Love on the rocks
Posted on
September 03, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
luvin’ it!
Yep – brilliant.
The best yet !
End of empire desperation now, start a war, they need us to keep the Scotch nice, safe and voting NO.
link to and
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These guys are a must for the new Scottish Broadcasting Service SVS.
SBS oops
Brand new Stanley Odd. Really rather beautiful. It’s called “Son, I Voted Yes.” Enjoy!
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Oh ma sides.
Just what I needed,brilliant.
Loved it!
George Deary, that you for joining us.. oeuf..
Last chance for Midlothianites!!
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If you want to be involved in this monumental moment in Scottish history and help as a Polling and/or Counting Agent for Wings Over Scotland please let me know..
email me: turnbulldrier AT gmail DOT com
It’s good to keep up with their breaking news ticker as well !
Great news for dependency users of Scottish foodbanks: London is proposing a new £900m ‘Crossrail for bikes’ with two Dutch-style cycle superhighways.
Source: link to
Despite stagnant wages & even more deep austerity cuts still to come, Scottish hearts will be highly elevated this week, knowing that more of their hard earned taxes are being put to good used in London.
After all, as Boris Johnson was only too keen to remind the ungrateful, benefit scroundging Scots back in April 2012,
“A pound spent in Croydon is of far more value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde.”
Yes, according to professor Patrick Dunleavy of the London School of Economics, it might well cost upwards of £200 million to set up an independent country but just imagine how much Better Together we would all be, if we could spend nearly five times that much, helping the immigrants of London get to their employers’ mansions by bicycle.
These guys are hilarious.
Here’s someone who is a lying dangerous——
Dateline Scotland really funny and this should be spread far and wide – remember when folk said there was no humour in this debate – well that was all from the Naw side.
@Kenny, that was beautiful.
If anyone still posts on the guardian please put this up there to counteract all their – no you canny doom and gloom.
Also the ramping up of the security – they better not use this as an excuse to ‘suspend’ the referendum due to ‘national security’.
I would put nothing past those self serving wankers.
@ Kenny. That Stanley Odd is really cool.
New post, please share
Project: What The F**k? | todayinscotland
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Brilliant ! Totally Brilliant ! Best yet !
Give them their own show once we get rid of the BBC in fact let them run the light entertainment/ Politics current affairs departments
So Stew when are you taking part in the ice bucket challenge?
Talking about sinister attempts to close down democracy in Scotland, the YES supporting Black Triangle Campaign website was shut down by legal threats to its ISP by Kezia Dugdale’s beloved Daily Mosley because it dared to correct the Daily hate Mail’s anti-disabled, anti-welfare propaganda –
Daily Mail Shuts Down Black Triangle Website
A Working Class Man
03 Sept 2013
These guys are brilliant, but we also need to give credit to the girl reporter, wh is just as brilliant. Excellent.
I’ve been following this for a while now and the uncertainty of independence is causing real problems for our currency against the Bongo Bongo. Just look at the red arrows on the tickertape. The only safe haven is in a larger union where we can escape this volatility (Are you sure this isn’t for the last thread? Shut up and eat your cereal)
What a terrible waste of time
you watch it once for the news, again for the “news” crawler and the third time for the ticker symbols. Brilliant the lot of them.
Yet another fantastic piece of accurate news reporting … are you watching BBC. THIS is how news should, will be, reported in an independent Scotland. I can hardly wait!
I really should have included the lady in my praise. She too was brilliant Her expressions, especially when puffing on the cigarette was priceless. So to her Please accept my apologies. All four were superb. But George Deary please excuse me for not liking your character its too close to a local Tory councilor for my liking. or was the character based on any twisted, meally mouthed, half wit in particular?
@Les Wilson
Bryony Lang is her name, at least on Dateline Scotland, not sure if that is her real name.
Thanks for the link Nana. I’m glad I watched it, thanks to the information being imparted by Farage I now know that I really am a subsidy junkie!
For years BBC in Scotchland has crapped all over Scottish democracy and then they report stuff like this or, BBC satirises itself shock!
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So Stu, about that ice bucket…
Carrell of The Guardian tweeted earlier that he reckons that YES are sitting on a Panelbase poll result with YES in the lead, waiting to release it for maximum impact.
Would be nice if it were true, and it was released when Dave and his warmongering NATO pals are all having their chinwag.
How humiliating would that be LOL.
Yes indeed best get back in our box. I know where I’d like to put Farage, the smug git.
