Your time is precious
Kezia Dugdale spoke for almost exactly 45 minutes to the Scottish Labour conference in Perth today. But we know you’re busy people who don’t want to sit through all of that, and that you trust us to endure it on your behalf so that we can sift through it and present you with only the important bits.
So we recorded the whole thing, then edited out all the bits that were just “SNP BAD” (that one’s a real time-saver), all the empty rhetoric, all the non-specific pledges to make everything be cuddly and fabulous, and all the uncosted, impractical, half-baked policy ideas that have no hope of ever being put into practice.
In the end we got it down to under 10 minutes.
No need to thank us. It’s what we do.
Crikey clapping sealions! lol
Ma poppy’s better than your poppy..
X Factor or Kezia?
I loved the large banners putting forward the message – Change Scottish Labour.
Suggestions on a postcard please.
I hope Kezia got plenty of monkey nuts and tablet for that outfit.. whit wiz she Morticia Addams?
Professor Snape has a twin sister?
A round of applause to Stu for doing that edit.
Yesemite Sam says:
31 October, 2015 at 8:20 pm
I loved the large banners putting forward the message – Change Scottish Labour.
Suggestions on a postcard please.
Keir Hardie for leader!!!
Oh wait a second … erm … I think I may be just a wee tad late with that suggestion methinks!
I don’t think Kezia deserved the clap !
Next year there’ll be even less. How the mighty fall.
That hall is really empty @ 6.00
I hope you cut out the girl who presented her she claimed and I quote”Kezia my role model”she needs to get out more and live what a sad role model for anyone with half a brain to aspire too.
Kezia’s got the clap big time.
I hope that is not a double entendre.
OK. I’m gonna give up voting for Independence because of a Labour tax collector’s vague promise. Wot about the rest of my taxes for London?
Out of interest, why is noone sitting next to Bliar MacDougal? Its ok, I know why.
well thats me convinced, im goin home to labour
And there was me looking forward to next year’s Southern Fried festival in that very hall. I hope the reek of pish has dissipated by then.
What is reassuring is that a lot of those sad familiar faces in the peanut gallery won’t be around next year.
It’s the end of the world as they know it.
Also fun, Duncan Hothersausage and UKOK slacker of the year Dr ScottThinks, are to the right of Jackie Baillie!
I know right, there really are SLabour types further to the right of Jackie Bailie. They’re probably Jackie’s unionist entourage/flunkies.
wonder how many in the crowd were bussed up from the south to boost their shitey numbers?
looks like she gets her acting lessons from a really shitey actor
a troop of baboons would been more entertaining the ones with the (rouge derriere)
@ Rev could you no hiv telt us you were doing that. I endured all but the last 10mins of that tortures voice,wetboarding would hiv been a skoosh case compaired to Kezia,s waffle.
Stuart Campbell – you are awful, but, I like you.
Couldn’t help but notice, not all the brothers and sisters were clapping all the time; indeed, at times there were one or two, arms crossed, faces tripping them: “Ah’m no suporting that” seemed to be the sub-text.
A united opposition SLAB are NOT.
Just as well Kez had her Tin Helmet on the noise would have deefened her!!
On the way in, that lot were given a bag of chips and told when to clap.
havnt watched it couldnt be bothered but i can probably guess how it went.
waffle waffle pish lies SNP bad we are the greatest,need change we are listening honest waffle waffle pish lies.
Was i right ?
What Paula Rose says at 8.47.
Brutal, but funny and oh so true.
Still smiling.
Is that ‘Change’ as in ‘any spare….’?
Just seen Blair McDougall in the audience,feeling a little queasy .
All I got to say is-
Deary deary me.
That’s well scary and creepy enough for halloween every time.
How can so few people make so much noise?!
Good to see she got a standing revultion from the living dead.
Autonimous Multilateral Branch Office must be proud!
Slabs Halloween movie at the end when they are unmasked they’ll say “and we would have got away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling cybernats and that pesky Reverend Bath of Stu”
Thank you anyway.
Neatly done.
The things you put yourself through for your readers, Stu.
At least after Kezia`s abysmal performance and audience reaction on Thursday`s Question Time, I don`t think the mainstream media would be as daft as to report a very dire situation for Kezia`s Labour in Scotland as anything other than a very dire situation for Kezia`s Labour in Scotland.
I rather suspect that won`t be the case.
You’d almost think they’d all had a clappy chip installed.
Nae harm to him, but that Ian Murray’s got a face only a mother could lo… tolerate.
A lot of guisers none of then telling jokes
guisers scotland on Twitter
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Free Scotland says:
31 October, 2015 at 9:01 pm
On the way in, that lot were given a bag of chips and told when to clap.
You are not trying to suggest they are chipped robots are you?
Lets be fair here – she does do better than she did on QT on Thursday night. More worrying were things like Neil Findlay clapping a wee bit too enthusiastically (I thought), Murray looking a bit too pensive and when she hove into view not even Jackie Baillie looking convinced (nor did Ian Gray, I thought). Penny for their thoughts – perhaps “how did that gofer who used to be a dogsbody in Foulkes’ office get to be leader?”
No heating in the hall?
Really enjoyed that. Very funny.
Looking at the audience I thought I was looking at a post box but then I realised it was Jackie Bailie wearing one her bespoke jackets. I think she has one in every colour. The next one will be black in support of the leaders Wee black number.
Obviously that lot weren’t in the QT audience on Thursday.
How many of those seats were reserved for £3 ticket holders? And how many of Sarwar’s and Murphy’s referendum rent-a-mob crew are present?
Suitably attired in mourning dress RIP Scottish Labour
So ,let’s see if I have got this right.
We may or may not support Trident,except it depends what we in Scotland think ,and also what Labour in London think,then we may have to have a talk on what we all think.Easy.
Next,The SNP have a duty to protect Scottish citizens from the UK government , which is the lne that me and Labour spent endless hours persuading you to stay joined with. Easy.
Next,I want to utilise for definite the new powers whatever they may be ,to raise taxes for the rich to help the poor. An unfortunate side effect is that the tax rate for the poor may also have to be raised in line with that for the rich. This means of course the poor will in a way be helping themselves Easy.
Airport tax will pay for so many things that currently we cannot afford. This could vary from a lollipop ,to the entire
education budget of the Nation.It just depends.Easy.
Uncertainty is the only certainty in this lassies life isn’t it ?
Sorry Kez but in that dress the tide widnae tuk ye oot
Sunday Herald front page;
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nodrog says:
31 October, 2015 at 9:19 pm
You are not trying to suggest they are chipped robots are you?
