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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

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Ian Brotherhood

@Oneironaut –

Hoots mon.

Beautiful stuff.

Hope you’re well there.



Bonny tunes by Mr Mallan Ian. I think Thepnr’s words summed it up well.


from head to toe….

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ride me to the junkyard in my cadillac..

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Paula Rose

I’ll put my order in now…

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Ian Brotherhood

@Macart –


The glory days are yet to come brother!



You do the Rockabillies are voting for Trump LOL

I’ve a very good friend lives in Lousiana, went to his daughters wedding not so long ago. Wore the full regalia, couldn’t keep the old wives off me 🙂

I don’t discuss politics with my friend. I want him to remain my friend.

Ian Brotherhood

We won’t see much of this man on ‘British’ MSM as the U.S. election nears, or hear any of our ‘experts’ quoting him during the 24/7 coverage, but he’s important to a lot of American voters.

Louis Farrakhan, in a recent interview, talking about Trump:

link to


Mellow and high as a kite

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Ian Brotherhood

Just called Dows – they’ve already got a function booked for the 26th, but the room is free on the 25th.


Speaking of Trump, it seems that many Americans are already preparing to abandon ship…

Ian Brotherhood

Have booked Waxy O’Connors – it has one bar free on the 26th, so we’ve got our name on it. From 3-closing time.

Am going up tomorrow to check out the space etc.

It is done. The uncertainty was intolerable, so I hope youse don’t mind…
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@Ian Brotherhood

Well done you. Looks good to me, had a look at their website, I’m guessing that the room is McTurks Bar?

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

That’s the one.


Michael McCabe wrote “Number 1 in the Prisoners Charts.” link to

OH, i don’t know about that, here’s a good contender:

Ain’t No Honky Tonks In Jail
link to


Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but does anyone know what has happened to Derek Bateman’s site? The link from WoS takes me to a 403 Forbidden page.


@Ian B ~ Hi, was a no go at the CP. so good timing and excellent choice of the WoC.. that can well hold the 50+, cheers to ye!


Hello folks!

Long time since I’ve been here (keep forgetting about the Off Topic Page). Started wondering what you guys have all been up to (apart from music choices).

I’m guessing you boys (and gals) are organising a wee soiree. You say the 25th / 26th …I’m assuming you are talking this month (as in March) and that it will be in Glasgow?

Paula Rose

Yes JLT honey – the 26th and we’re going to do serious stuff in the afternoon! then we’ll be our usual silly selves.


@Ian B.

Mrs M and I will do our best, but we may not get to venue before either late in the afternoon or early evening.

Ian Brotherhood

@Cactus –

Thanks for trying the place anyway mister, it was worth a shout.

I hope no-one’s pissed-off at me just going ahead with that booking – tbh, I was getting a bit freaked with the apparent dearth of suitable places and I jumped at the chance of getting in Waxy’s – astonished that they had any free room what with it being Easter weekend.

Let’s make this a good one – it won’t be as rushed as previous meetings, and means that some folk who can’t do the evening can get together in the afternoon, and vice-versa.

Right, now we’ve got a place – who’s organising the music?



@Paula Rose

LOL …And just like that …Mr Brotherhood fires up the info on today’s main topic!

Timing as they say …is everything!

Paula Rose

It’s all planned you know cos we is cybernats.


Hi Ian (Brotherhood)

I should be there. I don’t believe I have anything else on.

(Jeez …those cheesy muffins that I ate not so long ago must have sparked up the ‘Force’ in me! Don’t know why I had the thought of ‘I wonder when the next Wings do is? …bizarre!)

Ian Brotherhood

@JLT –


That’s your good self added – you bring the total to 30.

BTW, upper-limit won’t be a prob with this place, so the more the merrier…let’s get the word out. We can submit a wee notice to The National as well, they don’t charge.

Paula Rose

I’ve been on so many lists now – usually to starboard.



Great that you and your wife will make it, I’m hoping my missus will too, right now 60/40 chance but I’ll keep working on her 🙂

I think as regards when people come along is unimportant, thought for a while it might just have been myself and Ian Brotherhood sitting a corner with a flat beer being filmed by Indy Live LOL.

All welcome at what ever time suits you best.

Lenny Hartley

Will try and get up for glasgow get togetherr



I’m never allowed oot the hoose on me own. 😮

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

Yeah, a live broadcast of you and me sitting there. It’d be like an endless version of Derek & Clive, but with no jokes.


haha You were basically just asking me to play this eh.

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Quentin Quale

Have we ever had a ukulele player covering a Hendrix classic?
link to
Some playing!


@Quentin Quale

Right your booked!

Just bring your ukulele along to Waxy’s 🙂


I’m sorry I haven’t come by in ages, but I thought I’d share this post about the greatest influence on my political life:

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Taranaich –

What a brilliant Mothers Day present that is.



Ian Brotherhood

@Lenny Hartley –


Noted, with great pleasure.

Brian Doonthetoon

Now that we have a venue…

Once again, Pete the Camera and Brian Doonthetoon will be producing personalised souvenir badges for Wings over Glasgow on the 26th March.

If you are intending to be there on 26th March and want a personalised badge, please post a comment in “Quarantine”, with your username for the badge.

Like ‘Wings over Aberdeen’, the badges will be subtly different to those produced in the past.

‘Quarantine’ can be found here:-

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Oh, and on the subject of badges…

Make sure you are wearing all your ‘Wings over…’ badges when you turn up at Waxy’s so peeps can see where you’ve been!



Thanks, loved that wee tribute to your Ma, I met her and you briefly in the Yes bar, wish I had spoken to her by more than just hello.

She’s a Ma to be proud of right enough. You should try and get along on the 26th. Plenty of friends and should be good.


Hi Ian,
I’m one of the five of team Inform-Scotland. Cadogan has emailed to keep us up to date. I’m unable to come as I have a problem with my balance (vertigo) which leaves me unable to move around in outside spaces or places where there are lots of people. It’s the biggest pain of my life as I can’t be part of the “crowd”. So can I ask would there be any way that a laptop link could be setup? I know it’s a huge ask but if you don’t ask you’ll never get anywhere lol!

Ian Brotherhood

@Cherry –

I can’t promise that the whole event will be Livestreamed, but I’m pretty sure that ‘Thistle’ (of this parish!) will be around – we’ll try to make sure that the Inform Scotland session is covered.

‘Thistle’ is a busy chap, but I’m sure he’ll let us know as and when he sees that we’ve confirmed a venue – provided he can get a decent signal from Waxy’s (which is, if you haven’t been in it, a bit of a labyrinth) then I hope we can make it happen.

If we do, you’ll be first to know if you keep watching this space!

Hoots tae you – please tell all your pals to attend if they can, if only for the workshop. Once they’ve met a few of the diehards I’m sure they’ll be tempted to linger awhile!

🙂 🙂 😉


Thanks Ian and “hoots” right back at you 😉

Would love to go on a Wings extravaganza (piss up)
maybe I’ll get there one day!
Keep the fight in their faces!

Ian Brotherhood

@Cherry –


Please be assured – ‘Friends of Wings’ is just a name for the purposes of booking a room. That’s it.

The friendships and connections (some are very business-like BTW) established in the past two or three years, largely because of this site, will persist regardless of what happens, and continue for many years to come, even if the names change.

So, when your own tribulations have passed, (as they will!) you will surely have many opportunities to witness these gatherings first-hand – they are going to be happening on a regular basis ‘forever’.



Keeping with a relatively chilled-out musical choice.

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Here’s something you might not have seen in a while 🙂

Bay City Rollers – Money Honey

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Lovely voice and the pictures were pretty. How come no words? 🙂

I listened to the next of their songs just to hear if she could sing and she can! Nice one O.

Ian Brotherhood

@Oneironaut –

Good stuff, but when we look upon the starry sky here in Stevenston, what do we see?

As usual, nowt!

I keep popping out to see if the Northern Lights are there…more in hope than expectation, has to be said.

I did see them once, about ten years ago, from the back garden…nothing like the pictures you see on telly, it was very faint, but definitely there, so we know it CAN happen. It’s just such a bummer to know that it does happen, but we’re all normally sound asleep at the time.


Michael McCabe

it is all about the Artist. link to


@Ian Brotherhood

Yeah, I kind of stumbled across that one when looking over stuff by Origa.
She does sing in it, although she usually sings in Russian (since that’s where she’s from), so might not be easily understandable. She does have an amazing voice though.

Looking up Origa on Youtube will dig up plenty of her work. She was more well known in Japan where she sang on anime movie soundtracks.
She died in January of last year though. Sad 🙁

The video comes from a film that was shown at planetariums (hence the weird spherical projection) called “A Starry Tale”.

Inspiring in that it draws on the myths and stories that the ancients once assigned to meanings in constellations of stars, imagining them as the shapes of gods and goddesses watching over humanity and guiding them to seek truth, justice and a brighter future (supposedly, not that that worked out too well judging by today’s world!)

And it takes from those myths of the past how we can make our own connections to the stars to inspire us to build a brighter future (which given the state of things nowadays is something that needs to be done pretty damn sharpish!)

Flat screen version of the video is here if anyone is curious:
link to

As for me, I mostly think stars look nice when they’re actually visible here 🙂


Waxy O’Connors? Although not quite ‘Central’ it’s a good choice.
Dow’s was another good suggestion. I didn’t mention them because i was specifically focused around Glasgow Central, as requested.

However, now that yous have settled on Waxy’s i’ve started promoting it so i hope this decision isn’t for changing. Here is a suggestion for yous to contemplate.

Given that there is supposed to be a big rally taking place in Glasgow on that same day, why don’t you get some flyers promoting the event at Waxy’s printed up and get a couple of volunteers to hand them out at the march/rally?

It shouldn’t cost that much to knock up a couple of hundred or so. Whatever yous decide i’m sure the day will be a big success. As i’ve said, it’s the people who make a party not the venue.

Orrabest one and all!

Scooter – How Much Is The Fish?
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Ian Brotherhood

@Stoker –

Just called WOCs to confirm, and that’s it definite, no need for me to traipse up to Glasgow to look at the space and abody seems happy enough.

They’ve sent me details of buffet packages etc which I’ll post links to later, but the lass said we can just order solo at the bar if need be. It’ll be a long day for some so grub is something we should have a think about.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian.

I’d suggest letting Wingers organise their own food. Keeps costs down…
(The chipper next door does a splendid steak pie supper!)

Michael McCabe

Something from the Songwriters Circle. link to

Michael McCabe

This Song is the Talk of the Town link to

Ian Brotherhood


I hear ye brother, and concur, but it was just to let folk know that the options are there if they want them.

Why is it so quiet, both here and the main threads? Feels as if something’s happened…

Ian Brotherhood

Have an idea about what to do with the ‘open mike’ session at the Glasgow gig, and want to run it over ye’s all, but it’s important to know roughly when the maximum number of regular commenters are going to be around.

If we can pinpoint a ‘window’ when as many as possible will be present, but before it gets too noisy/musical/incoherent, we could do a session where WOS commenters go up in turn, introduce themselves by their WOS handle (if they have one), give their real names (if they want to) and explain why they contribute to the site, what brought them there, that type of thing.

We could plug this in advance as a ‘An Audience With The Vile Cybernats’ or something along those lines…

Any thoughts?

More importantly, who’s up for doing such a thing, bearing in mind that it may be Livestreamed?

Michael McCabe

Come Pick me up. link to

Ian Brotherhood

The Who, ‘Who Are You?’

link to

Michael McCabe

The Who The Seeker link to

Hoss Mackintosh

How is the collection for RPs gold wings going?

Is it close?
As I may chuck in a few quid to get it over the line.


It’s early morning. It’s raining. And I have to go outside.
Need something amusing to cheer me up…

*bump-starts the jukebox Fonzie-style!*

link to


Hiya Oneironaut, good to see you’re back and I hope you can make it into Glasgow on the 26th.
That video was quality – I love old footage repurposed like that, and who can argue with a bit of The Simpsons 😀

Ian Brotherhood – hi, was your thoughts on the open-mic thing to tie into Stokers comment about flyers? My first thoughts were that we wouldn’t want any ‘spanner in the works’ showing up but this may be an unnecessary consideration if it was only marchers being invited on the day.
If, on the other hand the idea was to promote, in advance, a kind of ‘evening with the cybernats’ we may encounter saboteurs 🙁
Anyway, the reason I was asking is not cos I want to do a turn or anything – I definitely don’t! – but because I can arrange printing at minimal cost, no hassle.


@ Ruglonian
My fault, should have been clearer in my suggestion, hand them out to those participating in the march. Good printing offer, well done!

BBC Scotland Fails 21st Century Journalism Test
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Haddaway – What Is Love
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Paula Rose

@Ian Brotherhood aye Dear like shy me is really going to do that!



Well, actually, it is just a FEW quid off. Standing a £509 of £513!

I was waiting as a couple of people had pledged without saying how much but I haven’t heard from them again.

Hoss Mackintosh


That is great – I will chuck in the difference – 4 quid.
A bargain!

More money for Rev Stu,
Gold wings medal for Mr Peffers,
And most likely will piss off Rock too.

An all around win!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Hoss.

I like your style!


Brian Doonthetoon

Peeps, remember,

Pete the Camera and Brian Doonthetoon will be producing personalised souvenir badges for Wings over Glasgow on the 26th March.

If you are intending to be there on 26th March and want a personalised badge, please post a comment in “Quarantine”, with your username for the badge.

Like ‘Wings over Aberdeen’, the badges will be subtly different to those produced in the past.

‘Quarantine’ can be found here:-

link to

Quentin Quale

I guess I’ll not be the only one hoping the Navajo Nation sue JK for her cultural appropriation in her latest pile of rubbish? Now she is really showing her ignorance. So, here’s some Navajo music,
and it rocks
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Dave McEwan Hill

A rock’n’roll classic recorded by the underrated Shakin Stevens. Who gave him the silly name

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Brian Doonthetoon

I have an LP by “Shakin’ Stevens and The Sunsets”.

