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Wings Over Scotland

You just can’t make this stuff up

Posted on October 24, 2014 by

The Daily Record last month:


But that’s not even the funny bit.

Because according to the BBC:

“Johann Lamont is to stand down as leader of the Scottish Labour Party after accusing some of her colleagues of trying to run Scotland ‘like a branch office of London.’

She is said to have become disillusioned with internal criticism of her leadership and interference by the UK Labour party in the running of Scottish Labour.”

You read that right, folks – Johann’s quitting her job because she doesn’t want her affairs being run by London. If only there’d recently been some sort of way of putting a guaranteed and permanent stop to that, eh?

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Bugger (the Panda)


What colour is the Sky today?


6 days is a long time in politics! FB link is from GuyMcV cos the comments section is funny

Votadini Jeannie

Does the stupid woman not realise that Scottish Labour IS a branch office of London?

Did she really imagine that she was in charge? Of a non-existent party?

Donald MacKenzie

Now it’s just getting silly.


FFS she is just over 5 weeks too late, she knew all this months ago but in true labour style put party before country. There will be a tribute show on EBC espousing her greatness and trying to pull in a sympathy vote.. make you sick.


Listen, I’m writing a satirical review show to go on at Yes Bar on Tuesday, and they’ve now moved so far beyond satire, I reckon they can only be picked up by comedy satellites.


a week is a long time…

Brian S

Such a shame. I was looking forward to our soon to be new FM tearing her a new hole.
Oh well, hey-ho the wicked witch is proverbially deid!!


I think your recent question of what direction to take the site over the next few months has been answered. Buy enough popcorn to last until May.

Richard Lucas

How is the bunch of mugs known as Scottish Labour ever going to sort itself out before the next UK General Election. Presumably we are going to have weeks of them all backstabbing each other before the next sacrificial victim is appointed?

fred blogger

we blamed london and she called us a virus etc etc.


Meet the new boss..same as the old boss… sink labour sink..

link to


She obviously now realises she just looks like a total prat pretending to support the working class while campaigning with the Tories for a No vote inflicting massive pain on the poorest in society.

First class back stabber of the highest order.

John O

Johann your a secret yes voter you fool.


I don’t know if Lamont is actually dim, but she sure seems to be…

Rod Miller

The irony, oh the irony!!


Jeezus fucking christ –

“Speaking to the Daily Record newspaper, Ms Lamont accused some Scottish Labour MPs at Westminster of being too concerned about their own interests and failing to realise that the “focus of Scottish politics is now Holyrood, not Westminster.”

Stewart Robinson

Wait. No, seriously. Wait. Listen. Can you hear it? The sound of Tories choking with laughter.

Alex Clark

I really really can’t wait to watch Johann’s replacement at FMQ’s against Nicola. That will be fun. It can’t be Sarwar, so who to expect?

turnbul drier

My finger is sore from pointing and my stomach is sore from laughing.. How will I cope 😀


We await the big SLab relaunch by BBC, DR, and all the other usual suspects. The 2015 GE approaches and the SNP must be stopped, so who will it be?


Saviour of the onion part 2

Tackety Beets

Ooo aaaa Joanne , and here’s me thinking you were right , Better Together .

Hey ho , you can walk away , thanks to you ya bam pot were all stuck with Looondoon !

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

NOW is the time for an Iain Gray comeback! 😀

Comedy demands it. ‘scottish’ labour deserves it. 😉


let’s hope she doesn’t come out for independence , we would really be in the brown stuff then .


Bye Bye Johann

Absolutely no loss to the people of Scotland just as the demise of the Labour Party in Scotland will bring nothing but relief. In May 2015 we will allow you to use the phrase “told you so” to your ex colleagues down south as the Scottish “Alliance” MPs take up their seats. Watching Ed Balls on BBC NEWS earlier today bet you wished the spider on screen was actually a tarantula.

James Caithness

I just hope she is as twisted and vindictive as she comes over as, so she’ll go for revenge on her colleagues.
Dish the dirt on the party.

Who will take over permanently?

It will be an arselicker so who Jackie (the pig) Baillie, Kazia (i’m a lying bastard Dugdale), Jenny (thicko extrodinaire) Marra?

I go for Baillie, I mean who else can get so many chins on one screen.

fred blogger

well, she’s trending on twitter, and the local supermarket has run out of bunting and chocolate.


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry or do both. Jesus wept.

James Caithness

I am glad she never taught my kids.

Robert Louis

I am gutted. She was the only thing that made ‘one Nation’ British Labour in Scotland fun again. Every week at FMQ’s watching her stutter over her script straight from London, it used to be hilarious.

She did such a good job for the SNP, it is sad to see her go.

Now the Labour infighting begins. Hilarious.


The Labour Party has just caught Ebola !!.


The FB page for Scottish Labour is filling up with abuse 🙂


Now she tells us.


I think this calls for a large dram. Cheers Jola, thank for the memories.

Did you think she’ll have a book out for Xmas? Maybe she’ll do the talking book herself. Or get James Kelly to read it for her.

fred blogger

she says she is fed up with the union interfering in scottish politics.


Daft Lassie Q – Is this Jola resigning from Slab leadership thing, maybe not just moving deckchairs on the Titanic?

Could Jola and Anas Sarwar swap places and Jola remain in Holyrood as his deputy, and still at the forefront, thereby not really changing much?

Labour don’t really do change. Well not any positive change.

And I think she must have peed off London Labour mightily with that statement, unless it’s a McTernan move, so can’t really see any of them taking it on, unless they’re forced to.

Or does she really want to hide on the back benches until she loses her seat in May 2016? Or is she destined to join the Hoose O’Ermined Vermin?


Gray is her second or is he? However he is on the Smith Commission until the end of November. Presumably there will an election and we might get to see how many ballot papers they send out…please let it be Kezia 😉


Her leadership was one of complete unpardonable folly.

Grouse Beater

Johann’s quitting her job because she doesn’t want her affairs being run by London.

Girl Gone.

The sheer blatant hypocrisy of selling her country for a dime and personal ambition, and then resigning because Labour wants to run it as if an outpost of London demands she be plunged into a local pond to see if she floats or sinks.

What an abject failure she is.

Give her the perpetual obscurity she deserves.

Training Day

Toddle-oo to the consummate useful idiot.

Hello to the next consummate useful idiot. Fortunately the pool is dwindling by the day.

Harry McAye

Excuse my language, but really, what an absolute fuckwit.


Now, could she really not see what would happen within the party following a No vote, and seriously expected them to voluntarily give more power and autonomy to their Scottish branch? If so, she’s even dimmer than she appears!

So, who is going to take over then? I think it’ll be Jackie Baillie in the short term, but do wonder if Murphy might consider going for it if/when they take a drubbing in the Westminster elections.


Lamont – “We must be allowed to make our own decisions and control our own resources.”

You really can’t make it up.

Should have voted for independence you eejit. Awa’ an boil yer heed in irrelevance, hen.


I’m absolutely Johanned !!!

Naahh; Labour imploding like adamp squib !

Can’t help but feel sorry for her and poor Scottish Labour.

The spurned floosies eh ?? PPHHHHFFFF !

Sounds more like an attention seeking failure.

Nae tears here pet !

Next !!

Ian Brotherhood

Oh, to be a fly on the wall (or in the soup) at their ‘gala dinner’ – it’s shaping up to be the perfect setting for a total rammy.

Jim Mitchell

I broke my vow because of this story and went back onto the Daily Record site, How strange that all of a sudden there is so many
Record Reporters covering this story and yet not one puts their name to it!

BTW the Record’s assessment of her resignation, a word nobody seems to want to use, is the funniest thing I have read in years.

Whoever takes over, and there will be someone, the first thing they should be asked is, are they the overall leader of the Labour Party in Scotland?

What of course can’t be hidden is the fact that we have now been told by Labour’s own sources, that she left because of continued interference from London Labour!

Not that we didn’t know of course!


And just how many “leaders” of the various branches of Labour has the First Minister seen off now? Can Milliband be pushed before Nicola is crowned?


Given that her resignation is apparently immediate, and the FM is still standing until November, doesn’t this mean that oor Alec has outlasted yet another New Labour in Scotland leader?

Just think: Alex Salmond “lost” the referendum, Johann Lamont “won” it, yet technically Johann Lamont is the first of the two to step down. If this is what it’s like when the Unionists win, I can only imagine the catastrophe they’d experience when they eventually lose.


I’m pouring myself a celebratory malt.
Sarwar taking over temporarily? That’ll help them win votes, NOT.


hope it is Kezia as the Scottish people despise her after all her lies then has the cheek to say check google which they did and found it was all lies..


A side of me feels sorry for Lamont, and the other side thinks she had it coming.

I don’t actually think Lamont is (was?) a bad politician, and that she might even have made a good leader – there must be some reason she won the leadership contest against a competent Ken McIntosh – but she was always defending issues it was clear she didn’t agree with. Exhibit I: income tax variation. When interviewed on the proposal to devolve the varying of tax upwards but not downwards, you could tell she was fed up defending such a stupid position. She’s also one of the few Labour politicians who seemed a smidgen embarrassed to share a stage with the Tories.

However, to keep defending those same positions she clearly didn’t believe in over the course of three years just shows her weakness (or hunger for power – despite this power being Vichyste in nature – ?).

And we know she’ll now skulk to the backbenches and do nothing to change her party while she continues to support every ludicrous position they take.

And Anas Sarwar will be her short-term replacement. Perhaps unlike Lamont, he is genuinely as thick as shit.

donald anderson

Well I never. I neffer knew Labour in North Britain was run like a branch oaffice from London. When did that happen? What can we do to stop it and save Yohann’s joab?


Stand out candidate

Its James ‘the Brains’ Kelly for me !!


