, I was just happy to add my small part to this great (ad)venture.

  251. crazycat says:

    @ Robert

    Just seen a tweet saying that 5000 of them were die-cut today. So just possible you’ll get yours (and I mine) before Saturday.

  252. Quinie frae Angus says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    What a beautiful, touching piece of music. Thanks so much for posting – I am back home now and this tune has indeed chilled me oot!

    In a similar, soothing vein I must post the following three ballads which were belted out this weekend and melted my nostalgic heart – again – despite the plastic surgery and overly-bright gnashers of a certain Mr C.

    They may not be the “coolest” or most “eclectic”, but they certainly satisfied the candle-waving crowd!

    link to

    link to

    link to

  253. yesindyref2 says:

    With you in spirit on Saturday, not in body. Unbelievably I managed earlier to put my long delayed trip together (one problem after another), including hostels and the only slight problem is I’m booked on the 18.10 Leverburgh to Berneray ferry on Friday rather than the 14.45 one I want, but I’m first on the waitlist for it. Yay!

    Not sure what Calmac are up to cancelling the always full summer crossing from Lochboisdale to Oban and making it just the one to Mallaig at 7.00 in the morning instead, not good for Lochboisdale or South Uist I’d think. Must have missed that in the Herald when it was reported, if it was.

    Needs more money for investment in ferries, more money spent in and on Scotland, and the only way to achieve that is, oh, I forget, what was it now, leaving the EU?

  254. Ruglonian says:

    Hi folks,

    I saw that the beermat idea was floating around again, so I’m investigating suppliers to see how feasible a large order would be.
    The ones I’ve produced for the Wings dos aren’t really beermats ie not double-sided paper, I just made them appear to be 😉
    I’ll keep you posted.

  255. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    Just saw your comment last night on main thread about having blether with Jamie Ross.

    Didn’t know about that, first I’ve heard.

    Who knows who’ll turn up on Saturday?

    See you then!


  256. Stoker says:

    Pistol Annies Live Debut – Hell On Heels
    link to

    The Band Perry – Fat Bottomed Girls
    link to

    Kid Rock ft Sheryl Crow – Picture [Official Video]
    link to

  257. Stoker says:

    Red Hot Chili Peppers – The Zephyr Song
    link to

    Nirvana – Come As You Are
    link to

    System Of A Down – Chop Suey
    link to

  258. Gerry says:

    Fast losing count of how many comments are getting lost in the ether here.
    We should really have a forum to exchange views etc real time. Set up a similar thing on “paltalk” for engineering research and it worked a treat. Not the best program ever but not the worst.
    If this was something that was worth doing it would take 5 minutes to set up a room with 150 capacity and controlled entry via password to keep the yoons out.
    Worth doing ?

  259. CameronB Brodie says:

    Quinie frae Angus
    I wouldn’t suspect you of having a dig at me there but just in case you are, I’m not trying to be a smart-Erse as I’m already a full-fat weirdo*. 🙂

    * Being a weirdo takes a lifetime of practice and a commitment which dwarfs that required for Being a smart-Erse. 😉

  260. Betty Boop says:

    @ Ronnie, @PaulaR, @ Bdtt, and all,

    Having a struggle catching up just now with everything that’s going on!

    Unfortunately, we have to be in the east on Saturday and there is little chance of getting back to Glasgow before 5.00pm, but, will get away as soon as poss. Now, we all know that Wingers have trouble dragging themselves away from great company, so, where will y’all be after the Square?

    If it’s Waxy’s, it’s like a labyrinth and might spend all night missing each other.

    Visibility is everything, so, PaulaR, mind the shocking pink boa and matching fascinator, please, so we can find you!

    @ Ruglonian

    Great idea for a Greater Glasgow Yes – Registry should help to pull this sort of stuff together eventually.

    @ smallaxe

    Hope you are much better and your wonderful wife is keeping well too. Kudos to her for her mission with WBB!

    @ Quinie

    Chill, some conversations just aren’t worthwhile and will just send your BP up! Enjoy your break and the music 🙂

    @ A’body else, Missing the lot of you, seems a long time since Waxy’s.

    Whew! xx

  261. Quinie frae Angus says:

    @ Betty Boop

    Thanks Betty, I did and I enjoyed it, thank you. Left a Wee Black Book with a bewildered Corbynite, for good measure! 😉

    @Cameron B Brodie

    Hi Cameron, no dig at you whatsoever! If anything, it was a dig at a certain rock god, lol. David Coverdale: “Mr C”. 🙂

  262. CameronB Brodie says:

    Quinie frae Angus
    Just as well. 😉

  263. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    You typed,
    “Last ‘big’ WOS presence at a rally (so far as I remember anyway) was the Hope Over Fear last year, also in Glasgow.”

    See, the problem is that with you being so far from civilisation, you don’t realise that there is a whole world beyond that Glasgow, up the A80. Glasgow was September.

    The last ‘big’ WOS presence at a rally was 4th October, 2015, in City Square, Dundee. Here are two pics to prove it.

    link to

    link to



    Hi Quinie.

    Did you get your bus booked?

  264. CameronB Brodie says:

    Just posted this on a main thread but think it could do with being left here, as well.

    link to

  265. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Cameron B.

    Just replied to you at:-

    link to

  266. CamernoB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Hi Brian, fwiw, I’ve just replied. 🙂

    N.B. Do not be disappointing that there’s not even a hint of the word Fascism in my reply. 😉

  267. Michael McCabe says:

    Whatever happened to. With Respect. link to

  268. Michael McCabe says:

    Thea Gilmore – Pirate Moon link to

  269. Liz Rannoch says:

    Having only been posting on here for a few months (but lurking for far longer!) I had hoped to get to George Sq. on Saturday – canny manage the walk – and meet you lovely folk, however I’ve not had a good couple of months and getting mostly good news yesterday, we have decided on escape to our ‘van in Bettyhill for a bit of R&R. So totally offline for next week.

    What will we come home too? the mind boggles! Someone mentioned ‘flags on bridges’ a few days ago – will try my best on the Naver bridge, Though not great at the techno bits!

    Please can someone take loads of photos! Have only seen a couple from the car rally in May.

    Will be with you heart and soul on Saturday.

  270. Betty Boop says:

    @ Bdtt, 1.05am!!!

    @ IanB

    Aye, the south west coast, cut off from civilisation as we know it! Ian, you need to get out more 🙂

    Dundee, the centre of the known universe, hive of cultural activity and friendly Wingers. I note they always park near the coffee shop! Wish I could spend more time there rather than just passing through. 🙁

  271. Chic McGregor says:

    Anybody else notice the resemblance, not just titular, between oor ain Rev and The Preacher?×350.jpg

    Take away the mad mullet rug and wullah!

  272. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Betty.

    I’m on holiday and my sleep pattern has been a tad awry the past couple of days…

  273. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Chic MacG.

    “Take away the mad mullet rug…”

    link to

  274. Chic McGregor says:

    The wonders of photoshop.
    Skull’s a wee bit wee mind.

  275. chasanderson200 says:

    Hello all
    Sorry I can’t do the march on Saturday (60 years of intensive sports have overtaken the hip, knee, and ankle joints) but I’ll be in the square for the rally.

    Looking forward to a great day meeting you all.

    Ian B and BDTT need to have a wee natter with you re RTB as I was LA Housing Finance specialist prior to retiring 5 years ago.

