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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. Dave Robb says:

    definitely o/t – I don’t want to login to any TV or newspaper site, but having had to sit through 2 depressing episodes of the latest Scandanavian noire (my wife is a fan of any detective type stuff), I would just like a brief rant.

    I HATE all “rubber gun” memes – the hero’s gun is always knocked out of his hand, the plod in the station always does something stupid to let the nasty guy escape, torches always go out in the tunnel/mine/cave/dark scary place, radios and mobile phones always fail when you need them, the bad guy always gets back up for a final dramatic arm round the girl moment.

    I imagine writing a script where the hero is assembling his task force to take on the villains: “Don’t any guns guys, you’ll just lose them – Oh,leave your torches behind – they don’t work in the dark – don’t take your radios – they only work in the precinct/station”.

    Just once I would like a bit of sophistication in the drama.

    Deutschland 83 stretches credibilty to the limit, but at least it does so with a bit of black humour.

    Just once I would like to see the heroine not only hit the bad guy to make her escape, but to kick him in the nuts, hit him 2-3 times over the head with a very heavy object, and dance on/break all his fingers so that he won’t be able to pick up the knife/gun, put her in a headlock and waste another couple of minutes of my life.

    Sorry – rant over!


  2. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Dave Robb –

    Hear ye mister –

    It’s all shite, no matter how stylishly produced, and is the equivalent of Victorian ‘penny-dreadfuls’ – nothing more than titillation for the dim-witted and those who consciously enjoy being temporarily frightened as a respite from endless boredom.

    No-one in Scotland should be proud of what we’ve produced to assist the persistent spread of this genre, in whatever medium – it mirrors and bolsters broader mainstream narratives aimed at terrorising ‘ordinary’ citizens. And it works – they wouldn’t waste so much talent and cash on it otherwise.

  3. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Valentine’s Day pressie for Paula Rose –

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      I’m wiping tears from my eyes – you are all so lovely, Ian I have a special something for you when next we meet. Oi the effing thread has effing done it again!

  4. Paula Rose says:

    I’ve just found all my Dusty Springfield singles down the back of the sofa! I wonder how they got there – now which shall I play first?

  5. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    For Paula Rose…

    link to

  6. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Another for Paula Rose…

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  7. Oneironaut says:

    *whistles innocently, waves at Paula Rose and posts up a music link before rushing out the door…* 🙂

    link to

  8. yesindyref2 says:

    I think I’ve had enough posting against idiots for days so this is probably relevant to stupid attacks on SLPs as though tax havens are all Scotland’s fault, including the uninformed idiot who wrote the article.

    link to

    And here’s something old making full use of stereo which I didn’t have at the time.

    link to

    Again for that stereo side to side when I did (best I could find and you need to push the bass down and the treble up):

    link to

    And finally best heard with a pair of Celestion Dittons clamped to the ears lying on the ground with the volume up, some good friends, wine, and the door locked so the neighbours can’t get in and annoy you:

    link to

  9. Michael McCabe says:

    @ yesindyref2 Good sounds you linked there. Cheers. Just thought I would Leave a wee mellow track here. link to

  10. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Watched your Darren Brown chess trick over on the main thread. Was like, absolutely no way! But when he explained how he done it, you have to admire the guy.

    This one came up next, even more extraordinary in my view. More than than extraordinary, simply unbelievable and mind boggling.

    link to

  11. yesindyref2 says:

    That’s done it, got rid of my narkiness at last. Nothing to do with Valentines’s that was fine though I guess some people’s wasn’t. Yes, that was a whole album you could just put on without ever feeling the need to get up and skip a track. Hard even to pick a favourite, it just flowed.

    For some odd reason I never bought an album by these though I can’t think of any songs I don’t like offhand:

    link to

  12. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Didn’t have time to watch that last night, but just have – fantastic stuff. 🙂

  13. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Following on from yesindyref2’s most recent post…

    I’ve always been a sucker for organ/keyboards (‘Down In The Glen’ by Robert Wilson was probably my first exposure to the sound of the organ) and yesindyref2’s Doors post led me to this…

    Staying with The Doors: listen to the organ work in this:-

    link to

    Then two from around 10 years later, showing the keyboard influence from 1967. Here’s the first:-

    link to

    Lastly, an offering from a Dundee band, from around the same time as the previous link:-

    link to

  14. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    BTW: here’s the Robert Wilson offering, from the mid/late 50s:-

    link to

  15. Stoker says:

    Goodbye folks. Love you all. Look after our Rev!
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  16. Stoker says:

    link to

  17. Stoker says:

    I know most of you will not get this but if you’re a Scottish football fan, try and pay attention to this, only 2 clubs really wanted to sink these feckin cheats and CELTIC wasn’t one of them, Here’s to the Dons and the Arabs.

    “Scottish” football is rank rotten…..FACT!
    link to

  18. Stoker says:

    I really now have to go…take care Wingers and look after our Rev.
    Rev, thanks for everything and Christoon, thank you.
    link to

  19. Thepnr says:

    Hey Stoker your going nowhere! At least I hope not.

    This is a wee family here on Wings and especially on Off Topic. You stick around so as you reap the reward you efforts are due.

    Long way to go and we can’t afford anyone to fall by the wayside.

    Be seeing you soon.

  20. Stoker says:

    Take care folks! Love you all!
    link to

  21. Stoker says:

    Thanks ‘A’ but i have to. I appreciate your words, thank you.
    Look after yourself and keep the fires burning.
    I’ll keep my end up, take care pal.

  22. Thepnr says:


    Wee tune for you buddy.

    link to

  23. Stoker says:

    Thank you ‘A’ – i really appreciate that and Michael’s on 9th Feb @ 2.19am – love you all, thank you, take care.
    link to

  24. yesindyref2 says:

    link to

    All the best

  25. yesindyref2 says:

    On the theme of the last one, my favourite of his

    link to

  26. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Stoker I don’t know where you are off to? But until you are back among us. I hope this link will make you Smile and Warm your Heart. And Everyone a Scotsman. Haste ye Back. link to Aye till I die.

  27. Paula Rose says:

    Stoker Dear I’m keeping a chair empty for you xx

  28. CameronB Brodie says:

    Best of luck Stoker.

    Presbyterian Wahhabis….from a chicken? Here’s one for all the civil servants and party apparatchik behind Project Fear. Talk about evil! All for a good utilitarian cause?

    The Cramps – God Monster
    link to

    #neverenoughfuzz 🙂

  29. Thepnr says:

    A theme might be good?

    Since the Rev has just tweeted that we can look forward tomorrow to THE SNPBAD FILES, I thought #BAD might be a good theme.

    Something for starters and not something you might expect normally from me. Full of surprises eh! 🙂

    link to

  30. Thepnr says:

    That first link was for a Scottish band, in the interest of balance here’s a #BAD one from North London LOL.

    link to

  31. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ll not cow-tow to your arbitrary authoritarianism.

    New to me but still kind of on theme though. 😉


    Altitude – Badada
    link to

    Well, what do you expect from a separatist who chooses to break from the center and willfully become “other”?

  32. Thepnr says:

    Hey CameronB

    I would never dream of you cow-towing to anyone 🙂

    Who was that band, never heard them before. The sound is a bit young for me now but something I’m sure I’d have liked in my twenties.

  33. Michael McCabe says:

    Did Somebody say Bad. link to

  34. CameronB Brodie says:

    I ain’t got a Scooby, mate, I just though, nah and went looking on youtube. 🙂

    Bit young for me as well but I thought they did well to make a sad song sound up-beat. It’s a happy sound about bad feelings. That’s gotta work. 😉

    Anyway, I didn’t want to be accused of being one dimensional. Next step Yooonery….

  35. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Well WTF! What can I say? That started with a wee smile on my face then the grin just got bigger and bigger until I was laughing 🙂

    The guy that put the music together with the video deserves a 10/10 so do you. Just excellent. Thanks LOL.

  36. Michael McCabe says:

    It is always Good Company in here. Aint it. link to

  37. CameronB Brodie says:

    Alternatively. 🙂


    Gray – Badada
    link to

    OK, I’ll stop now. Honest. It’s a solemn vow.

  38. Thepnr says:

    Now this is BAD very BAD but that was the point of the song and it makes a change from An American Werewolf in London.

    link to

  39. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    OK, I’ll dip my bad toe in.

    A Dundee/Perth band, members of which went on to form the Average White Band.

    BTW: ALP Records was the label of ‘Andy Lothian Promotions’. This is from 1966, a Paul Simon song…

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  40. Thepnr says:

    @CameronB Brodie

    Hahahaha you twat!

  41. CameronB Brodie says:

    Takes one to ken one. 😉

  42. Thepnr says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    You really are a fount of knowledge when it comes to music from the 60’s 70’s and 80’s especially with Scottish connections. I’m surprised that song wasn’t a hit.

    Before its time I’d guess.

  43. Michael McCabe says:

    I usually get stuck after 2 songs. link to

  44. Paula Rose says:

    Away to feed the hens – ridiculous.

  45. Michael McCabe says:

    Last one on the Bad theme from me. Hoping CameronB Likes this one. link to

  46. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Hey, if he can become a superstar then it’s certain Scotland can become Independent.

    Here’s a BAD video directed by Martin Scorsese, I’m sure you know already who the singer is? Oh! and watch out for “undiscovered” actor Wesley Snipes.

    OK for those with a short attention span Part 1 is the “story” no music just a story and it’s 8 minutes long.

    link to

    If you don’t have much better to do then watch it, the film is by Scorsese after all and chances are you have never seen it before.

    if you just want the music then straight to part 2 would be best 🙂

    link to

    I watched both, plenty time on my hands.

  47. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    Whatsup? Never been bad?

  48. CameronB Brodie says:

    You have impeccable taste Michael and I so wish I could move like that. 😉

  49. Michael McCabe says:

    let the Sunshine in. link to

  50. Thepnr says:

    Looks like we have given up the #BAD theme. Suits me.

    Here is something to consider, it is really bad but doesn’t mention bad. We have all this footage from the past but none from the present.

    Why is that I ask myself? Well I know the answer as well as you reading here do, we are being robbed of the truth of what is going on and there is not much we can do about it while we are still part of the UK.

    Independence is a must if we want change from this. Don’t think Vietnam, just think Syria, Iraq and Libya.

    link to

    This is not just about fighting for Independence, it’s bigger than that.

  51. CameronB Brodie says:

    Syria: The Final Act Begins

    By John Wight
    It bears emphasizing: the only moderates fighting in Syria are the troops of the Syrian Arab Army, made up of Sunni, Shia, Alawite, Druze and Christians. They and their allies comprise the forces of non-sectarianism in the country and the region, engaged in a pitiless conflict against the most reactionary and retrograde current of extremism the world has seen since Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were rampaging across Cambodia.

    Of course, it should never be forgotten that Thatcher sent the SAS to Cambodia, to train the Khmer Rouge in how to be good terrorists. Just like what they did with the ‘moderate Jehadies’ in Libya.

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  52. Thepnr says:

    @CameronB Brodie

    I’m ignorant and if I am I guess there are more who are even more ignorant.

    All I know is that bombing is wrong and solves nothing. Nothing.

  53. CameronB Brodie says:

    Nothing at all, other than yo satisfy the shareholder demands of weapons manufacturers, such as BOAE/BBC.

    Until 1989, the British role in Cambodia remained secret. The first reports appeared in the Sunday Telegraph, written by Simon O’Dwyer-Russell, a diplomatic and defence correspondent with close professional and family contacts with the SAS. He revealed that the SAS was training the Pol Pot-led force. Soon afterwards, Jane’s Defence Weekly reported that the British training for the “non-communist” members of the “coalition” had been going on “at secret bases in Thailand for more than four years”. The instructors were from the SAS, “all serving military personnel, all veterans of the Falklands conflict, led by a captain”.

    link to

    ….Arms and other other aid only went to the non-communist groups, they said. The Khmer Rouge had changed and was now genuinely popular in some areas, they ventured. While the film “The Killing Fields” made many people aware of the horrors of Khmer Rouge rule, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told a British children’s TV show in 1988 “There’s a much, much reasonable grouping within that title, Khmer Rouge…who will have to play some part in the future government.”

    The British elite military unit the SAS were later revealed to have trained their fighters.

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  54. Macart says:

    Will there be a Wings gethigither before the election?

  55. Thepnr says:


    Definitely, why don’t you arrange one? Just kidding, there will be one though of that I’m sure. See you there hopefully.

  56. Oneironaut says:

    “…we can’t afford anyone to fall by the wayside.”