So why is it that Scottish Labour ‘must be allowed to make our own decisions and control our own resources’.

But not Scotland?

I wish I had the means to make a giant poster, and plaster that across billboards the length and breadth of Scotland!

John O

This explains it all by yew choob.


Anybody purring at the news, or just too busy pishin’ yoursels?

I’m astonished.

Mair drams.

Dr JM Mackintosh

Meltdown in Labour.

Pass the knives around – We are in for a backstabbing carnage of epic proportions.

Remind me – who won the referendum?

John O

Or it may explain it all if i add the bloomin link wood it, i think the excitement got to me can’t wait for 2015 GE now.

link to


I reckon it will either be Kezia Dugdale or Jim Murphy.

G H Graham

I propose Stairheid’s replacement is Jackie Baillie.

She single handedly saved Greggs from bankruptcy just by ordering double portions during her lunch break.

Tam Jardine

So Anas is leader of the opposition in Scotland. Acting leader of the labour party in Scotland. Wow!

I can’t imagine Anas will give her up without a fight, Kezia has support though and is probably the strongest candidate from some ultra slim pickings. The resultant civil war in labour should be something wonderful to behold. Fuck them all for opposing independence from London – the irony not lost on our Stu of course!

The fact that JoLa stumbled on unopposed for so long says everything about the dearth of talent, ambition and principle in the Scottish Labour Party today. Had one of that shower had a some cojones we would have seen a lab MSP crossing the floor or challenging Lamont. But nothing.

Am sitting watching The Walking Dead for the first time and just about every scene is a metaphor for the Scottish Labour Party.

Ian Brotherhood

“Look! There’s a JobCentrePlus!


I was sad to hear this due to her being absolutely hopeless. Then I thought who might take her place and I’m still pissing myself laughing.

Training Day

Actually, given that the other two members of the odious unionist triumvirate, the Daily Record and the BBC, are the outlets breaking this story, it may be the most clumsy and cack-handed spin in an attempt to ‘Scottify’ Scottish Labour.

‘Um ur wiz forced tae obey Lundun an rat. So wiz we aw. So yiz kin vote laburr knowin’ wur aw Scots furst’

Ken MacColl

Bitter an Twisted- or just twisted?

Leaving the count at the Oban North & Lorn by-election on Thursday night I was behind a Labour (3rd place) activist and a Tory member( 4th & last) as they discussed the result and the successful SNP campaign.
“What I really can’t abide is their inherent fascism..” was the comment I overheard.

In a reliably pro-Labour local blog I am told that the the SNP win was dismissed today as a clear example of the “shallowness of local SNP support in Argyll”
I am sure that the Labour PPC for the May election will derive great comfort from that as Argyll & Bute is a target seat for Scottish (sic) Labour.

Is this Jackie Baillie’s big chance?


The Pacific Quay spin machine must be in overdrive trying to downplay this as much as possible, cue a report of Salmond s grotesque spending on buggy hire at the Ryder cup


Frankly astounded or should that be astonished that a such an inarticulate, crib sheet reading, obsequious, hateful, joke of a politician could last anything like as long.

So long Johann, you achieved nothing of note and will forever be remembered as the spineless, poisonous, embarrassment to Scotland that you are.

Your churlish remarks after the resignation of Mr Salmond merely served to show your pygmy like political status and inability to do the right thing.

I am delighted you are gone, though saddened you weren’t allowed to finish the job of destroying Labour in Scotland.

One final comment: please fuck off and never darken the door of the Scottish Parliament again. It was an institution you were happy to campaign against in 1979, yet were also happy to hypocritically pick up a salary from. You are an utter disgrace to yourself, your (historical) party, and your country.


She’s a wee bit slow on the uptake. It has taken a long time for her to realise there is no such thing as Scottish Labour, it does not exist.

She has been leader of nothing. Not exactly a demanding role.


Protesters at the gala dinner should have a banner urging Jola to stay.

Robert Louis

The fact that it is with immediate effect, indicates there has been a serious stooshie within Labour. It must surely be very indicative of the direction of Labour as a spent force. With each passing day, they become less and less relevant in Scotland.

Just watched on Newsnight, as that bloke fae the Record, suggested Broon or Murphy. Oh, please, please, please. If we thought Lamont was fun, just imagine having Murphy or broon. The kiss of death to British Labour in Scotland – especially when you look at what Lamont said about London interference.

How will this impact the Smith talks? Indeed will this mean the knives will come out for Miliband?

Just out of interest, Alex Salmond as leader of the SNP has seen off, Joke McConnell, Wendy Alexander, Ian gray and Johan Lamont.



Please tell me this is not so. I live for Thursdays wee tete a tete’s between her and the FM. His weekly put downs of her are a sight and sound to behold. 😛 What am I to do now! My Thursdays will never be the same again. Please tell me it is not to late to start a petition to keep her on as Labour leader, North Britain branch. 😉

I’m astonished, I really am. How can anyone who won the battle of all battles now be deciding that they can no longer take any more interfering from London?

I’m beginning to think that we DID win after all folks. What other possible reason could there possibly be for her to resign. After all it is only the leader from the LOSING side who resigns … isn’t it?

Didn’t she get the memo that this was what Scottish independence is all about … REMOVING interference from London!

Brian McHugh

Were you not just remarking on this being a quiet news night Stu? ????


According to the BBC, Johann Lamont said: “”I am standing down so that the debate our country demands can take place.”

Is that an admission from Lamont, that for the past two years, while we in Scotland were trying to have our debate on independence, she was obstructing it?


Xmas before the clocks change must be some mistake.

Jim Mitchell

Maybe this is a cunning plan by Labour to turn the spotlight away from the Nicola etc and to make sure that the Scottish media gives them all the coverage…….On no wait a minute!


Perhaps she’s one of the 10000s of No voters who are now having second thoughts about their choice? Too late, you mugs. Get it right next time!

Ian Brotherhood

“So long, farewell, auf weiders hen, goodbye…”

Aye, cheerio belter – give us a wave when you get to the bridge.

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stewart bc

Ahm astonished …

Alex Clark

I hope that the new incumbent will not be given a minutes peace or respite. I’m looking at you Rev Stu, not the opposing parties 🙂

Jim Mitchell

Now here’s a fun thought, why don’t we on wings agree who WE would like as Labours new Scottish leader and start a petition to that effect?

The confusion it could cause would be hilarious!


Danny Finklstien (the times) and torquil Crichton Daily Retard. On newsnight re Johan’s resignation.

“The SLAB kiddi-on party need a big beast to solve their problem! So who do they tip?

TC either Jimba the beast from East Renfrewshire or the clunking fist (son of the manse)

DF the beast from East Renfrewshire. (If the price is right)

The kiddi-on SLAB, my goodness gracious me is this for real. This has been ordered by Milliband the magnificent, from his stronghold in LONDINIUM. I think they have really lost it this time. They apparently can’t recognise fact from fiction anymore.

Robert Louis

Seriously, Alex Salmond must be laughing his socks off. This is all just too funny.

Labour side with the Tories for a NO vote, which narrowly wins, then there is a mass exodus from the Labour party to join the SNP, and the Labour leader resigns.

Why are unionists so very unhappy at ‘winning’ the referendum?

Ian Brotherhood

Is she seriously trying to finger Miliband?


handclapping says:

And just how many “leaders” of the various branches of Labour has the First Minister seen off now? Can Milliband be pushed before Nicola is crowned?

If my maths is correct, remember it has never been that great up till now folks, then the answer to your question HC is four.

1. Wee “Joke” McConnell or should that be Lord “Joke” McConnel

2. Even weeier “Bendy” Wendy Alexander

3. Iain “I need a Subway” Gray

4. Johann “I’m astonished” Lamont.


She’s quitting because she knows that up against Nicola at question time she would be exposed again and again and again. She’s a big fearty.


It has escaped London Labour’s notice (of course it has) that Holyrood has become the primary focus for Scottish politics. it just won’t do now to have a Westminster MP as the leader of Scottish labour, particularly one chosen personally by Ed Milliband. So please, don’t anyone tell them they might have a problem and just let them get on with it.

Tam Jardine


Dinnae haud back- tell us what you really think!

You nailed it.

No no no...Yes

Jackie Baillie wants Eleanor Bradford to be the leader…


It would be much more efficient if they got Jackie Bird as leader.

fred blogger

slab “leadership”, not so much as a poison chalice but a rush to get to the back of the queue.


Only 2 or 3 days ago Kezia Dugdale was sycophantically
proclaiming how wee Jimmy Jabber was their leader and
how she would still be Slabber leader come 2016.


link to

Geoff Huijer

I’m sure ASDA will give her a job…


OMG are we going to get Murphy, that lang streak o’misery OR maybe, just maybe ol’brown breeks himself might venture into semi retirement from London and try to save his political reputation by cumin hame???????

Ian Brotherhood

George Galloway to replace her. Perhaps constitutionally impossible, but ‘where there’s a will’ etc…so long as he promises to wear his hat during FMQs.

Get in there George – cometh the moment, cometh the man an’ aw that…

catherine mokwa

you couldent make this stuff up could you..i mean you just couldent….s/lab..the lights are on but nobodys home…

David Stevenson

I would like to second my local monosyllabic MSP, James “JaKe” Kelly for the new SLAB leader. His recent ripping at the hands of Alex Salmond regarding the rail contract was quality. I would watch that on a weekly basis!

Alex Clark

Alex salmond resigns after losing the referendum with dignity totally intact. Jola resigns after winning the referendum without dignity.

bookie from hell

bet a Westminster treble 2015

Salmond,Lamont,Bishop of London

Democracy Reborn


I don’t have a shred of sympathy for her.

This is the woman who stood in front of an Asda store during the referendum campaign, & smiled for a photograph to highlight the “threat” of higher supermarket prices. All whilst hundreds of thousands of her fellow citizens are struggling with food poverty….

