MP For Vendetta
We’ve noted on a number of occasions that the BBC is fond of using the late-night papers review show on the News channel as a sneaky little Nat-bashing section in which London-based broadsheet journalists (always, always Unionists) get to display the full depth of their arrogant cluelessness about Scottish politics.
Last night’s, however, was quite something even by the usual standards.
The Telegraph’s Tim Stanley – who stood as a Labour candidate in the 2005 general election – didn’t make even the most token of attempts to conceal his extraordinary hostility, and alongside someone called Petrie Hosken (who seems to be chiefly known for presenting a breakfast show on London radio station LBC) embarked on a sustained personal attack, littered with falsehoods, on Alex Salmond.
Hosken’s rage at the idea of Scottish MPs voting at Westminster was particularly misdirected, given the SNP’s long-standing policy of abstaining from any vote not affecting Scotland. Perhaps, given that Yes-supporting pundits clearly aren’t welcome on the show, the state broadcaster should adopt a quid-pro-quo approach and simply keep its mouth shut whenever the subject of those uppity Jocks has the ill grace and poor manners to raise its head in the press.
Simply stunning lack of knowledge.
Where do the Beeb get these numpties from?
As we know, if it was all about Alex Salmond’s ego he would’ve joined Labour decades ago % probably have been Prime Minister by now & sitting in the Lords.
So much for BetterTogether. If this was SKY news then fine but this level of corruption at the BBC is way way beyond reason now.
They might as well re-name it Nightly Nat Bash.
BBC Breakfast are another one for NEVER informing their viewers on the SNP abstaining on rUK issues.
Even when discussing EVEL.
Having a popular democratic mandate to be a Scottish MP doesn’t seem to meet the UK standard. How very dare they represent the interests of their constituents.
I invariably turn off BBC news when they discuss internal UK-OK politics.
I’m sure Glasgow will welcome this missinformed cretin with open arms ?
”I actually find him pretty hateful”
and They still don’t get it.
Fine and long may it continue as when the day or reckoning eventually arrives they will be silent for good.
It is all just water off a duck’s back to me now. I don’t even get angry or even shake my head any more. I keep my anger for the Murphies, my mocking humour for the Currens and my sadness for the LibDems, except Ming Campbell and Caron Lindsay. Pity is reserved for Wee Willie Rennie
So bile & hatred time it is then.
Ha ha! Even more evidence that Eck worries them. He’s a far better & certainly more honest politician than any in WM will ever be.
The only politician that gives 1/3 of his salary & his FM pension to charity in the land & they try to taint him because that’s the only weapon they have.
Time for us all to support both NS & AS.
What a pair of out of touch arseholes..led along by an idea what he’s talking about minute was enough to get me seething..listening to these tossers..Tim the twat talking about HIS country and the dreaded union..ootside tae calm doon am gaan…xxx
They really are a bunch of arrogant ignorant racist scum.
They really are a bunch of arrogant ignorant scum.
what a couple of snobby gits, who don’t live in the real world, why does the BBC let this continue, I will be writing to the regulators asking them why they have not done anything by now. A Terriabe misinterpretiation of a outstanding MSP
Just utterly pathetic: no facts; no understanding; no challenge to their nonsense. I find both of them “hateful”, so I suppose that makes it quits, does it?
Tim Stanley, a true brit nat. Hostile and nasty.
I wonder, though, if some of the population’s clear messages are getting through up here ?
Gordon Brewer’s Scottish Politics this morning seemed to be unusually unbiased.
It wasn’t an election for a start.
They really really don’t have a clue, do they?
“He’s waging a vendetta against my country”
That’s the important line. For those like Tim Stanley the idea of Scottish independence isn’t the break up a political union but the break up a nation.
They don’t see Alex Salmond as someone who wants to take the Scottish nation out of the Union but as a man who is trying to rip the northern province of their nation out of Britain. It’s a complete denial of both Scotland and England as nations.
That also ties in with the interesting line from Petrie Hosken that, shock, horror, “he wants us to call ourselves English”.
It seems English and England are now dirty words in the British Establishment just like Scotland.
Ignorant idiots will say ignorant idiotic things, but isn’t it the presenter’s job to at the very least, play devil’s advocate? Just another example of the BBC treating Scotland as some sort of joke!
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the last item in the newspaper review. “Oh, better throw in a Jock paper at the end I suppose”.
The ignorance of the BBC and its acolytes, with every passing day, just becomes more and more manifest.
‘He wants us to call ourselves English’.
The panic heightens. The Scots are going to up set their little system in Westminster. Formidable Scots politicians with a sense of fairness, conviction and a willingness to fight for what they believe in are not what the ruling classes wish. Again and again we will hear the same old line that we did last night being churned out, the SNP are to fade away. Why are they becoming stronger?. They lost. We are exercising our democratic right within the union. They wanted us to stay, fine we are here and will be heard whether they like it or not.
They really really don’t have a clue do they?
They really don’t understand that as long as Whitehall holds the purse strings then there will be a need to have a vocal and strong Scottish presence in London to defend Scottish interests.
They really do believe we have home rule in Scotland now.
The Sunday Wail has a two page spread on Rotten Johnnies thoughts of wisdom, including photie of the Union Jack group and one of Johnnie Bull with his sex Pisstols Unionist Jackass tin badge.
When will they understand that this is an uprising by the people of Scotland, and it is not going away.
My favourite part was when the petri dish woman expressed utter bemusement as to why AS would want to stand for Westminster after “England or the government” had just devolved “all these new powers”.
Form an orderly queue…
Weapons grade metrocentric fuckwittery.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. The BBC writ large really.
Wow! No right to reply admitted by BBC interviewer? How shocking and offensive to Scottish voters and blatantly racist!. They have no fear this rant will be questioned or published? Well done Wings for bringing it to our attention. Tis the BBC who will break up the union, superior, elitist, Tory bullshit!
Yawn. It’s the extreme level of ignorance of Scottish politics which is promoted by Daily Mail and Telegraph propaganda in order to stoke prejudices.
I’m not even angry any more. I actually feel pity for these two. But I’m also annoyed at the BBC for giving their hatred a platform.
The union hangs by a thread. I imagine similar language was used when other countries demanded their independence. It’s the union’s final hurrah.
You trying to incite a riot this morning by showing this Stu.
I for one wish to throw my utter contempt for these ignorant arseholes right back at them and the ebc.
Clueless scumbags!
No balance from the equally ignorant presenter.
God, I thought his prejudices were a resuilt of Telegraph propaganda. I didn’t realise he actually writes for that paper until I read the rest of the article. I feel less pity for him now. Just another bigot.
In the words of Robin McAlpine, “Why won’t these fucking Scots STAY DOWN?”
wow! they are so afraid of scotland, the scottish people and our new found people power.
they condemn the open mind, passion, warmth, social justice soul, truth and democracy.
i really do feel sorry for their loss of humanity, rejected to meet their own selfish interests.