    Hey, I’ve lived by the wayside all my life and I’m not about to move. Got a very nice little hermit’s cave here…

    Anyways, thought I’d post up another music link.

    link to

    We’re all just the cracks in this castle of glass… 😉

  57. Thepnr says:

    Hello Oneironaut

    Nice to see you back, can’t be sure but it may be that we are all getting together again for a reason. Looking forward to May 🙂

  58. Macart says:


    Good to know. I’ll keep my eye on O/T. 🙂

  59. Paula Rose says:

    Macart dear do remember to bring some music next time – this lot are driving me mad with their heavy metal and obscure yodelling.

  60. Macart says:


    A taster. 🙂

    link to

  61. Paula Rose says:

    Sanity restored.

  62. Nana says:

    It’s great to see all the new names on the main thread these last few weeks.
    Sometimes it’s difficult to keep up with all the comments.

    Nice to sit back and relax with a wee tune in off topic.

    link to

  63. Paula Rose says:

    Put your feet up Nana Dear – have a glass of wine.

  64. yesindyref2 says:

    And on that theme …
    link to

    Doncha just love it?

    Time for the guys just to sit back, chew some baccy, have an ice cold, and let them get on with it.

  65. cearc says:

    Nice one, Macart.

  66. Paula Rose says:

    Business as usual Indyref2 then?

  67. yesindyref2 says:

    Too right Paula, with all these vastly superior women around, what’s a man to do?

    Know his place! Shame for those that don’t …

  68. Paula Rose says:

    Lift your legs I need to hoover round here.

  69. yesindyref2 says:

    OK, sorry, I was just putting on a track for calm down dear Dave.

    link to

  70. Macart says:


    Gets my vote.:)

  71. Nana says:

    Goodnight everyone, the latest poll sure looks good.

    link to

  72. Quinie frae Angus says:

    Hi peeps

    Just calling in here for two minutes to TOTALLY SOUND OFF about the fact that I am absolutely DISGUSTED and INCREDULOUS with the hating, hypocritical, sneering contempt that so many Scottish journalists hold us in (by “us” I mean Indy supporters, SNP voters, Wings readers. Oh, they sneer and show the palm of their hands to Wings readers most of all).

    Twitter tonight is going mad with the bile and sneering.

    I can hardly stand it. Feel like throwing in my NUJ membership, I really really do.

    Thanks everyone. I needed that.

  73. Paula Rose says:

    QfA Honey – calm calm breathe deeply, RT any I’m free for the next 1/2 hour.

  74. yesindyref2 says:

    @Quinie frae Angus
    (Mattie’s) What a Rag (apologies to Gerry Rafferty and daughter)

    link to

  75. yesindyref2 says:

    They’re losing, they know it, it’s going to get worse, and the more we mess with their heads, the better.

  76. Quinie frae Angus says:

    Thanks for that – lovely and calming. Had forgotten all about that song.

    @Paula Rose
    Thanks honey, would do but am off to bed now. Have an early rise to spend the day with that extremely elderly man I think I told you about? Want to be up sharp and bushy-tailed because he’s a gentleman – and an ardent independence supporter – and deserves nothing less.

    Night night all. Love my Wingy comfort zone! xxx

  77. Oneironaut says:

    Well I’m mostly here because Ian kept asking me to come back to Off Topic. And the nearest I can get to that is posting occasional music links.

    Otherwise, back to living my previous hermit-like existence again…

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  78. yesindyref2 says:

    This one’s for me because I need it. Two small mistakes posting today nearly losing the bigger point. AG cleaned up after me on one thread, but the other’s sitting there. DDM’s done it the odd time but doesn’t post so often. What a pain.

    link to

    I need a break!

  79. Thepnr says:


    Good tune, do what your brain is telling you. Have a wee break, nothing will have changed before you come back. Fact is you can work too hard and you can be burnt out.

    At times, that’s important. You just need to recognise those times. Have had the odd blue day myself.

  80. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    You’re right enough there, re: burn out, Thepnr.

    The past couple of weeks, I’ve been reading all the comments btl but posting rarely, except for ‘off-topic’.

    There are so many Wingers now, that whatever you feel you want to type, has already been typed.

    A ‘watching brief’ keeps one sane…

  81. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Watching the prog on BBC2 about Liverpool and the lady organiser mentioned the ‘goosebumps’ as the military band played “Sailing” with no vocals.

    Yep, another Scottish Song, written by Gavin Sutherland, appropriated for UKOK. Here’s the original from 1972…

    link to

  82. yesindyref2 says:

    Thanks for that. Had a cup of tea, I always admit when I’m wrong, so went back and posted like “I’m wrong and you’re wrong” with an explanation. Sorted 🙂

    Yes, fiscal framework probably done one way or another tomorrow, so I’ll try to stay off the weekend or more. Help!

    The odd post here maybe, feet up, bit company, tunes ..

  83. Thepnr says:

    Here’s one you may not have seen yet.

    Elton John, Queen and Axle Rose?

    link to

  84. yesindyref2 says:

    That turned out well, he still wouldn’t admit being wrong at all so I win, even got an upvote already. End of that. Sutherland Brothers I’d forgotten them. Can’t say one version’s better, Rod Stewarts’s is different. like two tunes.

    For some reason I thought of this one, be prepared to eject not everyone’s taste

    link to

  85. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Good to see that one with auld Axl giving it big licks, whirling about like a dervish in his kilt.

    Good too to see the bold Oneironaut back in town.

    Have been trying to catch up – what’s the story with Stoker?

    Hoots all.

  86. Thepnr says:

    Ian the songs have went right downhill since you and the lovely rose have been missing.

    We need something, anything. (I’d like one of the old ones) 🙂 🙂

  87. Paula Rose says:

    I’m bloody well having to re-paint the place, now put those effing fags out.

  88. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    ‘Put those effing fags out’


    That is extraordinary.

    I always smoke in the garden – or in the greenhouse if the weather happens to be inclement – but was just having a fly one in the room when I checked-in there…

    Please tell me you’re not staring into a big glass ball with a paisley-patterned scarf ower yer heid, watching me every move…


  89. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    How bout dis?

    T-Rex, ‘Jeepster’ (live) –

    link to

  90. Paula Rose says:

    *kicks off heels and bops*

  91. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Bliss, sleep easily tonight 🙂

    @Paula Rose

    Ah? you just don’t want me to wake up eh? Love it 🙂

  92. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    “Good too to see the bold Oneironaut back in town.”

    Well, like I said, I’m not so much back in town, as just strolling in for an occasional visit, bringing music links with me.

    As for today’s link…
    I was going to dedicate “Strumpet” by My Life Story to JK Rowling, but thought if I did she’d probably throw another tantrum and sue me.

    So instead, something a bit more mellow, dedicated to someone else in my life whom I consider more worthy of having things dedicated to them.

    link to

    Peace, Love and Oreos to all…

  93. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Cameron in Europe, Battle For Britain etc.

    Aw man, let’s just get this one right out of the way:

    Team America, ‘I’m So Ronery’

    link to

  94. yesindyref2 says:

    Scotland Bill more than Cameron Dave, not easy finding a good recording.

    link to

    Here’s to Scotland Bill, when will we see your like again.

  95. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Black Keys, ‘Lonely Boy’ –

    link to

  96. Ian Brotherhood says:

    They’re calling it a ‘Four Shirt’ mission for Cameron. Fair do’s, but how many pairs of Y’s will he go through?

    Gorillaz, ‘All Alone’ (live) –

    link to

  97. DerekM says:

    this one is my message to styfumbler(sorry woosie im pinching that one)

    Warning this song contains bad language

    Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias

    link to

    lol one from my youth

  98. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Can anyone imagine what David Cameron might possibly have in common with Group Captain Douglas Bader?

    Here’s a snippet of an interview with the latter, from the very early sixties. Feeling my age after watching that cause I recognise the interviewer! 🙁

    link to

  99. Paula Rose says:

    More Y Los Trios – thank you xx

  100. Thepnr says:

    An old favourite. Dancing don’t get much better than this!

    Soul Train. James Brown SEX MACHINE 🙂

    link to

  101. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Dem mainland Europeans think Cameron’s just so coooool…

    Jay Hoad, ‘Island Boy’ –

    link to

  102. DerekM says:

    lol glad you liked it Paula their other stuff was a bit dark even for me 🙂

    Here is another that sums up the moment just fine i think

    link to

    The Ruts – Babylons Burning

  103. yesindyref2 says:

    (retread) Almost makes you want to vote for him

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  104. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘I’m no good at chatting-up and I always get rebuffed…’

    No, not Cameron!!

    Visionary artist Jona Lewie, on the eternal appeal of his music and post-modernist symbolism etc etc…

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  105. DerekM says:

    oh no Brandy and youtube a bad combination now im gonna spam you all silly lol

    link to

    link to

    One of my fav bands and boy did they hit the nail on the head with the second one i give you The Chords

  106. yesindyref2 says:

    OK, now this just over the top and I hang my head in shame

    link to

  107. DerekM says:

    lol yesindyref2 i just spat brandy all over my computer lmao

    i was going to put up speedealer but it would seem that lots of people are already finding it by typing in the PM`s name into youtube roflmao

    so here is The Specials instead 🙂

    link to

  108. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @yesindyref2 –

    ‘Squeeze him a bit harder and he shits gold!’



  109. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘…I’m doing the best that I can…I’m ashamed of the things I’ve been put through…I’m ashamed of the person I am…’

    Joy Division, ‘Isolation’ –

    link to

  110. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If you’re going to break all sorts of Health & Safety Regs, might as well do it with a bit of soul…

    Martha Reeves & The Vandellas, ‘Nowhere To Run’ –

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  111. DerekM says:

    Brilliant Ian Joy Division were well ahead of their time such a shame what happened to Ian Curtis man had so much talent and so much pain.

    On a lighter note here is a catchy wee number this song is contagious lol

    link to

    Skankin Pickle – My Hair

    Dont blame me if you are whistling this for a week lol

  112. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Seriously – this is who Cameron thinks he is:

    Winston Churchill, ‘Now We Are Masters Of Our Fate’ (live, 1942)

    link to

  113. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Friday night meanderings through my past
    Three guys,an electric guitar,a slap base and drum set played on cardboard boxes. Genius

    link to

  114. Paula Rose says:

    Love this – Elvis Costello track…

    link to

  115. Oneironaut says:

    Hmm, trying to find a music link with a “Euro” connection…
    But this is the only one that pops into my somewhat addled head right now.

    At least it’s by a Scottish band 🙂

    link to

    Peace, Love and Oreos!

  116. DerekM says:

    Yea Paula Elvis Costello rocks 🙂

    Here is guy that shares his first name though i do think he outsold Costello in record sales lol

    The King – Suspicious Minds

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  117. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Oneironaut –

    That was braw, never seen it before.

    Here’s another Scottish band sounding off about ‘Europe’. Cheeky wee scamps!

    Simple Minds, ‘I Travel’ –

    link to

  118. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    How was the ‘national’ CCTV (Cargo Cult TV), a.k.a. the BBC in Scotland?

    The Kills – Future Starts Slow
    link to

  119. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CamB –


    Didn’t understand your message last night as I was pished.

    Now, sober, I still don’t understand it.

    I’ll try getting pished again and read it later…

  120. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I’ll kick off the music tonight, with three I don’t think have been featured in ‘off-topic’. From the 60s, 70s and 80s.


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  121. Paula Rose says:

    No dad dancing like last night PLEASE!

  122. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This may be a bit serious for a Saturday night, but does anyone have thoughts/feelings about a WOS night in Glasgow before/after the SP election?

    This is just to sound out general interest. Many pros and some cons, but all these can be thrashed out. A wee birdie told me there are similar stirrings about another Dundee-ish gig?


    Let’s at least get a wee discussion going, and try to think of ways we can make it a wee bit different i.e. not just a few crammed hours of manic swallying…

  123. Ian Brotherhood says:

    P.S. – it would be nice to hear from those who’ve attended previous Glasgow gigs – is the CH still the favoured venue, or was the Clutha better?

  124. Macart says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    RE: Glasgow

    I’d be interested Ian. That an Mrs M would never pass up the chance for a night in the toon. 🙂

  125. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Macart –


    That’s a provisional list started – ‘Macart & Mrs’.

    Sounds like a TV show in an independent Scotland! 🙂

  126. Croompenstein says:

    The bacon worrier brings us closer to independence and he doesn’t know it….

    link to

  127. Macart says:

    Bit like this?

    link to

  128. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Macart –

    It could be a winner!

    Strangely, I was thinking of McMillan & Wife (how un-PC is that?) and was thinking it starred Robert Wagner and that lovely woman whose name I can’t remember (how un-PC is that?) but then I looked it up…nah, wisny them.

    So, before clicking, do you remember who starred in McMillan & Wife?