She was a televisual car crash. She was promoted way beyond her capabilities. She described nationalism as a “virus” (unless, of course, it’s BritNationalism). But she’s not a complete idiot. She publicly endorsed every facet & scare story of Project Fear. She knew what she was saying during the campaign. She can cry all the crocodile tears now about lack of autonomy. Has that thought just occurred to her? She is a complete Labour tribal politician. Her whole tenure, every FMQs, has been characterised by bashing the SNP.

Labour in Scotland are now even more Unionist than the Tories. Look at their pathetic submission to the Smith Commission. Read the rantings on the previous thread from John McTernan & Peter Russell. It is entirely irrelevant who the next leader is. The Indyref has let the genie out the bottle & Labour will never be able to square the circle : trying to be autonomous whilst, at its core, remaining a fundamentally unionist party controlled & financed by London.

The Vow, the Vow…. oh Johann, where are you now?


Maybe the result of Oban North and Lorn was the confirmation they were dreading,the straw that broke the camels back.I would like to hear the revs opinion on who would provide us with the greatest entertainment in the role of leader.

Sandra Wilson

I smell a rat. I suspect Ed told her to go and Her statement is the act of a leader scorned. We need to keep the heat on for as sure as night follows day our friends at Pacific Quay and the journalistic pygmies of the Scottish Press will be banging the “revitalised” SLab drum. Heaven forefend that we get the Murph. Still if 1.6 million of us throw one egg each at him he will be too busy greeting to his mammy about nasty Yessers to do any real damage.


By the way, does anyone know if a full discussion and debate was carried out before this decision was reached? 😉


Will she ask to join the SNP???


She’s not a resigner, none of them is. She was sacked and her comments about interference were just a wee bit of revenge. The party left her twisting in the wind and will do the same with her successor (who I’m sure was chosen some time ago).


Alex Rowley could be the choice. He was their former general secretary. Cowdenbeath man, and friend of Brown.

Ian Brotherhood

SLab’s Glasgow Central Hotel dinner will be like something out of ‘I, Claudius’. What’s the betting that no-one will dare eat or drink anything that’s put in front of them?

If they like, they can swap places with the demonstrators outside, and we’ll eat/drink it all for them. (I mean, it’s not like they’re actually paying for it anyway, right?)

Sorted. (Burp…)


Please, Please let it be James Kelly for leader 🙂

Training Day

Who will guide us in our choice of grosseries now?

Michael McCabe

All the Scottish Labour mob will be hoping there phone does not ring Tonight. ha ha ha get it right up yeas.


It will be a short straw ballot.


yeah.We’re looking for a deputy leader.

[…] You just can’t make this stuff up […]


Joke Maconnel- returned 2 billion of our block grant to london so he would get a lordship-("Tractor" - Ed)ous scum!

Fifer cant recall name- give half our east coast territory to england- another ("Tractor" - Ed)!

Iain gray- why????!

Lala- oh for heavens sake!

What is it with the Scots who continue to elect these utter utter nonentities????

I will go to my grave puzzled and perplexed…

Michael McCabe

I am going to put some dough on Richard Baker for leader or deputy leader.


Thanks Lesley-Anne. Didn’t he also see off Tony Blair and Gordon Brown?

“Labour, My Part in its Downfall” the new autobiography of Alex Salmond out by Christmas. Do not confuse with
“Hitler, My Part in his Downfall” a partial autobiography by Spike Milligan

Dave McEwan Hill

There must be something pretty significant has happened to cause this so very sudden resignation. Perhaps someone has the Labour in Scotland real membership figures

Andy Nimmo

Need to read your kids some Fairy Stories,
Do you choose Hans Christian Anderson, Brothers Grimm or Daily Record?
Maybe with Lamont. Curran and Baillie should be Sisters Grimm.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Dugdale thinks she’s in with a shout because for reasons that pass understanding the media and Labour in London think she gives a shit about the poor. Or at least can give the appearance that she does. Of course she doesn’t and is a blatantly obvious new labour style careerist who would jump ship to westminster the first chance she got after getting a pasting at Holyrood.


Michael McCabe,
Richard Baker is certainly poisonous enough for the job.

Robin Ross

According to the Telegraph, a decisive element in Ms Lamont’s decision to step down was the discovery that her erstwhile friend Ms Curran had been briefing against her.

The plot congeals.

David Stevenson

In honour of JoLa falling on her sword, Lord Jack McConnell finds it all “astonishing”. Brilliant stuff.

Dr JM Mackintosh

Ian B,
I hope you are trying to get Empire Biscuits to turn up for you Gala Dinner demo.

It should be a blast.

Spoons only allowed on the table?



fred blogger

Robin Ross
most of scotland was briefing against her.


Trying to archive a link to yesterday’s Independent – really shocking. Electoral Commission is warning that there are 13M errors on the Register and they need fixing before the GE!!!


Tony Bliar now telling the English press that the Tories will win
the next elections because Millipede just doesn’t have it.

Who said it was a slow news day, Stu, eh.

Scotland must rid herself of the red tory collaborators.

We must remain relentless and focused on destroying Slabber.


The body which oversees elections is “not fit for purpose”, and the list of voters to be used at next May’s general election will contain at least 13m errors, a think tank has warned.


@Tam Jardine

Ta. Actually I did haud back. There’s only one expletive in there.

I could easily turn the site blue, but try not to over do it out of respect for Stu and this magnificent website.

David Stevenson

Dr JM Mackintosh:

Good idea. And to minimise the pressure on A&E, plastic tumblers for the swallee also….


Confined to the history books as an non entity. cheerio


The Scotsman front page tomorrow

link to


Will Ms Curran be at the gala dinner?

Schrödinger's cat

Lamont resigns from a fake position with no obvious use,

Big deal
She will still be asking questions in holyrood
If bro on, murph etc becomes leader of labour in Scotland, what will change?
This is manufactured hand wringing

Murray McCallum

David Coburn MEP could make the easy switch to lead Scottish OneNation (but Independent) Labour. Fits in with Ed Miliband’s desire to win the UKIP vote.

Grizzle McPuss

I guess Lamont is just “…not genetically programmed (in Scotland) to make political decisions”

Goodbye, farewell and switch the lights off when you leave.

Alex Clark

I think most that read Wings expected this sooner rather than later so it is not a total surprise. What is interesting is why now?

Most likely the massive rise in membership of pro-indy parties and a drop in the membership of the Labour party within Scotland will be at the heart of it.

Personally I have seen many Labour party cards cut in half and such like on facebook, most notably Allan Grogans who cut his into a YES symbol.

There may just be a realisation that the SNP working together with supporters of the Greens and SSP can put in excess of 30 MP’s into Westminster next year, this is as big a threat to the Tories and Labour as UKIP are. In fact it is probably a larger threat particularly in the case of Labour.

The next one to fall on his sword will be Miliband though I don’t expect that to happen until after the GE. Interesting times no doubt, no one can rest on their laurels before May 2015.

All Scottish votes have to hurt, let’s do our best to make sure that they do.


Geoff Huijer says:

24 October, 2014 at 11:24 pm

I’m sure ASDA will give her a job…

she may not get paid same as the men tho if todays news is correct, its all going great for better together supporters , hahahaha




Milibluster decided the oban result was the final straw- her fate was sealed


I think you are all being very hateful towards her. 😀
We really are getting everything we could have wished for from a No vote, apart from independence.


Its just struck me, hilarious thought, i wonder if Wee Eck’
appearance in Liverpool last night – and the rapturous
reception he apparently received – helped punt the poisoned
dwarf right out the door.

Maybe not, but the thought is hilarious.

Yes, Karma is a bitch and our bitch has certainly started biting.

Tam Jardine

The Friday evening slot sans newsnight, Scotland Today, Scotland 2014 etc is the perfect place to bury news albeit it is a little like a small pile of leaves has been strewn half-heartedly over the corpse.

I have been racking my brain to recall what other pre referendum press release had the same timing. Was it devo-nano?


Posted to my blog 2 September 2014. foresight indeed

It is a fact that from the time she took up office as leader, (Johan Lamont and the Scottish Labour Party) meekly toe the line sent down by Ed Miliband and his cohorts. Entirely suited only to the needs of English voters, (not Scots) policies are to be foisted upon Scotland, should Labour win the next General Election, (which it is increasingly uncertain.)

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I have to admit up till now I have been rather concerned that no one would actually step forward and pick up the mantle of Labour leader. However, having read comments of others I think that this individual MUST be the next leader of Labour in Scotland. Our requirement for a daily fix of good humour and a big dose of laughter demands it.

link to

handclapping says:

Thanks Lesley-Anne. Didn’t he also see off Tony Blair and Gordon Brown?

I do believe he did HC but can you really claim he did that on his own? I think in the case of seeing off Blair and Brown he had a wee bit of help from … erm … wee Gordie Brown. 😛


Lamont’s memoirs “Labour – A Study in Tyranny” pre order on Amazon.

bookie from hell

Roddy McHardy ?@Radgecase · 32m32 minutes ago
Margaret Curran collected signatures to get Lamont to resign? Nice to know labour are just as unpleasant in private.


Valerie says:
24 October, 2014 at 11:52 pm
Trying to archive a link to yesterday’s Independent – really shocking. Electoral Commission is warning that there are 13M errors on the Register and they need fixing before the GE!!!

Hope this helps:
link to

Grizzle McPuss

Perhaps our great undisputed statesman, Mr Salmond will have one last bite at the Labour party and be instrumental in the removal of Adenoid Ed?

It’s just a thought / hope.

Schrödinger's cat

Is Lamont standing down in holyrood?
Or is she giving up the position as labour leader in Scotland.?