Precedes his hit run by a few years.

Wee Jonny

Hi Wingers.

Does anybody ken the best place to buy the really wee Yes badges? Not the 3cm ones, the smaller lapel badges with blue background and white writing?

I bought a few 3cm Yes badges yesterday from Zazzle after giving all but one of my Yes badges away and the one I have left is lookin a wee bit tatty.

Any help would be ace ta.


Thanks. I’m not really “back” as such. I just come on here to join the occasional music link posting.
Won’t be at the Glasgow event either. Haven’t really been in the party mood for some time.

Also can’t find the song I was going to post now and I have to leave in a hurry.
I’ll maybe post another one tonight.

Peace, Love and Oreos!

Dave McEwan Hill

Wee Jonny

The Wee Badgers in Glasgow do a nice line in badges of any design and many sizes. Online

Wee Jonny

Ta Dave.

CameronB Brodie

Re. GERS and it’s value as indication of Scotland’s economic position. Are Unionists really able to overlook the £bn fraud committed against Scotland, when the McCrone report was buried by Whitehall, for example? Now that’s cult devotion.

Jack Jolly – Amnesia
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Davie Mc


Bruce Crawford’s crowdfunding campaign ends this Sunday 13th March. Please donate what you can afford to make sure this parliamentary giant of the independence movement gets re-elected. All proceeds will go straight to his campaign fund. Please share!

link to

Davie Mc

Chic McGregor

The wife recently introduced me to sudoku a couple of weeks back. So have been trying the National’s on and off and this morning I was dead chuffed since the evil one only took 90mins. So far either I have not completed it or it has taken hours.


Do these things eventually get down to an acceptable time usage i.e. 20mins or thereabouts?


@Chic iScot Magazine has their very own SODUKO and the name has absolutely nothing to do with SOD UK … You should give that yin a bash 5 minutes to 40 minutes seems to be the iScot will also be having a little stall at the Conference this weekend Stall no 24 – all welcome


From the Rev’s twitter feed:

Why Do You Hate Us, Scotland?
link to

OH, how blissfully ignorant, but he gets it on the very last line.
Can i get your coats for yous? BYE BYE!

“..the neighbours who just want to get along..” says Adam Benjamin.
lol x 100 The demented ignorance of a UKOKer, eh!

Vengaboys – Shalala Lala
link to

Chic McGregor

Right Ken, I’ll give that a go.


For those about to go to Tenerife we salute you,
no allowed to post while on holiday, Irene says,…….AYE RIGHT!


Read Dr.John Robertson’s coverage of the run-up to the Scottish Parliamentary Elections 2016 and of his complaint to the toothless croc (aka IPSO).

The IPSO response has been added to the comments thread.
link to



Hope you both have a great holiday and you enjoy your birthday.

Betty Boop


Hope you and Irene have a great holiday and happy birthday when it comes.

CameronB Brodie

Here’s some popcorn R&B for all the Yoons out there, especially BBC Labour in Scotland and the QT team.

Z. Z. Hill – One Way Love Affair
link to


((( BREAKING )))

Exposed – David Mundell And His Plush London Pad
link to

Sincerest apologies to rodents everywhere!


Dr.John Robertson’s continued analysis of the Scottish election campaign TV news coverage (No9).
link to

Kishorn Commando

RIP Keith Emerson
My first taste of prog link to


For those of you who haven’t read it yet.

Wee Ginger Dug – The lost city of Yes Dundee
link to


Oops, long way from home and my wife sent me this, I’d forgotten it was our aniversary.

Some of you will get it. My mistake was not reading it until now.

link to

Funny how somethings can lift your spirits yet make you want to weep. Now I need to be forgiven.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Kishorn Commando.

Gutted to read your post re Keith Emerson.

I saw The Nice at the Caird Hall in 1968 (69?), then the three ELP concerts at the same venue. At the first of them, he played the intro to “Pictures At An Exhibition” on the Caird Hall organ, which is world famous among organ aficionados.

link to

Onnyhoo, although The Nice played “Rondo” as their encore at the Caird Hall, this is my all-time favourite “Nice” single.

link to



I’m sure you’ll be forgiven. Good excuse to bring an extra treat when you come back.

I was feeling awful today and fell asleep after lunch only waking up half an hour an ago and so missed phoning my grandson on his fifth birthday! Which is probably a worse family crime.

Kishorn Commando

Thanks Enjoyed America, haven’t heard it for 40years. I always preferred the Nice to ELP, moved on to YES (Still there EH!

Here’s one of Mr Bogle’s best to lift the spirits from the yoonshite of the past few days.
link to


@John King

Don’t know if you’re reading this on hols John, but have a great time and a very happy birthday.

Awrabest. 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Kishorn Commando.

I discovered “Yes” via ‘The Yes Album’, which a former school pal had purchased from a vinyl emporium. Saw them at the Caird hall an’ a’…

link to

BTW: If you’re on Facebook, check out my Facebook page pic…

link to

Kishorn Commando

Small world, don’t do much facebook, still have some YES vinyls but have all their albums on cassette.
However I have saved my pristine King Crimson’s “Court” despite binning the turntable 20 years ago. We did keep a portable Dansette that scratches records like a tomcat for the kids.
Hoping to make it on 26th.

Ian Brotherhood

@Kishorn Commando –

Have added you to the list.


Can anyone else hereabouts help try and plug the 26th gig a wee bit?

I’m properly full-on with uni deadlines for the next week. Cadogan and his ‘Inform Scotland’ colleagues have been busy organising for the ‘afternoon’, but we’re still not getting as many names as we’d like for the evening.

I will be popping in here to keep a tally, and respond to any ‘new’ names, but otherwise I’m ‘oot-the-gemm’ for the next ten days or so.

So this is an appeal to all and sundry – even if you can’t make it on the day, please spread the word and encourage folk to come here, O/T, to say if they’re coming, daytime/evening, whatever.

Waxy O’Connor’s, Glasgow, Saturday March 26th, from 3.00-ish to closing time.

We really need to make it a busy one – after what happened in Dundee last night, it’s crucial that we send out a powerful message to all the Nawbags.

Hoots all! 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Kishorn Commando.

The debut ‘King Crimson’ – definitely in my top 5 albums of all time, in the world, ever.–Sh7YE

Brian Doonthetoon

Greg Lake and Karen Carpenter had the same quality of voice.

It was a big regret to me, when Karen Carpenter died, that we would never hear a Carpenter/Lake duet.

link to

link to

Cadogan Enright


Hi everyone,

It’s taken a long time but Inform Scotland so far has a bank account and a PayPal account and the start of a website. We had quite a few members pay up for the first year. We now need to refine the processes for how we will translate the aims into action.

Inform Scotland is therefore putting on a workshop to move things forward and you are invited.

This will take place on 26th March 2016, at Waxy O’Connor’s Bar in Glasgow (right next to Queen Street rail station – map attached), starting at 3.30pm. and finishing around 5pm. The venue is McTurk’s, inside Waxys – follow the signs to Glasgow Friends of Wings Over Scotland or similar.

The workshop is part of a Wings Over Scotland social event, so it will be followed by an opportunity to socialise.

The agenda may evolve with further input from interested parties, but an outline of the event is below:

An introduction to Inform Scotland and broadly what it wants to achieve.

A briefing on initial suggestions for how the ‘business model’ might work and the democratic and transparent principles that underpin it.

Some discussion on any gaps and weaknesses in the model.

The “workshop” part of the session will consist of smaller groups working through a different aspect of the business process from finding good ideas for publication, to costing them, to filtering down to a short list of what should be crowd funded and deciding what sort of medium each of the ideas might be presented within. Also how to make sure we don’t publish anything silly that might backfire on us.

The rough framework is that any idea should pass though a series of gates so that administration is easy, governance is transparent and everyone feels happy with how we reach each short-list of ideas for funding two, three or four times a year depending on how well the model we agree works in reality.

The session will close with feed back from the tables and planning of next steps.

Please do come along and see if you can help with common-sense ideas and help us get this over the line.

Inform Scotland is also interested in hearing from people with relevant skills who might like to be involved in helping to manage this project.

*Apologies to people who may not be able to get to Glasgow for this event, but we have to start somewhere! There is a possibility that this event will broadcast live on the Independence Live website.

Team Inform-Scotland


@Ian Brotherhood

Me and the Missus are due a day out. Looking forward to meeting
people we feel we already know.

Thomas & Mary


I’m at conference, all: if you see a dark-bearded, ponytailed man in a leather jaikit & a man bag, say hello

CameronB Brodie

Here’s one for the OBR and all the Yoons who place their faith in it’s credibility.

Aretha Franklin – It Ain’t Necessarily So
link to


Scotland in the union.. tied down with battleship chains 50 foot long and a 2 ton anchor….

link to

CameronB Brodie

I light of the dearth of credible corporate media reports re. Syria, here’s an interesting article for all the Assad haters.

Most Syrians request that I tell exactly what I have seen and to transmit the message that it is for Syrians to decide their future, that they support their president and army and that the only way to stop the bloodshed is for Western and Gulf nations to stop sending terrorists to Syria, for Turkey to stop warring on Syria, for the West to stop their nonsense talk about “freedom” and “democracy” and leave Syrians to decide their own future.

link to

Surely the corporate media and state propaganda peddlers, can’t be lying to us about the Syrian crisis? After all, they were spot-on re. Saddam and WMD.

Ian Brotherhood

@Bevrijdingsdag –

Cool. ‘Thomas and Mary’ duly added to list…now at 32.

How ’bout you Taranaich – any chance you’d make it?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Of that 32, only 13 have, so far, asked for a badge so I’ll repeat what I posted a week ago…

Pete the Camera and Brian Doonthetoon will be producing personalised souvenir badges for Wings over Glasgow on the 26th March.

If you are intending to be there on 26th March and want a personalised badge, please post a comment in “Quarantine”, with your username for the badge.

Like ‘Wings over Aberdeen’, the badges will be subtly different to those produced in the past.

‘Quarantine’ can be found here:-

link to

The badge list will close on Wednesday evening, 23rd March, at 11.59pm.

Ian Brotherhood


Big hoots to you and PTC for doing all the badge stuff – must be a finicky and time-consuming business altogether and youse don’t get anywhere near enough recognition for doing it.

Please be assured that your efforts are appreciated, and the objects themselves are treasured more than any of the gongs ‘sold’ by ‘Erself in Buckie House.

Anyway, you like your obscure records, eh?

How ’bout this?

Try listening to it without looking at the title, see if you can pinpoint who and when…nae Buster Keaton!!!


More power to ye, and regards to the bold Pete.


link to

Ian Brotherhood

This would make a good finale for the SNP conference – they’re even wearing the appropriate colours.

Jermaine Stewart, ‘We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off’ –

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian b.

Re: mystery track. Sorry, the guff wiz gied awa’ as soon as the video started! I’d never have got it though.

This is, probably, my favourite SM track, from 1979.

link to

Michael McCabe
Ian Brotherhood



Good one, have never seen that before. That’s the beauty of YT, eh?

The SM guys were just up the road from where I lived, went to the same school, maybe three, four years above us, and they were spoken-of as if minor Gods, even before the Johnny/Self Abusers name was ditched.

If memory serves, they used to play the Doune Castle in Shawlands, and you couldn’t get in for love nor money – a lot of gang-related trouble at that time too in and about Shawlands probably did no harm to their general profile in Glasgow, even if they had nothing to do with it all.

Brian Doonthetoon

Just to keep Wingers up to speed…

This is a post I’ve stuck on one or three Facebook pages tonight.

On Thursday’s BBC ‘Question Time’, David Dimbledum changed his status from “chair” to “participant”, by jumping into the debate and stating a blatant lie, that is that when we voted in Indyref 1, we knew that there was going to be an in/out referendum on EU membership.

This was not corrected by any any of the other panelists on the show. History was also rewritten by yoon audience members and panelists by repeating the lie that a PROMISE was made by the YES side that indyref 1 was a “once in a lifetime” event.

No such promise was ever made. A personal opinion had been offered, not a promise.

Onnyhoo, here’s Ruthie Tank Commander, during the STV Referendum Debate on 2nd August, 2014, stating the lie that with a YES vote, Scotland would be out of the EU – only a NO vote would keep us in. No mention of a GUARANTEED in/out referendum down the line.

Remember, at this time, Labour were around 4% ahead in the polls for the UK general election; it looked like the tories weren’t going to win, as Ruthie TC admits in the video below. Apologies for the poor quality.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

2nd SEPTEMBER, not August. Sheet!

Ian Brotherhood


If that was Bernard Ponsonby chairing that exchange then he’d better join a long line of meeja-folk who will, sooner or later, be required to state their position on what ‘Sir David’ and his QT crew did in Dundee.

So far? Their silence has been deafening – let’s see what Stuart Cosgrove and Eamonn O’Neill have to say about it next Thursday. If they choose to ignore it then I, for one, will lend no support whatever to the championing of Cosgrove as an advocate of radical MSM change.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Re ‘trouble in Glasgow’.

In the early 70s, we were involved with organising fundraising dances for our BB. One of the bands we had seen at “The JM” was a band from Glasgow called “Downtown Flyers”. Their vocalist looked uncannily like Rod Stewart, at the time.

In blethers, he related a story to us. It was told that, one evening, he was wandering in a homeward direction, when he was accosted by some of Glasgow’s finest.

He told us that his philosophy was to suss out the ringleader and threaten him along the lines of, “Your mates may get me but, before they do, you’ll be dead.”

He then turned and walked away. He said that his mistake was to turn his back on the ringleader, resulting in a knife in the back.