  276. CameronB Brodie says:

    Er, I would be interested in that conversation, could I listen in? I would be very interested to hear your views on my opinion re. RtB contravening the principles of international development law, though I doubt I’ll see you in Glasgow.

    Sorry, couldn’t resist chas. 😉

  277. yesindyref2 says:

    Totally nothing to do with Indy – views please – guilty or not guilty:

    link to

  278. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi yesindyref2.

    Led Zep has form…

    link to

    link to

  279. yesindyref2 says:

    Yeah, you convinced me. First thought with the Stairways / Taurus was it was similar, but it can happen. But it is very similar all the same! Case2 Bert Jansch – I almost thought that was Jansch, but on an off day 😉

  280. Andrew McLean says:

    Not guilty, but I would give him something for his fantastic name “Randy Californian” ! 🙂

  281. Paula Rose says:

    *looks up from book* Oh dear it’s one of those boring muso chat nights *goes back to book*

  282. Andrew McLean says:

    The bible per chance Paula, 🙂

  283. CameronB Brodie says:

    Wonder if Randy had heard about the Scottish cringe? Well, everyone gets their inspiration from somewhere. Shirley?

    Randy California – Downer
    link to

    He at least appeared to appreciate that tomorrow is another day, full of boundless potential and countless opportunities.

    Kaptain Kopter and the (fabulous) Twirly-Birds – Things yet to come
    link to

    Perhaps I’m just Being a smart-Erse now? 🙂

  284. Paula Rose says:

    *puts down copy of A Rébours to stare menacingly at Andrew McLean*

  285. K1 says:

    I confess to being influenced by their ‘covering’ and no crediting schtick, that’s what they are ‘guilty’ of, makes you ‘hear’ them in a new light. Having no access, as we do now, to the original recordings that they then ‘covered’ back in my youth, I thought wrongly, that they were the sole writer’s of their own material. Think people knew they were tapping into the old blue’s/folk singers/writers but possibly not to the degree of them basically being a ‘cover band’. Ignorance was bliss. 😉
    (only cause I was obviously impressed by that facility that singer/songwriter’s posses 🙂 )

    I know of course much of the success of many multi millionaire artists has been their capacity to ‘nick’ various ideas and then transform them into sellable product. There is ‘artistry’ in that. They ‘should’ acknowledge their sources though and Zep’s reputation goes down a bit because of that aspect. Och let’s face it aw the big band’s/ariistes reputation’s are oan a shoogly peg in this regard.

    Copyright’s a minefield innit.

  286. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    RE: Randy California.

    As a rock DJ, I had this album and got much mileage out of this well known version, throughout the 80s and 90s.

    link to

  287. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Hi Brian. I forgot we had a professional DJ among us. Didn’t mean to step on your toes there. 😉

    Incidentally, I’m very disappointing by the lack of input btl here, from Scotland’s practicing sociologist, planners and similar professionals. Is it deference to their mortgage that prevents them from making informed comment? Surely they can’t all be Yoons?

    IMHO, explaining how shit works to Scotland should not be left up to the likes of myself.

    P.S. I suppose you can forget planners as the RTPI is predominantly Fabian in membership and outlook. Fabians are British nationalists, at heart.

  288. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, hopefully a bribe for Paula

    link to

  289. yesindyref2 says:

    And just to spoil that

    link to

  290. CameronB Brodie says:

    For example, here’s one for the lawyers out there and not just those for indy.

    The British state actively prevents Scotland and her people from accessing the full potential of their “right to development”, which is supported by a raft of international law and Treaty.

    Can we do them for denial of human rights?

    Crowd-funding would be a doddle. 😉

  291. CameronB Brodie says:

    which is supported by a raft of international law and Treaty.

    which is theoretically protected by a raft of international laws and Treaties.

  292. Wee Jonny says:

    Hello fellow Wingers.

    Just readin aboot this weekend’s March For Independence in The National the noo. Eh canny be there as the wife and me are dayin a sponsored keep fit event in oor gym ti raise dosh for a charridee that’s helped a lassie that’s been through hell (she was on the front page o yesterday’s Tully and will hopefully be in Setirday’s Tully tay).

    So I hope it a’ goes well and there’s thoosands there.

    Eh’ll be thinkin aboot yiz a’ as I’m dayin Zunba fir three ‘oorz.

    Still Yes .

  293. Andrew McLean says:

    Has Paula Rose stopped looking and went back to 50 shades of grey? 🙂

  294. Paula Rose says:

    Andrew McLean Honey – I’m still all goose-pimply after reading your comment at eleven minutes past eight this morning on the “The darling of the comrades” post.

  295. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    Apologies for my Glasgow-centric waffle. 🙁

    Anyway, The National has been good in recent days at plugging this Saturday, although I’m not sure where they got the 14,000 guesstimate.

    It would be great to find a way of nailing the numbers at these things – no matter what it is in reality, it becomes a plaything. Anyway, we can only tend to our own patch.

    Can we aim for 1.30 in the Square for a family snap?

  296. crazycat says:

    @ Ian

    I’m aiming to be there, but will opt out of any photos.

  297. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @crazycat –

    Fair do’s.

    Fancy taking some then?!


  298. Paula Rose says:

    Oi – photography – that’s my job.

  299. Betty Boop says:

    @ Bdtt, 27/7/16, 3.32

    Taking away that “mad mullet rug” – Jeez that was scary!

    Enjoy your holibags.

  300. Still Positive. says:

    Will be there. No sure about the photos.

    Will be delighted to meet you Wingers.

  301. Ruglonian says:

    @Ian B

    Would be good to know accurate-ish numbers on Saturday.

    If someone could take a series of photos going down the line before the march kicks off and then again at a fixed point as the marchers come into the square, that’d be pretty handy for working it out.

    I’d happily do it myself if I was marching, but I’m going to be in George Square helping set-up Yes Rutherglens stall.

    Any volunteers?

    Incidentally, if you know of anyone who can’t physically manage the march then let them know that we’ll be in the square from 9.30am and they are more than welcome to hang out with us and welcome the marchers in. The word went out on twitter earlier, so it’s shaping up to be a nice wee crowd!

    See you at 1.30 for the family photo, if not before 🙂

  302. Tinto Chiel says:

    1.30 seems fine. Going to Boots this morning for some blusher.

    Am under family supervision so, as Jimmy Reid would say, “There will be no bevvying.”

    Walking in from the Tanics. Will there be a Wings banner?

  303. X_Sticks says:

    I wont get there until about 1:30-2:00 coming from Aberdeen.

    Can’t post much as no broadband at home for the last two weeks!

    Look forward to catching up with you all there.

    Tally ho! (as they say in Essex) 😉

  304. Smallaxe says:

    For Ghillie,as promised.First published 1995.

    I don’t believe in a great God above
    I believe that God is Love
    I don’t think God is one being at all
    I think God is in us all

    I don’t pray at night to an empty sky
    I pray for peace for you and I
    I pray our children live to see
    The world at peace all people free

    Starvation prejudice and fear
    Will quickly fade and disappear
    If only Man will realise
    God is here not in the skies

    God’s not up there looking down
    He”s yellow He”s white He”s black He’s brown
    He is ours and we are His
    He”s all of us He”s all that Is

  305. Cherry says:

    Ronnie and Briandoonthetoon

    Can you put one of those Scottishy passporti thingies to one side for me (you know I can’t come coz of crowds of people) will pay the going rate not asking for wingers rates!!