Thank you that was brilliant. Chuck D quality.
Love on the rocks ain’t no surprise, pore me a drink and I’ll tell you some more BetterTogether lies, there’s no oil left, you’ll have no money, you lose a million jobs, forces of darkness will rise up, your pensions will be gone forever, no one will like you, Russia will invade Scotland, Shetland will go back to Norway and Orkney too, the Popes says no, you’re too stupid and you’ll come grovelling back to England and then you will all be sorry because we love really weally you but etc, could be on the Commons bar juke box in a couple of weeks time.
They’re coming to America really hits the spot for Scotland’s Independence Day though:D
@bunter – it that is correct, they need to sit on it until 2 2/3 days before the vote as we don’t want the ‘security’ ramped up any more
That may well have been the best one yet. Today has been a good day for indyref humour – my Greg Moodie book arrived today!
@Cameron Brodie – you know Chuck D came out for Yes when they were in Glasgow a few weeks back? “C’mon Scotland! No more of this little brother shit! Don’t let them take your money no more!” He got a BIG cheer.
O/T With the latest middle east hostage being outed as Scottish perhaps it’s time to remind the IS terrorists holding him of how Scotland showed mercy to Al Megrahi and released him from prison to die in peace as home.
I think the best thing we can do regarding Farage Nana is when he appears up in Glasgow, on the 13th I think, we should all go along, say nothing but just stand there with our begging bowls out!
Am I a bad man for envying Ed get your hand off my leg Milliband?
Cameron goes to an MFI dinner but had to build the table first.
Went from LOL at Dateline to welling up at Stanley Odd. The Indy rollercoaster.
Are you Andrew in disguise? That’s 4 identical posts in the last 4 threads, contributing nothing other than a puff for your blog.
I think one is enough.
Lesley-Anne,I wonder if amazon sells begging bowls.I might have to look on ebay as they seem to sell everything including referendum votes.
kenny @1.38
I think I must have something in my eye Kenny.
I’ll just be a minute.
O/T (and reposted from Off Topic)
That’s it! Just had word from the printers that the run is finished and the last of 230,000 Wee Blue Books is packed and on a van heading southwards with speed.
Now I can get back to normal campaigning…
I’d just like to say a couple of things:
Fifteen Wingers from around the country innocently agreed to store consignments. What they maybe didn’t realise was that a van would turn up with 1.5 tons of boxes, which they would have to unload and get under cover, and they would then get a spreadsheet with a list of orders for their area, be told to arrange contacts and pick-up times, be told to be ruthless in cutting allocations, be told they were i/c and their only task was to get the WBB into the hands of undecided voters as fast as they could.
Every single person has responded without complaint and with extreme efficiency, with the result that the WBBs are spreading throughout Scotland as you can see if you track them on Twitter. Thanks has to go too to those who drove miles (one Winger drove from Oban to Glasgow and back – oops, shouldn’t have had to) to pick up their orders.
A special word of thanks to Kestral, who has dispensed 40,000 copies from the Glasgow hub and found time to run an ebay service as well.
There has been no overall command and control, apart from an endless series of late-night emails or phone calls from me. So it has been – and continues to be – an anarchic operation in the very best sense of the word, helped by the remarkable network of contacts and friendships we Wingers have built up over the past two years.
I believe, as do most of us I think, that the WBB is a gamechanger in the fact that it can easily add a couple of percent to the Yes vote on its own.
Finally, if you haven’t got your order even though you contributed to the fundraiser – I am sorry. Demand outstripped supply from day 1 and we’ve had to be ruthless in balancing the geography and the efficiency. The only thing that matters is winning – and if a few people have had to be disappointed, then so be it! If you want to send me a stroppy email, feel free, but I’m not going to look at it before the 20th…..:))
Aye that’s true Nana, that’s where I got my vote from.
I wonder if they do small, medium, large and extra large begging bowls or do they just do one size does all kind of begging bowl.
@turnbull drier
Can’t help in Midlothian but I did volunteer to do Wings duty in East Lothian, but heard absolutely nothing. Do you, or anyone else, know what is happening? I tried a follow-up email to Stu but got no reply to that either.
Graun”s lost the UKOK plot now.