If I try to intellectualise unnecessarily, my system will go into meltdown, so I’ll keep it brief and answer in harmony with my pre-programmed functional norm: Yes.
“Change” … I’ll believe that when I see it! I reckon I will have to wait some time.
So just in case it hasn’t already been posted yet. Here is tomorrow’s Sunday Herald front page.
Now remember when we all thought that 56 SNP MP’s was a fantastic result then up steps the Carmichael fiasco that has an outside chance of turning into 57 SNP MP’s. (Yes I know Michelle Thompson has resigned the SNP whip but to bo honest I expect to see her back in the SNP fold at some point.
) Well what are the chances that the 56 becoming 57 may actually become 58? 
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Do we really think there are people left who have forgotten, stupid though she is, this is the woman who made every effort to say we were better together
And now that we are, she’s saying she wants to protect us from the thing she wanted us to be in, in the first place
Even if there’s only one brain cell left among the Yoonys surely some of those Dozy Slow Wits should have worked this out by now
If not, don’t let her whining fool you, she’s not a helpless puppy, entertaining though she is, she’s a Rabid infected bitch and needs putting down
O/T … Vive la France (again!)
French PM offers FC Barcelona to play in France if Catalonia independent. This was always an important card used by Spain to try and thwart indy for the Catalans — exclude FC Barcelona from their main league.
Noticeably a predominantly elderly audience: looked like most of them were waiting for the bingo to start. And Bliar McDougall seems to need a seat for each buttock.
Instead of spinning spin try some clay Kez.
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Even if you assume everything she says is 100% true, all her proposals are implemented exactly as she described them, and all her criticisms of the SNP are valid, they’re still finished.
I realised something this year about the Scottish electorate when it comes to abandoning Labour; not only do none of them ever go back to Labour, all of them go away angry and feeling extremely stupid for ever having trusted them in the first place.
It would be interesting to poll ex-labour voters and find some expression of that. It’s quite unusual. The only historical similarity I can think of would be the German peoples’ regrets over voting the Nazis.
@Marcia – The Viceroys dandruff is getting really bad think he needs some heid and shooders the wee bastirt
Hopefully now it’s safe to go O/T
A wee Halloween joke;
What does Barbie do at Halloween?
A’ll get ma jerkin…
@Dr Jim,
No ,she must not be got rid of. She is a gift from above. For us that is.
@Kenny & French PM –
What about Espanyol ?
Maybe they think, if they clap loud enough, that someone will appear from behind the curtain holding a bucket full of fish.
Clapping for the “nice” people in the media. Loooovely!
Trying to prove that QT audience were quite, quite wrong not to clap and cheer this sensational, fantabidozie…
Haha. erm..*cough*….yes, where was I? *splutter* the bestest person…*cough*…hehe hoho haha haha….
Laugh?….. I nearly bought a drink!
Impressive, one of her better efforts,
Give her 25,years and she may well be able to express a coherent thought in a believable way
Just watched it.
All of it.
That’s a lot of people there. They all had to spend dosh getting there, perhaps staying overnight for at least one night, eating, drinking and so on.
And the place had to be paid for. And the policing costs, and whatever advertising they did.
(Right now, on the news, the sound-bite projects an image of Dugdale defying the Tories to a background of roaring supporters.)
If almost a quarter of Kezia’s 45-minute speech consisted of such unnatural behaviour then anyone who voted for this party at any previous election, at any level, must now ask themselves some pointed questions.
It’s always difficult to place an exact figure on the kind of money drawn-in by, and expenses of such events as ‘political conferences’, but we’re talking big numbers (if in doubt, ask Willie Rennie, eh?). Even a damp-squib has to be bought.
At this time of year, one could be forgiven for suggesting that whatever cash is now forever gone and lost to attendees would’ve been better spent (and had considerably more public relations value) if they’d blown the lot on a spectacular fireworks display, climaxing with the word ‘Cheerio’ in the skies above all of Scotland’s cities.
‘Labour in Scotland’ – or whatever they’re called – is over. They’re done. And Rev just provided the (mercifully brief) evidence.
Is it too late to enter this for the Turner prize?
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That’s quite funny. I skipped to the end for the applause.
Now that is just brilliant, haven’t had such a laugh for ages! What did oor kez say. Crikey 45 minutes, anyone sitting through that deserves a medal.
Shame, but this is what the liebour party have become, not so happy clappy, in it bettertogether only for themselves, but soon to be looking for some change please because their gravy train is nearing the end of the line.
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Slabour unionist’s ongoing destruction of Scottish cities they haven’t quite destroyed yet.
Topical chance in rancid Graun covering Edinburgh trying to cope with SLab’s tram catastrophe and now they’re going to despoil some more. Rancid Graun doesn’t mention SLab though. Funny that.
Its not O/T as Wullie Young doing something weird with his clap up on stage there has broken hearts again and dumped even more debt on Aberdeen, all for another SLabour white elephant
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Will Scotland ever be FREE of them?
A big sign with “CHANGE” written on it?
What the hell is wrong with these people? Did they strain their entire collective light bulb wattage to come up with an “inspiring” word and the best they could come up with was “CHANGE”?!
How many times have we seen this same old hackneyed, meaningless word trotted out? How many times?
There are other words in the dictionary!
The word “CHANGE” has become so limp through over-usage that I am officially entering it into the Bumper Book of Hackneyed Words and Phrases alongside that other moronic mantra used by the hard of thinking: “The clue is in the name”.
Bob Mack says:
“The SNP have a duty to protect Scottish citizens from the UK government , which …. Labour spent endless hours persuading you to stay joined with..”
Yup! What a shame that no one on the No side explained that the concept of being “better together” was only ever wishful thinking!
After this, isn’t everyone really looking forward to the Scottish Lib-Dem conference?
Cutting !
David, for all the idea of “change” seems like a simplistic proposition, and in most contexts it would be simple, here in Scotland it’s actually quite a confused and confusing message.
I can only assume they are urging a change of underwear. Or possibly begging for change as in a few pence… Didn’t see a hat or paper cup underneath it, did you?
We all know the SNP and independence movements are the ones arguing for real change though. SLAB represent the status quo with Westminster treating us like mugs. It’ll take more than big words to CHANGE that…
Change is a metaphor for movement usually in a forward direction that signifies success and development. Unfortunately this Party’s change is that of a pendulum swinging from one opinion to an opposite one depending on the instructions from UKOK HQ.
What are they suggesting that will they change into? Last year SLAB campaigned on preserving the status quo- the asymmetric relationship that exists between Scotland and WM that is now under intense scrutiny as the YES movement continues to grow.