What now for Margaret Curran. She has been a very close confidant of Johan from the time they were at university together. Will she also resign her post with London Labour ?

1. Labour Party Doctrine;

a. The Labour Party comes, first, last and always.

b. The Labour Party is infallible. Any thing done in the party name is explained away as always being for the better good of the people.

c. The Labour Party provides a vehicle allowing officers of the party to manipulate the needs and wishes of the electorate so that they are in harmony with the Party’s wishes and the promotion of the officers of the Party.

d. Local officers of the Party promote the myth that they are in place and trusted implicitly to service and protect the needs and aspirations of the local electorate.

e. Nepotism is a good thing since it ensures continuity of electorate representation.

link to


Cheerio labour:

David Stevenson

Lesley Anne: Thanks. For that youtube link. Another James Kelly master class…..

Alex Clark

Blair is obviously a Tory plant. To state now that:

“Tony Blair: Miliband has failed to connect with voters and is doomed to election defeat”

Sounds as if if he want’s the Tories to win and will not support Miliband. Hahaha who’d have thought that? Me for one.

New Labour = Red Tories

A new broom and a clean sweep is needed to get rid of the lot of them.


I’m sure London Branch of BLAB has seen the most recent polls as well

Democracy Reborn

@Alex Clark

According to the Torygraph, the knives were out for Johann due to the fear of Labour MPs losing seats in the heartlands of Glasgow & North Lanarkshire, given the Yes vote there.

And Johann’s “friend”, a certain Margaret Curran, was apparently canvassing party executive members in an attempt to have them persuade Jola to stand down. With friends like these…


Is she seriously trying to finger Miliband?

Now there is a mental image I didn’t need.


Thanks Stoker! I just think that piece which is carried in many of yesterday’s papers is shocking


Thanks Stoker – having PC issues!


Labour should write the name of the next leader of the Labour Party contingent in the Scottish Parliament in pencil. Dewar (death) McLeish (resignation) McConnell (resignation) Alexander (resignation) Gray (resignation) and now Mrs Graham (resignation.

Alex Clark

@Democracy Reborn

Thanks for that. It’s hard though to believe anything you read in the newspapers these days! 🙂


Mealer says:

Will Ms Curran be at the gala dinner?

I thought she was supposed to be sitting next to her bested mate wee Johann at the gala dinner to give her a wee bit of *ahem* support when she, wee Johann, stands up to give her victory speech about leading a winning team. 😛



Which Labour politician is on the menu…?


Johann to stand as Labour for Indy in Glasgow East!

Why do dreams fade when they meet reality?

Michael McCabe

@ Mealer 11:48 That’s why I picked him. He is a wee Snide Cnut. Should be a good Price too. Brown or Murphy wont touch the job with a barge pole. Baillie Dugdale or Marra Will be the Front Runners I think. Does not matter though as they are all on the Sinking Ship thank Fcuk.


Poor eating in any of them. None would make a roast, not a spine to be had.

But the thought of them turning on a spit is attractive


Now that the unexpected tragedy of lamont’s political demise has visited upon us, what ugly hand of fate will befall us ?

Who do the Yessers want ?
Does it even matter who it is?

Who in their right mind will even want it, considering that labour will seemingly actually have to WIN seats this time, rather than merely presume they will get them.

How on earth does the new ‘leader’ present the ‘vote labour because…’ message ??

Free Scotland

Nice piece of music here to celebrate the demise of the great woman.

link to


“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” – I think it hit her on the way in!




Last week’s Sunday Herald front page

link to

– they were right.



Another first for SH. Horoscope on the front page!


Marcia says:


Which Labour politician is on the menu…?

I’m not too sure Marcia but I did hear that Baillie keeps looking nervously over her shoulder and sleeps with one eye open at all times … just in case you understand. 😛


I could almost feel sorry for her if she weren’t such an self-serving ass; they’ve thrown her to the wolves. I don’t believe she resigned for a second, I’m sure they sacked her. Labour are eating themselves alive with their ambition and self interest. They’re done. It’s actually very sad when you think what Labour used to be.


David Clegg wrote this absolute nugget….im still laughing…????

“Most importantly, she helped oversee a referendum win that, if it had went the other way, would have spelt the end for Scottish Labour”

Dr JM Mackintosh

SH predictions are on same par as my mate Ken Macintosh (Without a k -uugh).

Mind you Labour and SLab are doomed – even Rev Stu predicted that.

Good to see that Tony Blair agrees – so looking like a complete consensus all round.

A quiet day after all for Rev Stu,


Its those recent polls innit? LAMONT MUST STAY :-D.

Jamie Arriere

Scottish political analysis Sinatra-style!

link to


Jackie Baillie will miss the vote for a new leaders as that’s the day Gregs give free apple turnovers with with every 4 steak bakes.


Jack McKenzie

Whoever the next Slab leader is, it needs to be someone:

1) Not associated with the more visceral fear-mongering that went on during indyref.
2) Of sufficiently independent mind to be seen as not being a London stooge.
3) A potential vote winner, capable of producing popular ‘Labour’ policies – specifically for Holyrood.
4) Physically attractive (shallow, I know).

Conclusion: Labour are fucked!


This is great news cos none of them are any good – they must know they are staring at the demise of the Labour Party on their watch.

It’s been coming for a long time and also I think there is a lot of dirt to be dished – when Faisal Islam said on twitter about emails that have ‘surfaced’ re discussion with cons and lab grandees this suggested that the Cons are about to release these emails to destroy Lab

ronnie anderson

Who’s next for the hot seat for Slab Keiza Dugtail / Jenny Marrow, well Halloweens roon the corner.

Alex Clark

Turnips all round then ronnie.


No matter what Jo La says she will never be redeemed, she sold us down the river, or tried very hard to. Don’t believe she suddenly has a moment of morality, as pointed out by someone on facebook, all part of liebour plans no doubt, if they are even capable if such complex tasks.

ronnie anderson

Is it no tradition on the demise of somebody to play Highland Cathedral, oh to late the roof fell in on Slab.


“Step down, no chance. I want to be the next First Minister.”

Delusions of impossible grandeur.

But Ed knew better.

Branch politics – no big deal.

Later, Ed said ‘It’s important to look at the bigger picture’

ronnie anderson

@Alex Clark. neep neep get oot the road Jackie Baillie’s at the heid o the table at the Cala Dinner.


Jackie Baillie will miss the vote for a new leader as that’s the day Greggs give free apple turnovers with with every 4 steak bakes.

I’m still shakin’!


What has made the news is that BLABiS are complaining that they are being run by London. This will soon be followed by Ed saying, “Oh, we’re sorry! Let the Scots run it themselves! It was foolish for us to interfere!”

The MSM is split so distinctly to not give us a real view of what is going on in England. Ed can now court middle England on regional telly as whatever smiling gargoyle is elected up here launches into another round of nat-bashing.

Meanwhile, the minds of all those soft BLABiS voters is turned away from doing something positive for Scotland and back into the old routine of dancing to WM’s organ music. Lamont was a clear liability for them and now someone else can go into the GE all holier-than-thou that they didn’t sign BLABiS up for fighting with the tories for the last three years.

“I want to take Scotland back to its real values” said new leader will proclaim on BBBC with messianic composure, the halo added in CG. The grunts on the ground however, will be full of their usual venom on SNP killing Scotland and only BLABiS can save Scotland for the tories and we’ve got this new guy in charge who’s going to change everything!

This is going to be a dirty campaign so I hope you’ve all got your wellies on because we’re going to be climbing a mountain of shit for the next 7 months.


Wuz it the hair; the eyes; the mouth; the pointy finger?

Or wuz it jist the bitter, twisted, blind hatred of the former labour voters, the bastards, who switched to SNP.


Poor wee Johann Caesar, backstabbed in classic Labour fashion by her bestest buddy Brutus Curran. Over on the other side of the Holyrood chamber, maybe wee Ruthie will be nervously glancing over her shoulder now, as the Nasty Party also have a reputation for backstabbing their leaders, although they do it in a much more civilised manner, usually by “the men in grey suits”.

Doug Daniel

I doubt Dugdale will become leader, she’s too ambitious. By that, I mean that the next Labour leader is in for a hiding in 2015, so anyone with ambitions to become First Minister (or perhaps more to the point, becoming a junior minister at Westminster) would be mad to take over now, only to preside over Labour’s worst performance in the UK elections in decades, and potentially another thrashing in 2016 (if they lasted that long.)

No, the next leader will surely be someone who knows fine their career will never take them to Westminster. But even then, it’s difficult to see anyone from the current bunch of MSPs who could take on the leadership. But then, I’d never have thought Lamont would do it either.

Looking at their shadow cabinet:
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth Iain Gray MSP – No chance, not again.
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing Neil Findlay MSP – Certainly thinks a lot of himself, would probably get the backing of union members.
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning Kezia Dugdale MSP – wouldn’t want to hurt Westminster chances.
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Justice Graeme Pearson MSP – Maybe. Probably realises he’ll never get into Westminster, and has had a bit of a profile recently.
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure,Capital Investment and Cities Strategy James Kelly MSP – HA HA HA HA HA!!! OH PLEASE DO IT!
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment Claire Baker MSP – Who?
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Culture Patricia Ferguson MSP – Far too unhinged. Might fancy herself for it, though.
Shadow Minister for Local Government Sarah Boyack MSP – Probably their most sensible choice. So it won’t happen.
Shadow Minister for the Constitution Drew Smith MSP – Another who probably fancies a Westminster seat one day.
Shadow Minister for Finance and Shadow Minister for Youth Employment Jenny Marra MSP – Maybe. She’s certainly been trying to make a name for herself and is trusted enough to go on TV.
Shadow Minister for Social Justice, Equalities and Welfare Jackie Baillie MSP – I bet she puts her hat into the ring. Sounds too posh though, would never win.
Scottish Labour Parliamentary Business Manager: Paul Martin MSP – Probably wouldn’t know how to fill in the nomination form.
Chief Whip: Lewis MacDonald MSP – Someone based in Aberdeen? No chance.