  306. Odet says:

    Re: ronnie anderson says:
    29 July, 2016 at 1:28 pm
    ” Briandtt & masel went tae ah lot of trouble tae get Scottish Passports fur Sat ( at much cheapness fur Wingers) get there early.

    Any Wingers wie Caligraphy skills would be more than welcome.”

    I’m a tad out of practice, but can offer scribing help. What calligraphy skills are you looking for? eg indelible pen and ink name inscribing? Where/when?

  307. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Brotherhood’s Acme Sticky Label Service will be available for a limited time tomorrow.

    In the meantime, some mood music…

    The Pogues, ‘Battle March Medley’ –

    link to

  308. Thepnr says:

    Really sorry that I can’t make it tomorrow. Hope there’s a good turnout and be sure and make it a grand day.

    It feels like there is a bit of momentum starting. All the best.

  309. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –



    Be sure to tune into BBC channels as they’ll surely be providing plenty of live updates as the march progresses!

  310. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s one for Thepnr, cearc, Quinie frae Angus, and all t’other legendary Wingers who can’t make it tomorrow…

    Slainte aplenty to each and every one of ye’s!


    UB40, ‘Red Red Wine’ –

    link to

  311. Michael McCabe says:

    Levellers – Hope Street link to

  312. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael –

    Forgive me, but I haven’t been keeping my usual wee ‘list’ – will you be making it along tomorrow?

  313. crazycat says:

    @ Ian 24 hours ago

    You wouldn’t ask that if you’d ever seen any photos taken by me! With detailed instructions about whatever gadget is being used, I’ll give it a try, but be prepared to have to get them repeated!

  314. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @crazycat –


    I’m sure there are certain folk who would very much like to see us getting our heads chopped off, so to speak.

  315. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood At the moment it does not look like I can make it. But I am not giving up on making it through Tomorrow. By the way only 4 to go

  316. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael –

    4 to go??

    Lost me man…

  317. Michael McCabe says:

    The Magic Numbers, link to

  318. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Sebastian Rivera, ‘March Of The Resistance’

    link to

  319. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood 18181

  320. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Sam Cooke, ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’ –

    link to

  321. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael –

    *sound of penny, having dropped*

    NOW you tell me!

    (I’m actually coveting 18888, but they all ‘count’, in their own way…)

  322. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood Hi Ian I thought you were trying to get the 18181 post on off topic. I now realise its 18888 you are after. lucky numbers and all that. if you still don’t know what I mean then Check out your own post on off topic on the 30th of June. Anyway all the best to you and yours.

  323. yesbot says:

    Ian, Ronnie, Briandtt et al

    Looking forward to the March tomorrow, hopefully it will be mobbed, is there a WoS rally point at the Botanics?

    Also wondered if anything came of the plans for a get-together after George Sq? I’ve been looking forward to meeting everyone again since March, especially with this complete madness since Brexit!! xx

  324. cearc says:

    Ian B,

    Nice thought, although I have actually been drinking white this evening!

    I hope everyone has a great day.

  325. Smallaxe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood,I have left a post on ’empty quiver’ please see,thanks

    Ps. If Ian is not still on,could someone who is going tomorrow
    please convey message to him.Thank you.Peace

  326. Smallaxe says:

    Sorry time of message 11:44.

  327. Hello fellow Wingers,

    It is my first time! Usually to be found on twitter, although I have written one Wings article which some of you may recognise my name from. Been a Wings reader for a few years now and like you all I have a whole lot of love & respect for WOS so I guess you are all now my new extended family.

    The lovely Paula Rose ushered me in (Thank-you honey).I will be at the stall tomorrow, I have a few engraved goodies & similar to give away. Looking forward to meeting you all if not a wee bit shy/nervous. I can take some group pictures also if needed. Okay I will stop blethering now and hopefully see you all tomorrow x

  328. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Smallaxe message received tell them to come to the Walter Scott statue

  329. Smallaxe says:

    @ Ronnie Anderson.

    Thanks Ronnie,have a great day.

  330. Michael McCabe says:

    Get Back to Water – Tree Adams link to

  331. Quinie frae Angus says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Thanks for the wee glass of red wine, that was much appreciated.

    Hope all you lovely Wingers have a great time tomorrow. So sorry I can’t be there this time. I’ll see you next time though.


  332. Ghillie says:

    Smallaxe @ 11.10 am

    Thank you Smallaxe = )

    Your poem is pure delight and is true. So true = ) Love and peace to you too Smallaxe and to Mrs Smallaxe x

    To all marching for Independence today: Wishing you all an amazingly lovely day with fine weather in the best of company!

    May the road rise up to meet you, the wind be at your back and the sun shine warm upon your face = )

  333. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    For those who canna be there in body then this link will give you a great view of George Square and it refreshes every 15minutes.

    Try to spot Paula’s pink boa and ‘Would you love to see my engravings’ Misssssssy Babbington!! Yaaay.

    link to

  334. Smallaxe says:

    @ Ghillie, glad you liked the poem,thank you.Peace.x

  335. Betty Boop says:

    @ Miss Babngton


    Couldn’t make it for march but in Glasgow now and hoping to see some Winger pals about somewhere.

  336. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Well done all the Wingers. Great turn-out.

    Home, knacked, half-cut, preparing to get fully-so, and with some happy memories to jingle with.

    Hoots all!


  337. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Tinto Chiel –

    Great pleasure to finally meet you, and lovely Mrs Tinto.

    As discussed, please get in touch whenever…these GSNs won’t write themselves!


  338. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Okay, some of us are still in a bad mood with Bowie, but he’s oot the game now and probably wasn’t THAT bothered about what we did.

    Here he is, doing his pub singer par excellence, with some properly cheesy lighter-waving into the bargain.

    And anyway, the general sentiment he voices is one which will chime with many, especially the impatient who really need to calm their jets a tad…

    Let’s forgive and forget, eh?

    Bowie, ‘Please Wait’ –

    link to

  339. Smallaxe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood,

    I think you met my Daughter and Granddaughter today,they can not remember the names of all the people who they tell me overwhelmed them with great kindness at the Wings stall.

    May I take this opportunity to thank you all for the courtesy
    and generosity of the welcome given to my girls they have spoken of little else.please pass on my heartfelt thanks to all of those who were there.Peace,Love and Respect.

  340. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Came by the Wings stall two or three times this afternoon, but each time it was mobbed and everyone seemed very busy selling merch, so I never found a suitable opportunity to say hello to anyone in person, alas.

    Hopefully another time, though.

    In default of that, to smallaxe in particular, let me take this opportunity to add my own very best wishes to you for a full recovery.

  341. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smallaxe –

    So many faces, I’m scrolling back inside my heid, but I don’t remember anyone using ‘smallaxe’ as a code! It all goes so quickly.

    Thanks for your kind wishes, you are a proper gent.

    More power to ye.


  342. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Robert J. Sutherland –


    Why didn’t you say hello?!

    There were loads of us around – horrible to think you were right there and we didn’t know!

    As soon as someone posts one of the many ‘family’ snaps which were taken approx 1.45, you’ll see some faces which you no doubt clocked this afternoon. (Pondering which, it’s perhaps no surprise you didn’t introduce yourself!)

