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Wings Over Scotland

You are legion

Posted on November 01, 2015 by

Another three months have come and gone – where does the time get to, eh? – so it’s time for a quick Wings readership-stats update. There’s nothing particularly interesting or dramatic about them, so we’ll just give you the numbers and move on.

PAGE VIEWS: 4,616,334

In what’s been mostly a very sleepy time for politics, we’re thrilled with that.

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It rots the Unionist socks but we all know they read Wings too



A really great and solid foundation to keep building on.

Imagine having nearly 300000. Unique visitors in October seven months out from an Election.

When Indy 2 is officially announced we have a starting figure that outnumbers all Scottish political party membership combined tuning in throughout the month.

With UKOK having severely limited foot soldiers and few front line figures, who are they going to rely on for projecting their corrupt message?

Oh, that’s right, they will still have Corp. Media to do their dirty work!


Has Andrew Neill verified these figures?

Bob Mack

Incredible figures Rev. What an amazing job you do.

Grouse Beater

Andrew Neil’s “Internet Troll in Bath” is far more popular than all Mr Neil’s political television shows combined.


Bugger (the Panda)

and that is why they will try to defame and close this site down, especially the moral rectitiude faction in the SNP.

Neil McKenzie

Keep up the excellent work. Your highly valued


Your last line shows just how much things have changed Stu.

In what’s been mostly a very sleepy time for politics.

EVEL, Tax Credits, Lords revolt, SLab in meltdown, largest ever SNP Conference, etc.

Ten years ago change was glacial, now every month seems to bring major change or threatened instability!

Interesting times we live in!


well the truth is Rev if you give the people what they want then the people are going to come back and nobody does it quite like you 🙂

All journalist in the UK should read and learn this is how you do it guys,want to be a success well its simple give us the truth, we like the truth.

Socrates MacSporran

When is someone from the SNP going to simply stand up and stick one on Brewer, when he starts interrupting?

A good old fashioned Glesca Kiss would soon stop him in his tracks.


That is why you’re public enemy number one with toilet paper central. Its also why the opposing view to their output IS out there for folk to contrast and compare.

Along with the other sites that makes for a fairly impressive output all round.

One of the posters on the previous thread asked the question ‘why’ concerning the output of MSM editorial staff in Scotland. The why is easy, they don’t own or publish their titles. Beyond that there are a myriad of reasons ranging from the obvious in that they are staffed by those ideologically opposed to Scottish self determination right on down to they quite like having a job to turn up to in the morning. Primarily though the average hack doesn’t set editorial policy, the publisher does and its a case of get on board with that or get out.

There are no Scottish publishers out there with a balanced spread of journalists or commentators from all reaches of the political spectrum. In short our press is NOT our press, and one title, however well intentioned, does not a balanced, representative media make.

The interwebby though? Ah, the interwebby is a different matter altogether. Citizen journalism, growing new media sites, pod casts, youtube, the MSM can’t keep up. They can’t control or plug every leak in their information embargo/war with the public. Whenever one is staunched, another pops up to take its place.

What started as a minor annoyance for the MSM is swiftly becoming a major migraine. 🙂


I think you need to up your game Rev


How the massed ranks of our tory UKOK media chums contend with one freelance journalist, blogging Scottish democracy, from the West country, is also interesting to watch.

Does WoS counter say BBC Sunday Politics London today?

link to

Just watched this London Ealing Labour MP explaining how their latest spectacular Crossrail 2 underground spend will cost £27-32 billion, half funded by central government and its “good for the UK, up to Scotland.” As is their other mega £billion spends like a third Heathrow runway, apparently.

Bob Mack

Shows like Sunday politics are one of the reasons you are needed Rev.
Labour guests given time to answer.
Angela Constance ,interrupted ,harangued, pressurised all through the interview with Brewer.

My opinion of them gets ever lower.

Flower of Scotland

These figures are me! I’m on here a lot.

Great news. Most politicians are likely to have a wee look on here now and again!

Schrodingers cat

Amazing numbers, I think this is why the attacks against you have started

Even McKenna looks like he has been got at, the fur coat and name knickers comment in his latest article hints at this.

The snp bad campaign is being coordinated at a high level

Watch your back rev


Now if only some clever chap or chapess would take a wee look at your numbers and decide that it’s time for some alternative telly or newsprint media operation to come to life in Scotland.

Put it this way, if a no-mark pretendy Rev from Bath can accrue that kind of following, what would a ‘mainstream’ alternative to the usual suspects manage? (sorry Rev, no offence meant ;o) )

I know ‘The National’ has tried it but they’re only slightly different from what’s already on offer. We need some ‘real’ journalism in this country of ours. How does it feel to be a pathfinder, Stu? :o)


If the Sunday Herald keeps drifting back & reverting to the daily version editorial, then I believe even more folk will head to the WoS like Kez & Branch north members.

Papers dieing on their feet at accelerated rate.
Journalists lazy / sloppy or just plain sleekit & seem incapable of sticking to facts; all seem to concentrate on union perspective, lies, innuendo and assorted guff.