His advice was, “Walk away backwards…”

Ian Brotherhood


You’ll remember that one of the Simple Minds albums was called ‘Streetfighting Years’.

The crack at the time, far as I recall, was that the ‘Minds’ hailed from a wee bit of Toryglen locally known as ‘The Circus’. I don’t know which members this referred to, but I presume it was Kerr & Burchill.

That ‘bit’ of Toryglen was, by all accounts, a bit wild, but if the gangs wanted a fight they’d use the local ‘rec’ – at that time it was a vast spread of ash football pitches. It now hosts a massive 24/7 Asda.

I crossed that ‘rec’, night and day, many dozens, possibly hundreds of times. Walked through the Gorbals after midnight load of times, after closing-time, skint (because we’d spent the bus-fare on pints)sometimes with mates, sometimes alone. Not once did we ever get any real hassle, perhaps because we had functioning ears and legs. The guys in Glasgow at that time who were involved in any gang-related stuff were there by choice, and, so far as I’m aware, they did their level best to have square-goes well away from anyone who might clipe to their maws.

By the 80’s I reckon a lot of the Southside guys were simply milking urban legends which largely arose in the East End. Big difference is that, in places like Dennistoun and Royston, the real stuff – properly nasty, bigoted sectarian stuff – was still happening. (Depending on who you believe, it still is.)

Dunno, maybe I was just lucky? 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Seems like you did lead a charmed life – why else would Frankie Vaughan get involved?



Someone pointed me to this tonight, hadn’t heard it in years. Not very sophisticated but still made me laugh. link to


@ Ian B

Thanks for putting us on the list.

T & M

ronnie anderson

@ Ian Brotherhood. Kevin Gibney wants to do a Livestream interview on the 26th with you & me lol (I dont do interviews), pick a partner Ian.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ronnie A –


I understand you not doing interviews seeing as you’re such a shy and retiring sort…


Any chance you could send me K’s e-mail? I don’t have a current one and I don’t ‘do’ Facebook.

Hope you’re well mister. Hoots the noo!

Ian Brotherhood


Hoots for K’s address – have just dropped him a line.

Right then, that’s the business done, hoozfurra wee dance?

Ian Brotherhood

Blondie, ‘X Offender’ –

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Typing about Blondie…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

How’s this for a novel dining experience?

link to

Ian Brotherhood



Had no idea what to expect there.


Ian Brotherhood

Dear All,

Plans for the 26th in Glasgow are shaping up nicely…

Cadogan Enright and his ‘Inform Scotland’ colleagues have already claimed the afternoon shift, as detailed above. (12th March, 12.55 am)

We trust that Cactus, Jock Scot and sundry others will exercise their musical talents in the evening…

IndyLive will be there…

There will be a ‘window’, after the ‘Inform Scotland’ session, and before we all proceed to get blootered, where we could/should take the opportunity to get on-record why we support this site. It doesn’t matter how many people are watching it ‘live’ – the important thing to keep in mind is that the event will be recorded, so it’s there for good.

If you were put on the spot, what would you say about WOS and why you’re a contributor/lurker/financial supporter?

How would you present yourself to an audience which has a preconceived idea of you as a ‘Cybernat’?

If this was your one and only chance to leave some testimony about what’s happening in Scotland right now, what would you say?

Responses to these basic questions may take many forms, but one thing’s for sure – the time will flit away, so we have to try and make some effort to organise it.

Please have a think about it, and post your thoughts here.

Hoots all, as aye.


Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose (Wherever you are…) –

I know you’ll be very busy (whoops – almost wrote ‘busty’ there!) on the 26th, but you could always ask your charming Uncle Norbert to say a few words on your behalf?

Just a thought…


Paula Rose

Hi Ian *waves from Venice * oh I don’t know perhaps I could do a little interview if everyone wants me to.


Uncle Norbert, eh? Well that would be erm, ‘interesting’!

Keep dangling your tootsies in the canals, sweetie. Ian wants this meet up to be a bit different.

Although, Uncle Norbert may be stretching the definition of a ‘bit’ different.

Betty Boop

Good to meet a fair number of Wingers at the weekend. Pleased to see you all again. You know who you are 🙂

Special thanks to Chipmonkey and QQ; pleasure as always.

Tinto Chiel

Rediscovered this recently and thought some of the discerning sophisticates here might enjoy it. Dig the saturated colour and meandering routine for the camera.

They were an ugly bunch and you wouldn’t want to jog their pint but Wee Pricey’s solo is still pretty good.

Love Chas Chandler’s Honey Monster impersonation.

link to

Cadogan Enright

I’m looking for somene to let me crash on the couch or in the spare room Friday 25 and Sat 26th for social in Glasgow

Willing to buy dinner and drinks for a few pointers to a tour of Glasgow sat morning. Have canvassed long hours there in the past a few times but never ‘seen’ the place

Am quite sane and well behaved – as you can see from Facebook page link to


Just thought I’d wander back in after experiencing a few days not really worth talking about and probably best forgotten.

For now I bring a gift of another music link.
Not sure how many people are familiar with the Gorillaz track “On Melancholy Hill”…

This is a cover version by a favourite singer of mine who does it quite well I think 🙂

(Sorry about the “Sun” logo on the video. Then again, like much in life, if the video was completely perfect, it would probably be boring!)

link to

Peace, Love and Neos (Can’t afford Oreos this week, so got the cheap Lidl version instead!)


Hi folks

go an idea… Im thinking Indy Live does a livestream Blab with a couple of WoS members to discuss the WoS event on 26th. A Blab is similar to Skype but allows you to invite viewers onto panel. It’s a really cool way of getting people involved in the chat.

Also, I need to know more about what you are wanting to do on 26th. We are going to be livestreaming the march that day but maybe you want some livestreaming done after? Email me



Thanks for the birthday wishes Sam, A question, how many people knew the national flag of Tenerife was a saltire?

I didn’t, until I asked an official coming out of Oratavo town hall why they flew the saltire everywhere, only to discover it wasn’t because they loved Scotland but because is their flag too, well bugger me!


Just about to set off on a trip up mount tiede it’s covered in snow so we’ll taking warm jackets, the hairpin bends and sheer drop cause much screaming, and that’s just me!


@ Betty Boop
Good to see you too. I was with Morag for much of the time but didn’t recognise anyone else apart from Kendomacaroonbar.Mind you in a crowd of 3,000 people it is pretty difficult to identify individuals 🙂

@Jdman -happy birthday for when it happens

Ian Brotherhood

Long-time WOS reader Charles Anderson has just e-mailed me to say that he’ll be there on the 26th. He hasn’t commented before, so give him a wave!


CameronB Broddie

A perfect set-up for a cheesy segue to welcoming Charles but I’m getting a bit para that I may have insulted Jim Thomson with the track I dedicated to him a while back.

Hope you’re keeping well Jim an apologies, if necessary (large men wearing spndex can be intimidating to some). I was only kiddin’ about. 😉


Just saw Cadogan Enright do a post above me. He is a really good guy so please help him out if you can.

Brian Doonthetoon

Nobody seems to have mentioned it…

Is there going to be an ‘official’ Wings presence on the ‘All Under One Banner’ march on the 26th? Like the banners and so on?

Jiss askin’…


Very sad to see the Maryhill Foodbank has been forced to close.

link to

Looks like they’ve been targeted but I have no idea why.


Should also mention that Thistle and Independence Live are needing some exposure for their crowdfunder. They’re looking for 6.5k and are only at 5% with 15 days to go. They are also looking for any obsolete equipment that folk could donate:

link to

I’m sure they’d appreciate any help tweeting this and posting in other places to get the massage out there. Oh, and maybe a wee donation too 😀


“Massage out there” lol. Why did Paula suddenly come to mind there? 😉



You need to use Firefox or Chrome.

link to


That should say Ronnie above 🙂

Never anybody about when you need them. OK will be on this test Blab for another wee while so please join…
link to


@John King

Mountain climbing is it? Mountain climbing?

Exercise! My arch Nemesis. 😉

Have a good one John.

CameronB Brodie

I’ll just leave this here. Not my fault if it ends up on Yoon sites. 🙂

Here II Here – I Don’t Know Shit
link to


Mountain climbing?
Who said anything about mountain climbing?
We took a hire car up to the base the a cable car to the summit,
Even so the altitude made for a little difficulty in breathing, so we didn’t spend too much time at the top,

Heres a little quiz for everyone,
What country has a saltire for a flag, and an independence movement?
Hands up who said Scotland?
But if you had said Tenerife, you would also have been correct, look it up if you don’t beleive me,
Well who knew?


Now youve left me with an image of me and Irene roped together using ice axes and crampons Sam!



“ice axes and crampons”

That’ll be your birthday pressie sorted then 😉

Have a good one John, we’ll miss you at Glasgow, but looks like Kev will be around to livestream some of it for you.

Betty Boop


Hope you bought Irene a hot chocolate and rum at the café when you descended from the summit. That’s what I did 35 years ago and haven’t given up the habit even though I only attempt the ascent of the staircase now 🙂

Happy days, John.


Just chucked some cash into the war chest under my alias bdk71.

Please put it towards Robert Peffers Wings badge.

i am way behind with articles but catching up. If Mr Peffers has already won a badge then put it towards the next deserving candidate please.


Hi folks, looking for IT advice again! I need to obtain some screenshots for legal matters, but the shift-ctrl-3 doesn’t work on my laptop.

it is a cheap Packard bell, running windows 8.1. Can anyone advise me if there is an alternative way to get screenshots please?

Many thanks as ever, you brilliant lot! Doubt if I will make it to the 26th Wings night but hopefully the next one after that.

Conan the Librarian™

@ fionan

link to

Hope that helps.



Alt-PrintScreen will grab a screen, but it usually needs editing.

In Win 8.1 you also have the snipping tool which allows you to grab any bit displayed on you screen. You should find it here: C:\Windows\System32\SnippingTool.exe. It allows you to save the picture in various formats.


For those of you looking for something to watch and if you have access to Netflix, i can thoroughly recommend these 2 documentaries, i gave both a 5-Star rating:

Bottled Life – Is all about the Swiss-based corporation Nestle and how they’ve made billions out of plundering the world’s water resources and selling it back to the consumer.

Hot Coffee – Is all about frivolous law suits and tort reform with the main story being about a woman who sued McDonald’s after spilling her coffee and burning herself. Other interesting cases are featured in this documentary but more importantly, watch and see how the corrupt media play their part, they’re not known as the corporate media for nothing you know.

Both documentaries make for very interesting viewing.

Tinto Chiel

John King: hope you’re wearing that W helmet you were wearing in Freedom Square last September when we met, ‘cos the OBR have just warned of volcanic activity in Mount Tiede area.

On reflection, your Panama hat should be ok. Have a great time.

Anyone feel like some unforgettable sax?

Yes, that’s what I said, particularly from about 2.50 in.

Tinto Chiel

Wow! Don’t know how the link went like that.

The Rev. will be getting the hammers out.

Two big boys did it and ran away, honest!

CameronB Brodie

I’d be concerned if you were harming yourself Macart, but I’d hope you would have the curtsy of abusing yourself in private. Get yourself a tent mate. 😉

Saint Andrew – This World is Phuhl o’ a Number o’ Things
link to

Tinto Chiel

Braw, CBB, but don’t know if it can compete with the perfection of:

link to

And thanks to BDTT for linking this a while ago.


Conon and Xsticks, many thanks for that. alt-printscreen doesn’t seem to work either so will check the painful-sounding snipping tool 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Tinto Chiel
I used to have twapehs as an e-mail but it lapsed. Pity ’cause my brother, who was ignorant of my address, was using Ananinginaneana. No shit. 🙂

Can I compete? Nuh. 😉

Still Positive.

I have just contributed £25 and took no perks so you can add my contribution to a badge for Robert Peffers.

Tinto Chiel

You’ve obviously been brought up right, CBB. Thank God for the Yes city of Dundee ?.

I’ll raise you this. To my shame, I can’t mind which Winger linked me this, but it’s a hoot too, and I’m fae Lanarkshire.

link to

Tinto Chiel


? Should have been a Barcelona fist. Damn these emojis!



If you use Google Chrome their is an easy to install extension called Full Page Screen Capture.

Very simple to use and captures the screen perfectly, no doubt this or similar will be available for other browsers. Hope this helps.



Forgot to include the link for Chrome.

link to


Ahoy all,

I’ve set up a wee Facebook page for A Wilderness of Peace for those who can’t get wordpress working, would appreciate & welcome likes/shares/etc:

link to

I’m going to be doing a lot of stuff with the site in the next few weeks, so watch this space!

CameronB Brodie

I’m sure Macart will lend you his tent once he is finished, Clootie. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@Taranaich –

Good luck with it mister.

Will you make it on the 26th? I keep pestering you, I know, but I’m getting a bitty anxious to get a handle on who’s likely to make it or not.

And also – this goes for everyone – I would be very very grateful if anyone could offer to help plug the next Glasgow night, especially over this week-end so that folk can take note and have time to make plans, get baby-sitters, pet-sitters, whatever.

Main thing is to get some FB and Twitter exposure – I don’t do Facebook at all, and my Twitter skills are zero. Right now we have 36-40 names confirmed, and we know from experience that many more will turn up on the evening. But this one’s different because of the daytime workshop with Cadogan and ‘Inform Scotland’, so it’s a much longer session than usual and we really need to make an effort to ‘fill’ the late afternoon/early evening with something instructive and/or entertaining before settling down to the normal quaffing.

Please, let’s get a buzz going about this. ‘Thistle’ (you all know who he is) will be around, and it would be good if he had something solid to broadcast, even if it’s nothing more than Wingers presenting themselves to do a reading/song/poem, whatever.

Bring the ideas here over the next few days – let’s make this one special. Nothing ventured, nothing gained an aw that jazz, eh?