Just another rehash of the fact they don’t like us. Put any combination of establishment oiks in front of a camera and the truth will out. It will never change until we split the Union and gain some respect in the world after our miserable failure in September.
Completely and utterly clueless.
And what makes it worse – we are paying for them.
Their idea that Nicola Sturgeon will be pissed off that ‘he’s stolen the limelight’ is totally off the wall.
There’s a home front, which Nicola holds, and the western front, which Alex will lead the charge on. There’s a twin charge.
Their perspective is so totally Unionist that they just don’t get that Scotland no longer sees London as the focus of its interest.
Even Johan Lamont got that. I actually found her comment (about out-of-touch London Labour) ‘they don’t understand the kind of politics they are facing’ refreshingly honest and spot on, especially her point that Scots are now focused on Holyrood more than Westminster.
But this pair are totally out of touch with that.
All that is wrong with ignorant and arrogant Westminster politics! I’d use the ‘E’ word but it may be termed racial!
Just remember Piers Morgan’s tweet, from 8th August…
“OK Scotland, you’ve had your fun. Now just quietly vote ‘NO’ and we’ll say no more about it.”
Funny how they’re having to say a lot more about it…
It was a referendum, not an election, you dolt.
We all have a vendetta against this,rotten, union.
He (Salmond) wanted to affect, a fairer society for everyone living in Scotland.
He and the rest of us, that believe in an independent Scotland, are not going to disappear.
What a trio of, out of touch, colonial, Londoncentic idiots.
Obviously that twat doesn’t realise how lucky he is that they haven’t invented punchavision yet.
They don’t like it up ’em Cap’n Mannering,do they?,So many falsehoods and misinformed opinions in these 3 minutes it’s hard to know where to start.
SNP won’t be telling you what to do,you’ll be allowed your independence ‘cos they only vote on matters that affect Scotland. “Your country” lol,since your lot stole the indyref,it happens to also be Alex Salmonds country as well 🙂 and so is perfectly entitled to not “fade away” ffs. Fear is upon them,he and the SNP plus PC and friends may well eat Westminster for breakfast.
The Animosity between the SNP and Labour ooofft Thats Priceless The Animosity from Labour towards the SNP
I spent most of this last week feeling blazing anger but you know what? Fuck them. Let them spout all their lies, hatred and faux outrage T those who dare question their God-given sense of entitlement to Lord over us Üntermenschen.
I have nothing more to say to them, they have nothing positive to say to us.
No more talking; let’s turn our collective backs on them and set about building our own destiny; let these idiots go to Hell.
Deem to comply with legislation that affects you ONLY when passed by Holyrood.
I will personally ignore any new diktat from the Parliament of nonces from this day forward.
They are spectacularly ill informed. They could just as easily be talking about Algeria for all the depth and insight. Scotland is clearly a separate country to these people because they know fuck all about the politics within Scotland…(they may know fuck all about English politics too of course).
Its not quite cricket old chap to discuss politics unless you have an objective point of view!
let me guess….i bet they didn’t mention that our pal murphy and the rest of the red tories do vote on English matters…..its only right that Scottish mps don’t vote on English matters unless it directly affects Scotland!….right and fair!
I have just sent a complaint to BBC,requested a reply from them and see what they have to say.Is that Telegraph guy now in hiding,where in Scotland is he visiting,staying with the Cochranes maybe.
I watched this, it did make me laugh, a year ago we would have been enraged, NOW, They dont like it upem Cpt Mainwairing do they? he he he…
I just wonder what kinda furore would have erupted if the subject of this ‘discussion’ had been mr farage. They’d probably all have been in court by now!
as for the BBC
Bide yer time and nurse your wrath to keep it warm.
A bonfire of the vanities will be the future of the BBC in Scotchland.
O/T but Gerry Hassan now writes for the Scotsman where he seems to be replacing Brian Wilson as leading Yes-basher. New article there warns of complacency of Yessers (I would agree about that: NEVER understestimate Unionists’ determination to regroup to hold us in thralldom) but also claims there is no such thing as the 45. Hassan clearly anticipating the Labour fight back will start in earnest in the New Year, and denying that Yes/SNP took Labour’s heartlands.
I do think dusbanding the Yes campaign on September 18 was a bad idea. For sure, BT have not gone away. The alliances formed then are institutionally strengthening. BT was to run until 31 December whatever the result, and it now seems to be pulling all its strength to get Murphy elected.
Somebody tweeted a few week ago “there’s a big difference between a state broadcaster, and a public service broadcaster”. It’s quite clear which category the BBC falls into.
That they still portray Salmond as the bogeyman from the North, sneer at the SNP and try to paint the whole Yes movement as some kind of extremism shows the extent of the cancer that has metastasized throughout our media. They fawn over Farage – who only has two MPs – whilst seeking at every opportunity to bash Salmond and the Nats who have started a broad and positive movement for UK wide social change.
Can’t tell you how sick I am of the media in this country, and in particular the BBC. It really says something when you have to go to Russian media to get anything like balanced coverage.
Braying Brit nat tossers, given a platform to spout nonsense and flat out mistruths with no comeback or balance. Gotta love the Pravda-BBC.
Whit a Hoot. They are just so thick! In fact their stupidity is our secret weapon.
I hope this video gets repeated time and again over the next 6 months.
bbc no bias
Weapons grade metrocentric fuckwittery
thanks Macart. This deserves a place alongside the Rev’s classic descriptions “brainless duncery”, “heroically witless benchwarmers”.
This is the way people think inside the London bubble. They won’t change. We wouldn’t ever educate them. They cannot be influenced. They will not change their attitudes. Ingrained arrogance and ignorance. It’s a parallel universe.
How can the Union survive for long when we thinks as we do, and they think of us as they do?
The sad thing is I fear the Union will finally come to an end with much chaos, animosity, bad feeling and mistrust. It doesn’t need to, but the MSM and BBC are driving it towards that.
Nothing new as regards these London centric newspaper
Reviews with regards to Scotland.Expect this type of ignorant/ arrogant
Comment to continue unabated until GE 2015.