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But this unionist CIF is really funny as now Scottish athletes should vote NO to keep the “transport hubs”that allow them to win. Catchy
“Would he be a world class tennis player if he only had had use of Scottish facilities? Would he have had such easy access to transport hubs to get to world tournaments or US training facilities? I suspect Murray can see a bigger picture where he is a Scot and identifies himself as such, but he is also from the UK, and has benefitted in his own career hugely from being part of team GB as well as enjoying support from his fellow Scots. But to say “no” is to invite the opposite of that support. I’d imagine he is f the opinion that he will decide what to do after the vote. He may even decide to stay in Surrey. Perhaps even apply for UK citizenship!”
Joe Kane.
Just been in coversation with my mate Darren .Lead singer with The Libations. They recorded Caledonia and proceeds to food banks. many Wingers will have visited the youtube to hear them and downloaded but overnight both the video on youtube and their Own sites have been taken off air.
Someone is going out they’re way to damage any YES stuff and the lads are in touch with youtube to see if they can fix things. Let you all know how that works. they think this is a deliberate attempt to harm the fundraising.
You can still see them here for the time being , so download the song and help raise funds for the food banks.
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O/T Curran making scurrilous accusations
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@john king says:
Cameron goes to an MFI dinner but had to build the table first
Apologies for the incessant reposting. Wings accounts for around 75% of traffic on the blog and as a relative newcomer it’s been a wonderful boon. I don’t ask for or make money from it, only trying to do my bit. Hopefully we’re all in this together.
OFFS. Imperialism good, self-determination bad. That’s gonna sell in the 21st century.
Lady Alba’s next video goes live all across the nation today at 4pm. The wait is killing me –
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The mother of all OO parades. Well at least the BBC in Glasgow won’t be outside broadcasting this jamboree of loyal Britons, unlike BBC Belfast that broadcasts the big NI ones across Scotland and from start to finish. Funny old bunch of crooks they are.
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The last panelbase poll was
Yes: 42 No: 46 Undecided 12
Look forward to seeing Yes ahead in the next Poll if the rumours are to be believed
Sorry for going O/T folks but here’s proof that one of the *ahem* questioners on last night’s debate is a NO voter!
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I posted an article reporting Chuck D’s support and the crowd’s responce, in OT a while back. I’m no spring chicken, but…
Just been reading Labour MP Thomas Docherty has said if it’s a Yes vote he will stand down in 2015. Who all thinks he will be standing as MSP in 2016. Bet he’s the first of many.
So if Labour MP Thomas Docherty is looking to stand in an independent Scotland, has he declared for Yes?
Lesley-Anne says:
3 September, 2014 at 3:07 pmI think the best thing we can do regarding Farage Nana is when he appears up in Glasgow, on the 13th I think, we should all go along, say nothing but just stand there with our begging bowls out!
That is inspired. I would gladly contribute to the fund to get this going. An advert in the MSM on the morning (with wean and begging bowl*) thanking NF for his largesse and welcoming him to Scotland would be good too.
He’s only coming to provoke a response that will play well to ukippers on the Anglian pennisula. I suspect your idea is not what he will be looking for. Better make it paper bowls though, plastic ones are made from that volatile black stuff that no one wants anyway.
*Cartoon from Mr Cairn?
Very interesting things happening in Northern Ireland over proposed cuts to the NHS there.
Edwin Poots: Sinn Féin ‘undermining health service’
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Health service cuts could be ‘catastrophic’ says NI GP
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Edwin Poots: NI health minister says cuts would risk ‘patient safety’
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This is the future of our NHS in Scotland under the union.
Just one an online poll with indy question only. My area in Edinburgh was 73% Yes with overall Scotland figure of, the magic number, 62% Yes, which is Scottish Skier’s long term prediction.
(Hope link works)
Don’t you just love the mental thinking of all these Labour M.P.’s Annie?
They fool the electorate into voting for them saying that they will do all they can to represent them whilst all the while scoffing away at the Westminster money trough. Now that their access to the aforementioned money trough is about to be cut off they start looking around for another money trough. Boy are they in for a BIG surprise. First off Holyrood does not have a money trough and secondly if they do succeed in getting elected into Holyrood they’d better be prepared to do something new … WORK for a living!
After independence I think the Scottish electorate will be holding our M.S.P.’s to an even closer account than they have been up till now. So every M.S.P. had better be prepared to be rigorously questioned by the electorate or they will be turfed out on their ear!
CameronB – He hasn’t actually said he will stand for Scottish Parliament but you can be he isn’t giving it up so he can join the Board of some international bank.
Dammit I’ve just been caught by the moderation boogie monster again.