CameronB Brodie

Ian Brotherhood
Has Cadogan’s crash been sorted?

I plan on getting through for the workshop, btw. That’s enough info to be giving out in public though, other than I’ll be wearing a brown Fedora. 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@CamB –

🙂 !!!

You kept that one quiet!

So, can I add you to the list for the evening as well? Come on man, surely you’ll linger for a glass of Pimms and some strawberries, eh?


Been too long since I picked everyone’s brains (and trust me, BRAINS WILL BE PICKED). Amma comin’, & I suspect my Mammy will too once she catches wind of this!

CameronB Brodie

I’m a definite. Almost certain. I’ll probably show up. I’ll do my best to get there Ian. 🙂

I see you’re not one for telling as I telt you a while back that I’d bee coming. Checking your watch? 🙂


Hi folks,

There’s a fair wee group interested in coming along to Waxys from Yes Rutherglen, and we were talking about the National Yes Registry at tonight’s meeting so I sent Jason (the kinda organiser) a message to tell him about the opportunity to speak to like minded folk on the 26th – hope that’s ok.

Yes Rutherglen has some merchandise and some contacts that we’re going to bring along – which reminds me, is there going to be a raffle that we can contribute to?

How do people feel about me making a wee promotional poster that we can share on social media, and I can get them printed (business card size?) to hand out to the marchers?
I was just thinking about something simple – blue background, Wings logo, ‘Friends of Wings get-together’ or similar and the address (see Ronnie Anderson and the Wings banner for my previous work!)

Last word for now, to all those lurkers out there – there’s a few Wings gems unable to attend on the 26th, so you’ll have to make up the numbers! We were all lurkers once so don’t be shy (plus there will be badges 😀 )

CameronB Brodie

“Wings logo”. I’d ask the Rev. first. Best use the contact form.

Ian Brotherhood

@Camb, Ruglonian et al,
Ahm pished , but just last shout-out, hey, magic, its happening aye, more the merrier etc just need cactus and jockscot to confirm cause we mst not succumb to the piped music etc,
Who’s doing a turn!!!
Hoots etc, as ever

Dave McDave

Hi all. I should’ve posted this on the Eck Farewell thread but I wasn’t quick enough! I know fine well not all wingers are snp or Eck fans but for the many who are, here’s a wee pic I did last year. If anyone wants to print themselves a copy plz pm me and I’ll send a link to the hi-res scan file.
link to

With regards next Saturday, I’m hoping to make it, but can’t commit for definite until I sort a baby-sitter. I need to make amends for missing the last do in Helensburgh as I could’ve walked home from that one!


Hi Everyone, Jason here of the National Yes Registry.
Ruglonian dropped me a line letting us know about your meeting at Waxy’s on the 26th (thanks Ruglonian 🙂 and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to attend on behalf of the NYR? It would be great to finally meet some of you ‘wingers’ in the flesh and get the opportunity to fill everyone in on what the NYR project is all about, what happened at our National Conference of the Local Groups (held in December), and more importantly, everything we are doing now (and planning to do) in order to get the Registry ready for its Launch.

It would be great to get face to face ‘winger’ feedback on it all, especially over a pint! My email address is

Look forward to talking,


Ian Brotherhood

@Dave McDave –

I’ll put you on the list anyway, eh?

Good stuff.



Ian, or anybody who knows.

This downstairs room, is that down a lot of stairs? Does it have street access at that level?

Nothing on their website about access.


Sorry, but I’ll not make it to the night out in Glasgow. Being (ahem) forced to go on holiday, to boarders, that weekend.

Hopefully I’ll make it next time, have a great time all.


I hope nobody minds me posting this here. Please support our Donna Heddle in her fight to oust the Lib Dems from Orkney. We have a real chance of winning this seat but need all the help we can get. Our crowdfunding link is:

link to


Hiya, I’ve got a message from Jason Baird (copied and pasted from email, as he said he had a problem posting it himself).

Hi Everyone, Jason here of the National Yes Registry.
Ruglonian dropped me a line letting us know about your meeting at Waxy’s on the 26th (thanks Ruglonian 🙂 and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to attend on behalf of the NYR? It would be great to finally meet some of you ‘wingers’ in the flesh and get the opportunity to fill everyone in on what the NYR project is all about, what happened at our National Conference of the Local Groups (held in December), and more importantly, everything we are doing now (and planning to do) in order to get the Registry ready for its Launch.

It would be great to get face to face ‘winger’ feedback on it all, especially over a pint! My email address is

Look forward to talking,


Ian Brotherhood

@cearc –

Just called Waxy’s.

Yes, there are stairs, but there’s also a side entrance for wheelchair access if needed.

So, nae excuses!!


Ian Brotherhood

@braco –


It’s an open invitation, so yes, of course, you’d be made very welcome, and you can address the throngs about what you’re up to. If you have any literature, promo stuff, please bring it, and as many friends as you can muster.

Please also note, as flagged-up by cearc earlier, the bar we’ve booked does have wheelchair access via a side-entrance if anyone needs it. It also has Wi-Fi.

Look forward to seeing you.



Bad news on my part guys. Work has jumped in with both boots and I’m not going to make next weekend.

Gutted. 🙁

CameronB Brodie

Sorry to hear folks aren’t able to attend the Glasgow rally. There will be more in the future. Bigger and better. Today, political geek-dome, tomorrow the world. One folk, one Fatherland, one ….erm.

Anyway, it struck me that I’ve not posted any Fall yet. So here’s one for the UKOK Establishment. Wouldn’t want them to feel socially excluded, would we?

The Fall – Life Just Bounces
link to

Ian Brotherhood

The following is from an e-mail I just got from Thistle (Kevin) and I’ve just spoken to him – he’s encouraging us to have a look at this, not least because it involves new gadgetry which may prove very useful for all of us.

I’ll be watching the interview, and then trying a wee test to see if I can link-up, even briefly, and if so I’ll do a wee spiel about the next Glasgow Friends of WOS gig.

If anyone’s free, please join in, or at least have a butchers at the new stuff Kevin’s talking about – it’s called ‘Blab’.

Se ye’s later!

Kevin (Indylive) – “I’m livestreaming twice tonight. Starting at 8:30pm I will be talking to John McHarg who runs Yes 2 and later doing a Gaelic thing..

I’m going to be interviewing John on Blab which is really cool as it allows other people to join the chat – if you let them! You will find the Blab link via…”: link to


Hi folks
as Ian said above we are doing a Blab tonight and I want all of you to get your head around it as you may find it useful for some activist stuff you may do. Also I want to do a Blab with you lot to discuss the WoS event on 26th. I’ve told John who I will be interviewing tonight that we may see a couple of you on. In addition John is going to come along to the WoS event after the march and would be good for you to meet him and hear what he has to say.

The link that Ian posted above will take you to a page where we will be livestreaming the Blab. However I want you to click the link on that page beneath “Join the Blab!”. You can use Chrome or Firefox. To join Blab you need a twitter account.

See ya later and get promoting the link above to wingers!


Brian Doonthetoon

OK, peeps.

RE: the get-together on the 26th… See the post at:-

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

You know what gets my goat – and I’m watching numerous examples on Channel 5’s “That’s So… 1984” at the moment?

People who upload 4:3 aspect ratio videos to YouTube and publish them at 16:9 and professional broadcasters who commit the same sin.

I want to see people with the faces and bodies the right shape; I don’t want to see them converted into wee wide faced, wide-bodied diddypeeps.

Rant over.

Quentin Quale

Righty ho, shoes off and leap aroond the lobby cos it’s Friday Night
link to


C’mon folks, who’s going to find the most appropriate tune to celebrate the departure of IDS?

link to

CameronB Brodie

“People say, people say
Have I got a right to live
People say, people say
Have I got a right to live
People say, people say
(What the people say)
(What the people)”

The Meters – People Say
link to


Jist a wee keek tae see whits gonoan afore hittin the sack!

cearc wrote:
“C’mon folks, who’s going to find the most appropriate tune to celebrate the departure of IDS?”

C’mon you lot, git yer boogy boots oan, not everyones cup of tea but one of my all-time faves:

The Prodigy – Firestarter (Official Video)
link to


I’m not posting a link as I’m terrified of the hammers, and also cos I don’t particularly like the song (even less, the singer) but it did pop into my head when I heard the IDS news – Better the devil you know!


BTW, meant to add to my previous post and cearc’ comment regarding IDS – I’m with the majority over on the main thread, as soon as i seen this news breaking i screamed out ((( KAREN DUNBAR ))) as i pointed frantically at the telly. The boss immediately instructs me to simmer doon and dismissively informs me “THAT’S NO KAREN DUNBAR YA TUBE!” “AH KEN!” was my reply “BUT AH SMELL SHITE!”

Goodnight, troops, have a great and safe weekend.


Dave McEwan Hill

You can all finish off the evening with a beautiful Scottish medley performed by well known gentleman who usually appeared in a bright tartan jacket

link to

Brian Doonthetoon
Michael McCabe

@cearc 9:18 Here is Willie Black predicting ian Duncan smith would go. and telling him to his face. I think Willie Black spoke for all Wingers that day. link to

Ian Brotherhood

Thistle told me that a very well-kent face is interested in attending our Glasgow bash, but I can’t tell you who that is. (Clue: it’s not Gordon Brown)

What I can say, yet again, is that we need some brave souls to volunteer to get up on their trotters and give the rest of us something inspirational on the night before we settle into the usual debauchery.

With that in mind, I have opened a new page in my journal headed ‘Peepil who iz gonny dae stuff in the waxys’.

Who would like to be first on that list?

Please tell me what you intend to do (and how long it will take) in less than 500 words.



link to

Ian Brotherhood

@K1 –

Totally soo-perb.

Could we do that as the finale in Glasgow?

If we have musicians there, and agree on what version we’re using to make sure we all know the timing and lyrics so we’re not mumbly-bumbly over it?

It would be a complete stoater of a finish.

Brian Doonthetoon
Paula Rose

Ian Honey do you really think there is anyone more famous than the people who have attended Wings nights already? I mean really – after Wee Ginger Dug, Ronnie Anderson and Moi who else is there?

Quentin Quale

Ian Brotherhood, top work, sir. With so many turning up do you think we might need a password to get in? Can I suggest Swordfish
link to

Ian Brotherhood

Be warned – if we don’t get some real musicians coming to Waxy’s then Thepnr and yours truly will do this, and other stuff like it.

You don’t want that to happen. Believe me. You really don’t.

Chas & Dave, ‘The Sideboard Song’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

And we’ll do this too, once we’ve sorted out who’s sitting on whose lap…

(Astonishing to see John Peel introducing this.)

Keith Harris & Orville, ‘Orville’s Song’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

And we’ll do this…

Roger Whittaker, ‘I Don’t Believe In If Any More’ –

link to

Think I’m joking? If Cactus and/or Jock Scot or someone else doesn’t confirm that they’re doing something? We’ll do all this, and more…


As song for IDS…

link to

Ian Brotherhood

A wee birdie just told me that she may coming to the musical rescue.

Be that as it may, I’m going to make this ‘Roger Whittaker Night’ unless someone openly states willingness to dance/sing/make balloon animals or whatnot…

Roger Whittaker, ‘The Last Farewell’ –

link to


@Ian Brotherhood
See if you can sing this:

link to

Bonus points if you manage to do it after a few drinks 😉 hehe.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

You must have peeps on your list, who, so far, haven’t asked for a badge in ‘Quarantine’. I have 39 names so far.

Also, I suspect you may not have some of the names who have appeared in ‘Quarantine’. Could be worth checking.

Onnyhoo, here’s my obscure track for tonight. This was released on John Peel’s “Dandelion” label in 1971.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Oneironaut –


I remember that tune from many moons ago, and wondering what the hell it was all about.

Good stuff, though I’m not sure I’ll be able to learn all of the words in time.

Paula Rose

So looking forward to Ian Brotherhood and Thepnr warbling.

Ian Brotherhood

I’m going to do this with Paula Rose.

Shania Twain & Willie Nelson, ‘Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain’ –

link to


@Ian Brotherhood
It’s about himself really.
He had a really bad stutter and found that it actually worked well for that type of singing.
So yeah, bit of a theme of turning a flaw into an asset there 🙂

Ian Brotherhood


Here’s who I’ve got:

Bob Sinclair
Ronnie A
Crazycat (+2?)
Paula Rose
Quine frae Angus
Michael McCabe / Lynn
Tam Jardine
Quentin Quayle / Chipmonkey
Lenny Hartley
Bevrijdingsdag + 1
Chas Anderson
Dave McDave

What I don’t have is names or numbers for whoever’s attending the afternoon workshop with Cadogan, and how many will stay-on. I must’ve missed some because I haven’t been across all threads this past week/10 days and I very rarely venture into Quarantine…

As a rough guide, I went back to the list I had prior to the April 4th 2014 gig in the Counting House. I had 36 on that list the night before, but we had, I can’t remember, about 70-80 on the night? Something like that, although it fluctuated a lot, was probably busiest about 10-ish before buses had to take folk home to the further-flung places.

Really hard to tell what to expect, but I’m guessing it could be similar. The bar should be able to accommodate 75 comfortably, so space shouldn’t be an issue.

Curious to see how that list compares to yours…

Hoots. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

I have another dozen or so names in my heid – folk who’ve said they’ll be there but haven’t confirmed, but I’m confident they’ll turn up on the night, so my ‘list’ is 35-ish.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruglonian –

If you see this, could you let us know how many of the R/Glen squad you’re bringing? I vaguely remember you mentioning there could be a few of you.


Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Last Saturday, you typed that you had 32 on your list. At that time, I had 13 on my list. As I typed, I now have 39 so it could be worthwhile checking out the names I’ve confirmed in ‘Quarantine’ since the 12th. They haven’t all posted in ‘off-topic’.