Additionally expect EBC and North British branch office (Pacific Quay)to
Replicate it’s “better together” daily and nightly “brainwash” with the “red Tory”
” Panto starring “Whispering Jim” and “Stairhead” assisted
No doubt by the ugly sisters Jackie, Eleanor and Sarah
Absobloodylutely Fran, they wanted us in it WELL how do you like it better together friends and neighbours, we must be upsetting their “lil choochy faces”
Why don’t they just summarise with…
“We don’t want our beloved Westminster Parliament polluted by these popular, honourable and sincere types!! Oh no, we want child rapist, coke snorting, expense embezzling public schoolboys. The two types are just not compatible to the way Britain likes its politicians “
All any of the unionists have is SNP BAD, and personal attacks, they certainly can’t peddle their policies to the Scottish people, we see through their lie’s, now that the majority of Scotland is politically awake, but the uncontested bile and blatant lies being broadcast using the unionist propaganda machine that is the BBC is way out of control. Can we do anything about it that is the question, we can write and complain to various outlets but will it do any good? i for one have canceled my TV licence and sent a standard template e-mail explaining why i canceled, only other way to take the fight to them is by supporting fledgling media enterprises like the National newspaper, and blog’s like this one, also by talking to each other to get the truth out there, keep active, keep believing…
Cheer up! Whenever I see or read this kind of stuff (and there’s plenty of it) I reflect that it serves to deepen the ever-growing split in the union. Whereas in days gone by, much of the English establishment felt able to ignore Scotland, they now perceive us as a threat – embodied by AS and the 45% result.
It’s made quite clear when Tim whatsit says Salmond is waging a vendetta against ‘my country’, and when t’other lass says ‘He wants us to call ourselves English’
This tone of ‘how very dare you’ is not going to salvage the union in any hurry, that’s for sure. The more of it we hear, the better so far as I am concerned.
That’s the sound of fear. They’re scrapping themselves that Scotland will actually have a say in how the UK should be run.
Two ignorant slobs! Proves what my Dad always said “posh voices and intelligence do not necessarily go together”
Their cluelessness and indignant reaction is laughable. I’d be ashamed to go on national telly and expose, as those two do, how little I understand about the machinations of Scottish politics. The underlying thing though is, they fear him. And well they should.
Crapping…. her predictive text.
Also a futile attempt at wedge driving,not going to happen here.
Fill your boots.
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Ignorance and arrogance marching hand-in-hand! These people who dislike anyone but themselves have been a blight on the planet for hundreds of years and still haven’t grown up!
The BBC has been an establishment tool for decades. Its website is nothing short of of a 24/7 propaganda machine for the self-elected few. The simple answer is to stop paying the fee, I did many, many moons ago. S’easy!
To feign shock, horror and outrage at each ignorant or prejudicial outburst from its often quite appalling presenters (of which Tim Wilcox is a prime example of entrenched establishment bias) or hand picked right-wing rent-a-gob guests is to absolutely miss the point. But rest assured, Alex, it’s nothing personal (although then again it might be with Nick Robinson..), the Scottish independence cause is only one of the BBC’s many chosen insidious disinformation agendas which span politics, class, culture, foreign affairs and even sport.
Shock Horror! A politician stands for election at Westminster! I struggle to find where to start with this. When and where did Alex Salmond insist on English people calling themselves English and us, Scottish?
I remember Tim popping up here and there during the Referendum a bit like Alex Massie and Hugo Rifkind a bunch of privileged poseurs full of hyperbolic rhetoric `a tale
told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing`.
Absolutely no concept of real life living in a privileged bubble from cradle to grave. They talk the talk but do not walk the walk.
I can forgive Tim hating the Scots but Alex and Hugo make me sick.
How dare Scotland and its representatives meddle in affairs of State, influence and affect English laws, imagine, outrageous!
No inkling of awareness that Scotland and Scots have lived under English/British rules for generations made by political parties that have minor presence and less influence.
Hundreds of years of being told how it is and now perhaps the first chance that Scotland has of having a say in governance of the UK they squeal not fair.
If they had an ounce of self awareness they would hand back their fees for this uninformed twaddle!
Does the BBC have any journalistic credibility any more? So much for a balanced approach.
“Poor Alex Salmond, we have not given him any right to reply to this”
Allowing these obvious pro unionists (including the presenter) to bash Alex Salmond like this is par for the course, Scotland understands their place within the BBC. We are a sore on the backside of the UK and should be put down at every opportunity, Thankfully Nicola Sturgeon is on board with Alex Salmond contrary to what the two BBC guests think. Salmond is heading to Westminster and is going to create merry hell by exposing all. The English MP’s will be quaking in their wobbly benches, he is probably the best informed and researched politician that we have seen in this generation and has the ability to orate and destroy others with a few well aimed words. He is going to make Westminster with watching, but will probably be edited out given the track record of the BBC.
This is why I am refusing to pay for a TV Licence. Why on earth should my hard earned money be used to pay scum like this for their ignorant mutterings. Absolutely not a clue about what Alec Salmond and the SNP stand for or what most Scots feel about Westminster.
Twelve weeks ago they “loved” us and wanted us to stay together. Now at least they’re showing their true colours. Let the Beeb keep it coming, because more and more people are starting to see the BBC for what it really is.
Remember folks if you don’t watch live TV, you don’t need to be paying for these hateful diatribes. Simply tell them when they come to your door that no live TV watched at your address and you only watch catch-up and “No” they can’t come in and inspect the TV set in the house. Even if your TV is hooked up to an aerial or satellite dish, you still don’t require a licence. Took them nearly 5 months to come round and hassle me and haven’t seen or heard from them since.
If more of us do refuse to pay, then maybe they will get the message. And if they do continue to pour out their biased propaganda, you will know that at least you’re not paying for it.
@ Wilma (12.35pm).
Good luck with your letter to the regulators.
Everyone should be contacting the regulators over this blatantly concerted and nasty attack full of falsehoods.
You don’t need a tv licence to make the complaint, you learned of this vile character assassination right here on WOS.
We need to start bombarding the regulators about this sort of thing or we might as well sit with our mouths shut and watch them urinate all over us.
We need to slam the breaks on this corrupt organisation if we are to get anywhere. Apathy is the enemy of progress.
All it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.
I for one have taken enough.
And btw, just because the ignorant cretin presenting that “paper review” makes a joke out of Alex not getting a right to reply and then the 3 of them having a jolly good old guffaw about it –
What happened to balance, impartiality and accuracy?
I live and work in London. If Alicsammin gets in next May, I will be laying palm leaves onto the road in front of him as he travels to Westminster. Or maybe holding a welcoming poster.
They do know about Scottish politics. The woman is more than clear that Labour “is not going to do well in Scotland” so he doesn’t need to do this blah blah bleh.
The rupert on her left knows it too. Actually discussing why Labour could well be wiped out in Scotland next May would be far more interesting and insightful but not a chance from fraudster BBC.
Fact is, saving Labour in Scotland’s skins is all they’ll be talking about in BBC London and Glasgow, the gits.
Personally it makes me really admire Salmond for just going back into the epicentre of Tory Boy Britnat BBC world again. Look at the lying cowards Crash and the Flipper.
I find it all rather strange – they wanted the UK to remain and now they complain when we’re about to send them a lovely bunch of Scottish MPs to make sure we’re all better together!
i say they should carry on turning those who stood up to the imperial masters into folk legends.
cheated not defeated, we are the change, we shine in our triumph.