    Nae Buster Keaton!

    link to

  129. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just asked my lad (16yr old) to recommend good upbeat song, so he suggested this:

    One Republic, ‘Counting Stars’ –

    link to

  130. Macart says:

    McMillan & Wife?

    Jeez, that’s goin’ back a bit. Rock Hudson I think and Susan (fill in blank). I can see her face, but blanking on the name.

    Off to google then.

  131. Macart says:

    Susan St James.

    Purty lady (sigh).

  132. Thepnr says:

    Politics has never been so interesting. We in Scotland that support Independence have our third important vote coming up in less than 7 weeks time. Great stuff.

    Followed shortly by our fourth important vote just weeks later. Isn’t life exciting 🙂

    Many of us try when we play a tune to get something new and original, we’ve been here so long that it’s getting difficult. How about a blast from the past?

    This is what the votes are about, well in my way of thinking they are.

    This is original as far as the singers go but not the song. I don’t doubt the young folks singing sincerity, those in the audience though, think they’d run a mile LOL.

    link to

  133. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Macart –

    Give that man a coconut!!

    Well done indeed!

  134. Croompenstein says:

    They don’t want your name… just your number..

    link to

  135. Cactus says:

    Hi aye Ian, I’m all for the next Glasgow gathering.

    We could meet at the world famous Clutha bar and take it from there (they got live music happening most evenings for entertainment).. then maybes a walk up to our square to check out the festivities.

    Oh and I happen to be free on the 24th March, if that’s suitable for other folks too? Wait a minute, was there not supposed to be something else happening then. 🙂

    A live song from the auld Clutha:
    link to

    Enjoy yer swally!

  136. bob sinclair says:

    Definitely up for another Glasgow WOS meet & the Clutha would be a great idea.

  137. carjamtic says:

    Im’e in…..nae bevvy…?

  138. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cactus & Bob S –

    Hoots ye’s both, duly added.

    Clutha getting thumbs-up so far…

  139. Paula Rose says:

    *checks out new shoes*

  140. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @carjamtic –


    You on da list bruvva…

  141. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    No worries, I find I have that effect on the sober. 😉

    I was just a bit surprised you were consuming BBC ‘news’. I now appreciate you were somewhat anesthetised but is that not a risky way of getting your kicks on a Saturday night. 🙂

  142. ronnie anderson says:

    Hi Peeps ah wee song of BamCam

    link to

  143. Paula Rose says:

    An old favourite – hurts so good…

    link to

  144. Paula Rose says:

    Ronnie huggie mwah mwah.

  145. cearc says:


    Sounds like a plan!

  146. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Paula Rose Big Hugs was in Dundee today ,picking up Food for Maryhill foodbank had a pint with Bddt & Ptc well Bdtt hud ah pint lol.

  147. Macart says:

    Seems right somehow. 🙂

    link to

  148. ronnie anderson says:

    Nae takers fur Inverness or Edinburgh I,ve missed two night out Helensburgh & Aberdeen so,s am up fur a Glesga nite oot.

  149. Paula Rose says:

    I want a hug from ronnie anderson cos he is lovely.

  150. jimnarlene says:

    We’re up for a wings night in Glesga.

  151. Lenny Hartley says:

    Depending on when it is as I’m awa in NI for ten days at the end of April.

  152. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ronnie A & Jim’n Arlene –

    Hoots all, youse are added, Glesga list now 8.

  153. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    A few weeks ago, you put forward the idea of a Glasgow get-together on May Day.

    For those of us, who have to travel 80+ miles to get to Glasgow, this, being a Saturday, would be IDEAL. No running out of time after work on a Friday…

    RE: the venue. The Counting House has the advantage of no music, ie it is conducive to chat, without having to shout to be heard. And we’ve always been able to take over that corner…

    If we could commandeer the outside tables at the Clutha, that would allow chat, with the freedom to go inside to listen to music, if required. How feasible is that?

  154. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    ßüGG€R! Misread the calendar – May Day is actually on Sunday!

    Saturday comment still stands…

  155. fionan says:

    Having enjoyed the Aberdeen night and finally met some of the Wings stars, I would be interested in another night in Glasgow, Inverness, Dundee, Aberdeen, Edinburgh or wherever. Venues – my preference is somewhere where there is at least a quiet chat corner which isn’t drowned out by music, though of course some music is also welcome.

    on a more personal level, are there any legal experts here who would be willing to give me some advice on civil matters? If so, I wonder if you could email me privately please?

  156. crazycat says:

    @ Ian

    I would almost certainly go to a Glasgow meet-up, and could probably bring some of the lurkers as I’ve done before – no preference for date.

  157. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Crazycat –


    I’ve listed you as C/Cat + 2?


  158. Thepnr says:

    Count me in too Ian. For now, as not clear on dates. Guess the details can be ironed out in the coming days.

  159. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –


    List now at 14 +/- 2


  160. Paula Rose says:

    Um – can I come?

  161. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Just added ‘P. Rose + heels’


  162. X_Sticks says:


    “+ heels”

    That’ll be me then…

  163. cearc says:

    I,ll be there, whenever, probably.

  164. Quinie frae Angus says:

    Yes please to the list for Glasgow night out, Ian B. Hoping it’s not 30th April though as Yes Bikers Ceilidh on that night and I have tx. Is any other Winger going to that? If so it would be nice to chum ye.

    But I suppose 30th April is obvious choice for Wings Night Out and we’ll all be at fever pitch (as usual, ha) given it’s so near the Scottish election.

    Anyway best pick whichever night suits the maximum number of Wingers and if I can come to it I’ll be there in a shot. Love ma Wingers!

  165. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cearc & QfA –

    Noted, both, with thanks.

    Quinie – no-one’s pinned a date yet…all up for grabs.

    Should we make it post-election in the hope it’ll be some kind of knees-up?

    Thoughts, please…

  166. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s a bit of soul for the Scottish themed press. Well, I wouldn’t want them to think we don’t appreciate their endeavor. 😉

    Jo Ann & Troy – Same Old Feeling
    link to

  167. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    I already made noises but consider yerself telt now, re. Glasgow bash. 😉

  168. Oneironaut says:

    I’ve always found the title of this one to be more appropriate for the press.

    (Though the song lyrics are too upbeat and not quite “blood and soil, fire and brimstone” enough to be compared to the media’s deranged rantings…)

    Hope it raises some spirits at least.

    link to

    Peace, Love and Oreos!

  169. ross says:

    Hello everyone! Im looking for some help.
    If you have a smart phone and use the app Whatsapp then have a look at the Emoticons in the flags section. Youll find a Union Jack aaaannndd a St georges flag but no other home nations are represented. I have sent a couple of emils to their ‘contact us address’ asking why and received a couple of feeble responses.

    If we all get behind this and complain en masse we can get them to add them or at least remove the St Georges one as a sign of respect to the millions of customers they have in the rest of the country.

    I love using whatsapp and would love to be able to use the Saltire in my messages the same as our English neighbours can. But really its just annoying that Scotland isnt seen as good enough to have an Emoticon flag but England is and that just gets on my t**s.

    Come on Wingers!!! Lets get this sorted. Complain complain complain

  170. Thepnr says:

    Hi ross

    I understand your disappointment, so create your own emoticon of a Saltire for Whatsapp!

    Step by step directions below on how to do this, does not seem difficult though haven’t tried it myself, just a wee bit patience. Fairly confident this will sort out your problem without waiting on Whatsapp doing anything.

    Worth a try.

    link to

  171. ross says:

    Thanks thepnr!!

    I never knew you could do that. Ill definetly have a look.
    Im going to keep complaining though…the squeakiest wheel n aw that lol

  172. Thepnr says:


    Before you try that it might be worth updating to the latest version 2.12.441 released last week which supposedly includes new flags.

    You never know the Saltire might be included though maybe no 🙂

  173. Thepnr says:

    Here’s another oldie from the days of Doc Martins, Ben Sherman shirts and dare I say skinheads LOL

    link to

  174. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    Never heard that before, didn’t know that a skinhead had ever played the violin either 🙂

    • Paula Rose says:

      Amazing what you can learn on Wings isn’t it!

  175. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Here is the original version of The Sash My Father Wore
    It was composed to be sung at St Patrick Day’s parades in New York

    link to

  176. Thepnr says:

    Right! Fuck it.

    Hows this for a Flash Mob with a no bad song either.

    link to

  177. TJenny says:

    Ian B – count me in too, please, for a Wings night in Glasgow – haven’t managed to get to one since last May/June? in the CH. 🙁

    Can’t wait to see you all again. (weeexcitedfacedthingy)

  178. TJenny says:

    Paula Rose – ‘waves’ back and sends hugs. 🙂

  179. Thepnr says:

    TJenny is gonna come. Yah Scotland is saved 🙂

  180. TJenny says:

    Thepnr – if only that was all it took. 🙂

    Really looking forward to seeing everyone again. Do you think Rock, complete with large boulders on his shoulders, will deign to attend? Image calling you a tory hugger – mind you, if all it took was a hug to convince a yoon to indie, we could maybe give them a group hug? 😉

  181. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, “Hug a Tory” campaign. I’ll buy that for a dollar YES.

  182. yesindyref2 says:

    One for “Hug a Tory” before I away to my pit. No idea why it seems appropriate but hey, who cares? That’s music for you.

    link to

  183. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TJenny –

    🙂 Done

    Does anyone remember last time we heard from AuldA?

  184. Almannysbunnet says:

    Someone mentioned on one of the threads yesterday that Whatsapp doesn’t have a Scottish flag in their flag emoticoms and asked people to contact them. I emailed them:-
    In the flag emoticons there is a UK flag, the Union Jack, an English flag, the St George cross but no Scottish flag, the St Andrews cross. Why is this? Why only one of the United Kingdom countries? I want to be able to choose my country’s flag which is not the “butchers apron” and certainly not the St George Cross. Can you please add the Scottish flag.

    I received the following reply today:
    Thanks for your message.
    We appreciate your suggestion!
    We may not implement your idea immediately, but we value your feedback. It helps us to build a great product.
    WhatsApp Support Team

    If anyone else would like to help chip away at the union please contact. It may seem a minor thing but over 1 Billion people use whatsapp so let’s get the flag out there. 🙂


  185. yesindyref2 says:

    Yay, Smith, blinder Swinney and Sturgeon, Treasury reduced to saying “now Scotland will have to be responsible mutter mutter unionist junk talk”.

    Gonna have a leftover Xmas beer with my liver and mash 🙂

    link to

  186. Thepnr says:

    This was the first time I ever saw a Cat sing! Have a laugh.

    link to

  187. Betty Boop says:

    @ IanB, 12:51pm

    Think AuldA was about for a wee while just after the Paris attacks.

  188. Cactus says:

    If you got a couple of hours to spare, chill back and enjoy this one. This guy’s gigging Edinburgh next month and I’m going 🙂

    Ludovico Einaudi
    link to

  189. Cactus says:

    New page.

  190. Paula Rose says:

    No Cactus Dear – the Rev seems to have got fed up with our little game so now it’s random.

  191. jdman says:

    “Wait a minute, was there not supposed to be something else happening then. ”

    Yes I think your right, hmmm now what was it? oh yes my 60th birthday, celebrated in Tenerife. 🙂

  192. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Almannysbunnet: well done re. your complaint. In the meantime you could do what I do by typing the revolver or the bomb after the Union Jack.

    Not only is it most satisfying but it gives the nice folk at GCHQ something to do.

  193. Almannysbunnet says:

    @ Tinto Chiel says

    Combinations! What a good idea. I like the union jack then the End sign with the arrow pointing left at the flag, or the Union Jack and the little piggy. Childish I know but could have fun with this. 🙂

  194. Tinto Chiel says:

    The Union Jack and the piggy? Surely one of your rasher combinations.

    Bet Cams would find that very arousing…..

  195. Cactus says:

    Hey Paula babe, that’s a pity. Hmm maybe we should invent a new game then.. any thoughts?

    A very merry 60th birthday to you jdman when it arrives, exactly one month from today!

    I wonder what the rest of Scotland will be doing that day..

  196. cearc says:

    ‘I wonder what the rest of Scotland will be doing that day..’

    celebrating jdman’s 60th. of course!

    Have a good 60th. John, you’ll only have one!

  197. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    An opportunity for a Sunday afternoon Wings chinwag?

    Ignore the aberrant apostrophe…

    link to

  198. Thepnr says:

    See you there Brian 🙂

  199. Stoker says:

    Ian Brotherhood wrote:
    “Have been trying to catch up – what’s the story with Stoker?”

    Nothing, Ian, i’ve just got that much on my plate at the moment with jobs, promoting the cause and on the domestic front. I’ll be disappearing off site for lengthy periods and was just making it known in advance, without giving too much away. Will still be popping in every now and again for a tune and a post, as well as reading and studying the articles, just not posting as much.

