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Wings Over Scotland

Yet more blackouts

Posted on January 14, 2014 by

This is hereditary Westminster Labour MP Anas Sarwar in yesterday’s Evening Times:

“Now, it’s been said by some that there is no passion in the case that we are better together as part of the United Kingdom.

Well, the people saying that obviously haven’t been at any of the rallies I have been at across Scotland, and where I spoke about an idea much bigger than independence; the pooling and sharing of resources across the UK for the benefit of everyone in the UK.”

Hang on – “rallies”? Were we watching the wrong channel when we missed the tens of thousands of people packing the streets for the Great Rally Of The Union? Were we passed out in a cupboard for the whole time when the Anas Sarwar Evangelical Roadshow filled football stadia in every corner of the land with crazed disciples waving Union Jacks and chanting “POOL AND SHARE! POOL AND SHARE!”?

Rallies? What on Earth is the truth-averse wee twerp talking about? We need a doctor.

78 to “Yet more blackouts”

  1. twenty14 says:

    That’s were he was when he wasn’t in Westminster voting against the Bedroom Tax – doh !

  2. Pedro says:

    He’s got to be lying, surely?

  3. Mister Worf says:

    He’s being sneakier than you give him credit for – he says they ‘obviously haven’t been at the rallies he has’, because he means that he went to see rally car racing, bike rallies, etc, and just spoke to no one. Or he’s been playing a lot of driving games on his Playstation.

    Ergo, “obviously” none of them were there – just perplexed rallygoers occasionally wondering what he was on about before watching the cars/bikes/etc. Almost as simple as becoming an MP if your dad held the seat before you, really!

    I for one hope he has plenty of time to play driving games and go watch some racing by 2016 without having to show up for work at Westminste… Oh, hang on, he already has plenty of time right now.

  4. turnip_ghost says:

    Westminster is one massive rally…Sorry…Rabble…my bad…

  5. ronald alexander mcdonald says:

    He must think a meeting in a phone box constitutes a rally!

  6. Brian Powell says:

    It’s getting tedious to keep repeating this, but in case voters don’t remember, Labour had 13 years complete in control of Westminster and didn’t do the things they claim they will do now, if only we will vote No.

    Has he tried selling this sharing and pooling in the SE of England or in the boardrooms of the dealing banks and finacial institutions? No.

    He should go there first, and report back how it worked out.

  7. Rooster says:

    “He’s got to be lying, surely?”

    I am reliably informed that his lips were moving at the time.

  8. Brendan hynes says:

    One day or night he will follow his dad

  9. Craig Evans says:

    I suspect Mr Sarwar is being a little supportive of his liberal Democratic and Conservative friends; remember they can hold a party rally in a phone box!

  10. BillyBigbaws says:

    Maybe he means this?

    link to

    Plenty of passion for the union there.

  11. Tony says:

    Anus Sanwar.

    The same man that said he would abolish the bedroom tax, then abstained the vote?

    Being called a liar?

    Surely not!

  12. frankieboy says:

    He tells lies.

  13. I think he meant rammy

  14. CameronB says:

    “He’s got to be lying, surely?”

    Perhaps SLabour’s ‘Truth Team’ could answer that one.

  15. TheKnome says:

    Heres a link for you:

    link to

    Please give the air head something to think about.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Heres a link for you:”

      Um, that’s actually the article the post links to.

  16. Hazel Lewry says:

    Not comfortable with wrestling the truth to the ground, he’s now kicking reality in the crotch… this guy needs to go, or MSM needs to get on his back.

    But as someone said before and on Facebook … he’ll be meaning the Orange Walks.

  17. SquareHaggis says:

    Maybe he meant a raleigh, I did see a couple o auld bikes parked nearby.

  18. Albert Herring says:

    He obviously meant “rammies”

  19. msean says:

    This pool and share stuff,I keep hearing it from the north britons,but not from any english based mps. Maybe I’ve just missed it. What it really means is “We have money and we want yours too,thanks!”