Stevie boy

Honestly, what did she expect.

UK Labour HAVE to medal in Scottish affairs because us Scots are ‘not genetically programmed to make our own decisions’.. well according to her anyway.

Johann.. take a hike!!

Joe Kinnear

Michael McCabe said:

“Richard Baker is certainly poisonous enough for the job.”

He is indeed – I knew the cunt at university and he was self-serving rat back then too


OK. JoLa is gone.

How are they going to dispose of Ed. After all, they have one thing in common – both are unelectable.

Good night, Ed. Sleep well.


This form of political Musical Chairs played by Slab is getting really silly – soon to have more ex-leaders than MSPs.

If Labour shipped in a previous failure and an MP to the Smith Commission as their best shot,I presume? – who in the name of the wee man is capable of grasping this opportunity to show some shred of integrity in this seemingly endless lineage of uselessness. My neighbour’s cat isn’t doing much these days?

If this is how Slab acts when it apparently ‘wins’ – what could possibly get any worse if they had ‘lost’. Even their media chums are voicing disbelief.

John O

Johann is a dirty separatist she did not want to pool and share resources with London labour.


More investigation needs to be done into Frank Roy MP. Mr. Roy used to play the flute in the Craigneuk Crossmaglen Republican Flute band from Wishaw in Lananrkshire. He was a strong supporter of Irish independence, so much so in fact, the organisation he was involved with collected funds for IRA terrorists.


Almost alone amongst Indy supporters, I actually respected Lamont and am sad she had so many knives stuck in her back. She has pulled those knives from her back, survived and perhaps increased in stature, and now stands with two-fistfuls of knives ready for action. I hope her aim is good, and it won’t be the SNP.

For an MP successor I looked at ScotPop which shows via EC Labour left with 11 seats. That eliminates Sarwar, Darling and the umemntioned Mark Lazarowicz who could have been a quite charismatic leader.

Of those remaining I hesitate to suggest probably the best candidate, Margaret Curran who I don’t think put the knife in Lamont, seems to have a heart, and who wants to take Labour a different path in Scotland. Ian Davidson would be interesting to say the least. Safest would be Douglas Alexander, but hardly likely to lead a Labour revival in Scotland. There is of course Gordon Brown but nobody knows where he is this week / month. He might not turn up for his election, he’s a bit random.

From a totally nasty point of view Jim Murphy would be my choice, in fact it might even make him unelectable himself on 7/5/15!

Doug Daniel

A lot of folk think it’ll be an MP that gets it, but I can’t see it.

Salmond was able to be leader from Westminster because he also led the SNP’s Westminster group. He was the top dog in Westminster. But a Labour MP would not be the top dog in Westminster – they’d be lucky if they were even in the shadow cabinet or held a junior ministerial post.

So they’d need a Labour MSP to stand down immediately so they could try to take their seat. It would have to be a safer-than-safe seat, because the new leader losing their own by-election would be disastrous for them. Ken Macintosh has been mentioned by Gerry Braiden as a potential sacrificial lamb, but Jackson Carlaw was only 2,012 votes behind him in 2011, and even his losing total in 2007 was better than Macintosh’s winning total in 2011. They could end up just losing a seat and still have a leader who wasn’t even second fiddle in Westminster, and wasn’t in Holyrood.

And then imagine if, into that bargain, the person went on to lose their seat in 2015. So they end up with a leader that isn’t in ANY parliament.

Nah, I reckon they have to pick from their Holyrood mob. Which will almost certainly provide even more hilarity for us all.


Doug Daniel,

I thought the talk was that Jim Murphy would take over *shudder*. Anyway, do you think it’ll be a Holyrooder who takes over? I honestly can’t think of anyone there who’d be any better at the job than she is, and she was crap. I think they might parachute someone from Westminster into the job because whilst they don’t give a crap about Scotland they do want to get power in Westminster and given the competition from UKIP, that means getting as many Scottish seats as they can.


Remember when the opposition made fun of Alex Salmond and his weight? Well the fun should really start when Jackie Bailly gets elected? The First Minister should bring in a Greggs tray with a few crumbs and announce in a puzzled tone, “Who ate all the pies? Who ate all the pies?”, and all the Government can point the finger at her and shout in unison, “You Fat Bastard, you Fat Bastard, you ate all the pies”.



Yes, having an MP would be a bad idea, but I hesitate to look at any MSP either. Lamont has been fighting the battle, I think, for Scottish Labour against the Westminster cabal, for all of her 3 years. But to my mind she’s had little support from the largely inexperienced MSPs.

Which makes them as weak as water, or as craven as a flock of vultures presiding over a herd of cattle with BSE.


Doug Daniel,

Sorry, my question came through after you’d answered it! Just ignore me. 😉



Of those remaining I hesitate to suggest probably the best candidate, Margaret Curran who I don’t think put the knife in Lamont, seems to have a heart, and who wants to take Labour a different path in Scotland.

Surely you jest right? Talk to any of her constituents. She is a heartless witch who lied and cheated her way to becoming an MP. She was supposedly a decent councilor, but the mask began to slip when she became an MSP, and then it fully came off when she became an MP. She cares not for any of her constituents. On top of that she and her minions vandalized my mothers car during the indy ref by throwing No Thanks stickers onto the paintwork. I also suspect that she had some involvement in the media going after her rival for the Glasgow East seat, John Mason, in the run up to the 2010 election. He was conveniently harassed about his religion (Baptist in a predominantly catholic area) from April 2010 till election time, which naturally benefited her.

I have no doubt that Curran was in the crew that knifed Lamont, she probably led the charge when she realised the prize that was in front of her. She never was one to turn down the opportunity to put her head deeper into the trough.


With that said though…Curran probably is their best choice. How Labour have fallen!


As much as it would be easy to make a personal and insulting comment regarding Jola, her ability as Labour (North-Britain) leader, her ethics, or her honesty. I shall simply echo Nicola Sturgeon’s message and wish her the best for the future.


‘You lost’!

Thought they had been too quiet. Plotting to get rid of her. It’s unbelievable. Rats in a sack.


Independence coming.


Yes, sad isn’t it! What Labour have come to.


Just don’t see Curran as a realistic choice simply due to the fact that her shrill grating voice annoys most people.

Parachuting in a Westminster MP doesn’t look good, especially after Lamont’s leaving comments.

Brown is yesterdays man, and now looks like a hypocrite backtracking on more powers.

Reckon it will be a female MSP, to go against Nicola Sturgeon.
Marra probably.

Tough job though, and doomed to defeat.
Changing the leader isn’t going to change the perception of them as a regional branch office – who would rather see Scotland governed by the Tories in London, than by a real Scottish Labour party.


Credit agencies are now pursuing voters who registered, for non accounted or documented ‘debt?’

A threat to Democracy and might lead to a decline in voter participation


Who’s next Davie Clegg or Torquil? – falling sales

Do not tell lies and make false vows.

Alex Mckechnie

Oh dear SNP have lost the best asset they had FMQ will never be the same again, only hope the next leader will have similar quality and qualifications as last.
why did she not do the honest thing 8 weeks ago. ………..


Were Jackie Baillie to get it, I would hope sniping about weight and so on were left to a minimum if not completely ignored. I get that it was nonsense for Salmond’s opponents to abuse him in similar fashion, but I’d like to think we were bigger than that. In any case, I am sure any ‘policies’ she might hit out with would give her no doubt numerous detractors much material to deal with (and the lack of an angle to attack Salmond in this regard probably explains the frequent resort to personal insults by his opponents).

I would also hope our politicians in particular would, at the least, be careful in one regard, which is that I think there would be comparatively less sympathy/forgiveness with some voters (think those who hated Salmond for scant cause) towards anyone who slagged a female off for her weight. Touchy one, certain sections of the media in particular clearly thought it was okay to have a go at a male for his weight, but it might play out differently if it’s one of their favourites and a female at that. As I say, let whoever comes to be their leader be shot down by whatever rubbish policies they pursue.



“Of those remaining I hesitate to suggest probably the best candidate, Margaret Curran who I don’t think put the knife in Lamont, seems to have a heart, and who wants to take Labour a different path in Scotland.”

You’re joking here, yes? Curran is the person who couldn’t get through the first sentence of her first press conference in a by-election without brazenly lying; who couldn’t remember anything about Labour politics of the early 80s, despite being a prime mover in campaigning circles; and as for heart, said she’s shed no tears if Salmond fell under a bus.

She’s one of vilest characters in active Scottish Labour circles, without a doubt.


There’s a rumour that Jenny Marra is going to stand in Dundee West for the GE to replace Jim McGovern, who is VERY vulnerable over his expenses.


Starving vulnerable people and being overweight is not a good look. Inviting comment. Secretly stealing Scottish wealth (McCrone report) and lying. Invites comment.

Defending the indefensible.Invites comment.


I hope everyone is sitting down before reading the next bit of my post, if not then do so quickly please! 😉

I actually agree with this Conservative spokesman, there I’ve said it. Now to go and wash my mouth out with soap. :P)

A Scottish Conservative spokesman said: “Johann Lamont’s resignation has shown the complete chaos at the heart of Ed Miliband’s operation in the starkest possible terms. The man isn’t fit to run a village fete, never mind the UK.”

link to


yesindyref2 says:
25 October, 2014 at 5:38 am
Yes, sad isn’t it! What Labour have come to.

Not sad at all! Its the most uplifting thing the ("Tractor" - Ed)ous slab vile cretinous shower have done for the poor inept Scots in 50 years!

There IS a god!!