I’ve just checked my DG12 area T Jenny and the figures are quite startling, particularly for an area like this Dan Suff!
84% voters for YES (OK it was only 45 voters
85% in the broader DG area are YES
62% for Scotland
L-A, I wonder if we’ll see any of the main pollster’s show anywhere near 62% for Yes before the big day.
There seems to be a bit of a lack of polls these days, in fact, I suppose, since the gap’s been narrowing.
And was there any polling done after last night’s debate – odd if not, but I’ve not seen anything – has anyone else?
annie says:
“Just been reading Labour MP Thomas Docherty has said if it’s a Yes vote he will stand down in 2015. Who all thinks he will be standing as MSP in 2016. Bet he’s the first of many.”
A lot of interesting things will happen after a Yes win. Not least will be watching what happens to Labour. Like musical chairs, there are fewer seats in Edinburgh than MSPs and MPs trying to continue in politics! Which ones will stand down, disappear, hide and which ones will try to grab a seat!
And let’s face it, in the 2016 elections London-cast-off-Labour is going to have stiff competition from Indy parties. I assume an alternative Indy Labour will rise to challenge the reject one.
link to Front page Farage! He’ll save us from whatever the hell the ConDems have declared war on.
If anyone wants a wee bit of on line polling fun then check these sites out.
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The first site is the same one that T Jenny linked to and the bottom one is a NO supporting website.
They will all have to stand down… after indy , there will be NO Scottish constituences… no wonder they’re bricking it
This is just sick.
‘GQ defends Tony Blair ‘philanthropist of the year’ award’
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Well found pic of the NO councillor, you confirmed my suspicions. Now get the ‘egg man’
Aye a wee poll showing YES just in front at the weekend would be fine.
Don’t mention the oil.
I’m with you TJ on the lack of polls these days. As you say they, the MSM and BBC, were all too happy to boast about YES were being gubbed and the NO side would have a landslide etc. Now that the winning line is within sight AND YES are closing, according to the polls, to within winning they seem rather reticent to discuss any polling news. I wonder why, surely it couldn’t be because they will have to admit their previously brazen “look at us we know best” attitude was *ahem* WRONG!
If there was any polling done after last night’s bloodbath TJ I suspect we’ll only hear about it if there is an increase in the gap between YES and NO. Let’s face it that will NOT be the case. I’m certain actually that at one point I witnessed live on air the transition of a female voter from Don’t Know to YES!
Latest Lady Alba is great. Morn of 19th, BBC overjoyed with Osborne, in bed with Farage Or, the nation state of Scotland begins, Saturday Night Fever’s the best bit!
I would like to think that, after independence we will have a much better quality of politician than the ones we are currently sending to Westminster. Hopefully, real talents, of conviction, can be inspired to stand for election, rather than the old tribal set-up where some absolute numpties on a meal ticket have managed ride to the top (or near it) simply by wearing the right colour of rosette and having been in the right place at the right time.
If those numpties and troughers think they can simply step into a cushy job at Holyrood in 2016, they have another thing coming. The people of Scotland will be in no mood to suffer any more bad governance.
On gillie says
Pure coincidence that Alasdair Campbell former Labour Spin Doctor who twisted Salmond’s words over Putin is now GQs main monthly contributor.
And last night’s STV debate revealed that former Labour Spin Doctor Peter McMahon is now Border TV’s political editor.
There must be a Westminster election coming up with all the Labour placemen now in position.
The clergy in Ch of Scot alarmed at the increase in violence due to the referendum, while his catholic counterpart says storm in a teacup. Must be true it’s been announced on the BBC Radio Scotland.
What no oil story..?
Thanks for update on WBB, there are a lot of unsung heroes working on Scotland’s behalf well done.
Thanks CMD, I found it on my partner’s Facebook page.
The behaviour of that councillor was not the first time I have witnessed this happen either CMD. What is it with Labour councillors, why are they so reticent to openly admit on live T.V. that as well as their normal day jobs they are also a Labour councillor? Are they THAT ashamed to be a Labour councillor?
I think that as we all now know the guy who went on about the Council Tax freeze and NHS is a Labour councillor we can now quite clearly see why he was going on and on about both these topics. I have to admit at the time I was very suspicious that he may be a Labour plant. There is no logical sense, to me, why anyone would ask a double barrelled question like his linking Council Tax and NHS unless they were a Labour councillor in my view.