Good to know the New Enlightenment is in rude health.

Keep up the good work Stuart.


Brewer= hectorer a blustering bully.
Way over the top by Brewer today I noted he did not do the same with Murray as Socrates MacSporran says it is time the SNP got really stuck into this shower at BBC.
Have you all noticed that from today Insurance premium tax has gone up from 6% to 9.5% another Tory tax increase although they say they are the low tax party.


@Grouse Beater

Read it and weep, Brillo!

donald anderson

I’m still trying to work out wot Alan Stewart just told Gordon Brewer on TV at the Lumpen Pairty Conference???


Wow Stuart
Those figures equate to 15.7 page views per unique visitor.

Very impressive for a quiet month on a ‘disreputable site.’ Guess you could say that WOS readers don’t agree with that description 😉

Must admit as a reader in England, I came here looking for info in the run up to the Commonwealth Games because there was nothing down here. Contrasting that with UK preparations for 2012 Olympics, where they reported every minute detail every single day, told me there was something wrong in the reporting of events.

Hooked from Day 1 & not missed a day or a post since even when I was in hospital. What hooked me was that you publish the links for every assertion & the honesty just shines out from your writing. You put most paid journalists to shame. Thank you for that.


£ for £ Wings is easily the best money i have spent ( except for maybe that hard skin remover shaver thing off Amazon which was only couple quid)


Thank you for the great work you do and well done!

Craig MachAonghais

Thank God for Wings over Scotland and the Wee Ginger Dug…I long ago stopped reading newspapers (having been an avid consumer at one time), stopped watching any “political” news and programmes from the BBC and no radio Scotland either. As a result I am better informed than I’ve ever been in my life and generally end up with a happier disposition.


not bad for a “WingsTroll over Bath”*

* © andrew neil

well done

[…] You are legion […]

Training Day

Excellent figures.

And delighted to see that people are now realising what cynicism is involved in the production of the Sunday Herald, with its Onanist driving forces Gordon and Hutcheon.

Similarly we shouldn’t look to McKenna and McWhirter for any succour. They are of, and always will be of, the hostile corporate media.

Onwards Rev.




Well done. You have been on top form this past week.

Helena Brown

Onward and forever upward, the only place to get the facts and people know that.



Yes they have been in meltdown since 2011 but because of you and this site people are fully aware of the facts now and not the lies, spin and propaganda dealt out by Unionist parties through the BBC and other media.

Thank you.

Les Wilson

Great stats Stu, all well deserving due to your top class debunking. Folk who visit trust you for truth and as a result know much better what the Corporate Media are up to.

Picking up a Sunday Herald today, for the last time. Too much stuff that could be construed as labour supporting comment. McWhirter should rethink what side he is on, and make it so. He sits on the fence to knowing what way to fall, so trying to appeal to both sides.

But the S.Herald sells as a pro Indy paper. It either shows it actually is, or indeed not.
Until I hear further evidence of their actual support, rather than just for paper sales. I am out and will stay out.


Sunday Herald plumbed new depths today, when IDS “made the revelation” that SG already has the power to restore tax credit cuts.

Think about that. “Made the revelation”.

Not Claimed, or Pretended, or even Suggested.

No accident, that.


Great stuff. Continue to go from strength to strength !

Angra Mainyu

Half of those page views were probably me checking to see if anyone thought I was amazing…



I think they will go for a big bribe soon. Think of it – you could have the lifestyle of Andrew Neil!

For many you now are the media. Facts backed up by reference to source material…almost sounds like journalism.

Grouse Beater

“Sunday Herald plumbed new depths today”

Some essays are relevant long after written. See first chapter: link to


The branch accounting unit has decided to vote against the renewal of Trident.

Poor Kezia just can’t win, can she? She won’t win over Westminster Labour where the real decisions are made and she won’t win over the electorate come May.


I cannot over emphasise the importance of you Stu and Wings to the cause of independence and truth in journalism.
I and the readers of this site would be in despair if it was not for this site which daily counters the constant lies and deceit spewed out by the MSM.
Thank you Rev.

Schrodingers cat


Andra neil …….a man whose head is waste fully bigger than the facts contained within, lol


Excellent stats. As the Corporate Media plummets, Wings soars.
I bought the SH today to see what all the fuss is about. Maybe I will not buy it again as I am back here on Wings to get some real information so may not have time to read a newspaper.
And there’s a new article ready to read!

Schrodingers cat

So slab are now anti trident……until just before 2020,

Be interesting to see how the mp’s vote when it comes up in wm,


Les Wilson – I thought macwhirter’s article was fair. Kezia Dugdale talks a good game but lacks credibility was the idea. However what she proposes is more left wing than what the SNP proposes. So that is a fair point. It’s just that Scottish people would need to be daft to believe she would deliver what she promises as labour are full of broken promises e.g the vow


Yeah after today, that’s my last Sunday Herald

Donald MacKenzie

Lots of people using WoS for their information. It’s a pity it’s not a reputable source. I know this, ’cause Kezia said so.

Bill Fraser

Great news indeed.However we must continue the fight and bo rest on our laurels.