Arabs for Independence

Johnny @ 6:57

I agree we shouldn’t go on about Jackie Baillie’s weight. As you say, we’re bigger than that; she certainly is.

G. Campbell

TrendieUK – Trends ?@TrendieUK
“Trending UK:07:30 AM BST”
7. Johann Lamont
8. London
9. Scottish Labour
10. Halloween

link to


Failed State broadcaster interviews failed political editor of failed national newspaper about a failed political leader of a failed political Party.

Sorry, I might not have typed that correctly. I meant to write that the BBC interviewed David Clegg, political editor of the Daily Record, about the resignation of Scottish Labour Leader, Johann Lamont.


A lying, greedy, ignorant, arrogant Conservative who can’t count, isn’t fit to run a village fete never mind the UK.


THIS just could be the ” game changer” we’ve been waiting for, now is the time to charge while the opponents are stuck in the muddy crossing, see any similaritie ?!.

No no no...Yes

Not a headline in any of the papers I’m sure, but didn’t theSunday Herald get it right. Lamont was in free fall and even the Daily Ripcord’s Torquil Crichton couldn’t hide his anxiety. I watched him on Newsnight last night and I paraphrase his comment, “if Labour lose Scotland they lose Britain.. forever.” He had a look of fear and panic on his face- he knows the game is up.
Looking at the big picture, the GE 2015:
Miliband had to get rid of Lamont and he used Curran, McLeish and McConnell against her.
Lamont’s parting comment about UK interference will be regarded as the tipping point in Labour Party history because it completely undermines the whole “One Nation” aspiration.

There was never a Scottish Labour Party, it is now a failed marketing ploy.

Scotland is on a different trajectory than the rest of the UK and Labour has ignored this completely. The referendum further awakened the people of Scotland’s desire for a better country, and one that cannot be delivered by the Red Tories.
The Labour Party Devo Nano submission is another display of UK party control, rather what is best for Scotland.
The Labour Party Scottish membership has been publicly vocal in their disgust at the BT campaign with the Blue Tories and some have left joined the SNP. They will campaign with vigour at the GE.
Blair is now piling in to Miliband as well.

The GE is HOPE over FEAR part 2 for Scotland. We need to vote out the Labour Party in Scotland and let them rot in hell, they are disgrace.


caz-m says:

Failed State broadcaster interviews failed political editor of failed national newspaper about a failed political leader of a failed political Party.

Erm, is this a “failed” thingy that’s going on by any chance Caz? 😛


I hope someone can archive this utter piece of pish wrote by David Clegg in his “Record View” today.

link to

He is obviously in deep mourning about the fall of his close pal, Johann Lamont.

I have heard that you get a free black armband inside every copy of the Daily Record today.

It doesn’t half take the edge off of that Referendum defeat. Roll on May 2015.

Gordon Innes

McLeish on GMS just now talking about the need for an fully autonomus independent Scottish party and that the North Britain Branch Office has no say over what London wants. Pity he didnt say that 5 weeks ago and take the obvious route to do that!

Hearing BBC presenter talk about ‘the dead hand of Westminster’ could see Isobel exiting shortly also.

Ironic also that talk was of Labour needing to focus on Hollyrood just at the time that it is clear next battleground will be WM – as control and key decisions lie there in 2015 Parli. Shows that even enlightend SLab are behind the game and out of sync …


This could just be the begining

The Scottish Labour Party are guilty of the the biggest crime in Scottish political history since the act of union in 1707 and they know it, they don’t need us to tell them, that’s why they wanted us to quietly accept defeat and get back to business as usual, so they could feel better about themselves and get on with forgetting what they done.

This will eat at their souls like a cancer it will embitter them and ultimately destroy them, did she jump or was she pushed ? who cares this could just be the begining


Marie clark

Morning folks, well I am astonished. I’ve had a really rubbish night trying to sleep and felt rotten this morning.

Came to the computer to see what’s going on, and Lamentable has gone. I knew it was coming, but chickens are coming home to roost big time now.Stupit wuman should have voted for independence if she didnae want interference from London. Help ma boab. Roll on the GE.

Must admit it’s made my morning .


Caz-m, 7.49,


A new career in TV reviewing beckons?



Don’t get me wrong, I see what you’re saying. But supporting policies which do nothing to alleviate hunger etc whilst proposing to be a party of the people is as relevant (or more so?) as someone’s weight. Or else we go down the road of saying that Baillie is *more* hypocritical than thinner Labour politicians and I don’t really see that. The policies and their stated aims and the section of society they claim to stand up for are the most important things.


Hmmm… I think one should read past the official headlines.

She might be stepping down because she does not want to bear the weight of a major drubbing at the next elections. By quitting right now and accusing other people of misleading the party, she might come back after the GE saying “You see? I had warned you and you did not believe me.”

Or she’s just being shoved out and transforms it into a voluntary resignation not to lose face.



“Erm, is this a “failed” thingy that’s going on by any chance Caz?”


It’s the only word that comes to mind when BBC Scotland, The Daily Record and Scottish Labour are the topic of conversation. Smiley thing.

john king

I hear sergeant Balls was up here lining up the troops in Holyrood,

Right chaps we have a situation here, we need a fall g–I mean strong leader to take on those separatist chappies to prevent annihilat — eh to take the victorious party to ever greater heights and poor dear Joanne we all loved dearly, didn’t we guys?
(shuffling of feet and murmuring),

Right er anyway our poor Joanne has fallen foul of an unknown illness, from the description of the symptoms it sounds like foot in mouth disease and cannot continue to provide the magnificent leadership she has displayed for the party in Scotland
(spontaneous guffawing)

voice from the back,
( but what about Ed not understanding us in Scotland?)

Er that was just a slip in translation from our Scots/English translator in London he’s em been taken out the back and shot.
(whispered aside) take a note McT never employ anyone from Arbroath as a translator again)

Have you lot any idea how hard it is to listen to your moaning?
you sound like trampled bagpipes whinging waiting for your next fi—-,
what, what is it man why are you tugging my sleeve?

(Balls’s spin doctor John McTeirnan whispers) excuse me your Eminence Mr Balls but that’s the wrong speech,

your meant to tell them how they are the cornerstone of the labour movement and the Labour party wouldn’t be anything without them sir,

Steady on there McT, do you really want me to say that to these savages who can barely understand never mind speak English like you and me?

Er I’m one of them sir,
Ah but McT we trained you in the ways of the darkside, your one of us now!

McT, I don’t know what to say, your michty er I mean mighty Sungodness,

Yes well just remember we made you we can break you mcT

anyway back the reason I’m here, and we need to make this quick because I only have a hour of good old London oxygen left on my airtanks then I’ll be forced to breathe the chip fat laden air of this place (aside) where is this place McT?

Er Glasgow sir, the second city of the Empire,

hahahahaha don’t believe everything we tell you McT, that little lie was just to keep you sweaties quiet,

but but then what is the second city of the empire if its not Glasgow?

Ok McT if I tell you, you have to keep schtum,
Oh but of course sir that goes without saying

Its er London,

so whats the 1st city of the Empire then?

do I really have to tell you?
Its Washington you idiot.

Right back to you lot we need another leader to take the great Labour movement in Scotland to ever greater heights, so I want any candidates to take one step forward,

as one all assembled take one step backwards, all except one who was too dim to follow the rest of them,

Right well that’s it then, so your the new leader then, (whispered aside) whats the name McT


I believe its Hilton sir
Cara Hilton

How smart is she McT?

aboot as bricht as a blackoot sur.



Not very bright sir.


perfect , just what we need another idiot to follow the party line just like that last one, jo— what was her name again McT?

McT Lamont sir

Oh yes the one whose name rhymed with lamentable,


Ok then Paris
(er Cara sir)

I need you to follow unquestioningly the instructions sent to you by me and our glorious leader Ed, who was sniggering there, McT take names I want the names of those who sniggered and take that smirk of your face or your name will be the first on the list!

Oh and by the way Hilton
If your planning to make any more of those ahem instructional videos I need to get first sight of them just in case your bringing the party into disrepute!


Er Im not that Hilton er sir
that’ll be all then I’ll expect the video on my desk first thing Monday morning,
I know you don’t want to let your party down do you Paris?

Brian Ritchie

@ Joe Kinnear

He [Richard Baker] is indeed – I knew the cunt at university and he was self-serving rat back then too

I knew him too – he was in some of my English classes Joe.


Presumably she was the best placed Labour MSP to lead their party in Scotland, but not strong enough to overcome the overbearing London influence. How does she, or anyone else in ‘Scottish’ Labour, expect a second choice MSP to fare any better?

Maybe they should accept the inevitable and embrace direct control from London HQ. It’s what they want for the rest of us after all.


The way the referendum has turned out, with 30+% of core Labour support voting YES, independence party membership going through the roof, and UKIP now hoovering up Tory and Labour votes south of the border, has really spooked Labour.

Scottish Labour MPs, in particular, are beginning to panic. They can see what’s coming. A few weeks ago, a decision to jettison Lamont, in a desperate attempt to hold back the tide and save their own jobs, was made. Lamont has already demonstrated, however, that she ain’t going quietly.


She has had enough when it was them sharpening the knives for her however she never gave a fuck about the scottish people, selfish woman


caz-m says:

I hope someone can archive this utter piece of pish wrote by David Clegg in his “Record View” today.

link to

Ta Dah! 😉

link to


Ah hahahahaha!..

No, no. I mustn’t impinge on private grief…Snrff, grympff.



John King

Talking of Balls.

I hope Lamont has the “balls” to hang around for the 2016 Holyrood elections and go head to head against Tommy Sheridan for her Glasgow Pollok seat.