I looked at those four online polls you linked to. Very encouraging from a Yes perspective! I find myself wondering what is going on here when even the No site is showing over 90% support for Yes. Clearly these are not scientific polls – the participants are self-selecting and cannot be said to be representative. Nevertheless, the results are so strongly in favour of Yes that I think they do tell us something. I think that Yes voters are generally far more energised about the whole thing. They take every opportunity to express their support for Yes. This fits with the anecdotal evidence that I think we have all observed where the number of Yes stickers on cars and in windows far exceeds the number of No stickers.
So if this translates into a higher turnout for Yes voters than for No voters – i.e. Yes voters are more energised and enthusiastic whereas No voters are more disengaged and apathetic, then this can only be good for the Yes side.
I’m trying to be as objective as possible here and not leap to over-optimistic conclusions, but I think these polls do contribute to the emerging picture of a Yes win on Sep 18.
Personally – dont think Miliband came accross well in this interview at all.
Please; can we have satire after a YES vote !!
Go Dateline Scotland.
From face-books own numbers
Last time I checked this was the 18th of August.
looking at face-books numbers for yes and no
yes 246461 up 25695 since the last time I checked
no 177293 up 10207 since the last time I checked that’s a difference of 69168 members. Now there will be some who are members of both but not that amount surely. if we take the amount of yes’ and no’s and extrapolate that across the whole of Scotland I think wholeheartedly yes is going to win on the 18th of September.
Did my ears deceive me last night or did the tosser who speaks for NO say he thought they won in straight sets? was he watching a different debate to me or was he watching Andy Murray who’s still a UK citizen (until 19th September)beating Jo Wilfred Tsonga in straight sets?
I agree with you TD in that these polls are not very scientific but at the same time they are actual results of people making the effort to go on line and register their vote. I know that it is probably more likely that YES supporters will actually go on line, because they are the ones looking for evidence of this, that or the other, but that said I still find the results interesting and encouraging.
I’ve been away for a few days so apologies if this has been covered, but the Edinburgh Evening News is reporting a group of Yes campaigners being attacked by a mob of about 20, Yes folk being punched and headbutted. I’ve seen no reports of this in the news programmes that headlined Jim Murphy’s egg attack.
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Don’t worry Roboscot that *ahem* incident never happened. No honestly it never did. We all know this because as Jim Murphy and Penny Smith quite rightly say it is only the NO supporters who are targeted by abusers and attackers. Therefore by definition this attack at Tynecastle could never have taken place!
O/T James Kelly does some real reporting….
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Old news – do keep up! (in a Richard Wattis tone)
Couldn’t resist , yes there was an altercation where Yes supporters were minding their own business, with a little stall, when they got attacked
Strange as it may seem, didn’t get the same wall to wall coverage as Murphy being egged
Same with the Yes woman kicked in the stomach by a Brittanica Party (fascists) in Kirkcaldy. Not much of a mention, move a long. Meanwhile Murphy back on road, big fanfare, with OTT staged crowd and press cameras in Edinburgh
Don’t forget the chicken Edward, you can NOT forget to mention the chicken!
I’m sure we’ve all lost count of the incidents of bias in the MSM and BBC/Sky/ITV.
However the recent violent reporting breaks new ground. To ignore serious attacks on Yes supports and focus on a trivial egging incident is disgusting and a complete disgrace.
If there’s a Yes win, there has to be payback on the media for their crude attempts to pervert democracy.
Your right Lesley Anne – Cant forget the Chicken
Cluck Cluck Cluck
Lady Alba the day after!
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Cease the ‘egg man’ search he, 54yr old, is appearing in the Kirkcaldy court on Monday says BBC Scotland.
Lesley-Anne says:
Hey, hope you are giving your voodoo doll, good use !
Oops 55 yrs old, a dangerous age!
Geez! sausage fingers and mobile device, 45 yrs old.
WOW! thanks for the update on the eggman CMD. I wonder if old Murph the Smurph will be appearing for the Defence or Prosecution?
I was the other day Les but not today I’m having too much fun as perhaps you might be able to tell.
Dateline is wonderful.
Kenny , thanks for Stanley Odd , thoroughly enjoyed that!
Gavin Essler & Jaba at Faslane.
Essler hasn’t a clue what is going on at Faslane so is being told a lot of lies by Jaba she really is a pathological liar. Essler relies on Jaba to inform him of the Scottish government plans for Faslane. Why could he not ask the Scottish government what their plans are for Faslane, I’m sure they would have told him.