    Next time!! 🙂

  343. yesindyref2 says:

    I could be wrong, but I don’t think there’s ever been a tune called “Off Topic”. I formally claim composer’s copyright – but freely donate it to the cause of Independence 🙂

    Is there a songwriter in the house …

  344. Smallaxe says:

    @Ian Brotherhood,

    Thanks Ian,all at the stall have left my girls with a lasting
    impression of the the friendliness of true Wingers.Peace my Friend.

    @Robert J. Sutherland,

    Your kind words are very much appreciated Robert,I am improving every day and am humbled by the number of people like yourself who have sent messages of support,I am positive
    it has played a large part in helping me heal.Thank you my Friend,Peace,Love and Happiness to you and yours.

  345. yesindyref2 says:

    OK let’s go for it.

    “The BBC make up the news
    and ignore all opposing views
    They twist and shake and bend it down
    to make us think how shite our town
    And when we cry in our despair
    You lot bend rules and play unfair
    they say

    Your’re off topic, off topic,
    you’re off topic, now bog off.

    etc …”

    Needs a bit of work!

  346. yesindyref2 says:

    Be kind of cool if it could make it on downloads (99p each?) into the Vodafone top 40, preferably top 10 for one week, but research doesn’t give me a figure for that. A million is good for a lifetime – but for one week only? Would 100,000 do that? Could it be done? A week or two before Indy Ref 2? Never mind a million signature YES pledge! Let the Music Play.

    Be even better if BBC had to play it on their chart show 🙂

    I’m thinking kind of IndyPunk style or even IndyIndie

  347. Miss Babington says:

    Hello Wingers!
    What an absolute pleasure it was to meet you all today. I was nervous but within a short while of Ronnie swearing like a trooper and all the banter I felt right at home. You are all stuck with me now I am afraid.

    Thank-you for making me feel so welcome and for all the hugs & laughs. Yer a brilliant bunch of folks. Oh and if You need beer-mats I can engrave them on beech plywood, can keep the price at cost price for you as well. Just an idea.

    Lastly how do I post pictures on here? I have a few good ones of today and no idea how to share them.

    Much love to you all. x

  348. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Miss Babington –

    Cheers aplenty for the keyring. A wee thing of beauty which will be long treasured.

    Hope to see you sometime on The Twitter Thing!

  349. Tinto Chiel says:


    Mrs TC has gone all squidgy now, you sweet-talking intellectual. She loved your thoughts on He Who Cannot Be Named.

    Sorry I seem to have missed so many Wingers who were lurking today. Maybe we could all meet in local drinking groups between official national meetings.

    Will be in touch shortly to plan revolution and assail the trite North Face commercialism of modern publishing.

    Crampons on.


  350. Archie [Not Erchie] says:

    @ Missy Babbington – To answer your question re photo uploading. I notice a few on Wings use ‘’ to store photos then provide the ‘link’ in their post.

    I have previously used ‘Flickr’ as its fairly simple to make an album and then post ‘link’ to album on here.
    Here are my 2015 Rally photos which could quite easily have been yesterday.

    link to

  351. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Miss Babington –

    I think, as you mentioned yesterday, our paths have crossed before…it’s bugging me big-time.

    Did you perchance ever work in any Glasgow pubs?

  352. Miss Babington says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Nope, Not often out of the shire (Irvine) to be honest.Still annoying me though.


    Tried the image posting thing, comment has not been approved yet.Knowing me I broke the Revs posting etiquette rules.If I am not around you know he has killed me with hammers.

  353. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Miss Babington –

    Were you ever on the Yes stalls in Ayr Main St in run-up to indyref? I was quite often there on the SSP stall, we usually set-up outside the Nationwide.

  354. Miss Babington says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Nah mainly door chapping with my WBB in Irvine during Indy-ref, although was often in the Irvine Yes hub on the high street.

    Lets try the picture link thing again.

    link to

  355. Miss Babington says:

    Okay here are some more pics from yesterday.

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  356. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Miss Babington –

    Yep, that worked.


    Great to see so many old faces…

  357. Tinto Chiel says:

    To all Wingers who had a great time yesterday, courtesy of Big Ronnie, Irene, BDTT and others:

    link to

    Old words, but they mean a lot for us all too in pre-liberation Scotland.

    And wee Jimmie McCulloch: what a great guy.

    Blessings to all, says the atheist.

  358. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Major respect to oor ain Ronnie Anderson for exercising soo-perb diplomatic skills in the CH, defusing a potentially catastrophic situation with a combination of firm decision-making and ameliorating humour.

    A pleasure to witness.

    (And also, thanks for the pint…)


  359. ronnie anderson says:

    Hiya Wingers thanks again for making the Wings Teams day & supporting the Wings Stall. Dundee looks like the next Rally Bob Costello will confirm this week time & date. Hope over Fear are also orginizing another one for Glasgow , so lookout via Twitter & ( all regions). The bands getting back together,lets make this a summer of Rallies & Convoy’s.

  360. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Does anyone know if Paula Rose got home alright?

    (I’m not actually bothered, but someone asked me to ask.)


  361. Betty Boop says:

    Well, really scunnered that JimT and moi couldn’t make the march nor the square, but, pleased we made it back in time to catch up with a fair few Wingy pals before they staggered home.

    Good job we know where to find you. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not, but, it’s awfy easy spotting folk even from my err… height. Anyway, good to see y’all and looking forward to the next time.

    @ Robert Sutherland

    Aww, you should have just shoved in at the stall and said hello; they would have recognised your name and been really pleased to meet you. You’d probably have been given a job, right enough, and the pay’s awful, but, the company’s a scream.


    Pleased to meet you!

  362. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Betty Boop –

    ‘Twas a totally unexpected and delightful surprise to see you and yer man in CH.

    Just wish I could’ve stayed longer.

    Until next time!



  363. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood Paula Rose & BrianDTT safely on the bus after a visit to Palacerigg Country Park. Im left picking up the rose petals she demanded scattered on the couch bed.

    Glad Betty Boop & Jim Thomson made it for a wee drink & Yesbot with X Sticks.

  364. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ronnie Anderson-

    Glad to hear it.

    Aye, that Paula Rose leaves the petals where’er she goes, but if you leave them there long enough they dry and ye can hoover them up, nae danger.

    Hoots again for a braw braw session. I hope you’ll ‘flag up’ any developments.


  365. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood will do Dundee demo being finalized this week , i,ll keep Wingers informed & if you can make that event I have a spare bed for you here.

  366. yesbot says:

    Betty Boop says:
    1 August, 2016 at 12:01 am

    Pleased to meet you.

    And you Betty and Jim, It was fun, Saturday was a good start to the next phase, look forward to meeting you both again going forward. xx

  367. Miss Babington says:

    @Ronnie Anderson

    I warmed to you the moment you started to swear like a trooper and I won`t forget yer crack in a long time 🙂

    link to

  368. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Robert Sutherland

    Pay whit pay Wingers on the stall get well below the minimum pay scale thats the Hee Haw rate,hee hee hee.

  369. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Miss Babington

    Thats you in ma bad bad books fur posting that Photy lol,( swearing like ah trooper ) moi, ah did dey ah bit of equestrian sports in ma younger days.

    Nice meeting you Donna & no doupt will meet again & your welcome to share our stall with your merchandise. Dundee & Hope over Fear & any other events, we,ll get arrangements sorted ie via transport ect.