They seemed very keen last year when there was the opportunity for real change to keep Scotland at a disadvantage with all aspects of its socioeconomic functioning.Most influential economists would fall about laughing at the tax proposals offered up at this conference as a yardstick of political autonomy.
They actually haven’t realised that there has been real change in the electorate in Scotland-it is a now a self-educating and politically engaged population and it knows exactly in which direction it is headed for.
Check out the FB link Ronnie Anderson provided at 10.20 – very telling perspective on the whole thing.
They’re at it, and they know we know they are.
Contrast that image with the soundbites being broadcast right now via BBC Radio Scotland News – next one due in, what, ten minutes?
Check the image Ronnie provided, then listen to the clip which will surely be broadcast to the nation at 10.00, 11.00. midnight, perhaps one or all of them, and again throughout the morning.
That’s where ‘they’ beat us – they can transmit this shite non-stop, on a loop – we highlight it when we can, but can’t compete with full-on ‘normal’ propaganda.
C’est la vie.
@Reverand Stuart Campbell
That is the most brutal piece of political satire EVER. You are a beast, the most hated and the most loved activist in Scotland.
You deserve a medal.
Wtf was Willie Young doing at the top table clapping like a seal on speed? He gives dumb a bad name.
The hall was half empty. I counted about 300-400. Recognised some Edinburgh councillors. When you consider that there must have been a certain number of media journos and aids, that’s not much of a crowd. MSPs, the lone MP, some councillors… very few of the actual foot soldiers. Yet it was cleverly shot so that you saw the auditorium in darkness for most of the time, which made you feel like there were more there than there actually were. Many empty seats, and the upper circles and boxes hardly occupied at all.
If your happy and you know it clap your hands, if your happy and you know it . . .
That’s really extracting the Michael!
You have a way of twisting the political knife to make your point…very good!

I could have swore that the word at the back of Kezia said,
Angra Mainyu at 10:45pm
If these people are so heavily into “change” why don’t they apply some to the lame, worn-out old slogans they use?
And someone needs to tell them “change” is not a universally good thing. Things can, and often do, “change” – for the worse. The Nazis wanted “change” for goodness sake! Just not the sort most people would regard as desirable!
No, the time has come for whole boring political shower – the lot of them – to start coming up with things that at least look as if they required a modicum of imagination or genuine effort.
Note to internet etiquette Nazis: No, I am not shouting. Shouting is something you do with your mouth, moron.
Ma heids hurtin!
Even if the promises such a tax credits could be delivered by the Kezia Magic funding fountain she has missed the bloody obvious. To just stay as we are by mitigating Tory cuts such as the bedroom tax and now tax credits we will eventually tie up our full budget on protecting the vulnerable but the rest of our services will be left penniless.
Is Kezia so thick that she cannot see this? Is this the best Labour can offer – acceptance of a Tory Government at Westminster and we divert funds from the NHS etc to mitigate the cuts AND increase taxation. What a downward spiral that would be.
I have a suggestion – why don’t we set our own policies and assign budget spending that reflects Scottish values.
Why not have a little more imagination than the Labour cult of re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
At least half a Billion pounds pulled out of thin air and not one fiscal challenge by the media!
….Yes, I’m pissed off.
The last time I was in that hall it was for The Levellers. The audience was somewhat more animated.
Ian Brotherhood says:
31 October, 2015 at 10:41 pm
After this, isn’t everyone really looking forward to the Scottish Lib-Dem conference?
I thought the Lib Dem conference was last week-end in the phone box just outside the Glen gates in Dunfermline Ian.
I heard an alarming conversation today.
Language a bit rich so stop here if you are likely to be offended
I was standing in a queue in a shop in Dunoon and there was few people behind.
One guy said
“Are you over here now?”
“Dae you like it then?”
“Aye. See that Greenock. It’s fucking murder. Specially at weekends. They’re aa pished. Canny walk aboot half the streets. They a’ drinking that Frosty Jack. It’s quieter over here. I like it.”
“That wee cunt Sturgeon’s coming tae Greenock on Monday. Way her whole fuckin cabinet. See that minimum pricing. Ah’ve got a mate that’s goat a licensed grocer. Frosty Jack’s gonna cost about a tenner if that wee cunt gets her way. That’ll fucking hit the business.”
I kid you not
The gospel according to The Dug Scotland will need 120000 engineers in the next 20 yrs ,well I wish we had jobs for the ones we have the lying bastard Westminster mismanagement of our oil has left thousands of us out of work whilst she bullshits the poor about tax credits .
I needn’t worry MSM will destroy her arguement tomorrow with the facts and figures once McKennas hardon subsides .
BBC Newspaper review basing huge chunk of Newspaper Review right now on front page of Post and agreeing on terrible seriousness of story highlighting SNP cuts leaving schools with as little as £1pw to spend on things like pencils and pens for school kids – apparently SNP will be judged next year on this performance.
Clearly the post must be a newspaper of ‘record’ for the BBC to be reporting it on their 24 hour news channel around the UK
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BBC Scotland selling it hard
“New narrative
Her speech was an intriguing balance of passion and control, delivered mostly without rhetorical devices and in a style which suggested sorrow at Scotland’s – and Labour’s – plight rather than fury.
For example, there was relatively little in the way of lampooning her opponents in the SNP.”
SLabour’s sorrow at the plight of their Scotland region is pushing it tad. even in toryboy BBC Scotland world.
plight1 (pla?t )
a condition of extreme hardship, danger, etc
If you’re a SLab BBC ligger, plight probably is pretty fair.
Cadogan Enright – I too saw the BBC paper review and that Sunday Post article said that teachers were having to give out bookies’ pens to the kids to use. Then did you hear the reviewer from Gaurdian (?) state that we know Scotland has a gambling problem! Eh? Whit? The BBC female gave him a laughing wee warning for saying it.
Sheesh, is there nothing the msm won’t tar us with. Lying weasel bastirts.
Cadogan Enright 11.48pm
Re: Sunday Post front page, BBC paper review.
Just heard that arse of a Sunday Post journalist tell the world that Scottish Primary School kids are so badly funded by the SNP, that they have to go to the local bookies and steal the pens from them.
The SNP have to get this guy to name the Councils and Schools involved in this practice.
If he is lying, then he has to be held to account.
Come on to f*ck Rev?
I come in from Derek Mackay’s fundraiser, all you can offer me is the clap from Kez?
Gi’us a break!
I managed to post this on the wrong page – and I’m still sober! So, here it is in the correct page.
Well done, Rev Stu, for the appropriate caption for your video.