However think Essler deserves credit for at least showing Jaba where faslane is, sure it was a revelation to her. The bias and propaganda being shown by EBC is unbelievable and quite disgusting. A well balanced report mr Essler. Jaba and the truth are total strangers. Where were the 8000 employees they must have been hiding in one of the submarines.
Jaba should have shown him the busy shopping centre of Helensburgh where the 8000 employees spend their hard earned money.
That poll on link to
cannot be taken seriously now. A few days ago it had Yes in Scotland at 78%. Now it’s 50%.
Most of the postcodes have a couple of hundred votes at most all Yes, except the red one in EH15.
Here’s the stats:
In EH1, 1% of 13657 voters said yes.
In the broader EH area, 27% said yes.
Our current UK average is 49% yes (but in Scotland, it’s 50%)!
Looks like someone’s running a script to pull the Yes vote down.
Les Wilson
I think Lady Alba has just shown Saatchi & Saatchi you can’t polish a turd.
And Brechin:
In DD9, 1% of 11337 voters said yes.
In the broader DD area, 12% said yes.
Our current UK average is 49% yes (but in Scotland, it’s 50%)!
o/t re Freeview retune notice that’s been appearing on screen recently and advising retune on Sep 3rd after mid afternoon. I retuned today then found I couldn’t get RT which would be a real pain as it’s the only tv news channel worth watching.
It was on Channel 85 but now it’s on Channel 135. Had to go on to auto tune menu then select Programme Edit, scroll down and select RT on 135. I’m in Glasgow west/north west G20 area just in case anyone else has had the same problem.
call me dave
Did they name him?
Have you read this?
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He will be one of the many on here…. good luck
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Yeah Cameron his name is Jim Murphy. Oh sorry you meant Mr Egg delivery man didn’t you not the *ahem* victim, no they didn’t!
Did you notice this at the bottom of the page.
— Guardian News & Media Ltd
Paul Mason is Economics editor at Channel 4 News.
Different audience, different message.
I’d better get a move on re-building a business then.
Anyone going to the Oran Mor?
Getting ready and listening to this… utterly amazing from Stanley Odd.
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All these reports popping up in the international media, most seem fairly accurate and impartial now. That is with the exception of one detail that all seem to have, “it probably won’t happen”. What makes them say that?
Brian Mchugh
I’ve listened to that a few time now and think Stanley Odd might be a WOS reader.
If you are Stanley, please post some thoughts.
Hi made a pig’s ear the last post re:egg man.
Un-named man, 45yrs old, to appear Thursday (tomorrow) at Kirkcaldy so could be any man from list below.
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Sounds like a good idea to me Cameron.
Re. the man appearing in Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on Monday. I have just checked who will be appearing on that day and was unable to find the name I was expecting. Unless I have forgotten the name of someone I used to share a flat with. Perhaps I’m just confused.
Mr Egg delivery man is in court tomorrow Cameron not Monday, you might have better luck checking tomorrow’s court list.
According to STV news tonight a man has been arreted for the Jim Murphy egging!
Wonder if he turns out to be a Yes supporter….hmmmm.or not.
BigRi & goldenayr
I’m sure you sorted your names out amongst yourselves.
call me dave / CameronB Brodie
I don’t think he would be on that list. The list is prepared a week or so in advance. Late entries such as our eggy friend will be slotted in.
Arrested even..
That date’s not listed yet. Boy is it getting hard to keep up here.
Murphy’s lawer.
I found Thursday’s listings here Cameron.
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Try again: Murphy’s lawyer
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Try again: Murphy’s lawyer
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Don’t you mean ‘folded in’?
O/T STV have announced the schedule for their coverage of the referendum and results: link to
Be interesting to see who this man is, and if there is any details given of his political activities.
Very good!
list says it was published at 18.05 hrs today. But who knows it’s eggciting init!
None of my relatives on it, thank goodness.
I see ‘better together’ won the penalty shoot out against YES
5-4 Blair Jenkins missed the fourth one….nice pic of Ruthie in Herald.
Can we take a name each and have a shifty through FB?
I call foul.
Nation Libre
Aye right I’m not a pus book user.
Who said 55 was a dangerous age? I reached that yesterday. Watch out folks…
Jimmy ‘Ah’m afeared o’eggs’ Murphy has already indicated his intention not to stand in 2015 and seek election to Holyrood instead. So Docherty is the second.