BtP , agreed
They do not realise how many English , and World wide folk now resident in Scotland voted yes . Infact 99% of non Scots in my social circle voted YES
Nothing new here , same old under informed CWAP !
This type of “scunner” is now such a regular occurence on our TV we have probably become immune to it .
Thanks again for the post REV.
It actually geees me on to more campaigning out there.
BTW , I am regularly approached by NO voters expressing their regrets . Not in a divinty forgive me way , just ordinary people getting it off their chest .
It does feel , even now , that the full political impact of the awakening the referendum is yet to materialise.
These anti Jock transmissions are probably contributing to a further swing of anti WM in Scotland .
Oh my. They really don’t get it, do they?
I don’t even know where to begin. I almost feel like signing up to twitter to accost this fop, but that would be against my social media exclusion policy.
It’s actually a real shame that this sort of thing now passes in Britain. Man in the pub spouting such pish- fair enough, had many pleasant and enlightening chats with folk along the same lines. Paid journalist? PAID JOURNALIST!??! Can’t even check the most basic of facts before spewing forth utter nonsense? I have to say if I was his boss I would be calling him for a performance review, as this raises serious concerns about his work and journalistic integrity.
WM think that sustained bullying will work against Scotland. Well the way to deal with bullies is to laugh at them & show no fear.
What they can’t stand is that Scotland is so upbeat about GE15 so they want to knock that out of us.Fat chance of that.
@ Tasmanian
And I’ll be beside you!
What a shower of ignorant, arrogant obnoxious people. BBC we never get the right to reply to some of this biased highly personalised rubbish that you the state broadcaster can get away with. You are poaid for by public subscription that legally we cannot avoid and are meant to be impartial in the manner you report and the programmes that you broadcast. Get Alex Salmond on with these numpties and see if they are as smart at the end of the programme. BBC you disgust me…
The clowns are out for the panto season.
But seriously are these people actually journalists and who pays for this nonsense ?
Heh, some real fun with words to be found here:
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OT – just listened to an interview of Prof Tony Carty by Derek Bateman. Very interesting perspective on the UK’s place in the world and on the referendum. It starts at 33.49 mins in
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If they rant about EVEL, and not wanting that man to vote on their precious laws and rights, then why do they continue to impose their unfair legislation and taxes (the poll tax, bedroom tax), on a country who has consistently voted differently from them.
What election? It was a referendum, with a myriad of parties and public groups wanting independence. Their like do not know what it is like to be in poverty, with their ‘born with a silver spoon in their mouth’ approach and attitude.
Whose union? This reporter should get his facts right.
Disgusted by this, if ever there was an example of why we need independence, this is it.
Did find it amusing that Stanley was all for keeping the union and then immediately attacked Scots MPs for voting on English laws. If you are a unionist, surely this is what you want? Better together are we not?
Give them hell Alex, if it annoys britnat idiots like these two, then it must be worth it.
That’s a good point, De Valera.
Lollysmum says:
“WM think that sustained bullying will work against Scotland”
… which is fatal misreading of the Scots character. Clearly there are many Scots who can be manipulated by lies. Perhaps the same is really true of most populations. However, bullying? That doesn’t go down well in these parts and could be WM’s biggest mistake.
If there is anybody out there who still thinks this BBC attitude is something new and confined the ‘Down South’, they may like to consider the following, in his book Scotland the story of a nation, the late Magnus Magnusson relates (page 681 footnote) the story of Winnie Ewing’s famous by election victory in Hamilton and how it was thought the he (Magnus)had been too enthusiastic toward the SNP in the election programme that he presented on the night, so the controller of BBC Scotland at the time, Andrew Stewart, banned him from political programmes for a year!
Those two commentators are truly appalling! Initially arouses anger until realising they are uneasy/clueless about Scotland. Does annoy that they can get away with lying on television unopposed.
Tweedle Dim talking with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum about AlicSammin and getting EVERYTHING they say WRONG! 😛
Is it just me or does anyone else think the BBC really goes out of its way to *ahem* employ complete and utter plonkers for their *cough* newspaper reviews these days? 😉
I can’t remember the last time I actually sat through, sorry I meant to say endured, a BBC newspaper review. I usually watch SKY papers review. They are not that much better than BBC but they ARE better none the less. 🙂
Thanks Stu for letting us all know what utter clap trap we all missed on the BBC news channel last night!
Petrie Hosken what a lapdog just nodding with everything the guy said.
Thick as hell or lying surely they wont be invited back
@stoker and Wilma
good luck with your BBC complaints. I would not expect too much from them but let us know how you get on.
Best to cancel your licence fee and send it to the pro-Indy new sites. I would also recommend G.A. Ponsonby’s book “How the BBC stole the referendum”.
This deserves some funding…
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Rev Stu,
You should really try to invent some “BBC Bias Health warning system” (E.g. five union jacks logos for really bad bias ranging to one Union Jack for mild bias) to help those of us with a nervous disposition and/or acute allergies to this BBC Pish.
I cancelled my licence fee to get away from all this but there is no escape. Aaaaarrrrgh!
A few threads back, Marcia posted a link to a 1977 “Mavis” interview of Margo. Part 2 was a character assassination session with Alan Watkins and Robert Carvill. The same patrician snide tones and attacks. Looks like the script hasn’t changed much in 40 years!
At 16m 33 secs in but the whole piece (30 mins) is worth watching.
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Typical BBC nonsense. She doesn’t want Salmond making decisions for her well we bloody don’t want Cameron and his buddies but we are stuck with them. For now. Idiots of the highest order.
Incredible one-sided view points yet again from the beeb, an ill-informed view points at that. If you have not cancelled your licence yet then why not?
I would be interested in the views of others on this:
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Here’s as good a place as any. we already know this but this sums up what you’ve just seen.
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@ Aidan
They don’t have the balls to face Alex so the only thing they can do is squeal & shout on a tv prog no-one watches knowing that he doesn’t have a right of reply.
Nick Robinson found out when he lied about AS that he wouldn’t let the liego unanswered.
I am English & live in England & I say welcome to Alex & a much strengthened SNP cohort of MP’s. They will show what true representatives of the people look & sound like.I can’t wait. Alex caused havoc last time in WM so I say bring it on Alex & hold their feet to the fire as much as you wish.
The depth of the ignorance of these to commentators is unquantifiable. They attack a man who they have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of. Nor do they possess the slightest degree of understanding of what the referendum itself was all about.
They insult the Scots and Scotland, but they also insult every person who voted, whether they were Scots or not. Have they no awareness of the fact that there were some ENGLISH people living here in Scotland who also voted YES. In addition to others, not Scots, but living among us who sympathise with our plight.
I think it sums it all up sufficiently when they make it clear that they do not know, or are ignorantly ignoring the fact that it is the policy of SNP MPS, not to vote on matters they consider pertaining to ENGLAND ONLY.