While I’ve been catching up on all the comments here, I’ve been thinking about spontaneous applause. My thoughts led me to the conclusion that an audience applauds when it feels inspired, or uplifted in some way, as a reaction to, for example, a brilliant goal, or inspiring words from a speaker, or an exhilarating musical performance.
(Here, my thoughts reminded me of the first of three Emerson, Lake & Palmer concerts in the Caird Hall, where Keith Emerson started off “Pictures At An Exhibition”, playing the magnificent Caird Hall organ.)
Onnyhoo, any audience, when clapping, is usually ‘in a good place’. Unfortunately, the audience in that clip, for the most part, appear to be overcome with dourness.
I guess that audience wasn’t, psychologically, in a good place…
At least in Scotland it is still acceptable to clap approval–unlike some other places we could mention. Poor Ian Murray–he’ll be getting all confused.
Dave McEwan Hill@11.39
How strange, how sad. When people can’t get their own irony something is seriously awry. Not that uncommon I suspect.
Regards the worldwide news on kids’ in Scotland having to get their pens from the bookies now. Must be due to all those pfi deals that Labour did which are costing us a tad more than anyone in liebour will ever admit to, for ever and ever debt. Great, thanks labour.
That’s a lot of clap they gave her.
I’ll get my coat.
If yer happy and ye know it
Even if the folk don’t vote it
If yer happy and ye know it
Clap yer hands.
My hands were getting sore just watching that. I wonder what it’s like getting such a mirthless applause.
To be fair, there were one or two smiling faces. Though that might just have been because it was getting near the end.
Claptrap ! Absolute claptrap!
All I can say is they’re easy pleased.
A big hand for Jeremy beadle I mean corbyn
You could almost smell the despair in the hall. Leading “lives of quiet desperation”.
Is it me or does Kezia always sound like or look like she is just about to burst into tears? She seriously needs to get a PR person to do something about that image, she is dressed like she is attending a funeral (and perhaps she is). I don’t usually make references like this but even Johann got herself a makeover.
The most interesting thing in the clip, as mentioned by other people, is the people who aren’t clapping. Some of them know they are drinking in last chance saloon and things aren’t going to get any better. SLAB have managed in a short few years to do what the Tories took a generation to accomplish, a wipe out. They also know that next May is going to be a nightmare if the Tories beat them in % number of votes or number of seats won. That is the point when they will become even more irrelevant in Scottish politics and all they will have left is memories of glories past.
Careful with this.
If AS or NS stood before a microphone, looked solemn, then said “Fuck it, I’m going for a pint?”
The audience would still be clapping. But, to be fair, would buy the pint(s).
A bit like North Korea don’t you think? Probably all being told, in no uncertain terms by bullyboy McDougall, to clap constantly and all night long as they came through the door.
That sign ‘CHANGE’ is being used in an attempt to brainwash people into forgetting what went before ….. the massive damage that Labour has rained down on Scotland, rUK and the Middle-east. Bragg told Dugdale that the Scots aren’t stupid but should have mentioned that our short and long term memories aren’t impaired either.
As far as I can remember the Labour Party north and south of the border have SHORT – changed the Scots for decades now and nothing will change at all under Kezia’s leadership. Just another in a long line of Labour Leader (branch managers) losers in Scotland.
Do we rally want more women in the boardroom, in politics and everywhere else in public service? With Kezia following a long list of role models like Mrs Thatcher, Jackie Bailey, Margaret Curran et al, I don’t think so.
Kezia is hardly an ambassador for equality is she? Hope Nicola Sturgeon is paying attention,.
What a f*****g arse.
I dont want to pay her wages, I don’t want her working for me under any circumstances, let alone as a list MSP.
That arse has got to go.
The sadesst bunch of cults i’ve ever seen.
@John Moss
I doubt it the fact she is a woman that is the problem. It is simply the fact that she is a numpty still squealing SNP BAADDD.
Just like the party she leads she has no plans, no policies and nowhere to go.
Seriously, you Wings readers that are paying attention are witnessing the end of the Labour party in Scotland. After May when Ms Dugdale leaves, who would want to take over?
No one, the party is doomed and will have to be reborn.
Just watched the fragrant Ms Dugdales speech at her party conference. three standing ovations, what a reaction!
Tax credit cuts to be overturned-Virtually impossible according to LPW (and who would doubt him)
50% tax for higher earners- No mention of proportionate rise for lower earners
Airport duty to be used for everything and its Granny-Forever
I wish that I could get a standing ovation for lying through my teeth.
But hey, I’m not the leader of the really,really autonomous Scottish Labour (not so much a party as a group of yesterdays has beens) party
For all of those criticising Slab’s use of the word “Change”, give them some credit. They have changed for the better – they managed to spell it correctly!
I decided that ten minutes of my valuable time was not worth sacrificing by watching Kezia. I just read the comments which were more telling.
Democratic Republic of North Korea?
With a leadership life expectancy way shorter than their dynastic succession.
Yes, politicians who are going to be on the TV need to have image consultants. Sturgeon obviously had a makeover which made her look a lot better. Dugdale did have a hairdo which was better, but more needs to be done to frame her face properly, and she should lose the suit permanently, it doesn’t suit her.
Corbyn probably looks the part for his agenda though he’d have to clean up for a PM role, but Miliband’s suit was dire, and his posture incredibly bad. Cameron made the best of himself in comparison, and looks the part even if he isn’t. He just needs a soul transplant.
@Peter Craig
The important thing about APD is that, according to Dugdale, it’s £250 million a year that will be handed over to Scotland with the new powers.
But it’s an existing £250 million, so not reducing it doesn’t give an extra £250 million to spend, it means £0 extra to spend, zilch, nada, nothing at all. Labour weren’t long on Maths in the person of Alistair Darling during the Referendum, they weren’t good at maths in the person of Murphy, and they’re still not good at maths in the person of Dugdale.
Remedial maths for Labour politicians is an urgent priority.
The only thing I envy Labour for is the padding on the seats in Perth. Both SECC and AECC seats are straight plastic and hard as nails.
Two weeks on I still get stiff if I sit on a hard chair for too long.
Now that was funny.
I see that McKenna is at his best ‘running wi’ the hares an’ barking wi’ the hounds’ mode this morning.
Either that, or it’s a brilliant piece of satire.
The really really sad thing about Kezia, Scottish Labour and all the other Unionist sympathisers, is that they have absolutely NO HOPE and NO VISION for a future Scotland.
It’s just the same old, same old, pool and share, status quo.
Let’s clear the decks.