  370. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Miss Babington Facebook request sent.

  371. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Tinto Chiel

    Ah the auld songs Summer of Love Brighton 69,ah canny tell you whit happened oan here i,ll make you blush lol.

    BTW Wingers am no the gaffer (did somebody mention tape lol) its a hap hazzard collaboration of incompetents,& the bestest shower of incompetents I have the pleasure of having the company of,not forgetting that nice wumman Irene who,s no incompetent lol.

  372. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Miss Babington & Ronnie A –

    ‘I won’t forget yer crack in a long time.’


    Ronnie, man, I did try to tell you thae jeans were working loose, eh?

  373. Tinto Chiel says:

    @ ronnie anderson:

    “i,ll make you blush lol.”

    Defo, I went to EK Old Parish sunday skool, ye know. 😛 I was a Good Boy.

    Hope the appeal went well.

  374. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood Ah wiz thinking aboot getting Braces but ah dont want tae end up wie sloping shouders lol

  375. X_Sticks says:

    Quick post from work – still no working broadband at home – currently get 284kbps so takes about 5 mins just to read an email or post here or twitter Grrrrr. 🙁

    Great seeing you all on Saturday and already looking forward to the next one. Was a great crack, eh Donna? 😀

    @Ian – we’ll maybe manage to get 5 mins the next time!

  376. Lenny Hartley says:

    Ian Brotherhood, re paddy grandparents, my paternal grandmother from Mayo Belmullet a Joyce, were no related are we?

  377. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Lenny Hartley –


    Quite possible.

    Granda was a Murphy, Gran was a Rodgers. Can’t remember name of the group of houses they lived at, but Belmullet was closest for ‘the shops’.

    If memory serves, Dick Gaughan’s people are from the same bit.

  378. chasanderson200 says:

    Just getting over Saturdays exertions now. I couldn’t do the march but was in the square from 10:00 to 2:00 by which time the hips and knees were screaming with pain.

    Had a brilliant day though and made a point of estimating the size of the crowd as it arrived – reckoned about 5000 to 6000 on the march as it arrived with about 1000 already in the sqare (a veteran of many football matches and other social gatherings).
    BDTT and Paula – nice to see you both again.

    Ronnie Anderson- nice to meet you for the first time, your way with words reminded me of the language of the old country, Fintry in Dundee.

    Ian Brotherhood – hoped to catch up with you but seemed to miss you by minutes on a few occasions, will catch up with you at the next “do”.

    In response to one of the comments above:
    Dundee would be great for the next do as I would be able to bring my daughter and grandsons with me from Glenrothes as well as catch up with my brothers in Dundee.

    Greatest regards and thanks to all Wingers and yessers for a brilliant, inspiring day.

  379. Wilma says:

    Great to see you all at the rally.Especially Ronnie, Paula Rose in the magnificent shoes and Miss Babbington, enjoyed the hugs. Saw Briandoonthetoon from a distance but too faraway to say hello.And he was too busy at the stall!
    Our MP Brendan O’Hara suggested a Yes Rally in Helensburgh, any takers?

  380. Cactus says:

    Great to see yous all, another excellent march, meet and gather at Glasgow’s square. Enjoyed the afters in freedom house too 🙂

    btw, we were all in fine form Jock Scot, as the march rounded Nelson Mandela Place.. that was some noise we all made on the final approach.. they could hear us in the square..

    Q) What do we want? Independence!
    A) When do we want it? NOW!

    Cheers to all the other chanterers (and pipers.)

  381. ronnie anderson says:

    @ chasanderson200

    Bob Costello is finalising plans this week for Dundee demo Wings stall will be there & hopefully Petethecamera is fully recovered.

  382. chasanderson200 says:

    Ronnie Anderson 11:16
    Cheers Ronnie, I shall bring as many Andersons as I can muster. Also a good excuse to have a good sesh and update myself on the pub scene in Dundee for the first time since the Arabs won the Scottish cup.

    Happy days!!!!

  383. Betty Boop says:

    @ Ronnie A

    We’ve never mentioned your crack afore, Ronnie 😳 ! Never mind tho’, did ye hae the hairy string on duty? 🙂

  384. Macbeda says:

    Just received my reminder about Electoral Registration.

    We need to remind peeps the rules changed and that they have to do it themselves as individuals.

    “Head of Household” can no longer do it for them.

    Also noted that my status as a citizen is “British”. Unable to change this FFS.

  385. Michael McCabe says:

    Inverigo link to

  386. Smallaxe says:

    @ All who showed concern and sent so many messages of support

    Lab.results came back yesterday,tumor removed cleanly,surrounding tissue showing no signs of it having spread.I can never thank you all enough,you have no idea how much your support carried me through the weeks of waiting.

    Apologies to all for turning the site into some sort Dear Doctor forum at times.Peace,Love eternal gratitude to you all.

  387. winifred mccartney says:

    Delighted by your good news -I don’t know you at all but would love to meet most contributors to wings – will manage a march one of these days- keep well and enjoy your good news.

  388. Still Positive. says:

    Fantastic news, Smallaxe.

  389. Tinto Chiel says:

    Great news, Smallaxe. Best wishes to you and family. Maybe meet you at a march some time.

  390. Smallaxe says:

    # winifred mccartney,

    Thank you winifred,like yourself I would like to meet more
    Wingers,hopefully someday soon.Peace and Love to you and yours.

  391. frogesque says:

    Smallaxe: fantastic news. A very worrying time for yourself and your family. Hoping you get stronger every day.

  392. Macart says:


    Outstanding news. 🙂

  393. Andrew McLean says:

    Small axe
    There is a rotten old Westminster oak that fears the touch of your honed steel, get swinging Man together we will make the ground shake when it topples!

    All the best


  394. Valerie says:


    Fantastic news. Best wishes for your continued recovery and health.

  395. Smallaxe says:

    @ Still Positive & Tinto Chiel,

    Many thanks for your past and present good wishes,as I have said repeatedly the love,good wishes,prayers and good vibes
    have humbled and gladdened my heart.

    I have not met many Wingers but you all have shown immense
    kindness and concern on what is ostensibly a political site I
    consider you All to be friends that I have yet to meet,Peace,Love and Independence to All.

  396. Andrew McLean says:

    Actually small axe, since that talented surgeon is finished with you, there is a cancer, insidious in nature attacking the cultural identity of this great nation, it’s insipid vandalism of our culture, it’s strangulation of the lifeblood of our ambition, makes it a prime candidate for massive invasive excision from its festering heart, it lives and breeds at Pacific Quay, Glasgow.

  397. Smallaxe says:

    @ frogesque,Macart,Andrew Mclean and Valerie.

    I thought I had picked a quiet time to post,obvously I was mistaken, I sit writing blinded by tears at the generosity of people like yourselves who have taken the time to support me
    and my good Wife at a very difficult period in our lives.Thank
    you all my friends.Peace,Love and heartfelt thanks to all of you.

  398. Capella says:

    @ smallaxe
    just opened up wings for the day to find your excellent good news. No need to reply, just sending best wishes to you and Mrs smallaxe and wishing you all the best for the future. Peace and love to you too.

  399. Smallaxe says:

    @ Andrew Mclean,

    Agreed Andrew,and no scalpel for them.Axes and Cudgels only,this time we must rid Scotland of them forever before they can spread their vile lie’s to our young people to whom we owe a country that they can thrive in.Peace my friend.