But the fact that the BBC, a publicly owned and funded organisation, allows this dross to permeate the political debate, allows us to consider that the remarks of these two IDIOTS, pale into insignificance, when considering that the BBC allowed and promoted it’s being broadcast in the first place.
Hell mind you BBC. You are the pits. Becoming the laughing stock of world broadcasting. What would the champions of truth, such as men like Richard Dimbelby think of you now?.
Recommended reading.
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Are the Telegraph so short of journalists that they employ this Clown
All that was missing was the Red nose
Haha, we are the Wildlings North of the Wall, and we just won’t stay the f“k down. We want to rip the teat out of these ignorant, arrogant suckers gobs, and they hate us for it.
I seriously hope BBC Scotland grow a pair even between the lot of them, and think about showing up chinless, bile spreading, Scot hating thickos for what they are. C’mon, BBC is this your A team?
Any viewer with a modicum of objectivity, can see this low IQ crap for what it is.
Anti fracking protest on livestream now
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That was virtually racist.
No doubt the Biased Bigoted Corruption will see nothing whatsoever remiss with it.
Roll on 7/5/15.
I was saying on FB this morning that Alex’s announcement, will be a boost to our Allies in the English Greens and Welsh Plaid, as they want to try and push for May as well. I really hope for the sake of left wingers in England, there can be that push in May. I think it will help to build that motivation.
Gee, the Telegraph must be quite a paper to view, what with Timothy and MeMe Cochrane as journalists.
My own experience is that these two are fairly typical of your middle class(?) English. Even a dear English friend of mine, now deceased, would revert into English speak/attitude when we were in English company, yet he couldn’t stay away from Scotland.
Once, relaxing with a beer following an enjoyable B roads run on our motorcycles thro’ South Ayrshire he mused, ” You don’t know how lucky you are, living here”.
Wah! I hate Alicsammin! He’s trying to destroy my country and everything I believe in (even though I can’t articulate either what my country is or what I believe in). Wah! Where’s matron when you need her?
Fear him, you braying hooray Henrys and Henriettas. Fear the Scottish people.
While the BBC wear the crown for this kind of arrogance, it was riddled through all of the media one way or the other.
All the tv channels who do press reviews lined up similar types to denigrate Scotland in every way possible.
Until we leave the Union, they will continue to do this. They will continue after we leave, however by then we will have better things to watch and to listen to, and lots of work to do.
I appreciate the spirit of some, but I long gave up on complaining to the BBC.
If you caught them out, and could explain it succinctly with evidence, you merely got ignored.
Live independence broadcasting NOW from the Anti-fracking demonstration at Grangemouth. Amazing turnout for a cold driech day.
Good speakers too.
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Tim Stanley retweeted
Torcuil Crichton @Torcuil · 3h 3 hours ago
Salmond saysSNP will make noise at Westminster. Mm, last time there were 11 SNP MPs they brought down Labour and voted to bring in Thatcher.
Can someone remind Torquil that in 1979 TWO million more people in England voted Tory than Labour as Labour made such a mess of things.
And in 2010 Scotland voted Labour and got Tory government after Labour said voter for us to keep the Tories out, but then refused to join with the SNP in a non Tory majority coalition in the House of Commons.
What “election” did Alex Salmond just “lose” exactly?
Tim Stanley, what a hateful man.
The BBC at their worst. As I have posted previously, the whole concept of “The Papers” on both Sky and BBC is to allow the broadcasters to invite fellow metropolitan journalists/broadcasters to pass comment about what their peers have published. Cronyism, incestuous and Nepotism or what!
“The Papers” also allows the broadcasters to select specific articles for discussion and it thereby doubles the opportunity to promulgate state propaganda to the stupid, gullible audience.
The BBC “The Papers” is aired twice, at 10:30pm and 11:30pm. The episode in question was aired at 10:30pm, but there was no mention of the Sunday Herald in the 11:30pm programme. I suggest that even the Programme director was concerned at the vitriol and told the presenter to give the Sunday Herald a wide berth in the 11:30pm slot. Would such editorial intervention be documented anywhere? Anyone on Wings with such knowledge? This may be worth asking in any complaint to the BBC.
Haha. I don’t even feel the need to listen to these two commentators. I have read the article and read the comments, so I know it the usual thinly veiled `Jocks shut the fuck up about politics` message I have always heard from the British establishment. Never changes. What a bunch of chumps. At least we know they are worried. Not a bad day’s work from big Eck. Great to have him back in the political spotlight. He will no doubt be purring at the idea of the mischief he could cause down at Westminster. Arise Sir Eck of Stricken, but for god’s sake please do not accept a knighthood from the Queen…
O/T but Scottish Athletics is considering entering international competitions in what the Hootsman (Scotland’s National Newspaper?) calls a “controversial” move.
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I wonder what it feels like to be Scottish living in the country of such hate and vitriol for people of their country…..just goes to show the arrogance of English broadcasters have no respect for the feelings of the Scots living and working in England who could become victim of idiot bigots who make take it upon themselves to bash a SCot or abuse a Scot. That’s the hate building up in England, not only for the poor immigrants but for Scots too. We should ask Frank Mulholland whether the new rules over the internet hate/racist abuse covers being able to get bigoted sods like these folk done for it! Scots have put up with it long enough and enough is enough!! That Whelan was being investigated for insulting Chinese and Jews by the names he called them. Time Scots got the English investigated for always calling us Jock and Sweaty Socks instead of Scots. We let them off far too often!
Pair of lightweights talking unopposed pish hosted by a nodding dog and enabled by a 3rd rate broadcaster. Dire, pathetic stuff. In a face off Eck would make mince with these two dozy gits.
That clip was hilarious! The ignorance was staggering – I don’t think these chiels even had any awareness of how offensive they were.
But actually, they are not only ignorant of Scotland and Scottish politics – it’s just that we take more notice when they talk about Scotland. The truly depressing thing is the BBC chooses people like this as ‘vox pops’ to show the viewers what they are meant to think. Or better still, not think at all. Indoctrination by any other name.
I had no idea who Stanley was so I looked him up. A right wing historian and blogger specialising in US politics and history. A Tea Party supporter and all the other predictable “libertarian” boxes ticked.
I would be concerned if he liked us, it is a relief he doesn’t.
Please WOS, can you send a complaint on behalf of all the responders here to BBC.
It is becoming more and more common to find this anti-Scottish rhetoric on the BBC. We had to suffer it leading up to the referendum (actually it has been rarely anything else) and now all we get is these biased views on what is supposed to be our National TV station. Paid for by the people, used by the state and it’s supporters.
I used to argue in support of the ‘wonderful BBC’. Now I want to see it removed from Scottish screens.
I no longer watch BBC programmes (other than Question a Time, unfortunately) So why should I have to pay for its existence?
More O/T Its a wet Sunday afternoon!