Helena Brown

Come on John, are you actually expecting me to believe that Cara would know she wasn’t Paris, if she were that bright it would make a bit of a difference. Now that is one wee woman I want gone in 2016.
I am still laughing, actually guffawing at the demise of Johann Lamont.
If you had a backbone dear, you would have told London Labour to get stuffed and campaigned for Independence, then instead of being a wee fish in a big pool you would have maybe been a much bigger fish and the pool commensurately smaller. Well you voted to be a nonentity and here you are.


Jackie Baillie on GMS

Talk about a denial of the facts.

The woman is completely out of touch.

“we must listen to the people, Labour is a party of the people blah blah blah” but don’t worry, all is well and we are listening.

Sorry, sorry, Ahahahahaha!

The Morgatron

Tell me, one member of the current Scottish Labour Party with honour , principles and decency? Margaret Curran someone said, what? A vile excuse of a politician. Jabba the Baillie ? A total twit with a face like a City Bakeries halloween cake. Dugdale = Dungdale. Oh the banter , ("Tractor" - Ed)s of the Scots everyone one of them. The only good SLab MP is the one who loses their seat in May.

No no no...Yes

John King 8:51am
Good one ! Coffee all over screen, especially the Hilton comparison, ha ha ha….

Helena Brown

Marie Clark, I too had a rubbish night and funnily enough I feel so much better this morning. I cannot imagine why I feel so much more chipper these days, after all didn’t we lose something or other a month ago. I seem to remember being so down in the mouth and funnily enough I am off to see if Niko, Munguin’s tame Unionist is around so I can crow.


Eh herrmm – ‘Johann falling on her sword is Lamontable’

She’s taking time out for her memoirs (pamphlet) about leading Labour voters in Scotland – titled ‘Gullables Travels’

(I thank you ladies and gentlemen)

So what’s happend to ‘best of both worlds’ / ‘pooling & sharing of resources’ then Johann ? Or do you just get paid to lie to the Scottish people for political ends when it suits you. (Doh !)

She knew this during the ref’ no courage to bring it up then. This is not bravery as David Clegg says its a ‘fit of pique’ from an average politico who has been found out.

Nae symapthy ; but a right wee good gift to YES though.

an Brotherhood @ 11.11

Come on Ian; lets keep it clean (phhhh)


In the Record today, JL said “And just as the SNP must embrace that devolution is the settled will of the Scottish people, the Labour Party must recognise that the Scottish party has to be autonomous and not just a branch office of a party based in London.’

Where did this ‘settled will’ rubbish come from? 1.6 million people wanted independence so it can’t go away overnight. Why MUST it be embraced?. I will never settle.


I’m sure there’s more to it than meets the eye. I’ve no time to develop, but I think we should think it over a bit. Ambitious people never leave on their own unless they have a plan B.

Will be back later.


As for Lamont’s replacement, please please make it Jackie Baillie… or Iain Gray again.


Those popcorn shares i bought when rangers went bust are making me a killing, labour’s meltdown is this years dividend sorted !!

“Leader wanted for regional branch of political party, no experience, intellect or moral compass required as all instruction on what to say and do will be given”

*temporary post until may 2015*



Cheers for archiving that.

Listening to Jackie Baillie on GMS this morning. She sounds like a person who will not be shedding too many tears by the departure of Johann Lamont.

I know it’s a bit of a dramatic analogy, but doesn’t this remind you of the murder of Julius Caesar by HIS parliamentary colleagues, where Jackie Baillie could play the roll of “Brutus”.

Forbes Johnstone

If I can offer her some advice on new career, Jimmy Krankie
is getting older and could use an understudy for this year’s Panto Season. God knows she has years of experience in Panto.


Alex Clark


I don’t think Johann Lamont had any ambition for herself, her party or her country. She realises that she now had absolutely no chance of becoming FM in 2016 and there was no way she would hang on until 2021 for another go.

This really is the start of a very long slippery slope for the Labour party in Scotland, just deserts I feel.


Those suggesting Kelly or Curran for the job are forgetting one thing. They are Catholics, and Irish heritage at that.

Labour will never have a catholic running the show. Have you forgotten their deals with the orange order?

Look back the previous leaders in Scotland and wonder how labour manages to command such support from Catholics whilst steadfastly preventing them getting the top job.

Bugger (the Panda)

Good morning all

I am certain that JoLa said she would resign if the Vow on DevoMax was not honoured. I think it was on the Andrew Neil midday show, the one with Edinburgh Caste with the background. That the one that Alan Massie said of JoLa that she represented the political vacuity of Labour in Scotland.

JoLa’s answers to Neil were so jaw droppingly terrible that he did not interrupt her and let her hang herself, with Masie supplying the rope.

So she has resigned and from that I take it London Labour (including the Scottish Westminster gang) will renege on Devo anything.

They really are setting themselves up for one almighty fall which will eclipse that of the Russian assault on Berlin.

They are finished and the Westminster troughers are bnot aware that SS UKlabour has hit the iceberg and is sinking fast with no seviceable lifeboats left.

Down she goes, erse first. Just waiting for the boiler room to blow up.


I might add. I myself am not catholic. I’m merely making an observation.

john king

Mealer It would be much more efficient if they got Jackie Bird as leader.”


Here is the news,
read by Jackie (stringy) Burd
I telt that wan Sturgeon today and nae mistake,
now the weather! 🙂


The question of who replaces her is genuinely baffling. If we were to assume it has to be a woman, there are no obvious choices. Dugdale is too inexperienced, Baillie has too much baggage, and the rest are utter nonentities or MPs.

FWIW, I don’t think it’ll be a woman. I reckon Murphy’s pet, Ken McIntosh will be in with a chance if he runs.

Robert Louis

I see the Daily record, is still intent on destroying itself from within. Witness this pish;

link to

As the shutters on both Labour and the daily record go down, they remain loyal to ‘scottishy’ british Labour regardless. Time for somebody in the record to sniff the freaking coffee and wake up.

As regards Lamont, it is clear in the manner of her departure (with immediate effect) that there has been one right royal stooshie in the party. Now, Miliband has an even bigger problem, as there is nobody who can realistically take over with any credibility. Using a Westminster MP, just won’t wash with Scots, and besides it still leaves somebody else who will have to carry the can at First Minister’s Questions.

It is a right mess that Labour finds itself in, but not wholly unexpected. Right at the very beginning of the referendum campaign, I pointed out that Labour working with the Tories was a win-win for the Tories and Lose-Lose for Labour. If YES had won, Labour would be blamed, and if NO won (as happened), then the Tories would take the credit and knife Labour in the back. This is what has come to pass. It is wholly indicative of very bad management and zero leadership from Ed Miliband. Political incompetence on a massive scale.

The real irony is, as many including myself pointed out two years ago, that Labour right now could be kings of Scotland had they forged a different path, fighting for true, full devo max on the ballot paper and rejecting the NO vote campaign run by the Tories. Of course we now know from the gutteral sniping of Gordon Broon in Westmidden, that that didn’t happen because Labour as a party, did not want to be left with Scottish Labour MP’s from Scotland who played a much diminished role in London. Party before principle, party before country.

Labour did not join the Tory NO campaign out of principle, but out of their sheer venomous, irrational hatred of the SNP – they foolishly believed their own group think that a NO vote would kill the SNP (no doubt, ‘stone dead’). In fact the NO vote has done nothing but strengthen the SNP, greens and SSP, leaving an embittered, deluded, dysfunctional, vestigial Labour party in its wake.

It wasn’t meant to be like this, was it Labour? You ‘won’ didn’t you? Then again, perhaps you really should have heeded the advice of The First Minister, Alex Salmond, who when discussing Labour’s faustian pact with the Tories, reminded Johan Lamont, ‘if you want to sup with the devil, best use a long spoon’.


How can Lamont and her councillor husband remain in the Labour Party after what she has said?

If she appears at Holyrood it will be interesting to see where she sits.

Surely the last couple of weeks has demonstrated just how rotten the Scottish Media is. It has bween obvious that during that period Scottish Labour has been tearing itself apart yet the way it was reported was as just a few underststed ripples.

Izzy Fraser was sent to the TV equivalent of Limoges after standing up to Ian Davidson and I reckon that the Radio Limoges awaits her after her demolition of Gorgeous Pouting Jackie Baillie this morning.

Free Scotland

Heard David Clegg from the daily record (lower case deliberate) on radio Scotland saying: “… politicians elected in Scotland who have WENT to Westminster …” Perhaps he should have GONE to a few more grammar seminars before he considered becoming a journalist. But then, maybe not; after all, it’s just a shabby wee rag we’re talking about.

Slightly, but not entirely, O/T, I was reading an article earlier about midges, and came across this: “Another biting bug in Scotland, not so well-known but worth looking out for is the horsefly (locally known as the “Clegg”).


It’s brilliant. They are is shambles. It couldn’t happen to a worse bunch of people. Completely out of touch.

Gordon Brown should be in jail. Westminster are bunch of lying, criminals. Most of them should be in jail.

Murray McCallum

It’s great to see folks on here coming together to give constructive advice to political opponents. This is real unity.

Dorothy Devine

Caz-m , I wish I hadn’t read that puerile ,sugary drivel by Clegg of the Record.
Pass the bucket!

I think it is patently obvious that the wee wummin with the “I hate AlecSammin” speeches – has been shoved like grannie affn’ the bus. Outlived her uselessness.

I have never got over the ” Debater of the Year ” Award by the Herald .
Some may say it was sarcasm , others that the Herald is a posh Daily Record thanks to Young , Gardham et al , my only comment is that I no longer read the rag and I charge my husband £10 per week to buy it for him – the local foodbank gets the benefit.


I hope its Baillie….bit like Balliol….

paul gerard mccormack

A rush to join the back of the queue. Oh what poisonous rancour. Whoever they elect will make no difference at all. They are all corrupted. The real enemy remains the BBC and the MSM. They have to be continually exposed for what they are. It really shouldn’t be that difficult for Nicola to shine next to a turd. I do think it is important to remain above all their heinous rancour. It is important to be an attractive positive proposition to the ex-labour voters at the GE.

gerry parker

O/T SSP conference now on lifestream.