  400. Nana says:


    Smashing news smallaxe, forgot to address my post directly to you at 7.56am so you may have missed it.

  401. Smallaxe says:

    @ Cappella,many thanks my friend.Peace and Love to you and yours.

    @Nana,Please look after those golden fingers,your links must take a lot of research and have pointed out facts that most of
    us would otherwise miss.Thank you.Peace,Love and gratitude to
    your good self.

  402. call me dave says:


    Really pleased to hear your news today, all the best and keep on posting.


  403. Smallaxe says:

    @ call me dave,

    Thank you for your kindness, I learn more from WOS than I could possibly contribute but I will continue to post my small
    contributions in the knowledge that I am among friends.Peace,Love and Happiness to you and yours.

  404. crazycat says:

    @ Smallaxe

    Really pleased for you – your contributions are much appreciated too.

  405. Smallaxe says:

    @ crazycat,

    Thanks for that crazycat,as I have said I learn more than I can ever contribute,my work in the catering and bar trade took
    up so much of my time that I did not keep up politically until
    just before Indy ref1 but catching up quickly through WOS and
    people like yourself.Peace,love and good wishes.

  406. Cherry says:

    Smallaxe just want to add my very best wishes to you. I was delighted to read your wonderful news. Long may your good health continue. The love you have for all is the very thing that will keep you strong. (will keep sending healing) 😉 Blessed Be. I know you will understand those two wee words 😉

  407. Smallaxe says:

    @ Cherry,

    Mathew 5:9. Understood Cherry,Mathew 7:19,goes a long way in
    explaining where the name Smallaxe comes from,someday I will explain where and how that name was given to me.

    Thank you for your healing thoughts I truly believe that all
    positive vibes go a long way towards helping.Peace,Love and may your faith bring you the same comfort so kindly sent to me.

  408. Clapper57 says:

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh…..Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh !!!!

    Sorry had to get that out as noted a twat on main thread today calling out Rev on Torrance and rather than ignore twat some people giving twat attention / recognition he craves in his so feckin obviously contentious twat troll post.

    Oh to just feckin ignore obvious baiting by troll twat …too much to feckin ask obvs.

    Still by responding to said twat they are guaranteeing twat sticks around and baits some more ….job feckin done.

    Apologies but this pisses me off big big big time… offence meant but as I very rarely post on here now I do still enjoy reading stuff on this site and…most…of contributors on here.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Clapper57 Honey it can be very vexing – here have a cup of tea and some cake.

  409. John Young says:

    Wonderful News Smallaxe, so happy for you and yours.

  410. Michael McCabe says:

    Really Glad to hear your Good News Smallaxe. Here is a wee song for you. link to

  411. Smallaxe says:

    @ John Young,
    @ Micheal McCabe

    Please check back here later tonight.Thanks

  412. Epiphyta says:


    Please allow me to send my very best wishes to you and your family. My parents and one of my younger sisters have all done battle with cancer, and I know that emotional turmoil far too well: especial good wishes to your wife, as being the rock on which the others rest is a wearying duty. May your strength and good health grow daily!

  413. Clapper57 says:

    @ Paula Rose says:
    4 August, 2016 at 4:15 pm
    “Clapper57 Honey it can be very vexing – here have a cup of tea and some cake”.

    Thank You Ms Rose , Mini Slurp Slurp and Big yum yum aah that’s better, make it coffee next time….not a tea drinker lol.

    Cheers have a fabby evening.

  414. crazycat says:

    @ Ian B

    I’ve remembered what it was I wanted to say to you on Saturday:

    If you’re still looking for mead (or want it in future – was it for the Icelanders and therefore no longer required?), it can be obtained in the Food Hall at Dobbies in Ayr.

    I’ve not tried it so it might be horrid.

  415. Smallaxe says:

    @ John Young,

    Many thanks John, I am totally blown away by the amount of kind people such as yourself who have taken the time to get in
    touch with me to offer thoughts,Prayers,Good Vibes and good wishes.I hope very much to meet you all at some point in the future.Peace,Love and Happiness to you and yours my Friend.

    Ps,sorry for the delay in responding to your kindness but I had unexpected visitors.

  416. Jock Scot says:


    Was about to give up on the chanting and then you appeared. Love how shit works. I reckon we must be amongst the best chanters in Scotland and the cherry on the cake was when the wee lad from Livi started up a round of the chant all on his own. Sorry I didn’t get around to talking to/say hello to all the Wingers but…do we need to? Ronnie..thanks for the Scottish passport, sheer brilliance. Ninja Penguin was rather chuffed in being presented with one.

  417. Smallaxe says:

    @ Michael McCabe,

    Michael you could not have sent a better gift than music,l have been into music for as long as I can remember, I love music of all kinds,from my hippie days back in the sixties and still today.

    The Dylan cover that you linked to was ‘something else’, I have never heard that version it made the hair on my arms stand up I will be listening to more of that tonight,thank you for pointing me towards two excellent musicians and many Thanks for your kindness.Peace,Love and Music.

  418. Smallaxe says:

    @ Epiphypa,

    I truly appreciate your message especially coming from someone
    who understands that my wife and family go through all the trials with me,sometimes I think it is worse for them! but we are a close and happy family this has only served to bring us closer.

    May I offer my best wishes to you and your family.Peace,Love and Happiness to you all.

  419. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @smallaxe –

    More power to ye mister – hope you et famille are all hale and herty when we celebrate Independence Day. It’s comin’ yet for aw that!


    @crazycat –


    I know the place, and have taken the weans there oftentimes to gawp at the fish.

    You’re right – I wanted to get some mead for the Iceland/England game, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get some, er, well, for the NEXT Iceland and/or England game!

    Hoots indeed.

  420. Smallaxe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood,

    Many thanks Ian I hope to have the opperchancity to shake your
    hand before and after that great day.Peace and Love to you and
    Yours Sir.

  421. Thepnr says:


    That was a wonderful thing to say.

    @Smallaxe I hope we have the opportunity to meet up one day and I hope you get well, it’s a pleasure to have you gracing Wings and especially Off Topic 🙂

  422. Thepnr says:

    This ones for the Rev, I know he likes it so I’ve shown it 3 times lol.

    link to

  423. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I only ever post this when I’m getting a bit emotional, and that ain’t often.

    For all the WOS Brothers and Sisters.

    It’s in sight now.

    ‘These are the days now, that we must savour…these are the days that will last forever…you’ve got to hold them in your heart.’

    Kin right.

    Keep the heid!

    Van Morrison, ‘These Are The Days’ –

    link to

  424. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Hi Alex it is a long time since I last spoke to you. Hopefully catch up with you at the next Wings Night out. Until then here is a wee song for you and yours and all the other Wingers to various to Mention. link to All the Best.

  425. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Just realised that it was reading your 1.22 comment that made me think of Van M and post the previous – it’s a ‘faster’ version of one he did previously, but still brilliant.

    Hoots mon – we all missed you on Saturday.

    Van Morrison, ‘Wonderful Remark’ –

    link to

  426. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood Aye I can feel it coming too. Loving the Van Track. Here is Another one from Van the Man. It is for all the People who Voted No and now wished they had Voted Yes. Take the Leap. Come and Join us. link to

  427. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Well Michael what can I say? Other than you have excelled once again. I knew that guy was Scottish as soon as I heard him sing but I’ve never heard of him and like you do 🙂 I looked him up.