@Fiona –

Sunday Herald plumbed new depths today, when IDS “made the revelation” that SG already has the power to restore tax credit cuts.

Yeah, very dodgy. Even dodgier is the fact that he didn’t say this during the Committee meeting the other day when he was being pressed on tax credit cuts, in particular by our Mhairi. Plenty of opportunity then to have said this, but he didn’t. So is the SH lying, or being deliberately provocative, or making it up? Or has IDS actually changed his mind?

We should all follow this up.

Robert Peffers

@Socrates MacSporran says: 1 November, 2015 at 12:09 pm:

“When is someone from the SNP going to simply stand up and stick one on Brewer, when he starts interrupting?

A good old fashioned Glesca Kiss would soon stop him in his tracks.”

Hopefully, Socrates, it’s never going to happen.

You have seriously underestimate the greater intelligence of the now politically aware and better informed Scottish electorate. Only total numpties now are still fooled by such as Neill, Brewer and assorted underachieving establishment supporting media hacks.

Even the still remaining faithful establishment supporters know in their inner hearts that the utter crap these MSM and dead tree press self professed journalists spout is utterly and blatantly propaganda.

The Rev Stu’s last article on the UK Labour in Scotland conference highlights that plain fact.

The apparent enthusiastic ovations of the delegates is belied by the video of their, oh so glum, unsmiling and downhearted faces.

No one with an ounce of intelligence could fail to see through the utter clap-trap that Establishment politicians, newspapers and broadcast media hacks spout so freely. It is reflected in the falling readership, listener and viewer figures.

It takes just a matter of minutes for their once believed pontifications to be debunked. Look at the difference between the Establishment propaganda reports of Kezia’s speech and the almost immediate tweets pointing out the flaws and total impossibility of what she claimed. Compare it to the crap spouted by the Establishment hacks.

The tweets show the people can see through the bullshit and, let us make no mistake, so do the media hacks but the latter attempt to spin the facts while the general public do not.

That general public largely includes the Unionist supporting factions so they really know in their hearts the game is up. They are doing what drowning people have always done and are but grasping at straws. Straws they know in their hearts will not provide the buoyancy required to keep them afloat but they grasp them none the less.

Taking a swing at the likes of Brewer would be the worst thing to do. However a figurative swing in the shape of just staying silent AND NOT speaking at all would provoke one of several actions that would be far more effective.

The worst thing for any broadcaster on a live show is total silence. Then the person who is in charge, whether it be the presenter, or the hidden voice in their lug, must fill the unscheduled gap.

The presenter must attempt to regain the control he/she has thrown away and that involves either blethering on like an idiot or prompting the interviewee to explain their failure to speak.

The former is real comic gold for YouTube posters and the latter transfers control to the interviewee.

All the interviewee needs do is say, “Oh! Sorry! I was politely awaiting your usual rude compulsion to talk over my reply – have you finished now? Can I now make my point without your crass, bad mannered attempts to distort this interview?

Then, of course the interviewee returns to utter silence leaving the ball in the interviewer’s court. The interviewer then has no other choice than either terminating the interview or carrying it out in a proper manner.

I don’t know if you know this but most so called live broadcasts are not actually, “Live”. They have a built in delay of a few minutes so as to allow the producer to cut out swearie words, or other errors.

This is how you hear the beep that covers the bad word. No one could press a button fast enough to obliterate a word that has already been said.


Does that mean I’m now a Legionionaire?


Is there any sign of an upswing in traffic on Wings since our wonderful media exposed Stu’s dastardly crime against humanity and his subsequent £750 fine?.

They shouted from the rooftops the existence of Wings as a source of the truth in the face of the lies which they themseves excrete over us daily.

Never In The Filed Of Advertising Or PR Has So Much Been Achieved For Such A Tiny Investment.


Excellent work. Keep it up. Please look after your physical and mental health; we need you. We trust you. Thanks.


Yes indeed, that’s what caught my eye “revealed” not “claimed”, in other words Mhairi Black stupid, ignorant, IDS had to “reveal” it to her.

Other stories had the same use of language.


Really good numbers.


Many thanks for your continued hard work on our behalf. Please don’t stop!

Sandy Henderson

Re. Gordon Brewer & his interviewing tecnique.
I recall on more that one occasion Alax Salmond politely but firmly asking him to “give your bloody gums a rest & let me answer the question”. It always worked.
The time is now past to succumb to media bias. Why not make a long list of approved ‘put down’ phrases that interviewees can use & I don’t mean ‘shut-the-f**k-up type, just the educated humiliating ones.
. “You cannot talk to me like that” might be their retort. “Oh, yes we can, it’s known as free speech”.


Tip of the hat Rev.

I’m planning a promotional drive to get more folks aware of wings.
Leave it with me…….

Amanda McGinley

Cheers Stu. Now whenever I see some trite guff from the establishment, I automatically look wings up to get the truth of it 🙂


this is hilarious.
We know the unionists read wings.
We know they hate inflating the page views every visit
In fact we know it twists their shit.
Long live the unionists 🙂

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