So these guys will fight to prevent Scottish independence, then expect to be able to benefit from Scotland’s public purse afterwards. I’m not sure if I’m happy with that.
A 45 yr old man has been arrested in connection with Jim Murphy’s egging.
On BBC Scotland news
I’ve got to admit CH, Murph the Smurph’s lawyer is looking better in that video than he did yesterday in Edinburgh.
Can I just say that I’m EGG-static that Mr Egg Man has been picked up and will be making an EGG-straordinary appearance in court tomorrow!
Just been warned off by my partner for being a wee bit too EGG-stravigant here.
Sleaze everywhere. That goalie could easily have kept out Ruthie’s penalty.
@Lesley Anne is RDB a yes or no
I wonder what the egg terrorist will be charged with? Has the egg left a permanent stain on Jim’s shirt?
Sorry Ronnie my solitary brian cell has deserted me tonight, RDB?
O/T – the guardian is saying that there may be a strike of BBC ‘journalists’ which could interrupt the referendum coverage and all the comments are – yeah bring it on.
The No camp coming out all – we may lose etc – don’t believe a word they say, they are trying to make us complacent cos it is probably really close.
Provocation is a defence under Scot’s Law.
Bawling obscenities at people and inciting violence is a breach of peace. When is Murphy getting charged. Stirrer.
My heart rate just jumped 50%. I could just imagine the scenes during the night as I was reading the STV story. What will the exit polls say? Who will be first to declare and how will that first result give indications to the rest? When will the trend set in? What time will the winder be declared? Will I be wallowing in deep despair or high as a friggin’ kite?
If I’ve doing my calculator thingy right Icy (4,000,000*80%*50%) then we are looking at something like 1,600,000 as being the 50% marker so 1,600,001 or shortly after should be enough I reckon.
My sources tell me the man in court tomorrow is called Ben – aka Eggs Benedict.
That’s just how I feel, IcySpark. I won’t be getting any sleep that night!
@Lesley Anne the so called egg man
I forgot to say Icy that given YES Scotland have over 1,000,000 signatories to their YES declaration then assuming they all vote YES, as the implication of the declaration suggests, then we are only looking for around 600,001 extra votes to get over the 50% plus 1 wining line.
Thanks for helping me out there Ronnie.
His name is Gregg Shelley
jim Murphy the second MP felled by the Egg, where,s Edweena Symonella
Who says, or is that a joke I just missed?–anti-english-hatred_n_5759044.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cuk%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D290288
Nigel Farage accusing Alex Salmond of stirring up anti-english hatred. This is really LIBEL. Farage should be sued.
Farage should be egged
O/T…just had my third YouGov poll in eight days. Questions relate to Indyref, more powers if a NO vote and asking if I thought Alex Salmond would or should resign in the event of a NO vote…just like waiting for a bus, you wait ages and three come along at once…Oh it also asked a couple of questions on MI5 and vote rigging…strange
Ohhhhhh. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly good at spelling. You might have noticed.
My eyes are dodgy as well. Cheers.
Interesting development though. I wonder who they guy is ?
@Icy spark cut that oot EggShell is the preserve of Johann Lamont,she always has a nice Sheen.
Just so you know, Stanley Odd is the band. The rapper is Solareye and the singer is Veronika Electronica. Confusing, I know.
Farage/Huffpost say the referendum next week
“NEW YORK — Nigel Farage has accused Alex Salmond of “stirring up anti-English hatred” and “excessive nationalism” ahead of next week’s referendum of Scottish independence.”
Our man in New York or Huffpost, two outfits way overrated. Its not next week! is it.
If the British Establishment can use terrorist laws against the country of Iceland, there is a reasonable chance the defendant in this case may face a summary egsecution.
So which one are you then?
“The welfare costs in Scotland are huge. Well over 50% of people in Scotland are living on benefits of some kind and I don’t see a very left-wing leader – and Salmond is a very left-wing leader, basically a former communist – he is not pro-business,
says Farage on US tv morning joe which is bit like Sarah Smith nightly grot, at night, actually she’s worse. Anyway 50% of Scotland is on benefits is it? Good old teamGBists on tour.
Whits the betting that the Eggmans hearing is held in private.
I think he’s an Egg Plant Ronnie…
Excellent stuff yet again, Dateline Scotland rocks !!
link to
Half of us are on the brew, Mags Curran tells them we hate women too. Bettertogetherists on tour’s not a pretty sight which is not misogynist, is it.