Cheers for the Archive Leslie Anne,

When others were running for cover, Lamont stood up, did the decent thing and took over a party on its knees.

Is he fecking serious..jesus if it was on its knees when she took over where the hell is it NOW.

Stu is spot on you could not make this stuff up..


The dungheap of filth which is slab looks now to be vaporised into ashes at long last!

Oh, and their “leaders” can be similarly categorised! Hahaha!

Seems like the Scots are waking from their 50 year slumber and finally smelling the coffee!



Heard Michael Connerty advocating Gordon Brown to replace Jola. Now there’s a man to galvanise the Party.

The man who caused such division at Number 10 .

The man who briefed against his colleagues or got his lackeys to do it.

The man who sold ‘the Gold’

The man who enabled the lax rules for the City

The man who as PM had to turn up at a member of the publics house to personally apologise for his bigoted comments.

The man who was just named the highest earner for outside earnings

The man who is laughed at when he occasionally turns up at Westminster by his peers.

Michael Connerty exemplifies what is wrong with Labour. Gordon Brown would perhaps be good for Labour but he certainly would not be good for Scotland. Has he forgotten Jack Mcconnels comments when he lost the election to the SNP? London interference in their party is not new.

Is there no one in Labour who wants to look forward ? Gordon Brown is a dinosaur and if the media can claim Alex Salmond galvanises opinion well if Gordon Brown was to be in charge , that would take it the word galvanise to another level.

Robert Peffers

Strangely I had hardly posted a link to the list of the United Kingdom’s registered political parties because a commenter here was talking about, “The Scottish Labour Party”, when there was no such entity. Little did I expect Johann Lamont to agree with me so quickly.

Alastair Wright

stu, might be worth having some own label popcorn manufactured, we’re going to need a hell of a lot over the next 7 months and I’d hate to see a fund raising opportunity pass you by.


Molly says:
25 October, 2014 at 10:11 am

Heard Michael Connerty advocating Gordon Brown to replace Jola. Now there’s a man to galvanise the Party.

Sheer desperation. Gordon Brown does not yield to public pressure. Apart from the fact that Holyrood is far too small to accomodate hos ego, Brown is a coward. There is no way he would risk the humiliation of losing out to a new, popular FM at the top of her game.


The slabs, who shit the contents of their vile bowels all over the faces of the poorest and most vulnerable Scots folks will at long last be buried beneath the rancid soil of their own making.

Never never again must the Scots allow such cretins within a thousand miles of decision making powers!

We live and learn!

gerry parker

Independence live channel 4 to see the SSP conference in Edinburgh.


Anyone else now wonder if the vow / Broon intervention was bugger all to do with the voting public and everything to do with a last minute attempt to stop a rebellion in the ranks of Scottish Labour? There had been many hints from SLab that some were prepared to jump ship if a good devo offer wasn’t put on the table.

McLeish had been holding out for such an offer all along. Now he and his pals know they have been utterly shafted. He must feel like such a fool.

It’s possible that Johann felt utterly humiliated having to submit the spring devo-nano proposals to the Smith Commission last week (who wouldn’t be?) after all the talk of home rule.

If this is the case then how did the Daily Record fit in? Was the vow part of London Labour’s attempts to shaft SLab or part of SLab’s attempts to guarantee more powers?


Hmm, maybe it’s all a ruse so that JoLa can go and lead a new Scottish Independent Lab party with the hope that it would mop up all the Yes voting slabbers.


If Ruth Davidson and Willie Rennie resign quoting “London interference”, I really should buy a lottery ticket today 🙂

donald anderson

I went out to buy a Daily Reptile Slab paper this morn and my card was chewed up by a faulty machine. Nae laffs the day then.


Apparently Faisal Islam was tweeting the other day about emails sent back and forward to the main senior players in the Better Together camp so someone knows why and who set up the vow.

It just shows the collusion between the parties and the media.When The Daily Record was given the brief to print the vow and now Jolas resignation story, Faisal having access to emails etc

So basically someone like David Clegg of the Record has more power than all the party activists , elected Councillors etc . Nice to know who is actually making the decisions.

Luigi , I was being sarcastic about Brown galvanising the party considering how divisive he is

Melvin penman

This really the stuff of the movies, lamentable quitting due to London interferience and that Scotland needed its own voice. She is a disgrace are all the labour liars. The next Victim ease stand forward,, congrats you are the new scottish labour leader…. Death march tune to celebrate.



Connarty is my local MP. I look forward to reminding his constituents of how he wailed “Why can’t I have nice things?” when it was found during the first expenses scandal that he claimed for a £500 Bose CD/radio alarm clock.

He’s also come out and said that Holyrood should have powers over fracking licenses – just more GE puffery given his constituency includes Grangemouth where Messrs Wood and Ratcliffe will be adding more billions to their coffers.

Robert Peffers

@Kev says:24 October, 2014 at 10:59 pm:

“The Pacific Quay spin machine must be in overdrive trying to downplay this as much as possible, cue a report of Salmond s grotesque spending on buggy hire at the Ryder cup

You missed it then, Kev? I posted it but the topic here had moved on. BBC made a very, very, brief report that the SNP had won in Oban, (on CEEFAX), but whipped it off before I could read the voting percentages. They replaced the report with one about an Glasgow SNP councillor being expelled from the party for some kind of homophobic set-to charges. All this while they must have known about Johann’s wee unimportant resignation.

A sure case of her jumping before being pushed or more likely of London moving in a new leader to replace her.


Donald Anderson @ 11.20

WTF were you thinking about buying it for????

The DR needs to be killed stone dead, not helped to survive, geddit?

donald anderson

ticktock says:
Donald Anderson @ 11.20
WTF were you thinking about buying it for????
The DR needs to be killed stone dead, not helped to survive, geddit?

Like I said. It wis a wan aff, to let them now that was the only piece worth paying for.


When Lamont won the alleged leadership of Scottish Labour in 2011 it was reckoned to be a poisoned chalice.

I cxan’t think of a word to describe what her successor will inherit.

I wonder how much The Record paid her for their exclusive and would hope that any amount will be duly declared in her declaration of outside earnings.


Well this seems like news worth chatting about

You now have a fully functional chat room / forum

unfortunately I don’t have an irony button so you’ll just need to type it when discussing Lamont

When you register you can keep your same nickname as here by filling it in as your username – please be quick as when this goes to twitter tonight I can’t guarantee you will get nickname)

PS I also need chat room hosts to kick out trolls 🙂

Pam McMahon

Looks like Anas Sarwar is being suppositoried into the Labour bowel to eject the rest of the compacted turds. What a gift, given the departing remarks of Lamont, that WM Labour was interfering inappropriately at Holyrood.
Luigi says “she is not going quietly”. I think she will find that she does, now that she is on the wrong side of the Scottish media. She will no longer have unlimited access to BBC Scotland and the Daily Record, and will find herself in the same place as the Greens, the SNP and SSP.
If she was making a principled departure, for the good of her electorate and the people of Scotland, she would have resigned her seat, not just her wee, pretendy position.


Laughter and bemusement is all I can conjure in response to this.. with a bit of ‘serves you right ya muppet’ thrown in.

Well that and the fact and it confirms my belief that they are c**ts, full of self interest, who will say/do anything to save their own skin over anything else. Even if that “anything else’ is remotely connected to benefiting their constituents lives.

It really is a shambles. If it wasn’t for those pesky London types (shakes fist at the sky..)

(P.S I’ve tried to find the front page of the Herald from a good while ago of JoLa on puppet strings, but having no luck. It’s the image i get in my head every time i see her)


@Alex Clark:

Hmmm… Here is what I think.

What do you do when you want to become PM and happen to realize you won’t?
You leave the boat just before it sinks totally.
To justify that desertion, especially from the captain – who, by the way, is supposed to stay aboard until the end – ans skirt your responsibility, you pretext something was wrong, or you were forced to, or you disagree with your admiral, for example.
Then, you row to a sufficient distance and watch the vessel wreck.
And then you gather the survivors and say: “I told you we were going to crash, but nobody listened to me.”

This is a clever move. She leaves before the official campaign for the GE has begun. Now everybody knows Labour is going to slump at these elections. Thereafter she can explain the drubbing wasn’t her fault, but her successors’ (because the campaign was such a mess, for example), that, on the contrary, under her direction, the Labour scored a major success (being successful in the referendum). Maybe she could even be recalled afterwards…

If she stays, her political career will forever end next May, that’s for sure.

So it’s touch-and-go, but better touch-and-go than guaranteed lost.

Robert Peffers

Weel! Hing oan a wee while.
– Naw! Ah’m bein serious here –

It does not make sense for any Westminster member to be leader of Labour in Scotland. The FM would only need to keep asking if the question being asked was from the person asking it or from their Westminster leader?

Think of the farce of the stand-in having to get on their mobile to seek guidance from their Westminster leader. I can picture it now – the leader speaking in a Westminster debate and having to take a call from Holyrood.

Wee Bercow woulf have kittens.


I just wish it would be Broon to take over, FMQs would be comedy gold — or, rather, death by a thousand cuts at the hands of Ms Sturgeon… But he would never do it, some pesky Americans might see recordings on YouTube and then wonder why they are paying him anything above the minimum wage to listen to the pompous git on the lecture circuit…


No, the Scottish Labour Party doesn’t know the meaning of irony.

Jams O'Donnell

To quote Oscar Wilde, it would take a heart of stone not to laugh.


She was a targe, the kind of wummin you dreaded moving into your close. A nasty piece of work, history already, who’ll miss Lamont?

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