And here’s another obscure track for your enjoyment…
It features Peter Cook and Dudley Moore and involves heavy use of both the ‘F’ word and the ‘C’ word. Therefore, do not click on the link if you are likely to be offended by the language.–Ijdc

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Ruglonian has listed her squad in ‘Quarantine’ for badges.

Ian Brotherhood

Where the hell is Thepnr? We need to start rehearsals asap, and I’m fed-up using my Labrador as a partner to practise the wee dancy bits…

This might tempt him back…

NB. Not many people know that this was shot in Saltcoats. There was a bit of jiggery-pokery though, and the bits with palms trees were shot in Largs.

Billy Ocean, ‘Caribbean Queen’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood


Sorry man, it’s just been too mental here…

Right, I’ve got the finger out and checked via Quaarantine.

These are the names I ‘missed’:

Pete the Camera
Kishorn Commando
Hero of the Federation
Jim ST
Robert McNulty
The Nomad
Scary Cath
Craig the Pict

So, my ‘new’ list is 47.

Does that tally?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

I reckoned you’d be up to around 50 so you’re not far off.

I noted names on your list who haven’t requested badges yet!

We only do badges for peeps who actually go to ‘Quarantine’ and stick in a request.

We were caught out, early days, doing badges for peeps who never turned up so we stick in the effort of having to go to ‘Quarantine’, to corral the committed.

(Twirls pointed moustache and winks…)

Kishorn Commando

Ian B
Pressed the kilt, dubbined the boots, charged the walkman.
Porridge cooling for the pieces. Chanter lubricated.

Here’s one for the Rev with hammers etc.

hope the vimeo linky works


Michael McCabe,

Ah, the Willie Black definitely takes the prize!

Ian Brotherhood


The ‘missing’ dozen in my heid-list, over and above the 47, could well be nearer 20. I honestly didn’t realise we were that high, so, if past events are anything to go by, we could realistically be looking at 80+.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi cearc.

You are one of the peeps who hasn’t asked for a badge for next week.

I could also mention others – you know “others”, who haven’t asked for a badge, like…
Bob Sinclair
Lenny Hartley
Dave McDave

And, Ian B, if those peeps ask for a badge, we are at 47 all!

Did you ever have Betty Boop and Jim Thomson on your list? They seem to have been a bit quiet of late. No requests for badges or that…

Ian Brotherhood


Betty’s been posting here very recently, but haven’t heard from Jim for a good while. ??? 🙁

Bob Sinclair

Would love a badge, thanks.

Ian Brotherhood

@Kishorn Commando –

Delighted to hear that you have polished your chanter.

I do hope you realise that Paula Rose will demand that you stand to attention before she carries out her usual inspection.

Good luck…


@Ian Brotherhood

I’m still here Ian, haven’t managed to drop in so often as out on my travels or should that be travails?

Anyways, I get home Monday late and will be at home the rest of that week so will catch up before the weekend.

@Michael McCabe

I got your email, will be in touch with you after I get home on Monday too.

Meantime, a bit of science Richard Feynman talks about magnets 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood

For anyone who hasn’t experienced a WOS night, here’s a wee taster of what the general vibe is like:

link to


@ Ian B

Just checked this evening with one of my ?2+ and she’s a definite; the other would like to come but has a busy week ahead and won’t know till the last minute if he can manage.

We’re coming up for the march and to run a stall at the rally, so will check out the afternoon session and definitely be there for the evening.

See you then.



Putting this in a separate post so that it will be more noticeable – could you make a badge for Gwen, please?

See you Saturday.

Ian Brotherhood

This is quite something –

Almost 14 minutes long, and half of it is an ovation.

Chic, ‘Good Times’, Glastonbury, 2013 –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@crazycat –

Cool. See ye there.


Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

You typed,
For anyone who hasn’t experienced a WOS night, here’s a wee taster of what the general vibe is like:

That may be what the vibe is LIKE but here’s the real thing, from a year ago.

link to

Bob and crazycat for Gwen – noted, even although you didn’t post in ‘Quarantine’!


Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

Dust aff yer moothie mister, we’re daein this yin an’ aw…

Crash Test Dummies, ‘Afternoons And Coffeespoons’ –

link to


@Ian Brotherhood
Did you get the Joe Cullinane Labour propaganda through your door yet?

I got one a couple of days back. Posted through the letterbox quite late at night.
Almost as if the person posting them was ashamed to be seen in broad daylight with Labour literature, hmm?

Haven’t decided what to do with it yet, checking all the tables in the house to see if it can be used to prop up a short leg or something. Or I might make some small edits to it and send it back to him freepost. Not sure yet…

Anyways, music link of the day. Enjoy! (or don’t enjoy, it’s up to you!) 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Oneironaut –

I haven’t had any campaign literature – you’re the only person I know who’s mentioned receiving any.
Not that I’m complaining… 🙂


Accomodation – done. Poultry care – done. Hats polished and ready to go.

The Ian/Thepnr duet should be quite a treat!

Ian Brotherhood


Have noted Gwen and Valerie via Quarantine.

We’re now at 49, right?

Ian Brotherhood

Could not believe my shell-likes when this emerged from my wee radio earlier – I thought it must’ve been some pirate station launching, but it was indeed Radio North Britain.


How many of this guy’s albums does Kezia have, eh?

Dick Gaughan, ‘Handful Of Earth’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@cearc –

Please don’t expect too much from meself and Thepnr. Rehearsals have not been going well and we can’t agree on outfits…


Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

RE: music you don’t expect to hear on the wireless. On Wednesday or Thursday this week past, Steve Wright played Dougie McLean’s ‘Caledonia’, as one of the ‘non-stop oldies’ at just after 3pm. Said it was beautiful, or similar.

Onnyhoo, our lists. Including the just added cearc, I have 43 on the badge list. There are still one or three on your list, who haven’t asked for badges.


Me and Mr B’s first practice session for the Wings night. I’m sure we will be on our game ome the day 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood


I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want a personalised badge.

If they don’t ask you for one then I’ll be there with my nasty ASDA sticky labels and a big permanent marker. Anyone who turns up who’s not on your list will get a gigantic ? on their forehead.

Paula Rose

I want an IB tacky badge as well – just for old times sake (still got my first).

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

I will gladly give you one at the first opportunity.

Paula Rose

*blushes demurely*

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

You typed,
“Anyone who turns up who’s not on your list will get a gigantic ? on their forehead.”

I like the cut of your jib!


These are the peeps who either don’t want a badge, or aren’t keeping up with events.

Thistle (!)
Lenny Hartley
Dave McDave

If they get round to asking, before 11.59pm on Wednesday evening, our two lists will be in sync.

Ian Brotherhood

Have we ever had any Hamish Imlach here?

Here he is, doing ‘Let Ramensky Go’ –

link to



I didn’t notice Tjenny on the list, but I recall her saying she’d e coming.

Are you there Tjenny? Are you coming along?


Hi folks

I would like a badge 🙂

Also, I sent email to Ian about maybe me doing a talk on new media. Possibly get Erik from Kiltr along and maybe somebody from CommonSpace if poss.

OK… I would like to get a Blab done to discuss the forthcoming event. Anybody up for doing a test?

CameronB Brodie

Not trying to draw attention to myself folk but I feel I need to clarify a comment I made last night.

There is no such thing as different races, IMHO, though I place little significance in the morphological variations considered indicative of race, though which are not considered indicative of major differences in DNA. I can not accept classifications of sub-species within humanity.

Humanity is all of a one, though at the same time differentiated by a myriad of different ethnicity, which are natural adaptions of the basic model, in order to suite local environmental conditions.

How’s that for duality Will, all of a one but different? Or am I talking mince?

Brian Doonthetoon

I picked up a mention of “Pop Will Eat Itself” on Rev Stu’s Twitter feed today.

I got a lot of mileage out of this track. I tried counting the number of samples in it and lost the plot at 9. When I DJ’d in Jaspers in the early 90s, I segued it with “Crazy Horses” by The Osmonds – and the rock crowd took “Crazy Horses” as their own!

You can hear a reconstruction of the mix I did, at the link below. It also features a guest appearance of Alex Harvey on shouty vocals.

It’s an mp3 file so you’ll probably have to download it, then play it.

link to


Thistle – I’ve added you to the badge list.

Brian Doonthetoon


You mentioned “mince”, the content of your post that removed the glaze from my eyes and the fluffiness from my brain.

“Mince”, I remarked to myself. “Now he’s getting serious.”

So, maybe you can answer…
Before you brown mince, should it be red, pink or grey, for maximum enjoyment on the taste buds?

CameronB Brodie

P.S. Culture is the expression of ethnicity.

CameronB Brodie

Brian Doonthetoon
Grey? I’ve not eaten meat for almost 30 years through Brian. Mind, I’m a weirdo. 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon


Mince becomes grey as it reaches and passes its ‘use by’ date.

Still ok for consuming for a couple of days though…

CameronB Brodie

Duh, I was thinking of mince turning grey when you brown it… Sorry Will but there’s just no getting away from this Dualism thing, bud. 😉


LIVE FOR 26th LINK: link to

Ok still to finish it off and will chat to Ian. Plus I need to check if I can get a bloody signal for internet in the place…


LIVE FOR 26th LINK (MARCH): link to

Michael McCabe

Meant to play this Earlier. link to

Dave McEwan Hill

Good Times at Glastonbury- Ian Brotherwood

Great performance from Chic. Can’t make my mind up what is the greatest disco record
Le Freak? Stayin Alive? Ladies Night? That’s The Way I Like it?
I think it’s Chic’s Le Freak.

Michael McCabe

Posting another “Youtune Of The Day”…

link to

“This is the modern way. Faking it every day…”

Brian Doonthetoon


There are still a handful of peeps who told Ian B that they would be at the get-together on Saturday in Waxy O’Connors but don’t seem to have returned to ‘off-topic’ since so haven’t asked for a personalised badge in ‘Quarantine’.

You have just over 24 hours to claim your badge for Saturday. The badge list will close at 11.59pm tomorrow night.

Michael McCabe

A Wee song for Brian Doonthetoon and Pete the Camera. link to Cheers


Hi IanB, I’ve sent you an email with Saturdays advert enclosed.

Brian Doonthetoon

Cheers, Michael!

Trivia warning!
George Harrison played ‘that’ guitar on the original single.

CameronB Brodie

Here’s an oldie for the Yoon press, who appear to have suddenly evolved from a state of monist, “PROJECT FEAR”, uniformity. Rejoice! Diversity abounds in the multi-cultural reality of our expanding ‘Better Together’ universe. 🙂

link to

P.S. SNPbad


Hey Wingers.. I’ve managed to arrange some guitarage for our Wings over Waxy’s (WOW!)

I see the Inform Scotland workshop will be running from about 3 to 5pm approx. No doubt peoples will be hungry after travelling to YES Glasgow and the rally at Freedom Square as well.. so maybe a couple of hours to digest that.

So what time would be suitable to kick-off the music, 7/8pm? Do we know if a PA has been organised, or are we going for an acoustic affair?

Ye up furra tune or twa Jock Scot?

Brian Doonthetoon

Had a blether with Ronnie Anderson tonight. He’s suggested, on Saturday, that Wingers can meet up, after the march, at the usual spot, under Sir Walter Scott’s feet, before heading to Waxy’s.

Michael McCabe


Nae under the horses arse then? What time about?

Wee O/T O/T – my son found this reckons it’s pretty cool – I agree. I know some of you will enjoy this:

link to

Michael McCabe

@ X-Sticks that link is Brilliant. You could spend ages there just clicking on different Sounds. Cheers I am away back in.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi X_Sticks.

Horse’s arse is SO 2014. Walter’s Scott’s feet is where we’ve been at for the past year. Get with it, loon!



My suggestion for an indyref 2 battle song.

We Won’t get Fooled Again!

link to


Hey NO voters! Who are you, who who who who.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Cactus –

Discussed the whole PA thing with Thistle t’other night. Obviusly, from his POV it’s not a problem cause then he can hear people speak if he’s doing his roving reporter stuff.

If it’s all the same to you, can we do without? I’m also thinking about those who might be keen to catch-up conversation-wise with others, and the bar’s big enough (I think) that we could be having music in one section while conversation is still possible in others.

Dunno. It’s not my shout, but I haven’t even asked about a PA. My own preference would be to go as nature intended and just belt them out!

Paula Rose

Ian Honey – you’re going as nature intended? How sweet!

Tam Jardine

Ian Brotherhood

Hi Ian- not sure on timings for Saturday and how much of the day I can attend as yet. My understanding is the march is on 11.30-12.30 and there will be some stuff on at Freedom Square at its finish.

Then converge at Waxy’s at 3.30 for Inform Scotland workshop. Then drinks and any speakers early evening with Cactus on the guitar from 7or8pm

is that how you see it? Am just trying to figure out my movements and what is going on. Have been abroad last week and out of the loop somewhat.

Ian Brotherhood

@Tam Jardine –

You’ve got it in a nutshell.

Could be a busy day! Please keep checking here for other wee bits and bobs to be firmed up.


Hope you all have fabby dabby day on Saturday at Wings gathering in Glasgow.

Michael McCabe

I just thought like, on a day such as today we are likely thinking of what might have been.

So I’ll just leave you with this, see you all on Saturday those of you who are attending the next WOS met up anyway.

link to


So, looks like it’s all coming together nicely for Saturday!

I’ve done wee ‘Friends of Wings’ handouts for the marchers. If anyone wants to meet me and help distribute them I’ll be in Cathedral Square from 11.30am.

Also got a raffle book, so please spread the word for donations of prizes 🙂

Anyone who’s on twitter or Facebook could you help to circulate the ‘Friends of Wings’ advert please. Stu has retweeted it several times or you can find it on the Yes Rutherglen pages.