    If it’s the 2 or 3 music links i posted further up the tree which may have you scratching yer napper, don’t bother about them. They’re just “bait-bombs” and something i’m working on for a few well planned fishing expeditions. I knew the majority on here had the grey matter not to bite but i was disappointed my LURKING feelings were proved wrong. Need to try harder!

    I’ve found some new fishing grounds and i need to put my new reel, or should that be spiel, to the test. I hope to land a few biggies and show them off to the world for what they truly are – ugly, nasty and horrible creatures who frequent the dark depths.

    Take care you lot and keep that chair warm Paula.
    Status Quo – Roadhouse Blues – Glasgow 1976
    link to

  200. Thepnr says:


    If I don’t see you through the week I’ll see you through the windae.

  201. Bill Hume says:

    Just saw this on ebay. Don’t all bid at once.
    link to

  202. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stoker –


    The plot thickens…

    Glad to hear you’re still ‘active’ – good luck with the mission.


  203. cearc says:

    …and it’s in Glasgow!

  204. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Ah. Status Quo, a hugely under-rated band. Joe Brown worked a lot with the in their later recordings. What better way to enjoy a Friday evening than “The Wanderer”

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      No Dad dancing Dears behave yourselves – I’m away for some folk/punk music in Brechin.

  205. Ian Brotherhood says:

    When the cat’s away…


  206. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Time to get properly cross-cultural an aw that…

    Have we ever had any Morris dancing?

    Get yer chops around this then:

    ‘Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancing Princess Royal’ –

    link to

  207. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Have it in my heid that this singer was Scottish…canny be bothered checking…some chanter in any event.

    Liquid Gold, ‘Dance Yourself Dizzy’ –

    link to

  208. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Get blownway by this

    link to

  209. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Get blown away by this

    link to

  210. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    link to

  211. Michael McCabe says:

    Get Dancin link to

  212. Thepnr says:

    I look a lot for “new” songs. I love the 70’s. In fact I love the 80’s and 90’s too.

    I can’t always find what I want as usually I want to say something. Maybe this sums up what I’m looking for but never find.

    Mad World.

    link to

  213. Michael McCabe says:

    I Fooled around and fell in love. link to

  214. Michael McCabe says:

    Take the money & run link to

  215. Thepnr says:

    That’s elected politicians for you, not the servicemen or women.

    To kill in the name of any regime is well just plain wrong, yet it is happening now. We call ourselves civilised too. Haha the caveman was more civalised. He ate what he killed.

  216. Michael McCabe says:

    E L O link to

  217. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    I think you may have been hinting towards Bonnie and Clyde there Michael. Instead is this alright?

    link to

  218. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Have been wrestling with my lad over chess, and he sneaked it 3-2…

    Have just caught up with all the ‘Daddy Dancing’.


    Paula Rose will have a hairy canary when she gets back…


  219. Grouse Beater says:

    Oscars and Movie Cliches: link to

  220. Michael McCabe says:

    Ah Georgie Fame. Here he is Singing with Van Morrison. Still looking and sounding good all these years later. Is Everybody away home ? Is it just you and me Alex ?

  221. Michael McCabe says:

    Sorry here is the link to Van Morrison & Georgie Fame. link to

  222. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    I know, when you lad beats you at chess your past it lol. Mine was 12 when he hammered me, he’s 30 now and I’ve got over it 🙂

    @Michael McCabe

    Thanks for the ELO record, love ELO but here’s me thick as shit not knowing they had a song called Point Of No Return. Thanks Michael.

  223. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Boney M, ‘Daddy Cool’ (live, and includes suggestive gasping sounds) –

    link to

  224. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    It was a freak result. It only happened because I got a bit pished and forgot what colour I was…twice.

    It’ll never happen again.

  225. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Simply class, good find Michael. Sending love to you and yours xx

  226. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Sorry Ian but your gonna have to face up to it one day, you lost right so get over it. Back in that box you sniveling cringer LOL

    Peace Ian, just my wee joke, here’s summit to cheer you up 🙂

    link to

  227. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    You’re probably right.

    But it’s too late now – I clipped his ears, packed a bag for him, then kicked him out!

    ‘Checkmate me via en passant eh? Ya bass!’

    Beck, ‘Loser’ –

    link to

  228. Thepnr says:

    Good for you man. Kids nowadays need their ears clipped, that’s a fact. Look forward to maybe playing a game with himself one day.

    Mind tell him he’s gubbed before he starts playing.

    Isn’t that how the Referendum was lost? Never mind, I Just watched that song you played and it reminded me of this because of dragging the coffin.

    Before I put the link again as I have done it before. Bloody hell there are 500 million views, I usually like to put up stuff with 15,000 views.

    I’ll make an exception because it’s good, difference between us and the Yoons is we can be open, wide open. Know what I mean?

    I like good crap, 15 million or 15 thousand is no matter, if it’s good then it’s good. Know what I mean?

    link to

  229. Thepnr says:

    No I didn’t do that on purpose. Try this for what I meant.

    link to

  230. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Sending the love right back at you. to you and yours. Number 1 in the Prisoners Charts. link to Good song in my Humble Opinion.

  231. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Watched it, didn’t want to comment. But I have too, none of us are free. You got that right. Hope you can make it to Glasgow.

    Email me

  232. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    Been a long time since I played chess, so I doubt I’d fare much better against him.

    I do still have a chess computer somewhere though, back from my younger days when I thought of learning to be a chess grandmaster… *facepalms*

    Yep, I wanted to try everything when I was younger, from astronautics to marine biology (conveniently forgetting I didn’t like heights and couldn’t swim!)
    Living in “North Britain” though, what chances did any of my dreams have of being fulfilled? *sigh*

    Anyways, onto today’s music link.

    It’s not quite paradise. But it sure feels like home…

    link to

  233. Thepnr says:

    You will all be saved. Just gimme your money!

    link to

  234. Thepnr says:

    I expect to be saved but have nothing to lose in the first place.

    link to

  235. Thepnr says:

    “I’m desperate Dan” nuff said.

    link to

  236. Croompenstein says:

    Where I was before the indyref…

    link to

  237. Michael McCabe says:

    Did Somebody say Saved. link to

  238. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Oneironaut –

    Hoots mister!

    Good to see you’re popping in more frequently. Long may it last.

    I find it hard to get a handle on what your musical tastes are all about, but I’m having a wild stab in the dark here, hoping you may remember and enjoy this:

    Evanescence, ‘Bring Me To Life’ –

    link to

  239. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    ‘Desperate Dan’ !

    I loved BFTBS, but can’t even remember that scene. Fantastic.

    Have just replied to Tam Jardine over on main thread before last, suggesting that the next Glasgow WOS gig might be a wee bit different.

    How would people feel about having a longer day, start early afternoon-ish, but get a space where we can have an open mike and let people do their own thing, then have a band and/or jam session in the evening?

    The WOS meetings are great, but they flit by too quickly for too many folk.

    If we can find a place which would accommodate, say, 50-80 of us for a whole day, and provide a PA, would folk be up for that?

    Would enough of us bring instruments, be prepared to stand up and do a reading of their own work, or favourite stuff? Would we be able to get it Livestreamed?

    All these questions…

    But, in general terms, would anyone be up for that?

  240. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Yes, you could, but you’re already pencilled-in for fan-dances at 2.30, 5.30, and a ‘floor-show’ (whatever that is) at 11.15.

    • Paula Rose says:

      *has gentle word with snake about a busy schedule*

  241. Michael McCabe says:

    Did Somebody say the Snake. link to

  242. Thepnr says:


    Count me in, could be good. Jock Scot bring yer guiter. You too Cactus.

  243. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe –

    Man, that is some biblical stuff going on there…


  244. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Waiting on an email from you yet Michael, just have a suggestion, can’t do any harm. You know I don’t bite

  245. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Yep – Cactus and Jock Scot were uppermost in my bonce. And if IndyLive got onboard it could be a bit special.

    So, anyway, would you be up for a wee turn, and if so, what would it be?

    That goes for a’body else – it’s like the karaoke…everyone says naw, naw, I couldny…by the end of the night it’s hair and snotters everywhere, they’re all fighting for the microphone.

    Who would do what?

  246. Thepnr says:

    I also numb. num num num.

  247. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Have I linked to this before? A simultaneous pair from the early 70s…

    link to

  248. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Sorry, I didn’t get that.

    Could you please put your teeth in and try again?

  249. Thepnr says:

    Paula left her teeth on my bedside cabinet, I slept on the couch that night. Teeth are still there in the glass next to the Sterodent tin 🙂

  250. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose/Thepnr –


    Love ye’s.

    I’m off to my scratcher.

    Please consider what youse will do when presented with an open microphone in a few weeks. I’ll set about securing a suitable venue tomorrow…

    Hoots, hoots, and thrice do I declare, HOOTS to all Wingers, be they O/T, main-threaders, lurkers or what-not.

    May The Wings be with you!

  251. cearc says:

    An awfie lot of bodily bits get left at Thepnr’s. Jumping Jo has never gotten over it!


    I’d offer to do a can-can but unfortunately I can’t-can’t.

  252. Michael McCabe says:

    @Thepnr Hi Alex I am not used to sending E mails. But I have sent you one. Hope I have done it right ? Hope to hear from you soon.

  253. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc –


    We’ll let you off, but just this once!

    So far as abandonment of body-parts goes, a wee birdie told me that Thepnr left his heart in Fat Sam’s Disco!

  254. X_Sticks says:


    You bring the drumkit…

    More important right now is a DATE. Those of us frae the fower winds need to start to plan if we’re doing Glasgow.

    I’d suggest the end of March as many folk might be a bit busy in April on the run up to the election. Any thoughts?

  255. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @X-sticks –

    Yes indeed, that’s what we need. We haven’t even agreed on the month!

    Come on abody, what do youse think?

  256. Quinie frae Angus says:

    Ian Brotherhood, I like your idea of an all-day sesh with mics for people’s “turns”.

    And X-Sticks, I think you’re right about the end of March. End of April or end of May sounds a bitty far away from here, and we can always arrange subsequent get-togethers for then, anyway.

  257. Ian Brotherhood says:

    End of March looks like it’s getting a thumbs-up – anyone else have any thoughts?

    Would like to get this nailed by end of today if poss, then find a venue before this time next week. CH won’t allow music…Clutha does its own thing, no way they’ll be able to accommodate us…

    There must be somewhere. Any WOS-friendly pub managers reading this?!

    I do have a couple of places in mind but we’d really need to give them a rough idea of numbers. Please, if you can, indicate interest. For argument’s sake, can we consider Sat, March 26th?


  258. Quinie frae Angus says:


    I have put out a few feelers for suitable Wings-friendly pubs.

    In the meantime, it does look as if March 26th would be a good date to do this, because I found this on Facebook:

    link to

  259. Quinie frae Angus says:

    It’s a “Free Scotland March” being organised by “All Under One Banner”.

    Don’t know much about them but it would make sense for a goodly showing at that. Remember, in order for BBC to report “1,000 marchers” we need at least 10,000 there.


  260. X_Sticks says:

    Good spot Quinie.

    Not sure you’ll get a definitive yes for the date by the end of today Ian. Cat herding is never an exact science.

    We’ll aim for the 26th unless anyone comes up with a good reason not to.

  261. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Quinie & X-sticks –


    Good stuff.

    It’s all falling into place…

  262. Thistle says:

    Yes! We will be livestreaming the march and lookig forward to WoS after 🙂

  263. jimnarlene says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    28 February, 2016 at 3:13 pm
    If you’re interested in the next WOS Glasgow shindig, it’s looking like March 26th (Saturday).

    I’m definitely interested.

  264. Thepnr says:

    Hey Thistle

    Mind bring your wallet, your still owe me a beer 🙂

  265. Odet Beauvoisin says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    28 February, 2016 at 3:13 pm
    If you’re interested in the next WOS Glasgow shindig, it’s looking like March 26th (Saturday).

    I’m interested too.

  266. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Don’t seem to have received your email Michael, did you replace the (at) with @ and (dot) with .

    Had to ask as you said that you don’t use email much. Worth another try.

  267. Macart says:

    March 26th sounds good to me guys.

  268. cearc says:

    Isn’t that easter weekend?

    Could make it tricky with people you want to stay with having visitors, family stuff, hotels more expensive etc.

  269. Thepnr says:


    Look on the bright side you get to roll your eggs 🙂

  270. Thistle says:

    Nae problem Thepnr will be great to see you and the others 🙂

  271. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr. This is my Email Address. Hope to hear from you soon.

  272. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Or you could roll your eyes…and if you get enough bevvy in yer boady ye could roll about on your rrrrrrrs….