Everybody go and buy Cap In Hand by the Proclaimers and keep the Vote Nob Orders crowd at No 2.
link to
Last week we shared news of the launch of the song “Why Build Another Wall?” We hope the words and music, based on the chord sequence of Auld Lang Syne, resonate with you.
Auld Lang Syne was written by Robbie Burns, himself a staunch Unionist. It’s a song that looks back on old times with a childhood friend, and seeks to rekindle the past with a handshake and a goodwill drink.
As such, “Why Build Another Wall?” is the essence of reconciliation, and is a perfect anthem to support the sentiments of all who follow the Vote No Borders cause.
We can only spread this message of reconciliation and friendship however with your help. We want to reach as many people as possible so that people are singing along to it en route to the voting booths on Sept 18.
Please support the No Campaign by getting the single into the charts ahead of Sept 18 by pre-ordering now and sharing the link with as many friends, acquaintances and family members as you can.
You can pre-order the track from iTunes here – link to and it is now also available on Amazon for pre-order – link to
Thanks in advance for your support.
Vote No Borders
link to
Last week we shared news of the launch of the song “Why Build Another Wall?” We hope the words and music, based on the chord sequence of Auld Lang Syne, resonate with you.
They’re taking the piss now. What, use ‘cultural rhythms’ to save the Union.
Voodoo nonsense on stilts.
Harry mcaye says
“Sleaze everywhere. That goalie could easily have kept out Ruthie’s penalty.”
are you serious, she took that penalty really well, I just wish she hadnt jumped up and down so much.
@kendomacaroonbar mind Ken I have your poster from the printers
Kendomacaroonbar says
“I think he’s an Egg Plant Ronnie…”
a bad egg maybe.
Always said Jim was an eggotist.
@Brian Mchugh
Thanks for the Stanley Odd shoutout. Like them.
“YES Scotland have over 1,000,000”
I read (but can’t substantiate) that following the publicity of the million that they got another 300k.
I just sent you an email Alex.
@Votadini Jeannie
I’ve not got many contacts and am actually looking for who is Ref Agent the Edinburgh City one as well..
I’ll see if I can get any more info for you..
CameronB Brodie – neither. Just a devoted fan.
On the Yes Declaration, I can’t believe they’ve not pushed any figures since the million. Even if there were only 50-100,000 new signatures, it would be worth mentioning. Who knows? One million out of 1.6 million is almost two thirds. That would be a pretty incredible level of engagement.
The advice for keeping The Proclaimer’s Cap In Hand @ No.1 is NOT to buy the re-mastered edition but to buy the original version here:
link to
Buying the re-mastered version basically dilutes the sales.
Sorry Ian
Can you repost again on the most recent thread please.
X_Sticks says:
I read (but can’t substantiate) that following the publicity of the million that they got another 300k.
That would be absolutely fantastic if it could be confirmed X-Sticks. Just imagine on the 18th we are STARTING with 1.3 MILLION votes in the bag and we only need 300,001 more votes from the WHOLE of Scotland to win!
By the way folks I am NOT saying here that we should relax anything but, in fact I’m saying the exact opposite, we should keep up the pressure right up till the last possible minute!
I read that as well 1.3m signatures, and that was a few days ago so prob higher still now.
If things keep going like this Andy it looks lioke we may have won the referendum BEFORE the first vote is even cast.
Lesley-Anne says:
“looks lioke we may have won the referendum BEFORE the first vote is even cast”
Let’s not get too cocky, dear. We can’t afford any complacency. Every last vote will count.
Oh I’m not getting cocky just enjoying the warm glow that comes along with the confidence that we know we have something to show for our effort whilst Better Whatsits are still living on hope.
@X_Sticks, well said. Lets not lose focus now.
@G H Graham says:
After all, as Boris Johnson was only too keen to remind the ungrateful, benefit scroundging Scots back in April 2012,
“A pound spent in Croydon is of far more value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde.”
Here’s the link, what an utter
link to
Bought. That’s two versions now!
Holy shit this is excellent.
In all seriousness I’d like to see this on the SBC as a regular slot. It’d have to be non-partisan then of course
Can we delay the referendum for a while so we can see more installments of dateline Scotland ?
As for “murphygate”, crack that hard shell and inside i am sure there is a yoker just waiting to get out…
Notice how yes like to take the mick out of themselves, and no likes to take the mick out of yes. Except there’s no humour in the no offerings. Mind you, they don’t have much to laugh about at the moment.