  20. Derick faeYell says:

    Actually, for once, laughed out loud at that!

    Yes in 2014. Yes in 2016. Yes as long as it takes

    To be rid of, or at least to marginalize, these ‘Proud Scots’

  21. call me dave says:

    Albert Herring

    Nice one beat me to it.

  22. Alba4Eva says:

    Albert Herring… that was the very first thing that jumped into my head. You beat me to the posting of the video. LOL.

  23. Alba4Eva says:

    Haha Dave. LOL

  24. kalmar says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    “Heres a link for you:”

    Um, that’s actually the article the post links to

    The post links to an archived copy, I think TheKnome is suggesting people leave comments on the actual newspaper’s site. For all the good it will do 🙂

  25. Ukp42 says:

    The only rally I can think of, was the London Olympics, intro for the athletes.

    Plenty of Union Flags flying then!

  26. Brian milligan says:

    Sarwar should name three of the rally there location, speakers and numbers attending. Bet the police were excelent in there croud control. I think 5 is the definition of a know the definition of a rally. Sarwar will know he has been to a nuber ehhhhhhhhhhhh well some ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Those in England will think he is talking the truth. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  27. Elizabeth says:

    Here’s Johann saying she will share a platform with David Cameron to campaign for the Union. Will there be a rally? Will Anas be there?

    link to

  28. Alistair Wilson says:

    After all, it’s not like Yes can get more than a handful of people together in one place at the same time. link to

  29. Andy-B says:

    Pool and share, pool and share, maybe he’s campaigning to share swimming pools across the UK.

  30. tartanfever says:

    I just realised something the other day.

    We all know that he missed the Bedroom Tax vote because he was off visiting daddy in Pakistan, but who remembers the programme BBC Scotland made about his dad ? This is what he was doing, filming with the BBC doing a free promotional piece on the Sarwar family – nothing particularly political/humanitarian or anything that could be deemed as valuable to his constituents.

    The man’s an utter joke.

  31. Creag an Tuirc says:

    These Better Together rallies have been happening all over Scotland, but the bias media haven’t been reporting them 🙂

  32. Adam. Davidson says:

    My son was at the ‘rally’ in Clydebank where the ‘working class’ rode Sarwar like a Blackpool donkey and Sarwar left in one hell of a bad mood. Is that the one he meant? Linda Fabiani and Eddie Reader did have a wee chuckle when my son offered Sarwar a copy of the Yes newspaper.

  33. A2 says:

    What’s really interesting about that (apart from the stadium status of Lochgelly town hall)

    is the shift to the idea that actual Labour voters may be shifting their thoughts where previously any such idea was unthinkable.

    PS line brake and paragraph tags don’t work either 🙁

  34. Calum Craig says:

    He’s talking about home games at Ibrox surely?

  35. david says:

    the pooling and sharing of resources across the UK for the benefit of me.

  36. Mary Bruce says:

    The rallies are in their dreams. Here’s a different version on the labour party web site; link to

    Only it doesn’t say “rallies,” it says “United with Labour events.” Which probably means a labour party committee meeting in a back room in the town hall with half a dozen in attendance. I did a google on United with Labour events in Fife and didn’t get any relevant hits at all apart from one meeting last May. Although, it is possible that the Evening Times has spun this to give the impression that pro-union rallies are taking place. I’d bet it was Sarwar, tho.

    I find his reference to the common weal particularly nauseating, typical of him to try and pass it off as a labour party initiative.

  37. Tony Little says:

    I tried to post this over on the Evening Times. Not sure (actually I very much doubt) it will pass moderation.

    Only a couple of questions, Anas. When you say “rallies” what exactly do you mean? 100+ people? 1,000, 10,000? I don’t recall hearing or reading about major rallies in the MSM or on the BBC/STV. So, please link to the reports of these rallies, just for my benefit for missing them so far.