See you all on Saturday 😀



I want to send you something for the raffle. I’m not coming to the ‘do’ myself but I know a someone who is and can bring my donation along.

If you give me your email address I will forward details of who is coming and what I will be sending.

Dave McEwan Hill

Almannysbunnet at 7.40

With you there. We used it in local elections in Dunoon years ago

Paula Rose

Oh gosh I’m really having to dress up for this one – no more shrinking violet.



“got a raffle book, so please spread the word for donations of prizes”

Noted 😉

Paula Rose

We need a guest/visitors book to send to Rev Stu – I have an idea, bring pens, I have the book.

Scared cat

Hello everybody
Is there room for another wee one and if so, what are the arrangements?
I came to the thread late and I’m having trouble getting my head round what’s going on.
Seems like there might be a rally somewhere, followed by a meeting and a shindig at Waxy’s?
Sorry I’ve been a bit out of it of late.


Well this does look exciting.

What with Ian performing ‘as nature intended’ and Paula Rose opening her little book for public perusal!

I’ll be ‘winging’ my way south shortly.


@Ian Brotherhood ~

Aye aye, sounds like a plan, better suited with a natural unplugged sound. I may do one or twa, but we will have a professional player (whom some of you have already met) entertaining us all.

Gonna be a busy day/night tomorrow 🙂

Tam Jardine

Scared cat

There is the ‘All under one Banner’ march at 11.30am (setting off 12noon) from Cathedral Square to George Square- then some kind of rally in George Square. Inform Scotland are having a workshop in Waxy O’Connor’s from 3pm until 5.30pm and Wings shenanigans thereafter. Not sure how early I can get through but looks like being a good turnout from the number of confirmed names.

Ian Brotherhood

Not long now…

Stray Cats, ‘Rock This Town’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Up tae Glesga fur the day, eh?

Tony Christie, ‘Avenues & Alleyways’ –

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

A wee song for tomorrow, written by a Dundonian.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

The Trammps, ‘Disco Inferno’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

BDTT, I hear you brother, I’ll be humming that on the way home tomorrow.

But right now, I’m funking…

Oliver Cheatham, ‘Get Down Saturday Night’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Marvin Gaye, ‘Got To Give It Up’ (Soul Train) –

link to

Kishorn Commando

Here’s one for Paula Rose
link to

and another,
link to
Can’t wait to meet you a ghraidh.


Paula Rose

Gosh – I’m so looking forward to tomorrow, the lovely adorable Pete the Camera is going to give me a ride.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

If you’re determined to stick with ‘soul’, remember the wise words from this clip:-

“It can be truly said, the Americans have their soul singers and we English have arsehole singers.”

link to

Paula Rose
Ian Brotherhood



Average White Band, ‘Play That Funky Music White Boy’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Ooops, seems that wasn’t AWB, it was ‘Wild Cherry’?

Izat right BDTT? you know yer stuff – just saw some BTL comments on the YT clip…

Quentin Quale

Nearly time for the Saturday meet-up.

I’m On My Way – Dean Parrish
link to

Ian Brotherhood

The Commodores, ‘Brick House’ –

link to

Quentin Quale

Albert King – Red House
link to

Quentin Quale

Ian B & Brian dtt – a pint for each of you if you nail this dance routine tomorrow night!
link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

There was/is an urban ‘rumour’ that Wild Cherry’s song was about the Average White Band. I can’t find definitive proof.

However, Wild Cherry did support AWB in the US. See the paragraph that starts, “Throughout the history of rock…”, at the link below.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Quentin Quayle.

Re: your dance suggestion.

Do you, perchance, possess a velocipede that you can mount?

Ian Brotherhood

@Quentin Quale –


That’s fantastic stuff.

Love the bit just at the end where the two of them go a bit mental, perhaps in sheer relief that it’s nearly over.

Soo-perb, but you won’t see me attempting anything similar. Ever.

Michael McCabe

Hold back the Night. link to

Quentin Quale

Brian – guid yin!

If I did I’d follow Vivian’s advice and keep my clips on
link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Dundee bands…

Here’s a Dundee band who have played at umpteen pro-indy rallies and will be at the Barrowlands on 8th April.

This was recorded at the St Andrew’s Day gathering in Dundee on 30th November, 2014.

link to

Michael McCabe

Breaking down the walls. link to

Ian Brotherhood


Can anyone offer Cadogan Enright a crash tomorrow night after the WOS gig’s over? Someone in Glasgow?


Ian Brotherhood

This is for Cadogan, of this parish.

Come on now, where’s that Glasgwegian hospitality?

Marvin Gaye, ‘Wherever I Lay My Hat’ –

link to


Home again!
sigh 🙁
but I’m going to pick up a brand new car tomorrow hurrah! 🙂

liz Gray

How basic is he willing to go?????…..I have a place to crash because there’s nay tennents… cause there’s nay heating.
Clean though and in the West end.
Nay serial killers need apply.

Ian Brotherhood

@Liz Gray –

The man’s after a basic crash, a sofa, whatever…seriously.

He won’t mind me giving you his email, please please message him.


Ian Brotherhood

Curtis Mayfield, ‘Keep On Keepin On’ –

link to

Michael McCabe

Here is Ike & Tina Turner turning a blues song into a Northern Soul Song. And how good are the dancers. link to

Cadogan Enright


link to

And I’ll be heading back early Sunday Morning

Blanket and couch Ok if not too distant from Waxy’s !

Liz g

Cadogan Enright
Hi my Email is jiggerd so left a message on you’re Facebook..
At least I hope it’s your’s


Hi just saw that you left a number.
Will ring in the morning if you haven’t replied to or gotten my message’s
But don’t worry there is a place to crash if you need it.

Cadogan Enright


Grand thanks a lot

Proud Cybernat

Looking forward to meeting the Wingers again. See ya’ll soon.


Hi folks, there’s a few of us in Waxy O’Conner’s now – it’s a great wee space, so get down and get your seat!

liz g

Hi can someone at waxy O’Conners let Cadogan Enright know that I will be heading in in the next hour or so and not to worry I haven’t forgotten he needs a place to crash,just had to nip home.
The contact no he gave won’t go through.

Lenny Hartley

Woo Hoo , boat is sailing see y’all tonight 🙂

Cadogan Enright

@ liz G

Loads of folk here already and it’s 45 mins to start time


@ IanB and Brian dtt

Hi guys, gutted couldn’t make it today.
Hope you all have a great night!
Please let me know if you need reimbursed for the badges.

Thomas & Mary


Scunnered I can’t go, not only am I working tomorrow, I have the cough from hell, and didn’t get my new car today, (Tuesday the garage says) 🙁

But enjoy yourselves everyone. 🙂

Lenny Hartley

Great night brilliant to meet up again with some amazing people !
First time I have had more than one drink since Christmas. Hope I can make the next one, really going to enjoy the eggs I won on the raffle.

Feel energised , we are going to do this!


Home safe after a great day!

The raffle tonight raised £150 which is being donated to Independence Live – Thank you Thistle and friends for all your hard work, it is greatly appreciated, you are invaluable xx


Really great to put faces to names today.
I’ll try to lurk less & post more in future – you have been warned!

Craig Sheridan

Just back back to Livingston after a great day in Glasgow. The Independence March got rained on, but didn’t dampen the spirit and I even volunteered to steward to do my bit. The hi-viz jacket went to my head though as I ordered everything from an old women and a dog to stay on the right side of the road.

Waxy’s was fantastic and an incredible turnout for the Wings gathering, it was absolutely mobbed!

I tried to put as many names to faces as I could and had some really inspiring conversations so thanks for that, it made the night excellent. I know I would still have missed loads of people as there was just too many to get through!

Awesome people, inspiring ideas and a brimful of passion for a better country. I was left with the impression it’s going to be hard to fail to meet our goal. I’ll look forward to doing it all again. Turn that passion into hard work and we will have indie soon. Cheers.


I dreamed myself from the sultry plains
to the old green square back in old Maybole

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@abody who wuzz therr –



Waxy’s. Absolutely the best venue to play hide’n’seek.


Stu I hope you are paying yourself at least this….

link to


I was a Wingers virgin until tonight. Met lots of folk from the forum at Waxys, had great chats, got my badge from BDTT 🙂

Great night, and many thanks to those that made it happen.

Only bum note, was Ian B getting disappointed at the raffle.

Next time, Ian!!!

Ian Brotherhood

@cearc –

Sorry, again, it must’ve been a real pain for you, but hey, you got there and did it, and it wouldn’t have been the same if you hadn’t.




I may be buoyed up by the fact that I’ve just had a lovely day with Wings pals, or it may be that I’ve just remembered the magical free hour and I’m pushing my luck.

I could be about to subject myself to some serious hammers from the boss (unless he takes it as the compliment that I intend) – so, here’s an addition to IanB’s disco 😉 – great song, and does the singer remind you of anyone?!!!


Crap – I post at 1 o’clock thinking it’s going to be 12, and no, it’s 2!!
What age do you need to be before you get this scam figured out?

#MaterialChange 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruglonian –

That link isn’t live…

And, BTW, it’s quite obvious that the raffle was rigged. As far as I could tell, X-sticks won everything.

That’s not statistically viable.


Hey, it was fine, Ian.

Gillian, we did the the taxi timing just right this time!

Ian Brotherhood


This is going out to all the Glasgow wingers, as ye’s settle it all down and cuddle into your duvets, or what-ev-eeeer….

Oh aye…

Terry Prendergrass, ‘Turn Off The Lights’ –

link to =DSrEdpW3PoM


IanB – watch it, mention a rigged game and Stu’ll start investigating us!
(I can never seem to do links on my tablet, but I was worried about the hammers because of the insinuation of the comparison)

Cearc – we nailed the taxi setup this time 😀


Fantastic to see new names if not faces 🙁 at a wings night out, I’m really fed up that I missed it, but no doubt I’ll see you guys at the NEXT (cough) night out!


Great event yesterday folks. All I want to know is when the next one is happening 🙂 Hopefully I can stay a little longer next time.

Ian Brotherhood

Many thanks to everyone who bought me pints last night.

😉 xxx


Apols for not making it last night.. I had to take D to A&E after a minor accident. Now honda mend. I take it you got word ok.

Glad to hear Waxy’s was mobbed last night, sounds like ye’s had a braw time, def catch up at the next one!


Wish I’d been there last night as it sounds like y’all had another great Wings night. So looking forward to the next Glasgow WoW, which was mooted for after the election in May, when we will hopefully be celebrating another step in the demise of the rainbow Tories, blue, red + yellow. 🙂

As it’s Easter Sunday, this apt wee tune goes out to Wingers everywhere:
Roll Away The Stone by Mott the Hoople, (in case my link doesn’t work and you have to google it). 😉

link to


Shame you didn’t make it TJenny, still there will always be another chance. I vote for Yes City Dundee next time!

Good tune by the way 🙂


Hi Thepnr and thanks for tune appro. 🙂

Well wherever the next night out will be, I hope it’s somewhere I can get a latish train home.

xxs ’til next time. 🙂


Well, that was another braw Wings get together, in the words of the organiser “Hoots tae yez aw'”

@Ian Brotherhood says:

“it’s quite obvious that the raffle was rigged. As far as I could tell, X-sticks won everything.”

I only claimed the star prize – the signed Standard flag 😀

And if you want to win the raffle buy the tickets! 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@X-sticks –

Only joshing. I did buy two strips anyway. Probably as well I didn’t win any bevvy…


Kishorn Commando

Great night great company, Michael, Lynn, Cearc, Ian B, Ronnie etc. But the music, not a patch on Inverness pubs!
link to

Dave McEwan Hill

Talking of flags it’s time we started getting up more and more Saltires. They now are a powerful political statement.
We can get a 5ft x 3ft polyester SALTIRE (sleeved with two brass eyelets) to anybody in UK for £3.50 (which includes p&p)

A cheque to YES COWAL sent to Forward, 186 Argyll Street, Dunoon PA23 7HA will get you one by return.

Paula Rose

Hi Dave – can I put that on twitter?


Tell Ian B I shall donate another bottle of Glenmorangie to the next raffle so he has another chance to win one.

ALL other wingers
A great night and I look forward to the next one,- GLENROTHES or DUNDEE perhaps. As a wingers first timer it was wonderful to meet you all (or at least as many as I could)

Paula Rose- I said a few days ago that you were beginning to scare me. I was absolutely SPOT ON.

All the best to one and all and hope to see you at the next bash.



Kishorn Commando
In an earlier post I suggested Glenrothes or Dundee but having worked in Inverness for 12years until recently I would love an excuse to go back and renew old acquaintances in the Gellions,Tarry Ile, Glenalbyn and nunumerous other watering hole I used to frequent.

Bob Sinclair

Just coming up for air after last night’s shenanigans – as ever, a cracking night with great people & conversation (and I won a Wings Raffle) ?
Thanks all involved in organising. I’m sure Waxys didn’t know what hit them.



Somebody last night also mentioned the possibility of a WOS night in Inverness, I think it was Nanas husband Norman.

Sorry you couldn’t make it Nana, Inverness is a a good idea, we should bring WOS to you 🙂

Dave McEwan Hill

Paula Rose at 6.38

No problem


Just came across this on twitter courtesy of Bill Beattie
(@billbanjos)and thought you lot might like it:

Bobby Nicholson: It wisnae me

link to


Watched you lot at the WOS night and Cadogans talk re ideas

Don’t know if anyone else tuned in to Scotland’s phone-in on Northsound this morning but it was jaw dropping stuff.

The level of ignorance about Scottish affairs was the worst I’ve heard in a long while, worse even than K wi an E.

They’re showcasing all party leaders over the next five Sundays with Wullie Rennie on next week.

I tried calling in today to ask Patrick Harvie about something but didn’t get through.