Questions being asked on who is financing Jim Murphy’s leadership campaign (Sunday Herald)
Also from Daily Torgraph Cochrane’s new book
Gordon Brown believed that Jim Murphy used the battle to win the independence referendum to further his claims for the Labour leadership, according to a new book which charts a series of bitter rows during the two and half year campaign.
The former Prime Minister, who announced last night that he is standing down as an MP, reckoned that Mr Murphy, the leading contender to be the new leader of Scottish Labour, had taken over the Better Together organisation for his own benefit.
According to this new book, Mr Brown, whose passionate interventions in the campaign were widely acknowledged to have played a key part in the Unionist victory, believed that the former Scottish Secretary “had ingratiated himself with BT to the extent that he is taking it over.”
The book, by Alan Cochrane, the Telegraph’s Scottish editor, also states that Alistair Darling was “very disparaging” about Mr Murphy’s abilities and did not think he was “up to much”.
The disclosures have emerged with Mr Murphy the favourite to become the new Scottish Labour leader. Mr Darling, the former Chancellor and Better Together leader, has publicly endorsed him for the job.
A senior Labour source told Cochrane that Mr Brown believed “That Murphy and Frank Roy (Labour MP for Motherwell and Wishaw and key member of the BT team) were now running Better Together in Murphy’s interest and that Murphy could look good with Tory money backing him …”
instead of sheep,Andrew Neil counting the VOW at night
Andrew Neil ?@afneil · 1h1 hour ago
For avoidance of doubt, the words “federalism”, “home rule” and “devo max” are NOT in the famous Daily Record VOW signed by 3 party leaders
bfh–its not what Gord said Andrew,saviour of the Union
How about a couple of buses with kilt wearing Scots going to WM stand on the grassy knoll and just moon them… then home lol! Anger is now at a peep, won’t take much tho to turn it up to raging!!
Stealing the limelight from Sturgeon. What bollocks. Naff all to do with political glam. Another foot (and mouth!) in WM. Be a thorn in their flesh Alex!
It wasn’t an ‘election’ thicko.
It was a referendum.
Never listened to such ignorance. And yes there was ‘no right to reply chortle chortle ‘
Makes me sick
Sorry Rev, can’t bear to watch this, glad I read the comments first!
@ muttley,
If you can stomach it, have a listen, trust me, there was absolutely nothing “thinly veiled” about this stunt.
@ …Yes,
If it was dropped from the 11.30 slot then i think you may very well be correct. They know exactly what they’ve done.
The broadcast was a deliberate attempt at stirring up public hatred of Alex Salmond. It was also crammed full of lies and deliberately misleading and ignorant statements.
Is it any wonder this paedo organisation routinely gets away with this sort of crap when people allow the apathy shutters to come down as soon as they hear “BBC” mentioned.
I would urge everyone to complain, this was a blatant and vile attempt to stir up hatred against an innocent individual who was given no opportunity to reply.
This pair of maggots sat at the bully’s (BBC) side and launched their hate-filled ignorance at someone who was not able to defend themselves while they looked for acceptance towards the laughing bully’s representative.
That clip watches like some parody. Then you realise it’s for real.
The pundits are supposed to be real journalists, so you’d think they’d have a grasp of basic facts, such as the SNP MPs abstaining from England-only votes. You’d think the BBC presenter would at least correct such errors. But no, it doesn’t suit the unionist agenda.
And the tortured logic of these unionists. They wanted to keep “their country” together. They just don’t want Scots to have a say on how it’s run. Just shut up, get back in the box, do as you’re telt.
These people don’t realise that there’s been a profound change in Scotland, thanks to indyref. More and more people have become politicised, asking questions, seeking answers and not blindly following the MSM/unionist political line.
To think that in a couple of years Scotland could’ve been celebrating Independence Day, every year…
Yesterday my country Finland celebrated 97 years of independence. I did what 2.4 million other Finns did: watched the President and his wife shake hands with 1800 guests, several short, good-natured but inane interviews where everybody says independence is a good thing, and the throng on the dance floor.
The President’s Independence Day Ball, the one and only big “society event” in Finland. It’s all a bit “establishment” with politicians, business leaders, foreign diplomats etc. but also war veterans (who are always the first to enter), academia, NGOs, arts, entertainment, sports (Olympic or World/European Champions). And ordinary people who’ve contributed to their local communities or charities.
We ordinary people watch it on TV and ruthlessly comment on the guests and the ladies’ dresses.:-D
Last night’s biggest star and social media sensation was 102-yr-old war veteran Hannes Hynönen who fought in the Winter War (1939-1940) and the Continuation War (1941-1944). He gave several interviews, full of wit and good humour. In the end he gave his walking stick to the YLE journalist mid-interview because he was off to dance with a lady 70 years his junior. 😀
In the past ten or so years, there’s also been a “gatecrasher” demonstration outside the President’s Palace, mainly lefty-greeny “anarchists” and disaffected youth. Last night there were several hundred. I can see their point: the elite attending this tax-payer-funded ball while the welfare state is being eroded etc. but I don’t approve of the damage inflicted by a few (smashed windows etc.). So independence isn’t all milk and honey but it sure is better than the weird situation Scotland and her people find themselves in now.
Even by the standards of the BBC, this is f#+%ing outrageous. My wife, a good Scot, refuses to pay these scumbags a license fee and I encourage every Scot worthy of the name to do likewise.
I found this rare documentary explaining public service broadcasting in Britain, with a spot-on analysis of the BBC’s journalism. Very informative. 😉
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BBC NEWSPAPER REVIEW.Tim Stanley on Alex Salmond:–“I actually find him rather hateful.”
This remark,by a Labour man,unchallenged—on the BBC!!!
Words fail me. 🙁
I assume BBC Scotland Branch fully concur with their Master’s Voice.
Are’nt they proud to be English? I’m proud to be Scottish, and i should think the same of an Irishman or a Welshman, they’ve definately got an identity crisis going on down there. Thank goodness i know “I’m Alex Salmond” and so are my friends, we’re all Alex Salmond… now where did i put that sword?
good point ElaineS,it is insulting in a kind of discriminating way.
The word “hate” is such a nasty word to use. It’s a word I try not to use.
The slurs in that section are astonishing – but the BBC encourage it.
Far from using late night news reviews sequences only to trash Salmond and Scotland, to have colonial nonetities shout ‘It’s OUR country,’ the BBC has had a policy of allowing celebrities and journalists free reign to propound their notions and prejudices throughout the Referendum debate.
That way the BBC can claim it is personal opinion, not BBC policy.
Well, it certainly is BBC policy to encourage libel.
Now that Salmond has stated his wish to stay in politics, encouraging Scottish independence from a different angle, the BBC is compelled to double its efforts and leave the flood gates open for ‘guests’ to deride, degrade, and slur. No hold is barred.