  273. Ian Brotherhood says:

    …but whatever you do, don’t just turn up in your yyyyyyy….

  274. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Got it, dropped you a line.

  275. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    cearc has lots of eggs, she gave me some from her own hens, delicious too. Hey we could paint them on Saturday night. Mibbe Chris Cairns would gie us a hand and then we could raffle them LOL.

  276. Paula Rose says:

    I’ll bring my crayons.

  277. cearc says:

    Hmm, bevvy and egg painting.

    I guess they’ll better have to be boiled eggs.

  278. Thepnr says:


    Funny you should say that, I just looked it up a bit earlier. Isn’t the Internet a wonderful thing?

    Anyway the way to preserve them is not to boil them, apparently the water content will evaporate and what you are left with might even be edible after many years, no smell or nothing.

    Going to bed now, just started blethering.

  279. Michael McCabe says:

    @Ian Brotherhood. hi Ian could you add myself and my friend Lynn to the List. Cheers. link to

  280. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @M McC –

    Done, with a big smile. 🙂

    List now at 21. Not bad…

  281. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc –

    Sorry, wasn’t ignoring you earlier. I hear what you’re saying, and it’s true – that weekend won’t be ideal for everyone but it does seem to be getting a pretty positive response generally.

    It’s tricky…always is.

    In any event, I do hope it doesn’t dissuade you. 😉

  282. Paula Rose says:

    *peruses shoe catalogues – need a new pair*

  283. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is worth watching, if only to hear the immortal line ‘I’m a heavy hunk of steaming junk’.

    Elvis, ‘Steamroller Blues’

    link to

  284. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Okay, now we’ve ‘given you the night’, can we please see some more names, eh? (I need to know how many sausage rolls and vegetarian bridies to try and pony out of whatever pub is doomed to host us…)

    George Benson (live) –

    link to

  285. Tam Jardine says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    Well done for pushing the next Wings night in Glasgow. I think I should be able to make it. As for musical instruments, I care too much about independence to jeopardise it in that way.

    By the way- I only nip into OT now and again but you have indy fm ready to go from what I can see. Cheaper than a TV station… that might be just what you are looking for Ian

    Good night friends

  286. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s one to ponder –

    If you could do anything – and I mean anything – at an open-mike session, what would it be?

    This would be one of mine. What a voice.

    Billy Ocean, ‘Suddenly’ (live) –

    link to

  287. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Tam Jardine –

    That’s you on the list mister.

    You bringing anyone along?

    In any event, look forward to meeting you – hoots aplenty!

  288. Paula Rose says:

    Um – how big is the stage?

  289. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    How big is the snake?

  290. Paula Rose says:


  291. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –


  292. Michael McCabe says:

    Sky Blue & Black link to

  293. Michael McCabe says:

    link to Goodnight All

  294. jdman says:

    Unfortunately I’ll be sitting on the beach in Tenerife on my last day of my holiday on the 26th of March Ian. 😉

  295. jdman says:

    “I could play my organ.”

    like this you mean?
    link to

  296. Bob Mack says:


    Subscription to wings £10 per month,plus £20 donation to whoever is chosen for gold wings. Will notify when further donations made.

  297. YESGUY says:

    donated 10 pound = no perks . please put towards Pete and Nana. More donations to come .

    been watching from the side for a while now. Health not so good. But always a smile regardless of the news when i come to Wings.

    Once a Winger always a Winger


  298. cearc says:

    Bob Mack, YESGUY,

    noted with thanks.

  299. Oneironaut says:

    This message is for anyone is looking for inspiration for a musical act for the Glasgow night out…

    Amazing what you can do with a few bits of PVC pipe. 🙂

    link to

  300. Caroline Corfield says:

    consider my £10 towards Peter the Camera’s gold badge thanks.

  301. Macart says:

    @John King

    Tenerife in March is it?

    Just cause your turning twentyone? You’ll be lookin’ for a cake next. 😀

  302. cearc says:

    Caroline, Thanks.

  303. Nana says:


    £10 added for Pete’s badge. Look for it under my alter ego Cailleach at approx 14.04pm

  304. ronnie anderson says:

    £25 donation to PeteTC Gold Badge & a further £25 promised for Nana,s Gold Badge.

    There are a lot of Worthy Wingers ,pity we could,nt give everyone a Badge.

  305. X_Sticks says:

    @Ronnie A

    “pity we could,nt give everyone a Badge.”

    Aye, indeed Ronnie, there are quite a few very worthy contenders any one of which would be very deserving.

    I don’t envy the job of trying to keep track of TWO gold badge accounts. One was bad enough!

  306. Odet Beauvoisin says:

    @ cearc
    £500 donation to Pete the Camera’s Gold Badge
    (sans perks, as requested)

  307. carjamtic says:

    £50,no perk selected,towards the gold badge(s),wingers are the best, 🙂

  308. Skip_NC says:

    Greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina, where we’re gearing up for an election in a couple of weeks, in which my wife is taking the Republican ballot, so she can vote against a billionaire who is opposed to wind power (presumably because he doesn’t want the competition).

    Anyway, please mark my 30 pound contribution down for this year’s Gold Badge recipient. Being so far from home, I have no idea who Pete the Camera is, but I trust, Wings and Wingers, that he is a worthy recipient.

  309. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi cearc.

    I’ve just added £15 to the fundraiser. Please credit it towards Pete’s Gold Badge.


  310. cearc says:


    The voice of experience!

    Anyway, I’m not. First they are for Pete’s.

    When that’s done we can start on Nana (in the nicest possible way), and people can then post for that! If they have already nominated nana they will have to repost then.

  311. ronnie anderson says:

    @ cearc £25 donated for Nana,s Gold Badge . Ma back,s broked humpin aw they Rammies tae the shoppe,but for another wonderful Lady Winger she,s well worth it XX.

  312. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Skip_NC Thank you for your contrabution from afar, both our Gold Badge nominees are Worthy Wingers for differant reasons.

  313. ronnie anderson says:

    @ X Sticks Nae problemo tae oor cearc, she,s uased tae herding an coontin chickens lol.

  314. Thepnr says:

    @Odet Beauvoisin

    Fantastic contribution! very generous of you, nicely done cheers.


    Sorry to hear your not keeping so well, glad to see that your still keeping an eye on things 🙂

  315. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Yesguy Sos to hear your feeling ill, take care of yourself, aw the bestest.

  316. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Just had an idea…

    Anyone from the Dundee/South Angus area fancy getting a minibus together for 26th March?

    I’m sure Bob Costello (Team YES Bus, Business For Scotland Battlebus) could do us a good deal.

    What think ye?

  317. cearc says:


    Wow! How generous.

    Well that’s Pete’s in the bag and we’re heading towards nana’s.

  318. call me dave says:


    £25 for Pete (no perks).

    Nana next time please.

    But I also got the braw badges for myself separately earlier on.

    Oh! am I allowed to say ‘separately’ here.

  319. call me dave says:

    cearc says:

    Wow! How generous.

    Yes it is. Thanks Odet. 🙂

    In that case if there is enough to do it push my donation into the Nana pot. I’ve already mentioned her.

  320. Thepnr says:

    @call me dave

    Done exactly as you did, can’t resist badges LOL. If it’s not too late can my additional £25 count towards a badge for Nana please.

  321. X_Sticks says:


    £30 just donated for Nana’s badge.

    Huge thanks to Odet for such a selfless act of generosity. It has ensured that two of the most worthy of Wingers will both get a gold award 😀

  322. Thepnr says:


    I totally agree with you, Pete the Camera and his sidekick Brian are two of the hardest working Wingers I’ve had the pleasure to meet.

    Both were instrumental in delivering the Wee Blue Book in Dundee and surrounding areas. I remember just days before the referendum there was one box of WBB’s left in the NE of Fife.

    I was asked if we could use them but couldn’t make it, I phoned Pete and he went and got them straight away and got then into the hands of people desperate for knowledge and information.

    I’m pretty sure that Pete and Brian contributed a lot into Dundee getting a 58% Yes vote.

    Same for Nana, she’s a star with her research offering up everyday articles in many places that are relevant to the cause of Independence that no one else would ever find if not for her links.

    It’s people like Nana and Pete that are the reason for not getting back in the box. Despite their own difficulties with health and such like they are inspiring.

    There is no “back in the box” with them fighting your corner.

  323. Quentin Quale says:

    @Thepnr fine words, my friend.

    @Paula Rose great call nominating Pete. Big hugs.

    @PetetheCamera grand to bump into you the other week. Hope it was a profitable roup…
    Me and Chipmonkey hoping to hit the Glasgow meet-up.

  324. chipmonkey says:

    @ cearc Hiya. Popped back in to the funder and put £20 in no perks to add to Pete’s from me and QQ

  325. Thepnr says:

    Hey QQ and chipmonkey, good to hear from you 🙂

    I played this song on the 19th Sept 2014, you commented QQ. Do you remember?

    link to

  326. Hoss Mackintosh says:


    Please put another £50 into the Nana Fund.

    My brother and myself met Nana in Freedom Square this year and she is a star – a great lady well deserving of a Gold badge.

    Congrats too to Pete the Camera another well deserving Gold badge holder. Quiet, hardworking and unassuming – a true Gent.

  327. cearc says:

    Hi. chipmonkey, long time no hear from you.

    So pledged perks so far..

    Pete the Camera…..COMPLETE.

    nana …. 282 of £513

    That’s all up to chipmonkey’s post.

  328. Quentin Quale says:

    @Thepnr – an absolute cracker! So is this from Andrew Mitchell (Hazey Janes)
    link to

  329. Paula Rose says:

    Gosh it’s crowded in here tonight *heaves crate of champagne onto table* help yourselves.

  330. Thepnr says:

    @Quentin Quale

    Pretty ugly fellow!

    Had never heard that song before and stuck it until the end. It was an enigma (and pretty boring I thought) until 3/4 way through that is then I started to get it.

    Forgive my ignorance, I knew though eventually he would rip the mask off but disappointed in not seeing Alex Salmonds face behind it. LOL

    Lat’s quietly keep on doing what we’re doing, seems to be causing some issues with the Yoon circuitry so can’t be all bad 🙂

  331. Hood says:

    £50 just donated for the linktastic Nana.

  332. cearc says:


    Done! £332 so far.

  333. cearc says:

    Done, thanks.

  334. Thepnr says:


    Well done you my friend, will need to drop in and see you again sometime.

    Hood is the guy that made all the magnificent Wings logos out of stainless steel and just one of brass.

    Another unsung hero, who prefers a low profile, in my eyes at least. Cheers Hood, your every much a bit of a contributor than any of us. Thank You.

  335. Bob Mack says:


    See Chic Mcgregor last post on main thread.

  336. Paula Rose says:

    Champagne in the Hood!

  337. Macandroid says:

    Please chuck my £50 towards Nana’s gold badge. It will be from Ta.

    Keep fighting the good fight

  338. cearc says:

    So with Hood and Chic McGregor (on main thread) we have now COMPLETED nana’s gold as well.

  339. cearc says:

    Paula Rose,

    ‘Champagne in the Hood!’…. so, you’ll be able to keep your shoes on!

  340. Paula Rose says:

    Um – what do we do now? Get Pete the Camera to nominate the next one?

  341. cearc says:

    Shame we won’t get the ‘Frenzied Wings Mob’ badges in time for the Glasgae meet up.

  342. Thepnr says:


    Yahoo! Both very much deserve this wee bit recognition. Just for being who they are and doing what their doing. I’m sure they will be pleased at their Wings friends thanking them for their contribution towards Independence.

    Nana and Pete so proud of you two and you deserve more than a wee Wings badge. Not to worry, your efforts WILL be rewarded this May just as they were last May.

    Cheers and a wee smile to both of you 🙂

  343. Arthur's Seat says:


    I know Pete and Nana’s Gold Badge totals have been reached however please count £34 from me to go towards a reward for the next nominee.

    Cheers everyone, well done.

  344. Paula Rose says:

    @ Thepnr 10:16 – big kisses Babe.

  345. Paula Rose says:

    For my lovely pals in this crowded place – please put a fiver or more here –

    link to

    Cos if you do you might see me.

  346. Thepnr says:

    Hmmm, seems like all the usual suspects have already gone to bed?

    Hmmm, just when I had a song for Pete and Nana. You know what? I’m gonna play it anyway.

    link to

    I’m so pleased you are recognised. We recognise Fools Gold.