    My other question is about Labour’s record in government. Now you say that “???” what exactly? Labour had massive majorities in Westminster for 13 years. Thirteen! In that time the gap between the rich and poor widened! Where was Labour then? Big business avoided paying billions in taxes, where was Labour then?

    The poor, unemployed, immigrants, disabled are being victimised by this ConDem government, and yet Labour failed to support its own motion in Westminster to abolish the bedroom tax. Where was labour?

    You and your friends in Better Together have had decades to resolve the inequality and democratic deficit in the UK/Westminster parliamentary system. You, and your partners in Better Together and the other supporters of continued Scottish dependency on Westminster’s whim (that is Conservatives, LibDems, BNP, EDL, UKIP etc.) can bring forward ALL these changes you speak of. Maybe if you did, Scots might change their minds. But you do nothing. the rich MPs fighting hardest for their rich pals in “the City”.

    Where has Labour’s social conscience gone?

  38. Jaki McCarthy says:

    It would be great if you could have a comments like or dislike button as there are some fantastic comments here.
    Sad not to be able to like/dislike or share peoples views.
    Upgrade required :))
    And no not the cybermen type 🙂

  39. Jimmuckmc says:

    I really feel sory ( ok I don’t ) for the Labour Party as they had such high hopes for this loser
    Who can ever take him serious again

  40. gordoz says:

    Was that famous ‘ootside the Co-op’ non event, for BT in Edinburgh, (same day as the 30,000 Yes campaign march to Calton Hill), which got all the unwarranted coverage just to create a fair and equitable balance bollocks, manufactured by the BBC for the Lucca Brazzi Tuba guy rally ?

    Was the Sarwarlatan at that ?

  41. david says:

    is it just coincidence anus sarwar isnt an anagram for sleekit dog.

  42. BuckieBraes says:

    ‘Now, it’s been said by some that there is no passion in the case that we are better together as part of the United Kingdom.’

    I wonder where Anas picked up these vibes (here, possibly?), because they are true. There is no passion. The Union has had over 300 years to prove itself and has failed Scotland. The British Labour Party has had over a century to prove itself and has failed Scotland. The game’s up.

  43. boglestone says:

    Every time Sarwar says “an idea bigger than independence” a braincell dies.

  44. Patrician says:

    Of course we can’t have been at these rallies, as they only take place inside his own head. Or perhaps they were held in the matrix, with this lot anything is possible.

  45. ANDY NIMMO says:

    C’mon guys we’re awfy sorry New Labour were crap but New New Labour will be so muxh different Honest.

    That’s why we totally condemn these horrible despicable Lib Dems for supporting the Nazi Tory Party but look forward to forming a coalition with them in 2015.

    Principles – Sorry Don’t know what that means,

  46. Les Wilson says:

    Loved the Clydebank video, maybe this is why he only talks to pensioners now!
    Has no one got anything on these Rallies? Seems amazing we do not have ANY photos, places, newspaper articles, er nothing.

    I reckon he will quickly go and stay in Pakistan with daddy where he will get his protection and be kept in the custom to which he aspires.

  47. theycan'tbeserious says:

    Anas by name anus by nature!

  48. HandandShrimp says:

    I think he was talking about the Tory Party conference. His favourite place after the Labour Party conference.

  49. call me dave says:

    Try this article from Mr Kemp he of the stylish tweed suit as shown on tv last night.

    Business for Scotland.

    link to

  50. Bevrijdingsdag says:

    The hereditary (hearditfaeterrykelly) Westminster labour MP Anas Sarwar is not only deluded. He’s delirious. His brain inhabits loads of words ending with ous.

    Sulphorous Sarwar is a stupendous sinistrous bawbag.

  51. fairliered says:

    I understand that Anas Sarwar believes in reincarnation. The rallies he refers to were in Nuremberg. That’s where he first met Ian Davidson.

  52. Paul says:

    The only rallies Sarwar has been to were in Pakistan.

  53. Harry Shanks says:

    Little point in responding to the Evening Times via their “comments” – I’ve lost count of the number of comments I’ve had deleted or never published.