‘The Bastardisation of the BBC’ grousebeater-wordpress.
I’m with you on that.
This woman Hoskin is making a habit of showing up on these late night paper reviews and displaying her total ignorance of Scottish politics. A few months ago her reasons, on Sky Papers, for not wanting independence if she were Scottish were “I’d want my children to…you know…have a good old passport”. I’ve posted this before on here, I can still remember it word for word.
For the presenter to say “exactly” when the other idiot mentioned Sturgeon being angry is inexcusable. Is Newswatch still on? Anybody fancy going on it?
Tim Stanley stood for Labour? What the fuck? No wonder they’ve become red Tories if they let folk like him stand for election.
Good though this effort is, I think the first prize is still with “The Wright Stuff” hosted by Richard of Judy, with Katie Hopkins and two other non-entities. For a catalogue of ignorant prejudice and vile snideyness this is still top of the league for me.
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Yes it was all rather disgusting, arrogant and ignorant but I would suggest that as Bachman-Turner Overdrive sang we “aint seen nothing yet”.
Doug: No wonder they’ve become red Tories if they let folk like him stand for election.
When ridding the land of SNP sinners promote the Devil’s disciples to the front line.
Second attempt.
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Calm down everyone! I’ve got it.
The elite have discovered that ordinary hard working people have worked out that the Blue Tory, Red Tory, and anybody’s colour LiberalTory are completely corrupt and are looking for something new.
They are currently proving their worthiness to the Raving Looney Party. These guys are a match made in heaven.
That is a very important clip. It is profoundly biased and even the representative of the BBC acknowledges this.
If there is not a 3 minute slot given for Alex / the SNP to air their views in response then it should be brought up in the negotiations for the continuation of the BBC licence as an example of the institutionalised bias that has taken hold within the BBC due to its not being subject to public scrutiny just as with the Police prior to the Lawrence affair
No chance, the Raving Loonies have proper policies!
EBC are the official mouthpiece for HMG and the LONDON “establishment”, they are a function of the imperial masters. Scotland is only a colony of Engerland and the EBC is a platform for all anti Scottish views to be expressed with venhem and respect.
EBC Is probably a very good example of state controlled propaganda trying to influence and direct the native populations minds with not so subliminal messages of your to wee, poor & stupid.
We pay a licence fee to the EBC, so they can rub our nose in their shit, maybe we are to stupid.
Thanks for the good will towards Scots and the inspiration towards our ultimate prize. And you a furinner. 😉
Sir Malcom Bruce on SKY NEWS being interviewed about Alex announcement to stand for the ” big parlie” as Sir Malcolm’s MP.
Sir Malcom was throwing a hissy fit and looked like he was heading for a siesure, the venhem and bile was oozing out of him. Alex seams to have this effect on the colonial native officer class.
Hope Malcolm is ok, he really looked demented, says Alex wants Scotland to be independent, BAD. Just keep taking the pills Malky look on the bright side Alex might be your MP.
lumilumi – a big welcome back, you’ve been away too long
Not so much a paper review as an entry for upper class twit of the year.
Jawdropping ignorance and precisely the reason why huge swathes of the public hold the westminster bubble media in utter contempt.
(completely OT – lumilumi, is your name pronounced Lu-me-lu-me or lum-ee-lum-ee?)
david smith,you could’nt have put it any better,i say no more!
I hope they’re listening closely now!If they listen very,very carefully,they’ll hear a rumble in the distance. That rumble is us,and in a short while it’s going to be a roar. We’re on the A74/M heading South and we’ll be with you very soon.
Best laugh I have had in ages.These three are so stupid and ignorant they don’t realise how stupid and ignorant they sound.Pity we have to pay for this nonsense.
hopper69 says:
Best laugh I have had in ages.These three are so stupid and ignorant they don’t realise how stupid and ignorant they sound.Pity we have to pay for this nonsense.
Ignorance is bliss. I remember saying to a thick Labourite that the “Truth hurts”. His replay was, “Naw it disnae”.
Lots of deserved vitriol – what we need is action. Complain to the BBC or better still – cancel your TV licence. Catch up works great!!!
Just showed my very sensible wife this clip.
“The BBC needs to be taken down. That is a disgrace. Where is the balance.”
She said quite calmly.
Keep in mind the only way the BBC gets away with their blatant bias is the unfair TV Tax. As long as that ludicrous anachronism remiains in place no amount of protests or complaints will have the slightest effect on them.
Unless a broadcaster is directly accountable for it’s output – by viewers having the easy ability to choose not to pay for it if it is incompetent, biased or simply not what they want to watch – then it can freely ignore any and all feedback since it is being paid for by a TV Tax which is enforced with threats of imprisonment, fines and a criminal record.
Only when the public is able to simply not choose to pay for it in a subscription will we see anything like accountability or transparency begin to seep into the corrupt and out of touch elite who run the BBC for the benefit of their westminster paymasters.
If you want to change the media for the better you have to start with the state broadcaster by getting rid of the unfair TV Tax. A grassroots campaign to do so is long overdue as it is manifestly unfair that the poorest in society are forced to pay for a broadcaster whether they want to watch it or not. It is also not just independence supporters who have a real problem with the unfair TV Tax in a digital age where the likes of Netflix and other fairer and transparent subscription services are the norm.
The sooner this pair get back into their pantomime horse suit and canter off into Metropolitan land the better.
Tim not nice but dim should keep his head down tomorrow in case he gets a warmer welcome than he anticipated in Glasgow town.
But then racists deserve all they get, particularly when they are allowed to spout rehearsed poisonous bilge such as this on State telly. Yeah, it was a set-up alright, but the two cretins with the BBC ringmaster went so overboard, even the BBC had to pull it later.
Unless the SNP challenge this stuff daily, I’m afraid all the tv licence burning (I have) and complaining to the BBC(ditto) by punters such as us will be like the proverbial farting against thunder.
Please NS start challenging these dirty fuckers now!
I thought it was a trailer for Top Gear
walter scott says:
I thought it was a trailer for Top Gear
Might as well have been Walter for all the TRUTH that came out of it! 😛
What gets me is that they ( including the presenters) talk as if there are no Scots watching the programme. Not one. It may be the British broadcasting company but they talk to each other as if we do not exist. It is only for England and the English that they work.
Sky are no better. I watched a paper review once on sky where they discussed the English papers headlines on a pre referendum topic, sorry can’t remember the subject matter. But the presenter said I wonder what the Scottish papers will say. There was a pause..he said ‘ who knows’ ..another pause….and then ‘right next headline’. In other words, ‘who cares?’