    Your pure gold 🙂

  347. jdman says:

    Where the hell have you been?
    we’ve been worried about you,
    sorry to hear about your health, if there’s anything I can do,
    just call my name and I be there, yes I will, you’ve got a friend! 🙂

  348. jdman says:

    I’ll be expecting a rousing chorus of Happy birthday on the 24th
    don’t think for a minute because I’ll be away I won’t know
    I’ll be watching. no matter what Irene says,
    just don’t tell her I’m taking the Ipad for Gods sake. 🙁
    link to

  349. Nana says:

    Goodness me, what a start to the day! I’m so happy for Pete the camera, a very deserving gent, and I can’t begin to tell you how thrilled I am that you folks thought of me. Thank you so much XXX

    There are so many wingers I would like to nominate for a gold badge but I would put Robert Peffers at the top of the list.

  350. Lollysmum says:

    Cearc -Just donated £50 towards Robert Peffers gold badge-an excellent suggestion for the next recipient from Nana.

    March 26th-Glasgow- sorry can’t join you wonderful folks this time. Blame it on SNP 🙂 I shall be travelling up to God’s country for weekend of 12th-13th March for SNP Conference as delegate for London branch so if any of you good folks are going, I’ll be with Morag probably so say hello. Think I might also wear my Lollysmum badge from last year’s Glasgow meet just in case I come across any wingers 🙂

    Anyhow, can’t afford two trips to Scotland in one month so sorry folks-next time in Glasgow maybe?

  351. Nana says:


    I have put £20 in the kitty for Robert under Cailleach at 10.26am.

    Thank you for being the counter xx

    @Thepnr xx for the tune.

    @Yesguy Sorry to hear you have been unwell.

  352. John H. says:

    £10 towards Robert Peffers gold badge. Well deserved.

  353. Chic McGregor says:

    Robert and I go back a long way on the internet, way back into s.c.s days in newsgroups about 20 years ago so I’ll scrape another £20 oot o’ the purse for his badge.

  354. Chic McGregor says:

    That’s £20 for Bob’s Badge fund at 12:52

  355. Chic McGregor says:

    Sorry, just noticed on mainstreet that you need say the name donated under.

    It was mcgregor.c1

    Also noticed you need to have not claimed a perk, makes sense, so if you can remove the perk, a bronze coin, from the first donation which I asked to go towards Nana’s as well please Cearc.

  356. Chic McGregor says:

    Thought I’d posted that Robert and I have ‘known’ each other on the internet for about 20 years, back to newsgroup days, hence the amount.

  357. John H. says:

    Sorry. Donated under the name John Higgins.

  358. Bob Mack says:

    Donated yesterday by subscription to wings £10 pm and £10 donation .It was under my alter ego( emgeeeff). Sorry for any confusion. (Will remember next time).

  359. Almannysbunnet says:

    Donated £100 under rickymearns. Didn’t claim any perks so have at it 🙂

  360. Betty Boop says:

    @ cearc

    I see Pete and Nana’s badges are secure, so I’ve put in £25 towards the fabulous Robert Peffer’s badge. Listed under e in the contributors’ list.

  361. Betty Boop says:

    @ cearc

    Forgot to mention, that was with No Perks from Jim T and moi.:-)

  362. Petra says:

    @ Lollysmum says at 12:27 pm …. Petra …. Re your donation -if you didn’t claim a perk for it then it can be added towards Robert’s gold badge. You will need to put a note in Off Topic for cearc who is collating the donations for gold badges. She will need to know the amount & the name donated under if not Petra.”

    @ Nana says at 12:33 pm …. ”Petra …. Robert’s fund is climbing, see off topic.”

    Thanks for the info Lollysmum and Nana.

    Cearc I donated £25 about four hours ago under ‘Anonymous’ and didn’t claim a perk. Could my donation go towards a gold badge for Robert?

  363. Betty Boop says:

    @ chipmonkey, @ Quentin Quayle

    Emailed chipmonkey this pm.

    @ Lollysmum. With a bit of luck, might manage to find you and Morag amidst the throng at the conference. It’a kinda dark in that hall!

  364. Lollysmum says:

    I said it to your face at CH last May but I’ll say it again-your Irene deserves a gold medal for putting up with you and of course being the ace raffle organiser at Wings meets. Fancy taking the iPad & her being kept in the dark about it-tut, tut 🙂

    Have a good holiday & birthday (just in case I forget)

  365. Lollysmum says:

    @Betty Boop
    That’s good news-I’ll keep my eyes open for you then.

  366. Betty Boop says:

    @ Lollysmum

    I’ll stand on a chair 🙂

  367. pete the camera says:

    Can I thank Paula Rose for suggesting and everyone else for putting my name forward for a gold badge it has me speechless, I do the badges purely to give me something useful to do in my spare time, not for reward in anyway along with BrianDTT we found a good way to raise money for good causes, thanks again for thinking about me have to stop now or it will be like a Oscar acceptance speel ———– and Jock Tamson an a.

  368. Thepnr says:

    Nothing to watch on the telly tonight? This might suit. Just arrived on Amazon Prime, their description. If you haven’t given up the telly tax yet and replaced with the likes of prime or Netflix then you can always watch on Youtube.

    Link at the end of this post.

    John Carpenter’s They Live 1989

    Professional WWF wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper plays John Nada, a homeless, unemployed construction worker who discovers a pair of sunglasses that when worn suddenly reveal a world run by upwardly mobile, capitalist, yuppie aliens intent on keeping the human race sedate and brainwashed with subliminal messages fed through advertising and the media.

    John Carpenter must have saw this coming nearly 30 years ago. A visionary? He also wrote Escape from New York, he would have voted YES.

    You can also watch on youtube here:

    link to

  369. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Thepnr ( Hood is the guy that made all the magnificent Wings logos out of stainless steel and just one of brass.). Care to make the correction Mr Thepnr & Im the recipient of that treasured possession.

    Many thanks Hood Gold & Bronze in one year . Thanks Wingers tae.

  370. Thepnr says:

    Directed of course not wrote. Duh!

    Did write a couple of episodes of The Simpsons though.

  371. Thepnr says:

    @ronnie anderson

    Hi ronnie, stop yer moaning, I’ll well aware of who had the brass plaque. I know you have a brass neck as all I said was Hood made it LOL 🙂

  372. Alistair Grapevine says:

    @ cearc

    i have donated 20.00 toward Roberts Badge,
    it is recorded as Alistair Walker around 21.15

  373. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi cearc.

    Have you accounted for my post at 6.01pm last night?

    link to

  374. Ruglonian says:

    Hi guys, long time no see (I’ve been hanging about twitter, when I’ve had the time to come online and play)

    I see another Glasgow do is in the works, well you can obviously count me in!
    I’ll put my thinking cap on regarding a venue, and I’ll rustle up some more Wings beer mats – the idea came up on the main thread earlier – and any other kind of branded, printed stuff I can think of (suggestions welcome, of course!)

    See you all soon x

    Oh, I’m sure most folk will have already seen this, but if not, then be sure to watch right til the end 😀
    (did the threat-to-sue bit remind anyone of anyone)

    link to

  375. jdman says:

    My Wings plaque adorns my summerhouse looking resplendent in the sunshine(when er we get it)thanks Ronnie, and Mr Hood for making it. 🙂

  376. PotterThePiper says:

    Donated £10.

  377. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ruglonian –



  378. @Ruglonian

    Wow. If Trump survives that he could survive anything.

    That guy used to be on Mock the Week didn’t he?

    Worry that his Quality Inn quip may get him in trouble.

  379. sydthesnake says:

    Hi Rev
    can you add any perk accrued by my donation to Roberts Gold badge,

    donation pledge no 15410729 (around lunchtime day 1)



  380. sydthesnake says:

    sorry Cearc
    donated under my other name Stevie Strang for Roberts Gold Badge


  381. cearc says:

    Wow, I went to bed thinking this was all done anddusted. Went out for the day and straight to bed, peeped in during the early hours to find all hell has broken out. I went back to sleep!

    So it seems that people are going for a third.

    Only donations for which NO Perks have been claimed can be counted. So Chic’s first will have to be removed.

    You do NOT have to publish the name thatyou use for Indiegogo. (I saw that comment that someone put on the main thread but as I thought we had reached target didn’t respond).

    You DO have to say how much the donation was.

    I’ll tot it all up later and say where we are.

  382. bob sinclair says:

    Wings Night in Glasgow. Hell yeah, count me in.

  383. Lollysmum says:


    Oops-that was me 🙁 Mea culpa & all that 🙂

    Was just my CEO indoctrination kicking in at the most inopportune moment & thinking you must need a way of verifying contributions. I promise I won’t do any more thinking OK?

    You can calm down now!!

  384. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Bob Sinclair –

    Cheers mister.

    List now at 25


    PS Can anyone commit to bringing instruments and/or doing a turn?

  385. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Obviously, we do hope that some of the many talents we possess will be on show – so far we have Paula Rose with her snake, but we can’t reasonably expect her to stretch that out for five hours.

  386. Paula Rose says:

    FYI It’s a boy snake and he tires rather quickly – me, I can go on all night!

  387. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Right, come on –

    Thepnr, BDTT and Michael McCabe – join me! We can do this!

    link to

  388. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Right, who’s up for having a stab at this?

    Quine frae Angus? CamB? Oneironaut? RonnieA?

    link to

  389. Quentin Quale says:

    Ian, could you add me and Chipmonkey to the Glasgow night out please?

  390. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    I’ll manage the Happy Hour alright, don’t know about the Houdini having spent my whole life avoiding a strait jacket 🙂

  391. yesindyref2 says:

    A little acorn for Robert Peffers gold badge, £5 I found lurking on my card – Pledge ID: 15445158.

    Bad time of year for any more I’m afraid, every penny goes into getting ready for the season!

  392. cearc says:

    Ok folks. We now have £234 of perks towards Robert’s gold

    That is everything shown here (including Petra) except Sydthesnake’s who didn’t say how much. I might look for it later but you’re here Syd please tell me.

    Thanks everyone.

    Lollysmum, I didn’t mean to sound stroppy. I basically do it on trust because I don’t want people to have to publish another identity which they may not want to show here.

  393. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @QQ –

    It has been done.


    • kendomacaroobar says:


      Due to the generosity of T Jenny and X Sticks i have a gold wings badge & bonus package to sell to support one of our wingers who is going through a bad patch and is now in a hostel in Fraserburgh area with 2 ailing dogs.

      e mail or speak to my *dad* Ronnie Anderson to validate my credentials/

      yours aye


  394. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just found this video of John McTernan, on the hunt for a new job – perhaps he would come along and do a wee guest turn for the night? (No payment naturally, but the exposure would be invaluable…)

    link to

  395. yesindyref2 says:

    Something for any Unionist lurking, savage the FRC is coming in £1 billion under budget.

    link to

  396. jdman says:

    I didn’t want to have a meltdown in public, so I’ll have it here,
    1 million copies of a new Wee Blue Book?
    link to

    Seriously, where’s the distribution network how will we do it, stand in the friggin streets and hand them out to passersby?
    somebody pass me a brown paper bag QUICK!

  397. jdman says:

    “e mail ken [at] iscot [dot] scot or speak to my *dad* Ronnie Anderson to validate my credentials/”

    I KNEW IT!

  398. Fiona says:

    @ Cearc. Donated first day £25, no perks. If this can go towards badge for Robert, please do that. If already secure then to another prominent winger. Don’t care who, you are all deserving.


  399. cearc says:


    That’s fine, thanks.

  400. Andrew Mclean says:

    I will add £10 to the fund,

    Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.

    I will do without my wine this weekend, now that’s fatigue! 😉

  401. John Sm. says:

    Just donated £35, no perks, to go towards a wee gold badge to whoever you guys feel deserving.

    🙂 Cheers.

  402. John H. says:

    Donated £10 for whoever is next in line for a badge.

    John Higgins.

  403. Thepnr says:

    Hi Ken

    Wish I could do more immediately but being self employed right now has meant not much happening. I suspect we could always offer the treasures up for auction at the coming WOS night in Glasgow and I’d like to believe though priceless they will get what they are worth.

    As you know we usually have a wee raffle, I would suggest the proceeds went to your cause, I’m sure that would find sympathy and maybe approval.

    Sorry Ken that I can’t do more to help personally at this time.

  404. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Kendomacaroonbar You dont need me or anybody else tae validate You , there,s only wan noted Winger cawed Kendomacaroonbar.

  405. Kendomacaroonbar says:

    @Ronnie thanks Da!

  406. kendomacaroonbar says:

    @Thepnr thank you my friend

  407. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood Aye there wiz a time in the not to distant past where I wud hi suited a Stait jaikit resplendent in a rubber room , but you lot pulled me back from the brink,um aww rite noohoohoohoo.

  408. Thepnr says:

    This is for one of my bestest pals over on the main thread and also for all his little helpers.

    link to

    Many hugs if your watching 🙂 xx

  409. Paula Rose says:

    I do hope that is appreciated Thepnr.

  410. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    Well you can but hope, somehow though I doubt it can be appreciated by someone without emotion or empathy.