SNP/SNP all the way.
bjsalba says:
1 November, 2015 at 6:27 am
My arse and back will second that!
Only two venues in Scotland can handle the delegate numbers now. I still smile at the thought of fringe meetings that outnumber the entire LibDem conference numbers
@ bjsalba That reminds me ,note to moi, pack a cushion for 9th Nov ,they bloody benches in the Court of Session are sore on the erse ( small crumb of comfort) so,s the bench in the Dock.Plank yer erse doon mr Carmicheal.
I was shopping in the B&Q store in Darnley, Glasgow yesterday and I noticed that there was an unusually high number of staff under the age of twenty working in the store.
My seventeen yr old daughter, who is a Uni student, also got a part-time start in the local supermarket.
Is this a trend. Are the big stores starting to employ under 25 yr olds, so they don’t have to pay the living wage in the future.
Students are far cheaper to employ.
It isn’t looking good for the over 25s who are looking for employment in the retail and catering trades.
Better Together?
What a lot of dour faces.
You can see them looking at her and probably thinking This time next year she’ll be gone.
@Thepnr 2.39. (the party is doomed and will have to be reborn.) Well dont expect me tae be on the lookout for people gathering on Irvine Moor, ah stay nowhere near, thats a job fur ither Wingers, any takers lol.
When will broadcasters challenge Dugdale on her crazy taxation claims?
The Scottish government is not getting an extra £250 million from APD as that sum will be DEDUCTED from Westminster’s block grant.
Already she has promised to spend this non existent bonus on tax credits now on educational inequality. So what will be cut from Scottish budget to pay for these promises?
If a 50p tax rate is applied under the Scotland Bill the basic tax rate will also have to be increased by the same proportion but Dugdale won’t say this.
No wonder some polls claim the Tories will overtake Labour next May as the main unionist party in Scotland.
Ronnie Anderson
Re: Carmicheal Trial 9th Nov.
I don’t think we will be seeing you on the big screen this time Ronnie. As far as I know, it will not be televised live. (I hope I am wrong).
Sunniva says:
31 October, 2015 at 11:02 pm
The hall was half empty. I counted about 300-400. Recognised some Edinburgh councillors. When you consider that there must have been a certain number of media journos and aids, that’s not much of a crowd. MSPs, the lone MP, some councillors… very few of the actual foot soldiers.
Ruby replies
That is exactly what I was thinking. Everyone in the audience is either a politician, a councillor, employed by labour & their families.
Their main concerns will be their salary & expenses.
@ Patrician 1.47. Am nay fashion critic,but I think I could remodel her, but I would have tae bury her in Green Sand first,she would have a few scabs on her after casting but a good rub doon wie ah Grinder smooths them oot.
Left tae the elements thereafter RUST IN PIECE KEZIA.
Its the sympathetic tone of her voice on occasion that gets ma teeth grinding (max Bygraves) let me tell you ah story lol.
It’s the Obama/Axelrod style of Hopey Changey message. But without the Hope.
@ caz-m As far as I,m aware that was thrashed out at the 1st hearings as the People in Kirkwall wanted to view the proceedings ,am no the star of the show,its Carmicheals face ah want tae see plastered on TV. I phone Kev Gibney & contact Tim Morrison/Fiona Mac, for clarification.
In the 1940s Labour undoubtly changed things for the better. Genuine achievements, the levels of which they have never managed to repeat again. A few little improvements here and there when they are in power, but the delivery never ever matched the rhetoric.
Labour have many problems, but perhaps their biggest right now is that half the population believe that the kind of fairer society Labour always talk wistfully about is actually possible … through Independence.
What Labour should appreciate is that many/most of those wanting to stay in the Union are Tories and they don’t want to live in that fairer society! By chaining themselves to the Union, Labour in Scotland are continuing to back the ‘other side’ from that which should be their natural position.
Methink Sunday Herald write with forked tongue. So much for supporting Indy.
More nappy crappy than happy clappy.
yesindyref2 says:
“Methink Sunday Herald write with forked tongue.”
Indeed. I also thought the tone had taken a shift.
@ caz-m Legal wrangling ongoing at the moment, as to who & what can be televised.
Ronnie Anderson
Re: Carmicheal
I was looking forward to seeing big tumshy heed on the telly getting his just desserts.
He must resign and give the people of Orkney the chance to vote for an MP who they have faith in.
Seven neutral or positive articles about Labour’s North British branch office (Accounting Unit) on BBC Scotland news web site today.
link to
Yet, with the full weight of the British Establishment’s propaganda channel behind it, sorry old Labour still cannot cobble together one cohesive, sensible sounding, strategy, policy or objective.
They really are finished in Scotland.
Ha ha ha. That’s just cruel. Nicely played Rev.
galamcennalath @ 9.27am.
I agree that Labour were once a force for change but not any more. I am immersed in “A Book of Ideas” from Common Weal at the moment and can’t help thinking that at one time Labour would have been banging the drum for most of the ideas put forward.
The SNP is now the only hope for social democracy in Scotland.
Re the Sunday Herald. Both the Herald and the National have taken on a “Trojan Horse” role as far as I can see. Been very disappointed in the National of late, and the latest Sunday Herald is scraping the barrel, bigging up the dug and Labour.
The departure of Richard Walker as editor would seem to signal a change to “SNP Bad” as the guiding principle for both papers, notwithstanding the trenchant articles from the likes of WGD.
The dilemma is, go on supporting the avowed indy papers National/Sunday Herald and help them to undermine indy with their spin, or withdraw support and leave us with not even a shred of support in MSM for indy.
Just finished reading the Sunday Herald and I agree with the comments above. It has made a big switch to an anti SNP stance based on article content and the letters page selection.
I saw this over a month ago and cancelled both (SH and HS). Why does every mass media want to work against Scotland’s interests?
Stu, trouble is you’ve edited the caption above her down as well. It used to read “Any spare change, please?” and your edits only manage to get the “Change” part of it.
@Ronnie Anderson
Need a hand pourin’ r’ metal?!!! Lol
Interesting contrast with the total silence KD experienced from the audience of real(er) folk on QT.
Loved that Stu – very funny and many thanks for doing it.
Re the Sunday Herald , the sinking of that once superb paper is now complete.
How Mr Hutcheon can be described as an investigative journalist is way beyond me – Hello or OK seems to be the level to which the once mighty herald aspires.
Poor Ian Bell- it must make him want to vomit on a daily basis to be in the posh Daily Record with very slightly better grammar and spelling, certainly no better reporting.