    Scottish right enough and we will meet again. Say hello to Lynn for me.

  428. Smallaxe says:

    @ Thepnr,

    Thank you Sir, I have had the pleasure to read and enjoy many
    of your posts and I assure you Wings has graced me and has proved that Scotland’s best asset are Her people,a lot of the
    best of them Wingers.

    I hope we meet up soon and will do my best to make sure that it happens sooner rather than later.Peace,Love and Independence.

  429. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    I’ve got a huge grin on my face thanks to your choice of music to grace us with. Just fecking brill. Cheers!

  430. Miss Donna Babington says:


    Have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet but delighted to hear your good news! Wishing you and your family all the very best xx

  431. Michael McCabe says:

    I will say Goodnight and leave you with A Prayer without Words. link to

  432. Smallaxe says:

    @ Michael McCabe,

    Michael, I fell asleep last night listening to Mike Scott and Sharon Shannon thanks for bringing my attention to them.

    Sorry I can’t link but if you haven’t done so already listen to Postmodern Jukebox and Future Islands,some great music from both.Thanks again my friend.Peace,Love and Music.

  433. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I thought everyone knew Mike Scott. Here’s another featuring the man.

    link to

    Smallaxe – I blethered with your representatives at George Square last week and introduced them to Ronnie. Good to read that you’re on the mend.

  434. Smallaxe says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon,

    I don’t know how Mike Scott got past me Brian, I think it’s me
    that needs a Bang on the Ear.

    Brian I thank you so much for making my daughter and granddaughter so very welcome last Saturday and introducing them to Ronnie,they were both very taken by the hospitality
    shown to them at the WOS stall.My granddaughter said to me
    “Grandpa I never knew you had so many friends in Glasgow”

    Thank you once again Brian and I am hoping to meet you all asap.Peace,Love and Friendship to all.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Smallaxe Honey – it was our pleasure to meet your daughter and granddaughter, a fine pair of lasses.

  435. Smallaxe says:

    @ Paula Rose

    Yes Paula as you say,two fine lassies but they say that they
    were outshone by your own classy good looks and decorum,thank
    you for your kindness to my girls.Peace,Love and long may you

  436. CameronB Brodie says:

    I might have picked things up wrong but will there be a WOS presence in Dundee tomorrow?

  437. yesindyref2 says:

    I don’t see the problem with posting about major personal problems,and getting help and support. There’s a lot of people put a lot into Indy, and it’s kind of like a family. Share and share alike!

  438. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi CameronB.

    27th August – stay tuned for further news…

  439. CamernoB Brodie says:

    Thanks Brian. I was in town and thought I might lend a hand, if anything was on.

  440. Cactus says:

    @Jock scot we need to?”

    Aye, we do..

    Heard a shout out for Helensburgh recently.. Clyde Bar calling, whatsay Kendo? ?

  441. K1 says:

    Late to the celebrations of your good news Smallaxe…so glad to hear the results have been positive from the operation. I too will continue to think of you, as I often do these days…tis strange and yet not that we can ‘know’ and ‘feel’ others through this digital medium without meeting them in the flesh.

    Here’s a wee song…for you:

    link to

  442. Smallaxe says:

    @ K1,

    Many thanks to you my friend for the beautiful John Martyn song, I agree with you when you say that we can get to know and as I would put it feel the Positive vibes from each other
    through this digital medium.

    I am positive that all the good vibes that have come my way have gone a long way towards helping me mentally and physically.People on this site have astounded me by their show
    of compassion towards someone that they have never met. I am doing well and my doctor’s are pleased at my speed of recovery
    so hopefully it won’t be long until I get to meet you and others personally.Peace,Love and Friendship, Winging it’s way to you from myself,keep up with your interesting and informative posts and Thank you once more for taking time to
    contact me.

    Ps.When I look at the size of that paragraph it’s possible that I may land in hospital again covered in the Rev.Stu’s
    Hammer blow’s.:-)

  443. Smallaxe says:

    @ yessindyref2,

    Family is the word my friend,ever since I explained to Cadogan
    Enright that I would not be able to meet him due to illness I
    have been showered with good wishes from countless Wingers like your good self.

    Our job now is to get the others in our National family who
    unfortunately for their own reasons voted No in the past to step forward with us into a new and self determining future for our beautiful and intrinsically valuable Country.I have said before that our greatest asset is our people,Scots or Scots by choice.I thank you sincerely my Friend for contacting
    me,what you have written has gone a long way in lifting the guilty feelings for turning WOS into a Dear Doctor Blog at times.Peace,Love and Independence to you and yours.

  444. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Gala Day Disco in the local bowling club, visible from upstairs window here.

    DJ played this about ten minutes ago – the whole place was jumping.

    Billy Ocean, ‘Red Light Spells Danger’ –

    link to

  445. Ian Brotherhood says:

    And they’ve just gone properly mental for this:

    Boney M, ‘Daddy Cool’ –

    link to

  446. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Still waiting for them to play this…

    Bee Gees, ‘Stayin’ Alive’ –

    link to

  447. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is just too good not to share –

    All the Bee Gees together, at the absolute height of their power!

    ‘You Should Be Dancing’ –

    link to

  448. Smallaxe says:

    @Miss Donna Babington,

    My utmost apologies,I have just noticed that I inadvertently
    missed your post. I thank you for your good wishes and hope that I can meet you and other Wingers in the very near future.
    Peace,Love and Happiness to you and yours.

  449. Luigi says:

    I am familiar with the <i and commands, but can anyone tell me how to print a scored-out word in WoS?

  450. K1 says:

    like this Luigi:


    If so…then:

    depending on your keyboard there are little chevrons (greater and less than symbols) above your comma and fullstop.

    ‘shift’ and type the ‘less than’ symbol then type the word ‘strike’ then type the ‘greater than’ symbol. Type the word/s you want to score out then type the ‘less than’ symbol followed by forward slash: / then type ‘strike’ again followed by the ‘greater than’ symbol.

    So I scored this out thus: less than strike greater than scored this out less than forward slash strike greater than

  451. Smallaxe says:

    @ K1,

    Just read your post and it’s”Twisted ma Melon Man”

    something like:if it takes a man a week tae walk a fortnight
    how many pears in a barrel of plums?

    Answer:A big banana that colour. 🙂

    Peace always.

  452. Ian Brotherhood says:

    testy nobblers


    You learn something new here every day…well, most days…well, sometimes…

    Will someone please play some music?

    *looks unsmilingly at Paula Rose, Thepnr, Michael McCabe, BDTT etc etc*

    If you don’t I will disco the living daylights out of ye’s all.

  453. Paula Rose says:

    link to

  454. Paula Rose says:

    link to

  455. Paula Rose says:

    link to

  456. Paula Rose says:

    link to

  457. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –


  458. Andrew McLean says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    link to

    Is this a relation? Or yourself in younger days ?

    link to

  459. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Andrew –


    It’s always good to see Willie Rennie making the cover of anything.

    As for The Brotherhood Of Man, they did that Euroballs winner ‘Kisses For Me’ when I was in the first year of secondary school.

    Can you imagine?


    • Paula Rose says:

      That it was a winner or you actually went to school?