Have looked for the audio but can’t locate.

From todays form it look like it’s going to be an uphill struggle folks.

Maybe some wingers would like to call in? I forget the number but they reapeat it throughout the show 11am – 1pmu

Somebody needs to put some sense into the programme.

Ian Brotherhood

Basement Jaxx, ‘Oh My Gosh’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Special thanks to Gillian and Heather for doing the raffle – great stuff. £150 goes to Indylive, and Gillian’s organising the payment.

Gillian also brought a stack of commemorative Friends of Wings beermats, many of which were secreted away – very special souvenirs.


Yes, Gillian, I secreted away a Wings Over Glasgow beer mat that is now in my little box of treasures together with my wee badge made specially for the night by Pete the Camera.

Thank you Gillian and Pete

Ian Brotherhood

Aye, as Thepnr rightly points out, the badges were a bit special too. Must’ve been a proper chore doing them all individually, but they’re braw.

Quinie frae Angus

What a braw night, as ever, with the Wings people. Loved seeing old faces and meeting new ones!

Thanks very much to Nana – in the raffle I won a beautiful blue ammonite-design necklace handcrafted by you, and I’m fair chuffed with it.

Thanks also to Pete the Camera, who escorted me right to my door in Carnoustie in his chariot, accompanied by Brian Doon-the-toon.

There really is nothing like Wings night for feeding the soul and fuelling the passion. For Indy, obviously!

Math Campbell

Was lovely to meet new folks yesterday (and reacquaint old friends). Very interesting chat about the Inform Scotland thing, look forward to seeing new media in Scotland…

Quinie frae Angus

Special thanks to Ian Brotherhood for organising it in the first place; Ruglonian and HevvaBeccyWoss (? I think?) for organising the raffle and the other treats.

There were others I would love to mention but I cannot remember their Wings “handles”!!

Ian Brotherhood

Yesterday, on Off The Ball, Stuart Cosgrove mentioned Joe Frazier being a pretty good singer. Here’s the song he liked:

Joe Frazier, ‘First Round Knockout’ –

link to

ronnie anderson

@ Ian Brotherhood You surpassed yourself wie that venue,ah always wanted tae visit ah higglie pigglie wendy hoose lol.

Im sorry I could,nt stay longer to talk to everyon but I have to shake of this bug.

Are Cactus n Dixie ok,did thay make it back.

Sos you did,nt make it Nana.


@Quinie frae Angus

I’m just surprised that you even remember being there LOL 🙂

ronnie anderson

@ Ruglonian & Heavabeccy

Thanks for the wee gifts Girls, the car sticker will be on my new vehicle on Tues, well new auld lol.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ronnie A –

Didn’t realise you were under the weather.

I have a vague memory of seeing and speaking to two of you, and you both looked well.

ronnie anderson

@ Ian Brotherhood Noo that goes doon in the annals of Wings Funnies lol.


@Ian Brotherhood

Nice wee clip of Frazier v Ali there in your earlier post.

It reminded me of the most extraordinary boxing match I’d ever seen. Ken Buchanan was undisputed World Lightweight Champion holding both the WBA and WBC titles.

This clip is not about Ken though, it is about the man that defeated him in 1972, Roberto Duran to become the Lightweight Champion.

Duran later defeated another great boxer in June 1980 after stepping up in weight, he beat Sugar Ray Leonard becoming World Welterweight champion which for many was a shock. There was a rematch in November of that year and then this happened!

The most astonishing thing I’ve ever saw in a boxing match, Duran “Hands of Stone” humiliated No Mas!

link to

Ian Brotherhood

There’s definitely something about being hungover and specific music – I’m a total sap for this, brings a tear to the eye every time.

Hamish Maccunn, ‘Land Of The Mountain & The Flood Overture’ –

link to

CameronB Brodie

Cadogan Enright
It was good to meet up in Glasgow, if very briefly. Wish we could have chatted longer, as I wish with everyone else I was fortunate to chat with. I don’t think I even managed to chat with a tenth of those attending. Next time, eh?

Re. print buying. I’ll set up an e-mail specifically to communicate with Inform Scotland. Until then, would it be indiscreet to ask what sort of project budgets you can envisage and how often would you think they would be launched?

ronnie anderson
I thought there was someone at the Glasgow bash who looked awfy like you. Is he a clipe as well? 🙂

ronnie anderson

link to

Chist fur you Paula Rose lol.

ronnie anderson

@ Cameron B Whit me clipein naw it must hiv been that ither fella that IanB seen lol.

Ian Brotherhood


Turns out Thistle and the Indylive peeps have been doing a wee bit moonlighting, eh?

Check this out:

link to


Any plans for a WOS meeting in Aberdeen?

Michael McCabe

Had a great time at the wings over Glasgow shindig. Met a lot of new people and some I had already met before. So would like to say Thanks for a Great day out. A Special Mention to Thepnr for making my Weekend a Memory I will carry with me Forever. Cheers Alex Anyway the title of this song is how I feel about you all. link to Lynn says she loves ye all


@Ian Brotherhood

Didn’t imagine I’d watch all 8 minutes of that but it was brilliant 🙂


@Michael McCabe

I knew you would post something different and a bit special. No way I would ever have seen that. Loved it.


Ian Brotherhood
Land of the mountain and the flood – used as Sutherlands Law theme in the days when BBC made decent programmes, it still brings a tear tae ma een – the music that is (not the effin bbc).

AN inspirational piece of Music!!!!

Ian Brotherhood

@chasanderson200 –


This is gonny appear properly sappy, big-time, but can you imagine Hampden, full, giving it the following, with a wee bit tweaking to the lyrics? It would be magnificent…

Dido, ‘White Flag’ –

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi peeps.

Finally got round to processing and uploading the pics from last night. They’re just general wandering about, clicking the button. Any artistic achievement is accidental.

Don’t know who the last guy is – he wandered in, asked where Paula Rose was, then made himself at home, as you’ll see. The pics are here:-

link to

I’ve got to say a big THANK YOU to X_Sticks for the wee present he gave me. It was much appreciated and will be well cherished.



Great, so glad you’ve offered to organise an Inverness do.

When’s it to be?


@Brian Doonthetoon

Some great pics there Brian 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Sometime in summertime for Inverness…

Kishorn – you could check out this venue:-

link to

Oh, and 6-7 weeks notice is good for booking hotel rooms and so on.



‘moonlighting’? Thistle pops out and does that before breakie in the morning.

CameronB Brodie

Brian Doonthetoon & Pete the Camera
I hadn’t spotted the detail in the badge design, without my glasses. Very funny. Thanks guys.

Ian Brotherhood

@Michael McCabe –

It was a great pleasure to meet you and Lynn and I hope we’ll meet again soon, wherever it may be.

Please convey my thanks to Lynn for the wee dance – there wasn’t much dancing going on, but I’m so glad I got the chance for a wee boogie before taking my Guinness-bloated body homeward. It was proper braw…

Ian Brotherhood

@cearc –

That’s why he has a lean & hungry look about him all the time. It’s the adrenaline rush, all that stuff…




Nah, just a wee bit of relaxed quiet time before gearing up to feed the weans.

Ian Brotherhood

@cearc –

Oor ain ‘Thistle’ is one of my (very few) real-life heroes.

I have two children, and if either of them turn out anything like him then I’ll die happy, job done.


Tam Jardine

Great night last night- thanks to all but especially Ian B.

Superb seeing so many friends and meeting some new ones. A few notable absentees… will hopefully catch up again soon.

CameronB Brodie

Ian Brotherhood
A wee thank you.

Wilko Johnson – Bottle Up & Go
link to


@ronnie anderson ~

Hi aye, we made it back eventually, was a long haul in the waiting room.. so looking forward to meeting up with all the past and present Wingers too, dangalas!

Ach well, here’s to the future.. our future.. Scotland’s future 🙂

‘Whiskey’ and You ~ Chris Stapleton (Genre: Country)
link to

Cheers everybuddy.

Betty Boop

@ Ronnie
@ Nana

Hope you are all feeling better now. Missed Nana at WOS Glasgow, but, had a good chat with Kishorn C. Same with Chipmonkey, but, good to see QQ.

Many happy wotsits Ronnie. x

Too many to mention, but, good to see so many Wings folks on Saturday. Inverness sounds good, but, can we make it “summer” whichever day that happens?

Betty Boop

@ CameronB Brodie

I’ll remember to wear a badge next time so you recognise me 😉

CameronB Brodie

Betty Boop
I’m so embarrassed. I don’t get out much and the night was a bit of a blur of faces. Hope you understand.

That’s my excuse anyway and I’m sticking with it. 🙂

Being a belt and braces sort though, I suppose you could get a badge and I’ll try not be so ignorant next time. 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@CamB –

Thanks for the name of that dude you gave me. Very interesting stuff.

And thanks for the Wilko – always a wee treat.


Doing a test cause my posts keep getting eaten!


Ok folks, I have been trying to post a link to our new promo video for crowdfunder asking if you will share it. I’ve only 2 days left and we are 63% funded.

Problem I have is I cant post link here for some weird reason. Its on “Scottish Independence Live Events” facebook page, pinned to the top!

If you can help it would be greatly appreciated!

Brian Doonthetoon

Let’s see if this link works, Kevin.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

It does.


Hi, just to let you know that I’ve donated the funds raised from our raffle on Saturday to Independence Live’s crowdfunder – £150, great job folks – but they’re still a bit away from their target with a day left 🙁

Now, to get Stu’s wee prezzie posted off 😉

Oh, that reminds me – John King & Jock Scot – I collected a few bits for you on Saturday, so DM me on Twitter and I’ll get them sent to you x



Just a thought. Have you got any bits left for Cactus who was so unfortunately stopped from being there?


A bit late I know but just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Glasgow, post rally, shindig. Great seeing everyone again and meeting new folks too. Special thanks to everyone who checked up on me when I was feeling rough (and to the lady who gave me chocolate). Sorry I gave you all a fright. I only had three drinks (honest). Been tucked up ever since with a lovely virus. Not sure if it was the virus, the heat or being overwhelmed with all the yes hotties surrounding me in one room 😉

Anyway, can’t wait till the next one and hopefully I’ll be fit and dancing again at it.

Luv ya all xxx

Ian Brotherhood

@Hevvabeccywoss –

Hope you’re feeling better now.

I hadn’t made the connection between your WOS name and real name, but have now.

Thanks again for all the work on Saturday, especially as you must’ve been feeling wretched. Ye’re a trooper!


@Betty Boop and everyone,

Not at all chuffed that I missed the get together. Finally feeling a better (if a tad wobbly).

Hope everyone is in fine form. see you in Inverness ?



@Ian Brotherhood

I was glad to help. Really pleased with how much we made for Indy live, just sorry you didn’t win a prize (maybe next time). I actually felt ok most of the night. Just really warm.

Thanks for finding the venue. Another successful event.

See ya soon


This song is undoubtedly a favourite of Nicola and Alex by one of the best female singers currently around.

It’s a favourite of mine too so unashamedly I’m posting it here for all you fellow travellers.

link to

It’s got the subtitles and the meaning is clear, the song is clearly all about Scottish Independence 🙂 Well at least pretty close.

“We could have had it all”

Next time. Eh!


LIVE 5PM: John McTernan being interviewed by Michael Gray.

Joint collaboration with Independence Live, KILTR and CommonSpace.

If you want to send questions goto the Indy Live livestream channel to watch, or goto KILTR channel.

We done it you know! Thank people for all the help with crowdfunder 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Here’s some popcorn r&b for all those who are happy that it is voters of another country, who determine Scotland’s future.

Ray Rivera – Troubles Troubles
link to

#DemocraticDeficit #Evolution #MassExtinctionEvent

Tam Jardine


Aye- a braw night out in Glasgow. I too have been a shadow of my former self ever since with all kinds of shitey symptoms. Nae blame!
Well done with the raffle- Thistle and the boys at indylive are doing a sterling job.

Take it easy- hope you are over the worst of it by now

Ian Brotherhood

@Tam Jardine –

‘Twas a real pleasure to finally meet you t’other night – thanks for the pint! That’s one I owe you.

I’m more determined than ever that we should have an open-mike night so that I can find out what you had up your sleeve!


Paula Rose

So that’s where my snake got to!

Brian Doonthetoon

So Nana and Kishorn Commando…

How are the plans for ‘Wings Over Inverness’ in the summer coming along?

link to

Tam Jardine

Ian Brotherhood

Was a pleasure Ian… will get round to posting something on that subject. I hate a build up… I lose confidence too easily.

Anyway- enjoy your week.

Watching Fellini’s 8 and a half on DVD: not sure what brought it to mind but was there ever a better film? I think I have yet to see one better. Salute

Ian Brotherhood

Just watched this right through…

Funny, aye, in parts, and huge nostalgia value, but what a fascinating document altogether.

Total Phd material, if it hasn’t been done already.

Great to see it gathered together like this.

‘The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town’ –

link to

Michael McCabe

is this where I left those Coconut Skins ? link to

Ian Brotherhood

Roxy Music, ‘Mother Of Pearl’ (live, 1974) –

link to

Paula Rose

Music for today…

link to

Paula Rose

Birthday boy…

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Have you ever see David Byrne in his big suit?

Talking Heads, ‘Girlfriend Is Better’ (live) –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

…and here he is more recently.

David Byrne & St. Vincent, ‘I Should Watch TV’ –

link to

Paula Rose

Battle of the DJs who are not talking to each other tonight – take that…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

My wee music offering for tonight…

A rare example of Scottish cross country dancing/Reggae fusion.

It’s an mp3 so you’ll probably have to click, download, then play.

Well worth the clicks…

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@PR & BDTT –


Brian Doonthetoon

The DEFINITIVE version of Paula Rose’s offering…

link to

Paula Rose

Played this at my Mum’s funeral…

link to


Hey Paula Rose funerals are always hard, good pick for your mum with Johnny Thunders 🙂 guess that was down to you.