    Embrace them for they know no better! Pity them for they deserve our pity!

  411. cearc says:

    Thepnr, Hahaha.

    Ok folks the Robert Gold is now standing at £319.

  412. Michael McCabe says:

    Talking about Rocks & Hugs. link to

  413. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Nice one 🙂 Beat this ya begger. Got you stumped LOL

    link to

  414. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –


    That was soo-perb. I’ve never seen that movie. Seriously.

    On Simon and Garfunkel, I saw Art Garfunkel on the telly in Japan, must’ve been 91/92, he was on a solo tour, being interviewed, and came across as a bit of a prick, but then he had to do ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ live and obviously hadn’t bothered consulting with the lone pianist on what key they were going to use – he ended up with squashed balls and torn vocal cords by the end of it, tears streaming down his face. Dick.

  415. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Knowing something of your predilections, I’ve a suspicion you may enjoy this:

    Joss Stone & Rod Stewart, ‘Hot Legs’ –

    link to

  416. Michael McCabe says:

    @Thepnr I found this while I was Roman about but I don’t like to Shout about it. link to Spot Belushi Dancing.

  417. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Art Garfunkel should have given up when he split with Paul Simon.

    Paul Simon had one brilliant album after the split up, you’ll remember Graceland. After the split up his life fell apart, one crap record after another and then he wen’t to South Africa which was the inspiration for Graceland.

    That was the mid eighties, he should have given up after that as well as it was his tour de force.

    He never, and only got worse. Especially singing, last time I saw him was on the telly ptobably around 2000, it was awful. Might try and find that clip, meanwhile he he is at his peak in my humble opinion.

    link to

    I chose this because it might remind you of a sadly departed Dundee singer and songwriter. A particular favourite of Paula Rose.

  418. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood Joss Stone has a great Voice. Here she is Singing with Al Green. link to

  419. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is just phenomenal – my son recommended it.

    If you think it’s not your cuppa, please persist, at least until Eminem’s done his bit. Astonishing.

    Tech N9 ne – Speedom (WWC2) feat. Eminem & Krizz Kaliko –

    link to

  420. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Loved the legs, you have predilections nailed but…

    @Michael McCabe

    I raised you a tenner, you want all in with that. I fold, happy to see you collect the pot 🙂

    Times running out, well the beer is so last one from me 🙂

    link to

  421. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr here is two minutes 29 seconds of T-rex on the theme of rocks. link to

  422. Thepnr says:

    I’m going far tooooo sloooow.

    Never mind, Ian I think Eminem is great though obviously he’s not of my era, he’s a newer dude but pretty good 🙂

    That last song there reminded of Peter Piper picked a peck ah fuck that lol.

    You all know the one I really like by Eminem, I like it because it has a message for supporters of Independence, I’m Not Afraid.

    Your NOT getting that song AGAIN I’ve decided to play another but of course no one needs to watch. Independence supporters I’ve found tend to be well Independent of thought too.

    That’s a good thing, love you all 🙂

    link to

  423. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Yep, that’s aboot the size of it!

  424. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Thanks for posting ‘Lose Yourself’, haven’t seen it for years.

    Reminds me of when my own lad was just a tot, he loved it, still does, and he’s living all the messages he picked up from it. Great video, great song.

    Hoots brother – can’t wait to see you and abody else on the 26th – we get a chance to write another wee footnote for this great story we’ve found ourselves caught up in.


  425. Paula Rose says:

    wash-up boys please – hate to leave the place untidy.

  426. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    I can’t help, sorry, one of me Marigolds has a split…


  427. Thepnr says:

    …the one Ian gave me is also split, two splitters it seems. Your turn again Paula for the dishes.

  428. Paula Rose says:

    The next wings get together will feature Ian Brotherhood getting his erse skelped.

  429. Paula Rose says:

    I despair I really do.

  430. Paula Rose says:

    Go to bed both of you.

  431. Stoker says:


    Mundell Assumes The Position For His Masters
    link to

    SNP x 2

  432. Andrew Mclean says:

    Stoker, you mean this?

    link to

    “Assume the position Mundell” says Cameron!

  433. Oneironaut says:

    Another suggestion for a party act…
    (Even if just for the outfits!) 🙂

    link to

  434. alexicon says:


    £50 from me for Robert Peffer’s perk.

    5 minutes ago Buchananalexan… on the backers board.

    Enjoy Robert.

  435. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    I don’t remember giving you one. When was that?

  436. YESGUY says:

    Thks for the regards Alex, Ronnie , John and all.

    Tough time over winter and had hoped new meds would get me out and about but no joy at present. But i will get there eventually thanks to our wonderful Doctors and Nurses.

    I read all the comments every day like the good Winger i am and take heart that you guys will keep up the fight for us who canny .

    Your the one place that always leaves me with a smile on my face and hope soon to get out and meet more of you all again. The best part, is of putting faces to names and giving me the chance to thank you all for everything you do here.

    Summer weather will help loads and hope to get out then and catch up a bit.

    For the time being though , its keep warm, take it easy blah blah , you know the drill but remember i am here watching and laughing along with you .. most of the time.

    P.S. Your generosity knows no bounds . But I already knew that. Nice to see Pete and Nana get a wee thank you and i am so happy to contribute.

    You all deserve a gold badge in my mind.

    Take good care of yourselves and i’ll pop in every now and again.. to let you know i am here.

    Big thank you to ALL at Wings

  437. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Quinie frae Angus & Ruglonian,

    If youse see this, can you please let me know asap if you’ve had any joy re Glasgow gig venues. If need be I’ll go to Glasgow on Monday unless anyone closer fancies the task…


  438. Robert Kerr says:


    £20 from me for Robert Peffer’s perk

  439. Michael McCabe says:

    Here is a wee song from 51 years ago link to

  440. Paula Rose says:

    I’ve spent all afternoon hoovering and dusting and washing up – now BDTT can you put some decent tunes on the dansette cos the silly boys have been putting some real rubbish on recently.

  441. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    YesGuy, up above, mentioned looking forward to meeting Wingers when summer comes along. So a couple of tunes…

    link to

    Unfortunately, that TOTP performance omits the wonderful intro. So you can relive the intro here:-

    link to

    And one more…

    link to

  442. Glesca Keelie says:


    Just put £20 in for Robert.

    Also, on looking at other posts, I put in £50 a couple of days ago, with my usual No perks. That dirty great heavy wan I have is enough, and after being asked if I was ex-para’s with the Wings badge on, I don’t use that either.

  443. galamcennalath says:

    My donation of a couple of days ago. No perk.

    So Robert Peffers should benefit.

  444. X_Sticks says:

    Summertime, eh?

    This one always did it for me. (sorry couldn’t find a youtube of it)

    link to

  445. Lollysmum says:

    From Yew Choob-Bampots

    link to

  446. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    How dare you!

    Beat this!

    Max Bygraves, ‘Fings Ain’t Wot They Used To Be’ –

    link to

  447. Michael McCabe says:

    Did Somebody mention Summer. link to

  448. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Two Ronnies, ‘Rhyming Slang Sermon’ –

    link to

  449. Paula Rose says:

    The Barracudas – lovely boys, such big fans of Moi!

  450. Jock Scot says:

    Thanks Lollysmum

  451. cearc says:

    Robert for Gold now standing at – £459 of £513. Nearly there.

    Thanks everyone.

    gallamcennalath, how much was it for?

  452. Thepnr says:

    Hey Jock Scot how you doing ya bam LOL Another great wee tune by the way.

    Any chance of you making it to Glasgow? Looks like the 26th.

  453. Cadogan Enright says:

    @ ian brotherhood

    My email address is

    Give me the low down on the 26th please

  454. Macart says:

    26th a firm date then? Howzabout the venue?

  455. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Mentions of ‘Summertime’…

    This is, possibly, the first use of a well known riff:-

    link to

    And here’s another for Paula Rose…

    link to

  456. Paula Rose says:

    BDTT honey – you make life worth living, you really do.

  457. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Macart –

    Venue? TBC.

    Fret not – we’ll have it sorted for early next week, and it’ll definitely be Glasgow city centre.

  458. Paula Rose says:

    We is the wings w is.

  459. old dearie says:


    I’d like my £50 donated a few days ago to go to Robert Peffers gold badge. Great
    historical posts.


  460. Macart says:

    Cheers Ian.

  461. Paula Rose says:

    I is going to bed cos my pussy needs a stroke – she’s very demanding.

  462. Cactus says:

    Here’s a suggestion for a different venue pretty close to Central Station.

    The Crystal Palace at 36 Jamaica Street (a large bar/food with an upstairs) Here’s some links for interest/info:

    link to
    link to

    I’ll probably go to or from wherever, to The Clutha at some point.. which be one of the most hat-friendly bars in Glasgow.

    ps digging the latest music video Jock Scot dude, cheers!
    C, F & G 🙂

  463. Stoker says:

    Andrew Mclean (11.27am)
    I think that’s the watchable version Andrew.

    Lollysmum wrote: “From Yew Choob-Bampots
    link to

    A big thanks to the the Yew Choob team, brilliant!
    And to Lollysmum for posting it.

    Ian Brotherhood and all interested. Another suggestion for the wee shindig you’re putting together, both just around the corner from Glasgow Central station – Time Square or Hootenanny’s.
    Both good gastro-type-bars with plenty of space BUT i have no idea of their politics or how receptive they’d be to our lot. Might be worth you checking them out.

    SNP x 2

  464. Stoker says:


    Also should have added The Grant Arms, it’s on Argyle Street just along from the low-level exit/entrance to Central Station. It’s in a similar vein to the other 2 i mentioned, size wise etc, but once again i have no idea how receptive they would be to a WOS shindig.

    I’m a big supporter and believer in supporting our own, ie; The Clutha, but the Clutha is a wee bit out of the way for a lot of folk, especially when they’ve had a sherbet or two and i feel it’s a bit cramped size wise.

    Oanyhoo, it’s the people who make a party, not the venue.

    SNP x 2

  465. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A wee bit of serious business…

    We’ve had a suggestion from Cadogan that the Glasgow get-together could provide an opportunity to do a workshop-type session about ‘Inform Scotland’, all about billboard/poster campaigns – it sounds pretty major and worthy of serious attention/publicity.

    Nothing has been confirmed yet, but we need to know who’d be interested in hearing more/contributing to the development of this, and also alert those veteran Wingers who were involved in producing the ‘Aye Right’ leaflet. Please get the word out and let’s try to generate a bit of a buzz about this – previous WOS gigs have always been successful social occasions, but this one may also produce something solid and workable.

    @Cactus – do you know if that pub you mentioned is bookable/available on the 26th?

    @Quinie and/or Ruglonian – any news on other poss venues?

    Time ticking down…

    *whip being cracked*


  466. Quinie frae Angus says:

    Hi Ian B

    So sorry – I have had no luck so far with venues. Tried two small Partick pubs but they both have functions on on the 26th.

    Have been unexpectedly in London all week for work and so haven’t had any time to traipse around the Glasgow pubs, and now am in Dundee for a family weekend and funeral….

    Certainly up for the “Inform” idea. My work schedule will be erratic for next few weeks, and involve a lot of travel, so don’t know how much practical help I’ll be able to commit to – but I’ll do what I’m able to!

  467. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Quinie frae Angus –

    No worries, thanks for letting me know.

    Whatever happens, I do hope you can make it. It’s nice to be busy, aye, but we all need a wee break and recharge of the batteries, and the WOS nights always seem to be effective on both fronts.

  468. Cactus says:

    I’m in the big yes city tonight so will try to pop by the Crystal Palace to make enquiries Ian B. I reckon wherever we choose, we should reserve it for 50+ Wingers yeah.

    Another venue in the west end that was suggested before, was the Òran Mór at the top of Byres Road (beside the bonnie Botanic Gardens.)

    link to

  469. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cactus –

    Good stuff big yin, cheers aplenty.

    If a decent space is available and you get on the crack with any managers etc, could you please ask about availability of a basic PA, and also whether we can book the place from approx. 2.30 p.m. until closing time?

    Hoots mon!

  470. Paula Rose says:

    And make sure they do decent cocktails.

  471. Quinie frae Angus says:

    TJenny, if you are reading this and you still have my email address, can you get in touch with me?

    My old computer died some time ago so unfortunately I no longer have your email address!

  472. Cactus says:

    @Ian B ~

    Like the 2.30 p.m. start for the ‘Inform Scotland’ idea from Cadogan n yerself. Will ask about the other stuff too and report back over the weekend or by Monday latest.

    Meantime, if anyone’s got a preference for venue or other.. shout out!

    @Paula ~

    Aye, will get the heads-up for you on the cocktail front missy x

  473. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cactus –

    🙂 🙂 😉

    We salute you…

    Here’s one, should be right up your street.