OT @Wuffing Dug
I have looked for an update on the EPR pressure vessel status this weekend and uncovered uncovered the status and proposed test procedure by AREVA and EDF and the subsequent opinion of the French safety committee investigating the problem published in the last month.
You may be interested given your past work on pressure vessels.
They are in the OT section of Wings.
With Kezia being a genuine Red Tory and PRO-Trident and Corbyn being a genuine left wing Labour man and ANTI-Trident. Wouldn’t it suit everyone if Kezia became leader of London Labour and Corbyn became leader of
Scottish Labour?
Just trying to help.
Bill , I have voiced my opinion on the advent of the National many times and I still see it as a cynical ploy.
I do buy it on Thursdays because WGD is there , otherwise I am happy to neglect it.
If an avowed ,independent newspaper were to hit the stands I would support it at least until it proved its editorial policy.I do support the Independent based in Stirling.
I don’t buy the argument that we have to support the National as it is all we have – we have Wings , Bella ,WGD ,Lallands Peat Worrier, Young James and many, many more all of whom are more honest , better informed and undoubtedly fighting Scotlands corner unlike the MSM.
Anyone know if there’s a live feed of the SLP car crash that will be the Trident debate?
Can’t seem to find anything being broadcast anywhere. Unwilling to wash the labstains in public?
‘With high levels of inequality, and public spending set to fall for much of the rest of the decade, the prognosis for reducing levels of social exclusion seems poor…
A chronic shortage of affordable accommodation in the UK, combined with welfare changes and cuts to housing benefit and homelessness services, has seen rough sleeping rise every year since 2010. This amounts to a 55 per cent increase nationally over the past five years, and a 79 per cent increase in London (DCLG 2014a). Among working-age adults without children, the proportion living in poverty is now 20 per cent – the highest level in at least 30 years…
Despite this, government continues to invest heavily in centralised programmes such as the Work Programme and the forthcoming Transforming Rehabilitation programme in the probation service. These programmes lock resources into a single prime provider and their supply chain, with oversight and accountability resting with central government. This prevents the local ownership that is needed to facilitate integration between the wide range of services people need for holistic support…
Centralised payment-by-results models are unsuitable for this task and risk outcome payments from central government not properly reflecting what local areas have actually achieved. An alternative approach would be to allow local authorities to design the criteria for involvement in such schemes with far greater service user input, and to hold them to account for progress against area-based, rather than individual or national indicators of deep social exclusion.’
A lengthy excellent summing up of the ‘Troubled Families’ programme adopted in England to improve social exclusion and inequality of opportunity. Does make some positive remarks but laden with caution because of the ongoing welfare cuts. Imagine that a Tory government intent on centralising control of what should be managed locally- how will they cope with all those who are homeless and dossing outside the opera and our mother of all parliaments. How does that fit with Scotland’s desire for autonomy?
link to
So what was the final score on the clapometer?
Reminded me of the old CCP polit buro meetings.
If every one seated around you when you sit down to eat is in your pay. Then your an arse hole. Sunny Bono. Think it might apply.
galamcennalath, why do seemingly sensible people like you always credit Labour with doing these great things in the 1940s, the NHS and Welfare state, etc?
The facts suggest it isn’t so straight forward: 1) the tories were also offering an NHS and welfare state in their 45 manifesto, almost identical to that offered by Labour. 2) the reason both those parties and the liberal were offering those things was because the people underneath were demanding them.
This demand for welfare and an NHS came from below. And it was the people below who put up the money and energy to build and maintain all that. Why credit the Labour Party because they were entrusted to start the process of implementation — they got kicked out of office a few years later and the Tories continued the process?
I know we all like to think the NHS is some unique and glorious Labour Party invention but across Europe and other countries they were also going in this direction and in actual fact by comparison we were pretty late to the party. Germany bagan building its NHS in the 1880s, Norway in 1912, Japan 1938, etc., etc.
Chagne at Preth in full swing
I did have it on to try and watch, but soon found it to be drivel, with SNP bad, so wandered off to do something.
My first thought when I heard a few bursts of applause, was that it had been dubbed in, it sounded awfully like that from the TV. It had a strange uniform quality.
It never sounded like that from the SNP one, much more varied in ebb and flow, with whoops etc.
O/T Just a thought – if we are supposed to be Robots then surely all Labour Members and supporters are sheep – SNP Baa’d
Ronnie, dinnae you dare yaze ony guid Scottish steel fur that joab but.
Gotta agree with recent posts about the Sunday Herald and National both biting the BTUKOK bullet.
Especially since the pro-indy editor’retired'(?).
Looks awfully like the level of mindfucking propaganda is already reaching the severe strength seen in the last 2 weeks before the referendum and we’ve still got 7 months to go till the Holyrood elections FFS.
Batten down the hatches cause it’s going up to defcon 99.
The desperation to screw up Yes crews and anything SNP is plain as the nose on your face.
The forces of Deep State Darkness are turning to full power attack mode.
All media outlets are involved and we must accept that SH and National were good while they lasted but are now lost to Independence supporters.
Not exactly unexpected but better it happens now and we recognise the way it is.The endgame is coming sooner than I thought.
On the upside I don’t think the opponent’s realise that most are beyond CorpMedia manipulation.
BBC STV All radio and newspapers cannot stem the flow because they have rendered themselves irrelevant through their own poisonous actions.
Once the scales fall from your eyes there is no going back.
Not long now.
ha just watched it you are naughty Rev lol
Sorry i didnt watch it before but i had just had my supper and the thought of watching that shower was giving me the boak.
As for the dead tree press lets not forget they were in decline before the indy movement started we have only accelerated the process,and we would be stupid to think that their owners (a shower of greedy money grabbing bastards)would not attempt to cash in on a popular movement .
Now i have nothing against our guys working for them as in this day and age we must all strive for what we can get from these miserable UK cheapskates who if they had their way we would all be working for a pittance while they sat back in luxury in their castles.
Yow want a row bought audience you just need to look at the above video.
Sorry, I got into puns as an attempt at using humour for political purposes and now I am a pun addict.
Must drive folk here up the wa’.
UK Labour Northern Branch – Mibbies Aye/Mibbies Naw
SNP – Definitely Naw
Tax Credits
UK Labour Northern Branch – Mibbies Aye/Mibbies Naw
SNP – Definitely Naw
Scrap APD
UK Labour Northern Branch – Naw
SNP – Aye
I am bored already I am sure there are plenty more where they came from? There is no doubt in my mind that what Jeremy has agreed is to allow Kez to try to delude the Scottish Voters at the May 2016 election that they can have different policies for the “Autonomous Northern Branch of UK Labour” and thus increase it’s vote share.