Welocome back lumi. 🙂
Is it ignorance or is it a deliberate prolonged campaign by unionist parties and the establishment using their BBC propaganda machine, at every turn now, it’s attack after attack on SNP as a party and the individuals within that party, make no mistakes the unionists BT campaign has evolved into the “SNP BAD” campaign. Got to ask yourself why would they want to attack and smear the SNP at every turn? Can only conclude that the SNP are a real and credible threat to WM and the Establishment, if they silence the SNP then Scotland and her people have no voice in WM and no future in the union as equal partners, Tories and Libdems would be very happy to see so called Scottish Labour as the dominant party in Scotland, as that means a party controlled by unionist UK Labour is in charge of Scottish affairs, i’m not overstating this, but this upcoming general election is the fight of our life’s, the fight for Scotland’s future, the fight against continued WM pillaging of our nation, in many ways this is a more important fight than the indy-ref, lose this one and Scotland will once again slip into the dark abyss and be dominated for years to come by politicians who’s only concern is themselves and their WM establishment unionist agenda’s, every single one of us has to stand up, fight back, and campaign to get as many SNP MP’s to WM as we possibly can.
What does the BBC guy say about Alex being a hateful figure? I can’t make it out?
A mind boggling piece of footage – complete ignorance combined with blind hatred. It’s transferred racism really – they can’t say what they want to say about Scotland and the Scots so they use Alex Salmond as a conduit for their contempt.
Many Scottish icons are treated with this contempt by those who are not bold enough to openly denigrate Scotland and Scottish people. Haggis, our national anthem, Braveheart, tartan, the deep fried Mars bar, the one, singular Scottish accent….
I suppose for Alex it is flattering that this displaced anti-Scottish hatred is now focused on him. It highlights how he has achieved the status of a representation of Scotland.
Poor Petrie keeps looking at Tim for his approval, and he never looks at her.
@ hopper69 “Pity we have to pay for this nonsense.”
Hmm, you dont! As others have opined, merely remove yourself from this self imposed tax. If you continue to pay, you have no right to complain.
I remember watching the presenter, Tim Willcocks (I think), on News 24 when the Chilean miners were being brought out the ground a few years back. The reason I remember is that he was one of the few BBC reporters I’ve ever heard speak a foreign language, conversing with locals fluently in Spanish, and adding real info and connecting fully with the situation.
I was impressed.
However, now back behind his London desk, he reverts to London-centric metropolitan anti-Scotnat biased type.
Scales fall from eyes
I took positives from it – no-one in the anti-Salmond tirade contradicted the view that Labour were going to get hammered in the elections in Scotland. They just accepted it as fact.
If the London MSM care so little about Scotland that they are happy to accept the truth and move on, it will make it difficult for the Scottish MSM-Labour media to keep bleating that Nicola wants everyone to vote for Maggie Curran
Also, if the London MSM get too disparaging, it will add to the SNP’s vote.
Forget Alex Salmond, forget Nicola Sturgeon, forget the SNP, forget the Yes and the Hope Over Fear campaigns, there is one UK organisation that will single handedly split their precious Union, the BBC and the longer they continue to ignore that fact, the closer we will be to our Independence!
Weirdly enough, this video clip has actually cheered me up a bit. For all the crappy things happening in my life right now, at least I am not Tim Stanley.
“He has since distanced himself from the Labour Party, and has been arguing in support of the US Republican Party.” LOLLOLLOL I suppose he has grown out of his socialist phase fairly young then.
What, I wonder, do other British journalists feel about this spluttering stream of bile?
On the one hand, apparently the SNP or the Scots generally are ‘amused’ by Salmond’s ‘avuncular’ style, and expect ‘us’ to be so too, but on the other hand, he is a ‘hateful’ figure.
Actually, Salmond’s many supporters don’t see him as ‘avuncular’ but as competent and hard-hitting. I would say most consider him to be a man of integrity. Anyway, it’s interesting to see that England’s time-honoured policy of vilifying the messenger is not going to die any time soon.
I notice use of the David Mitchell term ‘my country’.
As has been pointed out above, it wasn’t an election, and SMPs don’t vote on purely English matters. The equally embarrassing host makes no attempt to correct any of this nonsense.
Chinless ‘Chattering Class’ scum like Tim have been waging a ‘vendetta’ against Scotland for generations.
The “chair” summed it up at the end – no right of reply!
They launch into these comments with zero knowledge and no risk of challenge. A fun rock throwing contest.
You have no knowledge of how,why or if I pay for the BBC.
Surely if someone pays for something then they do have a right to complain?
Downton Abbey meets Fox news
Bugger me dead. Now the BBC really is letting itself go. I guess that once you’ve ruined your reputation, you are free to just go out and enjoyably and publicly revel in what you previously tried so hard to hide.
The other thing that flabbergasted me was Stanley’s disgust at the losers somehow coming out on top. His attitude betrays that it is somehow Salmond is responsible for this unforgiveable development, and that he must be hatefully breaking the rules.
YouTube clip title: “The man who won’t go away”…
More a case of the country who won’t go away as far as Stanley and his ‘OK-yah’ side-kick are concerned.
It would appear that the Fop would like all those pesky Jocks to scurry back beneath the stones from whence they came. We’re all
EnglishBritish don’t you know so those bloody Jocks should simply keep calm and carry on!I suspect Mr Fop and his Pimm’s swigging chums are shortly to receive a wake-up-call…
October 2014 = Another 76,555 UK TV licences cancelled.
(Note-The BBC does not supply a breakdown of those figures)
Time this corrupt organisation was made to go “commercial.”
I prefer Stanley Odd to this odd Mr Stanley…
Like most of the BBC they know nothing and are happy to maintain that. ‘Nothing to see here, move along!’. It is the very idea they are offended by, but they’re not sure why…
Tim Stanley is a good speaker on some things – but Scottish constitutional reform ain’t one of them. He is like many who assume Glasgow is some backward colony where he would be beaten up for expressing an opinion. Actually, I’m sure he would find many things attractive about Scotland. Maybe he should try living there for a few months before making grand statements. At least it would bring him back to reality!
Unbelievable (and unacceptable) ignorance and arrogance.
Roll on May!
What an ignorant little rat of a man!
My fellow BBC haters do not waste your time writing to the BBC because their reply will infuriate you even more. I complained three times. You will be patronised and annoyed by the Imperial Media Puppets. Cancel your licence. Spread the truth.
Get ready for worse to come as May approaches.
Hatered born out og ignorance
Is there any evidence available which actually quantifies the impact that Scottish MPs have on English-only matters in Westminster, or is this whole EVEL/West Lothian issue just a theoretical loophole that they are obsessed about.
Incidentally, it would be useful to see that info alongside equivalent data which shows the impact of English MPs voting on issue affecting Scotland, or even Scottish-only issues (like, say, the Poll Tax for example).
Just to put things into perspective.
“He should shrink away and give up”
What he really means is I really really wish Alex Salmond would go away because all of us down here are petrified of what he’ll do when the inevitable happens. Is it a surprise to anyone that the BBC are at the forefront of the campaign to discredit Mr Salmond?