    Shakin’ Pyramids, ‘Take A Trip’ –

    link to

  474. Cactus says:

    Also in the west end on Woodlands Road we have The Dram (formerly the Uisge Beatha.)

    link to

  475. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just to point out – we did promise it would be central, i.e. within walking distance of the central bus and train hubs, and some have signed-up on that basis.

    The old Uisge Beatha is a fine venue, but a fair hike from, say, Glasgow Central. Good shout though, and we should keep it in mind.

  476. Paula Rose says:

    Could have an afternoon venue and an evening one.

  477. Stoker says:

    Well, i’ve already given you 3 suggestions and you’ll not get much closer to Central Station than those 3. Mind you, there are 3 establishments within Central Station (upper level) but their prices might be a tad OTT. Good luck with the search!

  478. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stoker –

    Sorry Stoker, forgot to respond to you earlier, got sidetracked.

    Looking for venue for first Glasgow WOS night (well, if you don’t count the Horseshoe one) I spent a whole Saturday plodding around the environs of Central, checked every pub and found nothing suitable because they’re jammed on Saturdays and it’s impossible to ‘book’, say, a whole lounge. That’s why we ended-up in the Counting House, but they won’t allow PA/music. The Clutha’s a fine venue too, but they’ve always got their own music and they’re jammed at weekends, we’d be lucky to get space enough even to stand near each other.

    Plus the fact, we need a ‘private’ space so we can set up a PA, have the workshop sessions/discussion, and do our own thing music-wise in the evening.

    Best I found was the upstairs of the Quarter-Gill, but it’s very small, not an awful lot of seating. I might have another look at it, depending on how Cactus gets on tonight.


    PS Cadogan – The Quarter-Gill would be perfect for what you have in mind.

  479. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stoker –

    Sorry Stoker, wasn’t rubbering you, just got sidetracked.

    Wrote you a quite lengthy reply approx 10/15 mins ago but it’s not showing(yet)…

    I tried all the pubs close to Central while searching for somewhere for the first WOS gig, but they’re all jammed on Saturdays, impossible to book, say, a whole lounge.

    Let’s see how Cactus gets on tonight.


  480. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is to send good vibes to the bold Cactus…

    We’ll get a place for the 26th yet…

    U2, ‘I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For’ (Harlem Gospel Choir version, live –

    link to

  481. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stoker –

    You seem to know your city-centre pubs!

    Familiar with The Quarter-Gill, just off junction of Argyle St and the one that becomes Hope St?

    I’m thinking that the upstairs lounge there could be a go-oer, but I keep remembering it as very very small. Not sure now that it is, memory could be playing tricks – could be ideal if there are only 30-35 of us, but I’ve a feeling we’ll surpass 50 in which case it would definitely be standing-room only for a lot.

    Anyone else know the place I’m on about?

  482. Paula Rose says:

    Thought I’d made it clear that U2 is verböten here.

  483. Stoker says:

    No probs Ian, didn’t think you were. I’ll not be going to this one anyway for a variety of reasons but was just trying to help yous out with my knowledge of the area.

    Hopefully Cactus will get something sorted but failing that just keep in mind how long ago that first gig took place, things have changed now and there’s a lot of establishments needing the business.

    I’m sure you’ll all sort something.

  484. Stoker says:


    Just posted my previous post before seeing your reply at 8.01pm.

    That’s more than a bit on the spooky side. I know the Quarter Gill very well and i know the fella who runs it and i’ve been contemplating that suggestion all day but can’t for the life of me remember what the upstairs is like. I’ve only ever been upstairs once and that was a right few years ago and i was a little pickled.

    That’s not the first i’ve been thinking something quite heavily on my mind only to find out when i come on to WOS that someone is asking about the very same thing. The last time was several weeks ago when i hadn’t seen ‘YESGUY’ posting for a while, came on to WOS later that day only to find John King asking the same questions.

    Sh!t, time for my meds, i’m hearing the Twilight Zone!

  485. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Stoker –

    😉 🙂 🙂 😉 🙂

    Okay, well, that, to me, is some kind of kismet-related thing which indicates a very big thumbs-up!

  486. David says:

    If looking for a Glasgow venue, you could try the Laurieston Bar, see if they will let you use their lounge.
    It is just south of the river Clyde, ten minutes walk from Central station.

    It is also only 200 metres from Bridge St. subway, giving good quick link to Buchanan St. for those using the train at Queen Street.

    The Laurieston, 58 Bridge Street, Glasgow, G5 9HU
    Tel. (0141) 429 4528

    link to

    Pub review:
    link to

    Don’t know if they have a PA system, but they do have a jukebox!

    Disclaimer: No, I don’t have shares in it, I just used to enjoy drinking & eating pies there. A great traditional pub with excellent, & original, old-time decor. Nine years ago, how time flies. 🙁

  487. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Anyone else having comments not appear?

    That’s two I’ve ‘lost’ today, and no indication that I’d made a mistake with name/mail details.

    Comments don’t seem to be delayed though – is the site under some kind of attack? Seems Bateman’s blog has been getting a hard time today…

  488. Stoker says:

    David (8.34pm).
    Something is ringing a bell about The Lauriston but i just can’t place it. A couple of years ago the boss and i were on a wee tour of the outlying establishments and we happened across what i think was The Lauriston but i don’t recognise it from the link you provide. The place i’m talking about was quite good, in fact the welcome was warm and she even got me up onto the floor for a bit of daddy dancing to the DJ/Karaoke(?), that’s how good it was.
    On second thoughts, unless you can get someone to do a recce and fact-finding mission, i’d give the QG a miss. It’s a perfect location but if the downstairs is anything to go by, shabby with poor toilets – a bit spit-and-sawdust and not a place i’d be comfortable sending Wingers to.

    On the other hand though, i’ve just remembered a cracking wee place, you can get 20 people in it and you’re literally rubbing shoulders. BUT, they have a cracking downstairs which they don’t always use, i’ve been in that place when it’s been packed with c100 and a Karaoke. It’s called The Alpine Lodge and it’s 2-mins away from the Central Station opening across from The Toby Jug.
    It’s right across from Reardons Snooker & Pool club on Hope St.

  489. Stoker says:

    SORRY – Alpen Lodge (not Alpine Lodge).

    btw, folks, completely different topic here but be warned, if you ever get the chance to watch a film trilogy called The Human Centipede give it a wide birth. It’s five-and-a-half hours of your life you will not get back.

    Right, i’m away to watch Noah on Netflix, take care you lot.

  490. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @David –

    Cheers. Noted. Could be worth considering.

    @Stoker – The Alpen Lodge is a no-go on Saturdays, packed solid all-day with karaoke and what-not.

  491. Thepnr says:

    Just thought I’d have a look online to see what might be possible.

    One that came to my attention was Dows Bar just outside Queen Street station, according to their website they have a private function suite for up to 120 separate from the main bar.

    I’ve been in the main bar and it was fine, in fact if waiting on a train with time to spare would go there, no idea what their function room is like.

    The cost is FREE, might be worth finding out more?

    link to

  492. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Nice one.

  493. Thepnr says:

    In fact last time I was in Dows Bar was the Hope of Fear Rally in George Square with my young lad, both of us had Wings/Yes badges on and nobody seemed to care one way or the other.

  494. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    link to

    That sounds ideal – could be worth checking out. Although, at three weeks, the time frame could be a tad short.

  495. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just discovered tonight that my old music teacher passed away in June 2014.

    He didn’t get to see the referendum result, and that’s maybe a blessing because he was a big SNP man (I think he stood for election, way back, maybe late 80’s) a very popular teacher and a lovely bloke by all accounts.

    I’ve definitely posted links to him in here before, but there wasn’t a lot online even a couple of years ago. Someone has uploaded a stack of his work, and it looks like it’s pretty recent. He’d been ill for a long time, but it’s still sad to find that he’s gone.

    Peter Mallan, ‘Ye Banks & Braes’ –

    link to

  496. Macart says:

    Feelin’ a bit like this tonight.

    link to

    Mixed with a bit of this.

    link to

    A couple of medicinal wossinames and a few memories of a long summer.

  497. Oneironaut says:

    Did a certain someone say my last music link was rubbish? 🙁
    There’s just no pleasing some people!

    Ok then, mellowing it up a bit…

    link to

  498. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT & Thepnr –

    Aye, it does look good.

    I’ll phone tomorrow, see if the date’s free.

    And we’ll also hear from Cactus soon – no harm in spinning a few plates…we have to get this right.

  499. Thepnr says:

    It’s always sad Ian at the passing of family or friend. Your old teacher looked contented in that clip, I guess he was a kindly man. He looked that way to me.

  500. cearc says:


    Glad to hear you’re busy. Enjoy yourself.


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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • sarah on Off-topic: “I gave that slogan to Swinney during the general election when he visited a nearby heritage site that was central…Mar 13, 23:24
    • sarah on The tint of rose: “@ Mia at 7.30 p.m. Very well explained, Mia – comprehensible to the meanest understanding, one would think.Mar 13, 23:13
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Hatey said; “We voted Remain by 62% on a turnout of 67.2%. By the inexorable laws of maths, we can…Mar 13, 22:58
    • Tinto Chiel on Off-topic: “Stuart McHardy cuts through the crap re The Jacobites: Remember history is usually written by the victors unless the…Mar 13, 21:18
    • Hatey McHateface on The tint of rose: “Boo hoo, Mia gurnin aboot being “forced oot o the EU agin oor will” again. Hindsight is, of course, a…Mar 13, 20:38
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““I cannot see anything which would suggest that the treaty intended to retain two separate sovereign states with their respective…Mar 13, 19:30
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““she hates the English with a venom” Are you sure? Has she tried to get them jailed on trumped-up sexual…Mar 13, 18:52
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “Good point, Lorn. Still, part of living your best trans life requires somebody to take a (hopefully sharp) knife to…Mar 13, 18:47
    • agent x on Signal and noise: ““what are the odds on Sturgeon running for MP in the UK Parliament at the next opportunity?” Zero chance -…Mar 13, 18:31
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “Oops! Sorry Rev!Mar 13, 18:10
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “Eric Trump at Bute House with Swinney today.Mar 13, 17:11
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “Nothing is happening politically – not for independence nor as competent government. Holyrood currently is a toxic puddle – gone…Mar 13, 17:00
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:26
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:21
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Aidan said: “in context of over 300 years of union governance, I think we have to see the fundamental principles…Mar 13, 16:12
    • Sven on Signal and noise: “Charles (non R one) My money would still be on her looking for a post with the EU or UN.…Mar 13, 15:55
    • TURABDIN on Signal and noise: “Signals & Noises in a land far, far away….. RWANDA, new «enriched» kid, thanx2UK, on the neo imperalist block……Mar 13, 15:24
    • John McGregor on Signal and noise: “Ave no priblem way men dressing as womem but as long as they have awe their bits they are MEN…Mar 13, 15:04
    • Charles (not the R one) on Signal and noise: “Don’t forget this – the only reason the SNP is able to behave like this, is because so many Scottish…Mar 13, 14:58
    • willie on Signal and noise: “Why should we worry about the country that Scotland has become. We allowed it to happen. Economic stagnation over the…Mar 13, 13:37
    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “Well, Hatey, you are going to have to explain that one to the four (at the last count) ‘men’ who…Mar 13, 12:54
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “In another turn of events Sarah is partially right and Stuart is partially wrong. Designation as a non-self governing territory…Mar 13, 12:29
    • Marie on Signal and noise: “I agree but we need to fight for Scotland’s historical legacy as an epicentre of enlightened thinking. Political parties that…Mar 13, 11:13
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “I used to be proud of Scotland but now I see it as a land of misogyny, perverted beyond belief…Mar 13, 09:43
    • Dave G on Signal and noise: ““Scotland’s top gender law specialist” as ITV dubs her is actually an English barrister (she has a Scottish father) who…Mar 13, 09:30
    • TURABDIN on Signal and noise: “«all within the law, none outside the law, none against the law» pace Benito MUSSOLINIMar 13, 09:11
    • 100%Yes on The evolution of fairness: “Sara, Your correct the UN Decolonisation of Scotland is a winner for so many reason. Its progress, when all we…Mar 13, 08:59
    • Frank Gillougley on Signal and noise: “Maggie Chapman was born in the wrong body and she is also a time-traveller. She was born as Lavrenty Pavlovich…Mar 13, 07:26
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““Don’t you want an independent Scotland to be the first islamic country in the EU?” I want the Islamic leader…Mar 13, 07:10
    • Yoon Scum on Signal and noise: “We really need a party in Scotland which is 1 :- Actually sane 2:- ignores the indy issue as it…Mar 13, 06:47
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