  460. Michael McCabe says:

    Hi Ian Brotherhood I was not much into Disco. Bit of a Dancing Fool. Anyway This one is for You. link to Amazingly it is of the Album Shiekh Your Booty

  461. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Paula Rose A Wee Song for you. Hope it hits the Spot. link to

  462. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael –

    How is it that a song you’ve never heard, in a language you don’t understand, can reduce you to tears?

    What’s that all about?


  463. Michael McCabe says:

    This Song is for Myself. Why. No Reason. link to

  464. K1 says:

    Smallaxe…glad to be of assistance…melon twisting takes skills man 🙂

  465. Thepnr says:


    Should you no be in bed? Disnae matter her’s a wee tune to fall asleep too.

    link to

  466. Paula Rose says:

    Reminder folks – the next Be More Brechin event is tomorrow at the Caledonian Hotel, Brechin from 7 and features a guest appearance by our very own Schrödingers Cat.

  467. Andrew McLean says:

    Michael McCabe

    Jesus that song by Rachael Yamagata is a keeper, added to my library, thank you!

    Paula Rose,
    the problem with Schrödingers Cat is that he might be there or he might not, and by looking for him you will change your chance of him actually turning up 🙂

  468. chasanderson200 says:

    Paula Rose: 9:41
    Unfortunately grandaddy childminding duties prevent me from putting in an appearance.

    Regretably I had to miss the last soiree as well: guess I’ll have to find alternative childminders for any future Brechin nights which , I am led to believe, are LEGENDARY!!!!

  469. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one just for that dhothersall chap, who appears to be somewhat out of sync with reality. What a silly person stamping his little authoritarian foot….

    “Labour is one party – and it’s not just Scotland that needs to remember it.” – dhothersall

    B52s – Party out of bounds.
    link to

    The total-ism of your outlook is now confirmed. Thanks dude. 😉

  470. Willie John says:

    Help someone! I got my EU/Saltire flag today, great stuff, but then my brother-in-law walked in and pinched it! (Well, he is the one with a flagpole in his garden but he might have asked first.)

    Anyhow, can anyone supply the link so that I can get another? I might not have flagpole but I do have a garden shed beside a major road that I can pin it to!

  471. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Willie John I don’t have a link but if you get in touch with your local Yes Group they Might be able to help you. Or at least point you in the right direction. Hope that helps and Good Luck.

  472. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Andrew McLean Glad you liked the Rachael Yamagata Song. Here she is doing a Duet Called Duet with Ray Lamontagne. Hope you like ? link to

  473. Michael McCabe says:

    Thea Gilmore – Old Soul link to

  474. Michael McCabe says:

    This Guy when he Sings Has got an Old Soul. link to

  475. Michael McCabe says:

    Isssac Hayes – Walk on BY link to

  476. yesbot says:

    So recently discovered the Waterboys thanks to O/T sessions (June I think, BDTT and the PNR thank-you)

    Anyway can’t believe I could have missed this joy.

    They played Kelvingrove Bandstand, tonight. Wow still shivering!! Faery’s in the park! Love to you all xx

    link to

    Hope link works, if not newby excuses!!

  477. Paula Rose says:

    chasanderson200 Wee Ginger Dug on the 13th of September – put it in your diary now!

  478. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Yesbot & Smallaxe.

    link to

  479. Tartan Tory says:

    Thanks once again to Paula for last night. 😉

  480. Smallaxe says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon,

    Don’t rub it in Brian I’m embarrassed enough, I knew of the
    Waterboys but it never struck me who the lead singer was.
    Big riddy now that would glow in the dark.

    Peace always.

  481. Smallaxe says:

    @ Anyone,

    Does anyone know what’s happening regarding the Yes movement
    at Glasgow Green on the 18th of September,as far as I know the Yes bikers are going,will there be a Wings stall? Peace.

  482. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe.

    I believe there will be a Wings presence at Glasgow Green on the 18th. Not sure about George Square the day before. Hope Over Fear appear to be suggesting that it’s a pro-indy weekend so if people can attend one but not both, then that’s fine.

    Personally, I think the 18th will be the biggie.

  483. Betty Boop says:

    @ Michael McCabe, 7/8/16, 11.19pm

    Michael, snuck a look and listen to the Isle of Mull Choir video you linked for oor Paula.

    Beautiful, clear as a bell and makes me all nostalgic. 🙂

  484. Smallaxe says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon,

    Thanks a lot Brian,the Mrs and I are hoping to make it on the
    18th,two days in a row would would be a wee ambitious but we will try our best for the biggie.

    Hope to meet yourself and many others. Peace Always.

  485. Cactus says:

    Cheers for the delivery Team Wings.

    Am looking forward tae seein’ all of dem Vile Cybernat designer bags struttin’ aboot the streets of Scotland. I’ll probably notice you, before you see me 🙂

    Incidently, wee books fit inside them very nicely..

  486. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Smallaxe.

    My reason for posting the review of the Waterboys’ gig was that Yesbot mentioned she was there – not to cause ‘raidir generation’…

    Probably see you on the 18th…


  487. yesbot says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon says:
    9 August, 2016 at 10:56 am
    Hi Yesbot & Smallaxe

    Hi Brian
    Thanks for the review link.

    Have to admit I’m really intrigued

    Smallaxe says:
    10 August, 2016 at 9:44 am
    @ Brian Doonthetoon,
    Don’t rub it in Brian I’m embarrassed enough, I knew of the
    Waterboys but it never struck me who the lead singer was.
    Big riddy now that would glow in the dark.
    Peace always.


    Probably none of my business?!


  488. yesbot says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    10 August, 2016 at 6:50 pm

    Hi Brian

    ‘raidir generation’?

    Haven’t come across that one b4. Hope its nothing too bad. Just want to cause good stuff always.

    Best wishes,

    PS Ronnie A: I rest my case re-posting! Lol!!

    So, see you all 18th Sept?

  489. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Has the Brechin to off-topic ferry run aground at the Yetts O’ Muckhart? We are still awaiting Paula Rose’s report on the shenanigans in Brechin last night…

    Clearly, the SNP is to blame.

  490. Paula Rose says:

    Hi Honeys – can I come out to play on the 18th of September? Last night was totally fabulous not only did we have the hugely hunky Schrödingers Cat enthralling us with his analogy of revving the engine but also Lanarchist wowing the ladies and the glorious leather clad Tartan Tory strutting his stuff!

  491. Luigi says:

    This is is not a test.

    Thanks K1!


  492. Luigi says:

    This is is not a test.

    Thanks K1 !


  493. Andrew McLean says:

    link to

    Just good music to chillout to!

  494. Smallaxe says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon,

    Just an attempt at humour Brian,looks like it was a good gig,

    hope to see you on the 18th.Peace,Love and Music. 🙂

  495. K1 says:

    Luigi 😉

  496. K1 says:

    Still no in ma bed Thpnr…nevah mind…here’s a wee tune fur you…–hWckaBvg

  497. Thepnr says:

    Wings scored a small victory today over the MSM by having the Herald change it’s headline not once but twice. That is worth celebrating so I offer up this. I’m sure you Wingers have more.

    link to

    An original for Off Topic LOL

  498. Thepnr says:



  499. K1 says:

    This place is…spooky… 🙂

  500. Michael McCabe says:

    Bailey Tzuke – Uninvited link to


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