    They seem to have 3 or 4 permanent/professional posters who invariably rant against the SNP – nobody else gets a look-in.

  54. Barontorc says:

    Careful guys, don’t get racist, lampoon this foolish carpetbagger by all means, but watch your language; we’re an inclusive society, always have been and that will be our continuing strength as we go on to flourish.

  55. Tattie-bogle says:

    maybe he was at a football game and someone scored against their team and they all shouted NOOOOOOOOOOO

  56. Papadocx says:

    Pulling and sharing resources across the UK.

    This is the current and historical system used by HMG. The establishment pull all the resources OUT of the regions in Engerland that are out with the Home Counties and redistribute them to the Home Counties via LONDON (Westminster). This includes Wales, N Ireland and SCOtLAND, this loot is then divid up by Westminster and shared among the Home Counties via London financial centres. There you are, that is pulling and sharing resources Westminster style.

    Not to forget the skimming off that happens at each stage in the game, Especially the MPs who pretend to be the guardians of the public purse and who have their snouts deep in the trough. That is why the SLAB MPs are terrified of independence the gravy train would trundle on without them and they actually might find out how the people who voted for them try to live a decent life with these parasites draining the lifeblood out of them.

    There is panic in the ranks of the great and good, (and MPs) it’s called fear!

    Being the devious parasites they are they spin lies frightening the pseudo rich in Scotland that they are to wee, stupid and poor so they can keep robbing them blind. The psudo middle class are terrified of loosing their place in the pecking order (it’s just make believe) so they will stick with the system that has robbed them blind all their life. Better the thieving system you know, and forby they talk so nice those unionist MPs. So bow your head get on your knees and do as you are told by the LYING BASTARDS OF WESTMINSTER. Remember your place!

  57. A2 says:

    Wait! I get it, he’s talking about Ralaighs and that pooling resources is about a bike share scheme. Spelling matters after all.

    Unfortunately Glasgow city council are about to undermine all hat by imposing a 5mph speed limit on bikes in the park while still allowing ‘permitted vehicles’ like trucks to go at 10mph.

    oh actually off topic but if you have a dog, forget giving it proper exercise in Glasgow.

    link to

  58. A2 says:

    “that” I swear I typed “that”, please don’t delete me.

  59. john king says:

    What’d I do? that post has disappeared,
    oh well lets try again, LOCHGELLY he was in Lochgelly? well it must have been top secret because I heard absolutely nothing about it (and I live here) he was obviously talking to the cleaners, noticeable no mention is actually made of the numbers of people who attended his bore fest.

  60. john king says:

    Barontorc says
    “Careful guys, don’t get racist,”

    Eh? what are you talking about, I’ve read every post and not one even comes close to being accused of being racists,

    If you are referring to the posts that mention his Pakistan sojourns well they are right, every time there is a real vote on something he has an emergency visit to Pakistan that is more important,

    If his dad was American would you say it was a racist comment to criticize his failure to attend the bedroom tax vote if he’d buggered off to the states, don’t give those bastards something to spin out of recognition Barontorc, I’m surprised at you.

  61. ian foulds says:

    link to
    (ref Ms. M. Bruce’s blog)

    It would appear Mr Sarwar and his ilk consider Independence to be a party (small p intentional) political matter.

    Albeit it relates to the separation of a political union, maybe these types and the Undecided need to understand it is much more important than politics, which can be addressed after September 2014.

    Is it a case of emphasising ‘A ‘YES’ Vote is for your Country’s Independent Future and not for the SNP’?

  62. JLT says:

    Anas Sarwar is not trusted by the vast majority of the Scottish people.

    As I have said here before, my father is a Unionist, but if I mention anyone from the Labour Party (and he is left wing by the way), he curses them all. He thinks any Labour politician is an out and out charlatan, that they are hypocrites and that they are all communist (which it turns out that for some, they were during their student days!)