However come the next GE YOU WILL TOE THE UK Labour Party LINE. As some of the MSM have been calling it – the TROJAN HORSE STRATEGY. Methinks the Scots ain’t that stupid.
@caz-m says: 1 November, 2015 at 10:32 am:
“With Kezia being a genuine Red Tory and PRO-Trident and Corbyn being a genuine left wing Labour man and ANTI-Trident. Wouldn’t it suit everyone if Kezia became leader of London Labour and Corbyn became leader of
Scottish Labour?”
Well, caz-m, you would be right but for the fact that neither Kezia or Corbyn are what they claim to be.
They both tend to bend in the wind to suit their supporters demands while keeping their true political agenda in check. This is the typical modus operandi of the con-artist.
It took Corbyn all of five minutes to abandon the principles he stood on to be elected leader. Both these con-artists will say whatever their supporters want to hear them say and the sad truth is that their supporters know it but they also bend in the wind to suit the circumstances.
Why else would that audience be cheering and clapping so enthusiastically while their collective facial expressions contradict the enthusiasm of their applause?
thomaspotter2014 I have only read a couple of your posts, but you definitely have a good grasp of how this world works.
Re Teachers buying resources for schools – I happen to know several teachers that purchase materials to help educate their pupils, it is not just schools, I also know several college lecturers that regularly purchase materials as learning aids – my own bank balance attests to that, but that is because they care about their pupils/ students and appreciate that money is tight across the sector. Colleges are particularly badly hit, even now many students still,don’t have their bursaries because the Colleges have cut all the support staff – money is there, provided in ample time by the Government but the Colleges are so badly run it is becoming a joke. Students leave and lecturers get a hard time due to poor retention, and keep getting more and more duties heaped on them to the detriment of the teaching – rant over, but seriously these new super College boards and management teams need to be looked at.
After a couple of excellent issues today’s Sunday Herald is dire.
Has there been a coup?
It reads as a thinly disguised Labour front and to give a whole page to the completely irrelevant question as to whether at the latest Hope Over Fear a steward with a disruptive background is in fact a member of the SNP is stealing my £1.50. I can read such crap by buying a half-wit tabloid on a Sunday.
Even the letter page is dominated by two anti independence /anti SNP light-weight letters neither of which are of a standard one would expect to see in a what purports to be a serious newspaper
If the Sunday Herald is to be dominated by Labour hacks like Tom Gordon and Paul Hutcheon reverting to Labour positions I will not be buying it.
Great post ..the forces of darkness are assembling in the hinterlands.SH and The National were always vulnerable controlled as they were by those same forces.
Hold your nerve folks they’re just over the horizon.
The best bit is seeing the New Zealand Stephen Merchant lookakike watching the rugby on his phone.
And is it just me who feels concerned when they see someone who cant naturally clap?
One-Scot says@11.34
Thanks for that.
Always look for the sun on a cloudy day.
Wings keeps me sane.
Sad to say but I disregard almost all other channels of communication apart from here WGD,Scot goes pop,Munguins,LOW and related sites.
Feels like we’re in a psyops war,when all we want is what most other nations on the planet already got.
Have a nice day.
The sun is shining.
@ Chic MacGregor 11.22am Any auld Iron, a,ll get the Trumpet n horse n cairt oot Any any any Auld
@Chic McGregor says: 1 November, 2015 at 11:22 am:
“Ronnie, dinnae you dare yaze ony guid Scottish steel fur that joab but.”
Dinna be sae gyte, Chick. Ronnie’s no glaikit ye ken. Ronnie maun yaise guid bress tae match the Labour bress necks.
Owersettin intil the Inglis, (Do not be silly, Chick, Ronnie is not daft you know. Ronnie will use good brass to match the Labour brass necks).
I’ll reserve judgement on the National meantime as it has steadily improved and is very obviously run on a shoestring and could use a wider spread of general interest and more insightful contributions
We may need our own newspaper. They are not dear to print but the putting together,editing and distribution pose problems.
Or a benefactor buys an established title. The National?
thomaspotter2014 says:
“BBC STV All radio and newspapers cannot stem the flow because they have rendered themselves irrelevant through their own poisonous actions.”
They have not realised that we have WME on our side and they have no defense against it. WME(Weapon of Mass Enlightenment) otherwise known as the INTERNET.
Agree with comments about the Sunday Herald. Articles today were of a low standard and the two letters referred were of very low quality and the one about EVEL was total nonsense! Will be watching the SH and National very carefully for a few weeks. If this standard continues then it will be Ta Ta to the SH – for ever this time!
I agree that today’s SH was rather less pro-Inde than usual, but remember, they really have to cover the Slab conference and to comment on it. Let’s wait and see.
As for the National, it continues to be solidly pro Inde. How anyone can say differently when they see the regular correspondents, who are all 100% Nationalists, as well as frequent features by Nicola and Alex.
In a democratic society you must expect comment and contributions from all shades of opinion, otherwise you get the Daily Mail and the BBC.
We are fortunate to have the National, imperfect as it may be. Remember how we grumbled before the referendum that we had no voice on the newsstands. Anyway it is a hell of a lot better than the Yes campaign newspapers. ( of which I delivered thousands).
@ Chic Mac
@ frogesque
Its only a outer casing cast, I,ll leave the core in its jist Sand efter awe, bit like Kezia, granular faws apairt under pressure.
I wouldn’t worry at all about the praise being heaped upon Kezia inthe media following her unfocussed delivery to the 400 odd delegates at a small conference yesterday.
Johanne Lamont got the same fawning adulation as did Jim Murphy and in fact every other previous Labour leader in Scotland, all of whom were just as abruptly abandoned and beheaded when it became obvious that the percipient Scottish public still recognised how crap they actually were.
Ah well it’s no jist me then.
I thought todays SH is just awful, and whit the hell is Iain McWhirter smokin? Jeez oh, whit an absolute load of old cobblers.
I’ve been waiting to see what happened to the SH and the National when Richard Walker retired, and sad to say, it ain’t good.
I’ll give it another week or two, but if it doesn’t pick itself up, that’s the end for me.
I stopped buying the Herald about a year and a half ago, due to a certain Magnus Gardham. It’ll no take much to stop buying both the SH and the National, of which I have always been a supporter. They were the only papers to give the independence side a chance. But, I’m no daft, and can see which way the wind is blowing with both these papers.
OT. Labour. Scotland Branch Debate on Trident.
STV News on-line:-“Currently trade unions hold 50% of the votes at conference, with the remaining half coming from the Scottish party’s 73 constituency parties.