I chose this for my fathers, fuck all these hymns.

link to

Paula Rose

Thepnr XXX

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr & Paula Rose,

It’s a touchy subject, but when I croak it I want my shell given to ‘medical science’, and some students can learn something.

If there’s a send-off for me I want abody to get properly plastered, and if they really feel the need to sing a song to ‘remember’ me and aw the rest that have gone before, they can do this – it’s brief and happy:


The Corries, ‘We’re No Awa ae Bide Awa’ –

link to

Paula Rose

Can I have first dibs Ian? Want to have a bit to remember you by.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Of course you can, and thanks for expressing an interest in the preservation of my mortal bits and bobs.

I will instruct my executors to allow you to have any part or parts of me which can be carried away in a Pringles tube. (I have a feeling that the bit you covet will not be thus transportable…)

Paula Rose

*waves* I’ve got a “smarties” tube at the ready.

Paula Rose

I won’t tell anyone it’s the normal size one rather than the Noel special.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Smarties’ is a Rowntree product.

This conversation is hereby terminated.

Paula Rose

Ooo touchy!

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

If you insist on using that container I can offer: my two wee-est toes; earlobes; twenty-five toenail clippings – all cocooned within approx 9 cubic centimetres of hairs.

That’s a fair shout, eh?

Paula Rose

Yes Dear *sharpens knife knowing all to well*

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Back off ya bam, ah’m no deid yet…

link to

Paula Rose

You will be if you listen to that twaddle.

Brian Doonthetoon

Aye, Ian B, you’re ‘Cock O’ The South-west’, iye?

link to

Paula Rose

All I do is in vain…

link to

Ian Brotherhood



I remember singing that, as a very wee wean:

Aunty Mary had a canary
Up the leg ay her drawers
And when she farted
Doon it darted
Poor Auntie Mary!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Typing about childhood rhymes…

We were singing this at an early age:-

Nairobi, Nairobi,
Sittin’ in the loabie,
Playin’ wie yir t…..

So I checked on YouTube. I was six or seven. Already corrupted.

link to


Powrie Brae berry picking songs of the 50s and 60s! We had sweary word versions of almost every chart song of the day.
Who can ever forget the opening line of the Manfred Man song –
“On our plot I got my #@£% off a flamingo”.
Fill in the missing word to suit yourself.

No song was safe but we had to be careful in case there were any family groups out nabbling(berry picking) for the day.

We ended up banned from a few farms which impacted badly on our cash flow so that we had no money to go to the Royal or the Broadway at night.

Happy daze indeed.

Paula Rose

The latest from the adorable Yew Choob…

link to


@Paula Rose

Thanks for that, saw your shoes too 🙂

Jock Scot, Nicola might gie ye a medal for that timely one. Hope you and Ninja are doing well.


@Ian Brotherhood

I haven’t even thanked you yet for organising the last do, so here’s my wee dedication to you.

It’s meant as a compliment and you’ll like the pictures too, well at least I did, now I’m just assuming mutter mutter mutter….


Would have been a good idea to include the link 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

Hoots mon, that was a good one.



I reckon I’m getting really soft as I get older.

So just to show a bit of a harder edge haha here’s Lemmy with Hawkwind years before Moterhead came into existence.

link to

Paula Rose

Wouldn’t be the same would it…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

An almost prescient offering from Yew Choob there.

Good stuff, Jock and Ninja!


Never knew the B52’s did ‘Paperback Writer’…


And the first person seen on stage in the Hawkwind video is Stacia… She got Hawkwind banned from the Caird Hall for ever more, for dancing around on stage in the nuddie. Scandal in the Courier next day, with various councillors suffering from apoplexy.

It was a great night!


That brought a wee smile to my face, still listening to it while I type this lol.

Hows this for nostalgia?

link to


Hey BDTT I would love to hear more about Stacia 🙂

Sure it’s the same lassie? lol

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Thepnr.

Stacia was a legend. At the Caird Hall, she came on stage first in a kaftan then, later in the gig, came on stage without it.

“Stacia joined the band in 1971; however accounts vary as to how and why she began working with the band. Liner notes to In Search of Space indicate that poet and lyricist Robert Calvert recruited her for live shows; other sources state that she was a friend of Nik Turner, saxophonist and flautist for the band.

In 2012, Turner told Mojo Magazine, “I met Stacia for the first time at the Isle of Wight… She said, “Can I dance with you?” and I said, “Yeah, but you must take off all your clothes and paint your body.” She took all her clothes off but unfortunately I didn’t have any body paint. That was like her audition.””

That’s from the Wikipedia page.
link to

As far as I’m aware. Stacia was their ‘interpretative dancer’ at the time of the Caird Hall gig. See also,

link to

Here’s a quote from it:-

“37 years ago, in July 1972, Hawkwind played a gig at the Caird Hall that resulted in them being banned from Dundee straight after the show!

What caused the commotion was not so much the band, but their female dancer, Stacia, who liked to perform naked on stage. The concert, surprise surprise, made the headlines next day and produced a rather amusing sideshow.
It turns out that they had actual procedures in place at Caird Hall to prevent such an “incident” occurring, but it didn’t go to plan on the night.”

It’s worth reading the rest of that article and the btl comments.

Paula Rose

Boys could you please tidy up.

Jock Scot


Thanks to BDTT for giving me a kick up the ass. The amount of scrolling that I had to do was shocking and even a guid thrashing or stroking from Paula couldn’t cleanse me. Sorry I missed Glasgow but the YEW CHOOB initial idea regarding Care in the Community has encompassed me since November in a way I could never have imagined. Hope you are all well. @Thepnr, a bar of chocolate or a ‘fancy’ coffee would be fine from Nicola. Ninja is as sharp as ever as can be heard.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Jock.

You typed,
“Thanks to BDTT for giving me a kick up the ass.”

I’m lost. How did I do that?

Michael McCabe

Hope you are all having a link to


Sorry this is really off-topic but just wanted to tip you off that I think I know who NeoconNat is, posting on the other thread. He used to post on Bella Caledonia under various pseudonyms such as the GreatBigHoo or whatever.

I lost count of the number of times he changed his pseudonym. He was very tiresome and just came on to be belligerent and contemptuous. I recognise the aggressive attack and the same constantly re-iterated themes. His sole object seems to be to berate those whom he identifies as lefties. People stopped engaging with him on Bella since there was no debate just an excuse for him to indulge his aggressive views in safe forums.

Just a warning. Don’t indulge him. Ignore him, he is simply there to insult and denigrate. He begins by purporting to be something he is not – in this case, a Nationalist! That’s how he tempts people in.

Sorry to interrupt your conversation, just thought it as well to warn people who post on Wings. Some of you might have twigged anyway from his postings on the main thread.

Ian Brotherhood

@JGedd –

Cheers for the heads-up. He’s a tiresome prick right enough…

Paula Rose

Sure is – that’s why I’m sitting here playing on twitter.

Ian Brotherhood

If you’re in the mood to have your spine tingled, this is the very dab…

Gil Scott-Heron, ‘Me And The Devil’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Old art-school buddy worked in’t Glasgow shipyards with a guy whose nickname was ‘The Exorcist’ – you knew if he’d been in your house cause all the spirits would’ve disappeared.

Moms Mabley, ‘Hide The Whiskey’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

Have you posted this before?

This may be a different version…

Thin Lizzy, ‘Whiskey In The Jar’ –

link to

Michael McCabe
Jock Scot


You got in touch via Facebook which prompted me to…och Bri, remember I’m the Choob.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Jock.

That must have been ages ago? I thought you meant in the past few days. All I’d done recently was post the link to your latest video on three pro-indy FB pages.

CameronB Brodie

It’s funny how the previously undesirable often becomes appealing when unobtainable, or maybeez not. I can’t make my mind up.

Painted Ship – Frustration
link to


This week’s theme song:
“Offshore Banking Business” by The Members (1979)
link to

It’s only taken the corporate media THIRTY-BLOODY-SEVEN YEARS to catch up with a punk band from Surrey!

Ian Brotherhood

For some this will be memory-lane material. For most others it’ll just be a record of misery.

‘Glasgow’ by Raymond Depardon –


@Ian Brotherhood

Not much has changed even now I suspect, sure there may be better housing now with less damp, overcrowding etc. There is no means testing for those that were desparate as there was then. I would never argue though that for those in the video anything much has really improved.

For many, it could even be worse now what with benefit sanctions and foodbanks abundant, yet Labour have been in charge in Glasgow for a gazillion years and so little has changed.

It’s time for change, time for the average Scot to demand change and make a real difference. I believe we are on that road.

Glaswegians are well known for fighting governments in their demands for better throughout history, look at the Red Clydesiders for example. Some progress of course was made in terms of welfare and the NHS but for decades now it seems we have been going backwards in terms of progression.

The fight for Independence has changed that backwards progress, there is a lot at stake. I trust Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond to deliver. I’m determined to do what I can to help them achieve that. Once free of the shackles of Westminster rule a new debate will begin, this is one of the reasons that I am currently pissed off with RISE who would rather fight the SNP and that’s before the job is even done.

Independence is the ONLY way to make a difference, until then there is nothing but Tory rule Red or Blue, bias media lying through their teeth and rich tax dodging troughers feeding on the flesh of the poorest.

I detest the UK political system and those it serves. I detest the Bullingdon Boys. I detest Eton, Harrow, Oxford and Cambridge.
I detest the cronyism for those that graduate from these places and I detest the nepotism in big business, the media and banking.

Voting Yes meant getting rid of all that in Scotland and starting anew. At least that is what I believe. I believe because I think for a while at least people like us will make sure of that.

I don’t mind dreaming of a better future even if labelled a dreamer.

Paula Rose

@ Thepnr – I’d call it being a realist, dreamers believe in the Union.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Paula Rose – Maths lesson? You mean to say that I spent valuable curry cooking time looking for unsolveable quadratic equations? 🙂

On a more pertinent note re. boxes of 240? wee black books. Does anyone know the weight per box? I have a desire, nay ah fetish which involves pulleys and soft ropes.

The reason for my question is thinking ahead to a very quick and intensive distribution of the WBlackB as far as the Highlands & Islands. [Oft forgot]. Weight would determine axle loading blah blah blah.

Hope u are well brother.


Paula Rose

Good point – kendomacaroonbar’s print run was packaged the same way and was the same weight – he could probably tell you.


Each box is around 10 to 11kg so fairly heavy.

Paula Rose

Forgot to say – Or ask our resident engineer.


@Paula Rose

Actually calculated it as 10.8kg without the cardboard but was too shy to say 🙂



The Wee Black Book is being printed in our A4 iScot Magazine May issue.

To guarantee a copy you need to order via our website as we are not in a position to print speculative copies due to the cost of production.

We are offering large discounts to those who wish volume purchases – again – details are on the website.

The Rev has made the artwork available for download free of charge (62 pages A5) the iScot WBB will be a double front coverA4 (WBB = 20 pages) – beautifully printed in a quality finish – something that will be a limited edition keepsake

The box of 50 will be 15 Kilos per carton –

E mail me at ken(at)iscot(dot)iScot if you have any questions.

Yours aye


Paula Rose

Light under a bushel time again?


Which reminds me lol.

link to


Thought i should play an Off Topic clip specially for the Rev. Yeah I’m a sook but think you’ll like it too.

link to


Ken your post took a wee while to appear or I missed it.

Are you saying that the WBB2 will be the entire edition of the May magazine or a supplement or part of the magazine?



The WBB2 will be printed within our may issue. Our magazine is larger than the a5 format of the wwb so we have designed it to fit into 20 pages which will be printed upside down at the back in order that we will have 2 front covers in one magazine – the iScot and at the back and upside down will be the wbb which will have its own front cover(the back page) Hope that makes sense 🙂



Nope it makes no sense at all but I believe you know what your doing 🙂

Well done again as you will likely be the first to get the WBB2 in print. Might have to buy another subscription for my sister who is moving back from England to Scotland.

Keep up the GREAT work.



Alex, Hold a book in both hands – you are looking at the front cover (iscot mag)

Now, turn the mag over (still with the spine in your left hand) – that will be the front cover of the WBB two books for the price o wan in wan book 🙂


OK got it lol. Two for the price of one depending what side you look at?

When do the mags get delivered, is it before the election?

Paula Rose

I’m presuming it’s the May edition.


@Paula Rose

Yes we ship at the end of the April


I wish I’d got ma subscription of iScot before now, cause it’s brilliant! It’s so good to have a quality magazine in yer actual hands, it’s no the same reading articles online.

Just been reading the many interesting articles in April’s issue. I have a couple of close friends who are archeologists and have been very immersed in projects all over Scotland, perhaps I can suggest (to them) that they write something for iScot and contribute to edumacatin’ us aw on some of their projects, ongoing and past?

Jist a thought 🙂

I’ll be recommending them to get subscriptions too…(forcing them actually…in a kinda persuasive relentless manner 😉 )

Great stuff Ken.


I think it will be great to have it in the magazine. It can be given to people outwith a political context.

Folks who may not be so receptive to a political booklet.




Jock Scot


I only saw your FB comment about a half an hour before I posted here so time got in the way,(or Labour if you tangentially jump in on the IB and Thepnr exchange) and whilst I am doing an impersonation of Willie Rennie flip-flopping…
@Ken.. I seem to remember going thro’ a subscription process but I have also been missing from your sub list. I’ll make amends.

Hi..everyone else..hope you are all well.

Paula Rose

Waves ecstatically at JockScot cos he is my babe!


Not much to say, just dropping off a music link before heading off to sleep.

Dedicating this one to the “North Britain Labour Party Branch Office”.
The title seems oddly appropriate for them!

link to

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