    Personally, Sarwar can lie, and lie, and lie …but he will never be trusted except by the poor and the mis-informed of his constituency.

    At the end of the day, we could all make ourselves rich by going to the bookies, and putting good money on him that he will leave Scotland to take up a new life in Pakistan beside his dad. I’m guessing March 2016 (or about that point, once the rUK kick out the Scottish MP’s from Westminster).

  63. john king says:

    ““that” I swear I typed “that”, please don’t delete me.”

    Cumon take your punishment like a man stop bubbling,

    besides a mistake like that? well death is too good for you,

    I got sentenced to death for putting in an apostrophe where there shouldn’t have been one, so all I do now is appear every now and again and scare the shit out of people,


  64. Macart says:

    Jeez that boy’s on strong meds.

    I live in tory central in Scotland and I’ve only spotted one BT shindig all last year. Not exactly lighting the heather on fire with street presence.

  65. cath says:

    “Has he tried selling this sharing and pooling in the SE of England or in the boardrooms of the dealing banks and finacial institutions?”

    This. Over and over.

  66. Robert McDonald says:

    I posted on the “We did it together” SLAB page and got this:
    “Warning: link to is unreachable.”
    Aaaah haaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa “Unreachable” Excellent, says it all.

  67. Robert McDonald says:

    Sorry Rev, didn’t mean to post that as a link and can’t edit Sorry!

  68. Craig P says:

    BuckieBraes, you are wrong, there *is* passion in the Better Together position, if unreasoning hatred of Alex Salmond counts as passion.

  69. G H Graham says:

    Mr. Anas Sarwar MP demonstrates his effortless grasp of arithmetic …

    “Three people (including himself) constitutes a rally.”

  70. desimond says:

    Anas states there’s Passion in the Union camp….reminds me of the Fast Shows Ron Manager..

    “Er, nice man, nice face, boyish charm with a hint of grey at the temples, but can you imagine that face contorted in the throes of sexual ecstasy?”

  71. Ken500 says:

    Was that the notorious Clydeside meeting, when Anas took a hammering?

    A loser can’t be put down. All Sawar talks about is himself. Self opinionated Anas.

  72. SquareHaggis says:

    I guess it’s not so much the number of people at the “rallies” but a more a point of the number of people actually there listening, from what I’ve seen it was mainly oldies there at Lochgelly and many of those would have been there to get a last look at Pa Broon to find out what he’s actually offering, which sadly seems to be not much.

    Anas Sarwar sees himself as bigger than he actually is and appears to think because he got invited to spout off next to an EX primed minister he’s being primed to be the next primed minister.

    You gotta laugh at his delusions of grandeur.

  73. Ken500 says:

    Labour Unionists are supporting the Tories in privatising NHS and education. Penalising the poorer and most vulnerable, by making them pay for the Banking’ crisis. Rewarding the richer who caused it. (Them). Running out of time.

    Illegal wars, Trident, ‘room tax’. Bankers bonuses up 35%. Selling off the assets. Gross mismanagement. No fraudulent banker or war criiminal has gone to jail.

    Time’s up.

  74. Training Day says:

    I awoke this morning with a passion for pooling and sharing.

    But I’m conscious this is a family forum.

  75. bald eagle says:

    if you want to attend any bt rallies headed by anus sorearse times and dates below

    any train station everyday

    any bus station just after the above

    any taxi rank

    and any shop Qs

    ps from now on im walking everywhere

  76. Andy Murray says:

    If Anas Sarwar is related in any way to championing the union, I’ll have independence by default thank you very much.

  77. Jimbo says:

    Rallies he says, riots he means

    Aye that was when he was in Amsterdam watching football with the rest of his ilk when he should of been doing the job he was elected to do by the people of Govan “voting to abolish a disgraceful tory tax” a tax that does nothing but inflict more misery on the poor, not just in Govan but the whole of Scotland.

    This little cretin should be brought to task not only for the people of Govan who elected him, also for his betrayal to the people of Scotland.

    Voting yes with confidence


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