The majority of the union votes are held by Unite, Unison and the GMB.”
I didn’t know that.
Can you just hear the meeja creaming themselves in the event that The National stops publishing?
If the Sunday Herald keeps drifting back & reverting to the daily version editorial, then I believe even more folk will head to the WoS (like Kez / Branch north members & UKOK types). They are terrified of Stu/
Today’s nonsense hastens the end of the S / Herald for me finally Hutcheon is a hopeless unionist. If today’s guff is all that’s worthy of investigation. Its not consistent and tends to read like the rest of the Unionist trash for the most part.
Will continue with National for now but standards on display not great. Needs to aim higher than 50p market.
Papers dieing on their feet at accelerated rate.
Journalists lazy / sloppy or just plain sleekit & seem incapable of sticking to facts; all seem to concentrate on union perspective, lies, innuendo and assorted guff.
@ Robert Peffers Ney chancety of me casting Kesia in Brass, no when ah kin lay ma hawns oan a couple of ingots of Pig Iron, see whit ah did there goat Cameron in on the cast tae lol.
@Chic McG 10.26
Thanks Chic will get myself over to OT.
Broadband is down so trying to struggle by on phone.
Good old BT eh, must be something about the name. Can’t fix fault till Thursday. Bloody useless.
Anyway, weather is beautiful in Aberdeen, heading out on the bike for a couple of hours to take in the wonderful autumn colours
I’ll certainly continue to buy the National and wish that others who don’t already do so would do too.
As to the Sunday Herald it SHOULD be reporting honestly on all political fronts but I was concerned to see there were few facts included (which you’ll find on here) to counter some of Kezia Dugdale’s empty promises in ‘Kezia Dugdale attacks the SNP as calculating and timid’.
I also can’t figure out why Iain MacWhirter has mentioned that ”The Scottish Parliament has had the power to raise income taxes since 1999, but this is the first time anyone (Dugdale) has actually promised (effectively) to do so. There is a very good reason why no party has used the Variable Rate – the same reason why all the parties, including Dugdale’s Labour, have refrained from raising the Council Tax freeze: fear of electoral consequences.”
Jo Coburn (smirkingly) recently hit Hosie with this ….. ”you’ve had the power to raise taxes by up to 3 pence but haven’t, why not? Twice he told her that they hadn’t as it would have made no difference to Scotland / the Scots. The money would go to the Treasury and we wouldn’t benefit financially at all. She (with Andrew Neil) dropped the subject which tells me Hosie was spot on.
MacWhirter ends his article by saying ”But after this week, it will be hard for the Nationalists to stand up to the claim that Scottish Labour are just “Red Tories”.”
We all know that Labour in Scotland is fighting for its veritable life (their jobs and wages) right now …. and English Labour desperately need our MPs ……. and have cottoned on to what the Scots want to hear to support them again. One Party with differing policies either side of the border being rolled out to con and keep everyone happy. MacWhirter knows that Kezia Dugdale and many in her party are Blairites so why try to convince readers otherwise?
Next article by Paul Hutcheon ”SNP allows Hope over fear security chief to remain in the Party” is a most manipulative and damning piece of journalism as is his ‘Thomson (Michelle) misses out on date with Clooney after being dropped from awards bash.” In both articles he uses terms such as ‘a senior SNP insider’, ‘SNP sources’, ‘a source close to the MP’ in attempts to validate his claims and further castigate the SNP. Cut it out Paul and just name your so-called sources. You’re beginning to sound like Torcuil Chrichton.
The Sunday Herald has a number of excellent journalists working for it. I won’t be giving up on it yet but will be keeping a close eye on it.
Re. The Sunday herald
I too have noticed its decline in the last few weeks, today’s issue is particularly bad. It’s as if with the departure of Richard Walker the paper is drifting slowly towards a unionist stance. If the next couple of issues are as bad as today’s then I will not be buying it. However the National is still very much pro Indy so I will continue to support it.
Did anyone else see that picture in yesterday’s National of Ruth Davidson playing rugby ? Horrible !
Classic! I have never seen such a po-faced audience sitting through what must have been a meaningless load of nonsense put forward by a would be leader.Brilliant editing though!!
Bob and Ron
Ah thocht Ron micht hae bin swayed by Kezia aye girnin aboot yazin furrint steel ken?
Mind ye, Ah’m warmin tae the notion of the last ingits o Scottish steel bein yazed tae mak statues o Giddy Aunt Osborne and Dytes Bent Nose an left tae rust somewhaur public.
Can’t she tell any jokes?
Independence: Sequence of events.
First thing is to smash the Labour, Tory and Liberal Unionist Parties in all elections.
Second thing is to win the next referendum.
Third thing is declare our independence. If it takes a UDI then so be it.
Last thing is to take control of BBC Scotland, throw that nest of crawling, lying, serpents out onto the street and give the jobs to decent patriotic Scots.
Somehow, Kezia always reminds me of a Disney princess. Is it just me, or does anyone else think the platform line-up there is awfully reminiscent of Snow White and the seven dwarfs?
Oh, for the skills of a cartoonist!
The strapline for this conference is…
Scottish Labour
Well I just did. Sadly it was like listening to verbal diarrhoea.
The thing is even fresh diarrhoea smells unpleasant. It gets worse as time goes by.
The analogy with Scottish Labour is apt. As a former Labour voter they lost me when their right wing leader Tony Blair and his henchmen employed ATOS and all that despair and misery that came with it. As long as I may live, the sight of Labour putting into law statutes that kill cripples will abide.
Labour has not changed. It just wants power for those on the political gravy train. Damn the rest of us – especially if your job near kills you and disability follows. May just as well go to Dignitas as far as Labour is concerned.
So here is a message for Kezia and all those ex-MPs and sorry looking Labour folk in that hall. The Labour Party is not fit to govern, it lied when in power and is utterly untrustworthy. Beyond rehabilitation. You will need to start a new party and be honest whilst you are about it.
The current fresh look is just like a fresh look at a steaming pile of excrement. You will have a very hard job getting people to vote for you after so many bitter betrayals of trust.
The Diarrhoea Party – We Are On The Run For Your Vote
Noo, that’s fit a cry funny!
Stage managed or what, wonder if they had a lad below the stage with a sign saying clap?
The STV and Jorno Stephen had a farcical question and answer session for Kezia at the weekend, good entertainment, I asked some perfectly decent questions and got an abusive reply from some labour activist…. och well, they don’t really need the votes then?
Labour is still about the spin, or painting the Gloss over the shite and the STV are there media promotion campaign.
Brilliant. Looked more like a North Korean political conference than anything else.